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Humanae Libertas

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US Army Specialist Kirk Stefanski summarizes frustration and a heartfelt desire for people to not support and follow soldiers blindly while their leadership has cart blanche to use them in whatever manner they see fit, regardless of justice, equity, or equanimity.

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Page 1: Humanae Libertas

Support Freedom. Support new ways of thinking. Support new ways of doing things. Support the free exchangeof information. Let all of us know that our sacrifices were for the good of all humanity. Support the right to love unconditionally. Support human rights without national boundaries. Support our troops. Don’t support internationalbanks’ funding of wars in order to shape a world more conducive to specialized control and social engineering. Supportself-sufficiency and self-determination. Don’t tolerate imposition on your rights or the rights of any other human beingor living creature. Read history. Share your own histories. Remember where you came from, and remember that nothingis ever lost. Remember that everyone creates, from the manufacturer of Stinger missile systems, to the soldier who fires them, to the men they destroy, to the journalists who write about it, to the families who read the paper and watch tv.

As a so-called “ordinary” person you have boundless power and responsibility. You can aspire, conspire and inspire. You can breathe, and so you can create. When looking back on your life you are asked what you did, that is, if humanity does’nt blow itself the fuck up before that time, what will you say? You don’t have to say you fought in any war. You don’thave to say that you raised the profit margin of your corporation by 4% last quarter. You don’t have to say that you onlyhad a retail job. If you can look back and say that you remember helping someone...that you gave advice...that your shoulder was cried on...that you completed or fullfilled another person’s life in any way, you will have won, my friends.

That I was a soldier ... does this give me strength? True strength involves knowledge of your own hearts and yourown wits. Learn the difference between your needs and your desires. If you have lost, then commit not your lossesupon others but draw strength into yourselves by helping the disadvantaged. These words are not merely a suggestion,They are a prayer for all of us to tear apart and eviscerate the old ways. The old ways say you are white or black or gay or stupid or otherwise generally fucked or fucked-up. I say unto us all that in our new world we all contribute. We areall those things and it is our responsiblity to start learning how to unfuck ourselves. Citizens of humanity:

Money is not our god. Read a book. There are people in the world who would keep you at a grade-school reading-level so that you feed off your passions, not your brains, and you are more concerned with economic survival than havingtime for a worthwhile life. The Bilderberg Group. The Trilateral Commision. The Council On Foreign Relation. To name a few. Learn who these people are, sieze them by their fucking balls and assert that we will no longer live as cattle to provide them with wealth disproportionate to their utility in our lives. The credit cards. The mortgages. The interest rates they control. It’s not random, brothers. Usury keeps us poor. Clear-Channel, Time Warner, Viacom and all the rest keep us ignorrant. This message is for anyone who’s ever doubted what only one person can do, because we’re all in the shit together now.

Support your troops...but being a former one...I have supported you.Now support yourselves.

Welcome to the war.