BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MISSOURI PRECAMBRIAN Compiled by: Bonni e Wills and Nancy Bertram May, 1959 Miscellaneous Publication #15 LIBRARY Misisouri Division of .;eology and La:id Survey

LIBRARY...the Missouri iron ores of Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob: Univ. of Mit,souri 9 School of Mines and Met. Bull~, Tech. ser., vol ~ 11, no. 3, 38 pp

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Page 1: LIBRARY...the Missouri iron ores of Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob: Univ. of Mit,souri 9 School of Mines and Met. Bull~, Tech. ser., vol ~ 11, no. 3, 38 pp


Compiled by: Bonni e Wills and Nancy Bertram

May, 1959

Miscellaneous Publication #15

LIBRARY Misisouri Division of

.;eology and La:id Survey

Page 2: LIBRARY...the Missouri iron ores of Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob: Univ. of Mit,souri 9 School of Mines and Met. Bull~, Tech. ser., vol ~ 11, no. 3, 38 pp
Page 3: LIBRARY...the Missouri iron ores of Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob: Univ. of Mit,souri 9 School of Mines and Met. Bull~, Tech. ser., vol ~ 11, no. 3, 38 pp

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Compiled by

Bonnie Wills and Nancy Bertram

May 1959


Ll"BRARY Missouri Division of

Geology and Land Survey

Department of Business and Administration Division of


Rolla, Missouri

Page 4: LIBRARY...the Missouri iron ores of Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob: Univ. of Mit,souri 9 School of Mines and Met. Bull~, Tech. ser., vol ~ 11, no. 3, 38 pp
Page 5: LIBRARY...the Missouri iron ores of Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob: Univ. of Mit,souri 9 School of Mines and Met. Bull~, Tech. ser., vol ~ 11, no. 3, 38 pp


Adams, James W., 1959, Rocks of the Precambrian basement and those immedi­ately overlying it in Missouri and parts of adjacent states: Univ. of Missouri, unpublished Master's thesis, 332 + iv pp., 4 pls., Columbia, Missouri.

Allen, Victor T., and Fahey, Joseph J ., 1952a, Salite and actinolite at Iron Mountain, Missouri (abstract): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 62, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1420; Am. Mineralogist, volo 37, noso 3 and 4 , p. 283.

--~---~~-~~~~--~--~' 1952b, New occurrences of minerals at Iron Mountain, Missou::-i: Am. Mineralogist, vol. 37, nos. 9 and 10, PP• 736-743.

----~~-,--~--..,._...~----~' 1956, Actinolite at Iron Mountain, Missouri (abstract): Geol. Soc. America Bullo, vol. 67, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1664.

Barkdull, James E., 1957, Geology of a portion (NWt) of the Grandin Quad­rangle, Missouri: unpublished Master's thesis, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.

Bastir~ Edson S., and other, 1939, Contributions to a knowledge of the lead and zinc deposits of the Mississippi Valley (A symposium): Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 24, 156 pp., 27 figs., 4 pls.

Bethke, William M., 19569 Structural reconnaissance of the High Ridge area, Jefferson County, Missourig unpublished Master's thesis1 Washington Univ., St. Louis, MissoUT'i.


Beveridge, Thomas R., 1958, Basic research ·at Missouri Geological Survey leads to Pea Ridge iron ore discovery: Missouri Engineer, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 4-5.

Bishop, Ottey M. , 1949, The mineral industry of Missouri in 1946 and 1947 with production sunnnarized: Missouri GeoL Survey and Water Resources, Inf. Circ. no. 4.

-------' 1950, The mineral industry of Missouri in 1948: Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources, Inf. Circ. no. 6.

--------' 1951, The mineral industry of Missouri in 1949: Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources, Info Ci.Tc. no. 7.

Bonham, Lawrence c., 1948 9 The geology of the southwest part of the Ironton Quadrangle, Missouri: unpublished Master's thesis, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Missouri.


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Branson, E. B., 1944.9 The geology of Missouri~ Univ. of Missouri Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, 535 pp. 9 51 figs. 9 49 pls.

_______ , and Keller, W. D., 1950, Geology in Missouri, its resources, people, and institutions: Curators of Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, pp. 17-28.

Bridge, Josiah, 19309 Geology of the Eminence and Cardareva Quadrangles: Missouri Bur. Geology and Mines, 2d ser., voL 24, 228 pp., 10 figs., 2 tables, 22 pls., maps.

Brightman, George F., 1937, The Tom Sauk limestone member of the Bonneterre formation in Missouri: Jcur. Geology, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 248-267; Master's thesis, Washington Univ. , St. Louis, Missouri.

Broadhead, G. C., 1873, Note on such rocks of Missouri as admit of a fine polish: Missouri Geol. Survey, Rept. on Iron Ores and Coal Fields, 1872, pt. 2, pp. 414-415.

--------' 187 4, General geology of Missouri: Missouri Geol. Survey, Rept. on Field Work of 1873-1874, pp. 18-34.

--------' 1876a, Age of our porphyries~ St. Louis Acad. Sci. Trans., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 366-370.

--------' 1876b, Porphyritic rocks of southeast Missouri Huronian: The We stern, new ser., voL 22, pp. 241, 243, and 248.

-~---~--' 1880, Missouri (building stones of): The U. s. Census Rept. for 1880, Rept. on the Building Stones of the United States and Statistics of the Quarry Industry for 1880. Part of vol. 10, pp. 265-274.

---~~~--' 1882a, Archaean rocks of Missouri: Kansas City Rev. Sci., vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 735-738.

--------' 1882b, Marbles of southeast Missouri: Kansas City Rev. Sci., vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 523-526.

Brown, John S., 1948J Ore genesis: The Hopewell Press, Hopewell, New Jersey.

Buckley, E. R., and Buehler, H. A., 1904, The quarrying industry of Missouri: Missouri Bur. Geol. and Mines, 2d ser., vol. 2, 59 p~s.

---~~~-' 19099 Geology of the disseminated lead deposits of St. Francois and Washington Counties~ Missouri Bur .. Geol. and Mines, 2d ser., vol. 9, 2 pts.? 259 pp.

Buehler, H. A.j 1941, Magnetic map of southeastern Missouri embayment area, scale 4 miles to 1 inch, showing anomalies of vertical intensity at 50 gamma intervals: Missouri Geol'. Survey and Water Resources.



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_______ 9 1943., Gravimetric map of Misso~i, scale b500,000, showing gravimetric anomalies on 50 gravity unit intervals~ overprint on Missouri base map: Missouri Geolo Survey and Water Resources.

Conrad, __ , 1874, Irondale i r on interests~ Mines, Metals and Arts, vol. 1, no. 3, Po 190

Cooke, So R. Bo, 1936, Microscopic structure and concentratability of the more important iron ores of th~ United States: U.S. Bur. Mines, Bull. 391, 121 PPo, 6 figs.

Cozzens, Arthur B., 1941, The iron industry of Missouri: The Missouri Historical Rev., vol. 35, noo 4, pp. 509-538, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 48-60.

Crane, Go W., 1912, The iron ores of Missouri: Missouri Bur. Geol. and Mines, vol. 10, 2d ser., 434 PPo, 48 pls . , 29 figs., 1 map.

Crowe, Louis M., 1930, The geology of the weste::-n third of the Coldwater Quadrangle, Mis sourh unpublished Master w s t he sis, Washington Univ. , St. Louis, Missouri.

Curtis, Alan D., and Dott, Robert Ho, Jr., 1951, The geology of the northern half of the Coldwater Quadrangle;, Madison County, Missouri: unpublished Master's thesis, Univo of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Dake, Charles L. , 1930, The geology of Potosi and Edgehill Quadrangles: Missouri Buro Geol. and Mines, 2d ser. 1 vol. 23, 233 pp., 26 pls., maps.

Damon, Paul E. 9 1948, Radioactivity of the pre-Cambrian section of the Bourbon, Missouri, well core by measurement of the total hard gamma radiation: unpublished Master's thesis, Univ. of Missouri, School of Mines and Met., Rolla, Missouri.

_______ 9 19509 Radioactivity and mineralization in rhyolite porphyry: Geophysics, vol. 15, no. 1, PPo 94-lOL

Denham, Richard L. , 1934, Igneous rocks at Skrainka1 Madison County, Missouri: Washington Univ. 9 unpubllshed thesis, 49 pp., 30 figs. , 2 pls., St. Louis, Missouri.

Devaney, Frederick D., and Cooke, s. Ro B. 1 1928,, Laboratory concentration of the Missouri iron ores of Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob: Univ. of Mit,souri 9 School of Mines and Met. Bull~, Tech. ser., vol ~ 11, no. 3, 38 pp., 17 f igs., 11 tables.

Drake, Avery A., 1952, A study of the effect of jointing on the blasting of granite, Graniteville, Missouri~ unpublished Master's thesis, Univ. of Missouri9 School of Mines and Me~., Rolla, Missouri.

Evans, Lanny L., 1959, Geology of the copper deposits in t he Eminence region, Shannon County, Missouri~ unpublished thesis, Univ. of Missouri, School of Mines and Meto, Rolla. 9 Missouri.


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Farquhar, Oswald Co 9 1957, The Precamb~ian r ocks of Kansas: Kansas State Geolo Survey, Bullo 127, pt . 3, 122 pp. 9 9 pls., 4 figs.

Forbes9 Jachin M., 1956, Iron orei U.S. Buro Mines, Minerals Yearbook--1953, vol . 1, pp. 545-574.

Forrester, James Do, 19489 Mining and mineral resources of Missouri~ Univ. of Missouri, School of Mines and Met. Bull. , Tech. Ser., no. 73.

~-------~~ 1950, Mining and minerals, in Missouri, its r esources, people, and institutions~ Curators of the Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, pp. 79-112.

Frank9 Alber t J., and Moynihan, c. s., 1947, Occurrence of barite at Pilot Knob, Missourii Am. Mineralogist, vol. 32, nos. 11-129 pp. 681-683.

________ , 19589 Magnetic data and petrographic analyses of Pre­cambrian rocks of Missouri (abstracth Geol. Soc. Am. Program, 1958 Ann. Mtgs., p. 63, Geolo Soc. Amo Bull., volo 699 no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1566.

French, Gordon B. , 1956, Pre-Cambrian geology of the Washington County area, Missouri: unpublished Master's thesis, Univ. of Missouri, School of Mines and Meto, Rol l a, Missouri.

Gage, James R., 1873, On the occurrence of iron ores in Missouri t St. Louis Acad. Sci. Trans. 9 vol. 3, pp. 181-192.

Gallaher, John A., 1900, Preliminary report on the structural and economic geology of Missourii Missouri Bur. Geol. and Mines, 259 pp. , Jefferson City, Missouri.

Geijer, Per, 1915, Some problems in iron ore geology in Sweden and in America: Econ. Geology, vol. 10, pp . 299-329.

_____ , 1931, Supergene martite: Econ. Geology9 vol. 26, pp. 437-439.

Gleason, Charles D., 1931, Rare minerals in Missouri~ Compass, vol. 11, no . 4, pp. 132-134, 1 fig.

Goldich, s. s., and Muilenburg, Garrett A.s, 19339 Labradorite-hyper-oranite: Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 237 9 no. 29 pp. 130-134.

Gould, Charles N., 1923.s, Crystalline rocks of the plains (with discussion by R. s. Kna,Pperh Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 541-560, 3 figs.

Graves, How-a.rd B., Jr., 1934, Joint systems of the St. Francois Mountains~ Washington Univ., unpublished thesis9 73 pp., 62 figs., St. Louis , Missouri.

--------....---' 1938, The pre-Cambrian structure of Missouri: St. Louis Acad. Sci. Trans. 1 vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 111-164, 9 figs., incl. geol. sketch maps.


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Grawe 9 Oliver R., 1943, Manganese deposits of Missouri~ Missouri Geol. Survey9 app. VI1 Biellll. Rept., p 42.

Gregson, Victor G., Jr., 1958, A regional gravity survey of parts of Franklin, Crawford, and Washington Counties, Missouri: unpublished Master's thesis, Washington Univ. 1 St. Louis, Missouri.

Grohskopf, John G., 1955, Subsurface geology of the Mississippi embayment of southeast Missouri: Missouri. GeoL Survey and Water Resources, 2d ser., vol. 37.

Harrison, Clark, 1942, Missouri iron, Pilot Knob: Rocks and Minerals, vol . 17, no. 2, pp. 46-51, 4 figs.

Harrison, Edwin1 1857, Analysis of magnetite from Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob, Missouri2 Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc., vol. 6, p. 295.

-----~~' 1868, Age of por phyry hills of southeast Missouri: St. Louis Acad. Sci. Trans., vol. 2, p; 504.

Haughey, William H., 1952, The relationship of quartz orientation to fluid flow structure found in acid extrusive rocks of the Royal G~rge felsite, Missouri: unpublished Master's thesis, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Missouri.

Haworth, Erasmus, 1888, Contribution to Archaean geology of Missouri: Am. Geologist, vol. 1, pp. Z80-297, 363-382, pl.; abstract, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars, vol. 7, no. 65, pp. 71-72, Baltimore, Maryland.

--------' 1890, Crystalline rocks of Missouri: Iowa Acad. ScL Proc . , vol. 1, pt. 1, pp. 66-68, Des Moines, Iowa.

·-~~~~' 1891, Age and origin of crystalline rocks of Missouri: Missouri Geol. Survey Bull. 5, pp. 11-42, 4 pls. 9 Jefferson City, MissourL

, 1892, Notes on Missot.ri minerals: Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc., vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 33-35, Des Moines, Iowa.

-~~' 1896, St~atigraphy and correlation of Carboniferous for­mations: Kansas Univ. Geolo SUl"Veyj vol. 1, pp. 145-163.

--------' 1900, The Galena-Joplin lead and zinc district: Mineral Industry, vol. 8, pp. 658-666.

Hayes, William C., Jr., 1947, Geology of the Ozark-Martin mine area, Madison County, Missouri: unpublished Master's thesis, Univ. of Missouri, School of Mines and Met., Rolla, Missouri.

-----------' 1951, Pre-Cambrian iron deposits of Missouri: unpublished Doctoral diss~ 9 Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowao



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Holliday, Wo, 1956, Iron, in Mineral facts and problems~ u. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 556, PPo 371-3980

Humbert, Roger Po, 1943, A comparison of the wea~hering and soil formation of the acid and basic igneous rocks of the Ozarks of Missouri: un­published Doctoral diss., Ohio State Univ·., Columbus, Ohio; 1942; Ohio State Univ. Pres, Abstracts of Do~toral diss. 39, spring Quarter 1942, PPo 173-181.

Hunt, T. s., 1890, Iron ores of United States (Gives the geological distri­bution of ores in Missouri.): Eng. and Min. Jour., vol. SO, pp. 601-602 and 624.

Ireland, H. A., 1955, Pre-Cambrian surface in northeastern Oklahoma and parts of adjacent states: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 39, no. 4, PPo 468-483; (abstract) Am. Geol. Insto, Geol. Abstracts, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 3.

James, Jack A., 1949, Geologic rel ationships of the ore deposits in the Fredericktown area, Missou.rii Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources, Rept. Inv. no. 8.

~~-----' 1951, The relationship of regional structural geolo~ of the ore deposits in the southeastern Missouri mining district: unpublished Doctoral diss., Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.

_______ , 1952, Structura.l environments of the lead deposits in the southeastern Missouri mining districtg Econ. Geology, vol. 47, pp. 650-660.

Jenke, Arthur L., 1948, An investigation of the basic rocks in the Fredericktown Quadrangle, Missouri: unpublished Master's thesis, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Missouri.

Julien, A. A., 1883, Origin of crystalline iron ores (The hematites of Lake Superior and Missouri are desc~ibed)g Eng. and Min. Jour., vol. 35, PP• 207-208.

Keller, Walter D.,, 1945, Common rocks and ndnerals of Missouri: Univ. of Missouri Bull ., vol. 46 , no~ 5 (Arts and Science Series No. 1), 78 pp.

--------' 1946,11 Minerals of Missourig Earth Sci. Digest, voL 1, no. 3, PP• 3-5 .

--~-~~--' 1948, Piedmontite from Missouri: Earth Sci. Digest, vol. 2, no. 7, p. 23.

Kessler, Daniel W., and Anderson, R. Eo, 1951, Stone exposure test wall: U.S. Dept . of Commerce~ Nat. Bur. of Standards, Building Materials and Structure Rept. , no. 125.



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Keyes, Charles R.,, 1895a, G:ir.anite :rocks of Missolll'ii Eng. and Min. JolU'., voL 60, PP• 516-517"

-~~~--~~9 1895b9 Secular decay of granitic rocks: Iowa Acad. Sci. Proco, vol. 2, pp. 27-31.

--~~-~~~' 1896a, A report on Mine La Motte sheet, including portions of Madison, St. Francois1 and Ste. Genevieve Counties: Missouri Geol. Survey, 1st ser., vol. 9, Sheet Report no. 4, pp. 4-124, map (under separate cover), J efferson City, Missouri"

------~~' 1896b, Geographic relations of the granites an'd porphyries in the eastern part of the Ozarks~ Geol" Soc. America Bull. 7, pp. 363-376, map; abstracts, Am. Geologist, vol. 179 pp. 91-92; Jour. Geology, vol. 4, pp. 375-377.

~----~--' 1896c, Missouri building and ornamental stones: S,tone, vol. 12, pp. 432-436, 546-557~ vol. 13, PPo 30-32, 1895, 1896; abstract, Eng. and Min. Jour., vol. 62, pp. 199-201.

--------' 1930, What shall we do with pre-Cambrian?: Pan-Am. Geologist, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 111-122, 1 fig.~ 2 pls.i abstract, Iowa Acad. Sci. Proc., vol. 39, pp. 277-278.

Kidwell, Albert L., 1942, The igneous geology of Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri: ,ifashington Univ., 1.Ulpublished thesis, 82 pp., 34 figs., St. Louis, Missouri.

---------' 1946a, Minerals of the Silver Mine, Missouri, area: Rocks and Minerals, vol. 219 no. 8, pp. 500-501; (abstract) Mineralogical Abstracts, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 130.

---~~-~~-' 1946b, Minerals of the Fredericktown, Missouri, mining district: Rocks and Minerals, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 750-7530

King, Henry, 1852, Report on an ex~ination of the estate belonging to the St. Louis and Birmingham Iron Mining Company (This contains a geological report by Dro Ho Kingh By o:rder of the Board, St., Louis. Printed at the Sto Louis Times Book and Job Office, 18 PPo

~--~~' 1853a9 Charter and by-laws of the Sto Louis and Birmingham Iron Mining Company together with reports on an examination of the estate (This contains geological :.reports by Dro H. King and J,; c. Whitney, and analyses of ore by T. Jackson)~ 35 pp., Baker, Godwin and Coo, New Yorko

~-~-~' 1853b, Report on the lands of the Birmingham Iron Mining Company: St. Louis, Missou.rio

Koch, Heinrich Lo , 1932, The igneous geology of the western half of the St. Francois Mountains: \vashington Univ., unpublished thesis, 81 pp., 27 figso, 8 tables, map in pocket, Sto Louis, MissourL


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Lake 9 M. C., 1933, The iron ore deposits of I ron Mountain, Missouri: Mining districts of the eastern states1 16th Int. GeoL Cong., Guidebook 2, pp. 56-670

Larson, Kenneth Go, 1955, The mineral industry of Mi ssouri in 1953~ Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources, Inf. Gire. no. 12.

Leonhard, Alexander Vo, 1884, Notes on mineralogy of Missouri: St. Louis Acad. Sci. Trans., vol. 4, pp. 440- 453.

McMillan, W. D., 1946, Exploration of the Bourbon magnetic anomaly, Crawford County, Missouri: Uo S. Bur. Mines, Rept. Inv. 3961.

Marbut, Curtis F., 1896, Physical features of Missouri: Missouri Geol. Survey, volo 10, pp. 13-109.

Marcher, Melvin V., 19541 The geology of the northeastern portion of the Lesterville Quadrangle, Missouri~ unpublished Master's thesis, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.

Meyer, Charles, 1939, The geology of the Pilot Knob, Missouri, iron mineral­ization: Washington Univ., unpubli shed thesis, 206 pp., 74 figs., St. Louis, Missouri.

_______ , and Tolman, c., 1939., Structural geology of the felsites of I ron Mountain, Mis~ouri (abstract)~ Geol. Soc. America Bull~, volo so, no. 12, pt. 2, pp. 1922-19230

Meyer, Dorothy B., 1935, A sericite of unusual composition: Am. Mineralogist, voL. 20, no. 5, pp. 384-388, 1 fig.

Meyer, F. Co , 1891, The probable origin of the ore deposits in the mines of Missouri: Kansas City Scientist,, voL 5, pp. 82-85.

Midwest Research Institute., 1946, Mineral resources of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas: (Map with brief text), Midwest Research Inst., Kansas City, Missouri, in cooperation with u. s. Geol. Survey and research bureaus of the various states; scale, 1:250,000, or approx. 20 miles to 1 inch.

Moore, P. N., 1874, Iron ores of southeast Missouri: Missouri Geol. Survey, Field work of 1873-74, pp. 638-671, Jefferson City, Missow-i.

Muilenburg, Garrett A, and Goldich, S.S., 19331 Petrography and petrology of the Mount Devon diabase porphyry: Am~ Jour. Scio, 5th ser., vol. 26, no. 153, pp. 355-367.

, 1953, The mineral industry of Missouri in 1950: Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resour~es, ~nf. Circ. no. 9.

----------' 1954, The mineral industry in southeastern Missouri: Missouri GeoL Survey and Water Resources, Rept. Inv. no. 17, pp. 60-63 ..



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Nason, Frank L., 1891, The iron ores of Missourii Inter-State Min. Con­vention Proc.J pp. 57-65.

-~---- ~~, 1892, A repo~t on the iron ores of Missouri: Missouri Geol. Survey, vol. 2, pp. 1- 366, map9 Jefferson City, Missouri.

_______ 9 1913, The bering of the theories of the origin of mag­netic i r on ores on their possible extentg Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng . Bull., vol. 67, pp. 695-708, 1912; Trans., vol. 43, pp. 291-304.

Neal, Donald A. , 19569 A gravity and ~gnetic survey of southeastern Missouri~ unpubli~hed ~sterts thesis9 St$ Louis Univ., St . Louis, Missouri.

Netzeband, F. F. , Muilenburg, Garrett A, and Smith, E. s., 1956, The mineral i ndustry of Missouri~ u. s. Bur. Mines, Minerals Yearbook 1952, vol. 3, pp. 503-528.

Newberry, Johns., 1880, Genesis of ores of i roni Columbia Univ., School of Mines Quarterly, vol. 1, pp. 87-104, New York.

________ , 1881, Genesis of iron ores (The iron ores of Missouri are considered to be Huronian and of the same age as those of Lake Superior.)~ Eng. and Min. Jour., vol. 31, pp. 286-287, 298-300, New York.

Newton, Henry, 1875, The ores of iron~ their geographical distribution and relation to the g!'eat centers of the world's iron industries: Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Transe, voL 3, pp. 444-456.

Nicollet, Joseph N., 1843, Mineral region of State of Missouri: Am. Jour. Sci., 1st se:ir., voL 45, pp. 340-341.

Penrose, R. A. F., Jr., 1892, I r on deposits of Arkansas (Refers to Missouri iron deposits. h Arkansas Geolo Survey Ann. Rept. 1892, vol. 1, 138 pp. , maps and plates.

Pettit, Robert F., Jr. 9 Reynolds, Burton M., and Calhoun, Willis A., 1957, Mining and mtlling methods and costs, Ozark Ore Company, I r on Mountain I r on-Ore Mine , St. Francois County9 Missourii u. s. Bur. Mines, Inf. Circ . 7807, 46 PP• ,9 20 f.igs . 1 15 ta.bles.

Phillips, John V., 1859, Repor~ on geology of mining district contiguous to I ron Mountain Rai:J,.roa.di Pamphlet, 14 pp., map and section, St. Louis, Missou..rio

Pomevene, Joel B., 1947j Geology of the Einstein-Apex tungsten mine area: unpublished Master' s thesis, Uniy. of Missouri, School of Mines and Met.~ Rolla, Missouri.

Purnpelly, Raphael, 1873, Preliminaey report on the iron ores and coal fields of Missouri from the field work of 1872g Missouri Geol . Survey, 441 pp., 190 figs., New York.


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Rath, Gerhard vom, 1884, Obser vation on I r on Mountain, Missouri: Niederrhei nische Ge~ellschaft f"ur Nat ur und Heilkunde, vol. 41, pp. 126-1340

Raymond, Rossiter W., l874a.9 Peculiar iron ore deposits in Missouri: Eng. and Min. Jour., vol . 17, p. 209.

----------1 vol . 18 , p. 324.

1874b9 Missomri iron ores: Eng. and Min. J our.,

Ridge , John D., 1957 9 The iron ores of Ir on Mountain, Missouri: Mineral Industries, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 1-69 figs. 1-3.

Robertson, Forbes, 1940a, The igneous geology of the ea.stern Ironton and western Fredericktown Quadrangles, Missourii Washington Univ., un­published thesis, 137 pp . , 61 figs., St. Louis, Missouri.

--------' 1940b, Flow seauence in the fels i.te rocks in the eastern I ronton Quadrangle (abstiracth Missouri Acad. Sci. Proc., vol. 6, no. 4, pp . 83- 84.

, and Tolman, Carl, 1948, High-potash volcanic rocks, St. Francois Mountains, Missouri (abstract ): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol . 59, no. 12, pt . 2, p. 1347; Am. Mineralogist, vol. 34, nos. 3-4, p. 282, 1949.

--------' and Maurer, Russell, 1951, Evidence bearing on the consanguinity of Missouri and Oklahoma Precambrian igenous rocks (abstract ): Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 62, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1541.

Robertson, James D. , 1893, Notes on the f ormation of the iron ores: Science, vol. 21, p. 131.

Ross, Clarence s., and Henderson9 E. P. , 1925, Topaz and associated minerals from the Einstein silver mine 9 Madison County, Mi ss ouri: Amo Mineral­ogist, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 441-4430

Ruhl, Otto, 19049 Observations at Pegm.atite Hill (Grunden Co., Missouri): Bullo Bradley Geol. Field Sta. 9 Drury Coll., volo 1, pp. 36-40, Springfield, Missouri.

Schmidt.9 Adolf, 1873, The iron ores of Missmrii Missouri GeoL Survey, Preliminary report on the iron ores and coal fields from the field work of 1872, pt. 1 , pp. 45-214, geological map, New York.

-~~~ ........ ~-' 1874, Metallurgical p~operties of Missouri iron ores: Missburi Geol. Survey Rept ., Field work of 1873-1874, pp. 587-600, Jefferson City, Missouri.

Schoolcraft, H. R., 1819, A view of the lead mines of Missouri (including some observations on the rninera.logy, geology, geography, antiquities, soil, climate, population and p~oduction of Missouri and Arkansas and other sections in the western count:ry h 299 pp. , pls., 3 engravings, New York.



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Searight9 Thomas K • .? Williams, Jo Ho 9 and Hendrix, J. So , 1954, The structure of the Bourbon-Sullivan area, C:::•a.wford, Franklin, and Washington Counties: Missouri GeoL Slliryey and Water Reso:ur.ces, Repto Inv. no. 16.

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