Stay: Selected Local Boutique hotel throughout the tour. Experience: Horse carriage ride to Shwesandaw Pagoda to enjoy a beautiful sunset and take a boat ride on Inle Lake to observe the famous floating gardens and villages. Explore: 3-way domestic flights to the nominated UNESCO World Heritage Sites - The land of thousand pagodas - Bagan and the Water City of Myanmar - Inle Lake. Savour: A wide variety of meals from local Myanmar, Chinese, Western, and Thai Cuisine. 入住精选当地精品酒店。 乘坐马车至佛塔瑞山陀欣赏日落,在茵莱湖船游观赏 当地的水上公园及家园。 乘坐 3 趟国内航班探索被提名为世界遗产的千塔 之城 蒲甘 和水乡泽国- 茵莱湖品尝各种风味餐 (缅甸,中华,西方,及泰国风味。)

Located not far from Mt.Popa, the village main production · 2020. 3. 10. · Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda . It is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Yangon. It houses one of the most

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Page 1: Located not far from Mt.Popa, the village main production · 2020. 3. 10. · Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda . It is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Yangon. It houses one of the most

★Stay: Selected Local Boutique hotel throughout the tour. ★Experience: Horse carriage ride to Shwesandaw Pagoda to enjoy a beautiful sunset and take a boat ride on Inle Lake to observe the famous floating gardens and villages. ★Explore: 3-way domestic flights to the nominated UNESCO World Heritage Sites - The land of thousand pagodas - Bagan and the Water City of Myanmar - Inle Lake. ★Savour: A wide variety of meals from local Myanmar, Chinese, Western, and Thai Cuisine.




★乘坐 3 趟国内航班,探索被提名为世界遗产的千塔

之城 – 蒲甘 和水乡泽国- 茵莱湖。

★品尝各种风味餐 (缅甸,中华,西方,及泰国风味。)

Page 2: Located not far from Mt.Popa, the village main production · 2020. 3. 10. · Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda . It is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Yangon. It houses one of the most

· Day 1 ★Shwedagon Pagoda It is the most sacred and impressive Buddhist site for the people of the Union of Myanmar, which enshrines strands of Buddha's hair and other holy relics. Day 2 •Nyaung U Market A local market located northeast of Bagan. The market is categorized into different sections. Visitors can find a wide variety of products to buy here. ★Shwezigon Pagoda A prototype of the Burmese stupa consists of a circular gold leaf-glided stupa surrounded by smaller temples and shrines. The pagoda is believed to enshrine a bone and tooth of Gautama Buddha. ★Kyansithar Umin A temple built into a cliff that faces close to the Shwezigon pagoda, the long and dimly lit corridors of the temple are decorated with frescoes and 12th Century mural painting. ★Htilominlo Temple It is a three stories tall temple built with red brick. Famously known for its elaborate plaster moldings. ★Ananda Temple Also known as the endless Wisdom of Buddha. This magnificent temple is completed in 1090, King "Kyan-sit-tha's masterpiece and the crowning achievement of early style of temple architecture. •Myinkaba Gu Byauk Gyi Temple The temple was built in the 13th century with a spire resembling the Mahabodi temple in India. ★Manuha Temple It is one of the oldest temple in Bagan, named after Mon King “Ma-nu-ha”. The building contains three images of seated Buddha and an image of Buddha entering Nirvana. ★Myinkaba Lacquerware Village The village is famous for its traditional Mon-style lacquerware, the secret of whose manufacture has been passed down since 900 years ago.

★Sunset at Shwesandaw Pagoda (※) (Include One Way Horse Carriage) Also known as the Golden Hair of the Buddha, built in the year of 1057 by the King Anawyahta. It is famous for its high terrace where visitor can get a panorama view of the area and observe a stunning sunset. Day 3 ★Sunrise at Pya that Gyi Temple (※) ★Mt Popa (Popa Taung Kalut) Located at 50km south east of Bagan with a height of 1500 meters. The mountain was shaped out of a volcano that may have erupted some 2500 years ago.

•Shwe Hlaing Village Located not far from Mt.Popa, the village main production is from palm sugar. Visitor will get to see how the locals live and also the palm sugar production huts. ※ Optional: Hot Air Balloon, estimated USD 280 per person. ※ The availability is subject to weather conditions. Day 4 ★Inle Lake (Includes Boat Ride) Located in the heart of Shan plateau is a beautiful highland lake 900 meters above sea level. It is famous for its leg rowers, floating villages, markets and gardens, traditional silk weaving and handicrafts. ★Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda A religious site for Buddhists in the southern area of the Shan state. Five image area enshrined in the center of the building. Visitor who come will over gold leaf that is stick on the Buddha statues which make the image turns into solid ball of goal. ★Nga Phe Kyaung Monastery A wooden monastery on stilts over the lake, built four years before Mandalay palace. The monks trained their cats to leap through small hoops. It is worth to visit for modest collection of Buddha image in Shan, Tibetan, Bagan and Inwa styles. Day 5 Yangon City Tour Take a city tour around Yangon’s must see destinations which includes Colonial Style Buildings, Chinatown, and Indian Quarters. ★Sule Pagoda •City Hall ★Botathung Pagoda Also known as the Kyaik-de-att in Mon language. The inside of the pagoda is hollow and houses to what is believed to be the sacred hair of Gautama Buddha. •Bogyoke Aung San Market It is a major bazaar located in Pabedan township in central Yangon known for its colonial architecture and inner cobblestone streets. *closed every Monday & Public Holidays. Will be replaced to Nya Zay local market. •Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda It is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Yangon. It houses one of the most revered reclining Buddha images in the country. ★Kandawgyi Park It is one of two major lakes in Yangon. It was created to provide a clean water supply to the city during the British colonial administration. Day 6 Free at leisure until transfer to airport.

Kuala Lumpur Yangon

Yangon Bagan

Yangon Kuala Lumpur

Bagan (± 1hr/58km) Mt Popa Bagan

Bagan Heho (± 1hr/33km) Inle Lake

Inle Lake (± 1hr/33km) Heho Yangon

Remark :★ Sightseeing Included entrance fee, • Sightseeing visit, No Symbol = Drive pass by

※Sunrise and sunset viewing is subject to weather condition.

※In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the company reserve the right to cancel the itinerary without replacement .

Page 3: Located not far from Mt.Popa, the village main production · 2020. 3. 10. · Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda . It is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Yangon. It houses one of the most

第一天 ★大金寺 是一座位於緬甸仰光的窣堵坡(佛塔)。

第二天 •娘烏鎮市場 蒲甘地区最大的市场,参观娘乌市场不但能购买蒲甘地区的各类土


★瑞西貢佛塔 是蒲甘最古老的佛寺,主塔為 40 公尺高的鐘形塔,塔身為金光熠


★江喜陀石窟 是个小塔群,建筑中有佛像,其中有一尊肚中佛,登上屋顶平台可



★悉隆敏罗寺 是蒲甘最后一座缅甸式样的寺庙,已有 700 多年历史,据说是蒲


★阿南达寺 坐落在老蒲甘古城墙的东面,寺名来自于佛陀的声闻弟子以多闻第



★马努哈寺 是蒲甘最重要的寺庙之一,最令人难忘的是三尊巨大的佛像,特别




★明卡巴村竹制漆器 是东南亚最负盛名竹制漆器之乡。据历史记载,缅甸漆器制作起源

于 12 至 13 世纪,自此之后,这里便成为缅甸甚至是东南亚地区


★在佛塔瑞山陀观看日落 (含单程马车)(※) 被称为瞭望之塔,位于蒲甘平原中心靠南,是欣赏日出日落的绝佳

之地。Shwesandaw 的意思是“金色神圣的发舍利”,以供奉珍


第三天 ★在佛塔帕他達观看日出 (※) ★波帕山 是一座死火山,号称缅甸的奥林匹斯山,是缅甸的一座神山,海拔

1518 米,距离蒲甘约 50 公里,山脚和山顶都有寺庙和佛塔。但


•瑞莱村 是一个靠近波帕山的小村,在这里可看着采椰子工灵巧地攀上椰子

树采收椰子。 ※ 自费项目: 体验热气球每人大约 280 美金。

※ 体验热气球需视当天天候状况而定。

第四天 ★茵莱湖 (含船游) 位于缅甸北部掸邦高原的良水盆地,是缅甸的第二大淡水湖。湖中

有 30 多个村庄,这里的茵达人世代生活在湖上,是名副其实的水


★彭都奥佛塔 又称帕瑞佛塔,是掸邦最著名的寺庙。由于庙里珍藏着 12 世纪的


★波道乌寺 跳貓寺是茵萊湖景區不容錯過的一個景點,據說有位老僧人在參悟


20 多只貓咪跳圈。

第五天 仰光市游 在仰光进行城市观光,必须看到目的地,包括殖民风格建筑,唐人




★波特涛塔 又名千佛塔,与苏雷宝塔同时建成。1943 年被皇家空军炸毁,20

世纪下半叶重建。重建中发现了许多 2000 多年前的文物和珠宝。

•昂山市场 以缅甸“独立之父”昂山将军的名字命名的昂山市场位于缅甸仰光

市中心,已有 70 多年历史。市场分为服装、手工艺品、宝玉石

区、海鲜果菜、家电等八大区域,有摊位近 2000 余个。 *每逢星期一及公共假期时不营业。将改为 Nya Zay 市。


★皇家湖公园 位于仰光市中心,在仰光大金塔的东面,是一个建于英国殖民时代



第六天 自由活动,直到机场登机。

吉隆坡 仰光

仰光 蒲甘

仰光 吉隆坡

蒲甘 (± 1 小时/58 公里) 波帕山 蒲甘

蒲甘 赫霍 (± 1 小时/33 公里) 茵莱湖

茵莱湖 (± 1 小时/33 公里) 赫霍 仰光

符号表示 :★ 含门票 , • 下车游览 , 未标示行车经过


※ 若遇特殊情况或其他不可抗拒之因素如天气不佳导致取消行程,并无任何代替景点,怒不另行通知。

Page 4: Located not far from Mt.Popa, the village main production · 2020. 3. 10. · Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda . It is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Yangon. It houses one of the most

Meals 餐食 | Hotels j 酒店

Tour Code: MYANMAR_RGP06_RGN003

Terms & Conditions 备注 1. Flights, transportation, hotels, meals and itinerary stated in the brochure are subject to change without prior notice. Any changes after booking shall be advised accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangements are subject to the final confirmation by the local ground operator. 3. Tour buses are arranged based on group size. Every passenger is entitled to one seat each. Should there be extra seats remaining, it shall be reserved for baggage storage. 4. Tour is conducted in English, unless otherwise stated. 5. Due to seasonal change in temperature and weather, most hotels and restaurants have a central control system to regulate the indoor temperature for the comfort of the tour members and the system cannot be adjusted by the tour members. 6. Triple room or extra bed shall be in the form of a roll-in bed or mattress. The room type and category allocated shall depend on the hotel's room availability and arrangement, and is not predetermined by the Company. 7. Purchase of travel insurance is highly advisable. The Company shall not be liable for any losses or personal expenses incurred by the tour members during the tour. Please refer to the insurance policy for the terms of coverage. 8.In the event of adverse weather conditions and/or natural disasters which may lead to traffic delays, extended stays in hotel, cancellation/rescheduling of flights, and/or any other losses, the onus is on the tour members to bear the expenses. 9. Due to adverse weather conditions, traffic congestion, and other unforeseen circumstances, the Company reserves the right to rearrange, change or abandon the tour itinerary without prior notice and there shall not be any reimbursement. 10. For passengers who wish to deviate from the tour, no refund shall be entertained for any unutilized portion of the tour. 11. As this is a packaged tour, no refunds shall be made to tour members should any agents' discounts or special rated discounts be obtained, with respect to airlines, accommodations, meals, entrance fees, transport, etc. 12. Any tour price quoted is valid for MALAYSIAN only. For other nationalities, please consult our tour consultant as the tour price differs. 13. For other conditions, please refer to the overleaf of your invoice for our standard Terms & Conditions. 1. 行程表所列载的航班资料、交通、行程、酒店住宿及膳食安排,将可能因应不同出发日期而有所变动,恕可能不及时通知。然而如报


2. 行程、膳食及住宿的先后次序,以当地地接待社安排为准。

3. 本公司会根据团量来安排旅游巴士的大小,但若巴士行李舱放置空间不足时,或会遇上行李箱得放置在车厢内的可能,所以一人一座


4. 基本上全程英文讲解为主。如需以其他语言讲解,必需在报名时提前通知本公司。本公司将另作安排, 将以最终确认為準。

5. 因季节性的气温转变,多数酒店及餐厅都以中央空调来控制室内温度,空调设定为时段或是无空调提供,如遇此况敬请见谅。

6. 团体房型及等级分配,由当地酒店排房为准,非本公司所能掌控。任何三人房或加床都以折叠式或床垫为标准。

7. 团队出发前建议需购买旅游保险,以则安心。本公司对旅客的任何费用损失不承担任何责任,有关保障范围及承保条款,请参阅保


8. 若遭遇恶劣天气如暴风雪等无法控制的特殊天灾情况而导致交通延误或航班取消,因而被迫延住、附加膳食等引致额外支出或损失问




10. 如旅客决定离团,所有的费用恕不退还。

11. 对于机票、住宿、餐饮、门票、交通或其他服务费用,在团体折扣和优惠价上的差额,本旅行社恕不退还。

12. 团费仅适用本国马来西亚公民参团有效,其他国籍需补差额请洽询销售部。

13. 确保消费者权益,详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节。


注:行程地图仅供参考,如突发状况本公司会保留更改行程之权利。 Remark:Route are subject to change based on uncontrollable circumstances.

Meals 餐食 |Hotels 酒店




早 餐





Selected Local Boutique Hotels


1 - Myanmar Cuisine


Myanmar Cuisine


Yangon Summit Park View Hotel or similar

顶点公园景观酒店 或 同级

2 Hotel


Chinese Cuisine


★Traditional Myanmar Cuisine

+ Puppet Show

传统缅甸风味 +木偶戏 My Bagan Residence by Amata or similar

我的蒲甘公寓-阿马塔 或同级

3 Hotel


Chinese Cuisine


★ Asian Cuisine


4 Hotel


Myanmar Cuisine


★Chinese Cuisine


Inle Lake Shwe Inn Tha Floating Resort or similar

茵莱湖丹瑞临屋区流动度假村酒店 或 同级

5 Hotel


Thai Cuisine


★Western Cuisine


Yangon Summit Park View Hotel or similar

顶点公园景观酒店 或 同级

6 Hotel

酒店 - - -

Remark: Restaurants & meals menu are subject to change based on restaurant availability; seasonality and freshness of the ingredients.

* 注:以上餐厅与餐饮仅供参考,旅程饮食安排将视餐厅订位和季节性食材的不同而有所调整。恕未能及时通知。

Departure Date Adult Twin/Triple Adult Single Children Twin/Triple Children Extra Bed Children Without Bed