Lindsey Stirling Answers Your Questions

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  • 7/24/2019 Lindsey Stirling Answers Your Questions


    Missed the live event? Catch up on it here.

    Youth from across the globe submitted more than a thousand questions

    in a live Face to Face event with Lindsey Stirling. Lindsey answered

    questions about finding self-worth, discovering faith, sharing your beliefs,

    overcoming challenges, and developing talents. To hear more of what

    Lindsey had to say, you can watch the full video of the event by visiting theYouth Activities


    What questions and answers meant the most to you? What did you learn? How and where

    did you watch the event? Who would you like to see on the next Face to Face event?Share

    your experienceby commenting at the bottom of this page.

    Question:Your music is amazing while still being very clean and uplifting. Where did the

    inspiration come for that? Justin L., New Mexico, USA

    Answer:I draw

    inspiration from a

    lot of my life, and





    I just realized that God has directed me, Hes given me

    inspirationin the past, and Hes never just going to leave us

    Lindsey Stirling Answers Your QuestionsJUSTINA MCCANDLESS

    Church Magazines

  • 7/24/2019 Lindsey Stirling Answers Your Questions


    honestly a lot of

    my religious

    beliefs have

    stemmed into my music, Lindsey said. Every time before I go into the studio I say a

    prayer and I really ask God for inspiration.

    When I started this last album that I released this summer I was absolutely terrified. I

    remember feeling almost suffocated by how afraid I was that I might fail. And you know, Iremember just praying before I went into the studio.

    When I wrote the first song for the album that ended up being the first track on the album,

    I called it Beyond the Veil. When I wrote that song and I heard it back for the first time, I

    had this overwhelming feeling. It was almost like I heard an inaudible voice say to me, I

    didnt lead you this far to let you fall. And there in the studio I almost started crying

    because I just realized that God has directed me, Hes given me inspiration in the past, and

    Hes never just going to leave us alone once He gets us to a certain point.

    Question:What things have you done to reconcile your artistic work with service in the

    Church (including your callings) and your goals to get married and have a family? Paulo

    P., Brazil

    Answer:Balance. That is a tough one. If I knew the perfect answer then I think life would

    be perfect. But I think the best way to balance my career with my Church calling is basicallyjust trying to live the gospel in whatever I do and whatever Im doing, she said.

    Its really hard for me to hold a calling thats consistent because I live oftentimes out of a

    suitcase and Im usually in a different country every week. So its by publicly sharing who I

    am and not being preachy about itnot saying everything and hashtagging it with

    Mormon, but just trying to live in a way that shows who I am whether Im going to church

    in France or whether Im gong to church in my home ward in L.A.


    always seem to

    have a clear idea

    of what you want

    from your work,

    and watching you bring your vision to life is incredible. Does your relationship with God

    have any effect on the strength of your vision for your art and your work ethic? If so, how?

    Jessie M., Canada

    Answer:I really feel like sometimes Ill write these songs and Ill just think, You know

    alone once He gets us to a certain point.

    I believe that God inspires us. I believe that He gives us gifts

    and talents and of course its up to us to develop them.

  • 7/24/2019 Lindsey Stirling Answers Your Questions


    that couldnt have come from me alone. I believe that God inspires us. I believe that He

    gives us gifts and talents and its up to us to develop them and choose what we do with

    them, Lindsey said.

    But you know Hes given us talents and gifts to share them, and thats part of the reason I

    love doing what I do. I feel like when Im on stage and when Im performingor I think

    when anybody is developing their talents and sharing itI think you glow. I really do.

    Youre representing the best side of yourself and the gifts that God has given you, and

    when I am in that moment I can almost feel the glow and I can see it in other people when

    theyre performing and doing what they love and doing it in a way that you know God

    would approve of it and He would be happy like it was His daughter or son. You can

    literally see the glow in other people or feel it in yourself, and thats I think the best way to

    share who you are and what you believe in.

    Question:Which one of your songs means the most to you? Cameron E.

    Answer:Theyre all like my little babies. Theyre like my children. I saw them born in the

    studio. But I would say one of the most meaningful ones is probably Shatter Me. Its one of

    the first times I wrote lyrics, and you know I wrote it based on one of the hardest things Ive

    ever been through, and it means a lot when you get to share a piece of who you are through

    your music.

    Lindsey performed her songs Crystallize and Shatter Me at the event. She also

    performed I Know That My Redeemer Lives with special musical guests Lexi Walker

    (vocals) and Kendra Lowe (accompaniment and arrangement). To listen to these songs and

    to hear Lindsey answer more questions, watch the full video on the Youth Activities


    Share your experiencewith this event by commenting below.

    TOPICS: Friends, Face2Face, Face to Face, Self-Worth, Confidence, Example, Missionary, Technology,Talents



    David Archuleta Answers Your Questions


    Elder and Sister Bednar Answered Your Questions!
  • 7/24/2019 Lindsey Stirling Answers Your Questions


    Shared experiences Share your experience


    The Piano Guys Spoke to You!

    eresa Z.says:

    really love this event! I couldn't wait for it to happen because I am a HUDGE Lindsey fan...I then found out I wouldn't be

    ble to watch it and I was devastated. I am so happy it was posted as an article and as a video. I love music but I have been

    aving a hard time sticking with my Piano and...MORE

    5 January 2015 United States

    enna W.says:

    his is really cool! And Lindsey's music is so pretty.

    1 January 2015 United States

    atherine Elizabeth W.says:

    hank you so much Lindsey Sterling for doing this Face to Face event and being such a wonderful example to all of us youth!

    ou truly glow! Thank you for all you do to keep the Lord's Standards. You did great!

    December 2014 United States

    elsey Marie R.says:

    loved this face2face event! It was awesome! Lindsey had some really inspirational answers. I really liked when she talked

    bout how you "glow" when you do what you love, because I know I feel that when I play my flute or the piano.

    December 2014 United States

    akoda Dean B.says:

    ow can you stop bad words around you?

    0 November 2014 United States
  • 7/24/2019 Lindsey Stirling Answers Your Questions





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  • 7/24/2019 Lindsey Stirling Answers Your Questions


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