Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) DABS PLANING AND CAPACITY SUPPORT PROJECT (DPCSP) Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) For Construction of DABS Training Center Kabul, Afghanistan 1

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Government of Islamic Republic of AfghanistanD a A f g h a n i s t a n B r e s h n a S h e r k a t



E n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d S o c i a l M a n a g e m e n t P l a n ( E S M P )

F o rConstruction of DABS Training Center Kabul, Afghanistan

Date: April 2018


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Contents Page NoLIST OF ACRONYMS................................................................................................................................................4

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................5

1.1. Background..................................................................................................................................5

1.2. Scope.............................................................................................................................................5

1.3. Facilities for the Training Center..............................................................................................5

1.3.1. Teaching and Administrative Building..............................................................................................6

1.3.2. Hostels...................................................................................................................................................6

1.3.3. Laboratories and Workshops..............................................................................................................6

1.3.4. Sports Facilities....................................................................................................................................6

1.3.5. Kitchen and Dining Facilities..............................................................................................................6

1.3.6. Sub Project location.............................................................................................................................6

1.4. Objectives.....................................................................................................................................7

1.5. The objectives of this ESMP are to:...........................................................................................7

1.6. Project Components....................................................................................................................8

2. ESMP STRUCTURES.........................................................................................................................................9

2.1. Intended Users.............................................................................................................................9

2.2. Legal Compliance........................................................................................................................9

2.3. Legislative and Policy Considerations.......................................................................................9

2.4. Assumptions and Limitations...................................................................................................10

3. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT................................................................................10

3.1. ESMP Cost.................................................................................................................................11

3.2. Environmental and Social Management Framework............................................................11

3.2.1. Potential environmental and social impacts of the project components..............................12

3.3. Environmental and Social Overview.......................................................................................12

3.4. Labour Influx Risk Assessment...............................................................................................12

4. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN....................................................................14

4.1. Design Phase Mitigation Measures..........................................................................................14

4.2. Implementation of Design Phase Mitigation Measures.........................................................15

4.3. Implementation of Preconstruction Phase Mitigation Measures..........................................17

Table -4 – Implementation of Preconstruction Phase Mitigation Measures.......................................................17

4.4. Implementation of Construction Phase Mitigation Measures:.............................................22

4.5. Implementation Phase Mitigation Measure............................................................................30

5. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ESMP............................................................................................................33


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6. MONITORING AND AUDITING....................................................................................................................33

6.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................33

6.2. Reporting Procedure.................................................................................................................33

7. CAPACITY BUILDING....................................................................................................................................34

8. Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)............................................................................................................34

8.1. DPCSP Grievance Redress Mechanism GRM)......................................................................34

8.2. Grievance Handling Procedure................................................................................................34

9. DISCLOSURE....................................................................................................................................................36

10. TRAINING..........................................................................................................................................................36

11. ANNEXURES:....................................................................................................................................................37

ANNEX 1: MONITORING PLAN......................................................................................................37

ANNEX 2: SAFETY SIGN PLACEMENT ON TRAINING CENTER...........................................38

OTHER NECESSARY SAFETY SIGNAGE.....................................................................................38


ANNEX 4: SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION MEETINGS WITH 105 MW TARAKHIL STATION STAKEHOLDERS.............................................................................................................42

ANNEX 5: AFGHANISTAN LABOR CODE..........................................................................45

ANNEX 6: EMPLOYEES’ CODE OF CONDUCT...........................................................................50

ANNEX -7 COMPLAINT REGISTRATION FORM..............................................................53



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AP Affected Person(s)BOQ Bill of QuantityCCMP Contractor Camp Management PlanCOO Chief Operating OfficerCEO Chief Executive OfficerCV Curriculum VitaeCAR Compliance Action RequestedDABS Da Afghanistan Breshna SherkatDPCSP DABS Planning and Capacity Support ProjectEHS Environmental Health and SafetyESMF Environmental and Social Management FrameworkEMP Environmental Management PlanESMP Environmental and Social Management PlanESRP Environmental and Social Review Procedure ESIA Environmental and Social Impact AssessmentESS Environmental and Social SafeguardsGOIRA Government of the Islamic Republic of AfghanistanIFC International Finance CorporationILO International Labor OrganizationIR Involuntary ResettlementMEW Ministry of Energy and WaterNDF National Development FrameworkNEPA National Environmental Protection Agency (Afghanistan)NGOs Non-Government OrganizationsNCR Non Compliance ReportO&M Operations and maintenance OSHA Occupational Safety and Health ActPAP Project Affected PersonsPCB Poly-chlorinated BiphenylsPM 10 particulate matter 10 micrometersPPE Personal protection Equipment PM Project ManagerQA Quality AssuranceQC Quality ControlSTD Sexually Transmitted Disease UNMACA United Nations Mine Action Canter for AfghanistanUXOs Unexploded OrdinancesWB World Bank


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1. INTRODUCTION1.1. Background

1. The Afghan power system is small and underdeveloped but demand is growing rapidly.Sector institutions are evolving, with a gradual separation of policy and operations. The main government Ministry responsible for the power sector in Afghanistan is the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW). It is increasingly focused on policy, strategy and planning issues while operations and investment are increasingly devolved to Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS). DABS is now focused on developing into a fully commercial power utility while remaining under state ownership. DABS will need to consolidate its position as the main owner and operator of the power system since neither growth in private sector participation nor unbundling or other reforms are realistic prospects over the medium term.2. The planned sector growth will place additional demands on the capacity of DABS. To cope with its increased responsibilities for investment, DABS will need to improve its capacity in the areas of planning and implementation of investment projects and then operating and maintaining them. Currently DABS is reliant on project implementation units for this and its management has asked for Bank assistance to move towards normal electric power utility practice in investment and operations and maintenance (O&M). To meet the demands placed on it, DABS must build its organizational capacity through the development of systems, procedures, and standards and of its staff through technical and other training and then ensure that these new capacities are applied to the task in hand. It needs more and better trained staff and as such needs to draw from a wider pool of educated and capable professionals, including women.3. Sufficient and reliable power supply is central to the Interim Strategy Note (ISN) Pillar 3, “Inclusive Growth and Jobs”. The ISN recognizes the need to scale up power supply to secure private sector led growth, particularly in the agricultural and resource sectors. It aims to do this through support of the government’s NPPs. The proposed project would improve the ability of DABS to plan and implement its program to increase power supply – a key component of the NESP, which also includes a component aimed at building capacity in sector institutions. The planned approach would improve the capacity of Afghanistan to absorb on-budget investment at a larger scale, thus contributing to Pillar 1 of the ISN which is aimed at building the legitimacy and capacity of institutionsThe planned Afghan power sector growth will place additional demands on the capacity of DABS. To cope with its increased responsibilities for investment, DABS will need to improve its capacity in the areas of planning and implementation of investment projects and then operating and maintaining them. To meet the demands placed on it, DABS must build its organizational capacity through the development of systems, procedures, and standards and of its staff through technical and other training and then ensure that these new capacities are applied to the task in hand. The proposed project is intended as an entry point for scaling up investment in the power sector. It is motivated by the need to move DABS towards a model in which it drives the investment and O&M process.

1.2. Scope

Training facility of an area of approximately 1700 m2. The Training Facility is proposed to be developed as a campus to house the training building, hostels, and mosque and sports facilities for trainees and employees.The main building would have lecture halls, syndicate rooms, board room, library, associated offices and boundary wall.

1.3. Facilities for the Training Center

The training center would have the following infrastructure:


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1.3.1. Teaching and Administrative Building.

a. An air conditioned 150 seat capacity Auditorium with latest Audio/Video Systemb. A conference Hall (50 Seats) for organizing seminars, workshops and conferences.c. Lecture Halls (60 Seats, 40 Seats, 20 Seats) for conducting regular classroom sessions.d. Administrative office (i.e. Principles, General Office, Accounts, Stores).e. Office for instructors (to be located near Workshops and Labs).f. A 20 terminal Computer Lab.g. Library (capable to house large collection of books and videos on Power Stations,

various branches of Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Relations, Management, Power Sector Reforms, Regulatory Issues, etc. The library would subscribe to a number of Afghan and foreign journals and periodicals).

1.3.2. Hostels.Well-furnished executive hotel and trainee hostel, both in lodging and boarding facilities to accommodate about 40 male trainees. A separate girl’s hostel with a capacity of 10 inmates for female trainees is also to be provided.

1.3.3. Laboratories and Workshops.a. Mechanical Engineering Workshop for Valves, Bearings, Shaft alignment, Pumps,

Motors and etc. b. Electrical Labs with facilities for testing and calibration of relays, electrical equipment’s

insulating oil etc. along with repairs.c. Control and Instrumentation Lab with facilities for testing, collaboration and repairs of

different types of process control instruments.d. Lab for system control simulator.e. Live working models of some of the important mechanical and electrical equipment such

as pumps, valves, transformers, circuits breakers would be installed in the Labs/Workshops or outdoors as the case might be.

f. Workshop for switchgear maintenance (Indoor and outdoor) training.g. Workshop for cable jointing and termination (splicing) training.h. Outdoor facility for overhead network training.i. Workshop for transformer maintenance training.

1.3.4. Sports Facilities

Indoor and outdoor sports and recreational facilities (i.e. Volleyball, Basketball and table tennis etc.) for both trainees and employees.

1.3.5. Kitchen and Dining Facilities.These shall be adequate to cater for both residential and non-residential trainees.

1.3.6. Sub Project location

The Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat Training Center is located at the Pul-e-Charkhi near to Tarakhil Station of DABS at eastern side of Kabul province of Afghanistan. The DABS training center consists of training facilities for DABS employees as well support the organization for raising the revenues.


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Google map of the proposed DABS training center and its associated project components (construction camp, proposed building area, access road, transmission line, and canal) at the project.

Figure -1 project Location

1.4. Objectives Training facility for DABS in Kabul, the new facility should be safe reliable, cost effective, energy saving(aiming zero energy loss), well ventilated with adequate light, environment friendly, seismic resistant, disability-friendly, well equipped with safety equipment, parking, plumbing, drainage, boundary wall and communication facilities.

1.5. The objectives of this ESMP are to:The primary purpose of an ESMP is to mitigate/reduce potential social and environmental impacts of planned activities and to ensure that all identified social and environmental risks expected to occur during Construction works at DABS training center are reduced to an acceptable level. This will be achieved through engagement of all relevant parties in social environmental management. In particular, this will include integrating social and environmental management planning with design, construction methods and operation planning.The requirements of this plan are applicable to all on-site work carried out. All contractors and suppliers will be bound to comply with the requirements of this plan, in so far as they are applicable to the nature and scope of their work.


Tarakhil Station

DABS Training Center

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The scope of this plan embraces the risks created by the design of the Project, the short-term risks that will arise during the construction (the works the project is paying for) and any long-term risks that are influenced by the construction methods. Describe the measures required to implement construction related management and

mitigation commitments made in the ESMF of the DABS planning and Capacity Support Project (DPCSP);

Describe specific additional measures required to implement construction related good practice stipulated by IFC Performance Standards;

Identify the roles and responsibilities of the environmental & social management plan of the project; and Communicate environmental and social expectations and requirements throughout the project.

All contractors shall comply with the ESMP (including employees’ code of conduct) requirements as applicable to the tasks they are employed to undertake.

Draws together the measures proposed to mitigate negative, and to maximize positive, environmental and social impacts and risks (i.e. labor influx risk mitigation, GBV risk prevention), and groups them logically into component-2 with common themes;

Define a proposed institutional structure to govern the implementation of the ESMP; Defines the specific actions required, roles and responsibilities for these actions, timetables

for implementation, and associated costs; and Describes capacity building and training requirements for the implementation of the ESMP.The measures and procedures outlined in this ESMP are commitments made by DABS/PIU; therefore remain responsible for their implementation. It is recognized that practical implementation of many of the measures may rest with contractors and consequently, DABS will require the implementation of a robust review, as described in this ESMP, to measure and ensure that it is executed on their behalf.

1.6. Project Components The project consists of the following two components:

Component 1: DABS staff capacity building. This component would support capacity building for the staff of DABS including:

Setting up a twinning arrangement with a more experienced utility on which DABS can model itself and make use of training facilities. Such a utility would, ideally, be well performing, relatively nearby, but with sufficient living memory that its staff can appreciate the challenges facing DABS.

Providing general and task-specific training to managers and staff on distribution investment selection, planning and implementation, specifically on the preparation of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, procuring design, supply and installation contractors, and supervising such contractors. Trainings on pre-feasibility and feasibility studies will cover core safeguards tools including Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, Full Resettlement Action Plans (RAP), Abbreviated RAPs, and Environmental and Social Management Plans, including labor influx risk assessment with mitigation risk plans.

Providing general and task-specific training to managers and staff on distribution operation planning and implementation, specifically on the preparation of annual O&M plans in line with the annual budgeting process, execution of the O&M plans including the hiring and supervision of contractors.

Providing one-on-one mentoring support to managers and key specialists in the DABS planning and O&M functions.

Enabling DABS to provide a career path for female professional staff in DABS, including recruitment, career development and identification of specific support needs.


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Strengthening the Afghanistan Energy Information Center as an integrated department of DABS

Component 2: Development of training center. This component would support setting up of a training center in DABS including:

Design, construction and furnishing of a training center building Purchase of training and office equipment to supply the training facility for the DABS

that will be used primarily for the capacity building activities.


The ESMP comprises this document and a series of specific supporting Environmental Management plan which are provided as appendices to this document.The ESMP outlines the environmental and social management process and procedures applicable to the project and includes the topics which are common to all environmental and social safeguard disciplines.

2.1. Intended Users

This document outlines key potential environmental and social impacts and risks associated with the proposed scheme and the procedures and mitigation measures that are required to be implemented by the contractor.The final ESMP with related plans will be included in both bidding documents and contract documents.

2.2. Legal Compliance

DABS and all contractors must confirm and ensure compliance with all relevant national environmental and social legal requirements, including the WB Safeguard OPs/requirements.

2.3. Legislative and Policy Considerations

Legislation and policies which are relevant to construction of DABS Training Center at the Tarakhil Station area.

Table-1. Summary of relevant legislation and policies

Jurisdiction Legislation or Policy Relevance

World Bank Operational Policy 4.01OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement (triggered for DABS TA)

Environmental/social assessment- the training center doesn’t involve private land acquisition impacts, as the training center will be built on the existing premises belong to DABS.

DPCSP ESMF & RPF Environmental Management Plan

Government of Afghanistan Environmental Law (2007)ESIA regulation (2017)-

Environmental impact


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NEPAIFC EHS guideline

assessment and management

Environmental health and safety

NEPA Pollution Control and Management in Afghanistan

Policy discussion

Afghanistan Labor law (2007)

Labor management, child labor, workplace facilities, etc.

MEW- Energy sector Environmental and Social Safeguards Guideline (ESS- guideline)

Hygienic & Safety measures

2.4.Assumptions and Limitations

Certain limitations are imposed as a result of the translation of the Environmental and Social Assessment affecting the legibility of the report.Based on the information available, no direct impacts are expected resulting from the implementation of the project. Mitigation and management measures relating to the project have excluded. It is recommended that, as part of a program for continues improvement, potential impacts be identified and addressed appropriately.This ESMP should be regarded as a live document and should be reviewed and updated as impacts become apparent during the project life.


This ESMP is developed to provide measures and actions to mitigate / manage potential adverse impacts during implementation and construction of the DABS Training center, or to enhance positive or beneficial impacts based on the following mitigation hierarchy:

Avoidance; Minimization; and Compensation/ Offset.

The project proponent / owner must allocate designate responsible party within to implement the ESMP. A procedure to adjust the ESMP and, to adapt actions and mitigations based on the environmental monitoring data must be developed.The construction of DABS Training Center is for scaling up investment in the power sector and to cope with its increased responsibilities for investment, DABS will need to improve its capacity in the areas of planning and implementation of investment projects and then operating and maintaining them. The Training Center is going to be built in an area of approximately 1700 Square meter in Tarakhil Station area, of Kabul province, Afghanistan. There is available land belong to DABS which is free of any squatters and dispute- the project activities involve no land acquisition impacts. The potential environmental and social risks for component-2 were identified during preparation of Environmental and Social Management Framework and consulted with relevant stakeholders, The mitigation measures identified during that process are listed as specific commitments to direct performance criteria within the updated site specific ESMP for component 2. Environmental and Social Management plan.


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DABS safeguards team during the process of risk assessment and preparation of ESMP identified environmental and social risks arising from all phases of the activities under component 2. The team also recommended adoption of specific mitigation measures to either:

Reduce risks assessed as high or medium to low, or Ensure that risks assessed as low do not increase.

Table 2 Estimated ESMP Cost

The following section provides guidance to relevant parties for implementation of the mitigation measures for each project phase:The risk level associated to component-2 Social and Environmental impact are defined based on the assessment, during updated the Site Specific ESMP, and carried out by DABS team.

3.1. ESMP CostThe ESMP matrix includes 5000 USD rough estimated cost for various activities under training center subproject the cost is based on the rough estimation of DABS team which could be varied based on the specific mitigation activities and the contractor financial estimate, which will be submitted during bidding process. The overall relate costs are summarized in the table below.

Item of ESMP Duration Estimated costs

1. Cost of the Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

Item wise, implementation time is limited to the duration of the project and will in the scope of awarded company contract.

US$ 2000. 00

Cost of the trainings:2. Two training in

Operation/Maintenance for DPCSP/ Tarakhil Station Staff one session will be during the installation and implementation period and another will be after completion of the project.

Actual, During and after the project implementation

US$ 1000. 00

3. Cost for training on labor influx risk management, grievance redress mechanism, including complaint relating to workplace issue and code of conduct (CoC). The contractor will also be responsible to conduct training for workers on code of conduct, GRM for workers

Actual, During and after the project implementation

US$ 1000. 00

4. - First Aid training for Station staff.

Actual, Before project implementation time

US$ 1000. 00

Total US$ 5000. 00Table 3 ESMP cost

3.2. Environmental and Social Management FrameworkThe environmental and social management framework allows for the identification of environmental and social impacts, the development of mitigation and / or management actions


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and the establishment of a structure to ensure the effective implementation and adaption of mitigation and management measures.

3.2.1. Potential environmental and social impacts of the project components

Under component one, no environmental and social impacts are envisaged under component one of this Technical Assistance project. However, the future investments can lead to cause substantial both social and environmental implications on the ground and when they are subsequently implemented will require environmental and social safeguard considerations. Capacity building to improve preparation of pre-feasibility and feasibility studies is a core element of this component and will include a range of training initiatives to help DABS’ staff identify and address potential downstream environmental and social impacts associated with the planning and implementation of future distribution investment projects. This ESMP, therefore, sets out general policies, codes of practice, guidelines and procedures to inform the content and design of such trainings and help DABS’ staff manage potential environmental and social impacts in future power investment projects. It should be noted that negative safeguards impacts and risks of power distribution projects are considered to be moderate and limited to the siting of poles and sub power stations as well as the safe disposal of old transformers which may contain hazardous materials such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB).

Under component two, construction of the training center in the premises of the power plant in Deshsabz district of Kabul may cause limited, temporary and localized impacts and risks including dust and noise pollution, increased construction traffic, establishment of temporary workers’ camp etc. These impacts are expected to be small, temporary and either reversed or mitigated through an Environmental Management Plan (ESMP) and construction contracts. On social side, the key potential impacts and risks include; labor influx risk, GBV risks (especially Workplace Sexual Harassment- WSH) and lack of adequate facilities at workplace. But, no land acquisition impacts, as the proposed training center is located in the premises of DABS.

3.3. Environmental and Social Overview

This section provides an overview of the baseline environmental and social conditions in the area of the proposed project.The Project area is a non-cultivated area, covered by weed and grass. The land use in this area not comprises residential/commercial areas and urban areas, the allocated land for construction of the training center is belong to DABS and there are no squatters or encroachment- free of squatters and encroachments and claim (See Annex 7) the selected location for the training center is in the north of 105 MW Station, Tarakhil, Kabul city. The area is well fenced by a stone masonry wall.

There is no natural habitat provided within the project area. Any vegetation present is sparse herbaceous species which provides little cover while it could not be used as forage for animals. In the vacant lots where construction staging areas will be built, the vegetation cover will be herbaceous and would be expected to provide cover and forage for a variety of insect, small mammal, reptile, and bird species.In the project surrounding, the residences are generally located approximately 2000 meters from the proposed project. There are no government buildings, schools, and religious structures (Mosques).

3.4. Labour Influx Risk Assessment


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The construction of DABS training centre does not require a large influx of labour from outside the project’s area of influence. Most of the unskilled workers will be recruited locally in the project area- only specialized staff are expected to be recruited from outside- the locally recruited staff will not stay at construction camp. The specialized staff from outside will make about 20 percent and will be residing in labour camps in the selected area. There will be proper location selected for labour camps, which will be away from the residential areas. Given that workers under the sub component “DABS training centre” are expected to be largely recruited locally, the overall social impacts anticipated from the labour influx of workers and followers in the selected site of Tarakhil Station area are rated to be moderate. Therefore, the labour influx related mitigation measures are likely able to be addressed solely through this site-specific ESMP with related plans, i.e. labour influx mitigation plan. This site specific ESMP includes the employee code of conduct (see annex 8), which will be followed. It is essential to note that this project is rated as low risk in terms of GBV risk rating.


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4.1. Design Phase Mitigation Measures

Table -3 Design Phase Mitigation Measures

Activity Potential ImpactsAssessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Final design ▪ Rainwater gathering due to rainfall water

▪ design failure to take drainage system into account for spilling of the rain water

Low ▪ Undertake design review▪ To consider drainage system

▪ DPCSP review and sign-off on all designs before inclusion in bidding documents


▪ Technical problems during construction and operation;

Medium ▪ Undertake accurate technical survey

▪ Undertake stakeholders consultation

▪ Implement QA checks during design process and adopt applicable standards

▪ Undertake investigation of foundations and structural integrity

▪ Undertake sufficiently detailed technical investigations prior to and during design to ensure a complete understanding of the subsurface and built environments of the proposed Security upgrading wall

▪ Adopt design standards which will minimize potential for construction problems

DPCSP / Safeguard team


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Table -3 (continued) – Implementation of Design Phase Mitigation Measures

Activity Potential ImpactsAssessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Final design

▪ Loss of government and WB support;

▪ Environmental degradation;

▪ Delays and cost increases; From:▪ Failure to take

sensitive biophysical elements in to account.

Medium ▪ Prepare ESMP ▪ Provide copies of ESMP

to design▪ Include ESMP

requirements in final design

▪ Prepare ESMP accordance with requirements of WB OP/BP 4.11 and OP/BP 4.01


▪ DABS/ Safeguard team develop checklist for mitigation measures to be included in design and provide to contractor

▪ DABS/DPCSP include consideration of checklist in the design review process

4.2. Implementation of Design Phase Mitigation Measures

Table- 4– Implementation of Design Phase Mitigation Measures

Activity Potential ImpactsAssessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Pre-bid meeting

▪ Submission of tenders that fail to address environmental and social issues

Medium ▪ Introduce requirement for mandatory attendance at pre-bid meetings as a requirement for submission of a conforming tender

▪ Include site inspection on pre-bid meeting agenda

▪ Advise potential bidders in writing that attendance at pre-bid meeting is a mandatory requirement for submission of a conforming tender


▪ loss of stakeholder, government and WB

▪ Include a site inspection as an activity during the pre-



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support; ▪ Provide details of environmental and social requirements to Contractors in the bidding documents

bid meeting▪ stakeholder unrest;▪ Delays and cost


▪ Include copies of the ESMP in bidding documents


From:▪ contractor failure to

attend pre- bid meeting and

Table -4 (continued) – Implementation of Tendering Phase Mitigation Measures

Activity Potential ImpactsAssessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Bid evaluation

▪ Selection of Contractor with little or no understanding of environmental and social requirements,

▪ Selection of Contractor that has made no allowance for environmental and social requirements in determining bid price

High ▪ Include environmental and social requirements in BOQ

▪ Provide recognition of contractor costing of environmental and social items in bid evaluation

▪ Include environmental / social expertise on the bid evaluation committee

▪ Modify BOQs to include environmental and social items and mitigation measures

▪ Include consideration of contractor costing of environmental and social items in bid evaluation

▪ Include safeguard team representative as a member of panel


▪ Limited implementation


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of environmental and social requirements

From:▪ failure to take

environmental and social requirements into account during bid evaluation

4.3. Implementation of Preconstruction Phase Mitigation Measures

Table -5 – Implementation of Preconstruction Phase Mitigation MeasuresActivity Potential Impacts Assessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Survey ▪ Incomplete implementation of design;

▪ Delays and cost increases;

Medium ▪ Ensure Contractor understands need for complete survey

▪ Consult with stakeholder (DABS) to confirm survey completion

▪ DPCSP confirm survey completion

▪ Include requirement for completion of survey in bidding documents and agenda of pre-bid meeting

▪ Establish Hold Point for survey completion. No physical site works to be undertaken until written release of hold point by site supervisor.




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Table -5 (continued) – Implementation of Preconstruction Phase Mitigation MeasuresActivity Potential Impacts Assessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Survey ▪ Community conflict;▪ Delays and cost increases; From:▪ Lack of coordination

Medium ▪ Undertake community and stakeholder consultation

▪ Contractor to ensure survey team members easily identified

▪ Implement DPCSP Consultation Plan

▪ Contractor to provide survey team members with identification cards



▪ Conflict between community & stakeholders

▪ Delays and cost increases; From:▪ failure of survey to

identify allotment boundaries and land ownership

Low ▪ Confirm preliminary boundary locations with relevant stakeholders

▪ Obtain plans as required

▪ Confirm preliminary boundary locations with DPCSP

▪ Obtain Access Plan from Department for Safeguard team



▪ Incorrect level information;

▪ Inability to implement design;

▪ Local flooding;▪ Loss of DPCSP

and community support;

From:▪ Failure to

establish natural

Low ▪ Remove all relevant accumulated rubbish

▪ Remove all accumulated rubbish from access ways and adjoining allotments prior to commencement of topographic surveys



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surface level due to accumulated rubbish

Table -5 (Continued) – Implementation of Preconstruction Phase Mitigation Measures

Activity Potential Impacts Assessed Risk Levels Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Development of contractor work plan

▪ Increased pollution;▪ Reduction in

community and government support;

▪ Delays and cost increases; From:▪ failure of contractor to

prepare an acceptable Contractor work plan

Medium ▪ Ensure contractor provides acceptable work plan

▪ Ensure plan addresses requirements of ESMP

▪ Apply QA principles to work plan acceptance.

▪ Develop check list for ESMP requirements and provide to Contractor

▪ Establish Hold Point for acceptance of work plan. No physical site works to be undertaken until written release of hold point by site supervisor.

DPCSP / Contractor


Preparation of Contractor Camp Management Plan (CCMP)

▪ Stakeholder Community unrest;

▪ Reduction in community and government support;

▪ Increased risk of workforce injury and fatality;

▪ Increased risk of damage to build environment;

▪ Delays and cost increases; From:▪ failure of contractor to

Medium ▪ Include requirement for CCMP in specifications

▪ Apply QA principles to CCMP acceptance

▪ Discuss contractor proposals with relevant stakeholders.

▪ Application of the national labor law (2007)

▪ Include a requirement for preparation of acceptable CCMP and drawings in specifications

▪ Establish Hold Point for acceptance of CCMP. No physical site works to be undertaken until written release of hold point by site supervisor.

▪ Undertake consultation with DPCSP manager as part of the CCMP acceptance process


DPCSP / Contractor



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prepare an acceptable CCMP

▪ lack of construction camp facilities (potable water, sanitation, workplace amenities, etc.)

Erection of contractor construction camp

▪ Inconvenience to the community;

▪ Noise and vibration generation from camp site;

▪ Damage to public infrastructures From:

▪ location in unsuitable site

Low ▪ Identify suitable camp site▪ Obtain relevant approvals

for camp location

▪ Identify suitable camp site in consultation with DPCSP and community representatives

▪ Obtain approval for site location from local police of DPCSP



Labor influx risk

▪ local demand to push for hiring local residents

Low ▪ The contractor to make his assessment regarding the employment situation in the nearest project area and hire local residents as his workforce

▪ The contractor to hire the locals as his workforce


Disputes between local/DABS or contractor

▪ disputes arise over whether a hiring or firing of an employee and, delay in the payments and etc.

▪ dispute arise over labor influx issues.

Low ▪ The contractor to be well prepared for making payments for his workforce and materials contractors’ on time.

▪ Application of labor law (2007)

▪ Labor influx risk mitigation plan to be followed.

▪ The contractor to make the payments to his workforce on timely manner and avoid any delays



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Grievance ▪ workplace complaints arising during construction activities

Moderate ▪ Maintaining complaints register registration resulting from the influx of labors to the area and ensure they are adequately addressed. Communities must be informing the communities of the complaints registration and how to lodge a complaint. c)

▪ GRM for workers to handle complaint related to late payment of wages, workplace concerns (e.g. lack of access to camp facilities)

▪ Housing of workers in designated contractor camp in the vicinity of the proposed project area or near to it. If the relevant authorities in the villages are satisfied with this arrangement.

▪ The contractors to register the complaints and then share it with DABS PIU safeguard team without any delay.

▪ The contractor to deploy the manpower from local people in the project area.

▪ The contractor to consult with DABS relevant department for its construction camp.


Table -5 (Continued) – Implementation of Preconstruction Phase Mitigation Measures

Activity Potential ImpactsAssessed Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibilit



Stakeholder/Community consultation

▪ Loss of stakeholder/community, government and WB

Low ▪ Undertake adequate stakeholder/community consultation

▪ Undertake stakeholder/community consultation in




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support;▪ Delays in finalizing

design;▪ Delays in obtaining

necessary approvals;▪ Cost increases; From:▪ failure to undertake

adequate stakeholder/community consultation

accordance with DPCSP

Contractor provide evidence of key staff qualifications

▪ Low quality \ unacceptable work;

▪ Social unrest;▪ Delays and cost increases; From:▪ failure of Contractor to

provide evidence of key staff qualifications

Medium ▪ Include requirements for key staff qualifications in bidding documents;

▪ Non-acceptance of Contractor work plan until evidence is provided

▪ Include in bidding documents requirements for Contractor to provide documentary evidence of key staff qualifications;

▪ Include in bidding documents documented evidence requirement as a criterion for acceptability of Contractor work plan.



4.4. Implementation of Construction Phase Mitigation Measures:

Table -6 – Implementation of Construction Phase Mitigation Measures

Activity Potential ImpactsAssessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Materials testing

▪ Failure to meet QA and QC requirements;

Medium ▪ Include requirement for independent materials testing in bidding

▪ Ensure that bidding documents include requirement for



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▪ Material quality unsuitable for the task;

▪ Delays and cost increases; From:▪ failure to

undertake required materials testing

documents▪ Ensure Contractor complies

with all specifications including those in QA and QC manuals

independent materials testing.

▪ Ensure Contractor complies with all specifications including those in QA and QC manuals


Operation of Contractor construction camp

▪ Increased levels of PM10 in the neighborhood especially during summer

▪ Community inconvenience;

▪ Loss of community support; From;▪ uncontrolled dust

generated from operation of Contractor camp

Medium ▪ Undertake watering of camp site

▪ Implement approved work plan

▪ Restrict vehicle movements▪ Submit regular monitoring


▪ Include requirement for regular watering of camp site and construction sites during summer in bidding documents

▪ During summer Contractor to undertake water spraying each day before start of work and regularly throughout the day thereafter and as otherwise directed by the site supervisor




▪ Implement approved work plan

▪ Monitor and submit monthly reports on contractor implementation of approved work plan and mitigation measures

Safeguard team

▪ Community inconvenience;

▪ Increased

Low ▪ Establish complaints register;▪ Undertake pre-construction

condition inspection of

▪ Establish and maintain a register for recording public complaints about Contractor performance.

Safeguard team


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instability of foundations and structures;▪ Building damage: From:

▪ noise and vibration from camp site

buildings close to camp site;

▪ Include working hour restrictions in bidding documents

▪ Undertake pre-condition inspection of buildings adjacent to camp site and construction site

▪ Bidding documents to note that core working hours are 6.00am to 5.00pm



Table -6 (Continued) – Implementation of Construction Phase Mitigation MeasuresActivity Potential Impacts Assessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Operation of contractor construction camp

▪ Community inconvenience;

▪ Contamination of soil, surface and groundwater;

From:▪ Pollution and

nuisance to the community from lack of latrines, bathrooms, potable water and medical equipment.

Medium ▪ Include requirement for implementation of mitigation measures in the bidding documents;

▪ Provide workers with appropriate facilities;

▪ Undertake regular monitoring;▪ Implement QA requirements

▪ Bidding documents to include requirements for workers to be provided with the following facilities: Adequate numbers of

functional bathrooms and latrines (latrines may be portable)

Covered rubbish bins for scraps

Adequately stocked first aid medical kit

Trained person to provide first aid assistance if required

▪ Bidding documents to include requirement for






Safeguard team


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provision of facilities for collection and regular disposal of solid and liquid wastes

▪ Undertake regular disposal of solid & liquid wastes

▪ Undertake regular monitoring to ensure compliance with requirements

▪ Issue NCR and CAR for non-compliances

▪ CAR not to be released until non-compliance is addressed

Heavy machinery operation

▪ Reduced access to infrastructure

▪ Social unrest; From:▪ damage to public

infrastructure and buildings from heavy equipment

Low ▪ Include specifications relating to machinery in bidding documents;

▪ Ensure that CCMP includes undertakings in relation to use of heavy machinery

▪ Bidding documents to include specifications relating to type, weight and operation of heavy machinery


▪ Criteria for acceptance of the CCMP to include consideration of proposal for use of heavy machinery


▪ Machinery to be operated in accordance with accepted CCMP


▪ Monitor use of heavy machinery

Safeguard team

Table -6 (continued) – Implementation of Construction Phase Mitigation Measures


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Activity Potential ImpactsAssessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Excavation ▪ Increased dust pollution from material stockpiles;

▪ Social unrest from restricted access;

▪ Delays and cost increases;

▪ Local flooding;▪ Accidents &

injuries to workers & residents’

▪ Damage to public infrastructure.

▪ temporary disruption of services

Medium ▪ Bidding documents to include requirements in relation to removal and disposal of excavated material;

▪ In the bidding documents include requirements for the Contractor to remove and dispose of surplus excavated material at approved sites

▪ Include list of approved sites in bidding documents;

▪ Include the following requirements for the Contractor in bidding documents: provision of temporary

services to acceptable standard where required;

permanent repair works for disrupted services within specified times;

provision of warning and safety signs in local language at excavation sites

provision of PPE for workers including safety helmets, footwear, eye and hearing protection

provision of


▪ Develop a list of approved disposal sites;

▪ Include list of approved sites in bidding documents;


▪ Bidding documents to include requirements in relation to:


provision of temporary services to acceptable level for any disruptions caused by construction;




provision of warning and safety signs in appropriate language at excavation sites;


provision of PPE for workers; Contractor

▪ Monitor work and issue NCRs and CARs in accordance with QA



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requirements. adequate support structures for at-risk buildings

▪ Monitor activities and issue NCRs and CARs in accordance with QA requirements.

Safeguard team

Table - 6 (Continued) – Implementation of Construction Phase Mitigation Measures

Activity Potential ImpactsAssessed

Risk Levels

Mitigation Measures Implementation Responsibility Cost

Backfilling & compaction

▪ Noise pollution; From:▪ inadequate compaction;

Low ▪ Undertake compaction in accordance with specifications;

▪ Specify work methods;▪ Use machinery

appropriate for implementation of work methods

▪ Provide adequate PPE for on-site workers;

▪ Provide training for use of first aid equipment;

▪ Clearly mark construction sites with signs and

▪ Ensure that the Contractor undertakes compaction in accordance with specifications;

▪ Develop work methods in accordance with specifications

▪ Ensure that the Contractor uses machinery in accordance with the work methods

Safeguard team

▪ excess vibrations;▪ temporary disruption

to access

▪ Include requirement for Contractor to provide PPE in the bidding documents



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colored ribbons ▪ Ensure that the Contractor provides site workers with adequate PPE in accordance with specifications

Safeguard team

▪ Ensure that the Contractor provides training in the use of first aid for selected on-site staff

▪ In the bidding documents Include requirement for the Contractor to provide site warning signs and marking in the local language


▪ Monitor and report Contractor implementation of sign provisions

Safeguard team

Management of spills and construction debris

▪ Loss of community and government support;

▪ Contamination of soil, surface water and groundwater;

▪ Increased risk of injury; From:▪ failure to

promptly attend to spills;

Medium ▪ Include requirements relating to spill management and debris removal in bidding documents;

▪ Include spill and debris removal in Contractor work plan;

▪ Promptly attend to oil spill▪ Collect and dispose of

construction debris in designated locations

▪ Monitor performance in accordance with QA

▪ Ensure that requirements relating to spill management and debris are included in bidding documents;

▪ Ensure that the Contractor addresses spill management and debris removal as inclusions in acceptable Contractor work plan;


Safeguard team


Contractor / Safeguard

teamContractor Safeguard

▪ Include requirement for Contractor to promptly attend to oil


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▪ failure to appropriately dispose of construction debris

provisions spills in bidding documents


▪ Ensure any oil spills are attended to promptly

▪ Ensure Contractor collects and disposes of construction debris in designated locations

▪ Monitor Contractor performance in accordance with QA requirements

4.5. Implementation Phase Mitigation Measure

Table 7 implementation phase mitigation measures

Activities Potential impacts

Assessed Risk level

Mitigation measures

Implementation Implementation Supervision Estimated Cost

Construction activities in

Risk of injury and health

medium Contractor to comply with

-Ensure all newly hired staff received

Contractor Contractor and DABS

Contractor to conduct Safety


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general issue health and safety duty under IFC EHS guideline.-contractor to comply with health and safety law of Afghanistan

training on safety and health issue.

Monitor contractor performance related to safety and health issue


Safeguard team and health training to all project staff , especially for newly hired

Excavations Dust emissions

medium Under dry conditions sprayingof the construction site withwater

Contractor Contractor Contractor and DABS Safeguard team

Included in constructioncosts

Waste generation as a result of construction debris and equipment replacement

Pollution of land with different type of wastes

medium Excavated soil: if occurs, dumping at the special site at the plant; Packaging: collecting of domesticwastes at construction siteregularly, dumping at the designatedDumping site of the area. Metal: recycling is outside of theproject scope, but the wastes will

Contractor Contractor Contractor and DABS Safeguard team


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be handled by contractor

Noise Possible hazard to workers

medium Use of machines fitted withsilencers or mufflers, earprotection devices shall beHanded out to all workers.

Contractor Contractor Contractor and DABS Safeguard team

Storage and stock-pilling

Leakages of chemical.Risk of injury.Health and hygienic issue

medium Contractor to comply with health and safety requirement under IFC EHS guideline.Failure to comply with GoA law

Ensure reference is made to relevant guideline in the bidding documents.

Ensure all employees received training on handling and storage of equipment and spare partsMonitor contractor performance related to safety and health issue



Contractor& Safeguard specialists

Contractor to include health and safety requirements in project documents

Maintenance of the DABS

Contamination of soil, surfacewater &

medium Employee of(DABS Training Center) who will

Ensure all staff working in the DABS Training

Contractor DABS Safeguard team


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Training Center

groundwater-Increased risk of injury

be responsible for maintenance) to promptly operate and maintain theTraining Center and to appropriately dispose the construction residue

Center received training in safety and hygienic issues.

Ensure to follow safety and health requirements outlined in the IFC ESH guideline and Afghanistan safety law. Monitor contractor performance related to safety and health issue




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DABS- DPCSP team will be responsible for ensuring implementation of the ESMP. Other key parties in the ESMP implementation will be DPCSP project Manager and the Contractor, the Contractor shall also assign one of their staff members to work as social safeguards focal point. He /She will also be responsible to conduct training sessions to the staff, as specified under section 4.1. ESMP cost.The DABS- safeguard team and contractor assigned Social and Environmental focal point will be responsible for ensuring appropriate corrective action is taken by the Contractor for any failure to implement required mitigation measures during construction of training center project Where contractual agreements are entered into for work associated with rehabilitation work under component 2, DPCSP will:• include the ESMP in contract documents for all work to be undertaken by the contractors• ensure that the contractor comply with the requirements of the ESMP


6.1. IntroductionMonitoring and auditing will be undertaken to determine the impact as a consequence of the construction, operation and maintenance of the training center. General monitoring and auditing will be conducted weekly throughout the rehabilitation stage and annually during the operation and maintenance phase.Routine monitoring and reporting will be undertaken by Safeguards team and the Contractor will be responsible for supervision/implementation contractor. DABS will develop an auditing schedule and undertake audits in accordance with the schedule.DABS staff will be responsible for undertaking environmental audits. DABS will maintain all audit records and will be responsible for scheduling follow up inspections to ensure that corrective actions are implemented for any identified non-compliances.DABS will be responsible for determining severity of non-compliance and may instruct works to cease until the non-compliance is rectified. A non-compliance register will be established and maintained by DABS and all non-compliances recorded there-in.

6.2. Reporting ProcedureThe Contractor will be required to report any environmental or social incidents to the (DABS Safeguards team). Then the mentioned reports shall also be included in the quarterly reports to be shared with the WB.The contractor will report to the DABS Safeguards team and the DPCSP Manager. The DPCSP Manager will advise the contractor about appropriate mitigation measures and the DABS ESS team will direct the contractor to undertake these mitigation measures.If there are complaints from the public during the construction phase, the DABS Manager is to be notified immediately. The following information should be recorded by the Consultant.

Time, date and nature of the incident / report; Type of communication (e.g. telephone, personal meeting); Contact details with telephone number of person making the complaint. If this person wishes to remain anonymous then “not identified” is to be recorded; Details of response and investigation undertaken as a result of the incident / complaint; Name of person undertaking investigation of the incident / complaint; Corrective action taken as a result of the incident / complaint.

The consultant will prepare and submit weekly monitoring reports to the DPCSP Manager.


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Capacity building measures will be required to ensure that institutions involved in implementing the various ESMP components have the technical, management and other skills to fulfill their roles. The key focus areas for capacity building will be:

The DABS Local Safeguards team DPCSP technical and engineering staff DPCSP Training center staff

Other institutions will require more specific and targeted training and awareness raising, e.g. the contractor and workforce,

8. Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) All complaints about construction works under component 2 will be directed to and recorded by the DABS safeguard team. The safeguards team will maintain a complaints register that records details of all complaints received, the action taken in response, where necessary, and any corrective actions or procedural changes implemented to prevent recurrence. The initiator of the complaint will be advised of the results of all investigations and actions taken. The register will be regularly audited by the DPCSP Project Manager (PM) to ensure timely response to complaints.The safeguards team will review the register daily and advise DPCSP PM of any relevant complaints. The Project Manager will then investigate the complaint and instigate any corrective action required.In case of an appeal, the appellant will have the option to approach the DABS CEO.

8.1. DPCSP Grievance Redress Mechanism GRM)The approved ESMF for DPCSP outlined GRM process, as following The GRM covers grievances related to both environmental and social concerns, including workplace complaints. The elements of the project’s GRM conducted or accessed at three different levels, which are as follows:

Local GRC: members include: (i) workers’ representatives, (ii) DABS GRM focal officer, (iii) contractor.

Project level GRC (DABS TA): members include: (i) DABS- PIU manager, (ii) Contractor; (iii) representative of CSO, (iv) Grievance focal officer/PIU; (v) workers’ representatives/community representatives.

DABS level GRC: (i) CEO- DABS, (ii) PMU manager, (iii) Grievance focal officer, (v) labor/community representative.

8.2. Grievance Handling ProcedureThe following table provides steps with responsibilities of grievances relating to the project activities. The key purpose of this exercise is to present GRM process in an effective & user-friendly manner.

Table 8 presents GRM procedures for DABS-DPCSP Training Center.

Steps Complainants GRC/ GRM Focal Officer functions timeframeLocal level GRC:

The Affected Person/worker (or his/her representative) may submit his/her complaint in several ways e.g. by written letter, phone, SMS messages and email to the GRC or, alternatively, raise his/her voice in a public or individual meeting with project staff.

1 Submission of complaint to the local level GRC

Contractor to conduct public information sessions for their workers to use grievance service.

7- 14 days


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Registering a grievance in the project logbook and grievance database.

Segregate/sort and process Acknowledge and follow up of

grievance. Verify investigate, and act Provide written response to the

complainants. Project level GRC:If resolution at local level is unsuccessful, the Affected Person (AP) or worker can take his or her complaint to a Project level GRC.2 Submission of grievance to

the Project level GRC through one of the channels

Conduct coordinating meetings. Take legal action against juridical

complaints at project level. Provide written response to the complainant.

Provide written response to the complainant

10 days

DABS level GRC: In case the compliant is not resolved within 10 days of its receipt or it is unattended, the complainant can approach the DABS level GRC or directly to the CEO- DABS in Kabul. DABS-GRC and/or CEO will then examine the complaint and address the complaint within 20 days.3 AP/worker can refer the

compliant to the DABS GRC or directly to the CEO-DABS office

Conduct coordinating meetings Investigate the complaints Provide written response to the



Efforts made to resolve issues at community level/project level Appeal mechanism to DABS management Capacity building support. Information sessions for workers/ local communities and contractor staff to use

grievance service. Uptake channel for grievance registration. Local logbook, who should maintain local logbook. Registration of all grievances in the central GRM database of excel sheet to

enable tracking and review. Labor-related grievances {e.g. complaints pertinent to poor preference to local

labors, timely payment of wages/salaries, violence etc} shall also be registered.

Where an individual has a grievance she or he, should, in the first instance, be encouraged to make use of existing local-level structures (e.g. workers’ representatives, DABS GRM focal officer, contractor. ) to try to resolve quickly any concerns or grievances related to project development and implementation. The GRM structure that outlines the grievance handling process is shown above. It is worth mentioning the activities under component 2 will be executing within the premise of the 105MW of Trakhil Station area; where the power plant official will act to address grievances at level 1 (power plant official will be acting in place of community or CDC).Please refer to annex-7 grievance registration form to be used by complainants.


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GRM process outlined in Figure 1.1 below

9. DISCLOSURE This Environmental Management Plan (ESMP) for (Training center) under component two has been prepared by the contractor (AYA) and reviewed by DABS Safeguard team on the basis of the ESS guideline. The site specific ESMP is also in line with the approved ESMF for DPCSP project. Prior to approval of the project by the World Bank, the ESMF was disclosed on 30 April, 2015 by DABS in relevant places in the country. The Site specific ESMP for component-2 will be disclosed in country in relevant sites prior to begin construction work of the proposed training center.

10.TRAINING The Table -9 outlines the proposed training for DABS staff as well as employees of the Contractor. The training is aimed at the practical aspects of environmental monitoring and management. Table -9- training plan

No Training Recipients

Mode of Training

Environmental Aspect to be covered

Training Conducting


Training conducting


Environmental and Social Safeguards Team

Lecture, workshopGroup Discussion Site Visit

• Environmental Overview• Laws and

Regulation/standards and Acts• ESMP and ESMF overview• EHS guidelines and pros and

cons.• GBV risk prevention• Labor influx risk mitigation;

Env. and social experts

fourth quarter of 2018


If still unresolved, APs may choose to exercise their right under Afghanistan law to refer the matter to a court of law.

EndSolved in


DABS Management /COO

Solved in 10


Grievance Redress Committee(Project Level)


LocalResolution Measures







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• Code of conduct2 DABS/DPCSP

Operation/Maintenance Staff

Seminar WorkshopLecture

• Environmental Overview• Laws and

Regulation/standards and Acts• ESMP and ESMF overview• EHS guidelines and pros and

cons• GBV risk prevention• Labor influx risk mitigation;• Code of conduct

Env. and social ConsultantsDABS Safeguard Team

fourth Quarter of 2018

3 Contractor staff Seminar WorkshopLecture

• Environmental Overview• Laws and

Regulation/standards and Acts• ESMP and ESMF overview• EHS guidelines and pros and

cons• STD and other transmitted

disease issue.• Code of conduct

Env. and social expertsConsultantsDABS Safeguards Team

Before starting of implementation activities

4 Contractor Staff


• Labor influx risk• Health Safety • Grievance Services• Code of conduct

Contractor During construction of the project


Environmental Component Parameter Standard Location Frequency Duration Implementation

Pre-ConstructionProvision of the Safety (EHS) compliances

Ensure that all the required provisions are in place

Safety plan, Trainings and awareness raising

Trarakhil area

Number of inspection

For how long

DPCSP and Contractor

Construction PhaseNoise level Noise level

dB (A) Scale

Environmental Law (NEPA)

Noise level meter kept at a distance of 15m from the source.

As directed by Expert

Reading should be taken every 15m and then average of an hour


Accidents Safety Training

ESMP/Safety Plan

At the work area

Monthly To be set Contractor

Health and safety Singe, posters displayed, health awareness lectures, are being provided to each

ESMP At Work Site

Monthly Contractor


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worker and health check.

Rout of access Ample rout signaling has been done?

Safety Guidelines and ESMP

At work Sites

Monthly Daily Contractor


Construction Area Authorized Only Sign

Danger Construction Area Authorized Personnel Only

Size 10 × 7″ 14 × 10″ 18 × 12″ 24 × 18″ 36 × 24″ 48 × 36″


Ideal for keeping your construction site safe, our Construction Area Authorized Personnel Only safety signs are designed to comply with OSHA standards for accident prevention signs. Safety signs with Danger headers at the top like this one are perfect for hazards which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Available in your choice of size from 10 × 7″ to 48 × 36″ in plastic, aluminum, or adhesive-backed vinyl.


Description Symbol Description Symbol








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The following guidelines will be part of the contractual agreements for each sub-project:

Construction Company (contractor) should install the Construction Camp on areas far enough from water points, houses and sensitive areas in consultation with the community and NCS. He/she should select the good quality sanitary equipment and install it in Construction Camp.

The contractor should manage all activities in compliance with laws, rules and other permits in vigor based on site regulations (what is allowed and not allowed on work sites).

Contractor has the responsibility of hygiene and security on work sites, and should protect neighbouring properties, inform the client if land is found to be contaminated.

Contractor should ensure the permanence of the traffic and access of neighbouring populations during the works to avoid hindrance to traffic, they also have the responsibility to protect and provide health and safety measures to staff working on work sites. In order to protect soil, surface and ground water the contractor should Avoid any wastewater discharge, oil spi1l and discharge of any type of pollutants on soils, in surface or ground waters, in sewers and drainage ditches.

The Contractor should protect the environment against exhaust fuels and oils, dust and other solid residues. The Contractor should dispose oil and solid waste materials appropriately and provide adequate waste disposal and sanitation services at the construction site.

Contractor for the purpose of proper waste management should install containers to collect the wastes generated next to the areas of activity. Contractor should avoid degradation and demolition of private properties; therefore he/she should inform and raise the awareness of the populations before any activity causing degradation of natural vegetation and resources and if there was any damage to private/public property compensates beneficiaries before any work.

The Contractor should use a quarry of materials according to the mining code requirements and compensate planting in case of deforestation or tree felling.The Contractor should manage waste properly and do not burn them on site and also should provide a proper storage for materials, organize parking and displacements of machines in the site.

The Contractor should care about speed limitation of work site vehicles and cars and allow the access of public and emergency services to the worksite.

The contractor should install signalling of works, ensure no blockage of access to households during construction and/or provide alternative access, provide footbridges and access of neighbours and endure construction of proper drainage on the site.

The Contractor should respect the cultural sites, ensure security and privacy of women and households in close proximity to the camps and safely dispose asbestos.The Contractor should consider impacts such as noise, dust, and safety concerns on the surrounding population and schedule construction activities accordingly.

The Contractor should develop maintenance and reclamation plans, protect soil surfaces during construction and re-vegetate or physically stabilize eligible surfaces, preserve existing fauna and flora and preserve natural habitats along streams, steep slopes, and ecologically sensitive areas.


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The Contractor has to prevent standing water in open construction pits, quarries or fill areas to avoid potential contamination of the water table and the development of a habitat for disease-carrying vectors and insects.

The Contractor should select sustainable construction materials and construction method, during construction, control dust by using water or through other means and control and clean the construction site daily.ANNEX 4: SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION MEETINGS WITH 105 MW TARAKHIL STATION STAKEHOLDERS

Consultations were conducted with 105 MW Tarakhil Station officials where DABS training center is going to be built in, Since there is no engagement of local community in the proposed project area and belongs to DABS therefore the consultation meeting was hold with the before mentioned officials Kabul city Afghanistan and the following table summarize key concerns and points:Table 7: summary of PAFs consultation.S.N participants Key points discussed Participants suggestion and


1 Manager and other officials of 105 MW Tarakhil Station

1. Explained update information about DABS training center and its packages like; detail design which includes; Administrative building, dormitory, Mosques and etc. and safety equipment.

2. Description of World Bank and national safeguard policies and relevant safeguard instruments like ESMP.

3. Land use for the training center

4. Discussed about Work force/contractors related issues.

The team provided brief information regarding the project scope of work and let the participants know from the progress made up to date.

The participants stated that they are pleasant for this project, called this project as a vital project and declared their full support.

2- The team provided some brief information regarding the WB and national safeguard policies and briefed them about the ESMP which is prepared for the DABS training center.

3- The land which is allocated for the training center is known the property of DABS, the documents are prepared and is stating that in the area in which training center is going to be built no plan for other activities existed. The manager of Tarakhil station added that, the selected place for the training center is a proper place and will not disturb the 105 MW station at all.

4. The participants added that there is enough space in the area of 105 MW


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station, taking into account of the security they will decide a proper place for contractor camp in the premises of the Station upon project implementation begins.

Regarding the stocking of safety equipment they said that, they will look for a proper place and store the equipment till completion and commissioning of the training center.


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Minute of the meeting in Dari


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Article 1:This code has been enacted in accordance with Article 48 of the Constitution of the Republic of Afghanistan to explain and regulate the obligations, rights, privileges and social needs of workers.

Objective: Article 2:The code is enacted to meet the following objectives:

1. Identify, organize and consolidate the work relations of employees.

2. Provide equal job opportunity and support of the employees’ rights.

Terminologies Article 3:The terminologies used in this code bear the following meanings:

1. Employee: government employees, workers and the contractors, inclusive of male and female.

2. Worker: is the person that is recruited on a contractual basis.

3. Service worker: is the person that is recruited on a contractual basis as a support staff in an organization.

4. Employer: is a particular person that; the employee is recruited based on his/her agreement or in consultation with him.

5. Wage: is an amount paid to the employee against his performance.

Prohibition of Compulsory Work Article 4:

1. Compulsory work is prohibited. Work becomes compulsory when the worker is threatened to do it or when a job against the rules and regulations of the organization and against the will of the worker is to be performed by the worker, is called a compulsory piece of work.

2. A piece of work performed by the worker based on the rules of law is not considered a compulsory piece of work.

Application of Law Article 7:People working in the diplomatic missions of Afghanistan abroad, or working in the international organizations inside the country will have to obey the rules of this law.

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The Right to Work against Wage Article 8:

(1) The workers in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan have the right to work equally against the wage they are supposed to earn. The right to work against a wage and defend the rights is regulated by legislative documents.

Non-discrimination on Recruitment Article 9:

(1) There should be no discrimination in recruiting a person, paying the salaries and the allowances to the staff, making a profession, the right to education and providing the social protection.

(2) For women, during the period of pregnancy and after the birth of a child, and in other cases envisaged in this Code and legislative documents, certain benefits are given in the workplace.

(3) In the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan everyone has the right to select a profession, a job according to one’s qualification, skills and interest on the basis of relevant legislative documents.



Terms of Recruitment Article 13

(1) A person who can meet the following requirements may be recruited as worker:1. Having the Afghan Nationality.

2. The minimum age for work is 18; and for light type of business, the minimum age of work is 15. The minimum age for gaining training is completion of 14 years.

2. The age of the employee at the time of recruitment is determined according to dates mentioned in his/her National ID card taking the day and month of his birth into consideration. This information is recorded in his personal file. Changing age is not valid after this information is entered into his personal file.

3. Recruiting people less than 18 years of age for businesses that are injurious to their health and cause physical damage or disability, is prohibited.

CHAPTER THREEHours of work

Work time Article 30:(1) Hours of work in this code are the hours that employees put them and his/her

energy under the service of the organization in order to fulfill a job.


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(2) The ordinary working period, on average, during the course of the year, cannot be more than 40 hours per week.

(3) After the agreement of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs Martyrs and Disabled, given the nature of the work, the organization may increase or decrease the number of the hours during the days of the week unless the number of the hours per week exceeds 40 hours.

Reduction of the Work time Article 31:(1)The weekly working time of workers are reduced in the following cases:

(1) For youths between 15 and 18 year of age, 35 hours per week.

(2) For workers engaged in underground work and works under conditions that are injurious to their health, 30 hours per week.

(3) For pregnant women, 35 hours per week.

(2)The list of jobs and occupations which are injurious to health and in which working time should be reduced will be prepared and identified by the Ministry of Public Health and MoLSAMD and the relevant organizations.

(3)Reduction in the working time as described in clauses (1, 2, and 3) above will not cause any deduction in the salary or other allowances of the employees.

(4)Taking into account the seasons of the year, the Holy month of Ramadan and weather change (severe cold or heat), MoLSAMD may either decrease or increase the number of the working time on a daily or weekly basis unless the total number of the working time in a week exceeds the determined number of working time in a year, as mentioned in Article 30

Working time at Night Article 32:(1) In the event of work during the night, the shift shall be one hour less than day. The

work at night means: 11 consecutive hours starting from 8pm until 7am, arranged by MoLSAMD through internal rules of the organization.

(2) The provisions of clause (1) of this article do not apply to the following cases:

(1) When reduced hours of work is envisaged for workers and personnel in accordance with article (31) of this code.

(2) When it is not possible to reduce hours of work due to working and production conditions (uninterrupted production and in the work done in shifts according to work chart.)

Night working wage Article 33:


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(1) During the work at night, the service and administrative employees will be paid (15) per cent and production workers will be paid (25) percent more than their normal wage.

(2) Night work and its schedule will be permissible only if it has been proposed by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs Martyrs and Disabled to the Ministerial council and they have approved it.

Overtime Work Article 38:

(1) Work done outside the ordinary hours of work is considered to be overtime, which is permitted in the following cases subject to the agreement of the employee and the employer:

(1) For the performance of a piece of work involving essential services for the public welfare.

(2) In order to prevent unforeseen production and social accidents (natural ones and removal of their consequences);

(3) In order to repair and restore pieces of equipment which, when being idle, would lead to the stoppage of the work of a large number of workers.

(4) In order to remove unforeseen events and happenings which would cause stoppage for social services affairs such as water supply, heating, lighting, canalization, transport, telecommunications, health services and other social services.

(5) For performance of work which had started previously and which would cause material damage if discontinued.

(6) In order to continue a piece of work which could not be stopped and the employee in the succeeding shift should be present. In such a case the organization is obliged to take speedy measures to find out the replacement for the employees.

(7) In order to compensate and make up the work stoppage, described in clause

(1) of the article 37 of this code.

(8) In order to perform other pieces of work required by the organization and approved by the person in charge.

(2) Overtime hours cannot be more than the working average hours during the day.

(3) Overtime is not permitted for the night workers, employees engaged in underground works and works under conditions that are injurious to the health and pregnant women or women with children of less than two years of age.

(4) The conditions, arrangement and the number of overtime hours will, with due regard to the special features of the work of the specified employees, be determined by the organization legislative document.


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Public holidays Article 41:Public paid holidays are as follow:

1. The last day of the week (Friday)

2. The first day of the year (Nawruz).

3. Twenty-eight of Assad (19 July) (the day of restoration of independence of the country.)

4. Eight of SAWR, Victory of the Islamic Revolution of Afghanistan.

5. First day of Ramadan

6. The three days of Eid-e-Feter.

7. Four days of Eid-e-Said-e-Adhah and Arafat (Three days of Eid and one day of Arafat).

8. Twelfth of Rabiul Awal, the Holy birth day of Hazrat-e-Mohammad Peace be Up on Him.

9. Tenth of Muharam (the day of Ashura)

10. 26th of month of Dalwe return of former Soviet Union forces

11. Other days that is approved and announced by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as Public Holidays.

Work during the Public Holidays Article 44:(1) Work during the public and general holidays are allowed by the agreement of the

employee and approval of the employer in the following cases:

1. Work in an organization where staff keeps on working around the clock, where delay in work may cause backwardness and create problem in providing public services.

2. Performance of work related to public services.

3. performance of work that cannot be delayed, urgent repairs, loading and unloading of consignments, work related to the prevention of unforeseen accidents, removal of consequences of natural accidents and other exceptional cases.

4. Performance of other urgent pieces of works based on the approval of the person in charge.

(2) In cases described in clause (1) of this Article, the organization is duty bound to grant, in addition to the normal overtime wage, 50 percent of the salary of the worker as


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Food Allowance Article 61:

(1) Employee is entitled to food allowance based on the market rate. They get this allowance at the end of every month unless it is agreed other way in the contract.

Determination of Wage Article 62:(1) The amount and conditions of payment of wages for different categories of

employees are determined as follows, taking account of the provisions of article (59) of this Code:

CHAPTER NINEFinancial Responsibility of Employees

Prevention from Financial Loss Article103:

1. The employee is obliged to assume a responsible attitude toward the properties and assets of the organization and to take measures to prevent damages from being inflicted.

Responsibility of the employee against a financial loss Article 104:

(1) The employee will not be held responsible for the probable damages arising from the ordinary progress of work.

ANNEX 6: EMPLOYEES’ CODE OF CONDUCTThe Code of Conduct is based on International Labor Organization (ILO) and Afghanistan Labor Law standards, and seeks to protect the workers who manufacture the clothing, footwear, electronics, agricultural products and other items enjoyed by consumers around the world and enforce the employees to implement.

Workplace Code of Conduct

Preamble: The Project Workplace Code of Conduct defines labor standards that aim to achieve decent and humane working conditions. The Code’s standards are based on International Labor Organization standards and internationally accepted good labor practices.

Companies affiliated with the Project are expected to comply with all relevant and applicable laws and regulations of the country in which workers are employed and to implement the Workplace Code in their applicable facilities. When differences or conflicts in standards arise, affiliated companies are expected to apply the highest standard.

The PROJECT monitors compliance with the Workplace Code by carefully examining adherence to the Compliance Benchmarks and the Principles of Monitoring. The Compliance Benchmarks identify specific requirements for meeting each Code standard, while the Principles


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of Monitoring guide the assessment of compliance. The PROJECT expects affiliated companies to make improvements when Code standards are not met and to develop sustainable mechanisms to ensure on-going compliance.

Contractor will be responsible to provide orientation to employees and labors on the project workplace code of conduct. KUTEI will make sure that all members of the project are well informed about the project workplace CoC.

Employment Relationship: employers shall adopt and adhere to rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations.

Non-discrimination: No person shall be subject to any discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, nationality, political opinion, social group or ethnic origin.

Harassment or Abuse: Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.

Forced Labour: There shall be no use of forced labour, including prison labor, indentured labour, bonded labour or other forms of forced labour.

Child Labor: No person shall be employed under the age of 15 or under the age for completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Employers shall recognize and respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Health, Safety and Environment

Employers shall provide a safe and healthy workplace setting to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the operation of employers’ facilities. Employers shall adopt responsible measures to mitigate negative impacts that the workplace has on the environment.

Hours of Work: Employers shall not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country where the workers are employed. The regular work week shall not exceed 48 hours per week. Employers shall allow workers at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in every seven-day period. All overtime work shall be consensual. Employers shall not request overtime on a regular basis and shall compensate all overtime work at a premium rate. Other than in exceptional circumstances, the sum of regular and overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 60 hours?Gender Based Violence: The Contractor shall prohibits gender based violence (GBV) and discrimination based on gender etc. DABS /PIU will maintain outreach to law enforcement and legal services for women, children and teenagers, to facilitate prompt and effective responses when needed. The Grievance Redress Mechanism includes a specific mandate to address any kinds of gender-based violence. Compensation: Every worker has a right to compensation for a regular work week that is sufficient to meet the worker’s basic needs and provide some discretionary income. Employers shall pay at least the minimum wage or the appropriate prevailing wage, whichever is higher, comply with all legal requirements on wages, and provide any fringe benefits required by law or contract. Where compensation does not meet workers’ basic needs and provide some discretionary income, each


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employer shall work with the PROJECT to take appropriate actions that seek to progressively realize a level of compensation that does.

Impacts on Host Communities from temporary Project Induced Labor Influx

As discussed in section 3.4 of this ESMP, the construction of DABS training centre does not require a large influx of labour from outside of the project area. Most of the unskilled workers will be recruited locally in the project area- only specialized staff are expected to be recruited from outside. The specialized staff from outside will make about less than 20 percent and will be residing in labour camps in the selected area. The project type is a single site to construct training centre on limited geographical area of approximately 1700 m2and is owned by the state. The duration of the project is one year. The distance of the project and contractor’s camp sites are about 2km away from the community settlements. Therefore; there is no risk associated with the contractor’s work forces on the host communities like social conflicts, influx of additional population, increase in traffic and related accidents. However; the mitigation measures are already given in the ESMP and some additional mitigation measures are recommended for the contractor as part the ESMP and contractor’s CESMP;

the contractor is bound to give preference to the local people for skilled and unskilled labors. In urban and peri-urban settings, it is usually less difficult to find qualified local workers, in this kind of circumstances; the contractor will be allowed to outsource the skilled labour. The contractor will make efforts on training center to train the local force for enhancement of their skill level.

As a general rule of the ESMP, camp accommodation is recommended in remote settings away from the settlements. The training center site is the ideal location for the contractor’s camp and there is already national army in the close vicinity. This site is properly fenced. In addition, this location is also away from the agriculture land, community irrigation and drinking water resources.

A grievance redress mechanism (GRM) for workers and local community is an integral part of the ESMP, the contractor and the project management staff will follow the procedural mechanism of CE and GRM during construction period.

The ESMP also include code-of-conduct which will be signed by each worker-n see annex 6 above.


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Number of complaint………… Date: ……………………………..

Village: ………………………………… District: ………………………………..

NAME OF COMPLAINANT: _______________________ Taskara(ID) number: ____________ADDRESS: ____________________________________ Telephone # : _______________________

Please point out your complaint from the below list:- Right of Way , Access limitation Problem with contractor Labor influx , labor force Process delays. Compensation for losing of assets. Other (Specify).

Brief description of the grievance:

Have you lodged the grievance previously on the same subject?

What you think should be done to resolve the compliant or grievance?

Complainer’s Sign and Finger Print……………………………………………………………………..……. Date…………………………………………………………….

Receiver and recorder of the issue / complaint

Name…………………………………………………………………………………………... Job title…………………………………….………………………………………………..Sign……………………………………………………………………………………………... Date………………………………………………………………………………………….


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