Live News Report-- Wireless transmission application case Location / Country : France Product Solutions: F3827 High-powered industrial LTE&W!"# cellular terminal de$ice Project Introduction # local T% hannel in France has thousands o' li$e news should send to newsroom( Li$e inter$iews happens e$er) da) with location uncertain not onl) li$e pictures *ut also $ideo li$e stream should send to T% station 'or news report in real-time( System Requirements +Em*ed with encoder to *ecome wireless-capa*le 'or time-e,ecti$e communication +.eamless site-to-center communications +"a/imum securit) with %01 tunnel +45 Ethernet port 'or encoder connection( +eco$ered *) .". trigger while %01 disconnect( Four-Faith Solution Four-Faiths wireless router F3827 support 4 6inds o' %01 ser$erclient( lient em*edded Four-Faith router with their encoder to a iron case Four-Faith router initiate %01 lin6 to %01 ser$er *ased on cellular networ6 deplo) an e/tensi$e site-to-center wireless networ6 that pro$ided a connection 'or each reporter(  The F our-F aith F3827 was the ideal choice 'or o ur customer s operation *ecause this technolog) allowed the customer trigger router while %01 connection is *ro6en greatl) increasing the sta*ilit) o' the entire s)stem( ur customer is now a*le to esta*lish the 9nal connection *etween central control and their remote reporter in site with an open industr)-certi9ed ro*ust networ6ing solution( The Four-Faith F3827 as well as the entire Four- Faith wireless product pro$e that comple/ li$e news report don t alwa)s reuire a comple/ ans e/pensi$e solution(

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Live News Report-- Wireless transmission application case 

Location / Country : France

Product Solutions:


High-powered industrial LTE&W!"# cellular terminal de$ice

Project Introduction

# local T% hannel in France has thousands o' li$e news should send to

newsroom( Li$e inter$iews happens e$er) da) with location uncertain not

onl) li$e pictures *ut also $ideo li$e stream should send to T% station 'or news

report in real-time(

System Requirements

+Em*ed with encoder to *ecome wireless-capa*le 'or time-e,ecti$e


+.eamless site-to-center communications

+"a/imum securit) with %01 tunnel

+45 Ethernet port 'or encoder connection(

+eco$ered *) .". trigger while %01 disconnect(

Four-Faith Solution

Four-Faith’s wireless router F3827 support 4 6inds o' %01 ser$erclient( lient

em*edded Four-Faith router with their encoder to a iron case Four-Faith router

initiate %01 lin6 to %01 ser$er *ased on cellular networ6 deplo) an e/tensi$esite-to-center wireless networ6 that pro$ided a connection 'or each reporter(

 The Four-Faith F3827 was the ideal choice 'or our customer’s operation

*ecause this technolog) allowed the customer trigger router while %01

connection is *ro6en greatl) increasing the sta*ilit) o' the entire s)stem(

ur customer is now a*le to esta*lish the 9nal connection *etween central

control and their remote reporter in site with an open industr)-certi9ed

ro*ust networ6ing solution( The Four-Faith F3827 as well as the entire Four-

Faith wireless product pro$e that comple/ li$e news report don’t alwa)s

reuire a comple/ ans e/pensi$e solution(

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 The topolog) is as *elow:

hy Four-Faith!i"h-#vaila$ility ireless Control

+0ro$ides data trans'er 'unction *) pu*lic cellular networ6

+"a/imum securit) transmission in real-time(

+"onitoring and emote #ccess(

Four-Faith %ene&ts

+Wide perating Temperature: -35;<75= applica*le to most o' inter$iew


·With small size 100x97x25 mm, support embedding.

+Low consumption: 2>5;2?@m#A>2%! while wor6ing ??;>3@m#A>2%!

when stand*)(

+.upport online trigger in a $ariet) o' wa)s including .".ring and data(

"ore wireless connections 'or remote transmission please $isit http://en.four-
