THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have Prepared Large Program to be Carried Out Then Anniversary Number THE WEEKLY EXPOYE:.'\1' FRIDAY JA:\"l.'.\llY 10. 1913 , l':\lBER 11) srnoms WILL HEAR l w. o. iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES HEAD Of GRINNELL SOON A MEMBER Of fACULTY OFF IN ORlll HAll TONIGHT President of Eastern School to ls a Graduate of North Dakota A. C. in Special Assembly Tuesday, Jan. and of Cornell. Succeeds uary 21, at 11 o'clock Mr. Wells It i .. planned to holll a special n .. ,.em- "iY. 0. '\Yhitromb arri\"erl to Drill Hall to be Scene of Carnival This Evening When it Is Hoped Funds Will Be Raised for the Purchase of Much Needed Uniforms for the Band bly on Tue ... tlay, January '.11, at which take the uo::.ition rPcently va1·atet1 by rime President J. H. T. Ph. D., Prof. \Velb of the depart· of Grinnell ('oJlege, will make the prin- m<>nt. Prof. 'Ybiteomh took tharge of P · El d f" t a Unlver cipal talk. President :\farn Is cou1,id "">rf·11aration-. are ln in" made in th1• I ing ro o nn . . 1 k T d ,.., 1 ercd one of the strongest college men t H' wor · ues ay. A;; ad\'ertised and promised, the ed !-:peeiallst, Dr. Yon Ottobatch, from immense, gigantic antl hippodromical who will juggl{' the !';tomach in<loor street fail' an<l carnintl ball, pump. There ·will be no extra charge given under the ::rnspices of thP )[on· for thi!i sen·ice if rendered. Be not .tana. Htate College Regimental band, afraid . hr nt d•·riart to t:tke ear" of "'Hy, will give an _edure on !'J•P<"i:tl work \\hie 1 i" belUJi! 1 tht' Lewis and Cbrk expedition. in tlw l'Ountry, an<l hi-.. should Prof. 'Vhit('ornb highly rt•t·om· Wti·n C! te .. Januarv :?2nd tu Thursday, Good Ronds rongress: be of more than ordinary interest. Tbe mende1l from f'orne1l uoh·ersity, where . .lt this t me .. h that Pre--icleut Howard Elliott, E. nssembl.'· was mo,·ed up lo Tue .. day he re<•ei,·ed his master's degree. His I eral h1mdn•11 f irmers :tnfl hom(l'mak P. .L H. Durst on . from Friday so as to gin? the students b:ieh('lor 's degree was obtained at the will be spread before the gaze of the Coach Dockstader been shaking expectant public tonight-Prltlny e\·C'- bands with lately. During the • wJII <'ome to thi• r.ollC'c:.e to take tbi• Frid:t..'·· t'n·operation dny: an opportunity to hear Presi<leut )lain, turi·" which ire tlien ·-· 10 tie givt•n; Hon. Olin•r l}f the Xational and the cJasse!"I which are regularly hehl )forth Dakota Agricultural rollege. n.t the Drill hall on the Chrit!.'ma!'; vaeation the ''Doctor'' bas tht• r he ·•romini "lt speaker .. whn wi11 fhanJ:!<'. B. B. Hare of ''-'ashington, und at (>lt-\'en o 'dock un Tuesday \\"1ll be For three years immediately after hen· .• lnd •o atfl'uJ the seYeral ron· held at the same hour on Prlday of that his graduation from )forth Dakota. The company, en route> from the perfeetecl se,·eral lightning l.!hanges. Pacifh· e-0ast. em.:ountered numerous Among the numerou:o; inH•ntions he will hardshipl'.i while eros8ing the f'asen<lN;. we wish to make special mainly bucking ancl hronehos. mention of the ''GizzJc-Gizzle.'' This wbil"::J ml't-t :it the ).lontana :-;aturday, Rural Rchool dny: Rpeak- week. ).fr. \\'hitcomb waR employed in the ite ut t ia' tunf'. Prs. Hon. L. R. Al<lerman of Oregon. On the da.v a reunion of Grinnell department of plant of the ht. fnrrn('t"' · and homcmakl'rs · !-ihnrt .:\fio:-t )Iary G. Def'm of Xorth Dakota, alumni :rnd ex-student" will he held in b . 1 - the t•ii,v, and :l 1wrmanent oraanization ureau of ngricu ture at Washington, It looked for a time <h though the little instrunwnt will icic1es to nrtbts would be delayed reaehing the freeze in your moutli, whieb will enabfo Beautiful. After taking up the yon to gneeze so1lwballs. No house- mntter of delay with the president of hold complete without thil'I idea. the International Airship and Submar- You may this wonderful little man ine lines, special effort:< were put forth, in the third tent . next to the wil<l and ou1· pres nee in the R·weet Pea < 'it7 !"nake!S. Read the and "Keep r'-1 "' rneluclt• ni \\arcb of eight." Pre .. i1.lt>nt of Dill()n, and of will he effeded . ;rnoncr the ID. ('. \\.ith qualification'"i, )fr. tnr<"'1 hv the mrmher<.1 of the t•ollt.•ge C'ountry Churt•h day: Rp{'uk- "' I 011 , by ""'' d 'l'''"k'''' frum ere. Dr. R. ;.r. Donalcl<on of Den,·er, alumni of that in,fitution are Profe.sor \\'hiteomb i• \\'ell equipped to take his lt•r fP<·tions oi tbt.• l'niied l"'tates. Dean Tennr.'· of "'esleyan \Y. P. Brewc-r Helen Bre,.,·er position among the faculty here. •· e w 11 Le dtviiled as fol- uni,·erlj,ity, nnd others. of tht.• <'oil"ge fa('ulty. l. C. Davis of :\Ir. '\ells departed for his old B. tWPllt\ Ollt' \\ill he RlH'Il hy tht• I :Monday, BettPr f::.eed tlay: P. G. the ('i1nrier. ana Dr. and :\lr!'. _.\. D. I in lllin11is during the to t:tkt> · · 1 Brewer. Others who haYe attendt><l charge llf the farm left by his m anil _.\_, E. C'hamberlain will be tic tltun· and liiol<•g"_\'; four tor hee the prrneipnl Grinnell :ne :\Iiss Elizabeth )[e<'ord, father at his death. During his stay eper!'i: twt•h·t• will deal with lin! Farm IlomeR da,·: .J o,, city lihrariani .T. L. local at-I in Bo7.eman .:\Ir. \\·ens made many tonight was made Off the \\Te are p1Pascd to aJvise the com- \\·m Haine!", not€'1l as a. -rn11id money pany arri\'ed in first·cla% condition, exehanger. will h<wr all the latest ma- notwith!-itanding Lhc exper· chinery installed and will remove your k t.,p!('" an•l wtll he gi\'en by t1H• "Wing, Alice Pelonbet XQrton of torney, and George Roo"e,-elt of tll(> friends who greatly regret his depar· mhl'r!' uf thl• :rnim:tl de ('hit'3JZO unin?rsit,r, and other speakers. ture. ient'ed. Prof. " )Jalsor 's trained an1- <'aRh actually without pain. rtm"nt. TlH' ''t'terin'lry de-partment \V'edne!O<lay, R;crt'atlon antl Health :r g-n·e four Jeetu .. "'"• nnll the member .. day: Hon. O. (', <1ref{g of )[innesota, tht• agronomy department will give Dr. ('raighead of 1rtt>f'n rh1·se Jedur('s will he arranged in a Chemist \\·. ).[. Cobleigh an·l s1.:hcclule antl will he nti·tl fur the of those who Thursday, Dairy day: R. en<l. ".hill' it will not lt{' F. Flint of Xorth Dakota, 0. C. Gregs thin the short pPrio1l inchulc>d in the and A. K. Reeser nf D. '-·· ior one to attend all the Prof. F. R. f'ooley geuer:ll chnrg-e yd tbe Teetures will be ar of the Country Life c0tn·ention meet· ngt•il in scrie ... hn\'iug in niind the ings, and those interested are urged to lUping- of ..,uhjrct:- in order tha.t thos::o with Profes!"iOr ('oole.'·· In· 0 ar(> interl'"ted in a particular di\'i- quiries regarding the eourse<.s 11 ot' :tgril·ultnre ma.'· have opportu· y of the lectures that bear that The l'nn,·ention feature of the meet· 7 will include and center around par- ular topies for different da.tes. On dates well known speakers will lh·er and public mectit,Igs 11 be held in th<' nfternoon and cven- The :-;ehe<lule of lectures in the be sent to Professor Atkin:::on of the agronomy department. The reg· istrar. R. 0. \Vibn, has charge of the matter of u,·ing accommodations. )[r. \Vilson plans to enlist the assistanee of a number of :-.tudents to canYass the town . It is e,·idcnt that the large at- tendance wil make it imperath·e that all available rooms and boarding pla<'es he Ii ted. Should thret> hunclrrd ort eourses will not confliet with attend these courses, it is C'\"iJent that <'Se pub1ie meetings, so that aJI may the unoccupied rooms and Yacant places Ye the opportunjty of bearing the at the tables of the citi?A:>ns of Boze· ted from outside. The pla!l man will be pretty well filled. a-. foJlows: Reduced rates ha Ye been seC'nred on Wednesday, January 22. horticultura l all railroads of the state as an added E. H. Shepard of Oregun. and inducement for the people interested her'-' :ire on the program. In the e,·en· in this work to attend . . TY GOllECE LOSES TO MEN TREE PROVES SUGGESS IN NORTHERN WYOMING nnual Event for Faculty Scores Its Scores were 23-9 and 32·19. Both , Usu al Hit. New College Orchestra Makes Initial Appearance The annual tre(' of the Games Were Poor of the Sport for their f:tmtlii>:-; and re1atin•-: from the g-amc with the Tnpie a" 11el'1 in the !-towing mom of tlL• n's in Billings, the t:-ip n1t> !-l'ietH'e 1lt:partment Fri11a,-, De· taken hy the 11:1!-'ketball -.quad w:h :-, •mt.PT :?ll. a hunJrt•d .pt•opl•• 1fo•app1,iutment from the stAndpn111r c1' pn• .. ent, antl tht>- he-st tima basketball and winning gamr ... as a·1111rted. frstiYitif's eommenced at eif.!ht Two gamPs were playr<l. one with lhl' 'l."loek. when tin• ( tree W:!S Lo"·eJJ town team anrl the with ·Id. Proft'!"!-OT Bonebright was fo:• the Big- llorn team of ('ow· 1 nt:l naus :inU prr.;eute<l gifts for ley. both of whit·h were lost. the tirst u:• diildren und older meiuluns, a of :!3 to 9 nnd the secnnd rith marn· de\-t'r a111l approprinte re· hy 3:! t1> 19. B.'· a fine ilisplay of' wn .. a gift for 1.•aeh prr· l fight :rnd spirit. lecl the team rep· tin anti thl'Y rang<'rl all thP re-.enting the t.>ollt•ge nt all stag1•s o: ay from a . 'wo1,ly l'lh('t•p.' for Profe..; thti l!lllllC. \:t.'. lflllll :t ' 1 wnoly It was known that LoYell lrnd a a:ck ... on, tin• lt>ailt>r of the orehestr .. rnthrr i.;trong town team. "() the 1lf Thti llL'Xt numlwr nn the programntP that gmne was nnt so much (lf n .•Ur· '\a"' t It' rf'lli1i'iou nf tWtl i.;elC'ctions by J 1 rise, althou!!h tht• men rt•port th:tt ht: l' 1l!eg._1 on Jw"'tr:t. Thi-.. was they 1lid not pla_,. the gami' that t .int nnt•d on Page- Two) clhl during the Ja.._t y<'rtr. How· l. ollt•gt\ Duriub the lo!"s elf the gamP- to tht.• Rig Horn la1h t·ame :t 11i-:tinl't t11 tht• "'llJlpOrters ot' the colh•ge qum!". j It 1.1ro1Jabl(' tlrnt _the team from ('nw- lt•\' w11l a trip tlm1ugh \font:111:1. J an1l ii' th<'y .. hoult1 , n ,.rturn t!<llll(> will I l1f• f'l i'•l 1f 1l:ltl ..... c-:in bl' I thin:! tha l"lrl he -:aul of ti,• t\\'J i .. th:1t hrone-h hhOh.' t.i th1• l'11ll1\.!t' •1•· m t 1 w f<l:ct that \\t•re not pla_\ l"' t u•Y ... honhl. Thi-. r<111 .. C"'1 them trom tlwir for •Ju.• on the nt•-..:1 with the Tri)'lt• B ·!'\, antl :hf',. ma•l1• till t.•xcdlt'nt: "\t"hi1•h ... that t1:1:i111 ('3.U play good ball when in the rnot"l GOllEGE ijUINTETTE GOMES OFF SECOND BEST AT BllllNGS Fighting Gamely for Every Point , the Team Looses Game Only in the Last Six Minutes of Play--lllness of Wilcomb Prevents Victory--Ross Is Star After t"°o one i1ight l!ltallllR in \\'vo- ming townl'I as liYing in both C'f which they lost the game, the ba--ke> ball fiye of :Montana State reco,'ered lt was au e,·eu break for .a few min· then the college began applying their $ystem of playing a11d bnsket af- ter basket was added to their the ginger and determ.inntion which has 1 it \\·as 12 t11 13 in Biling:s 1 faYor, characterized the team in the past. anti then a basket put College ahead by at Billings on the e,·ening of DecemLe:- one. Thoriue l'or Billings countered 20 they put up a fighting, upbiJl and Ross anll GoRman each tallied a against the famous Triple B came goo<l one. puting College 3 ahead. [r within an ace of winning it. The final began to look good for :J:ntana State stood 33 to 21, and fi,·e minutes be- nnd the bewilderment f the audience fore the closing whistle the score was tramm1itted itself to the Billings play- in favor of Montnna. State by from one Another basket by Billings ancl to three points, with the crowU of Bill· one by the College and then the tid" ings rooters nearly furiou& with it•ar began to change. that their would be hnmil- The disorgaoi7 ... 'ltion which was so iated on their own floor by a state near the downfall of Billings was O\'t'.'I'· team. eome b.'· them and for a few 111al!', while with 1•0Jd feet, t'rof. Tallrr.an b(•eu sbyiug up are ab)(' to perform their many new anJ trying to figure ont l.J_v higher no,-eJ stunts. Bring your habies-the:r m:ithematies how to takr in the entire will enjoy this special numher. 1•erformance without eost. Just ·ts he Kenyon Talcott ha-; a few things you .;,t•C:-< the ... wt•r. he wakes np. might want to 11 <hab.'' 8e0 him fo .. n1• u"ie. ('nn·t he done. \Vp detailed information. to throw up tlieir hands nod Any one afflicte<l. with rheumatism, lea,·e a11 bopt• behiutl. gout. or palsy, lame bac·k, or any ol,1 George l'allawny h:1s writtt•n a new thing which might interfere with lHt\·- book, ju!"lt off the neorge j:; up igating. l".(lll!lU1t Dr. Spud \\.i]J!';on lft> agninst it for a title for the nC'w no,·eJ, will m:1ke you take up your bed rtn1l :rnd h:i.... offrred a prize pig to the per- wnlk-or money refunded. Joe Soper wishes anyone in lo\·f', or in other trouble to him. will at the \\·heel of For- tune imt.l can make you happ,\-. Ile has cured thousauih1 and can cure you. His stay in the city is limited. Tonight only-located in the main tent. son suhmitiing the name. Get busy with your titlt'". Si•e him for in· f'ide information. He wi11 be located on the roof. Prof. Thaler will be dng master :it the Baby Rhow. Bring on tht' kidlets ancl let 'em howl. :Mi s Ilarriett Kinney will have <'laude :.\[artin lrns the only and latei;:t rharge of the baloon ra<'f' . Jea\'e Elixir of Life-fi,·e cents the prescrip- your with her before 6 p. m. ti on . ('Jaude, at great expen<;,e, bribed An exeitiug exhibition of the manly an ne:lr ).lount \"es· art has been :nranged hrtween Profs. m·ins, who opened his and .Jennison and Parker. This will told all be knew, iuclnding his real be staged at H p. m. \Ve understand name. One glass of this Elixir calls both lads are in the pink of condition. for another, and three glasses calls for police will be in help. As a matter of comfort to those Jf we should attempt to make special who part:ike of this wonderful Elixir, mention of all the most wunclerful feats we wish to that the rnanngement :ind stellar attractions yon are to see has imported the wonderful and (Continued on Page Two) SWEHERS I CHANCES ARE MADE IN ARE AWARDED TUESDAY COLLEGE GYMNASIUM The college started the game with tlw college hoys w;n·ered. A few lucky Hartman 31111 ]fo!;s, forward!:'; ('utnt'r, tries by Billiugs them 1H'w hc:\rt centt'r, and 3nd Go::<11w11. aud a half dozen baskets went into thC' guard-i. l'otn<'r took the un the 1wt in rapid su('cessinn. Jt w:is too first it to Il(Hlg:-ki:-..; tt 1 I late> to o\'ercome the lead anJ the Hos:->, aud ('ollt>gc had the fir.-;t I Pnclc>cl 33 to with Billings on the Men Winning T heir Embl ems in F oot- New Seats Installed and Old Dressillg h:tsket. )(arkham. ior fol· long- e1ul. The last basket w:ls nrn1h• ba ll Receive Insignia Thi s Week. Rooms are T om Out. Floor is lowed a f('w 1att'r. Th ... lil'-.t after time hacl expirC'd. hut IJt•fore thL' Of Same Pattern as Before Given T reatment that Helps half w:.is a g-uar<ling- gt1mt.:•. with "'E''nal tit•mki't'per l'Onld 1:1kE' tht> ·whistle fro111 on .Hill ing-". lt .. (·nded 121 hb pul•kl't rt1Hl halt the player". I for the lllt'll whn won their holidn,Y"' lonJ to ,J 111 Billmg.., fnnJr :ind t:lrng-.. louk :--\i·hul!i: 'J 1 . ·w:is tlw during the> pa:;;t football :c:.r:i"ol1 pl:ium•1l impr\1\"('llh'llts w1..·n· made Lti t'1l 01ul. lrnt not. l1opel1· ..... l:· .. ll. Jfo:-..;1;11111 'h1• o11, offi«i:u_''.' tl:,• f1nn1'. Jlisl:•l"l'iH.'<l during tilt' lwlid:1ys :uul Wl'TC till' t·ollt·g-e ilrill hall. On1· uf tiH• threC' pPrnt .. un roul. t.hro\\S. \\1 rk w:• .. quitt• nnd l.e gh·C'n out tht• W('t.•k.· 'l'ht:' impnrtHnt was tilt• of blt•:1t·ltnu all 1 ' 111 ut-. JU thf' trird to ht> tair :di till' tunc>. I t•i·s <1rc tu tho .. e gin•n last n•ar. in the "'onth c:irul of tht' hall an.! rf'- . . . . · . J )Jp"· an• eo:1t stv ··' :JIH li\Yt' pun,· ('O · 1J10\al of tht• oltl 1lrt".;:-<ill)! This t1rst half. I Bilhug.;i Un\'!- h:t(J n•J I Todt! tht• !;111Jn t•rnter Wt'il .. 1 1 1 · 1 lllOl'L' tl1ro"\\-. .tor haskf't, known lo fan,.., was n11 The l'olor .is the official blm' of dnut• to makt• room for rnnr.• ••f the hut th1•1r plae1ng wa_"l :-;o surt>.tlrnt nun:> tht' in,alid list and early in the S('1•01nI the cvllrgc>; but, in nceor1l:11H'e with thl• \i'-itors whu attenrl thf' tou'1n:1111t'nt hall got to tla·tr ot the ha.I !wit' ht• was by Peterson. He· ruling now in efft•l't, tin• •. _\ ·· of t'or- . tUt'l' Yl':lTS IS c 1ang€'1 to :tll .• u. 1t mrant two rnnre pornb. The 4 ·0!· 1 fur€' his he had uclded nine · 1 1 , ,r .. leg(', on the t•ontrary . wns to11 mu1·h In to Billiq.s' -.1·ll!'c. )iark:1aH1 .vas t·n·tl Tho:;e. whu thb eniUlem of rn·1, it is hanll.v that arangt•ment \\ill take t•ara of all wh1) clt::-..irt• to altt'1Hl. the fL. lhe .. f1oor madt• it itl'tl nith In, ·11Hl his running matt) .1+- honot fnr work on the gridiron d1ff1C'ttlt for the boys io han1lle th·! forwanl. 1he inc>Y1tahll• 1 s1 ..... Wl'l'C' \\'. )l:Hldo:x, I h:tll in their usual Tht l1:tlt w,1 .. put two 111 from f!Uartl I( :ui·, <lnme .... and lleagnf' .' :l!ld WC"IJ pJ:l_ve(] On bot!J :->lcll:'..:. ft po ... Jtton. ,IJlr( 1 wa:; 'l'he:-.1' 111('11 ha\e ,dJ \\Oil thl'lr letters Wt'ft.' ju part 1llll\t'1l into the llL'W OUC'S h:lll not for _when auili for the fust time . 'l.'ho-..e whu wun thC' :rnd, :.i-- tht:' "Jl<.lt't' under tht• nt•w Llt•acn· wa.;; half wild Hoss led for )fontnna with ;\ .. '' ht•forC' \\'('T't' not gin•n wa-i tran!<.forna·d iutCl Thc>ir wa."' gn·t·. a .. hber:ill·..- tutn.1 of ('aptain Hartman four. again. but Wt.lf(' gi,·en a star ... part ol tht• lol'kt•r .. wt•n• h•tt to th<'' bitors as to tht• homf' t 1 •11m, nntl flodg-skiss :11111 <:o:-;man six. C'ot1wr thnt tht•.r lu1Cl won the letter twin• 111 th\.'rr. Tht• ni·w :irrangi.•mf'nt will thu::: it w-:b t.•ddt'nt tliat tlu· .\. · w:i.u-i•i] to '" 1 " 1 ' arul \\'ikomh eadi too husy whj],, tht• hr:u1eh of :tthhltits. 'J'he w111 prodtlt• a lt 1lt•:d 111on• iltt'"siui! room bai;kctball. I in the gamt.' :1ttt•11diu!! to Todd antl l'•·t- hleat'.llt.'rs will 11nn·iilt' sratiug for ap· proximate!,\• morn pt>ople. 'l'ht lo('k1•rs from ultl dres-.ing rO\)m niug of this honor only 1•ona•..:. aftN sp:u·t• :t" well u:-; 111ur1• "1• 1ti11g t·:tpu1· t)! Big :\fax \\"ilt'.O!lll1. n',gular l'••ntt·1 for l°r"l!ll to :1tl I u11t'ii to till' :-<L'llTi'. th•iugh two or threl! months o:i the linrdt•st kind for thr hall. the eollegf'. hail bt.•en rt•Jf'asetl the u1t1• I 1ln•1r work \'H"' 1" ... l't1tial to tht• of work ou the gridiron. anil tht· 1111 , 11 1:f .• frum nl-' n nf th1•i1: h"t111111:d1'"· . . \\ho griiHl aftt>r nigh! for th·• Bnzt'n1.1n .111tl .1rnt1l 1 n;! ... 1-t Th .. 1-.. th nl '·11· nt 1·11111pf'l1tiun ti•:im arnl enllt•gt' t•t•rtainly any h1•fon• tht.• ;_!a me opt·o ... •d Tli 1 .. r l fnr ti l" I.:ir:_r.•y c•np offrrPd tl1t• •listitH•tilln that jui.;t tut' on may lw Wl•;1k frl)n1 hi .. illnl·"'<;:, t> •u1 \ ·! '<f:ltt• \ia .. k1•thall 1'11:tmpio11'. Thi" hl .. able> 0 tht•m. phl't iu thr Sf'l'Ollll h: r. ( ·t ll'l h:i 1: ,. •Tllt'S 1!11_• l'l'l'lll:• 1'.J I ruj•llt,\" (I tlh"' JH'('ll l) tlg' '\ iJi:\llt "t•n:i t: j It l' J ll 't', j •t'alll that \\ills It ti11"1'(' .H':il'" ill '<ll 11:1111, 'o:t_ :lttl•lldt•.J ._i,,.' l•nt not be ig- familiar w <- 1 J t11 ti·:11 I c1• .. sion. Billing-"i aln•a•ly h:1" lwl1l j; tt•:u:ht'r" · :1ssnl·i:1tiun in l .. ._ plrv ... , it w i..; tlifJ•cul· to v1't1i l 1P ·wo yc>:ll':-.. :11111 tht• l't'"'Ult of this l!-1111 an1l prt''l'llt1•d a Ji:lt•Pr on <.hP s:il• L01·1,.; L. 110\\ \Jill 1 •••-.r r•-..ult,, 'fl.t• changl· ·IJn•\\ i ... lhl"'lll tht> J(>a•l for tJi,. third. .kd. ••Pr1•para1i1111 t11r Pin, ''pep'' int 11 1h1· ho"'"' · 1 1tl th, "''nil Thi· ganw !lt ha-., uf it·-..·· from tht• t•ollt·g-e wh1 a: half 01u• •lr-1 riou-. \\hhh\iii·l or no hc•aring nn tilt• r:u't' for iutt>n·ullt.' h•nilea wt.•rt.!' Prof. \\-m. :.\I. t 111.il h.;-1· I · 1 .. :mil intt•rt·i·pting. nuth siUt'': )!illlL"' d1ampi11n-; of t:hr Tripl1'" :uul l'residt-nt .r. )f. llamiltou, \',ho irng:ht•il it "01111•\\h.t:, b .. t tht r :-:p 1•1 1 uot 1Jt'il1J:! rt•prl'St'nL1tht•"' of :111,· in-.ti 111:itlt: talk"'. .. Hark111" w.1 .. t•lt•1•tt"I wa .. fh;it NU!! ne ... w.i .. 111 j tution. Though th!:?' t•oll:tg-t• Jo:-t all SP(·oncl , j\'t' uf tht• ])in•ctor tit' Bauil :1n1l tht• 1-:ntcrta'.n P\ it Ioli'. { {l'11nrinut'J un Page Two) nwut tla·y 01\t· 'fonll!ht

llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have

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Page 1: llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have



rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members

of Faculty Have Prepared Large Program

to be Carried Out Then

Anniversary Number THE WEEKLY EXPOYE:.'\1' FRIDAY JA:\"l.'.\llY 10. 1913

, l':\lBER 11)


President of Eastern School to Tal~ ls a Graduate of North Dakota A. C.

in Special Assembly Tuesday, Jan. and of Cornell. Succeeds

uary 21, at 11 o'clock Mr. Wells

It i .. planned to holll a special n .. ,.em- "iY. 0. '\Yhitromb arri\"erl ~fonrlay to

Drill Hall to be Scene of Carnival This Evening When it

Is Hoped Funds Will Be Raised for the Purchase

of Much Needed Uniforms for the Band bly on Tue ... tlay, January '.11, at which take the uo::.ition rPcently va1·atet1 by

rime President J. H. T. ~ain. Ph. D., Prof. \Velb of the agn\nom~- depart·

of Grinnell ('oJlege, will make the prin- m<>nt. Prof. 'Ybiteomh took tharge of

P · El d f" t a Unlver cipal talk. President :\farn Is cou1,id "">rf·11aration-. are ln in" made in th1• I ing ro1e~:-<>T ro o ~uon nn . . 1 k T d

,.., 1 ercd one of the strongest college men t H' wor · ues ay.

A;; ad\'ertised and promised, the hi~, ed !-:peeiallst, Dr. Yon Ottobatch, from

immense, gigantic antl hippodromical ~iberia, who will juggl{' the !';tomach

in<loor street fail' an<l carnintl ball, pump. There ·will be no extra charge

given under the ::rnspices of thP )[on· for thi!i sen·ice if rendered. Be not

.tana. Htate College Regimental band, afraid .

hr nt d•·riart tH•D'~ to t:tke ear" of "'Hy, will give an illustrate~ _edure on

!'J•P<"i:tl work \\hie 1

i" belUJi! oft~re 1 tht' Lewis and Cbrk expedition. in tlw l'Ountry, an<l hi-.. addres~ should Prof. 'Vhit('ornb come~ highly rt•t·om·

Wti·n tht~ C! te .. Januarv :?2nd tu Thursday, Good Ronds rongress: be of more than ordinary interest. Tbe mende1l from f'orne1l uoh·ersity, where

. .lt this t me .. h expet~'e•l that spenker~. Pre--icleut Howard Elliott, E. nssembl.'· was mo,·ed up lo Tue .. day he re<•ei,·ed his master's degree. His

I eral h1mdn•11 f irmers :tnfl hom(l'mak P. :\fitthew~on, .L H. Durst on . from Friday so as to gin? the students b:ieh('lor 's degree was obtained at the will be spread before the gaze of the Coach Dockstader ha~ been shaking

expectant public tonight-Prltlny e\·C'- bands with him~elf lately. During the

• wJII <'ome to thi• r.ollC'c:.e to take tbi• Frid:t..'·· t'n·operation dny: ~peakers. an opportunity to hear Presi<leut )lain,

turi·" which ire tlien ·-·10

tie givt•n; Hon. Olin•r "~iJson l}f the Xational and the cJasse!"I which are regularly hehl )forth Dakota Agricultural rollege. n.t the Drill hall on the \~ampm.. Chrit!.'ma!'; vaeation the ''Doctor'' bas

tht• r he ·•romini "lt speaker .. whn wi11 fhanJ:!<'. B. B. Hare of ''-'ashington, und at (>lt-\'en o 'dock un Tuesday \\"1ll be For three years immediately after

hen· .• lnd •o atfl'uJ the seYeral ron· otber~. held at the same hour on Prlday of that his graduation from )forth Dakota.

The company, en route> from the perfeetecl se,·eral lightning l.!hanges.

Pacifh· e-0ast. em.:ountered numerous Among the numerou:o; inH•ntions he will

hardshipl'.i while eros8ing the f'asen<lN;. demon~trate. we wish to make special

mainly bucking ~now ancl hronehos. mention of the ''GizzJc-Gizzle.'' This tion~ wbil"::J ml't-t :it the ).lontana :-;aturday, Rural Rchool dny: Rpeak- week. ).fr. \\'hitcomb waR employed in the

ite colJl'gt~ ut t ia' tunf'. Prs. Hon. L. R. Al<lerman of Oregon. On the ~am(> da.v a reunion of Grinnell department of plant intlu~trv of the

ht. fnrrn('t"' · and homcmakl'rs · !-ihnrt .:\fio:-t )Iary G. Def'm of Xorth Dakota, alumni :rnd ex-student" will he held in b • . 1 -the t•ii,v, and :l 1wrmanent oraanization ureau of ngricu ture at Washington,

It looked for a time <h though the little instrunwnt will rau~e icic1es to

nrtbts would be delayed reaehing the freeze in your moutli, whieb will enabfo

Cit~- Beautiful. After taking up the yon to gneeze so1lwballs. No house­

mntter of delay with the president of hold complete without thil'I la.te~t idea.

the International Airship and Submar- You may ~ee this wonderful little man

ine lines, special effort:< were put forth, in the third tent . next to the wil<l

and ou1· pres nee in the R·weet Pea < 'it7 !"nake!S. Read the ~ign~ and "Keep

r'-1 "' rneluclt• ni \\arcb of eight." Pre .. i1.lt>nt )!onrot.~ of Dill()n, and othrr~. of tlh~m will he effeded. ;rnoncr the ID. ('. \\.ith the~{' qualification'"i, )fr.

tnr<"'1 hv the mrmher<.1 of the t•ollt.•ge ~unday, C'ountry Churt•h day: Rp{'uk- "' I 011 , ~rt by ""'' d 'l'''"k'''' frum ere. Dr. R. ;.r. Donalcl<on of Den,·er, alumni of that in,fitution are Profe.sor \\'hiteomb i• \\'ell equipped to take his

lt•r fP<·tions oi tbt.• l'niied l"'tates. Dean Tennr.'· of ~fontana "'esleyan \Y. P. Brewc-r ~1n<l :\Ii~.,. Helen Bre,.,·er position among the faculty here.

•· e JertnrP~ w 11 Le dtviiled as fol- uni,·erlj,ity, nnd others. of tht.• <'oil"ge fa('ulty. l. C. Davis of :\Ir. '\ells departed for his old linm~

B. tWPllt\ Ollt' \\ill he RlH'Il hy tht• I :Monday, BettPr f::.eed tlay: P. G . the ('i1nrier. ana Dr. and :\lr!'. _.\. D. I in lllin11is during the holiday~ to t:tkt>

· · 1 Brewer. Others who haYe attendt><l nt'tin~ charge llf the farm left by his

1t~ 5~i1•nc·t• 1li•partmPnt~. :-;n:~e~·n m Jlolile~ anil _.\_, E. C'hamberlain will be

tic tltun· and liiol<•g"_\'; four tor hee the prrneipnl ~reakers. Grinnell :ne :\Iiss Elizabeth )[e<'ord, father at his death. During his stay

eper!'i: twt•h·t• will deal with lin! 'fne~hn·. Farm IlomeR da,·: .J o,, city lihrariani .T. L. Rtaat~. ~t local at-I in Bo7.eman .:\Ir. \\·ens made many

tonight was made pos~ible. Off the Gr:.:-'"~.··

\\Te are p1Pascd to aJvise the com- \\·m Haine!", not€'1l as a. -rn11id money

pany arri\'ed in first·cla% condition, exehanger. will h<wr all the latest ma­

notwith!-itanding Lhc hardship~ exper· chinery installed and will remove your

k t.,p!('" an•l wtll he gi\'en by t1H• "Wing, .ll~~. Alice Pelonbet XQrton of torney, and George Roo"e,-elt of tll(> friends who greatly regret his depar·

mhl'r!' uf thl• :rnim:tl bush~mrdy de ('hit'3JZO unin?rsit,r, and other speakers. ~-ophom()re el:1s~. ture. ient'ed. Prof. ")Jalsor 's trained an1- <'aRh actually without pain.

rtm"nt. TlH' ''t'terin'lry de-partment \V'edne!O<lay, R;crt'atlon antl Health

:r g-n·e four Jeetu .. "'"• nnll the member .. day: Hon. O. (', <1ref{g of )[innesota,

tht• agronomy department will give Dr. ('raighead of ~ontaua uni"·er~ity, 1rtt>f'n h•t•ture~. rh1·se Jedur('s will he arranged in a ~tate Chemist \\·. ).[. Cobleigh an·l

other~ . lllit~ s1.:hcclule antl program~ will he nti·tl fur the ~uidam·e of those who Thursday, Dairy day: Speaker~, R.

en<l. ".hill' it will not lt{' po~sihle. F. Flint of Xorth Dakota, 0. C. Gregs

thin the short pPrio1l inchulc>d in the and A. K. Reeser nf \\'.a~hington . D. '-··

H~t'1 ior one 1•1·r~on to attend all the Prof. F. R. f'ooley ha~ geuer:ll chnrg-e

tnrt·~. yd tbe Teetures will be ar of the Country Life c0tn·ention meet·

ngt•il in scrie ... hn\'iug in niind the ings, and those interested are urged to

lUping- of ..,uhjrct:- in order tha.t thos::o corre~pond with Profes!"iOr ('oole.'· · In·

0 ar(> interl'"ted in a particular di\'i- quiries regarding the ~hart eourse<.s

11 ot' :tgril·ultnre ma.'· have opportu·

y of a1tt~n<iing the lectures that bear

that di,·i~ion.

The l'nn,·ention feature of the meet·

7 will include and center around par­

ular topies for different da.tes. On

~e dates well known speakers will

lh·er addre--se~ and public mectit,Igs

11 be held in th<' nfternoon and cven­

The :-;ehe<lule of lectures in the

~bould be sent to Professor Atkin:::on

of the agronomy department. The reg·

istrar. R. 0. \Vibn, has charge of the

matter of u,·ing accommodations. )[r.

\Vilson plans to enlist the assistanee of

a number of :-.tudents to canYass the

town . It is e,·idcnt that the large at­

tendance wil make it imperath·e that

all available rooms and boarding pla<'es

~hould he Ii ted. Should thret> hunclrrd

ort eourses will not confliet with attend these courses, it is C'\"iJent that

<'Se pub1ie meetings, so that aJI may the unoccupied rooms and Yacant places

Ye the opportunjty of bearing the at the tables of the citi?A:>ns of Boze·

ted speaker~ from outside. The pla!l man will be pretty well filled.

da~ ~ i~ a-. foJlows: Reduced rates ha Ye been seC'nred on

Wednesday, January 22. horticultura l all railroads of the state as an added

E. H. Shepard of Oregun. and inducement for the people interested

her'-' :ire on the program. In the e,·en· in this work to attend .



nnual Event for Faculty Scores Its Scores were 23-9 and 32·19. Both

, Usual Hit. New College Orchestra

Makes Initial Appearance

The annual f'hri~tm:is tre(' of the

Games Were Poor Exhib ition~

of the Sport

lCUlt~· for their f:tmtlii>:-; and re1atin•-: A~ifle from the g-amc with the Tnpie

a" 11el'1 in the !-towing mom of tlL• n's in Billings, the \\'~?omrng t:-ip

n1t> !-l'ietH'e 1lt:partment Fri11a,-, De· taken hy the 11:1!-'ketball -.quad w:h :-,

•mt.PT :?ll. :\l~arl.'' a hunJrt•d .pt•opl•• 1fo•app1,iutment from the stAndpn111r c1'

t~n· pn• .. ent, antl tht>- he-st po:,~iblc tima plll~·ing basketball and winning gamr ...

as a·1111rted. Tht~ frstiYitif's eommenced at eif.!ht Two gamPs were playr<l. one with lhl'

'l."loek. when tin• ( hri~cmas tree W:!S Lo"·eJJ town team anrl the ~rcond with

·Id. Proft'!"!-OT Bonebright was fo:• the Big- llorn :wadem~· team of ('ow·

1 nt:l naus :inU prr.;eute<l tht~ gifts for ley. both of whit·h were lost. the tirst

u:• diildren und th~ older meiuluns, h~· a ~eore of :!3 to 9 nnd the secnnd

rith marn· de\-t'r a111l approprinte re· hy 3:! t1> 19. B.'· a fine ilisplay of'

·fh~re wn .. a gift for 1.•aeh prr· l fight :rnd spirit. tht~y lecl the team rep·

tin prc~ent, anti thl'Y rang<'rl all thP re-.enting the t.>ollt•ge nt all stag1•s o:

• ay from a . 'wo1,ly l'lh('t•p.' for Profe..; thti l!lllllC.

\:t.'. lflllll :t ' 1 wnoly ~ht"epfor Prof<'s~iir It was known that LoYell lrnd a

a:ck ... on, tin• lt>ailt>r of the orehestr .. rnthrr i.;trong town team. "() the lo~-; 1lf

Thti llL'Xt numlwr nn the programntP that gmne was nnt so much (lf n .•Ur·

'\a"' t It' rf'lli1i'iou nf tWtl i.;elC'ctions by J1rise, althou!!h tht• men rt•port th:tt

ht: l' 1l!eg._1 on Jw"'tr:t. Thi-.. was th~ they 1lid not pla_,. the gami' that ~ht~.r-

t .int nnt•d on Page- Two) clhl during the ~£'n-;on Ja.._t y<'rtr. How·

l. ollt•gt\ :\f:trrit~d Duriub


~'vrr. the lo!"s elf the gamP- to tht.• Rig

Horn la1h t·ame :1~ :t 11i-:tinl't ~htwk t11

tht• "'llJlpOrters ot' the colh•ge qum!" .

j It i~ 1.1ro1Jabl(' tlrnt _the team from ('nw­

lt•\' w11l urnk~ a trip tlm1ugh \font:111:1.

J an1l ii' th<'y .. hoult1 , n ,.rturn t!<llll(> will

I l1f• f'l 1~ i'•l 1f 1l:ltl ..... c-:in bl' arr:111~t•1L

I n,~,, thin:! tha l"lrl he -:aul of ti,•

t\\'J ~:lfllf'"' i .. th:1t t'lt•~· hrone-h hhOh.'

t.i th1• l'11ll1\.!t' •1•· m t 1w f<l:ct that tl}p~·

\\t•re not pla_\ 11~ l"' t u•Y ... honhl. Thi-.

r<111 .. C"'1 them trom tlwir letl1ar~.'· for

•Ju.• ~:unt• on the nt•-..:1 t'Y1•nin~ with the

Tri)'lt• B ·!'\, antl :hf',. ma•l1• till t.•xcdlt'nt:

~howing. "\t"hi1•h pr~'\-e ... that ~he t1:1:i111

('3.U play good ball when in the rnot"l


OFF SECOND BEST AT BllllNGS Fighting Gamely for Every Point, the Team Looses Game

Only in the Last Six Minutes of Play--lllness of

Wilcomb Prevents Victory--Ross Is Star

After t"°o one i1ight l!ltallllR in \\'vo­

ming townl'I as liYing :;tntue~. in both C'f

which they lost the game, the ba--ke>

ball fiye of :Montana State reco,'ered

lt was au e,·eu break for .a few min·

ntN~ . then the college began applying

their $ystem of playing a11d bnsket af­

ter basket was added to their sror~.

the ginger and determ.inntion which has 1 ~oon it \\·as 12 t11 13 in Biling:s 1 faYor,

characterized the team in the past. anti then a basket put College ahead by

at Billings on the e,·ening of DecemLe:- one. Thoriue l'or Billings countered

20 they put up a fighting, upbiJl gamt~ and Ross anll GoRman each tallied a

against the famous Triple B ·~and came goo<l one. puting College 3 ahead. [r

within an ace of winning it. The final began to look good for :J:ntana State

stood 33 to 21, and fi,·e minutes be- nnd the bewilderment f the audience

fore the closing whistle the score was tramm1itted itself to the Billings play­

in favor of Montnna. State by from one er~. Another basket by Billings ancl

to three points, with the crowU of Bill· one by the College and then the tid"

ings rooters nearly furiou& with it•ar began to change.

that their l'hampion~ would be hnmil- The disorgaoi7 ... 'ltion which was so

iated on their own floor by a state near the downfall of Billings was O\'t'.'I'·

team. eome b.'· them and for a few in~tnnt~

111al!', while ~mfferiag with 1•0Jd feet, t'rof. Tallrr.an ha~ b(•eu sbyiug up

are ab)(' to perform their many new anJ ni~ht~ trying to figure ont l.J_v higher

no,-eJ stunts. Bring your habies-the:r m:ithematies how to takr in the entire

will enjoy this special numher. 1•erformance without eost. Just ·ts he

Kenyon Talcott ha-; a few things you .;,t•C:-< the ~rn ... wt•r. he wakes np. ~ay~

might want to 11 <hab.'' 8e0 him fo .. n1• u"ie. ('nn·t he done. \Vp ad\i~e

detailed information. ever~·one to throw up tlieir hands nod

Any one afflicte<l. with rheumatism, lea,·e a11 bopt• behiutl.

gout. or palsy, lame bac·k, or any ol,1 George l'allawny h:1s writtt•n a new

thing which might interfere with lHt\·- book, ju!"lt off the pre~--. neorge j:; up

igating. l".(lll!lU1t Dr. Spud \\.i]J!';on lft> agninst it for a title for the nC'w no,·eJ,

will m:1ke you take up your bed rtn1l :rnd h:i.... offrred a prize pig to the per-

wnlk-or money refunded.

Joe Soper wishes anyone in lo\·f', or

in other ~erlou::i trouble to \'i~it him.

H1~ will pre~icle at the \\·heel of For­

tune imt.l can make you happ,\-. Ile

has cured thousauih1 and can cure you.

His stay in the city is limited. Tonight

only-located in the main tent.

son suhmitiing the bc>~t name. Get

busy with your titlt'". Si•e him for in·

f'ide information. He wi11 be located

on the roof.

Prof. Thaler will be dng master :it

the Baby Rhow. Bring on tht' kidlets

ancl let 'em howl.

:Mi s Ilarriett Kinney will have

<'laude :.\[artin lrns the only and latei;:t rharge of the baloon ra<'f' . Plf>n~e Jea\'e

Elixir of Life-fi,·e cents the prescrip- your entrie~ with her before 6 p. m.

tion . ('Jaude, at great expen<;,e, bribed An exeitiug exhibition of the manly

an Eg~rptinn ~rummy, ne:lr ).lount \"es· art has been :nranged hrtween Profs.

m·ins, who opened his heart·~tone and .Jennison and Parker. This e,~ent will

told all be knew, iuclnding his real be staged at H p. m. \Ve understand

name. One glass of this Elixir calls both lads are in the pink of condition.

for another, and three glasses calls for ~pncial police will be in attend~rnce.

help. As a matter of comfort to those Jf we should attempt to make special

who part:ike of this wonderful Elixir, mention of all the most wunclerful feats

we wish to ~ay that the rnanngement :ind stellar attractions yon are to see

has imported the wonderful and celebra~ (Continued on Page Two)


ARE AWARDED TUESDAY COLLEGE GYMNASIUM The college started the game with tlw college hoys w;n·ered. A few lucky

Hartman 31111 ]fo!;s, forward!:'; ('utnt'r, tries by Billiugs g~we them 1H'w hc:\rt

centt'r, and Hudgski~s 3nd Go::<11w11. aud a half dozen baskets went into thC'

guard-i. l'otn<'r took the h:~ll un the 1wt in rapid su('cessinn. Jt w:is too

first to~~up, ~·wnding it to Il(Hlg:-ki:-..; tt 1 I late> to o\'ercome the lead anJ the gamt~

Hos:->, aud ('ollt>gc had ~(·ore<l the fir.-;t I Pnclc>cl 33 to ~l with Billings on the Men Winning T heir Emblems in F oot- New Seats Installed and Old Dressillg

h:tsket. )(arkham. ior Bi!Iinc;~.' fol· long- e1ul. The last basket w:ls nrn1h• ball Receive Insignia This Week. Rooms are Tom Out. Floor is

lowed a f('w s('(~nml..; 1att'r. Th ... lil'-.t after time hacl expirC'd. hut IJt•fore thL' Of Same Pattern as Before Given T reatment that Helps

half w:.is a g-uar<ling- gt1mt.:•. with "'E''nal tit•mki't'per l'Onld 1:1kE' tht> ·whistle fro111

fon~s. i•al~·ll. on .Hill ing-". lt .. (·nded 121 hb pul•kl't rt1Hl halt the player". I Hw1~ater;.; for the lllt'll whn won their Durin~ tlH~ holidn,Y"' st~\"t.·ral lonJ

to ,J 111 Billmg.., fnnJr :ind t:lrng-.. louk :--\i·hul!i: 'J

1. Billiiw~. ·w:is tlw r•!'•·r~"" h~ttt>-r!'i during the> pa:;;t football :c:.r:i"ol1 pl:ium•1l impr\1\"('llh'llts w1..·n· made Lti

t'1l 01ul. lrnt not. l1opel1· ..... l:· .. ll. Jfo:-..;1;11111 'h1• o11, offi«i:u_''.' tl:,• f1nn1'. Jlisl:•l"l'iH.'<l during tilt' lwlid:1ys :uul Wl'TC till' t·ollt·g-e ilrill hall. On1· uf tiH• !ll)~t

nett~d threC' pPrnt .. un roul. t.hro\\S. \\1 rk w:• .. quitt• ~·.111!-l:tt'tor~· nnd l.e gh·C'n out dnrin~ tht• W('t.•k.· 'l'ht:' ~Wt-~ll· impnrtHnt was tilt• pl:u·iu~ of blt•:1t·ltnu

1 '.~aking- all ;~le t·o~le.gt:' 1'111 ut-. JU thf' trird to ht> tair :di till' tunc>. I t•i·s <1rc ~imilur tu tho .. e gin•n last n•ar. in the "'onth c:irul of tht' hall an.! t !..t~ rf'-

. . . . · . • • • J )Jp"· an• eo:1t stv ··' :JIH li\Yt' pun,· ('O · 1J10\al of tht• oltl 1lrt".;:-<ill)! ru•)ill~. This t1rst half. I h~ Bilhug.;i Un\'!- h:t(J n•J I Todt! tht• !;111Jn Hillin~~ t•rnter Wt'il .. 1 1 1

· 1

lllOl'L' l:£>quen~ tl1ro"\\-. .tor tlH~ haskf't, known lo Bozt~man fan,.., was :tl~o n11 l:trs~ The l'olor .is the official blm' of \\:t~ dnut• to makt• room for rnnr.• ••f the

hut th1•1r plae1ng wa_"l :-;o surt>.tlrnt nun:> tht' in,alid list and early in the S('1•01nI the cvllrgc>; but, in nceor1l:11H'e with thl• \i'-itors whu attenrl thf' tou'1n:1111t'nt

~ht• hall got to tla·tr t·~:tl ot the ha.I !wit' ht• was n~pl:H·Nl by Peterson. He· ruling now in efft•l't, tin• •. _\ ·· of t'or-

. • tUt'l' Yl':lTS IS c 1ang€'1 to :tll . • u. 1t mrant two rnnre pornb. The 4·0!· 1 fur€' his d<>11·1rt·•r~· he had uclded nine · 1 1 , ,r ..

leg(', on the t•ontrary. wns to11 mu1·h In to Billiq.s' -.1·ll!'c. )iark:1aH1 .vas t·n·tl Tho:;e. whu rec~i\'t"(l thb eniUlem of

rn·1, althou~·h it is hanll.v 1~:xp"ttt>o that

tht~ pr~~C'nt arangt•ment \\ill take t•ara

of all wh1) clt::-..irt• to altt'1Hl. the ne-.,~

fL. ln~rry a1~d lhe .. lipp~ry f1oor madt• it itl'tl nith In, ·11Hl his running matt) .1+- honot fnr th~Jr work on the gridiron

d1ff1C'ttlt for the boys io han1lle th·! forwanl. 1he inc>Y1tahll• . ~nhbur.' 1 s1 ..... Wl'l'C' \\'. 111111g~ki:.", )l:Hldo:x, I 'br t~tit•,

h:tll in their usual ~tyle. Tht l1:tlt w,1 .. B1~~10p put two 1 ba.;;~rts 111 from f!Uartl I ( :ui·, <lnme .... Go~mau and lleagnf'.'

fa~t :l!ld WC"IJ pJ:l_ve(] On bot!J :->lcll:'..:. ft po ... Jtton. ,IJlr( 1 hOTllH~ wa:; SU('(':('~sfuJ 'l'he:-.1' 111('11 ha\e ,dJ \\Oil thl'lr letters Wt'ft.' ju part 1llll\t'1l into the llL'W OUC'S

h:lll not Jlllll!re~.;sei~ for _when t~IE' auili 0111·~. for the fust time. 'l.'ho-..e whu wun thC' :rnd, :.i-- tht:' "Jl<.lt't' under tht• nt•w Llt•acn·

en1·~ wa.;; half wild ~,·Jth 1~x1·1.teml•11t.

1 Hoss led for )fontnna ~t<lte with ;\ .. ~l '' ht•forC' \\'('T't' not gin•n S\\t>lltl'f~ t'I'~ wa-i tran!<.forna·d iutCl tlrc~siug

Thc>ir applan~t~ wa."' gn·t·. a .. hber:ill·..- tutn.1 of nin~'. ('aptain Hartman four. again. but Wt.lf(' gi,·en a star ... buwin~ ruom~, part ol tht• lol'kt•r .. wt•n• h•tt

to th<'' bitors as to tht• homf' t 1•11m, nntl flodg-skiss ~ :11111 <:o:-;man six. C'ot1wr thnt tht•.r lu1Cl won the letter twin• 111 th\.'rr. Tht• ni·w :irrangi.•mf'nt will thu:::

it w-:b t.•ddt'nt tliat tlu· .\.· w:i.u-i•i] to '" 1"1' arul \\'ikomh Wt~rp eadi too husy whj],, tht• ~nme hr:u1eh of :tthhltits. 'J'he w111 prodtlt• a ~r1· lt 1lt•:d 111on• iltt'"siui! room

bai;kctball. I in the gamt.' :1ttt•11diu!! to Todd antl l'•·t-

hleat'.llt.'rs will 11nn·iilt' sratiug for ap·

proximate!,\• ~Ill) morn pt>ople. 'l'ht

lo('k1•rs from tht.~ ultl dres-.ing rO\)m

~ niug of this honor only 1•ona•..:. aftN sp:u·t• :t" well u:-; 111ur1• "1• 1ti11g t·:tpu1· t)!

Big :\fax \\"ilt'.O!lll1. n',gular l'••ntt·1 for l°r"l!ll to :1tl I u11t'ii to till' :-<L'llTi'. th•iugh two or threl! months o:i the linrdt•st kind for thr hall.

the eollegf'. hail bt.•en rt•Jf'asetl the u1t1• I 1ln•1r work \'H"' 1" ... l't1tial to tht• :-~·nrii·~ of work ou the gridiron. anil tht· 1111, 11

1w~n 1:f t~1t• g:~m:· .• frum q~'.11:111t nl-' n nf th1•i1: h"t111111:d1'"· . . \\ho griiHl ni~ht aftt>r nigh! for th·•

Bnzt'n1.1n .111tl .1rnt1l 1 I~.11 n;! ... 1-t Th .. 1-.. 11~ th nl '·11· nt 1·11111pf'l1tiun ti•:im arnl enllt•gt' t•t•rtainly ,J,•~i·.n· any

h1•fon• tht.• ;_!a me opt·o ... •d Tli lll~ 1 .. r l fnr ti l" I.:ir:_r.•y ~.h·er c•np offrrPd tl1t• •listitH•tilln that tlH~ jui.;t tut' on may lw

Wl•;1k frl)n1 hi .. illnl·"'<;:, t> •u1 \ ·! '<f:ltt• \ia .. k1•thall 1'11:tmpio11'. Thi" hl .. able> 0

~raut tht•m.

phl't iu thr Sf'l'Ollll h: r. ( ·t ll'l h:i 1: ,. •Tllt'S 1!11_• l'l'l'lll:• 1'.J I ruj•llt,\" (I tlh"'

JH'('ll l) tlg' '\ iJi:\llt "t•n:i t: j It l' J ll 't', j •t'alll that \\ills It ti11"1'(' .H':il'" ill '<ll rr~111k 11:1111, 'o:t_ :lttl•lldt•.J tht.~ ._i,,.'

l•nt not be ig- familiar w <-1J t11 ti·:11 I c1• .. sion. Billing-"i aln•a•ly h:1" lwl1l j; tt•:u:ht'r" · :1ssnl·i:1tiun in ~Jis~nnla l .. ._

plrv ... , it w i..; tlifJ•cul· to v1't1i l • 1P ·wo yc>:ll':-.. :11111 tht• l't'"'Ult of this l!-1111 \H~ek an1l prt''l'llt1•d a Ji:lt•Pr on <.hP s:il•

L01·1,.; L. 110\\ \Jill

1•••-.r r•-..ult,, 'fl.t• changl· ·IJn•\\ i ... wl~in•" lhl"'lll tht> J(>a•l for tJi,. third. .kd. ••Pr1•para1i1111 t11r 1·oll1·f.!t~ Pin,

''pep'' int 11 1h1· ho"'"' ·1 1tl th, "''nil Thi· ganw !lt Hillin~:-> ha-., uf ~·011.-"'t'. it·-..·· Otht~r.., from tht• t•ollt·g-e wh1 a:

half wa~ 01u• •lr-1 riou-. \\hhh\iii·l or no hc•aring nn tilt• r:u't' for iutt>n·ullt.' h•nilea wt.•rt.!' Prof. \\-m. :.\I. t 111.il h.;-1·

I ·1 .. ~inc- :mil intt•rt·i·pting. nuth siUt'': )!illlL"' d1ampi11n-; of )[ontnn:~. t:hr Tripl1'" :uul l'residt-nt .r. )f. llamiltou, \',ho

irng:ht•il it "01111•\\h.t:, b .. t tht r :-:p 1•11

uot 1Jt'il1J:! rt•prl'St'nL1tht•"' of :111,· in-.ti 111:itlt: talk"'. )Ji~ .. Hark111" w.1 .. t•lt•1•tt"I

wa .. ~n•·h fh;it NU!! ne ... w.i .. almu~t 111 j tution. Though th!:?' t•oll:tg-t• Jo:-t all SP(·oncl , j\'t' prt1~idt:>nt uf tht• ,t~~-wia- ])in•ctor tit' Bauil :1n1l tht• 1-:ntcrta'.n

P\ it Ioli'. { {l'11nrinut'J un Page Two)

nwut tla·y 01\t· 'fonll!ht

Page 2: llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have

The Weeli.ly Exponent. Establiahed Jan. 1, 1910.

Outgrowth ol \font 11) Exponent.

tahJi ... h£'rl .r i • l 1 ... 9.1.

Puhli-.bed t;>\·e-ry J'nJ:i.\ of th(' Col­lege ~ear by no eJ1t rial "t:1ff cb•HL'D

from tht> !"tuilento; of the )fontana

~tate Cull~q-e of .\.::;rieulture and

MPchanie Art~ . .Houm· . '.\font:tn:i.


.. lUf.i l' pu-- .. 0J c ntt't' b:tve bi:>"'D .. cb1• 1 lule1l f r tbi~ , .. ~ ~I',. he u I 0(' in th1-. I nr ll' wnk. Tw I

i•lation t t ~ --.:boo .... •l r I .1rn ;i.·i?ar and the que .. t11lD .. dt•lteJ ar ll·~ ..

10~ m:sv be •ho m~kin.., ot h !!ht>r c lu f11r one oi them. an<l it ... now tiuh' tnr

c 1 ion rn tht'.' ..,t:'lh', hnt iir..,t t mu!'lt h / tP:tm .. tv_ be orgnniz~d. an•l work C•~~· pr·ni·lt.•rl -.o that the ... l°hwl .. "ill b ... •, 111C'11cerl lit t>·trnt?..,t. 'lhl' tr~n~ wln1:_h

R.Jequately c.:tre.l tor tiu·1nd:dl;i.. Th• will repn.• ... t>nt the un1q•r.;it) 111 their

Exp"lll'U' "1uld :1.-i\r11; tt•' that ii th.:- t• 1ntl· .... ~ with tlll' c~lllr~t· wu ... :-t>h•creJ

hill for 1.·on':'olirl.itwn cannot 1·arry ,t hf'fort• ( hri ... tmns and ha"> undoubted!.'·

Jt"rm·rnt.•nt mill tu: of, "'":J..'" a mill au•l ..,C'l'Utt.•d a !i!llOd start i~ 1he. work hv

,.. ktlf , ... ·t wa ... pl:tunt.>~1 w 1uhl hE> t!Ji-. tinw. Thf' l"1illt'J.!C w11l lrn.,e l•} W:lr;; ff it 1s t11 ha,·t• a n'lll'truon of In-.· hrnught up for thf' 't'\ t~r.d in~titlltt•rn"

thl" "rnter. that it wiiulil unifoulJtedJ,'· nvtr ':-. .rl11ri.1u~ M'a ... uu in dcbatitH!.




Russell Freeman ' BAGGAGE EXPRESS

Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

COSTLY DELAYS ) fo,t people intend to SOME TIME, .\ nrf "hih~ put ing it off 11~1 hig :1g;:-reg'llte of liitle ~um:-;. ~Ii thrCtnith their fin~er~. 'l'he wa:· to "'~WC :o.UCl'l' ...... fullv i to -.a\·t:> NOW. . \\.h..,- not ht"gin to '""ll \" e ot th' au ... piciou~ mom('nt by opt>ning ,.:inn,!~ t\•,·ount at GALLATIN TRUST AND SAV-

INGS BANK Capital Sl00,000


Editor-rnC'hid lw ht'ltl'r :.n lt•t th.iii:"' :--tantl n-. lb+'.' . lint• rt>a-;un rhnt th<' ... u11l£'nt' 1i • not

t:1kt• ,a-. g-rt•:it an intt•rl·-.f :t:-- th('_:.- prnh :ihJy ... 1inulol in this acti\ ity may h~~

l1t•1·:n1"'" tht•rt- i"'- no r('w:trd, ~u1·h :1-. :t

il'l't'r ofit•n~.1 f11r <lehatt·r~, .101l they arl" nt•\('r !.!"iYen tn,,· i,!r1•:1t n 1Iil't', ~111 n

a ... th:lt :11.•('or.le1l til tht• ~t:tr 111 :uh

lt•tic~. Tlti:-. ma.'· lit• :it h•:ist p.trt'all .•

r"111t•di1•1l. ~UPJl""t' th:1t a ~mall '· )[ ·' :-ohnnl1l ht• ::(\·L'u t•1 :lll_\" 1111111 making fl

e 111 1·:.!'r 1kh~1te tl?:llll. \\'hi11• of n• 1 in trill" c· \:dth'. tbl• lt•ltl'r woul•l .. pf\l'

t 11 ~h•n\· th:tt ~ht• m:tn hart nrnrc th~t::i

aq•r:1 ~ 1• 1lrbating nhility anti wnutd

:-o 1•n (' tht• -.am~ purJ'•l~l' u~ tht• ktter" gin•n in athlrtir:-o. It would hl' ni~t·

if g1}hl bloc·k ll'tter~ l'Ollltl br ~ivrn to rh1h:i.t1~rs, as they \\t~Tl' two .\'l':ll" ... tgtl

thrut11!h tht' ~1,nt'r(l-.ity oi nnl' of th"

nwmbt•r,. of the fal'ulty, hut this i.;

BANNERS '!'be Exponent is the best medi\lm for I ad,-erti~ers to reach collt~ge stud~Dt$. "-------------....::IQ< "-· ~. DAYID~O):, Cashier.

!"'elmrr IL i"'olber1!. 'l l :irt•. for tin<1net"'s an a m•re~:-;ir.' i1

Busines~ .:Uan:tgt•r Fr••.f E. 4 n>rd•lD,

:\1anag1nl{ Editor . _

.13 .. 11ch J•Tf)lt'C"', JUST RECEIVED

f_.ynd:tll P. Da'"iJ ... on. '13 ('i:eulatinn '°hna;:t•r

.. T. Ernf'~t Ronler, '15

A~st. Busint:•::i.;; )fan:iq~r

In c·IO'-'in,:, tlit• Expont•nt \nil ,.;1y th~n

t c 1n· .. 1litlatiou i .. t'a• ht•ttcr pbn th~n rlu pn•.;1•nt 1111t•, let u ... ton ... ,.hdaL•.

II1H\1'\1•r. 1t may Iii• ht• t1•r to h:1\'t' :-;e,

11ral iu-.t1•ut1011s, in ••:tch <lilt' of whieil

1•f>rt·11n 1• iur~t"- nrt• th1• lt•ridt•r ... rh:in 111

l:ul\'l' .1 I tnrr nuin"'r:-fty not ~ppi.'iahzing

in 111\· p.1rtkular :-.uh1ll't. .\I of thi"

an•l m 111!· more tii n~ rf'main to be ... tn,J11••l ou· lwforl• tht• plan i ... put int;)

opt•1a11on .• rn~1 1t j,. 111ily uq:C'•l tlrn

t•,·t·n·11111• know h11th "id1•-. of thC' q1n•:-.· tiou. hl•lnre ~IU.'"' final <1ctillll i~ taken.


CARNATIONS AND OTHER CUT FLOWERS ..... ht>o. "'· Blinn, '14

A~st. Ilu-1ioe!-is )fan·u?n . Roy E. )fa 'Or, '1.)

A~~t. l'irculation )f:rnag-er

ROSE DRUG CO . are nice for those dances

See Us Rt'Y l' Clark, 'H.

Jntcrcollegi.n c Editor ·-················-··­Rhoda. Dawe". '13

Athletic Heporter. Robt. T. KC'llt\'" 'Li Cangobr' s 6teenbouses

Gent•ral Heportt~r

.H. L<."sht" Pt>ttign•w. Tl General Reporter ...

What About the Tournament'?

ciuJ.'· (>oi~ht WL't~k .. until rhe t•lUru:t rn1•ut j ... ~dil"'•iult'd M 1,1• lwl1l in Boz(' ratht•r t':\.p1~n::-1\·t~ for tht' Dt•h:ltt' f'oun .Ch:t" .• \. Wbipplf', 'Ii

General Reporter. )J_:.-rtlu ~\.lder:-<nn. " 1n:1n. ("p to fht• pn• .... t~nt laft"' rh'1 mine t•il ur ;rn,· .. jmilar on?aniz~tion, hut 1·

b·i~ IH•f'n ma,1 1~ in Jlrt"'p:iralion for thf' w111d.J 11111..,t t'('rtainly not ht• out 11( tb1"'

1'\l'nt. ;\l:iylw it h nrll nt•i·e,~ar .. '· t•I qup .. tinn for thl'lll to furnish ft~It !('f·

\' 111111H'll('1' W•lrk on ii ... 0 soon a" it hn" !t•r..... It mi:.dtt he :1rg11t•t1 that tht• lrt

HeportN .\. Pan! Tbrimpsou. 'I l

e('nt•r•1l 1~1.·portt•r

llarrt'll H. llihh:nd. 'hi

~ubsaiption Rate-Two Doilari' per _) ('ar, fin~ ct•nts 11er copy. ~\1herti::­

ing ra t's mane known <>n npplicatk•n. Entered as r;econd cla.-.-... mail matter

::it Bozeman, 1'.foornna, under Act of

Congres~ of ~larch 3, l "17!.l.

The Weekly E~-ponent is strictly a

student enterprise. Its chief purpose ts to present to its re:i.ders each week an accurate and complete record of the developments in college affairs du.ring t hat period and it Is intended that its influence shall be exerted for the up­bullding of M. S. 0 . The paper Is tbe result of voluntary effort put forth by

the students who compose the staff.


ht ••n ~t irtt'•i in th1• two pr1•Yin11 .. _, 1'·ir:-;

"hl•n thl• 1ourn:t11H•u;. Jn.., hr<'n ht•l·L htit if t lt' 11\'t'llt j.; t l ht' Ul't•lt• :IS ~lH'

er .... f d .... ir ha:-- f·•llUf' ly ht'l' • t i:<

;lllf" f' llH that pliln .. 1,1r Jt ht• l'Olfl

La-...r .' t•.i r the pt.">rm:tnrnt 1·0111m '.ttl't"" 'H'rP <1ppoint1•1l ht~f.1r(' th1 l11)Jj,fays :ln•l

had the matrer nf 11bnnin!.! for tht•

hutiH'." in mind iMm th·tt t nlt' on.

~f'\'t'r:tl mt't'tllll!' w1'rl' bl•ld. at "h1d1 ti•nt'' f1111rnanwnt wit-; di .. t•u,:-;rd an1l

plan" m:t.J1•. Thi,., w~h ht•f·1rr the real

w 01rk of 11reparing for the ('vent com tnl'llt't~d. ffriwe,·er. the tounwy wa~ in

nund from that timC' on, aucl ('\·er,\·thin,t?

·wa~ in rcadin<'.3"-l fnr thP real work of

h•r:- might lw mi-.takt•u !or thn'""t' ~:\·en

In .1thl1•tit•,., H,n,·1•q•r. tht•,- l'OU]1l h·• 1f :1 1lifit>n•n· .. hape :111•1 :--t~·l1•, 11111 thu ...

"mld hr ·l·:--'" u1·ti\-e. .\t any rltt'.

:->,.»nwthin!! -.noulcl ht• 1l1Hw '. • ,nrre·t~··

tlw intat'~t in t.hh fMm of "H'ln·1t\- if

th(' l'nilt•..!t' .... tl) l'\.l'r nwk1• an.'' .... howin~ in i-.

If You Write a Commwucation for lhc Exponent.

E' 1~ry OU•'t' lI1 a whif(' t:1r Exponent fl."l'Pive!> <'ommunication:-. ~ij?ne<l 1

• _\n

Alurunth, · · '·A ReadC'r, ·• '' .\ t'ub· 8crihrr '· and otber meti.ning-l<'~s name~.

The Expotll'nt i~ glad to recrin• a rt icle:;

~t:iginc- th(' affair by thr clo~e of thl'.' exprt~"sing -.tu.Jent opinion and iwll print

\·a1:ation. :--io far n11 im·itatiou.,. bl\'".' them if they are of current inrere:sr.

beC'n t~xtt'ndt."d . and S•lmr of th<' l1 igh How('\"'t~r. it i" of prime importuul'~ sl•hools at lea"'t :lr<' wondt•ring whC'ther tl1at th(' wr itt"'r sig-n his name to th"u

Friday .• hnuar.'- 111--Band entertai:1· it v.-jJI he held this y<'n.r or nnt. The !<1) th:tt the l'ditor nf the (lll(l<'r wW

Dll'nf, drill ball . writer kno~ thi,::; to he a fat•t. a" be know who the responsibilit.v of writi::i;:r

Prida,'i·. January 17-Boo,tns" <lane~. was quf'~t101tt•c1 on :o.('\·rrnl Ol't'asions th('m lies "~ith. This is n funiliunentnl

Colleµ-e drjll hall.. dur'n!? tht~ n1catiou iu re~ard to the rulr with all newspaperg and t.'Rnnot !)p

Frida~· •• Janu:u,y :;1-stag and n,,t." tourn:rn1ent :tnrl Wb('th('r it '\'•luld be departed from at ::t.ny timC'. [r is nnt

partit'~. ht>ltl this .'·ear or not. ahrny~ nC'ce-.. .. ar.v that thC' 11 :1me be pub·

Tlii:-. gr(':tt meeting-. of thr )ugh Ji,.,.ht•1l, hut :r j-; ab~·lluh•ly nl'N''"'~~ry The Consolidation of the Schools of ... t•hilOls eaeh year i~ one~ of tht.' hi:i that it bt• g-i,·eu hefore puhli..:atiun of

Higher Learning. thing ... of the inst:tntion and -.ihoul<l not an :trtide will he eonsiilerNi.

hr ;l1l 1wt••i to fall ~hor~ of thr ~tan.] Sul'h :HI artil'le wris rel"t~in•d tbi ...

Prohahly rhc nw:-ot inh•rr-;ting nrnn• :mi-... ~ct hy the two tournamt"'nh alrt"adv w1~C'k, hut it i ... impossible to print it

ment 111 r1>!:1tin11 to tltt~ 1•oll1•ge :ind hi•lrl. T·1 kt><'p it from ~1oinl! -"''· ther·,. until tht• nhl1q_• rult> hn:s been complied

otht'r hi~ht•r t>ihu•at onal in~titut on:- in nu he nr"I longer <ll·l:i~-. Thi• hig-'.1 \Yith.

the "IMt• that bas t•om1• up :lt nny tim~ "rhoni,. 11 ht• "'tate nni....t J.p ~h·eu in· Tht~ E'l'onC'u· woul1l likt~ t 1 nr!.!l' thar



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b thl• ou(' t'OO{'Nning tht> <' U"'-·:llt lation ' ati(ln .. to h<' rl'pn~:-t'lll<'•l. H th<' fa ~ tbt• -..tu•h•nh m:tkC' mort• u-.C' of th" Tell 'rlUr friend~ and s('e that the\·

oi 1ht• four :-.o·hoqls ot hig-lwr i.•:irurntr iii rim thne will h~· :t t Jnrname-nt nrn-;· p.1pt•r rh.10 h 1.., been the eu ... rnm in th." at:Pncl tJu ... one. bi::: peri11rm.rnc:t'. Re

t 1e ~tat•·. n.rn1el)'. tht' l n \"t•r .. tn·. th" ht "11t ont. and tbi,.. inusr hl• dnnt> a'" f"l"'I for 1111• ,1· ... 1._· 11 ....... inn of ... tu•lrnt pr11b· mt•mher, we only play onl' night .n your

Kt.UC' 1·ollt•~,~. the ""\orm:il 11111 th? 011 ~ 1'· Otlit•rl\1 ... l3 tht• iutt'rt•st amon;r l"m' th~t ,~ llllC' up from 1 mr r11 tilflt'. C'itv-thc polic<' wouhln 't ~tand for

~l'hOtll of )line-.. Tt is a hig prop·'~' thi·m will 1:1.!. .\ntl plan ... 1111i....r lit-' mail» :--;u h art it•ln :Hf' of iutt•rt•~t to ·he mort ..

tion n111l. likt• oth1•r .. of h mn~uit11'11•, hy thl' c•- 1 llt-~1;1 for raising rht• t"un.J" ... tudl•nt .... autl their friend", and t~1e \\\• l':1lll.' 0 l upon ·•Tht• II:iu-u1''' ti'l fix

ndmirs of ·1 l?Tt":lC dt3-:il of argumt•nt.. for t'.J<' llH'l't. for ti1(' hou"'inir of the papt•r ~.., ~l ld 0 rt'{'C'iYf."' tht•m. How- tht• prh'r of a<lmi~:-<ion, which will b~


BOZEMAN CAB CO. Automobile same as hack for

city calls

Home Phone, 132 Bell, 230-2




Commencing Saturday morn­ing, January 11, and lasting ten days.

Big cuts all down the line. See newspaper and handbills for details.

E. W. THOMPSON Four Chair Barber Shop

(~ucce!'st>r to F E. Davis) PLAIN AND TURKISH BATHS

Corner oi 1foin and Tracy. Ill'fore ir j,. put into ai•tu:il ht'ill.?, tht• now.] .. that ar(' U11m11l to ht> :n 91),.t•· l'\t>r, it "·ill" 11 :-;:i~· that to 'l'llli :l"·ti· t!lt' lllt'rC trifle of fifty l't'nts tn l""H'h

plan should bC' thnrouu:hh· thrt>-.h1•d out man ~r th:it tintt' and tht~ thou ... :111<l lit· l'h·~ with llll name ..,j~neil rn them :~ .. and t:'Y('ry indi\"'i1lual clt-~irin:! to entC'r

nnd all tht• flaws of th1• pl:tn brnue-hr tle det:til:- rhat an' art('ll•htnt UJl•l-n such 10 wa ... t+> timi> and P•>S~lg'l'. 1'h(' p.11 ... r th<.' main tent. l'omr t11t1i.!ht at "I

tll Jig-ht a:-. well :is th(' goo~l p•lint.-., Onl' a gathl"ring .• \t lea .. t, th1• ~vent "hnul•! t•:tn not anil will not print tht•m. o 'dock THE B . .\.XO Be~l'H. )('Ct ion~. a \~irgini:.1 reel l'Ontributing :t

thing i" ct~rt:1in. h1• talkrd up from now on in ordn M largr part of the amusem~nt.

That b, that the nc"· phn mean..; an ht• a sUC'e6-.. and the Exponent Wt)uirl BIG BAND CARNIVAL COLL.EGE QUINTETTE IS .\el·nnling to those prcs~nt . the affai r

t•normous fir~t nutla,· of mone.\· aml. ur~1"' that no further time be lost, bu~ IN DRILL HALL TONIGHT SECOND BEST AT BILLINGS w;i.;;; onl' of the most enjoyahlf."' held in

unlt'~s !hf' hill whi<'h 1t is un<lt"r-;to•>J tlrnt whtlM·rr j.., re ... p1Jnsiblf' fnr tht> first sen.•r:d ~·('ar::-. The gifts WC're all ap·

is to h1• prl~:..ented :II tl11-. :-.essiou of lllOYt' ('Ommrnl'P at onc·1• .'ln1l ('Yen" (t'ontinued fnim Pa:rt• Ont• pn'tpriatt'. an1l in this l'onnection it

the h~i:ri~l.tture, t::lD 1·arry, in aJidtion thin!? ht~ rlone from unw (In to make (< ninimH•il from Pa)! On(') ·hree- gamt'" on their trip. tht~y ~:tinetl might be well to mention thl~ gift,;; for

to tht> l'<JU~olidation. l'll•lUJ!h m.1nev in llll• · 'urn:unent tbi,., ,n::ir thr be-.t i.1 tun1~bt, it would re<1uire a "Pt't'ial C'tL :-nme inYaluallll' e:xperiC'nt'C'. t1111l Conch th<' on·lll'..:tra, the llH'n l'.ll~h get in~ ·1

rht• iorm of a 1wrm.t1tPut mill ta~ to r111

' ti"!•1ry ,,f the colh•gt' tion of tht• Ex1•11nent to haudll' tht"' ma• D,lck..,rntlN fet'i~ that it is Wt~ll worth "'Prig of nn~Tlt'tOt'.' and the w1lme:J

c 1rr.'· on the 1n«tituti1111 1 i j.,. cl•Jfllllt'd tPr. while. I· hall the effod of complett•l:· Pach an .\nteril"an bt"'aut:· rO'l'.'.. .\II the

to f:lilun•. ft. will he hi>ttn to l'.1rn· H ow About a Debate Emblem. t ·:1rpt~ntrr .... paintt•r:--, plumht>r~ auJ rrushin~ :rn.'- on•n•1mfol1•nt•t•, :1t th•' mt.'mh!'f:-. of tlw 11rch·~:-.tra . with 1rne

on tht• ~H'fmrate "chool ... ju'St '" thrY 1'1'•t•tril'ia1·1'"" ~'l\"~· heen wor~in,...:- nigh.I I ~amt:i tin1t• p.nJ\·ing- to tbt• Ji,1y-... that tht'.'. t•Xt·C'ption, \H'rt• prt'"~nt. :t11cl till':· 1lt'-




W. J. FRANSHAM PH01'.!~ 25

If you nre in the market for some Coal


Bear C'rel"'k sod ~oantain Home -lump and egg; wood and kind·


' ' e ha ,.e the best tovrn ..



li\·ery in

We are in a position to

furnish all tools necessary L

in this department and

will be pleased to see you . in the store looking them over.

Owenhouse Hardware Company

We still have a lot of

Fine Candies, Fruits and •

other good things to

eat at


Sugar Bowl Opposite Lyric Theatre.



art'. :tnd thu:-. haYe th1• fll"~•·nt ... ,·:-;tt>m Th ii l1.1te '-P.i...ilu ha-.. nr \·1•rl anl nntl 1l:n· 1l11nnu the p:i:-.t h'\\ \\t•ek-; i.:111 ph\ 1111!..!111~· Q"i1Hl ha"kl•th·tll wht•n rlarc>1i. tht~m:4t'ln•..; t•un:ph~tt·ly ~:ni~fit>·l1 oi l11ghi•r f'dnt·atinon in t t' !..;t HP th.in t IC'rt~ 'l't'llis lo ht• llh:- luh'i.' n11 1nt 1•r('st gert U:.! 1 ~It' '-!r nrn1b int., -.Ji-1p1•, .rnd a1 ·h1~y r.·\. T'H'tr 1ll•frn~• 1-.., -.r: 11.:.:. ;11111 that t Jt>Y h l•l rt'Ul.lint•tl t•n~r for rh,•

to makt' pof,·tt•l•bnic u~h "1'110 i-. nut i·rn t'<'tel with t11:- fo1u1 if :t('t \lt,. '" .u 11•11li1u", u11Jn.l111,.., ''Lltf!t \' n 1.1t~ we1 111• ..... ,.s ti!' to1 ha-;ty l'·:--.. iu;: fandtv trt•1•.

f thr 111·1' .. l'lll 111-.ti· llwn ... anol e ... t1LIJ .... 1 ·hi ... '1v1r Unly a h.in<lful •lf .. tu•li'nt· ... it' and t1111 h11! a hnrr: "ll'U tn,,11tr f. r :....--------------'!l 1L <'ull"•>lilla f'I uni,,~r ... t\ "t1our -.ur \\er• r r rhf' fn• ... bm:1n ... n11h11mo1c .\rtt•r tr !!r n•l t'1rt·u~. in ... ~l'ad llf th~ 11 t 1rl• '>ubwcr to 1·!i11unui1n .rntl CROSBY-\\TILD.

fit t•nt tu:i1b to m1k1 t'Jp nlll' Iii~ 11 u t'" I 1 tn·onr-. J',1r tle in·en)llt•.:i ll\ -! thl• u-.11d 1•,111t·ert. "''\\Ill 1,,,., 1·orrc•l''l•lll I•\ 11irth1•1 tr!l tlltl-!. -- Th J & H I \ .... litu i 11 (If hi:.d1.1•r lf',IPll?J!! l n•.tlh fH.! I ,... 01J{t•:-.t... h~n f' :i-.: t•" 111•1 fl !it·lcl .1ud I :t ..!1 llltl ( arUl\ al Dant t' ,\ I l'Xtr l I .l1111111 .\un111. •ht• l'olil'!.!l' .!...; olrl :-.tar ,\ \\ 1••l1l1ng ot nrt~rt:' .... t t11 l llllt"..:t> pC')· 1 e en an e 811

1 u...,1•ful 111-.t1t11tiun. F·nm ·hp PX aidhu ltt!lt• f·tnnl11n~Ji1.., 11part~nt· 1'!1:-irg1• f•" tl11-. t•ntt•rt.unmt~ut. .t11tlc.tp!tnnfthefi\l,,W:ha .. pN't.ltllr pit• t11uk pl.he .on Dt:>lt'mlwt 30, ]!IJ~. 1" r·l'111•1· .... of tlw p.1-..t ~ •lJ'l r13nt th1· g-.w11• .l1m · .... principal i·r111dsm ! "ht•u ~Jwn<'rr 'r11,;;Jn·, 1!11' ""rtdu:ltt~ Up-to-date Livery 1h ti tl11~ !.,!Ti .. l! l!l'('•l (11 L1 ... 'p .. I 1:-.· \\ h to tile t•ffrl't th.H l -.hot :tr till~ I 'r th1• ph.lrlll:l('_\ ilep.trtlllt' ir, wa ... Ullltt' l and A.utomobile llJtiou-. f..., tu 1•1-.. 111.1 li ...... on(' of 11' h .. l,;l't or h ll·k .. ttlp 1-.. JU"t .1:-. :?m1tl .t.... tu "1~111,ll'k rn \f1-. .... ~f.tu t' W J.l tH' Home Phone '.!:-)4.l B~ll Phonl~ ;-;

f" tiiul!:-. tint\\ I lw Dt('<'.,. .... 1r. l•lt $18.75 ,, p ... ,., ton 1 10 ... t•h .?Uilr•lt"l 11u111. no \\"hit' '""'nlpb 1 :'-'Jrll.! ... at ·11• honu oi

:i.n uormill'l .uuouu of UIOllt.'V ~ill ln• 111:1lt1•r frHu wlut po:->.ition. lH' 1 ·11)1 ·,.,pa l'lt ... . ).{r. a111i \[r,;;. l't '' 1

11'rttl ' 11

·llll!Ur1t th• J•l.rn .rn.J, r1

(l'h·1s. II. llr.qwr, fllllllNly t'•litor or" \\'i),J. ol th.lt l'i:tl·e. Tht• \\1~1ldinl! w:b

r~ rtr•l "ut 1'"" pl:1111u••I. •lll l'Uorm11us TAKEN INVENTORY tht• Exp•lllt'O'. wa ... :iJ:-,\ prt> .. Pnt. an I a q1111•t hnmt• :1tTur, :iftt whfr 1 \tr.

nmnuul \\II hl• 11p1•t• ... ..;:1ry for th1• up f11n1rt'·l till• pnp1•r wirh tht• :ilicne -;tory aud '.\tr .... <'•·1,,.hy departt"d for Bi).!" Tint

kf't•p nf the• st I•• 1•11111•11ti 1al ... ,.,.t,.m W f d h • h h L S t•f tht' ~:11111•.-Ed.) ht>r, wh1•r1• )lr. ('rhln hn" p ..., 1• 011

It ,, ar~'""l tlwt 1 ,, pl.rn will "" e Ill We ave many SUltS SUC as t e ystem "ith ht• c;,,1'.an Drn,.: \ "" "" 01


"on'"'' "1

in th,, ,.,,J "''1

'""' •h,• for the colle!!"e man, which we are placin!!" on SALE I FACULTY CHRISTMAS 1'1"""·

WE R1':-pt~ctiuli) bid for 1

·your tra1le·, nod will trt'tlt you f. r T·

~raft• wdl ... - ',~ 1 br,!l' amoun'" oi .... .... TREE PROVE 8 SUCCESS \l · ..... t ro:-hv w" 10,· o~ tht• m ):'t

monp\· "" h ,.,,or hv <'lit n~ out <iul'P f $18 75 C • d h t:d1•1 , .. J .rn•I l''J•t1lar ,., 1111.: l.uli•' «i GALLATIN LUMBER "'"""· ''"'" '" ,·,, i·.·,,"1,,1,. '''"'1,, ,,, ,,,.,_ or . . ome man try t em on. / i1·1 I

_ ,-_, 1 ft' ~ll phur Spriu:..:~ •• ind Jurin!! th~

dif'mistry, th" ':"'t.'J1'u1·1• .. , t·t·· .\Jipar (t llltim1t•cl from P·1g-r Onr yt•ar,.; '!• 17 l•l 1!111..; atrt~nih~d ~fout.rna I COMP ANY ~1itl:·. this will ht• s•l .• 1lthrmu-h d nw-.t L-SYSTEM I w I h' l L -SYSTEM first puhl1'" a1.warnnl'l' nf th1• or~anL~o1 t'tah· i·. l1•:i('~ 1:1k D,1! :-pC'clal work in Phone ~O w rt•mt•111h1•n•1l thar rh•· p1ilyt1,d1ni·· STORE a s s STORE tion. :1wl tht> imprt•-... ... iun that was tn:tJP ho111t l'<'un•111lk:-.. '..:=====:;::==::::====~

..,cbooJ, wonlit h:1\·t• to h1• ('"\rt•<l for ou ~I J k h · I :d thi"'"' 1imt• wa~ one th.n it will t·tkf" · r. t rn .... 1,,. too - t e two \t'ars 1•riur .. 1"' -- __c__ __

of 111t' -.r.1 l' mnn('y-., :-lnr(' t 11•\· 1r1' l ;1 long time to forget. Sit•li"<'tion~ from rn phum.h·y. g-ra.inatin;? Hl 1910. 3!1•l

h(' 8

pnt ot tht' -.t Ir f'h1('·1·i la1

... , ··Thr Ynnkf'<' Cnn"ttl"' nnrt. '·~f!':-; .\ii "in\!(' that time hn-... ht't'n rni!:l.:1·l in/ \VHO ' S tern .\nd tht• 1•0-..t of 1 il .. inl! flr ~hi•:" I 1

k · tf ·r . h That you 1 tiqur'' ·wt'r(' playl'<l. :in1l hrou,L?ht fort ti pr:\('t t•a wor. in it.· "".n 1_1:irt:- ut t e I

w1 I ht• do"t~ to lh:tt of t' .trlDQ f•H tlw I l

'"'"''I '<'hools of hil(her lrarn n' " FOR XMAS---ESPECIALLY MADE FOR COLLEGE murh "PP1""'0 · 'tatl' .. il'' wa~ I'"'''' <'Ill nf !ht' !'bar- "TH E p ALM " the J•rt'""t'nt time. ln ~l'ldi1ion t1) ~In". Calendars with College Seal·, Xmas Cards, e1'ght de- Pre:-;idt>nt lfamiltnn eamplimt'.'ntNl m:~c<'11t1eall SOl'H'ty in,. h1s --~·nlo r year.

the "t~Ht• will h:l\(' to 110 n ''ft'at •IP.II I the orche!>tra on their ~p!('ndid work, au wns a ways pNm1nent tn boo~ting i!--l the plact>, ~t 1~ E. ~luin, whert

" signs, with College Seal. New and 01·1'g1.nal. anal statpd that he ronsidered that the 1 •h•' rollege. vou "an find the hl''t of hu!i for thl• Oil<' Iar.::~ nni\'er:-.1t.'~. $,1 ti11~ I l' k 1r1 h · d f h oralle Chocolatt':s, madt;> in thE

A I I. f p S f d p m. oney that wa~ CXJlrnded a long this ·ran ' g t, 3 hHme r stu_ •nt.o t e ~ l'XJ>en"t' will b(' :1.-. high :1:-. bPfof\', if ffiOSt C0ffip ete tne Q ennantS, car S an illow 1Jne to he a~ Wf'll in,·ested n~ nay thaL Ct1! Jege, attended the weddtog ID the fine~t and mo~ ~anitar_r f:tdO::')

nu hl~ht.~r. and if th(' me:i..,ure pa .. 3es I C JI · ecJ 1 . . b in ~ontana )linerva ('ho"·•lat1

hi overs, a pnc ow. the college bad ['\·('r spent. I capacity Ol. est man. -hittl'r SWPt"t; Yenu~ Fi~ Cock At t :- mrt•ting of tht~ IPgiF"l!ltur\", ir I tnil~-nature's nectar; l1nrnon1 shnu1d bt" ~eeu thal 'at •orra•". _. 1.11 ,·t l Refreshment,;, consi~ttng of s.pples, I

..._ ...... n • PH d A ... ~rted Frult::_i iu ~fn.r;t:;d1;111 ~uf(i('jent money~ M pro,·ide aga·ust ILLIPS' BOOK STORE ci e r, doughnuts and popcorn ~alls were Girls at the 0. A . C. nre rece iYiog wint~: Pandora. ('hoeolate--":-twi~ haYiog one -;econd .rate ~chool in place. passed around, and the entire party regular lnstrucHons i n swimming.


mtlk. (hrnranteed und•~r

of oie,·eral :~11 rat\"d Yery highly. I The Store of Useful Gifts procreded to make merry while indulg· 1· .. food and drug act, Jun e- 30,

Th . I I ing in them. Immed.iatel)' after this, A_t Oreg. on .a paJama parade ma.de a. I e rial Xo. 41004. is s lUt one oJ tl numher of point-1 b

/ the o rche tra played !;e\·eral dance se· decided bit wit the co-eds. I

Page 3: llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have

THE WEEKLY EXPO:'.\J:::'.\T FRIDAY J_\XL\.RY 10. 1913

Talie Advantage of a Bargain d · d let us sell you a Suit or Overcoat and we will give you a pair

anf cotmefrm anW e selling lots of Suits to the college boys under this sale. o pan s ee. e ar I

The c11lh·~e ;.?rt.'t'D hou .. , .... h.l\(' Uet>O fh ... urisbiog chriu~ the past tW•J week ...

and are pre~eutin£? a sight well worth "'eieng. A profu!'ion of tlnwer:oo are ;!l bloom and p resent n most beautiful ap· pearanee . Elwin G. \\food ha!'l bad general charge of the bou:-e~ Uuring th~




LUMP EGG NUT Both Phone• Frank Kyle, Agent

WHY NOT YOU? The member~ af the college hand ha\·e I "I


been meeting .,.ni"~' thi• w•·~k . m•k·l l CERET ANA MEANS QUALITY r R HAR-RIS~ ing pbns for thr big ent11rtah1ment l H • • ' the.'' will gh·c tnnl~ht at t he co llcg• IN FLOUR ANO ROLLED OATS; TRY THEM TODAY

t!•••••••••••••••••••llll~~~~~~~~~ _""2or".,.,..,-(•••ma•••••mi5 drill hall. .\ccordiu~ to the member~ II &AW: ¥&1@\i of that H\"C organization. the e\·ent to· THE BOZEMAN MILLING COMPANY nig-bt will be one of the be~t r\·er -----------------------------_,.

the tailor

COLLEGE NOTES f 0 li:>..!13

f Jlirl, born

•, of B1llJri~ ... '"pent ifs J rent!I ue.ur \f



1 iorullent 11'

n Bo?.1' 11:t11

CUT OUT THIS ADV Bring it in and we will allow you 40 cents on the price of any BBB Pipe in our case.


staged at the cnlle~<'. and sb~nild draw l large crowd of college people.

Thomas. Pieret>. wb1\ has hf'cn a ..;tu­

dent of the pr1•paratory department, let't Tlrnr:-;clay for l 'alit'ornia. whc>re he "fill atteud :-.rhool ancl whl'!'e. with hb mothC'r, he will make hi~ future home. .\fr. Pierce W!t'.'i a member of the prep <lf'bating IC''Llll, :rnil hi~ plal'e has Ll'en takt>n hy Tnlbott Tlwmp~,)ll .

plat 1~ ht"' w:h t.it· o,!l.t'"f of .Tohn B. Ta t J A meeting- of thC' Do('~ w:1s cnlll?·l to

a thP bona• of thE' JattC'r·~ parenl:-.., order yestn<lay, at whieh timt~ ft'JHlrt~ H1•\'. au•l \fr .... Tait, of .\nal'onda. Bodi of cnn11nith•llS W('>rP hPnr1l an1l further Among- the eollt•g-e studPnt"i who were J

presC'nt at the ~nme hefw('en the college rt'turnt_·;l to tht•ir i·ollege work )fond.iv I a~range.mrnt..; m:uh• fur tht• part~· tl~" and the Tripl e B .!' Ht Hilliugs on De· afternoon. girls will huld on I h~ last ilay of th1'1 cember :20 were Rr1.'' Bowlen. \\~illiam

-•!·- month. O"('onnor, Leo \\'a.llu.1•e unU t~race Oli·

Prt' .. tclf'n H~unil'OD spent the greati•r - •!•- ,·er of the frc>!:lhmnu rlass; Carl )for-part CJi tln• ( hrit ... tmas \':t1•atiou in :'.\It ... j Al~err t'. ~waiu. "L), lrft D1..•ec-mb~•r gan anil Perey Kolb of th11 ~ophomnrc> s~rnI:i. ,\-here ht• was the gue:-.t of Profe:-. j :?!I tor Ln:-; .\ngt•les, where he '"~i!l l'las"". anrl Ra.'· tlenrge. l'ormer stu-snr Frf' leriek El Nd of the un;x·•r- spPnrl thf" ri•1o.t of the sth•iol yrar with dC'nts of the eollr~I! wlw wen• present

... itr Wb lt"" in )f "soula, l'n>-.11h•nt i.;.., mother, who. \\"t•nt there in .~earc!i were Charles JI . Draper, 'I:!, .James T.

H'ltn Jton •t•lrlr1.• ..... ed tlw ~t:\le Teachrr:-1' f~r he:l.lth. Hr was a ~tt~llrnt. tn th·:- .\nuin, '11. E1lgar \\".Allen, 'JO, .lnhn a-.-.nl'1at o11. He ,ds<J :lttt•n1k1l tht> mel't· l11ology tlepartnu•ut anrl In thl' short I B F II ·1- 1 W'TI D t' ·

1 l t. time that he was here m:11le_ a host of f.·

1 arrc • ex· .J, tlllf

1 1 :1Ut u ·

in~ t t w st· t 1 1·1r1 o 1..•ilueati'rn In . . . 1 ed.

• ).fr. ~wain will tnkt• up work in th11 On Xew Year·~ clay. at Lewistnwn,

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Ci\"il, Elec t rical and Mechanical Engineering, :\Iechanic Arts, Agricultnrr 1 Dairy, Horticulture, Domestic Science, Industrial Chemistry, Economic Biology1 :Mathematics, Literature, For­estry, Pharmacy, ·Music and Art.

Beautiful grounds, eommodiuus buildings, complete wood and iron ~~~ps~rt":te::ii~·.e laboratories. model kitchen and sewing rooms, muti ie

J .. M. Hamilton, President BOZEMAN, M ON TANA



Flint-Lynn Lumber Company 101 E ast Mai n Street Phone 82

Helena on Dt'Cf'mbi•r :..!:;. I friend~ who will n•gn•t 111s ab:;ent•1>. 1 - •!•- I

-•.-- raihn1\· mail sen·i<:e until next fall. Tl1t' fir ... t mP11tir111 tlwt ha:-< ht>f'n ma•fo when ·hf' t•xpects to retnru here. Mont.. \\'111 S. lfoung- and !\ l is~ Rutn ::...------------------------------1

reJ!urchn~ tlw tonrnanwnt wa'{ ma<le U" - ·:-- Berry were quietly m::i.rried by Uc,·. -------------------------------

1>11nnc tht' var-ill u he ,utft•n• 1 y p.lintu! in.fun 1 onl' of ht ... l1•rr ..

t J r, llL:l n ou

·:· {' cit' w , .. I!' 111•rally 1Je~1·rteil dur­he holltla\~ :-:en•r.d of the stu

rcturn1•d t'url.\', among them b1•· f'rHil \\", !'-'rhnmadll'r, Edward LL , Alt red M. Eberle and Rowland

-.s('~ Ruth Sw1•:1t and Amelia Stan­topperl on•r in Helena for the in­-.ll ball )1ond::ty night. \Vbile in apltal l'ity they were the guests of !l[ur~a Ri<lUell.

roltl ~olberg wa~ emplored by the m Drug t'vmpany of B:g Timber g the holirlnys. He was taking 11lace of Spencer l'ro.~by. who::.i,e

the- m.._•e-r:n~ of thl· lntl•r:-;l'hob~t11· Ath- \\·. B. Yl•sbl stall'~ that work is "\\fright of tht> Prr~hyterian l'irnreh.

h•ttc asodatiun at ~fi..,soula during the coming nicely lHl thi~ ~·par·~ ::\foutanan. ::\{r. and :Urs. Young left at nnee fer

bQ!i<lay!'. At thb time a committN!• but he is :inxiou., to recci,·c hits 011 their new bomC' at .\laiUC'n, )font., ~Lt con:-<isting 11f Prindpals Parkin of Gal- students and local ,iokes that may he which place )fr. Young is mining "I

lruin. K<-lley of Butte, nnd Profe'-lsor used iu the publication. Xo troub!c gineer in ebarge of the '?l fcGinnis ~cGough of )fissoula. was appolntetl to has been experienced in the other de mines. :\Ir. Young took hi~ fre hm:rn

cc,nfer with Pre .. ident Ifamilton as u partment of the book up to the present w ork at }fontana State, afte rwar<! 1he matching of the teams in the gaml's time. graduating from the School of Mines, to be playerl. - •:•- and has since followed his profession.

--:·- Professor w. F. Brewer has been ili )fany eolege people will remember :\fr. sim•e \Vedne~da:· and during his ab· Young and v.-i sh both Mr. and ~\Irs. seucc his classes have been taken care Young much happiness.

At the meeting of the Declamatory club of the prep ~department, held Thursday morning in ~:Iisl3 Cantwell 's room, the declamatory contest, which is to be held ln a~sembly hall on Thurs­day evening, January 30th, was the subject of di~cussion, and many signi­fied their intention of C'ntering. A trial contest will be held to decide who

- ·:--of by E. A. Dudd.'·1 who was formcdy The work of the orchest ra has pr oveJ

with the English department of the so satisfactory tha.t it is expected that college, but has recently been city ed· they w:ill appea r in an assembl.'· numbc 1•

itor for the Daily Chronicle. - •:•- soon. U nde r the leadership of Frnrl

Lois Hartman, 'Of, spent the holi- Jackson, it has increased by leaps and


Of buying your Shoes



It will save you money

J. H. HARRIS & CO. bounds until it is now one of the lead­

days in Bozeman with her parents, )[r. ing musieal organizations 00 the hil l. mt.>ntiuned In another cl•l· wll1 enter the final, and )ft"$. Herrick and )[rs. l'ha!:'t'. S. Hartman. )Iiss ~for· ----------------

will as:3bt the students and. coaeh them jor~'· Simmons of ::>alt Lake, was }.Iiss [t had had only nine rehearsa ls when I ---!--

· d r H t . t f l k it plavcd at the faculh· Christmas tre.e lll € n-er:·. ar man~ gues or tie two we:

19 · and a.t that tim<' it pl~veil without th~

- •:•- hoth yon11.; 1a•l'1..~ returning to :--a t. . · .

I director a la rge part of the tune. It 1s Lake on aturda.'·· January 4-.

tfe ~ ... flr F (_ .. 'now lrn.i.; been CQn­

to his homt" f11r the pa!-il few w. th a Sll\·ere l' 1ld .11111 attack of

ippe, hi-; rla:f••t.'s lta ve been ex-

An item of intere~t to the> college dur- --:-- planneJ to ha,·e the membt~r'!'I remain I ing the holidays was the ac·tiun taken )fonclay and Tuesday were regi~tra- o\·er for commencement in the spring

by the Interscholastic Athletic as~ocia- tion tlays for tlH' sei•ond :-emt>~ter uf and thu~ make thr orche:-.tra a prnm­

tion. in regard to the statu!i oi Albert the ~hort cour ... e in agri<:ulture. :\lo;;t iuent part of the <'Ommencement exer­I to all. Hop;ng all had a pl••~ wbo is ?11 Esp, who i" ateuding the Sweet Grass of the old students ha\·e rt•turned and cises.

county high school. 'the Hweer Grnss - ·:--1'ctfJn in a<ldititJn t~n new nu:•rnber~ :1r<' en · 1 '\\"ll d E , k' 1 f D b , 1

y high ..,t_•fwoJ, rPturnNl to C'hOl'- school wished to pla)' him in the tl)Ur- rolled in the C'our~e. kP\'('ral oth<"rs ' ~r . -"-t rns e t crcm er ~~

ant vacation and came back ready for work. If your

last , -rlttmlay, aff1.;•r :-.p<>nding the nament and de~ired to know hil' ~tat tis. ha,·e ~ignified their intention of em:oll for Ch1engo, where he has enrolled 111

ty'.'I "·ith rt>htivPs and. friends in 'l'he association decicle<l that Esp \\·as ing within the Ut'Xt few dU\':-.. the law department of the Cni,·er:sity ,f Hozen rn. entitled to pla~· ioter!'t'holastic baskf't· - •:•- · I l'hil'ago for the re~t of his 1:olleg"'

_ ·:0- ball. as he had been n member of the Tl d f 1 1 cour~e. \\-hile enrolled at the l'Olleg·• college team through a mi~interpreta· . te .se('on term 0

t ll'.' ~ wrt ~our)o,e he was connected. with a host of iute•·-frien11 of Hilmer L. Dahl, Ill agncnltnre opened ~Ionda\· Wlt·h :tc

-were .., ry to hear that he was tion of a collegiate rule Uy the col·' enrollment that wa.., much 1,;r er tlrn.'1 e<.;ts that will l"uffer from his lC'a\'in~. tc><l 011 for appt~nriidtis during the legt>. The rule states th:.it a man ~ball that of the first term. Thi.' ~nnk <lf He was the pre~ident of the debating

It is expecit•d that he will be carrying tweh-e credits of ('ollege this course i-; pro\'ing ver_,. popular couneil, manager of the ba~ehall team, tu he here work. and 80 Esp, as a member of the among the young men of the !:)tale who substitute quarter on the football team.

f1n:ll t"xnmin:ttion~. preparatory department, was ineligible ha,·e not the time for the longer col· winner .of the hal.f m~lc at . the ~ual to play in college athleticg. legiah) cour-;1.;~. anil the Cf)Ur~e is doinO' meet wtth the umn•rs1ty ta~t sprmg,

\\"illi:un-.. 'JI, who i!-1 office - •:•- some \'ery gootl work. Fred IJ. Dis'.">l; an~ winner of ~econd P.lnce in the ora·

Tt·J, the Flathead irrig~··on of the junior cJa.,s, i~ rir1t·i al of thi'.' j tonca l l'ontest Ja~t sprinj:r. He lea,·e~ 'lll<l ri-.ing in th1..• "'t'rdl'<" of )fr. and :'.\Irs. \\"ellington .:\fo:dey nf school.. p p :t host of friends who all wi~h hiin well

F:.eattlr. with their bnby daughter, are in bis new work. .. tft>deral u-on•n1m1•1n, "PL'llt l'hri~t- spending the we('k h£>re at .\[r . .\[o'.'..- - ·:--

• 'n Bozl•man at his lh)lll(', le,·'s old home, hi'{ fir~t ,·isit in St'\·en )fr .... r·ua B. llt:'rrick was on(' of th.'.'

:·- ·'·~ar::. Thi:-: is .\[rs. )IoxlC',\''s fir ... ~ ,·i-.it I r_rindp'.11 "fll'~kN:-; ~t a llll'€':ing of _ti~·· ""°' Thurpt'. 'UT, wh11 l~ tt•:1d1i111: in iu Bozt:>man. )[r. )foxley i:-. a g-r:idt:atl' • ~tate frilnut1on of won11·u s rlub:-. 1:-i

uhiil' ..... ·honls of Og1lt•n, Ptah, n• of th1• n:tll:uin l'nun~y high ·whnol and I Helena ~four.la.'·· .\[r..;. llerriek spC'nt

d to Ol;{d1•n Ja ... r ~aturilay. att1•" a wa ... a wl'll know11 stuih•nt tu thl• .\J, ll· thC' greater part of lhC' d:.ty tht~re. r1.• Wt>t>k"' n~it "i•h relati\es aH<l


rana ~t:ltt' (·u.llt'g-l' for a n•ar or l. wo.


turning "\fon.cl:i~· aftl'r•.10011 .. Ih•r "'l.•l't1 clt tb n Bo eman. \\hile in l'''lle~e la> \\:ls adivt~ in f1Ml- hat.I to d<l with a pnrtwn ot th<' hill lo College Team is H aving D ifficulty in

---:·- IJ;tll and othN nthh•til·s. au•l at...·l ~,·on he pn~ .. t'ntl•d to the legi:-.hture at th" Getting Championship Games.

,.. ... Hg•'~\, H· 1"t'\P)1

"Pl'llt th .. l'hr."t· di ... rin<:tion a!' the winut>r of a 'i'~;; 11riz1• .al-.1'1• n in \\"hlrt> Sulphur ~J1riu;!, offt>red h:f tht> f'nlh•:rt• Expimi·ut for thn

( v ..\t•'l.1· 111.la. \\"ll'l1• n till' lutt1·r bt•~t shurt ... tory. .\ftt.•r 11..•a,·in~ 1:1•~<"

c11ming st· ... ~iou rN;anling tht.• submf ...... io11 or· an ::uuendment to th1• 1•01htitutiou pr..-n·iding fur C{tll:d suffra~.w.


:lTTLE MORE 'LE 11rin• lhat'" within tht> rt>a~·h ot all

man :\[r. 2\f.ixl('\' :l.trt>u1fr1l t.h1• Cul\ t:r

~irr of ,,~a~hington at :--itclattit' for .1 L y R J C yt•ar, an•l thert• took work in journal·! ism, :11111 also playe1l foothall. I!tl h ~t •

present r-nnnt>t'h'•I with the --trrf't r:dl· High Class


and v.~ay system of l-lenttle.-Bozema•1 j f'hronicle. Moving





Mines are Out

~,1ml• ilifiin1ltiC' ... arP ht•iu:.. had i!1

1 he arrangl'llll'nt of till' ll'lskt' lrnll !-il'hetiull' a!?uin thi-; ~·t':1r. It w:i"

thontrht tht1t a nu111ht'r of g-.tnll' .. l'dt1l1l he .lrrang-C'1l with t('nm-. \\'l~:st of hl·r~.

hut ~u far answ1~r~ ha\'11 h1•en rt.'l'PiH"ll

to onh· .nue of thr ldtC'r-. writtl'll for gnmt"s: and tliut W:t"' an unfa(·or:1hlc 11t1e. Ifo\'."C'\·n, it is pos~ibh• that the othrr rrames planned on can be ar·

ranged. The gam<' that was sdn",lnle1l to bt­

playe<l in Bozf'm:lll with tht:> Oregon ..\grirultura1 (•nllf'g"t' lrn1l tn be al>:~n­

doned owing to !ht• fact that the On•

watch, clock or jewelry is out of repair, we are ready and pleased to serve you.


I Leslie E. Gage Jeweler and Reg istered Optometr£ t

Bozeman, .Mont.




Capital Stock ........... $150,0~ll.OO

I Surplus and Profit~ ... ~.10,0110.GO

GEORGE cox, Cashier B0Zl'ma11 - -:\Contaun



Office M ichigan Bldg.

Suite ~o. 17. Bozeman, Mont



Rooms 1 and Story Block

Phone 46 blk. Bozeman, Mont.



Golden Rule Blk. Bell Phone 97 bllr.

DR . W . C. D AWES.


Office and Resi1lenct? ~01 S. Third

Phones-Bell 49 l red-Rome ~962

Bozeman, )fontaua.



Ten per cent di::1coount to student-:1 Commercial Xa.tional Bank Bldg.

Bozeman, Montana.



Post Office Block. Bozeman, ~font




Bozem:in, - - Montana


AT'fQR)."EY Nl' L.\W

I Suite ;:; Uallatin Block

Nelson Cab Co. Oldest and most reliable in

the City

' Cabs for weddings, parties

and funerals a specialty Bell Phone 273 Home Phone 1962


PHOTOS gon in,tirution catll'ellet! its trip WILLIAM H. WATSON'S through ~loutanu, <lnl' tu ~umt' riifficul· Pictures, Stories, Lectures Dramas WOOD COAL

button, gun metal button aufl ,her,

Price $3.50

tHOLSON'S SHOE STORE .. et us do your &boe 1 rep..-iirin~


Gold and Blue On Crane's Highland Linen


The Gallatin Drug Co. The Drug Store On The Corner

ties tbn.t wcr1..• b1..•111g expcrit_'rlt.'l'J. .:.\ · • Thf' 1 nn~1•nsn~ 11f prt''.'I" npi11ic)l1 of

tran .. Jing or~n.nization from D11kota ha~ !:~tl;)r:· 1 ~~~\~1 :','.11~~~ ,~~~';'~l.k~~J?th~'t'~~t·~~tt;~ LUMBER written for Jate~. but thl' date :hkl•d rnn~tN of :ni nnd litt>r..itnn•. Highlv I t'or conflict~ with somC' that l'n~H!il i•1strm-Tiy1 illu•' inati1~g and ,.._•r.' "'·nn· - 0 0-

~t::!"~:~ h~~~~'~"~:;.d on havin!( fill .~~~~~. 1-o.,ks. Jo:ach picture a work o( j KENYON-NOBLE An<l, to further mix matters up. as I ART SCHOOL PUBLISHING I

,ret the eollege i• uncertain of .rny COMP ANY LUMBER COMP ANY games to decide the state ch:i.mpion-ship. The &hool of Mrncs has wut- Z317 M ichigan Ave., Chica~o . U . S. A. I ten saying that they will bn,·e no bas- 320 W est M ain St .

ketball this year. This leaves th t' or not to ha \•e basketball this ·;ea r. ---------------­state college champion ship between t he In the case they should decide not to I the season, things have gone from bad

college and the university, and the Inst have it, it will be a nothe r cast> of to worse, and it is not known at the

that was hea rd from the uni\·er ity was having the championship banded to thf" I present time just how the season will

in ~ovembcr . At that time they wr ote college. I end. H owever, it is Pxpected that a

that the da t es submitted by the rol· So tt no w seems rather discourag· schedule '9.•ill bo arranged shortly 3nd

lege we re satisfacto ry, b ut they had I! ing in basketball. From the brightest· a number of games aecured with i nde·

not at that time decid ed on w hether possible p rospects at the beginning o f j pondent organizat ions if none otber jJ.

Page 4: llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have


BOYS See our $25.00 Suits we are offering to you for only

$19.50. You cannot overlook this opportunity.



Basketball===hv Bob .\it Pr : H' hol da:·,.. .:tml :t rt'"t ot, tW1.l

"·t·ck~. pr:1cti<.'t.' ht'j?aD Tut•""d:\~--, 'Ihre~ lt•:un,. rt'JK1rted ;111J bl'i!~lll work ior tht•

statt' game,... :E,·en aftt•r _'hi! rit,..t, th"

men an• in t.•Xcl'lll"nt <'l'IJhhtion nnd _nr!"

Yalinnt work for ).! . S. l' . Ro~~ w.-i.;:­

lht• purtieular ~ hining light fo r tho bht•"'

an1l ~old. leading hi5i tC'am mates with


We have everything m ery, Pins, Rings and Fobs. fore going elsewhere.

College Pennants, Statio See our line of goods b



THE HUB---"How.ard's" Ed and Lou Howard, Props.

lnving- much bettt.'r h:dl tbnn betore ;ht; trip tn the t':t..;tt."'Tll part nf tlH•

:-mt...• during th<' ('l\rl;.,. par1 id" llN't.'lll·


torn.I of nine poin t ~. H is work in throwing foul~ wa~ pnr t ieula.rly good.

EYcr~· one of the f r ee throws be at· I t1•mpted added one more to the colrege -----------------------------...:&l ~l·ore. __ .,.,-------------------..,....--------••

)Jax Wilcomb playeJ b;• fiT't gam MAKE YOUR CHOICE NOW FROM THIS LINE 011




Gives that distinction, style and individuality that we claim for all our work

SCHLECHTEN'S STUDIO Makers of Fine Photographs.

The High Class Barber Shop for College Men TUXEDO BARBER SHOP

C. A. McINTYRE Michigan Building



\\",ir.t h ... lil'''n h'l't'in•,} :r••Wl tl1t• d thl• :-t'11"11u. arriYing in Billin~..; the

)finl'"' th:ll their ~d1t"•lnlt.• 111r tht year \'' 1·ninJ! 1d tht.• game. Althou)!b rat he!" Thi" i-.. -.omt•wha "l'"lk fr 1lm 1.1 rt'l'ent lne:-:8. ht' played

h:1-: he('n c:dli'll t.lii (It :t di~:11'po utment to tlh' l.'nlkc:l'. a~

tlH•Y l''.\j~l'l'tl'•i tht> ).tin1.'r:- to hl' n•prt.'· ~en~l'd hy .'.\ stto111.t fi\'t.' thi:- ~·t•:tr Thi~ h•a\·l's thr Yar!-'it,· ns the crnly dth~r Cl1lh.·µi:1ll' aggregation in the ~tate. _\r·

rnngl'nJt•nt:- arr n1nY bi..•in~ made with the n11111ll!!t.•meut uf 1he l:nin•r:-:ity team

hut ddini11:• date~ for thl' ~:unes are

not yt.•t :;ettleJ.

The trip to the en-.;tt'rn p1trt of tbi!'I

~tate and .Xl1rthern ''"soming. tnken h.v

the collt'.',ll'l' quintette just heforC' the

holida~· ntention. pro\"l~a rather unsu1.··

ce .. ~ful ~11 far as winning games wa"

com•NnC't.l Games were plnyed with

Cowley. Lo\·eJI nnrl the fnmou~ Triple

B ·~. Tn t he fir:-;t two contest$ tbo

college ml'n seemed rather tired after

their Ion~ trip. and dill not piny up

to their U"ual st:rndnrd. Both of the

'\yoming a~g-reg-ati11n ... . hoWl'\·er, were

:rn P'.\t'l'lt•nt l!ame during- the h:tlf.

.\Jtlwugh 11!:1_,·ing again~t one of th•"'

11t''l forw:1r1b uf tht' :-tate ill ) (arkham,

(iosnrnn wa:-; tipinl to the ttt"'k, and kept I hb man well. guarded 1luri~g th~ game.1 n111l found tuue to adtl -.;Ix pornt,,. to

the )f. :---. C. ~l'Ore.

H nrtmnn. Hodg::;ki .... ~ and Cotner also

played exel•llent game:- nntl their pla:' .. I ing added materin l1 y to the eollegc team


• .\,.. ::-aicl before. the trip wa'- not a

~uece~~ :;o far as carr~·ing of the big

end of the seores was concerned . It did, howe\'er, giYc the men a great deal

of good experience and unco,·e r etl weak

points io the team which can be rrme­

dled before the games with the collegi ·

:ih• aggreg:.1tionl:i of the stnte. I

P:xtt.>mh•<l to the limit. :rnd had to pla~ IutereJa-;!' ba!'.-.kl'tball will sta r t im·

ball all the tLlll(' to win from the col- mediately anU. judging from the amount

kgi:111 ..... of material aYailable, .::om(' of the besr

The 1:1-..r )!ame of the trip was pln:---el

in Billing~ wirh thi..• Triple B ·s of that

t•ity. In th~ game the blue null gold fi,·e pl:1ye1l the best gnme so far thi!>

seagoo. Tl.ie game was nip and tuck

all the wa.'· · and within fi\"e minute:;; t'lf tht."' rlo~e tht"' t'ollegt.• wa ... leading by three point:<. In the la!-it few minme~ the Su~11r Beett.~r~ pulle<l together, mak

ing se\"ernl ba~kNs and winning the


.:ln"s gnmt'~ e,·er played a t the eolle,e-e

'"'ilI be ~l·en this :"·ear. The gi rl s a r e

nl!'io bel'oming intere~ted in the inter­

(')a:-;s games and uJHloubtedly the class

ehnmpion~hip will also bt.> decided amon g


During the Yaeation the ilre:o.-;:ng

rcwms nt the south end of the drill hall

were remo\·ed and .seats similar to those

already in the ha11 wer e built. 1.'hi& will inHC':u::e the seating capacit,v of

the 11a1l con~ideraUly and they will

'Yhile the indid.lual playing wa« Dllt °:!"lHnewhat aid in proYitling room fo~

a') noticenbll' a-; the team work of the I ..;pet..'t.ators during the ba:-;ketball tour·

t'Olleg-i:iu", ~·et se,·eral of the men Uid nament.

:;-department for a number of yenrh -I anJ. known ag the Euphonic club b:t!-.

and m:uh~ man.'· friend~ on the hill. 5\cnt out in\'itation~ for a dan('e to. be

The groum ha~ been the seneta r_v. iir--.: given tomorrow e\·ening in the llld

for the 1•re ... i1ll'nt antl fater for the col Elks. home. ThC' l'lnh orche:-'trn i;i

GRANGE PLANS IMPORTANT s ic i~ a~~ured aull refreshments an(l

EXTRA FANCY APPLES Bellefleurs, Jonathons, Wagners, Baldwins, Missour

Pippins, Red Cheeked Pippins, Hubbardson, Delewan Reds, Wealthies, Northern Spys and Alexanders.


Prices ranging from $1.05 to $1. 75

THOS. H. REA & CO. Prompt Delivery Both Phones 24.


Bell 'phone 79 Red . Home 'phone 17

Tuxedo Billiard Parlor


Michigan Block F. C. Brandel)urg, P·J

TRACY FLORAL CO. For all kinds of Cut Flowers, Pot Plants and Fune 1

work. Come and see us . You are always welcome, whether you buy or not.

Both Phones Free Deli' 1


leJ;?e, for the p:1~t :-i.x year:oo. ClllllJIO:-l'd of the followin : RaymoJ'.I] l Tlw Expnuent extemh it~ best wbhl' ... 1 l~eorge . manager: An~on Baxter, ,·io· •

along with tlw~e of thC' entir~ colleg"' Jiu: Lyle Tintinger. cornet: l'ha!'<. " .hip·

body. pie. pianll: Ed .Tncob~. clarinet , autl

('Jyde :5tieb, t rombone. Thus good mu

MEETING TO BE HELD MONDAY special de~orations and electrical ef­

fect~ havl' al8o been promi~C't.l to hC'lp -----------------------------i

The Shop of Detrick, the

Printer, and Gracey's

Print Shop

The new concern to be known as the Superior Press,

located at Gracey's old sta11d, l 07 West Main street,

with the Gallatin Land and Investment company. We

invite all of the old customers of both shops to come in

The Rtate College Grange, Xo. 3.J,

will hold its rt>gular meeting :\Iond.-iy

e\"ening at i o 'clock in the !;ew-int_r

rooms of the agricultural building. At

thi!\ time it i" l"Xpected that plans w11J

be made for bolt.ling- the State Grange

at the college January ~3 and ~4.

The fo1lowing humorouj:; program

hn~ bl"en preparetl Jor the meeting :Mon·

day e\"enin)!: Dl1b:ne: ·woman ~uffrage. Affirm

nti,·e-Prof. Alfred Atkin"on. Dir~(' ­

tor }'. B. LinfieJd, Prof. D. B. Swingle;

negati\'e-Prof. },. B. Cooley, P r of. R.

"'· Clark, Prof. Edmund Burkei Pl'of. , ,._ :\I. C"oblt.•igh. moderator.

:.\fu"i<'. Play: ..\.. fart·t.• (in on(' net'. 30 min·


make the danee an enjoyable one.


ConsoliJat ion is the one topic of con·

\"ersation on the uni\"e r~ity campus tbb week. Ever:-· student fa\"Or~ the plan

proposed for the merger of the four

!-'tnte in~titutions of higher education.

.\ spec ial conYocation wa~ held by

the !:' t ndent~ Tuesday morning to d is·

cu~s the eonsolidation plan. Re~o lu­

tions fa ,·oring the plan were unani­

mously adopted .

It was also suggested that the stu­

den t ~ of the four ~ta r e ~d1ools. work i:i harnwny for thf' G reater rnin11 rsit .. - uf

)fontana. Jr i~ likely thnt a tentativ~

11tan for associate work will be pr11·


Thl• .. turlent:-; or the uni\"t"'l'Sity do not!

1f1•nr.\" E. c: . \Yonil ~l~t~m to l':tre where thl" e:r('afrr unin•r

I-'re1l1•ri1·k ~t. Pauls. _. lluwaril ~l~amat:" !-'ity is lol':11ed. As om• "tu~leut "1id.

)Ir. \\·unhym:rn .Joe )for/.!:ln · · Tlw Greatt~r l"nin•r ..... t\" will he a

"\fr ..... llill \' e Y:dl .. an ~· ty in it:-<'II' \\-by ... Jwul1I Wf• 101·a f' at

when they want the BETTER quality of printing. We 'f:it 1.1.1 Kuh

l-"'lon•1H·1· !' 'll~ nny pan it·ular tl1wu ! '·

. Huth Swt"'· Onl~- Sl'H'll person-. n•1:d:-;tcrl'<l in the

are now the exclusive job printers in Bozeman and our

facilities for turning out good work are second to none.

We expect to h~ve the pleasure of calling on you soon;

in the meantime, don't forget to call on us.

NEW CLUB WILL GIVE :-hort t•our"'t' in .fur1·~tr~· whid1 bi:-ga 1

DANCE TOMORROW EVENING )fon1l11~·. 'fhis i-. a small att('nda!!CC.

_.\ t·luh ~onq·o~t~l ul cullt•gt• Ik •pit• than twl'.'nty I \"t.' atren1l:tnts t?Tt•r~· yt.•nr.

The Superior Press





Commercial Printers, 107 West Main We still have a good as­

sortment of these highest grade Suits and Overcoats to

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~select from. CALLAWAY- BUELL. I 1.J:tvo•l lff \I" z. ·L• """'' rn·l iu-r h Ever . arment fr h"

I t• tht> ·c·ri..·rn11ny 'fi ....... Ph\IIt .... w. 111 { ,) g . . Om t .1s

,\ \\t'lhlm!!' 01 ll •• 1 r•l ua f rn1<•rh , · 1i,. ,. '''"~"· "'"~ · · J>,. , 1 season s stock is mcluded m H1•art, · I"· )l 1fl•1. Lhe sale. intt•n·-..· t J tlil' 1·ollt•!!(' b d.'"· ""·'"' t na

?. hich t ok ~11.u t· nt tlh homt> i :\l.n r an1l ~fr ... 11 ......

Thr 1 r .1 .... rna ]... '''' t• "'.\f1 .. l' .... Eili-\rin ... t 111.!' Ht'lt Fi .. ht•r, E\a th

an•I \I 1 llt' K. · ... Jund cit' L1\ t mo 1

, Jc,, a .... hi.· ma ,1 11f h 1no " ... \l ~

lhlia J, t.lJ .... 1 ... ur ot tli • hriJe. and• 11·

The t(·re-1m1uy "·'... ert rm1·1l l•Y t 1•· !:!'room '' 1 .. :1Et>nllt•,) 11.Y l'rc•l F. \\'iJl ... 1

Hi..•\ l~:iymon.l ).(, 11ou .. tuJJ. 1-.r 1r o '' tin-. t'lt'··

There are a few of the smal­ler ized suits, 34 to 3 7, left from las t year, now on sale a l about half of the orioinal


tlil• f'r 1 ·"h~tt>rinn l'hun it• I ('.. Attt·r trie t·n•mon,v tht"' 1mJ'l''. l'11pul·· price. t.•ncE' of a l:ir::!'I'.' num~u1r I ~llt'"'", ld'"t tor -.h lrf ·rip •n \font:i,a poiut-.

matt frurnd .. &ol tlll' bruit• rnd :,?:Mom. Hoth 'l'"t' wl'll known in ('. ,11Jt~j!1• C'irelt.·~ 'fh Tb,• L1nen~•m "e•lJ n;,: m re u - : Th,• briJe ""' a 'l'°" nl -tuuent n th• I e Willson Co.

Proft>..,.;or Kirkwl1od ihl'Tihes thl' -.;n1:!1l

:Hh•nd:1ul'(' to the irrr>gularity of tht•

trnin i<en·il.'e. He sa~·s :tl-.;o tlrnt UJ;u:;·

nwn who 'viii he herP later are nnt

ahlt• to /,!N thC'ir iurlough-.. now. lf•"' ex111'l't:-: tu sce t\\Cut~: ·fi ,·e rnt"'ll enrollel

by the en1l of th(' wt"ek.

·' Rt11·k '· ~me:.111, )fout:rna ·=- -.;tar f11l1-

h~u·k wn"' nnanimnu"'h" d1o"'t'n to t•apr:1 :1

tht• foc1r:hall tP:lln ol U)J3. Sml•atl is

111w of the Hr11ngt' .. t un<l ht•:-t pl:1ye!s

tlit.• uni\·l·rsir:'· hns. Ht• has tht• ngl' a1:1l

tht• l•Xpt.•ri('ncr. It is t•xpe•·te1l that i11-..

t1•:1m "ill Pclipsi..' thf' n·putation tif t 11•

"'llll"l't ra11tain . ~Uh':l•l phn••I on !

\I 1s:-011la hi;!h !-'1·hnol tra111. lip 'l,f..;. "I

J h\1 .. l on lhP II 1.. n.J. Ill\" tl'l n a

Purtl ud. 01"1''.!0ll I om 'l:! t<J t lf' uni

' 1•r .. t'. he 1•1.1\1 1 r h·1 ll on t ih•

ti' IUIS J'ln; :t!lrl l!hl'i, lit· rt'(UTUt' 1 t • ... \ •'3

ha' t d


Tb1 11,u,..ty .. k.ttiu..! ilk i-.. 'l ·ii~ lt·!!'

"1' 1er I t 11• p:1-.t ft•w 11:t\.. ,\s m.t•lt

th1 ..,}, 1trng- good. E' 1 n nq.!ht ~h'" :1

nr,.:1• <'1·nw~1 on t1lt' IC:t'. \ i·:1 r n1\ Ll

\\a .... !,!1\'1•n Tt11'"11.1,- nl:.!lit Thi .... \\ 1 ...

\\C' I 1t11•u1l1·~l. Pr•zt•" for r.1c1ng ~n I f )r g-o 11 m:il>.1•11p" wl•re ~h ('n. . I


For prompt and efficient service, have your clot ' ·

cleaned, pressed and repaired by Archie Miller at ·

Hub. We call for and deliver. Phone me your trco

!es. Prices right.

Al•oilt ... Pf'Dntf •lnu Jon U-'1•tA

lus'"idor ,,,...

To convey thOL witho ut loss, w< m ust mean the sair r Epeaker and liste

Smoke a Velvet and stra1;1 way you will say us

Burley leafof c ~ est growth , unm; 't·

bv burn o r b ite. 1

tem pti ng fragr will del ight you '' matchless flavo1 mm·e you to of praise.

Page 5: llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have


Circumstantial Evid~tice be ,.Jock in thP l:trge. old·fa..,.liioned·

Jowh· ti<'ked tbt' Ja"'t drear}' hour

y. At bis de!.'k, tloublf'd on·r the

• i\"P lpdgPr .. , f•aeh rlerk worked with

:.nt:'t> ha .. te, now and then lifting

ev4 q to ea"'t an imp:ttit-nt or a tired

;e nt the rlot·k. lt wa .. thl' day be·

C"hdoetma"'. and alt werr lrn.'-tt;>DJng

"iojsb their book" and Join tbt> P.

f'hri~tma'{ "'hoppn" hat were he·

ing to th ... ong the ..:tre('t'-, One Uy

a!'l th•· :tftnnoun wore· on, a hook

•·1o 4·tl with :\ !-igh of relief, an1l.

his hands dl'ep in warm t•oat po~·k-

1and <'hrn .. unK low in a frit~ndJy fur

ar. tht' derk of thf> Pt>ndlf>ton

nty Bank 1oined thP hapr•y. joking­

\·d. The Dt>W ca'<hJ,,r, Hurt Htcrn·

had eft the b311k fin;it of all, in

p to takl'I tl11· aft<>rnoon 1h·f'r for

·;tgn, when• ht' w:P• gorn~ 10 "l'<'lld

holiJayg with bi" parrot"'. AI in

ds rbc• hij! iloublt> doors uf thP

k tl•)"'f'd, ]f•tti'lj: out Da 'v, Hn<ln.

nston. < arl. l1anq1ton :rnrl ~lorri~on.

n 1 ·hurch, thr a,.,j.,.taut cashi('r,

w nnir11ne1I. folln" ing ea<-h retn•at­

figun wjth n h:df wi~tfuJ $?lance.

!'idt", tht• "now frll fastl•r and the

\·r fro~t eo\ 1•red the window!-' en tin•

('hurC'h turnt•d on tht- stPam a Ht-

mon• nnd thPn ..:t-ttl<'d him~elf :for

hi .. '-tand by the big tlouble win<low!i

ovl'rlhooking the bank, he bad sat do,...-n

to wait the clo"ling of the bank at three

o '<'luck. He also wati.:hed the departure

(Jf T)aly, Bnder, Jobn!o;ton. Carl, Ramp·

ton aod ~orri.,.on. Bi~ "Watching was

an eager, an:xiou~ onei and no one could

nnw cull his face bo:"·iQb. The '' lnulith­

inf! blue e_ye~'' looked like r-teel and, as

h<" rolled them anxiou~Jy around, the

Llood..;hot whites showed red as fire

from ret·eut di~sipation. His face was

clrawn and white, and a bea\'y frown

n-.teJ on hi!-; u-.;ually calm brow. An

hour l"eemed a <lay to him and, as l1s

!-:tW ('ach well·known fi~ure leave the

b:\nk, his excitement grew. There was

Dll fire in the room. and his fingers and

fef't some becamp numb with the eold.

He paced silt.>ntly up Hnd down the

room, bf'ating his fi~t-i on his breast

and h1owing on his stiff finger~. Heasy

white fros_t Co\ered t)1e windows and,

frum time to time, be ::.<'raped eDongh

oH to pe~p out into tht' slowly gather­

ing gloom. It was four o ·~lo<'k now,

a.nd all had bt>en gone for Mtne 1ittle

time, exC'ept Church. ,,.ould the Inst

nh!-truction in bis way ne\'er hP re­

nul\·ed ~ .\ light flart>d up in t11e gluom,v

huil<ling opposite, an·d soon be saw

('hnrch -se-ttle down and huddle clos('r

Jong afternoou of t•xtra work left <1ver bis books. Tbin~s Were going

him hy thl.\ <'arl,\" il£>parture of the had1y. Stanton bad judged tha.t C'hureh

1ier. would le<n-e Ja-;t, but he bad not ex-

t' Wft!'; not '· ont.'.' 11f the hp~·~.·' as ·pf'ded him to stay a11 night. It grew

oton was; ~tanton 's popu1<1rit~· hail <larker and darl;<er, and now the frost

er"d ( hnrrh On one or t·wo C\rca· was ~o thick on the C'01d window tbn

s Churcl1 hail en•n indul~e<.1 in un· tanton could no longer serape a space

1 wittil·•sm<.i for the bt>nefit flf the for his obsen·atiotis. In de!i.peration,

r t•lt>rks, at ~tanton ·~ expen::;e. He be fina11y flung the bea,·y windows

not ntt•:int to l1e really arro~ant, opt'n and peered out into the night.

Stanton wa' rinkk to re:--ent A faint light waS trn,·eling lowl)'

reh:s rebuffs nnd, what at fir.\<t w:.1s toward the front of the great bnillliul{

P rhnlry, grew quickl.' Into antago· op1 1 o~ite. ·with a sigh of relief, he ~nw

It' hntred. Then• w:1~ not mnre th:tu a dark figure hurry rapidly 1luwn the

• yl'nrs' difference in the two men's steps and walk quil'kly out into tht.~

-. but c hurrh lookell fully a <lozen fa!-'t falling snow.

rs oldt-r than ~tanton. Hi" stooyie~l Stealthil:· St3nton crept out of the

1J1Jpr-., the grt-y·tinge41 hair. and room and down the four flights of

'.lklell brow. gave him tlie appearance creaking stairs. 'l'he wind blew sharp

mi<ldte agt>, while ~tan ton's bla('k, against his already ehilled body. and he

y hair and Jan~hing, blue e:·es made quickened his steps ns he left the

"' appC'rir almost hoyii:ih. Btantan shadow of the large building. In a

the nephew of the pre~i<lc>nt of the minute he was up the ~teps an<l. with

k ancl. until be came to the bank trembling hanclc;;, Jetting him!':e)f into

months befor<', had JlCn•r known tbc deserted bank. Ab, the room c;;f ill

tt it was to work. 1t had taken warm from a hot furnace fire wa~ like

rch years of hard work and bitter a stimulant to his numbed sense~. It

t~glc to work himst'lf up to the reR- was the work of on ly a few minutes

~ihle 1•osition he now 11eld, and to to make his way to the Rafe, work

· this reckJeq~. wild boy ,who h::td quickly the well-known combination,

tpat('d habits and low moral . placed and draw out the crisp roll of new bills

JYe him 3t one bound, was more than that bad been depoqited only the day

rch could stand without resentment. before by the Pendleton ~ining C'o111-

ut, in ~pite of his instability anc.1 pany. Stanton is next aC't was to throw

dessne!"s, ~Hanton wn.;; a general fay. the room into confusion, to carry out

e in the bank. Few of the men, ex- the irnpressin that the burglar hnd been

t f'hurch, knew his per..,onal life. suddenly interrupted or frightened from

:lt the bank Stanton's willingnes hie;; booty. He trembled over a chair,

jovial smile won him man,\· friends. up~et the waste basket, ruffled the rug,

trch, for his part, now held himself in a way to suggest tliat the last pas·

cent and aloof, ne\·er entering his Hrb~~ bad tripped in his haste. Lastly,

'lpauioni< bantering con\·rrsations un- the derby he had been weari11g he bid

forced in. and then only answering on the floor by the safe. Stanton re­

gruff monos.vllable~. Xow. a~ be plnced the derby he had been wearing

alone in the large ,still room, b,\' a warm fur cap, which be pulled on

lurhed O\·er his hooks. not the Christ· down to his eyebrows, buttoned his

t spirit of "Peace, goodwill towards

1 1 • 1 filled bis lonely heart , bnt a

~·e of bitternr~s and hatred for Stan·

~urged throu~h Church.

)uhide, it grew <ln~k. and ~till

trch worked. He was of a faithf~1l

Hr<' and, in ~pite of his diii:like for

nton, ht• did hi!> work with as mu,•.h

e and thought as he bad his own

1k<.; earlier in the afternoon. At fi\·e­

i-ty b(> clo.;;ed his let.lger. straightened

.Jesk . nnd walked out .into 1 be small,

l]y ante room, to prepnrf' for bis

g, cold walk of ninr block~ 10 cat('h

homt>ward (':tr. Bv the time he baa

~tt.1net.1 the high "'to.rm·shoe~ and but-

1ed the- long. shabb:• OYer(•oat, hii:;

· r h wt~re drn 11 f'ri ng- from the cold.

"liJ_,~ snat<'hing: the tl~rbv from mun­

.. eit?ht. 11e ht•nt bl!-< i1N\d to the

rm and p:t"'~e1l out int<."I the night.

-t as ht .. turntltl tlJC> eornf'r, a wild

~t uf wit11l ~aught him nnd sent his

t roll in~ into the strpet. H <' grasped

just in time to ::.an .. it from further

mng:f'. Pirking: it up. he ~hook it

~ ~orously to gf't tht.> !>\DOW off. Ac;; lw

rned it up the la~t time, ht .. notired

:lt the initial~ in it were nvt hi~, bnt

O!-.t' of Rtanton . BelieYing Staoton to

"e\~ernl bundrl~d mileq away and ab-

1t for !-)everal dayo:., he jamm~c.1 the bat

tou~ thing out 0£ his posse!'sion and

it~ way to It rightful own<'r b('fore

•bould •leep that ni11ht.

:\{eanwhile, 3fter leaving the bank.

anton bad not taken the we6tbound

lyer. ·' but, making his 1\·ay cau-

,u. ly to the top story of the deserted

'!ding opposite the bank and, taking

(Continued on Page Four)




Atkin-.;-l .. ittle Jin(•s of Latin.

Little lines to ~cnn,

)Jake a mighty Vfrgil

And a erazy runn.-Ex.

('lark-I don't ea.t, Mueh }('SS drink; But pnss the prunes And sadly think.-E:x.

l'ullom-''One'' of the three gjrl"'

in the college orchestra. Dissley-" A mighty man i<.; be. · '

Eckels-A friend to everybody and

nen~r too busv to )end a band.

'E\'erett-Th~ loving child from the

"tall pines.'· Flander:-;-! tell you, I ne\'er will

take in scrubbing and washing1 for

where there's a ' 1 Bill'' there's a way.

Fowler-Has a plea~ant look for

everybody. G rimes-Makeci him peeYed to be

cJn,.sed '(\'itb sophs or freshmen, e~pee­

ia11:· in the flag pole rush.


){yrtle Aldrr~on-'fhe <h'trt'"':-4 th,1l

made the rt-al hit io 1 ·The Profe..--:or ''i

Malady. · ' :Margarrt Bole--Just watch for m.''

. "WE'ater, wou in the hi~h hurdlf'"'· George Blinn-Yt>s; ~he·11 be there:

therefore 1 '11 be there. Ralph Brnbrook-Lost-One perfpetl,v

good ")[' 1 Hweater. Thoma" Brook-Always hunting for

a dee(a)r. Olive Clark-Our walking skeleton.

Stanley Douglas-Xo scandal what·

ever connected with him.

Rhoda Dawes-The graphophone.

Fred Gordon-:\Iarried. "'Xough


Mrs.Marshall's Biography After the death, last Oetober, of <lau~hter ot' Hun. Robert Rnthcrforcl, u.

)!rs. P. E. :\.fars;hall, for o;;fxtef'n yC'ars Scotl·hmnn :ind a relativt" of Hir 'W:il­

professor of art in the :\fontana St::i.t1• ter Scott. He had ('1.)lne with his father,

College, a committee of the faculty v;n!' Hugh Rutherfonl, to Yirgiuia. early in

:ippointed to arrange for a suitable the ll:itb century, and settled on a. larg

memorial to her here. At the request \Jf estate in Jefferson eounty. Robea"t

this committee. her brother, Prof. H. Rutherford was a. zealou~ C'hurch of

B. ('ornwall, of Prjneetoo Unjversit,\', England man, and later equally a. sup­

prcpared an account of ::.\lr.,. )forshail 's porter of the Prote8taut Episcopal

life, which wa~ recei\'ed in Bozcm<.111 church. For many )'ear be wns a mem­

during the holidays. ln transmitting ber of congress, and he wa~ an intimnio

the sketch which he bad prepared, Prcd. friend of General \Va!-ihingtou. He

Cornwall wrote: married ::\!rs. ~ary Howe, the widowccl

''The chief cause of my delay ha~ sister-in-Jaw of Admiral Howe nod of

Ruth Hartman-Can b<' heard most any time singing "You Got to Quit been the interest 1 took in pre1mrin~~ General ·wiJJiam Howe, commnndt.>r for

the sketch I now !:lend you. I founei a time of the British forces during the

Ricking ::.\Iy Dog Around.'' i;i:-;ter so many memoranda among my si~ter·s war of the Re,·oh1tion.

Brook Hartman-Let's hi~ papers that I held on and on, verifying- Daniel Bedinger was of German cles-

wear his sweater this :i-·ear. dates and oeeurrences also from other eent1

his grandfather coming from Al·

. Charlie Hansen says you c~n ge' sources, until it gre1\' beyonU my ex- sace in 1736, :rn<l !'lettling in Lancaster

pianos on easy payments at n Orton 'sj" pee:tations . . . . . ; but I thought it ronnty, Pa. A !:ion, Henry, later settled

w·arren ).fol{:iy-A harmle!o;~ gent t." be~t to ~ive yon quite full darn and you on au estate rnHnecliatPly atljoinin)!

m~~;ithalie S:lckett-Prexy to thf> woul\l take what yon de..,ired Shepht•rd~town, and <lied there in li7~,

Teachers, I nstitnte: , , Yes; thb youn,-: In preparing the sketch I mn·e learned leadng thr<'e sous. Daniel's brother3,

mueh more than I e\'er before knew of older than himself. early in the war

Hi•igbton-One of the two girl!" bra'e lady is 3 ~euior in ciYil enginrering. my sister's liJe; and it has made me joined the .\meriean forces which went

enough to face qnalitath·e :·rnd Profe"'- She plow~ in the snow the ~ame as tlit' !I.Or Barne.... boy~... dPepl_v reJ?ret that I bad no better usl'tl from Yirginia to Boston, ant.1 he, a mere

Harmon-\Ye wonder whether ~he

would like to be ''Noble'' or a ''Sho<.·

mak('r. ·'

Hodg:-<ki 1--Bring 'lll the dubs Arthur ~eantrtns-Farmer':-- luck. the opportunitie!-1 I bad to go over the bo,v, wa!o; left behind, ~Ol'C~ly :igainst hi9

Kt•n<·k-.Tust •rntch rny smoke. for I Alr1a 8mith-1'he tennis player. old <lays with her . J should ' will. When. bowr\·er. aftn returning

came from Butte. . .Joe Roper-Taking- horticulture: ha\·e been Yery glad if my sister had from Boiiton. hi~ brothf'r Henry agai11

)Iillegan-A farmer by bfrth. tllerefol'e, is a good judge of peaches gi\·en up her work in time to come and set forth with the <.•ompauy that wa8 tn

Kiefer-:\fr. Rtudiouci. J 1

dwell among us nt last; but Rhe evi- go to ~ew YorK, in li'i"6. an1: Daniel

an emons. dently wanted to die tn harness-no was ngain left hehind, he started out

'Ella Olsen-In a cla!'s by ber1..elf. Jot- Truman-..\ horn Scotehm:in and other course would haYe consurtea with on foot, long after their departtne, and

to whJcb few \'isitors arc admitted. an electrician. her 1emperament: ., finally, wear:~ nn<l foot:;ore. overtook

Papke--A born hunter, for he alwa~·,. ·John "~harton- Below follows. Prof. C'ornwall '~sketch them at Bergeu, :NC'w .Jer!-iey. This time

gets a deer. A jo11y .voung chemistry bluf.

Roecher-A m:in hater-<lon 't be· \\'bile mixing a bottle of stuff, in full. The ''bnby brother'' referre.1 his brother, a lieutenant, allowt>d 11im to

to in the quotation from )!rs. )1arsha1\ '!'; remain with tbe troop~. and he enlisteJ

lie\·e in "steadies." Drcipp<'d a match in the Yial- letter wa~ Profo~<.;or Cornwall him~elf: a" ensign, only to be taken prisoner.

:i\[rs. Frcclerit•a Ell~worth )fnrshnll with his brother, at the t•nptnre of Fort

They found his frout teet1i :rnd ~. was horn in Frederick, 1Iaryland. )lay \Vashington, by lieneral Jlowe, in No· Schumacher-Ambitious to be pre~- And after a while

:idt'nt of the United States some day.

p:lin-The only senator that wear'l

specks and is ball headed. Solberg-Tries to be on the ~quar~~.

Rwitzer-T don't :my no, I lJo.:i 't !'my ;res-But it happened 1nst A ngu!--t.

Truitt-FaYorite song-, ''Lonesome.''

\ .. allenu-A Boosterine, but a rrol

(.'uff.-Ex. :!-I, ) ":'.1~7, and was the daug"hter of Fred· Yem her of that year. _-\s a. higher offi-

Leroy \\'illey-Complains about tlle erick ancl Ru~au Peyton Ellsworth. Iler

high co!".t of lidng. but finds time and

mune:· to go to Boulder thrC'C' t:mE's n

:vear. Lauren<'c \t'ylir-lli·anted-A stead\'

girl. \"'\"alter \\'il!'lon-The high ~umper.

eer, Jlenry lu\d a eompar2tively ea.sy

father wits a desc-enUant of Josias Ells· cuptiYity, but Daniel ~uffer('d all the

worth, who cnme from Engl:rnll to pri\'ations of ]1ri!-.on·ship a1ul ~ugnr­

Ameri1•a ahont 16.JO, settling" in \Virhl· honst>. Ile was finally rx1.:ha11getl and

~or. Conn .. iu that be::rntiful part of th" carrircl out . i;:omal•iated alJnost bf;'yon1l

C..'onnedic-nt rin~r ...-a.Ile,,·, a few miles recognition, from :\. hospital, where hi!:!

north of Hartford, where many of hi1o: brother George had rome to st~ek him.

---------- des('enUaut~ Jin:·. in the ,·a.riou~ \Yiuci He ne\·er fully re<.•o\·ered from the ef

frieucl and ""J'i>er for the Boo1.1t('r~. babies, delight pumpKiu raisers, mini~· sor towns on both sides of the riYer. ff'cts of lli!-1 i.:onfinernent, :111d diel!.

Vestal--lfi<> 1ialr is turning gra-- from tn to the afflietec~, !1eal the di~grun· The great~ran<lfather of J'rederick thirt,Y .n•ars or so heforr his brother~.

C\erwork on 1h.~ ''annual.'' liY'ebster-Belie\·ed to be related to tled, fight to a finish, set type, mold Ellsworth was ('apt. John Ellsworth of but both be and Henry rejoined th.:

"Daniel.'' opinioni-;, Rweep the office, speak at the East W'indsor, who married Anna E<l American Jorces and continued in th~

\Yhitworth-Always ready with a prayer meetings and ~tand in with wards, dnu[!hter of ReY. Timothy Eil· field until the end of th!." war.

bluff. e\·erybody and eYerytbiug. wards, and 8ister of th<' celebrated 1li- Daniel Bellinger attaiuri.l the rank of

)(art in-I am but a Humble dub­Bat down at the Boarding club.

Simple goodly Fare is mine; But shared hard lnek

1\'ith forty-nine.


'J'o run a news;paper, all a fellow ha"

to do is to be able to wTite poem?, to

discuss the tari.ff aud money question!-.,

umpire a b:iseball game, report a wed·

Yine, .Jonathan Edward~. Ht-r maternal lieutenant in the army, hut was famil·

This nsn 't half of it, t~ither. liYe grandfather was Re\'. Solomon Htoddard. iarly known 3s '' ~Injor Bedinger,'' ~\

ba,·e to side in with the faeulty 1 agree wh() was a mi11i~ter of the ('ongr('g~i rank to which both of lli~ brothers at­

with the -.tudenb that the faculty mem· tional church ju Xorthampton fro111 tained. Fnr $Ome years he w:u;: :;;uperin·

· btrs ;,1e .1 lot of dead ones; run jokes J 6i2 to l i29, when that church was tendent of the navy yard at Norfolk,

J for some people and explain to others one of the wealthiest and most influen- and finally retired to 11 Bedford,'' IL

why we print such trash, keep enough tial of the ('ongregational societie~ c_•f large house in colonial style. wbieh ht'

religious new!" going to satisfy the Xew 1-Jngland. )Ir. Stoddard took .1 bad built on hif-i plaut:.ition at Shep·

preae:hers nnd still not offend the laws, prominent part in favor of the Half herdstown soon after his m:nriage in

explain tl.l r-:ome indignant contribu tor \\'ay <.'o,·enant during the discussions J 793. Here be ~pent the remainder of

why his poem was not on the froD't which O<'C:1.qioned &ueh gr::tYe diffe1'- his life, :imong friends and relatives,

page ancl in general keep e\·erybody in enee~ of opinion between the learned surrounded by his large fa_mi ly, enjoying

good humor till they pay their sub· divines of his denomintttion. the company of his large and well

5cription. In the meanwhile we all Prederick Ell!';worth was a man of chosen librar:-. contributing frec1uently

carry fifteen hours' work and Rome- fine intellect and excellent education. to periodieal8, taking an active part in

time~ stully.-Ex. Jn 1820 he went to Virginia. spending the religious and politl<'nl interest of

<ling, saw wood, describe a fire so thnt Btrenuous ('ffortg are to be made to

the readers will shed th eir wr:i1•~, mukt· complete the milliou·dollar endownlPnt

$1 do the work of $101 shine at a clance, of \\'hinrn.n :is a re~rnlt of the annual

te~t whiskey, sub!ieribe to charity 1 go j mt.>eting of thC' board of overseers.

without meals, :utack free siher, wt•ar I About $:":!00,000 i~ needed to gi\·e the

diamonds, iln·cnt a<lwrtisementsi sneer college the endowment necessary to put

at snohlJery, O\'erlook scanda l, pra;i:e it on a seH·snstaining b3sis.

"' e\'C'l'al years in the quaint and quiet his euighborhood, nncl winning many

l ittle ...-illage of Shepherdstown (now 11~ friends by bis pleasant and li\•ely wit.

\Vest \ 'i rginia ) and then settling in Bred a Lutheran, he joined tl1e Englisit

Frederick, 1Id., a<> profe%or of math- church, with his father and other friends.

ematics in the ncnd<"my there. While wlwn dissen~ions arose n ~ to conducting

liYing- in :::ihephC'rd~town he met, and in the Luthf'ran seTYices in th<' English

1826 manied. Susan Peyton Bcding<'r, language.

da.nghter of Daniel Bedinger, un<l grant.I· )(rs. )far~h:i ll 's father died, at the

age of twent.\··eight. two week'i after

her birth, and for se\'en year~ ~ue lived

with her mother and gra1ul111other at


111:iking meanwhile two tripit

tu ,. isit, with her mother, her :New

England re lat i \'e!'>. .-\I though the~e

trip~ were rn:ide hy 1.1tage and t:anal boat,

they were by no mean!i so fatis.,l'\.1ing us

might now be supposed. At IC'ast, the

pa!Ssf'nger hl1ats, drawn as rapidly a~

mules eoul<l be ma\lf' to dra.w them,

were free from noifit• and clu~t. and

were \·ery l'Onn'nirnt for 111oth<'r~ tr~l\'­

('ling with little t:'hildrt~n.

MIDDLE CREEK A Beautiful Spot Near Bozeman.

)frs. ::.\far~h:tll li\·cd a long life, but

she was n Yery 1leli(·:1t1• t:'hihl. lft•1·

m111her, writing to :1 sister·in law, when

her ('}1ild, four ~renrs old, W:t!-1 n•con•r·

ing from a "e\'t.~n~ hilion"' ft•n•r, ~ay:-;:

'1 F'rederira is nut dead. but she h:t!-t

ht>en so 11(':11' tht~ hrink of t·t('ruity that

J had l'olllpOst•il my soul, :rnd hacl re

signed 111ysell to the wisdu1n of the nll­

wi~t> God. ~lit' said last night: 1 I wish

God would nrnkl• me wt•ll. l hope he

will, and then r ~hall hi" 'vt>ll.' 8he

look8 so frail and fragile i-.inl'f' ht.>r

sickness it puin-.i me to look at her

f:.Oll1€'time~. '' l'"ntil near middle BJt"e

Mrs. )farshall sufft-rec.l m1n•h from dy~·

pep~ia, and ·was ne\'('r a stron~ woman,

although alwa,y'I active to Uw limit of

her strength. Later she <..ef'mt'J to out

Jrrow this condition nnd wal!I nble to

accompli~h mueh in the wa)· of travel

aod work.

(Continued on Page Three)

Page 6: llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have

r·age 2 EXPOXEXT Sl'PPLE)!EXT. FRrD.n:, .T.\Xt'ARY 10. 1913

rnwo Red Owl.s and a Rag Rug ~~';g:h;:d 0

;:;~:· 0':1~:· ·'h:.: :::~',l,,::~ ba..p·. 'lrt"'~D l':e·I din! .... \,O,t. I m,k i· 1 4 difficult workman ... hip. ·•;\fade h:: my

Crowfoot Charley II I ti ·in I ~ I '

mi'<ier:thlr ior me i?e .. in · hl1 mt:'. I si. t s b · • h • •• ~3 • ·• B"ll d •D·.• n. ( •I. an· ... ,. s er ... ara . ~ e tell~ tht:'m. prourl1y. . ._ .''i•• · w~1n t>rf•1l along .., r:imbJ,~d U1'lund l\n · trietl to ~et ID\" And again, the.:'· Si;?e the hand-wo,·en Wl!;ted thllrougbfare l!lbelll'd .. .\ a ''•bllP,'' 10\ t1••l o .1 f ha.r:i•y, a" t C'

door of t.hP <"OOk 1 1u ..... upl•nt•l und <i

Tf'd fa<'rd 'ouni.z: n1an poked hi~ head

i.:tun. hut coulrln 't quite make it. Thl''1 . th /."' nt"d ·ill thl~~c wel'k~ and couJdn 't rug, m;1de iroru her grandmother's car· Street. .. and dropped llltl"l tht• ll I 1.:n~ d•>wn on m,· belb- an. !<tn.•"l'hl'i Th~ room wa dark except Ior e "· l .' . - ,. out~,. <qod h•cr ;ill I ~ould ju!;t toucil faint glow whicb the half burnt conis find. [ 1l win ~et. . d pet, which arab had made for her. store st the C'nd. The 'ttort- was cro

• ' ' 1. 0 the firepln.cC' shed 0 ,·er the room. :\{erh' took her pencil an .. paper end Thl• audienct'.' see-s the humor of the ed. hut the t'rowd W:t.'i n•1t bu_,·in~ Into the r110111. '' (rittin · sort •l' t'timpy th1, rifle B" carf'iul work [ got ~t d h If clo...,e to the t1rC' ThC>n h Tl outsidt\ :ifn't itl" within rt.•'l<'h ~f my band. When l gut C3...,ting my~rerlou!li ~b3dowB e\'ery·wber<>. seat(' tl'rsea d ~rotc as if i~spired ~1tua,tlon as Merle skilfulJ~~ portray~ a tt1ng-. iry .were "'l~l\tl.'rl arl1und

i'\o,..,. and then a bright little flicker she "'roe. "' 0 • • new .r marrie1l couple, who ... tarted ~ore, in \·arl(IU..., attitude.;., ind

''BotC'hc>r Jif(','' r1"plie<i he of the holti of her, [ ~oon ~tampeded tht> ~howr~ the indi~tinct outlines of tbe [t sPemed as thou~b_ ~er frngers were housek(."eping with little e-l"e but a rag I glanced up :l!"-1 ··~:1,·-.0'' ~hut the d rosy l'ht•t,k~, :is hl' .... t:1mpt~•l and f{hook woh l"°'· I harl only one baud. ~o it wa~ furniture and, as it died odwn, eau:oe·l unablt.• to ke('p pact> with_ her th~ughts# rug and two red ptlper owls. They feel behind him. The ~Ht>rt:'kt>t,pt'.'r gathe Lht• fine .. now from h1~ rlotbiu~. ''Old slow wnrk loading an. firing, but the th·~ ~bad.ow~ to loom up again. so quiekJ_,- 3nrl onHw~e.ln11ngly did they again in their hearts tht:' sorrow of th!C' hinuH•lf together :Ind dimbe-d do ~quaw c·r<'<"k ·-. ~ure lll for it n11w. l ooi .... e hfld th\~ deo;ired effect-it scare·i ..

1 •.

1 hl'r Obhnous tn her SU"'

1 f

)[r. Rochl•:.t('r had gone to the c uu, I ru:<- i upnn · .. , ·· ittle bride l'rho bidi:; goodbye tn her rom the counter; but. on :'ieeing rt.'<"kon.'' l'ol hitC'h1•rl a ('hair up near :n''°a'. tbe brute_.. an· hrought Old C"ur· and )lr:-1. llol•bcster to s('e ~{rs. Dorri. ... rounding:-. :\~C'rlC' tilled pn~e aft('r page. only ::.i~ter. ne,·er to "t>(' hC'r again. on he neW·t.'Omer h~ppt:'netl hl be, the j.rl•lWinJ.{ r:rngf' Qf tlw (')Ok hou"'"f' l<'y ~o whf'r1~ [ wa .... He had been hunt· au old wl)man who li,·ed nc:H tln'm; Xflw ::-he smiled ns hl.'r finger~ penuell t·hC' Yery ni~bt of her wedding da,-. chmbed bal'k up again. ''8a_, . ..,,>"' nnd, pladnJ,:" hi-" f1'1"t nn 'hf" proj\'.'cting lojZ' for mt~ 3Jt nij.rbt, an· W3~ ju.l't on I th It that fl h d hearth, tippt•d hat·k. h:tl rnclne" the chair hi:- w·n· b lme wlwn bt"' he:.trd th" ~o .'trandfatber and grandmother wcrr ::i wmt~rous i d oug l . th ~!' e. C'arefully thC' audlenl'(' traces the stor.\·, down On the l'iluntt~r next to the it•Jn on it:-; bind le):''· ... bo.1tin ·• alone in tht." rrinru. They sat hcforC' tbnrna-h ier m tll, or again, e "lA ne..... Sarah 10,-ed a man who 'vas an actor. kt>eper, and norl1i1•d ;I •• 0Md e,·ening

"Y:t :i....,'' dr~wletl •ht• 111<1 man. Rs hl' .1 Hidin' up t11 me. hC' say.s ·ff ~·e tht" fireplaa gazing intfl the firt" as if of her fal'l' lb('trayed the '~ords that Her father refu~eJ to 11.'t them be mar- l11 tht• othe-r'. re·Iit his pipt', · • [ t'Xf't.'C' it ... a-gittin. ha.iln ·r ,.t>rl' c-un. byl', it "ud a bin they MW their thoug-bt"I pictured in thl' ~he w:i~ '~rit ;It· h h I t ried because the man wa<1 an actor, ~o .. Sn~·~o .. BiII, :1 hig, broaJ ~houltle re modnatP MOI; hut a ... 111rt•old. T don"t lf:tpp' Xew Yt.•ar to yez.' an· I gue"" ('\'er changin.z ~l'i.'Dt' hefore them. A~ \\'h('n). r. or r"'t('r came ome a e theyranawayto!i{ether.ne,·ertoreturn. backwood:--man. "a-; known Bil the be· !!Uess you .rnu 11g...,ter..., know anythin · it \rnul•i. alright That 'q wby l call yet. neithl•r had suid a word. Final!.\·. fr•im tht'. clu~l t:atf' nigb\hb~ f~un~ On thC' ''er:'· night of Jane's wedding guide, hutl\t•r, .1ud fi..,herman in t about it. Why, wht·n f ":i' yore a~<' her• H.1pp.\· St•w Yi.'ar.' Curley took me ont' little flame. ri~ing higher than thf' ~forle sitttng y t c ire. w1 er ea da:'i-. Sarah tearfuly ki:;sed her sister ••neck of thl' wooJ...,; .• and bis rep Wi.' used t · !Jp\· ·we:1ther th:lt ·ud gfr<' bomt' :in' took carp of me till I could rest. bNrayNl two tears glistening on in her lap, a~li.'rp. $tr{'wn on the floor goodbye. A few years later tbe little tion for thl' truth w·h well known t us ict~ t.•n•am wht~n ,,e milked the cow~. walk aga.in, but be couldn't sa,·c them Grandmother·~ pale checks. about her WNC' half-\\~rittenlsheets. to;n bride had heard of the death of her all the '·lumberjack;:.'' within twent Yes .... iree!'' fin~t•rs. That wa" a long timt' ago. ''I can't help it, John,'' she said and crumpled, while on t1e chair .'" si~ter 's husband and. later. that she, miles of Lone Trt'P. Wbt"n Bill~ ")~ou don "t .... :l_,. ~o! .. murmur('d Col, \Yhen we had real winter, that I goc apologeticall~-. ns she tried to wipe the brr "'ide lay a number of closely writ· wal5 married again. But, as the vea;s auytbing, the men whn knt•w 111111 kn

n•, Ill<' ot' 'Crowfoot C'bnrle,,·.. .. tears away with the corner of her ten pag('~. passed hr . . T'!luc re~eh-ed no other ;\'Ord. just how much to belie"t" :ind. bow mu.-. gazin).! at a h:inrl .... omt• rifJ(' whil'l1 hun~ the " ff ""

on the wall nl'ar by. I -A. E. -.;., '13. :~:~:1. a~;~:~a~u:~;;e!t lw~:s;u::w i~~~ Thr larg(' auditorium i~ ablaze with :;:i:\1:n~~1 gl~;·r~ up all hope of bearing ~~ ~:::eb·';:r~~t !~te.v inn~:c:.:"t il~ohk~~ditaot "Yee:;, t>ir; ·' cout111ul'd Charle.'"·· th:n I · e- ... .... "' there old blunderbu~t nn' me he,· toeeu ::ti~ter ~arah. It was hard enough to lights. Tbt> throngs keC'p coming, until As ).[ erle trll~ of how a woman treas· ''-.:ay o'' as a littll• tin god, and ftome might.,~ ehill)· time'> otf an' on. A Sad W eek. bear that way. but to think it bad to it 8('i.'!D1S that they wil nc,·er cease. Th~ ur ed and eheri~hed the two faded paper lien•d M·rry word he ... ~tid. I call:l ht•r 'lfappy .;\('w Year.. . . happC'n on our wedding day. That was room is parked to the utmost. The owls and worn rag 1'1H? becau~e they This evening, howe,-er. Bill wa~ w

k·-• • I h I b • I I b ohe only blight when 311 else way jo,-.'. ,·er~· !lir seem~ filled with anticipation we.re the last thin2"' "he bad e\·er re-1 ". suaJly quiet and ~eemt"d to t•ke n "Ho\\"f> th a tr'· ti" ·t"11 l •) , ;l~ l' '•"'lt The ~·r.tr au g oom1 .v egun h h · h ·· . "' an intere~ted gaze on the old fell•.>"· ... FM Wi!il(' Keek .... n poM man's sh{' ('Ontinued sndl_,.. ·'I know Sarah of ~om et ini;r t. at 15 gorng to appen. eeiYed from her '-'i'iter ·, handc:;, the- au· interest 1u the con,·rr,..ation. Wbe face. . , Wh~ rl. yu. cal her 'H:ippy SUN. must be dead. yet eac.h year I cannot Thl' conte~tant:; sit on the platform riience ~its ~pellbnunrl, not daring to someone mentioned th:n '. LitcJe Pete Xew Ye:1r,· l'ro,,foot*' Hr wi." ht""N with bill .and dun, gi.Ye up tb1• hope that I shall see her under the blaze of lighi...., nen-ously move lest rhe spell hl" broken. had taken a part.'" llf ··tiude...,'' up inti "r call ltn th:it "c:tu~t' "hl" :ii 'J~·::i re· .\nd ht> h:-iii n;r,,· little :t)?aio. to_,·ing to.•ith their manusrripts or ehat· ~Ierle take~ her S('at. For an in- the Lo~t La kl' cnuntry. Bill DGk n,

mind'( ml' o' 'i1•w Yt•ir·..., d.t~-. :-:tme :1" )[Q).". ''l kuow tlrn~c t(':tr:-:.. ·• Gran1Ifathn ting witb one- another. Xow the buzz stant all is still. Then the great audi· notiC'e of the remark. :ilthou,1?h he ha I rt"mi11ii \'OU a.11ilf11 i'rowf1H1t.'' Ht.> ·'Thi .... C'l"'h.·· :-.:1id ht>. "won't pay m.'- r ... ~pliNI, with a htilf·he>nrterl attemp at and hum of thr people talking to[:!eth('r torlum rinl?s with the che('rs from a always consillert"d Lo .... Lakl' a~ bi heM up 1;b righr hand. which hckrd llur": humor. thinking to chf'er hi~ ·wi.fl". l'f':l~e a" thl' orehestra ~trikes up crowded hou~t'. It seems a" though the special property anil fi ... h 11 ~ g-roun• tht• :->t"rond anrl rh1rd fin!!en;. Both l ',·.._, u 'lh n!!" hen~ hut one;;. anrl .. 'tou 'n• ~orr.'· becau:-.t' wr :started ·'Traumt'ri. •· ilnly t<l rist• a~ain a;.; the appla.u~e '~ill ue,·er Cl~a~e. ,,.hnt nee<l Thi~ surpri:-.ed the m1"n. and one c them names l'Olht'.' togdllt'r t'tlr her an' T'C'ES. hou~t"kerping- fifty .n~~tr:-, ago in a lo!! 5trnin~ die awn_, .. J'innlly a hu-"h falls of a .iudge's deei .... ion? That it- only ,1 them ~aid. ••say. Bill. vuu don't loo me. .\ brin-ht rhiuizht strul'k him and Ill' hOUl-it' \dth two rrrl owl~ and :1 rag rug- upon thP aud.icnl·e as the ehnirman of formalit;\' · ~Ierle ha~ won. happy. Ynu ain't 'l'Ok~ a woril sin<

,, ft \\'ii"' iu:-;t tJu,. w.i.L T\H'nr~· .'·ei1.r ~aid in...,tl'ad {If in :1 pn•tt_,. little bunga· thf' e,·cuin~ "tep-.; to the front oi the But tht:' c•rnwd, 0 ,·Hwhelmed with en· you comt" in. and you look ll"I if yo ngo tht• wol' t'" :in· l'o~·ott.'" Wl"rt, ~ 1 pe::; • 1 The rieh ~[1s" Gl1l1lbrick:-; T will low.·· phnform. 1 Ir ~p('ak!-< a f('w wnrd~. An<l thusiu~m. fail:. to heed. or. if they did had lost ~·our bt>-;t riflt-. A.in 't n•ithit teriu' thh•k ,trnun•l here th:it thl' :-fock- ·wED. It ha!l nlwny ... ht~i.'n n jokf' hrtw('en then :1 txirl in white ~teps to the front heed. s.oon forg'or. a littll' old w~man. like that happened. i~ there?'' men ;di chippl•.J in and put up a b0urot.' But whl'U he Jl:'l.Hi hi:-. court to hN. rlw tw1l that th(" first thin~s thry barl amirl applnu,e. Tht' shorr story conte~t far in the t.'•Hlll~r, silently weeping. ''Xo,·• said Bill. ''tht"rE' arn't notl of tl\n dollars a sl·itlp for -...~,11\e .... tnd She li:-lped. hut firmly sairl. 1 •X11. Juul with whidi to furni:-.h the •·par· 1 ~ on. The_,. 1lo not see an old man gently put iu' like that happent>d, hut I am e

1 two dollar,., for l'Oyoh' .... A pretty h:if'I THCR. ·· l1)r'' oi tht'ir littlr lo~ hou::-e had bc: .. n One Uy one C'D.ch conte-stant take:; his hi~ arm :ir<>.:ntl hi.., "-ife's shouJ.1e .. , ror siderable mixed up, and r don"t kno winrer COllll' :tlt>ng- an· Wi.' l"OU!du't d·1 ''.\Ja~··· '.'-aiil ht~. ''thPn I must die. two re1l p~per owb and a rag rug. turn. Mt:'rle is l:ht on the program. ~C'e tb('Tll. lea\·l' the room .. \od ne1thl'r as I kin make it plain to YOU if much around tht.> ranch, !:-11 I tried m~· ('m din+". f'll drown-I'll bum-I'll ''Don"t make fun. John.'' answered .\:-sh~ wait-.; ~be scan~ the faces of the dirl an:· one notit•e. in a far o.t!° • ..'.'r t'tl.r-,should .try and te.11. Least;ise. y o luck !l.t W•lh·inj!. bot nll' ...,,, 01e tr:tp-; FRT.'' Grnnrlmotht•r ~oft!~-. ••r didn't rare auriicnce .. \ smile lights her fare as ner of tht> room. another lntle old wouJdn t ne,·er behe\'e mr. an' set "rm out 't·ordrn;! to Hoyle. bm Th1"\" foun•l hb qln,·c~. and coot ani about that. Only tho~e things meant shP see.;. her fathi.'r aml mothC'r, )·et she wnman. hn gra.Y head b•'lwed. str ""tr> "Let·..., hear it. anyway. Bill; it mu::: dl11o 't h:n e snrpri,.in' ,g"Ol'd luck :it all. h:t~: much to Tlll". The la .... t thinl?s I got from anxiou;;;ly g'AZC'' ~n·er the crowd. And kt."ep hack tht· tenr:-1 that would come. be pretty bad 1f that•_.. the wriy yo at all. Tht.> c•lNnt~r upon tbi.'m ~arah. and :-;he m:11le rhem hcr~elf, Wf.'rc tb('n .:i.rerle turn~ her face awa~·. ::-afr;:. Tb:> oudi."'nce is awniting the 1.resen·J feel about it.'' said ''Step and

3 Ha

•'Fina 11.-r <'urll"·'· .l:tt:k .!!i,·e me au 'dea SAT tho!-ie two red paper owb and that rag fiM. for far in the ~·orner ~he has ~een tatioa of prize..,, lferle gaze. 0 ,·pr the Wilson,'· "lo called becau!'e of his Jaw of n plan which wa~ pren.'· ,\Nod. <'ur -Ex. rug. two Olli, wrinkled fare.;, the glad light 1.:rowd. looking- for her grandfather anrl hip, which made him limp. le.'- :"ayN, why don't J ~i.'t m.'· tr!lp.s in Grandfathrr gt>ntly put hi~ arm~ in their eyp-; ht"amrnl? th<'ir pride. g-randmothe"'. hut "lhe could not finrl 11 ~·e11.·· replied Bill. ''it'~ rhb wa: tt douhh~ cirdt' arnun1l thL· b:iit, ~o "1!<'11 The f,111owintr paragraph fr!'lm th,. arountl hi:1 wife'~ should~r. and thr two 1 'The la"t numher un the program thC'm. $he sN·~ hpr mother's fare-it 11·011 fellers all seen mp start off tov the critter-; are tlodgin' onl' ro"-· thi.'~··11 Xi.'lgan Indt'x ~ummarize~ n pr<tbllwor sat io ~ilt'nCl'. llradually. :1:-; th(' fire will be . 'Two H('d Owl!-i and a Rag: is troubled and tl'oughrfnl. _.\ nJ. tl:e ard..; Lost Lake thi'i morning with m run plumb into nno Ji, ... one. th,Y e.Jitori:tl on ·'The Yalue of Ath- flickeretl 1owC'r and lower, the two old Rng, · by ).ferle Rochc~ter. ., face of her f·Hht•i-, u•t•r..lly ~o ioL,-, is buckboard and one pa,..;.enJ?er. Tb

"\\'C'll, sir, I ju .... t ·ri"I it au' sun• proph~ fell aslet~p. Amid the applauc:;e. there is onl.'· one grim and -.tf'rn. ~(('rle w~nder~d ::tit. here man wa'( fr1)m l'hit•ag-o, and 1-t C'nough, th(' lll'xt da,,- th ~re \\:l:o: an ot.1 lt•tii• .... : ·· '· l~n,foubtedl~· W(' b,1,·e all )frrle ~Ht in tht' next room ~tudyin!;!. who notice~ a litth" pC'rson in thC' baek ::-lurei:'i thry WNI" l?lad he ha·l \Wa. wantet1 ~Olli" g- M1l ··=...,tun ·-:-ioruethi )ifistl~r \\'olf a-bn11p:11' fr:.:.ntit• likt' lllC'f duriu;x our t.:•1llege ertrt"er the m~11 =-'ht• "'"l'l'llll'•I to be nen·ous :mil t-xrir('·i. of the ronm S?i\'t~ a start. :is i.i in pain., And. a"" she "·alk~ forward to rl'.CeP~" he eould tell th• h 1\.., :1b•rnt back horn nrouncl the ('arl'a:-..... I ha·l a half· who plan· .. t io mui:h sl.rr~s o. n his meu· 1 ior now "he w11u1~1 w~·ite a ff'w lines ~r ..... r1 ..... t•onfidt~nt and ha pp:-. walk" the prize, ,he ... trnggle .. for ~elf·crw ... oJ. \\"hen we 1·nme to th,.,. Jil:tl'e in tt tirai1It•1l <':t."ll"r thl' bo;.· ... u ... ~i til call t:il )!rowthj w1• ha\'t• 11kewi<:e set~u thP on n pa;..rt'. and tt~ar It up, or ag-a1n. to the front of tl~t· pbitt'orm. ~he wai~:-i :-:-he hail won, but her hap1•ine ... ...., W!t.... trail when• you t trn iii to 20 1l11\'.-n t •craz.y Bill,' an' ht• •hln'r apprt>ciati;> ·dudf' wh , ... l. t'\'t'n· thoue-ht ~:t~ of woultl sit, her diin r1·~ting in her han11. a fow· moment..., ror thr applau ... e to die i.11t l'cHnplete. l'hurn Falls, in tht' t'rt>t>k. the horst the lnok..., nt ;'\fr. \\'uh. r pulleJ my fa-;h1on and &H:iet~~. and wr h:n·e set,n •frt~p tn choui,!ht. J11wn. Then she b('gins to rearl in her _get~ frightt>ne1l a.u·i bolb dtlwn th riflt" out of tht• st•:1hharl rnd star!l,,] the- :lthlt•Ct' who )()Okl'd up•rn tbt" --...·holl ·•[ mu~t :::et it,'" :-oh1.• muttC'red. fn· c!N1r. ~weet \'Oil'!'. .\ftn tlw t•nnte:H a rercptior. hail bill. \\ell, 1 'd '.">:t~~ 'rn, we Wh Ul1)vin

to d1111h 11t( ins• .1~ ol•I 1 razy took a hook wt 1 •'•lOtl'mpt. _\nd we abhor the :tll~-. ··I "n• got t••' Twen:~· dollar:-- 1 The awlii.'nce li,tt•ns hreathle ... sly. heen hPld . ...,0 )[erle returned ho 1 ~ 1 ,. late .... ome. nnd the ·•1\ude·· Ju.• geh .... c:ue notion t•) holt. one ju ... t a~ murh a ... Wt' do the othe: .\n•l thr st·h11ol l'Xf•t:'t't" nw to win: Xnt a !'.Ound b hes.rd s:n- ... ~ the reading ::-;he Wl"llt to her room. but coulii ilC\t antl grab~ tht• lin,~s with hoth band:

· • \\-t•ll, ~tr, :-<111whow r other. my The dt'\·el lpment of the minrl b,· a Prnfe...,~or .Jaml•s .... aid thl' prizr wonli-1 of the .... tory. The prnplt." ~t'Nn to feel it de('p. :-\lw thought 3bout the aU~eneC' The horse ... junlJ'"' t J the .. i.le• of the r foot t·aught in the- ...,t1rrnp and flit on :-trict- 1ud :-ot•\'t•r(' <'l:t ... :-·room, the d~'·t·I· <frp('utl a Clt'at dt':ll on originality, and as ~ferle frels it-as anotht'r feel" it. of her Q':.tn1lpart•nt ... and 3 pang of it.- :inrl srnrt:o off thNug-h thP wonrb. Tb the h:H•k of m!- hl~ail "1f1ll\thing ter· opmt'nt of tht• :-.nl.'ial part of l'du1.:ation hC're I h:tH•n 't l''·en got u plot! '''hy And, a;;; .:i.frrle rea1h it with th(' ·pa. ... mor .... c <'·im 1~ 11 ,-,.r hl·r Hacl ...,he done wa.'· we mi...:ot•d hittin' .... ,mt.• of tho~ rifit•. It \\.\s tlw mfrf,llt• or the aftt.•r· by lllt"an~ of ~0011 up to-date anrl m~lr· did l lt·:n··· it ~n l1Hl.Q, ·· f'hr t.:'nntinu<>rl. sionatt• frt~Jing- oi pathos an<l pain. the nghtJ l)ftt'n ,Ju" hail lu•:ird the story- trC'E'~ w:t"' awful. hut Wl~ ili~l; a.n•l -.·10

noon whcu old l'ral._,. kft me sfl unrt"r· all_,. rlean "''lcir.'lt'!t; the dt:'.'''Clopment of an1!rily. ··unly two wt~eks until quit•k uu1ler:standing of l'apri<"iOll!; wit. th(' story that h:id won th(' prizt."- come out l111 thP t·>p •lf tht' hig Cl

emoninus, but it was eq•n n~ befon• r fine :tthlrth·:-. :dong l<'gitima(' lines. all f'hrbtm.-1 ..... when thC' contC'~t come:.. off.·' tht• miurl of tlw rrn<lit11lt.:'t" r(''(ponds to form the lip'.'> of hn grandmother. But bank that form:-. tht" :?orgt'. Ht>re ~ come ti' again. Think ir was thr cold ha'·i.' thi.'ir plarP in .1. trur collqre edu- Thl'>n, with drtermination. •·But r ·,.C' th(' bright tm1d1r ... of humor, the deeper then it hail alway~ ,.l·,•med ::-acreil. A.llt1 :;topped antl 1 ~ot 1ut ro lt'ok .1rnun,l, wok(' lilt' up, t.':luse I wa'l ~tiff a.n · catirrn, a~td ir " t't'rtain that Pa<'h will I g-1'.t to win ir. ·' And nn~·c again )..It'rlt' touche:-; of pathos, !-iwayC'1l as if by no\\ shP bail pit•tun"tl it humorously- "een that. runnin,l? M'f int11 the Wl)Ol numb at t'YPry j'int. Whf'n T -.;:it up. pl:ly :111 important part in the life an•i tr1rd to _gath1'r ht•r scatrt>-red 1hou1?ht ... h~pnoth• powi.'r. hnrl gi\'t:-n ruthle:-;.-.ly to the undirnce all away from the !?Oree. rht"n• wa~ a cle:i there wa~ \(r. \\'olf. l'rouehin' down. r t.:'liancter of thl'> :;tudent. ·· to the iind1n!! of a plot for hl~r stor_,. Xow thl' audii.'nt'l" is at a we<llling. the tender thoug-ht"" ancl feelingo;;; oi her place in the trE'e~ th~t l

1l11kt>1l like a

lookiu' at me with bis g-ret>n e\'e~. :s11rt I ··Th, .. J:i...,t thing .. I en•r gnt frnm 1 fifty year~ ago. Thi.'_, ..... C'e the little grandmother. to he read and Jaughe·l old trail. all on•rgrown with hnl·kl of dt•fiant like. In u minute .I hegan ::o;arah. · · The wt>rrls drifted in upo'l bride. the tall brirle~room. surrounded at. .\.nrl her 1?rnndmotber had heard

1t herr)- bti....he-.. · ·

to know then• was ::>OmNblu' our of .\rthur Irwin. the '·etnan ba<:::eball ).fer)('''.'< f'ltr-l, unhr<'rled. Then she ht'ard l by tht• company. They ...,ee the guests all~ She knew now why her mother's ··You don't s:ly a .... how there "W:lS

gear with my le1-it hurt ~omethin' ~.~:_o~~· : :-'Orl~ _bee~-iu~e he·'.'·as born ju~ th(' word .... in a sail, hrnkt"n ,·oicf', ·•Tw'l I s('ated at a table laden with an. abun- facr wa:-. ::-o troubled. her father's ~o trail throuJ?h them wooJ ... ,·· bNke in i

terribh~. l "'oon found out that m,· an -i ,\tar t>~ e.trl~. ~he "'cout took part red papn owb and a rag rug. 1' Merle ilaner of thing-~ to eat. They qee the ... tern. \1\"hat wu:::i the winning of twenty listener.

kle ha<l got ttu nwfull)- bad tv.-ist .when ~n a Wllrld ~ sPri('~ 10 1 '°'l.i4-the Pro,·· j?:lYE' a :-.tu rt anti ,iumprrl up excitedh·. little bride di~plHv her g-ift~. She rlollaN when bt'r g-randmllther 's feelings •·I'd say "0. · • -.aid Rill. ·'<ind what Crazy jumped, and tha:: wa:-; cau~ing idPn<'e--~fetrop•)litan Kames-and hi . .; '·l·n., gor my plot.'' she Prit"•l. halfj ... how~ tb('m tlit:'.' ban.diwork made by this bad been wounrletl: more. that trail n n'• been U'ed i~ tbr trouble. :.h:tre w.i~ $().). alt)ud. ··rt·~ just the :rnhjcct 1 •,-e I aunt. b_,. that nunt, b,,. tbito eou ... i~ and

" Jtried to get up. but th" f'r,t (Continued on page 4) moY(' 1 mnde ~i.'l'lllt'd tc1 ~tick me full of net•dll'", i\O I lai1l down a,£?aiu, an ).fr. Wolf ;tu· JUC' lonkt>d at t•ach other n·:il m:ui llkt'.

'· Brin,:r it was gt•ttrn' dark migh y f,1..,t, I trit"•l a,t?":dn to g-it up, hu couldn't ma.kl~ it. Unt up 1lU JU\' h;.nuh in· nllt, knt'l' and tn1••I tr 1\ ell in· ...,,, fa..,hmn. It wa ... u 't llHll'b i-!11011. hut I ma1l1, .1 1·ouplt• or ,·,1r1f.... lwi ire I had • 1 re ... t .J 1"1 t u•n 1 w 11 o" !t>il r 1~e

..,\\ ft'i I

'"'0 I Ill •!"t' 1i 't>ll

11 old '.\Ir. \\"o ~

·' \l x1"' 1·1 .. 111.., a · ' 1 u_ tr.Jp kt'J•I m1 f.1 rh "·1rm. but t 11:• t' ,,

Cn,.!t .. fr•. t' :-l1m I\ 1n•l uri.'l l " rk1 d nn hour or m 1r•~ w1

thou;:bt :1..1·1·1• o k1•1,p w 1rrn n' "'I' t~1t• r:-11•. \\'h1,n I r imt' t

of "ha·

ring- f ::r<'1'U t''t'" \\,1trh1u~ tut' n .d: "'lilt•-.. Jo:\ 1•11 ,1. ... I look1 l, 111 itbt."r p 1

a0 l1lt~I t ... ,.h to th1" t' ult'. l ~rahht••l •n_,. eap anil \\,1\ ·ii it t<lW;tr.J 'cm :rn · 'elh d. Tbr,· ~tampt"'cl1••l, bur :ill t'•Hll'"

'hn.1 k l l a minutt• to s· t" tht' fun. .. ny t~at tnue l w1 .... £;t.'-ttin' -care.I.


There was young tn"t''"' growing in in "en?ral plnt.'e:-. an1l. J 'd ~a.y so, it wt • hard work ,l!t.'ttin!? through ... tr~tt,he~.

four or fi,·t" mile :hrou2h tbt.• rbic woorl~ . ...,trnicht :l\\1\' from t',.l,n·wher antl then :ill of a .... u,J.i1'n Wt, lAOI~' to -;tel~p hill. .\.t r ht• hort.1m of tlw hi

a m·IP an1l t'lHlll' to

.1kt• \ ou rYer ""' l' r11u111l .t111l


LO!ll' Trt'C' l'•J\lll r' ;thnut .ll'i Wf'il • rlnyone, :tnd {'\ l' \\ :tJkt} o\"i.'r l'OD~it

rrahl(' of it in th11 last few y('ar~. Ho' eYl'r, l nt•\'rr lwfnn, ""''t'll that b.k 1JC'lr th nght ht•rt.> wa"' ont• rhen~. Ye ft,lh,r .. ma\' l11•lit.,\'t~ mt• or n r f•1tt ne'er d:11 :.~,. thnt luk1, lwforl~, nud l ~ny sn, sh('·~ a danriy.''

The next morning- four huckb :tr< sneakeJ out oi the to"--n of Lone Trt

(Contionf'd on Page Four.)

Page 7: llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have

)olor in the rellowstone

dr~·tm that was not all :l

a 1ic.hummer dream wbo:se

and 1101Whrry of color still haunt

walked id a canyon where walls

~b,1nt brightly in tbP clear

fl lighL Deep down at one ~idP

road WIUI a river O\·er who~f"

bPd thP water foamed, causln~

~pray iD 21triking contrast with

dPPP grt'!Pn,

1•mn~1-tl from the c:rnyon I

1\· PYf:>S anrl tberP saw the film.v

f a hridr.tl ,·piJ falling ovn a

oningP n•lve•. "·hat could it

\"a it a r"alit v 11r an illu!!ion !

'az~cl :-.pellbou~d, I bt>ard the

of running watt•r aud, lookin~

!"3 l\. bt~fort> nu" a <itrPam i~Nuine;

ht• fringP of the Bridnl \"eil.

ii, thPn, wns a cal'eadt• of boillng

Rul whent•e came this water!

ed with dift'ienlty a curq•d path

to tJlp top 1Jf l. lf'd~P o\·er whfrh

ter f Pll rnd oh, the ma~ic of

e Bridal V1•il of l'tnowy whitf'


ls almo!.t l'lo~e<l by a hul{e bu11I

t lw snnH' color. Beyond the

r rbt• ~pli>nd0r ,,f thC' tlrPam ,-an

for all ahout Wf'r1' fanta!'\tit•

~nrt b uplifted by its lovelines:;, Psalmh;t:

mt>mor\- recalls the picture one 11 ('ome and behold ye the works of

the \\~ords of Ken ts. '• w:ls it the Lord what wonders he hath done

nor a waking dream?" upon the earth.''

later in Southport, two miles awa:_.,.,

when the church was transferred thither

e not a precocious she be-cause most of the congregation Ji,·ed

,ave tlvi<.lenee, under her mother'!:> I the re.

t care, of more than aYera)?' The 1ittle Frederi\:a ne,·er forgot her

for ODt' so young. trnd hrr lov•' Yirginia home life and fri£>nds, and

wa:-. t'H'U then t>Yident·e1L In en•n in ,vollih oftrn reYi"'1itt•d them. Sh.,_•

tter aln•ady quott•d, the mother

: 1

' Frpclt>ril'fl :-:a.ys J mu•u let bPr

om£>thinj! in thi~ for you; hut b~r

ama J1t•rsuadt•1l ht>r that :.he ·w:1.,

w::is alwa.\·s mort> at hom._:> ther(' than in

.\'('w Eni;!land, and th~rt' much of her

('baraC'tn wa'I fornwd. fll"r mMht•r wa~

aJ ... o dl•t.•ply :lttad1ed to the \"irginia

home. ancl "ith reason, for the Bt:'dford

grounds nrl.iuined the Potomac ri,·er.

an<l there \\'t.'Tl' he-autiful walks :don;!

the wrll·woodeil and lnft,- hanks

mot li•r':-. .1 nunt if llt'r, that i'/ thn111; .. d1 whi1'11 ?he ri,·('r tlo\\~s in bold

:t,nn. \\ h_, h1 r "\nrrlH•rn (r;L'llll'"> ~rnrl m:1jt·~ti1• 4'\lf\·cs. Tht• illl(lfl'"" 01

... Jie i-. "~1 ur•;.:it1al 11111 Unl·omnHPl. rt.lY1lluti 1 ~mir.'· day ... still elung to till'

rt ll"I :!l\t' tbi• lit t tUw:d 1li nip- 11ttl1• 1:1·ighh1.:·in:: dll:t:!t' :11 ... o. "h 1<1

t\d ·s 1111\\PT:•, T hntild ht llllh'il still rl'tains 1nn1•h ol irs :111ti11u1' 1ntC'r·

I to r1•1.l it. Th 1 ~·· sl l' ~1 nt ;-..., f',t: au.I the wlwh• at11111-.phc>11• nl h£>r

' 1'r.' f1r-.t empt. \!our .. l'bil 0lhn11tl'!' h11rt1t' w:1-. 0 1 1 natUrP t

I aslw~l Pl'd J:i._t 111~1 1 :lpJ't"tl "trou~ly t•> thP ~1..·11 t ,, .. l. uiurl

Of t ~ll' (."hiJil.. •


The Ghost of Storm

ha ,-e equaled this.

speaking. I beard two people

'·Oh, UenT\-, T hate awfulh· to do

it.·· pleaded ~ soft, s weet vole~. '

1 June, you must! Rhf' desern•s nu

(Continued on Page Four)

Suffragette 'l{ules

I awoke with a start, thinking that

a dress might ha\·c been left in the

place of my own clothes, but they were

still hanging on the baek of the chair

where I bad left them th(' night be

fore. - L. D. ·w., '13.

Two Little Gingerbread Dolls

''l'uriugtnn Dormitory, I anJ.. notl11i11)? this w:l.'' an«l that. .\11

''Df'c. l"', Hl--. ahundar1l't .. of ~1..lnJ.. thin~~ \q>rl' storeii

''Oh m••ther hem T wi!->h I l'n11l1l onh ll\\ll\" in it. But. h~st nf all. at Lh'

ht• hun;,. for c·i1ristm:l-i, . Uut Wt' 'r1• g~ H'Q: h 1l\0111 of rht• hox l:I\ {'l!.!hfrt•n of

1ng- t11 ha\f' a "'noel timt' lu•rc--ni1 11• ot" I fh1• l'llt1' ... t. J•lurnpt''t. lit'l'lt• hruwn gi 11

u-.. ,:.!iris w io ~·:1 11 't l[o hnnH'. _\na, ~l!rhn·a1l _1lolh tlnr l)IU: conltl '.mag-in".

ntoth1 r, if I d1)n 't ~t't an•itlu•r thin~ t • I '·"rtrntli• s 11111tlll'r h 111 put in t\\ i

< 'hrist111.1-. .. "on 't ynu ~t'U1l 11ll' ~nml' o apil't'P for p:11·h Q:irl. ).fa I~ w~·r,• th"

tho~(' 1 1 ·It> hrnwn !.!ingt'rli·· 1 ·:1~l 1) lll· " t':\.t' ;1111·1t11111-; ot' 1h•ligh+ .tnd gladr1t•-;.

hail "lit•n W•· \\l'tl' l\hl:-. Tt ·~ s.1 lon,.,: I 111l tilt' ;,.!irl-., .lll.f tht•\" al1111J-.t r 1rt!.I'

"inn• ''" 'y11 li.t•l t lwm. I was t rlll 11 ~ that I hry 1·onlrl not ;J:IJ ho mt•. u ii nt ie•

t lt' ;.!id-. !JtJ\\ g"•iflll tlH'." Wt' , I -.ai1l 1• 1t1n l f ll' :.!O•HI hi11~~ till'• \\'t'l'•'

amu-.('.j n ia•r lll!!l'l 1

~hl• TPl'Ph!'d hrr C'tltil':llsou J•:tl't :tr l '•l kn"'' yuu 1 gin;;:t.•rhn•ad 1loll-. II\ ...,.iin_c' t l ha\1•. (h·r tUdl' ~ t th 1lolls

, lr !:lt ('\t• , I H' h:1111h of he1 mothc>r an•l h•r "'I \\hPn'. hcrn-..1 \•ltl hsd JU'l 1.l ~pi•i :i tu 1 l'l\\ flll lli•r 1lrt·s~1·r 1·iLditt'l'fl littl.•

f tli·r. 11111 p.irth at ~ch11"l. u11•li·r b s ,, 11 , f ut Hlt! in tl1t• tnn. I J.ro\\n 11'111-. In·,~,J wnh 1us11. dric•l

rom t h1 tl1 trv l t lte s1 t ... (I I - , - . . . .. I II

1 ' ~, Ill H'sllrf• I onu Thi:-. auur •·Jh 1 J.ip wa\', motlu•r ii vuu li.tppt>n 1·nrr.1ut:-. tnr t•y1·~. :i111l \\llh ltttl~· purnt

I. '\\lr 1 \ltl -.ho\ htH. \\\ 01Jlt"oftli1'p11ri-.t~1k1n!;!.111dtl111rut1, .. d1,tn M'I: 11 ,·thw',..,. t'lf m,·'u· 11 1!i Jilli that t•1l 1·ap-..

d 1m •r ...... ,.,) hPr f.1t1ur'-; k" I 1. 1 , • .... · -

.1. I ..., ini n fl"tt' ll'r-., (')i.tr:tl"tl'rbtlt' 1>t tho,.._• 0111' with tht' tw11 link ... lo1•kt>1l to<rl'lht"" •· X1n\· ' !->hj>o -.;.i 11 ··I'm ·•,1111•r I'

I . I - I .• , .... •11111 It 1' "l'ltllln th:a lil•r pupil· -plt.l'l' "t'llcl Jt ti• lllt' ldou 't J.uot\ J.•a\"t' thl'"l' ht.'fl'. an1l wlwn YOU crirh

nuc; i r s 1-. n1 ' hJ...." ort h -t 1.J \' t'r, 1 t II 1 I I ' ....

Li/ e at the Dorm.

beard .Ten·~

'' Goo<l ni~ht, all of you. Hike, be·

for£> all of ~· 1u g-et caught.''

• · Xiue silrnt 'rah8 for the 'Holy

Terrors' before 5·ou go,·· wbisperrll El·


Suddenly Jeanette remembered her

mother's letter. ~be gave a start anJ.

sat upright. 8he knew now how it had.

all happened. For a Jong time Jeanette sat, undo

with 8COrn in her \"Oice. •'they can cid£>d what to do. Iler head was hot

ha\·e fun and thing"l. They can send and her mind seemed to be in a whirl.

their old. Christmas boxes to us ju~~! Onee ~l.1e took the ~old pin and starteJ

becau~e father has the chn r~e way or.. towardc;i; the di>or, then turned back

there on the prairie~. •rhey don't know. ngain.

what it means to br away from hom(' !' ' ' \Vhat sh:l.11 I 1fo. what shall I do,,.

prairies. where I can see the sun com­

ing up over the bills. And not e\•en to

have a sleigh ride O\'er the snow on thi-;

Christmas .. The others,'' she muttered.

on ('hristmac;;. Oh, J hate them all,·· ~hr crii'1l aluud. · · [ must gh·e it to

~he continued bittC'rJ~-. Uertruclc. I knpw it belongs to her,

Quit-ti.'· shr sohbrd for awhilt'. The.1 ;:ind I ne,·er Wclulii dare wear it. for

~hl' drie1l her tear:-: :tnil wrnt dnwn t11sbt' would think f haJ-'' .Tc>auett<'

set' if any lettrr hall ronie' for hn. .\I clarccl not mPntion ilH' thou}!ht . <'Yf'n tO

ll•tter had l'omP fur ht'r from her 1 herself. ·· Hut what ~hall I tt>ll bed

nwtlwr. ~lw took it to hl'r room and ::;hall l sa~· I found it? .\ncl if mothC'r

n•ad It. !->houltl a~k llH' ·what ber:imt.' of it. I\L

morrow.· · shl• thought. a" she fo)lj('•l h:l\l' I l tt•!I ht'r 1 hail lo..;t it,an1l th:tt

till' il'ttpr and laid it a~i1IP.. ,,·nnltl lll' :111oth(•r untruth. Hut. what·

\f·<' ·li11u('r th» 1lt'xt day, :i:-: .Je·1~

'•I l 1•rnli:.d1J~ ~l't thl' park:t~t' t

,.,.,~r h'tppl•ns, ' .. ht• c-nntintH'1l in n lllt·

f(.•r •11111\ • ' llcrtnuli· t "lin ~hall 1w' t..,r

1•t•t.• ":is !!•Jin~ tn ht•r room, s! 11• p.10..:~p1l le now rh.tt it "lln<' n a mi"'i•)na i: !Jult'.

a <,!rou1• of g rk '1''11·y w1•re talk in~ ~u: \\hat "h lll I lo~ '

tr••th1• l'xt.•itl'illy, l>Ut a~ .11,:inl'tte ap / For .c Ion.! ti111P -.h-· -.at. r .'1'1~ irt

J•f1Jn 11•11. f it•i 1· 'oi1· " w1•re Ion •rc•d t 1 'arn tu a""" P th iJUt''t i1 1.

111'1'1' ,,111 .. p1r t;t•rtru•l1• gl.111 1•1l arl .\f 1.1,t .11 n1tt1 1·1 •1 ti~ nin.

.ll• t .1 tt• ·l.., ht• 11as-.,•d, ti •'ll urlP•l ht• ~lit• li.ul •l '('td 1 t JI 1 t•rtrwl1' "l.\Jout

Ip !H'1) iul .' ·111d fUT11td lt'~ 1•,ld 1w:n-. t, Jin t• in· ~) t 1 t t 1r -. wul l

'_" .T llll'fll' pa:-;~1·d 1\11, "ll' hl•:tnl th•/ k11"1\\. \.\· t tlu• 1•in n hr haw1, .h•u·

\\Ort!-..: ,, I•' 0

f•tlP• tJ\\ d <11 ·1r111h-' lonr.

'' f S,l\\' ;} 111 \\ith Ill\" l\\ll l'Y(•S ib 1 \\bid1 \\ 1' 'i D. 1),11\ tlUr"> -.;;L\\ }a•r

\\"<•iii 1 th• 1011 r. 1"11 lirt unthiu'r/staudm~ out-.11le h n ~harp \'Oii·t1 r:t11~

~1i .... t n th1•11. Yun ~ai1l \1"111 1l n.no\~ out:

tht•w anywhen. ::.-o l ltlnkt•:l t'~peei;ill~· '·If .ll':lllt•th ll.1-. "lllt"i tlio-;l' tw >

lo "''l" 1r tbP \\l'fl• .dikt•. ·· g'iUl.!'l·rhre:l•l 1loll~ h.1tl Pl\llU!!li tn take

th1·111, 1 ·.t 1 t b 'r kPt'p t 11'111 11 I wl!re Ut''l'I\, 1.,th 0l't. 1 .... ~q l .. I ' ·1 - ' . . . t't ....

lt'lt us r If th,1 ! )">re1~(";::. :\ .''" 1'1 lo 111':.! c•i•t t IPIT \\OTI'. \'lihl·tht.•r I 'l' In·"{ it h1">ft1 (If il•lt q ;_l't a hit H1l11'' d•, just ClllHt.• in an1l

. a \\as fontl ol stud~, and ma1h• "!ten J \\.l .. home 1'hnnk:-c.rinnll". l>un" han• :\ lJl't•p at thorn.·' .lt•anpttp f·n1t•rt•,\ ht•r ronm nn•l :-:;lt

. l' >ls•u\\ n, \ :..i. r:q•lll J•rogn·~~. 8hp writo•s to h r . ... ,.., • ! . . I · 'I ' · ' · • · r · .. yon, fit~rtruih•. ·'

r1· 'llt\\,lrclt er~r.w•lfatht>:" mothir h·· . . ... . e f~rt.{l't ahout tht" doll:-., mother. S.iJ.llll .leatH·ttcllan~s:tt:doneiuhnrollm. 10\\ll •. S11 "on•ilrrtl.l.ttht ~tr.lll~<'.h

· n1lodli\1'.. :'ntl pnrtt••l. no1 murli l'hl•:-:hir.1..•: ~~~~u~o". n n•f' ·'~·tr-; old'. trum nt~l'. . • 'tit•rtrndt'. . ~hl' Ii-. t'nl•d awh It• to t1w g-ay d1attt·~ I twn~ ,,t tlu: ~·rl-. .• They hat~ n•~n·r bt'~u t\t'r lo 't • 1 1

. t .\mu $1)' I S?et ,d(111:-! fht• cl1Lv lwfnre t'bri .. tmas rvr a b1~ .1., it t'lo·ttecl in tu ht•r frum ·u·rl-..'.-1 thi• r"'pet1alh Jr1,•n1lh to her, .'t."t tht') had

'"ht• ll'ft ~h,•l w~·~t'tl •t '.~.r .ag:un .. vny fast in rny ~tudil'S and impron hnx n1lrlr~ssl'd to <irrtrmh• l'ain camt' t· I ~1:ill. T,lH•n Ji~tll''"'IY ~he ~:ro~t' .. 1n1l IH'Yt•r <' ;mpl1•tl'I.". :-;nuhlJl'd ht•r n:-; thl".·

.., aua th r:l't'n il:n·._\'~'tl'.t;.\.rs, 1ot~1 vt•ry mut•h .. I ha:-£> got another !-tu1ly lhP dormitory from Fairfiehl. Gt.'-:--'<'IO~l'li iht• dour. A bo.ok of poem~ "hich had thl'n. BUI almost imm1•tlint1'l~ ~lw

ik1•lv ]•I ........ ,,,, "11\ o ,la r('mark· ulldl·d •'n to my littlt:' stot•k: it is nat- tru1le's hom• to,,·n. m11r .,,·,1, ,,·110 W<'r" I I l I . I' 1· I I ti forcrot <1hout it. for hPr rrc>s w1•re turn

. .,_,,_ · .. • p;oot tt•m l ,. t .... s ll' iat u:-.('1 1n •,ng h 1 :ty upon l•' ~ •

It "a~ wi•h ht'r. 't pe:N ural phi!o:"oph~~. ,. '!'his was thl" nanw not gain:.{ home for ('bristmas eagNl.V ta.hit>. llopiu;.r to fi111l :i pot'm that l'd IO two little brown giugt•rbrea<l dolls

llhn, all j1:v •tnd .l~l:·ti:;:a; with gn·en to what to<la.'· is mostl.v inelucle.1 waitl'cl for t•vening tu coml' !-10 that would l'heer ht•r. she pickf•d it up. ('as:· pcrcht•d upon ht•r table.

' h•r ,,,·,.n · •. : ·· 11 ry 011 u.niler physit"I. Tn thi~ lettrr !'l:he al~·J

,- gt\'e~ n. Flight iu!.'iU'ht into her ~v~tC'm the~· <:ould luok on as Gertrude'~ box ing ht•r eye-; upon the page. ~he ~:lw tlw '·Oh. you tiny, fat brown ra~('nls,''

t~n yt:l~~ nftf'r ht>r husband' ... of ethics. for ~he "~iteR about a ..,~·hnol wa~ bt>ing unpacked. 1'ha.t is, all th·~ poem that sht' had Jn~t memorizPd. Sht• she said. happily, ''Dear little mother;

~r~. UJ:.;'.'.<>rth ~as marriE'll .it{ matt~ thus: ''Dear ~Ia , r eannot say thn: ~iris exteJH one wt'n~ to as?o.emlJle in read the!'IC )ineg: she's alwnys doing things for me. But

.,.~l to li1•r t1r ... t hu--h:.ind ·'i <"uu~in, ,Julia ft>ars her fak£>r. ~till she i; venr Uertrude 's room that C\'Cning .. Ger· .• 0, Rolitudt'. whl."r<' :rrc the charm'< I (.'311" "''e wh1•rt.' mother C\'E'T got hoi 1

~ llhanlel EJ~,\\orth .' -uwall. of agreeahlr. for 1 c~n tru~t C\'ervthin i~ trude hud forgotten to mention to her That sngrR ha,-e ~N·n in thy fnC'e-'. of t•ntrudc C'ain \1 gold pin. I know

rt1C'ut, and with ht>r hi~le girl left her_,, ¥ g mother that ten girl~ Wt•re left bC'hin·l it'~ her":;, for in onr of the two link~

iri:ti1da. homl.', to Ji"e for nenrlv . Tl instead of nine. Jennette flung tht" book from brr i-; thr nick that wa. made ,.,.·hen Ger·

in hi~ fir"'t parl.s~ .Epu;.1 ie you~g girl was st rongly attncheJ That e,·ening- the box wa~ opened. I and flung lierself UJ•on the bed. trud(' dropped it on the stone pa,·e-

f (ContinueJ ou Page Four) Nine heads bent over the box. peering' ''Oh, mother.·· t;he sobbed, ''wbyjment.''

Onl&' one ... aw h+•r !Jt1•al qnil'th ,twn.'··

~11 thl'.'" llwnght :-.he "ns a thil.'f.

'l'ht•y thought she h:u1 tnkt~n th1• two

g-inJ?l'Thrt•a1l 1l11lb whi\'11 lwr mother ha<l

srnr hn for <"hristm~i.... '\\"r•ll, th 0 y

l'nulJ 1hink ~n. !"ht.• would let the~n

think "0 ratht•r thnu t<'ll thrm whl're

they hail cornl' from

tried to h"• frit'ndl.r with h~r. so wh:lt

<lid it matlt·r, aoywuy.

Her Rorrow hac1 turnrd only tn hittrr·

nrss t•lwanl th1•m. and her anger st•emt• l

to aromH.• in ht•r onl.Y a epirit uf nnta~­

onism .. Rlowly the nf ernoon waned.

ette ci.at with her chin in her

(Conti11ued on Pnge 4'

.Tean· hand'I.

Page 8: llY 10. 1913 iSlBIG BAND CARNIVAl COMES · THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. IV EP~RATIONS FOR COUNTRY WEEK COMING AlONG WEll rmers' Week to be Big Event at College and Members of Faculty Have

Page 4


EJ tor rnC h 1 f

-,-.-·\\·3.., tb'' tll' ouh dtrlw

eY('r "'lE'D "" nton \\1:tr f


Splmn II. ~.>Jber,l?, 114 •·It v,a .. ·• Bu~inl·'"~ :'IIanagl·r. Fn11 E. Gordon, '13 ''\\f'll' Y1lll not th~ ln"t to il'a'' the ~anaJ.!iDJ: EUitor

. L:"·ndall l'. Da,·id .. on, 'Jj

( i:c.uJatwn )fanager .. J. Erne~t Border, ·15

hank t hl ~' e-nlnj! oi ne~·l·Ulbl•r ~4th? . . •I v.·H..: •••

·' Wl1at time did you bnnk r··


A~ .. t. Bu!tine<is llaonsi:er. -· ·-·· ··A litl"· after .5.30.'' ""\\a" the bat found in the- bank th!'

- .... Gf'o. W. Blinn. 'J4 mornina of DN·ember :.'?.1th .vour!'~ .. .A!'~t. Bu~ine~s .Manager. -· .. __ .. ..... ,..

·-··Roy }~. )Iabor, '15 ·•It wn~ ... "'Tbat 1, all." A~st. C'irc.ulahon )Ianager ..

Roy C'. Clnrk 1 'H Jnterc.o11egiate Editor ~·-................... _


Inez E\"C'rE'tt. ·1.1. Hazel C. C'offey, '1.3. Florene<' ,,.igh1, ·rn. OliYe A. KinsC'lln, '16. Howard L. Seaman", 'lti. Arthur E. F:ooman«:. '13. Leroy D. "'ille:·. '13. :\!ildred Eekel~, '14.


~Continued from P:t)"!t' One)

C'ont to hi'l chin. and quietly crept out. Tn an hour be was on the eYPnin~ train to Chicago.

B'' noon. "PenJleton wn-. nlive with the ~news of the robbery. The distortt•d nnd exng-geratf."d rumors had spread like wild-fire. The officer-. founJ no ekw unt ii. during- the hn·eRtigat ions made at the bnnk. ~Toho l'hun•h 's <lerb.,-. "ith bb name iu~de. was diseovere<l. .At

'·That is all.·' echoed l 'hurcb ·._ law yer, and the defendant left the .. tand.

• 1 ( ·an Burton .J. ~tnnton. · · re~ouoded the l]:rent YOiCC' of Jlurl.'l'Jl Rj?S.iD . A.1H)

~tanton took thl' nitut'~ ~tnnJ. ••Were .nnt at the bank on the aftt'r·

noon of J)t"'~ember ~4th 1 · • '. ( "a" ... "What time did you Jea,·e th,~

bank r·· ·•I left the hank belW<'t'll two o 'do('k

and half pa .. t. 1'

··Did you leave irun1t•diatt>Jy for Ch\ ('agof ''

''1 did: 1 took the tlnee o"dMk Pher hl Chie:1go. · ·

; ·\\'bat kind of n hat wt>re y(lu ''ear· ing when you left the bank i''

··I w:is wearing the nuly derby pOS!'C'<:<:

·'Did :--·ou, or did :"·ou ll()t. recei,·e a derb.'· hat belonging to you. from ::\ .. 1

Church. A. fe" Oay ... after your :irrh .11 in Chicnji!o?''

· 'l di1l not, for I ball m.'- only k:·by \\itlJ llll'.··

'• ITnYp :"'C..l\l oyur own derby iu ~·our

pM'-e!'l'"-ion uow? 1 •

•·I ha,·t>: it ha~ ueYer ht>t~u llllt lli m:-· n such weather, rniji.!ht not an:· man f'l'~!'e .. sitln.

lern·E' hi" derb,· :i.t 1he lrnuk in ex ·•That is all.··


change for a ,\::lrrn fur t•ap he carried "'l'hat i'1 all.·' repeated )[c('ounell1

n bi~ pocket for ju~t :iuch need:d .But, ju~t :tbove n "hi ... p~r. coupled 1'ith the fn 1·t tbnt he wa~ th(' Jti...t a~ he janitor w:1 .. lhd1ting ·hr last to 1eaYe the night before the rob· odoriienlU" eoal oil lamp~. !ht' jury filt• ! ber~-. the finding nf his hnt w:tii !'l\lf out. anJ the patient Ji,tener::- w..:-rt• ficient to l'RUse Ju .. arre~t. rou .. ed for n while into fre"h inten·~t.

The trl:il wn«: set for th(' sf'l..'Olld wrek 'rhe room "fb painfully :-:till; tlll' l'lork in Januar:-. Xothing ~o t':it('itin!! had ti1•ked loud!:-. :ind the roaring iire iu happened in Pendleton for :n~:u... On tht' n·d-hot .,to' i· tried barU to kt>ep ~111 the opening morning oi the tri:tl. thC' \\ith it. Xon and th('n some one "bite <'ourt house was erowdl•t.1. }"or the pa~t e<l hl:s po"'-ition. or a more restle'-'s iintl three wePl<s there had been no other gurgled noliii1y for a miuure at ~h' tupie of cc..111\er-:ation in the town. and water pail in the corner. ~ix o"<·lo(•n: hu~inf'~~ had bei;lu JIT:Wtil•ally dbcon ~truck. and then half past. and still the uuued ~o that mt•n could :11tend the trial ,iury were not read~- with tht"'ir venlld. and he:ir .1\\hat kind of :1 fight tlrnt lt "a~ nlmos1 ~e,·en before the duor.; feller woul<l put up, anyhow. . Tht.>rt' bt•low ~wung opt'n and till' lw:n·:· tn.11UJ• ·wa~ a ru~tlt• of rx<"itt'nwut a ... tlw j1ttl)!'l' ing wns heard coming tl}• the .:;tair". rap]'('d .. h:..irply 011 hJ'"- dt·'"-k for .. Ord~r In nu in!>UtUt the room wn.., alert. :111 in t 111• 1•nurt rnom. C1111r1 l°' 111\w 1u ..,e .... ion. ..\ few ~trn!!gl('r:-. at thl"'" t'rHI but ( 'hun•h. 11e did not "l't'lll to he.•r. (If the room ~tiufth•d iutt"l "i•at~. and I an1l -..at listh· .. .;.Jy lookin1! at the. "bi•• the- hum of mm·muring, Oi('t•s. that h:d fl:ike:-; ol '"-Unw ns the:· hit tht• win.low filled th,• room, rlietl a" quickh· a'"- till'' pane" from tlH• 1hrk1H• .... ".lhout S1 .! :-:inging of :Ill i•ledrk b:ittt~r_,.· ,~·hen tht' t•mnl:· t11c ~1wn fllt•<l up un<l took tllt'1r \\tre is cut. t'hnrl!'h s:lt in foll Yit>w cif I plun.,s. _\tter a long pause the !'('II the eager au<lh•nct.~. n littlt• mort.• rou111l tt"nt•e wa .. _ri•;ltl. Torn. lwtwf'en !'lymp:.'.· shnuhlered, an1l a littl~· mort~ bitter I t.h:r a111.l l~, i.dt'lll't'. the Jury h:td dealt ;1::: Jnnking th11n ui;ual. but ('alru and col kindl:- with <'hurd1 as pos'"'ible: hut. ·n lected, anJ :rnswering the question~ ~rite of that. fifteen ye:ni;; in tl11' .1!-keJ him in an inti.>Ili~t·nt. straight htate",.;; µri,11n .. tared him in the fat'c..·. forw:ird m:innt:>r. '!'he t.)tht'r l'lPrk~ in Tht• -.e~~i 11 n wa.., at !ln enJ. $oml" of the bauk wC'rt' all there. a few from a till' hoys rt'mainrtl to t•xpn•..;s th('fr s.'·111·

pnth:· to ( 'hurchi but, with just tbt• kindly feeling for l.'hnrl'h himself, and all because the:'· were greatly interestt·•l ~u!!gestion nf a ~wagger, St:rntou v:,\..; in the outeome. Stanton was there with tht.> fir..,t to lea,·e the room. the re:::t, although be !-At apart from -Florence ""ight, '16. them. The ot hN boy!-- c hoi;e the -.l'a h tOl\ards the back. where they could gt"t

EXPOXEXT ::-l"Pl'LE:\IEST. FRID.\Y. J.\Xl:ARY 10. 1!113

---- !\LL'S BIOGRAPHY.1 mu<·h to oifi'r l't11a·1•rnit1g :-.1•nin and it in :'.\Iontana, .... hl' "~~ a favorih• ~peaker MRS. MABSH. J•t' 11 ,11, whit•h w .. ut untoM nt1·rt>-.t t1 fvr tht• ...,:t>uer:il nn•eting-..

:.n1u lt•t it be tht> l.nk:<- o-f our f 1 :-hip .• Ju:-t tv.n link:-. Yt.lll KDO\\ .... ht" whi .. pere•l. · . t ont t•l t .n p,._

1, T ri·t• t.'T h1·ar••r.... .\11 thnt sh!.! The do .... rng month~ of ll:r-.. ).far .. bau · ..

!!·!\ t• coiH·crnuu.: tht> pt· ip1t• ol ~pu n lift> WE' ft' r1 timt"' oi {?reat ~ut'ft•ring for to hf•r ~t·W En~l:rn\1 rt•l.1th1•s al""· and bt>r afft>cuonall' iutC'rt' .. l 1n tht• little ... i .. u·r-. :mil hr11tht'r' n1m g-rowing up around ht·r llt'\ t•r fl:tcjlt.>i.l. Hein!! "') much oldt.>r thnn 1bey ... ht> \\tl!-' mort> ot a mother to tht•m than a rl•al plnyma:(•. null this relation no doubt tli~l tnlll' 11

ttl ~trengthf'll he-r eharnc1er: hul ~h 1., entered int 11 1111 their sport~ and ~1ud1t:''" with loving intere .. t, nn1l \Ht" long tht' life of the fnmil:"i· circlt'. When tweh~· \"l~ar.:;; old ~he \\rite"' to ht'r .\unt )Jar tha a de!-~·nptivn of th(' nt•\\ par'"-l1nagl' in Fa1riielJ, 11nd of the family lifi• thert'. of tht• flowt'r garden, :111cl of the , il1:lge. an\l :Hid .. : ··And now. my de:lr Aunt, I mu~t h~ll you of ont:' flo,\er. the deal'e't und th('! prettit>~t. :-:weeter and Jo,·elier than all-a baby brvther.''

In ] 1.,,,33 Dr. l'ornwnl1 rt,>mo,·ed t:1

Pitt!'iburg-h. to take l'harg-t> of Rt. An· drew·.,_ pari..,b. and there :lli~~ Ellsworth met )fr. Walter Panet ~far..,b:tll. tl1

whom sht> wn~ married in 11:\56. They h:id mauy ta~tC'~ in common; 1lr. )lnr· !"hall, although a busine"~ mnn. bt•ing 311

ll('('ompli.-.hed organi:-.t. well H'n:ed in t•lrnn·h mu..;ir. :111d a good draught'"-man, while she had studi<'d. whl'n younJ!. modern Jan~uages nud music Jlligentl,\·, nnd was e~pt.>eially fond of dr:lwing :.1nd

\\:l~ 41'.atht•re•l In 1•er-.t1nal t.na·h w1:h ht>r. But in th~ Ol'l!;.tsion~l intervab ot' wib l'bri<:tm:t" i·Yf'. Tt•u j:!ir thl"'m, :ind during month~ and month" I pain it wa~ clear to tho~f' who \·i-.iteJ ht>fort' the cheery firl'l)lace, talk in lin·d among tht•m. To fllu::.tratl' her ht'r th3t her vi~lon was still unquenched ('}rn.ttin~. Finall,\' :\lor:"·. the ('ilok, t.'llk ).[rs :\.f:H-.lrnll had numerous water· nnJ her -.pirit "till untamed. B,· thn"t.' iu with a plate in each hand, i:o i:olM ~ketd1e .. of which ~be is her::.:ed who knew her a~ a friend she ~ill not with ::lnow:"- napkin". the author. and photograph .. , ~bowing ~oon be t'orgottt.•n. In these bu•w da'·" ••Girl~.·· she .. nid. ''here'"1 the manv l'f th(' mo~t interf'-..ting "itruc· few men or women Uerh·e a


larger fruit cake you t'ver ta-..ted," a-. sbf ture~ in Spain. rncJuding palace" an.1 meaning from life. ,V, F. B. the one plate do9in on :m alre-nd'· bt•autiful g-an.lens, the fruits and pen::.· fi11ed rnble. , . 1 made it at Th ~tnt~ and 1lancin~ girls. · • • The TWO RED OWLS AND A RAG RU G. e:h·in~ time and !-lton'd it awa~· fo r t>tilll•ction (If picture!- is Pue that any ton?r of art or tr:n·el would prize

(l'ontinued~age Two)

hl,rhl:"i. Thc>rc> were abo exqui!<itc Span· For a long time Merle tossed up\Jn i~h lal..'{'~ . :<ome oi them two hundrerl her pillow, then finally went to sleep. \"{'ltr~ old. and all of great \"Rlue. · · But not, ho.,,·ever, until she had de­

.-\mong 2\(r:-. :'lfarsha11 ·~ mo8t ,·alued cide<l to atone, a-.. much as ~he eould, nod helpful friend~ wa!'-l :'llr. James for the wound she bas so tboughtle,.sJy Hamilton. wbo UIC'd some fortv Year!" made. rtgo. In hi~ time he wns well k~o~·n a~ I Early the next morning )Jrs. Roches­a painter. cspecia11y oi marine ,·iew._, ter went o,·er to see :\[rs. Dorris. She nod he drl'w man:'· of the pictures il knocked at the door and, receiving no hi«:trating Dr. Kane ·s Arctic explora- ans,ll;'er, walked in. She was ~urprised tion~. I to ~ee the dishes standing unwashed

girl!\ to eat at l hriHmn~ time. bee you cou1dn 't go home. And vou c guess what ·s on the other pla.te. l I ·11 tell you. The llther mornins.r, " you girh; were ou walking. the itor's little girl went upi;tair". pJa around, and pretty soon "be came d with a gingerbrt"ncl tlolJ in encb h

Rhe hnd eaten the head" off botl them, and she cried so when I trie take them away, so I let her have t But I made each of you girls cream puffs apiece ini:itead. And I you all ha,·e a merry Chritsnrn.!-1.' ·

Gertrude s1ippecl. ber around .: ette 's waist. 1 ·It wlJl be more just a merry C'hri"tmas, won't it. ' ettef'' ~he whispered !"Oftly.


)tr~. ).[ar~hnll combint>d to n remark· upon her neighbor's table, and the floor able degret' the wit, \-h-acit:· and warm· unswept. Although :Mrs. Rochester heartedness of old Yirginia with the in· knew little of :\!rs. Dorris· hi11tory. she tl.,J1('ctual de,·elopment of the rugge·l knew that good housekeeping was :\!rs. Xew England c;toek, an~..1 doubtle«:~ owed I Dorris' pride. :Urs. Rochester found much of her character to the devoteJ her neighbor ~itting by the fire. A care of an affectionate and cultured copy of the morning pa.per lay in her mother. Manv a i..ouvenir of thi-.; lap. As she turned around, :\Irs. Roch·

painting. mother•s ear}_,: married life was kept ester saw that her eyes were red with Air. :'IInr .. hall wns a u:Hin• of ~~ood· for this Jittle <laughter. and foun•l weeping, and it was evident that old


buf\·, Conn .. :1n1l was n grand!3on of (Continued from Page Three) He,'. John Rntu·t.•r:-: )far~hall. the fir::-t nmong- the latter·~ treasured posse~:Sion" I ~rs. Dorris had passed a 8 1eepless rN'tor of ~t. Jl:rnl 's. in that village. nfter her death. night. ::Urs. Rochester glanced at the pity,'' answt>red the <leep. hnr~h ,~ Ju tht' glt•ln• hon~e of th(' parbh. and The !ollowiug bl'lef act'ount of :Mrs. paper and saw the heading-1 •Two Reil )!y breath rame in gasps. )fy

:\Iarshall \. work at the )lontana State I Owls and a Rag Rug.'' . whirled and 1 grew 1iizzy. H( 1 during hi!' in~·umhenl·y. S.:1muel Se-abury l'ollege is written by one of her col It was late next mornrng when )ferle June! Tho<..e were the name~ of \\:l:o. t'lt'l!teJ tht• iir-.t bi~hop of the Ene' }('aaue!> on the faculty. ~md is followed arose. She came r::lowly down the two in5'ane people. I wa~ para] :.1~!~~:~;u1~\:1t.' 1i;ll'~:~1r11er~:a·b:111!.~~:::.r~:~~1~ hy "'a brief appreciation of her work ir j stair", for she dreaded meeting her with fear. Tht'n I shuddered.

f graudmothe 0

1' fac B · ::\f J b d were they jloing- to do with mf St. Paul·.., drnrd1 wns enlarged ana the college. r('printed rom the new"i- h • If r , e. ut - ere ra\·e mo,·ed a Huie. :u_,. teeth gave a lit•:tnlified in 1 ~.l.i. '·The n•reJo~ pan p:lp<'r account" which appeared ju~t ai· er-:e for the rn~k. for she was ~orry eb wert' bl·autiiully painted by the wife ter her l!eatb: for the pain "-he kenw she bad caused. den twitch a if they were ~oin

Mrs. F. E. 1£ar~hall wa~ ('DgBj:!:('d to .As ).[erle entered the sitting room. ehatter. But I pu:"bed the t•ornt ot' ~fr. )Jarshall '~ grand~on. with the J the e see ed b t . ·11 my shawl between them. The symboh of tht' four e,·angelist~ and the take the profe..,l:ior:-;hip of art in the r . m to e a my~ er1ous. sti . must be--. I tried to scream. Ten < 'off11na111l111ents on tlw panels abOYe l'Ollege in the ~um mer of 1 ~94. Pre!"- ne!';s, and then she heard tbe vo1('e of

ident James Reid met her ar the .\rt old ~rs. Dorri!-. She could not talk to the words froze on my lips. The f tbe altar ... l ThC' Li,·ing t'hurch. Oct. Tnstitute in Chiearro. and wai:; impr<:'s~f'ol ~randmoti:Jer when outsiders were prei:;- at the window haJ hurled hE"r het 2". 1911.) \\·oodbury \\:t~ SC'ttled in Ith b bT '"' d I . d ent, so she he .. itntel! to enter. But in me. ~he mu .. t have. for it Jay o1 16i:'.! hy t~ongregationa}ii;t~ who had :'~gagel~rh;:, ia1~~ s~: e.n~~~ 1~:~1;s~~ ;e~1- an instant :-:omeone F-Oftly called. floor before me. I tried to m°'· '' ithdrawn t"rnm tllat church in ~trat· tfmber of that year and opened up her , , )iferle.,' She entered the room from was powerless. A cold breeze ~r· ford. C\mn.. hl'l·au"e thC'y c..·ould no: tlepnrtment in the crowded <1uarters of where the C'all eame. And then she me. Everything seemed to whirl there eujo:· the d1.,:o.ireJ prh·ileges of the the old Aea<lc..'m.'· buildina. the first could no longer re'"-train her"'-elf. twii;t. Then all faded into hlac\§ Half "~ay l'on•11:1n1, of which ::\!rs.. :\.l::tr· e-- "C d h h G l h .. I awoke in my own bed. A neig iihnll 's ant•t•stor, Re,-. Solomon R.tod home of the l'ollege. Later she i1lanneJ. Tran mot er. o irant mot er. the mother of the t"'o in .. nne P•

th t t f tl t ] t she ~obbed. '' l 'm "o sorry. I neHr clar<l. hnd het•n ... n zealou .. 11 :-;npporter. e presen quar er:; 0 Of 1 ~ nr c epar - realized. Take the twenr:"- doJlar~. was ~rnnding t:ilking to mother. entil tht.> lleath of her husband in ment ln t'o1lege b:i]l. t e faculty of ne"er want to ~ee it again .. , •·Ye~.·· she '"-aid, ''Henry nn

11.\7-... :Mr'"-. )Jarshall reRided in Pitts· thnt time. Prof. Cobleigh i~ the only rame home ju~t a!t tbe ~torm wa~ burgh. where ... he had many warm one now connei:ted with tht' in~titl1tio:1. '•There. child. there.'. Antl grand· frit~na~. :1t1•l mP:tnwhile ~he frequentl:· ~he '".l~ a mt~mher ot the facu1tv mother ~oftly patted the bowed head. and we both noti('t•d that the

either a5 prufe..,'°r M prote~!'lor eme:r- l don't want the twenty dolJars. I window was OJ'l'D. AnJ ·Top ... v' 'i~itt>d ht~r rel:1tin~" in Yirg-iniil and in Ila· t"<l~t, :tn•l tr:n·pled e:xteush·l•ly in f I b f . b · · II · h tipped oYer n!?ainst tht.• ~c..·ret•n. itu:-. until a few month~ before htir I l' t urt at Jr'"-t. ut it ~ a ng t Enrope. Durio~ all tbi!'-l tinw she de·

l!t•ath. now. You hn't1 giYen me a trea~ure thought it wa ... "0111(' llDC' eJo..,h1J worth morti tb:rn that. dear,·· ... he ~aid.. window at t'ir..,t. Onr l11tle er 'ott•1l mm·h attl'ntillll to her art ~tu.J.ie .. , Jn the :·ear:-; 1 "n-1- 7 ~he prepared. ·n wa ... sn tired that '"-he iu-.t 1•1ml11n

rt•ct•i,·ing Pitt..,huq?h art school meJ;lJ .. con:-;ultation with Profe"'Or J. ""Blan· brokt•nl.'·· ••Ynu have gi\"t>ll my Sarah to the o~her t•r11l of rht• n1om. J for t'Xl't•lleut•t• in de.::.igu and in oil pa.int kinship of thr botanical de11:trtment. ,l. to me.'· in~. Tn the summer~. with fellow ~n ~erie~ of water color painting:..; of the )[erle lookl'J up. !4ht· '-'a" the ~hiu ti~t", nm:iteur nnd profe~~ional. ~be of wild flowers of ::\.Iontana, which w:h iuf? f:ll·e" oi tlw group aruu111l lwr.


'• 1 suppo .. e iiO.' · an .. were1l m1 1 ·I thought "he wa:-. in ht•d wl.

I "b d T · · .\nil frc1m tht• ... adne..,ii whkb hf'fore hall tt•u c..·ampC'tl in tht• we<::tern _\]h•ghaule~. ex H ite at the rans·:.\[iss.i.,. .. 1pp1 ex· ht1YereJ in the lint's oi her gr:inJ· l.'llllll' h me. [ hnp1wuetl tc1 rem and the"l' ht•altlq?h·ing an<l delightful position at Omaha in 18~8. and the:-e mother':-. f:.u·e. beamed forth the true the <Htic windo" antl, when 1 we t'Xl'llr'"-ion:-. wt•re aha producti,·e of rich recein•d a gold medal for its arti:stie . oi l'hri"'tuH\<.: time. to clo«:e it. here "'he was near the t result::- in .. keH·h('ii :rnd fini~hed paint· and !"eientific e:tcellence. This Ct.l11e~· JOY The wind had blown ·Topsy' (tba in~s. Jn Europe, and esp~cially in ti on, now the property of the )fontaca j -H. ( '. l'., '15. justable dres~ form) OYer ngains ~pnln, ::.he profited much by her studie!:l State eollege by purcba<::e from :llr~. i:;ereen. The football had been ha in the art ga11t•rie .... nnd w:w able to ::\.Iurshall a few months befon• her death, TWO LITTLE GINGERBREAD DOLLS on it, and that was out in the n enjoy quite a little in truction from is the most complete monument of her of the floor.·· "'"""'· part icularl." in R1<1in. But tn work and int.,e•t' remain in!( at the (Continued from Page 3) Then I under•tood. l(ut I wa• thi,.;;, which het:ame her liie·work. it wa~ co1lege. After her death. Prof. Corn· She seemed dazed, for she sat staring- little disappointed. I shoulJ ha\'•I :b in her younger dny"; the mo .. t of wall gaYe o the art depnrtment a lar~e staring at two brown gingerbread doll~ ferred to remember my ailn..,ntu e

w an ol!'c:1swn:il comment to each 4Jtht:r '..-:ithout the judge callin~ the room rn

" SAYSO " BILL ' S :FIND. I her progres-. wa-.. due to her innate tni· nu1nb~r of ~ketches and '-tudi£>-i; which that were perched up on the tabh" being 30 encountt'r with a real eut anJ energy, for fin:rncially it w.t~ ~be had m:ide durinl! her forei~n tour. ~miling- at her. Only once .. he aro::<:•'. -0. A. K ..

1 orlln for it. But ~tanton 11Qk h."

~eat near tht' gai.t'way, .iu't 111 front t•f } I the dh-idiniz rail. All this did not es·

cape Church and, a'l Stanton had hopC'\1 1

it angered him. With hi'"- risrng ange1, be lost control of hi~ calmne!'s. and th~~

last time he \\a-. ealled tu the- !'tanri ;:i the morninfr ~ession , he had contr.1· flicted nnd jumbled the two good st1rnd!1 be bad made <'arlier in the day, so tbnt e,·en hi!'; stnnncbe.st supporter:-. began L• wonder if the:'· might not have beeu wrong after all. At twelYe the jutl~" dismissed the court for an hour. Tit~

afternoon se .. sion opened with an n .•n more intere!:'ted audience than iu thP morning. but Church haU chnn1ted great I.r sinee then . He did not seem to earf'

and tovk th\• trail for Lost Lake, ead1 one turning off ou the l'hurn .Falls tr:iil. Each one fouucl the plae.e where ·• ~ayso ·~ · · te:im had d:ish('d off the road through the underbrush, but they t:ould not thre-ad their way through !h(' trees tu the top of the t'ut bank. },inaly thP lllt'n got out and "enrcheJ on foot for !'Ome Y('stig{' t1t' a tnil. They trailed 1he wheel marks of'· ~:l:"'· ~o ·.., ' ' buckboard. but only to the top of the eliff, and no other sign could they find 1 or "here he hnU goae from

µevt>r po~sibl(.' for h('r to obtain regular ).[rs. Marshall died late in the e\·en- ''You mc..,ek me,·· she ~.aid angr i1y. a . .-nn<l c..•ompetent ini;;truction. injt of October J;), 191:?. she turned the faces of the gingerbread .\ mong the hundred~ oi this .

Mr. ant} Mrs. ::\.Iarshall hnd no chil· Those who knew )Jr~. )Jarshall anU dolls to the waH. fresbies at the Pni,·('r.;ity of KanJ Uren .. \.fter his death ~he was obliged her work :it the college will think of I Slowly the sun wt>nt <lawn and th;:, to depend ahno:.-t entirely on her art fo:' her ai;; one of the mo!'lt rt-markable i;;badows entered. The ~oft. dim twi· her upport. She resided at different women who contributeJ to .\fontana 's light re,·ealed the ~hadow~ of a J?irl sit· time~ in Xew York, Chicn~o and Shep- earl:"· educational and ~oci:il history. ting b)· the window, resting her head in herdstown, and in the two former placPs Perh:ips no other womau hns come to her hands. '-'he seemed ro stare vn·

one student ..,e,-eoty-four year~ o 1

He was twent:"·- .. ix years old wb~ 8ehooh; was founded in 1~6-1.

President Hadley of Yale, she opened studio!'l, gaYc art le~sons and this state who ":l gifted with .so wide I cantl:· at two small dark objt'Cb o:itting- the Yale Alumni club in Chieng< lecturr"i, furnished deCllrath·e design<:;, nnd deep n cultur(' and c:o striking: a on her table. the long distan~e . and dependt>d also upon her brush. But perMnaJity. :-::.he came to ::\fonrnna a·t :, The dinner bell rang. but .Teanette a telephone at bi~ plate. her energy and her intere!-t in all about time of 1ife when most men an<l women did not bear it. .Xeither did Rhe he::or hN nen•r flagged, and Rhe found time l1ave laid n'""ide acti,·e emlea,·or. and l the gi r ls as they p:1ssed her door ti) R adica l Changes in I owa. State Sc to tra\·el in Europe, Eg:•pt, ) fC'xieo, the when lrnrllly any would be willing to I the d ining room below. Sandwich hlnnds and Japan, from all confront alone new experien~es in a Xine girls sa t ar the table that e,·en- 'Yhnt appear"'- to be a radical c 1 ;.j there.

. , of which CllUntries she brought bac..•k str:tnge land. But she entered upon her ing. Oert rulle did not ..,eem hungry. in the ... tate "-t•hool.::. auJ one t . To thi~ day , 11;,ne ot them ha,·e eYer :tdditional information for ht.r work. work here with a zest and with :in She saw a letter b~- her phtte. Ro, soon. eausinJit mu(!h J.iscu.;:sion at the found ' · !4n:':so :-, lake, or.'' The Phan PinolJY, after n long t<'rm of ~ef\·iee at alertness of mind :ind nn engNuess for with it in her hnnd she !:'lipped away. Towa univer~it:"· nnd $tate Tea l tom L:ike. a" the,· call it. Ilowe,·er., · , how he an<;wered, ur "hat question<.; · the M"onrnnn ~tnte <.'oll('ge, she made a new experit:'nces rare even iu gifted Quickly -..he Wl•nt up'"-tairs to her room colll'.'gc, w:H made b:· th(' bonrd were aske<l him. The cro~~·l•xamiuntion they ha,·e nll !';een It . ~s '



ha!. trip nround lht"' world, whkh had lung youth. ~\fontnun •._ mountain~ :1.ncl can· nncl opened lwr h'ttC'r. uc:rtion of I own recentJ:~. Thl• pr· drRjl)?ed on until the winter t'\"ening hatl takC'n thC'm, onf' at a tune. bhndtolded. ht•en her de~ire. She wa .. eig:hty·two yous. rocks dud trees and flowers wen~ Tht> lettt>r ":h from her mother. an l l"'hUni?r" nre: 'fhe rermn·:1l uf t completely fa11en. There were only nn<l lets them be convineed thnt he hat- ye:1r~ ol<l whe11 she beg-an the trip, antl nn instant and perpetu:.11 joy to b('r. full of intert•~t1nj! ne"'· _\ .. mile Jig-ht gineering work from the uni, er•) ' thr~t' witnr .. !<e..:, and nll day the tl'~ti· told the truth, llt lea~t in n•gnrd to the unfortunately had nt th<' time a slight And it W:lii her l'llief :lim :is a teacher eel up her iace as ~he re:.111 pagr aftt'r Ames and rht' placing of :ill liher mon:~ had jumped from Church to Rtan lakf' it~t>lf. if not in regarcl as to how bronchial truuhll'. which seems to haYe to bring her pupil:-. into ::-Omt"thing like paj!'e. On tht' tast pa~t· sht' rt'nd: :.l.nd general nnd dome~tie ... e,,•iencn t-0n, from ~tanton to ol<l ,luhn .. on, thl' hf' got there. ''l'd s:ty so,,, says Bill. bl•en aggra\"atetl by th(' trip. She wa~ ht•r own en.ioyment l\f beaut~-. Her en "Th(' lndie" of Fairfit~l(l filled a nt the univer!ility. j:rnitor, nnd b:1l•k to ('burch .. Tohn-..••n .i .. hl•':-: a tlnntl~· .. , 1wt well wh(>n sh~ lantled at S:in Fran- thusia~m wn~ l'Onrngious. f'hristmtis box for that prl':teher wa:· .\ cording to thi~ ruling, tht' a bad ju~t bern 1li .. 111i ..... t~1i from the -..tnn•l -H. L. ::=:. .. 'IG. c1M·,1 at the' l'lo~e ~1f the long ,·oyag•'. \\'hen )[rii. ::\far-.hall ('UITIE' to )Jonrnun off in 1he hills-tht• one "e ~ent to Teachers' t'tlll<'Jr.!~ will not ha'e n and l'hun•h'l-1 lawyt•r. ~frt'ounell, '"-:ll and heart tr1lublt" "01ln t.le\'(']oped it"rlf ... ht' !)eemerl nlrf'ally to he at thl~ Jedine i:.~t year. Dads i~ hi~ unme, I th: r.k. ernl nrt:-: work nhoYt' tht• !'lop· nenou~Jy looking over the nute~ of tin~ The l'l:.a .. ~ of Hll~ of the l"ni,·ert-it .. The t>xertion w::t<.; too 1m1ch eYen for oi her physfral power._, hut lwr ,·itality I i;;ent ~;cnie of tho-.e little ginjterhrewl year. ~\ml thb will pral'til"'ally tit ('lt.•rk of thi:- <.'ourt. when Stnntun ·.., of C'hil':t~u will t•re:-.l•nt to IH .·\._lma hl'T rou,.t1tu1iou :ln1l inrlomitnllll' <'11 and energy Wt'rl' inexhau:-.tih1l". She 1foll:-:. I thought the~.,. would enjoy men nwnY from thC' .. ('boo! l'"Xt't.>P 1 lawyrr, Pun•ell. junqw!l up antl :-aid: :\filter a l:arj.!"l"' :rn<l impo~ing- g:atPWfl_\" for c..•rg_\". and "hC' JJ<'VC'r was hl•rst>lf ngn1n. taught long hours ant] Uid much work thrm. I put thnt white dre .. ~ of your:-: tnking mnnu:tl training. ..\Ill\'

''l'all .Tohn L. t'hurch ·• ).[:ir .. h:ill F'iPld. Thi .. "ill ~t:rntl ~It th·• Fnr ~e,·eral vc..•nr~ imnw,ll:ttt•I:· pri· in n'tH1ing and paintin~. Her ,·ncatinn" in ht'l\.'\U~t' vou had ,·our new white I 111se th€' g-ir} ... IHH' taking l her 1 l .1 h II I 1 · t k ~outh 1'n1l of the uroun1h 01•11os1te Hull 1· I 1 B 'I sl1" g1 • J 1·r I · · l I I 1 · I · rnrl" "lh ca l.,,. 1111 11~.un oo · t-> rt•t 1ng- 1er r(•mova. t1) ozeman, ·' 11u .· ..- ~ ,.,. t1l out oor 1 e or to trnYc. nnt', :rnll wouhln 't wear the ot \tlr on<' an1 1lonll'stic "l'ient'e, " 11c 1 WL thll ~tand. g.ite. Tht• j.!<ttt' proper will lie ~;iliill·: 1ann. ~ht> Ii\ t•d with htlr nunt, )fr ... Her 'acntion jo11rnt'."" ind111led e\·l'l'y aga u. Your little go1d link pin w;i .. nll 1he girl" enrollt>ll. The nm ·•nid thr hat .'·on wore :n\a.'· from i•onstrudt•il ot' oak. Thi" will ht.> fl::rnk lll'nrieua Bt.••lingl'r Lt•e

1 tht> widow of :"'l'llr n trip eithn to the rn:-.tl"rn ur tu°'tl'n<'d to it. and I full)· intenclC'U to will be th(' greittt•r gnfn<:'r. A" it' th~ Pt•ndl<'tnn Count.\· Ba.nk on thr' t•cl on t•ithl•r .. jilt• by 3 ~m:dll'r u-:it('. antl E1lruund .11.,nning'i Lee. Eiiq .. nt thll we~tC'rn coa"-t, anil 8he nt•nrh alw:i, .... rt-move it, but it ~lippt.>tl my mincl until all tlw .. e ~tndcntii nnrl io n'turn t"H'Uln~ t•f Dt•c-1·mbt•r twcnt~· fourth, ont..idl' oi t W"l' '\111 ht• brgf' toWt.'r" : i homeste:Hl. Le<'lnnd, at 1he out ... kirt~ of tr:ivelt:'il umHtPntled: On 11.•a~·t.· oi a:,. it was too late. s,0 I "ent you thh gineering ro11T-..t:' no" giVt•n nt t

b<'l11n)! to ynnf'' 1' 11111'r('h'. It i" intenrlt"'<l thal thb. eu Slwpehnlsto\\U. In 1'91 hl'r :1ppJi,•:i.tiu 1 "l'IH'e :::ht" ,j..,itC'cl .Tapan and the Ha other pin.·· \"l"r"ity will bt." movi:tl to .\me· ••ft ditl not.'' tran<·t• ~hall ~rnntl a:-. :i pt>rnwnent mt."· fur nwmh..-r .. hip in 1he naughtt·r~ of the "aiinn Isl:tn11'1, n111l four yrar ... ago took Oertruilt." l'ntprj•d ~Teunetll''~ room legiau Reporter. 1 'Dll you know who this ha1 bt'l•Hlj!t."11 morinl tif the l•l:t~s th:.tt cuntrihmes it .\merie:rn Rt•\'olution wn~ favorahh· one of thl• l'lark tour-. roun1l tht' worlrl. \YithtlUt "knoi•kiug. A !:':1.rl, tenr·stained

tl)t·· :u·tt•d upon: her title to mrmher ... hip bi:. 1•hil'fJ:~ th:tt -.hl~ might \l~it l ndi.1. face Jookt.•tl up at her a~ ~he entered. Pledges ag:gregating ''I do.·• The long famuuii 1 'Daiiiy 1~h:tin 1 ' of mg 11eri\'etl irnm ht:'r grnndfatht.>r1 Dan which ~he had ne'l'r .. een. and redsit Silently .li•anetti'' pi .... ked up the pin 1)~ heen 5'eeured at llan·rud for t ·•Ha\"e you the h:it in your po .. ._r..,~i(in Ya..,-..nr. whi1•h ha~ he~n t•alled th<" 1 ·0M· it>l Rediugt•r, who was a. memher of thil .Tapan, whh·h ~h+• hrlll dt~arly loved ing be..,iilf' hC'T, :\nd hancletl. it to Ger· ~truetion llf a "l't of fre~hman t

now!"' l'st ins.titutwn rn the co1lf'gt• world.·· Yirgiuia <'hnptt•r of thc> Ordt>r of the To other!-l th:tn her pupils, ::\frs. Mor- trn<lc. but :.ht> clirl not see the mo\·e- tories. The l1uildin~-. will con~it "I haYl' not.'' is to be abolished on the ground~ thR~ C ncrnnsni . Rhe :ihrn belougt•d to the ~hnll waq chic>fly known by her lt>c mrut. wing~ faeing Charle~ rl\'er. Ea ''\\'hoM' hat Jid yon wear awny from it l'l'eate"i ''-.nob!i.'' Queen habt•lla Associ:ttion of C'hicag'l, 1ur('~. The:-:e were us.unlly the most in 1'0h, .Teanette. can :''OU ever forgin·1ent \,ill be provided with a p j;,

the bank that f',·eningf'' anJ took part in the lertures nnd other :ormal. cbr.onicleq of her :trt journl'~·s n~I" cried G~rtrude. in a choking voiee. ·which to receive his friends ; ''Mr. Stanton·~·'' exerclst.'s of the '-'tudy Club~ of the 10 ,·anous parts of the world. Sh!" " " 'e ne,·er meant what we said. 1

1 batb!l, tennis eourt:o., a larl'te • ••Did )'·ou keep tbi«: hnt until you A mo,·t"'ment ha!' been "taned for th~ As.,.ociation. :lrrs. :\Iarshall formed the spoke in tli: manner of easy con,·ers:.t· kno"· how it (':ime about, dear,·· .. hl• n'om and n dining ball are

!law llr. Stsnton, or did \"OU :-.enJ it to ee"itab]i.,,hnn·nt of a cour .. e in loggin,? Isabella H istoric Circle, "which took t ion, and had a gift of phrase·makingll'Ontinued, more calmly. "Keep th~!dudel! i n t he plan!l , bim!'' f'ngineerin,e: at the Oregon agricultural •t t f b I b II C th t d I · J 1 s roo s rom t e sa e :i ongre s nt n ma e peop e f~rj:!t>t how wise 111• 1


pin-keep it, if you '11 forget what we "l mailed it t o him t he ou:t morning college. a~ tb('re is 3 demoed for the~e the Fai r. •1 (Toledo "aturday Blade, clever her ob~en·attoo.., " ere. Tn lb!.) ~:iicl. And," she softly said, as she Of 498 ('Oll ege~ i n the United tt.i

about ni ne o'clock.'' graduates in t he west. !June 30, l 94.) '' ).{rs. Ma rsha ll bad p ioneer days o f tbe forme rs' inst it utes pu he r nrms around tbe girl , ' 1 won ' tj2ii are deoom i. uatiooal.