THE ROOKY MOUNTAINS. A PLEASUH TRIP. tB|K .«TART.THR VALLEY OK THE Bl«. THOM IRIS¬ AN A«'«'.»I'M OK .STOCK.THE LITTLE THoMF- -«>N -TDK ARsKNi'V. <>K SPRINGS . Sl.l'.KPlN«» «IN THE RVIN WITIIOl'T SHELTER.A SNOW KloRM . E-TK.I.'s l'VRK.T1IK FISH AND DEIR THAT WIRE NOT CA1GHT.IIOMB A«!AIN. Cikeki.ky, Colonnlo, Ort. 4..Our proposed Journey to the mount.iii.» had Iteen long «leliiyed Ivy the pressing «U-iuaiids of ull the Bummer day», hut flmilly, on tb«21ati.f ScpteniiMT, everything waa ready. It waaimt «ititll i 'Vl.K-k that we coiihl get away, ai man» detalla required »Iteminn, «Ince we »»ere to tai gone overa»veok. tlur party numb« red flftein. three of wluun were lad««». Four .ere tuniinted on bMMMMft ; the mat wire distrib¬ uted In tv««» two hör-.«' wagon», in which were »toweil B supply of blanket« aul laOBBOB, several gun.'», MM "ur provision« ami imti, keith-« and pin*, whli-h rattled as we rode along, «l.ii.ig np the Cache la Foudre about flvo mile«, we turned aouth, making B Vlcht a»« cut. and «hence proceeded MTBM a «wiling «livnh- to Hi«' H'K Thompson lucí»- . m'I M «li-taM UM NMÍ BBB geoB, th.- «wells were fine, tw» to f.»ur mile» Ion».-. BIBBM bj »h«.rt intervening di -r tit«, and when an elevation appircntly highnr than all ..'her., wa« rea« bed. another gradually arose I».> nnd it N't I BOMB nor a human Ixing wa» to be »«on, and Ifetaft Ml k*'-'" MM exeelient. ar. ely wy cattle were .1000). Tin» divide between Un* » u ti. lu #«.ndrt« alni the Big TBOMM M Ititi the ahajie of a tri¬ angle, the ban «>f araielexteaaB" aimut '¿oniiiesaioiig the mountain«, whlto the other two »Ide« BMBMB about 2.V miles tn length; it forms the hool »toe!, rang.' In Colo¬ rado, aud proliably in the world. Tim greatest defect ia « want «f water; »til1, lhere are a few pond«, and lu the ¦.sagt" cr «h-pr« ->u.iis »villa might lie dug mid the water mla-ed hy wind imwer. ProccciMng paraih-1 with Ma ni'iiiii'aln«, ami iibont U miles «li.-t.int, we bul vary¬ ing ile*» of the long ranges and of the several «nowy peaka, while Ixnig's IV ik, rl-ing far ab«>»c all the i«-t, prtatcnl-'l a conat'intly )i;ii;glng ». ene. The Rib Thomp Ma wa« rea' lied by des. entl'iig a gradual llopO In I»»" ¦AM long, and wc »vent into < amp I.« a tuoadow < l«>e«. io the water »vhile the horses were pick« tod. Our «ook had rhhlen ahead and obtained milk and butt, r Bl a ranch aero«« the river, and when we arrived bo wa« building a Ure. A «mall tent was pltch«-<l«f"r,the la.ll«>»; »ni, when coffre lind bein mad«« and some bacon frl«d. WO al«' dinner, BOBtOi MO the grass around the tent. It BMBMBtfhlOli roil that ihr coffee provlded via« "Kar«t India" »tu5, MOpeOOd of chiccory, ry«', and extrait M logwood, or «onie other vlllnluona compound. It wa« iienrly o'clock m-fore wc resumed our Jonnn-y. Then ppa «ri.*tv>d the mer, and passing a corn Held and large stacks of hay aud grrln,near a ranchman'« house, we as»-end.-'1 to the divide, between the Rig and Little Thompson, extending fully 10 miles. The farm-., or ranch.-« «lout* the valley of the Rig Thomjison aro well cultiva!b4 ail«! remarkably productive; indeed, I have n«v«r anywhere seen stich large stacks of wheat, oats, and Oar'"} rained on such small pieces of ground. The ¦MB neill» »retn eipi.il ti) any In Illinois, and potato vino« murri) «iv-ered the gummi. Farming in this valley ha» fK-ei» ex!rein« ly protltable, and I was told of a case where th »ere« of «>at« vieldod 60 hu«hel« lo Ihe Here, and tliat «ho (-rup war sold at 12 cent« a pound "st the ma« hine." This w«ia a few years ago, when the demand for the n lnrve BM greater than tim supply. Crops are nearly tcKbi now, Lut pi Ire« havo fallen, oat«, wheat and «.orn uni«].«in bru.nmg innre than four «enta a iH-und, while ( B »»crag«- doe» not exceed three cent»; but at ihear r»t<*» even, fiirming more profitable llian «l»«- <e h»*r«\ for th« reason that by merin» of irrigation a fail¬ ure need ii ariel» taken into account. Mr. «Jreeley al wa»» hM Ufl-MM-d a high opinion of the com ti v on «he jt.g rh"ii.p<o!i, und Ith .good reaton; hut th« re no dooli' that our valley of the Cache la P"ii«lr«'is «''pially valuai'u-, acre for acre. It la to he remarked that BO have a fur greater cx1'nt nf ground which can ini guU-al. m It MMfartOOO ii"t Baa than 2«o,noo acre-«, while on the B g T.'i'unpsoii they have only a fraction "I ': l- afi'iiui'l. Ti' I ititi« Thompson I* marked hy a llnr ..f fettea- wiio''*., but i! «'out.lina no running water, hi,«1 thdOiri x. it -i * i.ui«-hes along its »alley. lOBM ditches are taken out in »r tin« liiuoatBtaO, and there a supply of BllM «lurttn- June and Jul», but the stream dOM t)"t MM lu Mo Baot i -ure, wat« r «1¡- ippeer* in tagnat. Turning tin-« valley we rapidly approached the MaatataM, ami at Sn'il « iv« r.i'cl.ed tin- cafioti of the Little Thompson, ii li. re I...nu''- Peak» tàe bii.'W.y Ran ne, ami nil tha proin- iiii 1.1 e evatt« ii» «!.».ip;i. .in d, aud OBI] the BWeUlB| bal .till lofty foot hull ci'iil.l h0 000M Tiiat to »a», winn one g<>. a to the Rocky Mountain." tin » «l.sappi ai, ni «I it is «.ni» BkOBBl ad..-tainA t-iat tin J BBBhOBOOB, ladlvidnal un.iuitania,however,are «ecu aeatlj i-nmigh »«hen one ooiii. » io t'i.-n. e.ml .n rr-ak-aug iheiu tin 11 r endured l> ii! I..- .na r. nu no.. -.-.-ii. Knl.a i>n ti..- canon, iiml frequently BNestBf UM dry and r<» U) lmdof MO htri-ain, the narrow l.-afcil «ottoti w»»h1 'Kg.in toai'pcar.-alii!«, wild plum tri«*, gee« »ni »ml currant liui.be.», »nil clump» of »ki 11..ia» foi me.I Iii a k eUalino t impenetrable. V»«-i»as»cd aever.il houses ami ¦mall ti- I«, when the v Tiley 0BBBOÍ B little, alni BflOl j.n» c.-.liii/ iilhilil the mile» up the can ni the inn» wcie ii out into u narrow, gia-sy jilot. si.«I camp wa« ¦BailorIBB night. A tlr« wa« built of «lry limb», and »ft*r -n Maaaaj falto o Uaa in the iorfc, among Ms brush »ml reell, water waa toilinl In a holt, w ith w Inch the .-.illili, wa« l.lade. Foi drinking puriii-e- the »at« ran BBOOai etty well, provided «ne had l«K*th tin «i'l eli whh li B coiilil Mt «trained. The ««ok ¦kéMMMi hi» BBBtBoaa, n.r he had « " >k»-«l "ii «»«'an steamship«, bi««1 it « (a n a « In -Ttni -«lullt to ice hlin making bLscuits with flour, water an«! haling powder, and to walk sro'ind the nu- iiii'ii in« pots au«l pans, while his long M. » «i, -pur» ¡in, ed at each «tip. When the coffee ttaoBOBO M -I -"inn baoOB fried, supper waa ready, »bd th.-n tkott ehe VOM of au liitpiisltive turn maile an «vain it oa »« t.. th.-»tuck of provisions which had been provided. Thl« wa» a hint ft* the opening of a cal "f javach"*. I! m-eined that wc had three sack« of flour, I" tal. 150 11»».; 20 lb«, of rusty bacon, which wa» to !.«. H0d I 'r.ung u»h when we should catch them; two li«», of Jiiid, a few paíkaífe» of baking jiow der, ¡o Iha of (hat coff., half i»iiiiid of tea, three cans «if ja-acbes. I bree do. ..f tomatoes, two lb», of butter, and soim- p. fptA and »all. When it was asked If thi» wa« a l>r..|»*r supply for a pleasure party, It waa answuroil that we Weall ¡jot Into Ester's Park the next day where trout would found by the hundred pounds, ami that we wo'ii«! have our fl!l of mountain »heep, black luiT '! drer, Bife, grouse, pig«-«»ns, MOtX duck«. Then we all Went to lirai. I'll« ladies had the tent; the rest alej»t on th»' (»ri.iind »»ith blatikets, and the «tars over them. The h!.*h hi II n): .'.i.'!i .»ide MM M In. the thick« 1 i am« In¬ arnme!, .ii I we i«ii »li pt in i outnlenco, for it was loo iat-a n t.. i-m for MMooaaBoa. \ j'.rtiui ot ..ur p.n tv lind a *¦«'.. ..eil« no)« i-t. and It »v.«. iiiieinl.-'l to eeeead \\mtkg*» fttS und tak« ali OtMMTVa i..!,; H -»i- Ih'illght e.i-y tat Hu l.i.li ¦- to mak« the trip. vsitha iroaaetec roriow alevattaai aero ooooiMMed, Un- n, ti beleget Oreeley, aaleB» M the OBrfoeo of tin «apj» -r l.i'... Ill th. [lark, B 4 It! f. .-t a'.o».- th.- BM hi.l. ¦Bl t'ie un..li .it Hie fool nf the lii.iuiit.iilii I- .. '- i,,11',ut o! oil) « a'np '70-J. B/Mtaa I r temi' i- itara M "it -'.(p. i». -i .wn. rathet i..t. in the ga* h,.-uni ta .Ira Ihlag t" i¦. ia« k .m boraeha« w n. ta flr»t i i w. u-i .m ,.f initier and oat-. BMal *..*'* rt "''io.k and got und. r wa» MO after, aim BM00BBBI tat « »non or »ilb-y of the Lut). Tboiin-.ii. v.» nbmI Hu -iream maur tim« s, here uni then-1 m .n«,- n water ami t. -t.iiif it ,i. ti.- hu|»- of tlud- Mf n .ir«. . ,e, i.ui at va» aana ead bMbbjt. 01 ifrlaai *""' ioIobo ItaooaooMal tat rocla al ti.« mm ky MollliUit»»l«ii«l I Um ino-at |.,;t ,,, , w rlJ, ,, 1H,sltl,,r, aothat Man ooahaaeBBaaajaaBMesaatrtooaâeri the atmtai-!i"r:/'.:it..'. la a' on tim. Uaad pu .¦-. i- .i taowhoN th. bbbMoi »>. .,.,.. r-, w eu Nlad wi'li l'r.a- «. t. totla MininiUof t, , ..Mates siw«; taxa ptnigt MeUaggltagnai afeotleBwood«.along Hi» -ii.aiii: A eoli-nlcia:.;. nuiiil,,-, ,,f in t .. i -.n.'iii-. and the fem-ea win- aethlai hM bars ..i gn.» .; Beana aaaaBttM iaeho«hg aalal Mtaa» u.n. ¦ of !oi,fc- a k > aie in« lo-a-'l. Siu I |»,-~i BBloai BIO BMBtl .' lam.-," for the J»Ld BM ne» ii l«m MTveyed, and Ma impruk liants, where any cxi»'. c»ii«i»t ni oreaaheohta awl a . irrul. where cow» are m.lkeil alni tuilier ,? aWktt In I nni.'li »m loltlo moat fttt the BUIllfBBlB sr« men. All t)ir<»ugh this rigion one MflMI I nia. .,PI1 withont flMlIies, II» mg alone engaged in »tix-k ranching, and living as alov« lily uien every where .lo whonthey Iivn ni«.a*-. H i- »le(.mlar. perhaps, thal MOByoftheea m-n, r. u, ng fi-iiii tlie Beathen »-tale», «rn.iil In 1-. niose »r nu the Northern Mau« MMI lu MM t, tatt, ahee -w.ke.1 win I her they are niarri« 1, they »nsw. r. with a »ort «if l'0»'l..li«.|i. '-.No." After .»s.iml.tig MTOIBl hffll, w. r.iu.i- to one lilli wl.er« an got oil! of tin Wag n«, hOOaBOO lr wa« M -te p. sud tin«, not lu« ause the horse« rooM m>» p.il!, but I«- eaUM. li ... .nilli not holdback for wi were to go down. V,. l.i iii n|ii ihn! w> win Io nuil «iiefi a rough i-iunlt) While going up the net! lull, uni wliili some of lin- .»e»ài r one« declared thuf they could not walk up another »neh hill, iM-cauae they had poor health, a««lne «.pet of rain f. li, and Ihen It waa noticed that the »ky wai- « iou«1y. This hill was nearly a mile long. anl. lrt*fore we goi hall way up, enough rain fell to make the road «iil-p. i y ami muddy, and walking out on the gras», one's xtAuttn btMMBO tmi Uiroigh. R. aching ih« U»p of the lull at last, we hx'Vefl hack and saw the pinina Ilk«- the open aea. Then we descended another hill perhaps I should «ay a mountain, for we were leaving tin» bills and Ibis wwssl4M>isr still, and there wen rocks and lo.lg.-s, and the lock of one of the wagons broke th» timm* sprang out, and th.» wheel was l.istoucd Willi a r«»pe. and we finally caine down Into a narrow valley,with Immens«» rounded precipices overhead, fully M* mki high, it wa« now past 1 o'clock, and we went Into an,|', I'10 '9 v iitlon Mai matt t<< t It «li»' ii'-t n«in «um« .*" h>»t«l. the cloud» seeming ta» ruo away a little. t»n«l «mr pW k»Ut party hnd dinner Hut that coffee, wi.t out of IBlM.Bli tea w«s made, the quality being such «" st Us In the Hl.iti's ut 7!4 c. nts a pound, nnd worth |BM M exreeil) two .- til», hem»/ corni«»* ed, I lll.lg» «f Hie sweeping« «.' « .' :l factory. However, lhere wa« only half ,i pound It was now li BOM ta Mut I'Hik, and Ike drivers were ask'vl whether we could get through. One siihl it was Imposslliie, Ihe other Mint we would certainly iniik«- the trlp.snd «upon tish, vi nl.aon, ni,d milk. re w. ipMI I a ciin of it 'maines. Tin, al, nmg louds rame tam Ibl nioiinfa-ii-titps, our ili»bt<« were U»thi together into !.. I ties and buckets, the horse« and mules were brntigbt In, drugging their long pit kel ro|«»-s through tin* wet gi*..»-«, huno iMi ii.il wlnp,h ,1 mt,,,« sturt. Tin-,-.uni., lunn.'I Hear ('mi on, vin s on tin« lattin Thotiipsi'i., winn Ut g*i four «pis»!« of witter, and wt» wert- nil thirsty, but v.» told ttuit there was good water In tit»» 1'aiU. dolugup an.»Ill« r n.,imt.ln, high above the bed of he "H- "in, VC saw (hat the path ,1- ¦ oin)« .1 bach late tin» v.il.'t'got did ti" re seem any n*n-n>n why Ihe v.tiley should not hav« !»een followed, tit this tune the lain c..',,e donn .i|ii.lly. the wngotis slin|»e,l on the shle of tin u.'iint:,ln, iiml «»ii tin opposite «lae wera ti.«- ilopeeof laftj moun¬ tains, riiu-ii -i u ni. danae forests of pine, oat ol willoh utos, walis .mil IBnasillai of granite r »ck. I'p alni down we traveled until wa .»me kata a heanUful little park tri ««'ior.ll linn.In re«, wluii all ni once Wl wen-sur ].ii-eii i,» m,, t n lunn »n a earl Brawn i«y ,. Iwrae. Wt» leant, .1 that he llvo.l li, K-lct'- 1'irk; Hal l.eh ni ho pounds of Iro it. which ha waa taking to Denver: t Inn he cul,I aall them foi cents a pound that noon« «.b«e live.I iii l!,e I'ai's, 1 thal he would I«- bael lu four day«, w hen In would guide us up Long's Peak, the as« t to which would be easy. Another in,j»««» tant nneatlon: Could vv get through that night t II» l«.'la>"l around, and iipihc m».i m t.i i u-, a ithi red hi« dripping blanketover his shoulders, und sani thought not, and thal «ve bad la-It» r » snip a short dlstaOOl abe.ni, In- only pine« » r. there was Walter. Anotlnr queatton: H««w Mai m ii likely I,« lu,ni He thought vie slioiil,I hav, quite a inni¬ fail,for this was the «-«iiiiiioxial. We had not though! of tins, and our eyes dropped, Ootna through the para-like ground,we earn lo tim Little Thompenn, »ii ii was nu.mug tillite a stream, ami ii went Hilo . .nu], .it.out 7 o'» Its k el. vat «n, f,,T7-.i !«.« I. The sinai], thin tant Waa pitched, it. which, when the lióla - were sheltered, iiiev could raise theil naibr» ii i«, which wleeli bad been bfooght t" keep eil the ana. a sort of shelter was made for soma 4if Ilia gentleman mt |.uie bOUghs. wini li could olilv be um fill in esr "I «now, and a ¡arge liri wa« bulli, so their clothes could be dried nearly as r,,.-t as tin v got wet. Supper wa* > »t» a amid descending night and falling rain, and soon after lb. whola patty weal t<> bed, for lhere vee aothiag elie tai «lo. »f cour-«« »le» p «1,» a no1 ,-oiiie as ,|i,i. kly w hil.« Hie rain falls on one's face, tnd all over, mIt -iocs when oat i»n> bed la a house, bul ii .onus eaywhen al last. In the morning the tir^i thing no1 ead bl earli riet tt iii thal linn w.ts a fall of marly six hu lie,, of damp snow, aad, in gelling out from under the blanket«, the] seemed h, av i as If niade ol is! Iron. TI.k fortun it« ly bad remain««! np lal«-baking brand,aad braafcfasl wai M »I ready. T.ie Lull's «,UM oin from the kiosk IMNlkll dilaphlated. At : oYlock tho temi» started np th« hill, for It w M all either up hill or ilown, th« ladles riding «ml the rest going on foot ; but soon the ladle« got out and waited, too. After going what waa called two mile«, a halt wai made, and one «<f Hie wagon-, v. it h I put Of the bag.* kg. was abandone,I, ami the two team« bit« lu d to the oiiu i. when the Journey was resuini ti with lill Hie . iil-tgi di.- piaynl i»y Bonaparte in rroeslng the Alps. The iiioiliitalns on either hanil now bennie Ir« mimions, the sii'iw I». nine deeper, nnd blanket« grew he.iv ii r, lui* th« four horn«- team whs lashed tut«» doing its best. Dinner was omitted,partly f»»r want ot tuse,aad parth for another reaaon,and ut la-t we cane Into the npnei v al,, ) of Du Un am, The loB'l as« »nil'il gradually , but lb«, snow wa« no* a fool deep, and titi- »lavwi« II- nial, taue, v, in re the I.nile Tbompeon i»«-gl»>s isa divnle, ami lulu Iii« lo]« ««in pi» n-ure party «uni,I tool «>v,r min Ester's .Park. The élévation <>f this divido Is UM «feet, abeat e.,u:.i to thal of ihe peak nt Bhermaa, -»ti th« Onion Paritte, the highest spot a io« .u«,uti ve !,.,s i,s andad. Passing on a nil wiiii lofts i-" I"-- * on tiie right, Ihe r.»ik ».,- «> «-n te for», some three miles while aad ti n mil, a lo ig. With >«'I tied tin HI I. ti. ins o\. 1.ian ici high ,lt. I. ,1 lo.," aad there, while on the left wai Long'« Peak, but no1 then visible. i"i. rain «tad «snow bad aearlyc. »sed, nor waa there mud. anoa In the Park, the elevation I «win g only ,,Si" teal It waa about 4 o'clock when atti partj rotie up tt» tin-»loor if an old cabin, which bad i Bra (.in .m.!., g.»»ii lite m ii. nui the ti»'» '. if then bad « 1.1 1)'-' li oil«-, wa« reinov ii. al,,) the (.'.lilli Wa- a'l.v two fe»l .ilsivt th. ground. One thing was consoling.that Is, there waa a plenty ef wood, in, seats were bro In from the wagon, and Ihe blankets, which wi aiii11« .iiiiil-. n !.. .«.< n-1» ii»--- «1 ii i«» »n i.through lb« shanty to dry. Ou.k now had a chañes to won hi a fireplace, and ben be fried th« bacon, boiled that «eui lee at.i'i.k. 'i ti,.»i i,.», and baki ali e !"-« ul , and wa 1, .1 ,, (,,, :,;¦, ,.| coo ,. »i, tnd butt« Al for ii' ut. no '»"«I-, «.oM , itch any, li wa«so«tormj and foi deer and !ks. a».»! tim ks .tnd aron «, tin y wt re no1 han«!] lu bad-time th« blnnkela were ararlj ball dry, mum bay waa spraad over the manure of our ttabl« on Ulla tti» blanket« wen -i«i¦ »» i,.andon ih».-» wi pretended to sleep, r.niv in vi ino' ng, aftei breakfast aaj li o'clock, the tish» ra and the hunt, is st.nicl. ,\ I. brsteil tiout-ll-l.« r ask« «I f».r astiong «ti.ug. thal ha Hugill tie Hie Ust. lie si,nulli tit« I», when Minn one t"l«l l.iin lie lind better take a -Ilk tin catt. At night ti,. » t ,i,i. ti.i, u. nnt a u, n.. er, ne elk, no da« k-, uo ba »t -. m. tam, beeaaae tt.e snow was loo «i««!» ami Um water toa coi.i. The next «la] w,.s late aad wann, lut noisitiv lunt. .1 nor r.st»t ti. except a ft .ung man aad th« sub-« ni» .. 'v l.... n- iolut4Sorts,obtained two uki tit lard «buk-, which wer.>k««1 foi bn-akfa ami in.,<h a nue BMal toi tin line u of our ¡il«'!,-!,n- '«. Stop I MM PM »1 »1 arl three trout ibeui ti\ . inches long. irk 'i aera «Iii Uled an uni i<-, bul ii.« \. a«, nothing left 'lin¬ ne vi laj being Hat m lay. 11 wai net .--.,: \ t». n,,.k. pn-p aratiom tor Hunday, and Ju-i at sandown two hu.rs « In with foui ducks« which »» to la save,] »..r breakfast. When til.k look ti,, n. np to pick ti b. -'. pi» .i .i -'ti .t -keii w ii.it the i aere, Ih» » w. i. uki no tim ks be had . wt s». a. Be was b »i ..,¦ go on a id muk. no remark«. Heeooked them, with a gnat many pot..! ¦ -, 'i. a kin.I of a It« « M ,»- lo disgn st i ii« lasts lo e.v.i.'ia.i they W4»uld hav*«, which they did, bul Ik b i.rita prevent tin.-ir belog iUmy«ee «log io«-»i Is inp- i..s..] to be, «nir biitiikets being now dried, *». s,¡ aroiiinl le »ding »hal part is w. i uuld llinl, lan two gi n I lernen limb, da mountain opposite ii g*s Peak, so thal Ibeyrolghl .is,«,!,.-, tbe practicability ol trav« li.ii i,.-.," i in ',, turned at dark, reporting tia mow deep; thal sometlm -tiny sank to the annplt« an It waa cold aa In the dead of Winter. It wa« cleat that no one could aacend Lung'« Peak so la ti lath« sea son. i 'i,,* mountain walch they c1 tub« d n hi anmc Nellie's, and bj othen I, lue» Peak, | wa» i" natal« ii..»--.- fe.t Ugh. a -1" gil Ing n ne - io in. n than ball » dozen peaki.it is imponible,foi peopk .»»li not agre« illl'l the .H'll Is li"» hlg. That nlghl th- ranebmnn returned from Denver, tad w bal be k araed li., t we bad eaugbl no Bah, aad no d. i. ne k, .u.»I no i" ii, bi sini )».¦ w 's ,,/._, -,, w, te we, ili'l thal ina le it ev« ii. If WC won 1,1 slav ti few daj « wn s!,o«i!(l hive io.lit enough. No. we win goiag link lint w«' must slav one ..'av Va a. !.,,,.-- ti" s anti IM -er ,,n return we were g4Bag to get outlnefon aaotbei snow fell. We were »rly Mgoad M 04U wmil; mu ut MU number stayed, betag «lck eertainlj no1 un a»ioinit «»r high livi'ig- and amulo r »-m lu take.f hliu, «still» still another stayed to«e« about th. Bab The raat«otu rolled on!, over the hills ead tel a-sav. got l.^t 1. lo our wagoo by dina r, and opened th« last «can of Ioom- t«»es, and b pound of «i ric »I iie<-f wa* proéueed. Ala..! the t».. was gone .uni wt had lo I.I backofl ti at coll,», winch soiue tas'iii. We had tolerablj good watai night we camped In th« Valley of th« Bl Vr.,in, mu» h .- li, mont ern itinped, ami in ihe in,niung we hol two tuarts ol innK. oí'!,, niel M a lau» n. 1 lu n w< 11 .a ali «lav, g«'t lost twin, arni reached berne at li «»'«-lock, ti.« s't.is shilling nul tin- light« of ii«, town gleaming from th>* windows. It looks m though the props« ». lo visit (bo m.»uni..m- I«» go in the »niiini., and lo go on hon.afcach, and to take everything one may wanton ins beast, and t bal, no »».¦ I to depend ei on flin, deer, elk, and hew s i xt. HU i\ll. <.i»\ BHAVTBB 4KD THE MORMOKK 'I'lie lalt- ''..»vernor of l'i.ili, J. W. »Shaffer, .v. it -I tin lau- ot 0MBMM foi li" govi-, u,ueut of .mon v.Hh gi-'St vigor, ainl in on vi|i.t in ,lu down apon i..m 'if iii-1. n. i i it,. ,i oi Um Moiuioi.s, it i- «i,ii, .1 thal ahí'.- Ui ba Ij laj li blahoaM ai s.,it Laka iit\, ftWMtlng burial, the. MulMUM li btffl MOWlll mau liiil to tho hon-, of hi. mi. ci-sor, (,ov. Vanghai', next door to where thi '"-»ly i,.», and s, reaaded the mi »¦Hi la¦. ni.l.i'giiig ni triiiiopl'iinl -tioute i«'G,. ting on the «l.j.l.atil .mint UBI Hu m-« ITM (ally a Uti dieri s|s t ami in.lee» le y t,,w..«i| >,i- |.,r, || alni Irlentla. t.... el. ,fl. I, t,| guallv oil, rule,', the Hngh.nn Y. nug pull ».v' r. fusi'.g to i.,. ..:,!/,-r». r ;,»itli'Uili ,i- Mian of th. .m "iv. I maa, Daalal i. w.ii-, draw »mia Uti» r 'ron. the «...v.-rnoi. whi« h inieii- iib«) ihi h.nr. ,1 of »lu Moriuotis. WilN stvlid htii.M :f " l.. ut «,, i,. i. omma ml! n«: Ihl Militia«! iii Ti rritoi ,,'¦ ., tnh wl,i. h Oov. Shaffer would no1 »How. ¦- Ila lawsof the l'un. «I (Hates i«r«.v Idt - for bul one 1.1 ute .ant <»- m r »I. aad it» ».ihn waeBUrdbj aaethet Wells's parpóse m wilting SUS lo tinline the (.«.viileri to Watlnlraa an »lill» pft vloiislj n«-dfortdddtug the militia of ti.. Turrikui li anBemliie hi ihe command <»f »nv other than the I nited states authorilv TB l'nls i,.»v. .-hurt» r <¦'¦;> "i- u.» the i-i vi.-i"i.s of ih^ Organit Bel the '. .¦'.-! Is madt tin ..uni .ii..h r i., «i,i r .»f th.- "f th. 1 nlt'.ry, ami. a- long 1 contljiue lo liol,t that "the. ., force «,, Import m1 us th«it ot i!;.* militia si,.ii not oe wielded or eomrolled In disregard of my authority .blrh, bj li, w a,d nv mj obligation, it i-my plain ditty lint only to a-ser!. hilt. If possible lo li,ii',!.t.llli. I bolte in» aUiM- I-.nth, itntlv explicit tots- fullv um., i-to,,i| t-'i-t'l. II,. I., a « .-.tv oi any full,., .Ouunil*- ¦";«'"-»ui.jcct. J V, HlUI-FKk, io2IfcÄJJ?fl < otuiii^mi.i .,, ' i... i .i ii,, HlUtla .-? v ian lerritory. I'r"». Mm Uamtit, in » Ictt.i l8 | f.».i.|,.. ,|oul,.,,i. »av«: - i.uüt W.|,,,t u t4M| ^ .a,, mm o imagine ths, lbe M«MMteBa< BlMlllH pr,,t,n,,s »»"'.y »'««»-I»'.» f. the streng,,, .f..IIIllllv .,..,,, . ..... ^Aft^aiAMÏlïïï f'",,"-r ", "" K" the gatas of UM N;.sg, 2* l',cH "L" ^'r'"""' '!" never hy argument |, t "y.,J»' »^ " '"" * b) force, t«. admit th.- print Iplc .f ,".,,' î.7;""1 »,r"^l! "¦' ''""¦<.' required for the securlt, of the ^WS^jI^J^S !" eel wlsilom. mid »tha vol.f lae world *;,.7i ., '""" iup.»wcrfui BBIBBBI. Ti BlBBlB,*« 'Ula ,,,,,,w "' Turc COURTS. UNITED BTATKfl MirpRKMK COURT. Wa.siiini.toN, Nov. II..In tin« BMI of Deni- liiii »g1 The 1'nlUnl Htato», Mr. lander now argued hi« notion io rtiatoi* It to the «locket for decision, oontand- log that the neral |«iwer of the Court e»t»-n«l« «I Ui the »in.itliigof u Jtnlgumut at any time wllhln tho t«mi ni whn h It wit» ri-ii'b-ieil for gund .hi-«« shown, and thal Hil» « i». for lbs exen Is«- of that power. The plaintiff h is riven a a n"ml power of atU.rnoy U> l-atham aell or usfign the claim, but it ga»e no authority to émisent ta.ltic «¡isini«- «I ni the rase Heming never personally cii-ienti.l tu thetllaiiiil-vaal.aud dl.l not know an» thing »l.'iul II until after it wa» done. Hi« right should not »uiti-r from the is «.fothers The... facia «ere ins ii t, nuil I.» be a «iitnYi.lit «mi««-for tin* grant iii g of the mulion Tlie « «mrt »»k. «I f«»r th« .»riirlinil p»*t*r of al lorne,} ft. Dewing Latham, ami th« motion wa« taken under edvtaenseat. ,,, .. . ,,. The Attorney Gen. ral roBeeated m wriilng that th«. i«. be reatoásd, ami dated In persea thal ha knew nothing "f th«' cir« iuboUM.f the MOO, hat that lm««»r- dliilly ««'ii-eiite«! tollu-restoration. The ( «iiii t further Impiin-d If Mr M.inain D«'inlng s ii«.wer of lilli.nu y «I the 11 iii«- of the (ll»luii»al bud I.« en iicnded, and th»- queallM ia oMWorod m Ra n«g.i tue The motion In the rase of The stat« of Teta« agt. White A (lill««., for a rule "f ni-', "i*"' tsktima PeachaL Baa also nrgued. The oldect «ought la to obtain an order «»f I th.- «..ort directing Iba .ludir«- t" pi» MM the «'.mrt |i. 326 which heooUeeled under decree« of th«. Court, um' counsel of th.« Btate. Judge PmoBbI aaatvared thal the Ht.it«. ¡a lan;«'!) Indebted to him lu ipeas of the ain«»iint« i)i hi« 111111111 f«.r legal acrylics, and for over #I«MM ia 00*1 paid out by Judge Pa»« nal for Ici.iH In Hie in.iib r of »allon« «nil« for Hin ok' n of ni'.i' Ulan MOO-OO of Texas liidomnlly l.bml», muí Unit 'hollis Ihfl iiiii.iiiie «»f the money coll.nted to secure liiuiiM-ir in p;irt for bl« fees, windi hi« lielleve» (,.i Davis would dent lum altogether. Judge Paatihal's ini-wer nl»'i »»..¦!* that TOSM owtt him over |17,un0 for piii.lt«hing ia» repofto, reporter of urn Supreme < «mrt of UM Htate, whl« h «um «...k. Dak is. 111 violation of Um law of the Btate, will imt nllow to be paid. Motion wa« now mad« In the a«e of the State of Teta« OgBllMt George l'«-iib".|y A Co.. to have tin- name of .lu.Ig.- l'a« .liai stricken from the ioekel »» ««»iiiihiI tot r. x,.». Again«! ihi« im.tiuii J11 Igt Pa ohal ontenda Unit, having iiioiigiit the sail is Agent and itttrrmmy forth« Hist.- «mi as his fa« s are conting nt. hi- «aiitiot DO «lUmi»»« «1 from tin a-so until the stan «hall hine »1 tiled willi inn. tor hi« fees The taotloM bom MIm uii«i«-r Mvleeotoatb» tim «««uri THE ELECTION I. WV ¡lefore {'onimixsiiinrr Dorenjeort..Willinm Craven, charged Willi falsely regl«|»«ri||g in »he -.«¦, i.nd lil-lm 1 of the Seventh Waul, was «Ua« barge«! on proving that he urti there, Patrick G riffln, ehurgeil willi falsely registering In the ¦ .»eiith Untrut of the sixth War.l, BBB <IU« barged. It iipi-care«! that when Griffin registers! he wn» under Hie itillil« in«- of Iii|iu>r. iili'l the ne\t «lu» hi- appeared al the p'ueo of egi.tmt ion mad naked Mai hi« name might Mt taken oC irtbnr KenUng,Behool Traateo of the Second Ward, innl an 1 n-jt« « tor of ile. tun., was ebarged with refusing t.ive the »"le «if J«.hu (oin fort of No. Ml I', arl -I. He wa« «lis« harged «ni his «.w n nglllOMB t" api'cui for eiiiuiinati.'ii. It tri billinuew Coleman, arrested by Deputy Marshal Atiib-rron, harg.d willi iiauiln'intu registering in Me Ninth Election District ..f lb« Fir»t "\V aid. gave bail iii t.- ">i m ,tp|M-,ir for I liai. (ii-orge John«.»!, eolori-d, wa« brought fore Cominis «loner Ubi« Til» charged with having illegally register« .1 li the r.iiirtti Dhtru-t "f the Knurtnciilh Ward, mi the .ii-t of laft month. It wa« «bown Unit Um premer n-gl«l> red in one pla« « -, but stibsei|ii« lilly renioii-il to anorher roii- deiice and registered then ahm. having beea told bj ba fi'inil lluii he had right a lo «lo so. .1 ohn--.li w,ts ii - rbarged, m th» evidence »howed he ha«l no lateat t«> »míale Um law. .lohn A. Burke, who waa urn »ted for voting twice «ni Tueadaj in tim Mil Diatrletnf th« l.lcienth War«l of Krool »n. w,i- brought before t s. « mnmisainoner Wiasr low w lerda). .«n-i adotttted le bail m I:,'««». HU; Ml.TlloDI-T BOOB "N> ins In tin Snptrior Court, Spnitit liim, lu-fin«- JfldgC Bp« mil, -tel Ta», a iii. 11.. 11 w,.s made hy the de- fin Lint'« .«um«'I. M the suit ol Minnel J. G.I« nungil agi Ioho lonaha». lo ho to m oodoo tate» hf Jmig« .1 u,« - «et a-id«'. TI.« 1. .: ion ^iok\ s oil of th« trouilles in the Mi n.,.,i.-t Bool ow ra, »ml lo ha natal Ba BBel, . Ith dan ild al 03 ra». The nrdrr which tbej se«! tobin .«si.!, on« le inui n: III. »I< ungrapli« r, Mr. n. and .1 bo kin ep> 1 named Grant, w in. were pre¬ en 1 at afl n 1 in uni uni manie lu the Koo', ( ,,nn m, t.. «p- |n ..! .mil g1..- ti--!lim>i.» d'- lu ur nar, and tin- mott..11 w i, in ii« nu iM'-k-r.id thal the affidavit ui»>n win-h 1,1 order was graulrd waa li iiftl leut. as It «lid no1 »tale that the partiea «ought to he examined wen ill «u about In leave the -t.it- !>¦ taloa reserve«! Pot the plaintiff, Ml Ir., -lilli r ; f..r tin <h feml.iit, Mi ».«i.I. »anibi- p«, AFFIX INO is 11 i:s »1 1:1 » m 1: .-1 .Mi1*. In i-iin. j»1 -i before Iii- death, mid ahile UT« mg with Bertha Bergnaaaa» Jeha J.Behwarti oaalgaed n. bel n 1 .la.> of li'»- iii-iiran., nu tj.i«ai. \||. 1, I. ith, In« roth« :. Who had I-. eli app nut' .1 .-.lui ni-dia- tor, >i« nt with 1«. Hi. in«.!. uni enmpaii) iBBOl 'ho li .... -.'! I lu K w .1- ilnh >l lo li. r, \k bli li «he i 11 in li¬ lli .t< ik 1..1 ii. .1 to the brother, who gol n raahed, lad tin n i. tu-iii io vue In r ilic .¡i» Hbe brought »nit ne si linn t<> ni ««. It, and, on tee trial, 1. -tim-«! thal tlo ii... 1-1I «ann- te I- lagi'l I" r lain.m eattrs -.a .;,,..:,;. In a ear« I,, fore li ii, al li. w 11 li I! 1. ill I.I «'11. innl .' iluil »lu lo pt t hein for «»ntl'» »nke." No -1.an» wu» pul upon ila- 1.---i gnuie ni nf I lie III «lira ni a poUc] w lu 11 II .H -U-, ii, nor nulli i.fl- Iba «b ith ui III« ln-nre.1. A I ml.: me u 1 waa glv ru for the ¦.n til na the trial, sehjerl tollu opinion ..! II, e .lui,I I. m. «li. li » til 1..... !>,e judge .-..1 Um ;«.*< Court « BIT V \\ I ISKI.I. MO IM»I III (hi- 1 nil,» lill« Poliea ('«»UTI, M«li-|ii-», M. Inil Ailinn Kies» wa« au-.« «1 !.) .lohn k1« in At at- Taltai«- Bgte ib-fr.nul Imn "f li.mo. In Ecornai 1, MM, hi« iii am ii Kr. «tin ahOVi SBM OB B rtg.ig.- BO thu house Nu. l't'i Di 1111 ;. «I. In May. MM Ki««» Hgaln w .mil d .1 Lan on tin- property, hM Kbni l««l«l bim he I- ««i do t- adj money th« lint 111 . t be wonld alloa bim t«. pru in another morl ga «. K1. -, pro« mad p ii« r ami im! a. it h u :n io igU 1. pi,I ¡> fling lo bo .1 |" r ii.i--i.-ii to im abot««fleet, ki m. who eoajd no1 n vi I nglish, aiguë«] »he paper.h< Iii ring ¡1 t" bo ebal Ki><. t«.nt« «I. rhe paper, now«ver, waa an acknowledg u. in thal Ki« -- n ni n m. 'I 1 Lu- mortgage, and thal K In ti ol 110 In nu mi ii ,. pr.p rt Krr- .t lulled le ,... the alp ii i««l in t' n -t on iin non. up 1 11 iW ... ki .len he sold th« li«.u--. ..ht ile n li lorim .! 1. m4 Hie tine n or. of the pa,, a hleh had signed. Kr. '.. te Iii ni il.Utl bell IOI ''I illili..itl.lli. LIABILITY 01 » »I IN !'i»l: -I« KM »*. « HI- ..LA Ap .1« 1 ii'ii 1. i «. 1 _r> i í I». ( .««.i 1». I . WInt«- ngiling lind i: BT« ii« n. tu n.i.kei giMt i.t »iolatl. n of a n uti r-p.ii-t.» of ti" roaaolT k. HbMbb, bbi tried y oa- lerda] M tho Onart of Cmbomb ii. a-, hafen StiSm Bob- in-irti TheMoool wat ahartoMd le bo leBwea falaad, li» wn» of A-piiiuaii Ile r.-i" lake a lotol of guano, »lui go In «ork. I.el,nuI. ami a,.»in' optera, Iii« »«»se! wini i.. \«,.iiiw.ii., inui Un n-!,i'..ii f..r Saan Ialan«L Af«-w «la» « u I )«. C ijila.lii ami r. w ".«.iin all k ami, tin k re linallie lo work, lln-k put mtn UeliBB, Hon.lina». »» n I In ii- 11 li'iinl ' r of Hu- rew died, and although the « 114n n tried t" oiit .in a new n-w. 1,. ant anaur« ««ful, anil whs lor« »"I to .:m- up t li. veyagB lim (''..irt'li r. tui » verdict 1er th« défendante. '.íirr.T Of "KM H VI. -I--I..V-. J111I « lilli Ililli ni«llpi«-il tin- lundi in th« ( ..uri ol 1.1-ut-1 al **«-., on» ) . -l.-nla \ < .r..-. de iMOBi tor-.niiy i eiert atti \ OorMid Co., ranvicted of for g.i> m Hit third .degree, ¦-»»« mm '.. Molo Prlaoa IM Ihn-e year». G«islii» p,.)i|,r k p'. ml« ii ' n 1 ny of a »at« h I mid wa» ri-iiiftiuh d foi *. ni. «u-e Jel n I.-. pleaded giilllv Ilo .111 ii «in pt u-. a it on io orge Kell] ami wa« Beul t«i the Penitentiary for three month», rimma« Sullivan, charged wiM burglaru.ualj enteringtbe furniture -toi» m Mi s. I.k. in Mott at., on ti - uigln «.f Heptetuher 1», p!. ni, o guilt. to the in.in-m, m inline .«air the teetl monk fill tile pllNl.11 ill lou li In. II. wa- -. Ht 11» e ».'.ii- lo Mate Prison 'In. King... p.. i.p«.. I,« ', pleaded to li" Indi« I.t h it g hil linn n ii li e\.|i l-lng hi» »«.« aiion ni th« .u illili- of Catharine Market. Hu Baa ». 11.. Mai. Prison for ii». .. in. IBBAI 11 01 I'i.oMl-i: In tin 1 mi I ni I 1,miinoi I'troi, ¡nul iii m, Fort 1.1« ro n .:.ii!ge Ru«.u,...n, ki-t,Ki»i BMtrleo Vonh-tt »oi:ght n n'ier»i'i,'«»"Uiii.i-' » fn :n »Su II .«lil«-, dorf tnr a Iii ..i h oI ¡inn...... ni ii.iiaigc. J lie OOM0 ¦> I 11 ! ».in» «.f a.-. , ni«.I »ki.ue on the triwl tli..t he pniii- laed to marry her, iad ander Uni pmmIm adaooë her. ' Hi -non tia.it He pi.mon w.ii- Induced hy rbomas l-l .. I, f.«i * In'in lu h -'I 'inn .-ri. n.rl .-.I .1« a Mrfceoper, I and abo aooght to obtain revenge 1er his bavinj I him Hld. pen I «ti »tip Di In W. st Hr...,| way ii.- Court held t bat Um mu.m foi tedoetlon and bira«h of toi. i¦» could n<d »1.. «i. and iu,< «i oui the formel .«u-« nf :«, lion, i«...i ti» lui 1, after three minute»- b :.' i.iti.'u, derided ilia' then aroa um brooch «.f pl"!|j««'. (.ÍEAI.IS«. A Illili: Wiiîi.ini il.ii!iii),'i.,ii, ^ hule i..k. charged win appropriatini a tnr eooMlnlng «¡mil» tad in M 1.« .oliglíig to îh" Bank of V it'i Ameili 1, BM broii'lit up bO-fOM«'.»mriii -iniii-r Oahorfl nf«i.luv ..ii.lii-maml.il for trial. M . I'aiit'lii. n, v ,.- a .; 11,. 1...» '- emiibm r, owned 1 boa m the Post on, .-, boxI to Um Mark ofNor in Ana » By n laUki .. li n... lunging lu UM Ban» gol into lu» )..X alni wa- g ii 11 to Hu pi I...1111 i, w li" « ifii.-.l It an BppTi pi al« «t lb» ot.t« ni». Ml.i-f ai BBBTICBB In Ho- Supmnr- Court, Cinitil, J'urt T., yen. t«ni.««,.1 ..]_¦«¦ v.l. Braal mrt -.»ling..« mit broaghl i.y I" «L.tri.» 11 Tn1.::.i:si ladrea QuapaoR, for aiedlealaariteee.waatHedand averdW (tren IM tim piiiiiititi. u .,|',. .1. thiit Mi Campbell engaged tin .l". i-" lo ti, at his see hy lb« ««ili-ii Moveaieui «ure, agreeing pi pay bim 11 lluras« bi oas lucoeeofol 'fin Do. |.., li. al,-.1 hlu Mil »-il'llk I.lit «lill l'"l implo) the ,-we.iiaii Mokinnni eure, a hereupon lim dot« ml mt dr «Tun.I lo amy, ami in me tin. «nit. A DI\oR( I . »M. John ],. .It-Ill« v, .ti« inui-iniii.liT. np|»li» ii t<> Judge pian in the Min- . 00 unit supremo t niiri t««ter (in), fur adlvoro« irtu« hi« «if., Fa in« h'. Jeffra) M IBl f\ I I ' IVI'SI I IV » » V Bill» a ra ground of sdaltery. Thev were married about (Ive vrars ago. and ls»Hnl«vl st No. » Washington st.. In HriH.hlrn, wi, re the »- U <>f ednlterv umplaiuod «f are ssl.l to have Ixwn ««»miniUnd. The charge was proved sud the divort*. gi »nled. TUB HAHI.KM KAII.HOAI) IMHOR Jiidlfd Cardoio ymtnnlny appointed Itobort (lolhlet, Janies If. «'«teman, and (»rats Nathan, the Ooin- mlfTsloiiora of the new aanwauiaiit ord» red bjr the Bu- Rreine Court of the up Uiwii streets takon by Hie Harlrm allrood. The City olslms that the former aasuwauient ot kào,'*u nu too small. ¦LUM WNHTAMl'MD íTUARfl. I .onie Asnero, «futrí?«!«! with H4dlinK unstarnimd cinars and ncgbtf-tlttg to pay thetloverninent tax, /.»«tor I.«,'...' '...,. m ti."D%u, sppe.w for eieiiiliiation when -all.n] f'HIMINAU At the Tomlin Polin» Court, yertt-enUy, .hin- tlt-e Dowling committed Patriok Hw.»one/ for having m*A a pistol at .lam«** Y. (VilUbanof N»>. 117 Washington st. on election day ; Joseph roHi-onk, for stealing » .,usntlt) of papfirfrnai 1'h-r No. 3». North River _Mw. Hanley, who. on T.iursday night, tln.d n pistol fruin t.b<» street ifiroiigh ti,» window of Harri» lllir* d.itu lug hall st No. M Rael Houston st., wivs ...nu ."¦ »1 In lefault of I "¦' hall At lim Y.rtrxt't Market Polin« Court, yi-Mtcrday, Max l.owculhal, on the omplall.t of Hie lety forlhi» I'reventlon of Cruelty t«> Animals, wae committed, eo cus>*d of leaving «i bon..» In n stuhlt, .it N»». IK« East Ho..«Inn «t. for six davs wilbout food or drink Amelia lliirtidiugof No. 15ft Kast Twenty «ixl), at., bousekee|s«r, coiiios«»«] that she bad stetee h paekat boah eoatalalag k* from Joseph Wakeman; a silk drem, value Bl.'.. fr«»in Rinib (Irahsm; ami a gold locket, value tin, flota J II Itobliinon all inmates of th'» house. Held for trial. At tin« MknN ¡Market Polin« Court yea- terdajr, Ju-tl.e « ox commit!«*,! .1 inn'« (' Hupp*, charged with robbing John Taisley of No. lil Klghth uvh. of hu pocket hook containing |100; John Hulden. charge«! with assaulting I'd. r It. ll.irko in a salOM at the corner of .-''.'li-, an »ml M,,m,g sU., and rohhlng bli» of *H 1'atHi k Tisrnay, for breaking Into the eton« «t Thomas Mnnahiui nt No. HI West Twelfth-t-t., and Iteallng 111; Heorge laving»'.. ami Win. Hum« wen. h, lil in tl.ouo hail. baling l>»eii .night lal,» on 1'iursilay night In the store of I'lniiiiiaa Itovne at No. ttt Klghlll ave., with a ¡niiull«' of gooils, ».line tmatmtr, MBOIBKNIS. s,i,rr,v,* 'euri i h am l>era By .Itt'l :.. Brady.- Bam- II lil li-' M li.»,, ¡atori -4.'. ra»»U liai. t ¦-» «»-o'. U'il »ft. LsIidI II« n t «I .Mullel .nal«*''. .», Ill' «.IT» TS .,sia ',, BsafeM II ia.. ." s,,« -,,. lai...s.h««n.l agi. llanfV, llî..Ki.,|..iriri i., gama 11 MraM» »wt XX r'»n lit»..Karl,« »«-t. s H. li« .... in..Kian lg\ < "¦-lu«»'». II :]'.,.».,: igt !». fatgt II». >'ant« »ft Sams l-i VV al'.m, ant ILa.g ra Hi IM-, a.-t Kagín I.'i as- ig. VS alali. 'I I' IWn i(l K,lls-a. I«..Mhsn.laBagl. (only W..B«B-ss «»t Mas. in .Nací.« art N«lli«aa. 19..Basses .*.. fee. VIA -, ... ... Me. »' Ham» agi Sam». lal Hrunnan a.t. gninn. IS..Tsa Siun lyt. WsBsr kUatUAaat.Taa n«» o it Bseoai »^ Isassss »st- fiemt »a. M..a*aSaSaS «<- M bf. B, K«mnt..s «^t. 11,-n.ainia. », lir-at n aft .Mi*«. III 1 I*. ..Um» a<t Ki, '«I». B. UM.« «gt. N.rr ». I C1. Mhrrnlaa «gi. OaoSSS III S'h.-r Oin ,gt .larkins. Ill OsUkstk art Kinki»!. ;.' v«a Wsgssragl ll«iaia*r 14 1. fmk» a*Ti. Wnllh» n. m ... i<i i,. te Mr. mud II liar k ley nt. Thiirne. 14»» Ile-, ,,,. Muí.»; |MT..atsCsaa tgcllrorr. 11.4 '.nur» ./I K»arB»f. l«J..Iirimn,ssl»e..'«'r «,-. I»r'.n, llisiarr. 1 -, .H.ksait. Lssg. I I. Malana agi SWsa TOR WAHI) DOCTOH DUAOBXB. The iiivcnt¡K'ftli«)n into the circiinirtt-aiin« oon- ii« ted willi ihe as4iiult on Dr. John N. Merrill of No. 16 «¡I'-enwii-h st bv Deputy I'oroii.T Win. (Hliltie, M. D., mt No. tt (¿n-eiiwlch-st., In st.pteiiilxT last, waa contluiieù yesterday liefnr», .luat.ee Dowling at the Toinh«. l»r. Meriill was al U ml. ng a va oin.»,,, vth« ii Dr. finn«- caine lu, d. < Iiir« «I that the |»ati«'i«t Wa« hi«, and MHMMÍH iiasaul! on Dr. M.-nlll willi a et tu h-sliell, nnd the two iluctor« hii.l | livcl) tight In Hie QMM adiuiiilng that... «¡i j.1 V) th, |>.»tl»-iit. Dr. Menill, the coininainanl, when tTiiie-exiimliied, staled that lu- bul known I»r. *-hlt,e since I'eiiriinrv, IBU IBM bMB a |ira« ti« mg |>h) si» lan since IrVV, iii.d was gratinai..I from tho fnivr-ity of Ann Aris-r, Mieh. ; on the tlav of Hie si.iaiilt homet ."lune in fi» nt of In« own door, wa» .«tau.Ung on the aim,,» when BhlM inforiiie.l lill,, tli.it the erlill, alo glv en liv linn ,o Hie Hoard of Health relativ, t«, ti,«- «i. .«v ti ,,f juin. I ragbag ni it,»oneil, and i »i ii (.1-1,1,1. ) batt Beea entered t<> investigate the nal I. r i..lil ^tittie that he had tilt, ii'led the man from the Iii-t. Iii.»! he h.ul <«iimill«-«1 oth. r j.ht si« tai»»« r.l.ilive lo Hu nu aiid ne'lev rd lu* li ni I«" I righi Iv lu w n I old ii, an Insolent numil" r t»> cone to the ( nnnir'a olll «. na the following day, aa laveettgatloa was «riler.* i m the ease, laaibaa wai III Ihr li hours, ami died at No i. A liant--t., on hi pt. ii: on thal s.nne evening witness otHhlnt ia the apartments of Mrs. Halvlhlll, at Ko. .-i W. -i-i. lu- waa staadlaa bl the i-iih* of the path ni, when Dr. i-huí' demanded li an .-t, lied manner t»> know win in- w.,-1!,»-1 «', aii«l »mi' -l n-" woman aa bia patient wit: ess s.tlil, -V,rv Well, *-i r I hit. in» «.iij.-i-l Ion to voiir takiiig ti;" ami »a« li a* It.g th« ro.in w !.. ii au ititi ntl ant .«f th«' |>ai:.ni ias'Hte 1 Unit lu siiounl r'tnilti. im, Mr. Mali iimi s.u.! he preferred Dr. Bhlaej v,n- ness then treat Int.. au i.d)..in.ig room, anti wa« wt-liliig h,> h.uitls. winn Dr. >liin«' '.me lu demanded «In lu¦ Inlerfeti-d » lib lils Inisln, without »ultim.* for a Itpl.v. Uni, il a large emit li shell, dealt lum iililimi.il tl.e lie.Kl, an«! aiisetl a bad -«'-ilp- »oiinii, Mi-- i .aliin- interfered to prevent th« Habt, ait -lu w..- foniii away iy shine's threaten ng to strike li. r wilm-s atti nipteil" to in h "hine, nut the latí, r Le),i linn olf i,v striking hm. m the fací with the shell, I'SUsing severe wolllol« ! he till ill.» Ibrev» >ltilie oil It.,. ¦love, aad Hie latter Mt bun on the ana) wttaeea was Ile u seD, d liv Mr. Mulv Hull while this atsnggis wss ; Ung on »M i--V»,Uni-, the .itt. mian I, nui to the door and »bot iliil '. Murder." anti the police ian In and ««parat« »I the combatants; beorlag the polic« eoailng la.Bhlm ran lato the ¡cil.uniiiK room; witn»-« hail no1 s.»n, «-«l the .-. ., hot li, an» idiit wi,i Muli illili joint ti in li, ,, tai k ><> <" Hu a waa 111.li .dio.inn-,1 until th. -'lit !.»-. P«»-r «,1'FK E -yl AK1KKI.V STATF.MKM-. Tit«- toll.»-tint: stillem« nt ihowa tin« lot (|ii.ir- i.i. lah ¦'til,, Rfew-Yecfc Fait Omra with Europe an.i the West LadW: mm a«< a.,Bl». i KWiaii.n 1 .- -, V'-\ta |. ¦-. H...',r. Brilsk 71 -4.. mi. r, .,: n, a>. '- *.:¦..-: m lim ^ ll> Brea Í. 11 .na kee*'' *''"> ,tttttt\ km** 44-i.r, UP*, at >.'.».,3» litu «i. ».." .N.».. nnii. l ¦ a:, i.. i: 1 in I r««a»*. . II '4 I.» Ml mttaiam ll.tM IJ3ST1 Baiatssi. 11,11 I.Ill mt li ».I. la. «lil I. 11 .Nsth.rllD.il. H '.'. IS""' saw. i.'.J J ¦», T..'i ..i' s»i',rrlaiil I i-. Ill .. I«,' .' I DI TI lulj. I » - fsisl ¦aa mi ¡..1,-1,tx B1UJ ¦.»! »BIT I»,,«. l.tt.-.a .11..»«., r.:.tatm n to I r i. . , r . I- -, t.arr trC ft- ii, RsfBM.I..-. ).., ¦,,!.. .., BsNfa .I. l-l !.. »»a tetwmmaiteW, late*, ii-i«. eiT.-vitij ti-4u.rr.-iai I.-.-.¦.«,. ¡. mi. HBTHODm MlflMOVABT BOCHTl 'J he (¡(lierai Misnioiun ('««nnnill« m ni llie .M.ih.slist l.j«i«c.«pal ( hiitih n «nun .1 its session je«ter- 'I -.v a! th« Mi-«!,ni ltuoui, No. soi liionlwi, J. l(i.h,ip ¦I'm-- IT-n.'.-'l. and MahOfi Morn-, ft ..tt, -iu,|.s.,n. Aims .-,.,, I Clnrk 'tele ii atlei.. lan e Tin atiiiual mMMhM* prêtions fo» fore»gn and thghmtk ml-Moii-- «>» n* .t with i»n Meiluslist Church were considered »it <l» tu i. iii- spprt.pr* itii.it- f.r the ensuing veur wii exceed 1 »an«»,, of win. I, (be ii,issi..iis III Itadii» lind Allic., will r«i*i*ive >..'..«.'. m,»-...n- m vai a us p.»i!s ,,f Rurope, «a tbe remainder, if».,«.«»«., will ne distributed m la,« l. «. The follow I ng an km.g the appropriations foi m monary piil|iuain la the I ulled Btatea: (labaiaa, t '. I. HI nore. UrtU', li¦-.. k l^tve,,, .Ninth, in N,-«v Voih, «l.iaai .ti fo.iiia. Ma»«.'. ( . ntral Illinois, li..»», »'..,. Ne« N »*a,»i, « em al Ohio, |1..¦'«,. iiitral I-« ni.- Itum». Sl..*s« ( it. iniiall. I!.an; ( olor ob« (one ¦Uthof the territory in he I miiil Htatcs), Uj»v ti* a ware, ti.-t.i; nea .^l Ines. BMHO; iHtnut. 14..**»«. I ,,-t linne««!»', 4-t.i. i M| Ml 1ne, 13,000; ¿ric, U.0W»; Uem ¡aa, |MB¡ (,...i , i.i«»»; li,,..,i», tftvn. Indiana C'a.. loviu. V4»., »d'. I'.nal .i. tun, m, !',. «,. .ppropri.ilion« sil, i" ,i thll afton.n. al in« ii'tii n lug «u iii. i, ,.,(.-.. v,' ^lllsll,u,. H'MTIM. Of A \taaat I'"IM « \h] T Ni«* i. m.mis ,.f ih,. 1,-itc (,.,|,t U liliu,i linn* U I- uti« ». w. i- r.ml mun the r-.« vi;,^ vault ,.f I-'uif, « t u. i. ... aa -aturil.it l.tsi, foi rio m', i m. ;( h '!,. We» l-oir.; « , ,.,, t, , y file-, wer.' r.. . i., .1 I v h'.s .-- ..mi i-«««ned loth« ( hajHi, vhMa airvleeewen .oti.lii.l.'i '} tin ii.» ;,r. Vu,Lu, of Tiinitv ( luir, ''..«let Lau. proi.oiinc-d a timler »ni..gv «n, tin char ¦..'""i it ...itiM.i, li,,--i malí,« wer. recortad "" ' "" -" '.. n»» ».rp-»-ft adata, aad Ha n Hie ..«t pi.,>. r lu it. ml ,,,,! n,,- i.r, .,.ii %,,¡i, ,lr<ll uv#f |||(| M',"i 'In li,hu. fi.,- lit n.,¡u, C,,iiiiu;tii«lil (if VlsaaaBarg baa laaeaaeed, hiMmNaaei wltb the or -i« of tin uaaetal »i Hu-Third Army, tim beaeetortb . very Irin. pi.m , ,..|||lt: ih.i». e min the interior if fíame win be a.t-"i.psiii.,i hy laBaeatlel lahahttaau, wbe w "' Place«! onthe engine, Thlsngulation.il« -..)s.isi,e eeaai aied by lb, rnqueni lutu.ies to the rallwsje, aad in w,ait.-s ii.. |Mmulatu un.!, i-tan-1 that theil oatt «min " '. BUI '.« -uff« i'-r, :f tr..n,.« go ntl ti,,- n a Hu* pUBRUBBfl (»f Ila- Ami. rimn^ ih tim* t\e- lettbed »v tin Algerian a. w-|.i.per, the i VAf«ir, of the lilli ut li . port,.,! sa t., m lo U rein .1 on that the ¦ »i- ii -f ti. »Benth« neu la on iBftallt li pr.K«. d,g i«-> ..tpi'i'v ubi waaazBectad TBij^ibtmlnjilg tau li. « of Ih, ..( j,auil.as." lui! II,, latta r lim,. iii...|e m "n .. -in . in..veulent agii.i.s, Ih» enemy, and MMedelgbl.B and driven ih.m i.u. I. OB the ethel ""! nuiuennia tribes nbedlenl loth« Instru« lion« git,., hem. »res...ki.g abelter near nar forttfle.1 pis», a, nar u uiari. Rogbarand Tient, which an making pnpara lions tot .le'.-,,«,- .amusm lu, ., ,,,,... ,,; «.(., |, ,|.. .. ., -ir- ",n lie and well anne<|. an prepared for a »I, .....m.-,ireetstaa.ihe nbels, while troops an teni i tim i", nts whit I appear ,u.,.t ».«,.,i. I. order i i -rush ihe ..n,,i,,,., ti,,,, UghtlngiaaB. The départaient. '.f Aiglet a and « »ran an. lu.-parti,g v.-.v a, tit. h lo sup ni) asmihiii ni Ur«. wuhchass« tiftts and mitraJUetieee DEVAUTOUR O* FOREIGN MAILS. SlTITlIltï le*, li Bild »i- K ¦».'»> -Ha -U"'. -a« ""a ..-> I harr .».'¦ pn fntfli -, ('.ti nt Pa. a r.i» IV» .'.'. ii» N ti elia« i' IS« Poat-¦ )*.ta U ;.u a m ¦i;i|.l"in»n.«r; Mail M-aniaiiia aa.l» al t t Maila tnt Pinn.» .1» tiri, pet »U«maler. I »faralt«, aalta fr-n» I-.-- It» DO u it lauta M Um t-aMOlaa ..:. t) *. m. «appin "». i».. Nul «.ila f ,r li» U.naa» Hkt'ea »i» Urn»»», par »t.a.turiilp l>»i<|«rlilia*<1, Bat a/ThiM-aC lla«tk.a,alo«ral i. l-t')!.«. i. No Suppia- ¦»««.Ur./ Bait ti tumi, ,, mut »tip. i». BtllllAVT Nun Ik All Ball« w«. ., J., «i II u ' m i a. «a Ta» i-..'. w la mora fl.ia It -Ma il a m mWI FACKAGM FOB TIIK PltK-IS. «olala» iml prirarri nf raaarU irntiai al IS« part tit r- ¡,,»«»..«j ,. 1- -r :«,.¦(¦, a Irraami lo tb« Haw Ynrl A«»,'ian f ¦.«» '.ni; |.'.«>i«a »ihi ..linn th« arl.« ¦ than if ol 1 W Ht-ao-Oon lea.»tal Al'm Ni-»« ;.«¦ -. «.>.i I..» ¡I,' lomrmM nt i;memrr-e Timut Tmnvs» It .ii MB -' !".« ' tmruj Pati tkrvtmxtrrtiu Ai'*rlX.er lOimtlt ZeHwxp tai '!.¦' Vurkrr Ijtmokrtl atinalii alan «l«l »«r- i- If «a Ik. Mia. .-. « Ml.su,: 'H Al.MANIC nat rlmi I »1 .Hai. «y-ta , <* Mimi nara I SI n: .-' ..I» TNI« lill. BOaaj ll"A I) Oil'lut'llalaJiL. H ill liri. Hal« ...HW siilFI'lSti is li LL10EH0E POHT Bf NK.V-ÏU1IK No« II » I.KARKD. «¦»«¦vi ¡a «a. if Parla Mr liol -- I ,.rj>.,ii lit.atti. Walla... Ph ii.|'-l|.lii«. a.uitn-a|. link», Iti.Uii-Iph.a, Sarah. .'.»»«, Phil« Mup»-<-inn-lAn«-», l'«t'»r»oo I. .win» Prul« «f th« iteemn I'oiper. Oral Mitti «)*n, Iii. Jin» r. li, I W Mtr-r ll.rnard. Point . Pit.*« I r m ÉaMaB.Lansaaa,MaleMI '.'"-' t'-i» .i«»r»«.to.«. «tai.«« H-¦ arl i-iruila.it! .|.l», pli» Ürnth.r». la ra..«. »I«'«.««, ii»), II» Brt'f'.rl. Na Maa N P. Ha -M..'il» I'.rl't, »l.'ratl.i»» M OsSfgS <lr»n»i1i, Mart Pallan. .,, ,,<. Bifttrr «.¦! «...-. Faaari Bular, Habfki, n. n il M. Ilrnuliiii'«, l'un l.uu «'. l»r K')» «i'l K»r»»«t katata Barrilla Hamm. M J .'in I. li »V II Mann. »toe'r.. Ja- mt .-..ii I la... .1 li i.». AlmaaMa BaiwssBa.aa, jr.,Parts«, BslUsattaj lasBm lall Mm. l-h.U1.li.hia ARRIVKD. «t'innli p hirlrito» Ilrrri, (har!»«t.iri nil»» «t«, Klr»in»»n|. Fat. Pr-rma». Hilla.l.-lpL B B I «rl li Vl.irr». ir. P.irt'i|-I«n. I', rt »«-I'r. .-. lil Uti '»/«.»od. s. n- lil « A. D MM I»'«I. Mirtna.p.» "Ut« «u< ir Hrhr. Arti««.«rwi»^, «li»lfr«t. VVHniiKi.m. 1 Ia . asssl Attm. ttri,,. «inniiil VS»rr»n. .Vhi-atl»;. Wunni{u>«, N (... i I«/« -,».m »ml n»»«l Barsa ttmt Mar; l-oni.». «laakill. Wnl'mt.* I C. na «I «tor««. «i auaasst anaa »ae « ttamsma. «Ha* Wright Pall l!rT»r. IM Bl« I liri Ni-« Ha» n V, len lUrn.a. rim ll»»«n. J J .Id-, V»-» II»». ». «iri.nlrr N.« Mien A- Hort»». a lill .lu M IL « arl »k* Kli«i :h....rt «"..««n, KHiahatbaart. «',n.|.r.ll» Part Iol.i.iioi .M«> It'll» PattJaBaM tmem Oma O a B. BSaaaaa, it., .ton A. Vi« « I »f, IL.iiiuaL 11. K « iipnnn las BM 11,-awn« ihinlvnL Martks wsaM. BsaOsBL Alert Al ««it T J. Oar-»«. Ain.njr. Wn,,' mmatmt '. " »*'">*¦ ,u".,l II. I'. Sharp P.I.Mlar'.hoort. P M'rwm BHta-Wthpart J «a-ph'i.r. K!li a -it non. Y.,. ¦". HBakalfcpafl Ir.ti'ea K1 mltttkatrk Vf m ¦'. *»"]. K1 u irt, Ragarsaa, Pin..iKtiij«irt a WaMana. BBah alva»Bprar. Kl.i.i»-l.r>..rt. A (i. s.l »r Bilah. I) Hu»»-li Kliial»-tl*i».'i i karl-r ()»l. » > Jaa phSliil'i'i.rr Is» II«.- a K . OcniSN, .*»-.- ll«> ». li. p Kb rnlillie ¥. «:. «m it«, i'r.,» i...,-. II »til/ Ma.. I'r.it laaaa John I.anra»tt-r Pnt'ltn.-». »I. IV. I'uiBDianaa. Prati.taai«. K I. K»»»«r I'r.- i..- . Marr .-»T lni.il.iu>.-. M K Oin». Pr.tii.-ifr. Auld. I IT .». in" J. N. k J.. «'. Ailn na. I'ro»:!«»«*»*. R, li Hh.nuan Atttgtgatk I Ki loh». Ur .t(«|.-..-L Mar; Ann». N«r«rii*h. a. r. Blasf v»««rt, J. it. Alias k«i il,»t j.. .¡ih.i,r Pall iu»-r. tmttmtatb.Qkmattmmt c. Ham.»lo -, .NiutiirkoL s ,n Wini.1, larwsik. Win. liri», l'-.rtl«».| Ck 'rai«!»r P'.rtlin.l. C,L lUrhrl KaJwirla. P.-rtUo.l Pi Birril«/, Sa'iilipurl. II. it, laataa, Ka- », ,ri A 0. I.««ii .1U«nf..rl I. II y.inn.ana Paaturk.l, M n ii' Wa»br.orn. N-a Batta. I .«it», Wi»U, Pa.l HIM «a.ni'.bi NMBal « SAILKD. svam«Mp IBüBsaaM b»Otmkti%. BIMI.Nuar-l. »tkt, I rloar. DoxBSTtc rona. aaeies.Bsv.il. inlvM ti»ri latai Tori.fr.»» Babea Moal, '.. ..f ('..rl f..r N.w li.rh. BtVABSAB d«. Ni.». 11..Arrirtsi. hark !>i»itU»« baa Ol r.. lu. m.; «'iir «I ark!,tin N-a frem ."»'.¦» Var». , Baruss, fur île« lurk, (Jr ..:« lu li MM lall 1-o^a, for l-.i-rpooL rORBIOB P0KT8. y-.««»- lav. IL IV « imUi i^tiaifcau glh*Alkal tam l.i...-!. «r: »I li.« ,".¦« »-» li» M1.VI«»» INDI. Ti . in Jan»-. E. W«f>l. l'»rk. fr..n 9 aaasSh, ah rh ii»it«l I"tk, Lu .n" v lo li «-i;. .¦-'. -r II (Hu n n lag rbrtachaat .'an wUlt I'lt'H lbs SMkar al .fain'. II »»al ..rl ii.» p.- ni «,f s«u«li llo..k. aa, ru» irlo lo ti.« I.na Manan», ala.»« rail 1. j a' a) f.al.« 'I fttt " ll"lla» "li U I it«! "J-'l ¦ '.>*. N0TIC1 To MABtHlBB. ..» .'i..*».«, »o ilial on Ihr »trnini of NoT.mla.r II lo" 1 Kb ¦¦'. ih.- lifi.i »rdrr, »i I 1* ubialiad baa aataw pt* light- ¦I-' I, r-'tillt .nTta-d ii. I.'l I". ' f » I* 1 «I l'»'ll"i». on » "k lapu >>ioal at th.- mouth of York Hivi-r In « h'lii ia « II 1 no <tl! .. »s,l >!.. -D->1 .. nilla that aho.kl ».ii t* tb. ti ... lb« Ihr f "in ih« l-ihil'i -i- )»' rrnni--d Hrw Pnlal « ..., ..,!. |M .i'l »:¦ t'l L'an N. Vi ,BMsM b\ nut -ti mil« .i ,. I it», f laaLt rci.li'ng a-. U ) ksstl A I'. W I »USt ^l U«uu- ,.ixn r-.. «¦ lobs rasa ht«...1 arti »'¦ ' irfSBfr« Cat i»mr .truck «i »n-irni iMarvaB«! in tcaaaM ii iii«»' «« Ibt V. -.tern-, r »i ih» IgkUMsaa,aal wU k'jii .u afaasBlM iiur.ujiiii i»«i thi.k «»«!..-: lill.-UI :'ee U al.., e-.iex, tatt th» f.« h»l'ii Wolf Trip 1. ii .li«i«i«r ...... fura .-1 -..¦«. i- Issiaal ol ;«i. » «-..:«,st n ReligioBl Xoîicre. Alb-.i-il. M. B. 4 hurch.-1'r.t'h.iiir I«) VKi.'tK« >»» li. i »I «I i-l ii H| 1 l .- u.ulll-, i ¦ . a -,' .. n. .t I .«-^«'a «11 frrr. Aaaeefattea Baili. At* H D u«s-i ).-... l . li lu. pr.a '.. lad i 1 Piihlu- Mceiin.1 ¡rfihr SBW-YOtK BAPTIST LAI IN'. «-«'II » It IN . I. ti -I» V (til at' S It ¦ !.. Ir.iuli.i aaai !'«..¦ ITU I' K.M.St. .N.» li al . -. I- UM! -' I._ Anthon »leeiuriiil f hur. h, I --.t ... V . ?-« .ni."« ni »allia naaskiag h> «h« bi.s-i.ir, H-». I. u,.io.it >l.k» luB At Aliiiiaun »I. Ba < burch. Norfall i Ulah..o Rial «ii . II |- met SABBATH ÜOR515Í7 al P | A ... ¦ a af ..1.1 ..!..r- .ni Maali *t l\ i- «.1 .-.»t^l li.-* «.. kv. »k nun li Ki'. ,-'. n ii ..i'» . ie. «¦ ita I roi «t i. I'liiLH' I'ilU'.lPi will ip-r.i kuatstlM .lai alt tn» a!'«.!,«. A lli«ronr«e by the Ri-v. Ilnlarv W. Knapp, uT>Z .. ,, i »li: Chaick rut ¦¦:.-1... at.. »\ ii. ««j,, ui,-, «IM'l. I», NINO N'..r. li i! .;,,.:...» h. i'« t'r. <v S:nn.-. » ii.« I' *«l. .li!.'. r.tpi.ll» Hull, l!r «UlT !¦'!..- | . M TB0BAÏ (. il.K« POturit» aillnssk ksfcf« it» .«.«s»!»«.'FiagnMn lpt1 u«l >l. «I Ni»AV «t I') »',1 :\ ... .«-I. .«aiaj'.u i. rea ti.« liar cuolivl- r. .Nu i», rvad '»n-. Ill -»iiiil»' I'hureh..'li,. ' ail wat- I Iri ., itali. ...,-: »r 'f 11 «MM lad faSFWaSkS I I!... l.r. BKLIaOWB «ii piiaM. "U .«I Nun .Na. ia. üom.u|j »»*- I l-.r 4 J Srlt.fr«._ Ml«irne».»t. If. P. 1 liiir.-li, l,.«w»>-i IVIjii.-.r m.riinlagton- It.-ll" BartM, lev, .1 I' «Wiri. Mil ytrset,. SAllBAlil it I | t n. «..i.iri. ra \ aaf| oi r»-... k... .,. ». »\ ai 11 ii .i .Nera'V. «¦'. at 7 .*. ii « I t fr <-. vt-.!k---a A feerae ef l.eetarên. li : M i»ioa W»rk «fat. Aua't kf r D .Mn'-> »i. t- aivea in ib» Haatoiath» Ki« li ita n MONDAI EVKMIMiB Bar li..I i r».- tre ty |(r» SIM' li «'«(,.-ii I». I», «i. i. .-ti: B'owaa M Kaisfa" li arti for thi « our»», <*1, i.. la Ll-l a' ia- "'. !. t ruth, r parin ulai« a»- »li. r«i-r i.rul«, Aaaivrraarr».Tbc ..«nal Ata »: of á» ItuMm » ' «a- ' l "" i-f Pti-.-tar« « barn, ill brU M BI'IDAl IVKMIIO, Nor. U. kkV.» p. m I "titt «' i; ... r iL-r I'l. rt) ...»bill m. II bos P«»I'IKIl «ilp. '.' A sert »111 Mt rn'«-h~l kj th» Bt. >|.iH(,»N dix, ii. ii» asaaai t*o*i! «ill b r.«<i «t«! «u s.!iir.-M ».U M Bala bt .,«! »t.K-'iN ! N. ,«.. . : Pakula Mm II« «KATU» P-OT-. II -i al Mu »MIHI II HI l!IV< II « rr..;., lina-.«-«-r.urT. Rihlr OaearteBa.Bet «>s«'aii BOBO «nu prtsrk to-muk¬ ki .»» »!"HNIN(riu VViwhi'.irtoii a-iiur» M h I burch, ce-ntir Potirt'i- . K.. r. «» t.:t. j ».»or Ii the .«"iiij, Mr Hu/., will pna.h - 0, Ba .iin'1 I.»:»" lit...m» aal Bpriaf-sa R-1 a. K. t.-l»il«t.l ll.jbl«. llr'.guii.i «al I«.« ». ... bali« ii.ii'r r». 4 hnreh ni «lie I urn ron linn. Mil -, .-r laITh l< ¿Ph >t Tbrrs« tir D « r»«s aad Hsraoa .-r urtiiiï BVKKIva «h- Uli. ii n at ¡iotiuck. ¦*««:« ti«**, lit K«». Pt. M«».M'ii«»UKIii »-'i _ I liureh of Onr Father (i-'r-t l'oiieratliii). i ¡»rm-nt it» »,. . . »I li Ailsa .¦. Bfawklra Ksv. K. C H«il.IT« i'«,- lar. Srrr'r.« l"tj a ..i. KumI»» «ch«»tl 2| p. m eianlnx»«-« Ki ;¦. r *",.,i. I,. .*...... !.. ilS Kr, ,, 1.*. t'ulinry llitplt»! < burch «A -t I *. ¦.- .- I IL il " Itk i ««. rr« Ii-Lf ht -h» Piator. Itr» K » M « H K. .»« BAH I ITI. at -, a lu »i.'l p. m. «'iin».r« U». in, .' 'ivi'tsl, I burch at the A«ieii»iiiii. Piftl ira .o i. n I, a- lotta IrnlS »t.rv .«I NllAT 1NIN«. .:|o.l»k. MllMlll tm} Uiut* 1 »i ig aa rrancir pin-» of m lahip ar. aprrallr tn»!»»t «»al« frr»>. t orinll »leiiioriiil li. L. I hnreb. 'Iii» Soul«. , . « ».u a«tr«kipl»a in bt Irmpann < hip.-!. c»rii.r Ravai ." ¦ II « r -., . , r..-, Il( V1«.i:i:nH Ml.»pa Ad-ln-u»» »:!l hr | tea l.r I'.k lit.. «mis » v STOI ». i«»M:i. n:tnv .( i,«»\iL' - Ol «.»It r-i Kal I" KIO au", ether« Prnth l,' it. «li» ia.ii-u.Dg al | li,, ii... »» 1*1. \ TI. Sar-r.-kutot at th» io«, au, ii«, . ¡| I K I'll .:« H ti ti. DI» lue -»er» Ice « | l'bap.1 ,,f tb« An i- I. « linr.1 ..).. i »bert :.«... mt» at I v tb an im HAU- KATU AITlKNOOl al i it* rjlaaaoaaf Um Uro» Sapprr wiU at '.!.- II. i MM. IIKIU I «iiligili ill l.utbi eui I hiireh ol Iin II,:, ,,,... I»- .. .. i't»,r-i Hu, tad «it,...«. Bra n V h ilThl I' n »«t -"« ». Bl Ni 11 ra li. al «. m mt li tb I na!'mt in Hie War of Ihr Ki-hcIlion \ ,-.... a .f H " li.a M P H Sl Nilli .1 .j) || ||, .,. .,, '.«.¦..r 'i i.-i .... ¦ « r «.. ti, ti. 11 »» w. BBOOM, te» lo ' -. ..-. .«ion. I jhl ' .»l»th-»l. 11. I:. I hurl.. I-- .. ne ,i hi n j »¦*.(. «al 7| p.m., t.. lu» r li. ila«.«i. i, i ii --.a.r Fnsllrh l.ulhernn I hur« h «I »>r. Jalur», V ... ni »r-M.-«Prra«blag bl Ibr Puta « MSI' «Al I'kib Mi'llM.N«. It), ,tul KV:..NIN«1 :. o'.-ork . li t in It.. 'i- inui,-!» »I. « (iua-llou.e lu New-\ .ria a « . ... MBUATfl ft. I a, r .... 11. « 1 I I ¡ah!. » I li a. «I «oil : : t. «-i ilaaiDs.« ¡i.'i'.r-,,!. Mail] ¦.*-.j w ati.»: >«l ¡rut.i« If ta«.l..i! Ua»l «ii, ina te »brui aia* una « lu. Heibediol Sewseaperlaaett readf«- i.n.». e.'ji >. ' .'in ¦'. lil!. l.»dT«»» JilSfc'PIl MAlKkl. lalaiwim lyn.' * »l at N I _ Free »leibodiala in llro.ihlio. Pr»«ck.ag bl otu fut i ti¬ ll.. IORI (ii PN «¦ SABBATH (la-¦awi»I «i tv Bart »g II. «.«. I BSBl !..ni al a.ii lb J ...t. ««. i-t l)r .»li ,, at II ,. ,a lal - al,, al « at 1 »r « I Ju ,wii ,.k.1 Pl.t- llio.l«»!» lil llrookl. II. 1 »lm , , i'r.irr a h'kl ""¦ '¡I |-»P » M.V. at Ik« r a.> l.r. I. . K II BACIK1 n II i|.i,,., n. al :." pia. t,u m « r I a,I »¦- :.. I Free Meihndlai N.-wapaprr lb. em il«iI*i ii i >. pul». t«-i :i marni II ».....- Bl«gl» r«pl«i -.,"»¦« s-l: Air II if ..-I « ... ; |] . ti.. II I,:. «I.o liri .¦!-» '»' I lost III »I «« KI» I..: . > .k - it. N ». Fl»r I'mill» lluuar ni I initial r*. I s". »Verm «I Str.i.n ira it j ...,-. -, \nt, . ..j, m J »'clack p. sa ti.xifi i l.f II 'on P .1 r r. . Five Pntnla Vll.-lon. . i. ..f i-., in Hr.-.f M P.«I ii «:.. a..mm. Mlaataaai ibshbas ¡tra J n siiakh.k sJ(-.r »«.¦ »>«<!i .iSr.ii.» alola o-. «'.J i sMbiaa «i i| p »o Isb -«'.i i ¦. .i "i » a. lal OmsI ia 11 n Y limttkerttmmt* ntlvt QaTfOBI -«I. 'I. R 4 hunk. i»:«»-i. l.-.-nn. a J Ipi , ...« K'» BISHOP ST«) . Ilprrarl St N11A1 «t '! .. m. i». «nd H. . I'M All III 1,1) al ',) ,a rio. 1 ia ht.'"i. aul. a «^u'«t'a a ,.r Pi. i.tait .It« ii Ki.-nau I ill' . Sa.-ia- u . ill,,, la k p ». I .' ISaB « . «I li'» Ila»» lu »»..i «ii.i Hu» i.i IV in. ','a «'"i--- .I ,,-. v.. pla . i. RTIPIII N II r\Nii in li r.,,r.|i..f th. l|..|t lr.-.iti Ma-li..'.." a Ia« ..-.-» nj « »i «I M'l» M ria«) I.NlNli ii ., ri I Hiirlein. I,., »V i « I.AIlKi: »lil i'lui« lu »ItinikV 1»KN1N«I ,| in, ii,., liar hiiilir.l «' ih *t «I loot«! na ,.i, ii,^,,iialn. Bal . ¦ - «: i . »" 'iiai- »'»«I «ir ii.-r» .. r ol. .-I.-.iii.-.l. Jahn Bl« II, K. I burch, Mara» N...» .,. am . . Tb» Km i; JARKS «ill prcart at IS| i « «mil. '»li i Kkb.NI.Nii ii:,.I,c1 »««la Ii-«. Miiu|rricvni,ai0 td S^a/lMÍíl'"rrk',.,"U"" "Ni "*<>'"trmakttn lui ... .'" f"1"'- ' '¦.*'. l"i a. ¦ MalTJT 2' Bah ... mai o. tim ,. t,... i, lt>.. ^ . J,,.," ".' J»i rw ssloässä- i Kba.t5¿2p,,2:S ..nîUr^?, ii'" .'"¦..»/...ri,,,, t horeb, Kr-«i * .,., , Ä .V'.h"*"*"""4lll*Alll M'»KVIN. .., ,.. ,:*.*" '" "fi, 7 "*. "."" "" '"«OIKIBa <ll4«4l«K.(«. 'ua.TL'JS"' ...UU.I a.,,,.,-., .,, U. ..,. . , ¿Mall' \'Z »Ula. gaMmm «.,,,.,. IBStrfensa I l.,rrk ¦'»¦«.»..rai f.j »I idiacn. ive. IIh|i(m| ihnrrti ,. r .--. urt.» r»r KOBl.VsoM ., K.. si,!,, Vii ,/»" ,t ifT , *' "',l «" rnAarrtal I p, «, ' "-¦.»»».¦. ISBS4I, «j^-J V|..n.l,lT Imrrn II. I n lilKPt. (IPO «V Man.. john »« ..«»!«,Ms,pBr.i...fcii,.*.u..- «.«.... ;,£L*"*T .., » tv .I 7 .,.., fo rib . MlBbAI .t 1 y m "' ****. .Nerlh Dutch I bareb, »vor v lu,, i»¿ Wai,,. ,u " lAÏÎÛrîSrï" *" ' L " .VA"4 ."^r.Hiru ., BsMsH »i ha-ol ii , i. nt I)»..' .a'*la^.,i.,,d.rw M'lNIHT Bvrvil»i,a,l7 au . l*.tarss, t.. ,..,»,.. WHISK my VK.SI.M, u ila « I' * ., K ,. y li* A y KV KM.'..,.- , « ' " ii Kit.,n.t tee*prsfsramarna lafeaNMIaHitoAMrt No I*.-... ». lo ihr World. ti,- nPwr,.. M t , . ' ."' 'a i «.Il ,r «.h »,« . ,.r.it, vt .. heal, fs« «.. .. Ia, , "f th" Blsglsas ssl aViais st Bssl5 ¦ New.\,,rk Tori ^oclel». Vmtk,nt\ TtVMOKROtV .. . *l» ".¦« »' .. .r, ., .mt 4l.il ..n-' la ,. ii. I.r ti.» V,. ,. |: , V ¡i MihPHi .. , . , -, J} *\ »"J Hy m if hat, »» 11 lili. A ,.!,. " >orlh II ipi ¡«i (bun li, nat lañare i~asl JKKNkl OBI -PatsaeMas, k* um tammm l>» It ., u, \ s tun 4'II. .t II oast u 7 f .. »a»ta « ... w H lol ,-',|,l|.t I Hy m. tatra* ft ,'.].,. -VI, .tCviVf K.h.Vltllit. . Trais» ,,,, r,«,l fai, r KVKsiso «t : n ,.¦,:..i I iirliliiil-iTiiäTTj ii,S He». W. H. il. tlarm», tor ..f u* r.rl ai t ua»-h |ajj . «iii ¡.rsvit tit htm» *i i.. !«. IsBsesfBsf a HU n,» BOB a»f.at"» st lb» Ils» gig's t'"ii<r,^»ti«aal Cha*'a, .,.«¦. ass te*, tai fatif-em ,'i. «*.. .n WmTavm i»av k.víímv, *,. ,, »t 7| »---i, k tv pel th m sssBsBj m»i »t Hot. Merrill Itirhnrd«on, l«'e ('.,-.«» v.» . , ¦MM yal; ..f »',« Sr, Cn,'!.' .1 ,r i. r o , .a. I - '.vi DBl MT BTBBIM,.Bw n.. BtTlp. BL TVila-fJ,,,, m in iii u* xx I 11 I 'mi -r ii..-,.. 1,., ii,w.4tti, iiwvK.. ,t i-- .. ,... it»... J. n. KABBIH i> ..f.. ásgtss,JOaB i.ibi», I». l> o(l-,i«a»M x 1, «Vi IB I, of N « llr. » ., liilt.iy.N, li I, m1 tit V ».K 1. w .i.Khit. 11 . r(.»..»,'n. j r nOMBBOB n I » m itt-t. Herr,II Iii, U ntl ,,.. la.u.r 1. sa .( ¡Bl .'-. I 4 OssgiagMlsaal Obanb, wbsi M«.!».ua..»a ma Kurt..-, ¡,r ,1 n -I 111 '. w, i-r. « aia| ». m iel '.'; ps S,' ) Rev. Hash "»m'.th llarpeMer «¡I » . , f.. ^l-ll al l'a lit«« ..... ROW 41.11.-. S., a ».a,.*. S. ,14 II- -- .. .' It.-». I . I'. Tri.'» .!,- « ,| a, l 1, lb'I tinirl, i,t li r ,,.,! ..... .-.«-.I I«. Lev. Isasw Um-all, D. IK, « -, .1 Cliiif., (-.I ,r. -. 1 ,n. .-¦, .,.. I ki I ¦>' I * in- " fels '"«i .'..-¦ lie». (I. li. liol,rell ¦¦ i Brasa ¦ .-. ii < li' .. ka ¡r i. Ker. Jam« « hei.net!) ..r I '. ii I«. - i^nian < hur. h VI'».; ¦ - I .... I«»-M«i l8 a'.v 11 , .... ::.- IST, * H PSSBSB li I' j »- »I». Id ligin«« Servier« . » ( latirru I » st/ a<..ia . . t :.¡ p. m Ke\. .li.' ii »l.li-a In» Is b1 for I -I prvarl III 1 '>'¦ ii, III I *.-¦.!' I r-»'«..T'l BOIBOW, H3r.»n. OB *'l .MILK« Sid .1 ai, a AUil Las UsSJSWSS« M . - ' * « Ki MM!. liri. \%. II. IlooU* »I'I i" «' ". '" VI. s -1 H K.. -, I »in V4 II.«-. B. u «. iad ii) «a M'KKAT If IR.VI.I«, :¦. . a l'i-.nr la th« vvasisaCa*VI .sun«1i. «ali...I .'. »al .. ' l.aua,.! BSS4bStSl »our. Bl 11 . ''»».".' '.. *. I / Hev.T. T. Kenilri. la, 1 .. ': I;;. ¦' KI».,« I" \ I4ABU -.li- ¡A 1, ,., ,,,-a- In kia r«| . M«»RM V. ¦. « "..... ni'« PrsTsr Mi*atiss «. ia the »v« la* »«' les >, " '.bj li sum ¦¦ Rev. II. II. N..r(hru|> 1 I' I . ¦. »ml l) y. n KsSSS V .'. , ., -I '.. « . . I., |(S). J. >l. I»,l-lll--,,. a Is,,tl, I,.'-..' Talrtl'l ' UORKllW MOKJIINn »b4 BVKWIM Kr», w in. ii. Baale ¦ V t M .la || , ... I I J M ,1. » |kt liri, (I. II. L r«) I It nigh 11 Tr.'i".r. L r.r Ila I. -.11 Mbn«, a - > , . Kev. .lames Kennell,. P ' all"" rti*, k. ¦. « tiê*. t Ini-.T. I.r*. if ' 1,1. .N u I. »' -i -.. r, Is Part." I Meil.Mit» Hall, I'n.trt.eiitle.-'. I ... ,".! '.:..! ¦', l.'.I j,,.,: , ( - It«, .'.ii' la a. Seieiilb-al. .V. la. I bareb, P i ¦¦ - t.iiit NI MottKIMi IV«, ., -. a lo k. li, Vol ; l«.v «'. lit' .. '! .. »i-i iu. r*aasr«atal .v,-.r ¦¦ Beaih l.-eioru.id < I»ur. h. ia., r. Ta ,'» r it . S, .Na.« || ij ,. ..'a. I. ft ¦" | . I I'I»',I >t. Nark's ( bon b, ..¦ Tb# !(.> I! «|RKM)N .: .. r a. iu. a li » I" ¦.>. li. »,, I.D. P., i Spirllunlisiii KIM Dil ii ¦ . M ta 1 t r, U'-r .i Kifbtb-SV*. »,. !«..«.¦- . « mumwaai ta** »». r. . . r.",»«r»" ».th lila,nala slli*.aur^. a M. I Qasvi u.» 1 .1 s. 111 . Nennen l>) He». Ilul-e» W . Un.Ml'. I K I lil" ]J I'. T t. ht a ..al .al. Baal's Itelor»«»,«! I».. u I her. '.. l '. « "1.1,1 t" I HI U \ sus I». D.. Mlsialri -:,...,. SUAI . . »vi "t aftaatkf.tta A m ui ',» » I.I ,' I .1,, ,.:!.. r till »»i. Lui.»*'*« ti. v.. i burch, !. ,. i si ¦. ,t li.«it 1.1. ami M ij y bj Kal Vt ¦.. 1. . . S.'.. al. Li.I ta < ». ..'Hi I I. .!, bUI-l'll. al Ti» MOKKtiV. Ol', a- 1 3 p. Bl. fi au' ali'-, a In: M 1. h tf sBssBIi« Theltev. U »n. Hi in ¡«1. »o. 1 . '.. 1.1.1 laalf'll Kil ... ..,! auJ Ktia.viv I S li «Tl.".! 'bs'pil « , ' v, KMll.,1 !, . ...... v .«., I, ut, st-r ... IM,.' | '.''a TM,',.i).setei.ih-si. II. i'. 4 linr.'h, It IVSB r V.,r 1.1 n, IH I'^l.'r Btl '. !.. \"l - 1 \ .0 I Mm ». ir I The Jane-st. M. K. l^unil .».¦»¦bool >lis»,,.u»% " »m t.- mkk .,-.¦,', «i muí ti-T \ .'.*. >. by Isl. T. H. IIAi.i.'.'KI . ot ti . .r., »til Ihr. I'r. tir; of tie M K M Btirtiay The Comer .».one f « -I» M Is ''¦ < i*-.' 'it 0 -i Kai-th-srs » li t* I», I. wth. ¦ ' ¡< Pul HI «ni :.l k1 *. ""The Teii.-her«' \««<», i.ni.iii .1 ..¡heit Nehool I iiion" s II mart . '. »I I ' .r n 1 -i .'. BUNIU1 1 fc> > IT" ».Í.--1..' 1 li''. IM '. la' H ...VI ii .! a Tbf Nt-»».\ ni I, S|il'ilinil ( uni-ti- .. 1 I I'll at ai, ,- «u.. ,11 MiavB.«. Ma li - V otu Trln.lv >leihi.«li«( 1'pi.siop.i! I aurel», " e nnr K nth «. v mrl »I'SI»41 IS«, al , 0 clack Kn It. t.'.l S ..1 1. IM. al :. Urk, by Ba«. Dr. I.- Hi.»- M riiiiersiill.m. « 1 a Hutt K4 MSt. », .-. r ¦( I..... la' \V. \V. Ilniiin oh -«»nu, -. 1* 1 ,-.,.... i' .. is »ml Werris se I'I 1- " VX\ t Sa S ~\ uuna Hi u'« t hrisl.au Associslioil. rasas - « - a..-, m «I Min l.v » tis,,, .... «» »' lil.lil.. I- O « sa list Printing. \\'.M. EVERDKLL" SON-S IW I M LI lO'CaCViillt jitlM J.'I. a .il.S .. a- '' " MANUKA. íttiuícllanccuo. DRÜSIIEfl «.f F.VRRÏ DESCKIPTIÓN .' "". II j ¦- I- .. Il.r.s,, Ka,.I ..u T. All « , ' hsSM pitees iOU* v « '. / JUERLAÍN, \ I PKKKI'MBn liri Bt» U Bas Is Is IM* _ lllt.HIST PRICE p.ii.l l.»r <n.l» »0<>KS. II I'AMI'III .KI « NRWII'APBIUI, «aa all »..* rill 14 J 44 i.I.I iss -, pl.Wiis. inc.-Seven! v.-.y line PIANOS Bl I ni ,1 ¦ . mai a- .. .».»¦ Urnas Pia-««1 w « '*.'¦ I'» iltii« «j * I J si*« *. » " .- rpHE NEW-YORK FAMILY FLOUR I H4S> So Kr I,. . - , katataBB« i«>hK K4MII.V KI HI «> ". >s rosuaa, U.U. ra-, . ¦ al . TUK KI4.it KH OK ^HK 441.1.» BOBBVaalLB ll'l'l.l* ll!..ss(.\l I44 4»M»M1 KIM 4M' a Ar. I«, «rai aaO .heaiK»! K""««r» ia th» «u«k. . IslwTtal trra ,». '.....'r,.! s.'!:« HetuUjter »vi'' » ¦Bl Bl al .(¦».»» ..f Mraar» J. BTIBBB A ('«a. rpURKIHil HATIIS, I M |K\IM!lt,N 1VB Lui ta it io. to-ia. i (h .' ¦ K.< tsi.»ll M m flUuhnifin. TANNERS, PAPER-MAKERS, ^»TRAj T- I OkM .- .'..t nisqstrisi is est*«sle.l .»<,«**3 . II «,,..r :u.a«ni«iarr»iaa«.aa«lla« l.»r «u, aaa l'!"*""^ ,,i.'. c«al. , ....1,.1,'r 1... n,.n amtottVomf »ml »««'«." ". Ultim.>n> u ila i<«, r I»»'- ""u' ma. AtWrraa _ mammj .»mu»»» >"u|aJJ) MM0 k^,^.,,^.11 a-


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Cikeki.ky, Colonnlo, Ort. 4..Our proposedJourney to the mount.iii.» had Iteen long «leliiyed Ivy thepressing «U-iuaiids of ull the Bummer day», hut flmilly, on

tb«21ati.f ScpteniiMT, everything waa ready. It waaimt«ititll i 'Vl.K-k that we coiihl get away, ai man» detallarequired »Iteminn, «Ince we »»ere to tai gone overa»veok.tlur party numb« red flftein. three of wluun were lad««».Four .ere tuniinted on bMMMMft ; the mat wire distrib¬uted In tv««» two hör-.«' wagon», in which were »toweil Bsupply of blanket« aul laOBBOB, several gun.'», MM "ur

provision« ami imti, keith-« and pin*, whli-h rattled as

we rode along, «l.ii.ig np the Cache la Foudre about flvo

mile«, we turned aouth, making B Vlcht a»« cut. and«hence proceeded MTBM a «wiling «livnh- to Hi«' H'K

Thompson lucí»- . m'I M «li-taM UM NMÍ BBB geoB, th.-

«wells were fine, tw» to f.»ur mile» Ion».-. BIBBM bj »h«.rt

intervening di -r tit«, and when an elevation appircntlyhighnr than all ..'her., wa« rea« bed. another graduallyarose I».> nnd it N't I BOMB nor a human Ixing wa» to

be »«on, and Ifetaft Ml k*'-'" MM exeelient. a« ar. ely

wy cattle were .1000). Tin» divide between Un* » u ti. lu

#«.ndrt« alni the Big TBOMM M Ititi the ahajie of a tri¬

angle, the ban «>f araielexteaaB" aimut '¿oniiiesaioiig themountain«, whlto the other two »Ide« BMBMB about 2.V

miles tn length; it forms the hool »toe!, rang.' In Colo¬

rado, aud proliably in the world. Tim greatest defect ia

« want «f water; »til1, lhere are a few pond«, and lu the

¦.sagt" cr «h-pr« ->u.iis »villa might lie dug mid thewater mla-ed hy wind imwer. ProccciMng paraih-1 withMa ni'iiiii'aln«, ami iibont U miles «li.-t.int, we bul vary¬ing ile*» of the long ranges and of the several «nowypeaka, while Ixnig's IV ik, rl-ing far ab«>»c all the i«-t,

prtatcnl-'l a conat'intly )i;ii;glng ». ene. The Rib ThompMa wa« rea' lied by des. entl'iig a gradual llopO In !» I»»"

¦AM long, and wc »vent into < amp I.« a tuoadow < l«>e«. io

the water »vhile the horses were pick« tod.Our «ook had rhhlen ahead and obtained milk and

butt, r Bl a ranch aero«« the river, and when we arrivedbo wa« building a Ure. A «mall tent was pltch«-<l«f"r,thela.ll«>»; »ni, when coffre lind bein mad«« and some bacon

frl«d. WO al«' dinner, BOBtOi MO the grass around the tent.It BMBMBtfhlOli roil that ihr coffee provlded via« "Kar«tIndia" »tu5, MOpeOOd of chiccory, ry«', and extrait Mlogwood, or «onie other vlllnluona compound. It wa«

iienrly :« o'clock m-fore wc resumed our Jonnn-y. Thenppa «ri.*tv>d the mer, and passing a corn Held and largestacks of hay aud grrln,near a ranchman'« house, weas»-end.-'1 to the divide, between the Rig and LittleThompson, extending fully 10 miles. The farm-., or

ranch.-« «lout* the valley of the Rig Thomjison aro wellcultiva!b4 ail«! remarkably productive; indeed, I haven«v«r anywhere seen stich large stacks of wheat, oats,and Oar'"} rained on such small pieces of ground. The¦MB neill» »retn eipi.il ti) any In Illinois, and potato vino«murri) «iv-ered the gummi. Farming in this valley ha»fK-ei» ex!rein« ly protltable, and I was told of a case whereth »ere« of «>at« vieldod 60 hu«hel« lo Ihe Here, and tliat«ho (-rup war sold at 12 cent« a pound "st the ma« hine."This w«ia a few years ago, when the demand for then lnrve BM greater than tim supply. Crops are nearlya« tcKbi now, Lut pi Ire« havo fallen, oat«, wheat and«.orn uni«].«in bru.nmg innre than four «enta a iH-und,while ( B »»crag«- doe» not exceed three cent»; but atihear r»t<*» even, fiirming 1« more profitable llian «l»«-

<e h»*r«\ for th« reason that by merin» of irrigation a fail¬ure need ii ariel» !» taken into account. Mr. «Jreeleyal wa»» hM Ufl-MM-d a high opinion of the com ti v on

«he jt.g rh"ii.p<o!i, und v» Ith .good reaton; hut th« re i» no

dooli' that our valley of the Cache la P"ii«lr«'is «''piallyvaluai'u-, acre for acre. It la to he remarked that BOhave a fur greater cx1'nt nf ground which can I» ini

guU-al. m It MMfartOOO ii"t Baa than 2«o,noo acre-«, whileon the B g T.'i'unpsoii they have only a fraction "I ': l-

afi'iiui'l.Ti' I ititi« Thompson I* marked hy a llnr ..f fettea-

wiio''*., but i! «'out.lina no running water, hi,«1 thdOirix. it -i * i.ui«-hes along its »alley. lOBM ditches are takenout in »r tin« liiuoatBtaO, and there i» a supply of BllM«lurttn- June and Jul», but a» the stream dOM t)"t MM luMo Baot i -ure, wat« r «1¡- ippeer* in tagnat. Turningm» tin-« valley we rapidly approached the MaatataM, amiat Sn'il « iv« r.i'cl.ed tin- cafioti of the Little Thompson,ii li. re I...nu''- Peak» tàe bii.'W.y Ran ne, ami nil tha proin-iiii 1.1 e evatt« ii» «!.».ip;i. .in d, aud OBI] the BWeUlB| bal.till lofty foot hull ci'iil.l h0 000M Tiiat i« to »a», winnone g<>. a to the Rocky Mountain." tin » «l.sappi ai, ni «I it is

«.ni» BkOBBl ad..-tainA t-iat tin J BBBhOBOOB, ladlvidnalun.iuitania,however,are «ecu aeatlj i-nmigh »«hen one

ooiii. » io t'i.-n. e.ml .n rr-ak-aug iheiu tin 11 r enduredl> ii! I..- .na r. nu no.. -.-.-ii.Knl.a i>n ti..- canon, iiml frequently BNestBf UM dry

and r<» U) lmdof MO htri-ain, the narrow l.-afcil «ottoti

w»»h1 'Kg.in toai'pcar.-alii!«, wild plum tri«*, gee« »ni

»ml currant liui.be.», »nil clump» of »ki 11..ia» foi me.I Iii a k

eUalino t impenetrable. V»«-i»as»cd aever.il houses ami¦mall ti- I«, when the v Tiley 0BBBOÍ B little, alni BflOlj.n» c.-.liii/ iilhilil the mile» up the can ni the t» inn» wcie

ii out into u narrow, gia-sy jilot. si.«I camp wa«

¦BailorIBB night. A tlr« wa« built of «lry limb», and»ft*r -n Maaaaj falto o Uaa in the iorfc, among Ms brush»ml reell, water waa toilinl In a holt, w ith w Inch the.-.illili, wa« l.lade. Foi drinking puriii-e- the »at« ran

BBOOai etty well, provided «ne had l«K*th tin «i'l eli whh li

B coiilil Mt «trained. The ««ok ¦kéMMMi hi» BBBtBoaa,n.r he had « " >k»-«l "ii «»«'an steamship«, bi««1 it « a» (a n

a « In -Ttni -«lullt to ice hlin making bLscuits with flour,water an«! haling powder, and to walk sro'ind thenu- iiii'ii in« pots au«l pans, while his long M. » «i,

-pur» ¡in, ed at each «tip. When the coffee ttaoBOBOM -I -"inn baoOB fried, supper waa ready, »bd th.-n tkottehe VOM of au liitpiisltive turn maile an «vain it oa»« t.. th.-»tuck of provisions which had been provided.Thl« wa» a hint ft* the opening of a cal "f

javach"*. I! m-eined that wc had three sack« of flour, I"

tal. 150 11»».; 20 lb«, of rusty bacon, which wa» to !.«. H0dI 'r.ung u»h when we should catch them; two li«», of

Jiiid, a few paíkaífe» of baking jiow der, ¡o Iha of (hatcoff., half i»iiiiid of tea, three cans «if ja-acbes. I bree do.

..f tomatoes, two lb», of butter, and soim- p. fptAand »all. When it was asked If thi» wa« a

l>r..|»*r supply for a pleasure party, It waa answuroil thatwe Weall ¡jot Into Ester's Park the next day where troutwould I« found by the hundred pounds, ami that we

wo'ii«! have our fl!l of mountain »heep, black luiT '! drer,Bife, grouse, pig«-«»ns, MOtX duck«. Then we all Went to

lirai. I'll« ladies had the tent; the rest alej»t on th»'(»ri.iind »»ith blatikets, and the «tars over them. Theh!.*h hi II n): .'.i.'!i .»ide MM M In. the thick« 1 i am« In¬

arnme!, .ii I we i«ii »li pt in i outnlenco, for it was loo iat-an t.. i-m for MMooaaBoa.

\ j'.rtiui ot ..ur p.n tv lind a *¦«'.. ..eil« no)« i-t. and It»v.«. iiiieinl.-'l to eeeead \\mtkg*» fttS und tak« ali OtMMTVai..!,; H -»i- Ih'illght e.i-y tat Hu l.i.li ¦- to mak« the trip.vsitha iroaaetec roriow alevattaai aero ooooiMMed,Un- n, ti beleget Oreeley, aaleB»Mthe OBrfoeo of tin

«apj» -r l.i'... Ill th. [lark, B 4 It! f. .-t a'.o».- th.- BM hi.l.¦Bl t'ie un..li .it Hie fool nf the lii.iuiit.iilii

I- .. '- i,,11',ut o! oil) « a'np '70-J. B/Mtaa I r

temi' i- itara M "it -'.(p.i». -i .wn. rathet i..t. in the ga* h,.-uni ta .Ira Ihlag

t"i¦. ia« k .m boraeha« w n. taflr»t i i w. u-i .m ,.f initier and oat-. BMal*..*'* rt "''io.k and w» got und. r wa» MOafter, aim BM00BBBI tat « »non or »ilb-y of the Lut).Tboiin-.ii. v.» nbmI Hu -iream maur tim« s, here unithen-1 m .n«,- n water ami t. -t.iiif it ,i. ti.- hu|»- of tlud-Mf n .ir«. . ,e, i.ui at va» aanaead bMbbjt. 01 ifrlaai*""' ioIobo ItaooaooMal tat rocla al ti.« mm kyMollliUit»»l«ii«l I Um ino-at |.,;t ,,, , w rlJ, ,, 1H,sltl,,r,aothat Man ooahaaeBBaaajaaBMesaatrtooaâeri theatmtai-!i"r:/'.:it..'. la i« a' on tim.Uaad pu .¦-. i- .i taowhoN th. bbbMoi »>. .,.,.. r-, weu Nlad wi'li l'r.a- «. t. totla MininiUof t, , ..Matessiw«; taxa ptnigt MeUaggltagnai afeotleBwood«.alongHi» -ii.aiii: A eoli-nlcia:.;. nuiiil,,-, ,,fin t .. i -.n.'iii-. and the fem-ea win- aethlai hM bars..i gn.» .; Beana aaaaBttM iaeho«hg aalal Mtaa» u.n. ¦of !oi,fc- a k > aie in« lo-a-'l. Siu I |»,-~i BBloai BIO BMBtl.' lam.-," for the J»Ld BM ne» ii l«m MTveyed, and Maimpruk liants, where any cxi»'. c»ii«i»t ni oreaaheohtaawl a . irrul. where cow» are m.lkeil alni tuilier ,? aWkttIn I nni.'li »m loltlo moat fttt the BUIllfBBlB sr«

men. All t)ir<»ugh this rigion one MflMI I nia. .,PI1

withont flMlIies, II» mg alone engaged in »tix-k ranching,and living as alov« lily a» uien every where .lo whontheyIivn ni«.a*-. H i- »le(.mlar. perhaps, thal MOByoftheeam-n, r. u, ng fi-iiii tlie Beathen »-tale», «rn.iil In 1-.

niose »r nu the Northern Mau« MMI lu MM t, tatt, ahee-w.ke.1 win I her they are niarri« 1, they »nsw. r. with a »ort

«if l'0»'l..li«.|i. '-.No."After .»s.iml.tig MTOIBl hffll, w. r.iu.i- to one lilli

wl.er« an got oil! of tin Wag n«, hOOaBOO lr wa« M -te p.sud tin«, not lu« ause the horse« rooM m>» p.il!, but I«-

eaUM. li ... .nilli not holdback for wi were to go down.V,. l.i iii n|ii ihn! w> win Io nuil «iiefi a roughi-iunlt) While going up the net! lull, uni wliili some

of lin- .»e»ài r one« declared thuf they could not walk upanother »neh hill, iM-cauae they had poor health, a««lne

«.pet k« of rain f. li, and Ihen It waa noticed that the »kywai- « iou«1y. This hill was nearly a mile long. anl. lrt*forewe goi hall way up, enough rain fell to make the road«iil-p. i y ami muddy, and walking out on the gras», one'sxtAuttn btMMBO tmi Uiroigh. R. aching ih« U»p of the lull

at last, we hx'Vefl hack and saw the pinina Ilk«- the openaea. Then we descended another hill perhaps I should

«ay a mountain, for we were leaving tin» bills and Ibis

wwssl4M>isr still, and there wen rocks and lo.lg.-s, and

the lock of one of the wagons broke th» timm* sprangout, and th.» wheel was l.istoucd Willi a r«»pe. andwe finally caine down Into a narrow valley,with Immens«»

rounded precipices overhead, fully M* mki high, it

wa« now past 1 o'clock, and we went Into an,|', I'10 '9v iitlon Mai matt t<< t It «li»' ii'-t n«in «um« .*" h>»t«l. the

cloud» seeming ta» ruo away a little. t»n«l «mr pW k»Ut

party hnd dinner Hut that coffee, wi.t out of IBlM.Blitea w«s made, the quality being such «" st Us In the

Hl.iti's ut 7!4 c. nts a pound, nnd worth |BM M exreeil) two

.- til», hem»/ corni«»* ed, I lll.lg» «f Hie sweeping« «.' « .' :l

factory. However, lhere wa« only half ,i poundIt was now li BOM ta Mut I'Hik, and Ike drivers

were ask'vl whether we could get through. One siihl it

was Imposslliie, Ihe other Mint we would certainly iniik«-

the trlp.snd «upon tish, vi nl.aon, ni,d milk. H« re w. ipMI Ia ciin of it 'maines. Tin, al, nmg louds rame a» tam Iblnioiinfa-ii-titps, our ili»bt<« were U»thi together into !.. I

ties and buckets, the horse« and mules were brntigbt In,drugging their long pit kel ro|«»-s through tin* wet gi*..»-«,

huno iMi ii.il wlnp,h ,1 mt,,,« sturt. Tin-,-.uni., lunn.'IHear ('mi on, vin s on tin« lattin Thotiipsi'i., winn Ut g*ifour «pis»!« of witter, and wt» wert- nil thirsty, but v.» w« i»

told ttuit there was good water In tit»» 1'aiU. dolugupan.»Ill« r n.,imt.ln, high above the bed of he "H- "in, VCsaw (hat the path ,1- ¦ oin)« .1 bach late tin» v.il.'t'gotdid ti" re seem any n*n-n>n why Ihe v.tiley should nothav« !»een followed, tit this tune the lain c..',,e donn

.i|ii.lly. the wngotis slin|»e,l on the shle of tin u.'iint:,ln,iiml «»ii tin opposite «lae wera ti.«- ilopeeof laftj moun¬

tains, riiu-ii -i u ni. danae forests of pine, oat ol willohutos, walis .mil IBnasillai of granite r »ck. I'p alni downwe traveled until wa .»me kata a heanUful little park tri««'ior.ll linn.In a« re«, wluii all ni once Wl wen-sur].ii-eii i,» m,, t n lunn »n a earl Brawn i«y ,. Iwrae.Wt» leant, .1 that he llvo.l li, K-lct'- 1'irk; Hall.eh ni ho pounds of Iro it. which ha waataking to Denver:t Inn he cul,I aall them foi M» cents a pound that noon««.b«e live.I iii l!,e I'ai's, a« 1 thal he would I«- bael lu fourday«, w hen In would guide us up Long's Peak, the as« tto which would be easy. Another in,j»««» tant nneatlon:Could vv get through that night t II» l«.'la>"l around,and iipihc m».i m t.i i u-, a ithi red hi« dripping blanketoverhis shoulders, und sani h« thought not, and thal «ve badla-It» r » snip a short dlstaOOl abe.ni, In- only pine« » h« r.

there was Walter. Anotlnr queatton: H««w Mai m iilikely I,« lu,ni He thought vie slioiil,I hav, quite a inni¬

fail,for this was the «-«iiiiiioxial. We had not though! oftins, and our eyes dropped, Ootna through the para-likeground,we earn lo tim Little Thompenn, »ii ii was

nu.mug tillite a stream, ami ii went Hilo . .nu], .it.out 7o'» Its k el. vat «n, f,,T7-.i !«.« I.The sinai], thin tant Waa pitched, it. which, when the

lióla - were sheltered, iiiev could raise theil naibr» ii i«,which wleeli bad been bfooght t" keep eilthe ana. asort of shelter was made for soma 4if Ilia gentleman mt|.uie bOUghs. wini li could olilv be um fill in esr "I «now,and a ¡arge liri wa« bulli, so their clothes could be driednearly as r,,.-t as tin v got wet. Supper wa* > »t» a amiddescending night and falling rain, and soon after lb.whola patty weal t<> bed, for lhere vee aothiag elietai «lo.

»f cour-«« »le» p «1,» a no1 ,-oiiie as ,|i,i. kly w hil.« Hie rainfalls on one's face, tnd all over, mIt -iocs when oat i»n>

bed la a house, bul ii .onus eaywhen al last. In themorning the tir^i thing no1 ead bl earli riet tt iii thallinn w.ts a fall of marly six hu lie,, of damp snow, aad,in gelling out from under the blanket«, the] seemed a«

h, av i as If niade ol is! Iron. TI.k fortun it« ly badremain««! np lal«-baking brand,aad braafcfasl wai M »I

ready. T.ie Lull's «,UM oin from the kiosk IMNlklldilaphlated.At : oYlock tho temi» started np th« hill, for It w M

all either up hill or ilown, th« ladles riding «ml the rest

going on foot ; but soon the ladle« got out and waited,too. After going what waa called two mile«, a halt waimade, and one «<f Hie wagon-, v. it h I put Of the bag.* kg.was abandone,I, ami the two team« bit« lu d to the oiiu i.

when the Journey was resuini ti with lill Hie . iil-tgi di.-piaynl i»y Bonaparte in rroeslng the Alps. Theiiioiliitalns on either hanil now bennie Ir« mimions, thesii'iw I». nine deeper, nnd blanket« grew he.iv ii r, lui* th«four horn«- team whs lashed tut«» doing its best. Dinnerwas omitted,partly f»»r want ot tuse,aad parth foranother reaaon,and ut la-t we cane Into the npneiv al,, ) of Du Un am, The loB'l as« »nil'il gradually , butlb«, snow wa« no* a fool deep, and titi- »lavwi« w« II-nial, taue, v, in re the I.nile Tbompeon i»«-gl»>s isadivnle, ami lulu Iii« lo]« ««in pi» n-ure party «uni,I tool«>v,r min Ester's .Park. The élévation <>f thisdivido Is UM «feet, abeat e.,u:.i to thalof ihe peak nt Bhermaa, -»ti th« Onion Paritte,the highest spot a io« .u«,uti ve !,.,s i,s andad. Passing ona nil wiiii lofts i-" I"-- * on tiie right, Ihe r.»ik ».,-«> «-n te for», some three miles while aad ti n mil, a lo ig.With >«'I tied tin HI I. ti. ins o\. 1.ian ici high ,lt. I. ,1 lo.,"aad there, while on the left wai Long'« Peak, but no1then visible. i"i. rain «tad «snow bad aearlyc. »sed, norwaa there mud. anoa In the Park, the elevation I«wingonly ,,Si" teal It waa about 4 o'clock when atti partjrotie up tt» tin-»loor if an old cabin, which bad i Bra(.in .m.!., g.»»ii lite m ii. nui the ti»'» '. if then bad « 1.1

1)'-' li oil«-, wa« reinov ii. al,,) the (.'.lilli Wa- n« a'l.v twofe»l .ilsivt th. ground. One thing was consoling.thatIs, there waa a plenty ef wood, in, seats were broIn from the wagon, and Ihe blankets, which wi

n« ai I»ii11«.iiiiil-. n !.. .«.< n-1» ii»--- «1 ii i«» »ni.throughlb«shanty to dry. Ou.k now had a chañes to won hia fireplace, and ben be fried th« bacon, boiled that «euilee at.i'i.k. 'i ti,.»i i,.», and baki ali e !"-« ul , and wa1, .1 ,, (,,, :,;¦, ,.| coo ,. »i, tnd butt« Al for ii' ut. no'»"«I-, «.oM , itch any, li wa«so«tormj and a« foi deerand !ks. a».»! tim ks .tnd aron «, tin y wt re no1 han«!]lu bad-time th« blnnkela were ararlj ball dry, mum

bay waa spraad over the manure of our ttabl« on Ullatti» blanket« wen -i«i¦ »» i,.andon ih».-» wi pretended tosleep, r.niv in vi ino' ng, aftei breakfast aaj lio'clock, the tish» ra and the hunt, is st.nicl. ,\ I.brsteil tiout-ll-l.« r ask« «I f».r astiong «ti.ug. thal haHugill tie Hie Ust. lie si,nulli tit« I», when Minn one t"l«ll.iin lie lind better take a -Ilk tin catt. At night ti,. »

t ,i,i. ti.i, u. nnt a u, n.. d« er, ne elk, no da« k-, uo ba »t -.

m. tam, beeaaae tt.e snow was loo «i««!» ami Umwater toa coi.i. The next «la] w,.s late aad wann, lutnoisitiv lunt. .1 nor r.st»t ti. except a ft .ung man aad th«sub-« ni» .. 'v l.... n- iolut4Sorts,obtained two uki titlard «buk-, which wer.>k««1 foi bn-akfaami in.,<h a nue BMal toi tin line u ofour ¡il«'!,-!,n- '«. Stop I MM PM »1 »1 arlthree trout ibeui ti\ . inches long. irk 'iaera «Iii Uled an uni i<-, bul ii.« r« \. a«, nothing left 'lin¬ne vi laj being Hatm lay. 11 wai net .--.,: \ t». n,,.k. pn-paratiom tor Hunday, and Ju-i at sandown two hu.rs

« m« In with foui ducks« which »» to la save,] »..r

breakfast. When til.k look ti,, n. np to pick tib. -'. pi» .i .i -'ti .t -keii w ii.it the i aere, f« Ih» » w. i. ukino tim ks be had . wt s». a. Be was b »i ..,¦ go on a idmuk. no remark«. Heeooked them, with a gnat manypot..! ¦ -, 'i. a kin.I of a It« « M ,»- lo disgn st i ii« lasts loe.v.i.'ia.i they W4»uld hav*«, which they did, bul Ik bi.rita prevent tin.-ir belog iUmy«ee «log io«-»i Is inp-i..s..] to be, «nir biitiikets being now dried, *». s,¡aroiiinl le »ding »hal part is w. i uuld llinl, lan two gi n

I lernen limb, da mountain opposite ii g*s Peak, so thalIbeyrolghl .is,«,!,.-, tbe practicability ol trav«li.ii i,.-.," i in ',, turned at dark, reporting tia mow

deep; thal sometlm -tiny sank to the annplt« anIt waa a« cold aa In the dead of Winter. It wa« cleatthat no one could aacend Lung'« Peak so la ti lath« season. i 'i,,* mountain walch they c1 tub« d n I« hi anmcNellie's, and bj othen I, lue» Peak, |wa» i" natal«ii..»--.- fe.t Ugh. a -1" gil Ing n ne - io in. n than ball »

dozen peaki.it is imponible,foi peopk .»»li not agre«illl'l the .H'll Is li"» hlg.That nlghl th- ranebmnn returned from Denver, tad

w bal be k araed li., t we bad eaugbl no Bah, aad no d. i.ne k, .u.»I no i" ii, bi sini )».¦ w 's ,,/._, -,, w, te we,ili'l thal ina le it ev« ii. If WC won 1,1 slav ti few daj « wn

s!,o«i!(l hive io.lit enough. No. we win goiag linklint w«' must slav one ..'av Va a. !.,,,.-- ti" s anti IM -er ,,n

return we were g4Bag to get outlnefon aaotbei snow

fell. We were n» »rly Mgoad M 04U wmil; mu ut MUnumber stayed, betag «lck eertainlj no1 un a»ioinit «»rhigh livi'ig- and amulo r »-m lutake.f hliu, «still»still another stayed to«e« about th. Bab The raat«oturolled on!, over the hills ead tel a-sav. W« got l.^t 1. loour wagoo by dina r, and opened th« last «can of Ioom-t«»es, and b pound of «i ric »I iie<-f wa* proéueed. Ala..! thet».. was gone .uni wt had lo I.I backofl ti at coll,»,winch soiue tas'iii. We had tolerablj good watainight we camped In th« Valley of th« Bl Vr.,in, mu» h .-

li, mont ern itinped, ami in ihe in,niung we hol twotuarts ol innK. oí'!,, niel M a lau» n. 1 lu n w< 11 .aali «lav, g«'t lost twin, arni reached berne at li «»'«-lock,ti.« s't.is shilling nul tin- light« of ii«, town gleamingfrom th>* windows. It looksm though the props« i» ». lovisit (bo m.»uni..m- I« I«» go in the »niiini., and lo go onhon.afcach, and to take everything one may wanton insbeast, and t bal, no \» »».¦ .» I to depend eion flin, deer, elk, and hew s i xt.

HU i\ll. <.i»\ BHAVTBB 4KD THE MORMOKK'I'lie lalt- ''..»vernor of l'i.ili, J. W. »Shaffer,

.v. it -I tin lau- ot 0MBMM foi li" govi-, u,ueut of.mon v.Hh gi-'St vigor, ainl in on vi|i.t in ,lu

down apon i..m 'if iii-1. n. i i it,. ,i oi Um Moiuioi.s, iti- «i,ii, .1 thal ahí'.- Ui ba Ij laj li blahoaM ai s.,it Lakaiit\, ftWMtlng burial, the. MulMUM li btffl MOWlllmau liiil to tho hon-, of hi. mi. ci-sor, (,ov. Vanghai',next door to where thi '"-»ly i,.», and s, reaaded the mi»¦Hi la¦. ni.l.i'giiig ni triiiiopl'iinl -tioute i«'G,. ting on the

«l.j.l.atil .mint UBI Hu m-« ITM g« u« (ally a Uti dieris|s t ami in.lee» le y t,,w..«i| >,i- |.,r, || alni Irlentla.

t.... el. ,fl. I, t,| guallv oil, rule,', the Hngh.nn Y. nug

pull ».v' r. fusi'.g to i.,. ..:,!/,-r». r ;,»itli'Uili ,i- Mianof th. i« .m "iv. I maa, Daalal i. w.ii-, draw »miaUti» r 'ron. the «...v.-rnoi. whi« h inieii- iib«) ihi h.nr. ,1 of»lu Moriuotis. WilN stvlid htii.M :f " l.. ut «,, i,. i.

omma ml! n«: Ihl Militia«! iii Ti rritoi ,,'¦ ., tnh wl,i. hOov. Shaffer would no1 »How. ¦- Ila lawsof the l'un. «I(Hates i«r«.v Idt - for bul one 1.1 ute .ant <»- m r »I. aad it»».ihn waeBUrdbj aaethet Wells's parpóse m wiltingSUS lo tinline the (.«.viileri to Watlnlraa an »lill» pftvloiislj n«-dfortdddtug the militia of ti.. Turrikui lianBemliie hi ihe command <»f »nv other than theI nited states authorilv TB l'nls i,.»v. .-hurt» r

<¦'¦;> "i- u.» the i-i vi.-i"i.s of ih^ Organit Bel the'. .¦'.-! Is madt tin ..uni .ii..h r i., «i,i r .»f th.-"f th. 1 nlt'.ry, ami. a- long 1 contljiue lo liol,t that"the. ., force «,, Import m1 us th«it ot i!;.* militia si,.ii notoe wielded or eomrolled In disregard of my authority.blrh, bj li, w a,d nv mj obligation, it i-my plain dittylint only to a-ser!. hilt. If possible lo li,ii',!.t.llli. I boltein» aUiM- I-.nth, itntlv explicit tots- fullv um., i-to,,i|

t-'i-t'l. II,. I., a « .-.tv oi any full,., .Ouunil*-¦";«'"-»ui.jcct. J V, HlUI-FKk,io2IfcÄJJ?fl < otuiii^mi.i .,, ' i... i .i ii,, HlUtla .-?v ian lerritory.I'r"». Mm Uamtit, in » Ictt.i l8 | f.».i.|,..

,|oul,.,,i. »av«: - i.uüt W.|,,,t u t4M| ^ .a,, mmo imagine ths, lbe M«MMteBa< BlMlllH pr,,t,n,,s»»"'.y »'««»-I»'.» f. the streng,,, .f..IIIllllv .,..,,, . .....

^Aft^aiAMÏlïïï f'",,"-r ", "" K"the gatas of UM N;.sg, 2* l',cH "L" ^'r'"""' '!"never hy argument |, t "y.,J»' »^" '""* b) force,t«. admit th.- print Iplc .f ,".,,' î.7;""1 »,r"^l! "¦' ''""¦<.'required for the securlt, of the ^WS^jI^J^S !"

eel wlsilom. mid »tha vol.f lae world *;,.7i .,'"""

iup.»wcrfui BBIBBBI. Ti BlBBlB,*« 'Ula ,,,,,,w "'


Wa.siiini.toN, Nov. II..In tin« BMI of Deni-liiii »g1 The 1'nlUnl Htato», Mr. lander now argued hi«

notion io rtiatoi* It to the «locket for decision, oontand-

log that the g« neral |«iwer of the Court e»t»-n«l« «I Ui the

»in.itliigof u Jtnlgumut at any time wllhln tho t«mi ni

whn h It wit» ri-ii'b-ieil for gund .hi-«« shown, and thal

Hil» i» « i». for lbs exen Is«- of that power. The plaintiffh is riven a a n"ml power of atU.rnoy U> l-atham U» aell

or usfign the claim, but it ga»e no authority to émisent

ta.ltic «¡isini«- «I ni the rase Heming never personallycii-ienti.l tu thetllaiiiil-vaal.aud dl.l not know an» thing»l.'iul II until after it wa» done. Hi« right should not

»uiti-r from the a« is «.fothers The... facia «ere ins ii

t, nuil I.» be a «iitnYi.lit «mi««-for tin* grant iii g of the

mulion Tlie « «mrt »»k. «I f«»r th« .»riirlinil p»*t*r of al

lorne,} ft. Dewing t« Latham, ami th« motion wa«

taken under edvtaenseat. ,,, .. . ,,.

The Attorney Gen. ral roBeeated m wriilng that th«.

i«. be reatoásd, ami dated In persea thal ha knew

nothing "f th«' cir« iuboUM.f the MOO, hat that lm««»r-

dliilly ««'ii-eiite«! tollu-restoration.The ( «iiii t further Impiin-d If Mr M.inain D«'inlng s

ii«.wer of lilli.nu y «I the 11 iii«- of the (ll»luii»al bud I.« en

iicnded, and th»- queallM ia oMWorod m Ra n«g.itueThe motion In the rase of The stat« of Teta« agt. White

A (lill««., for a rule "f ni-', "i*"' tsktima PeachaL Baa

also nrgued. The oldect «ought la to obtain an order «»fI th.- «..ort directing Iba .ludir«- t" pi» MM the «'.mrt

|i. 326 which heooUeeled under decree« of th«. Court, a«

um' counsel of th.« Btate. Judge PmoBbI aaatvaredthal the Ht.it«. ¡a lan;«'!) Indebted to him luipeas of the ain«»iint« i)i hi« 111111111 f«.r legal

acrylics, and for over#I«MM ia 00*1 paid out by JudgePa»« nal for Ici.iH In Hie in.iib r of »allon« «nil« for Hin

M« ok' n of ni'.i' Ulan MOO-OO of Texas liidomnlly l.bml»,muí Unit h« 'hollis Ihfl iiiii.iiiie «»f the money coll.nted tosecure liiuiiM-ir in p;irt for bl« fees, windi hi« lielleve»(,.i Davis would dent lum altogether. Judge Paatihal'sini-wer nl»'i »»..¦!* that TOSM owtt him over |17,un0for piii.lt«hing T« ia» repofto, a« reporter of urnSupreme < «mrt of UM Htate, whl« h «um

«...k. Dak is. 111 violation of Um law ofthe Btate, will imt nllow to be paid. Motion wa«

now mad« In the a«e of the State of Teta« OgBllMtGeorge l'«-iib".|y A Co.. to have tin- name of .lu.Ig.- l'a«.liai stricken from the ioekel »» ««»iiiihiI tot r. x,.».

Again«! ihi« im.tiuii J11 Igt Pa ohal ontenda Unit, havingiiioiigiit the sail is Agent and itttrrmmy forth« Hist.- «mi

as his fa« s are conting nt. hi- «aiitiot DO «lUmi»»« «1 fromtin a-so until the stan «hall hine »1 tiled willi inn. tor

hi« fees The taotloM bomMIm uii«i«-r Mvleeotoatb»tim «««uri


¡lefore {'onimixsiiinrr Dorenjeort..WillinmCraven, charged Willi falsely regl«|»«ri||g in »he -.«¦, i.ndlil-lm 1 of the Seventh Waul, was «Ua« barge«! on provingthat he urti there,

Patrick G riffln, ehurgeil willi falsely registering In the

¦ .»eiith Untrut of the sixth War.l, BBB <IU« barged. It

iipi-care«! that when Griffin registers! he wn» under Hieitillil« in«- of Iii|iu>r. iili'l the ne\t «lu» hi- appeared al thep'ueo of egi.tmt ion mad naked Mai hi« name might Mttaken oCirtbnr KenUng,Behool Traateo of the Second Ward,

innl an 1 n-jt« « tor of ile. tun., was ebarged with refusingt.ive the »"le «if J«.hu (oin fort of No. Ml I', arl -I.He wa« «lis« harged «ni his «.w n r« nglllOMB t" api'cui foreiiiuiinati.'ii.

It tri billinuew Coleman, arrested by Deputy MarshalAtiib-rron, harg.d willi iiauiln'intu registering in MeNinth Election District ..f lb« Fir»t "\V aid. gave bail iii

t.- ">i m ,tp|M-,ir for I liai.(ii-orge John«.»!, eolori-d, wa« brought I» fore Cominis

«loner Ubi« Til» charged with having illegally register« .1 lithe r.iiirtti Dhtru-t "f the Knurtnciilh Ward, mi the .ii-tof laft month. It wa« «bown Unit Um premer n-gl«l> redin one pla« « -, but stibsei|ii« lilly renioii-il to anorher roii-

deiice and registered then ahm. having beea told bj bafi'inil lluii he had right a lo «lo so. .1 ohn--.li w,ts ii -

rbarged, m th» evidence »howed he ha«l no lateat t«>»míale Um law..lohn A. Burke, who waa urn »ted for voting twice «ni

Tueadaj in tim Mil Diatrletnf th« l.lcienth War«l ofKrool »n. w,i- brought before t s. « mnmisainoner Wiasrlow w lerda). .«n-i adotttted le bail m I:,'««».

HU; Ml.TlloDI-T BOOB "N> insIn tin Snptrior Court, Spnitit liim, lu-fin«-

JfldgC Bp« mil, )« -tel Ta», a iii. 11.. 11 w,.s made hy the de-

fin Lint'« .«um«'I.M the suit ol Minnel J. G.I« nungilagi Ioho lonaha». lo ho to m oodoo tate» hf Jmig«.1 u,« - «et a-id«'. TI.« 1. .: ion ^iok\ s oil of th« trouillesin the Mi n.,.,i.-t Bool ow ra, »ml lo ha natal Ba BBel,. Ith dan ild al 03 ra». The nrdrr which tbej se«!tobin .« .«si.!, 1« on« le inui n: III. »I< ungrapli« r, Mr.M« n. and .1 bo kin ep> 1 named Grant, w in. were pre¬en 1 at afl n 1 in uni uni manie lu the Koo', ( ,,nn m, t.. «p-|n ..! .mil g1..- ti--!lim>i.» d'- lu ur nar, and tin- mott..11w i, in ii« nu iM'-k-r.id thal the affidavit ui»>n win-h1,1 order was graulrd waa li iiftl leut. as It «lid no1 »talethat the partiea «ought to he examined wen ill «u aboutIn leave the -t.it- !>¦ taloa reserve«! Pot the plaintiff,Ml Ir., -lilli r ; f..r tin <h feml.iit, Mi ».«i.I. »anibi-p«,

AFFIX INO is 11 i:s »1 1:1 » m 1: .-1 .Mi1*.

In i-iin. j»1 -i before Iii- death, mid ahile UT«mg with Bertha Bergnaaaa» Jeha J.Behwarti oaalgaedn. bel n 1 .la.> of li'»- iii-iiran., nu tj.i«ai. \||. 1,

I. ith, In« roth« :. Who had I-. eli app nut' .1 .-.lui ni-dia-

tor, >i« nt with h« 1«. Hi. in«.!. uni enmpaii) iBBOl 'holi .... -.'! I lu K w .1- I« ilnh >l lo li. r, \k bli li «he i 11 in li¬

lli .t< ik 1..1 ii. .1 to the brother, who gol n raahed, ladtin n i. tu-iii io vue In r ilic .¡i» Hbe brought »nitne si linn t<> ni ««. It, and, on tee trial, 1. -tim-«! thaltlo ii... 1-1I «ann- te I- lagi'l I" r lain.m eattrs-.a .;,,..:,;. In a ear« I,, fore li ii, al li. w 11 li I! 1. ill I.I «'11.

innl .' iluil »lu lo pt t hein for «»ntl'» »nke." No -1.an» wu»

pul upon ila- 1.---i gnuie ni nf I lie III «lira ni a poUc] w lu 11 II.H -U-, ii, nor nulli i.fl- Iba «b ith ui III« ln-nre.1. AI ml.: me u 1 waa glvru for the ¦.n til na the trial, sehjerltollu opinion ..! II, e .lui,I I. m. «li. li » til 1..... !>,e

judge .-..1 Um ;«.*< Court


III (hi- 1 nil,» lill« Poliea ('«»UTI, M«li-|ii-»,M. Inil Ailinn Kies» wa« i« au-.« «1 !.) .lohn k1« in At at-

Taltai«- Bgte ib-fr.nul Imn "f li.mo. In Ecornai 1, MM,hi« iii am ii Kr. «tin ahOVi SBM OB B m« rtg.ig.- BO thuhouse Nu. l't'i Di 1111 ;. «I. In May.MM Ki««» Hgalnw .mil d .1 Lan on tin- property, hM Kbni l««l«l bim heI- ««i do t- adj money th« lint 111 . t be wonld alloa bimt«. pru in another morl ga «. K1. -, pro« mad .» p ii« r

ami im! a. it h u :n io igU 1. pi,I ¡> fling lo bo .1 |" r

ii.i--i.-ii to im abot««fleet, ki m. who eoajd no1 n viI nglish, aiguë«] »he paper.h< Iii ring ¡1 t" bo ebal Ki><.t«.nt« «I. rhe paper, now«ver, waa an acknowledgu. in thal Ki« -- n ni n m. 'I 1 Lu- mortgage, and thalK In ti ol 110 In nu mi ii ,. pr.p rt Krr- .t lulled le,... the alp ii i««l in t' n -t on iin non. up 1 11 iW ... ki

.len he sold th« li«.u--. ..ht ile n li lorim .! 1. m4Hie tine n or. of the pa,, a hleh b« had signed. Kr. >»

'.. 1» te Iii ni il.Utl bell IOI ''I illili..itl.lli.

LIABILITY 01 » »I IN !'i»l: -I« KM »*. « HI-..LA

Ap .1« 1 ii'ii 1. i «. 1 _r> i í I». ( .««.i 1». I . WInt«- ngilinglind i: BT« ii« n. tu n.i.kei giMt i.t »iolatl. n of a

n uti r-p.ii-t.» of ti" roaaolT k. HbMbb, bbi triedyoa-lerda] M tho Onart of Cmbomb ii. a-, hafen StiSm Bob-in-irti TheMoool wat ahartoMd le bo leBwea falaad,li» wn» of A-piiiuaii Ile r.-i" lake a lotol of guano, »luigo In «ork. I.el,nuI. ami a,.»in' optera, Iii« »«»se! winii.. \«,.iiiw.ii., inui Un n-!,i'..ii f..r Saan Ialan«L Af«-w«la» « u I )«. C ijila.lii ami r. w ".«.iin all k ami, a« tin k

w« re linallie lo work, lln-k put mtn UeliBB, Hon.lina».»» n I In ii- 11 li'iinl ' r of Hu- rew died, and although the« 114n n tried t" oiit .in a new n-w. 1,. ant anaur« ««ful,anil whs lor« »"I to .:m- up t li. veyagB lim (''..irt'lir. tui » verdict 1er th« défendante.

'.íirr.T Of "KM H VI. -I--I..V-.J111I « lilli Ililli ni«llpi«-il tin- lundi in th«

( ..uri ol 1.1-ut-1 al **«-., on» ) . -l.-nla \ < .r..-. de iMOBitor-.niiy i eiert atti \ OorMid Co., ranvicted of forg.i> m Hit third .degree, ¦-»»« mm '.. Molo Prlaoa IMIhn-e year». G«islii» p,.)i|,r k p'. ml« ii ' n 1 ny of a »at« h

I mid wa» ri-iiiftiuh d foi *. ni. «u-e Jel n I.-. pleaded giilllvIlo .111 ii «in pt u-. a it on io orge Kell] ami wa« Beul t«ithe Penitentiary for three month», rimma« Sullivan,charged wiM burglaru.ualj enteringtbe furniture -toi»m Mi s. I.k. in Mott at., on ti - uigln «.f Heptetuher 1»,p!. ni, o guilt. to the in.in-m, m inline .«air the teetlmonk fill tile pllNl.11 ill lou li a» In. II. wa- -. Ht 11» e ».'.ii-

lo Mate Prison 'In. King... p.. i.p«.. I,« ', pleadedto li" Indi« I.t h it g hil linn n ii li e\.|i l-lng hi»

»«.« aiion ni th« .u illili- of Catharine Market. Hu Baa». 11.. m« Mai. Prison for ii». .. in.

IBBAI 11 01 I'i.oMl-i:In tin 1 mi I ni I 1,miinoi I'troi, ¡nul iii m, Fort

1.1« ro n .:.ii!ge Ru«.u,...n, ki-t,Ki»i BMtrleo Vonh-tt»oi:ght n i« n'ier»i'i,'«»"Uiii.i-' » fn :n »Su II .«lil«-, dorftnr a Iii ..i h oI ¡inn...... ni ii.iiaigc. J lie OOM0 ¦> I 11 !

».in» «.f a.-. , ni«.I »ki.ue on the triwl tli..t he pniii-laed to marry her, iad ander Uni pmmIm adaooë her.

' Hi -non tia.it He pi.mon w.ii- Induced hy rbomasl-l .. I, f.«i * In'in lu h -'I 'inn .-ri. n.rl .-.I .1« a Mrfceoper,

I and abo aooght to obtain revenge 1er his bavinjI him Hld. pen I «ti »tip Di In W. st Hr...,|way ii.- Court held tbat Um mu.m foi tedoetlon andbira«h of toi. i¦» could n<d I« »1.. «i. and iu,< «i oui theformel .«u-« nf :«, lion, i«...i ti» lui 1, after three minute»-b :.' i.iti.'u, derided ilia' then aroa um brooch «.fpl"!|j««'.

(.ÍEAI.IS«. A Illili:

Wiiîi.ini il.ii!iii),'i.,ii, ^ hule i..k. chargedwin appropriatini a i« tnr eooMlnlng «¡mil» tad in M1.« .oliglíig to îh" Bank of V it'i Ameili 1, BM broii'lit upbO-fOM«'.»mriii -iniii-r Oahorfl >« nf«i.luv ..ii.lii-maml.ilfor trial. M . I'aiit'lii. n, v ,.- a .; 11,. 1...» '- emiibm r,owned 1 boa m the Post on, .-, boxI toUm Mark ofNor inAna » By n laUki .. li n... lunging lu UM Ban» golinto lu» )..X alni wa- g ii 11 to Hu pi I...1111 i, w li" « ifii.-.lIt an BppTi pi al« «t lb» ot.t« ni».

Ml.i-f ai BBBTICBBIn Ho- Supmnr- Court, Cinitil, J'urt T., yen.

t«ni.««,.1 ..]_¦«¦ v.l. Braal mrt -.»ling..« mit broaghl i.yI" «L.tri.» 11 Tn1.::.i:si ladrea QuapaoR, for

aiedlealaariteee.waatHedand averdW (tren IM timpiiiiiititi. u .,|',. .1. thiit Mi Campbell engaged tin.l". i-" lo ti, at his see hy lb« ««ili-ii Moveaieui «ure,agreeing pi pay bim 11 lluras« bi oas lucoeeofol 'finDo. |.., li. al,-.1 hlu Mil »-il'llk I.lit «lill l'"l implo) the,-we.iiaii Mokinnni eure, ahereupon lim dot« ml mt dr«Tun.I lo amy, ami in me tin. «nit.

A DI\oR( I . »M.

John ],. .It-Ill« v, .ti« inui-iniii.liT. np|»li» ii t<>Judge pian in the Min- . 00unit supremo t niiri t««ter(in), fur adlvoro« irtu« hi« «if., Fa in« h'. Jeffra) M IBl

f\ I I ' IVI'SI I IV » » V Bill» a ra

ground of sdaltery. Thev were married about (Ive vrars

ago. and ls»Hnl«vl st No. » Washington st.. In HriH.hlrn,wi, re the »- U <>f ednlterv umplaiuod «f are ssl.l tohave Ixwn ««»miniUnd. The charge was proved sud thedivort*. gi »nled.

TUB HAHI.KM KAII.HOAI) IMHORJiidlfd Cardoio ymtnnlny appointed Itobort

(lolhlet, Janies If. «'«teman, and (»rats Nathan, the Ooin-

mlfTsloiiora of the new aanwauiaiit ord» red bjr the Bu-

Rreine Court of the up Uiwii streets takon by Hie Harlrmallrood. The City olslms that the former aasuwauient ot

kào,'*u nu too small.


I.onie Asnero, «futrí?«!«! with H4dlinK unstarnimdcinars and ncgbtf-tlttg to pay thetloverninent tax, /.»«torI.«,'...' '...,. m ti."D%u, sppe.w for eieiiiliiation when-all.n]

f'HIMINAUAt the Tomlin Polin» Court, yertt-enUy, .hin-

tlt-e Dowling committed Patriok Hw.»one/ for havingm*A a pistol at .lam«** Y. (VilUbanof N»>. 117 Washingtonst. on election day ; Joseph roHi-onk, for stealing »

.,usntlt) of papfirfrnai 1'h-r No. 3». North River _Mw.Hanley, who. on T.iursday night, tln.d n pistol fruin t.b<»street ifiroiigh ti,» window of Harri» lllir* d.itu lug hallst No. M Rael Houston st., wivs ...nu ."¦ »1 In lefault ofI "¦' hall

At lim Y.rtrxt't Market Polin« Court, yi-Mtcrday,Max l.owculhal, on the omplall.t of Hie t» lety forlhi»I'reventlon of Cruelty t«> Animals, wae committed, eo

cus>*d of leaving «i bon..» In n stuhlt, .it N»». IK« EastHo..«Inn «t. for six davs wilbout food or drink Amelialliirtidiugof No. 15ft Kast Twenty «ixl), at., bousekee|s«r,coiiios«»«] that she bad stetee h paekat boah eoatalalagk* from Joseph Wakeman; a silk drem, value Bl.'.. fr«»inRinib (Irahsm; ami a gold locket, value tin, flota J IIItobliinon all inmates of th'» house. Held for trial.

At tin« MknN ¡Market Polin« Court yea-terdajr, Ju-tl.e « ox commit!«*,! .1 inn'« (' Hupp*, chargedwith robbing John Taisley of No. lil Klghth uvh. of hu

pocket hook containing |100; John Hulden. charge«! withassaulting I'd. r It. ll.irko in a salOM at the corner of.-''.'li-, an »ml M,,m,g sU., and rohhlng bli» of *H 1'atHi kTisrnay, for breaking Into the eton« «t Thomas Mnnahiuint No. HI West Twelfth-t-t., and Iteallng 111; Heorgelaving»'.. ami Win. Hum« wen. h, lil in tl.ouo hail.baling l>»eii .night lal,» on 1'iursilay night In the storeof I'lniiiiiaa Itovne at No. ttt Klghlll ave., with a ¡niiull«'of gooils, ».line tmatmtr,

MBOIBKNIS.s,i,rr,v,* 'euri i ham l>era By .Itt'l :.. Brady.- Bam-

II lil li-' M li.»,, ¡atori -4.'. ra»»U u» liai. t ¦-» «»-o'. U'il »ft.LsIidI II« n t «I .Mullel .nal«*''.

.», Ill'«.IT»

TS .,sia ',, BsafeMII ia.. ." s,,« -,,.

lai...s.h««n.l agi. llanfV,llî..Ki.,|..iriri i., gama11 MraM» »wt XX r'»nlit»..Karl,« »«-t. s H. li« ....

in..Kian lg\ < "¦-lu«»'».II :]'.,.».,: igt !». fatgtII». >'ant« »ft Samsl-i VV al'.m, ant ILa.g ra

Hi IM-, a.-t KagínI.'i as- ig. VS alali.'I I' IWn i(l K,lls-a.

I«..Mhsn.laBagl. (onlyW..B«B-ss «»t Mas.in .Nací.« art N«lli«aa.19..Basses .*.. fee.VIA -, ... ... Me.

»' Ham» agi Sam».lal Hrunnan a.t. gninn.IS..Tsa Siun lyt. WsBsr

kUatUAaat.Taa n«»o it Bseoai »^

Isassss »st- fiemt »a.

M..a*aSaSaS «<- M bf.B, K«mnt..s «^t. 11,-n.ainia.», lir-at n aft .Mi*«. III

1 I*. ..Um» a<t Ki, '«I».B. UM.« «gt. N.rr ».

I C1. Mhrrnlaa «gi. OaoSSSIII S'h.-r Oin ,gt .larkins.Ill OsUkstk art Kinki»!.;.' v«a Wsgssragl ll«iaia*r14 1. fmk» a*Ti. Wnllh»n. m ... i<i i,. te Mr. mud

II liar k ley nt. Thiirne.14»» Ile-, ,,,. Muí.»;|MT..atsCsaa tgcllrorr.11.4 '.nur» ./I K»arB»f.l«J..Iirimn,ssl»e..'«'r «,-. I»r'.n,

llisiarr.1 -, .H.ksait. Lssg.I I. Malana agi SWsa

TOR WAHI) DOCTOH DUAOBXB.The iiivcnt¡K'ftli«)n into the circiinirtt-aiin« oon-

ii« ted willi ihe as4iiult on Dr. John N. Merrill of No. 16«¡I'-enwii-h st bv Deputy I'oroii.T Win. (Hliltie, M. D., mtNo. tt (¿n-eiiwlch-st., In st.pteiiilxT last, waa contluiieùyesterday liefnr», .luat.ee Dowling at the Toinh«. l»r.Meriill was al U ml. ng a va oin.»,,, vth« ii Dr. finn«- caine lu,d. < Iiir« «I that the |»ati«'i«t Wa« hi«, and MHMMÍHiiasaul! on Dr. M.-nlll willi a et tu h-sliell, nnd the two

iluctor« hii.l | livcl) tight In Hie QMM adiuiiilng that... «¡i

j.1 V) th, |>.»tl»-iit. Dr. Menill, the coininainanl, when

tTiiie-exiimliied, staled that lu- bul known I»r. *-hlt,e

since I'eiiriinrv, IBU IBM bMB a |ira« ti« mg |>h) si» lan

since IrVV, iii.d was gratinai..I from tho fnivr-ity of

Ann Aris-r, Mieh. ; on the tlav of Hie si.iaiilt homet

."lune in fi» nt of In« own door, wa» .«tau.Ung on the

aim,,» when BhlM inforiiie.l lill,, tli.it the erlill, alo glv en

liv linn ,o Hie Hoard of Health relativ, t«,ti,«- «i. .«v ti ,,f juin. I ragbag ni it,»oneil, andi »i ii (.1-1,1,1. ) batt Beea entered t<> investigate the nalI. r i..lil ^tittie that he had tilt, ii'led the man from theIii-t. Iii.»! he h.ul <«iimill«-«1 oth. r j.ht si« tai»»« r.l.ilive loHu nu aiid ne'lev rd lu* li ni a« I«" I righi Iv lu w n I oldii, an Insolent numil" r t»> cone to the ( nnnir'a olll «. nathe following day, a« aa laveettgatloa was «riler.* i m theease, laaibaa wai III Ihr li hours, ami died at No i.A liant--t., on hi pt. ii: on thal s.nne evening witnessotHhlnt ia the apartments of Mrs. Halvlhlll, at Ko. .-i

W. -i-i. lu- waa staadlaa bl the n« i-iih* of the path ni,when Dr. i-huí' demanded li an .-t, lied manner t»> knowwin in- w.,-1!,»-1 «', aii«l »mi' -l n-" woman aa bia patientwit: ess s.tlil, -V,rv Well, *-i r I hit. in» «.iij.-i-l Ion tovoiir takiiig ti;" ami »a« li a* It.g th« ro.in w !.. ii au

ititi ntl ant .«f th«' |>ai:.ni ias'Hte 1 Unit lu siiounl r'tnilti.im, Mr. Mali iimi s.u.! he preferred Dr. Bhlaej v,n-ness then treat Int.. au i.d)..in.ig room, anti wa«

wt-liliig h,> h.uitls. winn Dr. >liin«' '.me ludemanded «In lu¦ Inlerfeti-d » lib lils Inisln,

without »ultim.* for a Itpl.v.Uni,

il a large emit li shell,dealt lum iililimi.il tl.e lie.Kl, an«! aiisetl a bad -«'-ilp-»oiinii, Mi-- i .aliin- interfered to prevent th« Habt, ait-lu w..- foniii away iy shine's threaten ng to strikeli. r wilm-s atti nipteil" to in h "hine, nut the latí, r

Le),i linn olf i,v striking hm. m the fací with the shell,I'SUsing severe wolllol« ! he till ill.» Ibrev» >ltilie oil It.,.¦love, aad Hie latter Mt bun on the ana) wttaeea wasIle u seD, d liv Mr. Mulv Hull while this atsnggis wss; Ung on »M i--V»,Uni-, the .itt. mian I, nui to the door and»bot iliil '. Murder." anti the police ian In and ««parat« »Ithe combatants; beorlag the polic« eoailng la.Bhlm ranlato the ¡cil.uniiiK room; witn»-« hail no1 s.»n, «-«l the

.-. ., hot li, an» idiit wi,i Muli illili joint ti in li, ,,tai k ><> <"

Hu a waa 111.li .dio.inn-,1 until th. -'lit !.»-.

P«»-r «,1'FK E -yl AK1KKI.V STATF.MKM-.Tit«- toll.»-tint: stillem« nt ihowa tin« lot (|ii.ir-

i.i. lah ¦'til,, Rfew-Yecfc Fait Omra with European.i the West LadW:

mma«< a.,Bl». i KWiaii.n1 .- -, V'-\ta |. ¦-. H...',r.

Brilsk 71 -4.. mi. r, .,: n, a>. '- *.:¦..-: mlim ^ ll> Brea Í. 11 .na

kee*'' *''"> ,tttttt\ km** 44-i.r, UP*, at>.'.».,3» litu «i. ».." .N.».. nnii. l ¦ a:, i..

i: 1 in I r««a»*. . II '4 I.» i» Mlmttaiam ll.tM IJ3ST1 Baiatssi. 11,11 I.Ill mt

li».I. la. «lil I. 11 .Nsth.rllD.il. H '.'.IS""'saw. i.'.J J ¦», T..'i ..i' s»i',rrlaiil I i-.Ill .. I«,' .' I DI TI lulj. I » -


¦aa mi

¡..1,-1,tx B1UJ ¦.»!»BIT I»,,«.

l.tt.-.a.11..»«., r.:.tatm

n to I r i. . , r .

I- -,

t.arr trC ft- ii, RsfBM.I..-.).., ¦,,!.. .., BsNfa .I. l-l!.. »»a a» tetwmmaiteW, late*, ii-i«.


ti-4u.rr.-iai I.-.-.¦.«,. ¡.

mi. HBTHODm MlflMOVABT BOCHTl'J he (¡(lierai Misnioiun ('««nnnill«m ni llie

.M.ih.slist l.j«i«c.«pal ( hiitih n «nun .1 its session je«ter-'I -.v a! th« Mi-«!,ni ltuoui, No. soi liionlwi,J. l(i.h,ip¦I'm-- IT-n.'.-'l. and MahOfi Morn-, ft ..tt, -iu,|.s.,n.Aims .-,.,, I Clnrk 'tele ii atlei.. lan e Tin atiiiual mMMhM*prêtions fo» fore»gn and thghmtk ml-Moii-- «>» n* t» .twith i»n Meiluslist Church were considered »it <l» tu i.iii- spprt.pr* itii.it- f.r the ensuing veur wii exceed1 »an«»,, of win. I, (be ii,issi..iis III Itadii» lind Allic., willr«i*i*ive >..'..«.'. m,»-...n- m vai a us p.»i!s ,,f Rurope,

«a tbe remainder, if».,«.«»«., will ne distributed mla,« l. «. The follow I ng an km.g the appropriationsfoi m monary piil|iuain la the I ulled Btatea: (labaiaa,t '. I. HI nore. UrtU', li¦-.. k l^tve,,, .Ninth, in N,-«vVoih, «l.iaai .ti fo.iiia. Ma»«.'. ( . ntral Illinois, li..»»,.« »'..,. Ne« N »*a,»i, « em al Ohio, |1..¦'«,. iiitralI-« ni.- Itum». Sl..*s« ( it. iniiall. I!.an; ( olor ob« (one¦Uthof the territory in he I miiil Htatcs), Uj»v ti* aware, ti.-t.i; nea .^l Ines. BMHO; iHtnut. 14..**»«. I ,,-tlinne««!»', 4-t.i. i M| Ml 1ne, 13,000; ¿ric, U.0W»; Uem¡aa, |MB¡ (,...i , i.i«»»; li,,..,i», tftvn. Indiana C'a..loviu. V4»., »d'.

I'.nal .i. tun, m, !',. «,. .ppropri.ilion« sil, i" ,i thllafton.n. al in« ii'tii n e« lug «u iii. i, ,.,(.-..v,' ^lllsll,u,.

H'MTIM. Of A \taaat I'"IM « \h] TNi«* i.m.mis ,.f ih,. 1,-itc (,.,|,t U liliu,i linn*

U I- uti« ». w. i- r.ml mun the r-.« vi;,^ vault ,.fI-'uif, « t u. i. ... aa -aturil.it l.tsi, foi rio m', i m. ;(h '!,. We» l-oir.; « , ,.,, t, , y file-, wer.' r.. . i., .1 I v h'.s

.-- ..mi i-«««ned loth« ( hajHi, vhMa airvleeewen.oti.lii.l.'i '} tin ii.» ;,r. Vu,Lu, of Tiinitv ( luir,''..«let Lau. proi.oiinc-d a timler »ni..gv «n, tin char¦..'""i it ...itiM.i, li,,--i malí,« wer. recortad t«"" ' "" -" '.. n»» ».rp-»-ft adata, aad Ha n Hie ..«tpi.,>. r lu it. ml ,,,,! n,,- i.r, .,.ii %,,¡i, v« ,lr<ll uv#f |||(|

M',"i 'In li,hu. fi.,- lit n.,¡u, C,,iiiiu;tii«lil (ifVlsaaaBarg baa laaeaaeed, hiMmNaaei wltb the or-i« i« of tin uaaetal »i Hu-Third Army, tim beaeetortb. very Irin. pi.m , ,..|||lt: ih.i». e min the interior if fíamewin be a.t-"i.psiii.,i hy laBaeatlel lahahttaau, wbe w"' Place«! onthe engine, Thlsngulation.il« -..)s.isi,eeeaai aied by lb, rnqueni lutu.ies to the rallwsje, aadin w,ait.-s ii.. |Mmulatu un.!, i-tan-1 that theil oatt «min" '. BUI '.« -uff« i'-r, :f tr..n,.« go ntl ti,,- n a

Hu* pUBRUBBfl (»f Ila- Ami. rimn^ ih tim* t\e-lettbed »v tin Algerian a. w-|.i.per, the i VAf«ir, of thelilli ut li i« . port,.,! sa t., m lo U rein .1 on that the¦ »i- ii -f ti.»Benth«neu la on iBftallt li pr.K«. d,gi«-> ..tpi'i'v ubi waaazBectad TBij^ibtmlnjilgb« tau li. « of Ih, ..( j,auil.as." lui! II,, latta r lim,.iii...|e m "n .. -in . in..veulent agii.i.s, Ih» enemy, andMMedelgbl.B and driven ih.m i.u. I. OB the ethel""! nuiuennia tribes nbedlenl loth« Instru« lion« git,.,hem. »res...ki.g abelter near nar forttfle.1 pis», a, naru uiari. Rogbarand Tient, which an making pnparalions tot .le'.-,,«,- .amusm lu, ., ,,,,... ,,; «.(., |, ,|.. .. .,

-ir- ",n lie and well anne<|. an prepared for a »I,.....m.-,ireetstaa.ihe nbels, while troops an teni

i tim i", nts whit I appear ,u.,.t ».«,.,i. I. order i i-rush ihe ..n,,i,,,., ti,,,, UghtlngiaaB. The départaient.'.f Aiglet a and « »ran an. lu.-parti,g v.-.v a, tit. h lo supni) asmihiii ni Ur«. wuhchass« tiftts and mitraJUetieee


SlTITlIltï le*, liBild »i- K ¦».'»> -Ha -U"'. -a« ""a ..-> I harr .».'¦ pn fntfli -, ('.ti nt

Pa. a r.i» IV» .'.'. ii» N ti elia« i' IS« Poat-¦ )*.ta U ;.u a m

M» ¦i;i|.l"in»n.«r; Mail M-aniaiiia aa.l» al t t i»

Maila tnt Pinn.» .1» tiri, pet »U«maler. I »faralt«, aalta fr-n»I-.-- It» DO u it lauta M Um t-aMOlaa ..:. t) *. m. N» «appin"». i».. Nul

«.ila f ,r li» U.naa» Hkt'ea »i» Urn»»», par »t.a.turiilp l>»i<|«rlilia*<1,Bat a/ThiM-aC lla«tk.a,alo«ral i. l-t')!.«. a« i. .« No Suppia-¦»««.Ur./ Bait ti tumi, ,, mut »tip. i».

BtllllAVT Nun IkAll Ball« w«. ., J., «i II u ' m i a. «a Ta» i-..'. >¦ w la mora fl.ia

It -Ma ilam

mWI FACKAGM FOB TIIK PltK-IS.«olala» iml prirarri nf raaarU irntiai al IS« part tit r- ¡,,»«»..«j ,.

1- -r :«,.¦(¦, a Irraami lo tb« Haw Ynrl A«»,'ian f ¦.«» '.ni; I»|.'.«>i«a »ihi ..linn th« arl.« ¦ than if ol 1 W Ht-ao-Oon lea.»talAl'm Ni-»« ;.«¦ -. «.>.i I..» ¡I,' lomrmM nt i;memrr-e Timut Tmnvs»It .ii MB -' !".« ' tmruj Pati tkrvtmxtrrtiu Ai'*rlX.er lOimtltZeHwxp tai '!.¦' Vurkrr Ijtmokrtl atinalii alan b« «l«l »«r- i- If «aIk. Mia. .-. «

Ml.su,: 'H Al.MANICnat rlmi I »1 .Hai. «y-ta , <* Mimi nara I SI

n: .-' ..I» TNI« lill.

BOaaj ll"A I) Oil'lut'llalaJiL. H ill liri. Hal« ...HW

siilFI'lSti is li LL10EH0EPOHT Bf NK.V-ÏU1IK No« II

» I.KARKD.«¦»«¦vi ¡a «a. if Parla Mr liol -- I ,.rj>.,ii lit.atti. Walla...

Ph ii.|'-l|.lii«. a.uitn-a|. link», Iti.Uii-Iph.a, Sarah. .'.»»«, Phil«

Mup»-<-inn-lAn«-», l'«t'»r»oo I. .win» Prul« «f th« iteemn I'oiper.Oral Mitti «)*n, Iii. Jin» r.

li, I W Mtr-r ll.rnard. Point . Pit.*«I r m ÉaMaB.Lansaaa,MaleMI '.'"-' t'-i» .i«»r»«.to.«. «tai.««

H-¦ arl i-iruila.it! .|.l», pli» Ürnth.r». la ra..«. »I«'«.««, ii»),II» Brt'f'.rl. Na Maa N P.Ha -M..'il» I'.rl't, »l.'ratl.i»» M OsSfgS <lr»n»i1i, Mart Pallan..,, ,,<. Bifttrr «.¦! «...-. Faaari Bular, Habfki, n. n il

M. Ilrnuliiii'«, l'un l.uu «'. l»r K')» «i'l K»r»»«t katata BarrillaHamm. M J .'in I. li »V II Mann. »toe'r.. Ja-mt .-..ii I la... .1

li i.». AlmaaMa BaiwssBa.aa, jr.,Parts«, BslUsattaj lasBmlall J» Mm. l-h.U1.li.hia

ARRIVKD.«t'innli p hirlrito» Ilrrri, (har!»«t.iri nil»» «t«,Klr»in»»n|. Fat. t« Pr-rma». Hilla.l.-lpL B BI «rl li Vl.irr». ir. P.irt'i|-I«n. I', rt »«-I'r. .-. lil Uti '»/«.»od.s. n- lil « A. D MM I»'«I. Mirtna.p.» "Ut« «u< ir

Hrhr. Arti««.«rwi»^, «li»lfr«t. VVHniiKi.m. 1 Ia . asssl Attm.ttri,,. «inniiil VS»rr»n. .Vhi-atl»;. Wunni{u>«, N (... i I«/« -,».m

»ml n»»«l Barsattmt Mar; l-oni.». «laakill. Wnl'mt.* I C. na «I «tor««.

«i auaasst anaa »ae « ttamsma.«Ha* Wright Pall l!rT»r. IMJ« Bl« I liri Ni-« Ha» n

V, len lUrn.a. rim ll»»«n. J J .Id-, V»-» II»». ».

«iri.nlrr N.« Mien A- Hort»». N» a lill .lu

M IL « arl »k* Kli«i :h....rt «"..««n, KHiahatbaart.«',n.|.r.ll» Part Iol.i.iioi .M«> It'll» PattJaBaM1¦ tmem Oma O a B. BSaaaaa, it., .ton

A. Vi« « I »f, IL.iiiuaL 11. K « iipnnn las BM11,-awn« ihinlvnL Martks wsaM. BsaOsBLAlert Al ««it T J. Oar-»«. Ain.njr.Wn,,' mmatmt '. " »*'">*¦ ,u".,lII. I'. Sharp P.I.Mlar'.hoort. P M'rwm BHta-WthpartJ «a-ph'i.r. K!li a -it non. Y.,. ¦". HBakalfcpaflIr.ti'ea K1 mltttkatrk Vfm ¦'. *»"]. K1 u irt,

Ragarsaa, Pin..iKtiij«irt a WaMana. BBahalva»Bprar. Kl.i.i»-l.r>..rt. A (i. s.l »r Bilah.I) Hu»»-li Kliial»-tl*i».'i i karl-r ()»l. » >

Jaa phSliil'i'i.rr Is» II«.- a K . OcniSN, .*»-.- ll«> ».

li. pKb rnlillie ¥. «:. «m it«, i'r.,» i...,-.

II»til/ Ma.. I'r.it laaaa John I.anra»tt-r Pnt'ltn.-».»I. IV. I'uiBDianaa. Prati.taai«. K I. K»»»«r I'r.-

i..- . Marr .-»T lni.il.iu>.-.M K Oin». Pr.tii.-ifr. Auld. I IT .». in"

J. N. k J.. «'. Ailn na. I'ro»:!«»«*»*. R, li Hh.nuan AtttgtgatkI Ki loh». Ur .t(«|.-..-L Mar; Ann». N«r«rii*h.a. r. Blasf v»««rt, J. it. Alias k«i il,»tj.. .¡ih.i,r Pall iu»-r. tmttmtatb.Qkmattmmtc. Ham.»lo -, .NiutiirkoL s ,n Wini.1, larwsik.Win. liri», l'-.rtl«».| Ck 'rai«!»r P'.rtlin.l. C,L

lUrhrl KaJwirla. P.-rtUo.l Pi Birril«/, Sa'iilipurl.II. it, laataa, Ka- », ,ri A 0. I.««ii .1U«nf..rlI. II y.inn.ana Paaturk.l, M n ii' Wa»br.orn. N-a Batta.I .«it», Wi»U, Pa.l HIM «a.ni'.bi NMBal «

SAILKD.svam«Mp IBüBsaaM b»Otmkti%.BIMI.Nuar-l. »tkt, I V» rloar.

DoxBSTtc rona.aaeies.Bsv.il. inlvM ti»ri latai Tori.fr.»» Babea Moal,

'.. ..f ('..rl f..r N.w li.rh.BtVABSAB d«. Ni.». 11..Arrirtsi. hark !>i»itU»« baa Ol

r.. lu. m.; «'iir «I ark!,tin N-a frem ."»'.¦» Var»., Baruss, fur île« lurk, (Jr ..:« lu li MM lall

1-o^a, for l-.i-rpooLrORBIOB P0KT8.

y-.««»- lav. IL IV « imUi i^tiaifcau glh*Alkal taml.i...-!. «r: »I li.« ,".¦« »-» li»

M1.VI«»» INDI.Ti . in Jan»-. E. W«f>l. l'»rk. fr..n 9 aaasSh, ah rh ii»it«l I"tk,

Lu .n" v lo li «-i;. .¦-'. -r II (Hu n n

lag rbrtachaat .'an wUlt I'lt'H lbs SMkar al h« .fain'. II »»al

..rl ii.» p.- ni «,f s«u«li llo..k. aa, ru» irlo lo ti.« I.na Manan», ala.»« rail1. j a' a) f.al.« 'I fttt " ll"lla» "li U I it«! "J-'l ¦ '.>*.

N0TIC1 To MABtHlBB...» .'i..*».«, »o ilial on Ihr »trnini of NoT.mla.r II lo" 1

Kb ¦¦'. ih.- lifi.i »rdrr, »i I 1* ubialiad baa aataw pt* light-¦I-' I, r-'tillt .nTta-d ii. I.'l I". ' f » I* 1 «I l'»'ll"i».

on » "k lapu >>ioal at th.- mouth of York Hivi-r In « h'lii ia « II

1 no <tl! .. »s,l "» >!.. -D->1 .. nilla that aho.kl ».ii t* tb. ti ... "Í lb«Ihr '¦ f "in ih« l-ihil'i -i- )»' rrnni--d Hrw Pnlal

« ..., ..,!. |M .i'l »:¦ t'l L'an N. h« Vi ,BMsM b\ nut -ti mil«.i ,. I it», f laaLt rci.li'ng a-. U ) ksstl A I'. W I »USt ^l U«uu-

,.ixn r-.. «¦ lobs rasa ht«...1 arti »'¦ ' irfSBfr« Cat i»mr.truck «i »n-irni iMarvaB«! in tcaaaM ii iii«»' «« Ibt V. -.tern-, r

»i ih» IgkUMsaa,aal wU u« k'jii .u afaasBlM iiur.ujiiii i»«i thi.k«»«!..-:

lill.-UI n« :'ee U al.., e-.iex, tatt th» f.« h»l'ii Wolf Trip 1. ii .li«i«i«r...... fura .-1 -..¦«. i- Issiaal ol ;«i. » «-..:«,st n

ReligioBl Xoîicre.Alb-.i-il. M. B. 4 hurch.-1'r.t'h.iiir I«) VKi.'tK« >»»

li. i »I «I i-l ii H| 1 l .- u.ulll-, i¦ . a -,' .. n. .t I .«-^«'a «11 frrr.

Aaaeefattea Baili. At* H D u«s-i ).-...l . li lu. pr.a .¦

'.. lad i

1 Piihlu- Mceiin.1 ¡rfihr SBW-YOtK BAPTIST LAIIN'. «-«'II » It IN . I. ti -I» V (til at' S It ¦

!.. Ir.iuli.i aaai !'«..¦ ITU I' K.M.St. .N.» li al. -. I- UM! -' I._

Anthon »leeiuriiil f hur. h, I --.t ...

V . ?-« .ni."« ni »allia i» naaskiag h> «h« bi.s-i.ir, H-».I. u,.io.it >l.k» luBAt Aliiiiaun »I. Ba < burch. Norfall i Ulah..o

Rial «ii . II |- met SABBATH ÜOR515Í7 al P | A ... ¦ aaf ..1.1 ..!..r- .ni Maali *t l\ t» i- «.1 .-.»t^l li.-* «.. kv.

»k nun li Ki'. ,-'. n ii ..i'» . ie. «¦ ita I roi «ti. I'liiLH' I'ilU'.lPi will ip-r.i kuatstlM

.lai alt tn» a» a!'«.!,«.A lli«ronr«e by the Ri-v. Ilnlarv W. Knapp, uT>Z.. ,, i »li: Chaick rut ¦¦:.-1... at.. »\ ii. ««j,, ui,-, «IM'l.

I», NINO N'..r. li i! .;,,.:...» h. i'« t'r. <v S:nn.-. » ii.« I' *«l. .li!.'.

r.tpi.ll» Hull, l!r «UlT !¦'!..- | . M TB0BAÏ(. il.K« POturit» aillnssk ksfcf« it» .«.«s»!»«.'FiagnMn lpt1 u«l>l. «I Ni»AV «t I') »',1 :\ ... .«-I. .«aiaj'.u i. rea ti.« liar cuolivl-

r. .Nu i», rvad '»n-.

Ill -»iiiil»' I'hureh..'li,. ' ail wat-I Iri ., itali. ...,-: »r 'f 11 «MM lad faSFWaSkS I .»

I!... l.r. BKLIaOWB «ii piiaM. "U .«I Nun .Na. ia. üom.u|j »»*-I l-.r 4 J Srlt.fr«._

Ml«irne».»t. If. P. 1 liiir.-li, l,.«w»>-i IVIjii.-.r m.riinlagton-It.-ll" BartM, lev, .1 I' «Wiri. Mil ytrset,. SAllBAlil it I |t n. «..i.iri. ra \ aaf| oi r»-... k... .,. ». »\ ai 11 ii .i.Nera'V. «¦'. at 7 .*. ii « I t fr <-. vt-.!k---a

A feerae ef l.eetarên. li : M i»ioa W»rk «fat. Aua'tkf r D .Mn'-> »i. t- aivea in ib» Haatoiath»

Ki« li ita n MONDAI EVKMIMiB Bar li..Ii r».- tre ty |(r» SIM' li «'«(,.-ii

I». I», «i. i. .-ti: B'owaa M Kaisfa" li arti for thi « our»», <*1, i..la Ll-l a' ia- "'. !. t ruth, r parin ulai« a»- »li. r«i-r i.rul«,

Aaaivrraarr».Tbc ..«nal Ata »: of á» ItuMm» ' «a- ' l "" i-f 0» Pti-.-tar«

« barn, ill b« brUM BI'IDAl IVKMIIO, Nor. U. kkV.» p. m I"titt «' i; ... r iL-r I'l. rt) ...»bill m. II bos P«»I'IKIl«ilp. '.' A sert »111 Mt rn'«-h~l kj th» Bt. >|.iH(,»N dix,I« ii. ii» asaaai t*o*i! «ill b r.«<i «t«! «u s.!iir.-M ».U MBala bt.,«! »t.K-'iN ! N. ,«.. . : Pakula Mm II« «KATU» P-OT-.

II -i al Mu »MIHI II HI l!IV< II « rr..;., lina-.«-«-r.urT.Rihlr OaearteBa.Bet «>s«'aii BOBO «nu prtsrk to-muk¬

ki .»» »!"HNIN(riu VViwhi'.irtoii a-iiur» M h I burch, ce-ntir Potirt'i-. K.. r. «» t.:t. j ».»or Ii the .«"iiij, Mr Hu/., will pna.h i»

- 0, Ba .iin'1 I.»:»" lit...m» aal Bpriaf-sa R-1 a. K.t.-l»il«t.l ll.jbl«. llr'.guii.i «al I«.« ». ...

bali« ii.ii'r r».

4 hnreh ni «lie I urn ron linn. Mil -, .-r laITh l< ¿Ph >t

Tbrrs« tir D « r»«s aad Hsraoa .-r urtiiiï BVKKIva «h-Uli. ii n at ¡iotiuck. ¦*««:« ti«**, lit K«». Pt. M«».M'ii«»UKIii »-'i

_I liureh of Onr Father (i-'r-t l'oiieratliii). i ¡»rm-nt it» »,. .

. »I li Ailsa .¦. Bfawklra Ksv. K. C H«il.IT« i'«,-lar. Srrr'r.« l"tj a ..i. KumI»» «ch«»tl 2| p. m eianlnx»«-« Ki;¦. r *",.,i. I,. .*...... !.. ilS Kr, ,, 1.*.

t'ulinry llitplt»! < burch «A -t I *. ¦.- .- I ILil " Itk i ««. rr« Ii-Lf ht -h» Piator. Itr» K » M « H I« K..»« r» BAH I ITI. at I« -, a lu »i.'l 1« p. m. «'iin».r« U». in,

.' 'ivi'tsl,I burch at the A«ieii»iiiii. Piftl ira .o i. n I, a- lotta

IrnlS »t.rv .«I NllAT h» 1NIN«. .:|o.l»k. MllMlll tm} Uiut*1 »i ig aa rrancir pin-» of m lahip ar. aprrallr tn»!»»t «»al« frr»>.

t orinll »leiiioriiil li. L. I hnreb. 'Iii» Soul«. ,

. « ».u a«tr«kipl»a in bt Irmpann < hip.-!. c»rii.r Ravai." ¦ II « r 1« -., . , r..-, Il(

V1«.i:i:nH Ml.»pa Ad-ln-u»» »:!l hr | tea l.r I'.k lit..«mis » v STOI ». i«»M:i. n:tnv .( i,«»\iL' - Ol«.»It r-i Kal I" KIO au", ether« Prnth l,' it. «li» ia.ii-u.Dgal | li,, ii... »» 1*1. \ TI. Sar-r.-kutot at th» io«, au, ii«, . ¡|

I K I'll .:« H ti ti.

DI» lue -»er» Ice « | l'bap.1 ,,f tb« An i- I.« linr.1 '¦ ..).. i »bert :.«... mt» at I v tb an im HAU-KATU AITlKNOOl al i it* rjlaaaoaaf Um Uro» Sapprr wiU at

'.!.- II. i MM. IIKIUI «iiligili ill l.utbi eui I hiireh ol Iin II,:, ,,,...

I»- .. .. i't»,r-i Hu, tad «it,...«. Bra n V h ilThlI' n »«t -"« ». Bl Ni 11 ra li. .« al «. m mt li tb

I na!'mt in Hie War of Ihr Ki-hcIlion \ ,-.... a .fH " li.a M P H Sl Nilli .1 .j) || ||, .,. .,,'.«.¦..r 'i i.-i .... ¦ « r «.. ti, ti. 11 »» w. BBOOM, te» lo

' -. ..-. .«ion.

I jhl ' .»l»th-»l. 11. I:. I hurl.. I-- .. ne ,ihi n j »¦*.(. «al 7| p.m., t.. lu» r li. ila«.«i. i, i

ii --.a.r

Fnsllrh l.ulhernn I hur« h «I »>r. Jalur», V ...

ni »r-M.-«Prra«blag bl Ibr Puta «MSI' «Al I'kib Mi'llM.N«. It), ,tul KV:..NIN«1 :. o'.-ork

. li t in

It.. 'i- inui,-!» »I. « (iua-llou.e lu New-\ .ria a

« . ... MBUATfl ft.I a, r .... 11. « 1 I I ¡ah!. » I li a. «I «oil : : t.

«-i ilaaiDs.« ¡i.'i'.r-,,!. Mail] ¦.*-.j w ati.»:>«l ¡rut.i« If ta«.l..i! Ua»l «ii, ina te »brui aia* una


lu. Heibediol Sewseaperlaaett readf«- i.n.». e.'ji>.' .'in ¦'. lil!.

l.»dT«»» JilSfc'PIl MAlKkl. lalaiwim lyn.' *

»l at N I_

Free »leibodiala in llro.ihlio. Pr»«ck.ag bl otu fut i ti¬ll.. IORI (ii PN «¦ SABBATH (la-¦awi»I «i tv Bart »g II. «.«.

I BSBl !..ni al a.ii lb J ...t. ««. i-t l)r .»li ,, at II a« ,. ,a lal'¦ - '» al,, al « .« at 1 »r « I Ju ,wii ,.k.1Pl.t- M« llio.l«»!» lil llrookl. II. 1 »lm , , i'r.irr a h'kl

""¦ '¡I |-»P I« » M.V. at Ik« r a.> l.r. I. . K IIBACIK1 n II i|.i,,., n. al :." pia. t,u m « r

I a,I »¦- :.. I

Free Meihndlai N.-wapaprr lb. em il«iI*i ii i >. pul».t«-i :i marni II ».....- Bl«gl» r«pl«i -.,"»¦« s-l:Air II if ..-I « ... ; |] . ti.. II I,:. «I.o liri .¦!-» '»'

Ilost III »I «« KI» I..: . > .k - it. N ».

Fl»r I'mill» lluuar ni I initial r*. I s". »Verm «I Str.i.n irait j ...,-. -, \nt, . ..j, m J »'clack p. sa ti.xifi i l.fII 'on P .1 r r. .

Five Pntnla Vll.-lon. . i. ..f i-., in Hr.-.f M P.«I ii«:.. a..mm. Mlaataaai ibshbas ¡tra J n siiakh.k sJ(-.r »«.¦»>«<!i .iSr.ii.» alola o-. «'.J i sMbiaa «i i| p »o Isb -«'.i i ¦. .i

"i » a. lal OmsI ia 11 n Y limttkerttmmt* ntlvt

QaTfOBI -«I. 'I. R 4 hunk. i»:«»-i. l.-.-nn. a J Ipi , ...«

K'» BISHOP ST«) . Ilprrarl St N11A1 «t '! .. m. i». «ndH. . I'M All III 1,1) al ',) ,a rio. 1 ia ht.'"i. aul. a

«^u'«t'a a ,.r Pi. i.tait .It« ii Ki.-nau I ill' . Sa.-ia-u . ill,,, la k p ». I .' ISaB « . «I li'»

Ila»» lu »»..i «ii.i Hu» i.i IV in. ','a«'"i--- .I ,,-. v.. pla . i. RTIPIII N II r\Niij» in li r.,,r.|i..f th. l|..|t lr.-.iti Ma-li..'.." a Ia« ..-.-» nj «»i «I M'l» M ria«) K» I.NlNli ii ., ri I

Hiirlein. I,., »V i « I.AIlKi: »lil i'lui« lu M« »ItinikV1»KN1N«I ,| in, ii,., liar hiiilir.l «' I« ih *t «Iloot«! na ,.i, ii,^,,iialn. Bal . ¦ - «: i . »" 'iiai-

»'»«I «ir ii.-r» .. r ol. .-I.-.iii.-.l.

Jahn Bl« II, K. I burch, Mara» N...» .,. I» am . .

Tb» Km i; JARKS «ill prcart at IS| i <¦ « I« «mil.'»li i Kkb.NI.Nii ii:,.I,c1 »««la Ii-«. Miiu|rricvni,ai0 i«

td S^a/lMÍíl'"rrk',.,"U"" "Ni "*<>'"trmakttnlui ... .'" f"1"'- ' '¦.*'. "» .« l"i a. ¦ MalTJT 2'Bah ... mai o. tim ,. t,... i, lt>.. ^ . J,,.," ".' J»i rw

ssloässä- i Kba.t5¿2p,,2:S..nîUr^?, ii'" .'"¦..»/...ri,,,, t horeb, Kr-«i * .,., ,Ä .V'.h"*"*"""4lll*Alll M'»KVIN. .., ,..,:*.*" '""fi, 7 "*. "."" "" '"«OIKIBa <ll4«4l«K.(«. 'ua.TL'JS"'WÍ I» ...UU.I a.,,,.,-., .,, U. ..,. . , ¿Mall' \'Z»Ula. gaMmm «.,,,.,. IBStrfensa I l.,rrk ¦'»¦«.»..rai f.j

»I idiacn. ive. IIh|i(m| ihnrrti ,. r .--. urt.»r»r KOBl.VsoM ., K.. si,!,, Vii ,/»" ,t ifT ,* ' "',l «"

rnAarrtal I p, «,' "-¦.»»».¦. ISBS4I, «j^-J

V|..n.l,lT Imrrn II. I n lilKPt. (IPO «V Man..john »« ..«»!«,Ms,pBr.i...fcii,.*.u..- «.«.... ;,£L*"*T ..,» tv .I 7 .,.., fo rib . MlBbAI .t 1 y m

"' ****..Nerlh Dutch I bareb, »vor v lu,, i»¿ Wai,,. ,u


lAÏÎÛrîSrï" *" ' L " .VA"4 ."^r.Hiru .,BsMsH »i ha-ol ii , i. ntI)»..' .a'*la^.,i.,,d.rw M'lNIHT Bvrvil»i,a,l7 au .l*.tarss, t.. ,..,»,.. WHISK my VK.SI.M, u ila «

I' * ., K ,. y li* A y KV KM.'..,.- , «' "

ii Kit.,n.t tee*prsfsramarna lafeaNMIaHitoAMrtNo I*.-... ». lo ihr World. ti,- nPwr,.. M t , .' ."' 'a i «.Il ,r «.h »,« . ,.r.it, vt ..

heal, fs« «.. .. Ia, ,"f th" Blsglsas ssl aViais st Bssl5 ¦New.\,,rk Tori ^oclel». Vmtk,nt\ TtVMOKROtV .. .

*l» ".¦« »' .. .r, ., .mt 4l.il ..n-' la,. ii. I.r ti.» V,. ,. |: , V ¡i MihPHi .. , . , -, J} *\ »"J

Hy m if hat, »» 11 lili. A ,.!,. "

>orlh II ipi ¡«i (bun li, nat lañare i~aslJKKNkl OBI -PatsaeMas, k* um tammm l>» It ., u, \s tun 4'II. .t II oast u 7 f .. »a»ta « ... w Hlol ,-',|,l|.t I Hy m. tatra* ft ,'.].,. -VI, .tCviVfK.h.Vltllit. . Trais» ,,,, r,«,l fai, r

KVKsiso «t : n ,.¦,:..i I iirliliiil-iTiiäTTj ii,SHe». W. H. il. tlarm», i» tor ..f u* r.rl ai t ua»-h |ajj .

«iii ¡.rsvit tit htm» *i i.. !«. IsBsesfBsf a HU n,»

BOB a»f.at"» st lb» Ils» gig's t'"ii<r,^»ti«aal Cha*'a, .,.«¦.

ass te*, tai fatif-em ,'i. «*.. .n WmTavm i»av k.víímv, *,. ,,»t 7| »---i, k tv pel th m sssBsBj m»i »t

Hot. Merrill Itirhnrd«on, l«'e ('.,-.«» v.» . ,

¦MM yal; ..f »',« Sr, Cn,'!.' .1 ,r i. r o ,

.a. I - '.vi DBl MT BTBBIM,.Bw n..BtTlp. BL TVila-fJ,,,,m in iii u* xx I 11 I'mi -r ii..-,.. 1,., ii,w.4tti, iiwvK.. ,t i-- .. ,... it»... J. n.

KABBIH 1» i> ..f.. ásgtss,JOaB i.ibi», I». l> o(l-,i«a»M x 1,

«Vi IB I» I, of N « llr. » ., liilt.iy.N, li I, m1 tit V

».K 1. w .i.Khit. :» 11 . r(.»..»,'n. j r nOMBBOB n I »

mitt-t. Herr,II Iii, U ntl ,,.. la.u.r 1.sa .( ¡Bl .'-. I 4

OssgiagMlsaal Obanb, wbsi M«.!».ua..»a ma Kurt..-,

¡,r ,1 n -I 111 \» '. w, i-r. « aia| ». m iel '.'; ps S,' )Rev. Hash "»m'.th llarpeMer «¡I » . ,

f.. ^l-ll al l'a lit«« .....

ROW 41.11.-. S., a ».a,.*.S. ,14 II- -- .. .'

It.-». I . I'. Tri.'» .!,-«

a« ,| a, .» l 1, lb'I tinirl, i,t li r ,,.,! .....

.-.«-.I I«.

Lev. Isasw Um-all, D. IK, « -, .1Cliiif., (-.I ,r. -.

1 ,n. .-¦, .,.. I ki I ¦>' I * .¦ in- "

fels '"«i .'..-¦

lie». (I. li. liol,rell ¦¦

iBrasa ¦ .-. ii< li' .. ka ¡r i.

Ker. Jam« « hei.net!) ..r I '. iiI«. - i^nian < hur. h VI'».; ¦

- I.... I«»-M«i l8 a'.v 11 , .... ::.-

IST, * H PSSBSB li I' j »- »I».

Id ligin«« Servier« . »

( latirru I » st/ a<..ia . . t

:.¡ p. mKe\. .li.' ii »l.li-a In» I» Is b1 for I -I

prvarl III '¦ 1 '>'¦ ii, III I *.-¦.!'I r-»'«..T'l BOIBOW, H3r.»n. OB *'l.MILK« Sid .1 ai, a AUil Las UsSJSWSS« M . - ' *«

Ki MM!.liri. \%. II. IlooU* »I'I i" «' ". '" VI. s -1 H K.. -, I

»in V4 II.«-. B. u «. iad ii) «a M'KKAT If IR.VI.I«, :¦. . a

l'i-.nr la th« vvasisaCa*VI .sun«1i. «ali...I .'. »al .. '

l.aua,.! BSS4bStSl »our. Bl ,« 11 . ''»».".' '.. *. I /

Hev.T. T. Kenilri. la, 1 ..

': I;;. ¦' KI».,« I" \ I4ABU -.li-¡A 1, ,., ,,,-a- In kia r«| .

M«»RM V. ¦. « ".....

ni'« PrsTsr Mi*atiss «. ia the »v«la* »«' les >, " '.bj li sum ¦¦

Rev. II. II. N..r(hru|> 1I' I . ¦.»ml l) y. n KsSSS V .'. , ., -I '.. « . .

I.,|(S). J. >l. I»,l-lll--,,. a

Is,,tl, I,.'-..' Talrtl'l '

UORKllW MOKJIINn »b4 BVKWIMKr», w in. ii. Baale ¦

V t M .la || , ... I I J M ,1. » |kt

liri, (I. II. L r«) I It nigh 11

Tr.'i".r. L r.r Ila I. -.11 Mbn«, a - > ,.

Kev. .lames Kennell,. P '


rti*, k. ¦. «

tiê*. t Ini-.T. I.r*. if '

1,1. .N u I. »' -i -..

r, Is Part." I

Meil.Mit» Hall, I'n.trt.eiitle.-'. I... ,".! '.:..! ¦', l.'.I

j,,.,: , ( - t» It«,.'.ii' la a.

Seieiilb-al. .V. la. I bareb,P i ¦¦ - t.iiit NI MottKIMiIV«, ., -. a lo k. li, Vol ; l«.v «'. lit' .. '! ..

»i-i iu. r*aasr«atal .v,-.r ¦¦

Beaih l.-eioru.id < I»ur. h. ia., r. Ta,'» r it .S,

.Na.« || ij ,. ..'a. I. ft ¦" | . I


>t. Nark's ( bon b, ..¦ Tb#!(.> I« I! «|RKM)N .: .. r

a. iu. a li » I" ¦.>. 1« li. »,, I.D. P., i

Spirllunlisiii KIMDil ii ¦ . M ta 1 tr, U'-r .i Kifbtb-SV*. »,. !«..«.¦- . «

mumwaai ta** »». r. ..

r.",»«r»" ».th lila,nala slli*.aur^. a M. I

Qasvi u.» 1 .1 s. 111 .

Nennen l>) He». Ilul-e» W . Un.Ml'. IK I lil"]J I'. T t. ht a ..al

.al. Baal's Itelor»«»,«! I».. u I her. '..l '. « "1.1,1 t" I HI U \

sus I». D.. Mlsialri -:,...,. SUAI .

. »vi "t aftaatkf.tta A mui ',» » I.I ,' I .1,, ,.:!.. r till»»i. Lui.»*'*« ti. v.. i burch,

!. ,. i .¦ si ¦. ,tli.«it 1.1. ami M ij y bj Kal Vt ¦.. 1. ..

S.'.. al. Li.I ta <

». ..'Hi I I. .!, bUI-l'll. al

Ti» MOKKtiV. Ol', a- 13 p. Bl. fi au'ali'-, a In: M 1. h tf sBssBIi«

Theltev. U »n. Hi in ¡«1. »o. 1 . '..1.1.1 laalf'll Kil ... ..,!auJ Ktia.viv

I S li «Tl.".! 'bs'pil « ,'

v, KMll.,1 !, . ...... v .«., I, ut, st-r ...

IM,.' | '.''a

TM,',.i).setei.ih-si. II. i'. 4 linr.'h,It IVSB r V.,r 1.1

n, IH I'^l.'r Btl '. !.. \"l - 1\ .0 I Mm ». ir IThe Jane-st. M. K. l^unil .».¦»¦bool >lis»,,.u»% "

»m t.- mkk .,-.¦,', «i muí ti-T \ .'.*. >.

by Isl. T. H. IIAi.i.'.'KI . ot ti . .r., »til Ihr. I'r.tir; of tie M K M Btirtiay S»

The Comer .».one f« -I» M Is ''¦ < i*-.' 'it 0 -i

Kai-th-srs » li t* I», I. wth. ¦ '

¡< Pul HI «ni :.l k1 *.

""The Teii.-her«' \««<», i.ni.iii .1 ..¡heitNehool I iiion" s II mart . '. »I I '

.» .r -¦ .¦ n 1 -i .'. BUNIU1 1 '¦ fc> >

IT" ».Í.--1..' 1 '¦ li''. IM '. la'H ...VI ii .! a

Tbf Nt-»».\ ni I, S|il'ilinil ( uni-ti- .. 1 II'll at ai, ,- «u.. ,11 MiavB.«. Ma li - V otu

Trln.lv >leihi.«li«( 1'pi.siop.i! I aurel», "

e nnr K nth «. v mrl »I'SI»41IS«, al , 0 clack I» Kn It. t.'.l S ..1 1.IM. al :. Urk, by Ba«. Dr. I.-Hi.»- M

riiiiersiill.m. « 1 a

Hutt K4 MSt. », .-. r ¦( I.....


\V. \V. Ilniiin oh -«»nu, -. 1* 1 ,-.,.... i' .. is»ml Werris se I'I 1- "

VX\ t Sa S

~\ uuna Hi u'« t hrisl.au Associslioil.rasas - « -

a..-, m «I Min l.v » tis,,, .» .... «» »'

lil.lil.. I- O « I« sa list

Printing.\\'.M. EVERDKLL" SON-S IW IM LI lO'CaCViillt jitlM J.'I. a .il.S .. a- '' "


íttiuícllanccuo.DRÜSIIEfl «.f F.VRRÏ DESCKIPTIÓN .' "".II j ¦- I- .. Il.r.s,, Ka,.I ..u T. All «



hsSM pitees iOU* v « '.

/ JUERLAÍN, \ I PKKKI'MBnliri Bt» U Bas Is Is IM* I« _

lllt.HIST PRICE p.ii.l l.»r <n.l» »0<>KS.II I'AMI'III .KI « NRWII'APBIUI, «aa all »..*

rill 14 J 44 i.I.I iss -,

pl.Wiis. inc.-Seven! v.-.y line PIANOS BlI ni ,1 ¦ . mai a- .. :» .».»¦ UrnasPia-««1 w « '*.'¦ I'» iltii« «j * I J si*« *. » " .-



katataBB« i«>hK K4MII.V KI HI «> ". >s rosuaa,U.U. ra-, . ¦ al .

TUK KI4.it KH OK ^HK I¦ 441.1.»BOBBVaalLB

ll'l'l.l* ll!..ss(.\lI44 4»M»M1

KIM 4M' a

Ar. I«, «rai aaO .heaiK»! K""««r» ia th» «u«k. .IslwTtal trra ,». '.....'r,.! s.'!:« HetuUjter »vi'' »

¦Bl Bl al .(¦».»» ..f Mraar» J. BTIBBB A ('«a.


Lui ta it io. to-ia. i (h .' ¦

K.< tsi.»ll M I»m

flUuhnifin.TANNERS, PAPER-MAKERS, ^»TRAj T-I OkM .- .'..t nisqstrisi is est*«sle.l .»<,«**3

. II «,,..r :u.a«ni«iarr»iaa«.aa«lla« l.»r «u, aaa l'!"*""^,,i.'. c«al. u« , ....1,.1,'r 1... n,.n amtottVomf »ml »««'«." ".

Ultim.>n> u ila i<«, r I»»'- ""u' ma. AtWrraa _mammj .»mu»»» >"u|aJJ) MM0 k^,^.,,^.11 a-