i &r $?" V . . o Vol. XIV. No 2170. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. 60 0ENT8 OUDBOHIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed und published at the oulco ., Quocn Street, Honolulu, II. . every artornoon (Sundays excopted). Subscription, - 50 conts per Month. Addross all Communications Daily BuiiijuriK. Advertisements, tc emuro insertion, should be handed in before one o'clock V. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Stoam Printing Office Newspaper, Hook and Job Printing of all kinds done on tlie most favorablo terms. Boll Telephone No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. SCO THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 28 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a '' complete resume of IIouolulu and Island News. It is the best paper uubllslicd iu the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. SnliHcriptloii : Island : - : : $1 00 year foreign : : 5 00 " Commission Meronants. rr IXVOICiTiSS-i- l .So Co., General Commission Agents. (;7(j iy Honolulu Q. V. MACJARLANE & Co. ,' IllPOKTEKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. U. I. Queen street, - - 1018 GONSAL.VJES & CO., Wholesale Grocera & Wine Merchants 1) Beaver Block, Honolulu BREWER H COMPANY, CI '. (Limited) dKHEBAIi MERCANTILE AND Commission Auents. nsr ov oFFioEits: 1. C. Joni:h, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. Oautkh Treasurer & Secretary diukctoks: Hon. O. U. Bisuop. S. C. Allen, II. VATEUIIOU8K. ma iy T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Healer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle & COOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Healers in General Merchandise, No. 80 Kinglet., Honolulu 1 Claue Spruckels. Wo. a. Irwin. Irwin & Company, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, IIouolulu. 1 & CO., WILDER Dealers la Lumber, Faints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sta., Honolulu. 1 QRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of Geuornl Mer- - ouuudlao and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 1124 California street, Sau Francisco, Cal. "" . Loweis, F. J. Lowioy O. M. (Jooko. EWERS & OOOKE, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) mportora and Dealers hi Lumbnr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. 1 FRANK J. KltUGEK, Practical Watchmaker & Ropairor nov-0.8- 8 J O LUSO 1IAWAIIANO. persons -- who want to communl ALL with tho Poituguese, cither for business, or for procuring workmen, aorvants or iuy other helps, will Hud It the most protltablo way to advertlso in tho Lino JIawaiiaito, tho new organ of the Portuguese colony, which is pub-lishe- d on Hotel street, and only charges reasonable rates for advertisements i H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposlto the Old Station House. Mutual 'J.'olepliono No. 1. 87 tf THE BEST PAPER to subscribe JL for is tho "Daily Bullutiu." 00 cents per month. Professionals. JM. MONSAURAT, at Law it Notary Public ill) Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf ALFRED MAQOON, J . ATTORNEY AT LAW. 17d 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. Iy pxoiitiiai STEAM CANDY FACTOR! A.rs'X P. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- T822T Telephone 74 Rflrs. L. G. Pray, Genuine Massage Roman Baths 150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard. dec7.S8 H. SOPBR, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. V. Corner Sixth and Market streets, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, Sau Francisco. 23 HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, ITono-21- Honolulu, II. I. It. Jl. 31ENSON. a. w. smith. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 &11G Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocrickc & Sccohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rick ccker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2j WERNER & CO. JIuiiufuctiii'iiiK Jowellers, NO. 03 XOIMC feSXitJEJET. Constantly on hand a large assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly MRS. M. B. CAMPBELL, TJx'ossmalciiifC, Sto., t&c. nas commenced the business of Dress., making, Cutting and Fitting, at her icsi-deuc- No. 73 Beretania street, opposite the Hotel. The patronage of the ladies is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. sept-U-l- y Alex, i&f Elohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Bethel St., next to General Post Office, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired. AIho, Hewim: Machine ntrennon-uhl- e ritlcM. Bell Tel. 421. P. O. B. 100. Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS, ) Proprietors. F. I. CUTTEH, Oillee, 81 King stn-ct- , Telephone No. SG. llcsldence leicpiiono jno. mj. Goii'l XSxju'CHHliife 4fc Xrn,-ylii- Piano and Furnituie moving a specialty r Wagons meet all incoming bteamers. 1uly.25 ly Hustace & Robertson, ID Xfc A. Y M M 2V . LLordcis for Cartago promptly at-- tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Inlands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices, Onioe, adJQinlng E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 982 ly Mutual Telcphono No. 19. Thomas Lindsay, 3 Manufacturing Jewoler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Spocialty. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to tho Hawaliau Tram, way Company's Ofllcc. C5T Particular nttcution paid to all kinds of repairs. jan-19-8- 0 BHMBUk SALOON Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours Tho FlneH Brand of raxi Hilars, jhl ToiiacGO AJlwivyt on lluiul. II. J. XOJLTK, Proprietor. King Street Near Alakea. Hoard K4 ( Per AVi'c Single 3Icnl -- 5 Cents l'.ncli. A first-clas- s Cook has heen engaged to succeed tho one heietoforc employed. The Tables nre Jlarble top and Clean; the Waiters nttentivc. C. CHUN HUE, 2072 3m Proprietor. Me'tropoiitan S Meat Company 81 KING. STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager "Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton ! Beef, gar Pork, ITiMli, T"cj;c Cul )les, &;c, &c. Always ou Iiatid at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandlcss), Xo. C lneen St., : : t'luh HnvUct, IIouolulu, II. I. Es?"F.unlly and Shipping Oiders care- fully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- JOS. TINKER, llVTVUVAl. ' City SVIarket, Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. tgyHis noted Sausages are made by tho every best mncbincrj, and all orders cuti ustcd to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, nnd his prices are as low as anywhere in the city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages." oct.fi 88 TTJLtA.IV CIS. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Rue do Dunkerque, - - - Paris. Hxccutcs Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swiss, German, and English Goods, at tho best Manufacturers Lowest Prices. Commission, per cent. All Trade nnd Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Pails Banker, p.iyahle on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the manager. The Agency Represents, Buys, nnd Bulls, for Home anil Colonial Finns. IMcro Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks. Velvetfc, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, FlannelB, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Glass, and China.waro, Clocks, Watches, Jewollry, Fancy Goods, Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c, Oilman's Stores, Books Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Ohromoa, Machinery, ifco., &o. 130 lv S Tho Inter -- Island Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Stoam Family and Blacksmith Coal and a geucial assortment of 415, Bar Iron. mmfimmmmmwmM6mmmwm THBS !s Reserved For 104 Fort W- - S. S-CH- S , " THF Will bo 28 Columns of ! - - 1 on February 12th, The Beat Taper to Send Abroad. -- OXT'IT'IOE)- Every Description of !'. Executed with Neatness and Disnatch. The "Dail Bulletin Issued Interesting Nows. SPACE The illinery House DALY Street Proprietor. BULLETIN PRINTING Priming Weekly Summary," JOB and Genera Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $28,002,205.00 Firo risks taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent. July 20.88-l- y Union Vlro A HI urine Insurance Company of N, Z. Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire and Marino risks, tnkon at current rates nnd settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july!0 8S.ly H TJ N Insurance Co. of Sau Francisco. Marine risks on llullp, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates. JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent. July t!G.88.1y General Insurance Company. Marine riBks on IIulls, Cargoes, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent. juIy208S-l- y A. II. KASEMAM, Book-hinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-hoo- k Manufacturer. No. 13 Eaahumnnu street. Up stairs. oct.l.88-l- y HONOLULU IRON WORKS. & Steam encincs,suu:ar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exc cutcd at short notice. 1 WALKER & REDWAED, Contractors t Xtullclux's. Brick, Stone and "Wooden Buildings ; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up y LUCAS, Contractor and Bulkier, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, .hspla nadc, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited sr PLANING MliL. Alukon, nenr lutcii St, Telephone 511. Bolster & Rupprecht, House and Fresco Painters At Cuyl'oi'it'N Hlioclnzr Shop. No. 81 : : KING STREET. M7 2w Hell Tel. :t IN. Jllntnnl Tel. ltKi I'.O. Itox 115. Ofllcc . . IS8 Merchant St., Honolulu CULICK'S k NOTARY PUBLIC. Convoyancinjj a Specialty Her-ord- search- ed and abstracts of title furnished on short notice. Copying, Translating, and engrossing in nil languages in general use in the King, dom. Custom House brokerage Fire nnd Life Insuiance receive prompt nttcution. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Real 3E&Htavte bought, sold and rented. Several valflahlo properties In and around Iho city now for sale on crsy terms. Convonicnt Collages in dcsirablo healthy location!) in and near the city to let or lease at reasonable rates. Employment Wanted by several men and boys, who will make themselves use. fill in performing tho various ollices and chores required by private fonii. lies. Full particulars given on application at tho agency. Oiders from the other Islauds prompt. ly attended to. FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Inuranco Oo. Assots, $5,288,000 Commercial Insuranco Co. (Firo and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance- - Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marino Ins. Oo Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Life Insuranco Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGEE HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1C53 ly EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society, Of tlie United UtntcH. THE LEADING COMPANY. Now Business in 1 807 $138,023,105 Applications refused for - 23,729,317 Total Income - - 23,240,849 Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,255 Gain in Assets during year 8,868,432 Elc, Etc., Etc., In the above and mjt iuiporttat point tho Equitable howl Uic list of Life Companies. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, General Aueut for Hawaiian thiamin. June 1.88-l- y CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'oe Agents. AGENTS VOn Tlio New Kncland MUTUAl LIFE INS. C0MP Y, of Iloston. The JEtna Firo Insurance Co . of Hartford, Conn. Tlie Union .Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Bnn Francisco, Cala. 191 ly Prussian National Insurance Conm'v ESTAlJLlailED 1845, Capital 9,000,000 RelehimorJcs "THE undersigned, baring been ap. JL pointed agent of tho nbovo Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on BullaWs! Furiilturo.McrchandisD, Produce, Sugtt Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. 1UEMENSCHNEIDEK, jly.87 1y ' .UW. W J1 P. Pioneer Shirt Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma SL The undersigned heps to inform the public of these Islands that he is making SliirtH ly MenHuremout : Directions for will bo given on application. White Skirts, Oversbirls & Night Gowns A fit guarantee by making a somplo Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Boll Telephone 410 601y A. M. MFXIjIS. ThrJSn!-- y Readable pa- - EF,1".. ,no Kingdom "Tho Daily Uullotlu." CO cents per month. 4 "F3f . " j; flBBr "rtfc i.

evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · i &r $?" V. . o Vol. XIV. No 2170. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. 60 0ENT8OUDBOHIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed

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Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · i &r $?" V. . o Vol. XIV. No 2170. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. 60 0ENT8OUDBOHIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed


&r $?"


. .

oVol. XIV. No 2170. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. 60 0ENT8



Is printed und published at the oulco

., Quocn Street, Honolulu, II. . every

artornoon (Sundays excopted).

Subscription, - 50 conts per Month.

Addross all Communications DailyBuiiijuriK.

Advertisements, tc emuro insertion,should be handed in before one o'clockV. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Office

Newspaper, Hook and Job Printing of

all kinds done on tlie most favorabloterms.Boll Telephone No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. SCO


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 28 columns of

reading matter on local topics, and a'' complete resume of IIouolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper uubllslicdiu the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

SnliHcriptloii :

Island : - : : $1 00 yearforeign : : 5 00 "

Commission Meronants.

rr IXVOICiTiSS-i-l .So Co.,

General Commission Agents.(;7(j iy Honolulu



Honolulu. U. I.Queen street, - -1018


Wholesale Grocera & Wine Merchants1) Beaver Block, Honolulu


Commission Auents.

nsr ov oFFioEits:1. C. Joni:h, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oautkh Treasurer & Secretary

diukctoks:Hon. O. U. Bisuop. S. C. Allen,


T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Healer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton--G. P. Castle

& COOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Healers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 Kinglet.,Honolulu 1

Claue Spruckels. Wo. a. Irwin.

Irwin & Company,WG.Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, IIouolulu. 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealers la Lumber, Faints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sta.,Honolulu. 1

QRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of Geuornl Mer- -

ouuudlao and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

1124 California street,Sau Francisco, Cal.

"" . Loweis, F. J. Lowioy O. M. (Jooko.

EWERS & OOOKE,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson,)mportora and Dealers hi Lumbnr and all

kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. 1


Practical Watchmaker & Ropairornov-0.8- 8


persons -- who want to communlALL with tho Poituguese, citherfor business, or for procuring workmen,aorvants or iuy other helps, will Hud Itthe most protltablo way to advertlso intho Lino JIawaiiaito, tho new organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which is pub-lishe- d

on Hotel street, and only chargesreasonable rates for advertisements




81 King Street, opposlto the Old StationHouse.

Mutual 'J.'olepliono No. 1.87 tf

THE BEST PAPER to subscribeJL for is tho "Daily Bullutiu." 00cents per month.


JM. MONSAURAT,at Law it Notary Public

ill) Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

ALFRED MAQOON,J . ATTORNEY AT LAW.17d 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. Iy


A.rs'XP. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. --T822T Telephone 74

Rflrs. L. G. Pray,

Genuine Massage Roman Baths

150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard.dec7.S8


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. V. Corner Sixth and Market streets,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, Sau Francisco. 23


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 09 Fort Street, William's Block, ITono-21-

Honolulu, II. I.

It. Jl. 31ENSON. a. w. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 &11G Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocrickc & Sccohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rick ccker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2j

WERNER & CO.JIuiiufuctiii'iiiK Jowellers,

NO. 03 XOIMC feSXitJEJET.Constantly on hand a large assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


TJx'ossmalciiifC, Sto., t&c.nas commenced the business of Dress.,making, Cutting and Fitting, at her icsi-deuc-

No. 73 Beretania street, oppositethe Hotel. The patronage of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. sept-U-l- y

Alex, i&f Elohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Bethel St., next to General PostOffice, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired.AIho, Hewim: Machine ntrennon-uhl- e

ritlcM.Bell Tel. 421. P. O. B. 100.

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS, ) Proprietors.F. I. CUTTEH,

Oillee, 81 King stn-ct- , Telephone No. SG.

llcsldence leicpiiono jno. mj.Goii'l XSxju'CHHliife 4fc Xrn,-ylii-

Piano and Furnituie moving a specialty rWagons meet all incoming bteamers.

1uly.25 ly

Hustace & Robertson,

ID Xfc A. Y M M 2V .LLordcis for Cartago promptly at--

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Inlands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices,

Onioe, adJQinlng E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telcphono No. 19.

Thomas Lindsay,3

Manufacturing Jewoler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Spocialty.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to tho Hawaliau Tram,

way Company's Ofllcc.

C5T Particular nttcution paid to allkinds of repairs. jan-19-8- 0


Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

Tho FlneH Brand of


Hilars, jhl ToiiacGO

AJlwivyt on lluiul.II. J. XOJLTK, Proprietor.

King Street Near Alakea.

Hoard K4 ( Per AVi'c

Single 3Icnl --5 Cents l'.ncli.

A first-clas- s Cook has heen engaged tosucceed tho one heietoforc employed.The Tables nre Jlarble top and Clean;the Waiters nttentivc.

C. CHUN HUE,2072 3m Proprietor.

Me'tropoiitan SMeat Company


G. J. WALLER, - - Manager"Wholesale & Retail Butchers



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, gar Pork,ITiMli, T"cj;c Cul )les, &;c, &c.

Always ou Iiatid at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandlcss),

Xo. C lneen St., : : t'luh HnvUct,IIouolulu, II. I.

Es?"F.unlly and Shipping Oiders care-fully attended to. Live Stock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8-


City SVIarket,Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

tgyHis noted Sausages are made bytho every best mncbincrj, and all orderscuti ustcd to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, nnd hisprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."oct.fi 88

TTJLtA.IV CIS.Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Rue do Dunkerque, - - - Paris.

Hxccutcs Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, attho best Manufacturers Lowest Prices.

Commission, per cent.All Trade nnd Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orPails Banker, p.iyahle on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, nndBulls, for Home anil Colonial Finns.

IMcro Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvetfc, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,FlannelB, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andChina.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jewollry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Ohromoa, Machinery, ifco., &o.

130 lv S

Tho Inter -- Island SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Stoam Family and Blacksmith Coaland a geucial assortment of

415, Bar Iron.



!s Reserved For

104 Fort

W- - S. S-CH-S ,


Will bo

28 Columns of


- -


on February 12th,

The Beat Taper to Send Abroad.


Every Description of


Executed with Neatness and Disnatch.

The "Dail Bulletin


Interesting Nows.



illinery House







Weekly Summary,"


and Genera

Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol Funds, $28,002,205.00

Firo risks taken at current rates andsettlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent.July 20.88-l- y

Union Vlro A HI urine

Insurance Company of N, Z.

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire and Marino risks, tnkon at currentrates nnd settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july!0 8S.ly

H TJ NInsurance Co. of Sau Francisco.

Marine risks on llullp, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN S. "WALKER, Agent.July t!G.88.1y

General Insurance Company.

Marine riBks on IIulls, Cargoes, Freightand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent.juIy208S-l- y

A. II. KASEMAM,Book-hinde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-hoo- k


No. 13 Eaahumnnu street. Up stairs.oct.l.88-l- y

HONOLULU IRON WORKS.& Steam encincs,suu:ar mills, boilers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exccutcd at short notice. 1


Contractors t Xtullclux's.

Brick, Stone and "Wooden Buildings ; es-timates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Bell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up y


and Bulkier,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, .hsplanadc, Honolulu.

Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other



Alukon, nenr lutcii St,Telephone 511.

Bolster & Rupprecht,House and Fresco Painters

At Cuyl'oi'it'N Hlioclnzr Shop.No. 81 : : KING STREET.

M7 2w

Hell Tel. :t IN. Jllntnnl Tel. ltKiI'.O. Itox 115.

Ofllcc . . IS8 Merchant St., Honolulu



Convoyancinjj a Specialty Her-ord- search-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in nillanguages in general use in the King,dom.

Custom House brokerage Fire nnd LifeInsuiance receive prompt nttcution.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

Real 3E&Htavtebought, sold and rented.

Several valflahlo properties In andaround Iho city now for sale on crsyterms.

Convonicnt Collages in dcsirablo healthylocation!) in and near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will make themselves use.fill in performing tho various ollicesand chores required by private fonii.lies.

Full particulars given on applicationat tho agency.

Oiders from the other Islauds prompt.ly attended to.


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Inuranco Oo.

Assots, $5,288,000

Commercial Insuranco Co.(Firo and Marine)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance- - Corporation

(Fire and Marine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marino Ins. Oo

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Life Insuranco Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1C53 ly


Life Assurance Society,

Of tlie United UtntcH.


Now Business in 1 807 $138,023,105Applications refused for - 23,729,317Total Income - - 23,240,849Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,255

Gain in Assets during year 8,868,432

Elc, Etc., Etc.,

In the above and mjt iuiporttat pointtho Equitable howl Uic list of

Life Companies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Aueut for Hawaiian


June 1.88-l- y

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'oe Agents.


Tlio New KnclandMUTUAl LIFE INS. C0MP Y,

of Iloston.

The JEtna Firo Insurance Co .of Hartford, Conn.

Tlie Union .Fire andMarine Insurance Co.

of Bnn Francisco, Cala.191 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Conm'v

ESTAlJLlailED 1845,

Capital 9,000,000 RelehimorJcs

"THE undersigned, baring been ap.JL pointed agent of tho nbovo Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on BullaWs!Furiilturo.McrchandisD, Produce, SugttMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayableHonolulu.

H. 1UEMENSCHNEIDEK,jly.87 1y ' .UW. W J1 P.

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma SL

The undersigned heps to inform thepublic of these Islands that he is makingSliirtH ly MenHuremout :

Directions for willbo given on application.

White Skirts, Oversbirls & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a somploShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Boll Telephone 410

601y A. M. MFXIjIS.ThrJSn!-- y Readable pa--

EF,1".. ,no Kingdom "ThoDaily Uullotlu." CO cents per month.



." j;flBBr "rtfc i.

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · i &r $?" V. . o Vol. XIV. No 2170. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. 60 0ENT8OUDBOHIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed

'1ffpif-SffT"Wi'RW!Sf- l -- c - ' ,., - .."?.t jwittt v , - . ...


Sealed Vendors

Will bo received at the Interior Of-

fice until TUESDAY, February l'J,188!), :it 12 o'clock noon, for buildinga Court House tit Kooliiuloa, Onliit.

Plans and specifications run bo

seen at the Oflice of the Superintend-ent of Public- Works.

All tendcis must bo ondoiscd "Ten-

ders for Court 1 1 otitic, Koolauloa,Oaliu."

Also 'L'cndcrs will be received upto tho snnio date for building u CourtHoui-- ul Kailim, North Kona, Ha-

waii.riiuih and s.poeillcalions can bo

seen ul the Olllco of tho Superintend-ent of Public- Works and also uponapplication to .1. W. Kilinnho, DeputyShoritr Xorlh Kuiut.

All Tcndeia must bo endorsed"Tender for Court lloui-e- , Knilua,North Kona, Hawaii."

The Minister of the lnteiior docsnot bind himself to aecept tho lowestor any bid.

LOR1UN A. T1IUKSTON,Minister of Hie Interior.

lnteiior Oflice, Jan. 15, 1889.

Tho time for leceiving bills for theabove is extended until Wednesday,February 1.1th, ISSi), at 12 o'clocknoon. L. A. THURSTON.

Minister of the Interior.Interior Otlico, Feb. 11, 1SS9.

170 2t

TF YOUA uilviT'i-- i


In the Supreme Court of tho Hawaiian



I5y viitue of the power vested inmo by tho Slid section of the CivilCode, 1 hereby older a Special Termof tho Supreme Court to be held intho Court Koom of Aliiolani Halo, onMONDAY, the 11th day of Match,A.D. 1889, at 10 o'clock a.m., for thohoaiing of Banco Cates only.

, Witness my hand and

L. S.the teal of the SupremoCom t, at Honolulu, this

( ) 11th dnv of Fcbruarv,' A. 1). 1SS9.

A. F. JUDD,Chief Justice of the Supiemc Court.

Attest:Hr.Nitv Smith,

Clerk. 170 5t

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,Ji. HilviTtif in tlin. Oaii v Boij.KTlr;

Jrriimtioii Jfotice.Holders of water privileges are

hereby notified that the hourt forusing water for irrigating purposessue from G o'eloek to 8 o'clock a. ji.,and from A o'clock to 0 o'eloek i M.

All those found violating the abovenotice will be liable to have theirprivileges cut oil' without furthernotice. Oil AS. B. WILSON,

Supt. Honolulu WaterworksHonolulu, Feb. 5, 1880. 1G5 2w

'X1 IX X3

fjailji ggttttitfinPledged to neither Sect nor Parly,Hut established for the benefit of all.

SATURDAY, FEB. 0, 1889.


The Hawaiian exhibits for theParis Exposition will go forward bythe steamship AustraliaHawaii has not done all she couldhave done and might have done, butshe has not done badly after all.The articles got together makequite a variety and a considerablequantity, and will no doubt attractattention at the great capital. It is un-

derstood that Colonel Z. S. Spalding,a gentleman in every way qualifiedfor the trust,will be Hawaiian Com-

missioner at the Exposition. Whetheror not any arrangement has beenmade for someone to bo permanent-ly in charge of the exhibits, to giveinformation to inquirers, etc., wo

are not informed ; but presume nnarrangement of that nature will bedeemed necessary. It cannot befor one moment expected that theCommissioner, who primarily goesto I'aris for pleasure and recreation,and volunteers to represent wliilothere his adopted country gratui-tously, will undertake the drudgeryof personally attending to the exhi-

bits, etc. lie will need an assistantfor that purpose, someone thorough-ly conversant with the French lan-

guage, as well aB being able toanswer all inquiries likely to bemade jn regard to these islnmls,

: j" SgVi


HMUMftftW lfkMMWNflM

Terrible Accident !

Explosion of GaBolino at tho"Beavor Snloou.

Seven Persons Moro or Less Badly

Burned-- All Taken to the

At five minute before 2 o'clockthis afternoon an explosion of gaso-line took place at the Heaver saloonon Fort street which was heardquite a long distance away. In rearof the premises adjoining the cook-house is a small yard in which wasburied a large gasoline tank, sup-

plied from a smaller tank resting ina frame on the ground.

The bung was removed fiom thesmall lank Avilh a view of illling upthe larger tank, by one of the Chi-

nese waiters. The gas which hadaccumulated in the empty space atthe top of the tank, beganto escape, and the Chinaman,to prevent it, placed his handon the bunghole, but the gascontinued to escape. A hissingnoise proceeded from the escape.Mr. Noltc, his chief clerk, and theother waiters ran in to the yard torender assistance, lly that time theescaped gas had floated into thecook house adjoining and came incontact with the fire in the stove.An explosion was the immediate re-

sult, and the cook house and theyard became one blaze of flame en-

veloping of course those who werenear by. The door leading to thedining room from this yard wasburst open by the explosion. Verylittle damage was done to the building. The Fire Department waspromptly on hand, an alarm hav-

ing been turned in. Water wasused and the flames were soon putout.

Mr. Nolte, his clerk Mr. Zoetl,two Chinese and a Portuguesewaiter were very badly burned andul once taken to the Queen's hos-

pital. Another Chinese waiter wasburned but not quite so badly as theothers. He was taken loDr.

oflice and later to theQueen's hospital. Mr. David Mor-ton, clerk at T. II. Davics & Co.'s,was in the saloon at the time, andgot burned on the face and hands.His hair was also singed, lie wentover to his employers' store wherehis injuries were attended to. Ev-

erything possible is being done forthose who were injured and muchsympathy is expressed on all sides.The explosion caused intense excite-ment in the city and hundreds ofpeople congregated in the vicinityof the saloon.

As we go to press, a few minutesbefore four o'clock, we learn thatMr. Zoetl and the two Chinese arein a very precarious condition.


Mr. Geoigc Dole has retired fromthe management of the Kapaa Sugarplantation, Kauai, and is about totake a trip to San Francisco, forchange and recreation. Mr. Doleoccupied the position from which hehas just retired eleven years. Thehigh estimation in which he washekl by the employees of the planta-tion was evidenced, before his leav-

ing, by the presentation of a. valua-ble gold watch and an engrossedaddress expressive of the highestrespect and warmest aloha. Thepresentation was made conjointly bythe employees of the consolidatedplantations of Kapaa and Kcalia.The Rli.i.v.tin sincerely wishes Mr.Dole a pleasant trip and safe return.


On last Friday night Everett Bru- -

maglun, book-keep- er at the IIuclosugar plantation, was arrested on awarrant sent down from Makawao,Maui, charging him with embezzle-ment. Ho was taken to the Stationhouse and is still there. Somemoney and a ticket for San Fran-cisco was found in his possession.

w afternoon lie will be sentto Maui on the Likelike.

Our Maui correspondent underdate of February Uth, writes thatRruinagliin had left Maui rathersuddenly. lie was last seen on Sa-

turday, the 2d, on the Likelike, andit was pretty generally understoodon Maui that , he wenl to Honolulu.He asked leave of the manager ofthe plantation to go to Wailuku tosee some one there, and was granted 4

permission to do so. .Not returningon Saturday night was thought butlittle of by the manager, althoughhe was expecting him. When Mon-

day came and no Rrumaghin, themanager thought he would pay thelabor, as the money was due them,and should have been paid on theSaturday previous. He accordinglywent to and opened the safe for thepurpose; but lo! "when he wentthere the safe was bare," or neartyso. It is reported that there wasclose on 811,000 in the safe previousto Ikiiuiaghin's leaving Iluelo. Heis a married man.


Monday, Feb. 11.Three drunks had to pay the usual

amount.Akana wiib fined Sf for heedlcbs

and furious driving, and 810 forcruelty lo animals.

Four Chinese charged with violat-ing the Sunday law hy pulling tarowere cacli fined 50 cents with $1.05costs.


What might have been a seriousfire occurred here on Sunday after-noon last in Chinatown. Tho storeof Ong l'o took lire on the roof andhad got considerable headway be-

fore it was controlled. By thetimely aid of the inhabitants of thatpart of the town who formed themselves into a bucket brigade andpassed water to those on the roof,this lire was extinguished before ithad done much damage. S100 willcover it all. The wind was blowinga gale at the time, and had the firenot been put out as it was, nothingcould have saved any of tho build-ings on that side of the street frombeing totally consumed.

The foreign church is rapidly ap-

proaching completion and will prob-ably be ready for dedication aboutthe middle of the month. It is aboautiful edillce, both inside andout, and would do credit to a verymuch larger and more thrivingplace than this.

Mr. Goodale Armstrong has beenappointed road supervisor for thedistrict of Makawao, vice II. B.Bailey, and all those who know saythat judging front that gentleman'spast record in a similar capacity,we shall have good roads through-out the district.

The bark William W. Case arriv-ed at Kahului to-da- y, and the JamesA. King left with a full load of su-

gar for San Francisco.The Bushncll combination show

arrived on the Likelike y.

They will give three performancesin Wailuku, one each on Thursday,Friday, and Saturday evenings.Next week the' are billed to appearin l'aia. N.

l'aia, Feb. (i, 1889.

Honolulu Fire Departanl



The several Companies of tlie Depart-ment aie icpietcd lo nemble In theSquaic oppo-- e the Hell Tower at 1

o'eloek on the afternoon of

TUESDAY, February 12, 1889.


With their soveial apparatus for thepurpose of taking pait in

the Annual Parade.

Companies are to form in lino from thefipiarc on to Hotel and Fort -- treets theproeoslnn moving along Fort to Uerc-tan- ia

!treot; thence along lierctania toMaiuiiikea street, down Maimakea toKing street, along King to Xuuaiiustreet, down Nuiiiiiui to Queen street,along Queen to Fort street, up Fort toKing street, along King to Punchbowl.street. nn Punchbowl to ISeietania street,along licretania to Port sticct, up Fort- -

to Iviikiil street, along Jviikiu to .Tsunamistreet, down Nminmi to King street,along King to Foit street, up Fort toHotel street and back to point of starl-ing.

BQX.A full attendance dcslrcdtBuPer Order,

HHNRY SMITH,171)11 Secnitary II. F. IX

Attention !

O'lleers and Members of Ilono.Till: Engine Co. No. 1 are herebylequestcd to meet at the Engine Houseon TUESDAY, February 12th, ISS'J, at1 o'clock p. in , for the purjio-- u of par.tieipatiug in the Annual Parade of theHonolulu Fire Dcpaitment.

Il order of the Foreman.H. OKDENSTEIN,

170 It Secretary.

EVEUY member of Mechanic EngineNo. 'J, is lepjcsted to ap, ear

lu full dress uniform, at the t ell Tower,on TUESDAY, at 1 o'eloek v. m. forthu annual Parade. IC'J Jit

Mien Tramways Co.,



Fiom Palama for llille Hiinge onlyr:i;o a. every hour until H;!iO

v. ii,; lfct enr 10:10 v. si.

Fiom Palama for Itillc Unngo andVuikiki 7:10 a. m. and every hour

until 0:10 , ji,

Fiom Hi llo Eango for Palama 0.00a.m., 7:00 a. m.. and overv half houruntil tl.UO i: M.; last ear 10:'J0 i if.

From "Waikiki for Pahiinu 7:10 A. m.and every hour until 10:10 i'. m.

E.Mia Onrs from Paluma 12:00 noon

Extiii Cars forltiilu Itangc 1:00 p.m.,COO i: i. ami from Hillo Hiinge at 12:00p. ji. 170 if

THE DAILY BULLETIN-T- heX most popular paper published.

Ho. 24 Merchant Street, near Fort Street.


XT' ULL A is O R T M E N rJC

. OK .

All Brands of American Whiskies I

Bourbon, Rye and fVlonongahala,In Bulk or Case ;


In ttlass and Stone .Jars;


Very Fine and Very l'oor (Jualtities, as are wanted;

G-IN- in Large and Small Bottles,(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS;


Best Brand in the Market.


In Hulk and Case;

All Brands oi American Lager Beer,English Ale & Porter, German Beer, etc

In Pints and Quarts;

Finest Brands C H A M P A N & ESIn Pints and Quart

Bitters, Liquers, Absinthe,Apoilinaris Water, BCumrnel.



Zlnfandelt ftfia&aga, Tokay, Madeira,Port, Sherry, Riesling, Hocks, &c, &.

gjS" All of which will 1..- M.ld AT LOWEST KATES by

HVi ailc Brown,170 tf MANAGER.

Auction Sale by James F. Morgan.


Paia Suor Stock !

asf --VTJcriors-.

On Friday, RflarchAT 12 O'CLOCK. SOOS.

At my bulesroom, Queen strict, I willtell at Public Auction, for ac-

count of whom it mayconcern,


Paia Sugar Slock !

1T0 Id

TI'.ItaiM "ASII.





u wiit of (xtcihionBYviitueof ol tin iMip'uiii' Court onthe 4th (lay of Fe.jiuan, A. I) IM,agait.st L. li. Ken, ilriciniaiil. in f.mirof J. S. Mai tin, pliiiuiiil, I'M UiuMiinol$1,708 0:), I have lev.ed upon ninl h'illexpose for sale at the auction loom olJas. F. Morgan, in the District of Kona,Honolulu, Ifcland of Oiihu, at 13 o'clocknoon of SATUHDAY, the Dili day ofMarch, A. D. 18MJ, lo the highest bidder,all the light, title and iuteiot of theHaid L 15. Ken, defendant, in and to thefollowing propei ty, unlets said judg-ment interest, costs and my expensesbe previously paid. List of propertyfor sale:

!l Catcs of Tailors' Goods,1 Case of Hats,1 Case of Peifumery,4 Case of Puttons.

Sulllcicnt of the above property willbe sold (subject lo a mortgage in favorof V. 0. Irwin & Co.), to satisfy saidexecution. .INO. II. SOPEH,

.Marshal.Honolulu, Feb. fi, 183!). 1(17 tf

WILLIAM FOSTER -A- ttorney.& Notary Public Hono.

lulu. 107 2w

Change in Telephones.

MUTUAL No !)71 changed fiomIlewHi lo Hawaiian Wine

Co,, Frank Drown, manager,

OELE No. CO channcil from FrankP.rown irsidencu to Hawaiian

Wine Co., Frank Hi own, manager.170 lw

NOTICE.person found lrcp:issing or

shooting on the KULIOLTOU laudswill bo d.



Mil. A. ASOIIHEIM has this daybeen admitted in n partner in our

llrm. M. K. UKIX1SAUM & CO.Honolulu Januaiy 1, 18H'.'. 10S lw

NOTICE..1. D. TKKGLOAN, Merchant

Tailor, having told the lease of thojm'iiil'-Pi- s lately occupied by him, in the'Gazette" lilocl;, to the Hawaiian NewsCo., will be pleased to meet bis custom-ers at tho establishment of H S. Tregloan, cor of Fort ami Hotel bit, 170 lw

itmjE.DAY ha. icmovrd hib lesiilenceDK. to iliu "Dickson 1'icmm-s,- No !!)

Mrcct, opp'ivjiu Gulden Lane,nxd his cilice to the collage adjoining.

1 :$ 2v


ALL peroiH having claims ngainstNancy S. Ellis are requested

lo send Hum in to Mr. A. J. Cmlwiiglit,with a view to .scltlcnient.

IIoiiolul-i- , Feb. (!, liS'J. lfiO 2v


OWING lo tho intuitled depailurothe Kingdom nl II. F. AVich-ma-

wo respectfully ask that, allamounts due our Hun he settled onor heioie the 1J3 h of Pcbiuarv neM.

GOMES & W1CIIMAN.Honolulu, Jan. 2L 1SS!). 10.1 19t


-- ArT"B.wv.vsS J-- iy toU.WWl-t- -

Kill lw

Inerny Hall.

M. McINEKNY,Cor. Port & Merchant bIb.

A Family liij.

Tj'OIJ sale cheap, forJL? cash or good paper,consisting of 1 Muio, 8yuais old, gentle and

broken to harness, well ndaptedjoru lady; 1 llii" Phaeton, nearly new; 1

Single lluniesB, used only ono month.Apply at this I'tJIcc. 108 3t

Valuable Lot For Sale.fTUIAT Lot and House ad- -

JtSfjaL X joining Dr. Minei's icsi- -4 linnin st I Tiifii fi i.nA rirMP site the Uritish Club. This

Lot extends thrnuch to Garden Lane, and is convenient to the buai.nc--s part of the ciiy. Apply atoflice. ICO 2w

!. X. L

California Lime !

Just Kcceived per I5iuk"W. G.Godfiey."

-- FOIl H,I




AT- -

J. T. WATERHOUSE'S,10-3- Queen Street. L2w

74 King St. 74 King St.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

COEHICEPOLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Bpecluilty.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10 88



All Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices !


IRemnants in All Departments.

Just deceived a Fresh Lot of


; i"w""i"'r'""" aiMiunin1751 lv

1" ':

--fcS-AT FiSHEL.'S-'SSl- -



Our $2.J30 Parasols for $3.25.Our $:$.5( Tarasols for .$2.00.

Our SJ.SO Parasols for S.1.';.Our $5.50 Parasols for S.J.:;0.

boives "w-jeihIik-: orcjLrK" -- ga

Similar Reductions in Ladies' Hats, Embroideries and Laces,



TIibsb Prices we pantee M' M Ml Only !


OH AS. J. FISHEL,Jan-10-8- 9 The L,ralintf iWillinorv Ilouse.






another laige shipment of that Celebrated Draught Beerby the Steamer "Australia."

II Is a Glial', Cool anil Inipralin Ewaie-- AND-



10(5 tf

Has moved her millinery establishmentto the store lately ojcupicil by P.

next door to Gomes & Wlch.man, Fort street. 100 lw

The Best Company

the axu'ru-A.jL- .

Life Insurance Co.,OF NEW YORK.

Richard A, McCurdy, President.

The Largest Company in the World

Tho Oldest Company in tho U, S.

It Givos the Most Liberal PoliciesAND

Pays tho Larqest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders In thoHawaiian Iblands, during the

past ten years,

Over : SlOO.OOOOO.

fiEf For rates, apply to

N. It. ltU.SI'1,General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

IelauUs. oct.0-88.l-


ITho Nippon Viiwen KuIhIui'h JVcw

& 'inu Al (SI eel MtouniHlil

"Omi gjf Maru"CoKNisn Com innndcr.

Will leave for the above ports onor about


or terms of freight or passage"liuving supeiiur cabin and steerago uc.coiuinodalioiiB, apply to

Wm. G. IRWIN & CO.,103 til Agents.

The Al Hteiuudlilp



Of tho Occidental & Orientul SteamshipCo. will be due at Honolulu from HanFrancibco on or about

ftfiarch 9, 1889,And will leave for the above ports onor about thut (lute.

BfflfFor freight or passage apply toH, HACKFELD & CO.,

107 td Agents

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · i &r $?" V. . o Vol. XIV. No 2170. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. 60 0ENT8OUDBOHIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed


' .




DAILY BULLETIN: HONOLULU, II., I., FEBRUARY 11, 1880.wamfjwin1 un.uin.mwqwri.BiA.nnc.fMTirmttM cti'w.iiMniii.iiwiUif ii jourjnnwv tunm fcfcTvma rtttVfeVimw... iwn ....


Hack sttiuil : Merchant and Fortstreet. Telephones, 305.


'V 11 tc

gaili! i,.TT!fiSATURDAY, FK11. !), 1889.

ARRIVALS.Feb 10-- -

Stmr Like'lke ftutu Maid9 tin i' Mlkahala from KmiulStmr Kilauca Hon Irom ilamakuaSclir Kiilamann from KuhnlnSchr Luka from KohalaSehr Lenhl fioin KohalaSehr ICankcaotili from KohalaSeln Inry from IlnunlclSclir Wiillin fioin KaunlSclir 1 1 :ilc:ik:ihi from l'epcckcoliktne Wrestler from Newcastle, N S WSchr Jennie Walker, 21 days from San

FfanelecoFeb 11

Schr Ka Mol from HawaiiStmr .las Make from KauaiSclir Llholllio f i om LahainnAm bnk.T D Urewer, 135 days fiom



Stmr Kaala for Waiahiaand Waianac at! a m

Stmr J A Cummins for KoolauStmr Mokolil for MolokalSclir I.nUnla for M l.ukonaBiit baik Dtiiiecoiv for I'oitlandBktno S G Wilder toi San Fianelsoo


S S Australia for San FranuNec at noonStmr Mlkahala for Kauai at o p mStmr Li Isellke for Maui and way port.

at fi mStmr W O Hall for Lnhaina. Mnalaea,

Kona. Ka i and the Volcano at 10o'clock a m

Stmr Kilauca Hon for Hawaii


Stmr Likciikc 7207 bags sugar and 800pkgs uiWccUaniicoiis.

Stmr Mokolll 100 b.igs sugar and 100pkgs uiUcellanticoiis.

Stmr Kil.uiua IIl'u :i,7."i() bags .sugar.Stmr Miksilula r,'J.!3 b.ig-- , sugar.Stmr Ialaiii--5,72- 8 bags sugar.Stmr Kaala 1',00 bags Mig.ir.Schr Kaalokal1000 hags sugar.belli- - Luka I'lOO bags sugar.


The Am baik .1 D Bicwer, auivedthis aftoi noon, HI.") days from Bostonwith a general cargo of nieiehandisefor Brewer &; Co. She is a very hand-some yesul.

The Kilauca Hon leaves for P.iauliau,1'aauilo and Ookala at 5 p in

The Am bark Win W Case ai lived atKahuliu on the olh from ban Diego inballast, and is receiving sugar for SanFrancisco.

The Haw bark .lames A King, CaptII II Berry, sailed fiom Kabului, Maui,on Wednesday, Febiuary 0th, with !)1'5tons sugar for San Francisco.

The Am tern Eya, Capt Wikinau, ar-liv-

at Kabului on Friday, February8tn, L'2 days from Humboldt with acargo of lumber. She w ill load sugarfor Sau Francisco.

died!SWIJnOX In Honolulu, February 11,Kobeit Bruce Luualilo Swinton. Bornat the Lunalilo Homo, November 7.188G.


By the last steamer Egan & Co.of the Arcade, Foit street, receivedno less than fifty cases of new goodsspecially selected for this trade. Inanother column full particulars arcgiven. Our readers should call atthe store and see for themselves,and then perhaps they will continueto make perpetual calls, and ofcourse they will if they are savingmoney by doing so.


The Pacific Hardware Compaq-ha- s

bought the picture frame busi-ness of G. West & Co., and in fu-

ture will he prepared to fulfil allorders for picture frames of everysize and design, cornice poles, be-

sides carrying a full supply of art-ists' materials. By the steamer thecompany is ordering so as to makethe stock complete. They havealso for sale some very pretty Japa-nese bamboo canes, flower and plantholders, work and scrap baskets andother pretty articles.


There was quite a large audienceut the Y. M. C. A. hall Saturdayevening, at the entertainment underthe auspices of the Blue RibbonLeague. The musical portion in-

cluded a violin and piano duet, audtwo songs, and a capital reading wasgiven by Mr. II. W. Feck. Mrs.Dr. Whitney then introduced Miss'Jessie A. Ackerman who delivereda stirring temperance address.Quite a number signed the pledgeat the close. The President, Rev.II. H. Gowen, closed the mootingwith prayer.


The annual parade of the Hono-lulu Fire Department will take place

afternoon, leaving theBell Tower at 2 o'clock. The vari-

ous companies are notified by adver-

tisement in another column at whathour to assemble. The route is

from Boll Tower along Fort toBeretania street; along Berotania toMaunakea street ; along Maunakcato King street ; along King to Nuii-an- u

street; along Nuuanu to Queenstreet; along Queen to Fort street;along Fort to King street; alongKing to runchbowl. street; alongPunchbowl lo Beretania street;along Beretania to Fort street;along Fort to Kukui street; alongKukul to Nuuanu street; along Nuu-anu to King street ; along King toFort and Hotel streets, to startingpoint.

-ii uXw. .Jiiai,',

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS.Col.. V,. H. Spalding is in town.

Sin. .lustieo MeCully pieshlcs atChambeis this week.

being Accecsion day,the Irani-nii- s will run as on .Sunday.

McCitiinn and McQueen had avaluable lioiso lo die, yesleiday, fromlockjaw.

Attention is called lo the newof the Hawaiian Wine

Company in another column.

Tin: Sydney Mail of Januaiy 5thcontains amongst other illustrationstwo picttnes of life at Honolulu.

Bn suio and send copies ot theBulletin Weekly Summary lo yourfiicmls abioad, by tho Australia.


Miss Ackerman deliveied an ad-die-

at the Central Union Chinch,last evening, befoic a large congrega-tion.

Jilt. C. O. Merger has removed intotho stoto lately occupied by Jl, B.Jlonsarrat. Hon. II. A. Wideinaniiwill also bo found theie.

Tun Oceanic Company's bleninshipAustialia sails for San Fianeitco atnoon Tho mail at thel'ost Oflieo closes at 1 1 o'clock.

Tin: baik J. D. Iliower which ar-rived to-da- y fiom Boston, consignedto C. Blower it Co., has (1,500 casesof kotofcone oil among her freight.

Jin. Chas. JluCaithy will occupythe .toie lately vacated by the Tem-ple of Fashion, Foit street, for thenext two weeks, while alteialions aiebeing made at his billiaul hall.

Bn sine and do not foiget tho con-ce- il

by the Campobello Concert paityevening. All lovers of

good music should bo theie. Thebox plan is now open at the oilico of.1. F. Blown it Co.

being the annivertaiyof the acccbhiou of His Majesty totho thione, will be obseived as a na-tional holiday, and all Governmentolliees will be clo.-e-d. The Customlltiiibu will bo open fioin 11 to 12o'clock.

Wiikn the Alameda was at Sydneyin December, in unloading the height,a box of soveieigns valued at .IM.IOwas lost oveiboaid. On January l.'Hhthe box was iceovercd after a longsearch. The failure to find it eailicris attiibuted to tho fact of the boxbeing very nearly the color of thebottom.

In the window of the Pacific Haid-wai- e

Company's store may bo soontwo excellent oil paintings., 1(5x20 ;

one a cluster of chiysanthemuins,the other a terra cotta vase withgeianiunis. They aie exquisitelypainted, tho woik of Jliss Lulu Fan-ning, who at the piescnt lime liasmoie oulers than she can fill.

Tin: N. Z. Ileiald in noticing thoauival of Jlr. Uobt. J. Creighlon atAuckland says: "Jlr. Cieighton din-ing his biief stay in tho city was. sur-lound-

by a ciicle of his old fiicntlsand admirers, with whom ho foughthis battles over again, his genialityof disposition and bonhommic notbeing in the least impaired by lapseof time.

According to the National Zeitungcomplete anangements have beenmade in anticipation of the deathof the King ol the Netherlands. Im-mediately upon tho King's death thei'lemier of huxembuig will announcethe parliamentaiy law regulating thesuccession, and will announce thatthe Duke of Nassau will lake posses-sion of Luxemburg.

A nii.i. was intiodueed in theNevada Assembly Jan. 2Sth calculat-ed to promote the pleasure of peoplevisiting public places. No hats orbonnets aio to extend over three in-ches from the head. It was referredto the Committee on Education.There was talk of introducing a billto compel women lo take oil' theirlints or bonnets in places of amuse-ment.

Col. Clans Spreckels arrived inNew Yoik, Jan. 21th, and in a fewhours signed a contiact for $500,000worth Of machinery to be used in hisbig lefinery in tho Quaker City. Hesays that after Juno 1st the estab-lishment will turn out 2,000,000pounds of beet sugar daily. "Thereis no necessity of importing sugar-cane when we have beets enough inthis country to supply tho wholewoild with sugar," ho said.


Drill of Prince's Own, at 7:30.Y. JI. C. A. bookkeeping classes,

at 0:30 and 7:15.Harmony Lodge No. 2 I. O. of O.

F., at7:iJ0.Moonlight concert at Emma

Square, at 7:30.Final performance by Wilson &

Cameron's Specialty Company atOpera House, at 8 p. in.

Temperance address by MissAck-erman- n

at Y. M. C. A. hall.at 7 :30.J J 'Jin XL JLJWIUg


Concert by Campobello troupe, atOpera House at 8 p. in.

Parade of Honolulu File Depart-mental 2 p. m,

Depaiture of Australia for SauFrancisco at noon. Mail closes at11 a. m.


Following are the passengers al-

ready hooked to leave on the Aus-tralia, Tuesday: J. A. Low, II. II,Hitchcock, E. A. Ward, Isaac Da-

mon, T. Merrill, 15. Jlotcalfe, Jlr.Faik, G. W. Roby, J. B. Roby,Hon. A, Young aud wife, and Mrs.Dowsctt,



PANY AT Till--.

OPKKA. iioisi;.

It is just what might have beenexpected, a ciowded house lo wit-ness tho pei fonnnnee, Saturday even-ing, by tho Wilson and CameronSpecially Company. The companycame hero with an excellent reputa-tion and more than sustained it.The audience was kept in one con-tinual roar of laughter from begin-ning to end, with the exception ofwhen the famous Donaldson Broth-ers appealed. Their movementswere simply astounding, audmust be seen to be appreciated.They twist themselves into all man-ner of shapes, so that one is led tothink they arc made of India-rubbe- r.

Jliss May Cameron in herserio-com- ic songs and dances wasexceedingly good. Jliss Lea Earlegave a capital rendition of a balladin natural wild (lowers. Filson andErrol in a comical sketch, and Fil-

son alone in "The Bridge," weresimply immense and diew forthrounds of applause. W. W. Came-ron as a "Komedian" was simplyperfection. Wilson and Cameronare two exceedingly clever arlists,and in their spcoialtjV'Nio knacks,"fairly brought down the house. Theperformance concluded with a farce,which sent the audience home inexceedingly good humor and thor-oughly satisfied that the entirecompany was a first class one inevery respect.

This evening the final perform-ance will be given, with an entirechange of piogramtne. The boxplan is now open at the olllcc of L.J. Levej-- , auctioneer. To all ap-pearances early application is neces-sary to obtain a seat.


The Hawaiian Band will give apublic concert this evening atEmma Square, commencing at7:130 o'clock. Following is the pro-gramme:

PAItT I.Maich-l'o- nl Moi BergerOveituio Caliph of Bagdad. BoieldieuJlaich Coiomnion MeyeibeerMedley Bevel ie Buyer

MiUiol, M.il.ima. JIalu i ke Ao.PAIIT II.

Fantasia Forge in tho Foiest. ......Miehaelis

Quadrille Tingeltangel TliieleWaltz Don Ciesar DoUingcr'is..,, it.,, ..,i., fa. Kaauai Berger

b. ,, j,,.Hawaii l'onoi.


On Fiiday last a calf died in anempty lot on King street just beyondthe old "Ward premises. The healthauthorities were notified, but not un-

til this morning did they make anyattempt to have the caicass removed.It was then so rotten that a hole hadlo be dug and it was buried on thespot. All day Saturday and Sundaythe residents in the vicinity weremuch annoyed by the horrid stenchfrom the carcass.


Jlr. Luther L. Iloldcu, agent ofthe Kaymoud and Whitcomb touristexcursions, said to a San FranciscoExaminer representative, January21th, that "an excursion party wouldleave that city February !)th forHawaii, going by the Spreckels'Hue. They will spend five weeks invarious parls of the islands, andwill visit the active volcanoes there.''

When the Australia left SanFrancisco, thirty-eig- ht tourists werealready booked to leave on the Ala-



Jlr. J. JI. McDonald returned toHonolulu last night from a threedays' reporting tour aiound thePearl Kiver region and the districtof Ewa. He reporls the resourcesas of a varied character and verymuch more extensive than is gener-ally supposed. His report, in full,will give all the details of Ewa dis-

trict and the country that will betributary to the Pcail River divisionof the Oahu steam railroad. There isevery reason to believe that Jlr.

report when written in hisstyle will prove extremely interest- -


The following excellent pro-

gramme will be given at tho Campo-bello concert, at the Opera Housenext Tuesday evening:

PAIIT I.1. Grand Duo for Violin and Piano.

Mr. Theodoio .Schmidt aud llerrFelix Ollert.

2. Air Oh Wondrous Beauty..; MoartJlr. Chai let Throwci.

3. Ballad Tho Ileal t llowed DownBalfo

fcignor Campobello,1. Air BStiano, l.a Traviata... Verdi

Miss Grace Porter.C. Violin Solo Romance. . . Beethoven

Jlr. Theodore Schmidt,(i. Ballad "i'ls Known Alone lo Mo...... jvi iinnl("f

Jlr. Chaik's Thinner.PAIIT II.

1. Piano Kolollerr Felix Ollert.

2. Ballad Blue Bells of Scotland. . .

Miss Grace Porter.S. Ballad-- ln tho Gloaming

l.ady AiUiurllil(Wiitten for and sung by Siguor

Campobello.)1. Violin Solo Tho Bhd in tho Tieo

HansenJlr. Theodore Schmidt.

C. Duet Speak, We jre Alone (Ri- -goletto) Vei dlMUs Giaee Porter and Siguor Cam- -

pohello.0. Piano Solo ,

llerr Felix Ollert.


srr.ci.u. xoTicr..

Tho 10:05 p.m., car from ChineseThcatro will wait on Palace switchto convey passengers to Waikikifrom the Opera.

Sunday running ns follows: ForWaikiki leave Chinese Thcatio 7:10and every hour until 1 : 1 0 ; 5 ;15 p.m., every hour until 0:15.

Leave Waikiki for Palama 8:10a. m., every hour until 1:10; 5:15a. in., ecry hour until 0:15. Lastcar at 10:05p.m.

Leave Chinese Theatre for liillorange 0:30 and every hour untilt0:30; 12:30 and every hour until1:30; 5:35 and every hour until8:35.

Leave Rifle range for ChineseTheatre 7:00 and every hour until10:00; 12:00 and every hour untill,:00; 5:05 and every hour until0:05 p. in. 1G9 21


A term of the Foutth CiicuitCourt wn held dining the past weekon Kami, Mi. Justice MeCully pre-siding, J liaidy, Ciicuit Judge; IJ.W. I'uni-- , clerk j A. 1'. Peterson,Deputy Attorney-Genera- l. Follow-ing is tbe calendar:

The King vs. Chop Tin. Larceny2d degiee. Pleaded guilty to larcenylib degtee. Sentenced to six hourshaul labor. A. S. llaitwell for de-

fendant.The King vs. All JIau and Ah

Ping. Conspiracy. Nolle piosequiiMi'iii'd. A. S. Hartwell for defend-ants,

The King vs. l'aaluhi. Afs-aul- t onofficer. Pleaded guilty. .Sentencedto tlnce yea is. at haul laboi and $1tine. A. llosa fui defendant.

M.ikiv Sugat Company w. Kcau-niik- i.

Eji'ctiii! u(. Yin diet for plain-till- ',

two W. O. Smith forphiintill'; Baicnuha for defendant.

I.ui and otlieis .s. JIakaikai.Fjectinent. Yeidiet for defendant.W. (). Smith for plaintiff; A. Kos.ifor defend. int.

Iloopiopio s. J. Kauai. Assumpsit. Veuliet for phiintill' .VJ59. W.O. Smith for plaintiff; A. Itosa fordefendant.

Kego v. Jiahoe. AsMimpsit. Cause.stiieken fiom the calendar on mo-tion of phiintill'. W. O. Smith forpl.iintilf ; A. Ihwa for defendant.

K.iinawahonui (k.) s. Ewa (w.)Divoice. Divoice granted. W. O.Smith foi plaintiff.

Jlatter of complaint of Attoiney-Cicnci.- il

against K. L. Kauai, DistrictJudge Waimea ; lcspondent in per-son. Ucpiimanded and complaintdismissed.

Jlatter of complaint of Attoruey-Gcuei- al

against Isaao II. Kahilinii,Distiiel Judge, Ilanalei. A. Bos.ifor lcspondent. Kepiiniandcd andcomplaint dismissed.


The fifth of Jray is the date fixedupon for the opening of theParis Ex-hibition to visitors, and despite theopposition which it has encounteredin various quarters, its organizerspredict boldh that it will he a greatsuccess. The Ficnch exhibitors willbe 28,000 in number, and manymore would have been admitted hadthere been room. The foreignersto amount 15,000, thus making agrand totalof 13,000. Belgium standsfirst on the list with 1(!00; Italysends 1000, and Kngland 800. TheAustrian and Russian sections arefully occupied. The few Germanexhibitors belong solely to the do-

main of mechanical industries. Anew journal bearing the appioprialetitle of the Champ de JIars has justbeen started for the exclusive pur-pose of enlightening the public onmatters connected with the progressof the "Croat Show." In this, itsfirst number, il exhorts Frenchmenlo drop polities altogether duringthe coining year, telling them thatthey may resume their quarrels andfeuds with ardor in 1890. Bostonpaper.


Xotlcct underfill heatl are charged 10 centper linefor thefirU insertion, onJ J ceiiti ier lineaery ailditioiuil insertion.

RYAN'S BOAT BUILDINGBear of Lucas' Mill.

PHOTOGRAPHIC GooiIp, inelud.JL big complete outfits from 8 up,and the celuhrnted Kodak Cameras.Aho, l'ubliiiiin'ri American Films Tho"amateurs" and iho public are invitedto rail and examine these goods whichhave jiibt been received by llolliater &Co., 103 Fort btrcct. 100 3t

IT has hern conceded in this age ofcultured tiutcs that a man's e&tiina.

Hon nt' himself, and the opinions ho en.tertains of character and its clemriitH,are designated in tho hut ho wears. Callat Melncrny's and ask for auy shape,style or color of the SteUon Hat. 100 3i

MESSRS. DODD & MILLERreceived ox Australia

anothei lot of thai " l'HILADBLl'lIIALAGKIt MEl'K" in kegs, which theyare ollering to thoir ciiHtoiiiers. 187 lw

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St.

The undersigned hops to inform thepublic of thesu Islands that he is makingSliii-t-w by MenHiirenicnl I

Directions forself-measuremc- willbu given on application.

White Shirts, Overshirls & Night Gowns

A lit guarantee by making a HimpleShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410


JL PER In Kingdom "TheDully Bulletin." 00 ceuta per month.

A? W mnftfoiE , hAs. CslfcAadtUfiwiifcJJtt&'sjt .wrtf iteJ-ife-. tf Jfc. .aSr i. A.v. i tk

J If

I.eipcc L. J. Lovey.Jlnnngers Wilson A; Cameron.Etago Manager. A. W. Filson.

-- Tin:-


-- AND-


Specialty CompanyHaving decided to remain in Hono-

lulu until Hie dcpaitmc oT the"Australia," will make their


Monday Evening, Feb'y, lltli,oivisa as

Entire Change of Performance

Box plan will open at L. J. Levey'sofllcc, corner Fort and Queen btreetg, onMonday morning, at fl o'clock.

CSSpcclnl cars to Waikiki at theclose of the performance. 1C!) 2t


Onei'atic MMiM

Hawaiian Opera House

Tuesday Evening, Feb'y. 12th.

One Grand Operatic Concert

Wednesday Evening, Feb. 13th

Signor Enrico Campobello,

-- AND-

Miss Grace Porter,

A.1 Mr. t Mrs lloneyton in

'Tire SiBill's Hany Pair"

Season tickets for ihe scries of sixnights $7.00

Single tickets fU.GO As $1 00Balcony 7.ri ctsGallery 00 cts

83peciiil curs to Waikiki at thecloiu of the performance1-- . ICOtf

SEVERIN,Photographer ,

Has taken the Studio forineily occupiedby A. A. Montano, coiner of King

and Fort btieets, and is pre- -paicd to take


Printing Done lor AniuteurH,

Cabinets $6 a.Doz. Work Guaranteed.

BST Fntranee on Fort Stieet. "a1L'2 tf


Steamship Comp'y

FOlt SAN Fit.VX OI SCO,The Al tjtcauisliip

u AUSTRALIA,"Will havellouolulu for tho above

poit on

Tuesday, Feb. 12,AJ' NOON

For Freight or Passage, apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.107 lw


ALL pnrtics owing to W. S. Lui'o upJanuary ill, 1680, are hereby ro.

quested to make immediate payment loMr, Frank llrown, Merchant slreet, (for.murly A. M. HcwctlV), who is autho.rizud to receipt for all moueyu paidto him,


ABblguucs of V. H. Luce.Honolulu, Jan. 81, 1889. 101 lin








ern French Kid ShoesFor Ladies', Misses' & Children.

at tie Lowest Bedrock Prices

Genuine Diamond Dye

Wan anted Fast. Jgfii






75 and


Black Hose !

ffiT Quality.


Boys Fine Jersey Suits at $3.50 !

Boys Waists, S5ew Assortment

EHELICH,Corner Hotel & Fori Streets.


S.Deol-8- 8


H'EiG-JkJ- S





OO. Fort Street.

In our cents departmentlatest

Men, Youths & Children,

particular attention to ourtho latest styles in


Mn Gingham, Prints, Plain & Fancy Sales, Batiste,Piques, Challis, Cretonnes, Furniture Prints,

Tlie oiy latest shades and styles. Come and examine our impor-tation of

Summer Dress Gooils, Cream Amores, Lace Bnntini, &c.

Our Now Stoek of Silk-- Gimp, Bed. Ornaments,Novelty Silk Ornament Braid, Trimming Yelvets, Pearl Buttons,

IUjIjous, I?Iiime, rX'iiw, ICte., JELc,Is the finest over seen in this city. Deforo buying elsewhere look at our

new assortment of

Ladies Boots, Shoes & Slippers, HosieryAmi a COMPLETE STOCK of UNDERWEAR, latest style

and elegant fn design,we oiler the

Custom-mad- e Clothing, forCiavats, rscekties, Cults & Collars and uents l urnilure ol every

desoiiption. We callnunieious stock of

and a new assort-mentStraw of

Sept Felt Hals, Ti links,



OF- -





Gaiters, Oxf. Ties, Opera Slippers,


-- IMl'OlinniS

American & European Drugs & Chemicals,

Perfumery and Toilet Articles I

Valises, Etc.,


Agents Lorillaid Co.'s Tobaccos, W. Kimball Co.'a

Tobacco and Cigarettes.Aerated Water Works Hotel Street.

ineh-21-8- 7

Pacific Hardware Co., Id,iroxfcr.i; srxKJ2iiyx itonojl.ux.tj.

C2T UA1WAIN8 -- a


0 o

Etc. 17-8- 8

IN- -

-- o-

Line of tSf BARGAINB

for P. it .t S. &,

- - - 73

Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At Lower Prices than ever before. New Invoice of


Just Hcceived

ISovoUioM ami Fnuoy GootlN, In X.uxg-- o Vurloty,aug.f38


Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · i &r $?" V. . o Vol. XIV. No 2170. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. 60 0ENT8OUDBOHIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed









:fc1 .s?


4 -



At ,i

' a."

, h,.sa


U IS?n. c,,AND IN




Groceries, Provisions and Feed,E .T CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods i 'clvcd by every Packet from tho Eastern Stales and EuropeFresh California iioducoby evoiy Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Oooda dcliveim to any part ol the city free of cliaig-i- . Maud oidcrs, poli-cite-

guaranteed. Post OlUeo ltox 145. Teloiihouc No. 9'3 lnov-'l-8-

Telephone 240.- -


-- Jtorsr-


Frozen Oysters and fresh California Fruits, Fish, Games and Vegetables on ICE by eachsteamer ol the 0. S. S. Co. A complcto lino ol Crosso & Blackwcll's and

J. T. Morion's English Canned Goods always on hand.

ges rr 33 "W GOOD i saRidges' Iu Twit Food, Ficnch Musluooms in glass, aiinnrdclll In tins, GroundChocolate, CroM- - & Hhukwcll Fresh FiuiiJama In glass, Slutred Olives iuglass Walnuts, Almom's Filbert, Pcncau ii lira 7.11 Nuts, Foiled Sausage,

Cal. Mild Cream Cheese, Eastern Choose, Oregon Cream Cheese, Younn American Chco90,Swiss Clieeso. Edam Choose, Topo Can Ctoamcry Bulter In 3lb lins,

Kegs Genu im Suit Piikle3, Pctaluma Table Fruits in glass jara, Finest DeliesaTablu Hni-int- -, Cijslul Wave Mackerel in 51b tins, Kegs Sauerkraut, American

Sauce, Cape Code Uranbeiries, 21b 'Hooks Codfish, Celc-Imite- d

Minro Meat in glass .s, Jacob Dold's Huflalo Hams, Whittakcrs StarHam", Old Reliable Hum & llacon, fiesh lot of Garden Seeds, Cicily Lemons,Apples, Yellow Turnips Paisnips, New Potatoes & Onions, Cal. Roll Butter,


ap-l- G jfwlancl Orders Solicited.


HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, 'Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes Smoked lien ing, Tins Norwegian Salt Hciring,Mild Cal. Cheese, Atiuorcs Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Ccrcolinc Flakes,

CA.IM3 COD CXC.A.jS13EiartIEt75,Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, Jersey

Blue Potatoes, Rula Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds; Choice Teas, Ficsh Apples, Saloon Pilot andBread, "Wheat, Flour, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.a General Assortment of Canned Meats, and Other Groceries,And

tnh-9-J JEST Leave your

Telephones, No. 175.

Ml lOTT, 1 .8





Fort Street, Honolulu.oet-1- 9 88.0m


Xmas or Now Year's Present-- IS A--


Sportsmen, Attention I Wo have aComplete Lino of


S Hew Home Sewing Machines.

dec-- Fort Btrctt. 1668



tmwgarfrrfirf tf,wprTjry a.


Cranboiry Anderson







-- P. O. Hot 207.




or ring up 119. -- ga 8G

Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

Kaalmai Street

A. M. HEWETT,Shipping,-- Olex'li:,

Sugars received and shipped; vessels(libchaiged, entries passed and gcncinlshippinu' work. All orders lett at Ilus-tac- e

ifc Bobinson's odlce, Queen street,will receive peibonal attention and sntis-factio- n

guarantied. 1H2 lm


IN answer to several enquiiies con-cerning "Whale Boat 1'iaines, wo

lmve now in eouiso of construction,!1 Wlialo Boat Fuune-- , 74 feet by :i2'feetlung. Theto flames nio bent iu onepleco of oak, and hold to shape, thuslcquiiliij; llttlo tatt to them up andbuild. The full fiaine for huch boats,Including cauth, 4,ri sections in number,is sold at --'8; vlth large stems on keel,and leady to plank J0. Thoy mountintended to be clinker built, nor as thefiall iinpoited whale boats proper, buttuu intended for lough ueo and durabi-lity, jet light withal, for fishing andtrading juujio'-es- . We have exportedthese frames and intend doing so, anduiako this offer to ninutctiiB anil otlioisdesltoiii of trjlng their hand, withplenty of leisuiu and small cash to makea busiiiCB-i- . Will bend flames to anygiven model from fl to 125 fons. Also onHand for sale Suifand l'leasuiu Iloats,Stems, Knees and Timbeis, MutualTelephone No U25.

DOWER & SON.70 tf Boat Iitiihlerfl.

Granite5 Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COFFEE, AND993 Sheet Work.


Engineer Surveyor.






Notice if GngirUiii.

Hawaiian Trnnsler Co.

rpiIE undci signed having purchasedJL llio business of J. Gieennudtho

American Express Company, liave con.solidated under tho linn name of tho

Blnwuihm Transfer Co.,and arc prepared to carry on tho Dray,ing and Express business of all kinds.

Telephone Oillre at No. 75 King street,next itoor to now. iuoro's.Dell

kinds of carting faithfullyand promptly attended to; lurnituro

and carefully handled; always onhand on arrival of Btcamcrs.

If you wnnt a wagon or dray you willfind it to your advantage to ring upciuici oi our icicpiioncs.



HAS Coral Rock, Mack Stone, BlackWhite Sand and Soil, for sale

in any quantity. Apply at the olllcc ofW. C. Aclii, Kaahumanu street. 110 am

STRAYEDBOM II. HackfeldF & Co.'s yaid ajMmt Dark Brown Mure, all

feet white and rijihtcar split. A roward

will be given to anyone returning sameto II. HACKFELD & CO.

151 tf


AT tho annual meeting of stock-holder- s

of the Hawaiian Agricul-tural Co. held this day, the followingpersons were elected as olllctrs for thecurrent year:

Hon. C. II. Bishop Piesident,Mi. S. 0. Allen Vice Piesident,Mi. I'. C. Jones Treasurer,Mr. J. O. Carter Secretary,Mr. Tom May Auditor,Hon. C. B. Bishop, S. C. Allen andP. 0. Jones Directors. .

.T. O. CARTER,Secretary, II. A. Co.

Honolulu, Jan. 17, 1880. 140 lm


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.

AT a meeting of the stockholders ofthe above company held January

12th, 1880, the following ofllccis wereelected for the enduing yeai :

f PresidentGodficy Brown J &

( Treasurer,Cecil Brown t,

J. F. Drown Secretary,L. T. Valentine Auditor,J. Cassidy.. General Superintendent,Jas Campbell, W. O. Smith, J. F.Brouu Directors.

J. F. BROWN,14S lm Secretary.

PMraiie of Baces

?X H. 4XTO KB SA3t'5S3sn!- -. HELD

March 16th, 1889AT -

Kapiolani Park !

No. 1. Running Race, 1 mile dash.For Hawaiian bred horses.Free for all. Catch weight.

No, 2. Tiottiug and Pacing Race, 1

mile duih. For Hawaiian bredhorses, 3 years old. To loadcart and rules.

No. 3. Running Race, mile dash.For Hawaiian brtd horses, 4years old. Catch weieht.

No. 4.--

No. 15- .-


7.- -

No. .

0.- -

No. 10.-

No. 11.- -

No. 12.- -

--Trotting and Pacing Race, 1

mile dash and repeat. Doubleteams. Fice for all.

-- Running R.icc, j mile dash.For Hawaiian hied horses, 2years old. Catch weight.

--Bicycle (of any kind) Race, amile dash. Free to all.

--Running Race, y, inilo dash.For Hawaiian bred horses, 3years old. Catch weight.

--Trotting Race to Road Cart, 1mile dash. Freu to all.

--Running Race, 1 mile dash.For Hawaiian bred horses, C

years old. C itch weight.

Tiottiug and Pacing Race, 1mile dash. Jiust 2 iu 3 to RoadCait. Fiec to all.

--Trotting Race to Road Cait, 1

mile dash. Free for all Ha.wallan bred horses.

--Pony Rare, 1 mile dash. ForHawaiian ponies under 11hand. Catch weight.

No. 13. Trotting Race, 1 mile dash.For all horses that never beat3 minutes.

No. II. Running Race, ljrf mile dashFree for all Hawaiian horses.

All prizes will bo paid to Riders orDrivcif. Cup to owners. No Pjoles-sioua- l

Jockeys allowed.

Entries to bo made before Saturday,March D. 1880, at 4 r. m.

J. A. CUMMINS.Honolulu,, January 10, 18fc0. 144

David DaytonWill practice in tho lower courts of thoKingdom as attorney, attend to collect-ing in all its brandies, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him.

Office 1)1 King Street Upstair.Feb.D-8-





v wm-mf- ;


fcmmw i

Jw$$sw i

i 4MMWW4 J


s J

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1. O. IIox 351. TfSW Hell Tele. M.



Corner Fort &, Merchant Streets,Honolulu, II. I.

GENERAL AGENTS,Accountants & (Jollectot'H

rou nti:Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Managor of Advertising Dopartmout


"jftiupepa Kuokoa,"DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive special attcn.tlon,

Real Eslalo bought, fold and leased.Houses, Collages, Rooms and Offices,

leased and rented, and rents collected.Flro and Llfo Insuraneo effected in first,

class insurance companies.Conveyancing a Specially Records

seaiched and con cot abstracts of titlefiirnMied.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescilption carefully drawn and hand.Homely enproed

Copying and Translating in all languagesin I'cneial ue in tills kingdom.

Custom llouso Business tiansactcd accu-latel-

Loans negotiated at favoiablo rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought nnd

foM.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli-

citedSkilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.Any Article pinehnsed or sold.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti,

culm attention.To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Cot-

tages iu desirable localities at reasonableiditaK

Several Valuable Properties in andaround the city now for sale and leaseon eisy terms.

Bs?All business entrusted to our carewill receive piompt and faithful atten-tion at moderate charges.

II A IV AllAN DIRECTORYpOPIES of the Hawaiian DiiecteryJ tor 18S8-- 0 recently published by

the Mclvenney Directory Co. for sale.Pi ice $3 CO.


House To Lot.

jj.a rpiIE Dwelling situ- -

ulet' 0I1 "l0 cftsl corncrRx.'iJgSJg of Foil nnd Ucictania sliccts,lately occupied by Dr. F. R. Day. Forparticulars inquire of Dr. Day or at the


Cottage Foi Sale Cheap.jJg&Jk 1 STORY Cottage, nearly

--1" ll0W colaining parlor,

ffnft.f-Tr'- diniug-ioom- , 4 bctlrooms, kit-chen, bathroom and water-closet, vcran-das- ,

stable, wagon-shed- , chicken houseand yard, flower garden, etc. Lot 05x100 leet, and leased lot adjoining 75x75feet. Situate at Kapalama, mauka Bidoof King street. Apply at


Furnished Eotlging: House.established in a de-

sirable locality in Hono-lulu, willi unexpired lease of

.3J years at low rental is offered, (onaccount of without bonus, topaity buyini: the furniture at a fairvaluation. 'Iherc are 2, 1001ns on thepicmifacf well furnished, yielding ahandsome revenue Apply at


Partner Wanted.

A PARTY having experience in avery profitable business and small

capital, wishes to meet party with capi-tal and general business experience toinve-- t with advertiser, either as specialor genei.il partner. Apply at



A SMALL Silver Watch (withthe letters "A. M. 0." en- -

fuiris graved on back of case), havinga small siher chain and cliaun attached.Finder will be rewaided on ictuiningtame to this ofllce. 102 if


SUITE of Rooms, parlor,bedroom and small ante

room, nicely furnished; also1 large splendidly furnished front roomfor one or two person.?. Apply at

Mite. BRUOE'S,1G7 lw No. 7 Chaplain street.


House nearcorner of King and Ala- -

pal stiects. Apply toDAVID DAYTON,

105 tf 91 King btreet.


A SIX-ROO- Cottaao onEmma street, opposlto

Emma Siiuaic. Apply toJ. M. VIVAS,

mi tf 42 Moi chant street.


THIS Leaso and Ruilding!'f:aSi J liunwn iih the "YosGmitu

$2S3 filiating Rink," hituatcd onQueen btreet near Richard street. Forfuitlicr paiticulais apply to1G4 tf Tuos. E. WALL.

FOR SALE or LEASECOTTAUE lately oecu-oie- d

bv Sir. Iimnov Or.eR&i&fla Uenstein, situate on Emmapti cot, between the mansions of lions..'. H. Bishop, James Campbell and H. 15

Dole, near Emma Sijuare. No pianowanted, no dust, no taro patches. Onlya few minutes walk to the now silo fortho Central Union Church. No tiamwaycars wanted. Apply to

E, S. CUNHA,148 tf Uuion Saloon.

Australian Hall Somen.


Tho new and fine Al steel steamship

it EVSariposa,Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wll

bo due at Honolulu lrom Sydneyand Auckland on or about

February 9, '89.And will leave for the above port withmalls and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new nnd flno Al steel Rteamhip

ii Alameda'Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo duo at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

February 16, '89.And will liavo prompt dUpatch withmalls and passcngeis for thenbove poit)

For lreight or passage, having SUI'ERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.. Agents

itEaxiivG'roNtandard Typewriters

The Fastest Maohino in tho World


Legal & Commercial Work

Result of Special Contents for 1888:Cincinnati, July 25th Remington 97

words per minute.New Youk, August 1st. Remington

won 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Prizes.Tohonto, August lytli Remington

won (championship of the world) Goldand Silver .Medals for highest speed eveirecorded 99 words per minute, eselud-in- g

errors.Lake Gianni:, N. Y McG m i in broke

the record, writing on the Remington103 5 woids per minute, excludingcriois; writing blindlold 107 woids perminute.

US'-T-o be had with or without Cabi-

nets ofW. M. GIFFARD,

Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

N. 15. Letters addressed to tho Agentc. o. W. G. Irwin & Co. will have promptattention. dec 20 88

!iS merchant Ht., Honolulu, II.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington RouteAcioss Amciica, and to ihe Azores. ,

Sole Alien ts for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels Express it General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agents for Sunny South AeiatedWaters.

Sole Agents for Mnscfleld Bros ' NewZealand Mullet and Canned GoocN.

Special Agents fm I ending New Zealand and Australian Mcicinlilc Finns.

Special Agents for the California LandAssociation.

Special Agents for the Honolulu Busi-ness Diiectory.

AIno, Other Special Agcncie.

CSy Customs' Entries Passed. s

Managed. Assignees and Audi,tois' Work done promptly. House?Leased and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBell Telo. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Dec-- 5 Post Office Box 4C0. 88-l- y


FORThe Entire Plant of the


Is oll'ercd For Sale. Tho Machineryis in perfect working order

and consist ofOne 26x48 Mill with Engine,

Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair ol Boilers Gx20,1 Double Effect 6 and 7 fcot Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G fool wllli Blako Pump,3 Wcsfoa Centrifugals and Engine,

Together with the usual assortment of

ClariflerSj Clean's Pans, Coolers

And other Machinery usually foundin a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of

California & Islaiifl lies,Cane Carts & Gen'l Plantation


Delivery will bo given after next crophas been harvested, say about July 1,i Ho J(

CSTFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.

inay.Sl-8- 8

New Zealand My. . t(Star Brand.)

In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins.Fre9h Supplies by eacli New Zea-

land Steamer. For Sale by

J. E. Brown & Co.,ia7 Sole Agents. ftf

To StanMhis Season, Jan. 1, '89

At Sloltulcln Htocu Farm,' Tho Imported Morgan Stallion

'Glory' JebiRv 'Glory'&i2vs?

Term hi : 8!S5 for l'.aclt Mnrc.

Mares bred to "GLORY" can remainon the farm at a pasturage at $12 perannum. Every cure taken hut no res-ponsibility incurred.

CSyMarcs not proving in foal may bereturned nexi season free of charge, if Istill own tho Horse. ,1. GAY.

2120 20t-ta-

Richard Cayford,VETEKINAIIY

Shoeing- - Eoifje,70 JL 81 King Htii-ol- .

Shoeing', from Sl.CO.

Horses and Cattle Treated foiall Diseases.

Residence: Chamberlain House, nextKawaiahao Church.

X. O. BOX 4J)S.


SJust icceived a small consignment of

Choice French Clarets,Fiom the well-know- n firms of Dubos

Fret os, and I anusse & Pancol,Horde iux, Fiance:

oleclo. 31oiiopole,CJuitesiiv Larosc,Chat oau Jjcovlllo

J Inxit Xtrlon.Cliutea.il Ijnille,Also, fiom the cellars of Romans & Co.

London :

Koch Fils Champagne, 1880;(In Quarts & Magnums)

Clininlicx'tin, lt4(4:... ,,.- - Ulinmbcrtlii, 1874;

Iry Ciiruoxi, 8 1'carjs Old;Cliutcuu 3Iarennx, 1877;

Grande Fine Champagne Brandy, 1811.

BSS-T- he above comprises the ChoicestRiauds of Wines and Liquois ever

to this maiket.NAJLiK BY

MACFARLANE & Go.iiov-10-8- S




& Loci Co

Of Canton, Ohio, U.S.A.Having established an Agency in thin

City for the tale of their inanu.factures, which are

Surpassed by !3oneIn their line in the world, an opportunity is oll'eied to all requiring protcc.tion of their Valuables lrom Fire andTheft to supply themselves on termswhich defy competition.

C2r For particulars inquire at -- a

Gulick's Agency,No. 38 Merchant St., Honolulu, II. I.

scpt-24.8- 8

Honolulu LibraryAND

Readinq Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alakea Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

Tho Library consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Headlue; Itoom is supplied withabout fifty of tho leading newspapersand periodicals.

A Parlor is piovhlcd for conversationnd games,TerniB of membership, fifty cents a

month, payable qiuuterly in advanceNo formality requited iu joining exceptsigning tlioioll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors fiom tho other islands are wol-como- to

tho looms at all times as guests.This Association having no legular

means of support except tho dues ofmembers, It is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, aud all who feelan interest In maintaining an institutionof tills kind, will put down their uamcaand bccoino regular eontilbiitors,

A. J. OAKTWIUGHT, Prcs.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PAHMELEE, Secretary,A. L.SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Commlttoo,


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