Liying Yu Liying Yu a106964 a106964

Liying Yu a106964. The development of Chinese hacker The problem of Chinese hacker The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers Conclusion

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Page 1: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

Liying YuLiying Yu


Page 2: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

The development of Chinese hacker The problem of Chinese hacker The trend of the development of the Chinese hack

ers Conclusion


Page 3: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

That period is just beginning to develop Chinese I

nternet in the hazy period Chinese Internet door finally opens to the public Computer enthusiasts around the greatest pleasur

e of those small games and COPY DOS software products, COPY is a genuine mode of transmission for the computer users.

The origin of Chinese hackers (1994-1996)

Page 4: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

That's not a traditional Internet, but the most prim

ary BBS server, the communication way rely on the dial the phone number is connected directly to the BBS server. Football and software encryption to be the hottest topic, the registration codes in exchange for many people enthusiastic. BBS server appear in major cities, cracked exchange software become the most popular topic,Linux can sell for 120 eur.

crack software and registration code

Page 5: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

In the early 1997 s, YAHOO search engine can only

search out seven related with hackers simplified Chinese web. the contents of the website translate or repeat on abroad.

The highest technology for primary hacker is only by mail bombs, and most are foreign tools, they did not have completely own hackers weapons.

The growth of Chinese hackers (1997-1999)

Page 6: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

The annual hackers conference announce " Back

Orifice" hacker software by a called "the dead ox worship", and with release the source code together. The software brings a global network security problems, and promote the "Trojan horse" rapid development. after announcement, 'Trojan horse" spread to China soon.

Page 7: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

At the same time,CIH attack mortherboard BIOS fo

r main target, which brought the tens of billions of losses for China, also let chinese hackers first felt the ambition and threat from outside.

in 1998, Chinese Trojan horse also was born, this is NetSpy.

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Indonesia broke out mass murder chinese eve

nts on July and August 1998. Many Chinese women were savage killed, the Chinese supermarket plundered completely, they sent a lot of picture to the Internet. This issues enrage Chinese hackers, they gathered in IRC chat room, they sent spam to the Indonesian government mailbox, against Indonesia with web site by Ping way. These naive attack method make the first Chinese hackers have unity and strong spirit, which became the basis formation of honker.

The Chinese honker

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in 1999,the bomber bombed Chinese

embassy in Yugoslavia.-----Chinese hackers got together again, they began to attack the United States website.

In July, lee teng-hui suddenly raise two state theory, the relationship was nervous between mainland and Taiwan. Chinese hackers rely on experience from US, they attacked the executive web sites of Taiwan, installed Trojans Taiwan server, cause a lot of independence advocates web server were paralyzed for long time.

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In early 2000, "DongShiLang nanjing massacre" ev

ent aroused against the nationalist, partial hackers launched the attack against Japan website and Taiwan website. Althought there was not much impact, but it appeared a lot of hackers organizations.

Page 11: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

1. A: huge number but the qulity is not so high China has a huge number of Internet users. Accordi

ng to CNNIC 24 th Internet statistics reports, users size is 3,38 bil. By June 30, 2009.

There has been no one organization form of them together. some "hackers" quality is too low, they wanted to become hacker because of the mysterious and bad motives. A few professionals foces on technology level, they do not care how to use it.

The problem of Chinese hacker

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In the west, some hackers organization already have i

ntergrated with clear goals in order to increase powerful force. chinese hackers are not aware theirs social responsibility and mission, illegal criminals often use them

2. Lack of strategic goals, social responsibility and the crisis consciousness

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3. Illegal crime is rampant The CNNIC report points out, there were 1.95 bil In

ternet users who suffer from the virus and Trojan attacks, 1.10 bil Internet users had stolen name or password.

4. Legislation. Information industry develop rapid, the network criminal issues brings new problem. The development of legislation can not catch up

Page 14: Liying Yu a106964.   The development of Chinese hacker  The problem of Chinese hacker  The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers  Conclusion

The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers: 1, Hacker is young. with the Chinese internet spread, more and mor

e people have access to the network and information resources, and more and more students enter this field.

2, The hacker is destructive. The development of electronic government and commerce make social more depend on the Internet, the economic lost is bigger than before by hackers.

3, Hackers technology popularize fast. we can easily find the hacker tools and teaching on line. BBS published online system vulnerability, these exchanges make hackers technical spread quickly.

4, Hacker tools expend quickly. People get hacking tools easily,operation is easy also.

Hackers organize together. Now people has the stengthen consciousness of cyber security, improve the safety performance of the product. Defects and the vulnerability are difficult to find out, so hackers organize together, exchange of experience, in order to get success.

The trend of the development of the Chinese hackers

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Relative to the current situation for chinese hacker

s, commercial criminal behavior is not much. Although Chinese hacking to some extent reflects the patriotism, but major hacking is individual behavior, it may be become a network crime, if there is no guidance. But Chinese hackers action promotes Chinese network security. there is no hacker, there is no network security.


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Reference: [The current situation and further of Chinese hacker] Http://www.alixixi.com/zz/a/2009072557053.shtml Http://www.alixixi.com/zz/a/2009072557053.shtml [The history of Chinese hacker] Http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/47247.htm [The development history of Chinese hacker] Http://pcedu.pconline.com.cn/soft/virus/safe/0801/1210931.html [The situation of Chinese hacker] Http://www.hack50.com/article/sort01/sort068/info-63428.html [The record of Chinese hacker] Http://www.heibai.net/article/info/info.php?Infoid=4624

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