t BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1003 lite $i$marcfe tribune. By M. H. JEWELL. THE DA1IA Tltint'SE. Published every afternoon. exei-vt Sun- day, nt Bistmtrek. North Dakota. Is deliv- ered by carrier to nil parts of tli«- elt.v i- CO cents per moutli. or $tl l>tr your. The Cully sent to any address 111 tin- I'nited Sums a ml Canada, postage prepaid. .«<• per year; $;i for six months; #1 for three months. THE WEEKLY TR1BVNK. Published every Friday: eight past's, containing a summary of the news of the week—local and foreign—particular atten- tion Ih-Iiik pal .l to state news. Sent ,o any nildress, postage paiil. for $1 .<* one year; 50 cents for six months; •_•> cents fur three months. The Bismarck Tribune Is tl< newspaper In the st ate-esial.l..lunl Jit. v 1R7:1 It ha* * wl,lP ••"•' nla,1 " n "• desirable advertising niedhim. >..« uVUshed a, the capital * •!«»!» to 'ill who dositv larly ^.tet-tlns to .^ (rs _ pom|( . ii . so( . H1 the run and business. , l uirlng the published as trouble is not with the law but with some of tho driiKKists, who violate the law and thus cast odium upon the whole medicinal permit law. Then, too. the fault lies as well with patrons of the driiKRist who are insistent upon the purchase of liquor, and make re- fusal difficult for the druggist. The complaints of illegal sales of liquor are in line with many complaints that j arise under any system of prohibition, j When there is demand, there will be J supply, and it remains yet for any per- j son to frame any prohibition law that shall be wholly effective. ! IS KILL[ JOHN BURNHARDT OF LANGDON FOUND DEAD AT COLORADO SPRINGS. COMPANION ARRESTED CHARGED WITH THE MURDER OF BURNHARDT. STATE NEWS Leeds wants incorporation. Coal Harboritos have the measles, has an epidemic Daniel McDonald Saya Burnhardt Com- mitted Suicide but the Police Arrest Him Charging Him With the Murder of Hia Companion—Tragedy of Col- orado Town. LaMouro measles. legislature the morning paper. Tribune Is Sims is to have a new hotel and livery stable. Crystal is to have a new society hall and opera house. The people of .lamestown look for- In a report of the militia strength of wan) (() a new $5(1.000 depot the several northwestern states Ad- jutant General Corbin reports North Dakota with 69 officers and 0,58 men and a reserve strength of men availa- ble for military duty of 54.000. The republicans of the senate held a caucus last night to discuss primary Tho Hankinson News is forninst the two-year county oflicer term act. The Davenport Nf\vs deplores the ^ evaporation of a citizen subscriber A fair vein of lignite coal lias been found near Braddock. Emmons county, i Colorado Springs. Col., Feb. :!.—John 0 f Burnhardt, of Langdon. N. D.. was j found dead in a room ih the Argvle block in Colorado City. He had been shot, by a revolver. The shooting was heard outside and pcfllcPman broke into the room, where they found Dan- iel McDonald, also of Lang.lon. Mc- Donald said that Burnhardt committed suicide, but he was arrested on sus- picion of having murdered his com- panion. was tjken and the caucus adjourned tint 11 next Monday An objection in the Wisconsin legis- j lature to the exposition in St. Tyiuis is its remoteness from Milwaukee beer, which will probably bring to the fore the relative merits of Bud- weiser and the Milwaukee product. COVERED DISHES. The ItotiNon 'J i: e v V, fro liiiruilueed During tiie Middle ttfcx, From th. ihiy- when mir ancestors iooli their fowl in their l.autN and ate it wish little ceremony as a do;j .one to the pres. ,,! time of elaborate dii.iu.Ts Is a lon^ step. I>?11 a gradual one. 11 was u nuibher of . en- The Carpio News wants that town h'dore dishes «il any kind were to hold a mass meeting and take stens , used, and knives and forks as adjuncts . i mil other matters The \*ew Kookford Provost predicts | election legislation and other m,_ No-th Dakota ' K"'!" " '' of party policy. No definite action ( ^ for fire protection. |o eating are later still. The fear of i ftoisou which haunted th.' mind of The newspapers in the northern part every person of quality (luring the uiiil- of the state have considerable to say! tile ages gave rise to certain curious regarding alleged "hobo" final proofs. Several Pembina people were made homeless by the sudden closing of a hotel in that city by injunctional pro- ceedings. The sheriff of Bottineau county uses (he dome of the court house for cold stnrare purposes. Other sheriffs use the cellar. customs and even to certain supersti- tions. When dishes are now served covered, it is understood that it is merely for the purpose of keeping them warm. This was not. however, the principal reason why they were not served covered (lining the dark ages. It was the fear that poison might he introduced into them surreptitiously between the kitchen and the table where they wet'" to he served to the kings or the lords or even to persons The Fargo Forum thinks the North Dakota legislative assembly deserves no special commendation for economy but after all. it is better than Kansas —which has 300 employes on the pay roll. There are places to he found T]lf> rn nor that thp Ff)rt Totten re-. for the faithful and members will con-: servation is to be opened this spring i'„f inferior rU il timie to find them if they can. so long is renewed and going the rounds of, T , i( , not till as human nature is constituted as at . ! master of the house had taken his present. | A wheat thief in Bottineau county! P'aee. All dishes afterward served - ran against a spring cttn. It missed were brought on the table in the same The characteristics of state legisla- ; him but he left evidence which may [ manner. , 1 result in arrests. tures all over the countrv are very, much the same. The question of ^ K barber at Kensal who had a well clerks and employes is a problem develop"'! case of small pn\ operated everywhere California and Washing-! hi* shoe nftor the disease was plain , , ,,, unon his features. ton have threshed over the old straw The Courtenav Gazette chronicles the startling fact that one dav last week the Soo east-bound train was on time—the first in a year's time. advocates—^tnd against "Bere." the audience voted N. Davis, formerly receiver of the Vnited States land office at Fargo, is mentioned as a candidate for the judgeship in the contemp'r.ted Eighth indicia' district. and now comes the report from Kan- sas that the "clerks and employes" roll is much larger than that of the moni- tors—which goes to show that the system complained of in North T)a- Votp is not at all exclusive, but on the contrary, quite general. The first bill to pass both houses of the legislature, reach the governor and be approved by him was Senate Bill No. 7?.. the T.aMoure bill providing that, four members of the state board of pardons might be a quorum for the transaction of business This bill was | ^ Char](i% ^ passed before the members adjourned < Dunseith. took a 22 calibre rifle to for the recess but. was not signed by j shoot a weasel. A dog jumped against the president of the senaJle and . her. the gun explodM and the ball speiker of the house until the session j h" big toes, of vesterdav. The bill was immediate-j ot Th(1 i, lsl)nt1 FrPo p roRS pronouncos lv taken down to the governors office | thf . Lislu)n pjty aPotv ] f , no nlant a suc . and there approved, after which the j cess. Sixty business houses and resi- four members of the state pardon and thirty street lights havn I i, OPn u ,ofi. The plant has a capacity board present in the city proceeded j (lf «, li(rhf= with their business. Leon Oaudry. of Leroy. visited Wal- halla. drank b. p. booze, returned home and was shortly afterward dls covered to be dead The coroner's jury returned a verdict of paralysis of the heart due to acute alcoholism. I . v i . i k w ; t s t h e c u s t o m o r i g i n a l l y when the disli»'s were uncovered for some of the servants to lir.u partake of theni, but this custom was after- ward in part replaced by the servants touching ihe food with one el' several objects which were regarded as infalli- ble preservation against poison. The citizens of Sheldon recently publiclv del ated the liquor problem. Mike he la Bere led for the license i conciliating. The Dublin Harry thr iVr*ii:»slvt'. It was said of Barry, the player, that he hail a voice which might lure a bird from a tree and at the same time an address and manner the most prepos- Someiof the sportsmen of the state are inclined to the belief that a di- vision'of the state into four game dis- tricts may lessen the interest of the game wardens in the enforcement of the law. and that regulations regard- game laws is always a difficult prob- lem and with the increased settlement of the state, it is only a matter of time until the supply of game in the state will be limited indeed It be- hooves the legislative assembly to in- vestigate the matter carefully and legislate as seems best for the pro- tection of game for as long a time as possible. patients. The assaulters were arrest- ed. fined $.?0—and sent to jail for fail- tiro to pay (he fine. STATE BOARD OF PARDONS. State Board of Pardons Refuses to Tli" numerous bills thai have been introduced to govern the sales of j In( . nt lienor hv drug'rists lead to the general observation that it is difficult to liedce the business about with restrictions that will prevent the violation of the in'ent of the law. if the drugtrist de- sires so to do. day afternoon refused to commute th" sentence of Jacob Bassannella, alias J .l imes Smith, from death to imprU><n for life. The application for the commutation was filed hv O. Math- Uepresentative Shells in (he house yes-; 1|V n , 0 numbers of the board and lenlay provides that the maximum ; they decided not to grant the petition amount of liquor to be sold by any |' <ir commutation. Basnarinella will druggist in any month shall be four j " " . r < 0 ! " h a r i K ^ , ,, . , r ,1 Application for a commutation nf gallons. It is probable mat four gal-1 sentence for Thomas Coleman, se.e lons of whiskey ought to cure all the tenced from Cavalier county for per- ills that the patrons of anv one dniK-|j" r - v ' was a ' so refused. gist are heir to. And doubtless the fr ^',f/,!'' en00 Patrick Rush, sent from Billings county for four years for bill is all right, if It could be enforced. But for the druggist who desires to obey the law. such a provision should not be necessary and for the druggist who doee not desire to obey the law, it is doubtful if the additional restric- tion would be of any avail. The m<* s n breaking into a pig and steilin>; whiskey, was commuted from four years to two years and five mon'.hs. Restorations of citizenship were granted in the following cases: John Van Schravendjfc, of Oliver county; John R. McDonald, of Stark county, 'id Louis E. Perry, of Sargent county. Fifty Years fht Standard I Take A Look Awarded Hlghtst Honors World** Fair Ughott toots U.S. flov't Chomisfc MltOC BAKING POWDIR 00> CMICAQO mi wi TWELFTH BATTALION OF MEX- ICAN REGULARS WIPED OUT BY YAQUIS. Retreat Shut Off by a Band of Whose 1 Existence They Were Unaware, and Nearly All of The Command of Reg- ulars is Wiped Out. j Tucson. Ariz.. Fob. 3.—Word has just reached here that tho Twelfth battalion of Mexican regulars was al- most annihilated in a battle with the' Yaqtiis. whom they were pursuing., after having defeated them in a fight ; at San Marcial. The regulars were : caught in a trap and their retreat was' cut off by a second band of whoso ox-1 istenco they knew nothing. There' were 500 soldiers in the battalion and | if the report of the survivors of tho fight, who reached San .Marcial. is . true, a great many of that number were killed. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The only positive cure for blind, bleed- ing. itching and protruding piles, cuts, burns, bruises, ecxema and all abra- sions of the skin. DeWitt's is the only Witch Hazel Salve that is made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel— nil others are counterfeits. DeWitt's Witch llazel Salvo is made to cure— counterfeits are made to sell. K. G. Patterson & Co. At some of our clearing bargains in heavy and medium weight goods and odds and, ends now being closed out. Always remember we are headquarters for everything new and attractive in Men's Furnishings-including a good assortment of Shoes. C. M. Dahl Directly across the street from N. P. Depot Business Opportunities for All. FOR SALE! BURLEIGH COUNTY LANDS Pescript ion 1 . I j Section Township Raii£c Aero* theater of which he was proprietor failed, and he was considerably indebt- ed to his actors, musicians, etc. Among others, the ni: s^\' carpenter called at Harry's h'.use and w...-> clamorous in demanding his money. Harry, who was ill at the time, came to the head of the stairs :.tul asiie.l w hat was the matter. ".Matter enough!" replied the carpen- ter. "I want my money and can't get it!" "Don't be In a passion." said Harry. "I>o me 1 he favor to walk upstairs, if you please, and we will speak upon the business.' "Not 1. Mr. Harry!" said the carpen- ter. "You owe me £lt)0 already, and if 1 come up you will owe mo i'200 be- fore I leave you." »> 1'i.iiii in»-» a \ mifii.it v | of 2,000 lights Too Anifelie. There was a certain young minister in Maine who on his first charge was called upon to preach a funeral sermon over a woman. It was his first funeral sermon, and he laid liimself out to make an impression and succeeded. The woman had had her faults, but fhe.v have a quarantine regulation ! the minister forgot them. This was to ing the protection of game may n<it! scra '! on ,lo \ vn R'fbland county. A ; be expected, but he extolled her so ' x,.. __<• . m<M . n,K ' r " f . lho health hoard was sitting there listening, couldn't, recog- I.ocations in Iowa, Illinois. Minne- sota and Missouri, on the Chicago Creat Western railway; the very best agricultural sections of the United States, where farmers are prosperous and business men successful. We have a demand for competent men with the necessary capital for all branches of business. Some special opportunities for creamery men and millers. Good . locations for general ' "'lf merchandise, hardware, harness, ho-1 x.Trtl* half anil yentiioaft^iiartpr tels, banks and stock buyers. Corres-1 pondence solicited. Write for maps | Also the following lands •itid Maple Leaflets. W. J. Keed, In- dustrial Agent, 60 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Ul of North half ami s<mtli\vct.t fiuurtor. rn.iiviiltMl unn-lialf Southwest, quarter . All of North ono-lialf Xi.rtli»<>«t iiuartPr aii «.r Weft half and Hnuthcusl quarter ., Nmiliwent- quarter Northwest quarter All of All of West oue-lialf. All ..f All of. Pwcription Silver Girdles Again. Silver girdles are coming again, and i there are also evidences of the dog col- ! lar of somo years ago reappearing for , neck ornaments. ! be so strictly enforced as under the j |a ^ ( »£ | »«*Khly that the poor bereaved husband, present system The enforcement of; cards on a house containing smallpox ' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat, merit by Ely's Cream liahn, which is ngroe- ably aroint'-. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur- face over wliuh it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 50c. fiizo; Trial size by mail, 10 oeuts. Test it and you an sure to continue tho treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those wlio are partial to the use of atomizers in ap] dying liquids j into the nusal passages for aitar-rhal trou- ble*, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely'.* Liquid Cream liulm. Price including the •praying tulie is 7-"> cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med. icinal properties of tho solid preparation. Northwest quartor ! All of ; AH of ; ; North orio-half I East one-half | These lands are all early selections and are the best lands in the market. For price terms and A)|CM A All CM Webb Huilding. particulars enquire of HLLCIl Ot HLLtll, Bismarck, N. I > *-] no ! 11*1 7 w<> ! *4<l 7r, *• A 139 76 ! 11 1W TH ; 11 m 7>< 143 79 ; •i| 143 77 i iv Mi 143 7h : ir: 79 : m 7t> L'.-j 139 7W :c> 1W 79 , r> l.W r> 13.k 77 » a:» 13V 77 •"i 1»H 77 13W HI 31 139 78 ; JNTY adjaoont to STEELE: ion twnsliij) Kanw A rri»» M 140 73 K- 17 140 74 | 1.4* v.* 140 74 «vtt 2\ 140 74 : X2i) 29 140 74 : ol'i {! nize her by the description. Kii.ally, in a glowing peroration, he pictured God and the archangels and the anj.-els and all the hosts of the redeemed joyously forming a parade to welcome to heaven this "one of the very best of all wom- en." The husband could stand it no { longer, and. leaping up, interrupted Commute the Sentence of Jacob Bas- him with beckoning hand, gasping out: sannella. the Washburn Murderer. ; "No. no. elder. Not finite that! .She The state board of pardons vester-: was only 'bout middlitt'." SANTA t CAP5ULCS MIDY kcho.c>~itidnc, I 4k Bladder ^ k troubles at ciu-< 1 Cures in 48 Hours ' DI8olfARC Y £S Call on us STORM ALL SIZES Winter is approaching. Save fuel and he comfortable. Bismarck & Washburn Lumber Co. Yards at Bismarck, Wilton, Washburn. Qenerai Office and Yard at Bismarck. la r, x*j\ Kach CajiMik _ , Var% the nanir- UAIDV l»«warr of «v)* ss «'Min»<?rf«*vts, -A.VAAA#- - IVol In Society. | Of a pretentious but not well read ! dame of the Victorian period Kndy I'.ul- ! wer used to relate this incident: j The conversation turned on literature ison. a minister at Washburn wh'i I one day, and this ladv, who :;ii;'.ed at urged that (iie prisoner was insane j forming n salon, got rather out of her and that hi.4 sentence should l.o ! depth irvt.Kl. Th. transcript oj tho evince! " VV1 is tl,is Swift ""'i' A bill introduced by , j n j| 10 wa5i presented an I co'i^d- talking aboutV" she whispered at last to Lady l'.ulwer. "I should like to In- vite him to one of my receptions." "Alas, tnadam," answered Lady Bul- wer, "the dean did something that lias shut him out of society." "Dear me! What was that?" "Well, about a hundred years ago he died." A Rich One. The Visitor—Aud what are you going to make of him? Mamma—I want him to be a philan- thropist "Why, there's no money in that" "But all the philanthropists have been very rich." Kirn imhlicat ion, .lainmrv II IWB Citation and Notice Hearing Proof of Will. <^T.\TI-: OK NOHTII DAKOTA, roimtv of v ' IturleiKli, in ('..Hilly Court. In fnro Hon. .loliir r . Fori. In tin- matter «>f tlu» of Klmr H. Hlv, Harriet S. Jlly, p<'tilioiicr, vj<. all ptTHoiih in- tercet. mI, rehtMindenti.: 111" ^tate of N*irtli Dakota to tli. 1 ii I hivh nain.'.l respon.lpiitf and all pi r^oii- int.'rested in the est at.) ot liber II. I!ly,.leci)nse.l: i: , -K " V" 11 herehv Mol iI'm I that Harriet S. Bly, the («titioner herein, lias tileil in tliis court a document in writ- ing, purport jni? to he the hint will aud teMa- nienl of EI ht H. lily, late of the city of Hiii- inarck.in the county of Biirlei(fli and state of North Dakota, deceased, with her petition, prnyiiiK for the a.hniswiou to probate of Ha id d.K-umeiit as the last will and testameiit of said deceased, and for the issuance to Harriet S. Bly of letters testamentary thereon. Mini .Unit I he said petition and proofs of wild pur|x>rt«d will and te-tament will he heard and duly considered by this court on Tuesday, the lSth day of February, A. I>. 1WB, at 11 o clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court, in the City of Bis- marck, county of Burleiidi and state of North Dakota. You and each of you are hereby cited to be and appear before tliin court at said time and place and answer said petition and show came, if any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. By the C/Ourt. JOHN F.FOHT, Mhkh, PmLteTcWH® Dated th. mh day M. PYE & CO Insure Anything Insurable When jour friends ask vou to go on their bonds, send them to us. Wo are (ieneral Agents for the U S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company Host on earth, and can bond them. PIONEER AGENCY OFFICE FIR8T NATIONAL BANK BLOCK BISMARCK. N. D. Good Idea. If you hare invented something—useful, novel, new—and It to patentable, it will be well not to overlook the fact that there la good money In patented devices if properly promoted. The ft rat thine an Inventor ahould do ia to ascertain if hla invention Is new and patentable. 1C. H. Jewell, of the Bismarck Tribune, who 1s a regularly rectotered patent attorney, will attend to all patent matters thai may be Intruated to hla care.

lite $i$marcfe tribune. I Take A Lookchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042242/1903-02-04/ed-1/seq-2.pdfiel McDonald, also of Lang.lon. Mc Donald said that Burnhardt committed suicide,

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Page 1: lite $i$marcfe tribune. I Take A Lookchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042242/1903-02-04/ed-1/seq-2.pdfiel McDonald, also of Lang.lon. Mc Donald said that Burnhardt committed suicide,


lite $i$marcfe tribune.


THE DA1IA Tltint 'SE.

Published every afternoon. exei-vt Sun­day, nt Bistmtrek. North Dakota. Is deliv­ered by carrier to nil parts of tli«- elt.v i-CO cents per moutli. or $tl l>tr your. The Cully sent to any address 111 tin- I'nited Sums a ml Canada, postage prepaid. .«<• per year; $;i for six months; #1 for three months.

THE WEEKLY TR1BVNK. Published every Friday: eight past's,

containing a summary of the news of the week—local and foreign—particular atten­tion Ih-Iiik pal.l to state news. Sent ,o any nildress, postage paiil. for $1 .<* ™ one year; 50 cents for six months; •_•> cents fur three months.

The Bismarck Tribune Is tl< newspaper In the s tate-esial.l . . lunl Jit .

v 1R7:1 It ha* * wl , lP ••"•' n la ,1"n

"• desirable advertising niedhim. >..« „uVUshed a, the capital

* •!«»!» to 'ill who dositv l a r ly ^.tet-tlns to .^ ( r s_pom| ( . i i . so ( .H1

the run and business. , l uirlng the published as

trouble is not with the law but with

some of tho driiKKists, who violate the law and thus cast odium upon the

whole medicinal permit law. Then, too. the fault lies as well with patrons of the driiKRist who are insistent upon

the purchase of liquor, and make re­fusal difficult for the druggist. The complaints of illegal sales of liquor are in line with many complaints that j arise under any system of prohibition, j When there is demand, there will be J supply, and it remains yet for any per- j son to frame any prohibition law that shall be wholly effective. !







STATE NEWS Leeds wants incorporation.

Coal Harboritos have the measles,

has an epidemic

Daniel McDonald Saya Burnhardt Com­

mitted Suicide but the Police Arrest

Him Charging Him With the Murder

of Hia Companion—Tragedy of Col­

orado Town.

LaMouro measles.

legislature the morning paper.

Tribune Is

Sims is to have a new hotel and livery stable.

Crystal is to have a new society hall and opera house.

The people of .lamestown look for-In a report of the militia strength of wan) ( ( ) a new $5(1.000 depot

the several northwestern states Ad­jutant General Corbin reports North

Dakota with 69 officers and 0,58 men and a reserve strength of men availa­

ble for military duty of 54.000.

The republicans of the senate held

a caucus last night to discuss primary •

Tho Hankinson News is forninst the two-year county oflicer term act.

The Davenport Nf\vs deplores the ̂ evaporation of a citizen subscriber

A fair vein of lignite coal lias been found near Braddock. Emmons county, i

Colorado Springs. Col., Feb. :!.—John

0f Burnhardt, of Langdon. N. D.. was j found dead in a room ih the Argvle

block in Colorado City. He had been shot, by a revolver. The shooting was heard outside and pcfllcPman broke into the room, where they found Dan­iel McDonald, also of Lang.lon. Mc­Donald said that Burnhardt committed suicide, but he was arrested on sus­picion of having murdered his com­panion.

was tjken and the caucus adjourned

tint 11 next Monday

An objection in the Wisconsin legis- j

lature to the exposition in St. Tyiuis is its remoteness from Milwaukee beer, which will probably bring to

the fore the relative merits of Bud-weiser and the Milwaukee product.


The ItotiNon 'J i: e v V, fro liiiruilueed During tiie Middle ttfcx,

From th. ihiy- when mir ancestors iooli their fowl in their l.autN and ate it wish little ceremony as a do;j

.one to the pres. ,,! time of elaborate dii.iu.Ts Is a lon^ step. I>?11 a gradual one. 11 was u nuibher of . en-

The Carpio News wants that town h'dore dishes «il any kind were to hold a mass meeting and take stens , used, and knives and forks as adjuncts

. • i mil other matters The \*ew Kookford Provost predicts | • election legislation and other m,_ No-th Dakota ' K"'!" " ' ' of party policy. No definite action (^

for fire protection. |o eating are later still. The fear of • i f toisou which haunted th. ' mind of

The newspapers in the northern part every person of quality (luring the uiiil-of the state have considerable to say! tile ages gave rise to certain curious regarding alleged "hobo" final proofs.

Several Pembina people were made homeless by the sudden closing of a hotel in that city by injunctional pro­ceedings.

The sheriff of Bottineau county uses (he dome of the court house for cold stnrare purposes. Other sheriffs use the cellar.

customs and even to certain supersti­tions. When dishes are now served covered, it is understood that it is merely for the purpose of keeping them warm. This was not. however, the principal reason why they were not served covered (lining the dark ages. It was the fear that poison might he introduced into them surreptitiously between the kitchen and the table where they wet'" to he served to the kings or the lords or even to persons

The Fargo Forum thinks the North

Dakota legislative assembly deserves

no special commendation for economy but after all. it is better than Kansas —which has 300 employes on the pay

roll. There are places to he found T] l f> r n no r tha t t hp Ff ) r t To t t en re-. „ for the faithful and members will con-: servation is to be opened this spring i'„f inferior rUil timie to find them if they can. so long is renewed and going the rounds of, T , i ( , no t t i l l

as human nature is constituted as at . • ! master of the house had taken his

present. | A wheat thief in Bottineau county! P'aee. All dishes afterward served — - ran against a spring cttn. It missed were brought on the table in the same

The characteristics of state legisla- ; him but he left evidence which may [ manner. ,1 result in arrests. —

tures all over the countrv are very,

much the same. The question of ^ K barber at Kensal who had a well clerks and employes is a problem develop"'! case of small pn\ operated everywhere California and Washing-! hi* shoe nftor the disease was plain

• , , ,,, unon his features. ton have threshed over the old straw

The Courtenav Gazette chronicles the startling fact that one dav last week the Soo east-bound train was on time—the first in a year's time.

advocates—^tnd against "Bere."

the audience voted

N. Davis, formerly receiver of the Vnited States land office at Fargo, is mentioned as a candidate for the judgeship in the contemp'r.ted Eighth indicia' district.

and now comes the report from Kan­

sas that the "clerks and employes" roll is much larger than that of the moni­tors—which goes to show that the

system complained of in North T)a-Votp is not at all exclusive, but on the

contrary, quite general.

The first bill to pass both houses of the legislature, reach the governor and be approved by him was Senate Bill No. 7?.. the T.aMoure bill providing

that, four members of the state board

of pardons might be a quorum for the

transaction of business This bill was | ^ Char ] ( i% ^

passed before the members adjourned < Dunseith. took a 22 calibre rifle to for the recess but. was not signed by j shoot a weasel. A dog jumped against the president of the senaJle and . her. the gun explodM and the ball

speiker of the house until the session j h" big toes,

of vesterdav. The bill was immediate-j ot Th(1 i, l s l )n t1 F rPo p roRS p ronouncos

lv taken down to the governors office | t h f . Lis lu )n p j ty aPo tv] f ,no n l an t a suc .

and there approved, after which the j cess. Sixty business houses and resi-four members of the state pardon and thirty street lights havn

I i ,OPn „u ,ofi. The plant has a capacity board present in the city proceeded j ( l f «, l i ( rh f=

with their business.

Leon Oaudry. of Leroy. visited Wal-halla. drank b. p. booze, returned home and was shortly afterward dls covered to be dead The coroner's jury returned a verdict of paralysis of the heart due to acute alcoholism.

I . v i . i k w ; t s t h e c u s t o m o r i g i n a l l y when the disli»'s were uncovered for some of the servants to lir.u partake of theni, but this custom was after­ward in part replaced by the servants touching ihe food with one el' several objects which were regarded as infalli­ble preservation against poison.

The citizens of Sheldon recently publiclv del ated the liquor problem. Mike he la Bere led for the license i conciliating. The Dublin

Harry thr iVr*ii:»slvt'. It was said of Barry, the player, that

he hail a voice which might lure a bird from a tree and at the same time an address and manner the most prepos-

Someiof the sportsmen of the state

are inclined to the belief that a di-vision'of the state into four game dis­tricts may lessen the interest of the game wardens in the enforcement of the law. and that regulations regard-

game laws is always a difficult prob­

lem and with the increased settlement of the state, it is only a matter of time until the supply of game in the state will be limited indeed It be­hooves the legislative assembly to in­

vestigate the matter carefully and legislate as seems best for the pro­tection of game for as long a time as


patients. The assaulters were arrest­ed. fined $.?0—and sent to jail for fail-tiro to pay (he fine.


State Board of Pardons Refuses to

Tli" numerous bills thai have been

introduced to govern the sales of j In ( .n t

lienor hv drug'rists lead to the general observation that it is difficult to liedce the business about with restrictions that will prevent the violation of the

in'ent of the law. if the drugtrist de­

sires so to do.

day afternoon refused to commute th"

sentence of Jacob Bassannella, alias J .l imes Smith, from death to imprU><n

for life. The application for the commutation was filed hv O. Math-

Uepresentative Shells in (he house yes-; 1 |V n ,0 numbers of the board and lenlay provides that the maximum ; they decided not to grant the petition amount of liquor to be sold by any | '<i r commutation. Basnarinella will

druggist in any month shall be four j " " . r < 0 ! " h a r i K • ̂ , , , . , r ,1 Application for a commutation nf

gallons. It is probable mat four gal-1 sentence for Thomas Coleman, se.e lons of whiskey ought to cure all the tenced from Cavalier county for per-ills that the patrons of anv one dniK-|j" r-v ' was a ' so refused. gist are heir to. And doubtless the f r^',f/,! ' 'en00 Patrick Rush, sent

from Billings county for four years for bill is all right, if It could be enforced. But for the druggist who desires to obey the law. such a provision should not be necessary and for the druggist who doee not desire to obey the law, it is doubtful if the additional restric­tion would be of any avail. The m<* sn

breaking into a pig and steilin>; whiskey, was commuted from four years to two years and five mon'.hs.

Restorations of citizenship were granted in the following cases: John Van Schravendjfc, of Oliver county; John R. McDonald, of Stark county,

'id Louis E. Perry, of Sargent county.

Fifty Years fht Standard I Take A Look

Awarded Hlghtst Honors World** Fair

Ughott toots U.S. flov't Chomisfc MltOC BAKING POWDIR 00>





Retreat Shut Off by a Band of Whose 1

Existence They Were Unaware, and

Nearly All of The Command of Reg­

ulars is Wiped Out. j

Tucson. Ariz.. Fob. 3.—Word has just reached here that tho Twelfth battalion of Mexican regulars was al­most annihilated in a battle with the' Yaqtiis. whom they were pursuing., after having defeated them in a fight ; at San Marcial. The regulars were :

caught in a trap and their retreat was' cut off by a second band of whoso ox-1 istenco they knew nothing. There' were 500 soldiers in the battalion and | if the report of the survivors of tho fight, who reached San .Marcial. is . true, a great many of that number were killed.

DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.

The only positive cure for blind, bleed­ing. itching and protruding piles, cuts, burns, bruises, ecxema and all abra­sions of the skin. DeWitt 's is the only Witch Hazel Salve that is made from the pure, unadulterated witch hazel— nil others are counterfeits. DeWitt 's Witch llazel Salvo is made to cure— counterfeits are made to sell. K. G. Patterson & Co.

At some of our clearing bargains in heavy and medium weight goods and odds and, ends now being closed out.

Always remember we are headquarters for everything

new and attractive in Men's Furnishings-including a

good assortment of Shoes.

C. M. Dahl Directly across the street from N. P. Depot

Business Opportunities for All.


Pescript ion 1 . • I j Section Township • Raii£c Aero*

theater of which he was proprietor failed, and he was considerably indebt­ed to his actors, musicians, etc. Among others, the ni: s^\ ' carpenter called at Harry's h'.use and w...-> clamorous in demanding his money. Harry, who was ill at the time, came to the head of the stairs :.tul asiie.l w hat was the matter.

".Matter enough!" replied the carpen­ter. "I want my money and can't get it!"

"Don't be In a passion." said Harry. "I>o me 1 he favor to walk upstairs, if you please, and we will speak upon the business. '

"Not 1. Mr. Harry!" said the carpen­ter. "You owe me £lt)0 already, and if 1 come up you will owe mo i'200 be­fore I leave you." • »> 1'i.iiii in»-» a \ mifii.it v

| of 2,000 lights Too Anifelie.

There was a certain young minister in Maine who on his first charge was called upon to preach a funeral sermon over a woman. It was his first funeral sermon, and he laid liimself out to make an impression and succeeded. The woman had had her faults, but

fhe.v have a quarantine regulation ! the minister forgot them. This was to ing the protection of game may n<it! sc ra ' ! on , lo\vn R'fbland county. A ; be expected, but he extolled her so ' x,.. __<• . m<M .n ,K ' r " f . l ho health hoard was

sitting there listening, couldn't, recog-

I.ocations in Iowa, Illinois. Minne­sota and Missouri, on the Chicago Creat Western railway; the very best agricultural sections of the United States, where farmers are prosperous and business men successful. We have a demand for competent men with the necessary capital for all branches of business. Some special opportunities for creamery men and millers. Good . locations for general ' "'lf merchandise, hardware, harness, ho-1 x.Trtl* half anil yentiioaft^iiartpr tels, banks and stock buyers. Corres-1 — pondence solicited. Write for maps | Also the following lands •itid Maple Leaflets. W. J. Keed, In­dustrial Agent, 60 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.

Ul of North half ami s<mtli\vct.t fiuurtor. rn.iiviiltMl unn-lialf Southwest, quarter . All of North ono-lialf Xi.rtli»<>«t iiuartPr aii «.r Weft half and Hnuthcusl quarter ., Nmiliwent- quarter Northwest quarter All of All of West oue-lialf. All . .f All of.


Silver Girdles Again. Silver girdles are coming again, and i

there are also evidences of the dog col- ! lar of somo years ago reappearing for , neck ornaments. !

be so strictly enforced as under the j ™ | a^ ( »£ | »«*Khly that the poor bereaved husband,

present system The enforcement of; cards on a house containing smallpox

' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat, merit by Ely's Cream liahn, which is ngroe-ably aroint'-. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur­face over wliuh it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 50c. fiizo; Trial size by mail, 10 oeuts. Test it and you an sure to continue tho treatment.

Announcement. To accommodate those wlio are partial

to the use of atomizers in ap] dying liquids j into the nusal passages for aitar-rhal trou­ble*, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely'.* Liquid Cream liulm. Price including the •praying tulie is 7-"> cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med. icinal properties of tho solid preparation.

Northwest quartor ! All of ; AH of ; ; North orio-half I East one-half |

These lands are all early selections and are the best lands in the market. For price terms and A)|CM A All CM Webb Huilding.

particulars enquire of HLLCIl Ot HLLtll, Bismarck, N. I >

*-] no ! 11*1 7 w<>

! *4<l 7r, *• A 139 76 !

11 1W TH ; 11 m 7>< 143 79 ; •i | 143 77 i iv Mi 143 7h : ir: 79 : m 7t> L'.-j 139 7W :c> 1W 79 , r> l.W r> 13.k 77 »

a:» 13V 77 •"i 1»H 77 13W HI

31 139 78 ;

JNTY adjaoont to STEELE:

ion twnsliij) Kanw A rri»»

M 140 73 K-17 140 74 | 1.4* v.* 140 74 «vtt 2\ 140 74 : X2i) 29 140 74 : ol'i


nize her by the description. Kii.ally, in a glowing peroration, he pictured God and the archangels and the anj.-els and all the hosts of the redeemed joyously forming a parade to welcome to heaven this "one of the very best of all wom­en." The husband could stand it no

{ longer, and. leaping up, interrupted Commute the Sentence of Jacob Bas- him with beckoning hand, gasping out: sannella. the Washburn Murderer. ; "No. no. elder. Not finite that! .She The state board of pardons vester-: was only 'bout middlitt ' ."



kcho.c>~itidnc, I 4k Bladder ^

k troubles at ciu-< 1 Cures in

48 Hours ' DI8olfARCY£S

Call on us


Winter is approaching. Save fuel and he comfortable.

Bismarck & Washburn Lumber Co. Yards at Bismarck, Wilton, Washburn. Qenerai Office and Yard at Bismarck.

la r, x*j\

Kach CajiMik _ , Var% the nanir- UAIDV l»«warr of «v)* ss

«'Min»<?rf«*vts, -A.VAAA#- -

IVol In Society. | Of a pretentious but not well read ! dame of the Victorian period Kndy I'.ul-! wer used to relate this incident: j The conversation turned on literature

ison. a minister at Washburn wh'i I one day, and this ladv, who :;ii; ' .ed at urged that (iie prisoner was insane j forming n salon, got rather out of her and that hi.4 sentence should l.o ! depth

irvt.Kl. Th. transcript oj tho evince! "VV1 '° i s t l , i s Swi f t ""'i ' A bill introduced by , jn j |10 wa5 i presented an I co'i^d- talking aboutV" she whispered at last

to Lady l ' .ulwer. "I should like to In­vite him to one of my receptions."

"Alas, tnadam," answered Lady Bul-wer, "the dean did something that lias shut him out of society."

"Dear me! What was that?" "Well, about a hundred years ago he


A Rich One. The Visitor—Aud what are you going

to make of him? Mamma—I want him to be a philan­

thropist "Why, there's no money in that" "But all the philanthropists have

been very rich."

Kirn imhlicat ion, .lainmrv II IWB

Citation and Notice Hearing Proof of Will.

<^T.\TI-: OK NOHTII DAKOTA, roimtv of v ' IturleiKli, in ( ' . .Hilly Court. In fnro Hon. .loliir r . Fori.

In tin- matter «>f tlu» of Klmr H. Hlv,

Harriet S. Jlly, p<'tilioiicr, vj<. all ptTHoiih in-tercet.mI, rehtMindenti.:

111" ^tate of N*irtli Dakota to tli.1 iiIhivh nain. ' .l respon.lpiitf and all pi r^oii- int. 'rested in the est at.) ot liber II. I!ly,.leci)nse.l: i : , -K " V"11 herehv Mol iI 'm I that Harriet S. Bly, the («titioner herein, lias tileil in tliis court a document in writ­ing, purport jni? to he the hint will aud teMa-nienl of EIht H. lily, late of the city of Hiii-inarck.in the county of Biirlei(fli and state of North Dakota, deceased, with her petition, prnyiiiK for the a.hniswiou to probate of Ha id d.K-umeiit as the last will and testameiit of said deceased, and for the issuance to Harriet S. Bly of letters testamentary thereon. Mini .Unit I he said petition and proofs of wild pur|x>rt«d will and te-tament will he heard and duly considered by this court on Tuesday, the lSth day of February, A. I>. 1WB, at 11 o clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court, in the City of Bis­marck, county of Burleiidi and state of North Dakota.

You and each of you are hereby cited to be and appear before tliin court at said time and place and answer said petition and show came, if any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted.

By the C/Ourt. JOHN F.FOHT,

Mhkh, PmLteTcWH®

Dated th. mh day

M . P Y E & C O Insure Anything Insurable

When jour friends ask vou to go on their bonds, send them to us. Wo are (ieneral Agents for the

U S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company Host on earth, and can bond them.



Good Idea. If you hare invented something—useful, novel, new—and It to patentable, it will be well not to overlook the fact that there la good money In patented devices if properly promoted. The ft rat thine an Inventor ahould do ia to ascertain if hla invention Is new and patentable. 1C. H. Jewell, of the Bismarck Tribune, who 1s a regularly rectotered patent attorney, will attend to all patent matters thai may be Intruated to hla care.