II11mm tat Tol. 75.No. 13,068. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, JULY 2. 1889. TWO CENTS. THE EVENING STAR PUBLISHED DAILY, Except Sutaf, AT THI STAB BUILDINGS, ffsrthvwt Omar PauaylTuia in. u4 lltk St, ky The Evening Star Bewgpaper Company, a B. KAUFFMANN, Prv/t. Tn »««*w Stu lm »m<! to rab*rr1b»r* In 'Jm rltj by etrrlni, as their own account, »t 10 cento peg ««k. or 44c per month. Copte* »t the counter. 4 cento each. By mall-postage prepaid-30 <*¦» . month. one year, t«. *lx moutha, tA [Entered it the Post Offioe at Washington. D CL,aa ¦scond-claaa mail matter) Tn WuitT »**».pnhllAed on .#1 » year, postage prepaid. Six mmtha. 50 esata. IVAU mall subscriptions most be paid in adnooti BO paper .entlougsr than is paid for. Bate* of advsrtMng made known on application. SPECIAL NOTICES. WASHINGTON GROVE, THURSDAY, _ July 4..Celebration of the day by appro- V nate exerclsea. A (hurt addre** by Rev. Dr. Oeo. H. Cony, recitation* by Hm Josie Lee and Miss Altachu, singing by a choir of forty voices under leadership of Mr. J Uyrr Train* will leave Wsshinfton 9 and 10 a. m. 12 .10 p. m.. return at 3 40, 6:12, 9 3'J p. m. Fare i>"> rent* adult*. 35 cent* children, round-trip. Heal* at hotel. 3.1 cents. A public **1<* of lot* will be made on a oew avenue at 154 o'clock, offering an opportunity for profitable investment. Trustee* are requested to meet at 11 a. m. H B. MOULTON, President. WABREN CHOATE, Secretary. Je29-*.t*w3t OFFICE OF THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL COMPANY, Assafolis. Ml) . June 28,1KH0. In order to provide the neceseary ninds to repair the canal and put it in good navigable order it baa been determined by the preeidt nt and director*, with the approval of the hoard of public work*, to i**ue three hundred thousand dollar*of repair bond*. These bonds will be of the denomination of one thousand dollar* and five hundred dollar*, will ran for twenty year*, will bear interest at the rate of *ix per cent, and will be *ecured by a mortgage of the toll* and revenue* of the company. Theae bond* are now for sale .and bid* will be re¬ ceived at the company'* office, Georgetown, D.C. By order of the board. STEPHEN GAMBRILL, Je29Jy2,6.9.13il6 President. THrTFOLLOWING PERSONS ARE EM- .^^5 ployer* of union butchers and are recom¬ mended to the patronage of all friend* of organized labor. C. G Pflrorer. L G. Botch. A. Loeffler. A. Huppert k Sons. F. Scifert. J. H Ruppert. Tony Ruppert. San tun Auth. P. AuguataKer J. fchsftr. }el5-*.t4w OFFICE M ETROP< >IJTAN RAILROAD COMPANY, Washington, June 30,1889. Notice i* hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders for the election of seven directors of this company will be held at tlii* office on WEDNES¬ DAY, July 10. The poll* will be open from 2 to 4 o'clock p.m. GEO. W. PEARSON, President. WM. J. WILSON, Secretary. le-js.Jy 2,4,6.8 REDUCED RATES ON PATENT MED1- ¦OXclNES AND DRUGS AT PRICE'S PHAR¬ MACY, 42ti 7th it . w. The leading article* hereto¬ fore *oid for *1, 5*c and 25c. are now reduced to »>9c., 36c. and 1 6c leapectively. Call and examine and be convinced. Our prescription* have been re¬ duce, i in proportion to o '-er Koods. Je2S-6t C. S. PRICE. r-5 tY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC.- ®v_S The large increase in my orders for Vapor Flu;d *trongest evidence of its quality. After once uslik I am sure you will use no other. .> gallon* for Toe .delivered. CHARLES K. HODGKINS, 919 7 th »t. n.w. Telephone, 787-3. Send your order* in by postal card. Je'-'T-lm SECTION 4. COMPUTING THEFIRST .v.3. large volumeil.lt'O pagrs) of the Century Dictionary, will be published next »eek. JeS-lm Office lOOti F *t n.w. - -. V J. F. MANNING, OFFIC Z AN 5 WORKS, 1320 >/' n.w.. Has cpened a Bra.: :h Yard 14th and New York are. n. w. The largest and faiest display of Monument* in Washington, special design* furnished. Je8-lm Sf - ^ THE GREATEST BARGAINS YET IN ¦ Dry Goods at LI TTREL'S, Cor. 20th st. and Pa. avt u. w. Ian received. 10« more White <J nits at 76c.,worth 91 Oi.ecase is-st Percsies at 10c., wmkljc. O 'case iati>.te at Sc., worth 12c. Lot remnants of Bin. k "(Iks, at prime cost. One case 4-4 Blenched Cotton ai S.., worth ltic. Great ttargaui- in \»hite Goods. U.'dt rwcar, Hosier), Gent'* Outing Start* from ">0c .><3 A new lot just received and cheap, tor barga.^a in all classes of Dry Goods. Caft on TtlOS. J. LUTIRELL. >22-2w Cor. 20th st. and Pa. ave. n.w. Of- WM R. AN'J 'AM KLD1N WOODW ARD^ Attomcys-at-Law, 7 and 'J Gnnton Law Building, 472 Louisiana ave. TITLES TO REAL ESTATE. Special indices to the land n.-ord*. Rej>ort* on titles made with accuracy, I r.-iui tniss. and at reas. n»Ue rate*. isy2l»-3n; NEW STORK. NEW GOODS. WOOD MANTELS. . SLATE MANTELS. TILE3 AND GRATER. 3el 3m* 490 LOUIBIANA AVE - T Hfc NATIONAL SAFE DEPtWIT COM- PAN Y. Corner lftth *t. and New York ave. Storage for Silverware. .Jewelry. Lacea, Fine Goods, and Valuables of al! kind*. Ciiarm:imodera e. Jell) 2m ,~rTmoS Ai -'I ITe "KKAKAUER" AND I other pianos and Ljrdette organs after July l»t will be for sale at my r.cw establishment. THE 1 EMI 1.E Or MUM i. 12Ui>o*t. n.w. G. H. KUHN. )eS-llii "s, "office of rii.os nre Insurance COMPANY. Washisotox, D. C . June 20.18K9. A dividend of thrw (3) j*r cent ha* been declared, payable at the office of the 1-ouipeny. 1331 F *t. n. w.. on an.I after JLI.Y 1, INSU. to tne stockholders or recoid, at the close of basines* on June 26th instant. The transfi r books will l>e closed from June 20 to July I, lf»HV).(s>th day* inclusive. By order of the Board of Trustee*. FRANCIS B. MOHUN. Ie20-2w Secretary. a RIORKAN. 611 N STREET N W.. GEN- .v~> eral contractor of all kind of artinclal stone and gTaiiohthic.pavement stable*,carnage house* and cellars made dry aud free from toll! odor. Je2vMm* £ ^ > PIANOS FOB RENT, CITY OR COUNTRY. W. G. METZEROTT M CO. apS-tn.law 1110 F»t. n.w. So. 3600, ADMINISTRATION RjCC-1 MENT 14. This is to give notice, that the subscriber* of Wash- ington City, have obtaineU from the Supreme Court of th> District of Colurnhia, holding a special term for Orphans' Court buainesa, letters testamentary on the personal estate of George M. Barker, late uf the Dis¬ trict of Columbia, deceased. all persons having claim* against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, aith the vouchers tliert of, to the subscrib¬ er*. on or before the FIRST DAY OF JUNE, 18JH). next. they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of the said estate. Give 1 ¦ -ul*r our hands this 21*t day of June, 1889. ELIZA BARKER. WILLIAM J. MILLER, >25-law-3w 4Ht> Louisiana ave., City. CERTIFICATES OF STOCK.CHEOUER, and utner secnritiea. Commercial lltho- and designing. A G. GEDNEY. 10th and D streets i Post Building). KoKKkloH i.wL K 1 IRK AND CHEAP, CLE.VN FUEL, buy Washington oas Light Company'* Coke. JOHNSON BROTHERS, >.'» tim Exclusive Agent*. D. C. FAHET, GENERAL"CONTRACTOR .«. zt W alka. Cellar*, and stable Floor* Laid with Asi h*ut or Portland Ceuient. my lft-3m Room 10R. Lenman Building. FRESH"ha VANjTlkND KEY WEST 8EGAR8. CHAMPAGNE WINES, All the )ea<1ing brands, at New Yorkprtcea. PEMBROKE, PI 'RE BYE. WHISKY THOMAS RUSSELL. Importer Wine*, Brandies and flo 1213 Pennsylvania avenue. Segmra. 1' MILAOrT PHI A SfORB Special In White Goods. To closs all new Goods. 18, 20. and 25c. quality, at 12*c. French Sat'.nea. All the best quality and styles to go at 19c. Fancy Solid Colors and Black all at asms price, 19c. Gingham*. French. Scotch, and Zephyr* have dropped In price. 18c. and 23c. ChalUaa. The fine quality down to 7c. Lawna, Batiste. Percalsa, Print*, Mua- llna. Me., all at low prices. Underwear. Hosiery, Gloves, Mitta, Faaa, Ac., all at leas than regular pneea. Parasola. A big drop In pric*.BSoms cut to half. Maitnma. A drop tn pries to doss. CARHART k LEIDY, J&. V2S 7th and 70S K at- n.w. Fresh Sufpues Of Straw Hat& AnotlMtr large lot of MEN'S, BOYS* AND LADIE9 ¦TAW HA is juatrece<>«d. The largest stock in tbs at) St the lowest prie., with plain anid fancy banda. DUNLAP*S GENUINE MACKINAW'S inaUahapca. DUNLAP'S FIFTH AYENtE STYLE of aurnn^ Derby* and Caasimeras. Cassimere Hato at *3. SoTift, and tH. Boy*' aud Miasr*' 6Uc. straw Rata, the best in th* marksL Lawn Isuuis Hats and Cape in every color. WILLETT * RUOFF. >11 906 ] gm FANCY DO MKT FLANNSL SHIRTS, \4H to lm*. 26c , 18 doasn Assorted JShanss Men's . Whits Braid Straw Hat*. 30c. KAUFMAN'S JMBINATION DOUBLE COMBINATION. 11th at. as. Js:!9-3t REAL FRENCH ACCORDEON STANDING at SIMON'Sr t SIMON S Pleating Establishment, at., Lsitimore, Md. Wsshington JLLlST^R. 905F at. ¦ w. JalTlm* g CHILDREN'S CORDED CORSET WAISTS. 25c.; V Striped Canvaa belts with S Buckle, 6c. Tfciaen- lUhW®e M KAUFMAN-* DOUBLE COMBINATION. SPECIAL NOTICES. DISSOLUTION Or partnership. The copartnership heretofore existing be- E 8to Till »Dd John H. Paynter. doing Dnsl- Qfu under tbe Arm-name of R. E. STOvALL t CO., is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, to take effect from May 1,1880. The business will be continued by Mr. R E. Sto vail at tbe old stand, by whom all obliga¬ tion* of the late firm will be mat. _ R. E. STOVALL JNO. H. PAYNTER. lt# er-Z=a> L A. 2672.1, or U, R. L. C.-TOV ASM 9^SS hereby ordered to be present at the meeting of the Assembly on WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 3, at 7.30 o'clock, at the hall 625 Louisiana ave. Semi¬ annual election of officers and other Important busi¬ ness. Sickness and absence from the city will be con¬ sidered valid excuses. By order of tbe Assembly: Jy2-2t S. W. RU8SELL, H. C._ WE, TBE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY sgree not to open our respective stores, Htn&DAY, JULY 4.1889. C. C. Bryan. J. F. Page. N. W. Burchell. Geo. E. Kennedy k Sons. John H Magruder. [2-2*1 <i O. Corn well ft Sons. HEADQUARTERS OF THE METROPOLI- .-^ar^TAN POLICE. Washington, D. C.,July L 1889..Notice is hereby given that the follow¬ ing Law and Police Herniation respecting Fire¬ works and Explosives will be rigidly enforced: "And it shall not be lawftil for any person or persons to set off and fire Crackers, S<iuiba or other Artificial Kin'works in any street or avenue within one hundred yards of any dwelling house, under a penalty not ex¬ ceeding five dollars nor less thsn one dollar for each and every such offence.".Webb's Digest, p. 310. "No Fireworks or Explosives of any kind whatso¬ ever shall be manufactured, stored, kept or used within the limits of the District of Columbia without a license previously obtained from the Major of Police under direction of tbe Commissioners, or except in connection with public works under direction ot tbe officers in charfre thereof.".Sec. 4, Art. IX. Police hegulations. W. G. MOOKE. Major and Supt. Met. Police. Approved.J. W. Douglass, L G. Hine. C. W. Raymond, Commissioners D. C. Jy2-2t 10W F ST. N. W., Washington, July 1.1889. The partnership heretofore existing nnder the name and style of Bushneli ft Carusi, Heal Estate Brokers, is this day dissolved by mutnal consent. The business of the firm will be wound up and its affairs liquidated by Mr. Campbell W. Bushnell, to whom all debts due the concern should be paid. CAMPBELL W. BUSHNELL, EUGENE D. CAKUSI. The undersigned will continue the Real Estate and Insurance business as carried on by the late firm at the old stand, 1008 ¥ at. n.w. CAMPBELL W. BUSHNELL, Jy2-3t Attorney -at-Law. EUGENE D. CARUSI * CO., REAL E8TATE BROKERS AND INSURANCE| AGENTS. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. INSURANCE EFFECTED. RENTS COLLECTED. LOANS NEGOTIATED. OFFICE: 1008 F ST. N. W. Jy2-3t MlfNDAY ap'-iis NOTICE!.T11E ANNUAL MVCTING OF .-J2L the Stockholders of the Ns'ljual I'uion In- surauce Company of Washington lor the election of Nine Directors will be held at tbe offli e of the Com¬ pany, 043 l^ouisiana ave.. MONDAY, July S.1S89. Poll upon troiu 1 to 2 o'clock p. ni. }y2-5t ?,OBLE D. LARNER, Secretary. SEE BARNUM'S WIN DOWFUL 0F~TEN .v^S^lollar CUTAWAY and SACK SUITS. COMMUTATION TICKETS. Coupon books containing 100 tickets, transferable, good on all lines of the Hcrdic Coaches, for sale at the Company's offices, 10th and C ats. at., and 1912 K st. n.w., anil at the following drug stores F. PIT2ER & CO., 60 IE. Capitol st. T. K. OtiKAM, 1211 l'enna. ave. aw. F McC. CHISWKLL 1101 Fst. n.w. A. J. sCHAEilIHT, North Capitol and H at, ROB'T SCHOLL, 21st and G at. Price. A3 70. Jel8-lm GAS fixtures. NEW STYLES. LOW PRICES. CHARLES A. MUDDIMAN, ap20-3in 1206 F ST. . A SPECIAL CONCLAVE OF WASH ING- _ ton CoiumandoO' No 1, Knights Templars, will be held on WEDNESDAY. July 3. 1889, at 7:30 p ui. A full attendance ia requested. JOHN H. OLCOTT, Attest: Eminent Commander. CHARLES SHELSfi. Recorder. lyl-3t washington CAMP, NO. 1. PATRI- _ otic Onler Sons of America, meets every MoSTTaY EVENING, at X l in., K O. E Hall, 311 9th st. u. w. JOHN J. RAE. Secretary, Je2it-1 m Itiggs House. PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Aseeta, #287,346.52 Dues paid on shares, 2.(4.413 00 Surplus and Interest Fund ... #52,933 52 We advance <150 on each share, this give* #7->0 for . 10 nionthlv; #l,lT>u for $14 monthly; $ 1,500 lor #20 monthly; 42,100 for #28 monthly He advance three-fourths of the property irtven as security; thus, on a proi*rty worth #2,000. we will advance #1..»00, and the payments would be $20 monthly; on a prop¬ erty worth 44.000, we would advance 43,000, la¬ ments #40 per month. Shares can be taken at any time, and no back dues required. Any portion of an advance, or the whole of it, can be repaid at any time. These facilities for getting rid of au encumbrance can only be bad by borrowing from a building aasociation. We |»ay 5 percent per annum on money withdrawn. Our shares on maturity will pay 12 i«r cent per an¬ num. *100 paid in at *1 monthly will be worth $1 .".0, and can then be withdrawn with the 450 profit. Next meeting. Wednesday evening. July 3. at 615 7th st. C. C. Duncanson, president; ljewis Abraham, vice-president. F. G. Saxtou, treasurer. John Cook, secretary, 618 12th st. Capitol Hill branch. A. N. Meeker. 2073d at. a. e. Je29-4t_ the Washington real estate in- POffvEisTMENT COMPANY has been organized with the following Board of Directors: Thos. Dow- ling, president; S Norru Thcrrne.vice-president: An¬ son S. Taylor, sec'y. W. H. WetieL treasurer; W. R Brown, J. H. My ran, John Irwin. C. N. Moore, and E. S Wescott. Shares limited to 300. The first meeting forth* payment of dues will be held at the "tlWof Wescott ft Wilcox, 1907 Pa. ave n.w.. TUESDAY, July 'i, 188W, at S p. m. Subscriptions received by any of toe Directors. Dues payable at the office of the Secretary, 1224 F at. n.w., from » a. in. to 5 p. in. After 6 p. m at house, 1826 K st. n.w. >,29-3t ANSON S. TAYLOR, Sec'y. notice. NEW ISSUE OF 8T0CX BY THE FIRST CO-OPEERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION OF GEORGETOWN. D. C. OFFICE : 1251 HIGH (32D) BTREET. )e29-6t YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW .v^r^far a LITTLE MCNKY will go in the pur- cliase of OOTHING. DHOP IN TO-DAY AND WE WII.L SURPRISE you. GEORGE SPRANSY, Je29 434 7th st. if REMOVAL. JNO. M. YOUNG has REMOVED HIS large stock of carnages to 456 Pennsylvania avenue, where he will be pleased to see his old customers and trienda. }e29-2w I KUMMERBUND IN MEN'S DUESS A TENNIS SASH. This season we have an exquisite line in all the color¬ ings Much is said by all the good dealers about ten¬ nis garments, but the beat goods are those from wood ST.. LONDON. They wear batter, look better and don't cost ai.y more. This warm weather starts the sale of them.811k Caps, Cricketing Trousers and Belts, we have an excel¬ lent variety. _ B. F. WOODARD k CO. MEN'S IMPORTING FURNISHERS. loth and F eta. n.w. P. 8. i We find our stock in Half Hose too large. To-day we cut the prices, but only until ws have reduced the sur¬ plus. This is what we do. In MODES ft SLATES 48 doxen of regular 50c. Half Hose, go to 35c., or three pairs 41. Ask for Morley'a. In itelbriggan. double feet, heels and tuea, 50 doxen of 35c. Hall Hose, uvw 25c. They won't stay with us long at such prices. H. F. WOODARD ft CO., SHIRT MAKERS. Jel7 15th and * sta. n.w. OEO. B. WILSON. REAL ESTATE Broker, formerly of 1418 F St., Is now at 1)«1 F st. Ja7-lrao WASHINGTON SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 916 Pa. avenue. Storage Departments all above ground. my4-4m EQUITABLE OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION. EQUITABLE BUILDING," 1003 W ST. ASSETS #1.044,781.37. Subscriptions for shares In the 17th issue received daily at the oSoe oi the Association, kquitahl* Build¬ ing. 1003 r st Shares are #2.50 per month. #1.000advanced on «*rh ahare. Pamphlets explaining the ohjecta and advantage of the Association are furaishsd upon application. Office boon, from V a. m. to 4:90 p. bl On the first Wednesday IB each month the oflics will be ops* from 6 to 8 o'clock p. u. Advances will ba wade promptly at 7 o'clock. THOMAS SOMERVILLE, Prsst, JNO. JOT ED«0». Sec'y. _ TRAVELERS IN EUROPE moSSy . lanctal facility alTorde<f travalera. LEWIS JOHNSON * CO., Irani* am ai^lOtTk Irown. Shipley k On. jtftl-lOt " Drafts ok all paints 1b CABLE in any part o< the afforded tj Washington News and Gossip. lades t* AlTertiMBMta. AMI'WPIMf S'lt)"Plrt ® ATTORNEYS. .. - PMre 7 AUCTION SALES PMre 6 ARCHITECTS Pw 2 BOARDING P*C* 2 BOOKS AND STATIONERY P*re 7 BUSINESS CHANCES $Nre 2 BICYCLES Pure 2 CITY ITEMS Pure 8 COUNTRY BOARD. 2 COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Pure 2 DEATHS Pure li DENTISTRY P*t« 8 EDUCATIONAL. - P**8 7 EXCURSIONS Pmre 8 FAMILY SUPPLIES Pure 7 FINANCIAL. -P**e 8 FOR RENT (Flat*) P*»re I FOR RENT (Room) P*«» 2 FOR RENT (Horses) _...P»«« 3 FOR RENT (Stable*) P««e » FOR RENT (Stores) Pure 2 FOR SALE (Houses) P»8W 3 FOR SALE (Lor*) P**e 2 FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) Pm» 3 GENTLEMEN'S GOODS Pwre 8 HOTELS PstW 2 HOU8EFURNI8HINGS. F«ra 3 LVDIES' GOODS Pwre 7 LOCAL MENTION Pw 8 L()8T AND FOUND. Pure MARRIAGES P"We 7 MEDICAL P«ff» 7 MISCELLANEOUS PW» 5 MONEY TO LOAN Pm 6 NOTARIES PUBLIC P"W« 3 OCEAN STEAMERS .. 8 POTOMAC raVER BOATS .Puw 6 PIANOS AND ORGANS PWT0 ^ PERSONAL. Ps«e 2 PRINTERS Papa 7 PROFESSIONAL Pane 7 PROPOSALS Pmre* 3 and 7 RAILROADS Pmto C SPECIAL NOTICES Patfo 1 StRURBAN PROPERTY 2 8CMMER RESORTS P»tre 7 SPECIALTIES .Piwe 2 SURVEYORS P»*e 3 WANTED (Boabu) Pwe 2 wanted (Hki.p) Pwre 2 WANTED (Houses) P*«« 2 WANTED (Situation*) Pwe * WANTED (Ml*CELLANEOU»).._ 2 WOOD AND -P"** ^ The Star Out of Town. The Evening Btab will be Bent by mail to Any address in the United States or Canada for such period as may be desired, at the rate of fifty cents per month. But all su<h orders must be accompanied by the money, or the paper cannot be sent, at no accounts are kejit icith mail subscriptions. Government Receipts To-Day. . Internal revenue, 9966.43; customs, 8385.060. A Money Ordkr Convention between Ger¬ many and the United States has been signed by the German minister, Count D'Arco Valley, and Postmaster-General Wanamaker. It in¬ creases the amount of a money order that can be sent by either country to the other from j>50 to 1100. The Special Agents' Office, Treasury de¬ partment, was somewhat shaken up yesteaday. Col. J. A. Jewell was relieved from duty as su¬ pervising special agent and Mr. A. K. Tingle waH ordered to duty in his place. Ct>l. Jewell will take Mr. Tingle's duties in the department. Mr. J. C. McCoy, of Pueblo, CoL, was appointed a special agent. Abmy Orders..Major Chas. McClnre, pay- matter, relieved from further duty at Sioux City, Iowa, and ordered to Huron, Dak. CoL Henry C. Wood, assistant adjutant-general, granted one mouth's extension of leave. Secretary Blaine and his son Walker left yesterday afternoon for Bar Harbor, Me. The Secretary will remain there until September. Capt. W. M. Meredith, the new chief of the bureau of engraving and printing, began his uew duties yesterday. Ho was introduced by Chief Clerk Brackett, of the Treasury depart¬ ment. to the various heads of divisions. The new chief was presented with several hand¬ some floral pieces. The Alien Labor Laws..Attorney-General Miller has advised the Secretary of the Treas¬ ury that he has doubts as to the authority of the government to accept compromises in cases of tines imposed under the alien labor law. This opinion was given in the case of the offer ma.le by the Church of the Holy Trinity, of New York, to pay $!100 of the $1,000 fine im¬ posed when the foreign rector was brought liere. The case was appealed to the U. S. Su¬ preme Court, and the L. S. district attorney at New York and the solicitor of the Treasury recommended an acceptance of the compro- mine. The Pilgrim to be Sold..The inspection board has been ordered to appraise the Pilgrim at League Island on the GUi instant, with a view to her sale. Resigned One Office and Appointed to Another..Benjamin Wilson, of West Virginia, has resigned the position of regular assistant attorney in the Department of Justice and has bee a appointed a special assistant attorney for duty in connection with French spoliation claims. Jmo. C. Chaney, of Indiana, has been ap¬ pointed an assistant attorney in the Depart¬ ment of Justice iu the place of £. J. May, re¬ signed. Hiram Z. Leonard, of Indiana, has been appointed a commercial agent of the United States at Ontario. Annexed by Great Britain..The United States consul at Auckland, New Zealand, has informed the Secretary of State that Great Brtiaiu has annexed the Island of Suwarrou, in the Pacific ocean. The commander of H.M.S. Bapid hoisted the British flog on that island on May L « Rights or Homestead Settlers will be Protected..Acting General Land Commis- sioner Stone to-day, in writing to an attorney at Arkansas City, Kansas, in regard to the rights of homestead settlers iu Oklahoma over those who make town site locations, says that home- steal claimauts will be protected by the land ofiice and if preference is giving at all It will be to bona fide settler*. Encroachment* upon the rights of a settler by the unauthorized location of town-sites will not be sanctioned or in any manner npheld. The Weekly Star, which should have been issued on Thursday last, the 37th nit, but was delayed on account of the accident to the engine, is published to-day. Subscribers get¬ ting papers at the counter can call for them or those wishing to send copies away can get! them at the office, ready wrapped for mailing,at 3 cents per copy. The regular issue will ap¬ pear as usual Thursday morning. Pkbsoxau.Jas. H. Nixon of New Jersey, A. Mooneli* and family, Dr. W. R. Larkin and A. H. Simpson of New York, James Atwell of Pittsburg, Dr. Hugo Ruger of Fort Washing- ton, N. Y., are at WillardV Chas. H. Mullin of Pennsylvania, Clarence Winthrop Bowen of Brooklyn, Jas. N. Megargee of Chicago, H. N. Clareton of Boanoke, Vs., and W. P. Went- worth and £. J. Brooks of New York, are at the Arlington. C. Daltou, C. W. Raymond of New York, A. Phelps, E. Smith of New Haven, and E. Stewart. U.S.N., are at the Ebbitt... M. Chapman ot Connecticut, T. Clark of Rhode Island. C. Steel of Philadelphia, H. M. Bates of Tennessee, R. Patterson of Maine, are at the Rign. H. W. Werning of New York, J. Holts of Philadelphia, J. McCarty, U.S.A., are itt the Arno. Henry Gataon, D Bel- ioger of Philadelphia, are at Wormley's.-. T. Ochiltree of New York, Louis Roes of Mex- ico, O. BaUeras of Orange, N. Y.f are at Chara- berhn's. H. C. MoArmitt, E. Hull of Pennsylvania, M. Shaeffer of New York, are at Welttfcer's hotel. D. T. Homan of Spring¬ field, Mass., E. D. Slater of Florence, Ala., and Wm. M. Hardcastle of Maryland, are at the Hotol Johnson. Dr. Irving C. Roese of Washington, who was lately appointed to at¬ tend the Parts exposition in a technical oepao- ity, has declined the honor, owing to bis pro- fessional duties at home. THE NEW MARSHAL. What He Says as to HI* Intentions In the Administration of the Office. C&pt. Ransdell, the new marshal, who quali¬ fied and entered npon his duties yesterday, as stated in Thx Stab, was in his office this morn¬ ing attending to business. Daring the day he received a number of callers, most of them simply desiring to make his acquaintance. To a Stab reporter, when bis attention was called to printed statements of prospective appoint¬ ments in the marshal's office, Capt Bansdell said: "Some newspapers and people seem to know more as to intentions than the parties most concerned. I have as yet fixed on no policy other than to have a good, honest, faithful ad¬ ministration of the office. That idea is para¬ mount to all others. I intend to get thoroughly acquainted with the workings and personnel of the office, and intend to have a good, safe ad¬ ministration of its affairs." Capt. Ransdell's predecessor. Mr. Wilson, was also at the office to-day settling np his ac¬ counts. This afternoon Marshal Ransdell was taken through the court-house by Mr. Wilson and in¬ troduced to the officers and clerks, and also in¬ spected the rooms of the building, particularly those for the continemeht of prisoners. PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS. An Additional List Announced Late | Yesterday Afternoon. After The Stab went to press yesterday the President made the following additional ap¬ pointments: Arthur M. Tinker, of Massachusetts, to be an Indian inspector. A. P. Jackson, of Wisconsin, to be register of the land office at Menasba, Wis. George A. McKenzie, of California, to be register of the land office at Stockton, CaL Jesse Taylor, of Kansas, to be receiver of public moneys at Garden City, Kan. E. P. Freeman, of Minnesota, to be receiver of public moneys at Marshall (formerly Tracy), Minn. To be Indian agents.ArcBer V. Simons, of Montana, at the Fort Belknap agency in Mon¬ tana; Charles R. Bartholomew, of Colorado, at the southern Ute and Jicarilla agency in Colo¬ rado; W. P. McClure. of New Mexico, at the I ueblo agency in New Mexico; Win. L Plumb, of Nevada, at the western Shoshone agency in Nevada. W. 8. Reynolds, of Wisconsin, to be special agent to make allotments of lands in severalty to Indians. Maryland and Virginia Postmasters. The following fourth-class postmasters have been appointed in Maryland and Virginia: S. A. Callaway, Athol, Wicomico county; Chas. F. Fusting, Catonaville, Baltimore; Mrs. 8. C. Weeling. Clinton, Prince George's; E. 8. 8. Turner, Nanticoke, Wicomico; Amos W. Demp- sev, Poplar Springs, Howard; Mrs. Nettie J. Gray, Scotland, St Mary's. Md. Chas. A. Mc- Kniuey. Cape Charles, Northampton county: Florence B. West, Craddockville, Accomac; Wm. J. Gibb, Franklin City. Accomac; S. R. Stebbins, Greenbackville, "Accomac; William Walsh, Mappsville, Accomac; T. A. T. Joynes, Onancock, Accomac; Geo. Johnson, Sterling, Loudoun, Bobt. B. Rouzie, Tappahannook, Essex; H. C. White, jr., Tashley, Accomac; Robt. 8. Bristan. Urbanna, Middlesex; W. B. Roberts, Sands. Page; W. W. Breeding, Alli- sonia, Pulaski; R. E. Goodman. Barkers Gar¬ den, Tazewell: Win. T. Miars, Churclilani Norfolk; Jno. W. Spencer. Clarksville, Mecb- lenburg; Geo. Aldcrson, Guest's Station. Wise- Marry M. Collins. Kimball ton, Giles; Wm. L. Moore, Knob, Tazewell; Chas. C. Alderson, Lebanon. Russell; J. R. Hudson. Max Mead¬ ows, Wythe; C. W. Elmore. New Castle, Creecv; D. E. J. Baskerville. Palmer's Springs, Mechlenburgh; Oscar J. Emmons. Pearwburg. Giles; C. A. Woodyard, Poplar Hill, Giles; D. W. Capps, Princess Anne C. H.. Princess Anne; Mattie Brown, Suapps, Tazewell; A. J. Litton, Stickleyville, Lee; G. C. Kelly, Thessalea, Giles; John Riddle. Turkey Cave, Lee; H. K. Fizer, Narrows, Giles; W. C. Harless. New River Depot, Pulaski; Harvey Young, Yokum Station, Lee, Vs. Another Exposition Committee. At the last meeting of the board of trade of Reading. Pa., the following standing committee on the Three Americas exposition of 1892 was appointed: Isaac McHose, president; E. F. Keever. secretary; Wm. M. Kaufman, Jesse Orr and John R. Miller. Interior Department Changes. The following official changes have been made in the Department of the Interior; General land office.Appointments: G. C. Wells; of Virginia, special agent, *1.500; Thos. F. Shoemaker, of New York, timber agent *1.300. Office of Indian affairs.Transfer: Mrs. Alice R. Joyce, of New York, copyist, #900, to Pen¬ sion office. Pension office.Appointments: Wm. B. Shaw, Jr., of Pennsylvania, chief of division, *2.000, vice H. C. Bell, reduced to assistant chief at *1.800; Geo. C. Kennedy, or Iowa, special ex¬ aminer, *1.400; Wiley Britton. of Kansas, clerk, *1:400, by transfer from War department. Pro¬ motions: Chas. McMillan, of District of Co¬ lumbia, assistant medical referee. *2.250. to medical referee, *3,000; Fred W. Mitchell, of New York, assistant chief of division, *1,800, to principal examiner, *2,000. Pension Cases In Regular Order. Secretary Noble bus sent the following com¬ munication to Commissioner of Pensions Tan¬ ner: "Attention is required to the following regu¬ lation applicable to the bureau of pensions: 'Order No. 108..January 23, 1885..Owing to the pressure brought to bear from all quarters to take cases out of their regular order, and as at this late date poverty aud hardship from further delay can be alleged of almost every applicant alike, therefore cases will be taken out of their order only when soch cause there- for is shown to the commissioner in writing as would sat-sfy the other worthy claimants whose claims precede it, should they know the facts, that »ucn action is proper. Hereafter no case will be advanced that is not clearlv within this rule.' It is hereby further ordered that this rulo be extended so as to embrace cases only where the applicant is in very great desti¬ tution or at the point of death. This regula¬ tion will not only bo strictly enforced but at¬ torneys, agents, or others persisting in applica¬ tions contrary to its language and spirit will be disbarred from practice before the department. You wiU have this made public." Resigned, Not Legislated Out. The new law rendering necessary the ap¬ pointment of a superintendent of the coast survey at the beginning of the fiscal year was not framed for the purpose of legislating Mr. Thorn, the present superintendent, oat of office. While the sundry civil biU was being consid¬ ered in the Senate committee on appropria¬ tions the provision for the appointment by the President and confirmation by the Senate was called to the attention of the superintendent by the subcommittee, with a request for his opinion as to the advisability of its retention in the bill. His reply was that he regarded it as entirely unobjectionable and that personally he felt no interest in it On the 6th of March last the superintendent prepared his resigna¬ tion. but, at the suggestion of Senator Allison, withheld it until April 2 last when it was sent to the President with a request for its accept¬ ance on the appointment and qualification of his successor, which was expected to oocur any day. With the near approach of the new fiscal year Mr. Thorn, in a letter of June S3 nit. called the attention of both the President and the Secretary of the Treasury to the condition of the law rendering necessary a new appoint¬ ment % Tn Fish Conranoit Btiaxu Albatboss Is expected to arrive to-day a* Victoria, & a She will take Senator Dawes aad a number of other Senators on board, who will proceed Ant to Kodiac island, in the Aleutian group, and theaoe to Sitka. During the recent trip the oftcers of the Albatross discovered thirty-four new species of fish and a vast number of hitherto unknown invertebrates. Telegrams to The Star, SEVEN SURELY DEAD. A Terrible Railroad Wreck Near Lynchburg. THE CLAN-NA-GAEL CONSPIRACY. More Ken Than Dr. Cronin Believed to Have Been Silenced. GENERAL GOSSIP FROM LONDON Slugger Sullivan Starts for the Scene of the Fight. TTTT/RArw STILL IN TRAINING. A TERRIBLE DISASTER. A Train Wrecked and the Cars Then Take Fire. SEVEN ARB KNOW* TO BE DEAD AND FIFTEEN ARE MI88INO, SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN BURNED IS THE WRECE.NAMES OF THE XUXXD, SO TAB AS CAN BE ASCERTAINED. Special Dispatch to The Evening Stab. Ltnchbcro, Va., July 2..About 2 o'clock this morning an east-bound passenger train on the Norfolk and Western railroad ran into a land blido near Tbaxton's, a station about twenty-five miles west of Lynchburg, with hor¬ rible results. The entire train from engine to sleeping car went into the excavation and the wreck taking fire was completely consumed. It is impossible at this hour to obtain full de¬ tails of the terrible calamity, but seven are known to be dead and fifteen are missing, and it is thought they have been burned with the wreck. AMONO THE KILLED ARE Express-Messenger Ashmore and Baggage- Master Ford. Engineer l>onovan. Conductor Johnson, Fireman Mays, and two postal clerks, one of them named Sommers. All of the above except the postal clerks are from Lynchburg. John Kirkpatrick. a prominent young citizen of this city, was killed, and several other Lynch- burgers severely injured. Excitement was high here, and "everybody is fiocking to the depot to seek information, which the railroad officials will not give. By United Press. Libertt. Va., July 2..A fearful catastrophe occurred about a mile west of Thaxton this morning, en the Norfolk and Western railroad, by which about forty passengers were killed The accident was caused by a washout on a high bill. An informer here says that there were only about seven of the crew and passengers saved. Some of the cars and passengers were burned. Capt. Rowland John¬ son was in charge of the train and is mortally wounded. Baggage-master Ford is said to be very badly hurt. Major J. C. Cassell, superintendent of the Lynchburg division, was on the train, and was seriously injured. Mr. L. B. Summers, of Abingdon, a postal clerk, was bruised up con¬ siderably. The other postal clcrk. J. J. Rose, of Abing¬ don, wag killed. All of the physicians and many of the citizens of Liberty went to the wreck as soon as information was received here. Pat Donovan was the engineer and was burlled up. as was also the fireman. A man named Bruce Lifsev. train dispatcher, was also burned. Several of the wounded were brought here and taken to the sanitarium. W. C. Stead, of Cleveland, Tenn., is among the dead. What President Kimball Says. Associated Press. Philadelphia, July 2..President Kimball, of the Norfolk and Western railroad, who has bis headquarters in this city, when seen this afternoon in relation to the accident on his road this morning, said that while the wreck is a frerions one and has resulted in the losb of life, the report telegraphed from Lynch¬ burg that forty persons were killed is greatly exaggerated. Mr. Kimball is in direct telegraphic commu¬ nication with the general manager of the road. The information furnished him up to 1 o'clock this afternoon is that five persons were killed, nearly all of whom were train hands, and quite a number of persons injured. The train wTecked was known as No. 2. which left Roanoke a few minutes before midnight. A heavy rain-storm had prevailed throughout Virginia for about forty-eight hours and the train was moving slowly and behind schedule time when it ran into a washout about 1:30 this morning near Thaxton's. The locomotive and several cars were thrown into the ditch, but the sleeper remained on the track. The cars caught fire after falling into the ditch, and quite a number of passengers were severelv burned, in addition to those in¬ jured by the "wreck. Telegrams were at once sent to Roanoke for assistance, and in a short time a Bpecial train arrived from that city bear¬ ing a fire company and a number o^f physicians. Five persons are reported to Mr. Kimball as having been killed and a number injured, but no names have as yet been forwarded to him. KILRAIN'S TRAINING. The Finishing Touches Now Being Given to the Baltimore Boy. Baltimore, July 2..The rainy weather yes¬ terday kept the crowd of visitors away from Halstead's Pimlico road bouse, but, despite the downpour, Kilrain went through bis usual training. He was as bright and as merry as a school boy in vacation time, and when he started for a 6-mile tramp before supper will¬ ingly accepted a wager offered by Johnny Mur¬ phy that he would tire out the big pugilist. The two started away from the hotel together on a trot, Jake wearing a pair of pedestrian's shoes that Mitchell said he bet would make him squeal before he got back. '.Oh. no," replied Kilrain, "we are only going on a little jaunt of 6 or 7 miles." The two returned about 7 o'clock in a drip¬ ping perspiration, with Murphy leading, and looking as fresh as daisies after a rain. The shoes had failed to get in their work. The finishing touches are being given Kil- rain's training now, as the pugilist and bis trainers start south to-morrow or Thursday. They will go over the Baltimore and Ohio road. Kilrain and his party, consisting of Mitchell and Hurphy and a few friends, will have a Pull¬ man car to themselves, but there will be no training en route, as Jake is now in perfect condition for the fight, and the only thing requisite will be to keep him np to the present mark. To insure this Mitchell will look care¬ fully after his food on the cars and after they arrive in New Orleans, and a supply of water will be taken along, so that the risk of a change in this necessary article of diet will be avoided. The time of the departure of the pugilists will be kept a secret, as it is their desire to avoid publicity sad a scene. The Seal Purchasers of the "The An¬ gel us." London, July 1-A dispatch to the Bandard says that M. Proust purchased "The Angelas" at the Becretan sale foe a group of amateurs who clubbed together to prevent the I picture leaving the ooustry. They are to pay 400.000 francs, while the government pays lW.OGO francs and the expenses of the sale. The pic¬ ture will be presented to the Louvre. M. de Biowits says the opposition in Abe chamber of deputies Till not dare complain. Three Women Drowned. Oiivnimr, Out., July X.Mi*. T. L. 6 mere*, Mrs. Loae and Myra Jx*e. her daughter, were last night drowned In lake Boeseau by the upsetting of their boat. more conspiracy work. »r. 0*Cleary Belto^to have been Re¬ moved by the Claa- na-Gael. Tl^ "°*T or *18 "^Ttttors DnAmtaaAsci AO°-" Hin i*craatp th« °* "" .P"^«-BOLAJ.D-r*ELr sectiok.in k ixkemv irroar. «.SnSTo ^ 7Vm" «""»orning Tt xbt m.nr:,WTl?r 1116 T<""> of Lake. u one fo^rcb^thn*^**i iiwS «3 ft Gael suspected f.,?i '? faotl"u of «k« CUn-ua- i-ijiars:,*a1~sftlies «£«i;'o^r* - active ^ce iwW? EaroP* °n out by the trianglers tlat< vcST** W" K1v*'n fomia. the fact bew th.V ^7 V ,n V*li' at*^°Vcwr5*ht St%iRh°t^nmL^tUrn,?d fro'" hi* »** &P been at S!u mouths a*o, and hhuI to have sented as having he,,??. Wld hv. " re¬ condition. He niachi ..!!?." deplorable the executive but fund* to him. O'ClfHrv becam H W Was Pa,d to quite a ro^'n tU orl.n?"?'''"10^ «n«I raised ment Nix month* I«k"r ht Zr" h'streat- «11 the efforta of hi* fr,.Z i . ^PP'-ared and since have been f^i^''^ locat<\him .*» doubt or a .uir.'.on Lnem^of^h'11" T have disappeared »ll of th" triangle .PPearanTr^^^ \ Cronxn being O'Clearv , f ,tJmt of again being a \Yw oh one ?e,ore tLat TiL°rKVE8n°A7 THE *'"¦»«* «toBt. th« rlS t3p? ^ ^ n°t encouraged over the prospect that they will have to tale in hand another great "removal" my,terv but so far . . Mclaerney storv, to believe that the man wal kilVd"^' 'e*d^" tog? SidlXrreeXMn"Uttd ,L<' NlI0n »<^tooU that any murder was eler^'" *'"* t0 ^ That is "as far 1 wJt.ll COTan»»"ed there, far, but I guess We ' tn^t^ \!" 1 u'* Ca*^ want them " flnd tte Murphys if Me bJd iuEsssEssr "nd ch,<f Hnb- .bout the Mclnern^v Tin,^ "'1,,talk'*d erally looked. ^ .,?£» «"¦« >* K- n- at least that niri of .h . |®POl ice circles, Chicago a* t&pl£Vif Dr%Tll,«hrnbr,''g8 posed murder. Mclnerney s sup- Luke Dillon Talks ARaln. Detroit, Mich., July 2,-Lukc Dillon wM jnfit a" he W«H leaving for 1 hiladelphia late last night. Referring to the v. an Francisco Chvoncclt'tt atnrt» . ,. man Walsh, Mr. DillonUid.Th^ni?" haa no connection with the ca«<- u i," ? h^1 doea not belong to the ( "an . , H*' for four vears He i! «/>tl Ruj ha* not mine. I never saw fr'eBtJ °< thit was in Philadelphia twn * tlu"*- H"J H. nol s,m«E J,. ; !«." i-STu"; that storv : aadyefi't wen"' ^ ^""^a^'-ut from New ^ rULTS^* J^v ^ ^a^^j^eSs ^ time, or a little before th.» k er8tooJ Mt ,h"t gasasajySSS^' Dr. Cronln." t.lau-na-««el aa wae Mas the Suicide Cooney, "The Fox?" Bklvihebe, III., July 2.-Much ercitem«nt waa cauaed here yesterday by the report th« t tl . unknown man who committed auicide here Sun- uaj answered tlie di'scriDtinn nf p Vox," wanted in Chiotg^ K , u'nCl*"the who has Coonev'B .tcscfiDtim »r,T °^:uton. dead man tallies ei^tK fV f. w.vsthat the face to tL cSledlS^r° Volhin^.ni;rk<,<! thl° mo"»^ **** Says he Was Not Lured West. Omaha. Neb., July 2.-Referring to a New lork dispatch in which it was intonated that Dr. M^neniey. a secret agent of the Clan-.a- Gael. had been lured west from Brooklvn »>v » telegram and then murdered either in i'\ telegram of the kind ment oued had beenVnt or the kind mentioned had been Omaha the informant^ould not wy. Representative Laird Much Improved July2.-CongreSsmfn Jarn^ Citv n^ ^ yest<,rda-v fro» Atlantic S healthr a.Tm°tltl"(' mUch ^proved in health. He has failed in tieft)i hut « ^ ^oveCry!erfUl ^ " tvldeut^ ^ Dropped Dead on the Street. Cincinnati, July 2..W. Eglinton Francis, late manager of the American insurance com¬ pany of Philadelphia, dropped dead from heart disease last evening on the street on the way to his home, on Mount Auburn. Mr. Frarn in tus been au underwriter here and in Philadelphia for twenty-live years. French Canadian Convention: New Yosk. July 2..The annual convention of French-Canadians was continued to-day. The greater part of the morning session was taken op with the discussion of the parochial school question. The speakers were George Lie may and Rev. A. Noteoaert. Fatal Cutting Affray. Chicago. July 2..Thoa. Bean, a young roofer, had a quarrel last night with another man, th« cause being the former's girl. Early this morning the quarrel wss renewed and W. C. Bprague went to the assistance of Bean, whom he knew. There were several men in the fight When Bprague entered the melee he beard Bean cry "I'm cut," at the same time Sprague received several cuts across the face. When the police reached the scene of the affray the man who did the cutting and bis friends had disappeared. Bean died while on his way to the noapital, having been stabbed to the heart. Sprague was seriously but not dangerously hurt William Hutchinson, the principal in the murder, was captured an hour later, as were also Thomas O'Brien and Jamas Kennedy, ac¬ cessories to the crime. Survivors of the Nipslc Arrive. Nrw You, July 2..Among the passenger* on the steamer Newport, from Aspinwall, which arrived last night, are the hand, numbering thirteen men, of th* U.8.H. Nipsic, four seamen from the same vessel and three qeamen from the U.S.8. Yandalia, survivors of the 8amoan disaster. All are in charge of Boatswain Mc- LoughHa. Killed His Wife's Paraasow. Ajmou, Ira., July 1.A few ssonths ago trouble areae between Thsd. Van Pelt aad Us wife, aaaasd. It Is thought, by the interference ofWm. Stone. Mrs. Vsa Pelt left kar home and went Uo live with Rtoae. A suit tor divorce wes commenced. Hunday evening Mr. VaaPelt went ever to Btoae's ana had a talk with his wife at the gate aad danng the ooavanattos Stone came out The man quarreled aad TsaPeit shot Stone through the hewt, killing htot to- VanPttltMSMd. A THE TALK Or LOMDOW. StMhT'' lilratfMiri AnHw . PH#r» of W«1m on PMUtrto, Ktc. ¦renal OaMs Pt»«>ck to Tun i Losdos, July 1.Ward, ban* on the Congo, arrived in London this i HUnlrT'i committee has obtained an restraining the publication of Troop # whose sglj nreltUoai I kintod it wib ago. ? letter was rend from Prinoe of Wales s* the Piilrar meeting yesterday strongly sup¬ porting Pastourism and urging tbe ¦iiliw.I muscling of dogs. This rtrong taking of aidea on the controversy in exciting great anttpethien and «. a new and daag'-rou* departure. Even the tory serai-ofkcial Standard cnttciM tho prince'* action a* Terr bostaJely taken. Salisbury'* action in eeadiug three war ahlpa to Delagoa bay ha* quieted the feeling on that subject, bnt the indignation wh mostly eon- fined to persons pecuniarily interested. From an imperial point of vim, it don't maltar which aet of speculator* have the railway. ENTERTAINING THE SHAH. Extraordinary Performances to Bt Ulvrn In HI* Honor. 8i*clal cahte Disjwtch to Tas Imno ITU. Liixoox, July 2. -All London ia mad on the ahah. 1 was close to him on entering Bucking- ham Palace yesterday. He has scarcely turned a hair since he was here before and look* I remarkably well. He seems highly pleased with hi* reception by the multitude and the j m :ty p.gcant of gorgeous state carriages, Life Guards and music. He talks in French to tho l'nnce of Kales, who sat on bis left in the car¬ riage and six. Great interest is manifested in hi* little favorite boy. a bright-eyed oriental shah in miniature, who followed in the next carriage. There will be a great performance to-night, the *tall* fetching four guineas each. Kii.-«.o<>un. the great liombay no rehant. haa taken the Empire theater for Thursday and paid t-. 'rf'O. It will be a *i>lendid performance, with ballets and song* ana . mmx-r served on gold plate. The waiters are all to be over six feet high. THE SECRETAN SALE. An Animated Scrn* When "The An¬ gel ut." wm Saved for France. S;»<ei»l Cable IHspatch to Tmb Ens two hiu Lokdox, July 2..The excitement and high prices called out by the Secretau sale in Paris yesterday realized my forecast My Paris cor¬ respondent describes the scene as very ani¬ mated. All the leading dealers, actors, and authors were present. When "The Angelas" was finally secured for the Louvre against the American l>i<ls for 553.000 francs there was an indescribable scene of reioicing. hats being tossed in the air. loud cheering, and Ladles waving their handkerchiefs. This price, con¬ sidering the sire of the picture, equals three titu.s the price paid for the Ansedei Raphael by England. Meiasonier's prices were also re- tnrrkablv big. "The Curassiers" bringing 1H0.- 000 franc*; the tiny "Yin l)u Cure." not much larger than a dollar piece, 90.000. This was bought by a Kheines wine merchant, perhaps tor advertising purpose*. MICHAEL DAVITT ON THE STAND. He Denies the Statements Made by be Caron as to John I>evoy. Lokdos, July 2..At to-day's session of the Parnell commission Michael L>avitt was placed on the witnes* stand. Mr. Davitt denied that the account given by Le Caron. the Timrt wit¬ nes*. that John Devoy's proposals were sub¬ mitted to Mr. Parnell was truj. Mr. Parnell, he said, had nothing to do with hi* iDavitt'si visit to America in 1K78. It was the witness intention to revisit America to lecture and to raise money for the agrarian movement in Ireland. Ditrrr oa the stxko. W. Ford sent copies over through the "Spread The Light Fund" uud witness paid the postage. The league did not circulate the letter of John Devoy on "A New Departure," extracts from which were quoted by Attorney-General Web¬ ster, counsel for the zVmtts. SULLIVAN IN CLEVELAND. Muldoon Says He Will Enter the King "as Fine as a Fiddle..» Clkvei.hsd, Onto, July 2..The special train of three cars bearing the Sullivan party from Rochester. S. Y., to New Or¬ leans, came into the city of Cleveland this morning over the Nickel-Plate tracks. It was made up of two Wagner parlor coaches and a baggage-car. There was only a knot of ten people in the depot* to meet the train. Muldoon. Cliarlev Johnston, and Jin Wakeley came out during the wait caused by the transmission of orders from the Nickel Plate depot to the Bee Line yards that the train was to be switched to the Bee Line track. 1 Miring the few minutes' stop Muldoon chatted about Sullivan. the com¬ ing fight, and the condition of hi* charge. "I have no idea who the referee will be," said he. '.It is not my business to discuss that. Johnston or Wakelcv know* more about that part of tbe business tLan 1 do. It u their money behind John. Sullivan is asleep and has uot been awake since we left Dunkirk. He will go into tbe ring next Monday as Ann as a fill die. and better able to fight than ha ever was in bis life." The party leftover the Bee line at 8 o'clock. THE 1)1 KANGO FIRE. The Business Portion of the Town tirely l»estroyed. Dura, Cou. July 2..The fire in Durango last night was extinguished after the total destruction of eight business blocks, wliicb in¬ cludes all the principal business houses, three cbureh« * and a portion of the residence part off the town. The loss is estimated at #300.000, with light insurance. The fire is supposed to have been of incendiary origin. A Case of Cholera In Ohio. Chicxoo. July 'L .A dispatch from Waverly, Ohio, says: A man whose name could not be learned was taken suddenly sick Fridsy last in Scioto county, and expired in a few hours. Two doctors pronounced it a genuine caae of Asiatic cholera. A Big Strike of Rakers. Yienka. July 2..Six thousaud workmen bar* struck at Brunn, including all the bakers of the city. A detachment of military has been sent there. There has been no rioting aa yet. Lat' r advices from Hrunn state that the num¬ ber of strikers i* fifteen thousand. They de¬ mand an increase of 30 per cent in their wagea. From Wall Street To-day. New Yobs. July 2. 11 a. m..The stock mar- ket this morning was again extremely dull for the general list, which was also without move¬ ment of importance or apparent tt ndency ia either direction, but it was enlivened by great activity iu a few shares in which marked movements were made. First prices sboi scarcely any change from last evening'! figures, and the majority of stocks traded in did not get more than slight fractions from them during the hour. Atchison was the only active stock in tbe regular list, and It show*! decided weakness, dropping 1H per cent to The other granger stocks showed soma animation and a declining tendency in sym¬ pathy. but their fluctuations ware small and insignificant. Sugar trust opened unchanged but suddenly dropped S per cent to 110M, which was followed by a fractional recovery. Lead trust was again moat active and declined more alowly. but lost ljjf per cent to M)t A better feeling was shown In the latter portion of the hour, and at 11 o'clock the market wan doll and steady to firm. Joe Mac kin Pardoned. Fprixofield, Iul, July 2..The govamag has pardoned Joe Mackin. * Maekin was aeutenoed to five years in tho penitentiary in the spring of 1Mb for perjary in connection with election frauds in MM. A Heavy Woman's Vote. Esc Cunt, Ia, July 1.Ens Claire its first election for a hoard of terday. It brought out a heavy prominent society ladies spending tbe' day with their carriages taking worn so to polls. The anti-Catholic question waa m very prominent in aevcral wards, bat the < didatee alleged to represent sleeted Will Demur, Mich., July 1.Ik* Bev. Dr. F. Daviea, of Philadelphia, reoent bishop of the Episcopal diooeaa at to the oootoittee hem Ject to the approval af

Library of Congress · II11mm tat Tol. 75.No. 13,068. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, JULY 2. 1889. TWO CENTS. THE EVENING STAR PUBLISHED DAILY, Except Sutaf, ATTHISTABBUILDINGS

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Page 1: Library of Congress · II11mm tat Tol. 75.No. 13,068. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, JULY 2. 1889. TWO CENTS. THE EVENING STAR PUBLISHED DAILY, Except Sutaf, ATTHISTABBUILDINGS

II11mm tatTol. 75.No. 13,068. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, JULY 2. 1889. TWO CENTS.


AT THI STAB BUILDINGS,ffsrthvwt Omar PauaylTuia in. u4 lltk St, kyThe Evening Star Bewgpaper Company,

a B. KAUFFMANN, Prv/t.

Tn »««*w Stu lm »m<! to rab*rr1b»r* In 'Jmrltj by etrrlni, as their own account, »t 10 cento peg««k. or 44c per month. Copte* »t the counter. 4cento each. By mall-postage prepaid-30 <*¦» .month. one year, t«. *lx moutha, tA[Entered it the Post Offioe at Washington. D CL,aa

¦scond-claaa mail matter)Tn WuitT »**».pnhllAed on .#1 »

year, postage prepaid. Six mmtha. 50 esata.IVAU mall subscriptions most be paid in adnooti

BO paper .entlougsr than is paid for.Bate* of advsrtMng made known on application.


_ July 4..Celebration of the day by appro-V nate exerclsea. A (hurt addre** by Rev. Dr. Oeo. H.Cony, recitation* by Hm Josie Lee and Miss Altachu,singing by a choir of forty voices under leadership ofMr. J Uyrr Train* will leave Wsshinfton 9 and 10 a.m. 12 .10 p. m.. return at 3 40, 6:12, 9 3'J p. m. Farei>"> rent* adult*. 35 cent* children, round-trip. Heal*at hotel. 3.1 cents. A public **1<* of lot* will be madeon a oew avenue at 154 o'clock, offering an opportunityfor profitable investment. Trustee* are requested tomeet at 11 a. m. H B. MOULTON, President.WABREN CHOATE, Secretary. Je29-*.t*w3t


Assafolis. Ml) . June 28,1KH0.In order to provide the neceseary ninds to repair the

canal and put it in good navigable order it baa beendetermined by the preeidt nt and director*, with theapproval of the hoard of public work*, to i**ue threehundred thousand dollar*of repair bond*. These bondswill be of the denomination of one thousand dollar*and five hundred dollar*, will ran for twenty year*,will bear interest at the rate of *ix per cent, and willbe *ecured by a mortgage of the toll* and revenue* ofthe company.Theae bond* are now for sale.and bid* will be re¬ceived at the company'* office, Georgetown, D.C.By order of the board.

STEPHEN GAMBRILL,Je29Jy2,6.9.13il6 President.

THrTFOLLOWING PERSONS ARE EM-.^^5 ployer* of union butchers and are recom¬mended to the patronage of all friend* of organizedlabor.C. G Pflrorer. L G. Botch.A. Loeffler. A. Huppert k Sons.F. Scifert. J. H Ruppert.Tony Ruppert. Santun Auth.P. AuguataKer J. fchsftr. }el5-*.t4w


Washington, June 30,1889.Notice i* hereby given that the annual meeting of

the stockholders for the election of seven directors ofthis company will be held at tlii* office on WEDNES¬DAY, July 10. The poll* will be open from 2 to 4o'clock p.m.

GEO. W. PEARSON, President.WM. J. WILSON, Secretary. le-js.Jy 2,4,6.8

REDUCED RATES ON PATENT MED1-¦OXclNES AND DRUGS AT PRICE'S PHAR¬MACY, 42ti 7th it . w. The leading article* hereto¬fore *oid for *1, 5*c and 25c. are now reduced to»>9c., 36c. and 1 6c leapectively. Call and examineand be convinced. Our prescription* have been re¬duce, i in proportion to o '-er Koods.Je2S-6t C. S. PRICE.

r-5 tY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC.-®v_S The large increase in my orders for VaporFlu;d *trongest evidence of its quality. Afteronce uslik I am sure you will use no other. .> gallon*for Toe .delivered. CHARLES K. HODGKINS,

919 7th »t. n.w.Telephone, 787-3.Send your order* in by postal card. Je'-'T-lm

SECTION 4. COMPUTING THEFIRST.v.3. large volumeil.lt'O pagrs) of the CenturyDictionary, will be published next »eek.

JeS-lm Office lOOti F *t n.w.- -¦ -.V


1320 >/' n.w..

Has cpened a Bra.: :h Yard 14th and New York are.n. w. The largest and faiest display of Monument* inWashington, special design* furnished. Je8-lm

Sf - ^ THE GREATEST BARGAINS YET IN¦ Dry Goods at LI TTREL'S, Cor. 20th st.

and Pa. avt u. w. Ian received. 10« more White<J nits at 76c.,worth 91 Oi.ecase is-st Percsies at 10c.,wmkljc. O 'case iati>.te at Sc., worth 12c. Lotremnants of Bin. k "(Iks, at prime cost. One case 4-4Blenched Cotton ai S.., worth ltic. Great ttargaui- in\»hite Goods. U.'dt rwcar, Hosier), Gent'* OutingStart* from ">0c .><3 A new lot just received andcheap, tor barga.^a in all classes of Dry Goods.Cafton TtlOS. J. LUTIRELL.>22-2w Cor. 20th st. and Pa. ave. n.w.

Of- WM R. AN'J 'AM KLD1N WOODW ARD^Attomcys-at-Law,

7 and 'J Gnnton Law Building,472 Louisiana ave.

TITLES TO REAL ESTATE. Special indices to theland n.-ord*. Rej>ort* on titles made with accuracy,I r.-iui tniss. and at reas. n»Ue rate*. isy2l»-3n;





3el 3m* 490 LOUIBIANA AVE

_» - T Hfc NATIONAL SAFE DEPtWIT COM-PAN Y. Corner lftth *t. and New York ave.

Storage for Silverware. .Jewelry. Lacea, Fine Goods,and Valuables of al! kind*.Ciiarm:imodera e. Jell) 2m

,~rTmoS Ai -'I ITe "KKAKAUER" AND Iother pianos and Ljrdette organs after Julyl»t will be for sale at my r.cw establishment. THE1 EMI 1.E Or MUM i. 12Ui>o*t. n.w. G. H. KUHN.

)eS-llii"s, "office of rii.os nre Insurance

COMPANY.Washisotox, D. C . June 20.18K9.

A dividend of thrw (3) j*r cent ha* been declared,payable at the office of the 1-ouipeny. 1331 F *t. n. w..on an.I after JLI.Y 1, INSU. to tne stockholders orrecoid, at the close of basines* on June 26th instant.The transfi r books will l>e closed from June 20 toJuly I, lf»HV).(s>th day* inclusive. By order of theBoard of Trustee*. FRANCIS B. MOHUN.Ie20-2w Secretary.

a RIORKAN. 611 N STREET N W.. GEN-.v~> eral contractor of all kind of artinclal stoneand gTaiiohthic.pavement stable*,carnage house* andcellars made dry aud free from toll! odor. Je2vMm*


W. G. METZEROTT M CO.apS-tn.law 1110 F»t. n.w.


This is to give notice, that the subscriber* of Wash-ington City, have obtaineU from the Supreme Court ofth> District of Colurnhia, holding a special term forOrphans' Court buainesa, letters testamentary on thepersonal estate of George M. Barker, late uf the Dis¬trict of Columbia, deceased. all persons having claim*against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibitthe same, aith the vouchers tliert of, to the subscrib¬er*. on or before the FIRST DAY OF JUNE, 18JH).next. they may otherwise by law be excluded from allbenefit of the said estate.Give 1 ¦ -ul*r our hands this 21*t day of June, 1889.

ELIZA BARKER.WILLIAM J. MILLER,>25-law-3w 4Ht> Louisiana ave., City.

CERTIFICATES OF STOCK.CHEOUER,and utner secnritiea. Commercial lltho-and designing. A G. GEDNEY.

10th and D streets i Post Building).KoKKkloH i.wL 1« K 1 IRK AND CHEAP,CLE.VN FUEL, buy Washington oas LightCompany'* Coke. JOHNSON BROTHERS,>.'» tim Exclusive Agent*.D. C. FAHET, GENERAL"CONTRACTOR.«. zt W alka. Cellar*, and stable Floor* Laid with

Asi h*ut or Portland Ceuient.my lft-3m Room 10R. Lenman Building.



Importer Wine*, Brandies andflo 1213 Pennsylvania avenue.



Special In White Goods. To closs all newGoods. 18, 20. and 25c. quality, at 12*c.French Sat'.nea. All the best quality and

styles to go at 19c. Fancy Solid Colors andBlack all at asms price, 19c.

Gingham*. French. Scotch, and Zephyr*have dropped In price. 18c. and 23c.ChalUaa. The fine quality down to 7c.Lawna, Batiste. Percalsa, Print*, Mua-

llna. Me., all at low prices.

Underwear. Hosiery, Gloves, Mitta, Faaa,Ac., all at leas than regular pneea.Parasola. A big drop In pric*.BSoms cut

to half.

Maitnma. A drop tn pries to doss.


J&. V2S 7th and 70S K at- n.w.

Fresh Sufpues Of Straw Hat&AnotlMtr large lot of MEN'S, BOYS* AND LADIE9¦TAW HA is juatrece<>«d. The largest stock in tbs

at) St the lowest prie., with plain anid fancy banda.DUNLAP*S GENUINE MACKINAW'S inaUahapca.DUNLAP'S FIFTH AYENtE STYLE of aurnn^

Derby* and Caasimeras. Cassimere Hato at *3. SoTift,and tH. Boy*' aud Miasr*' 6Uc. straw Rata, the best inth* marksL Lawn Isuuis Hats and Cape in every color.

WILLETT * RUOFF.>11 906 ]

gm FANCY DOMKT FLANNSL SHIRTS, \4Hto lm*. 26c , 18 doasn Assorted JShanss Men's

. Whits Braid Straw Hat*. 30c. KAUFMAN'SJMBINATIONDOUBLE COMBINATION. 11th at. as. Js:!9-3t


at., Lsitimore, Md. WsshingtonJLLlST^R. 905F at. ¦ w. JalTlm*g CHILDREN'S CORDED CORSET WAISTS. 25c.;V Striped Canvaa belts with S Buckle, 6c. Tfciaen-lUhW®e M KAUFMAN-* DOUBLE COMBINATION.


The copartnership heretofore existing be-E 8to Till »Dd John H. Paynter. doing Dnsl-

Qfu under tbe Arm-name of R. E. STOvALL t CO.,is hereby dissolved by mutual consent, to take effectfrom May 1,1880. The business will be continued byMr. R E. Sto vail at tbe old stand, by whom all obliga¬tion* of the late firm will be mat.

_R. E. STOVALL JNO. H. PAYNTER. lt#er-Z=a> L A. 2672.1, or U, R. L. C.-TOV ASM9^SS hereby ordered to be present at the meetingof the Assembly on WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 3,at 7.30 o'clock, at the hall 625 Louisiana ave. Semi¬annual election of officers and other Important busi¬ness. Sickness and absence from the city will be con¬sidered valid excuses. By order of tbe Assembly:Jy2-2t S. W. RU8SELL, H. C._

WE, TBE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBYsgree not to open our respective stores,Htn&DAY, JULY 4.1889.C. C. Bryan. J. F. Page.N. W. Burchell. Geo. E. Kennedy k Sons.John H Magruder. [2-2*1 <i O. Cornwell ft Sons.HEADQUARTERS OF THE METROPOLI-.-^ar^TAN POLICE. Washington, D. C.,July L1889..Notice is hereby given that the follow¬

ing Law and Police Herniation respecting Fire¬works and Explosives will be rigidly enforced:"And it shall not be lawftil for any person or personsto set off and fire Crackers, S<iuiba or other ArtificialKin'works in any street or avenue within one hundredyards of any dwelling house, under a penalty not ex¬ceeding five dollars nor less thsn one dollar for eachand every such offence.".Webb's Digest, p. 310."No Fireworks or Explosives of any kind whatso¬ever shall be manufactured, stored, kept or usedwithin the limits of the District of Columbia withouta license previously obtained from the Major of Policeunder direction of tbe Commissioners, or except inconnection with public works under direction ot tbeofficers in charfre thereof.".Sec. 4, Art. IX. Policehegulations. W. G. MOOKE. Major and Supt. Met.Police. Approved.J. W. Douglass, L G. Hine. C. W.Raymond, Commissioners D. C. Jy2-2t

10W F ST. N. W.,Washington, July 1.1889.The partnership heretofore existing nnder the name

and style of Bushneli ft Carusi, Heal Estate Brokers,is this day dissolved by mutnal consent. The businessof the firm will be wound up and its affairs liquidatedby Mr. Campbell W. Bushnell, to whom all debts duethe concern should be paid.CAMPBELL W. BUSHNELL,

EUGENE D. CAKUSI.The undersigned will continue the Real Estate and

Insurance business as carried on by the late firm atthe old stand, 1008 ¥ at. n.w.

CAMPBELL W. BUSHNELL,Jy2-3t Attorney-at-Law.







OFFICE: 1008 F ST. N. W. Jy2-3t


ap'-iis NOTICE!.T11E ANNUAL MVCTING OF.-J2L the Stockholders of the Ns'ljual I'uion In-surauce Company of Washington lor the election ofNine Directors will be held at tbe offli e of the Com¬pany, 043 l^ouisiana ave.. MONDAY, July S.1S89. Pollupon troiu 1 to 2 o'clock p. ni.}y2-5t ?,OBLE D. LARNER, Secretary.


Coupon books containing 100 tickets, transferable,good on all lines of the Hcrdic Coaches, for sale at theCompany's offices, 10th and C ats. at., and 1912 K st.n.w., anil at the following drug storesF. PIT2ER & CO., 60 IE. Capitol st.T. K. OtiKAM, 1211 l'enna. ave. aw.F McC. CHISWKLL 1101 Fst. n.w.A. J. sCHAEilIHT, North Capitol and H at,ROB'T SCHOLL, 21st and G at.Price. A3 70. Jel8-lm

GAS fixtures.NEW STYLES.



_ ton CoiumandoO' No 1, Knights Templars,will be held on WEDNESDAY. July 3. 1889, at 7:30p ui. A full attendance ia requested.

JOHN H. OLCOTT,Attest: Eminent Commander.CHARLES SHELSfi.

Recorder. lyl-3twashington CAMP, NO. 1. PATRI-

_ otic Onler Sons of America, meets everyMoSTTaY EVENING, at X l in., K O. E Hall, 3119th st. u. w. JOHN J. RAE. Secretary,Je2it-1 m Itiggs House.


Aseeta, #287,346.52Dues paid on shares, 2.(4.413 00Surplus and Interest Fund ... #52,933 52We advance <150 on each share, this give* #7->0 for

.10 nionthlv; #l,lT>u for $14 monthly; $ 1,500 lor#20 monthly; 42,100 for #28 monthly He advancethree-fourths of the property irtven as security; thus,on a proi*rty worth #2,000. we will advance #1..»00,and the payments would be $20 monthly; on a prop¬erty worth 44.000, we would advance 43,000, la¬ments #40 per month. Shares can be taken at anytime, and no back dues required. Any portion of anadvance, or the whole of it, can be repaid at any time.These facilities for getting rid of au encumbrance canonly be bad by borrowing from a building aasociation.We |»ay 5 percent per annum on money withdrawn.Our shares on maturity will pay 12 i«r cent per an¬num. *100 paid in at *1 monthly will be worth$1 .".0, and can then be withdrawn with the 450 profit.Next meeting. Wednesday evening. July 3. at 615

7th st. C. C. Duncanson, president; ljewis Abraham,vice-president. F. G. Saxtou, treasurer. John Cook,secretary, 618 12th st. Capitol Hill branch. A. N.Meeker. 2073d at. a. e. Je29-4t_

the Washington real estate in-POffvEisTMENT COMPANY has been organizedwith the following Board of Directors: Thos. Dow-ling, president; S Norru Thcrrne.vice-president: An¬son S. Taylor, sec'y. W. H. WetieL treasurer; W. RBrown, J. H. My ran, John Irwin. C. N. Moore, and E.S Wescott. Shares limited to 300. The first meetingforth* payment of dues will be held at the "tlWofWescott ft Wilcox, 1907 Pa. ave n.w.. TUESDAY,July 'i, 188W, at S p. m. Subscriptions received by anyof toe Directors. Dues payable at the office of theSecretary, 1224 F at. n.w., from » a. in. to 5 p. in.After 6 p. m at house, 1826 K st. n.w.>,29-3t ANSON S. TAYLOR, Sec'y.





OFFICE : 1251 HIGH (32D) BTREET. )e29-6tYOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW.v^r^far a LITTLE MCNKY will go in the pur-


Je29 434 7th st.if REMOVAL.

JNO. M. YOUNG has REMOVED HISlarge stock of carnages to 456 Pennsylvania avenue,where he will be pleased to see his old customers andtrienda. }e29-2w I


This season we have an exquisite line in all the color¬ings Much is said by all the good dealers about ten¬nis garments, but the beat goods are those fromwood ST.. LONDON. They wear batter, look betterand don't cost ai.y more.This warm weather starts the sale of them.811k

Caps, Cricketing Trousers and Belts, we have an excel¬lent variety. _B. F. WOODARD k CO.MEN'S IMPORTING FURNISHERS.

loth and F eta. n.w.

P. 8. iWe find our stock in Half Hose too large. To-day we

cut the prices, but only until ws have reduced the sur¬plus. This is what we do.In MODES ft SLATES 48 doxen of regular 50c. Half

Hose, go to 35c., or three pairs 41. Ask for Morley'a.In itelbriggan. double feet, heels and tuea, 50 doxenof 35c. Hall Hose, uvw 25c.They won't stay with us long at such prices.H. F. WOODARD ft CO.,

SHIRT MAKERS.Jel7 15th and * sta. n.w.

OEO. B. WILSON. REAL ESTATEBroker, formerly of 1418 F St., Is nowat 1)«1 F st. Ja7-lrao


Storage Departments all above ground. my4-4m


ASSETS #1.044,781.37.Subscriptions for shares In the 17th issue received

daily at the oSoe oi the Association, kquitahl* Build¬ing. 1003 r st

Shares are #2.50 per month.#1.000advanced on «*rh ahare.

Pamphlets explaining the ohjecta and advantage ofthe Association are furaishsd upon application.Office boon, from V a. m. to 4:90 p. bl On the first

Wednesday IB each month the oflics will be ops* from6 to 8 o'clock p. u. Advances will ba wade promptlyat 7 o'clock.



.lanctal facility alTorde<f travalera.LEWIS JOHNSON * CO.,

Irani* am ai^lOtTkIrown. Shipley k On.jtftl-lOt "

Drafts ok all paints 1bCABLE in any part o< the

afforded tj

Washington News and Gossip.lades t* AlTertiMBMta.


The Star Out of Town.The Evening Btab will be Bent by mail to

Any address in the United States or Canadafor such period as may be desired, at therate of fifty cents per month. But allsu<h orders must be accompanied by the money,or the paper cannot be sent, at no accounts are

kejit icith mail subscriptions.

Government Receipts To-Day. . Internalrevenue, 9966.43; customs, 8385.060.A Money Ordkr Convention between Ger¬

many and the United States has been signedby the German minister, Count D'Arco Valley,and Postmaster-General Wanamaker. It in¬creases the amount of a money order that canbe sent by either country to the other from j>50to 1100.The Special Agents' Office, Treasury de¬

partment, was somewhat shaken up yesteaday.Col. J. A. Jewell was relieved from duty as su¬pervising special agent and Mr. A. K. TinglewaH ordered to duty in his place. Ct>l. Jewellwill take Mr. Tingle's duties in the department.Mr. J. C. McCoy, of Pueblo, CoL, was appointeda special agent.Abmy Orders..Major Chas. McClnre, pay-

matter, relieved from further duty at SiouxCity, Iowa, and ordered to Huron, Dak. CoLHenry C. Wood, assistant adjutant-general,granted one mouth's extension of leave.Secretary Blaine and his son Walker left

yesterday afternoon for Bar Harbor, Me. TheSecretary will remain there until September.Capt. W. M. Meredith, the new chief of the

bureau of engraving and printing, began hisuew duties yesterday. Ho was introduced byChief Clerk Brackett, of the Treasury depart¬ment. to the various heads of divisions. Thenew chief was presented with several hand¬some floral pieces.The Alien Labor Laws..Attorney-General

Miller has advised the Secretary of the Treas¬ury that he has doubts as to the authority ofthe government to accept compromises in casesof tines imposed under the alien labor law.This opinion was given in the case of the offerma.le by the Church of the Holy Trinity, ofNew York, to pay $!100 of the $1,000 fine im¬posed when the foreign rector was broughtliere. The case was appealed to the U. S. Su¬preme Court, and the L. S. district attorney atNew York and the solicitor of the Treasuryrecommended an acceptance of the compro-mine.The Pilgrim to be Sold..The inspection

board has been ordered to appraise the Pilgrimat League Island on the GUi instant, with aview to her sale.Resigned One Office and Appointed to

Another..Benjamin Wilson, of West Virginia,has resigned the position of regular assistantattorney in the Department of Justice and hasbeea appointed a special assistant attorney forduty in connection with French spoliationclaims.Jmo. C. Chaney, of Indiana, has been ap¬

pointed an assistant attorney in the Depart¬ment of Justice iu the place of £. J. May, re¬signed.Hiram Z. Leonard, of Indiana, has been

appointed a commercial agent of the UnitedStates at Ontario.

Annexed by Great Britain..The UnitedStates consul at Auckland, New Zealand, hasinformed the Secretary of State that GreatBrtiaiu has annexed the Island of Suwarrou, inthe Pacific ocean. The commander of H.M.S.Bapid hoisted the British flog on that island onMay L «

Rights or Homestead Settlers will beProtected..Acting General Land Commis-sioner Stone to-day, in writing to an attorneyat Arkansas City, Kansas, in regard to the rightsof homestead settlers iu Oklahoma over thosewho make town site locations, says that home-steal claimauts will be protected by the landofiice and if preference is giving at all It willbe to bona fide settler*. Encroachment* uponthe rights of a settler by the unauthorizedlocation of town-sites will not be sanctioned orin any manner npheld.The Weekly Star, which should have been

issued on Thursday last, the 37th nit, butwas delayed on account of the accident to theengine, is published to-day. Subscribers get¬ting papers at the counter can call for them orthose wishing to send copies away can get!them at the office, ready wrapped for mailing,at3 cents per copy. The regular issue will ap¬pear as usual Thursday morning.Pkbsoxau.Jas. H. Nixon of New Jersey, A.

Mooneli* and family, Dr. W. R. Larkin and A.H. Simpson of New York, James Atwell ofPittsburg, Dr. Hugo Ruger of Fort Washing-ton, N. Y., are at WillardV Chas. H. Mullinof Pennsylvania, Clarence Winthrop Bowen ofBrooklyn, Jas. N. Megargee of Chicago, H. N.Clareton of Boanoke, Vs., and W. P. Went-worth and £. J. Brooks of New York, are atthe Arlington. C. Daltou, C. W. Raymond ofNew York, A. Phelps, E. Smith of New Haven,and E. Stewart. U.S.N., are at the Ebbitt...M. Chapman ot Connecticut, T. Clark of RhodeIsland. C. Steel of Philadelphia, H. M. Bates ofTennessee, R. Patterson of Maine, are at theRign. H. W. Werning of New York, J.Holts of Philadelphia, J. McCarty, U.S.A.,are itt the Arno. Henry Gataon, D Bel-ioger of Philadelphia, are at Wormley's.-.T. Ochiltree of New York, Louis Roes of Mex-ico, O. BaUeras of Orange, N. Y.f are at Chara-berhn's. H. C. MoArmitt, E. Hull ofPennsylvania, M. Shaeffer of New York, are atWelttfcer's hotel. D. T. Homan of Spring¬field, Mass., E. D. Slater of Florence, Ala., andWm. M. Hardcastle of Maryland, are at theHotol Johnson. Dr. Irving C. Roese ofWashington, who was lately appointed to at¬tend the Parts exposition in a technical oepao-ity, has declined the honor, owing to bis pro-fessional duties at home.


What He Says as to HI* Intentions Inthe Administration of the Office.

C&pt. Ransdell, the new marshal, who quali¬fied and entered npon his duties yesterday, asstated in Thx Stab, was in his office this morn¬ing attending to business. Daring the day hereceived a number of callers, most of themsimply desiring to make his acquaintance. Toa Stab reporter, when bis attention was calledto printed statements of prospective appoint¬ments in the marshal's office, Capt Bansdellsaid:"Some newspapers and people seem to know

more as to intentions than the parties mostconcerned. I have as yet fixed on no policyother than to have a good, honest, faithful ad¬ministration of the office. That idea is para¬mount to all others. I intend to get thoroughlyacquainted with the workings and personnel ofthe office, and intend to have a good, safe ad¬ministration of its affairs."

Capt. Ransdell's predecessor. Mr. Wilson,was also at the office to-day settling np his ac¬counts.This afternoon Marshal Ransdell was taken

through the court-house by Mr. Wilson and in¬troduced to the officers and clerks, and also in¬spected the rooms of the building, particularlythose for the continemeht of prisoners.PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS.An Additional List Announced Late |

Yesterday Afternoon.After The Stab went to press yesterday the

President made the following additional ap¬pointments:Arthur M. Tinker, of Massachusetts, to be an

Indian inspector.A. P. Jackson, of Wisconsin, to be register of

the land office at Menasba, Wis.George A. McKenzie, of California, to be

register of the land office at Stockton, CaLJesse Taylor, of Kansas, to be receiver of

public moneys at Garden City, Kan.E. P. Freeman, of Minnesota, to be receiver

of public moneys at Marshall (formerly Tracy),Minn.To be Indian agents.ArcBer V. Simons, of

Montana, at the Fort Belknap agency in Mon¬tana; Charles R. Bartholomew, of Colorado, atthe southern Ute and Jicarilla agency in Colo¬rado; W. P. McClure. of New Mexico, at theI ueblo agency in New Mexico; Win. L Plumb,of Nevada, at the western Shoshone agency inNevada.W. 8. Reynolds, of Wisconsin, to be special

agent to make allotments of lands in severaltyto Indians.

Maryland and Virginia Postmasters.The following fourth-class postmasters have

been appointed in Maryland and Virginia:S. A. Callaway, Athol, Wicomico county; Chas.F. Fusting, Catonaville, Baltimore; Mrs. 8. C.Weeling. Clinton, Prince George's; E. 8. 8.Turner, Nanticoke, Wicomico; Amos W. Demp-sev, Poplar Springs, Howard; Mrs. Nettie J.Gray, Scotland, St Mary's. Md. Chas. A. Mc-Kniuey. Cape Charles, Northampton county:Florence B. West, Craddockville, Accomac;Wm. J. Gibb, Franklin City. Accomac; S. R.Stebbins, Greenbackville, "Accomac; WilliamWalsh, Mappsville, Accomac; T. A. T. Joynes,Onancock, Accomac; Geo. Johnson, Sterling,Loudoun, Bobt. B. Rouzie, Tappahannook,Essex; H. C. White, jr., Tashley, Accomac;Robt. 8. Bristan. Urbanna, Middlesex; W. B.Roberts, Sands. Page; W. W. Breeding, Alli-sonia, Pulaski; R. E. Goodman. Barkers Gar¬den, Tazewell: Win. T. Miars, ChurclilaniNorfolk; Jno. W. Spencer. Clarksville, Mecb-lenburg; Geo. Aldcrson, Guest's Station. Wise-Marry M. Collins. Kimballton, Giles; Wm. L.Moore, Knob, Tazewell; Chas. C. Alderson,Lebanon. Russell; J. R. Hudson. Max Mead¬ows, Wythe; C. W. Elmore. New Castle,Creecv; D. E. J. Baskerville. Palmer's Springs,Mechlenburgh; Oscar J. Emmons. Pearwburg.Giles; C. A. Woodyard, Poplar Hill, Giles; D.W. Capps, Princess Anne C. H.. Princess Anne;Mattie Brown, Suapps, Tazewell; A. J. Litton,Stickleyville, Lee; G. C. Kelly, Thessalea,Giles; John Riddle. Turkey Cave, Lee; H. K.Fizer, Narrows, Giles; W. C. Harless. NewRiver Depot, Pulaski; Harvey Young, YokumStation, Lee, Vs.

Another Exposition Committee.At the last meeting of the board of trade of

Reading. Pa., the following standing committeeon the Three Americas exposition of 1892 wasappointed: Isaac McHose, president; E. F.Keever. secretary; Wm. M. Kaufman, Jesse Orrand John R. Miller.

Interior Department Changes.The following official changes have been

made in the Department of the Interior;General land office.Appointments: G. C.

Wells; of Virginia, special agent, *1.500; Thos.F. Shoemaker, of New York, timber agent*1.300.

Office of Indian affairs.Transfer: Mrs. AliceR. Joyce, of New York, copyist, #900, to Pen¬sion office.Pension office.Appointments:Wm. B. Shaw,

Jr., of Pennsylvania, chief of division, *2.000,vice H. C. Bell, reduced to assistant chief at*1.800; Geo. C. Kennedy, or Iowa, special ex¬aminer, *1.400; Wiley Britton. of Kansas, clerk,*1:400, by transfer from War department. Pro¬motions: Chas. McMillan, of District of Co¬lumbia, assistant medical referee. *2.250. tomedical referee, *3,000; Fred W. Mitchell, ofNew York, assistant chief of division, *1,800, toprincipal examiner, *2,000.

Pension Cases In Regular Order.Secretary Noble bus sent the following com¬

munication to Commissioner of Pensions Tan¬ner:"Attention is required to the following regu¬

lation applicable to the bureau of pensions:'Order No. 108..January 23, 1885..Owing tothe pressure brought to bear from all quartersto take cases out of their regular order, and asat this late date poverty aud hardship fromfurther delay can be alleged of almost everyapplicant alike, therefore cases will be takenout of their order only when soch cause there-for is shown to the commissioner in writing aswould sat-sfy the other worthy claimantswhose claims precede it, should they know thefacts, that »ucn action is proper. Hereafter nocase will be advanced that is not clearlv withinthis rule.' It is hereby further ordered thatthis rulo be extended so as to embrace casesonly where the applicant is in very great desti¬tution or at the point of death. This regula¬tion will not only bo strictly enforced but at¬torneys, agents, or others persisting in applica¬tions contrary to its language and spirit will bedisbarred from practice before the department.You wiU have this made public."

Resigned, Not Legislated Out.The new law rendering necessary the ap¬

pointment of a superintendent of the coastsurvey at the beginning of the fiscal year wasnot framed for the purpose of legislating Mr.Thorn, the present superintendent, oat of office.While the sundry civil biU was being consid¬ered in the Senate committee on appropria¬tions the provision for the appointment by thePresident and confirmation by the Senate wascalled to the attention of the superintendentby the subcommittee, with a request for hisopinion as to the advisability of its retention inthe bill. His reply was that he regarded it asentirely unobjectionable and that personallyhe felt no interest in it On the 6th of Marchlast the superintendent prepared his resigna¬tion. but, at the suggestion of Senator Allison,withheld it until April 2 last when it was sentto the President with a request for its accept¬ance on the appointment and qualification ofhis successor, which was expected to oocur anyday. With the near approach of the new fiscalyear Mr. Thorn, in a letter of June S3 nit.called the attention of both the President andthe Secretary of the Treasury to the conditionof the law rendering necessary a new appoint¬ment %

Tn Fish Conranoit Btiaxu AlbatbossIs expected to arrive to-day a* Victoria, & aShe will take Senator Dawes aada number ofother Senators on board, who will proceed Antto Kodiac island, in the Aleutian group, andtheaoe to Sitka. During the recent trip theoftcers of the Albatross discovered thirty-fournew species of fish and a vast number ofhitherto unknown invertebrates.

Telegrams to The Star,


A Terrible Railroad Wreck NearLynchburg.


More Ken Than Dr. Cronin Believed toHave Been Silenced.


Slugger Sullivan Starts for theScene of the Fight.


A TERRIBLE DISASTER.A Train Wrecked and the Cars Then

Take Fire.



Special Dispatch to The Evening Stab.Ltnchbcro, Va., July 2..About 2 o'clock

this morning an east-bound passenger train onthe Norfolk and Western railroad ran into a

land blido near Tbaxton's, a station abouttwenty-five miles west of Lynchburg, with hor¬rible results. The entire train from engine tosleeping car went into the excavation and thewreck taking fire was completely consumed.

It is impossible at this hour to obtain full de¬tails of the terrible calamity, but seven areknown to be dead and fifteen are missing, andit is thought they have been burned with thewreck.


Express-Messenger Ashmore and Baggage-Master Ford. Engineer l>onovan. ConductorJohnson, Fireman Mays, and two postal clerks,one of them named Sommers. All of the aboveexcept the postal clerks are from Lynchburg.John Kirkpatrick. a prominent young citizenof this city, was killed, and several other Lynch-burgers severely injured. Excitement was

high here, and "everybody is fiocking to thedepot to seek information, which the railroadofficials will not give.By United Press.Libertt. Va., July 2..A fearful catastrophe

occurred about a mile west of Thaxton thismorning, en the Norfolk and Western railroad,by which about forty passengers were killedThe accident was caused by a washout on a

high bill. An informer here says that therewere only about seven of the crew andpassengers saved. Some of the cars andpassengers were burned. Capt. Rowland John¬son was in charge of the train and is mortallywounded.Baggage-master Ford is said to be very badly

hurt. Major J. C. Cassell, superintendent ofthe Lynchburg division, was on the train, andwas seriously injured. Mr. L. B. Summers, ofAbingdon, a postal clerk, was bruised up con¬siderably.The other postal clcrk. J. J. Rose, of Abing¬

don, wag killed. All of the physicians andmany of the citizens of Liberty went to thewreck as soon as information was receivedhere. Pat Donovan was the engineer and wasburlled up. as was also the fireman.A man named Bruce Lifsev. train dispatcher,

was also burned. Several of the wounded werebrought here and taken to the sanitarium. W.C. Stead, of Cleveland, Tenn., is among thedead.

What President Kimball Says.Associated Press.Philadelphia, July 2..President Kimball,

of the Norfolk and Western railroad, who hasbis headquarters in this city, when seen thisafternoon in relation to the accident onhis road this morning, said that while thewreck is a frerions one and has resulted in thelosb of life, the report telegraphed from Lynch¬burg that forty persons were killed is greatlyexaggerated.

Mr. Kimball is in direct telegraphic commu¬nication with the general manager of the road.The information furnished him up to 1 o'clockthis afternoon is that five persons were killed,nearly all ofwhom were train hands, and quitea number of persons injured. The train wTeckedwas known as No. 2. which left Roanoke a fewminutes before midnight. A heavy rain-stormhad prevailed throughout Virginia for aboutforty-eight hours and the train was movingslowly and behind schedule time when it raninto a washout about 1:30 this morning nearThaxton's.The locomotive and several cars were thrown

into the ditch, but the sleeper remained on thetrack. The cars caught fire after falling intothe ditch, and quite a number of passengerswere severelv burned, in addition to those in¬jured by the "wreck. Telegrams were at oncesent to Roanoke for assistance, and in a shorttime a Bpecial train arrived from that city bear¬ing a fire company and a number o^f physicians.Five persons are reported to Mr. Kimball ashaving been killed and a number injured, butno names have as yet been forwarded to him.


The Finishing Touches Now BeingGiven to the Baltimore Boy.

Baltimore, July 2..The rainy weather yes¬terday kept the crowd of visitors away fromHalstead's Pimlico road bouse, but, despite thedownpour, Kilrain went through bis usualtraining. He was as bright and as merry as aschool boy in vacation time, and when hestarted for a 6-mile tramp before supper will¬ingly accepted a wager offered by Johnny Mur¬phy that he would tire out the big pugilist.The two started away from the hotel togetheron a trot, Jake wearing a pair of pedestrian'sshoes that Mitchell said he bet would makehim squeal before he got back.

'.Oh. no," replied Kilrain, "we areonly goingon a little jaunt of 6 or 7 miles."The two returned about 7 o'clock in a drip¬

ping perspiration, with Murphy leading, andlooking as fresh as daisies after a rain. Theshoes had failed to get in their work.The finishing touches are being given Kil-

rain's training now, as the pugilist and bistrainers start south to-morrow or Thursday.They will go over the Baltimore and Ohio road.Kilrain and his party, consisting of Mitchelland Hurphy and a few friends, will have a Pull¬man car to themselves, but there will be notraining en route, as Jake is now in perfectcondition for the fight, and the only thingrequisite will be to keep him np to the presentmark. To insure this Mitchell will look care¬fully after his food on the cars and after theyarrive in New Orleans, and a supply of waterwill be taken along, so that the risk of a changein this necessary article of diet will be avoided.The time of the departure of the pugilists willbe kept a secret, as it is their desire to avoidpublicity sad a scene.

The Seal Purchasers of the "The An¬gelus."

London, July 1-A dispatch to the Bandardsays that M. Proust purchased "The Angelas"at the Becretan sale foe a group of amateurswho clubbed together to prevent the Ipictureleaving the ooustry. They are to pay 400.000francs, while the government pays lW.OGOfrancs and the expenses of the sale. The pic¬ture will be presented to the Louvre. M.de Biowits says the opposition in Abe chamberof deputies Till not dare complain.

Three Women Drowned.Oiivnimr, Out., July X.Mi*. T. L.

6 mere*, Mrs. Loae and Myra Jx*e. herdaughter, were last night drowned In lakeBoeseau by the upsetting of their boat.

more conspiracy work.»r. 0*Cleary Belto^to have been Re¬

moved by the Claa-na-Gael.

Tl^ "°*T or *18 "^Ttttors DnAmtaaAsciAO°-" Hin i*craatp th«

°* "" .P"^«-BOLAJ.D-r*ELrsectiok.in k ixkemv irroar.

«.SnSTo^ 7Vm" «""»orningTt xbt m.nr:,WTl?r 1116 T<""> of Lake. u one

fo^rcb^thn*^**i iiwS«3ft

Gael suspected f.,?i '? faotl"u of «k« CUn-ua-

i-ijiars:,*a1~sftlies«£«i;'o^r* .»-

active^ce iwW? EaroP* °n

out by the trianglers tlat<vcST** W" K1v*'n

fomia. the fact bew th.V^7V ,n V*li'

at*^°Vcwr5*htSt%iRh°t^nmL^tUrn,?d fro'" hi* »**&Pbeen at S!u mouths a*o, and i« hhuI to have

sented as having he,,??. Wld hv. " re¬

condition. He niachi ..!!?." deplorablethe executive but

fund* to

him. O'ClfHrv becam HW Was Pa,d to

quite a ro^'n tU orl.n?"?'''"10^ «n«I raised

ment Nix month* I«k"r ht Zr" h'streat-«11 the efforta of hi* fr,.Z i . ^PP'-ared and

since have been f^i^''^ locat<\him .*»

doubt or a .uir.'.on Lnem^of^h'11" Thave disappeared »ll

of th" triangle.PPearanTr^^^\Cronxn being O'Clearv , f ,tJmt of

again being a \Yw ohone ?e,ore tLat

TiL°rKVE8n°A7 THE *'"¦»«* «toBt.

th« rlS t3p?^ ^ n°t encouraged overthe prospect that they will have to tale in handanother great "removal" my,terv

but so far w» . . Mclaerney storv,

to believe that the man wal kilVd"^' 'e*d^"tog? SidlXrreeXMn"Uttd ,L<' NlI0n »<^tooUthat any murder was eler^'" *'"* t0


That is "as far 1 wJt.ll COTan»»"ed there,far, but I guess We

' tn^t^ \!" 1 u'* Ca*^ *°want them "

flnd tte Murphys if Me

bJdiuEsssEssr "nd ch,<f Hnb-.bout the Mclnern^v Tin,^ "'1,,talk'*d

erallylooked.^ .,?£» «"¦« >* K- n-

at least that niri of .h . |®POlice circles,Chicago a* t&pl£Vif Dr%Tll,«hrnbr,''g8posed murder. Mclnerney s sup-

Luke Dillon Talks ARaln.Detroit, Mich., July 2,-Lukc Dillon wM

jnfit a" he W«H leaving for1 hiladelphia late last night. Referring to thev. an Francisco Chvoncclt'tt atnrt» . ,.

man Walsh, Mr. DillonUid.Th^ni?"haa no connection with the ca«<- u i," ? h^1doea not belong to the ( "an . ,


for four vears He i!«/>tl Ruj ha* not

mine. I never sawfr'eBtJ °<

thit was in Philadelphia twn* tlu"*- H"J

H. 1» nol s,m«EJ,. ;!«."

i-STu";that storv

: aadyefi't wen"'^^""^a^'-utfrom New^rULTS^*J^v^^a^^j^eSs^time, or a little before th.» k

er8tooJ Mt ,h"t

gasasajySSS^'Dr. Cronln."t.lau-na-««el aa wae

Mas the Suicide Cooney, "The Fox?"Bklvihebe, III., July 2.-Much ercitem«nt

waa cauaed here yesterday by the report th« t tl .

unknown man who committed auicide here Sun-uaj answered tlie di'scriDtinn nf p

Vox," wanted in Chiotg^ K , J« u'nCl*"thewho has Coonev'B .tcscfiDtim »r,T °^:uton.dead man tallies ei^tK fV f. w.vsthat the

face to tL cSledlS^r° Volhin^.ni;rk<,<!thl° mo"»^ ****

Says he Was Not Lured West.Omaha. Neb., July 2.-Referring to a New

lork dispatch in which it was intonated thatDr. M^neniey. a secret agent of the Clan-.a-Gael. had been lured west from Brooklvn »>v »

telegram and then murdered either in i'\

telegram of the kind ment oued had beenVnt

or the kind mentioned had beenOmaha the informant^ould not wy.

Representative Laird Much ImprovedJuly2.-CongreSsmfn Jarn^Citv n^ ^ m° yest<,rda-v fro» Atlantic

S healthr a.Tm°tltl"(' mUch ^provedin health. He has failed in tieft)i hut « ^

^oveCry!erfUl^ " tvldeut^ ^

Dropped Dead on the Street.Cincinnati, July 2..W. Eglinton Francis,

late manager of the American insurance com¬pany of Philadelphia, dropped dead from heartdisease last evening on the street on the way tohis home, on Mount Auburn. Mr. Frarn in tusbeen au underwriter here and in Philadelphiafor twenty-live years.

French Canadian Convention:New Yosk. July 2..The annual convention

of French-Canadians was continued to-day.The greater part of the morning session wastaken op with the discussion of the parochialschool question. The speakers were GeorgeLiemay and Rev. A. Noteoaert.

Fatal Cutting Affray.Chicago. July 2..Thoa. Bean, a young

roofer, had a quarrel last night with anotherman, th« cause being the former's girl. Earlythis morning the quarrel wss renewed and W.C. Bprague went to the assistance of Bean,whomhe knew. There were several men in the fightWhen Bprague entered the melee he beardBean cry "I'm cut," at the same time Spraguereceived several cuts across the face. Whenthe police reached the scene of the affray theman who did the cutting and bis friends haddisappeared. Bean died while on his way tothe noapital, having been stabbed to the heart.Sprague was seriously but not dangerouslyhurt William Hutchinson, the principal in themurder, was captured an hour later, as werealso Thomas O'Brien and Jamas Kennedy, ac¬cessories to the crime.

Survivors of the Nipslc Arrive.Nrw You, July 2..Among the passenger*

on the steamer Newport, from Aspinwall, whicharrived last night, are the hand, numberingthirteen men, of th* U.8.H. Nipsic, four seamenfrom the same vessel and three qeamen fromthe U.S.8. Yandalia, survivors of the 8amoandisaster. All are in charge of Boatswain Mc-LoughHa.

Killed His Wife's Paraasow.Ajmou, Ira., July 1.A few ssonths ago

trouble areae between Thsd. Van Pelt aad Uswife, aaaasd. It Is thought, by the interferenceofWm. Stone. Mrs. Vsa Pelt left kar homeandwent Uo live with Rtoae. A suit tor divorce wescommenced. Hunday evening Mr. VaaPelt wentever to Btoae's ana had a talk with his wife atthe gate aad danng the ooavanattos Stonecame out The man quarreled aad TsaPeitshot Stone through the hewt, killing htot to-

VanPttltMSMd. A


StMhT'' lilratfMiri AnHw .PH#r» of W«1m on PMUtrto, Ktc.

¦renal OaMs Pt»«>ck to Tun iLosdos, July 1.Ward, ban*

on the Congo, arrived in London this iHUnlrT'i committee has obtained an

restraining the publication of Troop #whose sglj nreltUoai I kintod it wib ago.? letter was rend from Prinoe of Wales s*

the Piilrar meeting yesterday strongly sup¬porting Pastourism and urging tbe ¦iiliw.Imuscling of dogs. This rtrong taking of aideaon the controversy in exciting great anttpethienand «. a new and daag'-rou* departure. Eventhe tory serai-ofkcial Standard cnttciM thoprince'* action a* Terr bostaJely taken.

Salisbury'* action in eeadiug three war ahlpato Delagoa bay ha* quieted the feeling on thatsubject, bnt the indignation wh mostly eon-fined to persons pecuniarily interested. Froman imperial point of vim, it don't maltar whichaet of speculator* have the railway.


Extraordinary Performances to BtUlvrn In HI* Honor.

8i*clal cahte Disjwtch to Tas Imno ITU.Liixoox, July 2. -All London ia mad on the

ahah. 1 was close to him on entering Bucking-ham Palace yesterday. He has scarcely turneda hair since he was here before and look*

I remarkably well. He seems highly pleasedwith hi* reception by the multitude and thejm :ty p.gcant of gorgeous state carriages, LifeGuards and music. He talks in French to thol'nnce of Kales, who sat on bis left in the car¬riage and six. Great interest is manifested inhi* little favorite boy. a bright-eyed orientalshah in miniature, who followed in the nextcarriage.There will be a great performance to-night,the *tall* fetching four guineas each.Kii.-«.o<>un. the great liombay no rehant. haa

taken the Empire theater for Thursday andpaid t-. 'rf'O. It will be a *i>lendid performance,with ballets and song* ana . mmx-r served ongold plate. The waiters are all to be over sixfeet high.

THE SECRETAN SALE.An Animated Scrn* When "The An¬

gel ut." wm Saved for France.S;»<ei»l Cable IHspatch to Tmb Enstwo hiuLokdox, July 2..The excitement and high

prices called out by the Secretau sale in Parisyesterday realized my forecast My Paris cor¬respondent describes the scene as very ani¬mated. All the leading dealers, actors, andauthors were present. When "The Angelas"was finally secured for the Louvre against theAmerican l>i<ls for 553.000 francs there was anindescribable scene of reioicing. hats beingtossed in the air. loud cheering, and Ladleswaving their handkerchiefs. This price, con¬sidering the sire of the picture, equals threetitu.s the price paid for the Ansedei Raphaelby England. Meiasonier's prices were also re-tnrrkablv big. "The Curassiers" bringing 1H0.-000 franc*; the tiny "Yin l)u Cure." not muchlarger than a dollar piece, 90.000. This wasbought by a Kheines wine merchant, perhapstor advertising purpose*.

MICHAEL DAVITT ON THE STAND.He Denies the Statements Made by be

Caron as to John I>evoy.Lokdos, July 2..At to-day's session of the

Parnell commission Michael L>avitt was placedon the witnes* stand. Mr. Davitt denied thatthe account given by Le Caron. the Timrt wit¬nes*. that John Devoy's proposals were sub¬mitted to Mr. Parnell was truj. Mr. Parnell,he said, had nothing to do with hi* iDavitt'sivisit to America in 1K78. It was the witnessintention to revisit America to lecture and toraise money for the agrarian movement inIreland.

Ditrrr oa the stxko.W. Ford sent copies over through the "Spread

The Light Fund" uud witness paid the postage.The league did not circulate the letter of JohnDevoy on "A New Departure," extracts fromwhich were quoted by Attorney-General Web¬ster, counsel for the zVmtts.

SULLIVAN IN CLEVELAND.Muldoon Says He Will Enter the King

"as Fine as a Fiddle..»

Clkvei.hsd, Onto, July 2..The special trainof three cars bearing the Sullivan partyfrom Rochester. S. Y., to New Or¬leans, came into the city of Cleveland thismorning over the Nickel-Plate tracks. It wasmade up of two Wagner parlor coaches and abaggage-car. There was only a knotof ten people in the depot* to meetthe train. Muldoon. Cliarlev Johnston, and JinWakeley came out during the wait caused bythe transmission of orders from the NickelPlate depot to the Bee Line yardsthat the train was to be switched to theBee Line track. 1 Miring the few minutes' stopMuldoon chatted about Sullivan. the com¬ing fight, and the condition of hi* charge. "Ihave no idea who the referee will be," said he.'.It is notmy business to discuss that. Johnstonor Wakelcv know* more about that part of tbebusiness tLan 1 do. It u their money behindJohn. Sullivan is asleep and has uot beenawake since we left Dunkirk.He will go into tbe ring next Monday as Ann

as a filldie. and better able to fight than haever was in bis life."The party leftover the Bee line at 8 o'clock.

THE 1)1 KANGO FIRE.The Business Portion of the Town

tirely l»estroyed.Dura, Cou. July 2..The fire in Durango

last night was extinguished after the totaldestruction of eight business blocks, wliicb in¬cludes all the principal business houses, threecbureh« * and a portion of the residence part offthe town. The loss is estimated at #300.000,with light insurance. The fire is supposed tohave been of incendiary origin.

A Case of Cholera In Ohio.Chicxoo. July 'L.A dispatch from Waverly,

Ohio, says: A man whose name could not belearned was taken suddenly sick Fridsy last inScioto county, and expired in a few hours.Two doctors pronounced it a genuine caae ofAsiatic cholera.

A Big Strike of Rakers.Yienka. July 2..Six thousaud workmen bar*

struck at Brunn, including all the bakers ofthe city. A detachment of military has beensent there. There has been no rioting aa yet.Lat' r advices from Hrunn state that the num¬ber of strikers i* fifteen thousand. They de¬mand an increase of 30 per cent in their wagea.

From Wall Street To-day.New Yobs. July 2. 11 a. m..The stock mar-

ket this morning was again extremely dull forthe general list, which was also without move¬ment of importance or apparent tt ndency iaeither direction, but it was enlivened by greatactivity iu a few shares in which markedmovements were made. First prices sboiscarcely any change from last evening'!figures, and the majority of stocks traded indid not get more than slight fractions fromthem during the hour. Atchison was the onlyactive stock in tbe regular list, and It show*!decided weakness, dropping 1H per cent to

The other granger stocks showed somaanimation and a declining tendency in sym¬pathy. but their fluctuations ware small andinsignificant. Sugar trust opened unchangedbut suddenly dropped S per cent to 110M,which was followed by a fractional recovery.Lead trust was again moat active and declinedmore alowly. but lost ljjf per cent to M)t Abetter feeling was shown In the latter portionof the hour, and at 11 o'clock the market wandoll and steady to firm.

Joe Mackin Pardoned.Fprixofield, Iul, July 2..The govamag

has pardoned Joe Mackin. *

Maekin was aeutenoed to five years in thopenitentiary in the spring of 1Mb for perjaryin connection with election frauds in MM.

A Heavy Woman's Vote.Esc Cunt, Ia, July 1.Ens Claire

its first election for a hoard ofterday. It brought out a heavyprominent society ladies spending tbe'day with their carriages taking wornso topolls. The anti-Catholic question waa mvery prominent in aevcral wards, bat the <didatee alleged to representsleeted

WillDemur, Mich., July 1.Ik* Bev. Dr.

F. Daviea, of Philadelphia, reoentbishop of the Episcopal diooeaa at

to the oootoittee hemJect to the approval af