The Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. (Isaiah 61:11)

Living Word March 2014

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The Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. (Isaiah 61:11)

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In this month’s issue: 3. The Tragedy of the Self-Sufficient Edwin & Lillian Harvey (USA)

4. Ask and it Shall be Given to You Daniel Irving (USA)

6. Giving Thanks Sonja Burketh (USA)

7. Five Secrets To Discovering God's Will Daniel Kolenda (CfaN)

8. Which Wall Is Your Ladder Against? Ken Legg (Australia)

9. The Final Conflict (Revelation 12) Mathew Bartlett (UK)

12. Faith-builders Bible Study Mark 6 Derek Williams (UK)

16. The God of Psalm 139 Derek Williams (UK)

19. In Depth Study – 1 Cor. 12:12-31 Mathew Bartlett (UK)

©Photos above © ENE Cover: © Creativeimpression Left © from top: Cerenzio, Eti Swinford, Sebastian Grecu, and Salvador Ceja Facing Amandee Back Cover: A. J. Cotton

Living Word Magazine is published in the United Kingdom by Sharon Full Gospel Church, 7 Park View, Freeholdland Road, Pontnewynydd, Pontypool, NP4 8LP Editor: Mathew Bartlett

Will not the judge of all the earth do right? Genesis 18:25

Page 3: Living Word March 2014


Faithbuilders Bible Study Guide – Mark

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The Prophet of Messiah: Zechariah

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The Blessings of God’s Grace

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Jubilant Jeremy Johnson (CHILDRENS)

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The Donkey Boy – Tales from the Life of Jesus (CHILDRENS)

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Faithbuilders Bible Study Guide – Gospel of Matthew

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The Prophecy of Amos

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ

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Page 4: Living Word March 2014


The Tragedy of the Self-Sufficient An extract from “Royal Insignia” by Edwin & Lillian Harvey

OUT NOW ON KINDLE! Price £3.86

Image © Ricardo Reitmeyer

Reproduced by kind permission of Harvey Publishers. www.harveycp.com

Not that we are sufficient of

ourselves to think anything as

of ourselves; but our

sufficiency is of God (2 Cor.


I HAPPENED to pick up a copy of a

magazine a while ago, and I noticed

an article which was called “Ten

Ways To Get Rid of Fear.” What a

title! So I started reading. I

guessed pretty well what the man

would have to say, but I thought I

would have a look. It was the usual

stuff written by a psychiatrist. In the

last of the ten points, he said, “Have

faith.” And I pricked up my mental

ears for a moment, and then turned

over the page. It continued, “Have

faith in yourself. You’ve gone

through before, you’ve struggled

through in the past, you’ll get

through again.” You may smile . . .

but there’s an ache in my heart, and

that is no exaggeration. That is the

tragedy of modern philosophy—


The fact is that I am poor and

desperately needy. There is a sense

in which I want the Lord never to

take me off my knees, for it is when

I am there, that I am in the place of

miracles. I am destitute. This was

David’s conviction about himself.

He said, “I am poor and needy.” . . .

You should have seen some of the

brilliant ideas I had in order to try to

reach men for Christ. They were

terrific, smashing, legion. But—one

by one, gadgets, gimmicks, and all—

they fell apart. They were useless,

hopeless, and I found there was

only one way. I am so ashamed

that the eventide of my life has

come and I have used it so seldom.

And that way is when I am flat on

my face before the Lord and say,

“Lord, it is up to You. I am helpless

and destitute.”

Destitute! Destitute! Destitute!

That is where I have to get in my life

and program and service. After I

had been in Chicago for five years, a

man rang me up from a church

board in New Jersey and said,

“Pastor Redpath, our church is with-

out a pastor. Do you know anybody

who would fill the pulpit?” I

mentioned three or four men whom

I knew.

He asked me everything under the

sun about their education—what

university did they attend, what

degrees did they have? What about

their families? When he ceased the

long conversation of about fifty

minutes, he said, “Thank you so

much for telling me about these

men. It is very good of you, but you

know, none of them are big enough

for our pulpit.” I hope he didn’t

think I was rude, but I could not let

him go without saying, “Sir, are you

sure you do not mean they are not

small enough?”

I tell you, my friend, if you are a

Christian leader, or in the pulpit, or

singing, or teaching a Sunday School

class, or if you are doing anything

for the Lord—it isn’t the big shot,

the big man that God wants—it’s

the broken man. God uses the man

whom He has crushed until he is

nothing but a door mat for people

to walk on in order that they might

come to Jesus. . . .

I honestly believe that one of the

curses of twentieth century

evangelical Christianity is that we

are not destitute. We’ve become

desperately self-sufficient. Indeed,

so great is the craze for higher

education that we train young

people today to be self-sufficient, to

major in the things in which they

will succeed—to be a big shot.

I’m not saying anything about

education. Get the very best you

can, but I want to remind you of

what Paul said about self-

sufficiency. Paul was a man of

outstanding education, the brilliant

theologian of his day, and he said,

“Our sufficiency is of God.” Two

thousand years have gone by and

the situation is no different. Our

sufficiency, our help, our hope is

not in programs, not in a theological

degree—not in anything but the

Lord!—Alan Redpath.

Faith is dependence upon God. And

this God-dependence only begins

when self-dependence ends. And

self-dependence only comes to its

end, with some of us, when sorrow,

suffering, affliction, broken plans

and hopes bring us to that place of

self-helplessness and defeat. —

James H. McConkey.

Page 5: Living Word March 2014


From an article by Daniel

Irving: read the whole article,

and a range of other Bible

studies at THE LAMPSTAND

The Lord does not qualify this

commandment or set any

prerequisite upon receiving.

What about obedience? What

about holiness? Are these not

prerequisites? We might

understand why the Lord did not

place any prerequisite upon the

asking when we consider it is

precisely these things we are our

asking for! We are to “seek His

kingdom and His righteousness.”

Therefore it does not follow that

righteousness and sanctification

would stand prerequisite to

asking for righteousness and

sanctification. If we are asking

for those things God commands

us to ask for (ie. His kingdom

and His righteousness) this

contemplates some measure of

faith in itself. Therefore the Lord

can assure us that “everyone

who asks receives.” Persistence

in asking itself demonstrates

Faith. And what is being sought

from heaven? Those things of

the kingdom of God; those

things alluded to by Paul when

he writes:

But of him are you in Christ

Jesus, who of God is made unto

us wisdom and righteousness

and sanctification, and

redemption: I Cor. 1:30

To obtain Christ is to obtain

these precious things of eternity.

To rightly perceive the Lord’s

teachings on receiving from

heaven, involves some

perception of the true object of

our petition. If our desire is set

upon eternal things, God will

satisfy that desire with His own

holy nature, which is Christ. But

conversely, if our desire is set on

earthly things, there is every

reason to believe God will satisfy

that desire as well.

And he gave them their request;

but sent leanness into their soul.

Ps. 106:15

This should be a warning to us,

lest our desires be wrongly

directed toward things other

than knowing God through the

Person of Jesus Christ. The

rightly-oriented hope is set upon

those things of God’s kingdom

as Paul expresses: But of him are

you in Christ Jesus, who of God

is made unto us wisdom and

righteousness and sanctification,

and redemption: I Cor. 1:30

If our hope is rightly-oriented in

the sanctification of the Holy

Spirit, then we are rightly-

oriented to receive of God’s


The Principle of Receiving Spirit

from God

The prophecy of Isaiah expresses

this principle of receiving Spirit

from our Creator and Lord: Thus

saith God the Lord, he that

created the heavens, and

stretched them out; he that

spread forth the earth, and that

which cometh out of it; he that

giveth breath unto the people

on it, and spirit to them that

walk therein: Is. 42:5

God expresses what is His

purpose in given men life and

giving men spirit. The purpose is

righteousness. Not moral

conduct, but that righteousness

expressed by Paul when he

wrote: But of him are you in

Christ Jesus, who of God is made

unto us wisdom and

Ask and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.

Luke 11:8-10 Image © Eti Swinford

Page 6: Living Word March 2014


righteousness and sanctification,

and redemption: I Cor. 1:30

The righteousness brought as

God feeds us with His own

eternal being; the Spirit of His

Son, slain for sinners is the

righteousness of which Isaiah

speaks. This is the kingdom

brought by God.

On the other hand, God gives life

to all humanity. Isaiah’s

prophecy state that God, “gives

breath unto the people on it.”

Indeed, God gives spirit even to

all things, as we learn from the

104th Psalm: O LORD, how

manifold are thy works! in

wisdom have You made them all:

the earth is full of Thy riches. So

is this great & wide sea, wherein

are things creeping innumerable,

both small & great beasts.

There go the ships: There is that

leviathan, whom thou hast made

to play therein. These wait all

upon You; that You may give

them their food in due season.

What You give them they gather:

You open your hand, they are

filled with good. You hide Your

face, they are troubled: You take

away their breath, they die, and

return to their dust. You send

forth Your spirit, they are

created: and you renew the face

of the earth. Ps. 104:24-30

Whether the creature

understands or does not

understand, he is continually in

need of the liberality of God for

anything good. The very spirit of

the creature comes from God.

And when God withholds His

Spirit from the creature, life

itself is withheld. God gives

them of Himself in order that

they have consciousness and

vibrancy. And man is no

exception. God gives “drink to

very beast of the field” so that

even “the wild asses quench

their thirst.” His liberality goes

out to men of every stripe. Jesus

did not say without a basis in

spiritual things, that our Father

in heaven “sends rain on the just

and on the unjust.”

The creature has every reason to

hope in the liberality of God to

bring them the things to prosper

in this life. For we read of God’s

provision for men, that He

brings: wine that makes glad the

heart of man, and oil to make his

face to shine, and bread which

strengthens man’s heart. Ps.


Man’s needs might be a bit more

complex than the “beast of the

field.” For man is made to

worship God and to offer up

spiritual sacrifices in

righteousness.[2] This truth is

no-less true even if men be

ignorant of it. Man rejoices in

such things as; music, literature,

drama, relationships, food,

nature, only because God gives

him life and the spirit to give

these things vibrancy. When

God withdraws His Spirit, these

things cease from meaning.

They become hollow shells,

without substance, without the

life which the Creator gave. This

is why Paul warned those he

preached to lest they forget the

God who gave them the

essential joy of natural life itself:

Who in times past suffered all

nations to walk in their own

ways. Nevertheless he left not

himself without witness, in that

he did good, and gave us rain

from heaven, and fruitful

seasons, filling our hearts with

food and gladness. Acts 14:16-17

Something truly miraculous and

wonderful was

occurring. God was intervening

in the natural creation in order

to bear a witness to the brutish

things of this world that they

must stop, and consider the

declaration that “Jesus is the

Christ, the Son of the Living

God.” In their brutish-condition

as creatures they had been

blessed by God in the form of

“rain from heaven & fruitful

seasons, filling our hears with

food & gladness”. But now God

had a higher calling for

men. They were being called

into the righteousness of Jesus

Christ; invited to share in God’s

eternal nature; that they would

not have to perish as part of the

cycle of temporal life lived by

the brute, wherein their Creator

will: take away their breath, they

die, and return to their dust. You

send forth Your spirit, they are

created: and you renew the face

of the earth. Ps. 104:29

There is a new Spirit that God

will give men that will allow men

to offer up the sacrifices of

righteousness that come from

His own eternal being. These

are the sacrifices of walking in

the love demonstrated by Jesus


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Giving Thanks

Another Daily Moment of

Thought from Sonja Burketh

One of my favourite scriptures in

the Bible happens to be, For this I

will give thanks and extol You, O

Lord, among the nations; I will sing

praises to Your name. 2 Samuel


Those that know me will

automatically know why. Two of my

favourite things to do are located

within the passage: Giving God

thanks and singing His praises

If it were possible I would spend

twenty-four hours a day, seven days

a week doing just those two things.

If you've been around church at any

point in your life, then you have

witnessed someone providing

examples of both.

Some are more radical than others.

Some more reserved. But no matter

the extent of the outward

expression, the purpose is still the

same: to give God thanks.

Along life's journey we will

eventually come to realize and

understand that God deserves our

gratitude. Not so much for what He

does for us, but just because of who

He is.

However, do you realize that

showing gratitude towards God is a

mood changer? A very powerful

one! Showing gratitude has a way of

chasing away despair, depression,

anxiety and anger. Although our

situations may not be the way we

would like them to be, when we

say, "Thank You God", we have

automatically focused our mind on

something to be thankful for.

Times when my finances are not

matching up with the ever

increasing demand instead of

becoming overly depressed I begin

to thank God for the ability to earn

at least some money in a honest


When my youngest child starts to

work on my last nerve I have left

instead of becoming angry I begin

to thank God for a healthy child.

When I don't have the food my

body is craving I begin to thank God

for the peanut butter and jelly.

When my dear hubby makes a mess

of the kitchen instead of making a

fuss I thank God he cared enough to

prepare a meal.

And for all of these things I can see

the divine graces of God.

This is why I have come to know

showing gratitude toward God is a

mood change. It is hard to stay in a

negative mind-set when you focus

on the positive things that are

happening in your life.

Now I must admit I find myself

thanking and praising God in a very

radical way. But for me I have had

so many hills to climb and I know it

was God who has seen me through

each and every one that I just can't

help myself. And I would not have

it any other way.

Notice I did not say He has changed

all of my situations, but because He

is there for me I can say

"Thank You God"

Here is a little secret I have found.

Telling God thanks does not just

have to happen in church.

Automobiles, homes and outside

while enjoying a walk I have found

to be great spots.

Try it one time wherever you may

be and see if it doesn't immediately

change your perspective.

Here's a word of caution, thanking

God while driving can be a little

tricky. Especially if you are listening

to a song of which the lyrics are

doing the same. So in that case I

advise using a little wisdom. Or the

person you might rear end may not

be as thankful. Image © Godfer


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Secret #1 - The Kingdom Comes First Imagine you are a member of the crew of an aircraft carrier in the US Navy. Like all the other crew members, you have been assigned a specific task. You might be a mechanic or a landing signal officer. You might have a prestigious position as a top gun fighter pilot or something as modest as a janitor. While the specific roles and functions will vary from person to person, every crew member is ultimately working toward the same objective: to fulfill the mission of that vessel. In the military, depending on your position and rank, you may or may not be privy to the overall purpose for which your ship has been deployed, but in God’s kingdom our commanding officer has made the ultimate objective clear, and if we keep this mission before our eyes, it will help us to discover and fulfil God’s will for our lives. Regardless of the specific role we each are called to play, God’s plan for us will always be aligned with the larger mission, and we can eliminate any initiative that is not in sync with it. So what is God’s supreme agenda in our world as revealed in Scripture? We need look no further than Jesus, who was in every way the complete and full expression of God’s will in action. In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus prayed:

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10, NKJV). The prayer Jesus taught us to pray will one day be answered; God’s kingdom will come, and His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven! Let’s fast-forward in time to see what this glorious fulfilment will look like. Consider the amazing words of 1 Corinthians 15:28:

“And when all things shall be subdued unto him [Jesus], then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.” That God may be all and in all. What could be more complete than this? What could be more thorough than this? No more darkness; no more sin. Only righteousness in every corner of creation, God’s will being done everywhere all the time. We see prophetic glimpses of this all throughout Scripture, even in the Old Testament. Isaiah and Habakkuk both declare, “The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2:14; see also Isa. 11:9). A more thorough covering could not be articulated. It is a total and complete saturation. The last chapter of the Bible paints a prophetic picture of what creation will ultimately look like. Revelation 21:4 says, “There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying,

neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Isaiah 11:6 describes a time when wolves and lambs and leopards and goats will lie down together and be led by children. Redemption has been the divine agenda since Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden, and throughout human history God has been working diligently and unrelentingly to this end. Both Old and New Testament scriptures contain hundreds of references that run from start to finish in a seamless thread of single-minded intention. In fact, according to Acts 3:21 every one of God’s holy prophets since the beginning of the world has spoken about the restoration of all things. Those prophecies will be fulfilled, the prayer of Jesus will be answered, and God’s kingdom will come. What a day that will be! This is what we long for. This is what we pray for. This is what we work for—for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven! Regardless of what we do as an occupation, we all share a singular calling and mission in this life: to build God’s kingdom on earth. This is why our “ship” has been deployed. This is the business we should all be investing in, and if we find ourselves moving in any other direction, we can be sure we are moving away from God’s will for our lives.

Five Secrets To Discovering God's Will

A Bible Study by Daniel Kolenda (CfaN) Photo: © Sebastian Grecu

An extract from Daniel’s new book- Live before you die. £9.99 BUY NOW.

Repentance is such an often-

misunderstood concept. Contrary

to what many people think,

repentance is not a dirty word. It’s

not just for the sinner who wants

to get saved, nor is it just for those

who are committing gross sins and

living in blatant immorality. For the

child of God repentance should be

a lifestyle. To repent means to

“turn,” to change one’s mind and


But here is where many people

misunderstand. We tend to think

of repentance as primarily turning

away from something, as in turning

away from sin and making a one-

hundred-eighty-degree change to

the opposite direction. But this is

missing the real point. For

example, a sinner could turn away

from a sin and still be lost. In fact,

there are many religions that teach

morals and abstinence from

various sins, but that in and of

itself does not save anyone.

Therefore, from the Christian

perspective, what you turn away

from is not really the issue. It is

what you turn to that makes the


Page 9: Living Word March 2014


Grace: The Power to Reign by Ken Legg

Order your copy online

The pdf version is just $9

Australian Dollars Print

version $19 ($22 outside


Which Wall Is Your

Ladder Leaning Against?

You may have heard the saying

that many people spend their

whole lifetime climbing a ladder,

only to discover when they get

to the top that it is leaning

against the wrong wall!

Jesus often challenged people to

consider whether they were

pursuing the right goals. For


He told a parable about a ‘fool’

who spent His entire life

amassing wealth for this world

but was totally unprepared for

the next, (Luke 12:13-21). He

said in another place, ‘What will

it profit a man if he gains the

whole world, and loses his own

soul?’ (Mark 8:36 NKJV).

He challenged a driven Martha

to examine whether her

obsession for service was

divinely led or self-imposed. In

contrast to Martha, Mary had

learned to sit at the feet of Jesus

until she knew His will and then

she acted. Her ladder was well


After His ascension Jesus

confronted a fanatical Saul of

Tarsus who was on his way to

Damascus hunting down

Christians to imprison or kill

them. Like many Jews at that

time he had a zeal for God but

not according to knowledge,

(Rom.10:2). His ladder was

leaning against the wrong wall.

After this dramatic encounter

Saul became Paul, the greatest

apostle for Christ. He spent the

rest of his life preaching the

gospel he had previously hated.

You can read his testimony of

how his ladder switched walls in

Philippians 3:1-9.

Don’t wait until you get to the

top of your ladder

Even after salvation the Holy

Spirit leads us to re-position

various ‘ladders’ in our lives.

Here are a few examples of this

in my life:

I used to approach the Bible as a

rule-book or a handbook of

doctrines, topics and issues. But

I have since come to see that it is

all about Jesus. As a result of

discovering this master-key my

whole ministry has been

transformed and my one desire

in teaching is to unveil Him in all

His beauty and majesty.

I no longer practice ‘dead

works’, i.e. works done in

attempt to get God to do

something for me. I now

understand that everything He

wants to do in my life is by

grace. It has all been paid for by

Christ. The only works I now

want to engage in are ‘good

works’, i.e. works done in

response to His amazing love for

me and works which He leads

me into.

I now see the church as Christ

has revealed it in His Word – His

body and future Bride. I

understand that it is a work in

progress and refuse to spend my

time standing on the sidelines

fault-finding and criticizing. I am

committed to the local church

and seek to edify it in love.

I have learned that success as a

leader is not measured by the

size of our church, but how

many of those I lead are growing

in the grace and knowledge of

our Lord Jesus Christ.

I could add so many other

examples to this list. Sometimes

it is a very humbling experience

to discover, and even to have to

confess to others, that we got it

wrong. But if my ladder has been

leaning against the wrong wall I

would rather know now than

when I get to the top.

Page 10: Living Word March 2014


The Cosmic Scope of the


The conflict is cosmic because it

involves all things and all of

history. The signs John sees in

heaven are further visions to

help us make sense of the time

of the end.

The description of the woman is

quite clearly a reference to the

nation of Israel. Then Joseph

dreamed another dream and

told it to his brothers, and said,

"Look, I have dreamed another

dream. And this time, the sun,

the moon, and the eleven stars

bowed down to me." So he told

it to his father and his brothers;

and his father rebuked him and

said to him, "What is this dream

that you have dreamed? Shall

your mother and I and your

brothers indeed come to bow

down to the earth before you?"

(Gen 37:9-10)

V2 Israel is here seen as being

caught up in a cosmic conflict,

which is connected with the plan

God formed for mankind before

the creation of the world. Israel

travailed to bring forth a child - a

person born into her sorrows,

acquainted with her suffering,

and obviously a Jew by birth.

God’s plan for mankind is bound

up with the nation of Israel in as

much as this child was to be

born through that nation.

Victory not only for the nation

but the human race depended

on her offspring, who was to be

God’s champion in the conflict.

Born of a woman, born under

the law, this man-child is not

only a Saviour for Israel, but the

Saviour of the world. He is the

seed of the woman that would

bruise the serpent’s head.

The corresponding sign appears.

Satan appears as a fiery red

dragon, an evil beast enflamed

by his pride and his lust for

power as well as by his hatred

and anger against God. He had

been created as Lucifer, the

brightest and most beautiful of

all God’s angels - who being

lifted up in pride thought to

make himself as great as God

and led 1/3 of the angelic host in

his futile rebellion. He - and they

- were cast out of heaven - as

Jesus said (Luke 10.8) “I beheld

Satan fall as lightening from

heaven.” Seeing that he had

failed in his effort to oust God

from his throne, Satan next

attempted the ruin of God’s

creation, by seducing Eve and

leading mankind into sin. God’s

sentence was that the seed of

the woman would be his final

undoing, which explains his

eagerness to do all in his power

to destroy this infant as soon as

he is born. In every way, as he

moved on the murderous Herod,

roused the anger of the men of

Nazareth, possessed Judas to

betray God’s Son and stirred up

the crowd to shout for his

crucifixion, Satan tried every

means to destroy the Son of God

- without any success.

The Certain Victor in the


v5, where in a moment the

narrative sweeps through the

Revelation 12

The Final Conflict

Page 11: Living Word March 2014


life, ministry, death, resurrection

and exaltation of Christ - who is

caught up victorious to God and

his throne. Christ will inherit all

nations and rule them with the

strict discipline of divine

authority - a rod of iron.

It is important to remember that

the battle has already been

fought and won by God himself.

The Conqueror will yet return to

claim his rightful possession. The

cross is the final - underline that

- breaking of Satan’s power -

every subsequent victory over

the evil one can be attributed

directly and only to the work of

God in Christ on the cross.

The victory we have is simply His

victory shared with us. That is

why it is written: we overcame

him by the blood of the lamb - it

is the basis of Christian victory.

Because he is the conqueror, we

have been made “more than

conquerors through him who

loved us!” As Stephen Olford

says, “We are more than

conquerors for every attack is

simply a means by which I show

them who is already the


Although at the present time,

Satan is still called the accuser of

the brothers - venting his fury

against God’s children and

accusing us to God himself, our

victory is certain, for Christ has

shed his own blood that we

might be justified.

The scripture says: “ Who shall

bring a charge against God's

elect? It is God who justifies.”

(Rom 8:33)

He might accuse us all he likes

day and night, and it makes no

difference, for our standing with

God is secure through the blood

of Christ, (1 John 1.7). Hence,

“they overcame him by the

blood of the lamb.” Our victory

is secured by the sacrifice of


Christ has shed his blood for all

men, but it is only those who

believe in him that receive the

benefits of his sacrifice. God set

him forth as a propitiation

through faith in his blood. Rom


That is why our victory is also

secured by the confession of our

faith. “They overcame him by

the word of their testimony”.

Romans 10.9-10 shows how our

faith is connected to our


that if you confess with your

mouth the Lord Jesus and believe

in your heart that God has raised

Him from the dead, you will be

saved. For with the heart one

believes unto righteousness, and

with the mouth confession is

made unto salvation. Rom 10:9-


The confession of our faith is the

word of our testimony. We have

trusted Jesus as Saviour, we

have been born again of his

spirit, we have received eternal

life - no one can take this away

from us - a faith which leads us

to our home in heaven.

Our victory is secured by the

confession of our faith.

Since we are now citizens of

heaven, our hearts are no longer

set on the things they once

were. Rather than things of

earth, we set our hearts on

things above

If then you were raised with

Christ, seek those things which

are above, where Christ is,

sitting at the right hand of God.

Set your mind on things above,

not on things on the earth. For

you died, and your life is hidden

with Christ in God. Col 3:1-3

That is why they overcame him,

because they loved not their

lives to death. No longer loving

this world, we have our hearts

set on things above, knowing

that what we have in heaven is

better and more lasting, for it is

eternal. Our victory is secured

by the sacrifice of Christ, by the

confession of our faith and by

our anticipation of heaven, for

there is a certain victor in the

conflict, our Lord Jesus has

already triumphed.

The Approaching Conclusion

of the Conflict

Although John’s vision conveys

this important theological and

historical information, it is not

intended to be historic but

prophetic. John is writing about

the time of the end. That is why

Satan is depicted as having

seven heads and ten horns, for

these speak of the dominion he

is granted on earth for a brief

time at the end of the world.

These matters are dealt with

more fully in later chapters.

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Satan’s dominion will last 3 ½

years or 42 months - we have

already encountered references

to this time period in the book of

Revelation, a period referred to

as the time of Jacob’s trouble, or

the time of the end.

Jesus referred to this period

when he said: For in those days

there will be tribulation, such as

has not been since the beginning

of the creation which God

created until this time, nor ever

shall be. And unless the Lord had

shortened those days, no flesh

would be saved; but for the

elect's sake, whom He chose, He

shortened the days. Mark 13:19-


It seems evident that the events

described in v7 are the

immediate prelude to this time

of trouble.

V7 War breaks out in the

heavenly realms. This is the

realm ruled at present by Satan

(Eph. 2.2-3). Daniel was told that

this would happen immediately

prior to the end of the world.

"At that time Michael shall stand

up, The great prince who stands

watch over the sons of your

people; And there shall be a time

of trouble, Such as never was

since there was a nation, Even to

that time. And at that time your

people shall be delivered, Every

one who is found written in the

book. And many of those who

sleep in the dust of the earth

shall awake, Some to everlasting

life, Some to shame and

everlasting contempt. Dan 12:1-

2 Daniel was told these things

would happen at the time of the


"Go your way, Daniel, for the

words are closed up and sealed

till the time of the end. Dan 12:9

The result of this heavenly

assault on the powers of

darkness is that Satan’s power is

cast out (permanently) of the

heavenly realms- that is,

restricted to the earth itself. His

power will be manifested as

never before on earth, but only

for a brief time. For it is on earth

that the conflict will be


There is still a battle to be fought

on earth, for Satan will seek to

persecute and destroy all those

who are faithful to God and have

Christ’s testimony. He will

unleash terrible evil and violence

upon earth, but the faithful shall

be protected and saved by God.

What was left of her seed - the

remaining faithful Jews.

It is at this time that he turns his

spite on the nation of Israel - for

no other reason than they are

God’s chosen race for bringing

Christ into the world. Since he

cannot reach Christ himself, he

means to destroy the woman

who produced him - Israel. That

is why Satan sets up his throne

in Jerusalem. This is not the first

time Satan has tried to wipe out

Israel, he tried with Haman in

the days of Esther - He tried with

Adolf Hitler. He will try again.

But yet again he will fail.

Whatever flood of water or

violence spewed out of the

devil’s mouth, creation itself is

moved to deliver the woman, as

when God parted the Red Sea

before them and destroyed the


God promises that these faithful

Jews would be protected and

provided for so that the wrath of

the serpent would not reach

them. Those in the heavens

rejoice to see Christ’s total

authority and victory, but the

earth will suffer woe at the

hands of a wrathful devil, who

now knows that he has a short

time left - no more than a few

years. Further details of how this

assault on earth and Israel will

be carried out are given in the

next chapters. But ultimately

Christ will face and defeat his

enemies personally - see chapter

19 & 20 - and all these events

are building up to the coming of

the Lord Jesus Christ in power

and great glory.


As we approach the final

conflict, we rejoice that we serve

the certain Victor. He isn’t

waiting to become Victor - he

already is. He is just biding his

time, not as men do, but in

order to give all men

everywhere the opportunity to

repent and be saved before he

comes to exert his rights, to take

his throne, to punish the

unrepentant an set up His

kingdom on this earth. With

John we can pray and mean with

all of our hearts - even so, come

Lord Jesus.

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The ‘Faith-builders Bible study series’ has been

developed a useful resource for today’s students of God’s Word and their busy lifestyles.

Pastors, home or study group leaders and indeed for anyone wishing to study the Bible for themselves will benefit from using Faith-builders studies.

Each volume is the result of many years of group Bible study, and has been revised again and again to be

relevant, challenging and faith building whilst remaining clear and easy to understand.

Each chapter had thought provoking questions to aid

study and sample answers are provided.

Below are the study notes for Mark chapter 6.

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The ‘Faith-builders Bible study series’ has been

developed a useful resource for today’s students of God’s Word and their busy lifestyles.

Pastors, home or study group leaders and indeed for anyone wishing to study the Bible for themselves will benefit from using Faith-builders studies.

Each volume is the result of many years of group Bible study, and has been revised again and again to be

relevant, challenging and faith building whilst remaining clear and easy to understand.

Each chapter had thought provoking questions to aid

study and sample answers are provided.

Below are the study notes for chapter 2.

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6:1 Now Jesus left that place and

came to his hometown, and his

disciples followed him.

Jesus now leaves the area where he

has done so many miracles and

returns to the area in which he was

brought up and to his home town of

Nazareth. He was often referred to

as “Jesus of Nazareth” although he

was born in Bethlehem and his

forefathers were originally from

there. Nazareth was however the

home town of Joseph and Mary. We

are told in Matthew 2:23 that it was

foreordained that Jesus should live

in Nazareth and thus be called a

Nazarene. When Paul was brought

before Felix the Jews accused him

of being a member of the sect

called the “Nazarenes” (Acts 24:5).

This is what some called the

followers of Jesus. Mark makes a

point of the fact that the disciples

followed him. This is significant in as

much as they were all from the area

that Jesus had up to this point

worked in. Now they had to decide

either to stay with their families and

friends or go with him to an

unfamiliar area. They chose to stay

with him.

6:2 When the Sabbath came, he

began to teach in the synagogue.

Many who heard him were

astonished, saying, ‘Where did he

get these ideas? And what is this

wisdom that has been given to him?

If anyone wanted to find Jesus on

the Sabbath day they knew where

to look during the service times, in

the synagogue. He would have only

read and taught from the scriptures

at the invitation of the synagogue

rulers; he would not have done so

of his own accord. These people

had regularly been taught by other

rabbis from the scriptures but never

before had they heard any speak

like Jesus did “for he taught them as

one having authority and not as the

scribes” (Matt. 7:29). But it would

seem as if they were not so amazed

at what he had said as to how this

man whom they had known from a

child and whose only schooling

would have been the little he had

received at the synagogue had this

The Faith-builders Bible study series

Mark Chapter 6 (an abstract) By Derek Williams & Mathew Bartlett (UK) Image © Rorem

Mark Chapter 2 (abstract) By Derek Williams & Mathew Bartlett (UK) Image © Rorem

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wisdom, and where he had got the

power from to do such mighty

miracles that they had heard about!

6:3 Isn't this the carpenter, the son

of Mary and brother of James,

Joses, Judas, and Simon? And aren't

his sisters here with us?’ And so they

took offense at him.

Their lack of knowledge and

understanding brought remarks of

contempt from them as to his lowly

station in life “only a carpenter's

son”. His mother and his family still

lived among them and were but

common people. They were not

prepared to accept him as the “Son

of God” in spite of the proof that

was presented before them, neither

did they want to accept him as a

man whom God had taken a hold of

and empowered to be a prophet -

just because they knew him and his

lowly background so well. They

were ignorant of the ways of God

and of whom he chooses (1 Cor.

1:27-29). They were “offended” or

correctly he became a stumbling

block to them (1 Pet. 2:7-8).

6:4 Then Jesus said to them, ‘A

prophet is not without honor except

in his hometown, and among his

relatives, and in his own house.’

So Jesus quotes an old saying “a

prophet is honoured in all countries

but in his own and among relatives

and in his own house he is

rejected”. If our Lord and Saviour

was so treated can we expect any

better treatment?

6:5 He was not able to do a miracle

there, except to lay his hands on a

few sick people and heal them.

Because of their rejection and

unbelief he could not do any

miracles there except to heal a few

who had faith enough to receive.

6:6 And he was amazed because of

their unbelief. Then he went around

among the villages and taught.

Now it was the Lord's turn to be

amazed and this was at their

unbelief, their lack of faith. He

leaves Nazareth and we are not told

that He ever visited it again and

went to other towns and villages in

the area. It is unbelief that stops the

hand of God from moving.

Sending Forth

6:7 Jesus called the twelve and

began to send them out two by two.

He gave them authority over the

unclean spirits.

In Mark 1:14 we saw that Jesus

called the twelve disciples to be

with at all times so that he might

teach and prepare them to go forth

to preach.

Now we see him sending them out

for some practical experience of

what he has been preparing them

for. We could liken it in today's

world of someone being on

employment training and being sent

out on placement to put into

practice what they have learnt. He

calls them to him and gives them

precise instructions about how to

do the job.

They must not go alone but in pairs

so that they may be company for

each other; that they may

strengthen the hands, encourage

the hearts and be a help to each

other (M. Henry). This is a rule that

we should apply to our evangelism;

we should not go it alone when we

are sent into the highways and

byways. (Personal witness, one to

one as opportunity is given is

different). He “gave” them his

power and authority over unclean

spirits. It may be more correct to

say that he loaned them this for the

period that they were sent out for

apart from when he sent out the

seventy (Luke 10:1-20) we do not

hear of the disciples doing any

further miracles until after


6:8 He instructed them to take

nothing for the journey except a

staff — no bread, no bag, no money

in their belts

They were to travel light taking with

them, a stick to help them walk (in

Psalm 23 David refers to the Lord's

staff being a comfort to him in his

walk through the valley of the

shadow of death), no food, no

money, for they were to prove the

Lord as the one who provides.

6:9 and to put on sandals but not to

wear two tunics.

They were to wear sandals, in

readiness to travel and preach (this

reminds us of part of the armour of

God in Eph. 6:5, a readiness to

preach) and only one coat which

suggests that it was summer time.

6:10 He said to them, ‘Wherever

you enter a house, stay there until

you leave the area.

If they were offered hospitality in a

home they were to remain in that

place for as long as they were in the

town and not go from house to

house as this could cause offence to

the first person who had freely

taken them in.

6:11 If a place will not welcome you

or listen to you, as you go out from

there, shake the dust off your feet

as a testimony against them.’

If they were not received or

welcomed in any community and if

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their message was not listened to,

they were to leave it. As they left

that place as a symbolic act they

were to shake off the dust of that

place from their feet as a witness

against them of their rejection (see

Acts 13:50-51). The closing words of

Jesus to the disciples “it will be

more tolerable for Sodom and

Gomorrah in the day of judgement”

would suggest that there will be

various degrees of punishment for

unbeliever's (Matt. 11:22).

6:12 So they went out and preached

that all should repent.

And so the disciples were sent forth

and followed Jesus' instructions to

the letter and preached the gospel

to the people calling on them to


6:13 They cast out many demons

and anointed many sick people with

oil and healed them.

And because they did as he

instructed them their ministry

prospered, many were delivered

from demons. Although we are not

told in the preceding verses that

Jesus instructed them, nevertheless

he must have done so, as they

anointed the sick with oil they were

healed (James 5:14).

In between the time of the disciples

being sent out (verse 7) and their

returning to Jesus (verse 30) Mark

fills us in on what became of John

the Baptist.

6.14 - 15. Now King Herod heard

this, for Jesus' name had become

known. Some were saying, "John

the baptizer has been raised from

the dead, and because of this,

miraculous powers are at work in

him." Now King Herod heard this,

for Jesus' name had become known.

Some were saying, "John the


has been raised from the

dead, and because of this,

miraculous powers are at work in


The miracles that Jesus was doing

reached the ears of King Herod and

it pricked his conscience for he

immediately thought that it was

John the Baptist raised from the

dead that had come back. From his

reaction we can assume that Herod

had no difficulty in believing in

resurrection and that if anyone

could be raised from the dead then

the matter of miracles would be a

natural consequence of this. Others

thought that it was Elijah come back

and some that at least He must be

one of the prophets.

6:16 - 18. But when Herod heard

this, he said, "John, whom I

beheaded, has been raised!" Herod

himself had sent men, arrested

John, and bound him in prison on

account of Herodias, his brother

Philip's wife, because Herod22


married her. For John had

repeatedly told

Herod, "It is not

lawful for you to have your brother's


Herod was convinced that it was

none other than John. The reason

why Herod had John imprisoned

was because he had repeatedly and

boldly declared the truth to him

that he had and still was

committing sin by marrying his

brother Philip's wife Herodias that

was against the law of God.

6:19 - 20. So Herodias nursed a

grudge against him and wanted to

kill him. But she could not because

Herod stood in awe of John and

protected him, since he knew that

John was a righteous and holy man.

When Herod heard him, he was

thoroughly baffled, and yet he liked

to listen to John.

Therefore, Herodias was enraged

with John and held a grudge against

him but she could not carry out her

revenge against him because Herod

had a fear of John. He knew that he

was a just and holy man and this

was why he had up to now

protected John from the evil plans

and purposes of his unlawful wife

Herodias. Although what John said

disturbed him Herod still liked to

listen to him.

6:21 But a suitable day came, when

Herod gave a banquet on his

birthday for his court officials,

military commanders, and leaders

of Galilee.

However, when it was Herod’s

birthday party and all the high

dignitaries were there, an

opportunity was given to Herodias

to get her own back on John.

6:22. (NKJV) And when Herodias'

daughter herself came in and

danced, and pleased Herod and

those who sat with him, the king

said to the girl, "Ask me whatever

you want, and I will give it to you."

He also swore to her, "Whatever

you ask me, I will give you, up to

half my kingdom."

During the festivities Herodias’

daughter came and danced before

all the guests and because this

greatly pleased Herod he rashly

promised her on oath to give her

whatever she wanted even to half

his kingdom.

6:24 So she went out and said to her

mother, "What shall I ask?" And she

said, "The head of John the Baptist!"

The daughter who was obviously

ruled by her mother went straight

to her and asked what she should

ask for. This was Herodias’ chance

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and she did not hesitate to say the

execution of John the Baptist.

6:25 - 26. Immediately she hurried

back to the king and made her

request: "I want the head of John

the Baptist on a platter

immediately." Although it grieved

the king deeply, he did not want to

reject her request because of his

oath and his guests.

So she returned to the king and told

him she wanted the head of John

the Baptist presented to her on a

plate. Although he deeply regretted

what he had said he could not

refuse her request because of the

oath he had made before all his


6:27 - 28. So the king sent an

executioner at once to bring John's

head, and he went and beheaded

John in prison. He brought his head

on a platter and gave it to the girl,

and the girl gave it to her mother.

Just as Ahab listened to Jezebel (1

Kings 21:25) so Herod yielded to his

wife and by making a rash oath to

her daughter he put himself in the

position of doing something that he

knew was wrong and John the

Baptist was executed.

We should be very careful

concerning any oaths that we might

make especial those to God. They

should be considered very carefully

and not made on the spur of the


6:29 When John's disciples heard

this, they came and took his body

and placed it in a tomb.

When John’s disciples hear about

this they came and took his body

and buried it in a tomb.

Miracle of Provision

6:30 Then the apostles gathered

around Jesus and told him

everything they had done and


On their return to Jesus the

disciples were very eager to tell all

that they had done and said during

their evangelistic tour of the towns

and villages. They were as excited

about it as children would be in

reporting the results of a project

they had successfully completed for

their teacher. However, keep in

mind the exuberance of the

disciples when they returned to

Jesus from their successful

evangelistic outreach and in

contrast their utter helplessness

and lack of faith in responding to

His challenge to feed the people

and their fear when He came to

them walking on the water.

6:31 He said to them, "Come with

me privately to an isolated place

and rest a while" (for many were

coming and going, and there was no

time to eat).

However, the Lord saw that the

work had taken its toll upon his

disciples and that they were in need

of a rest. There are times when the

Lord calls us aside for a while that

we might wait upon Him and be

renewed in strength (Isaiah 40: 31).

6:32 So they went away by

themselves in a boat to some

remote place.

So He apparently planned a little

quiet holiday for them away from

the crowds but Jesus was never

taken unawares and knew what was

about to happen.

6:33 But many saw them leaving

and recognized them, and they

hurried on foot from all the towns

and arrived there ahead of them.

Many of the people recognized who

they were and when they saw them

getting into a boat they rushed

round to the other side of the lake

and met them there.

6:34 As Jesus came ashore he saw

the large crowd and he had

compassion on them, because they

were like sheep without a shepherd.

So he taught them many things.

When Jesus looked upon the people

He saw them as lost sheep having

no shepherd to protect, provide or

guide them (Isaiah 53:6; Jer. 50:6,

Ezek. 34:6 ). As much as His

disciples needed a rest the needs of

the people were greater and so

moved with compassion He could

not turn them away and so He

ministered to them. Who else did

they have to turn to but Him?

(Ps.23:1; Isaiah 40:11; John 10:11)

6:35-36 When it was already late,

his disciples came to him and said,

"This is an isolated place and it is

already very late. Send them away

so that they can go into the

surrounding countryside and

villages and buy something for

themselves to eat."

Perhaps by now the disciples were

feeling a bit put out of having been

done out of their little holiday and

wanted to get rid of the people as

soon as they could. When they saw

it was getting late they asked Jesus

to send them away that they might

find themselves some food to eat.

6:37 (NKJV) But He answered and

said to them, "You give them

something to eat." And they said to

Him, "Shall we go and buy two

hundred denarii worth of bread and

give them something to eat?"

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The Omniscient God

(having infinite knowledge

and understanding)

V1. For the Chief Musician. A Psalm

of David. O LORD, You have

searched me and known me.

The Psalmist, who is David, is very

conscious of having come under the

scrutinizing eye of Yahweh (the title

LORD being in capitals signifies this

name) the great "I AM THAT I AM".

The one who searches all hearts (1

Chr. 28: 9). We are told in Rev.

1:14 that the Lord Jesus Christ, as

John saw Him on Patmos, has eyes

like a flame of fire - like laser beams

that penetrate right through to the

very soul. There is no part of a

person that can remain hidden from

Him. The Psalmist realises that it is

for his own good that the Lord has

done this, otherwise he would not

have survived it. Having been

searched in this way he also realises

that there is nothing concerning

him that the Lord does not know (1

Kings 8:39, Hebrews 4:13). This

particularly applies to those who

know the Lord and belongs to Him

(John 10: 27). He expresses no fear

or dread of God knowing all about

him in this way. Neither should we,

for in our realisation of this truth

we can take comfort in the fact that

knowing the best and worse about

us He forever loves us, also that we

do not have to hide anything from

God because we cannot.

V2. You know my sitting down and

my rising up; You understand my

thought afar off.

He Knows - "my sitting down". The

times when our faith fails, when we

question God and fall into despair,

when we fail, when we sin, when

we are luke-warm towards Him.

"My rising up." When we are on

fire for Him, rejoicing in His

goodness and loving-kindness to us,

when we know that, through Christ

we can do all things (Phil. 4:13),

when we are more than a

conquerors (Rom. 8:37). "My

thoughts." Before we even think

them God not only knows about

them but why we will think in the

way we do, the reason, purpose and

motive behind them.

V3. You comprehend my path and

my lying down, And are acquainted

with all my ways.

"My Path." When we go about our

ordinary and sometimes mundane

duties whether it is in employment,

housework or pleasure and leisure,

God surrounds us with His love and

care also when we are at rest. All

that we do and all that involves us

God is familiar with.

V4. For there is not a word on my

tongue, But behold, O LORD, You

know it altogether.

"My tongue." There is not a word

that passes from our lips that goes

unnoticed by God, He is fully aware

of the meaning, the motive and

sincerity or falseness in it being


5. You have hedged me behind and

before, And laid Your hand upon


"hedged - behind." The enemy and

enemies of our souls may be all

around us but the Lord is behind us

to keep us safe from any sudden

attacks. "Before us". He goes

before to prepare the way and to

take the full brunt of any direct

attacks. "Your hand." is upon us

to keep us steady and from going

astray, to lead us to walk in the

paths of righteousness (Psalm 23:3).

V6. Such knowledge is too

wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot

attain it.

This section of the Psalm ends with

the psalmist suddenly realising that

although he has a limited

knowledge of God, what he does

know is more than enough for him

to fully take in. And although to-

day through the revelation that we

have through Jesus Christ we have

perhaps a greater understanding we

still only "see through a glass darkly

- we know in part" but when we see

Jesus face to face then "we shall

know even as also we are known" (1

Cor. 13:12).

The God who has all knowledge of me, is everywhere present with me and is all powerful – PSALM 139

Image © Subbotina

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In verses 7 - 10 the psalmist is not

expressing a desire to run away

from God but poses a series of

hypothetical questions.

V7. Where can I go from Your

Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your


First of all he asks where can he go

to escape from the spirit of God

who knows and understands all

things concerning him, then, where

can he flee from His presence ?

The answer can only be "God is

wherever I am, He fills all space".

He is wherever I shall be and

wherever I could be. However, let

us make certain that we are always

where God wants us to be and not

expect God to follow us around

wherever we want to go.

V8. If I ascend into heaven, You

are there; If I make my bed in hell,

behold, You are there.

"In heaven" - of course we would

expect to find God in heaven.

Many people would like to confine

Him there. "In hell (Sheol - grave)".

If I should die and go to paradise

(the place where the faithful went

before Jesus Christ came) even

there God's spirit and presence will


V9. If I take the wings of the

morning, And dwell in the uttermost

parts of the sea,

"Wings of the morning". These are

the sunbeams of the rising sun

which he uses in his imagination to

travel to the deepest part of the


V10. Even there Your hand shall

lead me, And Your right hand shall

hold me.

Even in such a place God's hand will

be there to guide us for He "makes

a way in the sea, and a path in the

mighty waters" (Isaiah 43: 16). But

more than this God's right hand,

that is His powerful hand, takes a

hold of us. It is not our hold on God

that keeps us but His hold upon us.

Jonah found this out when He tried

to run away from God - he went to

the foot of the mountains and

thankfully for him, he found that

God was there and heard his cry

and saved him (Jonah 2).

In verses 11, 12 this could have

been the expressed desire of David

when he had sinned in committing

adultery and murder for he did try

to cover it up but found that he

could not.

V11 - 12. If I say, "Surely the

darkness shall fall on me," Even the

night shall be light about me;

Indeed, the darkness shall not hide

from You, But the night shines as

the day; The darkness and the light

are both alike to You.

Men believe that the darkness of

the night will protect them from

being discovered in their evil deeds.

We are told in John 13: 30 that

Judas Iscariot went out into the

night to betray Jesus. And in John 3:

19 Jesus said "men loved darkness

rather than light, because their

deeds are evil" But the darkness

and light are the same to God for

"He is light and in Him is no

darkness at all" 1 John 1:5. and 7 "If

we walk in the light, as He is in the

light, we have fellowship one with

another and the blood of Christ His

Son cleanses us from all sin"

The Omnipresent God

(Present in all places at the same time)

Image: © Andreus

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V13. For You formed my inward

parts; You covered me in my

mother's womb.

"Inward parts" - It is only the all-

powerful God who could make

humanity out of the "dust of the

earth" (Genesis 2:7). It is He that

has put every organ inside the body

to function in order to maintain life.

"Covered me" - put all my parts

together in my mother's womb,

encasing them with flesh and bone.

The ending of this section of the

Psalm in this way turns his mind to

the way he was made and so.....

V14. I will praise You, for I am

fearfully and wonderfully made;

Marvellous are Your works, And

that my soul knows very well.

He praises God for the care that He

took and the precise and perfect

way he made man. God did not just

take a handful of dirt and throw it

together - He did not speak the

word and it was done - He "made

man in His own image" (Genesis

1:27). The Psalmist had a spiritual

understanding of this. He knew that

it was God that made man and that

he did not evolve form any other


V15. My frame was not hidden

from You, When I was made in

secret, And skillfully wrought in the

lowest parts of the earth.

"My frame" - The Lord saw the seed

of the man and woman, the act that

brought about his conception in his

mother's womb '(lowest parts of

the earth)" where he grew. The

New Living Translation "You

watched me as I was being formed

in utter seclusion, as I was woven

together in the dark of the womb."

V16. Your eyes saw my substance,

being yet unformed. And in Your

book they all were written, The days

fashioned for me, When as yet there

were none of them.

"My substance - unformed" When

he was in the embryo stage God

knew all about every part of his

body before they were fully formed,

God knew what he would look like.

He knew his name and character.

Every day of his life was known by

the eternal God who had a plan and

purpose for his life.

V17 - 18. How precious also are

Your thoughts to me, O God! How

great is the sum of them! If I should

count them, they would be more in

number than the sand; When I

awake, I am still with You.

So far in the Psalm we have heard

David's thoughts about God but

next David pauses. If David has

thoughts about God then surely

God must have thoughts about him

too. When he stops to consider

these David declares them to be

very precious (loving, wise and

considerate) and too great in

number for him to count.

The Omniscient is also the Omnipotent (having unlimited power) Image: © Cerenzio

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The Diversity of the Body of Christ

Characteristically, throughout this passage Paul employs this spiritual teaching to rectify a practical problem at Corinth. Some who had received unusual endowments of the Spirit thought themselves superior to those who did not have the same gifts, whilst those without the gifts envied those who had received them and became resentful and dissatisfied.

Although the Holy Spirit has apportioned different ministries to different people, this is not a basis for division. God's purpose is that by working together we may all progress toward the same goal - to be like Jesus. Every believer makes up part of the body of Christ and possesses some gift from God, and all these gifts are to be used for the sake of the body as a whole. Paul’s comparison of the church to the human body should not lead us to conclude that the body of Christ is merely a thought lesson. It is a spiritual reality which may best explained by analogy to the human body.

12:12 For just as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the

members of the body -- though many -- are one body, so too is Christ.

Just as the human body has many parts and organs, each having different functions, so is the body of Christ. No single part of the human body - organ or limb - is able to live on its own, for each part depends on all the others. In the same way, although every member of the church has differing gifts, none of them exist on their own, but all are part of the same body and depend on each other.

12:13 For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--Jews or Greeks, slaves or free--and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

It is by the operation of the Holy Spirit that we have all been included in this body - the body of Christ. Being born again of the same Spirit, whether we are Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free, we have all become children of God. The conditions of salvation (by faith in Christ) and therefore the conditions of membership of Christ's body are the same for all.

This verse has been the cause of much contention, and has emerged

as a proof text for those commentators (such as Carson and Packer) who wish to argue that the ‘baptism in the Holy Spirit’ is contemporaneous with conversion and not the ‘second blessing’ purported by the classical Pentecostal movement. However, it is certain that Paul had no intention of raising this subject at all in this verse; his aim was rather to counteract the division which the Corinthians had fostered through their pride in the spiritual gifts they had received. Notice how he emphasises that one Spirit has brought us all into one body; and that again that we have been given one Spirit to drink.

Since Paul does not join in the controversy, neither shall we. His point in this verse is actually quite simple: not about when Christians are baptised in the Holy Spirit, but that following this baptism they are baptised in the same Holy Spirit.

12:14 For in fact the body is not a single member, but many.

The different parts of our bodies are designed to carry out differing functions. It would be absurd to expect them to perform functions for which they were not created. So

Our In Depth Study

1 Corinthians 12:12-31

By Mathew Bartlett

Photo © Xxknightwolf Scripture taken from the NET Bible®.

Our In Depth Study. 1 Corinthians 9:1-27 By Mathew Bartlett Photo © Godfer

Scripture taken from the NET Bible®.

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it is in the church. Every member of Christ's body has a different contribution to make, but all are essential. If they are spiritually healthy, then the parts of Christ’s body will function correctly, each doing the specific task which Christ has assigned to it. As Matthew Henry says: ‘How blessed the Christian church, if all the members did their duty!’

If any part of the body fails to do their work (perhaps as a result of spiritual backsliding), then this puts stress on other members of the body, who have to compensate for the lack of one part. Having broken her right elbow, a close friend of mine had to learn to eat with her left hand - not an easy thing to do when you are right-handed!

The most stressful thing in any office, factory, or other work environment, including in the church, is when things which need to be done are left for others to do; for this usually leads to a few people becoming grossly overworked.

12:15-16 If the foot says, "Since I am not a hand, I am not part of the body," it does not lose its membership in the body because of that. And if the ear says, "Since I am not an eye, I am not part of the body," it does not lose its membership in the body because of that.

Paul's ludicrous illustrations show how no member of Christ's body can be thought all powerful and no part considered useless. What we do does not make us part of the body of Christ; rather, what we do is the result of our being part of that body. If all parts have different functions, yet all parts have an equal share in the dignity of this body. Whilst the ears are for hearing, not sight, they are no less essential to the well-being of a person than the eyes, which although they have vision, cannot hear.

12:17 If the whole body were an eye, what part would do the hearing? If the whole were an ear, what part would exercise the sense of smell?

If all the body were used for seeing how would we hear anything? If all the body was devoted to hearing, how could we smell anything? By applying this truth to the church we observe both the importance of diversity and the principle of unity in diversity.

If everyone was a teacher, they would have no one to teach. If everyone planted churches there would be no one to pastor existing churches. If everyone devoted themselves to preaching, who would see to the day to day business of the local church? If everybody becomes a pastor, who will be left to teach the children?

In my own local church, if there was no one to drive the minibus which brings neighbourhood children to church, our Sunday school teachers would have no children to teach. So whilst we're not all gifted to lead worship, we can't all write songs, and we are not all evangelists; yet there are many varied aspects of God’s work which are mutually dependent: we all have an essential part to play in the great work that God is doing.

12:18 But as a matter of fact, God has placed each of the members in the body just as he decided.

The unique part which God has given to us in the body of Christ was foreordained by Him before the foundation of the world, as we read in Ephesians 2:10: for we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them.

Regrettably, I have known some Christians withhold their labour from the most basic tasks, since they have wanted to reserve their efforts for avenues of service which

might one day produce spectacular success – yet those avenues never open to them. Some imagine that if they could be like someone else, then they would accomplish great things for God. But God has made us to be what we are and has put us where He wants us to be. We must never neglect the gifts which God has given to us, even if we think them insignificant. Nor must we suppose that other members of the body will take over the part which we neglect, for only we can fulfil the function God has given to us.

12:19 If they were all the same member, where would the body be?

If the whole body tried to be what only some parts are intended to be, then God’s perfect purpose for the body would never be accomplished. How can God's purpose for any church be fulfilled if all its members are trying to be what they're not? For ‘each church is in miniature what the whole aggregate of churches is collectively, the body of Christ.’

12:20 So now there are many members, but one body.

In God's order, there are many members but one body. Barnes says, ‘God has formed the body, with its various members, as he saw would best conduce to the harmony and usefulness of all’.

12:21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I do not need you," nor in turn can the head say to the foot, "I do not need you."

Just as the hand cannot say to the eye, I don't need you, so no part of Christ's body is independent of the rest. Barnes says, ‘those that are most talented and most richly endowed with gifts cannot say to those less so, that there is no need of their aid.’

12:22 On the contrary, those members that seem to be weaker are essential.

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Those who appear weak and lacking in ability are not to be despised by those who are stronger and more able. Those who seem feeble are necessary, since we could not live or perform our duty to God without them. They may be the sick, elderly, or the disabled, but their service, although sometimes less visible, is no less vital. Those greater gifts, such as the evangelist or pastor, can never hope to fulfil their ministries unless the more lowly ministries fulfil theirs.

The great crusades of well-known evangelists are often attended by many thousands. But who has invited these thousands? Was it the elderly mother who regularly witnessed to them and encouraged them to come to Christ? Was it the spouse who faithfully lived out their Christian life as a witness before their partner which finally brought them to seek Christ in the gospel rally? All these unnamed disciples, and many more besides, have worked together to bring the harvest home. No evangelist ever has, and no evangelist ever will, succeed in his ministry without the healthy function of the entire body of Christ.

12:23 And those members we consider less honorable we clothe with greater honor, and our unpresentable members are clothed with dignity.

Some parts of the human body are presentable - we do not usually cover our faces when we go out, but we would not dream of going out with our bottoms uncovered, and so we bestow on them the honour of a covering! Evidently, rather than despise the less respectable parts of the human body, we honour them with our care and attention.

Again, although the illustration seems ridiculous, the truth of it must be applied within the church. Those who are of lower rank, are less favoured than others with spiritual endowments, or who are

physically or mentally weak, or who lack ability, should never be overlooked. They must be shown the appropriate level of care; the attention bestowed on them must correspond to their need, not their ability.

12:24 But our presentable members do not need this. Instead, God has blended together the body, giving greater honor to the lesser member.

We have no need to bestow extra effort on the presentable parts of our bodies. The greater honor referred to is the greater attention, labour and care which must be bestowed on the less presentable parts of the human body. Seemingly, if God has blessed me with some useful gift, it is because He saw that I lacked something within my life, which only my service for Him could provide.

12:25 So that there may be no division in the body, but the members may have mutual concern for one another.

God has arranged the members of the body in this way so that every member should have equal concern for all the others. However, Paul does not mean that we should bestow care on the weak at the expense of the strong. We must also be careful not to neglect the needs of our stronger brothers and sisters.

A person may have a weak heart and strong teeth, but do they, in order to take good care of their heart, neglect to brush their teeth? Of course not! Many spiritual problems and divisions have arisen in churches because the pastor has shown care for the needy members but thought that the strong would not need his loving help and caring ministry. Morris is right when he observes that ‘no special care is to be lavished on one member to the detriment of other members’. Indeed, any church congregation which prays more for their weak and sick members than for their

pastor will soon notice that he or she is struggling.

12:26 If one member suffers, everyone suffers with it. If a member is honoured, all rejoice with it.

Paul broadens his description of the church as Christ's body by explaining that if one member suffers, all the others are affected. Literally, we all experience the sufferings of every single member of the body.

‘When a thorn enters the heel, the whole body feels it, and is concerned: the back bends, the belly and thighs contract themselves, the hands come forward and draw out the thorn, the head stoops, and the eyes regard the affected member with intense gaze (Chrysostom)’.

On the other hand, if one member is honoured (given glory), then we can all rejoice together with them; meaning that there can be no rivalry in the church.

12:27 Now you are Christ's body, and each of you is a member of it.

In summing up, every believer is part of the body of Christ, but each has a different function.

12:28 And God has placed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, gifts of healing, helps, gifts of leadership, different kinds of tongues.

God has set certain offices in the church, all of which are allotted different tasks. The emphasis Paul makes here is not so much on their distinction as on the unity of their function.

Whilst it appears that Paul lists these ministries in order of the authority exercised by each, his intention is rather to stress the vital importance and interdependence of them all. The teaching that every member is of equal worth in the

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sight of God should never lead us to conclude that God has not appointed those in positions of authority within His church. People do not choose to make themselves apostles or pastors, but God has assigned them to this position of responsibility, and they will give an account to Him for it. We will consider these ministries, in the order in which Paul lists them.


These are delegates sent by Christ to represent Him on earth. In this context they are Christ’s ambassadors to the church, although their ministry is largely as His ambassadors to the outside world.


These are enabled through divine grace and revelation to make known the mind and will of God to the church, sometimes especially with regard to future events.


These give instruction in the knowledge of God from the teachings of His written word.

Then are those who perform miracles, those with gifts of healings, helps (those who take a turn, or bring relief), governments (those who direct the affairs of the local church), and those who give messages in tongues. Clearly this is not an exhaustive list (for example prophecy and the word of wisdom are left out), but it is sufficiently diverse for Paul to make his point.

12:29-30 Not all are apostles, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they? Not all perform miracles, do they? Not all have gifts of healing, do they? Not all speak in tongues, do they? Not all interpret, do they?

Evidently, not everyone is an apostle and not everyone works miracles. That is the whole point of

Paul’s argument. We are each called to fulfil different functions, with each one of those functions being vital to the life of the body as a whole.

12:31 But you should be eager for the greater gifts. And now I will show you a way that is beyond comparison.

We must all guard against the fault of lamenting our own lack of gifting or ability. Even if our talents are below average, we remain responsible before God to employ those that we do have in His service. Paul's advice is that we must covet earnestly the best gifts - not for our own benefit, but that we may use them to edify the church.

The question every child of God must ask is not ‘what can Jesus do for me?’ but ‘what can I do for Jesus?’

Every believer should take the opportunities of service for Christ which are ready to hand and which they are capable of. It is good to seek God for His gifts and enabling so that we might serve Him effectively. Yet in chapter 13, Paul goes on to reveal what is greater than all gifts, and that is the Christian love which ought to be expressed by their use - for love is the greatest tool for building up the church. Image © Salvador Ceja

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