Lipid Transport between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Mitochondria Vid V. Flis and Gu ¨ nther Daum Institute of Biochemistry, Graz University of Technology, A-8010 Graz, Austria Correspondence: [email protected] Mitochondria are partially autonomous organelles that depend on the import of certain proteins and lipids to maintain cell survival and membrane formation. Although phospha- tidylglycerol, cardiolipin, and phosphatidylethanolamine are synthesized by mitochondrial enzymes, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and sterols need to be imported from other organelles. The origin of most lipids imported into mitochondria is the endoplasmic reticulum, which requires interaction of these two subcellular compart- ments. Recently, protein complexesthat are involved in membrane contact between endo- plasmic reticulum and mitochondria were identified, but their role in lipid transport is still unclear. In the present review, we describe components involved in lipid translocation between the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria and discuss functional as well as regulatory aspects that are important for lipid homeostasis. B iological membranes are major structural components of all cell types. They protect the cell from external influences, organize the interior in distinct compartments and allow bal- anced flux of components. Besides their specific proteome, organelles exhibit unique lipid com- positions, which influence their shape, physical properties, and function. Major lipid classes found in biological membranes are phospholip- ids, sterols, and sphingolipids. The major “lipid factory” within the cell is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is able to synthesize the bulk of structural phospholipids, sterols, and storage lipids such as triacylglycer- ols and steryl esters (van Meer et al. 2008). Fur- thermore, initial steps of ceramide synthesis occur in the ER providing precursors for the formation of complex sphingolipids in other organelles (Futerman 2006). Besides the export of ceramides, the ER supplies a large portion of lipids to other organelles, which cannot pro- duce their own lipids or have a limited capacity to do so. Organelle interaction and transport of lipids require specific carrier proteins, mem- brane contact sites, tethering complexes, and/ or vesicle flux. These processes are highly im- portant for the maintenance of cell structure and survival but are still a matter of dispute. Most prominent organelle interaction partners are the ER and mitochondria. A subfraction of the ER named mitochondria-associated mem- brane (MAM) (Vance 1990) was described to be involved in lipid translocation to mitochon- dria. MAM is part of the ER network, which was shown to be in contact or close proximity to the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM). Editors: Susan Ferro-Novick, Tom A. Rapoport, and Randy Schekman Additional Perspectives on The Endoplasmic Reticulum available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a013235 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2013;5:a013235 1 on March 23, 2022 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

Lipid Transport between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and

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Lipid Transport between the EndoplasmicReticulum and Mitochondria

Vid V. Flis and Gunther Daum

Institute of Biochemistry, Graz University of Technology, A-8010 Graz, Austria

Correspondence: [email protected]

Mitochondria are partially autonomous organelles that depend on the import of certainproteins and lipids to maintain cell survival and membrane formation. Although phospha-tidylglycerol, cardiolipin, and phosphatidylethanolamine are synthesized by mitochondrialenzymes, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and sterols needto be imported from other organelles. The origin of most lipids imported into mitochondria isthe endoplasmic reticulum, which requires interaction of these two subcellular compart-ments. Recently, protein complexes that are involved in membrane contact between endo-plasmic reticulum and mitochondria were identified, but their role in lipid transport is stillunclear. In the present review, we describe components involved in lipid translocationbetween the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria and discuss functional as well asregulatory aspects that are important for lipid homeostasis.

Biological membranes are major structuralcomponents of all cell types. They protect

the cell from external influences, organize theinterior in distinct compartments and allow bal-anced flux of components. Besides their specificproteome, organelles exhibit unique lipid com-positions, which influence their shape, physicalproperties, and function. Major lipid classesfound in biological membranes are phospholip-ids, sterols, and sphingolipids.

The major “lipid factory” within the cell isthe endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It is able tosynthesize the bulk of structural phospholipids,sterols, and storage lipids such as triacylglycer-ols and steryl esters (van Meer et al. 2008). Fur-thermore, initial steps of ceramide synthesisoccur in the ER providing precursors for theformation of complex sphingolipids in other

organelles (Futerman 2006). Besides the exportof ceramides, the ER supplies a large portion oflipids to other organelles, which cannot pro-duce their own lipids or have a limited capacityto do so. Organelle interaction and transport oflipids require specific carrier proteins, mem-brane contact sites, tethering complexes, and/or vesicle flux. These processes are highly im-portant for the maintenance of cell structureand survival but are still a matter of dispute.Most prominent organelle interaction partnersare the ER and mitochondria. A subfraction ofthe ER named mitochondria-associated mem-brane (MAM) (Vance 1990) was described tobe involved in lipid translocation to mitochon-dria. MAM is part of the ER network, which wasshown to be in contact or close proximity tothe outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM).

Editors: Susan Ferro-Novick, Tom A. Rapoport, and Randy Schekman

Additional Perspectives on The Endoplasmic Reticulum available at www.cshperspectives.org

Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a013235

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Contact sites between MAM and mitochondriawere assumed to facilitate exchange of compo-nents between the two compartments. Interest-ingly, MAM harbor a number of lipid synthe-sizing enzymes (Gaigg et al. 1994). Recently,molecular components governing membranecontact between the two organelles were identi-fied (Dolman et al. 2005; Csordas et al. 2006; deBrito and Scorrano 2008; Kornmann et al. 2009;Friedman et al. 2010; Lavieu et al. 2010), al-though the specific role of these componentsin lipid translocation is not yet clear.


Cardiolipin (CL) and/or phosphatidylglycerol(PG) are considered as mitochondria-specificphospholipids (Zinser et al. 1991). Both lipidsare synthesized by mitochondria themselves(Davidson and Stanacev 1971). The importanceof CL for ATP-production has been shown withdifferent membrane types, e.g., bacteria, hydro-genosomes, and mitochondria (Mileykovskayaet al. 2005; Schlame 2008; Acehan et al. 2011).In mitochondria, the majority of CL is localizedto the inner membrane (IMM) (Zinser et al.1991), but substantial amounts were also de-tected in the OMM (Gebert et al. 2009). Withits uncommon, dimeric structure (Fig. 1) CLtogether with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)interacts with many mitochondrial proteins(Osman et al. 2011) and stabilizes their confor-mation (Joshi et al. 2012). Mutants lacking CLand PE biosynthesis are synthetic lethal in yeastand bacteria (Gohil et al. 2005). In bacteria,both lipids are organized in membrane clusters(Matsumoto et al. 2006). Specific interactionpartners of CL are proteins of ATP production,mitochondrial transport systems (Bogdanovet al. 2008a; Schlame and Ren 2009), and pro-teins required for mitochondrial structure andfusion (Joshi et al. 2012).

Another prominent mitochondrial phos-pholipid is PE. Mitochondria are able to synthe-size a large portion of PE by decarboxylation ofphosphatidylserine (PS) (Vial et al. 1982; Trotteret al. 1993; Emoto et al. 1999; Birner et al. 2001;Nerlich et al. 2007). With its small hydrophilic

head group and large hydrophobic tail, PE is atypical nonbilayer-forming phospholipid (seeFig. 1). This structure appears to be importantfor some peripheral and integral membrane pro-teins (van den Brink-van der Laan et al. 2004).Together with CL, PE plays acrucial role in main-taining mitochondrial morphology. Loss ofboth PE and CL is lethal probably due to defectsin mitochondrial fusion (Joshi et al. 2012) and/or protein destabilizing (Bogdanov et al. 2008b;Osman et al. 2009b). Lack of PE synthesized inthe IMM cannot be fully compensated by PEimported from extramitochondrial sites (Birneret al. 2001; Burgermeister et al. 2004; Joshi et al.2012). However, PE derived from exogenouslyso-PE can restore both intra- and extramito-chondrial PE deficiencies by remodeling pro-cesses (Riekhof and Voelker 2006). Noteworthy,mitochondria are the major supplier of PE toother organelles (Voelker 1984).

Mitochondrial enzymes of CL and PG syn-thesis, as well as the major PS decarboxylase, aresynthesized on cytosolic ribosomes, importedinto mitochondria, and assembled into theIMM (Minskoff and Greenberg 1997; Jianget al. 2000; Nowicki et al. 2005; Nebauer et al.2007; Choi et al. 2012). Only recently were weable to demonstrate experimentally the involve-ment of components of the mitochondrialTOM complex and of mitochondrial proteasesin import and processing of the mitochondrialPS decarboxylase Psd1p from the yeast (Hor-vath et al. 2012).

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) has a big hydro-philic head group and a long hydrophobic tail(see Fig. 1). Its cylindrical shape makes it a per-fect component of bilayer membranes and itsrole as a structural component is essential (vanMeer et al. 2008). Specific functions of PC inmitochondria are not well defined. Similar toPC, specific functions of phosphatidylinositol(PI) in mitochondria are not known, but itsessential role in total cellular metabolism makesit directly or indirectly indispensible for themaintenance of mitochondria. The bulkheadgroup of PI makes this phospholipid a specificmembrane bilayer component.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) has also a cylin-drical shape that allows integration into bilayer

V.V. Flis and G. Daum

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membranes (see Fig. 1). Although PS is presentin low concentrations in organelles of eukary-otic cells (Zinser and Daum 1995), it is impor-tant as a precursor for the two major phospho-lipids, PE and PC. Supply of PS to mitochondriais essential because in many cells the majority ofPE is formed by decarboxylation of PS in mito-chondria. The metabolic conversion of PS to PEupon import of PS into mitochondria providesa convenient biochemical method to study thisimport process (Voelker 1988, 1989b, 1991, 1992,1993; Achleitner et al. 1995, 1999).

Typically, the lipid composition of mito-chondria shows as major components 40%–44% PC, 27%–34% PE, 1%–3% PS, 5%–15% PI, and 13%–14% CL depending on thecell type (Zinser and Daum 1995; Daum and

Vance 1997; van Meer 2008). OMM and IMMare strongly different with respect to their lipidequipment. Whereas the IMM is strongly en-riched in proteins and contains only 20% lipidsof total mass, the OMM is a lipid rich membrane(Zinser and Daum 1995; Dolis et al. 1996; Daumand Vance 1997). Accumulation of CL, PG, andalso PE in the IMM appears to be related tofunctions mentioned above.


The biosynthetic sequence of aminoglycero-phospholipid formation starts with the syn-thesis of PS in the ER (Fig. 2). The highest










Phosphatidylinositol Cylindricalbilayer


+– +
































































Figure 1. Major phospholipid classes of mitochondria. Chemical formulas and geometrical forms of the majormitochondrial phospholipids are shown. The shape-structure concept of lipids compares the area of the head groupwith the area of their acyl chains. If the cross-section area of the head group is similar to that of the acyl chains, lipidshave an overall cylindrical shape and have a strong tendency of self-assembly into bilayer phases of biologicalmembranes. A typical example for such geometry is PC. If the cross-section area of the head group is smaller thanthat of the acyl chains, lipids have a conical shape and form structures with negative curvature such as hexagonalphase. Examples of this type are PE and CL. While PC, PS, and PI exhibit cylindrical shape and self-organize intobilayers, PE and CL with their conical shape induce hexagonal phases and disturb bilayer arrangement.

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Dpl1pSAM Cho2p/Pem1p




Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic reticulum


Golgi network Psd1p–CO2Psd2p –CO2













PL CDP-Etn/Cho






Methylation pathway


Fatty acid Acyl-CoA

Decarboxylation pathway










3 × SAM
























PE Etn


Figure 2. Biosynthetic pathways of aminoglycerophospholipids. (A) Biosynthesis of aminoglycerophospholipidsin yeast. Formation of PS is accomplished in the ER and catalyzed in a CDP-DAG-dependent reaction by the PSsynthase, Pss1p. Decarboxylation of PS yielding PE occurs in mitochondria (via Psd1p) and a Golgi/vacuolarcompartment (via Psd2p). Three-step methylation of PE in the ER catalyzed by Cho2p/Pem1p and Opi3p/Pem2p leads to formation of PC with S-adenosine methionine (SAM) as methyl donor. PC and PE can beformed also by the CDP-ethanolamine and CDP-choline branches of the so-called Kennedy pathway making useof exogenous or endogenous choline (Cho) and ethanolamine (Etn), respectively. SL, sphingolipids. (B) Amino-glycerophospholipid biosynthesis in mammalian cells. The major mechanism of PS production in mammals isbase exchange with PC (PSS1) and PE (PSS2) as substrates. A major route of PE and PC production are the CDP-ethanolamine and CDP-choline pathways. In mammalian cells, PE can also be produced by decarboxylation ofPS. In hepatocytes, a single methyltransferase catalyzes methylation of PE to PC. (C) The Land’s cycle describes asequence of deacylation and reacylation. PE and PC are converted to lyso-PE and lyso-PC and vice versa.

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concentration of PS synthesizing enzymes hasbeen detected in the MAM (mitochondria-as-sociated membrane) (Kuchler et al. 1986; Vance1990). Interestingly, mammalian cells and yeasthave different pathways to produce PS. In mam-malian cells, two phosphatidylserine synthases(PSS-1 and PSS-2) produce PS by base exchangeat the head group of PE or PC (Vance 2008) in aCa2þ-dependent reaction (Fig. 2B). This releaseof Ca2þ into the lumen of the ER is energydependent. In yeast, formation of PS is cata-lyzed by the gene product of PSS1/CHO1 (Lettset al. 1983), which requires CDP-diacylglycerol(CDP-DAG) and serine (Nikawa and Yamashita1981) as substrates and depends on Mg2þ orMn2þ (Fig. 2A). Cellular energy is required forthe formation of CDP-DAG. In plants, bothpathways described above are active for PS pro-duction (Delhaize et al. 1999; Manoharan et al.2000; Rontein et al. 2003). In all types of cells,PS synthesized in the ER is exported to otherorganelles, including mitochondria where itserves as a substrate for PE synthesis.

PE is the second most abundant lipid ofeukaryotic cells. It can be synthesized by fourdifferent pathways: (i) the CDP-ethanolaminepathway (also named Kennedy pathway) (Kan-fer and Kennedy 1964), (ii) decarboxylation ofPS to PE, (iii) base exchange between differentphospholipids, and (iv) acylation of lyso-PE(see Fig. 2). Yeast has two PS decarboxylases(PSD) with overlapping functions (Trotter etal. 1993). Psd1p is localized to mitochondria(Trotter et al. 1993), and Psd2p has been foundin a Golgi/vacuolar compartment (Trotter andVoelker 1995). Psd1p is a component of theIMM/intermembrane space and produces themajority of total cellular and mitochondrial PE(Trotter et al. 1993; Birner et al. 2001).

Yeast can also produce PE through the CDP-ethanolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway(Kennedy and Weiss 1956). The CDP-ethanol-amine pathway incorporates externally addedor endogenous ethanolamine through stepwisephosphorylation, activation with CTP, and at-tachment to diacylglycerol (DAG). In the finalstep, phosphoethanolamine is transferred fromCDP-ethanolamine to a DAG acceptor form-ing PE. However, PE synthesized through this

pathway cannot fully complement for the mi-tochondrial requirement of PE in cells deletedof both PSD1 and PSD2 (Trotter and Voelker1995). Ethanolamine phosphate, which is anintermediate in this biosynthetic sequence,can also be derived from sphingolipid degrada-tion providing a link between sphingolipidand PE metabolism (Mao et al. 1997; Sabaet al. 1997). Finally, yeast harbors enzymes thatcatalyze acylation of lyso-PE (Riekhof andVoelker 2006; Riekhof et al. 2007b; Deng et al.2010). This type of reaction named Land’s cycleincludes deacylation/reacylation of phospho-lipids (Lands 1958) and appears to be importantfor remodeling processes. The reason for the ex-istence of overlapping pathways is still a matterof dispute, although evidence for distinct poolsof PE has been presented (Burgermeister et al.2004).

Mammalian cells have the capacity to syn-thesize their entire PE through the PSD pathwayin mitochondria (Voelker and Frazier 1986),but in the presence of ethanolamine the CDP-ethanolamine pathway can fulfill most of theextramitochondrial requirements for this lipid(Vance 2008). The Land’s cycle is importantfor remodeling phospholipids that have beenformed by other pathways. As an example, for-mation of PE from lyso-PE can be accom-plished by LPEAT2 (acyl-CoA:lysophosphatidyl-ethanolamine acyltransferase 2) in the braincells. Ethanolamine phospholipids are majorconstituents of the myelin sheath increasingthe signal transmission speed along the axons(Cao et al. 2008). In plants, remodeling of PE tolyso-PE was reported to be involved in plantgrowth promotion and leaf senescence (Cowan2009; Hong et al. 2009). In the parasites, Trypa-nosoma brucei and Plasmodium berghei, PE isexclusively produced through the CDP-etha-nolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway (Ser-ricchio and Butikofer 2011).

PC is the most abundant phospholipid ineukaryotic cells (van Meer et al. 2008). Becausemitochondria lack PC synthesizing enzymes,this phospholipid has to be imported from theER. PC can be produced via three pathways:(i) the CDP-choline branch of the Kennedy path-way (Gibellini and Smith 2010), (ii) methylation

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of PE (Sundler and Akesson 1975; Li et al. 2005),and (iii) the Land’s cycle, in which LPCAT (lyso-phosphocholine acyltransferase) produces PCfrom lyso-PC and fatty acids (Riekhof et al.2007a; Hishikawa et al. 2008; Shindou et al.2009) (see Fig. 2). In most mammalian cells,the majority of PC is formed through the CDP-choline pathway (Kennedy 1956; Gibellini andSmith 2010; Hermansson et al. 2011), andonly in hepatocytes PE methylation is the pre-dominant pathway (Sundler and Akesson 1975;Li et al. 2005). Reactions of the CDP-cho-line pathway are similar to the CDP-ethanol-amine pathway and catalyzed by choline kinase,phosphocholine cytidyltransferase, and cholinephosphotransferase. In the final step, phospho-choline is transferred from CDP-choline to DAGforming PC. In yeast (Boumann et al. 2004) aswell as in mammals (Henneberry and McMaster1999), enzymes of the both branches of theKennedy pathway have overlapping substratespecificities.

The second pathway of PC production inmammalian cells (Van Pilsum and Carlson1970) and yeast (Kodaki and Yamashita 1987)is PE methylation. In this sequence, S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) serves as methyl donor forthree steps of methyltransferase reactions. In thefirst step, PE is methylated to monomethyl-PEand then further converted to dimethyl-PE inthe second step. The biosynthetic sequence iscompleted by a third step of methylation yield-ing the final product PC. In yeast, the geneproducts of CHO2/PEM1 and OPI3/PEM2are involved (Kodaki and Yamashita 1987),whereas hepatocytes harbor only one N-meth-yltransferase, which catalyzes all three steps ofPE methylation (Sundler and Akesson 1975;Ridgway et al. 1989). The lower eukaryote, Try-panosoma brucei, lacks genes coding for PEN-methyltransferases (Gibellini et al. 2009).


Synthesis of PG and CL in mitochondria occursby a multistep reaction sequence (Schlame et al.1993). First, PA is converted to CDP-DAG by

Cds1p, either in the ER/MAM or in mitochon-dria. Then, conversion of CDP-DAG to phos-phatidylglycerol phosphate (PGP) catalyzed byPgs1p occurs (Chang et al. 1998a). PGP is de-phosphorylated to PG in a reaction that is ac-complished by the PGP phosphatase Gep4p(Osman et al. 2010). In the final step of CLsynthesis, a phosphatidate (PA) moiety is trans-ferred from CDP-DAG to the hydroxyl group inthe head group of PG. The cleavage of the py-rophosphate group provides the chemical ener-gy for the latter reaction. In yeast (Jiang et al.1997; Chang et al. 1998b; Tuller et al. 1998),Arabidopsis (Katayama et al. 2004; Nowicki et al.2005), and human cells (Chen et al. 2006; Hout-kooper et al. 2006; Lu et al. 2006), CL synthasewas localized to mitochondria. Importantly, CLundergoes remodeling processes (Joshi et al.2009; Schlame and Ren 2009) with so-calledtafazzins (Malhotra et al. 2009) involved. Tafaz-zins are phospholipid transacylases that transferacyl groups from phospholipids, preferentiallyPC, to monolysocardiolipin (MLCL). The re-verse reaction of this modification is the transferof an acyl group from CL to lyso-PC. The reac-tion does not require activation of fatty acidsbut occurs in a lysophospholipid–phospholip-id complex by deprotonation and nucleophilicattack on the ester bond of the acyl donor (Xuet al. 2006).

PA and CDP-DAG are important interme-diates not only for PG/CL synthesis but also forthe formation of PI and PS (Athenstaedt andDaum 1999). In the yeast, PA is synthesizedfrom glycerol-3-phosphate and/or dihydroxy-acetone phosphate (DHAP) in the ER and lipiddroplets by two steps of acylation. The first acet-ylation reaction with DHAP as a substrate leadsto acyl-DHAP, which is then reduced by the1-acyl-DHAP reductase Ayr1p in an NADPH-dependent reaction to lyso-PA. Alternatively,acylation of glycerol-3-phosphate leads to for-mation of lyso-PA. In a final acylation step, lyso-PA is converted to PA (Athenstaedt et al. 1999a;Sorger and Daum 2003). PA can also be gener-ated by phospholipase D (Osman et al. 2011)in mitochondria. In plants, PA synthesis oc-curs in plastids, mitochondria, and micro-somes. Dephosphorylation of PA is catalyzed

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by mammalian lipin and the yeast orthologPah1p (Carman and Han 2006, 2009; Brindleyet al. 2009; Harris and Finck 2011), which wererecently shown to be pacemakers and switchpoints in lipid metabolism. Dephosphorylationof PA is a crucial step, because the product of thedephosphorylation reaction, DAG, becomessubstrate for triacylglycerol synthases and thuspromotes biogenesis of lipid droplets (Adeyoet al. 2011). PA, which is not dephosphorylated,is preferentially converted to CDP-DAG, whichis further used for the synthesis of phospholip-ids. CDP-DAG synthase activity in yeast, aswell as in mammals, was localized to the ERand mitochondria (Kuchler et al. 1986; Kelleyand Carman 1987; Chen et al. 2006).


PI is produced in the ER and has to be importedinto mitochondria. PI is synthesized from CDP-DAG and inositol (Gardocki et al. 2005). In theyeast, deletion of the only phosphatidylinositolsynthase gene PIS1 is lethal (Nikawa et al. 1987).Furthermore, PI serves as precursor for cell sig-naling molecules such as phosphatidylinosi-tol phosphates (PIP), phosphatidylinositol bis-phosphates (PIP2) and phosphatidylinositoltriphosphates (PIP3) and for the biosynthesisof GPI anchors (Serricchio and Butikofer 2011).


As the biosynthetic sequence of PS-PE-PC syn-thesis occurs in different subcellular compart-ments (see above), the amounts of intermedi-ates and products are indication and measurefor transport between organelles. Therefore,interorganelle translocation of aminoglycero-phospholipids can be investigated by followingthe incorporation of serine into PS in the ER,decarboxylation of PS to PE in the mitochon-dria, and methylation of PE to PC upon thereturn of PE to the ER without isolation of or-ganelles. Making use of this experimental strat-egy, phospholipid transport studies with in-tact cells, isolated organelles, and permeabilized

cells have been performed (Butler and Thomp-son 1975; Voelker 1985, 1989a,b, 1990, 1991;Vance 1990; Achleitner et al. 1995; Shiao et al.1995; Emoto et al. 1999; Kuge et al. 2001; Schu-macher et al. 2002; Wu and Voelker 2004; Car-rasco et al. 2006; Riekhof and Voelker 2006;Kornmann et al. 2009; Nguyen et al. 2012; Padi-lla-Lopez et al. 2012; Tamura et al. 2012). Thesestudies showed that in mammalian cells PStransport from MAM to the OMM requiresATP. Further import of PS to the IMM yieldsPE (Voelker and Frazier 1986; Voelker 1990,1991; Shiao et al. 1995).

Experiments with isolated organelles pro-vided more detailed information about theprocess of phospholipid import into mitochon-dria. Reconstitution of transport systems usingisolated mitochondria and microsomes/MAM(Kuchler et al. 1986; Simbeni et al. 1990; Vance1990; Achleitner et al. 1999; Emoto et al. 1999)revealed that uptake of PS by mitochondria de-pended on the PS concentration in the do-nor membranes (ER, Golgi) (Wu and Voelker2004). Although ATP was required for transportof PS in intact and permeabilized cells (see be-low), no such observation was made in the re-constituted in vitro system. It was argued thatclose apposition of donor (ER/MAM) and ac-ceptor (mitochondria) membranes was suffi-cient for transport, but that ATP was probablyrequired to provide appropriate conditions fortransport of this phospholipid in intact cells.Experiments making use of the coisolation ofMAM with mitochondria suggested that thecontact of these two cellular fractions is fairlytight (Vance 1990; Achleitner et al. 1999). Alto-gether, it was concluded that membrane contactbetween ER and mitochondria is important forlipid translocation between these two organ-elles.

Experiments performed with permeabilizedcells provided a useful alternative to the exper-iments described above (Lim et al. 1986; Voelker1992; Achleitner et al. 1995; Kuge et al. 2001; Wuand Voelker 2001). Permeabilized cells are ob-tained by mild chemical or mechanical treat-ment of whole cells, resulting in the internalorganelle structures remaining largely intact,while access to the interior is possible for

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compounds that cannot enter an intact cell. Inpermeabilized yeast cells (Achleitner et al. 1999)[3H]serine is incorporated into PS in the ER.Transport of [3H]PS to mitochondria yields[3H]PE formed by mitochondrial Psd1p. Useof psd2D mutants and depletion of ethanol-amine from the medium allows attribution ofthe formed [3H]PE to transport of [3H]PS fromthe ER. Transport of [3H]PE from mitochon-dria to the ER results in formation of [3H]PC asa measure for this transport route (Achleitneret al. 1995, 1999; Shiao et al. 1998).

The advantage of permeabilized cells is thatreactions can be manipulated by addition ofchemicals such as divalent ions, energy block-ers, or cytoskeleton inhibiting reagents (Eilerset al. 1989) or by removing the cytosol. Thisfeature allowed additional characterization oflipid transport between ER and mitochondriawith mammalian (Voelker 1990) and yeast cells(Achleitner et al. 1995). Transport of PS to mi-tochondria was shown to be dependent on ATPin mammalian cells (Voelker 1989a) but not inyeast (Achleitner et al. 1999). However, a certainamount of ATP must be present in both celltypes (Shiao et al. 1995) because upstream re-actions of lipid precursor formation are energyconsuming. It was also shown that ongoing syn-thesis of PS is not required for translocation tomitochondria because preformed PS was effi-ciently used as a substrate for mitochondrialPS decarboxylation. Interestingly, when exoge-nous mitochondria were added to permeabi-lized cells, they failed to serve as acceptors forPS import (Voelker 1993). This result suggeststhat pre-existing, stable associations betweenmitochondria and ER/MAM play an importantrole in the transport process.

In a yeast genetic screen, Voelker and co-workers searched for components that influencethe translocation of PS from ER to the sites ofdecarboxylation in mitochondria (via Psd1p)(Schumacher et al. 2002) and Golgi/vacuoles(via Psd2p) (Trotter et al. 1998; Wu and Voelker2001, 2004). The first gene product identifiedwas Met30p, which influenced the import ofPS into mitochondria. MET30 encodes a sub-unit of a multicomponent E3 ubiquitin ligase(Aghajan et al. 2010; Ouni et al. 2010) and af-

fects substrate specificity of the ubiquitin ligase(Chandrasekaran et al. 2006; Yan and Xiong2010). One substrate for the E3 ubiquitin ligaseis the transcription factor Met4p, which is inac-tivated upon ubiquitination. It was suggestedthat Met30p mediates ubiquitination of certaintarget proteins and may play a role either in ER-mitochondria recognition, in the inhibition ofthis docking process, or in regulation of tran-scription of a factor involved in lipid transport.The second component identified in the screenwas the phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase Stt4p,which affects transport of PS to the site ofPsd2p-driven conversion to PE (Trotter et al.1998). The mode of action of Stt4p on organelleinteraction and/or PS translocation remains tobe elucidated. It was suggested that the C2 do-main of Psd2p, which binds Ca2þ, interacts withproteins or lipids and recognizes anionic lipidssuch as PS and polyphosphoinositides (Choiet al. 2005) and may be the bridge for PS trans-location. Finally, the gene product of PDR17/SFH4 was found to affect PS transport to Psd2p.Reconstitution assays with permeabilized cellsand isolated organelles showed that Pdr17pmust be present on the acceptor membrane fortransfer of PS to Psd2p (van den Hazel et al.1999; Wu et al. 2000). The mechanism of actionof Pdr17p is still unknown.

Reconstitution of PS synthesis and trans-port in permeabilized mammalian cells identi-fied two other components that affect PS trans-port from the ER/MAM to mitochondria(Emoto et al. 1999; Kuge et al. 2001). One ofthese proteins is S100B (NP_006236), an EF-hand domain-Ca2þ-binding protein. It is notknown whether this protein participates intransport or promotes stability and/or assem-bly of interactions of ER/MAM and mitochon-dria. The second component was only indirectlyidentified in the mammalian cell line R41,which has a defect in PS transport between theOMM and IMM.

Studies with isolated organelles treatedwith protease (Shiao et al. 1998; Achleitneret al. 1999) or dinitrophenol, which alters thedistance between the ER and mitochondria(Hovius et al. 1992), suggested the participationof organelle surface proteins in PS transport.

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Electron microscopy supported this view bydemonstrating close contact zones betweenER/MAM and mitochondria, which mightserve as bridges for lipid translocation (Csordaset al. 2006). Furthermore, the involvement ofacetylated microtubules in ER-mitochondriadynamics was demonstrated, a mechanism bywhich membrane contact can be establishedand/or maintained (Friedman et al. 2010).Moreover, mitochondrial division sites pro-duced by Dnm1p and Drp1p were found to bephysically connected with the ER (Friedmanet al. 2011).

To shed more light on the role of ER-mito-chondria contact, genetic and synthetic geneticinteractions analysis mainly with the yeast, Sac-charomyces cerevisiae, were performed (Birneret al. 2003; Kornmann et al. 2009; Osman et al.2009a). Such genetic screens were designedin a way that defects in two or more interactinggene products become lethal. Recently, Korn-mann et al. (2009) identified components ofER-mitochondria contact in yeast at the molec-ular level. They showed that in wild-type cells, aprotein complex tethers the ER/MAM and mi-tochondria. Mutations in this protein complexcaused slow growth or were lethal for the cells,but could be suppressed by an artificial tether-ing construct called ChiMERA, which carried aGFP molecule. When staining the mitochon-dria with mito-tracker and expressing the Chi-MERA, association was visualized confirmingthat ChiMERA acted as a bridge between theER and mitochondria. The authentic complexwas named ERMES (ER mitochondria encoun-tered structures) and contains the OMM pro-teins, Mdm10p, Mdm12p, and Mdm34p, whichinteract with the ER membrane anchored pro-tein Mmm1p. In the absence of ERMES, the CLlevel and the PS/PC conversion rates were de-creased, suggesting the involvement of ERMESin phospholipids transport between ER andmitochondria (Fig. 3). Moreover, genetic inter-actions between PSD1, GEM1, and the ERMEScomplex were shown (Kornmann et al. 2009).The Ca2þMiro (mitochondria rho-like) GTPaseGem1p is a regulatory component of ERMES(Kornmann et al. 2011; Stroud et al. 2011),maintains mitochondrial morphology and in-

heritance (Frederick et al. 2004, 2008) andmost likely connects ERMES to the actin cyto-skeleton (Kornmann et al. 2011; Michel andKornmann 2012). It was assumed that Gem1pshuttles between a free and ERMES bound form(see Fig. 3), although the molecular mechanismof Gem1p remains unknown. Physical interac-tion of Psd1p with ERMES or Gem1p was notdemonstrated. Nevertheless, it was reported thata gem1Dpsd2Ddpl1D yeast mutant grown on anonfermentable carbon source was defective inits PC synthesis (Kornmann et al. 2011), mostlikely by impaired PE and PS transport. A similargrowth phenotype was reported before for thegem1D single deletion strain grown on syntheticglycerol media (Frederick et al. 2008). GEM1also shows strong synthetic lethality withGEP4, encoding a PGP phosphatase (Kornmannet al. 2011). Gem1p is well conserved in theeukaryotic kingdom, suggesting that MiroGTPases are general components of ER-mito-chondria connections. Miro-1, the mammalianhomolog of Gem1p, interacts with mitofusin 1and 2, the human homologs of yeast Fzo1p.Mfn-2 was suggested to tether mitochondria toER and being involved in mitochondrial move-ment along axons (de Brito and Scorrano 2008;Misko et al. 2010). Most recently, however, therole of ERMES and Gem1p in the import of PSinto mitochondria and its conversion to PE waschallenged (Nguyen et al. 2012). It was arguedthat, despite their genetic and physical inter-action, ERMES and Gem1p function in dis-tinct pathways, and the absence of ERMES andGem1p had only little effect on PS import intomitochondria and conversion to PE. The effecton PC formation as described by Kornmannet al. (2009) was regarded as minor. Nguyenet al. (2012) argued that changes in the lipidprofile of cells lacking ERMES were side effectsof defects in mitochondrial morphology.

Recently, another mitochondrial complexnamed MitOS, MICOS, or MINOS was identi-fied (Harner et al. 2011; Hoppins et al. 2011;von der Malsburg et al. 2011). This IMM-asso-ciated complex functions in cristae formationand morphology (Rabl et al. 2009). It was pro-posed (van der Laan et al. 2012) that MINOSforms the central core of a large and complex

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organizing system named ERMIONE, whichincludes the ERMES complex, the prohibitinringlike structures, the TOM and TIM com-plexes, and Mdm31/32 proteins required formtDNA maintenance. MINOS was also foundto interact with the protein VDAC and with thefusion protein Ugo1 (van der Laan et al. 2012).Both ERMES and MINOS are genetically linkedto the prohibitin ring complexes of the IMMthat are integrated into the lipid network me-tabolism (Psd1, Ups1/Ups2) (Birner et al. 2003;Gohil et al. 2005; Kornmann et al. 2009; Osman

et al. 2009a; Tamura et al. 2009, 2012; Pottinget al. 2010). However, direct involvement ofMINOS in lipid transport and/or assemblyinto mitochondrial membrane has not beendemonstrated.


A link between CL and PE assembly in mito-chondrial membranes, PE synthesis by Psd1p,
















0 nm















Nonbilayer P-lipids

Bilayer P-lipids








Figure 3. Components involved in translocation of phospholipids to and within mitochondria of yeast. Thedirections of lipid translocation are indicated byarrows. While PS and PC are imported into mitochondria, a largeportion PE is exported. Upon import the majority of PS is converted to PE by Psd1p. Decarboxylation of PS to PEin mitochondria and methylation of PE to PC in the ER are sufficient for supplying cells with PE and PCeven in theabsence of external ethanolamine or choline. Similar to PS and PC, PA and CDP-DAG also have to be importedinto mitochondria where they are required for CL synthesis. The pathway of CL synthesis in the IMM starts withCDP-DAG and is completed during several steps by a multienzyme cascade. A small portion of CL is exported tothe OMM. The ERMES complexcontaining gene products of MDM10, MDM34, MDM12, and MMM1 tethers ERand mitochondria. In mammalian cells, Mfn1/2 seem to have a similar function. ERMES associates with theGTPase GEM1, cycling between ERMES bound and free form. UPS1/UPS2 interact with Mdm35p and regulatethe mitochondrial levels of PE and CL. UPS1 and UPS2 are degraded by ATP23 and YEM1, respectively. Prohibitinringlike structures made from two proteins PHB1/2 contribute to the formation of PE and CL clusters in theIMM. For a detailed description of biosynthetic and translocation processes and components involved, see text.

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and the role of prohibitins was uncovered insynthetic lethal screens with the yeast (Birneret al. 2003; Gohil et al. 2005). It was shownthat a phb1Dphb2Dpsd1D triple mutation waslethal due to reduced PE levels and loss ofmtDNA. Osman et al. (2009a) demonstratedthat ringlike prohibitin complexes organize CLand PE in clusters in the IMM and become es-sential in strains with low levels of PE and CL.This finding supported the view of physical sim-ilarities of CL and PE and their importance formitochondria morphology (Osman et al. 2011;Joshi et al. 2012). In subsequent work, 35 genet-ic interactions of prohibitins (GEP) were iden-tified, which were required for cell survival inthe absence of prohibitins. Among the genesdetected, UPS1, GEP1/UPS2, PSD1, MDM35,MMM1, GEP4, and CRD1 were prominent (Os-man et al. 2009b) (see Fig. 3). Prohibitins seemto control IMM organization and integrity byacting as lipid scaffolds for PE and CL (Osmanet al. 2009a,b). Ups1p and Ups2p antagonisti-cally regulate the CL (Tamura et al. 2009) level,and Ups2p also regulates the PE level (Pottinget al. 2010) in the IMM. Most recently, it wasshown that Ups1p promotes conversion of PE toPC, whereas Ups2p suppresses this process (Ta-mura et al. 2012). It was concluded that UPSproteins affect export of PE from the IMM, al-though the mechanism of this regulation is un-known. The authors showed that loss of Ups1,the ERMES complex, and Mdm31p caused sim-ilardefects in mitochondria, especially in CL andPE homeostasis in the IMM. Yeast Ups1p andUps2p are per se unstable proteins and degradedby the proteases Yme1p and Atp23p in the IMM(Potting et al. 2010). The newly identified pro-tein Mdm35p protects them from proteolyticdegradation (Tamura et al. 2009, 2012; Pottinget al. 2010).


Although PC and PI are major phospholipidsof mitochondrial membranes, little is knownabout their import into this organelle. Bothphospholipids are synthesized in the ER from

where they are translocated to mitochondriaand assembled into membranes. Lampl et al.(1994) designed an in vitro assay to study theimport of [3H]-labeled PI and PC from uni-lamellar donor vesicles to isolated yeast mito-chondria. Both phospholipids ended up in theIMM. During import, they were detected incontact sites between OMM and IMM, sup-porting the notion that these sites are involvedin intramitochondrial phospholipid transport.The uncoupler CCCP, the antibiotic adriamy-cin, and energy depletion did not inhibit thisprocess. Janssen et al. (1999) described trans-bilayer movement of PC in isolated OMMvesicles from yeast. They showed that this trans-location was rapid and bidirectional. Pretreat-ment of the OMM with proteinase K or sulf-hydryl reagents had no effect on PC transport.


Sterols and sphingolipids are minor lipid com-ponents of mitochondria. Both lipid classes aresynthesized in extramitochondrial compart-ments and need to be imported and assembledinto mitochondrial membranes. Sterol biosyn-thesis is accomplished by a complex sequence ofreactions that are localized to the ER and perox-isomes of mammalian cells (Ikonen 2008; Millerand Auchus 2011; Miller and Bose 2011). Inmammalian cells, cholesterol is the end productof this biosynthetic pathway (Soccio and Bres-low 2004; Brown and Goldstein 2009), whereasin yeast ergosterol is the major sterol (Wagnerand Daum 2005; Jacquier and Schneiter 2012).In yeast, the ER and lipid droplets contributeto sterol biosynthesis (Leber et al. 1994; Athen-staedt et al. 1999b). Plants produce a varietyof sterols such as phytosterols (Suzuki andMuranaka 2007). In mammalian mitochondriathe majority of cholesterol is localized to theOMM (Daum 1985), whereas in yeast (Sperka-Gottlieb et al. 1988; Wriessnegger et al. 2009)most of the mitochondrial sterol was found inthe IMM.

Biosynthesis of sphingolipids occurs in theER and in organelles along the protein secretorypathway, mainly the Golgi (Perry and Ridgway

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2005; Breslow and Weissman 2010; Levy andFuterman 2010; Mencarelli et al. 2010). Howev-er, recent work showed the presence of ceramidemetabolic enzymes in mitochondria frommammals and yeast (Kitagaki et al. 2007; Nov-gorodov et al. 2011). The majority of this lipidclass is located to the plasma membrane, where-as amounts in mitochondria are minor (Bres-low and Weissman 2010; Stiban et al. 2010; vanMeer and Hoetzl 2010). In the OMM, the con-centration of ceramide is threefold higher thanin the IMM (Mencarelli et al. 2010).


Sterols in mitochondria may serve as structuralcomponents of membranes and/or as precur-sors for hormone synthesis. For both purposes,they have to be imported into mitochondria.Transport of sterols from the ER to mitochon-dria appears to occur by machinery, whichis different from that described for phospho-lipids. A nonvesicular and a vesicular pathwayhave been proposed for cholesterol transloca-tion to mitochondria (Maxfield and Wustner2002).

A number of components appear tocontribute to sterol transport to mitochondria(Fig. 4). The best studied protein of this kind isthe so-called steroidogenic acute regulatoryprotein (StAR) (Clark et al. 1994). StAR is al-most exclusively expressed in steroid-producingcells and regulated by cAMP (Strauss et al. 1999;Benmessahel et al. 2002). StAR requires ATPand an electrochemical gradient for maximal ac-tivity (King and Stocco 1996). Import of StARinto mitochondria results in cleavage of an ami-no-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence(Arakane et al. 1998). The carboxyl-terminusof StAR displays cholesterol transferring capa-city (Strauss et al. 1999; Stocco 2000). Ligandbinding to StAR changes its secondary structure;the protein itself alters the domain structureof the OMM to facilitate rapid sterol transfer(Petrescu et al. 2001). StAR interacts with thecAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and aperipheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR)(Hauet et al. 2002), whichwas later named TSPO

(translocator protein) (Mukhin et al. 1989;Krueger and Papadopoulos 1990). A proteinnamed PAP7 was identified as a regulator ofPBR and PKA. PBR/TSPO (translocator pro-tein) was shown to support import and process-ing of StAR in the mitochondria (Hauet et al.2005). VDAC (voltage-dependent anion chan-nel) and ANT (adenine nucleotide transporter)were identified as interaction partners of PBR/TSPO (McEnery et al. 1992; Rone et al. 2009).VDAC binds cholesterol and influences its mito-chondrial distribution (Campbell and Chan2007). It appears that TSPO and VDAC togetherwithTOM(translocaseof theOMM) function inStAR assembly into mitochondria. Also mem-bers of the ACBD family, ACBD1 and ACBD3/PAP7, seem to participate in the function of thetransduceosome (Midzak et al. 2011). Finally, aprotein named MLN64 (metastatic lymph nodeprotein 64) with a carboxy-terminal START do-main for cholesterol binding was identified as amediator for cholesterol transport from late en-dosomes to the plasma membrane and also tomitochondria (Zhang et al. 2002; Charman et al.2010; Liapis et al. 2012). It was shown that inNiemann-Pick Type C (NPC) mutated cells,MLN64 supplies cholesterol from endosomesto mitochondria. In analogy to StAR, MLN64needs direct contact with mitochondria to trans-fer cholesterol, indicating that direct contact be-tween endosomes and mitochondria may occur(Charman et al. 2010).

Once cholesterol has been imported intomitochondria, it is further converted to steroids(Miller and Auchus 2011) (see Fig. 4). The firstand rate-limiting step in steroidogenesis is theconversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone by acytochrome P450. Further conversion requiresthe action of hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases.Steroidogenic cells in humans are localized to avariety of tissues, most prominently to adrenalglands and gonads. In the adrenal glands, main-ly the conversion of cholesterol to aldosterol,dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and corti-sol-like is catalyzed. In the gonal glands, choles-terol is converted to steroid hormones, namelyestradiol in the ovarian granulose cells andto testosterone by the testicular leyding cells(Miller and Auchus 2011).

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Evidence about import of sterols in non-steroidogenic cells is rare. Import of radiola-beled ergosterol and cholesterol from unilamel-lar vesicles into isolated mitochondria has beenstudied in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Tuller and

Daum 1995). Supply of ergosterol to the mito-chondrial surface was enhanced by a cytosolicfraction, whereas no such additive was requiredfor cholesterol transport. Both sterols reachedthe IMM in an energy-independent process









Cytosol OMM IMM Matrix
























Figure 4. Import of sterols into mitochondria for steroidogenesis. (A) Upon binding of cholesterol the StARprecursor protein changes its conformation. StAR expression is regulated by cAMP. (B) StAR comes in contactwith PKA, PAP7/ACBD3, and ACBD1 and is imported into the mitochondria with sterols bound. Uponinteraction with TSPO, StAR induces changes in the OMM and a transduceosome is formed. This structure,which includes TSPO/VDAC of the OMM and ANT in the IMM, facilitates imports and maturation of StAR.(C) Upon arrival in the mitochondrial matrix, the mature StAR protein delivers cholesterol to CPY11A1 where itis converted to pregnenolone.

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but accumulated to some extent in contact sitesbetween OMM and IMM, supporting the ideathat these zones are sites of intramitochondriallipid translocation.


Little is known about import and function ofsphingolipids in mitochondria. There is evi-dence that sphingolipid metabolism affects themitochondrial pathway of apoptosis (Chipuket al. 2012). Ceramides with their short andlong acyl-chains could form large protein-per-meable channels in the OMM (Siskind and Co-lombini 2000), and such channels may contrib-ute to the release of proapoptotic proteins frommitochondria (Futerman 2006). It was pro-posed that ceramide is produced by hydrolysisof sphingomyelin by a neutral sphingomyeli-nase in MAM (Chipuk et al. 2012; Mullenet al. 2012) and then transferred to mitochon-dria where it is converted to sphingosine-1-phosphate and hexadecenal. It has also beenproposed that in liver mitochondria, thioester-ase and neutral ceramidase produce ceramidefrom sphingosine and acyl-CoA (Novgorodovand Gudz 2009; Novgorodov et al. 2011). Invitro, ceramide synthase, or reverse ceramidaseactivity was detected in mitochondria (Biondaet al. 2004). In yeast, Isc1p has been suggested togenerate ceramides in mitochondria (Kitagakiet al. 2007, 2009).

Evidence for the existence of two ceramidetransporting proteins has been presented: theGoodpasture antigen-binding protein (GPBP)and its splice variant, the ceramide transporter(CERT) (Mencarelli et al. 2010). It was pro-posed that these proteins might be involved inmitochondrial lipid homeostasis, although thisview is still a matter of debate.


Among the different subcellular compartments,mitochondria are one of the most unique whenconsidering lipid composition. Presence of PGand CL, as well as the large amount of PE, ischaracteristic for mitochondrial membranes.

Recent studies have shown that especially thesenonbilayer forming lipids are important for mi-tochondrial function (Birner et al. 2003; Gohilet al. 2005; Nebauer et al. 2007; Osman et al.2009a; Acehan et al. 2011; Joshi et al. 2012; Ta-mura et al. 2012). However, low abundant lipidsin mitochondria such as sterols or sphingolipidsmust not be ignored, although at present ascrib-ing specific functions to these components inmitochondria is difficult.

Large amounts of lipids have to be import-ed into mitochondria. Different mechanisms ofintracellular lipid transport have been discussedfor several decades (Daum and Vance 1997;Holthuis and Levine 2005; Voelker 2005; Schulzand Prinz 2007; Osman et al. 2011). The role oflipid transfer proteins, which were enthusiasti-cally studied in the beginning of these investiga-tions, has been scrutinized more recently. Suchtransfer proteins may be more relevant for lipidsorting or sensing than bulk lipid transport.Vesicle flux was recognized as a more potentmechanism of lipid transport because it allowsrapid, robust, and efficient translocation to tar-get membranes. It appears that at least signifi-cant portions of lipids are cotransported to thecell periphery by the classical pathway of proteinsecretion (Salama and Schekman 1995; Kohl-wein et al. 1996). However, other types of vesi-cles may also be relevant although experimen-tal evidence for such processes is missing. Lastbut not least, membrane contact has becomean attractive alternative for intracellular lipidtranslocation (Levine and Loewen 2006; Le-biedzinska et al. 2009; Voelker 2009; de Britoand Scorrano 2010; Elbaz and Schuldiner2011; Osman et al. 2011). Contact of the ERwith mitochondria through the MAM fraction,association of the ER with the plasma mem-brane or nuclear–vacuolar junctions becameprominent examples of this kind. Finally, trans-membrane movements of lipids by translocasesand flippases contribute to appropriate lipiddistribution in organelles (Holthuis and Levine2005).

Close proximity of ER and mitochondriaas shown by electron microscopy (Csordaset al. 2006; Friedman et al. 2011) supports theidea of lipid transport by membrane contact.

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The distance is sufficient for a protein complexto bridge the gap between organelles and toconnect membranes without causing fusion(Achleitner et al. 1999). A hemistalk structurecaused by high amounts of mitochondrial PEand CL, which provide negative membranecurvature, may support attachment and pointfusion events (Chernomordik and Kozlov2005, 2008; Chernomordik et al. 2006). Proteinbridges like ERMES stabilize the energy-unfa-vorable state (Kozlov et al. 2010). Microtubulesand actin filaments may help by bridging ERand mitochondria and establishing or main-taining protein contact between membranes(Friedman et al. 2010, 2011). Although ERMESand associated proteins were shown to create ormaintain contact between ER and mitochon-dria (Kornmann et al. 2009; Stroud et al.2011), direct functions of these components inlipid transport were scrutinized (Nguyen et al.2012). It was argued that ERMES facilitatesmembrane contact, but other components maybe more directly involved in lipid translocation.MAM-OMM contact sites appear to be furtherlinked to complexes of the IMM (de Brito andScorrano 2008; Kornmann et al. 2009). Trans-port of lipids from OMM to IMM may occureither by membrane contact or by translocationthrough the intermembrane space. Despite itsrole in IMM organization the cristae-formingMINOS complex (Harner et al. 2011; Hoppinset al. 2011; van der Laan et al. 2012) is most likelynot involved in this process. The role of Gem1pand Ups-proteins in OMM-IMM lipid translo-cation has to be taken into account (Tamuraet al. 2012). Interaction of prohibitins with themitochondrial lipid synthesizing machineryalso appears to be important for lipid homeo-stasis in this organelle (Birner et al. 2003; Gohilet al. 2005; Gohil and Greenberg 2009; Osmanet al. 2009a,b).

An intriguing although unsolved questionis regulation of lipid transport to/from andwithin mitochondria. Fluidity of the membraneor membrane curvature affected by PE and CLare parameters that may influence biophysicalproperties of the membrane environment. Alsothe acyl chain length of specific phospholipidspecies could have an effect (Dolis et al. 1996;

Heikinheimo and Somerharju 1998; Kevala andKim 2001). A balanced concentration of phos-pholipids, sterols, and sphingolipids appears tobe important for membrane fusion or fission. Inthat respect, the low-abundant lipids in mito-chondria such as sterols or sphingolipids maybe relevant. Regulation of the mitochondriallipid assembly by Ups1p and Ups2p, which arein turn subject to proteolytic degradation/pro-tection by Yme1p, Atp23p, and Mdm35p (Pot-ting et al. 2010; Tamura et al. 2012) are examplesfor the widespread network of lipid assemblyand homeostasis in mitochondrial membranes,which we are just beginning to understand inmore detail at the molecular level.


We thank Susanne Horvath and Edina Harsayfor critically reading this manuscript. This workis financially supported by the FWF (DK Mo-lecular Enzymology W901-B05 and projectP21429 to G.D.).


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2013; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a013235Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol  Vid V. Flis and Günther Daum Lipid Transport between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Mitochondria

Subject Collection The Endoplasmic Reticulum

the Golgi Apparatus through ProteomicsCell Biology of the Endoplasmic Reticulum and

Jeffrey Smirle, Catherine E. Au, Michael Jain, et al.Entry, Replication, and AssemblyHow Viruses Use the Endoplasmic Reticulum for

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PathwayTail-Anchored Membrane Proteins by the GET Endoplasmic Reticulum Targeting and Insertion of

Vladimir Denic, Volker Dötsch and Irmgard Sinning

Endoplasmic ReticulumRetrograde Traffic from the Golgi to the

Anne Spang

Reticulum and MitochondriaLipid Transport between the Endoplasmic

Vid V. Flis and Günther DaumPeroxisome BiogenesisThe Role of the Endoplasmic Reticulum in

SchekmanLazar Dimitrov, Sheung Kwan Lam and Randy

Protein Folding in the Endoplasmic ReticulumIneke Braakman and Daniel N. Hebert Reticulum and Beyond

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Interconnections with Other OrganellesEndoplasmic Reticulum Structure and

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et al.Brooke M. Gardner, David Pincus, Katja Gotthardt,

Endoplasmic ReticulumProtein Translocation across the Rough

GilmoreElisabet C. Mandon, Steven F. Trueman and Reid

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