Catedra Limbi moderne Specialitatea- Marketing și logistică Disciplina- Limba străină I (engleză) Numărul de întrebări -!" #$ema "%# #Mone& is de'ined as# #n&ting tat is regularl& used in economic transactions# #Producing goods# #Job search# #Anything that you can sell # #$ema "%# #*e use mone&# #+egularl&, eer& da&# #Once a week # #Once a year # #Once a month# #$ema "%# #*en one part& ands oer currenc&, and te oter part& ands oer goods and serices.//appens#  #an economic e0cange# #a war # #an earthquake# #a storm# #$ema "%# #$e o1ners o' ice-cream sops accept mone& in pa&ment 'or te ice-cream because # #te& 1ill be making oter economic e0canges 1it te mone& te& accept# #hey love money# #they will make ice-cream of it # #they will not have headaches # #$ema "%# #*ic o' te 'ollo1ing is not te 'unction o' mone&2# # 3ob searc# #A medium of exchange# #A store of value # #A unit of account #  #$ema "%# #*en using mone& anon&mousl &, te most common metods are# #Cas# #Credit cards# #Debit cards# #Checks#  #$ema "%# #*en &ou leae a 'inancial record o' te transaction, te most common metods are# #Cecks, debit cards, credit cards, electronic mone&#  Cash signature

Limba Straina I ( Engleza)– Speci. Marketing Si Logistica. Rom

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Catedra Limbi moderne

Specialitatea- Marketing și logistică

Disciplina- Limba străină I (engleză)Numărul de întrebări -!"

#$ema "%##Mone& is de'ined as##n&ting tat is regularl& used in economic transactions##Producing goods##Job search##Anything that you can sell#

#$ema "%##*e use mone&##+egularl&, eer& da&##Once a week #

#Once a year ##Once a month#

#$ema "%##*en one part& ands oer currenc&, and te oter part& ands oer goods and

serices.//appens# #an economic e0cange##a war ##an earthquake##a storm#

#$ema "%#

#$e o1ners o' ice-cream sops accept mone& in pa&ment 'or te ice-cream because ##te& 1ill be making oter economic e0canges 1it te mone& te& accept##hey love money##they will make ice-cream of it##they will not have headaches#

#$ema "%##*ic o' te 'ollo1ing is not te 'unction o' mone&2## 3ob searc#

#A medium of exchange##A store of value#

#A unit of account#

 #$ema "%##*en using mone& anon&mousl&, te most common metods are##Cas##Credit cards##Debit cards#


 #$ema "%#

#*en &ou leae a 'inancial record o' te transaction, te most common metods are##Cecks, debit cards, credit cards, electronic mone&# Cash


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host mother

#$ema "%##$e masculine o' te 1ord 46ueen5 is#


quineequeen man


$ema "%##$e plural o' te noun 4lea'5 is##leaes#leafs



$ema "%##$e plural o' te 1ord 4seep5 is##seep#shee"s



#$ema "%##$e plural o' te noun 4'amil&5 is##'amilies#familys



#$ema "%##$e plural o' te noun 4crisis5 is##crises#crisises



#$ema "%#

#$e plural o' te noun 4penomenon5 is##penomena#



#$ema "%##$e 1ord combination 41orld cotton stocks5 is translated as#

#stocuri mondiale de bumbac# lume bumbac stocuri

lumea stocurilor de bumbac

lume de bumbac de stocuri

#$ema "%#

#Coose te rigt alternatie 'or te e0pression 4te ne1 club o' te 1orkers5 ##te 1orkers7 ne1 club#the worker#s new club

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the workers#s new club

the worker new club

$ema "%##Coose te rigt alternatie 'or te e0pression 4te bu&er7s con'irmation5 ##te con'irmation o' te bu&er#the confirmation of the buyers

the buyer confirmationthe confirmation of the buyer#s

#$ema "##Marketing is de'ined as##te process o' planning and e0ecuting te conception, pricing, promotion and distribution o' ideas,goods and serices to create e0canges tat satis'& indiidual and organizational ob3ecties/ #a result that you try to achieve

the amount of money that you have to "ay for something

a "erson who buys goods or uses services

#$ema "##$e 'irm must talk to its potential customers to../teir needs 'or its products or serices##assess#sell



#$ema "##$e 'irm must mobilize its ...to proide a product tat 1ill satis'& its customers##marketing resources#soldiers



#$ema "##In order to make te potential customers a1are o' te e0istence o' its product, te 'irm must##promote its product#classify the market

"urchase it

consume it

#$ema "#

#$e 'irm must ensure tat te product is distributed so tat ..//##it is aailable to customers 1ere and 1en needed#

it doesn#t a""ear on the marketit is never "urchased

it is destroyed

#$ema "##8inall& te 'irm must again obtain marketing in'ormation regarding.//#

#te e''ectieness o' its e''orts#the unem"loyment

the workers# skills

the !ob search

#$ema "#

# group o' indiiduals, organizations or bot, 1o ae needs 'or products and 1o ae teabilit&, 1illingness and autorit& to purcase suc products is called##market#

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#$ema "##Markets are classi'ied as#

#consumer, industrial and reseller markets#

consumer and industrial marketsindustrial and reseller markets

consumer and reseller markets

#$ema "##Consumer markets consist o' purcasers 1o##intend to consume and not to make a pro'it#intend to consume and to make a "rofit

make other "roducts for "rofit

buy finished "roducts and sell them for a "rofit

#$ema "##Industrial markets purcase speci'ic kinds o' products.//##'or use eiter in da&-to-da& operations or in making oter products 'or pro'it#to resell them

to destroy them

to buy them

#$ema "##+eseller markets consist o' 1olesalers and retailers 1o./##bu& 'inised products and sell tem 'or a pro'it#use the "roducts in making other "roducts for a "rofit

intend to consume and not to make a "rofit

teach students

#$ema "##'ter classi'&ing its market, an organization must deelop../to reac te audience##marketing strategies#school "rograms

social "rograms

"olitical "rograms

#$ema "#

# marketing strateg& is##a plan#

a booka market

a buyer

#$ema "## marketing mi0 is#

#a combination o' product, price, distribution, and promotion/#a "lastic card used to take money directly from your bank account$

an act of giving and receiving

a "erson who buys goods or uses services$

#$ema "#

#$e s&non&m o' te 1ord 4target5 is##ob3ectie#buyer

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#$ema "##$e s&non&m o' te 1ord 4goods5 is##products#"rofit


#$ema "##$e museum is../ a1a& o' te tree buildings##te 'artest#farther

more far

 the most far

#$ema "##$is poster is../ tan te one in te all/##more colour'ul#colourfuler

the most colourful

the colourfulest

#$ema "##Last 1eek 1as ../ tan tis 1eek##otter#hoter

more hot

the hottest

#$ema "#

#$e bo&s 'elt../ tan te girls about losing te game/##1orse#badder

more bad

the baddest

#$ema "##9e ad an accident because e 1as driing too..#


fasterthe fastest

#$ema "##Does 8red 'eel..toda& tan e did &esterda&2##better#more good


the best

#$ema "##:ane is ..atletic o' all te 1omen/#

#te least#less

more little

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#$ema "##Nobod& is ../tan Maria ;lena/##appier#ha""yer

more ha""y

the ha""iest

#$ema "<## market 1it a single seller is##a monopol&#a "erfectly com"etitive market

an em"loyer

a !ob

#$ema "<##*ic o' te 'ollo1ing is not a 'eature o' a per'ectl& competitie market2 ##$ere are no bu&ers on te market#%here are many firms

&ach firm takes the market "rice as given

'irms can freely enter or leave the market in the long run

#$ema "<##I' a 'irm raises te price in a per'ectl& competitie market, it..##1ill lose all its customers/ #will have more customers$

will hel" the "oor$

will earn much money$

#$ema "<##In contrast 1it a per'ectl& competitie 'irm, a monopolist./#

#can pick an& price it 1ants#cannot "ick any "rice it wants

can "ick flowers

can "ick mushrooms

#$ema "<## barrier tat preents oter 'irms 'rom entering a market is called##barrier to entr&#iron barrier

barrier to leave

barrier to hel"

#$ema "<##..gies an inentor te e0clusie rigt to sell a ne1 product 'or some period o' time##a patent#a license

a letter

a register

#$ema "<##$e goernment designates a single 'irm to sell a particular good under.//##a 'rancise#

com"etitiona market

a tree

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#$ema "<##*ic o' te 'ollo1ing is a 'eature o' a monopolistic competition2##di''erentiated products#artificial barriers to entry

!ust one firm in the market

there is no market

#$ema "<##..is a market 1it 3ust a 'e1 'irms/ ##oligopol&#mono"oly

a "erfectly com"etitive market

a mono"olistic com"etition

#$ema "<##n oligopol& occurs 1en a 'irm cannot enter a market 1itout inesting in##adertising#a foreign economy

higher education

"rimary schools

#$ema "<## 'ormal permission gien b& a compan& to somebod& 1o 1ants to sell its goods or serices in aparticular area is called##'rancise#"atent



#$ema "<##$e s&non&m o' te 1ord 4to appen5 is#

#to occur#to buy

to sell

to "roduce

#$ema "<##$e s&non&m o' te 1ord 4publicit&5 is##adertising#customer



#$ema "<##$e s&non&m o' te 1ord 4caracteristic5 is##'eature#firm



#$ema "<##9e made me.//it all oer again##do#

to dodid


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#$ema "<##I 1ant..//te ouse 1ere our president 1as born##to see#see



#$ema "<##=lease let me../&our decision as soon as possible##kno1#to know



#$ema "<##lice isn7t interested in..//'or a ne1 3ob##looking#look



#$ema "<##I7m accustomed to..//a big break'ast##aing#have



#$ema "<#

#$e painting,..//'or man& &ears ,turned up at an auction/##lost#lose


to lose

#$ema "<##..te tree to get birds7 eggs, te bo& ad a bad 'all/##Climbing#Climb


%o climb

#$ema "<##$e& don7t allo1../in te auditorium/##smoking#smoke



#$ema "<## ../customer is te target o' a success'ul 'irm/##satis'ied#satisfy

to satisfysatisfies

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#$ema "<##$is 1as a ..//start/##promising#"romise

to "romise


#$ema "!##In econom& te term 4tecnological progress5 means tat##an econom& operates more e''icientl& b& producing more output 1itout using an& more inputs/#there are many unem"loyed$

"rofessional athletes earn more than doctors$

a buyer can exchange a "roduct for money$

#$ema "!##$e amount o' someting tat a person or a macine produces is called##output#in"ut


#$ema "!##$ime, kno1ledge, ideas tat &ou put into 1ork is called##input#out"ut



#$ema "!#

#59ig-tec5 means#

#using te most modern metods and macines/#using old methods and machines$

a disco

!ob search

#$ema "!##$e inention o'../made it possible to read and 1ork indoors at nigt/#

#te ligt bulb#the %(-set

the car

the washing machine

#$ema "!##$ecnological progress can be tougt o' as##te birt o' ne1 ideas#the birth of a child

a financial record of the transaction

a store of value

 #$ema "!##>ne 1a& to induce more tecnological progress in an econom& is##to pa& 'or it#to kee" records

to gain "rofits

to hel" the "oor

#$ema "!#

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#*en 1orkers and scientists adance te 'rontiers in p&sics, cemistr& and biolog&, teir 1orkcan lead to..##tecnological progress#technological regress

techno music

techno dance

#$ema "!##..can be a 'orm o' inestment in uman beings##Increased kno1ledge and skills#)oft drinks



#$ema "!##$e introduction o' ne1 tings, ideas or 1a&s o' doing someting is called##innoation#cash



#$ema "!#

#*en a 'irm comes up 1it ne1 products, it 1ants to##get ig pro'it 'rom its innoation#hel" or"hans

!oin the army

build a house

#$ema "!##$e anton&m o' te 1ord 4progress5 is#




#$ema "!##$e anton&m o' te 1ord 4input5 is##output#"ut



#$ema "!##$e countr&side a1a& 'rom buildings and bus& places is called##te outdoors#the indoors



#$ema "!##*rite te 'ollo1ing sentence in te causatie 'orm? 4$e girl asked er sister to read te stor& toer/5##$e girl ad te stor& read/#%he girl had read the story$

%he girl read the story to her sister$%he girl read the story$

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#$ema "!## *rite te 'ollo1ing sentence in te causatie 'orm? 4:on is going to ask a tailor to make a suit'or im/5##:on is going to ae a suit made/#John is going to make a suit

John is going to have a tailor made$

John is going to have a suit$

#$ema "!## *rite te 'ollo1ing sentence in te causatie 'orm? 4Mar& 1ill ask a builder to repair er roo'/5##Mar& 1ill ae er roo' repaired/#*ary will re"air her roof$

*ary will have a builder to re"air her roof$

*ary will have her roof$

#$ema "!## *rite te 'ollo1ing sentence in te causatie 'orm? 4$e gardener cut te roses in m& garden&esterda&/5# 

#I ad m& roses cut &esterda&/#+ cut my roses yesterday$

+ had my gardener to cut the roses yesterday$

+ had my roses yesterday$

#$ema "!## *rite te 'ollo1ing sentence in te causatie 'orm? 4$e& 1ill ask a ce' to cook te dinner/5# #$e& 1ill ae teir dinner cooked/#%hey will cook their dinner$

%hey will have the chef to cook dinner$

%hey will have the dinner$

#$ema "!#

# dressmaker as made a skirt 'or nn/ *at as nn done2##nn as er skirt made/#Ann has made a skirt$

Ann has made a skirt for a dressmaker$

Ann made a skirt$

#$ema "!## man is cleaning &our s1imming pool/ *at are &ou doing2#

#@ou are aing &our s1imming pool cleaned/#,ou are cleaning your swimming "ool$

,ou are having your swimming "ool$,ou are having a man cleaning your swimming "ool$

#$ema "!##9is ne1spapers are deliered eer& morning/ *at does e do2#

#9e as is ne1spapers deliered eer& morning/#e delivers his news"a"ers every morning$

e sells his news"a"ers every morning$

e has the "ostman delivered every morning$

#$ema "!#

#M& 1atc is broken/ *at sould I do2##I sould ae m& 1atc repaired/#+ should have my watch$

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+ should my watch$

+ should have the master to re"air my watch$

#$ema "!##*rite te 'ollo1ing sentence in te causatie 'orm? 4M& air dresser 1ases m& air eer& da&/5 #

# I ae m& air 1ased eer& da&/#

+ wash my hair every day$+ wash my hairdresser every day$

+ have my hairdresser wash every day$

#$ema "A##$e 1age 'or a particular occupation 1ill be ig i' te suppl& o' 1orkers in tat occupation issmall relatie to#

#te demand 'or tose 1orkers#the owner#s desires

the out"ut

the in"ut

#$ema "A##$e suppl& o' 1orkers in a particular occupation could be small because##tere are 'e1 people 1it te desired skills#there are no teachers

there are environmental "roblems

there are many children

#$ema "A##$e suppl& o' 1orkers in a particular occupation could be small because o'##ig training costs#high wages

low training costslow wages

#$ema "A##Medical doctors earn more tan 3anitors because##teir skills can onl& be ac6uired troug education and training#they sit in the offices

they "ay taxes

they hel" "eo"le

#$ema "A##$e 1orkers 1o coose dangerous occupations receie ig 1ages, so#

#te& are compensated 'or te danger associated 1it teir 3obs#they have high taxes

they can have a rest

they hel" the "oor

#$ema "A#

#n organized group o' 1orkers, te ob3ecties o' 1ic are to increase 3ob securit&, improe1orking conditions and increase 1ages and bene'its is called##labour union#labour force

labour library

labour market

#$ema "A##.//and../ma& restrict te number o' people in certain occupations#

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#Boernment, pro'essional licensing boards#.anks/ Parliament

%he President/ Agricultural ministry

*arkets/ wholesalers

#$ema "A#

# group o' people 1o as po1er to make decisions and control a compan& is called#




#$ema "A## person 1o as completed scool or uniersit& studies is called#



member of Parliament

#$ema "A##$e s&non&m o' te 1ord 4gain5 is##ac6uire#require



#$ema "A##$e s&non&m o' te 1ord 4abilit&5 is##skill#money


#$ema "A## college graduate as more 3ob options tan a ig -scool graduate because##college education proides te skills necessar& to enter certain occupations#high-school education "rovides the skills necessary to enter certain occu"ations

he a""lies to labour unions

he buys goods

#$ema "A## pro'essional baseball pla&er earns ig 1ages because#

#e as te rare skill to it balls#he has invented the light bulb

he has written a letter to the President

he has a bank account

#$ema "A#

#*o earns more? pro'essional atletes or medical doctors2 ##pro'essional atletes#medical doctors


none of them

#$ema "A##I 1ant to bu& ..'lo1ers/ *e aen7t got.. in our garden no1/ ##some, an&#

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some/ some

any/ any

any/ some

#$ema "A##I don7t drink..1ine#




#$ema "A##9o1 ..seets o' paper do &ou 1ant2 ##man&#much



#$ema "A##9e did not kno1 ..about me##a great deal#many



#$ema "A##It7s no use asking im about it/ 9e as ..kno1ledge o' te sub3ect/ ##little#few


"lenty of

#$ema "A##9e ad er&..'riends/ (ardl& an& 'riends) ## 'e1#a few



#$ema "A#

#9e ad ..'riends/ (some 'riends) ##a 'e1#



#$ema "A##$ere 1as er&..1ater in te glass, so e poured in some 1ater/ #




#$ema "A#

#$ere is ..in te ne0t room 1o 1ants to speak to &ou/ ##somebod&#anybody

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#$ema "A##I aen7t an& more mone& 1it me, so I cannot bu&..else##an&ting#something


#$ema "## sel'-su''icient person is te person tat##produces eer&ting ese consumes#"roduces money

"rotects animals

"rotects flora and fauna

#$ema "##Markets e0ist because 1e##consume man& products produced b& oter people#have much money

want them to exist

o"en bank accounts

#$ema "##>ne o' te components o' te global econom& is##international trade#microeconomics

local markets

small firms

#$ema "#

# good produced in natie countr& and sold in anoter countr& is called##e0port#im"ort


home country

#$ema "## good produced else1ere and purcased in natie countr& is called#



#$ema "##Most nations use..to restrict international trade/ ##trade barriers#money


raw materials

#$ema "##$rade barriers are designated#

#to protect domestic 'irms and te 3obs o' 1orkers#to get isolated from other countries

to "rotect foreign countries

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to "rotect children#s rights

 #$ema "##=olicies tat restrict trade are kno1n as##protectionist policies#marketing "olicies

management "olicies

social "olicies

#$ema "##n absolute limit on te olume o' a particular good tat can be imported into a countr& is called##6uota#salutation



#$ema "##*en one countr& agrees to limit te olume e0ports to anoter countr&, it is##a oluntar& e0port restraint#a medium of exchange

a mono"oly

an oligo"oly

#$ema "## special ta0 on imported goods is called##tari''#quota

voluntary ex"ort restraint


#$ema "##$e rate at 1ic 1e can e0cange one currenc& 'or anoter is called#

#e0cange rate#unem"loyment rate

social rate

"olitical rate

#$ema "##n increase in te alue o' a currenc& is called##appreciation#de"reciation



#$ema "## reduction in te alue o' a currenc& is called##depreciation#a""reciation



#$ema "##nn.. t1o cups 1ile se..up last nigt/ ##dropped, 1as 1asing#

dro""ed/ washedwas dro""ing/ was washing

was dro""ing/ washed

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#$ema "##*e ../about :im 1en e..into te room/ ##1ere talking, ran#were talking/ was running

talked/ ran

talked/ was running

#$ema "##9e told me tat te&.//'riends since cildood/ ##ad been#have been

has been


#$ema "##Near te door e sa1 te man e..at te station##ad noticed#noticed

has noticed


#$ema "##@ou can7t ae te book no1 because m& broter.//it/ ##is reading#reading

is read

are reading

#$ema "#

#Last nigt I…….

tired and ../to bed/ ##'elt, 1ent#feel/ go

have felt/ have gone

will feel/ will go

#$ema "## I .//&et toda&/ ##aen7t eaten#didn#t eat

wasn#t eaten

haven#t been eaten

#$ema "##I./neer./to *asington/ ##ae./been#has0been



#$ema "##$om, let7s ae dinner/ No,tank &ou, I alread& .//dinner/ ##ae ad#have have

has hadam having

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#$ema "##$e rain ../al' an our ago/ ##stopped#has sto""ed


is sto""ing

#$ema "E##Commercial banks are inoled in##banking actiities#artistic activities

scientific activities

agricultural activities

#$ema "E##$e most signi'icant 'unction o' te commercial bank is tat o'##credit creation#movies creation

art creation

"ictures creation

#$ema "E#

#$e role o' te commercial bank is##to accept mone& on deposit and ten loaning te mone& out at interest/ #to build houses

to grow vegetables

to teach children

#$ema "E## ital 'unction o' banks is#

#te transmission o' mone&#the transmission of letters

the transmission of "resents

the transmissions of messages

#$ema "E##Fanks also o''er##adisor& serices#hairdresser#s services

cleaning services

barriers to entry

#$ema "E##*ic o' te 'ollo1ing is not an adisor& serice o''ered b& te banks2 ##products delier&#trusteeshi"

foreign exchange

investment management

#$ema "E##$e oldest central bank is tat o'##S1eden#&ngland

the 1)A


#$ema "E#

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#$e central bank is usuall&##te Boernment7s banker#the 2overnment#s doctor

the Prime-minister of the country

the President of the country

#$ema "E##Boernments pa&.//into te central bank/ ##teir reenues#wages



#$ema "E##Commercial banks ../1it te central bank/ ##keep balances#"lay chess

kee" courses

kee" quiet

#$ema "E#

#In te GS te currenc& is issued b&##te goernment#the central bank

the Parliament


#$ema "E## legal agreement b& 1ic a bank lends &ou mone& to bu& a ouse, and &ou pa& te mone& back

oer a particular number o' &ears is called##mortgage#trusteeshi"



#$ema "E##Insurance is##an arrangement 1it a compan& in 1ic &ou pa& tem regular amounts o' mone& and te& agreeto pa& te costs i' &ou are ill or damage someting/ #the quality of being "hysically strong

a "erson who sells you something

the direct exchange of goods or services without money being involved

#$ema "E##$e s&non&m o' te 1ord 4to lend5 is##to loan#to ask

to ex"ort

to stay

 #$ema "E##I am a'raid I am not 6uite read&/ Neer mind/ I ../#

#1ill 1ait#am to wait

will be wait

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#$ema "E##:ack usuall& gies me a li't ome, but 1e bot...ome b& train tomorro1/##are going to come#were going to come



#$ema "E##I' I ../some more da&s in &our to1n, I..on &ou and 1e.//a good talk/##sta&, 1ill call, 1ill ae#will stay/ will call/ will have

stay/ call/ have

stay/ call/ will have

#$ema "E##In a 'ortnigt7s time 1e.//our e0am/##1ill ae taken#will take



#$ema "E##F& ne0t 1inter te&..'our ouses on tat 'ield##1ill ae built#built


are building

#$ema "E##Don7t ring me at si0? I../te bab& ten#

#1ill be bating#will bath



#$ema "E##$is time ne0t mont I.//on a beac/##1ill be sitting#am sitting



#$ema "E##*e..ae a great picnic tomorro1 a'ternoon/##are going to#is going



#$ema "E##I' &ou sa& tat again I..it &ou/##1ill#

am gone toam


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#$ema "H##$e leel o' unemplo&ment at 1ic tere is no c&clical unemplo&ment is called##te natural rate o' unemplo&ment#the unnatural rate of unem"loyment

the artificial rate of unem"loyment

the scientific rate of unem"loyment

#$ema "H##$e natural rate o' unemplo&ment ../across countries/##di''ers#doesn#t differ

is constant

doesn#t exist

#$ema "H##dults ae..unemplo&ment rates tan teenagers/##lo1er#higher

the same


#$ema "H##Minorities ae../unemplo&ment rates/##iger#lower



#$ema "H#

#$e anton&m o' te 1ord 4matc5 is##mismatc#unmatch



#$ema "H##>ne o' te s&non&ms o' te 1ord 43ob5 is##acanc&#tax



#$ema "H##Bie te ;nglis e6uialent o' te 1ord 4'ora de muncJ KOP QR5##labour 'orce#unem"loyment



#$ema "H##$e director appeared..alone so 1e entered te o''ice##to be#-

to haveto make

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#$ema "H##Se seemed../cr&ing in te ne0t room/##to be#to have

to make


#$ema "H##@esterda& te&..lost in te 'orest/##got#became



#$ema "H##9e..a teacer " &ears ago/##became#got



#$ema "H#

#*e..some soup le't/##ae got#be



#$ema "H##9ae &ou still got tose old albums2 @es, I.//#

#ae#have got



#tema "H##$is businessman../a lot o' 1ork 'or carit&/##does#makes



#$ema "H##$is scientist.//man& discoeries in p&sics/##made#did



#$ema "H##*e usuall&..sopping on Sunda&s##do#make



#$ema "H#

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#Don7t ../noise/ I cannot ear an&ting/##make#get



#$ema "T#

#*ile looking 'or a 3ob, &ou sould 'irst##de'ine 1at &our re6uirements are#o"en a bank account

go to the interview

be involved in international trade

#$ema "T##@our current and preious actiities, and acieements are re'lected in &our##Curriculum Uitae#"ass"ort



#$ema "T#

# CU is##a brie' outline o' one7s pro'essional actiities and educational background/ #anything used in economic transactions

a "olicy that restricts trade

a s"ecial tax on im"orted goods

#$ema "T## CU sould run to no more tan #

#t1o ! pages#three A4 "ages

four A4 "ages

five A4 "ages

#$ema "T##$e ob3ectie as a part o' CU is##a er& sort notice o' te aim o' te 3ob searc#the address of the "erson the letter is sent to

a university di"loma

a s"ecial tax on im"orted goods

#$ema "T##*at part o' te CU indicates &our name, address, telepone, number, Internet site2 ##personal data#em"loyment history

su""lementary training


#$ema "T##In te educational background o' te CU &ou sould 1rite##&our dates o' stud&, names and locations o' scools and iger educational establisment &ougraduated 'rom#com"uter literacy/ language "roficiency

"ersonal interests and hobbies"ersonal data

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#$ema "T##I' &our CU succeeds##&ou are inited to a 3ob interie1#you are offered much money

you are offered a day off

you can start a new firm

#$ema "T##$e process in 1ic a potential emplo&ee is ealuated b& emplo&ers 'or prospectie emplo&mentis called##3ob interie1#full-time !ob


cover letter

#$ema "T## document tat proides potential emplo&ers 1it a reie1 o' a candidate7s credentials andcontact in'ormation is called##resumV#interview

"ersonal letter


#$ema "T##$e letter tat seres as an introduction and accompanies te resumV or CU is called##coer letter#"ersonal letter

status inquiry


#$ema "T#

#$e collection o' documents 1ic proides emplo&ers 1it eri'ication o' credentials ande0amples o' 1ork potential is called##interie1 port'olio#resum5

cover letter

status inquiry

#$ema "T#

#$e details o' a person7s 'amil&, education, e0perience are called##background#



#$ema "T##n e0am tat &ou ae passed or a course o' stud& &ou ae success'ull& completed is called#



cover letter

#$ema "T#

#I didn7t rest er& .//last nigt/##1ell#good

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#$ema "T##*ic o' all tese books did &ou en3o&.//2##te most#much


#$ema "T##9e speaks ;nglis.//o' all in m& class/##te most correctl&#more correctly



#$ema "T##9e promises to come ./tan &esterda&/##sooner#soonest



#$ema "T##No1 I can see te seep.//tan be'ore/##more clearl&#clearly

the most clearly


#$ema "T#

#..all te noise se couldn7t ear $im talking##1it#for



#$ema "T##.. te scool gets more mone&, it 1ill be closed/#


.ecause offor

#$ema "T##I 1asn7t sure..or not m& sister kne1 te trut##1eter#if



#$ema "T##*en I sa1 is 'ace I didn7 kno1../to cr& or laug#



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#$ema "T##9e 1as a kind person..e elped te poor lad&/##so#with


if not

#$ema %"##Fusiness letters seldom e0ceed##one page#five "ages

three "ages

ten "ages

#$ema %"##*at part o' te business letter gies all te in'ormation about te compan&? its 'ull name, postaladdress, telepone numbers, e-mail address2##te letteread#the signature

the salutation

the com"limentary close

#$ema %"##*at part o' te business letter includes te initials o' te person 1o dictated te letter and o'te t&pist2##te re'erence line#the salutation

the body of the letter

the date

#$ema %"##*at part o' te business letter so1s te address o' te person te letter is sent to2##te inside address#the letterhead

the attention line

the body of the letter

#$ema %"#

#$e salutation begins 1it..//'ollo1ed b& te title? Mr,Mrs, Ms, Dr, =ro'/##Dear#



#$ema %"##$e bod& o' te business letter sould be #

#brie', clear and direct#long/ confused and indirect

long and direct

brief and confused

#$ema %"#

#*at 'ormula sould be used in closing te business letter2##I look 'or1ard to earing 'rom &ou/#2ood bye

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7et#s meet tomorrow$

)ee you soon$

#$ema %"##*ic o' te 'ollo1ing is te appropriate complimentar& close o' te business letter2#

#@ours sincerel&#

7ove2ood bye

Dear *r .rown

#$ema %"##*at part o' te business letter consists o' te addresser7s personal signature decipered in te'ollo1ing line2#

#te signature#the com"limentary close

the body of the letter

the attention line

#$ema %"##Coose 'rom te gien parts o' te business letter te one tat is optional##te sub3ect line#the refence line

the letterhead

the signature

#$ema %"## Coose 'rom te gien parts o' te business letter te one tat is optional ##notes on enclosures#the inside address

the datethe salutation

#$ema %"##$e la&out o' te business letter must be##attractie and elegant#cunfusing

full of errors


#$ema %"##./Sunda& I get up.. seen o7clock or../ a 6uarter past seen/#




#$ema %"#

#*e tried to speak .//im, but e did not 1ant to listen..us/##to,to#at/at

-/ to

to/ -

#$ema %"#

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#I tried to conince im, but e ob3ected../m& o''er/ ##to#at



#$ema %"#

#9e as to deal..//di''erent kinds o' people/##1it#at



#$ema %"#

#@our problem is..// our consideration/##under#in



#$ema %"##I ae to tink tis problem..//#




#$ema %"##$e parties could not agree..//te terms o' te contract#


out of


#$ema %"##I congratulated im..is success/##on#with



#$ema %"##$is 6uestion is...no importance..me ##o', to#with/ on



#$ema %"##$at organisation is engaged..te sale o' timber/#



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#$ema %"##$e& ae concluded a contract../te suppl& o' timber ##'or#by

out of


#$ema %"##@ou sould conclude a contract 1it our partners.//all means##b&#on

