VOL. 36 NO. 2 FALL 2015 INSIDE: Peter Schweizer, New York Times Bestselling Author of Clinton Cash

Libertas - Issue 36.2

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The official publication of Young America's Foundation.

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Page 1: Libertas - Issue 36.2

VOL. 36 NO. 2FALL 2015

INSIDE: Peter Schweizer, New York Times

Bestselling Author of Clinton Cash

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October 5, 2015

Dear Friends,

Obama is Right!

“In the years to come, generations of Americans will stand where we stand and see a piece of history—a tribute to a great man and a great movement. More than anything, that’s what I hope our children and grandchildren will take away from this place. Every time somebody’s son or daughter comes and learns about the history of this movement, I want them to know that our journey is never hopeless, our work is never done…I want them to remember that true courage is revealed when the night is darkest and the resistance is strongest and we somehow find it within ourselves to stand for what we believe in.”

Are those my words and thoughts as I visit President Reagan’s beloved Western White House, Rancho del Cielo? Is the reference to the “movement” our Conservative Movement? The “night [being] darkest” when communism was enslaving over one billion humans with its gulags, forced famines, and aggressions?

No, those words belong to President Barack Obama. He is describing and celebrating a union leader’s office Obama declared a national monument at taxpayer’s expense.

Give credit to the far Left. They take their narrative and their historic sites seriously. They know the lasting impact these places can have on future generations and the course of American life.

In contrast, the Conservative Movement has saved only one of its historic sites in the last 50 years: President Reagan’s Ranch.

Can conservatives ever agree with President Obama? Well, re-read his remarks. They ring true to me.


Ron Robinson President


Ron Robinson

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Young America’s Foundation Board Of Directors

Ron Robinson President of the Board

Ronald Pearson Vice President of the Board

Frank Donatelli Secretary and Treasurer of the BoardT. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.Wynton C. Hall Peter Schweizer James B. TaylorThomas L. Phillips

Director Emeritus

Reagan Ranch Board Of Governors

Frank Donatelli ChairmanEdwin Meese Co-Chairman Robert F. Agostinelli Governor George Allen Reagan Ranch Presidential ScholarJohn BarlettaDr. Suzanne Becker Lisa M. Buestrin Robert CumminsGeorge & Becky Norton Dunlop Robert Giuffra, Jr.Timothy S. Goeglein Ambassador Patricia L. HerboldEric & Nicole Hoplin Marty IrvingHarold Knapheide Mark Larson Rebekah Mercer Al MooreDoug & Pat Perry Thomas L. Phillips Rear Admiral JJ Quinn Fred & Ruth SacherRichard & Jane Schwartz Lee Shannon Craig ShirleyOwen & Bernadette Casey Smith Barbara S. Waddell Jay Webber

National Journalism Center Board Of Governors

T. Kenneth Cribb Jr. ChairmanKellyanne Conway Terry Eastland Rich LowryAlex MarlowThe Honorable Alex Mooney Katie PavlichRonald Pearson Matt Robinson Tom Winter Thomas L. Phillips Chairman Emeritus

Libertas, the Latin word for liberty, is a publication of Young America’s Foundation which highlights the programs, events, students, staff, and supporters of the Foundation. You may contact Libertas and Young America’s Foundation by writing to: Young America’s Foundation, National Headquarters, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Sixth Floor, Reston, Virginia 20191; calling 800-USA-1776; or visiting yaf.org.

Editor: Jessica Jensen; Publisher: Ron Robinson; Publication Design: Jonathan Briggs; Assistant Editors: Jolie Ballantyne, Danielle Behler, Amy Brooker, Andrew Coffin, Caroline Corazza, Patrick Coyle, Travis Creel, Clare Hinshaw, Nicole Hoplin, Emily Jashinsky, Haley Jones, Eleanor Linton, Katie McMenamin, Chris Miranda, Colin Monaghan, Ashley Weaver, Jiesi Zhao; Washington, D.C. event photographer: Jeffrey Marshall, Jensen Sutta, and Bob Updegrove; California event photographer: Jacqueline Pilar. This document and all herein contents, images, stories, graphics, and design, fall unto copyright © 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Young America’s Foundation, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. Any use of Libertas’ content without the written permission of Young America’s Foundation is prohibited.

9 Cruz, Pavlich, Goldberg, Gutfeld, and Hayes Headline 2015 Freedom Conferences

By Katie McMenamin, Director of External Relations, and Amy Lutz, Program Officer

15 Super Bowl-Winning Coach Jon Gruden Energizes High School Students By Lauren Scott, Reagan Ranch Center Intern

19 Professors You Need to Know: An Interview With Dr. Larry Schweikart By Raj Kannappan, Young America’s Foundation Alumnus

23 Levin, Lee, Gingrich, and Cotton Inspire 500 Participants at 37th Annual National Conservative Student Conference

By Jolie Ballantyne, Conference Director

28 How Does Young America’s Foundation Recruit Students? By Amy Lutz, Program Officer

30 Vice President Cheney Addresses America’s Largest Reagan Day Celebrations

By Kimberly Martin Begg, Esq., Vice President & General Counsel

33 YAF Alumnus Peter Schweizer Authors Explosive New York Times Bestseller: Clinton Cash

By Colin Monaghan, Development Officer

Also in This Issue:

4 #1 NYT Bestselling Author Brad Thor Speaks at YAF Headquarters

5 Royce, McFarlane, and Donatelli Address Capitol Hill Interns

6 Sessions, Mooney, and Will Headline Rawhide Circle Retreat

7 Gingrich and Krauthammer Kick Off Wendy P. McCaw Freedom Lecture Series

8 Forbes Editor and YAF Alumnus John Tamny Speaks at Reagan Ranch Center

On the Cover:

New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer began his long journey with Young America’s Foundation as a high school student attending our 1982 National Conservative Student Conference. He is currently a Foundation director as well as president of

the Government Accountability Institute and senior editor-at-large for Breitbart News. His most recent bestseller, Clinton Cash, has garnered national media attention since its release earlier this year.

L IBERTASFall 2015 Volume 36 Number 2

VOL. 36 NO. 2

FALL 2015


Peter Schweizer,

New York Times

Bestselling Author

of Clinton Cash

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JUST TWO DAYS AFTER THE RELEASE OF HIS LATEST BOOK, #1 New York Times bestselling author Brad Thor addressed more than 100 Young America’s Foundation students, supporters, alumni, and friends in Dale Phelon Hall at Young America’s Foundation’s headquarters in Reston, Virginia. On the first stop of his national tour to promote his new book, Thor was eager to share his story with young people and encourage them in their careers. Thor opened by describing himself as “a sunny, Reagan optimist.” With detail reminiscent of one of his thrillers, he then regaled the audience with his tales of overseas adventure, including his time spent in Afghanistan; shared how he got his start writing novels; and further explained his style of writing, calling it “fact-ion,” fiction based on historical fact. He stressed how influential his travels have been on his life and urged the audience to travel abroad. “Traveling outside of the United States made me a better American; I got to see how good we truly have it here.” Thor shared that he initially was daunted by the prospects of trying to start a writing career; the risk and fear of failure almost put an end to his terrific series of thrillers before they even began. But, he said, “Sometimes that which we are destined to do in life is something that we’re very afraid of at first.” He advised the aspiring writers in the audience to read as much as possible. “If you want to be a great writer, you have to be a reader.” Young people, he said, are the key to making sure future generations understand the importance of freedom and a strong national security. “We need you to be great storytellers because our ideas are better than their ideas!” Following his remarks and a question-and-answer session, Thor spent several hours talking with attendees and signing copies of Code of Conduct for all participants.

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author Brad Thor Addresses Capacity Crowd at Foundation Headquarters


Brad Thor, #1 New York Times bestselling author, kicks off his book tour for his latest novel, Code of Conduct, with a speech and booksigning at Young America’s Foundation’s national headquarters.

Young America’s Foundation intern and Texas Christian University YAF chapter chair Julia Mirich receives a signed copy of Brad Thor’s latest bestseller, Code of Conduct.

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YOUNG AMERICA’S FOUNDATION HOSTED A STANDING-ROOM-ONLY CROWD OF INTERNS ON CAPITOL HILL for a special forum: “How Do We Deal with Our Adversaries in a Dangerous World? Reagan vs. Obama.” Young America’s Foundation holds this event on an annual basis to commemorate the anniversary of President Reagan’s passing. Capitol Hill interns and other local students heard from three distinguished panelists, including Young Americans for Freedom alumnus Congressman Ed Royce; President Reagan’s national security advisor, Robert McFarlane; and Frank Donatelli, chairman of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors and assistant to President Reagan. The panelists encouraged the students to make the most of their time in Washington. McFarlane quipped that it was good to see the nation’s best and brightest in attendance after we’ve endured six long years without the best and brightest in charge of the current administration. Congressman Royce, who serves as chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, spent the better part of an hour generously fielding questions on topics including Iran’s nuclear plans, Russia, and threats from radicals in the Middle East.

McFarlane noted the dangers of prematurely extracting troops from Afghanistan, especially in light of how that strategy has impacted the situation in Iraq. The panelists agreed that President Reagan’s approach to security threats was more successful than the current administration’s policy. All attendees received Young America’s Foundation’s popular Ronald Reagan poster and other materials.

Royce, McFarlane, and Donatelli Address Capitol Hill Interns

(Above) A standing-room-only audience of Capitol Hill interns enjoys hearing from Congressman Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, during the Foundation’s annual forum held around the anniversary of President Reagan’s passing.

(Left) Robert McFarlane, President Reagan’s national security advisor, discusses the current threats we face in the Middle East.

Interns receive Young America’s Foundation materials and hear from leading conservatives during the special Capitol Hill briefing.

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YOUNG AMERICA’S FOUNDATION’S 2015 RAWHIDE CIRCLE RETREAT, held in northern Virginia, provided an opportunity for the Foundation’s supporters from around the country to meet and reconnect, be inspired by outstanding young people, and hear from prominent conservative leaders and thinkers. The retreat began at the Udvar-Hazy Center, part of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, in Chantilly, Virginia, where Rawhide Circle members gathered for a reception, dinner, and an intimate look at America’s aviation treasures. In the shadow of Discovery, the longest-serving and most accomplished space shuttle, U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama headlined the evening’s dinner. After recognizing Attorney General Edwin Meese and Governor George Allen—both members of the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors—Senator Sessions praised YAF’s mission and work nationwide, adding, “Young America’s Foundation reaches young people with the highest level of conservative beliefs and principles and is instilling in them a deep and abiding interest in defending and preserving conservative values.” The next day included group tours of the Foundation’s headquarters. Foundation President Ron Robinson welcomed

supporters to the new facility and highlighted what their generosity enables Young America’s Foundation and our students to accomplish. West Virginia Congressman Alex Mooney, who also served as executive director of the National Journalism Center (NJC), addressed the audience, sharing his personal story and highlighting the role of NJC in teaching fair and accurate reporting to aspiring journalists. He also reflected on his first 100 days in Congress. The morning session concluded with a student panel moderated by Jiesi Zhao, director of the Foundation’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise. YAF student activists Emily Jashinsky of The George Washington University, Lauren McCue of Virginia Tech, and Jolie Ballantyne of Penn State’s Dickinson School of Law provided some of the most inspirational moments of the retreat as they recounted their efforts to defend and promote free speech on their campuses. The Rawhide Circle retreat concluded with a reception and dinner at The Ritz-Carlton at Tysons Corner in McLean, Virginia. Governor George Allen introduced Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist George Will, who shared his optimism with the group. Will noted, “Young America’s Foundation has been the point of the conservative spear for more than 50 years…[and] is preserving American exceptionalism, giving courage and confidence to young people, and teaching them what they are never taught: that the progressive view of the world is refuted on every page of America’s history.”

Senator Sessions, Congressman Mooney, and George Will Headline Rawhide Circle Retreat in Virginia


Senator Jeff Sessions addresses Young America’s Foundation supporters in front of the space shuttle Discovery during the opening dinner banquet at the 2015 Rawhide Circle retreat.

Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and author George Will offers an uplifting speech on American greatness.

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Gingrich and Krauthammer Kick Off the Wendy P. McCaw Freedom Lecture SeriesTHIS SPRING, HUNDREDS OF STUDENTS WERE INTRODUCED TO CONSERVATIVE IDEAS through the Wendy P. McCaw Freedom Lecture Series. This program is part of the Foundation’s effort to double our programs and provide the students who attend our Freedom Conferences with substantial support to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of additional students at their schools. The first event in the series featured Speaker Newt Gingrich at the University of Notre Dame where he spoke to more than 500 students and community members. Speaker Gingrich addressed the young people in attendance, noting, “I think that this generation has the potential for being the most creative generation since the Founding Fathers. The reason this is happening is because the world is changing so dramatically, and the U.S. needs to profoundly rethink what our policies are, what our institutions are, and how we work.” Student organizer Peter Fox wrote to thank the Foundation and Mrs. McCaw for sponsoring the enlightening lecture: “Your generosity has impacted the lives of countless students by inspiring them to become more involved in the [Conservative] Movement.” The same month, more than 700 students and community members turned out to hear Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and commentator Dr. Charles Krauthammer speak at one of the most liberal campuses in America: the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Addressing the “Consequences of American Retreat,” Dr. Krauthammer roundly criticized President Obama’s global foreign policy, highlighting the disastrous consequences regarding the nuclear deal with Iran. Dr. Krauthammer said the deal gave Iran “a paved highway to nuclear weapons” and would encourage countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia to acquire such technology. “Think of the world for your children where the most unstable region in the world is bristling with nuclear weapons,” he said. Student leader Dave Kaufman, who previously hosted YAF speakers Karl Rove and Attorney General John Ashcroft, organized the lecture—his final event prior to graduation. “The crowd was engaged, and the students and campus media were focused on his message; it was a huge success!” Kaufman said of the program.


Students Peter Fox (left) and Mark Gianfalla (right) meet with Speaker Newt Gingrich prior to his remarks at the University of Notre Dame.

Charles Krauthammer addresses more than 700 students during his speech—part of the Wendy P. McCaw Freedom Lecture Series—at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

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EARLIER THIS YEAR, YOUNG AMERICA’S FOUNDATION ALUMNUS, AUTHOR, AND FORBES EDITOR JOHN TAMNY SPOKE at the Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon. His presentation, “The War on Wealth and Effort,” praised private industry while highlighting the dangers of too many government regulations and taxes on business. “Nothing can be easier than economic growth,” said Tamny as he shared examples of entrepreneurial success in popular culture. He used topics such as Paris Hilton and Major League Baseball to make his points, a tactic he used in his book, Popular Economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James Can Teach You About Economics.

Tamny also spoke at length about his appreciation for President Reagan’s economic policies. Tamny was first involved with Young America’s Foundation as a student attending our 1988 National Conservative Student Conference in Washington, D.C., where he learned about the free market principles that he still advocates today.

Forbes Editor and Author John Tamny Addresses Supporters and Students


Foundation alumnus and Forbes Editor John Tamny delivers an insightful speech at the monthly Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon.

Alicia Comer from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Elinore Comer, and Nancy Martz receive a copy of Tamny’s book, Popular Economics.

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T his spring, Young America’s Foundation hosted two regional Freedom Conferences, bringing conservative thought to hundreds of students all around the country.

Young America’s Foundation’s Freedom Conferences provide alternatives to the constant onslaught of liberal ideas presented to students by their professors, peers, and the media. Students leave the Foundation’s Freedom

Conferences with a better understanding of how the Obama administration’s leftist policies harm them and how to make the case for freedom to their peers. The New England Freedom Conference drew students from a wide range of colleges and universities including Amherst College, Columbia University, Northeastern University, Rutgers University, the University of Buffalo, and the University of Connecticut, among others. Participants gathered at the Radisson Hotel Nashua in New Hampshire, to learn about conservative principles

By Katie McMenamin, Director of External Relations, and Amy Lutz, Program Officer

Cruz, Pavlich, Goldberg, Gutfeld, and Hayes Headline 2015 Freedom Conferences


Senator Cruz addresses young people gathered in Nashua, New Hampshire, for Young America’s Foundation’s New

England Freedom Conference.

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including the importance of free enterprise, limited government, and a strong national defense.

The program opened with a networking reception for students, offering them an opportunity to exchange first-hand information on how to better advocate for their beliefs in the classroom and when engaging with their peers.

Throughout the weekend, the young attendees also interacted with prominent conservative leaders.

The opening dinner banquet featured Senator Ted Cruz who addressed the concerns of young people today, imploring them to adopt an entrepreneurial spirit toward public policy so that they may win over their peers on issues including Obamacare and the national debt. He declared, “Young people have a vested interest in getting back to the kind of vibrant economic growth that we saw under Ronald Reagan.” He added, “It’s your future that’s at stake.” Fox News, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, and a variety of other media outlets featured Senator Cruz’s remarks. Katie Pavlich, New York Times bestselling author, Townhall.com news editor, Fox News contributor, and Foundation alumna also spoke to the young audience on the Left’s manufactured “War on Women.” Steve Lonegan, director of monetary policy

Student activists (from left) Robert Lucido, Emily Jashinsky, and Austin Yack share how they advanced freedom at their schools.

Fox Business Channel host John Stossel underscores the importance of free enterprise.

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Students from around the country meet like-minded friends and hear from inspiring conservative leaders at Young America’s Foundation’s New England Freedom Conference.

for American Principles Project, and Dr. Larry Schweikart, bestselling author and professor of history at the University of Dayton, provided insights to help students dispel the myths of big government economics constantly propagated by the Left. The conference luncheon featured Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, author, and blogger on Islamic extremism, who spoke on the need for all Americans to understand the hatred and ideology of ISIS and al-Qaeda. John Stossel, Fox Business Channel host and Emmy Award-winning journalist, conveyed that government should stay out of the lives of Americans. He also discussed the consequences of raising the minimum wage. “Well, if the government can do that, then why not just give people $100 an hour?” questioned Stossel. Attendees also learned from student activists Robert Lucido, Emily Jashinsky, and Austin Yack, who participated in a panel on how young people can fight back against their universities’ violations of free speech rights, biased funding practices, and mandatory sensitivity trainings. The conference concluded with a talk by Breitbart editor-in-chief and Foundation alumnus Alex Marlow, who offered students common sense advice on how to succeed in today’s Conservative Movement: “Start at the bottom and do your best.” He concluded, “No one is going to give you anything. When I hire reporters, I’m looking for someone who is ready to get to work.”

Bestselling author and YAF alumna Katie Pavlich meets with Krissy Stevens from Northeastern University.

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During Young America’s Foundation’s Midwest Freedom Conference, participants from 23 states and the District of Columbia assembled at the

Crowne Plaza Milwaukee to hear from some of today’s leading conservative speakers and network with like-minded peers. New York Times bestselling author and National Review Online Editor Jonah Goldberg served as the opening banquet speaker and discussed the importance of conservative activism. He exclaimed, “Libertarians and conservatives are inheritors of the historical tradition of rightful rebellion!” He encouraged the students to be bold and have fun in their efforts to promote freedom. Goldberg said the young activists are “the next generation of happy warriors.” Throughout the weekend, the students also heard from Stephen Hayes, author, Fox News contributor, and Weekly Standard columnist; T.W. Shannon, speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (2013 to 2014); Congressman Sean Duffy and Rachel Campos Duffy, spokeswoman for The LIBRE Initiative; Greg Gutfeld, bestselling author, Fox News host, and National Journalism Center alumnus; Steve Lonegan, director of monetary policy for American Principles Project; and Dr. Jake Jacobs, author and professor.

(Continued on page 14)

Congressman Sean Duffy and his wife, Rachel Campos Duffy, discuss how conservatives can utilize popular culture to advance our cause.

National Review Online Editor Jonah Goldberg encourages the young leaders to be “happy warriors” in their efforts to advance freedom.

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Dr. Jake Jacobs underscores the importance of American exceptionalism during his remarks

at the Midwest Freedom Conference.

Hillsdale College students (from left) Jack Sinko, John Bell, and Nate McBride meet New York Times bestselling author and Fox News host Greg Gutfeld following his remarks at the Freedom Conference.

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld—a graduate of Young America’s Foundation’s National Journalism Center—delivers a spirited speech at the regional conference in Wisconsin.

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(Continued from page 12) A compelling panel featured some of the Foundation’s most successful student leaders sharing their tried and true ways of promoting conservatism to their peers. Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle moderated the panel featuring students Robert Lucido, Lauren McCue, Jolie Ballantyne, and Grant Strobl. The attendees left both the Midwest and New England Freedom Conferences motivated and ready to accept the challenge of promoting the ideas of limited government, free enterprise, and individual freedom to their peers and thankful for the opportunities provided to them. Erica Hoffer, from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, summed up the New England Freedom Conference: “It really inspired me to renew my efforts in fighting back against the liberals on my campus.” She added, “[This conference] has helped restore my faith that it’s not too late to fix this country.” “Thank you for helping honest values, individualism, and freedom survive the liberal crusade stifling our campuses,” remarked South Dakota State University student Jared Pettit who attended the Midwest program. “It couldn’t be done without Young America’s Foundation’s support.”

Midwest Freedom Conference attendees gather in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to be inspired by some of today’s top conservative leaders.

Fox News contributor Stephen Hayes offers insights on the future of the

Conservative Movement.

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MMore than 300 attendees gathered in Santa Barbara, California, for this summer’s High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch. Students from all over the country,

including those from as far away as New Jersey and Florida, enjoyed hearing from prominent conservative speakers and networking with like-minded peers. The three-day program, generously sponsored by Mrs. Mary Dell Pritzlaff, opened with a dinner banquet

featuring Governor George Allen in the David Louis Bartlett Outreach Center. Governor Allen, who serves on the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors as the Reagan Ranch presidential scholar, encouraged students to stick to their beliefs while being prepared to “adapt, innovate, and improve.” He emboldened students to shape their own futures by aligning themselves with the principles and values that formed the foundation of American exceptionalism.

Super Bowl-Winning Coach Jon GrudenEnergizes High School Students

By Lauren Scott, Reagan Ranch Center Intern


High school conference attendee Sam De Lange from Folsom, California, meets Governor George Allen and legendary football coach Jon Gruden at the Reagan Ranch Center.

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On day two of the conference, author and professor Dr. Burt Folsom spoke about the dangers of massive federal spending and fiscal irresponsibility and how our nation can rebound from such policies.

Leann Pham, a student from Camarillo, California, mentioned that Dr. Folsom’s speech “broadened my economic perspective.” Later that morning, Foundation President Ron Robinson led an interactive discussion with students about the key tenets of conservatism.

Super Bowl-winning football coach and ESPN analyst

Jon Gruden energized students and supporters during the Wendy P. McCaw Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon, held in conjunction with the high school program. Coach Gruden spoke about key characteristics of the best leaders. “To be a great leader, you have to lead yourself,” he said, inspiring the students to look at their own principles and compare them to those of President Reagan. “The challenge that we have for you young people [is to] put it all together—the intelligence, the work ethic, and the leadership,” Gruden continued.

Super Bowl-winning coach Jon Gruden delivers an inspiring address on leadership to the young attendees.

History professor and author Dr. Burt Folsom delivers a lively and informative speech on the importance of limited government in growing the economy.

President Reagan’s son, Michael Reagan, shares insights into his father’s life and lasting accomplishments.

Student Clara Jones receives her certificate upon completion of the High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch.

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“We’re all looking for the next Ronald Reagan,” stated Coach Gruden as he highlighted President Reagan’s values and lasting accomplishments. “I loved Coach Gruden’s speech,” said Alondra Urquiza, a student from Thermal, California. “It was so fascinating and energetic.” Following the luncheon, students enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at Rancho del Cielo, where they walked in President Reagan’s footsteps. “The ranch tour was amazing! It was very personal, and

I got a better understanding of the man President Reagan actually was,” described Abby Goertz from Bastrop, Texas. That evening’s dinner banquet featured Michael Reagan, who spoke at length about his father’s character and shared stories of his life with Ronald Reagan. Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle opened the final day of the conference by speaking about the Reagan model of campus activism and how students can become active at their own schools. Later, activist and blogger Derryck Green gave a

Conference participants see the Humvee used by the Secret Service to protect President Reagan at Rancho del Cielo.

Foundation President Ron Robinson engages the students in a discussion on the meaning of conservatism.

Students Joy Ellzey and Molly Perkins enjoy a reception on the Mr. & Mrs. Alwal Anheuser Beims Moore Rooftop Terrace at the Reagan Ranch Center.

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presentation on conservatism in the black community and how we can best address racial issues. Jiesi Zhao, director of the Foundation’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise, rounded out the morning with an enlightening speech on the importance of the free market.

In the afternoon, students heard from Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio. “If you’re willing to work hard, good things can happen,” Congressman Jordan told the young audience.

The final session of the conference featured an activism

panel, during which Foundation team members Jolie Ballantyne, Emily Jashinsky, and Amy Lutz talked about their experiences with campus activism and gave tips on how students can share conservatism with their peers. As the conference drew to a close, the young leaders left inspired and excited to share their newly solidified conservative values with others. “The High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch was life-changing,” said Ally Coleman, a student from Dallas, Texas.

(From left) Students Sterling Sourk, Margo Weller, Allen Clarke, and Gabriel Santiago enjoy one of President Reagan’s favorite views at Rancho del Cielo.

Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio meets with high school student Sam Everson at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California.

Young people from around the country explore Ronald Reagan’s ranch home, Rancho del Cielo, during the High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch.

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An Interview with Dr. Larry SchweikartBy Raj Kannappan, Young America’s Foundation Alumnus

Professors You Need to Know Today’s young people are rarely introduced to conservative ideas in their classrooms. Most go their entire academic careers without meeting or hearing from a conservative professor. While the outlook seems grim on most campuses, there is a glimmer of hope among the faculty at several schools.

Over the past few issues of Libertas, Young America’s Foundation has highlighted some of the country’s top conservative professors: Dr. Robert George, Dr. Burt Folsom, Dr. Walter Williams, and Dr. Paul Kengor. These individuals are reaching today’s young people with the importance of free enterprise, individual freedom, and limited government. Their teachings extend beyond their classrooms: through their writings, their involvement with Young America’s Foundation, media appearances, and nationwide lectures. They are steadfast in their beliefs and dedicated to ensuring today’s young people receive the education they deserve. This issue features Dr. Larry Schweikart, author and history professor at the University of Dayton in Ohio. Dr. Schweikart regularly addresses Young America’s Foundation’s high school and college programs, where he is frequently rated among our top speakers.

Dr. Schweikart is the co-author of A Patriot’s History of the United States and 48 Liberal Lies About American History (That You Probably Learned in School), among other publications. He has been a guest on the Glenn Beck Show, Rush Limbaugh, and other programs.

We are honored to feature Dr. Larry Schweikart, an unapologetic defender of freedom and one of Young America’s Foundation’s most dedicated faculty members.

Libertas: You spent much of your youth playing drums in rock bands. What motivated you to earn a teaching certificate and doctorate in history and enter academia?—————————————————————————————————————————

LS: It was far less the appeal of academics than it was the drudgery of the road. Rock and roll is hard, even for stars. And we weren’t stars. Plus, when you’re in your mid-20s and you start auditioning for bands with 16-year-olds, it’s sad.

Dr. Larry Schweikart—a regular faculty member at Young America’s Foundation’s programs—addresses the 2013 National High School Leadership Conference.

S P E C I A L S E R I E S : P R O F E S S O R S Y O U N E E D T O K N O W – D R . L A R R Y S C H W E I K A R T

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Libertas: Did you consider yourself a conservative at the time you entered academia? If so, did you have any doubts about your career prospects?————————————————————————————————

LS: I didn’t really think a lot about ideology, except that I knew a couple of my professors were just whacko birds. They were Marxist nutcases. Now, I didn’t really understand why, but it was obvious they were crazy. I knew that if you let the commies run wild in the world, they would conquer everything; that if you paid people not to work, they wouldn’t; and if you taxed people too much, they would leave if they could. Professor Robert Loewenberg was the first one at Arizona State to really put all this together coherently into a conservative philosophy for me. He taught U.S. history but threw in Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and so on.

Libertas: In 2004, you published the #1 New York Times bestseller, A Patriot’s History of the United States, which was adopted at many colleges, universities, and high schools. Did you write this book in response to other history books, such as Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, used in the classroom?————————————————

LS: Actually, not really. Mike Allen and I wrote this because we couldn’t find a single U.S. history book to teach from that we thought did a fair and honest job of dealing with America’s past. This was especially true in two big areas—economics and what I’ll call a predisposition to “big government.” All of these books got the economics wrong, failed to appreciate the contributions of business (and certainly what it took to build oil and steel businesses), didn’t have the slightest clue about how taxes affected the economy, and, later in the 1960s, how welfare terrifically damaged the American economy. In terms of “big government,” it is just assumed in these books that bigger is better, that the federal government is wise but states are stupid, and so on. I didn’t even know about Zinn’s book except for the reference in Good Will Hunting, but I hadn’t read it. The title of our book really came about after we submitted it under the title, The Cup of Hope: A Patriot’s History of the United States, and our editor said, “No, you have to go with your subtitle.”

S P E C I A L S E R I E S : P R O F E S S O R S Y O U N E E D T O K N O W – D R . L A R R Y S C H W E I K A R T

By the way, the book did well, but did not become a #1 bestseller until 2010, after Glenn Beck read it and discussed it on his show (which, at the time, had 3.5 million viewers). Still, there are very few books ever that suddenly leap to #1 status some six years after their first publication. Maybe Atlas Shrugged from time to time.

Libertas: You have also written other popular books, such as 48 Liberal Lies About American History, Seven Events that Made America America, and A Patriot’s History of the Modern World. You have appeared on various media outlets, such as Fox News and the Rush Limbaugh Show. How have these books and appearances affected your standing—if at all—on your campus and in academic circles?————————————————————————————————

LS: Many colleagues agree with me. My university is very supportive and always has been. Of course, many want to pretend I don’t exist and try to leave me off committees. (Shhhh! I love that! It frees me to write more books and make more movies.) There is actually a great number of conservatives out there. Recently, I got word that 50 conservative historians had signed a letter opposing the new standards in the AP U.S. history curriculum. I wasn’t on the list. I wrote Stanley Kurtz, who put the list together, and asked,

“Well, do you know about professors x, y, z, and on and on?” He didn’t.

By the time we were done, we had probably doubled his list—and he’s active in the field. So there are many conservatives who may be concerned about repercussions if they “come out,” but clearly there are more than anyone dreamed.

Libertas: You have spoken at Young America’s Foundation’s programs for many years. Why are you so motivated to speak to young conservatives today?————————————————————————————————

LS: It’s a cliché to say the youth are the future, but it’s also obviously a truism . . . at any time in history. I don’t know that I have any former students teaching history, but I do have plenty running for office, heading small companies, and having an influence on their communities.

“I would much rather speak

to a YAF audience than

deliver a scholarly paper

that, ultimately, may merely

become a footnote in another

guy’s scholarly paper.”

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YAF can boast of thousands, probably tens of thousands like them. I would much rather speak to a YAF audience than deliver a scholarly paper that, ultimately, may merely become a footnote in another guy’s scholarly paper. Plus the food at the conferences is usually good!

Libertas: Many students who come to Young America’s Foundation for assistance express that their social science courses, including history courses, are biased towards the Left. What resources (in addition to your books) should these students turn to in order to supplement their classroom education?————————————————————————————————

LS: In terms of actual academics, you could pretty much pad your library with the works of Thomas Sowell and Paul Johnson and classics like Allan Nevins, not to mention colleagues such as Burt Folsom, and, in finance and economics, Charles Calormiris. But in terms of up-to-date news, one of the very best things you could do would be to get the subscription service to Rush

Limbaugh’s site and just keep up with his daily “Stack of Stuff.” In terms of news, all students should be checking the Drudge Report daily. On the other hand, I think there is a serious weakness in absorbing any of the drive-by media stuff, and I would urge students not to watch networks like MSNBC even to “know what the other side is saying.” If your ears are open, you’ll “know what the other side is saying” every day because you can’t get away from it. It’s like “global warming.” I’m chagrined to find that even some conservative students who should know better buy into this stuff when the founder of Greenpeace and the founder of the Weather Channel have both come out and called it a hoax. I would recommend you focus much more heavily on what you believe. You can’t help but pick up the other side’s nonsense.

Libertas: Many conservatives feel that academia is a “lost cause.” What message would you provide to young conservatives who feel that the only way to succeed in their academic work is to sacrifice their convictions?————————————————————————————————

S P E C I A L S E R I E S : P R O F E S S O R S Y O U N E E D T O K N O W – D R . L A R R Y S C H W E I K A R T

Dr. Schweikart shares his thoughts on American exceptionalism and encourages attendees at the Foundation’s 2014 National Conservative Student Conference to advance freedom for their generation.

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LS: I’m living proof that you can “get through” the system. Every person has a different path—and that would be the case if you were a liberal, too. It’s a competitive field. 1) Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t. If you really want to be, say, a political science or history professor, set your mind to it and do it. 2) Prepare yourself. By this I mean, figure out what you need to do to succeed. In academics, that’s publishing. I learned in my first two months that I needed to publish, and I

was publishing articles before my first year in graduate school was over. By the time I got to UD, they really couldn’t keep me out because I already had two major books with major presses—more than some of the existing faculty. 3) Realize that getting a degree is not your goal. Getting a job is your goal. So—and this goes back to convictions—before you ever start graduate school, do your homework. Don’t just take a big-name school, or a big-name adviser. Find out whom you can work with, who won’t torpedo your career, and who will get you a job. My first act upon researching the University of California, Santa Barbara was to meet with the graduate director and bluntly ask, “Who is your best person at getting students a job?” He said “Elliot Brownlee.” Now, Brownlee was and is a liberal, but he was fair and very well-connected, and he got me my first job on one phone call. In contrast, I had a full ride at another school to work with some very big conservative names there. But something didn’t feel right, so I drove from Arizona to Los Angeles to meet with them, and it was a disaster. I could see they didn’t care at all about me, only their own work. This is the most important choice of your career in academics, and the right mentor—liberal or conservative—will get you through. Finally—I know this is a long answer—but this is probably the most important thing you’ve asked: I always tell students that you have an important choice to make. There is a time to be the “300 Spartans” and to fight to the end and take your medicine in the form of a bad grade and ostracism from fellow students. But every battle is not Thermopylae.

The yardstick is, “Do I need this class?” and, “Is it absolutely critical that I fight this issue here?” I refer you to my comments in the previous paragraph: graduate school is a marathon (a lot of Greek metaphors here), not a sprint. It’s about jumping through hoops. So, “Is this a hoop I should jump through, say nothing, and then after I get the grade, go up and say, ‘By the way, you’re 100% wrong about everything. I just told you what you wanted to hear,’” or is it something to stand up about?

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Young America’s Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle (left) and author and professor Dr. Burt Folsom (right) present Dr. Schweikart with a lifetime achievement award in recognition for all he has done to promote historical accuracy.

Dr. Schweikart signs copies of his book, A Patriot’s History of the United States, for young people at Young America’s Foundation’s National High School Leadership Conference.

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In late July, more than 500 participants attended Young America’s Foundation’s 37th annual National Conservative Student Conference—the nation’s largest and longest running program of its kind. During this

program, students from four countries, 32 states, and the District of Columbia heard from key conservative leaders including Mark Levin, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Tom Cotton, Speaker Newt Gingrich, Bay Buchanan, and many more. At this annual program, students—the majority of

whom were attending their first Foundation program—learned about the principles of free enterprise, strong national defense, limited government, and traditional values. They discovered how to take these principles back to their college campuses and gained the confidence to advance these ideas amongst their peers. This year’s conference kicked off with Congressman Alex Mooney of West Virginia—who previously served as executive director of the Foundation’s National Journalism Center.

By Jolie Ballantyne, Conference Director

Levin, Gingrich, Lee, and Cotton Headline 37th Annual National Conservative Student Conference

Radio host and bestselling author Mark Levin speaks on the topic of his latest book, Plunder and Deceit.

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Congressman Mooney highlighted the importance of the Foundation’s conferences:

It would have been, frankly, a dream come true for me, as a young conservative college student, to sit here for three or four days and meet other people…who share the same values and are fighting for the same things…and to hear from leading speakers around the country about conservative principles.

The conference also featured Senator Mike Lee, who inspired the students to defend our Constitution. Senator Lee, who headlined the annual Ronald Reagan banquet said,

I am a huge fan of Young America’s Foundation. I love everything it stands for. I love the people affiliated with it. I love the spirit embodied within it. I love the feeling that I get whenever I speak to a group like this one: People from throughout the country who believe in the ideals of Ronald Reagan, who support the principles embraced by the Young America’s Foundation.

The first full day of the program featured Focus on the Family Vice President Tim Goeglein, economist Dr. Walter Williams, YAF alumnus and Washington Times Opinion Editor David Keene, professor and author Dr. Burt Folsom, director of the Foundation’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise Jiesi Zhao, and Congressman David Brat. Day two featured Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan who spoke about the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States. Hannan shared his enthusiasm for the Foundation’s mission and today’s young people: “It is a wonderful organization, this one. The duty of carrying on and passing on securely and intact what makes America itself is one that lies with the people in this room.”

Activist and 37th Treasurer of the United States Bay Buchanan also encouraged students to stand up for and passionately defend their beliefs. Later, the students learned about the horrors of communism from Dr. Alan Kors. Foundation Vice President Patrick Coyle wrapped up the day with a speech on how to be a successful campus activist. Senator Tom Cotton opened the third day with an impassioned address on the negative consequences of the Iran nuclear deal. “Our country needs new leaders right now,” noted Senator Cotton. “It is a time of great danger abroad in the world. The greatest danger of all is a nuclear armed Iran…a mortal and unrepentant enemy of the United States.” Dr. Paul Teller, chief of staff to Senator Ted Cruz; Dr. Larry Reed, president of the Foundation for Economic Education; and bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza concluded the morning sessions.

(Continued on page 27)

Daniel Hannan, British member of the European Parliament, discusses the important relationship that exists between the United States and the United Kingdom.

Senator Tom Cotton discusses the dangers of the Iran nuclear deal.

Speaker Newt Gingrich highlights the opportunities today’s young people have to advance our shared cause.

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Student Elissa Manalo from the King’s College enjoys the weeklong program.

Author and Foundation alumna Kate Obenshain meets with students following her remarks.

Students from around the country enjoy Young America’s Foundation’s National Conservative Student Conference in Washington, D.C.

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Senator Mike Lee urges the young leaders to stand strong for freedom.

Young America’s Foundation honors the “Legends of YAF” during the closing dinner banquet at the National Conservative Student Conference. Pictured from right: Jim Taylor, Carol Dawson, Dr. Lee Edwards, Richard Viguerie, and Ron Robinson (who accepted the award on behalf of the late M. Stanton Evans and Jerry Norton).

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(Continued from page 24) Princeton University professor Dr. Robert George then headlined a special luncheon with an educational speech on “Gnosticism, Ethics, and Politics.” The afternoon featured remarks from author and Foundation alumna Kate Obenshain; a panel discussion on great conservative books with Conservative Book Club Editor Chris Malagisi, the Heritage Foundation’s Dr. Lee Edwards, and Regnery Publishing President Marji Ross; and a fiery talk from Sonnie Johnson of Breitbart on rebranding the Conservative Movement. Speaker Newt Gingrich headlined the evening’s banquet, calling on the students to defend freedom: “I think you’re going to find yourself in one of the most amazing opportunities in American history. I believe that your generation will probably be the most important generation since the Founding Fathers.” The final day included Glen Caroline from the National Rifle Association, Fox News contributors and authors Guy Benson and Mary Katharine Ham, Institute of World Politics founder Dr. John Lenczowski, and New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter. The closing dinner banquet featured bestselling author and Foundation alumnus Peter Schweizer discussing his latest book, Clinton Cash. Hundreds of Foundation students, alumni, and supporters gathered for this dinner which also included special recognition for YAF alumni—“Legends of YAF”—who played key roles in advancing the Conservative Movement as students and throughout their careers. Those honored include M. Stanton Evans and Jerry Norton, posthumously, and William “Bill” Schulz, Jay Parker, Richard Viguerie, Lee Edwards, Carol Dawson, and James Taylor. The conference concluded the next day with a breakfast featuring New York Times bestselling author, YAF alumnus, and leading radio host Mark Levin, who discussed his new book, Plunder and Deceit. Levin gave a compelling speech on the perils of today’s ever-expanding government and urged the young leaders to stand firm in their beliefs. “The rising generation must make itself known,” said Levin. “It’s up to you to influence as many people as you can.” Throughout the week, the students made like-minded friends from around the country. They returned home eager to share their newfound knowledge of conservative ideas and advance freedom among their classmates. Student Madison Lucas from Pierce College wrote of her experience,

During this event, not only have I learned more in one week than I have over the past year, but I have met friends who will continue to help support and network with me…I cannot wait to go back to my campus and share what I have learned with my peers!

Addie Schmitz from Truman State University participates in a question and answer session with a conference speaker.

Dr. Burt Folsom delivers an energetic address on how free markets and limited government intervention have led to great success among businesses and entrepreneurs throughout our nation’s history.

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How Does Young America’s Foundation Recruit Students?

By Amy Lutz, Program Officer

We often hear this question from our supporters and friends. According to a 2014

nationwide Young America’s Foundation poll, a majority of students say that they are more likely to attend an event if invited by a friend. This is why the heart of recruitment is building relationships with students, parents, grandparents, faculty members, and conservative allies. It’s especially important to develop one-on-one relationships with our students and allies. And, as with any successful product or service, our growth depends upon how pleased our customers—our students—are with the Foundation’s programs. One of the greatest recruitment tools we have comes in the form of reviews from our students and their parents. Some of our best recruiters are the students, who, after

being inspired at their first Foundation program, become stalwart campus activists, returning to subsequent conferences with a car (or bus!) full of their peers.

Basic recruitment, however, starts with establishing an initial point of contact. This can be a student, faculty member, parent, sibling, Foundation alumnus, or community member who has interest in attending our programs

or referring our programs to a potential attendee. We initiate contact with students and community members in a number of ways. First, college and high school campuses are primary recruiting targets for the Foundation’s program team. Although there is often a dearth of conservative thought on many campuses, there are students

hungry to become more involved with the Conservative Movement at schools across the country. This is where Young America’s Foundation comes in. Setting up a recruitment table with

Young America’s Foundation materials in a school’s student union or other heavily trafficked area is a tried-and-true method to recruit students to our cause. On-campus recruiting early in the school year is crucial to attracting new students, especially freshmen, to the Foundation’s programs. Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), a project of Young America’s Foundation, serves as our chapter affiliates on more than 200 campuses nationwide. YAF chapters provide a visible on-campus presence for the Conservative Movement, energize other students, and encourage young conservatives to advance freedom amongst their peers. The Foundation provides our chapter leaders with the necessary materials to engage their fellow students in our efforts. Contacting like-minded professors is also a good place to start when recruiting students. Some teachers are willing to distribute information about upcoming programs to their students, and some—although not nearly enough—serve as YAF chapter or other conservative club advisors. Growing

Young Americans for Freedom activists from around the country distribute YAF materials to students attending the 2015 CPAC just outside of Washington, D.C.

Taylor McCarty shares copies of the U.S. Constitution, provided by Young America’s Foundation, with her peers at Penn State University on Constitution Day.

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How Does Young America’s Foundation Recruit Students?

our list of conservative teachers and professors is an important part of reaching more students, and Young America’s Foundation is constantly seeking educators willing to partner with us.

Posting attention-grabbing flyers and posters on campus can also capture the attention of students and alert them to upcoming programs. Young America’s Foundation’s staff provides training for our student leaders on the most effective ways to recruit for their chapters and advertise their events. In addition to reaching out to campuses, Young America’s Foundation engages in community outreach as well. Allies include conservative community groups, small business associations, and others who value the ideas of small government and freedom. Members of these groups can disseminate information about our programs to conservative students in their communities. Placing newspaper and magazine ads is an effective way to reach a broader audience. Many students tell us they—or their parents or grandparents—first came to know about the Foundation’s programs through our advertisements in the Weekly Standard and National Review, among other magazines. We also advertise in topic specific magazines and diocesan publications. Traditional hard copy mailings and brochures remain effective recruitment tools. Such materials are easily shared and distributed, and we will gladly send these resources to students, supporters, friends, and allies who wish to get a young person involved.

Our team utilizes social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, to gain the attention of conservative students and allies. In addition, Young America’s Foundation’s speakers frequently promote our programs through their own social media networks and publications. Young America’s Foundation’s 2014 poll showed that “online avenues” are prominent sources of event referrals, with Facebook and e-mail topping the list. However, word-of-mouth and student-to-student contact remain critical, as 70% are more likely to attend an on-campus event if they are asked or encouraged by a friend. Young people also tell us that event topics and whether or not their friends are attending are the strongest draws for student interest in any given program or event. Successfully recruiting students to our cause is an ongoing effort and the means of doing

so are ever changing. Our team is constantly reviewing our methods and those of other successful organizations to ensure we are utilizing the best practices and resources to grow our student network. And recruitment does not stop after a student attends one of our programs. Maintaining regular

contact with our students is an important part of the recruitment process. While keeping in contact with our alumni, Young Americans for Freedom members, supporters, and

conservative allies is key to growing our programs and fulfilling our mission, it is our student leaders, themselves, who are often our best recruiters. Our students are the ones most apt to speak to all of the resources that Young

America’s Foundation has to offer. They are the activists who—after attending their first Foundation program—return to a program with their club members and friends in tow. They are the ones who travel across a state to attend a Foundation seminar or conference. They are the leaders who invite their roommates to attend a campus lecture featuring Katie Pavlich, Stephen Moore, Kate Obenshain, or Steve Forbes. President Reagan said, “There is no better way to establish hope for the future than to enlighten young minds.” Young America’s Foundation’s students are our best hope to advance freedom for the next generation. They are our best recruiters. They are our most important advocates.



Young Americans for Freedom leaders at the University of Michigan run a recruitment table to grow their membership andshare YAF materials with fellow students.

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Vice President Cheney Addresses America’sLargest Reagan Day

CelebrationBy Kimberly Martin Begg, Esq., Vice President & General Counsel

T his past spring, 1,000 people attended the 12th annual New Jersey Reagan Day. Young America’s Foundation is proud to sponsor this event, which has become the largest annual gathering

of conservatives in the state and the largest Reagan Day celebrations in the country. It has also become an important recruiting resource for the Foundation’s programs. Vice President Dick Cheney was the featured speaker, weighing in on America’s foreign policy and other concerns. “I think this very climate we’re in right now, under the Obama administration, is perhaps the most damaging period since World War II,” he said. New Jersey Assemblyman Jay Webber, the founder and organizer of New Jersey Reagan Day, emceed the event. He is also a member of Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan Ranch Board of Governors. Webber encouraged attendees to send young people in their lives to the Foundation’s programs: “It is absolutely imperative that we educate and invigorate the next generation of leaders in New Jersey.” Following Vice President Cheney’s remarks, Webber and Governor Tom Kean, a member of Young America’s

Foundation’s Rawhide Circle of top supporters, asked questions of the Vice President provided by the evening’s attendees. One of the highlights of the evening was Webber’s presentation of a special flag depicting the names of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to Vice President Cheney. The flag was created by Annin Flagmakers, America’s oldest and largest flagmaker which made the flag that draped Abraham Lincoln’s coffin on his journey from Washington, D.C., to Springfield, Illinois. Kimberly Martin Begg, Esq., vice president and general counsel of Young America’s Foundation, also provided an overview of Young America’s Foundation’s youth outreach programs at the Reagan Ranch and across the country. Esteemed guests included Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno, in addition to many YAF alumni and supporters including Alfred Angelo, Wade & Linda Kirby, Bill & Ann Corbett, Geoff Wilson, Albert & Alicia De Luna, Rudolph Kolaci, John & Gayle Scirocco, Philip & Barbara Long Pitney, Glenn Maguire, Norine Gardiner, Sean Hannity radio show producer and YAF alumna Lauren Scirocco, and the American Spectator’s John Fund.

Lauren Scirocco, who interned at the Foundation’s national headquarters as well as at the National Journalism Center, leads the Pledge of Allegiance at New Jersey Reagan Day.

Assemblyman Jay Webber, founder of New Jersey Reagan Day, emcees the annual dinner.

Foundation Vice President and General Counsel Kimberly Begg introduces the more than 1,000 people in attendance to Young America’s Foundation’s programs.

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Young America’s Foundation is especially grateful to a local New Jersey supporter, who wishes to remain anonymous, whose generous support made this event possible. In addition to providing critical current support, he has updated his estate plans to include a gift to fund future

Reagan Day celebrations and provide annual support to help young people understand and be inspired by ideas of freedom. Vice President Cheney met with this great patriot prior to the dinner and thanked him for his support of Young America’s Foundation.

Vice President Dick Cheney, joined on stage by Assemblyman Jay Webber (left) and Governor Tom Kean (middle), offers remarks at the 12th annual New Jersey Reagan Day sponsored by Young America’s Foundation.

Organizers of New Jersey Reagan Day present Vice President Dick Cheney with a special flag depicting the names of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Young America’s Foundation alumna Lauren Scirocco (right) and her parents, John & Gayle Scirocco, meet Vice President Cheney at New Jersey Reagan Day.

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ancho del

C i e l o


Rancho del

C i e l o

Meet !Ronald Reagan at His Ranch" an experience you’ll never forget

!Meet !RonaldReaganat His Ranch" an experienceyou’ll neverforget

You are cordially invited to an exclusive weekend getaway at Ronald Reagan’s mountaintop home, Rancho del Cielo, in Santa Barbara, California. You will be joined by an intimate group of six other couples from around the country for a weekend experience hosted by Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson and his wife, Michelle Easton.

When you arrive in Santa Barbara, your every need will be met based on an all-inclusive price, including:

Complimentary transportation to the Biltmore Four Seasons Resort (from Santa Barbara airport)Reagan Ranch Roundtable luncheon featuring a notable conservative leaderTwo-night, five-star accommodations at the historic, oceanfront Biltmore Four Seasons ResortVIP visit experience at Ronald Reagan’s “Western White House,” Rancho del CieloBehind-the-scenes tour of the Reagan Ranch Center and Exhibit GalleryAll meals including two luncheons, two receptions, two dinners, and a full breakfastTrolley tour of historic downtown Santa Barbara, including the 19th Century Santa Barbara Mission

All-inclusiveAll-inclusive weekend price: price: $2,475per couple couple (excluding (excluding airline airline travel)

Space is Limited

Six couple limit per weekend

Reservations will be accepted on a first-come,first-served basis. reserve your space

today. Please call Jason Barbourat (336)286-1701.

March 18 to 20May 20 to 22

September 16 to 18October 21 to 23

Robinson and his wife, Michelle

2016 dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates dates

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YOUNG AMERICA’S FOUNDATION ALUMNUS AND DIRECTOR PETER SCHWEIZER is no stranger to the New York Times bestseller list, and now he’s back with his latest book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. This blockbuster has spent much of the spring and summer on the New York Times bestseller list, climbing to the number two position. In the book, Schweizer reveals the shocking connection between the Clintons’ personal fortune, their “close personal friends,” the Clinton Foundation, foreign nations, and some of the highest ranks of government—the scope and extent of the payments to the Clintons by foreign entities are “without precedent” in American public policy, according to Schweizer. As Schweizer continues to make waves, he has never lost sight of his roots nor forgotten the flame ignited at a Young America’s Foundation conference more than 30 years ago that launched a brilliant career of exposing corruption and defending the principles that make America great. On the dedication page of his book Makers and Takers, he credits Young America’s Foundation’s leadership for igniting his “interest in politics and ideas.” Schweizer, then a high school student, began his long journey with Young America’s Foundation at the 1982 National Conservative Student

Peter Schweizer: New York Times Bestselling Author of Clinton CashBy Colin Monaghan, Development Officer

Conference. Remembering fondly his introduction to YAF, he said, “[At the conference] we were given a stack of books by Milton Friedman…Bill Buckley, etc. I had read National Review, but the conference was my first exposure to conservative books. I discovered then and there that, unlike articles or lectures, books can really influence a person over the long term. That’s why I turned to writing books after college.” YAF supplied debating materials that soon helped Schweizer win a spot in the national high school debating championship. Recognizing his prodigious talents, Young America’s Foundation also awarded him a scholarship to attend The George Washington University and, later, Oxford University.


Young America’s Foundation alumnus and New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer delivers an informative speech at Young America’s Foundation’s 34th annual National Conservative Student Conference.

A Selection of Peter



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34 Young America’s Foundation | Libertas | Fall 2015

He joined Young America’s Foundation’s staff in 1993, serving as a research fellow and director of academic affairs and editing the Foundation’s publications, including our magazine, Libertas. It was at Young America’s Foundation that Schweizer’s prolific writing career took off. Over the last two decades, his books have frequently been featured on the New York Times bestseller list, including Do As I Say, Not As I Do; Extortion; Throw Them All Out; and Architects of Ruin, among others. One of his favorite books that he authored is Reagan’s War. “I admire what Reagan did, and I’m proud of the fact that I was able to unearth so much from the Soviet archives that proved how Reagan won the Cold War,” notes Schweizer. He worked with Hollywood producer Stephen K. Bannon to produce In the Face of Evil, a documentary based on the book, which chronicles Reagan’s long war and victory against Communism. Advancing freedom coast to coast, he has also served as a fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, a consultant to the Office of Presidential Speechwriting in the George W. Bush White House, and—since 2007—a director of Young America’s Foundation, where he has become a popular speaker among students and supporters. The impact of Schweizer’s work on policies in Washington is undeniable.

In 2011, CBS’s 60 Minutes featured an exposé based on his bestselling book, Throw Them All Out, which investigated how some members of Congress

had profited from insider trading based on undisclosed Congressional knowledge. Just five months after the 60 Minutes program aired, Congress passed the STOCK Act, prohibiting senators and representatives from insider trading. In 2012, he launched the Government Accountability Institute (GAI)

“to investigate and expose crony capitalism, misuse of taxpayer monies, and other governmental corruption or malfeasance.” In just a few short years, Schweizer’s credibility and persistence

has made GAI one of the premier watchdog organizations in the country. Since releasing his explosive bestseller, Clinton Cash, Schweizer has appeared on Fox News, MSNBC, ABC, CNBC, C-SPAN, CNN, CBS, Fox Business, Bloomberg, NBC, and many other television programs. The Washington Post, USA Today, New York Times, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Politico, Breitbart, National Journal, and dozens of other media outlets have also featured stories on Schweizer and Clinton Cash. Peter Schweizer’s story underscores how the support of Young America’s Foundation can truly shape the course of a young person’s life and, ultimately, career. YAF alumni go on to advance our shared cause of freedom, as Schweizer has done through his writing and investigative research. This Young America’s Foundation alumnus is a mainstay of our student programs, speaking to our students at the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara, California, and at the National Conservative Student Conference on the east coast—back where it all began, inspiring the next generation of Peter Schweizers.


Schweizer appears on Fox News, among many other major media outlets, to discuss his explosive bestseller, Clinton Cash.Schweizer appearsSchweizer appearsSchweizer on appears on appears Fox on Fox on News, Fox News, Fox among many among many among other many other many major other major other media major media major outlets, media outlets, media to discuss to discuss to his discuss his discuss explosive his explosive his

Peter Schweizer speaks to attendees at Young America’s Foundation’s 1991 National Conservative Student Conference.

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Young America’s Foundation | Libertas magazine | www.yaf.org

Fall 2015

Bestselling author and leading talk radio host Mark Levin addresses young people from around the country at Young America’s Foundation’s 2015 National

Conservative Student Conference on the topic of his latest #1 bestseller,

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