Limits Notes Student Version

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  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


     Limit of a Function

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


     Limit: Definition



  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    It is recommended to watch this video which

    going to start after a few seconds. Otherwise

     please go to the next slide.

    Some of the denitions refer to thereference book “Calculus – J Stwart _7th Edition”.

    Introduction to imits !"#$_m%e&'_(().a*i

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Definition: Suppose f(x) is defined when x is near the

    number . (This means that  f   is defined on some open

    interval that contains a, except possibly at a itself.

    Then we write

    lim (  x a

     f x L→


    and say !the limit of f(x), as x approaches a, e"ual L#

    if we can ma$e the values of  f(x) arbitrarily close to L

    (as close to L as we li$e by ta$ing x to be sufficiently

    close to a (on either side of a but not e"ual to a.

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


     %otice the phrase !but x≠a” in the definition of limit. This

    means that in finding the limit of f(x) as x approaches a, we

    never consider x=a. In fact, f(x) needs not even be defined

    when x=a. The only thing that matters is how  f  is defined

    near  a.

    &ollowing figures show the graph of three functions. %ote

    that in part (c,  f(a)  is not defined and in part (b), f(a)≠L.

    'ut in each case, regardless of what happens at a, it is true

    that lim (  x a

     f x L→


  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Infinite Limits

    et f  be a function defined on both side of a, except

     possibly at a itself. Then

    means that the value of  f(x) can be made arbitrarily

    large (as large as we please by ta$ing  x  sufficiently

    close to a, but not e"ual to a.

    The symbol ) is not a number, but the expression is

    often read as

    !the limit of f(x), as x approaches a, is infinity

    (positive or negative#

    lim ( or   x a

     f x→

    = ∞ − ∞

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Infinite Limits

    et f  be a function defined on both side of a, except

     possibly at a itself. Then

    means that the value of  f(x) can be made arbitrarily

    large (as large as we please by ta$ing  x  sufficiently

    close to a, but not e"ual to a.

    The symbol ) is not a number, but the expression is

    often read as

    !the limit of f(x), as x approaches a, is infinity

    (positive or negative#

    lim ( or   x a  f x→ = ∞ − ∞

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Infinite Limits

    et f  be a function defined on both side of a, except

     possibly at a itself. Then

    means that the value of  f(x) can be made arbitrarily

    large (as large as we please by ta$ing  x  sufficiently

    close to a, but not e"ual to a.

    The symbol ) is not a number, but the expression is

    often read as

    !the limit of f(x), as x approaches a, is infinity

    (positive or negative#

    lim ( or   x a

     f x→

    = ∞ − ∞

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Infinite Limits

    et f  be a function defined on some interval (a,) or

    (*),a. Then

    means that the value of  f(x) can be made arbitrarilyclose to  L  by ta$ing  x  sufficiently large or large


    lim (  x

     f x L→±∞


  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    'asically to evaluate a limit of a function we use the

    following theorem.

    Direct Substitution Property:

    lim ( (  x a

     f x f a→


    'ut sometimes we get some $ind the answers which

    are not clear such as (they may have different

    values in different functions. They called

    indeterminate limits.

    To know how we find the answer for indeterminate

    limit please go to through the next section.




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     Indeterminate Limit 

     Part 1:+


  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    To evaluate ,

    first substitute x by a so .

    If , then

    ( lim

    (  x a

     f x

     g x→

    ( ( lim( (  x a

     f x f a g x g a→


    ( ( + f a g a= =

    ( ( +lim

    ( ( + x a

     f x f a

     g x g a→= =

     can be stated verbally as a very small value

    divided by a very small value. Therefore it

    may have different values based on variety


    nl! two t!pes of them are e"aluated in this section.



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    Type 1: f(x) and g(x) are polynomials.

    - - +(

    n nn n f x a x a x a x a x a−−= + + + + ++ 

    , -

    , - , +(   m m

    m m g x b x b x b x b x b

    −−= + + + + ++ 

    hen , so

     f(a)=+  and  g(a)=+ . hich means  f(x)  and  g(x) 

    have a factor of (x#a)  based on the remainder


    ( ( +lim

    ( ( + x a

     f x f a

     g x g a→= =

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Type 1: f(x) and g(x) are polynomials.

    /ccording to the division theorem:

    ,( ( (  f x x a $ x= −

    -( ( (  g x x a $ x= −

      and can be found from long division. ,( $ x - ( $ x

    - - -

    ( ( ( ( ( lim lim lim

    ( ( ( ( (  x a x a x a

     x a $ x $ x $ a f x

     g x x a $ x $ x $ a→ → →

    −= = =

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Type 1: f(x) and g(x) are polynomials.

    0xample: 0valuate the following limit.1 2 -


    - lim


     x x x x


    − − + −−

    STEP 1, x must be substituted by *.

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( )

    1 2 -1 2 -


    - - +lim

    +  x

     x x x x


    − − − − − + − −− − + −= =

    −   − −

    So this limit is indeterminate limit, since it is and

    numerator and denominator are polynomials, factortheorem must be applied to factori3e both and find a

    factor of (x*(* or (x4.



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    STEP 2, factori3e the numerator and denominator:

    Long division is used to factori3e .

    ( )

    ( )

    ( )

    2 -

    1 2 -

    1 2

    2 -

    2 -



    - -

    - -


     x x

     x x x x x

     x x

     x x x

     x x

     x x

    − +

    + − − + −− +

    − − + −

    − − −

    −− −

    ( ) ( )1 2 - 2 -- -  x x x x x x x− − + − = + − +

    So ,

     %ote that it may use identities to factori3e also (li$e denominator:

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    ( ) ( )( ) ( )

    2 -1 2 -


    - - lim lim

     x x

     x x x x x x x

     x x x→− →−

    + − +− − + − =− + −

    STEP , rewrite the limit by using the factori3ed form:

    STEP !, simplify the limit:

    ( )( )

    2 -1 2 -


    - - lim lim  x x

     x x x x x x x x→− →−

    − +− − + − =− −

    STEP ", substitute x by *:

     %ote: after the last step if the answer

    is again so must go bac$ to step -

    and follow the steps again.



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    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    ( )




    . ( example: 2 , - - 6

    -. ( ( : 7

    2. ( ( : 6 2 ,


    . ( : 1

     f x a x x

     f x g x example x x

     f x g x example x x x

     f x example x

    − − + −

    + − + −

    − + − − − −

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    To evaluate this type of the limits (finding a factor of

    (x#a, it must be multiplied by con$ugate of the

    s"uare root function.

    This approach refers to the following identity:

    ( ) ( )   ( )- -

    a b a b a b− + = −&or example,

    ( ) ( )

    ( ) ( )( )( ) ( )( )

    - -

    - - 2 - - 2

    - - 2

    - - 2


     x x x x

     x x

     x x


    + − − + + −

    = + − −

    = + − −

    = − +

     %otice that there is no s&uare root

    after multiplied b! con'ugate.

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    0xample: 0valuate the following limit.



    6 1 7→−

    + − − x x

     x x

    STEP 1, x must be substituted by 1.

    So this limit is indeterminate limit, since it is so a

    factor of (x#) should be found for numerator and

    denominator. Since both of them include s"uare roots

    then it must be multiplied by con8ugate of both.


    - - 1 +lim

    +6 1 7 1 6 1 1 7 x


     x x→− −= =

    + − − + − × −+


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    STEP 2, multiply the numerator by its con8ugate also the

    denominator by its own con8ugate.

    %otice t&at since t&e #uestion must remain t&e same so'&en it is multiplied by its con$ugate t&en must be divided.


    - - 6 1 7lim

    6 1 7 - 6 1 7 x

     x x x x

     x x x x x→

    − + + − −× ×

    + − − + + − −

    ( ) ( )( )( ) ( )

    ( ) ( )( ) ( )1 1

    1 6 1 7 1 6 1 7

    lim lim6 1 7 - 2 - - x x

     x x x x x x

     x x x x x→ →

    − + − − − + − −

    =+ − − + − + +

    (nly t&e t'o con$ugate factors e)pand and t&e ot&er

    factors remain as multiplications. *do not e)pand any+

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    STEP , rewrite the limit by using the factori3ed form:

    ( ) ( )( ) ( )1 1

    1 6 1 7-lim lim6 1 7 2 1 - x x

     x x x x x x  x x→ →

    − + + −− =+ − −   − + +

    STEP !, simplify the limit:

    ( )( )1 16 1 7-lim lim

    6 1 7 2 - x x x x x

     x x  x→ →+ + −− =

    + − −   +

    STEP ", substitute x by 1:

    ( )( )1 16 1 7

    - 9 lim lim2 1 -6 1 7 2 - x x

     x x

     x x x  x→ →

    + + −− = = =×+ − −   +

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


     Indeterminate Limit 

     Part 2:∞

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    In , as x becomes large, both numerator

    and denominator become large, so it is not obvious

    what happens to their ratio.

    To evaluate the limit at infinity of any rational

    function, we first factori,e t&e &ig&est po'er of  x  

    occurs in t&e numerator also t&e &ig&est po'er of  x  

    occurs in t&e denominator.

    The main reason to factori3e is this theorem :

    If r + is a rational number, then

    If r + is a rational number such that is defined for

    all x, then

    ( lim

    (  x

     f x

     g x→±∞

    lim +

    r  x  x→∞


    lim +

    r  x  x→−∞=

    r  x

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    - +( n n

    n n f x a x a x a x a x a−

    −= + + + + ++ 

    , -

    , - , +(   m m

    m m g x b x b x b x b x b

    −−= + + + + ++ 

    - - +


    - +

    ( lim lim(

    n nn n

    m m x xm m

    a x a x a x a x a f x g x b x b x b x b x b

    −−−→±∞ →±∞

    + + + + +=+ + + + +

    + + 


    hen  x  becomes larger both functions become

    larger and it could be shown as and called

    indeterminate limit. (%ote that the we may have

     positive or negative infinity

    Type 1: f(x) and g(x) are polynomials.

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    To evaluate, we factori3e the highest power of x 

    from numerator and denominator.





    ( lim lim


    n nn n n n

     x xm m

    m m m m

    a aa a x a

     f x   x x x x

    b bb b g x

     x b  x x x x

    −− −

    →±∞ →±∞−

    − −

     + + + + + ÷  =  

    + + + + + ÷  

    'ased on the theorem all the terms except the first one

    approach to 3ero.





    ( lim lim(

    n nn n n n

     x xm m

    m m m m

    a aa a x a

     f x   x x x xb bb b g x

     x b x x x x

    −− −

    →±∞ →±∞−

    − −

     + + + + + ÷  =  + + + + + ÷  



    Type 1: f(x) and g(x) are polynomials.

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    - +


    - +

    lim limn n n

    n n n

    m m m x xm m m

    a x a x a x a x a a x

    b x b x b x b x b b x


    −→±∞ →±∞−

    + + + + +=

    + + + + ++ 

    So the limit should be simplified as:

    So the limit is evaluated based on the three following cases:




    n n

    m x

    m m

    or if n m

    a x aif n m

    b x bif n m


    ∞ − ∞ >= =


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    0xample: 0valuate the following limits.

    - -- -. lim lim lim -

    - x x x

     x x x

     x x→−∞ →−∞ →−∞

    −= = = −∞


    - -

    - -- - --. lim lim2 - 2 2 x x x x x x→−∞ →−∞

    − = =+

    - -

    2 2

    - - -2. lim lim lim +

    - x x x

     x x

     x x x→−∞ →−∞ →−∞

    −= = =


    Type 1: f(x) and g(x) are polynomials.

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    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    STEP 1, factori3e the highest power of  x  inside the

    root function.

     %ote that :

    ;an be written as:

    , -

    , - , +lim  n n

    n n x

    a x a x a x a x a−

    −→±∞+ + + + ++ 

    , +- ,

    - ,lim

      n   nn   n n n x

    a aa a x a

     x x x x

    −− −→±∞

     + + + + +   ÷  


    , -

    , - , +lim limn n n

    n n n x x

    a x a x a x a x a a x−−

    →±∞ →±∞

    + + + + + =+ 

  • 8/19/2019 Limits Notes Student Version


    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    Important noteWe know that square root of any number is a

    positive number (it is impossible to be

    negative) which means that if the sign of thevariable is not clear we have to use absolute


    In this part we need to know

    ( )-

    ( (  f x f x=

    - x x=

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    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    Thereforehen then is substituted by  x.

    hen then is substituted by * x.

     x → ∞ - x

     x  → −∞ - x

    STEP 2, factori3e the highest power of  x  for numerator and

    denominator and simplify.

    %otice t&at multiplying by con$ugate is not applicable for

    t&is type of indeterminate limit.

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    0xample: 0valuate the limit.

    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    -1 lim

    - 2 x

     x x

     x→∞+ +

    &irst, factori3e the highest power of x for root function

    --- 11

    lim lim- 2 - 2 x x

     x x x x x

     x x→∞ →∞

     + +   ÷+ +    =− −

    Then simplify the root function


    - -


    lim lim lim- 2 - 2 - 2 x x x

     x x x x x  x x

     x x x→∞ →∞ →∞

     + + ÷ ++  = = =− − −


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    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    Since then x  → ∞

    - - 2lim lim lim

    - 2 - 2 - 2 x x x

     x x  x x x

     x x x→∞ →∞ →∞

    +   += = =

    − − −

     %ow , we factori3e the highest power of  x from both as


    2 2 2 2lim lim lim

    2- 2 - --

     x x x

     x x x

     x x x


    →∞ →∞ →∞= = = =

    −    −   ÷  

    What if  x → −∞

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    0xample: 0valuate the limit.

    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    -1 lim

    - 2 x x x

     x→−∞+ +

    &irst, factori3e the highest power of x for root function




    lim lim- 2 - 2 x x

     x x  x x x

     x x→−∞ →−∞

     + +   ÷+ +    =− −

    Then simplify the root function


    - -1

    -1lim lim lim

    - 2 - 2 - 2 x x x

     x x x x x  x x

     x x x→−∞ →−∞ →−∞

     + + ÷ ++  = = =− − −


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    Type 2: f(x) or g(x) include s#uare root function.

    Since then x → −∞

    - -lim lim lim

    - 2 - 2 - 2 x x x

     x x  x x x

     x x x→−∞ →−∞ →−∞

    +   − −= = =

    − − −

     %ow , we factori3e the highest power of  x from both as


    ,lim lim lim

    2- 2 - --

     x x x

     x x x

     x x x


    →−∞ →−∞ →−∞

    − − − −= = = =

    −    −   ÷  

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    Thank you,

    I hope this notes can help students tounderstand more about limit of a functions.

    Please do not hesitate to email me( [email protected]  ) your useful comments

    and feedbacks.

    Prepared by: Mohammad eza !eh"hani  #enior $ecturer   %entre for &oundation#tudies  'niersity Tunku bdulahman ('T)