' IBb' ;iiiuariMijnAMWMoraiiijauigBauiiPiuiiwi !! imwui iiniiimw f m Liumn'"g iu.ulu. J., j umiiujn ! nnw muwi t.-ii- a mminii n MMwMoMMemMBKwmroMiMMiiiiiiiigiTOi 'u JgK Vol. XIV. No, M5. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY EVENING, JULY iiB, 18JJ(. o olcpnCnTXTh ( iHB dailym BsMwiii LonoiiiolIVBS MMES. ATTENTION ! mmJL mm v: i ; - - - - - - - ifn aj i. i l.wzit' u hri wr. is (,' 1 is k 11 1 w .1 u - eh . ii.VMf. 1 m&'.. ,. . $&. '? ?r,.t $kr la printed ami published nt ilte ottinc, Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, CO ctmts par Mixitrs Address all UouwnuuiciUiims Daily BuIiIjKTIN. Advertisements, 10 ansiuc wertlon, thould uu handed In helot n ouo o'clock 'ALTEH II11L Cdltor and Proprietor Builsthi Sterna Printing Oiaco, Nowapapsr, Book nod Job Printing of sll kinds. done on the mout favorable UUl Telephono No, S5H Mutii'il Telephone ilo. 25(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An IniciC'itiug nod comprehensive pilllCiiilou, coubilns 3U columua of ler.dimj matter on local topics and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is t!ie beat paper Dublliked lit the Kingdom to sond to friends i.liruud. MilUstfrliitliitil lalsmd : : : 1 1 00 year Forcitcn ! : : 5 Oil " " ' i' a easssrr" ; i'- -1 ; Commission Itloronaats. - ' B OaK ? WATSBHOUaiJ, tS liopoitcr and D.iuler iu Genera) Merchandise, Queen j., Wouolulu. 1 & OO., WIL.D13P. Dealers in Lumber, Paints, .')Us, Nails, Sill and Uulldlut; Materlalb of every KJnd, cor.'tfort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 OMum bprvcKias. Win. a. Irwin, itr U. IKWIN iZ OOMPANX, " Sugar Factors and Coiiimiaslon Agents, llouoiulu. 1 B. N. Castlo.-.- !. n. Athoiton-- G. P. Cuatle ,TAttTL,E Z. COOKK. j Shipping and Commission Merchants. liuiiorturii and Dealers in General .vlcrchnadu Ho. tiO King at.. iloauiuiu. . Lowers, F. J. Lowroy 0. SL Cooko. SW21RS IS OOOKJS, A (successors to Luwura & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all Binds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 "? HONOLULU IRON WOHK3, JErfe&,4lSieainuui:me3.sui-a- r millw, noil L w, -- ouieru; iron, brass and lead cast ings; machinery 01 every uusuripuuu imiae to order. Particular utteution paia to snip's black smithing. Job vvorkexo cutud at short notice 1 ' 5 1 iiA01il.'JiJJ-i- t Sa Co., aJL Uoneral Comiuiwloa Agenu. IIokoluld 0. W. HACPAEIiANB & Co. LUPOUTliRS . AND COMMISSION MI3IIOHANT3, Queen sucet, Honolulu. H. I. 1048 aONSAijVES & CO., Wholamla Grocers & Wine Merchants Bouver Uloek. Uonolulu. BQQWan &t COMPANY, C . (Liraitd) QltNEBAIi MCUCAKXILB AND COMMISSIOH AOKHTU. tisr ov omrEUB: V. O. Joxeb, Jr. .. .Presidont & Manager J, O. CJAitTJiu. . . ..Treasurer fc Secretary . diuhctoer: ttou. Q. R. Bishop. 8. C. Alucs, v H. Watkbuousk. 112 ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St, Upstairs. The undersigned bcira to inform the public of these Islands that ho is making WUlrtu toy Meuuuremont : Directions forself-moasurcmc- (Till be given on application. WMtoSnlrts, Ovorslilrts & Hlght Gowns A fit guarantee by making a eampla Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Doll Tolophono 410 hfily A. HI. BIKfiMW. ... - H. &. CBABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite tho Old Station House. : Mttifcttai.Telenhouo No, . 87tf Jll MONSABUAT, ul Law & Notary Public U0 Merchant Street, Honolulu. If JAUTUKn MAGOON, at Law ii Notary I'uhllo 17.1 ia Merchant Etrcot, Honolulu, ly J. E. BROWN, Old Capitol Building. Agent to tab AdLuovledgmtnt to Con- tracts for tabor In tho District of llouoiulu, Island of Oabu. 189 tut David Dayton Will practice in tbn lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect lug in all its branches, renting of houses and an other business cntiusted to him Olllcc J)l Ring Streets-Upstair-s. Es3 f" STBAI CANDY FACTORY F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pnstry Cook and Baker. 71HotcdSt. -- Jiar Telephone 74. California : Lands FOR SA3C1S : Sf Apply to A. 3!IKFP,. 4S8 t 42 Merchant St., llouoiulu. ER & GO. Jlnnuicturlnt: JoiroIIcra, no. o fort laxjajBiaT. Constantly on hand 1 large assortmen of every description of Jowclry, Watches Gold and Sliver Plated Waro, &c. 9C8 ly Thomas Lindsay, Bauuiactoring Jeweler & Watolimakcr Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. King Street, Slonoluin, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram- way Company's OlUcc. 6 Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jui-19-8- 9 Hustace&Robsrison, X K, A. Y M 33 N . LL orders for Cartage promptly at. tx. tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Slack and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices, Oluoe, next door to Jaa. F. Moron's auction room. 9?21y Mutual Tclcphono No. 10. J.Hopp&Go., 74 King st. 74 King st Importers of Rattan & Reed Furniture. Pianos &, Furniture Moved with Care. Matting and Carpets Laid. C0MICE POLES. Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality, CHAIRS TO RENT, apr.10.S8 The umlersltftird hnvln;; bi'cn nppoinUsd Kolu agents for tbn UaTvalliin l?irwi(U For tho Calebratcil Baldwin - Locomotives Piom tho works of Bnrnliam, Parry, Williams & Co., i'lUUulotplilii. I'onn.. Aiu now prepared to give i'timntr nnrt receive onleis for thete vnuincs, of nny size and stylo. The Hai.dwik I.ocomotivk WuitKsnro now niHiiufucuuhu; a style of particularly uduptod For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently brn received at lliess Islands, and vCo will havo plnA.uro la furnlbltig plantation a.nent and inunagi-r- s with partir.ulars of sniitc The superiority of these Locomotives over nil of her rniikea is not only known hero but is acknowledged throughout tho United Statea. Wm. G. IllWIN & Co., Sold Agents for Hnwuilua IshnuU. 4U3d.124w.ly Pacific Duiwm Co., Hi, B. F. UPbghna, rrssldeati J. Q. Bpecer, Kaaageri 1'. I. Whiter, Treunror. THE YEKY LATKST IN Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Hall Lompa & Oliandeliere, Just Received from the Factory. A New Line of Refrigerators, A Full Lino of tho Favorlto Eddy's Refrigerator'3 and lea duets, DlEstan'a Bawa & I'iloej Hew Lines of Lock, Shelf-Hardwar- e, Etc., Planet, Jr., Cultivators. .Pictures Frames & Mouldings. Paciflo H irdv7aro Co., L'd. BSGtl Fort & Merchant st. E. B. Conti-aote- r Ec Baildcx. Estimates Given on Brick, Iron, Stone U Wooaen buildings. Jobbing Attended lo. KEEPS FOR SALE Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster ot Paris, Marble Dust, Wire Lath, California North Beacli & Santa Grcz HAND, Quarry Tiles CxC red, vrhlto and blue; Aliuton, Plastic and Encaustic Tiles in vailous patterns, all kiuds ot Drainage Ware. Bay Ofkick Southeast corner Alu-k- ea and Queen streets. Mutual 3aTELEPH0NESjj&Bsll 351 . mil XLA.VJIXAJS COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS ! Cor. Qneen A. Xaufluu MtH. VST Goods of all descriptions sold on commisblon. Mutual Telephone 031. fob 800 A. H. ItASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchxnt street. Up fatalrs. oct-la-l- y G. BIULLER & CO., PE.ACTICAL QUN & L0CK8MITH3 Bethel Street, "Dnnion's Block," Corner sture. Surgical & Muelcnl Inttrnmnnts nna'ly repaired ot reasonable rates, Suwing Machines and repDlrlug of all kinds a specialty. All kinds of Safes & bculos reptiied. Ilouschold Sewing Machines for sale. dec.14-8- 0 O LUSO HAWAUAKO. ALL persons who want to oommuni with tho Foituuuoso, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any othor helps, will llnd it the most profftablo wuy to advertise In tho Lmo Jlttvjaiiauo, tho new organ of tho Portuguese colony, which is pub-llsko- d on Hotel street, and only charges rensooablo rates for advertisements. if you are In swniuh ofLiKhtweiRht mid Dainty Materials suitable for summer wear cull at N. S. Sachs, 104 Foit St, Hoaolulu. Wbero you will find an iinmonw; assort men t, includiug the latest pniductions and newest design. Fine Fancy Figured Persian Mulls, In new designs and fast colors; Bolted & Fancy Figured Swiss Mulls, in white, cveam and eciu; Solid Color Cambrics, Fancy Figured Cambrics, in light blue, pink, nld rose, ebocolalo, etc., guaranteed fast, colors J Fancy Figured Linen Lawns & Muslins, iu 12 yard pieces, new putterns; Immense assortments, latest patterns, newest shades. New Fancy Striped it Plaid Ginghams, at extra low prices; White Embroidery Suits, Immense assortment, latest patterns, including tho liommedstitch finish. WHITE GOODS, The largest assortment in tho Kingdom; iu fancy plaids and stripes, open stripes aud pluida. Victoria Lnwnc, India Linens, White & Ecru Batistes, Confections, Mulls, Swisses, Etc., Etc., Etc. Ladies' Embroidered Suits in Boxes, AT VERY LOW MUCKS. t Ladies' & Children's Hats, Trimmed and Untiimmed. Tho largest assortment and the latost styles eaii alwayd bo found at the POPULAR -- MILLINERY - HOUSE, WAIAL1I BRESDING RAIG 'iSilP?"' 0- - Pedigrees of A o BREEDING DEPARTMENT. The following Fine Animals will stand for service ut the ranch, Wuialuo : Well-bre- d Stallion "MARIN." Xonnau Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL." Tlioroughbred Stallion "MIDNIGHT." Two Native Stallions "PILIAOAO" & "FRANK." A Well-bre- d "KENTUCKY JACK." 493-1- 30 tf PAUL iairOKTEKB AND tta is 15 Worsao Kept SALE i'on sale: Stallions of various breeds. with or without foal. Horses for any purpose. BREAKING A Skilful Breaker and Trainer is cm-ploy- ed on the ranch. S? Satisfaction is Riiarantocd In breaking aud training horses R. I8ENBSRG. Groceries, Provisions and Feed, BAST COKNEH FOUT AND KIKO STUKETa. New Goods received t7 every Pocket from tho Kasteni States aud Kuropr, Kicsh Californla Produce by every Steamer. All ordor3 fuithfully attended to. and Coeds delivered lo buy part or the city free of charge. Island orders soli-cite- Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Olllco Box 145. Telephone No. .fj nov-4-8- 5 Ohas. HustaGB, King Street, psu S??i DKAJEBS m -- p. o. Box im. b uaia. ittversiuo orangee, Oregon Potatoes, l!tc., Ktc,, Etc. rorr HAS JUST RECEIVED per AUSTB ALIA," Kits Alaska Sea Trout, Kits Mackerel, Kitu Salmon Bellies, Kits Tonguos and Sounds, Cases Vienna Sausage, Ham Sausage, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb. tins, Hnniu, Bacon, Codfish, Tins Soused Mackerel, Boiled Mackerel in To- mato Sauce, Top O'Can Brand Butter, Boned Chicken and Turkey, Twin Brothers' Yeast Cakes, Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats! Ceralino Flakes, Gormen, Breakfast Gem, Wliito Oats, Highland Boiled Oats, Dried Apricots, Dried Punches, Prunes, Table Fruits, Dates, Figs, Hidgo'H Food, Golatino, Sardines, Wheat, Oats, Bran, Potatoes, Onions, and a General Atsorlniunt of Groceries nt Popular price. jCrr.envo your orders, or ring tip No, lit). Ielephonc&10.- - -- i&aoiw- LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, U. I., IUPOBTERS, WHOLESALE S JIKTAIL DEALERS IH GROCERIES & PBOVISIOflS. iQy O 3V ICE "Ga By each steamer uf the O, H. S. Co, from California Fresh Gala. Roll Batter, Frozen Oysters k Fresii Gala. Frnits, A complete line ot Crosse & Blacknell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh lino of (Jormiin Paten &c 1'otteil 3Ieat He Itottlutl Preserved Frulii, lowIh it Co.'a Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon, New Ujoakfust Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes, uicuy demons ap-l- G StttisiViOTbioii DEPARTMENT, Marcs DEPARTMENT. Burhauk Th& Dost Lunch in Town, Tea and CotToo at 'Ui Hours The Finest Btand of jVIvnyy on Jlunrt. a. .. 2i01TK, PiuyrloJflf. K8,.,:?p!i.!.a.vi MeatGompany SI KING STMiKT, , i. YiALLER, - - IVianag&r v71iole8;tle & Retail Jlutchon AKD NAVY CONTUACTOJttfi. 1717 ly 'NTERPRISr PLANING MILL, Alakcui, nonr Caeen at. Tolejihnne JV'o. 5B. WALKER & EEDWAED, Contraotors wfc XSulldors. Brick, IHmve and Wodcn Buildings; given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. npB-l- y LUCAS, Contractor and Bulldor,' Honolulu Steam Planing MUls, Lspla nadc, Ilouulutu. Manufactures all kinds ot Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, SashoH, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work Unish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plia- - wg, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders Jrctn the other Is- lands solicited. WRI&HT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Stroct, next Luc&s' Mill, ... ,5S Carriage Builders, Ship's Dlacksmllhinrj, Drays, Carts & Wagun Cuildiag as specialty. Every description of work in the above lines performed ia a C rat-cla- manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. T Orders from the other islands solicited. Will bo pleaned to see all our ojd customers as well as new ones. Mutual Telephone No. 575. apr.19-8-9 W.W, Wright & Son, 79 & 81 EEEESa. BollTelo. King SLamNo. 381. (The Bose Premises.) All orders for wheel vehicles of every tilled with promptness. First-chu- s mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TKA31 CWKS, fKUMUUHMKtt, Plantation Wagons, Mnlo & Ox Carts, Made to order, altered or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, ETC., B70., ETC., ETC. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under tho management of It. Cay. ford, who will collect and receipts all bills dun that branch of our business. (Signed): ocU5 Urn W. W. WBIGIIT & SON. VOLCANO STABLES Walanucnuo Street. Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice. Also, Saddle Hones, Carriages, Baggies, Brakes or Carts, IIAY or XI GUT. WILSON BROTHERS, Proprietors, Hllo, Hawaii. Ifijr Orders received by Telephono sj rah VETERINARY. Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary Burgeon, and tdinrmacv ut Hawaiian Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richard streets. Scientific treatment lu slid Is. i canes of domestic nulmals. Orders for I plantation and ranch slock promptly aticaacu to. uiuai leiepoone P. O. Box 326. luh-lSK- ) PiUESisM National Insurance Comn'v RSTiUIJillkU 1816. CcpilAl. 9.000,000 nslchsmarkt "pitK underslsrued, ngent of tho above J Company f"or the Hawaiian Islands, is prrpnrcd to accept risks, against flrc, oil Building?, Furniture, Ucinhandise, Produce, Hugar Mills, Ktc., on the mot favorable tcrmo. Locs Promptly Adjusted and Parobt In ilonclulu. jly 67-J- y C riO.T-.TCI- 3. Union, Firo & Marino Insurance Co., L'd, OI New Zealand. Capital - - - $10,000,000 Fire risk9 taken on Dwellings, Stores, Storehouses and Contents. Alfo, Sugar and Bico Mills, Machinery, Etc., Ktc. Marino Iusurnnoo On null, Cargoes and Freight. Loss paid here. J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Island. jtu.U.90 CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Agents ! AOENTS roil: lieu England Motaal Lite Ins. Co,, 01 D0STON. Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. TJ2SXON Insurance Company, FIr A 3Inrlae. OP BAN FUANCI8CO, CAltKOllNIA. Jan310 .NEW YORK Insurance COMPANY. Assets, ; : $100,003,600.96 "Facts arc Stubborn Things." At every nge, on every premium table, aud iu every year, tho AC- TUAL KESULT8 of Tontine Policies of tho New York Lifo Insurance Co. have boon LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY iasuing similar policies. jpff" For particulars apply to O. O. BKUGKIt, Qeu'l Agent Hawaiian Island. 283 tf FIRE, LIFE, MAEINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Asaots, $5,28B.00U Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marino) Assets, $'160,000 Anglo-Nevad- a AMuranoe Corporation (Fire and Marino) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Thames & Kersey Marine Ins. Co (Limited) Assets, $0,124,057 Hew York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $105,053,000 90 C.O.BERGEE HONOLULU. General Agent, navt'n Islands 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, lUPOUTIiUM, Hardwaro, Shipping AND Commission Merchants, DEALKUS LS General Merchandise ! Plantation Agent. Lire, Fire & Marino Insurance Agent a Jua31 HONOLULU, H. I. 18W) J,i 5r ''Ik "SB i In "Si m

Liumn'g - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is t!ie beat paper Dublliked lit the Kingdom to sond to friends i.liruud. MilUstfrliitliitil

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Page 1: Liumn'g - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is t!ie beat paper Dublliked lit the Kingdom to sond to friends i.liruud. MilUstfrliitliitil

' IBb' ;iiiuariMijnAMWMoraiiijauigBauiiPiuiiwi !! imwui iiniiimw f m Liumn'"giu.ulu. J., j umiiujn ! nnw muwi t.-ii-a mminii n MMwMoMMemMBKwmroMiMMiiiiiiiigiTOi 'u



iHB dailym BsMwiii LonoiiiolIVBS MMES. ATTENTION ! mmJLmmv : i ; - - - - - - - ifn aj i. i l.wzit' u hri wr. is (,' 1 is k 11 1 w .1 u - eh . ii.VMf.

1 m&'..

,. .




la printed ami published nt ilte ottinc,

Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, CO ctmts par Mixitrs

Address all UouwnuuiciUiims DailyBuIiIjKTIN.

Advertisements, 10 ansiuc wertlon,thould uu handed In helot n ouo o'clock

'ALTEH II11L Cdltor and Proprietor

Builsthi Sterna Printing Oiaco,

Nowapapsr, Book nod Job Printing of

sll kinds. done on the mout favorable

UUl Telephono No, S5H

Mutii'il Telephone ilo. 25(1


Weekly Summary.

An IniciC'itiug nod comprehensivepilllCiiilou, coubilns 3U columua ofler.dimj matter on local topics and a

complete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is t!ie beat paper Dubllikedlit the Kingdom to sond to friendsi.liruud.

MilUstfrliitliitillalsmd : : : 1 1 00 yearForcitcn ! : : 5 Oil "

" ' i' aeasssrr" ; i'--1;

Commission Itloronaats.- '

B OaK ? WATSBHOUaiJ,tS liopoitcr and D.iuler iu Genera)Merchandise, Queen j., Wouolulu. 1

& OO.,WIL.D13P. Dealers in Lumber, Paints,.')Us, Nails, Sill and Uulldlut; Materlalbof every KJnd, cor.'tfort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

OMum bprvcKias. Win. a. Irwin,

itr U. IKWIN iZ OOMPANX," Sugar Factors and CoiiimiaslonAgents, llouoiulu. 1

B. N. Castlo.-.- !. n. Athoiton-- G. P. Cuatle,TAttTL,E Z. COOKK.j Shipping and CommissionMerchants. liuiiorturii and Dealers inGeneral .vlcrchnadu Ho. tiO King at..iloauiuiu.

. Lowers, F. J. Lowroy 0. SL Cooko.

SW21RS IS OOOKJS,A (successors to Luwura & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allBinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

"? HONOLULU IRON WOHK3,JErfe&,4lSieainuui:me3.sui-a- r millw, noil

L w, -- ouieru; iron, brass and lead castings; machinery 01 every uusuripuuuimiae to order. Particular utteution paiato snip's black smithing. Job vvorkexocutud at short notice 1

' 5 1 iiA01il.'JiJJ-i- t Sa Co.,aJL

Uoneral Comiuiwloa Agenu.IIokoluld



Queen sucet, Honolulu. H. I.1048


Wholamla Grocers & Wine Merchants

Bouver Uloek. Uonolulu.



tisr ov omrEUB:V. O. Joxeb, Jr. . . .Presidont & ManagerJ, O. CJAitTJiu. . . ..Treasurer fc Secretary

. diuhctoer:ttou. Q. R. Bishop. 8. C. Alucs,

v H. Watkbuousk.112 ly

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St, Upstairs.

The undersigned bcira to inform thepublic of these Islands that ho is making

WUlrtu toy Meuuuremont :Directions forself-moasurcmc- (Till

be given on application.

WMtoSnlrts, Ovorslilrts & Hlght Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a eamplaShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Doll Tolophono 410

hfily A. HI. BIKfiMW.... -



81 King Street, opposite tho Old StationHouse.:

Mttifcttai.Telenhouo No, .87tf

Jll MONSABUAT,ul Law & Notary Public

U0 Merchant Street, Honolulu. If

JAUTUKn MAGOON,at Law ii Notary I'uhllo

17.1 ia Merchant Etrcot, Honolulu, ly

J. E. BROWN,Old Capitol Building.

Agent to tab AdLuovledgmtnt to Con-

tracts for tabor

In tho District of llouoiulu, Island ofOabu. 189 tut

David DaytonWill practice in tbn lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collectlug in all its branches, renting of housesand an other business cntiusted to him

Olllcc J)l Ring Streets-Upstair-s.

Es3 f"


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pnstry Cook and Baker.

71HotcdSt. -- Jiar Telephone 74.

California : LandsFOR SA3C1S :

Sf Apply to

A. 3!IKFP,.4S8 t 42 Merchant St., llouoiulu.

ER & GO.Jlnnuicturlnt: JoiroIIcra,

no. o fort laxjajBiaT.Constantly on hand 1 large assortmen

of every description of Jowclry, WatchesGold and Sliver Plated Waro, &c.

9C8 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Bauuiactoring Jeweler & Watolimakcr

Kukui Jewelry a Specialty.

King Street, Slonoluin, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-

way Company's OlUcc.

6 Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jui-19-8- 9


X K, A. Y M 33 N .LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

tx. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Slack and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices,

Oluoe, next door to Jaa. F. Moron'sauction room.9?21y Mutual Tclcphono No. 10.


74 King st. 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos &, FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality,


The umlersltftird hnvln;; bi'cn nppoinUsdKolu agents for tbn UaTvalliin


For tho Calebratcil

Baldwin - Locomotives

Piom tho works of

Bnrnliam, Parry, Williams & Co.,

i'lUUulotplilii. I'onn..Aiu now prepared to give i'timntr nnrtreceive onleis for thete vnuincs, of nnysize and stylo.

The Hai.dwik I.ocomotivk WuitKsnronow niHiiufucuuhu; a style of

particularly uduptod

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently brnreceived at lliess Islands, and vCo willhavo plnA.uro la furnlbltig plantationa.nent and inunagi-r- s with partir.ularsof sniitc

The superiority of these Locomotivesover nil of her rniikea is not only knownhero but is acknowledged throughouttho United Statea.

Wm. G. IllWIN & Co.,Sold Agents for Hnwuilua IshnuU.


Pacific Duiwm Co., Hi,B. F. UPbghna, rrssldeati J. Q. Bpecer,

Kaaageri 1'. I. Whiter, Treunror.


Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps,

Hall Lompa & Oliandeliere,Just Received from the Factory.

A New Line of Refrigerators,

A Full Lino of tho Favorlto

Eddy's Refrigerator'3 and lea duets,DlEstan'a Bawa & I'iloej Hew Lines of Lock,

Shelf-Hardwar- e, Etc.,Planet, Jr., Cultivators.

.Pictures Frames & Mouldings.

Paciflo H irdv7aro Co., L'd.BSGtl Fort & Merchant st.

E. B.Conti-aote- r Ec Baildcx.

Estimates Given on Brick, Iron, Stone U

Wooaen buildings. JobbingAttended lo.


Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster ot Paris,

Marble Dust, Wire Lath,

California North Beacli & Santa Grcz

HAND,Quarry Tiles CxC red, vrhlto and blue;Aliuton, Plastic and Encaustic Tiles invailous patterns, all kiuds ot DrainageWare.

Bay Ofkick Southeast corner Alu-k- ea

and Queen streets.Mutual 3aTELEPH0NESjj&Bsll 351

. mil


Cor. Qneen A. Xaufluu MtH.

VST Goods of all descriptions sold oncommisblon.

Mutual Telephone 031. fob 800

A. H. ItASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchxnt street. Up fatalrs.oct-la-l- y


Bethel Street, "Dnnion's Block,"Corner sture.

Surgical & Muelcnl Inttrnmnnts nna'lyrepaired ot reasonable rates, SuwingMachines and repDlrlug of all kinds aspecialty. All kinds of Safes & bculosreptiied. Ilouschold Sewing Machinesfor sale. dec.14-8- 0


ALL persons who want to oommuniwith tho Foituuuoso, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any othor helps, will llnd itthe most profftablo wuy to advertise Intho Lmo Jlttvjaiiauo, tho new organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is pub-llsko- d

on Hotel street, and only chargesrensooablo rates for advertisements.

if you are In swniuh ofLiKhtweiRht mid Dainty Materials suitablefor summer wear cull at

N. S. Sachs, 104 Foit St, Hoaolulu.Wbero you will find an iinmonw; assort men t, includiug the latest

pniductions and newest design.

Fine Fancy Figured Persian Mulls,In new designs and fast colors;

Bolted & Fancy Figured Swiss Mulls, in white, cveam and eciu;Solid Color Cambrics, Fancy Figured Cambrics, in light blue, pink, nld

rose, ebocolalo, etc., guaranteed fast, colors J

Fancy Figured Linen Lawns & Muslins, iu 12 yard pieces, new putterns;

Immense assortments, latest patterns, newest shades.

New Fancy Striped it Plaid Ginghams, at extra low prices;

White Embroidery Suits,Immense assortment, latest patterns, including tho liommedstitch finish.

WHITE GOODS,The largest assortment in tho Kingdom; iu fancy plaids and stripes, open

stripes aud pluida.

Victoria Lnwnc, India Linens, White & Ecru Batistes, Confections, Mulls,Swisses, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Ladies' Embroidered Suits in Boxes,AT VERY LOW MUCKS.t

Ladies' & Children's Hats,Trimmed and Untiimmed. Tho largest assortment and the latost styles

eaii alwayd bo found at the



Pedigrees of Ao


The following Fine Animals willstand for service ut the ranch, Wuialuo :

Well-bre- d Stallion"MARIN."

Xonnau Stallion"CAPTAIN GROWL."

Tlioroughbred Stallion"MIDNIGHT."

Two Native Stallions"PILIAOAO" & "FRANK."

A Well-bre- d


493-1- 30 tf PAUL


ttais15 Worsao Kept


i'on sale:Stallions of various breeds.

with or without foal.Horses for any purpose.


A Skilful Breaker and Trainer is cm-ploy- ed

on the ranch.

S? Satisfaction is Riiarantocd Inbreaking aud training horses


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,BAST COKNEH FOUT AND KIKO STUKETa.

New Goods received t7 every Pocket from tho Kasteni States aud Kuropr,Kicsh Californla Produce by every Steamer. All ordor3 fuithfully attended to.and Coeds delivered lo buy part or the city free of charge. Island orders soli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Olllco Box 145. Telephone No. .fj nov-4-8- 5

Ohas. HustaGB, King Street,



--p. o. Box im.

b uaia. ittversiuo orangee,Oregon Potatoes, l!tc., Ktc,, Etc.


HAS JUST RECEIVED per AUSTB ALIA,"Kits Alaska Sea Trout, Kits Mackerel, Kitu Salmon Bellies, Kits Tonguosand Sounds, Cases Vienna Sausage, Ham Sausage, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb.tins, Hnniu, Bacon, Codfish, Tins Soused Mackerel, Boiled Mackerel in To-

mato Sauce, Top O'Can Brand Butter, Boned Chicken and Turkey, TwinBrothers' Yeast Cakes,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Ceralino Flakes, Gormen, Breakfast Gem, Wliito Oats, Highland Boiled Oats,Dried Apricots, Dried Punches, Prunes, Table Fruits, Dates, Figs, Hidgo'HFood, Golatino, Sardines, Wheat, Oats, Bran, Potatoes, Onions, and a

General Atsorlniunt of Groceries nt Popular price.jCrr.envo your orders, or ring tip No, lit).

Ielephonc&10.- - -- i&aoiw-

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, U. I.,


iQy O 3V ICE "GaBy each steamer uf the O, H. S. Co, from California

Fresh Gala. Roll Batter, Frozen Oysters k Fresii Gala. Frnits,

A complete line ot Crosse & Blacknell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh lino of(Jormiin Paten &c 1'otteil 3Ieat He Itottlutl Preserved Frulii,lowIh it Co.'a Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

New Ujoakfust Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakes,uicuy demons

ap-l- G StttisiViOTbioii





Th& Dost Lunch in Town,

Tea and CotToo at 'Ui Hours

The Finest Btand of

jVIvnyy on Jlunrt.a. .. 2i01TK, PiuyrloJflf.


MeatGompanySI KING STMiKT,

, i. YiALLER, - - IVianag&r

v71iole8;tle & Retail JlutchonAKD



Alakcui, nonr Caeen at.Tolejihnne JV'o. 5B.


Contraotors wfc XSulldors.Brick, IHmve and Wodcn Buildings;

given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. npB-l- y


and Bulldor,'

Honolulu Steam Planing MUls, Lsplanadc, Ilouulutu.

Manufactures all kinds ot Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

SashoH, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work Unish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plia- -wg, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders Jrctn the other Is-lands solicited.

WRI&HT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Stroct, next Luc&s' Mill,

... ,5S

Carriage Builders,Ship's Dlacksmllhinrj, Drays, Carts &

Wagun Cuildiag as specialty.

Every description of work in theabove lines performed ia a C rat-cla-

manner and executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.

T Orders from the other islandssolicited. Will bo pleaned to see allour ojd customers as well as new ones.Mutual Telephone No. 575.


W.W, Wright & Son,79 & 81 EEEESa. BollTelo.

King SLamNo. 381.

(The Bose Premises.)

All orders for wheel vehicles of everytilled with promptness.

First-chu- s mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty


Plantation Wagons, Mnlo & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altered or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,ETC., B70., ETC., ETC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under tho management of It. Cay.ford, who will collect and receipts allbills dun that branch of our business.

(Signed):ocU5 Urn W. W. WBIGIIT & SON.

VOLCANO STABLESWalanucnuo Street.

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice.

Also, Saddle Hones,

Carriages, Baggies, Brakes or Carts,


WILSON BROTHERS,Proprietors, Hllo, Hawaii.

Ifijr Orders received by Telephono sjrah


Alt. ROWAT, Veterinary Burgeon,and tdinrmacv ut Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richardstreets. Scientific treatment lu slid Is.

i canes of domestic nulmals. Orders forI plantation and ranch slock promptly

aticaacu to. uiuai leiepooneP. O. Box 326. luh-lSK- )

PiUESisM National

Insurance Comn'vRSTiUIJillkU 1816.

CcpilAl. 9.000,000 nslchsmarkt

"pitK underslsrued, ngent of tho aboveJ Company f"or the Hawaiian Islands,

is prrpnrcd to accept risks, against flrc,oil Building?, Furniture, Ucinhandise,Produce, Hugar Mills, Ktc., on the motfavorable tcrmo.

Locs Promptly Adjusted and ParobtIn ilonclulu.

jly 67-J- y C riO.T-.TCI- 3.

Union, Firo & Marino

Insurance Co., L'd,OI New Zealand.

Capital - - - $10,000,000

Fire risk9 taken on Dwellings, Stores,Storehouses and Contents. Alfo, Sugarand Bico Mills, Machinery, Etc., Ktc.

Marino IusurnnooOn null, Cargoes and Freight. Losspaid here.

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Island.



Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents !

AOENTS roil:lieu England Motaal Lite Ins. Co,,

01 D0STON.

Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.TJ2SXON

Insurance Company,FIr A 3Inrlae.




Assets, ; : $100,003,600.96

"Facts arc Stubborn Things."

At every nge, on every premiumtable, aud iu every year, tho AC-

TUAL KESULT8 of Tontine Policiesof tho New York Lifo Insurance Co.have boon LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY iasuingsimilar policies.

jpff" For particulars apply to

O. O. BKUGKIt,Qeu'l Agent Hawaiian Island.

283 tf


MAEINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Asaots, $5,28B.00U

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marino)

Assets, $'160,000Anglo-Nevad- a AMuranoe Corporation

(Fire and Marino)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000Thames & Kersey Marine Ins. Co

(Limited)Assets, $0,124,057

Hew York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $105,053,000 90


General Agent, navt'n Islands

1053 ly


Hardwaro, ShippingAND

Commission Merchants,DEALKUS LS

General Merchandise !

Plantation Agent.Lire, Fire & Marino

Insurance Agent a

Jua31 HONOLULU, H. I. 18W)









Page 2: Liumn'g - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is t!ie beat paper Dublliked lit the Kingdom to sond to friends i.liruud. MilUstfrliitliitil






ftgsessss?BY AliTiiO?

EJggtetfgftiiuf. tonfldlrom Wu J'oU-dt- r MegRilne, Mfltt.Mio Wrt mo ih fiWUin JJMCS 0? aOPgM. TZli'i'Sl ttf --a&ri PtPSfM '.. nmi payment m Mttvicca 01 roucc- - '""r w

S0:1 ? "'r fey" --STfe rUErS T,i-unv- 8 smo or issued by tubASt'viT3.'S m,i im llin nwti- - ...fSB'Wl or oi bch l'owtlor, oihommo'oniyXirpohlSo (QOdS & Cll&ttelS 1111 lISM! IIEE INQll 11 A MlE B iUhPHWS.- - The Powder iUtfazino will bo last two of about 80 cent

By order of the Minister of Inte-

rior tenders will be received nt theomco of tho Koad Supervisor, Hono-

lulu, till MONDAY, July 23th, lit 12

o'clock noon, for the sho'eini; of Gov bo

eminent stock, per head, per month, sinetill January 1, 1S91. 1

II. F. 1IEBUAKD,Road Supervitor.

llonoluhi, July So, ISI'0. CM 2t

In conformity with the Aet en-

titled "An Act relating to tho Sup-

pression of Plant Diseases, Blightand Insect Pests," approved July1C, A.D.I 800, tho following gentle-

men have been appointed Commis-

sioners of Agricultuie:Hawaii, llilo C, K. Itichiudson,

D. II. Hitchcock, Nathan C. Will-fon-

Kawalhac Paul Jarretl, William

Kealakekua II. N. Grecnwell, A. j

Todd, Moee3 Barrett.Malnikona Jno. S. Kmilhics, Emil

tie Hearues, Wiglit.Maui, Lihaina C. V, Homer, Da-

vid Taylor, Kia Nahaolelua.Kahului L. M. Yetlesen, J. T.

Aluli, A. Barnes.Oahu, Honolulu A. Jaeger, C. T.

Iaukca, E. W. Jordan.Kauai, Kolo.i Jared K. Smith, 13.

jstrehs. J. K. Burkett.C. N. SPEXCEB,

Minister of the Intciior.Interior OUlce, July 21, 1S90.

Glf. .It

Gunpowder Regulations.

By virtue of the authority vestedin me us Minister of the Interior,under Section 334 of the Civil Codeof this Kingdom, I hereby pioclaimthe following Regulation?, for theStoring, ng, and Transporta-tion ot Gunpowder in this TCingdom ;

nd no person shall store, keij), oitransport any Gunpowder in anyother quantity, or nunncr than is

prescribed in such Herniations.1. No poison shall receive, keep,

or store, or cau&e fo bo received,kept, or stored, or aid or assist anypurton in reec'n ing, keeping, or ator--

ing Gunpowder in largir quantitiesthan fifty pounds, in any biiok orstone fire-pro- building, or nioicthan ten pounds in any woodenbuilding, or uxion any other prcmircsin this Kingdom, except in the Gov-

ernment Powder Magazine.2. Any peison keeping, storing,

or having fifty pounds of Gunpowderor lesi than that quantity in accordance with Utile in uny one phi reexcept iii the Government PowdorMagazine, ihall keep the same in anair light metallic vessi'l, which ves-

sel shall bo marked with tin; word

"Gunpowdei" in plain Roman let-

ters, not lcs than three inches inheight, and of puiportiunato width,and sh'ill be kept at all times

in vjow near tho entianceof the picmiiCj where kept, and con-

venient therefrom.U. Any l arriving at any port

of this Kingdom and Imiuj,' Gun-powder on board as freight or cargo,shall iinmcdi.iMy hoist red flag attho foreiu.trt head, and keep thetaino flying until ihe Gunpowdershall hae been landed or temoved;and no vefcul having Gunpowder onboaid will be permitted lo remain atthe whaif, more than twelve hours,and if the vessel ball be at tho wharfover night, policeman or watch-man shall be kept on duty on hcaidall night. All Gunpowder depositedon the whaif fut shipment, ill beimmediately passed on boa id thevessel, to receive the saino.

All Gunpowder landed or placedon any sidewalk, street, or publicway for shipment or forwarding, Mullbe shipped or forwarded immediatelyafter it shall have been so lauded orplaced.

1. No person shall convey orcause to be conveyed, or affiut inconveying in any vohiclo any Gun-powder, unlCHn the panic bhall ho

packed, in pIoju packages, norunless such packages shall be secure-ly covered while on tho vehicle.

5, Tho Chief Engineej of the KiteDepartment, tho Assistant Eugineor,Secretary of the Piro Depailment,and Fire Muishal of Honolulu, andthe llarboi master of the Port of Ho-

nolulu, and tho Sheriffs of tho differ-ent Islands and their Deputies andirected to seo that lliebo Ifegula-tion- s

and to make com-

plaints to any Police or Distiiet Jus-

tice, for tho violation of tho provi-sions thereof.

6. Storage will be exuded for allGunpowder received in the Govern-

ment Magazine, at the rate of twentycuuts per month for every hundredpounds, tho eamo to bo paid quar.terly to tho keeper tho Magazine,

7. AH prpeosca of transportation


open for nil days excepti..i.i..... ..(?..DUiuiiiyn noiiunv.-i-, uuwtro

hours turn provmeunotice, given the keeper.

Previous landing any Oun-powd- er

from any vevtl, notice- - shalls,ent the keeper tho Mngti- -

that may presentceivo the same.

John If. Brown has been ap-

pointed the Keeper tho Govern-

ment Powder Mag urine, Honolulu.SrENCEK,

Min't'er Inteiior.interior Olllec, J.r-- 20, 1S0O.



Col. V. V. Ashfoul privateletter from San Francisco statesthat the published "interviews"with him that c'ly are all bogus,except that the Examiner. Hehis very poor opinion the "en-terprise" that would produce such

glaring frauds these alleged "in-




Kditou BulletinKxcusc my request again for

space your papsr for further dis-

cussion the railway problem.Mr. Dillingham mistaken he

infers that think am voicing thethe cnuutry these letters yourpaper. sony find thathas majority his side and thatfteucrally there not much stocktaken what advance; but

that, light my esti-mate these matters, and that thepublic conccn.ed havingview both sides tho question,hope generally pardoned forappealing print.

lam not salisuVrt with Mr.answer why railways

Miould specially assisted by thestate. Ho does not try mind giveauy reasons why they should

aided heie, more tltau steam-boats htnge-coaohef- z. The statement made that rai'way bonds guaranteed by the goveuiuiunl willmauo sale investment, peo-

ple one will elf ny, but wouldask there not remote possibility

those bond-- i ing some dny heldby people not this country, andthat the Hawaiian jfovermaont mayhfvis pay tin.ni the per cent,interest.

The barren lands referredmy last later the route theproposed western extension theOahu Uatlway not Mr. Dil-

lingham tlesciibea. They tinenl-livaUb- lc

being composed coralnick and sand. hope the companywill duly account, lor these wasted,deducting same iiotn tho thousands

acres the la.hray will open up.the railway built want

pay and hop'e there will be slipup Ihiough miacalotilations thesematters.

common speak thiscountry new, notstrike that w--iy. sugarplantation Jud.i Wilder,oiiluisisland, was abancot over yeatsago, not account lacktransportation facd ties, but becausethey fonnil they did not have theHoif stittain the plant, nti'l forany thing; know there maysome proportion the laud intend-ed opened up the samekind.

My leference the Kohala, Rail-way," Mr. Dillingham says, provennothing, llttt Ibefj differ fromhim, and think tint investors hisrailways here would considermore imprest than railway theSacramento Iliver.

Tho Kohala Hallway has provedJoss the owners over $200,000,and rny opinion was assessed Instyear above actual value. TheKohala Railway not benefitthe people, nor has been. Andthere least loot: for auybetter results fiorn the Hilo Road.The Kohala poplo wanted roadsand wcie told tho country could notafford The countiy subsidized

railway their district whichthey did uot ask for, becatiso waswanted build tip the business

private tlrm.The Legislature asked lor

more subsidies and oven this timefor guarantees interest. Can thecouutry bear the burden? greatmany say can, nnrt many uouot

very inttch, and from where nndwhom the icquesl for nil thisfrom tho government? oitl-ferl-

tlistilct has had somerun disaster? No, fromthtee man that seem inspired withthe Idea that lailways must bebuilt once, and by them, order

savo tho cout.try, antl districtstho most piospei'oui tho kiug-doi- u.

Tito figures presented by Mr.Dillingham, t'nwint; the prot-pec- ls

tliu llilo and llatnukuallallway, look vi'iy nice, nndsome prople considered deadcertainty. The otwno llgttrea weioecen by como monlttl mco




aer. fta i ... . p h.ii ni ininifi . nil i i mill u ji i in iii " m wr m m h lit. n n n. m m w m i m ,.- . - - -., --c .w-.--. v ' - ' -- .

hl. .v. . . .



C. L.





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Dlstraincu for "10 0Ua2 S dBitka &1SII m IW'WBBJ WfcB " ta awHU "Jl BBW Uyears per

ivr annum. Mr. Dillinglunn Uready to o to the leseuo of lliosoplantations. I oppose the ililo"Railway on tho grounds of its ternl-in- y to

to seer Hawaii from Honoluluby running off the tnter-ijlan- d Onsteamers making it fiunlly more dif-

ficult to yet to Honolulu limn San OfFrancisco.

Eonr.itT R. IIisd. kitewummihi iwwimi Tiwr'; ! n--

Auction Sal03 by James r. Llorgan. awl

HoissehoEci FurnitureA.T AUCTION.

On WEDNESDAY, July 30,AT t 0'CX.UCK A. 31., C12

tho lesidcnco of Mr?. M. B. Llvlnjr-bton- o,

lilng street (adjoining the nal-thiti- ce

of Mr. J. It. Atherton), 1 willbull at Publle Aitcliou tho

Household -- s FurnitureCotnpilsliifj

B. W. 1. T. (Me? Tails,Center &!ofiiRitga,Decorated Hanging Lamps,Lice Curtains & Poles,

Plash Rockers, Bouquet Tables,

Wicker Kasy Cbalis & Ttoekcrs,1 Ictttres, Jrauej iy Ciouk,


B. W. Harblclop Bedroom Set,

Spring Mat'vases. Mo-qul- to Net,Ui'hoUti'ii d Ceil Lounge,binglo Ucdoteads,

1 Pansy Ranges and Ufansils,1 lief i igerator. 1 Hxlunslon Table,CrockeivA Glassware,Etc., Lte, Ktc, Lte.

,JAS. IT. IvIOUGAN,01441 Auctioneer.


II ?'SIf t. rji ft", s i"


Piinalioa Preparatory School,

Honoliii'j, H. I.

Tlissa Sc!ioe!i 0,ifn tcr Ilia fltw Vonr


t Adijress all ltttra of roquliyorapplications lo the 'unleiMguec! Supre-tnr- y

iif tliu Brmrii of TiU'stee?

W. O. S3I3TIJ,Koeretatv,

Honolulu. ,1ulv 25. 13!i0. Gift lw

For S. F. & San Diego via Hilo

Tho ?,'ew Al Slinr

ASiFABRALLONWill lcae Honolulu for Snu Viauclsio

and San lico 'Ua Utlo,

On Tuesdrsy, July SStft.sgKor Ft eight Mid Pap 'go, apply to

LIVlIIGgrOIf & CIATiKE,gents

0.11ce:-I- irt !t , over A. L. tiiil.h's.liJD at.


TXrOHMATIOX m to the wherc- -JL. abottts of

August I'hiilc.ltichaid Pioipiltte,11. II Habln. wi'.l'rauz Plontkowtky alias Franz

Piank,By tho


u ouoiuhi,. Tuiy aa.ieoo. oir. 2t


ir and EtiLlIsrh Pong Hook,arraiigi-- by Jack Allnu, ot tho

liunilelie Cluo. copies lor 20wilts each, at tho Hawaiian New Uo.'s,T. U. Thrum's and J. .1. Willhun'o.

J!i:i 3t '

Horse Strayed !

A SOURl'.L TIoifoj.. with white face.

? Bti.iyuil on Thursdayment. a pitttatiii! iv- -!

wind will be paid tothe parly leiurnln.' lihn to W. H Lru-ne- r,

at the Lnglo'lloitsc. 01 4 lit

Saylor'H J'cwtaurant.

SATLOK'S llehfnttrint, No. 00 Hotelbeen bought out by the

Sec (.bong Co., ami on account ofbuln'.',s, the pieiuWc u'Jjuhi-In- g

tint lesiuuiiiiit have been takui and1111 lied luto a pilvate (lining room. TimSee Chong Co. will conduct a flidiclass lTftunnint and eNpect a goodshaii) of iiiibllu pail oiiage.


Jleinbcrs of llm s"te (Jhong Co.m-- w


AT the iPKiihir annual incclljig oftlio raeVile Hanlwaio Co , (LM).

the following olllcci.i weie elc-cle- furIS!1!

L.J' Dilliughani I'lPfhlent,( Maiiiigir

Jus. CSpenccr. .

Secretary,F. L. Whiter Tiensuiier,

tr. I Allen 1 Auuilur,

S:Ste;::::iw,Ja. G.I'ENOElt,bccrjiary.

Ilonolulij, July 24, 189.Q. Bl 1 y

.1 VI' 111

" I

lam ItKtntctrd by Peter Fennurfegsell at Public Auction

THURSDAY, Aug. Tilt,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31.,

said dny, at my Salesroom, QueenMrcrt, Honolulu, iSc following des-cilb-

Goo(h & Clmttuls of Ah Lai, ntumult if said Peter Fernandez, tit

Kuimluniii, (IKtialttcd fnrarrc.irs of lenthtixtns been held tho statutory

length of time by the snld Peter -z.

l.t 1 Cooklutr Stovo. 2 ShowCithcs, 4 TabU'H. 1 Coffee Muuhiue andother Ware, Goods and Chattels andEffects of siibl Ah L:.i taken finin hisbtoie on King stieot. til said C:ipa!auia.

lienoluhi,. fitly lt,lSflO.

JAS. F. aZOAWAX,ir.t Auetlouocr.

Exaculor & Trusleo's Salo nf

L'OTflTCiuU i n i c,

Leases, Uh llorse

It., 151 o JStiJ.

By direction of CECIL HP.OWNM-mtor&Tiust- co

nl tho Last Will andTestament of Philip iMiltou di'eoaeU,

am dhectid to bull at Puhlio Auction,

On SATURDAY, August 2nd,

AT 10 OXU.OCU A. 31.,

At the Faun Uouo hi P.tlolo Valley,Honolulu. Oahu, till the following

tf Csci ibed Propnt ty, suitablefor Jtanch purposes:

Ul All that land cnntululii" aa ureaoMRuJo iicics nnd situate In iilnahulu11ml Oahu.nnd being the simii niemUes conveyedto the said l'hihp Milton by the Trus-tees of thu Estate of W. C. Ltuuililo.

2nd All that land containing an areaotiilueacus situate In Palulo Valley,and being the same jucmlses eoiiveveilto the said Philip MPton by Uiso'ldaSliurtuiiii. This proptity La' a hugerpM-tvil- r upon It, which piippllos thislower land w ith water fur rice ctil Iva-il-

the Kbeivoir -: )E0 fnthoni- - squarriand has a ili'pth of 1 1 feet, and cost 111

the neighborhood uf Q10.000.Hrd All that land coiitalt.lncan aiea

of UO aeris nnd situate at Klpabnlu,Oahu. 1 1n; two kit ger tracts iu Kipa-htt- lu

and Walal.ic-il- .l are fenced withgood stone walls and wire f uelng i's

them from piopeily now in pos-

session ot D. P. lseulifctg mill used for1 ancbing put poses

Also ai the same lime aud phioe thefollowing

LEASEHOLDS:Lce from the Hawaii:!!! Govern-niuu- l.

01 Jlij" acres of laud, kimwn uKipulii, voarlv rental $2M, ixplift.rune 21, lb'.fJ." a poili'ii of thli laud(:! acie-i- ) subiut to a Cninumau for ilce,for SOU ii yuar.

Lease from Commissioner of CrownLands, ot lands known a Waionmo andPnkfli. me.i !J1H acies, oaily tental$r.r. k,i5c expires .Ian. I, 11)01.

Lease irom D. W. I'auabi, of 111lines of land of KcLio, yearly lontnl

"00. A poition of this land imdureullivatloii of ilco by I hiucsu who bvupiyed iJlOoOii year, the ir sup-plvl-

iini-- i ol the water, lease cxplteslul illy, 100L

Lease from IT. R. II. Lilluokalaui.of Innrt known as Kaatiweloa, 2li acie-- .

vail leiilal yM, lease expnes ill May,jSfL'."

Lease from 1). V. Piuiahl. of land ofKekio. abuiit .'CO aeic. Vcailv rental62C0, IcaM; ex plies Oct.. IhlH

Lease finin llawaihui Goenuiient, ofland of Waiihlla, IbO Hiae-"- , yearly ront-- al

w2'iu, lease expires in Aug., lSItfl.Leajy from Trustees of iil-ho- p IJvtate

of Wuahila, t'03 ncics, ynirly icntalS200, e exphes Augu-t- ", IHU'J

Lea-efro- . Kawai ahd Koknul ol 2pieces of land In A itLimau and KekloS'.J iieics, ye.ir'y rental ?2t, le.io es-pii- es

In ,uigii3t, lftli'.t.Tuu lar.il' of unaiiiin .i&u siercs are

now biliigiag 11 icntal tinder an ngnWilli Piutiigit'o nf SUCO a jcar.

There me aboutS neius of tain iilmi".tripe which will he sold with the landupon which It is giowiug

'the Income fiotn Oranges, Limes,Coffee, Ktc, and luvuamouiitid to about a year.

Tliu piopertv above set forth has al.iborei's house, slaughter house andother 1 anih buildings upon them, and 2bullock pen?.

Also at tho same time and place about

400 Head of Cattle,Including about

00 jflleh Co'vs, even Tali of WorkingOsqn, also 5 Hoijc?, il Alaies nnd afoils, Ox Tart. Saddles and I!i Idles,Yokes,, etc , etc.. and other utenslh andproperty caul upon a well appointedliaiich,


rB The I'lopeity can be Inspected utany time. For fuitlinrpiirtlcitlau apply

JAS. F. AlOIiGAN,Auctioneer,

Or, to Ci:cil Tinowx,Lxecntor ,t, Trinstre. tVC lm


TIt. DAY'S olllce will bo cloicd fromXJ July 22r.d to August 4, 1SU0.

Oil td

ART (--ft ASSES 1

Allen Ifutchmson holds a classMil. In modelling at hi studio, Nuti-an- u

avenue, evuy Tiicfeday and Satur-day. Kor pin tleulaiB apply ''Ilell Tf

C07 lui


. rbho Celebrated Run-- S

iiiiigStiilllim,,.She- -nindoah" will sthimsiu. thi, u at the

--Cl Wonillnwn Oaliv:terms 600. For fuither yartlculardapply ut thu Dah-y- . 685 3m


Cash Assets,

SfiJ For full to

ia ii? ea vi

B & I n,-- v

a 6 W I 2 U fc j

3v. jawysrC&jsS&&;


particulars apply

Dei-21-- 83

hfk BbaSaia


Fresh Cakes,

JumbieSt OofTeo Crackers,

T And will be FKEE of to uny

Coffee, Tea, Chc-cclat- Milk, v'1"-- '-

Fish, Hum Eggs,Oy-t-

SCS53"- - .Diner

IiiT IHfil i i


1 1i





l w






Solo & IRON

&lfi, is Ale, Mineral Etc.


siir Jill coniisiuulcathnse untl should be to

380 lm

sCw-iit1i- 3a



cajiiiiw Ki

For Sale !

The following Mirhlner fnuulns:part of the .iiar .Mill I'biut bo oMat public auction ut an rally date uule--

disposed ot preiuiisly by private saleP.uties u piiicliismgany

of till. Macbineiy can gufirs anil prices from tho underhiiuil :

1 28148 Sill & Gearing,

Fpare Gi ar Wheel & Pinion;

1 IfijiSPi 1'ngliie, hpare Oeur Wheel &Pinion;

S McOnle ClaiMer with rittlugs, 4eoiuplcte;

I Juice Heater, ft. long 12 In. dhi- -nii 1 r ;

3 14 In. W. L rio'itilng Pans. n.it2x2.7;I t!;7 Lioubiu Klfecl, couipletu with

Pump tt; Mage;

i 6x20 Galloway Biilor, compUlej1 C10 Tubular Uol'er. coinp'eto;1 Sugar t:.n U in. W L, 40.4xj.J;1 fngar Cooler, 8x."j.C,n20;1 Sugar Cooler, f, Uxfj tls.'O;a Sugar Co'iler, 4x5 vJ0; &1 Tank In. W. I.. 7.tlxi0sJ2;1 Steam Pump, 4 dbcliaige;


2 Blake Pump, 1 dlsehatge;1 Lathe. 20 ( buck 12 ft. long, bed;1 Heavy vice,1 Fairbanks Platform Hciles, 20x2S;Mill ISuildln, 40xlfi0Bl; and ltollcr

Shed, nil cor. with Con ugateiUron;Fit e UrtcU, also a large assortment of

2nd Hand OouU, Vulvcit, Piping,Rtc, Ktc.

JNO. HIND,For Star Mill Co Kohala, Hawaii,

58(1 lm


Mi ft Jolwoi, Artist,Studio, No. U7 Atakoa Strott

Formorly of New York, would Informthe public that she la prepniud to 111)

all 01 tiers for Pastels, Oil, Water Colorsttnd India Ink Poiirulu.p" Samples of woik can be seen at

Studio and Hamilton House Parlors.f.!)8 Sill

K0WG WO CHAN,Restaurant & Boarding House,

lto, 0ener.il Merchandise, ""

Kwu Plantutlon, s Honolulu, Ewa.Travelers by train or Government

road can tecum aecoinraodatlonRboard. Ckorgoa COS lm


11ICHAU1 A. 31eCWIUr, 1'i-csitlc- a 1.




t' f W

Pies, Buns, Roils,


jfrosii ll:SO . m. toSKfW -


Btoaks, Chopn,

BA.ZIj13Ti. MauH&rer.-- ifANUFACT UUEKS OF--

Agent fur the

3 U H 1











Esc,, Etc,





Qiipr Mil. Eiglnrryii', SinaiA film,TELEPHONE




removed to mote commodious quarters at

BOKT ssTXi-jrajEac- ,

tho House)

We now projnd !o at notice, nnd quality, anyfollowing Clu&a Aerated Beverages:

' C3KCER ALE,tin, Sfin, Ltui, Cr Sella.

Saxsaparilla, Sarsaparilla & Wuter,Apple Cidor.

exoluhiu-l- tho HYATT WATER BYSTE&'.



Without a Jiival in Price Quality !

Ono-thii- d Prioo of Eoyal I

Every Housekeeper Should It !

A Siivlng Per Cent Coet and Quality tho Beet.


HENRY DAVIS & CO.,Gol fini Exclusivo Agents for the Hawaiian Luanda,



Is the Table sold In thoCity of Honolulu.


Henry Davis Co,hn'ii

" rPowell's Baggage J3.vproH,


Furnlttuo movlun: a speciality , llpg-pap- io

delivered jWlli piomptuoBa andcare to any purfof cty. coinerof antl Dell Tele-pho-

479, Telopuone 67.J una 7--

Oyer $136,000,000

Hawr.iian Islands.


ill n bj

Etc.,part of city

Slews, Boused I'lg'f Elo,

1 p. m.v.MiUfia)fwnaKac T.ntunfxx






Having our SOILV WOKKS

1X. SOCif.rom

aro 'urnlhh tlmrt of prlraoufilie

Strawberry ofIron and Crab

UHing rUIti?


Uio tho

gj of .13 In Very jg&


Butter !


Fincat Butler



lroy or

Stand,King Bethel streets.







0. J, McCarthy aUna just received a fresh lot of


Iiila & AnnOJCGAR !

605 Give us a cnll, 2w


THE Hawaiian Comtriiptloii Co. willtie letponslblrt for any (Ills

contracted la ilieir name without nwiltten order Finned elthor by D,' P.Peterson or J. 31. Oat.

B. F. DILLINGHAM,Manager Ilnwiillini Constiuvlloa'Co.llouolulu, July U, 16W, 6031m

Page 3: Liumn'g - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is t!ie beat paper Dublliked lit the Kingdom to sond to friends i.liruud. MilUstfrliitliitil






hjatlu m mUtutSATURDAY, JULY 20, 18'JO.


Stint I.lUollkefiom MaulBtinr Wnlnlenlefioin KaimlStuir Ktnlii fro u lluiiuiu-tul- aud Na- -

willwldBk U O Whltmoro from Port BlakclyStiiir Mukolli from MolokidIt 11 S . Zu.daiidli, Oteioudoip, from

the Colonies

.Tnlf 20Aui uu u D Hiyant, J II Jncobscn, for

NlU I'lUIUl-C-

Btmr Iwnlnnl for Lahulna and llama- -ktut m 10 a in

It M n iJiuil.imiln, Oteicmlop, for SimFiaueUeont-- i p in


Stmr Llkollkc for Maul nt 5 p inHtnir Mukolli fur MoloaulutSp mHaw bk iaid.v Lam son, I' 0 sudeigicn,

for - an i'raucl jcoStmr J iiuuuilus lor Koolau at 0 a m


For Maul una Hawaii, per steamerI'luiui, July '20 Win Ucilowlta, D UBaliwlu, Ml8 r Williams. Mia Kh-clio- tf,

,ir llowen and clilld, 11 Us M

UulUwin. EG Hitchcock, V ii Uiiftlo,A V Peteis and Wit . lbos Joseph,Thomas, llutlilas, liumy, Edwuid.ltuph, lgiiniins, ehuiles, ..aims, lit ItAimilu and wife, A &t U l'Hauata andlrlde,.A'flbus, MUs Maiy Parker, MiaO lv atllltuaii, F U tsaulil, wife andron,AV O Walker. W Y Homer. Kev Ulok-ii- fl

. (.'htiiiu Chaw. C Z Alou.i, Kev AVail, Kev J Okabe, Mrs Putnam andbeivaiit, G t) aklna and daughter (.),Ji iiiipui. MUs llapai. Ilia U ii Brown,MifB 1j Blown, Mis L A Like, AiUs 11

Kuwulil. I h Luid, Mrs l.oid, W 11

Coinwell, jr. 11 r Mitchell, 11 Macfailanc,aud U UleKeusou.

Kiuin Maul, per Llkc'ikp, July2G 11 U Wiutworth, A (.! Alexander,MUs Rubci istm, MUs L Pedlar, Afcloj;.1) V Foleer. Wni 11 iiullcy and son, G1' Wilder aud wife, P M Koouey, 1)

Center aud 31 deck,i'or liaiinikiiii. ptr stmr Iwa'uul Jn1"

20- -J 1C Miller, Mrsc .tt, and l;J deck.Fioin Knuni. per stini aialeule, July

CO V Belnhanlt and 8 deck.

FOREIGN VESSELS IN PORT.11 B M a Acorn, Po.latd, from a cruisel! a F 3 i buries on, Uear-Aiiuiir- al Uto

Ui'iiwu, from ban HaticUcoU S SNipslo McCurU-y- , Horn lliloAm bk Opbir Horn i.wcastle, N S WAm Miitu tcbrltobeitLeweis, L) vf 1

l'euhalow, tioui sun iiaueisco


Stmr Ll!,ellk.-lU- 7.i bags sugar, 2G0O

leet Koa lumber, 1 lullei, 75 pkgssundries.

Slmr utiikiile 12G3 bags ugar.Stair lia.d.i 15UI b igs s'.gar.rttmr juolsolil 530 bags sugar, 1G head

entile, B culve-- , 111 sh.ep, 2 lioiaCs,17 bancs molas3cs.


The stemncis Kinttu and Jns Makeev;tie Ueiaii.cd Oi,e hour alter their timeof sailing yesterday

'iue i.uwaiiau balk Lady Lninpsonwill sail tor sun Moudayuiieinoou

'Ihe dinciicanb.irk C D Bij-on-t failedfoi ban lamisco ttus ntteruouu with ufullcaigoots gar. Tne ttiipiuents w. leMctsis. 11 ekiuid is v.0, M,72i bag-- ,

sugar, weignlng li.OJJ tons, uhieJ$UJ.UU0.

'ihi . meiiciiu bark C 0 Whitmore,Cupcaln WniU amved eariy this nun

'ii ilas floni l'ou lilarweiy W.thGJ1,0J0 feet luiuber.

a.uuiur Zealuudi.i, K Vn Oteren-do:- p,

ouimauilcr, sailed liotu .'yUiiry0,1.,) iitli, nt 4 :'JU p in, .uilvcd nt Aiick-lu- id

July 13, y.ua p m; sailed July 14ihat 6:3 p' in; touched utf Tutui.a aulvlritti, at 7:5- -' j) in; airived at liuuoluluJuly 0, at 10:32 u in. The Zenliiudiabrings 6a cabin uud 78 steciage passeu-gci- s,

375 tons of caigo Htiiu ihe Culo-iies;- 61

tousfut' iiouoliilu. .'jduey toAucMaud stiotig southeily winds andline weather Aiiukluiid to the equatorlight ensteiJy winds flue w either ttieuceto Honolulu uiudLi'aie X t, iradcf.

oonti.GONSLVES-Julyi- G, to the wife of

M. A. Goutiilvts, a daughter.

The Tivoli Gaiety Co. will givetheir final ptrfoTimmco at the OpetuHouse MMUs is the playselected for the occasion.

The remains of the late Mie. J.M. Ilrnnon will be intcrridafternoon. 'Iho fuuernl will bo fiomthe Centrul Union Church at 4o'clock.


Eighth Sunday after Trinity. Ca-

thedral services :' Holy Communion G:30 a. ra.

Morning prayer U:80 a. in.Holy Communion uud Sermon, 10

a. m.Hawaiian Evensong and Sermon,

8 :S0 . in.Evetiitig prayer and Sermon, C p.


The Universal l'ence Congresswas opened in London on the 14thby. Dald Dudley Field of NewYork.

TIVERTON TuJ2i f i eek y


ibletx, the very latest,alike" Elite Ice I'lentn

01f it

LtMO'i eieaiu l'lo, Fils.-- style,ut the Elite Ho Cji-ni-

l'urlor. tils It

having r?s'gnc(luiiuiageiueut uf Hie Wvniuru

&llawulluu Investment Co., Limited,on account of ill health, tho Idu-etor- s

ut tho Linnpany iu l undeo liavu od

Mr. V. V. Hall un Mamigcr iuIluuoiulii, as of June 3D, 1"90.

J.B. .Vl'ilERTON'.Honolulu, July 30, JbOO. 013 Iw

rPHE BEST PAPER to subscribeX lor ii tho "Dally Bulletin." CO

0 ints per mouth



TIIE undcroigucd,


aIcad tlin nnnounccrrioht lit rcgdrdto Oahll Colleito.

Thanks to ruucr E..A. Keil, oftho Australia, for tho regular newsfavor.

Moss. Antulnn Vizznvoun, tho newFruui'li Chancellor, camo by thoAustralia.

The Hawaiian band gave nn ex-

cellent concert nt tho HawaiianHotel list night.

The bas-ilml- l match nt Mukiki, thisafternoon, id between the Hawaiimid tlio Star clubs

The Mtilokui expedition willSiinduy night at 10 o'clock, byWilder steumcr lliiwai.


A r.MKTiNO of the volcano, by DII. Hitchcock, will be on exhibitionin the Up-low- n bookstoio, this1 ov-oid"!. , .. .....I. ii m

The TtoV. II. II. Gowenwill preachut thu 10 o'clock seivieo o the St.Andiew'a Calhcdiulmorning.

By tlio Australia,, Mr. Kiahelan iinmeii.-- o lino of flue milli-

nery, fancy good'', Fiencli flowcm,Fienchkid uhocs, etc.

Titsm: vas a largely attendednieoliug of tho Mechnnics' Unionyesterday ovening, and impoitantbusmtss was transacted.

Tun Zealamlia will leao for SanFrancisiet) at i o'clock thia afternoon.L'hub.ind will pluy on the wharf

uf at Emma Square..

The Commissioners under tho"Plant Difceaee!", Blight and InsectI'ebts Acl," lme been appointed,and the list is given in tho By Au-thority column.

At tho nioinout of our going topress we tiro pletvcd to hear that thewell known actor Mr. Henry Edvvardahas arrived, aud will present LittloLord Fuuntloroy on Wednesday next.

III health has caused tlio retire-ment of Mr. J. II. Atherlon from themanagement of the Western andHawaiian Investment Company, andMr. W. V. Hall has been appointedto tlio position.

A Hoitsi; hitched to u. nnlk wagonfell on tho Beietania street ear-trac-

yesteiday afternoon, and broko oneof his legs. A pistol ended thoanimal's pain and tho carcase wascarted off for burial.

Coukt Szechenyi, now on a visitto this kingdom, ha donated $100 totho Queen'ri Hospital, and $100 totho Kapioliini Maternity Home,Both hiriiiutionri ure gratUul for thoCount's munificent gifts.

Tun steamer Farrullon will sail forSun Fraucibco and San Diego onTuesday next. After leaving Hono-lulu she will call ut llilo, aud fromtheio will go'direct to the Coast. Theagents uro Livingstone and Clarke,n ud their oliico iu over A. L. Smith'sislote, Fort street.

The services of the hecond Con-gregation of t. Andiev's Cathedral

will bo as follows: 11:15a. ji., morning prayer with sermon,"Jubilate," Tin lor in F, unthem"Messed is lie that considereth,"Nares; 7;30 p. f., exeueong and ter- -

niuii, uutheni, 'Tenoh me, O Lord,"Atwood. All are invited to attendthese s: vices.

a"pest WANTED !

Tlie Traver, Cal., Advocate says:A friend iu Honolulu has written toJ. B. Ten ill, station agent here,wanting Mr. Terrill to send him ndozen live rabbits. If tho fleet-foote- d

varmints uro to bo turnedloose on the is'ands the people shouldprofit by the experience of the Aus-

tralians. Wild rabbits were intro-duced there as pels unci since thenthe Government has spent millionsof dollars trying to exterminatethem, with little huccess. Tho enterprising Honoluluan is welcome to adozen of our little pets we canspare a few million if lie wants them

but old King Kulnlciuia and hisarmy of fifty men couldn't rid thecountry of tliem in a few years.


Mr. W. E. II. Deveiiii has re-

ceived a lettir from Mr. It. C. Barn-Hel-

who went to Vancouver's Isl-

and for his health in the bark Ma-

tilda. Tlio many friends of thotalented artist will he glad to hearthat he was greatly improved. Mr.Barnflcld enclosed the following in-l-

eating memorandum:A 3IUSSAGK FK03I THE SEA.

On Juno lCth, in iat. 30 20min., long. 151 30 min,, a tiredsea biid dropped on the deck of avessel I3 inp becalmed. Round thebird's neck was lied a small bottlecontaining a paper on which waswritten, in a trembling hand andevidemly under great excitement,tlio following mesbae:

'Biitiantiue J. Spreekclu, lot.34 34 mh., long. 15G 30 min ,

May 23, 18'JO, when this gooneycame, two Jonah's 011 board, u rocksimile and a sky pilot. Seventeensoouevs in sight hut not a blessedcalspaw for long days. A tugor a gale wanted 110 object art

the pasnengcrs wish to visit thoChicago Exhibition.

'Viiiua becalmed but not calm,(tsigned)

C. U. Cauney, Bottlc-wnshe- r.

J. L. Gulick, Kuhului, Maui."There were 11 few drops of water

In the bottle supposed to be tear,us Hie cork was sealed, nnd two orthree- of the words could not boread.

fiijmrmBSSmiglfMf' ' hir 4t&"fiitM'Mrt Attn-- . Jffiiy fi


Blaine on Sugar Duties and


Shipping Bounty Billsthe Senate.



S'oinif CeHuattli'rT-Iii'Ut- li ntSir. Zlaimlus.-'tfus'i- '' Trust, etc.

Ka; Flu:; Cisco, July 17.Secretary Blaine is keeping up his

fight against unconditional freesuar, and it Bluine had lakeu thisdecided stand earlier, the chancesare about even that he Would haveimpressed Congress with his views:It is said that there are only nix mento influent e to secure the adoptionof his leelprocity proposals, und astho Tnrilf bill is to come up foraction two or tlucc days hence itwill bo determined whether theMcKiuley faction is stronger thanthe Secretary of Stale.

If the principle of reciprocaltrade ior which Blaine contends isextended to Spain it would not stopthere. Meanwhile tho strugglewithin tho Republican parly over thesugar duties is a severe one, andfriends ol the Islands hope it mayresult iu defeating the free sugarschedule of the McKinlev Bill. Theend caunot be far oil', and you willlikely know the worst on the arrivalof the Mariposa, as Cougress willprobably adjourn at the close ofJuly unless the "forcebill," to regulate congressional elec-tions and coeicc the South into

ucgto domination prolongsthe session.

Meanwhile Blaiue's relations tothe President are not cordial, andthis morning's papeis contain a des-

patch from Washington intimatingthat the Secietary of State feelshimself humiliated and disgusted.He has no power. ''I can tell you,my good friend," lie said, "I canonly do two things without consult-ing the President, sign a passport orwrite a letter of introduction to aConsul abroad." This being thecase it is probable that Harribon willprivately use his influence to defeatBlaine's reciprocity policy and thatyou will have to face fiee sugaraftor all. Such duplicity would bein keeping with tbe character of aman who hid behind his wife's petti-coats while accepting a bribe of acottage, complete! furnished, atCape May, fioni land speculateswho wauled a presidential boom toiheir mosquito pateli and got it.

The Hawaiian Colony musters inconsiderable force in the city and athealth resorts, but quite a numberare booked to return by the Mari-posa, aud the Austialia will takedown a full list of passengers.Colonel V. V. Ashford was inter-vie- d

by the Examiner and gave aconcise, and as is generally considered here, an exact presentationof the political situation at theIslands. His tone wa3 moderateand even judicial. The politicaldisabilities impo3cd upon the nativeIlawaiians by the new Constitution,as presented by Colonel Ashford,will beget strong s, mpatliy for then,in this country in their struggle forpolitical emancipation.


The Silver Bill lias become law,that is, a compromise bill, originat-ing with Senator Sherman. It duesnot come up to the expectations ofthe country although the Republicanleaders make believe that it does.The law calls for the monthly pur-chase of SI. 500,000 of silver by theUu tid States Treasury, and theissue against such purchase of treas-ury notes of eight denominations,namely, 81, 82, 5, $10, 820, $50,S100, and SI 000 icspcctively. Thesenotes ure redeemable in coin, undare legal tender for all debt3 publicand private unless otlieiwise stipu-lated, and arc receivable for ullduties and taxes. TLis addition tothe circulating medium will notnearly supply the deficiency causedby the contraction of national bankcirculation, to say nothing of theincreasing demand for money by thodevelopment of trade and manufactures aud the increase of popula-tion. But it was the best that couldbe done in face of the opposition oftho Administration backed by Wallstreet and the gold ring. The Re-

publican party, however, will beforced to adopt free silver coinagenext presidential election or gounder. Tho pressure upon the agri-cultural and trading classes causedby the steady shrinkage of the cir-

culating medium will compel Con-

gress to adopt free silver coinage iuthe not distant future. The legisla-tion on the pubject this session followed the course outlined as pro-

bable iu a former letter. TheSenate's amendments woro rejectedby the House under Speaker Reed'swhip, aud the bill was thrown into aConference, constituted of a major-ity hostile to the remonctizatlon ofstiver. A bill providing a maikctfor American silver with a qualifiedmoney value was passed ; but thialaw as it stands cannot be expectedto bring silver on a level with gold.


Since last letter there have beenseveral appalling accident . An ex-

cursion steamer, with 200 passen-gers on board, was overturned by awhirlwindon Lake Pepin, near Laku

(5itj MlhbeiftL4, July id. Onehundred uotlltt; havo been alreadyrccoVetcd. Tills whirlwind devas-tated a wide tract of country, destroylng many lives and much pro-

perly.Five live) were lost by a collision

on thu Southern Pacific raihond atthn Baden crossiii!, nenrColma, SanMateo County. The accident wascaused by the driver of a wagonfilled with Gertiinu picniccis, whoattempted to cross the railroad infront of an approaching train.

itcMOJis or rAit.There is every chauco of war be-

tween thu Central American Re-

publics. San Salvador has beendeclared in a stale of siege antici-patory of nn invnsion from Guate-mala. Costa Rica and Kicaragunwill take u hand iu support of Sal-

vador, white Honduras btands inwith Guatemala. Cause, the per-gonal ambition of military chiefs.Mexico is expected to act. as acheck upon Guatemala. This io agrim comment cetlninly upon thet'nu American Congress, and theticaty which these countries signedto submit all international disputesto aibitration. The ink was hardlydry on the treaty when Brazil, I'eruand Argentina signed nn agreementto coerce Chile, and now the North-ern Republics are flying at each oth-

ers' throats.shuu'ixo roixrs.

The Senate lias passed tho Furiju-ha-rTonnage Bounty Bid and the

Ocean Postal Subsidy bill. TheIIoue will also pass these measureswhen it comes to them. The effectwill be to stimulate shipbuilding andgive American merchnnts the controlof their own foreign commerce. Thesebills have beeu fought by a powerfulBritish shipping syndicate, whomanaged to influence tho Presidentof thu American Shipping and In-

dustrial League, so that he declar-ed for "free ships," that is, to makea maiket for old British bottoms andplace British shipbuilders and merchants in ltincts to imiiu aim sail avastly superior class of vessels.Fortunately this defection lias notbeen fatal to the policy of the bills.

War has been declared betweenthe Pacific Mail and Canadian Pa-cific Companies. The Canadian Pa-cific is sending its steamships toSan Francisco because it is notbought off by a large annual sub-sidy. The Pacific Mail has sent anagent to Vancouver to open an ofllecthere, nnd the Pacific Mail Compa-ny's steamers will call at that portoutward and inward. The NorthernPacific is also establishing a line ofsteamers to China from Tacoma, sothere is every reason to anticipatelow freight and passenger rates onthe Chin. route,


The fruit failure East has been afortunate thing for fruit farmers onlliis coast. Green and canned fruitsare quoted ten to twenty per cent,higher thau ever before, and aresteadily advancing. This shouldreact favorably for Island fruit. Itis a misfortune that so little atten-tion lias been given to fruit cultureon the Hawaiian group. Bananasare no doubt a profitable crop, butthere is no reason why other kindsof fruit arc not grown for export.Your oranges would come iu whileour market is scarce.

The peaceful change of the Ha-waiian Administration was an agree-able surprise to people here. Fromtlie statement of n prominent Ha-waiian resident in Eastern papers,people were prepaicd to anticipatea cul-tliro- at revolution. Exaggera-tions of this kind do harm to Hie isl-

ands, aud should not be indulgedin even with the hope of magnifyingthe importance of tho "paradise ofthe Pacific" in the eyes of the na-tions, and it would be absurd to at-

tribute them to any other motive.The Stijar Trust is to incorporate

under the laws of New York. Whenit becomes a corporation, it mustpay taxes, disclose its business andobey the law conditions whichwould be fatal to tho policy uponwhich the Trust was founded. Butit has net yet incorporated. Therumor in question is given out totlio New Yoik World by J. E.Searlo, jun., treasurer and secretaryof the Trust, but the authority ofhis name does not add any additional weight to it. On the con-

trary, despite ids pious aspirations,veracity is not ono of ids strongpoints. According to Seailo theTiust's lawyer and the Attorney-Gener- al

of New Yoik State havehad several conferences, iho out-come of which will probably be, asannounced above, an incorporationunder the Jaws of New York. Butthat would destroy the Sugar Trust,and put a legal check upouits "con-fidenc- o

game," out of which thomanipulators Jmve made so muchmoney, and the Trust conspiratorsare pieparcd for anything but a re-

sort to lawful nnd honest methods,SUOAIt MAUKET.

New York, July 17. Sugar, raw,steady. Sales, 3400 bags Concrete,85 lest, at 4jjc. Refined, casioi",Off A, 5 11-- 10 & ago, Mould A, Ii

Powdered, C c, Granu-lated, Cjc, Cubes, G'jjc.


THE annual meeting of the HawaiiCompany will bo held

at my ufliee, Xo. IS Kiinluiuianu stiuet,on MONDAY. .Inly 28. 18U0, at a o'elock

. i. EN'UOII JOHXriOX,CO lot Secietary 11. O. Co,

THE WEEKLY, BULLETIN-J- L2d columns, purely , local matter

Mailed to lureigu countries. $5 per'uniiuro.


MAHJP BOMT,. .1. LKvr.r, : : Lessee.Cl.in PtllLLIfS, s Mana'ii tt.IlAimr Hem,. : STiouDmrcToii.W Dcvit.n. : 1 I'hoi'I'.utuxE. E. MA j hew, : Machinist.

TM uiiieiy CurtpositivelyWlast week

Ol tlio S'snrsoji I

Saturday Evening, July 28tii.

Flr?t production of the American IdyllicDrama, inndo famous by MUs

Anulo I'lsley,

"M'LISS'Cabt to the full strength of the


".:. Plan tor reseived seats for anynight of the ason can be secured attlie ollU-- of L. J. Levey, cor. Fort andQae-uSt- s. CI lit

BJoiiolwilvi X2.iHet4,-- WILL GIVE A- -

brand Moonlight Picnic

On Saturday,' Aug, 2,AT- -


TraluB will leave Honolulu Depot at0:50 and 7 v. m., returning from theGrove at 10 r--. M. and miduignt.

Detachments of tho Hawaiian Bandwill go on both Tiains and the fullBaud will play ut the Grove.

JaSf Tickets for theeluding lefrcliiueuts,

S1.50 !

To be hud of the CommitteeOahu Hallway Dfpot.

round trip, fa- -

aud Rt the014

Fresh Frozen


JUST RECEIVEDPit "3. H Australia,"


At The Beaver Saloon38. .r. ?;L.TI'V Proprietor.

r,i i at

-- ocasA.ivxo-

Steamship Comp'yttXl



"AUSTRALIA,"Will have Honolulu for tbo above

port on

Friday, Aug. 1st,A.T XOON.

For Freight or I'assnge, apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.I4 1

Tlie Bart AQonis

Has jti3t arrived from Kuropowith





01 1 w



TTEUR Pntor11 riONXTAO, den 'J7


wird amJull. Vor- -

inlitags 11 uhr eluen Gottc4dleust inder Y. M.C. A. Hull abhahen.

Honolulu, '2a Jull, it,no. 013 3t


NOTICE Ii hereby given that if aand a brake, which havo

been hi thn Iliwall-i- C'nul.ige Manu-facturing Co.'s Stoierooms forO monthspast, aio not called for witlilu 10 daysfi om date, they will bo sold at publicauction.

Honolulu, July 21, 18'J0, qi,3


The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States,

Are now belling their Bonds, and upon easy tortus. The additional fea-

ture of lusurauco goes with every Bond.

Tho following are a few of the many attractive forms atfered by thisoriginal and progressiva Company:


The Cotnpatij is equitable, iLs pnytucnls prompt and certain, and itspopularity unbounded.

From the JTew Ton titm, April ith, 18'.)0.)

This Largest Basilicas Ever Transuded by a Ltfo Assur- -unco Company

The new business o the Equitable Life Assurance Society of NowYork for tlie first quarter of the preuent year is reported to exceed Fur?Million Dollaks. This is at the rate of tico hundred millions of assur-anceor the year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assuranoe.

&3PTnformation cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or callupon thu utidei signed at ins oiuco.

ALEX. ,3. CARTWRIGHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance Society

of the U. S. Jan-1-9- 0




Omit SUiitiro Stool: ofA CM ill

Will be Offered at Great Sacrifice. Also,

Children's Dresses & Lace Gaps.

2-- Do Not Miss the Sale.

S. EHELICH,C00 lot Corner Hotel & Fort Btrutvte.

tfe Desire. to Gail Your Mention ToJmIJEMfiB



ii ? d a

. j,Vu''Vft-r- .. tzmatv


ITor Lubiioating tlie Valves and Cylindors of Stoam Engines.

VALVOLINE is eurtli oil specially prepared under tlio highest steamheat and from which all volatile and eurthy niattor bus been expelled by aprocess which leaves a puro and heavy oil, which prevents tlie eating away

bolts and keeps tho cylinder and pibtou packing perfectly clean. Thinwas tlio first Mineral Oil introduced for steam cylinders and has been incon-stant use ovor eighteen years.

gjHyWa nlso manufacture Supeiior Machine and Spindlo Oils for allclasses machinery.



E. It. nKNDUT, Prcsldont it Manager.Goufkey IIrown, Secretary & Treasurer.

1 it 1 3 3







John Ena, Vice-Preside- nt

Ckoii. Uuown,


Oppo. Mircckeln' Itualt, t Fort Street, Honolulu.IMPORTERS and DEALERS IN

Gen'l Hardware, Glassware, Crockery,Genuine Haviland plain and decorated; and Wedgwood

Ware,Piano, Library & Stand Lamps, Chandeliers & Elcctoliors,

Fixtures of all A complete ussortm't of Drills & Files,




Lamp kinds,


The "Gazollo" Riding Tlow & Equalizer,Rlucbeard Rico Plow, Plantora' Steel & Goosoueckud Hoes,


Points, Varnish cb tt Brushes, Manila &. SiBal Rope,


Hose, JOCo&e, Hose,RUBliER, WIRE-BOUN- of superior quality, &. STEAM,

Agato Iron Waro, Silver Plated Waro, Tablo & Pookot Cutlery,Powdor, Shot & Caps, Tho Colebrated "Club" Machino-loadc- ti Cartridges,

AGENTS ITOXZHart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stock for Pipo it Bolt Threading,

Uarlman's Steel Wire Fence & Steel Wire Mat,Wui. (J, Fibber's Wrought Buel Itaayej

Qato City Stone Filters,"New Process" TwiBt Drills,

Uov-W-S- 0 Neal'a Carriago

Vf I




1vf-- a



iu '



'M M

Page 4: Liumn'g - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is t!ie beat paper Dublliked lit the Kingdom to sond to friends i.liruud. MilUstfrliitliitil






J.Leading ll illiucry Uoum.', Corner Fort fc Hotel ts. ,

" No. i! Patterns alike, ruthinrialile Dimm .Ling ujistnira .(,3





s&co.Ot JT01a' S'J.-XtlfllS'-



'iviiifc?l!L.ing- - Goods, aSsrc, &:.,All will ho Hold nt Reasonable Prices.

&" Our Dressmaking Depailmont uiideiCLAillC will he nbout May 12th.


A Choice Line of Dry & Fancy Goods,INCLUDING -

iCUl Gloves from (o so 1111110110.

Hosiery, Salines, Scotch Ginghams, latest patterns; Woolen Dress Goods,


Boys', Youths' & Children's Clothing, Trunks, Bags & Valises,

JOHN NOTT,Dlmoud Xlloclr," 2Nos. OC 5 O'T Klnff Street.



G-ranit- e, Iron and Tin Ware i

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIM, COPjeEE ANDnn.'J Sheet Iron Work.


lAi 1?0 1 (

Shipping & 0

tho management of MISS




KM t ton iierGnanis,


Edinburgh & Quoon Sts.




Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


Blacksmiths', Machinists' & Plumbers' Tools,


Kitebon UiGUfcile, PninlH, OUb, Varnishes, Lamp and

Blab's. Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Glbbs, & Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines.

Hu mi na


x'iilifomia Hay, Outs, Bran,Oil Calco Meal, Linaeed Men,

Barley, Rolled Hurley,Middling' Ground JSurley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.tfLOUR isrAIta, Gohlou Guto & SalinaH-xs- a FLOUR

Telephones, Wo. 175.





Jan-3-0- 0


0AI1.Y .BULLilUTliM tlUfilUJblXLU, il. 1., JULY 2.0, l&XL.t

I N V O I C s-- or.


Groceries, Crockery, Saddlery,


Dry GoiidB, Boots & Sboia,. OlUAEttf,


Ete. TAP., Etc., Etc.To airlve pcrbirk "Adonis"' from U10-me- n,

per bark lsenberg" from Liver-pool, per baik "Faust" from New Yorknnd other vcHefe. are offeied

kou s.vlk nv


''Brower Block," Motol St, nocr Fort

I beg to announce to tlic public 1li.it Ioiler for S.1I0

JiVrilA JINDfS- -




Also, a complete niortincnt of thst-cla- ss

stock of

Girt, Wapn k Cirriap3IATEKZAIL.S !

Selected poisoii:illy of the best factories111 tbe Eastern Males. COli lm

iisa. k n S-- ft h iftftyBli e icJ TJS X" RKCEIVEU

Ex. Wiu. If. Dlmmitl,




LEWIS & CO.csy im


NOTICE is liei ebv gi en 1i1.1t tbo linnHawaiian Hotel Stables Co.

Iras been icorgaiiized. George "W. Mat-inilan- c,

E. R. Mikv., W. Austin Wbit-ini- f,

trustee and TI105. S. Kay, liavc rc-tli- ed

fiom lit in and all interestsaie now vested in D. l'.uil R. Ieiibeig,W. 11. Cot iw ell and 8. 1. Shaw, whoas under said Hi in namewill ciiny on the business of Hack,Hoarding and Lively Stables and Im-pel ters nnd Dealets iu Lie Stock.

Coriiwcll, 1 evident of Walluku, jraul.Shaw'ifc lsenbeie;, icsidents of Hono-


Hawaiian Hotel Stables Co.


Honolulu, Juiiu f), 1800. SOS 2v


82?-O- ur Kow Aitotypo IllustratedCatalogue sent f ice on application.


Han : i Cullfoi'iita.may

TaiWoWingKee,No. 30 Nuuann St, F, 0. Bex 207.

Boot and Shoe Store.

Having bad 10 yeais oxperlciico Inthe bubiuera, I ntu piipanil to manu-facture to order lashlonablo hand-hew- ed

Ladies' & Geutlemen'a Hoots &'Sboes. Also, Ficnch it Aineiican liools& Shoes received by eveiy ateainer.Prices icasounbie. solicit your pat-lona-

004 Mm

A. G-- . SILYA,6Q & 57 Hotol Qtroct,

iMi'oiiTcu orFurniture, Matting& Carpet Laid

Cornloo I'uIom.Fine Upholstcilnjj and JJcddlng a spe-cialty. Juuo IG-tl- m

thiMMLih-- ,?


Fiiiday, July 25

ArTEKKoo:; srssios.The House nt 1 10

o'clock.NoDIo Vf. Y. Homer was grnutcd

leavu of abseneo for one wee'e.Third rending of bill to amend

section 015 of the Civil Code nsamended by chapter 24 session lawof 1874. The bill increase thejurisdiction of the Disttiet Magis-trate to shits of $800 instead of$200.

Minister Hi own moved the billpass.

Rep. Brown said a bill of thosame character giving same juris-diction to tbe Police Justices wasrofrred to the judiciary committee,which had made no report. Thesebills ouht to bo passwl together,both being good laws.

The bill passed.The House went into committee

of the whole on tho AppropriationBill. Noble McCarthy in the cbnir.

balarv of Clerks of Departmentof6 Water Works, $5-10-

Rep. Brown had heard that therewas to be still more woik duringthe coming period, nnd there wasnlieady a great deal, and ho movedan increase to &G000.

Rep. Waipuilani moved the itempass as in the bill.

Passed as in the bill.Running expenses, $13,500.Minister Spencer gave the items

and moved addition of $800 to payfor rent of land. This item wasprobably overlooked by his prede-cessor. It is a piece of twenty-tw- o

acre3, rent $400 yeaily. The Gov-ernment lias the refusal of it for$0000.

Hep. Rickaid favored passage nsin the bill and authorizing the Gov-ernment to purchase tho land.

Rep. Kapaehaolo moved to amendso as to read $12,000. He knewthat cheaper men could bo got, andmoney saved.

Rep. Waipuilntii What is thename of the Inud?

Minister Spencer- - It is adjacentto the Electiic Light Station, andthere is a Government reservoir onit now.

Rep. Brown was in favor of pas-sage as in the bill. More moneywas needed owing to extension.

Minister Brown moved it pass at$14,!5U0, and if the land was pur-chased, the extra $S00 would not bespent. He would also state thatthere weic three more retervoitsthan in 188S.

Passed atRepairs, $100,000. Passed.Boaid of Health. Salary of Pre-

sident, $9000.Minister Spencer moved $7000.

The incumbent is not only Presi-dent of the Boaid, but manager ofthe Dispensary. No one man shouldhold both oflices, and he considered$7000 sufficient for the President.

Rep. Kalua would support theamendment on condition that nodoctor hold the oflice. When n doc-tor is at the head, the Board is runfor the benefit of himself anrl thecircle of his friends. The specialline of a physician's education doesnot fit him to bo an accountant.There is a tail lo the Board but nohead.

Rep. Riekard regarded the argu-ments of the lion, member for Wui-luk- u

as very weale indeed. Theywould be strong if taken exactly ina contrary sense. It lcquircd adoctor to understand the require-ments of the Board. Whether hewas a book-keep- or not, Dr. Kim-ball was n man of standing and

He would suppoit the mo-tion for $7000 provided that thePresident continue in charge of theDispensary.

Noble Walker did not agree withcither of the lion, members. To geta physician (it for the position, whoshould not bo allowed private prac-tice, they must vote a good salary.When the Board had a lay Presidentit was a very lame concern. If itwas not considered criminal in thisHouse to raise salaries, ho wouldvote for making the salary $10,000.If they could not secuie a goodmedical man it would be a bad dropfor the Board, and hu moved theitem pass as iu the bill.

Noble von' Tetnpsky agreed withthe lion. Noblo and had much picasure in seconding his motion.

Minister Spencer, in answer toNoblo Mar3den, said tho Presidentwas filling tho position of Govern-ment physician for Honolulu, butonly drawing one salary. It washis belief that one man cannot properby fill tho two oflices.

Noble Marsden said that then howould support the Minister's mo-

tion.Rep. White supported the item

and commended the administrationof the oillec by tho present incum-bent.

Ilcp. Brown opposed at last bes-sio- n

the having a medical man nsPresident, but had changed hismind on observation of results. Hesupported the ministerial motion.

Noblo Muller begged to differfrom the lion, member for Ilamakuain the opinion that everything wassatisfactory in Hie Board of Health,

Noble J, M. Horner consideredtho present President was 'lllltngboth olllees well, and it would be awaste of monoy to provide for a sec-ond official. - .

Rep. It. W. Wilcox supportedthe motion of the Minister of thoInterior. Many of the remarks

heard were far nstrny. The Minis-ter being at tho bead of tho Depart-ment know better than any of themthe requirements of this bureau.

Rep. Kaulii said that previous to1887 tho President of the Boardhad always been withont n salary.He opposed the change at that ses-sion. After speaking about half anhour, ho moved the item be $0000.lie would be giad to (111 the placehimself nt $150 n month. ThePresident could not keep a manalive when his time came lo die.

Noble Marsdon, on being inform-ed by Ministers Spencer nnd Peter-son that the President was understood to abandon private practice,said lie should vote for S0OOO.

Noble Macfarlanc had conversa-tions with several members of tiieBoard nnd was satislled they wereopposed to consolidation of tho twooillces. The Minister had undoubt-edly received tho same Information.

Passed at $7000.Secretary, $1800. Passed.General expenses, $18,000.Minister Spencer, in answer to

Hep. Kalua, gave details, these be-

ing cbully pay of agents. He moved the item pass nt $17,CG4.

Passed as in the bill.Noble Muller moved to reconsider

the salary of fcecretary, and make itas it was before.

Rep. Kauhi opposed the motion,as, nccording to arguments heard,his knowledge would decrease inpioportion to his pay.

Rep. Pachaoic said this motionwas the result of undue haste on thepart of the chairman in putting mo-lio-

Buildings, Repairs, and Mainten-ance of Hospitals, $16,000.

Noble Marsden insisted on themotion to reconsider being put.

The Chair decided that the mo-

tion was not in order in committeeof tbe whole.

Noblo Marsden appealed fromthe decision of the Choir.

Rep. Brown held that the Rulesof the House not having been adopt-ed by the committee of the whole,the committee was without rulesand could not reconsider u motion.

Noble Marsden withdrew his motion and moved the committee tisoand report progress. Carried.

The leport of committee wasadopted.

Notices of meetings of commit-tees were given.

The President appointed, as com-

mittee on the cable bill, Noble Pua,Reps. Nawahi, Riekuid, Marques,Lucas.

House adjourned at 3 :20.


A GOOD Cook for a much oa Hawaii.Apply at this olllee. GUU tf

WANTEDFirat-fla'- -s Hands for dress- -

making. Apply at once at establishment ofC05 tf MKS. MELLI3.

MEETING NOTICE.will be a meeting of persons

interested in the proposed GunClub, at the Hawaiian Hotel, on MON-D- Y

EVENING, July 28th, nt 7:80o'clock, for the puipose of oiganlza-tio- n.

All inteiested are invited to at-tend. V. H. ALD1UOII,013 4t Secietary pro. turn.

ANNUAJL MEETING.annual meeting of tho stock-

holders of the Waioliinu Agricul-turiK- v,

Glazing Co will he helilat theolllee of the Sreietnry, nt Honolulu, onWEDNESDAY, Uio Mill Inst., at 10o'clock a. M. C. P. 1ADKEA,CIH 2vv Rpciotni) W. A. .v G. Co.


TOP Buggy. Maybo Feeu' at the

Club Stables. 013 St


, AtM. ,a, A SUITI. of Tlnoe Nicely.te-j'i- S xV Furnished RnnmD.

ply at No. 55 Punchbowlstreet, or to II. F. Hebbard. (Ml tf

TO LETUOUSF. with 7 roomsnnd h.ith, on the cor

ner of Beietauia and Pensa- -eola streets. Cms pass the door. Ap-ply at this ofilee. C81 tf


T ELEO Stable at picsentI'JU occupied by Hawaiian

Transfer Co., pvimUhlougiven August 1st. Apply touua ti .i. WALKER.


COTTAGE within twoAaaA or tin eo blocks fromBt&SSffial the coiner of Fort and Hotelstreets, suitable for Jin eo gentlemen forhousekeeping. Addicts .P. O. BoxNo. 297." 9Utf

TO LET or LEASEf PIIE Reshloucu of Mrs. A.JL Long, In Pauoa Valley.


01 King St., oer J. Nott'h stoio.r71 tf


Accountants, Colloctoit, OomniUtlva Agonta andCustom Hooee Brokers.

Aro at all limes prepared to per.form any deciipiion of lerical Woik,such as Auditing Accnuuts, Footing upTiHiiesinen'a Bool(8, .Malting Inventoriesof Stock, Engrossing Lena) Documents,Etc. Competent and Holiablo FreightClerks for the delivery ami tallying Ofcargoes.

CsrOAlce at IIiJ8TACi.&Boiii.nT80N8,Queon street Post Offlco Box 18U,

KM Bull Telephone 414.001 If


- ;



A Cure for Influenza 1


DIAL,DR. oncof tho best remediesever prepared for coughs, oMbmo. lungnnd chest trouble, and a great relief towhooping cough and throat affection.Ask for Dr. Lozmr's HUwailan Chorry Cordial sold at


TcntlmonlulN t

I find your "Cherry Cordial" the bestmedicine we have ever used for coughs,colds and lung trouble. All of our Na-tives, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanesowill use no other. I uso uothing else inmy own family. Yours truly,

O. A. CIIAPIN,Manager Kobala Sugar Co.

We have sold a large quoutlty of your"Cherry Cordial" nt our plantationstoic, both at Konlia and Kiipua, andcan cheerfully retoinmand It forbion-cht- ul

diaicultlcs.Very respectfully yours,

Or.o E. FA1KCI1ILD,005 tt Treasurer Makie Sugar Oo.

SUPKH.tt. COUUT OF TUBInlands. At Chambers.

In tho matter of tho Bankruptcy of HenryCannon. Uefoie Mr. Justice Dole.

Order on petition of Bankrupt fordlscbuigo from bis debt.

Upon reading and tiling the petitionof Uemy Cannon, of Honolulu, Oahu,alleging that more than six mouthshave elapsed since he was adjudicateda Bankrupt and piajiug for dischargef 10111 all his debts.

It Is oidercd that WEDNESDAY, thonoth da Of .luly, A. D 1600, at 10A. m., of that day at tho Com t Room inAlllol.ini Hale, Honolulu, be and Ishcieby appointed the time nnd placofor hearing of said petition when andwhero nil creditors who have provedtheir claims agulnst said Bankrupt mayappear nnd Miow eauso, If any theyhave, why the piayer of said Bankruptshould not be giauled.

And it Is fuitlicr oidcied that noticebe given by advertisement lu the DailyBulletin published lu said Honolulu,for two weeks of the time and placo offuch healing and that the Clerk of tbeSupremo Court mail notices of the tinfeand place of said hearing to all creditorsof said Bankiupt who have proved theirdebts. JJv the Court.

J. H. EEIST,Deputy Clerk.

Dated Honolulu, July 14, 1890.004 2w

OrH 5,2.2ao

? a a 5j c T.IH .2 c - ovaU3 - k-- U C -- ' CJ O

. " o r --i c "in g

SS- A- - -- ?. - n "

aii S

rH P W?,X 3 r--






rrivE (8") DollarH' per hundred.I: omcis aecompanieu wutica to L. TURNER,012 hv llllo, Hawaii.

FOlt gkltE CHEAP

A COMPLETE outfit- - for making anddUpensiugr carbonated bevei-agt-

all in good older, AddicssC. MELNECICE,

631 flm Hawaii.L.:,n.l .


"VfOTICElsliereby given that I willxi not pay uputa contracted in mvname without iny written order.

W. C. ACIII.Honolulu, July 7, 1800. C98 lm


rpilE Hawaiian Hotel Stables give3. notice to those owing them oldaccounts, that If not fettled by August1, 1800, they will ho put In the handsof a collector. C01 td


HAVING bought out Mr. W. II.iu the 'Honolulu Carriage

Manufactory,1 at 128 Port street, I amprepared to continue the ahovo businessunder the old name of Honolulu Car.rlagc Mannfaotoiy, and being ua oldexperienced carriage builder I Eollritthe patronuRo of Iny old friends and thopublic in general, and with my thoroughknowledge of tho. lousiness and with exnerloiK-o- workmen and using only thoheist material I' guarantee general satis-faction. Pleaspxall and see me beforegoing elsewhere.

(tiigned): OJDKON WEST.TTpn'ibiln. Opt. 9H. ihR'i, mi if


MnB, MONROE, lodlos' nuri-t- , haato No. 8, Kukui lane."Felt4)

QcBimic Steamship Gogy.


From San Franoisoo.

Lenvo Duo ntS. P. Honolulu

Mariposa July 20. . . . Aug 2Zenlandiu Aug 23. . . . Aug 30Alameda Sept 20.... Sept 27Mariposa Oct 18 Oct 25Zealaudia Nov 15 Nov 22Alameda Dec 13 Dec 0

For San Francisco.

Leave Due atSvdney Honolulu

Zealaudia July 9k , ..July 2(5Alameda Aug C, ..Aug 23Mariposa Sent 3. . .Sept 20.seaiandirt Oct 1 Oct 18Alameda Oct 20. . . . Nov 15Mariposa Nov 26.... Deo 13Zcniundm Dec 24.... Jan 10

Intermediate S. S. Ausiralia.

Leave S. F. LeaveFriday . . July 18 Friday..Friday... Aug 5 Friday..Friday . . Sept R Friday .Friday. ..Oct 10 Friday.Friday. . . Nov 7 Friday. .

Fiiday. ..Dec 5 Friday.

Honolulu.Aug 1

. Au 20Sept 2C. Oct 24

. Nov 21

..Dec 1- 8-

Aiirslisi flail Service.5l -- -Wib&eKS&ui

FOK MAN FKAKClsro.Dio now and flee Al steol etcamnhi

" Zealaudia, 'Of the Oceanic Ul

be due ut Hnnolulti from Sydneyand Aucklnnd ou or about

July 26, 1890.And will leave for tho above port withxraallK and paascngcrs on or about thatdate.


W1E. S. IRWIN & CO.. Astats.

For Sydney and Auckiano.

The nev and flno AZ steel ntcMEshtp

ti Mariposa, itOf the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from SanFranoinco on or about

Aug. 2, I8S0.And will have prompt difpatch withmalls and passengers for tho above ports.For freight or passage, bavins- - HUPEP.IOK ACOOMalODATIONSrapplj

37 WM. O. IRWIN & CO.. Agent

Gustav A. OchumanCarriugo Trimmer.

No, 79 & DI : Kln3 StreetAt W. Wright & Sou's.

Having recelvtd a full assortment ofr.arriai-- 0 Trimming Mnleiluls from theEast, I am prorared to executo all orderswith neatnea-- i nnd despatch at vory rea.sonable rates.


Mrs. M. J. RAMOS

lEHlliC TfAt A. L. Smith's, Upstalm,

Where tho Ba. tho Neatest and tho.Cheapest

Photographic Pictures nnd ResidenceViews arc taken. Entire satUfaetiongiven, aud all orders promptly attended10

CSTA respectful Invitation is sent outto the ladles to call nnd see for thom-Belv,'- F-

6S0 lm

--aB3XWA. !

A NATURAL Mineral Water. For--tj. saie only iy

W. S. LUCESole.Agent & Importor' for the f

Islands. 023 tt


Manufacturer of Ladles'and Gentlemen's

French Kid, Calf & KangarooBKIN BnEOS MADE TO OTtDEIl.

or Heiveil; olao, Hnitrtlcw.8B Nuuanu .St., : : : P. O. Box 20X

apl 7.ro.1y

GOO KIM & CO.,No. CO Nuuanu St., Honolulu, .

MERCUANT TAILOKS,And doalcrs in all kinds of

CauHluicreH nnd Furulhliluc dnodH.Also, a full stock of Dry and Fancy

Goods. Good tit guaranteed. C17 3m


Has removed from Fort rireet to Bo.hello Lane, Pair jia.

Officii Hounas 0 a. m. to 12 m. ardp. u. to 0 1. M.

Mulusl 476410 tf


for solo at Hawaiian. Commercial Baloarooms, corner of

Queeu and Nuuanu streets. 468 if


Vf 'u




Page 5: Liumn'g - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is t!ie beat paper Dublliked lit the Kingdom to sond to friends i.liruud. MilUstfrliitliitil








. Junk 9th, 1890.Hon. II. A. Widkmann, ""

Chairman Special Committee on Railways,Honolulu, II. I.

Sin: 1 desire to bring before your Honorable Committeeti few facts and figures bearing upon the proposod-extonsio- n

of railways on this island, and also statements concerningthe Hilo and Ilaniakua railway project, which may throwsome light upon tho subject, and show, if possible, thefeasibility and soundness of tho undertaking, which it ishoped will commend itself to the wisdom and good judg-ment of your Honorable Committee.

I beg, first, to call your 'attontion to the proposed exten-sion of tho railway line upon tho Island of Oahu. Supple-mentary to my own statement, I submit herewith a briefreport made by Messrs. Kluogol and Allardt, Engineers intho employ of tho Oahu Railway and Land Company.

With sufficient support and encouragomont from thoGovernment, which the .Company respectfully ask thopresent House of Legislature to authorize, the Oahu Rail-

way and Land Company propose to build or extend theirlino in a westerly direction from Hoaeub, the terminusof tho present Contract, to Wnianno, a distance of twenty(20) miles.

If the line is so extended, it is proposed by Mr. E. B.

Thomas and others in this country to form a company fortho purpose or quarrying limestone, with a view to supply-ing our market with domestic lime.

With suitable machinery thero is little doubt that oursandstone can bo placed on the market at a price to com-

pete favorably with brick for building purposes. This willcreate in the country a new and valuable industry, and addconsiderably to tho business of the proposed Waianae divi-

sion of the Oahu Railway and Land Company.1 have made a careful investigation of the business now

existing andjn immediate prospect, which would como tothe Waianae Division, and submit the following as theresult of such investigation.

This line will be .much loss-- expensive to build than weretho first fifteen miles, and will be undertaken for an amountnot to exceed $15,000 per mile, payablo in Companies bondsbearing interest at 5 per cent. The interest to bo guaran-teed by the Hawaiian Government:


Twenty miles, including equipment, at. . .$15,000 $300,000

Estimated present income:Freight to and from Waianae $ 12,000Freight from Waiinanalo Stone Quarry and wood

lot - 3,(?00

Passenger trallic 5,000Annual subsidy from Government at $500 per mile

for tho torm of five years 10,000

$ 30,000

Estimated expenses:Annual interest on $300,000 at 5 per conl $ 15,000Annual running expenses, including wear and

tear, repairs to track, etc., etc 10,000Sinking .fund to meot bonds.


. I am beyond a question of doubt that tho-abov- e

figures are safe; that the work can be accomplished, andthat the running expenses and on the Bonds, and aSinking Fund sufficient to pay tho will bofrom the legitimate earnings of tho road from tho day it isopened, any to tho Government beyondthe subsidy is only por mile, to bo paidin installments of $500 por milo during a torm offive "(5) years,

I think the following figures will satisfy your HonorableCommittee that oqually favorable may be confidently

for in tho extension of tho lino east from Honoluluto Kahuku via Waiinanalo, a distanco of fifty-fo- ur (51)miles.


Easterly route 5-- 1 miles at a cost not to $18,000per in at 5 por cont. to cover first-clas- s

construction of road with 40-l- b. steel rails and good equip-ment.

, Fifty-fou- r (54) milos at $18,000 per mile $ 972,000

Estimated at tho opening of tho roadFreight ull along the lino to and from Kahuku,

tons at an of $2.25 por ton. .

Passenger trafficSubsidy, $500 por milo




interestBonds, realized

without expenseasked; which $2,500



exceedmile, Bonds issued


25,000 average 50,25030,00027,000

$ 113,250Estimated expenses

Interest on $972,000 at 5 por cont. per annum. .$ '18,(00Running oxponses por annum, including wear

and tear, repairing track, etc., say 45,000Possible contingencies 4,050Sinking Fund to meet Bonds 15,000

$ 113,250


I have gathered statistics from tho thirteen sugar planta-tions stretched along tho sovonty miles of proposed railwayon the Island of Hawaii, and find tho freight available toand from tho plantations now organized and running, ex-

ceeding 75,000 tons por( annum, which at $2.25 por tonaverage, dolivorcd at Hilo, and to tho plantations, wouldamount to $ 108,750Add passenger traffic por annum, say 12,250Subsidy, say $500 per milo por annum for five

years 35,000

Gross receipts $ 210,000

Estimated expensesSovcnty miles of road, which will be an expensive line to

build as compared with tho line on Oahu.Issuo of Bonds, interest to be guaranteed by

Govornmont, not to exceed $24,000 por inile.$ 1 ,080,000

Interest on $1,080,000, at 5 per cent, por aunum.$ 84,000Running expenses . 90,000Sinking Fund to anticipate Bonds as they fall

duo, say , 42,000


Repairs on road, including running expenses as above,for the first few years will bo necessarily large.

It should be remembered that with railway facilities onHawaii a saving to the plantations on rates and quantity offreight as above estimated would net $125,000 per annum.It is believed by those who are in a position to know, thatthe business along the line would bo greatly augmented bythe proposed railway.

1 have the promise of largo land owners on Hawaii of100,000 acres of land in fee, which will bo consolidated withthe road, and pay for same taken in stock and bonds of theCompany. This land will become valuable after the roadis built, and when sold will go far towards paying off thebonded debt.

T propose the bonds issued on account of the constructionof each lino shall be payable in equal amounts in fen, fif-

teen, twenty, twenty-fiv- e and thirty years.In taking a broad and comprehensive view of the request

for Government aid in a guarantee of interest upon railroadbonds, it will be observed from the statement made, thatwhile little or no risk would be incurred, the Governmentwould assist in creating good securities for tho investmentof accumulating funds which otherwise might be sent outof tho country, trust funds and the savings of the workingclasses, who are now obliged to deposit fheir hard earningsat a lower rate of interest.

It would be superfluous to call the attention of your Hon-

orable Committee to the thousands of acres of rich, fertilelands now practically locked up and lying in an unproduc-tive state for want of suitable transportation facilities, andit also seems equally unnecessary to speak of the urgentnecessity for the easiest, quickest, most direct and econom-ical method of transportation known, to save our agricultural interests from utter failure.

Recognizing as wo do our sole dependence upon the pro-

ducts of our soil, together with the possibility staring us inthe face of a change in the tariff of our prosont market,which if effected will be a financial loss to this countryequivalent to an abrogation of tho treaty; tho Governmentshould put forth its every and utmost endeavor to encour-age an enterprise capable of building up the waste places,even under adverse circumstances.

Already we see the beneficial effect of the short lino ofrailway just being completed, in tho starting of two nowplantations on this island, each at a capitalized value of$500,000. Reul estate has changed hands along tho line,raising the value of property from $5,000, as assessed fortaxation two years ago, to $40,000 ifs prosont assessablevalue.

If parties who claimed damages tor right of way amount-ing to an avorage of $1,000 per mile from Honolulu toHoaeae for a strip of land forty foot wide, pay taxes thisyear on their proporty lying botweon Honolulu and Ewa attho rule charged for land taken, the oncouragemont of rail-

road building on the part of tho Govornmont upon thoterms asked in tho Oahu Railway and Land Company's Billnow before your Honorable Connnitteo, would bo, I think, avery profitable business for tho Government, without ref-

erence to future developments.While calling your attontion to tho large expense incurred

in the purchase of right of way, 1 am reminded of tho pos-

sibility of being obliged to take tho westerly route to Ka-

huku and Waiinanalo in case of difficulty in obtainingright of way going oast of Honolulu, and thoroforo do notwish to have the Company bound to take tho easterly route.

In closing, permit mo to refer to the United' Stales ofAmorica, which country, as you know, owes its wonderfulprosperity very largely to its network of railroads; and itis safe to say that not one road in ono .hundred was overstarted with half the business already created that we find

on oither of tho proposed lines I have had the honor ofbringing to tho "notice of your-- Honorable Committee

Hoping the foregoing will load to legislation favorable to

tho enterprise, I bog to subscribe mysolf, Sir,Your obedient servant,


To the President and Directors of the Oahu Hallway and LandCompany.

Gknti.kmkn: Tho bonoficial results which have alreadyfollowed the completion of tho Poarl River Division of thoOahu Railway, in tho way of developing tho resources of.

tho country, in stimulating private enterprise, and in en-

hancing tho value of landed proporty along tho lino, wouldseem to warrant tho extension of tho railway to more remotelocalities, and perhaps ultimately, its extension around theentire Island of Oahu.

With this end in view, tho undersigned, under your in-

structions, made a caroful rcconnoisanco around tho islandfor tho purposo of determining the most feasible routo, andarriving at an approximate estimate of its cost.

We found tho most practical route to bo that along ornear tho coast, which routo, at tho same time, travorsos byfar tho greater portion of tho improved and unimprovedarablo lands on the island. Tho distanco was found to bo132 miles, of which 15 miles uro now completed and now inoperation. The distanco might bo decreased about 18 milesby running tho road across tho divide between Ewa andWaiiilua; but this would cut off the important district ofWaianao with its extensive sugar plantations; also, tholargo limestone quarries near Barber's Point. Moroovor,there is, at present, but little prospect of any considerablelocal traffic on this routo. Tho summit of tho divido isabout 900 feet above sea level, consequently the gradiontswill bo heavy, and Vould necessitate heavier engines andgreatly increase tho expense of operating tho road.

No serious obstacles will be encountered in tho construc-tion of tho road along the coast, except in passing a fewrocky poiiits that extend down to tho water's edge, whoretho grading will bo comparatively expensive.

The northerly side of tho island is equally accessible, inan engineering point of view, whether the road is startedoast or wost from Honolulu. By going cast, however, theaverage length of haul for freight and passengers will boconsiderably shorter than by going west, but the difficultyand cost of obtaining tho right of way on tho eastern routothrough tho city and through the district of Waikiki mayfinally force the adoption of the western route, notwith-standing its greater length of haul.

All alongthc proposed lino of railway are extonsivo tract hof good arablo lands, now lying idle, which are capable ofsupporting a large population; the construction of the rail-way would undoubtedly hasten their subdivision intosinallcfr tracts, and their occupation by a thrifty class ofsmall farmers. The important advantages of regularity,reliability and speed secured by railway service would en-

courage the raising of many perishable products which,under the existing means of transfer, cannot be brought tomarket with profit.

Taking this view of the situation and wo beliovo it issustained by tho history of railway construction the worldover there can be no question but that a railway aroundthe Island of Oahu is an indispensable factor in its futuredevelopment and prosperity. The direct benefit to tho gen-or- al

government will appear in a notable inereaso of thepublic revenues resulting from the improvement of its nowunoccupied territory, not to mention tho important advan-tages of rapid communication with all parts of the islandin the administration of the several departments of the Gov-ernment.

If these conclusions be correct, if. would seem to be emi-nently just and equitable, and in the lino of a sound publicpolicy, for the Government to extend a helping hand toany private corporation willing to undorlukc a work of thismagnitude and importance. While it is confidently ex-

pected that tho road will eventually yiold a fair revenueupon its cost a rovenue largely created by tho road itself

it is questionable whether the income in the first four orfive years would bo sufficient to warrant its constructionwithout Govornmont aid.

As near as can be estimated from the data at hand, thecost of the road, fully equipped for service, will range from$12,000 to $20,000 por mile, according to the naturo of thetopography traversod by the lino. A rise in the marketprice of steel rails, always u possible contingency, might addvery largely to tho above estimate of cost. Tho rails androlling stock will, of course, have to bo purchased abroad,but the money for grading tho road-be- d for cross-tic- s,

bridges, fences, depots, engine-house- s, ware-house- s, etc.,would be disbursed hero, thus croating on these islands alarge and active market for labor and material while theroad is under construction. Indeed, the amount so dis-

bursed will greatly excocd the sum now asked for in theshape of a Government subsidy, which, as wo are informedis only $2,500 por milo a sum that will not cover tho cost,

of grading and bridging alonoIn tho United States tho policy of aiding tho construc-

tion of railways over its otherwise inaccossiblo torritory, liasproved of inestimable bonofit both to the public and thegeneral government. The subsidies granted wero exceed-

ingly liboral; thus for example, thero was granted to theCentral Pacific Railway Company a subsidy, in guaranteedbonds, amounting to.$10,000 per milo for tho valley division,$32,000 per mile for the Nevada and Utah division, and$48,000 por milo for tho mountain division of that road;and, in addition thoroto, an absolute grant of 0,400 acres ofGovornmont land for overy milo of road built and put inoperation.

To inako a comparison, it may be fairly estimated thatthe cost por mile of a railway around Oahu will bo aboutequal to tho cost of tho Nevada and Utah division, oirwhich, ab stated, a subsidy of $32,000 per mile, with land,was grunted by tho United States Government.

Respectfully submitted,

0. II. Ki.ukoki., Chief Engineer.(J. F. Ai.lakdt, Consulting Engineer.

" ' "

Honolulu, II. I., Juno 12, 1890.



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