LISEGA Catalog 2010

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Page 1: LISEGA Catalog 2010
Page 2: LISEGA Catalog 2010

Edition October 2001

The LISEGA product program embraces all elements

that are required to create the latest, state of the art

pipe support concepts.

These components correspond to the LISEGA standardization

philosophy and are organized in a modular system

with load and attachment compatibility.

Containing the complete product program, this catalog is in full

compliance with LICAD (Rev. 8), the LISEGA pipe support design program.

The catalog is available, identical in all details, as a pdf-file:

either as a CD-Rom or directly from our homepage.

LISEGA reserves the right to introduce revisions in

the interests of further technical development.

Page 3: LISEGA Catalog 2010

Zeven, GermanyHeadquarters

Bondoufle, France

Newport, TN, USA

Wittenburg, Germany(LISEGA facility for fasteners)

Page 4: LISEGA Catalog 2010


LISEGA is differentAs far as the mutual success of customers and suppliers is concerned, one can’tdo without the other! Accordingly we act as partners for our clients and under-take every effort to make them aware of that. We know this can only be reachedby optimum performance. Not only that - we have to be the best. This way, wecan convince customers or perhaps even rouse their enthusiasm - and we areonly satisfied when that’s achieved!

The constant challenge excites us, for we love suc-cess. There is no greater motivation than success.In order to be the best, we have specialized. Our whole concentration is centered on pipe supports, and has been for more than 35 years.

Regarding our particular sphere, we have a com-prehensive understanding of it. Not only qualityand price determine the customer benefits of theproduct; low application costs are equally import-ant. Often, these alone can prove decisive for thesuccess or failure of a project.

Customer benefit demands the highest efficiencyfrom us. This is why performance with system hasbecome the foundation of the organization and anessential factor in our strategy. On this keynotewe also support product application: standardi-zation, the modular system, series production and user software (LICAD) are themost important elements to this end. Just for this, our customers have made usinternational leaders!

With the catalog in hand, Standard Supports 2010, we wish to present our latesttechnology, and via comprehensive and clearly structured information, make a further contribution to efficient product application.

This is quite in the spirit of our objectives - superior product quality at the keen-est costs for the customer! Even if these aims do seemingly compete, we stickto them, because this is the most effective way to recommend ourselves as partners - and above all, we have already proved it.

That’s why LISEGA is different… through performance with system!

Hans-Herlof Hardtke Rolf Münnich

(from left to right)

Harald Lange, director international sales

Hans-Herlof Hardtke, president, CEO

Wolfgang Tetzlaff, head of German sales

Rolf Münnich, exec. VP, marketing & sales

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PRODUCT GROUP 1Constant Hangers, Constant Supports

PRODUCT GROUP 2Spring Hangers, Spring Supports

PRODUCT GROUP 3Shock Absorbers, Energy Absorbers, Rigid Struts

PRODUCT GROUP 4Pipe Clamps, Clamp Bases, Pipe Connecting Parts

PRODUCT GROUP 5Pipe Bearing and Saddle Components

PRODUCT GROUP 6Threaded Connecting Elements

PRODUCT GROUP 7Structural Attachment Elements

PRODUCT GROUP 8Design Development Tools

SERVICEExtra Services


Page 7: LISEGA Catalog 2010

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LLIISSEEGGAA LLttdd..GGrreeaatt BBrriittaaiinn MMiiddssuummmmeerr HHoouussee441155 aa,, MMiiddssuummmmeerr BBoouulleevvaarrddBBuucckkiinngghhaammsshhiirree,, MMKK99 33BBNNCCeennttrraall MMiillttoonn KKeeyynneessTTeell..:: ((00 1199 0088)) 223311 228822FFaaxx:: ((00 1199 0088)) 223311 332255EE--MMaaiill:: ssaalleess@@lliisseeggaa..ccoo..uukkIInntteerrnneett:: wwwwww..lliisseeggaa..ccoo..uukk

LLIISSEEGGAACChhiinnaaBBeeiijjiinngg OOffffiicceeRRmm.. 551100,, HHuuaa YYiinngg PPllaazzaa 1144 AA,, FFuu XXiinngg RRooaadd PPoosstt CCooddee 110000003366TTeell..:: ((001100)) 6633 995511 220055FFaaxx:: ((001100)) 6633 995555 446666EE--MMaaiill:: lliisseeggaaccoo@@ppuubblliicc..bbttaa..nneett..ccnn

Umschlag UK neu.qx 07.02.2002 12:53 Uhr Seite 2