Today Residue Theorem index of a curve around a point winding number of a curve around a pt Example of applications for residue thm staying.rs hc3u fs 2 except at poles Zi Zk Residue Thmi Let f I Q be a hole function on an open set 1 and let C be a simple closed curve in SL such that the interior of C is also contain inr and Zi Zk are inside C Then f ca da ziti 2 Reszi f R mode's L.ir S Ci say Cetti Then use f DZ Thi Req f Indeed holds by expanding fcz near 2 i into form A t Ga f LZ Cz Zi ni z z ni l Z Zi fat dz J 9 DZ Ziti A l Kii Reszif Zi Celzi

L.ir S · 2020. 10. 15. · Today Residue Theorem index ofa curve around a point windingnumberof a curve around a pt Example of applications for residue thm staying.rs hc3ufs2 except

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  • Today Residue Theorem

    index of a curve around a point windingnumberofa curve around a pt

    Example of applications for residue thm staying.rs hc3ufs2

    except at poles Zi Zk

    ResidueThmi Let f I Q be a hole functionon an openset 1 and let C be a simple closed

    curve in SL such that the interiorof C is also contain inrand Zi Zk areinside C Then

    fca da ziti 2 Reszi f R

    mode'sL.ir SCi

    say Cetti Then use

    f DZ Thi Req f

    Indeed holds by expanding fcz near 2i into formA t GafLZ CzZi ni z z ni l Z Zi

    fat dz J 9 DZ Ziti A l Kii ReszifZi Celzi

  • Rink The limitation on the curve C to be simplecanbe remove ice we can consider crossings i

    Ea no

    dZ zitiE p


    C Cit G a c of C around0

    integration along C int along C then int along CzPics


    Lemme If a piecewise smooth closed curve 8 does notpass through a point then the value of theintegral

    zeta da n

    is a multiple of zitit


    Firatimi z adZ a dot a d logcz alog 2 a Re togaas i ImKogaAD

    log Iz al t i argot awell defined is only welldefinedfor IZ al 0 upto a multiple

    of ziti

    informally fzztadZ i.ch mentof E as

    check i J Fa DZ Ziti zr

  • o J adZ 41T ir

    Formalproof i If r is parametrized by zits instepthen we can consider the fruition

    tet Z'es a t phits f dsixzcss a hcpl fzfa.dzIt is defined and is continuous on the closedinternal Exits i

    hits a t

    Z'Ct is notwhenever 2kt is continuous o continuum atHct E t

    httThen the combination e 2Ct a has derivativevanishes everywhere in t Ctap except at possibly finitemany points This function Hits is continuous henceHtt const along Art CEx.BZ TXie

    het heeThus e 2Ct a e Zen a

    2 L a

    hot ZC2Cd a

  • eHCP zCf a I i hip ziti th

    Det mcr a i z a DZ winding numberof T around a

    Rinka MC r a Ncr a


    f I E has finitely many poles2 i Zk

    T is a cane in 52 avoiding these poles

    fat dz ziti Ei Resz f aa

    A fc If 1O LIt

    her owe can defer aslong as 8 avoid E y


    f minus because 2 windsclockwise

  • ner e IT t1 Nct 1 1

    fez dz Thi Resof ncr oRes f no 1

    ziti d ti t BC.tlI Zhi B d


    u caus E Usb

    Mi b of f

    f da f fo dwfoisw fez argument principle

    next time

  • Application of Residue ThmI evaluate definite real integral

    MIRIf dx trim ftp.txfdx

    F X

    fit zzfat has poles at

    R O R roots of ZHI i eiCzei CZ i opole at 2 i 2 i

    Cet CR

    fez dz Thi Res fatorder 1 pole at fctI

    Reszife lim fiz Cz Dilimz i Z i AtiIZeitz i zit

  • f Ct dZ ZITI IT TL


    ffg.zt.dze kid

    E TAR Oas R p


    Thus pliff If'gdZfit dz fzi.hr


    Rink for fad QCD such thatQLD has no roots along the real line

    and degPox E deg Q 12 proofas above

    then fj fan DX can be evaluated in the sameway

    Rink quiz can we close up the contour frombelow like Lyell

  • DieEX I f EI dx o c allI exFirstchecke is this well defined a Ico

    Near the ftp.eeaf dx f ecaDxdx CPAnear o

    If e d J e a du enRU againexpdecay

    2What are the zeros of e 11 0e Ti l t e'T 11 0

    but z Ti t Thi n nC 2 all have same valueifor et X3Tri

    Gor Cmi


    R C RThi

    f 3miwant Jc f z dz

    know fo f't ziti Resz i fi C eat


  • or applyL'hopital

    t.EEiqfiH tziI.iG i Tear ae AZIng e'I i I'z

    z Zo

    Iim CHED'tz i e4De a ay

    fez ok S coitus fi eafIiieeuduUtpI I I

    thCAHd J e



    ea 2


    asR pone can also show Iz fit DZ oalong vertical

    edges 14 Ja f de OFE

    ni I Iit Iz Is 114time It Is elimp I e g I

    l ea 2


  • I iaea

    I e 2Tina

    e Tia eTai etia e.tt


    Tinta 70 i ca li Sin Tia 70