Life processes BY Jazmine

Life processes

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Page 1: Life processes

Life processes BY Jazmine

Page 2: Life processes
Page 3: Life processes


Hi I am Jazmine I am about to tell you about to tell you about the 7 life processes ( MRS GREN ) I hope You enjoy what I will be talking to you about.

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Movement is important for living things. If we didn’t move we would die as we would be unable to get to the fridge to get some water. We would also be unable to get to the pantry to get some food. So we must move.

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Reproduction is when two living organisms make a baby of there own type. There are so many rabbits around because they reproduce so many times.

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Sensitivity is when something touches your nerve . Sometimes it can feel good and sometimes it can feel bad. If you stand on a sharp stone it will touch your nerve and it will hurt you.

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Every living thing must grow. Living things grow by eating and drinking. If we didn’t eat or drink we wouldn't grow but we must grow so we are not a baby forever.

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Respiration is when you breath. It is important to breath otherwise you would die because you wouldn’t get enough oxygen. It is very important to breath.

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Excretion is when you get rid of your waist. Plants get rid or there waist by shedding there leaves. Human and animals get rid of there waist by pooping and peeing it out. We need to get rid of our waist it is very important.

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All living things need nutrition . Nutrition is food and water. If you don’t get nutrition your teeth would fall out. Plants and animals need nutrition to so they can grow and you need nutrition to grow.

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I hoped you enjoyed my information speech.