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Improve academic achievement of all students in the district as measured by State and local assessments

Ensure a healthy, safe, nurturing, and empowering learning community as measured by climate indicators

Increase communication regarding District 202 success stories through various media

Continue to achieve financial recognition from the Illinois State Board of education through effective management of resources that promotes fiscal accountability

Goals in this section are collaboratively defined by individual schools based on data collection, interpretation, and analysis. All goals are directly aligned with the above Board goals.

Goal 1 - The percentage of Lisle Junior High School students who meet and exceed standards on the ISAT Reading Test will increase from 90.5% to a minimum of 92.5%.

Goal 1 – Decrease the percentage of students who demonstrate anti-social behavior as measured by in-school and out of school suspensions from 5.3% to 4%.

Goal 1 – Increase the number of published (web site, newspapers, etc.) positive articles from 44 in 2010-2011 to a minimum of 50 in 2011-2012.

Goal 1 – We will decrease school wide paper usage by a minimum of 1% during the 2011-2012 school year.

Goal 2 - The percentage of Lisle Junior High School students who meet and exceed standards on the ISAT Math Test will increase from 89.3% to a minimum of 92.5%.

Goal 2 - The number of Acts of Kindness/PAWS recognition of pro-social behaviors will increase from 122 to a minimum of 123.

Goal 2 – We will decrease school wide energy use by a minimum of 1% during the 2011-2012 school year.

(All expenditures will be linked to Board Goals and the School Improvement Plan.)

Lisle Junior High SchoolSchool Improvement Plan


Illinois State Board of Education

Adequate Yearly Progress Report 2011- Lisle Junior High School

By applying the 95% Confidence Interval in both reading and mathematics, the junior high school met AYP in the Students with Disabilities subgroup.



Composite Scores 2002-2011

In 2010-2011:342 students participated in ISAT 11 students participated in IAA


Educational Environment – 2011



Grades 6-8 Reading Trend Data


Grades 6-8 Reading Subgroup Data


Grades 6-8 Math Trend Data


Grades 6-8 Math Subgroup Data


Grades 6-7 Cohort Data


Grades 6-8 Cohort Data





ISAT Comparison Chart


Demographic Comparison Chart


District Infraction SummaryBullying Totals 2010-2011


What are our perceptual strengths and challenges as indicated in the climate survey data?

StrengthsStudents: Teachers, activities, learning environment, size, high expectations. Parents: Teaching staff, high expectations, parental support, size, the learning environment. Staff: Work environment, relationships, focus on individual students’ needs, high academic performance, and integrated curriculum.

ChallengesStudents: Peer relationships.Parents: Pro-social behavior, bullying issues, students respect for other students, meeting the students’ social emotional needs.Staff: Lack of parent/student accountability/responsibility; providing a safe/bully free environment, meeting the needs of ALL students.

What are the big ideas we need to consider as we plan for continuous improvement?

Employing a full time social worker.Continuing the implementation of SEL and pro-social activities.Staff development with the shift to common core standards.High expectations for all members of the school community.

Lisle Junior High SchoolBig Ideas from Climate Survey





Board Goal #1 – Improve academic achievement of all students in the district as measured by State and local assessments.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – The percentage of Lisle Junior High School students who exceed standards on the ISAT Reading test will increase from 38.5% to 40%. Result – 30.2%

*Note – The ISAT Reading meets/exceeds percentage for students as 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students in 2009-2010 was 91.6%. In 2010-2011, the meets/exceeds percentage for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders increased to 94.2%.

Also, using the same criteria, the percentage of students below standards on ISAT Reading decreased from 8.4% in 2010 to 6.7% in 2011.

Lisle Junior High School Goal - The percentage of Lisle Junior High students who exceed standards on the ISAT Math test will increase from 28.8% to 30%. Result – 37.7%

*Note – The ISAT Math meets/exceeds percentage for students as 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students in 2009-2010 was 88.9%. In 2010-2011, the meets/exceeds percentage for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders increased to 92.9%.

Also, using the same criteria, the percentage of students below standards on ISAT Math decreased from 11.1% in 2010 to 8.5% in 2011.


Board Goal #2 – Ensure a healthy, safe, nurturing and empowering learning community as measured by climate indicators.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – Continue the implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI) with an emphasis on incorporating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to support the healthy development of all students.

- Met as a Building Leadership Team. Discussed data to be collected in regard to SEL. Does what we collect for academics work for SEL?- Departments were asked to identify where SEL standards are addressed in their curriculum- We sent members of our leadership team to CASEL training for SEL- Began to discuss possible universal curriculum to teach all students SEL skills- Our Guidance Counselor, Jack Royhl, Social Worker Lauren Crome, and School Psychologist, Jenny Reband, attended a seminar on various SEL screeners- We met during the summer months to decide what screener would be best for our students. It was decided to administer the screener in October 2011 as a pilot to the sixth grade class.- Jack Royhl and Lauren Crome attended a conference on Lion’s Quest, an SEL Curriculum for Grades 6-12


Board Goal #2 – Ensure a healthy, safe, nurturing and empowering learning community as measured by climate indicators.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – Plan and conduct activities to prevent bullying.

- Anti-bullying a school-wide effort. - Our discipline committee met to define bullying and consequences for bullying- Bullying Policy communicated to students, parents and staff- Bullying Policy reviewed with students in an assembly- Students, parents, and staff were surveyed to help shape climate goalsfor 2011-2012- Bullying Prevention and Board Policy discussed at faculty meetings- Teachers in-serviced and meet with David Levine- All staff members given copies of “The ABC’s of Bullying Prevention” toread and use with students- Students’ awareness about bullying increased through David Levineassemblies, morning announcements, poster contest, mix it up lunch, classroom rules and discussion, and early release day activities - Staff members create an effective and much recognized bullyingvideo with students that has received over 15,000 “hits”- Emphasis on and increase of supervision


Board Goal #2 – Ensure a healthy, safe, nurturing and empowering learning community as measured by climate indicators.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – Plan and conduct activities to prevent bullying (continued):

- Open House time frame re-arranged to provide time mid-way through the evening for a presentation on bullying. Booklets (Preventing – Bullying – Information for Parents) were purchased and distributed to parents. - School-wide activities conducted on early release days. Howard Gray CDplayed and discussed. Tattling vs. telling. The role of the bystander and cyberbullying are explained and discussed- Each teacher wrote bully proof goals for their classrooms- Climb theater presentations made to students on peer pressure, respect, harassment, and bullying- LJHS activities programs available to students such as Because Club, Bullying Prevention Committee, STARS, students created anti-bullying posters, student support groups, Be the Change Committee,


Board Goal #2 – Ensure a healthy, safe, nurturing, and empowering learning community as measured by climate indicators.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – Plan and conduct activities to prevent bullying (continued):

- Continued the use of the Learning Environment Supervisor to supervise hallways, locker rooms, before and after school supervision, assist in classrooms and with individual students.

- Initiated “Check and Connect “ and “Why Try” Program

- Our guidance counselor conducted classroom lessons

- Recognition of positive behavior with PAWS and “Acts of Kindness”

- Mr. Marx, LRC Director, creates brochures to publicize fiction,

non-fiction, and picture books for students about bullying


Board Goal #3 – Increase communication regarding District 202 success stories through various media.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – Maintain the use of the junior high web site to communicate with the school community.

Our web site has evolved over the past few years into a comprehensive source of information and includes our homework hotline, front page news and current events, weekly news with daily updates, and subject area information.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – Implement the use of a virtual backpack during 2010-2011.

The junior high school virtual backpack was put into operation during the second quarter of the 2010-2011 school year. A computer tech aide was present at registration prior to the 2011-2012 school year to assist parents in signing up for the virtual backpack. Parents without access to a computer completed a form that was provided to them and we are continuing to mail home information to them.


Board Goal #4 – Continue to achieve financial recognition from the Illinois State Board of Education through effective management of resources that promotes fiscal stability and financial accountability.

Lisle Junior High School Goal - We will decrease school wide paper use by 1%.(195 boxes used in 09-10. 175 boxes used in 10-11 = 9% decrease)

Paper Usage









2009-2010 2010-2011

School Year





Board Goal #4 – Continue to achieve financial recognition from the Illinois State Board of Education through effective management of resources that promotes fiscal stability and financial accountability.

Lisle Junior High School Goal - We will decrease school wide energy use by 1%.

The following two charts illustrate gas and electricity use for the past three school years. The costs for each are shown in the columns. Over the past two school years, gas use was down from 46039 therms to 45348 (.98%). Electricity use was up from 796,675 kilowatt hours to 820,804 in the same two year span (1.03%).


Board Goal #4 – Continue to achieve financial recognition from the Illinois State Board of Education through effective management of resources that promotes fiscal stability and financial accountability.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – We will expend funds that directly relate to School Improvement Goals 1, 2, and 3.

All expenditures (staff development, supplies, curricular needs, technology, etc.) are required to directly relate to teaching and learning and school improvement goals.


Total kWh Charge Total kWh Charge Total kWh ChargeJuly 49,680 6,066$ 44,891 3,951$ 52,311 5,652$ August 62,160 7,340$ 58,623 5,328$ 77,760 7,274$ September 89,280 9,907$ 77,637 6,579$ 59,317 5,987$ October 72,240 8,024$ 67,957 5,572$ 62,106 5,779$ November 72,972 6,273$ 74,687 5,895$ 68,779 6,106$ December 74,215 6,534$ 67,569 5,443$ 69,991 6,119$ January 93,256 9,778$ 82,245 6,201$ 84,650 7,092$ February 83,203 8,811$ 74,943 5,728$ 70,243 6,085$ March 79,023 8,473$ 70,131 5,520$ 74,711 6,366$ April 74,475 8,227$ 57,667 4,914$ 65,098 5,721$ May 89,323 9,757$ 68,014 6,103$ 73,896 6,694$ June 59,682 5,459$ 52,311 5,653$ 61,942 5,879$

899,509 94,649$ 796,675 66,887$ 820,804 74,754$

Therms Charge Therms Charge Therms ChargeJuly 399 510$ 395 261$ 127 84$ August 691 379$ 358 227$ 119 70$ September 463 406$ 523 388$ 147 85$ October 2,735 2,424$ 3,755 2,598$ 258 169$ November 5,092 4,550$ 3,857 2,690$ 2,339 1,351$ December 9,690 8,452$ 9,300 6,313$ 4,982 2,789$ January 10,491 8,819$ 10,762 7,573$ 8,941 5,189$ February 7,124 6,283$ 8,247 6,009$ 9,509 5,419$ March 5,695 4,490$ 5,130 3,517$ 7,167 4,317$ April 3,858 2,395$ 2,267 739$ 5,997 3,430$ May 973 581$ 1,317 821$ 3,893 2,250$ June 415 228$ 128 84$ 1,869 227$

47,626 39,517$ 46,039 31,219$ 45,348 25,380$




2008/2009 2009/2010

2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011

Three-Year Energy Use Chart





Board Goal #1 – Improve academic achievement of all students in the district as measured by State and local assessments.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – The percentage of Lisle Junior High School Students who meet and exceed standards on the ISAT reading test will increase from 90.5 % to a minimum of 92.5%.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – The percentage of Lisle Junior High School students who meet and exceed standards of the ISAT mathematics test will increase from 89.3% to a minimum of 92.5%.

These goals were developed using ISBE AYP data and is based on the students who would be attending our junior high school in the 2011-2012 school year. Schiesher Fifth Grade Spring 2011 ISAT data was combined with sixth and seventh grade LJHS student results to arrive at these goals.

(2011 – Reading - 305 of 337 – 90.5% met or exceeded goals)

(2011 - Math – 302 of 338 – 89.3% met of exceeded goals)


Board Goal #2 – Ensure a healthy, safe, nurturing, and empowering environment as measured by climate indicators.

Lisle Junior High School Goal – Decrease the percentage of students who demonstrate anti-social behavior as measured by in-school and out of school suspensions from 5.3% to 4%.

Lisle Junior High School Goal - The number of Acts of Kindness/PAWS recognition of pro-social behaviors will increase from 122 to a minimum of 123.

These goals were formulated using perceptual data from the climate surveys that were administered during the 2010-2011 school year. Challenges identified from the surveys were peer relationships, pro-social behavior, students’ respect for other students, bullying issues, and meeting the students’ social emotional needs.


Board Goal # 3 – Increase communication regarding District success stories through various media.

Lisle Junior High School Goal: Increase the number of published (web site, newspapers, etc.) positive articles for public consumption from 44 in 2010-2011 to a minumum of 50 in 2011-2012.

(As in past school years every teacher and each department will submit articles for publication our school web site and we will continue to submit articles to the District Media Liaison for consideration by local newspapers.)


Board Goal #4 - Continue to achieve financial recognition from the Illinois State Board of Education through effective management of resources that promotes fiscal stability and financial accountability.

Lisle Junior High School Goal: We will decrease school wide paper use by 1%.

Lisle Junior High School Goal: We will decrease school wide energy use by 1%.

We will continue to link all expenditures (staff development, supplies, curricular needs, technology, etc.) to Board Goals and the School Improvement Plan.