ft Ml . li hi I m 4 CO, Ltd, W-RCE- . COW. I3 I KtabHih-- 1 Juiv 4. 85 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WIIDNESDAY. JANUARY ?. 11)00. -- TWELVE PAGES l'KlCi: FIVK CENTS. VOL. XXXI., NO. PROFESSIONAL CAUI S Iniiflnn aim LlUHIVI MU tiful and expensive juna cloth, with j flowing sleeves and wide collar. Is worn over the chemise. With this is J worn a skirt of vari-color- calico or ! cotton stuff, generally of some bright hue. The feet are usually bare, small heelkss slippers of colored leather be- ing occasionally seen. The hair is drawn back from the forehead Into a knot, and hats are never worn. In church a white cloth is worn as a veil j over the head. The men dress simply and comfor- tably, generally in suits of white dril-- I ling, -- fikch as are common all through i the East. The Filipino custom of j wearing a white shirt with long and I tlowirg tails is in favor among the poorer natives. One of the first things evident to us is the decided antipathy of the natives for the Filipinos. There are few of them upon the island, and these are not at all regarded with favor. In truth, they seem to be quite as unruly here HAWA S EPISCOPATE Bishop Willis on the Situation. WAIT G AMERICANS Something About the Recent Visit of Bishop Potter to These Islands. The current number of the Honolu- lu Diocesan Magazine, Bishop Willi's paper, contains the following interest- ing comments on the Episcopal situa- tion: .. . . Tl. .l 1 jut- - iHiujuinu iy ine iMOts. in stynou, with no dissentient voice, of the reso- lution, which will be found In this Is- sue touching the spiritual Jurisdiction of these Islands may be thought by some to savor of presumption and to be inconsistent with the position that belongs to a missionary church. So far from this, any one acquainted with the history of the Anglican Church in Hawaii will si e ;it u glance that the DiocOiS.m Synod would have stultified its own existem-- had it taken any other position than that outlined bv the resolution. First of all. the synod accepts the principle that it is in the Interest of order and unity that a dio- cese of thf Anglican Communion. In a country that comes under the domin- ion of tin- - United States Government should eentually become a diocese of the American branch of the Anglican Communion, or in close relatloubhip with it. The synod further expresses its readiness to t?ke the necessarv -- steals that must precede any such union, on receiving an invitation to do do so from the American church. What attitude could be m re fj-- e from presumption? The AnH'an t hutch la Hawaii waif.- - to b? invited. Mote than a year has elapsed since the Gen- eral Convention discussed the affairs of the Anglican Church in Hawaii in 189S, but no formal communication of what was c.,.ne on was made to th as they are in their home, and their qualities make them about the only disturllng element in this peaceful, well-dispos- ed people. The only pris- oner in the jail of the place was an ugly-looki- ng Filipino who hail mur- dered a German trader about a year ago, and was sentenced to a lung term of confinement. When we were visit- ing the jail the keeper showed us his solitary prisoner, and then carelessly left the door of the cell, a large room with wooden-barre- d windows, and ap- parently very insecure, wide open while he showed us about elsewhere. When we commented on this he said that no precautions were necessary, for no one on the island would harbor the piisoner or aid him in any way, should he attempt to escape, and that he would soon be returned to custody by the people. Last March the few Filipinos on th island began to foment ami incite trouble and insurrection, saying that the Americans wore not coming, and that the islands were to be given back to Spain. Their efforts were fruitless, for the loyal and pacific natives imme- diately compelled thse men to leave the island and go to the islands to the northward. As to the mental and moral charac- teristics of our new itizeus, all that we know so far is of a favorable nature. They are cleanly, intelligent and peace-aid- e. The great majority of them can read and write, and every village bas if for instruction In the ele- - Li ,u.iry oramn'a. i uej nr mou-- i and v. ry courteous in their deport- ment, and invariably touch their hat. to us when we pas them, and are moJt generous to visitors. The host who should receive visitors without offer- ing them some icfreshment during the call is considered very insulting to his guests, while it is equally rude fur the guest to refuse the proffered refreshment. They seem to be very light-hearte- d, and are fond of music and dancing, while their greatest amusement is cock-fightin- g the tax upon which was one of the principal sources of revenue to th" former gov- ernment of the island. They are not at all fervent In their religion, and about all of'th" church-goin- g and de- votion is confined to the women. Per- haps, however, they are excusable in this, for the Spanish priests who have been here have not set a good exam- ple, being a cruel and oppressive lot. The native priests are of a far higher and better character, and are much more respected. The worst trait, however, of the citi- zen of Guam is indolence. Nature is so provident, and so warm and smil- ing here, that little effort Is required to support life and provide sustenance for the family. To pay a native by the day or in advance is a fatal error indeed, for he will work until he has accumulated a few dollars, then buy his wife a new skirt, lay In a supply of canned goods at the fitore, some tobacco and tuba (tocoanut rum), and then retire to a life of affluent ease for as many months as the money and supplies hold out. Intoxication is very rare. Men and women alike smoke cigars and pipes, and nearly every one has the unsight- ly habit of chewing the betel-nu- t. The native cigar is an object of wonder to the newcomer. It is made from the whole leaf of the native tobacco, which is of most excellent flavor, but very strong and green, rolled into a cylin der about eight Inches long, and i wound about with threads of fibre to keep it from unwrapping. With the example of American ener- gy and industry; with advanced edu- cation, and with the Influences of progress; with a strong and Just rov- - PKOFLSSIONAL cards. ENGINEERS. CATTOX. NEILL & CO., LTD., EXGI- - neers, F:iectrlolans and Boiler- - jnakers, Honolulu. CHAS. V. E. DOVE. C.E. Surveyor and Civil Engineer; office Campbell block, upstairs (next to Bishop & Co. bank) P. O. box 421; orders taken for typewriting. JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; 306 Judd Blk. Honolulu. MUSIC. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL Love Elds., Fort St: Piano. Voice Culture, Sing ing and Harmony; especial attention paid to touch, mu?cular control and musical analysis ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER Vocal Studio, "Mignon." 720 Ueretanla Si CONTRACTORS. J. A. BUTTERFIELD. Contractor and Builder. Store and office flt.ings, shoo and repair work; Bell Tower Bldg., Unloa St.; Tel. 702. H. K. MEEMANO & CO. Contractors and Buildern, Pairters, Paperhangers and Decorators; all work neatly done; office Fort St., back of Hii School, Honolulu. VVM. T. PATY. Contractor and Build er. Store and office fitting; brick wood or stone building; shop Palace Walk; residence Wilder Ave., near Kewalo. .SSI MISCELLANEOUS. MUrf. ARLEIGH Formerly art em- - broidcress for Sharpless Bros., Phil- adelphia, will give lcssnn3 in all kinds of Art Embroidery, Marie An toniette Flemieh. and Point Lace at P.. F. Ehlrrs & Co., Eecond floor. Or df rs taken. J. W. CHAPMAN. Caterer for Dinner and Garden Parties, Weddings. Balls. Socials. Picnics. Etc. Orders left with Burnette &. Co., Cor. Bethel and King Sts., Honolulu, H. I. Telephone SOG MISS HAMERSCHLAG has severed ber connection with Miss Killean and opened Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring Parlors over Sach3 Dry Coods Store, Fort St MRS. B. F. McCAL'm. Latest designs in Tailor-Mad- e Evening. Dinner Gowns, and Wedding Trousseau, 73 Beretanla St MRS. FRANCES MONTROSE. Up-to-da- te Manicure Tarlors, airdres3 ng and shampooing; scalp treatment a specialty; room 6 Model block. Fort and Beretanla St3.; Tel. 989, take el evator. J. MORGAN. Opal Merchant, Jeweler and Lapidary; Opal Cutting a Spe cialty; No. 2 School St, near bridge DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Eye, Ear, Thoat and Nose Diseases and Catarrh; Masonic Temple; hours 8 to 12 a. m., l to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. P. SILVA. Agent t take acknowledg ments to Instruments, district of Ko- - na, Oahu; at W. C. Achi's office, King St, near Nuuanu. TOURISTS' GUIDiS THROUGH HA WAII. Price 60c; beautifully Illus- trated. For sale by all newsdealers. HONOLULU SANITARIUM. 1082 King St; Tel. 63. Dr. Luella S. Cleveland, medical superintendent Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p m.; methods of Battle Creek, Mich., Sanitarium; baths of every "drcrlptlon; trained nurses In bathrooms as well as In sickroom; massage and manual movements: electricity in every form; classified dietary, etc.; ample facilities for thorough examination. Dr. C. L. Garvin, consulting physi- cian and surgeon. Laundry Employee in Trouble, p O. Herrick, driver in the employ of the Honolulu 3:eam Laundry was ar- rested last night by Detective Kaapa on the information of the manager of the company, and charged with the larceny of various articl03 of clothing placed In his care. For some time past the company has lcen in receipt of many complaints from customers who did not get th? whole of their wash from the laundry, and effort3 to trace the missing gar- ments had proved unsuccessful. La.-- t evening however, suspicion was direct- ed toward Herrick, aad a search cf hid room resulted In the discovery of two Jarp:e bund'.e of assorted clothing, soio. it Is claimed, bein? plainly mark- ed with the names of persons who havo lodged complaints with the eompanr. Hfrrick will appear before Judge Wil- cox this morning in the District Court. both to the Church of England and to the church in America Is made per- fectly clear by the declaration, which not only the ynodsmen but the elect- ors sign before they can vote- - -- I do declare that 1 am a member of the AiiKllcan Church in the Dioceso of Honolulu in union and In full commun- ion with the Church of England, and her daughter churches throughout the world, and that 1 belong to no other religious body." A church in union and full commun- ion with other churches cannot be sub- ject to the control of any of them, or be In other than an independent por- tion, until it is brought into a provin- cial system. Bishop Potter's Visit. After the newspaper account of Bish op Potter's vlit. and bow be was sur-- I posed to have spent a day and a half. I w hat we have to relate will seem very dull and uninteresting. The Gaelic came into port quite early on October 31. The Bishop of New York, who was accompanied by the Rev. Percy SUck-ne- y Grant first paid a visit to the Museum, and then drove to Iolanl Col- lege and called on Bishop WlllU. Be- yond what appeared in the paper the Bishop of Honolulu had had no pre- vious intimation of this visit nd so wa not prepared to present to the of- ficial representative of the Commltteo Ion Increased Rpsponnihilltieq rppolnt- - ' . . t i . M "Y i"? wenorai Lonvcnuon a aigrsi of the responsibilities attaching to the Anglican Church in Hawaii. The vltlt was far too brief, lasting les than an hour, for a full discussion of Impor- tant question. The attention of Bish- op Potter was called to the terms cm which the property of th Anglican Church In Hawaii was held, which presented a phase of the situation which he had nut previously consid- ered. The visit dosed by his formally Inviting Bishop Willis to attend the next General Convention- - which will assemble In San Francisco In 1!K1. It must not be omitted that at a subse- quent interview on board the Gaelic, shortly before the hour of sailing. Bihhop Potter approved the draft of a resolution touching the See of Ho- nolulu In the form In which it was aft- erwards adopted by the Diocesan Syno 1. NOT TWENTIETH CENTURY . Bishop Willis of Honolulu Differs From the Pojh. TIk follow ing appears in the current number of Bishop Willln' Diocesan Magazine; The Pope's J.-- re t i centuty will J.fgiH at rr.iduigut no De- cember 31. WS. Is in a par with the condemnation of Galileo In 10.13 for maintaining the rotation of thn earth. The earth did rotate, notwithstanding i tury. The decree will have no weight L the Anglican Communion. On Tues- day, November i'Otb. at a meeting of the Archbishops and Bishops of the provinces of Canterbury and York, the following resolution with regard to the year l'.ioii was unanimously passed: "That the closing year of the cen- tury should be observed on the part of the Church of England as a year of special collective prayer for the blew-in- g of God upon the church and na- tion." , A Reenforcement. Bishop Willis' position Is upheld by the following article in the Indies' Honi Journal, written In December: Hundreds of persons contend that the twentieth century will begin with January 1. 1100. while other hundred contend with equal posltlveness that the correct date is January 1. 1301. The IftoO contingent argue that, of course, the new century begins with its numer- ical date and go on to figure out very deftly that with the laM day of the vear ISM the 100 years will have run their course. They argue that, if the first year ended with Icember 31 of the year one. the nineteen hundredth vear must, of course, end with Decem ber 31. 18M. and that the first day of January. lf00. is. therefore, the first day of the new century. And. curious ly enough, this latter figure U correct, but only in a numerical sense. Thee overlook one very impor tant fact, however, that it requires lOo yar(t to make a century, and it call for no expert mathematician to figure it out that the full 100 years of the nineteenth century will not have run their course until 12 o'clock midnight of the 31st of December. 1100. Numer ically we enur the twentieth century with January 1. lf00. But nverthe less, we mut comnleto that entlr ir of l'.oo and go through Its 3t' ys before the actual l.fiOO years run their course. The Pope Gets Help. Rev. Dr. S. E. Bishop sides with the i'ope In the following terms: No doubt riot will agree that the question, u l.-- n the twentieth crtury begin. Is or. over which the abeged spiritual j it i. di tion of the lu can- not possibly etcnd. Can you liforru ne. on the. other hand, what cli m to Jurisdiction over the same q ji nn Is held by th- - Astronomer Koval f Br.s-l.in- d ? It l apparently not in my way an astronomical, any more th.ua a q ieptlon. I think that the new cer.firy bcc;n with the first day of January, l'Jn, and Continued oil Page 2 ATTORNEYS. a tstticsom & JUDD (A. L. C. Atkln n &nil Albert F Judd. Jr.) Office over Bishop Jc Coa bank, cor. Mer chant and KaaLumanu Sts. A CHI & JOHNSON (W. C. Achl and Enoch Johnson). Office No. 10 West King St.; Tel. S34. FRANCIS M. BROOKS. Room 9. Fpreckela building. Fort SL LYLE A. DICKEY. King and Bethel St.; Tel. 806; r. O. box 7SG. FREDERICK W. JOB. Suite 813, Mar duetts Bldg., Chicago, 111.; Hawaiian Consul General for States or Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wl&cun in. Cli A3. F. PETERSON. 13 Kaahuma ca Bt. PHYSICIANS. OIL GEO. J. AUGUR, Homeopathic Practitioner and Surgeon. Special attention given to chronic diseases; and residence. Beretanu St., aa,rly opp. Methodist church; office ,,,ira io ut 12 a. m.: 3 to 4 D. m it 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a. ui.; TaL 733 C. L. OARVIN. M.D. Office 537 King Sk, near Punchbowl; hours 9 to 12 . m., 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 448. .OR. A. GORDON HODGINS. Office and residence, Gedge Cottage, corner .lards and Hotel Sts.; office hours u 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Tel. 853. 73 K. T. MITAMURA. Consulting rooms 427 Nuuanu St.: 1. O. box 842; T-?- l. 132; residence f21 Nuuanu St.; Tel. 541; hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to V. m.; Sundaj-- 3 2 to 6 p. m DR. I. MORL 136 Beretanla St., be 111 Emma and Fort; Tel. 277; P. Q iox 843, office nours 9 to 12 a. m 7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12 JR. C G. O. SCAPARONE Graduate cf fie Royal University of Turin and at (!ae Medico Chirurgical College of Z'tilidelphia, Pa... approved by the Board of Medical Examiners; aVr of the American Medical Aa"i.MaUoQ; office hours 10 to 12 a. m . a to 5 p. m.; Love bldg.. Fort St. b CLAPIIAM. Veterinary Surgeon 4 1 Dentist. Offie Hotel Stables; 'Alia, day or night, promptly ana- - ri; speciaitlea, obstetrics and aesa. 3H. UJHIZO KATSUNUMA. Veteri-rr- v Sureeon. Skin diseases cf all !t:r.v?j a specialty. Office room 11, f recxeis uidg.; hours 9 to 4; Tel 4; residence Tel. 1033. DENTISTS. kt. E GROSSMAN, O D.a Alakea St, tLr: doors . bove Masonic Temple, rior.olulu; office hours 9 a.m. to f p a. CfL :. B. HIGH. Pjlladelphla Dental College 1892; Masonic Temple; TeL Clf. :EO IL IIUDDY. D.D.S. Fort St. op-.ot- ue Catholic Mission; tours from sa. tu 4 p. ex. VP, a C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL ' hours 8 a, m. to 4 p. m.; Love i. i 'r.. Fori 6t BROKERS. a. . CAMPBELL. -- Office Queen St, c; 1 Mite Union Feed Co. C. ; F ALK. Memoir Honolulu Stock ix.Sauge; room 201 Judd Bldg. :.LXAlf 8 A VIDGE Real Estate In i Peru of the islands bouga. or - No. X10 rtrtSt; Mclneniy Blk. OJ:- - II SOPER. Stock and Bond !':;.?, 118 Merchant St ARCHITECTS HO 'A i.r,D St TRAIN. Architects. cv. 7, Model Block, Fort St; T.; m. O (i TRAPHAOEN. 223 Merchant' ;twen ort and Alakea; TeLj OPTICIANS. S ' LUCAS. -- Lovr Bldg., Fort St. w; .'.rs; P. O. box 351. I carry a full of ALL KINDS OF GLASSES rr.u the CHEAPFST to the BEST, i'r-- - Examination of the Eyes STENOGRAPHERS. i A. A. ALLEN Stenographer and " ( . . Mclnerny B!ock. Fort St.; to. DRAUGHTSMAN. 7. D. BEASLEY. Plantation and cal Maps a Specialty; room JuM Bldg.; Tel. 633. ITSPEOPLE Our Neighbors of the Lad rones. ENSIGN POOR'S ACCOUNT An Interesting Race Not All Like the Filipinos Save in In- dolence. The following article was written 1 y Ensign C. L. Poor. U.S.N.. who is one of Governor General Leary's staff on the Island of Guam. It appeared firrt in the Christmas number of Harper's Weekly: When, under the rautst amusingly opera-bou- ff conditions ever experi- enced In modern warfare, the United States steamship Charleston, on June 20, ISM, captured the beautiful but iso- lated and sleepy old Spanish island col- ony of Guam in the western Paeifir. the place was governed by a lieu ten- ant colonel of the Spanish army, Don Juan Marina, supported by a staff it four army and one naval officers, and a garrison of fifty-fo- ur Spanish rol-dier- s. with a native militia of fifty-fo- ur men. the.-- e latter being armed with old Remington rifles, and organized r.s artillery crews for four old brass :l !d-gu- Upon the departure of the Charles- ton the Spanish officers and soldiers were removed, and the inland wa left nominally in charge of its leading citi- zens and ihe r ative sol.liery. T,r roi.-ditio- n of affairs prevailed until latt this spring, when the United States steamship Nanshan. a purchased col- lier, brought Lieutenant Kaiser, U.S.N.. to the island. Except for short perio Is of time when the United States steam- ship Bennington and the United States steamship Brutus were in the harbor, the peace and rule of the inland vere in the hands of the natives; and most excellently did they peform their duty so well that it augurs most favor- ably for the future well-bln- g of this colony, though the warmth of cfir re- ception and genuine interest shown in our government by these cleanly and intelligent people are sufficient evi- dence of. that. During all this time the native troops have maintained th.Mr organization and discipline, keepins beir clothes and equipments clean and in ordr, posting their sentries, and carrying out their routine all in a most praise- worthy manner. They are a soldierly, intelligent body of men. and will un- doubtedly be a valuable auxiliary to the new marine garrison that has ar- rived on the United States steamship Yosemite. Their best sphere of useful- ness would be as a police force and as rural guards In the outlying villages, thus relieving the marines of this iso- lated and monotonous duty. The na tives of Guam are in pleasing contrast to the Filipinos. Though originally. in great part, from the same stock, they have inherited all of the virtues and few of the vices of these people. There is in the blood of these people a considerable proportion of Spanish, South American, and American stock, the laist being due to the whaling-vessel- s that used to frequent the island In large numbers to obtain fresh water and to recuperate their crews. It is not at all unusual to hear English spo ken, even in the interior of the Isl and, and. in fact, it is quite as com- mon as Spanish. In personal appear- ance the natives resemble the Filipi- no?, though of greater stature and more robust, while the hair is not so bristling and porcupinelike, and brown or even blond hair is occasional evi- dence of the mixture of races. The intelligence, as indicated by their faces, is much more marked than in the natives of the Philippines. The women, when young, have well-rornd-- ed figures and an excellent carriage. which redeems to a great extent their shortness of stature and consequent tendency to dumpiness. In my long walks about Agana I hsv.e noticed many that were very comely ar.d some that were decidedly pretty. A3 they ace they do not become undViy fat. or later on repulsively hngcard, as is the c.".?e with so many tropical natives. Their dress is neat and clean, nr. 1 in their personal habits tl:ey are m'.'.est and tidy. For the wonvn the co-t'ir.- v consists of a ;horf cVnil.-- . or ji'ke'. with low nv' nr.d short Ficvf Tkis is made of wh't rratrrl.il f v ir in:: decrees of fineness. For more r. i' - rial occasion1; it tr.'v-- ' aroMr.d tr r,r nrd up-.- si:-- is someMrr's l""rii"red wi lt fit.s rl 'V t I'pon occasions of the great--.;- : tance an elabora j.xk-'- of tl: bishop or synod of the Diocese of Ho- - 1 be Holy Office, and In fpite of Pop-nolul- u until tlu visit of ihe Bishop of , Ieo XIII.. ninety-nin- e years are not. New York, on October 31. 1SW. The : never wire and never can be a cen- - result of that visit was that Bishop rotter was not slow to perceive that It would be necessary for action to be taken by the Diocesan Synod before the Prayer Book of the American church could be used generally in the churches of the Anglican Church in Hawaii, which are held subject to the Prayer Book of the Church of Eng land. But so much has been said, by persons who are entirely ignorant of the situation, about the Hawaiian Isl- ands beine merged in one of the Coast dioceses, that before proceeding to take the necessary action, it is asked that some assurance should be given "that the interest of the Church in Hawaii shall be duly and sufficiently safe- guarded and its integrity maintained;" which means that the Dioce.se of Ho nolulu be preserved in Its entirety as the sphere of jurisdiction of its own Itparate bishop. Accordingly it is asked in return for action which would make the cathedral of Honolulu and the other churches on the Islands a property of very considerable va- lueto become the property of a dio- cese of the American church: that that church should assume the financial re- sponsibilities for the supjiort of the bishop and clergy of the Anglican Church, which now rest on the Church of England, until the diocese becomes financially independent. When once It is understood that the consecration of a bishop for a foreign kingdom or count! y does not give the. consecrating bishops jurisdiction in that kingdom or country for were it so. the Archbishop of Aries, who con- secrated Aueustin, would have had Cii 1 el nt rn in thA IVnl-incf- l it Cantar. ...... ,Tn r.f th resolution, of the Diocesan Synod is perfectly consitvtent with the true po- sition of the Anglican Church in Ha- waii. The consecration of a bishop for the Hawaiian Islands made those In- lands the sphere within which the bish- op so consecrated exercises Juricdic-firn- . Within those limits the Jurisdic- tion committed to the Bishop of Ho- nolulu is precisely similar to the Juris- diction committed to every bishop In the fnited States within the limits of t!i-- ir respective dioe.-es- . That the Diocese of Honolulu never : n a dice -- e of the Cbtirr h of England is clear from this that the first work of ri;n first bi.-ho- p w.is r.ij create a i, nch orranizitii n wh'ch l.fi.l prop- erty r.f'l as the CL;:ri h of England, lr.it 'inder an entirely new title "The R- - rmed Catholic Church." This was 'ift'Twards chanced to the present name. " The Angiban Church in Ha-jwal- i." The r!.if ior.-lil- p of this ch'irrh ernment and purified religious example rhnr-f- h WO)lM ,iavr hail jurjsdi(.ti.jn In and instruction there opens before;,. ,,.:, :,t ,u the inhabitant of Guam a most prom isirg future; ar.d before us. whose duty it is to plant here a model col- ony, there lie3 a most interesting ex- perience and labor, of the ultimate icceM of which there can be no pos- sible doubt. All That Was Desired. Three women and ..'.iree n'ti who .v.-:-- " f mad in Harvey Chafe's place a f. w nights ago and arrcste 1 by th" ; ::- - on the hr.rg' of adultery, plead-i- n i 1 cu'.I'y ye--- , er lav pa!i' e court a: ; p:o: .itu"e. nr.d their c.;--f- s w.:e 1 for one w-'- i . : all "iv t.ern an rppor! ir.iry r.f regiv.er-Mirshr- il ;r- - a pposti-'sfva- . Brown ! .'- - that th;.j ! all that wa desire I in or.Ir to p'a tr. women in the Mfz.-jT- r in whl.- - .a tuc; .or. :

li Im CO, Ltd, - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/42294/1/1900010301.pdf · tobacco and tuba (tocoanut rum) ... CATTOX. NEILL

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KtabHih-- 1 Juiv 4. 85



tiful and expensive juna cloth, withj flowing sleeves and wide collar. Isworn over the chemise. With this is

J worn a skirt of vari-color- calico or! cotton stuff, generally of some brighthue. The feet are usually bare, smallheelkss slippers of colored leather be-ing occasionally seen. The hair isdrawn back from the forehead Into aknot, and hats are never worn. Inchurch a white cloth is worn as a veil

j over the head.The men dress simply and comfor-

tably, generally in suits of white dril-- Iling, --fikch as are common all through

i the East. The Filipino custom ofj wearing a white shirt with long andI tlowirg tails is in favor among thepoorer natives.

One of the first things evident to usis the decided antipathy of the nativesfor the Filipinos. There are few ofthem upon the island, and these arenot at all regarded with favor. In truth,they seem to be quite as unruly here



Bishop Willis on theSituation.


Something About the Recent Visit of

Bishop Potter to TheseIslands.

The current number of the Honolu-lu Diocesan Magazine, Bishop Willi'spaper, contains the following interest-ing comments on the Episcopal situa-tion:

.. . .Tl. .l 1jut-- iHiujuinu iy ine iMOts. in stynou,with no dissentient voice, of the reso-lution, which will be found In this Is-

sue touching the spiritual Jurisdictionof these Islands may be thought bysome to savor of presumption and tobe inconsistent with the position thatbelongs to a missionary church. Sofar from this, any one acquainted withthe history of the Anglican Church inHawaii will si e ;it u glance that theDiocOiS.m Synod would have stultifiedits own existem-- had it taken anyother position than that outlined bvthe resolution. First of all. the synodaccepts the principle that it is in theInterest of order and unity that a dio-cese of thf Anglican Communion. In acountry that comes under the domin-ion of tin- - United States Governmentshould eentually become a diocese ofthe American branch of the AnglicanCommunion, or in close relatloubhipwith it. The synod further expressesits readiness to t?ke the necessarv

-- steals that must precede any suchunion, on receiving an invitation to dodo so from the American church.What attitude could be m re fj-- e frompresumption? The AnH'an t hutch laHawaii waif.-- to b? invited. Motethan a year has elapsed since the Gen-eral Convention discussed the affairs ofthe Anglican Church in Hawaii in189S, but no formal communication ofwhat was c.,.ne on was made to th

as they are in their home, and theirqualities make them about the onlydisturllng element in this peaceful,well-dispos- ed people. The only pris-oner in the jail of the place was anugly-looki- ng Filipino who hail mur-dered a German trader about a yearago, and was sentenced to a lung termof confinement. When we were visit-ing the jail the keeper showed us hissolitary prisoner, and then carelesslyleft the door of the cell, a large roomwith wooden-barre- d windows, and ap-parently very insecure, wide openwhile he showed us about elsewhere.When we commented on this he saidthat no precautions were necessary, forno one on the island would harbor thepiisoner or aid him in any way, shouldhe attempt to escape, and that hewould soon be returned to custody bythe people.

Last March the few Filipinos on thisland began to foment ami incitetrouble and insurrection, saying thatthe Americans wore not coming, andthat the islands were to be given backto Spain. Their efforts were fruitless,for the loyal and pacific natives imme-diately compelled thse men to leavethe island and go to the islands to thenorthward.

As to the mental and moral charac-teristics of our new itizeus, all that weknow so far is of a favorable nature.They are cleanly, intelligent and peace-aid- e.

The great majority of them canread and write, and every village basif for instruction In the ele- -Li ,u.iry oramn'a. i uej nr mou-- i

and v. ry courteous in their deport-ment, and invariably touch their hat.to us when we pas them, and are moJtgenerous to visitors. The host whoshould receive visitors without offer-ing them some icfreshment duringthe call is considered very insultingto his guests, while it is equally rudefur the guest to refuse the profferedrefreshment. They seem to be verylight-hearte- d, and are fond of musicand dancing, while their greatestamusement is cock-fightin- g the taxupon which was one of the principalsources of revenue to th" former gov-

ernment of the island. They are notat all fervent In their religion, andabout all of'th" church-goin- g and de-

votion is confined to the women. Per-haps, however, they are excusable inthis, for the Spanish priests who havebeen here have not set a good exam-ple, being a cruel and oppressive lot.The native priests are of a far higherand better character, and are muchmore respected.

The worst trait, however, of the citi-zen of Guam is indolence. Nature isso provident, and so warm and smil-ing here, that little effort Is requiredto support life and provide sustenancefor the family. To pay a native bythe day or in advance is a fatal errorindeed, for he will work until he hasaccumulated a few dollars, then buyhis wife a new skirt, lay In a supplyof canned goods at the fitore, sometobacco and tuba (tocoanut rum), andthen retire to a life of affluent ease foras many months as the money andsupplies hold out.

Intoxication is very rare. Men andwomen alike smoke cigars and pipes,and nearly every one has the unsight-ly habit of chewing the betel-nu- t. Thenative cigar is an object of wonderto the newcomer. It is made from thewhole leaf of the native tobacco, whichis of most excellent flavor, but verystrong and green, rolled into a cylinder about eight Inches long, and i

wound about with threads of fibre tokeep it from unwrapping.

With the example of American ener-gy and industry; with advanced edu-cation, and with the Influences ofprogress; with a strong and Just rov- -


CATTOX. NEILL & CO., LTD., EXGI- -neers, F:iectrlolans and Boiler- -jnakers, Honolulu.

CHAS. V. E. DOVE. C.E. Surveyorand Civil Engineer; office Campbellblock, upstairs (next to Bishop & Co.bank) P. O. box 421; orders takenfor typewriting.

JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E.Consulting Hydraulic Engineer;

306 Judd Blk. Honolulu.


Fort St: Piano. Voice Culture, Singing and Harmony; especial attentionpaid to touch, mu?cular control andmusical analysis

ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER VocalStudio, "Mignon." 720 Ueretanla Si


Builder. Store and office flt.ings,shoo and repair work; Bell TowerBldg., Unloa St.; Tel. 702.

H. K. MEEMANO & CO. Contractorsand Buildern, Pairters, Paperhangersand Decorators; all work neatlydone; office Fort St., back of HiiSchool, Honolulu.

VVM. T. PATY. Contractor and Builder. Store and office fitting; brickwood or stone building; shop PalaceWalk; residence Wilder Ave., nearKewalo.


MISCELLANEOUS.MUrf. ARLEIGH Formerly art em- -

broidcress for Sharpless Bros., Phil-adelphia, will give lcssnn3 in allkinds of Art Embroidery, Marie Antoniette Flemieh. and Point Lace atP.. F. Ehlrrs & Co., Eecond floor. Ordf rs taken.

J. W. CHAPMAN. Caterer for Dinnerand Garden Parties, Weddings. Balls.Socials. Picnics. Etc. Orders left withBurnette &. Co., Cor. Bethel and KingSts., Honolulu, H. I. Telephone SOG

MISS HAMERSCHLAG has severedber connection with Miss Killean andopened Dressmaking and Ladies'Tailoring Parlors over Sach3 DryCoods Store, Fort St

MRS. B. F. McCAL'm. Latest designsin Tailor-Mad- e Evening. DinnerGowns, and Wedding Trousseau, 73Beretanla St


Manicure Tarlors, airdres3 ngand shampooing; scalp treatment aspecialty; room 6 Model block. Fortand Beretanla St3.; Tel. 989, take elevator.

J. MORGAN. Opal Merchant, Jewelerand Lapidary; Opal Cutting a Specialty; No. 2 School St, near bridge

DR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist for Eye,Ear, Thoat and Nose Diseases andCatarrh; Masonic Temple; hours 8 to12 a. m., l to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.

P. SILVA. Agent t take acknowledgments to Instruments, district of Ko- -na, Oahu; at W. C. Achi's office,King St, near Nuuanu.

TOURISTS' GUIDiS THROUGH HAWAII. Price 60c; beautifully Illus-trated. For sale by all newsdealers.

HONOLULU SANITARIUM. 1082King St; Tel. 63. Dr. Luella S.Cleveland, medical superintendentHours 9 a. m. to 5 p m.; methods ofBattle Creek, Mich., Sanitarium;baths of every "drcrlptlon; trainednurses In bathrooms as well as Insickroom; massage and manualmovements: electricity in everyform; classified dietary, etc.; amplefacilities for thorough examination.Dr. C. L. Garvin, consulting physi-cian and surgeon.

Laundry Employee in Trouble, pO. Herrick, driver in the employ of

the Honolulu 3:eam Laundry was ar-rested last night by Detective Kaapaon the information of the manager ofthe company, and charged with thelarceny of various articl03 of clothingplaced In his care.

For some time past the company haslcen in receipt of many complaintsfrom customers who did not get th?whole of their wash from the laundry,and effort3 to trace the missing gar-

ments had proved unsuccessful. La.--tevening however, suspicion was direct-ed toward Herrick, aad a search cf hidroom resulted In the discovery of twoJarp:e bund'.e of assorted clothing,soio. it Is claimed, bein? plainly mark-ed with the names of persons who havolodged complaints with the eompanr.Hfrrick will appear before Judge Wil-cox this morning in the District Court.

both to the Church of England and tothe church in America Is made per-fectly clear by the declaration, whichnot only the ynodsmen but the elect-ors sign before they can vote- -

-- I do declare that 1 am a member ofthe AiiKllcan Church in the Dioceso ofHonolulu in union and In full commun-ion with the Church of England, andher daughter churches throughout theworld, and that 1 belong to no otherreligious body."

A church in union and full commun-ion with other churches cannot be sub-ject to the control of any of them, orbe In other than an independent por-tion, until it is brought into a provin-cial system.

Bishop Potter's Visit.After the newspaper account of Bish

op Potter's vlit. and bow be was sur-- Iposed to have spent a day and a half.

I w hat we have to relate will seem verydull and uninteresting. The Gaeliccame into port quite early on October31. The Bishop of New York, who wasaccompanied by the Rev. Percy SUck-ne- y

Grant first paid a visit to theMuseum, and then drove to Iolanl Col-lege and called on Bishop WlllU. Be-yond what appeared in the paper theBishop of Honolulu had had no pre-vious intimation of this visit nd sowa not prepared to present to the of-ficial representative of the Commltteo

Ion Increased Rpsponnihilltieq rppolnt- -' . . t i .

M "Y i"? wenorai Lonvcnuon a aigrsiof the responsibilities attaching to theAnglican Church in Hawaii. The vltltwas far too brief, lasting les thanan hour, for a full discussion of Impor-tant question. The attention of Bish-op Potter was called to the terms cmwhich the property of th AnglicanChurch In Hawaii was held, whichpresented a phase of the situationwhich he had nut previously consid-ered. The visit dosed by his formallyInviting Bishop Willis to attend thenext General Convention- - which willassemble In San Francisco In 1!K1. Itmust not be omitted that at a subse-quent interview on board the Gaelic,shortly before the hour of sailing.Bihhop Potter approved the draft ofa resolution touching the See of Ho-

nolulu In the form In which it was aft-erwards adopted by the DiocesanSyno 1.


Bishop Willis of Honolulu DiffersFrom the Pojh.

TIk follow ing appears in the currentnumber of Bishop Willln' DiocesanMagazine;

The Pope's J.-- re t i

centuty will J.fgiH at rr.iduigut no De-cember 31. WS. Is in a par with thecondemnation of Galileo In 10.13 formaintaining the rotation of thn earth.The earth did rotate, notwithstanding

i tury.The decree will have no weight L

the Anglican Communion. On Tues-day, November i'Otb. at a meeting ofthe Archbishops and Bishops of theprovinces of Canterbury and York, thefollowing resolution with regard to theyear l'.ioii was unanimously passed:

"That the closing year of the cen-tury should be observed on the part ofthe Church of England as a year ofspecial collective prayer for the blew-in- g

of God upon the church and na-

tion." ,

A Reenforcement.Bishop Willis' position Is upheld by

the following article in the Indies'Honi Journal, written In December:

Hundreds of persons contend thatthe twentieth century will begin withJanuary 1. 1100. while other hundredcontend with equal posltlveness thatthe correct date is January 1. 1301. TheIftoO contingent argue that, of course,the new century begins with its numer-ical date and go on to figure out verydeftly that with the laM day of thevear ISM the 100 years will have runtheir course. They argue that, if thefirst year ended with Icember 31 ofthe year one. the nineteen hundredthvear must, of course, end with December 31. 18M. and that the first day ofJanuary. lf00. is. therefore, the firstday of the new century. And. curiously enough, this latter figure U correct,but only in a numerical sense. Thee

overlook one very important fact, however, that it requires lOoyar(t to make a century, and it callfor no expert mathematician to figureit out that the full 100 years of thenineteenth century will not have runtheir course until 12 o'clock midnightof the 31st of December. 1100. Numerically we enur the twentieth centurywith January 1. lf00. But nvertheless, we mut comnleto that entlr

ir of l'.oo and go through Its 3t'ys before the actual l.fiOO years

run their course.The Pope Gets Help.

Rev. Dr. S. E. Bishop sides with thei'ope In the following terms:

No doubt riot will agree that thequestion, u l.-- n the twentieth crturybegin. Is or. over which the abegedspiritual j it i. di tion of the lu can-not possibly etcnd. Can you liforrune. on the. other hand, what cli m toJurisdiction over the same q ji nn Isheld by th- - Astronomer Koval f Br.s-l.in- d

? It l apparently not in my wayan astronomical, any more th.ua a

q ieptlon.I think that the new cer.firy bcc;n

with the first day of January, l'Jn, and

Continued oil Page 2

ATTORNEYS.a tstticsom & JUDD (A. L. C. Atkln

n &nil Albert F Judd. Jr.) Officeover Bishop Jc Coa bank, cor. Merchant and KaaLumanu Sts.

A CHI & JOHNSON (W. C. Achl andEnoch Johnson). Office No. 10 WestKing St.; Tel. S34.

FRANCIS M. BROOKS. Room 9.Fpreckela building. Fort SL

LYLE A. DICKEY. King and BethelSt.; Tel. 806; r. O. box 7SG.

FREDERICK W. JOB. Suite 813, Marduetts Bldg., Chicago, 111.; HawaiianConsul General for States or Illinois,Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wl&cunin.

Cli A3. F. PETERSON. 13 Kaahumaca Bt.


Practitioner and Surgeon. Specialattention given to chronic diseases;

and residence. Beretanu St.,aa,rly opp. Methodist church; office,,,ira io ut 12 a. m.: 3 to 4 D. mit 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9:30 to 10:30 a.

ui.; TaL 733

C. L. OARVIN. M.D. Office 537 KingSk, near Punchbowl; hours 9 to 12

. m., 7 to 8 p. m. Tel. 448.

.OR. A. GORDON HODGINS. Officeand residence, Gedge Cottage, corner

.lards and Hotel Sts.; office hoursu 11, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Tel. 853.

73 K. T. MITAMURA. Consultingrooms 427 Nuuanu St.: 1. O. box 842;T-?- l. 132; residence f21 Nuuanu St.;Tel. 541; hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 7 to

V. m.; Sundaj-- 3 2 to 6 p. m

DR. I. MORL 136 Beretanla St., be111 Emma and Fort; Tel. 277; P.Q iox 843, office nours 9 to 12 a. m

7 to 8 p. m.; Sundays 9 to 12

JR. C G. O. SCAPARONE Graduatecf fie Royal University of Turin andat (!ae Medico Chirurgical College ofZ'tilidelphia, Pa... approved by the

Board of Medical Examiners;aVr of the American MedicalAa"i.MaUoQ; office hours 10 to 12 a.m . a to 5 p. m.; Love bldg.. Fort St.

b CLAPIIAM. Veterinary Surgeon4 1 Dentist. Offie Hotel Stables;'Alia, day or night, promptly ana- -

ri; speciaitlea, obstetrics andaesa.

3H. UJHIZO KATSUNUMA. Veteri-rr- v

Sureeon. Skin diseases cf all!t:r.v?j a specialty. Office room 11,f recxeis uidg.; hours 9 to 4; Tel

4; residence Tel. 1033.


tLr: doors . bove Masonic Temple,rior.olulu; office hours 9 a.m. tof p a.

CfL :. B. HIGH. Pjlladelphla DentalCollege 1892; Masonic Temple; TeLClf.

:EO IL IIUDDY. D.D.S. Fort St. op-.ot- ue

Catholic Mission; tours fromsa. tu 4 p. ex.

VP, a C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL' hours 8 a, m. to 4 p. m.; Lovei. i 'r.. Fori 6t

BROKERS.a. . CAMPBELL. --Office Queen St,

c; 1 Mite Union Feed Co.

C. ; F ALK. Memoir Honolulu Stockix.Sauge; room 201 Judd Bldg.

:.LXAlf 8A VIDGE Real Estate Ini Peru of the islands bouga. or- No. X10 rtrtSt; Mclneniy Blk.

OJ:-- II SOPER. Stock and Bond

!':;.?, 118 Merchant St

ARCHITECTSHO 'A i.r,D St TRAIN. Architects.cv. 7, Model Block, Fort St;

T.; m.O (i TRAPHAOEN. 223 Merchant'

;twen ort and Alakea; TeLj

OPTICIANS.S ' LUCAS. --Lovr Bldg., Fort St.

w; .'.rs; P. O. box 351. I carry a fullof ALL KINDS OF GLASSES

rr.u the CHEAPFST to the BEST,i'r-- - Examination of the Eyes


A. A. ALLEN Stenographer and" ( . . Mclnerny B!ock. Fort St.;to.

DRAUGHTSMAN.7. D. BEASLEY. Plantation and cal

Maps a Specialty; roomJuM Bldg.; Tel. 633.


Our Neighbors of theLad rones.


An Interesting Race Not All Like theFilipinos Save in In-


The following article was written 1 yEnsign C. L. Poor. U.S.N.. who is oneof Governor General Leary's staff onthe Island of Guam. It appeared firrtin the Christmas number of Harper'sWeekly:

When, under the rautst amusinglyopera-bou- ff conditions ever experi-enced In modern warfare, the UnitedStates steamship Charleston, on June20, ISM, captured the beautiful but iso-

lated and sleepy old Spanish island col-

ony of Guam in the western Paeifir.the place was governed by a lieu ten-

ant colonel of the Spanish army, DonJuan Marina, supported by a staff itfour army and one naval officers, anda garrison of fifty-fo- ur Spanish rol-dier- s.

with a native militia of fifty-fo- ur

men. the.-- e latter being armed withold Remington rifles, and organized r.sartillery crews for four old brass :l !d-gu-

Upon the departure of the Charles-ton the Spanish officers and soldierswere removed, and the inland wa leftnominally in charge of its leading citi-zens and ihe r ative sol.liery. T,r roi.-ditio- n

of affairs prevailed until lattthis spring, when the United Statessteamship Nanshan. a purchased col-lier, brought Lieutenant Kaiser, U.S.N..to the island. Except for short perio Isof time when the United States steam-ship Bennington and the United Statessteamship Brutus were in the harbor,the peace and rule of the inland verein the hands of the natives; and mostexcellently did they peform their duty

so well that it augurs most favor-ably for the future well-bln- g of thiscolony, though the warmth of cfir re-ception and genuine interest shown inour government by these cleanly andintelligent people are sufficient evi-dence of. that.

During all this time the native troopshave maintained th.Mr organizationand discipline, keepins beir clothesand equipments clean and in ordr,posting their sentries, and carryingout their routine all in a most praise-worthy manner. They are a soldierly,intelligent body of men. and will un-doubtedly be a valuable auxiliary tothe new marine garrison that has ar-rived on the United States steamshipYosemite. Their best sphere of useful-ness would be as a police force and asrural guards In the outlying villages,thus relieving the marines of this iso-lated and monotonous duty. The natives of Guam are in pleasing contrastto the Filipinos. Though originally.in great part, from the same stock,they have inherited all of the virtuesand few of the vices of these people.There is in the blood of these peoplea considerable proportion of Spanish,South American, and American stock,the laist being due to the whaling-vessel- s

that used to frequent the island Inlarge numbers to obtain fresh waterand to recuperate their crews. It isnot at all unusual to hear English spoken, even in the interior of the Island, and. in fact, it is quite as com-mon as Spanish. In personal appear-ance the natives resemble the Filipi-no?, though of greater stature andmore robust, while the hair is not sobristling and porcupinelike, and brownor even blond hair is occasional evi-dence of the mixture of races. Theintelligence, as indicated by theirfaces, is much more marked than inthe natives of the Philippines. Thewomen, when young, have well-rornd-- ed

figures and an excellent carriage.which redeems to a great extent theirshortness of stature and consequenttendency to dumpiness. In my longwalks about Agana I hsv.e noticedmany that were very comely ar.d somethat were decidedly pretty. A3 theyace they do not become undViy fat. orlater on repulsively hngcard, as is thec.".?e with so many tropical natives.

Their dress is neat and clean, nr. 1 intheir personal habits tl:ey are m'.'.estand tidy. For the wonvn the co-t'ir.- v

consists of a ;horf cVnil.-- . or ji'ke'.with low nv' nr.d short Ficvf Tkisis made of wh't rratrrl.il f v ir in::decrees of fineness. For more r. i ' -

rial occasion1; it tr.'v-- '

aroMr.d tr r,r nrd up-.- si:--

is someMrr's l""rii"red wilt fit.s rl 'V tI'pon occasions of the great--.;- :

tance an elabora j.xk-'- of tl:

bishop or synod of the Diocese of Ho- - 1 be Holy Office, and In fpite of Pop-nolul- u

until tlu visit of ihe Bishop of , Ieo XIII.. ninety-nin- e years are not.New York, on October 31. 1SW. The : never wire and never can be a cen- -

result of that visit was that Bishoprotter was not slow to perceive that Itwould be necessary for action to betaken by the Diocesan Synod beforethe Prayer Book of the Americanchurch could be used generally in thechurches of the Anglican Church inHawaii, which are held subject to thePrayer Book of the Church of England. But so much has been said, bypersons who are entirely ignorant ofthe situation, about the Hawaiian Isl-ands beine merged in one of the Coastdioceses, that before proceeding to takethe necessary action, it is asked thatsome assurance should be given "thatthe interest of the Church in Hawaiishall be duly and sufficiently safe-guarded and its integrity maintained;"which means that the Dioce.se of Honolulu be preserved in Its entirety asthe sphere of jurisdiction of its own

Itparate bishop. Accordingly it isasked in return for action whichwould make the cathedral of Honoluluand the other churches on the Islands

a property of very considerable va-lueto become the property of a dio-cese of the American church: that thatchurch should assume the financial re-sponsibilities for the supjiort of thebishop and clergy of the AnglicanChurch, which now rest on the Churchof England, until the diocese becomesfinancially independent.

When once It is understood that theconsecration of a bishop for a foreignkingdom or count! y does not give the.consecrating bishops jurisdiction inthat kingdom or country for were itso. the Archbishop of Aries, who con-secrated Aueustin, would have hadCii 1 el nt rn in thA IVnl-incf- l it Cantar....... ,Tn r.f th

resolution, of the Diocesan Synod isperfectly consitvtent with the true po-sition of the Anglican Church in Ha-waii. The consecration of a bishop forthe Hawaiian Islands made those In-lands the sphere within which the bish-op so consecrated exercises Juricdic-firn- .

Within those limits the Jurisdic-tion committed to the Bishop of Ho-nolulu is precisely similar to the Juris-diction committed to every bishop Inthe fnited States within the limits oft!i-- ir respective dioe.-es- .

That the Diocese of Honolulu never: n a dice -- e of the Cbtirr h of Englandis clear from this that the first workof ri;n first bi.-ho- p w.is r.ij create a

i, nch orranizitii n wh'ch l.fi.l prop-erty r.f'l as the CL;:ri h of England, lr.it'inder an entirely new title "The R- -

rmed Catholic Church." This was'ift'Twards chanced to the presentname. " The Angiban Church in Ha-jwal- i."

The r!.if ior.-lil- p of this ch'irrh

ernment and purified religious example rhnr-f-h

WO)lM ,iavr hail jurjsdi(.ti.jn Inand instruction there opens before;,. ,,.:, :,t ,uthe inhabitant of Guam a most promisirg future; ar.d before us. whoseduty it is to plant here a model col-ony, there lie3 a most interesting ex-

perience and labor, of the ultimateicceM of which there can be no pos-

sible doubt.

All That Was Desired.Three women and ..'.iree n'ti who

.v.-:-- " f mad in Harvey Chafe's place a

f. w nights ago and arrcste 1 by th"; ::- - on the hr.rg' of adultery, plead-i- n

i 1 cu'.I'y ye---, er lav pa!i' e court a:

; p:o:.itu"e. nr.d theirc.;--f- s w.:e 1 for one w-'- i . :all "iv t.ern an rppor! ir.iry r.f regiv.er-Mirshr- il

;r- - a pposti-'sfva- . Brown! .'-

- that th;.j ! all that wa desire I

in or.Ir to p'a tr. women in theMfz.-jT-r in whl.-- .a tuc; .or. :


.1 jf


An Unknown ChinamanMeets Death.


1 Wattehestr

Lubricating OilsWill be used very f reely for the next six or eight months eo we

wiih again to tall the attention of all Mill nea and users of machinery tooar TROPIC LUBRICATINu OILS, x'ar years this brand ha3 been use! on

thews Lsland? and each fctasoa the demand liaa increased so that thl3 year we

2iare bad to build a special oil warehouse at Kakaako to hold the hundredst? barrels of oiln we have to carry in stock. Tropic Cylinder. Engine, Machine,

Dynamo and Car-bo- x oil3 are the ones you want if you want everything to

ru smoothly.


i Found in a Pond Near the Old Chi-- 1

nese Theatre Result of inquestHeld Last Night. 1 25 Per Cent Discount

enton Boiler CompoundON ALL Ofi: IMl'OUIKIMiOOD.S.

i I Sale Will Last-- &

This compound 13 entirely r egetabl contains no oil or acid, it te-13- E

a natural preservative for iron or steel. It rots the scaie In the boilerml gradually cleans game. After the boiler becomes clean, the compound,

If aaed according to direction!, will keep the scale forming properties of theirai" in the form of solution or pendent, and the boiler can be kept cLean,

ol tb ecale forming properties of said water can be blown out in the femt,f mud. It la p great saver of fuel as It will cLean. and keep clean any L t'ler.

Zt uj eend you a barrel on trial, no pay if not satisfactory. Packings, waste,foiapounds, engineers' (tools and supplies of all kinds, at




. !- -ft



. f.'






! t




The deal body of n Chinaman w.- -

found last evening Tu-a- r a p:n J in tV?rear of the o'd Chinese theatre, nejrthe terniinu? of the Oa'au railroad. atelephone rr.-sa- to this effect havingbeen received by th3 Ilo.irJ of Hea:'iat ":j0 o''!o;k. Whenb!ol was flowin? from .he no.-- an 1

mouth of the Chinaman. The bodywj3 tha: of a man about 27, years oil.ani wa3 cla J in a blak coat, blick anjwhile striped jurnp-r- r anl tlirk trou-sers, and the man appeare 1 to hav?been a person of some means for one o:'hi3 racp, apparently a well-to-- da ffard-cn- er

or farmer. The body wa? remov-ed to the morgn and the coroner noti-fied.

Some d;?re of myste.--v .s'lrrounde 1

the identity of the dead Chiniman andthe cau?e of death, though th mem-bers of the IJoaid of Health believed itto be a case of murder. The opinio-- i

was also expressed that the man mi?hthave been one of the China-Te- who es-caped from quarantine a few day? agoand Aas not caught. Cha. Val Poon.watchman at the Oahu railroad depot,said last night that last Friday even in?soon after dark he saw a Chinaman,carrying a roll of blankets.in the vicin-ity of the-- pond referred to. and be-

lieving him to be in the act ot escap-ing from the quarantine district, he no-tified an assistant of Capt. 15wers. thepatrolman, and with him endeavored iocapture the Chinaman. In the darktney were, however, unable to ke-- onthe track of their m.m. and he disap-peared.

.ate las: evening Deputy Mar-h- al

Chillingworth impanelled a jury, whihafter viewing the 'body held an inqueftan.l returned a verdict of death fromaccidental drawing. An autopsy willtherefor; not be held.

Th dead Chinaman had about $-- 0 inmoney in bin pockets, which makes thetheory of drowning all the more prod-abl- e.

U i.s considered likely that thederea?''d lost his way in the dark andwalked or ran into the pond before hknew of t lie danger that confrontedhim. His name is no: ye: known.



21 Tw4mpl-i.- .

xturfi f ,, i T7,M

Open Saturday Evening.L.

I :M r . i.-.t

liver' I "I I' I

HAWAII'S EPISCOPATEXT NOT 3XrXN8IVr: eonies rdy to Uy; ny workman can lay It; la

ilipxi; imjz&e 13 jr cm U taa shingles on buildings covered with It. i

ftfftt ky ay ellnmu. 8ZND FOR SAMPLJL(Continued from l'age l.) flftiesi

." n i a . .shall be glad to be clearly thown that i.I Am ttrone. I reasnn na fr11rta.c .Mavaiian Trading (2o.- - Ltd, ( ' - - -

Discarding all discussion of HebrewOfflCe: WOS. 6 and 8 LOVe Building FOrt St. TEL. 1 1 32 or Roman chronology. ItiM to me

that the date of our rd birth must,MM,,WMMM"M,IM""M"M"""MMMMMMM.j be represented not by A. D. 1. but bya-- I. 0. In numbering any porson'3,ae. we ko reckon. Me is one yea- - old.'after completing the first twelve! 4lOiIBAY PRESENTS months and not when he is born. Hidfirst year is year 0 of his age. In otherterms, our enumeration of years i notin ordinal, but in cardinal numbers.The present year 1SD9 does not mean

l44- -

j the lSH'Jth year of the era; it means'the l0th year, just as the year 9'.) ofa man's age means his 100th year,

i This position is confirmed by what's.ems to be the necessary arithmet-ical scuuence of the years at the begin-- jnlng of the era. What does 1 D. C.

j mean ? Of course it means one fullyear before Christ was bom. Then 1

A. I. must correspondingly mean onefull year after He was born. The point

'of demarcation at the moment of birth














Toilet Sets,In Kbonite and CJluss.

Perfumes,In IJa.kcb, Cases atvl Fancy bottles.

Atomizers,In New Styles.

Toilet Requisites. Maile Cologne

VVVIk' Open Announcement to All.

:o:- -

j was 0 A. I)., or 0 H. C. us you choose,Thn gives a regular sequence with oneyear intervals, as follows: 2 H. C1 H. C.- -O A. D. 1 A. D.- -2 A. I).

Hut with the learned reckoningwhich the Astronomer Iloyal eek3 toenforce upon n.. you are compelled toenumerate ;is follows: 2 D. C 1 1J. C.

1 A. 2 A. I). Compare the alge-braic notation: 2. 1, 0. phi3 1. plus 2.from minus one to pliM one is two andnot one. Just so from 1 l. C. to 1 A. I),is two years and not one year.

Leaving abstract discussion, myguet-- s is that the common sense of man-- !kind will take the new century as'be--1

ginning with the change of figuresi from IS to 19. The learned "academ-ic" notions of the schools are not like-ly to avert the universal tendency of

j men's minds. The Pope will find theJeeneral public with him this time. NextMonday will be twentieth c entury bygeneral riccdaim.

ri. C. r.ISHOI'.


Do H'tf f ail to cV prrsent at the ojh niin


Fancy : Art : Goodsrii'hr Mrs. birhrfan'x Mannram nf.JPLAGUE IN INDIA.







Honolulurug Co.


Yon finl nn-iffh'un- j oh uunj thxire in IWSOPILLOW'S. CEXTEk PIECES, Etr., Etc.


r a lADhAM m irk fort


Its Ravages Were Decreasing: atLast Reports.

The ISritish Medical Journal of De-

cember 2, in an article on the bubonicplague in India, makes the followingstatement: "The summary for Indiafor the week ending November 4thshows an increase on the previousweek amounting to U.fiTl. instead of3.G72. Since then a marked decreasein the death rate from plague ha3 beentelegraphed. During the week report-ed upon, an increase waa recorded inHombay City, but a decrease in theBombay Presidency generally. InSouthern India plague has generallydecreaeed.

"Th report of the sanitary officer forCalcutta, Dr. Meld Cook, is interestingreading. Dr. Cook states that 'historyrepeats itself and that a number ofpeople oven now believe the statementthat plagu exists or has existed inC.tb ntt.i during th p tst eighteenmonths is pure fiction. When it firstappeared in Calcutta not only th laityb..t a lumber of medi.-a- l men in

positions attempted to dis-prove the fact of plague leing present.

"It was the same tale when plagueappeared in Hongkong. Bombay, andalmost every other place or city whichit has visited, and the .nedical manwho first called attention to the pres-ence of the disease has in everv in-stance been looked at askance, an"l oft-en held up to ridicule."



We iave just opened a largo new st ock of HAN'DKPIiriliPTQ tr t- - i


ju. TJTsilZiiSU? soe 1 hi3 disl,,jy ,,f,,rf b,,yinK




Nothing Being Done on t importers Ar

D Commission Merchants ?BOSlUINLYKll (JrbRA 10. Sewer Outlet. t QUEEN STREET.i Chinese and Japanese Laborers Con- -r OtK- -fined in Qjarantined Distric- t-

Work on Land Portion.Monday and Tuesday "EHMINIE."

Wednesday and Thursday "MARTHA."

Friday. Saturday and Saturday Matinee "MA5COT7 E.All work ou the outfall of the Kaka-- .

ako sewer, the contract for which Isj In the hands of Wilson & Whitehouse,I id stopped on account of the Chinese

Fuil Line ofDry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Notions

As well as all kinds of


.and Japanese laborers being within Athe quarantined portion of the city. It i --Se

is the intention of the contractors to Ai resume work a3 soon as possible. Al- -Popular Prices, 50c and 75c. ready 1,200 feet of the outlet has been ilaid, all consisting of 24-in- ch iron- - $

stone pipe. The contract calls for "t3.800 feet of pipe-lin- e, the first 500 feet --?rconnecting with the reservoir at Ka-- A

Box Office open at 10 a. m.Telcenane Number 540.

kaako being of Ironstone pipe and the

Agents ForI he Lancashire Insurance Co. of Manchester, England. Fire and Life.The Baloise Insurance Co. of Basle, Switzerland. f.The Union Gas Engine Co. fThe Domestic Sewing Machines. f"The New Pacific Hand Sewing Machines, and other agencies.

i remaining 3.300 feet leading out be- -j yond the reef being of 24-in- ch steel. (j The work will be solid, and furnisn afine means of ridding the city of its

j sewage. ,4

Just Received:.... A LARGE INVOICE OF . .



Vincent & Reiser, who are con- -strutting the land portion of the sys- -

v,,-r-r- ''mWTO 'WZi "MM"I'lt' t ! ! 'V 1 "?"! "f'l'M' f f f g f f f ? g frfrtem. are fortunate in having their menoutside or the quarantines district, ,. y iv- : r vr MffTf r - - rjrjs :

and are pushing ahead as fa.st as pos- -sible. They have about one and a halfmiles ypt to laj of the total of abo






fifteen miles, all the unfinished workj consisting of the main sewer on Queenand River streets and the Beach road,

ilc. Contractor Belser represents the firmi j here, but has been away from his ln-- I

terests on the Coast so long that he isdrsirous of returning to San Francis-- ico, and will leave at the first opportu-nity. His partner. Mr. Vincent, wasto have sailed from San Francisco onthe steamer Mariposa, now about due.but advices received state that he willnot arrive until the middle of themonth. Mr. IJelser may return tonolulu at soni!? future time.

BIG... ii ....I. . nr..w

pi ni n h--


-- AOEXTS M)ItThe Ewa Flantatlon Co.The Walalua Agricultural Co.. LtdThe Kohala Sugar Co.

. The Walmea Sugar MM Co.The Koloa Agricultural Co.The Fulton Iron Works. St. Loula

klo.The Standfcd Oil Co.The George V. Blake Steam FumptVTeston's Centrlfugala.The New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co., of boston.The Aetna Fire Insurance Co., of

Hartford. Conn.The Alliance AFBuraoce Co., of Bos


KEEP THE HEAD COOL and tfcfeet warm is the advice given by allthe doctors In time of epidemics of anykind. I'acheco's Dan J ruff Killer Is Ubest to use on the head. It Is refresh-ing, Invigorating and stimulating, be-sides possessing cooling propertiescontained in no other preparation Inthe marketPACHECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER.Is for sale by all druggists and at thUnion Barber Shop; Telephone &9C


Review of the Situation by Local4.

i Agency.Thp following is Q. 11. M.t-canti- ie

Agency report:Merchants report a very good month.


Holiday trade was generally good un-til the 2t;th. when we were quaran

rCastle & ooKe.





618 Fort StrootOsO




tined again. fcj

The losses in Chinatown have been i tigreat, and certainly business housesthere pre entitled to sympathy.

Holiday trade gave great promise, ftand prospec ts seemed better than pre- -vious years. The breaking out of the tjplague acain was a set-bac- k. j


Trads ha 3 fallen off from 40 to ti" per 0; nt during the pr.t four days. U

In some lines daily receipts do not ' tjj

meet daily expenses with good houses, j

Five large "wind Jammers" have ar- -j rived with full cargoes since our last jcircular. fj

' Fnsatisfactory tradf with ot'.ir X

ands. .

Staples easier since la.st report. !

, Leather, crude and worked. h ad- - '

Stables TenonsHack Stand Tel.

in.519 D3 477.





n C. H. BELLINA, Mgr.til M hiOil' I,


vanred at least 10 per cent.We are Informed that stumpage in

lumber districts in the States has' raised 20 per cent. laical market

but higher prices are antk-i-- ;

pated.Shelf goods in hardware show .slight

ri.--e in price.; Considerable activity is reported byi those handling sporting goods.

Sufficient money out of the surplus! should be appropriated to provide Ho-- :nolulu with permanent sanitation

i works; previous Invasions of conta


EfIncandescent Lamps. libinDuponts Powtlercans and i kcs.




SEWINGWe are the aole agents for the GENERAL A Specialty.ELECTRIC COM- -

gious diseases, that cost hundreds oflive3 are likely to appear again. Nowis the time to strike for permanent im-provements. Let It be hoped thatspeedy action will be taken. In noother way can Honolulu make reason

coo--PANY'S Celebrated

ElJlSON INCANDESCENT UMPS.These are known as Three-Wa- tt Lamps and consume only from

CO to 70 per cent of the amount of current used by the ordinarycheap bulbs. We have a large supply both In 16 and 32 candle-powe- r.


ably sure of escaping future plagues,There is no reason for blues in our j


mercantile condition, and the averageanticipations are good.

N. W. roujrh, $24 tc 130 per 1.000 feet; I

selected T. G., ?32.50 to $37.50 per 1,000 jSETTING

U. M. C. and High-Ba- se




In this shipment are a few highlypolished walnut Cabinet that wwsldlrty add to your household furolsh-Uc- a.


teet; redwood, rough, 2- - to Jj per'

1.000 feet: spruce, clear, $37.30; r.hin- -tries, $2.73 to $4; lath, 60 cents to.MMiiifl m nun rirnTMfl finunnuv- un .

iii.ru ii iii itha hi nriiinih uutwinu cents per bundle; split redwoodUULIUUU U11VJ 11111 LLLUIIIIU UU1I11I11II. LIU.

M. F. LUCAS46 Merchant Street.posts, IS cents each; lime, per barrel,$3; cement, per barrel. $1.30; brick,per 1.000, $18.00 to $20.00; cut nails,20d. per keg. $4; wire nails, per keg.$4.2."; add $2 on keg . to Cd, and $1.30


from Sd up.The mortgaged indebtedness of the j

Islands has Increased since our last t


For sale at the205 HOTEL STREET. L. F. Prescottreport $43,594.30,Grand Sale Recorded Instruments have been asfollows: MS ! ft to. Fort Street, near Hotel.

Sole Apent for the IlawaiuirAT THE HUSTACE &Island

TEMPLE OF FASHIONCommencing Next Monday, Dec. 4th


R. A. DEXTER. Manager.


iti Fon St.. Opp. Club BUblea.


Vood and CoalALSO

VNHf ana Black ndaleh ws wUl ssll at the very lowest

market rates.rirphone No. 411.

"SID. & GEORGE"Successors to Van Dome,

Cigars, Tobacco andCold Drinks.

Ill Fort Si. Dear Cons'd Soda Works.

A A A A It'

Number. Amount. '

Deeds 134 12.524.777 40Mortgaged 44 G9,.".j0 00 i

Leases 41 j

Releases 24 23,rt."o .10

Chattel Mort- -

pageg ; 3.RG4 00 '

Bills cf Sale 13 2."..?0 00Agreements 3Affidavits 1

Tower of Att'y . . 11Afs'gt of Leases . 5Ass'gt of Mort-

gages 11Per cent

Mortgages 14.r.ti3 00Mortgages 175 00Mortgages 7 4.000 00 i

Mortgages 72 1.20 00Mortgages S 31.900 00Mortgagee 9 10.700 00Mortgages 10 4.or.2 00MortgaKes 12 150 00


Total lW."d 00

RKA- -fl.VCOur Entire Stock of DRY GOODS will be open to

customers at very low figures. SCiTS TO CHDER AT80NABLE RATES



. Suitable for the Holidays. Carrlages and caddleborses will mtths arrival and departure of etery Kl-a- aa

at Kaw&lhae; also for aay alr

H. W. FOSTER & CO..Gold and Silver Smiths.


All Goods anl Work Guaranteed.2d HOTEL STREET.

The stage for Kaceohe. Heela. Wal-kan-e.

and Kuoloa, will leav6 PostofCce.Bethel street side at 9 a. m. on Mon-ja- y,

Wednesday and Friday, callingfor rassengers and packages at Love-Jo-y

& Co.'s, No. 13. Nunanu street.


t SOlEt.

gJIERIKr ANDREWS OF HAWAII,iajs: "The only way of reaching UI oreeent lata Cow by wagon road Is

Hawaiian Dry Goods Association,M. PALAU. Manager

i 'la Walmw carriages; can go wt'.VnM. W. ?lcCHESNEY i SONS.'tw mnts cf the no

I'as.senppr arrivals for th month to-

talled l.".C?. of which 1.33S were Jap-anese; foreignrn 291.

The produce trade quotations are:O.us. prr ton. $3.1 to $".7.50: barley, prton. $20.50 to $2.50; hay. per ton. $Mto $45; bran, per ton, $20; hams an "

bacon. 15 to 17 cnts; s'iear peas. $1.5'S. F.: barrel salmon. $10 to $10.50 S.F.; wheat, per pound. 11 to 2 cents;flour, per barrel. $3 to $1.50; Islandrice. $5 to $5.50; sugaM'i cent-s- ; Cali-fornia rotatoes. 2,;o; table fruits, perdozen. $2 S. F.

anl DesArs :n LcatB- -Sto!e3ale Grocers For oaxtlculars apply to:ead the Advertiser,A HANDY SOUVENIR OF 22

riews of Modern Honolulu, put up larjrelope and stamped, to mail la any

rt of Postal Union, for F-- ctais. For'e at Thurm's. Golden Rule Bazaar,

News Co.'s. Woman's Ex-:har.-

Hawaiian Bazaar, Le Man-Ton'- s,

and Wall, Nichols Co.'s. 533?

t IL AKONA.Proprietor,

Walmea, IfawslL! I2S7

er and Sole Fislis.Agents Honolulu Soap Works Com

psny. Honolulu, and Tannery.75 Cents a Month.


we saould have at slight cost an excel- -

lent sanitary adjunct which migU infor baths, fi'jfrs at the reservoirs andall the other sanitarv ureen. 'el T thJ


Commercial Advertiser. WEOUIi I.NTEKKSTS IN CO.NUUESS.

General Ha rt w II is apt to take ft lu-

gubrious view of things but that dor.nut warrant the public in thinking tha:he has found nc:hing tangible in th"opposition to the politicalof i.iwaii a.s a t rrltory of th1 Fnke--

States.He recounize.s an I we .should rvog-niz- e

the fact that the sugar tri.t is uvery powerful and active enemy. I:fought Annexation and might havebeaten it but for the Sp.inih war. Ju-- t

that war occurred Spree!;'!?.Oxnard and the re.-;-t of theai began toinspire articles in the. San Francisco'Call and other Journals of like initia- -


! Ml IIIPIIIIfM ! mm




CathartK PillsIt is easy to purge, but that is net w bat

fs wanted. A mild but sure and undis-turbin- g

cathartic will pet Nature to go-ing, and relieve the head, the htomaca.the liver and all tho organs of the bodv

CURB. i . .jruinine many ana aangerous t- lis of a

clogged corporeal drainage.Hood's Pills CUKF. Liver IIIh, sick hcad- -

ache. biliousness, constipation, without!?



The leport that the surplus will bekept Intact, sanitary ned or no sani-

tary n ed. so as to make a record forHomebody, need.-- to-- be put. to an earlytest by a humane and progressiveCouncil of State.

Filters for the Nuiianu reservoirswould probably have kept down thefigures of I ember mortality to wherethey belong. The amount of diseasefairly traceable to the valley surfacewater is something appalling.

Interest in the Transvaal warnow find n chance to gt In edgewise.With six daya' later news dun on theMariposa thre ought i;o oe some tlr--rin bulletins at hand from our rrntln- -- j

odal ne!ghlor3 to divert the mind from;local excitemenu.

.cretary Kfxt doe .well to attackthe Army system which promotes bynenlorlfy instead of mrit. If he bringiit down he will do more to increase themilitary safeguards of the nation thancould be done by adding no.OOrt movme.n to the permanent force.

TT" f .Vy TT TT? TT jm9k.purging, without pain, j )

Liver nisi FAOlh IPGHH

Automobile are improving all the; as the Nicaragua Canal bill- - affon!3time. A new electrical vehicle, manu-- j ground enough to featt the influence offactum! in New Jersey, ran 100 miles concentrated wealth in Congress. Wethe other day without recharging. ' must work unceasingly, free from allThe "cenuiry-'-'w- as donein pretty falr'over-eonfldenc- e, or the Cullom bill myspeed, the tWns Uelftg even honrs. Tor-- f afford stiir another - example cf iuty-fo- ur and one-ha- lf minutes. ponded animation. ' '"


time be extended bo as to supply th.wiirrewi hal for fir.o hydrants.

HiKK 1!TH I.N CHl.WTOW.N.It is well to make Chinatown cle.n

and the thing can be don?. Thtt placecan aL--o be kepi clean, fin: how ar.the people living there to le cleansedfrom their bolily filth and male :.conform in future to sanitary usages?They have no baths of the'.." own; theycannot or will not go to the harbor tc.swim nor to Waik;ki; what are they todo?

Thirty years :ig tni- - problem pre-

sented itself in tin- - congtstcd tfn mendistricts of New York city. The dir.anl odor of these, places were no. con-

fined to the little ronr.s and darkwhere the squalid poor tried t

live but wer nuii h in evidence on thepersonnel, r.oards of Health clean" 1

the tenements but the people them - j

selves went dirty and the rate of t'ae'imortality was high. The problem tans.presented as most perplexing. I lietenements had no baths; in fact theyjcould not have enough to meet the!need. A few owners put baths in butthe hxtures and even the oat'a tubswere stolen or sold by the half-starve- .l

tenants. Of course it was out of thequestion to ask these peopL? to pay forbaths in barber shops or on ".lie waterfront and so it came a!out that theproletariat of w York literally smeltto heaven. Then some one thought of'Jree public swimming tanks along 'theNorth and Kast rivers and these bene-- 1

factions were promptly established byIhe city goverivnent. All the ohiTdri--who could taiaeh an hour from workwont to these baths and i.r.anv adultsfollowed suit fthor on taeir own mo-

tion or on that of the sanitary police.In a year the mortality in the tenementdistricts of 'the Fast side decreased33 1- -3 per cent and filth disease's madea bettor showing even than that..

The local application Is that thereought to be a laige, central free bath,supplied constantly with fresh ocemwater, established in the heart of Chi-

natown say on River --street where theexhaust water could 1k returned atonce to the harbor. We are sure thatthe natives and Japanese would makeconstant use of it and the Chinesecould be compelled to. The youth ofall resident Taces .would take to itnaturally. The bath ought to be in t he--

form of a tank, perhap.s one hundredfeet long and fifty wide, concrete ovsides and bottom so that the thingcould be scrubbed when emptied, andof a depth ranging from three feet atone end to nine at the other. To makeIt popular chute3, diving boa.ds, tra-pezes and suspended rings t.houM beprovided. There ought also to L--


shower baths. The cost of earn ing onsuch a place would be that of runningthe gasolene pumping plant for anhour or more each night, for scrubbing,lights and attendance. Whether towels?hou!d be provided free Is a matter ofdetail.

We cct.umend this proposal In all se-

riousness to the Council of State, as 3

measure of public sanitation which ha?found approval in places which are inmuch less need of It than Honolulu.We also commend it to 'the community,pressure from which will perhaps beneeded to induce the Council to ta';eaction. This community has built mis-sions and charities among the Asiaticsbut it has overlooked the faot that nextto godliness is cleanliness. One cf thebest beginnings for a savage when youwant to Christianize him is to makehim take n bath it is part of the cur-riculum of ithe Indian school at Car-lisle. In the case of our resident cool- -

ie, noevor, u nas become a ixeasureof safety to the rest of the community,

.'ow fellow citizens, what do youthink about it? If your views arefaworabie you can do no helper than toImpress them upon the Governmentand the Council of S ate. Fortunatelythe surplus is big enough to provid;

Residence Lots on Pacific HeightsAre Now Offered For Sale.

VStr No ie-iden- ce prowrty havingsimilar advantages and attractions, as for healtlifulness Otlocation, having an elevation of from 170 to S0O feet, andaffording the grandest marine and scenic views; as also it'sproximity to the business part of tho city, being less than amile from the Progress Mock, has ever before been presentedto the people of Honolulu.

One of the main features of this property, and procured atgreat expense, is the abundant supply'of nure spring watorrpronounced by Dr. C. U. Wood as being tho puiestand bestdrinking water obtainable in tho island, which is now beingconducted into storage reservoirs upon the property by an independent pipe line, aud willGovernment rates.

Hood's rills are the only pills to takewith Hood's &araparllla. Sold by alldruggists. 25o. Bent by mail on receiptof price, by C i.ood & Co.. Lowell, Mai


If you are looking for a suitablepresent take a look at our elegantline of

Such as



SETS, Etc.Our stock was never more complete

In this line.

Perfumery! !Of American, English and French man-ufacture: in bulk, tingle bottTo andin beautiful cases.

We carry a Fine Assortment of

Leather GoodsOf every description, and a large stockof

Porcelain Ware!- For Toilet Requisite. "

Step in and compare prices beforepurchasing. Glad to show you every-thing. And don't fo-g- ct that we areagents for the celebrated Eastman'sKodaks and Cameras, which make veryuseful presents. .




ion I


' ththe



or Guarantee.

tive against the reciprocity tr-- aty. I:took the aroused tense of patriotic ur-gency to beat them ln: even then. wi;hine.se inlands annexe il. they wt-r- notdismayed. They saw a chance ti putHawaii on a colonial basis where itwoull ..e left to hhift 1'or itself econo--micauy ana iney are nw working to- -

'ar(I that IU- - If they succeed inmaking us colonial they will resume. ...liieir attacK on tue free atlmission c:four sugars and do it with the powerfulleverage of the American bct-isug- ar

producers.Tnis is the danger General Hartwell

foresees. He may overrate it; it is per-haps natural in him to emphasizeperils. Nevertheless the people hereix tist not make the mistake of under-rating the opposition to the Cullombill. The fate of so popular a measure

SALT WATEIi FLUSHING.Now that sanitation is the chief top.c

of local concern It may be well to recur to Chief Hunt' Idea of flushing .thesewers with bait water and see if themeans for that purpose cannot be pro-- ivided by the itime the sewers are readyfcr public use.

Se.wers are a danger to health whenflushing is Imperfectly done-- and thoonly way perfection can be had in thiscity, whero the fresh water reservoirsare so often low, i3 by employing oe?anbrine. A sewer system peraiitted tcbecome clogged, or only half flushed,emits a deadly gas which finds its wayto everybody's 'bathroom. The resultis diphtheria and kindred il :. But thehistory of the abatement of sewer gasdiseases in a certain part of San Francisco which was once sondy visiied byihem, shows beyond a doubt how muchmay be done in the remedial way bythorough flushing especially with saUwater.

This San Francisco example is an In-

teresting one. It3 hygienic and sani-tary features .were unplanned but wennone the less effective on ithat account.John I. Spreckels and other capitalistsput some money jnto the great Lurllnebaths at the corner of Hush and Iarkir..streets iu the midt of the districtwhere complaints about sewer gas hadbeen most frequent. These baths nresupplied with fresh ocean waiter pump-ed from the neighborhood of thr ChfTHouse, six miles away. Mr. Spreckel?and his partners did not think of sewergas at all when they built the Lurline;they were merely after the silver quar-ters of the great unwashed. Dut itturned out that the nightly emptyingof the oig tank into the eewers so ef-

fectually cleaned and saked them thatcomplaints of sewer gas in that districtcame to an end, diphtheria and mala-rial fever nearly disappeared and thehealth rate along the line of the Lur-llne- 's

oatfljw is now as high as it Is onPacific Heights, Presidio Heights andNob Hill.

We therefore take much stock inChief Hunt's suggestion for HonoluluIf a pumping station could be fixedsomewhere on the waterfront and saltwater lif ed to a place where it couldenter the sewer system on high ground,







Largest Store,4.

We GUARANTEE to all purchaserof Lots on PACIFIC HEIGHTS that wo will, within airmonths, provide rapid transportation to the highest lots on tbcproperty, connecting the same with the Honolulu Ifapid Transitl'os line on Pauoa Hoad at the beginning of Kaiulani Drire.

TERMS: 1-- 3 Cash, 1- -3 in one year, 1-- 3 in two years;interest, six per cent, per annum on deferred payments.

Our carriage will convey parties" desiring to inspect tbsProperty to and from the same.

ir Hon. Arthur Sewall returns to Saninstead of going to the Far

Eat he will be able to do the Islandsa service by telling of the plague as heknows It. Very likely by this time the


yellow Mainland pre?s has killed offhalf our population. A few precise andsober words from a man of Mr. Sewall'standing would put a stop to all mis-representation.


Two cases which re?emble plagueoccurred yesterday and wvre at onceremoved to quarantine. The vigilanceof (the inspectors Is now on a wire edge i

and it is riot likely that even the Chin- -ese will .succeed In hiding their sick, i

When loners, long concealed, are. beinji

brought to light there can be littledoubt is to 'the thoroughness of theMilitary work.

It often happena on tne King streetc,3T8 that drunken United States sol-

diers make them untenable to womenby profanity and Ovaer foul language.In an American city the conductorwould put such men off or call a police-man for th purpose, here tho con-ductor acts as if lie enjoyed it he swear-ing and is sometimes ho preoccupiedwith it that he forgets to stop the carwhen Indignant women want to get offand walk.

The plan to remove the people of theinfected district to detention camps isbeing carried out In a way to renewronfldence in the sanitary authorities.Meanwhile Chinatown whore It Is not

urned down will have to be made overcompletely. In the long run, if. theIkwra of Health and tho Council ofState do their full du'ty we may haveno public occasion :to regret that theplague cane and went. Something wasbadly needed to break up official ap-th- y.

. The-- pnnr.pt way in which Charles li.Wilson volunteered with hia kms ofcontract laborers to assist the Hoard ofHealth commends him to the wholtcommunity. He at once cleaned up theKerosene warehouse district and did itwith the thoroughness which mighthave been expected of a man of his ex-

ecutive part. Mr. Wilson has nowbeen put in charge of the detention sta-tion at Kallhl and is the right man inthe right place.

We await with scr.e anxiety the dlposition of the S.m FrancUco healthauthcrl Jfl towards the landing of 1s'-an- d

freight. There li probably nothing the ma'tter wlih the freight, thoughfumigation will doubtless be applied.If the precautions .op then well andgood, but the care cf the Nippon Mamsome months ago rhowa that the SanFrancisco official doctors who do notalways differentiate plague from pneu-monia go Into an absurd panic when-ever the bulon Ic malady U mentionedin connection with Pacific o.ean commerce.

fAn interesting discussion appears!

Hsewhere in thU paper as to the rigatiof the yenr 13C0 to call itself the b- -!

ginning of The '.wentleth century. Rt.Rev. Alfred Willis, the Anglican Hishopof Honolulu contends tha: the da; ofthe new century will be January IstJ1301, and in this the erudite editor of,the Indies Home Journal agrees wilhhim. On the other h ind we find Re.-- .

Sercno RUhop, I). R, master of mathe-matics 4 wll as theology, contending

lth th Pope that the century beganwi:h the year 1D00. We will not pre-tend to JeC! ! a rjucs-tio-n whre Doct-or-, disagree but will report the con-- !tenta of th year with entire faithful- -'

lies whether they appear in a prefaceor a postscript.


EST For maps; and full particulars call at our Oftice. Room?-1- 7

and S, Progress Block.

Bruce Waring & Co.

bo Fppplied to residents a5





i 1 11 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 a'

IANWonderful Bargams

2D Largest

ALLStock at the Lowest Prices Ever Offered in this City.

LIMES NEW GOODS.r .1 lilil ll-l-ll- ii llllilllll Mil A A A A i A MiU M 1 1 1 1uj i 1 1 H--l


1KB lephone 398US. P. O. Box 441.




Of dealers offering thousand.-- ofdollars for the exclusive controlof


J. S. nalley believes In Hllo. and to emphasize that bo'.ie'f8t,e K'n8 fitrCtt- - H,LO' ua in January

f.y . II tae over to Hawaii s capi:ol aCK of IUCYCLES. huh .ill be pat under 'the'manin lotfiit man and run as a branch store. compeIn H.n.dulu and H.lo UAlLCY ri HONOLULU CYCLEIiY m bo the dl-ec- trtpresenutive of

Messrs. ffiorgm & Wright's


to el with Morgan iiWr'ght. vho are making the LLSTire for Hacks on the market..MiVKXTV-TW- O Seiiuf HACK TIRES have been ord-re- d and will be'Vfrr ITm,'no:1"H,l ,,y. "2 more ,n So dl3- - J- - s- - "alley undertake.arness will therefore be able to turn out a GOODire put on in a skillful manner.

Ladies' Bicycles.

Manson Nickle Planted Bicyles.Manson Black Enameled Bicyles.Stearn Sager Chainless

ALL THE WORLD'8 RECORDS ONE MILE In 1.ad : SECONDS. The Flneet and Baaleet-Runnln- g WHEEL In HonoTulJYon will see them at

In y, y '-

-' ' '' '


' i'



In their town. Can a strongerargument be brought to bear toconvince you that "IlawkeH"Class la the peer of all make's?"Hawkes Glaa" ij seldom adver-tised; some maker a' names arefat better known because of wide-

spread advertising. We won-

dered at this and made inquiries.This la the result: The "IIawke3"factory, already one of the larg-est factories in America, workjat its full capacity the yeararound; there Ls no time to writeAds.; all hands aro busy makingtheir famous goods.


It takes months to fill an order Vfor their glass, but when finishedIt la the finest production in theworld. i LOCATION OF NEW QUARANTINE STAT.ON.

A A MAJtM . , A, A. . .: - . 1 1 ....uu iijh juau mus KegregatM will any blockade runners, but ehoot atn if Actrnviul V vr w n A . . . . . . 1 i . . .We ore exclusive dealers In THE PLAGUE BAILEY'S HONOLULU CYCLERY.

KING STREET, HONOLULU and KING STREET. IHL0."Hawkes" Cut Glass and carry a ; day, together with their contents, the these camps are not allowed free access

special rooimlBslon having decided to every part of the enclosure e.'.ha.that nothing short of absolute destruc- - for there is a segregation inelde as we'llarge stock of all their cuttings.

It costs no more than doubtful lion wiw put an end to the danger of so that the danger from any spread cftrui.ciciiiii 1 111:1 w r 1 w tii v vr i u. nun 11 r-- v 1 b iiv anmakes. STILL HERE two vlctlm have already been taken, sened.

- n--. i11 11 11 11 11 11 n HARTSHORN ICommittee of Merchants. 1 .e f camP!' are so "wen recoT

Windownized that all th? health au haritits apA committee cit thA whnl oailn mot haO

HAVE YOO SEEN OUR LITTLE chants of Honolulu has made an offerprove them and a J vara e sut : ni:a.ures. Surgeon General Wyman. who e

chief health officer of the Fnitrc' PauowJUL Ml 1 b I ROLLERS


Fibreto the Hfjaril of Health to take chargeBOOKLET? IT HELPS. Two Suspects Under S.ates Government, and who dire;tF01 am morongniy fumigate the mer-

chandise taken from the condemnedMocks at their own cxnrnse. This offer, which the Foard his accepted, wil!be a great relief to them, as thev u-i- l'



row hive only the percoml efforts of

Is cjuarantine cp:ra:Ions anprovvmn?t cordially of th p'm and by hiskillful direction ha done mn:'i tmk? It effective. The operationsthe laral officials along :hese lines pu -

he si:ua: Ion on all f juts wi.h the t-.j-- :

approved 1 itie:h:d a thiu--Lh.re Immediately everyone I? taliT-- ut nf the dl3 r c wlii h s q i Ten iae 1

Th this way the danger of f of infectlon Is redu ve 1 to p m'nimnni an ''TP rn'mec Is minimized. T'le n'a

IS NOW IJSID M1 ne people to uninfect at the Kakaakohtation.

Contractor Kerr completed thplant at the krr-sr- waje-hors- e

ye j?feMl-y- . ard a bvl'd'rg for thaccommodation of abetit ?f'0 rer?n!isth Farre loeHtr 1 nearly omolrted Mattresses.FORT STREET there Is to cet everv Individual en' n'

A Big Block in Chinatown Condemn-

ed to be Burnt Deten-

tion Camp.the dangermi) d!s;ri"ts as rjulck'y a

pfd ."tiJ3 ren'Jer the dinsei- - ef OCR I)IifMMi:i;'H J,;i-- -

llnpf3o fo. hive covered the en-tire land at the station with fre'henr'h ?rd black and.

The station nf o Is urdr therhfree t,f Col. J. II. Fisher, with MrT P. MrCrimb as seenrd in rommiml

ireal of dlsee a' sma'i as pv-si!)- !.

We );iV 1 '1-- 1 IM'I'I'vimI It Lll-ir- o kl,!,.!,.,,..! ,.t ...hUL I illft.N - It.The Japanese hotel, on the Waiklkl

side of Maunakea, near Ueretanla, was Poth gentlemen are devoting theiriAXATINE. whole time to the work.tiz .t:i,i;;,"'-v-:"- " ,imv "" u 1111

Cocoanut Fibre Mattresses.Dr T?owmnn hrs be?n appnlnfed

physician of the station .nrd rmi-o-e 9

visited by Dr. Scaparone at about 2oYIotk ycsterdiy afternoon in re-sponse to a message that an inmate personal examination of every Inma'e

twice a day. No sickress rf any k!nd! KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS nas developed amorr. the ppop!e o'nrtficd there, ard a'A a markpdnt la borne the signature of thIVfra Chemical Ca. of Phlrairrt Til 000I r4ra. Allow no one to deceive yo


wMiaterfeits. Imitations and "Jus- - OTKMlTffl KfflBE COMY:"d" are but experiments, and en

thail developed suspicious elgns.

I The doctor found a Japanese lad of17 y.irs, named Zuwoka. lying in aroom on the first floor of the building.An examination revealed a small, ir-regular pulse at 120. The temperaturewas 101. There was a bubo on the leftcroin. well defined and very painful.The case is viewed with g;rave suspi-cion and the sufferer has been removedto thp pest hospital at Kakaako. .

Another case reported at about 2o'clock yesterday afternoon lv Dr nt.

w tb health of children.

disposition to make the 1 est of the sit-uation.

Efficient Japanese.All the Japanese have accepted work

t t'o starion. in clmins up. ef'v, lvitwith the exception of a cook and stew-'r- d.

the Chinese unanimously refuse toaccent work. vcn though thy we-- e

paid for it, and spend most of theirtime in playing dominoes.

Mr. Giffard of W. CI. Irwin & Co.,for the Mirlnosa.asrents mulf a r.

Progress Block. Fort St.Kt Is Laxatine?XATINE IS NOTHING RUT THF J. LAND IT IS CHEAPEREST CASTOR OIL, with Its objec i auest to the Hoard of Health yester

IMe Ujte removed by our ne

amura was later on examined by Dr.Oarvin and classed us "auspicious."The woman is Shino, wife of a Japan-ese named Murakamo Shotaro. who re-side on Merchant street, a few doorsWaiklkl of Alakea street. Dr. Mar-vin found the woman's pule as high


FORT STREBV, NEAR KINO.1m honey. Children like it Nc For the

To pay a fair price to haveyour watch repaired byA3 EIPL'hT IftATCfJMAK'.R

Than to rUk having It ruinedIn order to save a few cent.

f to gt them to take It It con

day tnnt tne steamer be preventedfiru er.tcrirg port.

On arrival this mornbic: th v-s- l

will h t.oarde! by Hri'th Ofl.-e- r F. A.Mayfleld. armed with a lfer to th"aptain, in wh'ch will set o-i- t a fairstatement rt the faits In relatii-- tonlagne matters, and also an order for"M freicht ard passengers fir Hono-h- il

1 to lie rent ashore on lleh'ers

OMther ODium. trnrnhfno nrr- . ar f

wrcotic aubsUncea. It relieve AccomodationH troubles, cures constlDatloi. Depot for theDOSS OF THK ROAD OVERALLS."talency; it assimilates the food

ts the stomach and bowela, giv- - of Customersnwy and natural sleep. TheT-- e rffirer w'll remain on the Miri-p- r,

;. till she Fails, and during her stayifi" nort he will see that no one leave'sj. "'Oircle the steamer.

M R. COUNTER,Practical Watchmaker

5G7 Fo t Street.Gives personal attention to ronif-i- u

as -0. and ner temperature 103. Anexamination revealed the right Ingui-nal gland somewhat enlarged, and thepatient highly excited. A guard wasset over the premises, and th womanremovrd to the hospital at Kakaakolast night. The neighbors. Hawaiianind Japanese, promptly cleared out atthe first sign of trouble.

At the request of the Hoard ofHealth. Dr. Katsunuma, chairman ofa Japanese society, made a censi: ofthe Japanese held in the quarantineddistrict. The total shows 3.212 menand women and 1S3 children, the list



only by the WestertCommencing with the New Year and

the New Century

.'' iU for the Colonics will be thor-oiik.-- (r

frrmirfrd b:for beTng put onboaii. but neither freight nor passen-gers v ill to tattcn.

- 'f. . .. . . . r1NG. HATS and CAPS. WOOL andF Co., Chicago, Ilia.COTTON UNDERWEAR. TIESCUFFS. COLLARS, at Pricen to SuitTou.

--OK-retention Campp.Including 130 adults from oubslde disfSALVES&CO. lMitor ArTve-tleer- : Th W. W. Dimond & Co. L O. O. F. HLDG. FORT Lear KING

tricts who were caught bv the Hiddenapplication nf the quarantine. Efforts fini the jtonrd ct HTtn is eo n?.ir'ynre belnu made to obtain a similar fnit whltn r"'F folvd In ?o rraiycensus of the Chinese. mainTard c'svm that a frm fie'r

experience mnv le learrrd. The vetAgents for5So lalandj.

Beg to announce that their store will

be open each day until 5:C0 p. m IT0Y0low fevT is 1o the c ries of th C;rfSat?, cf the Wert Ind'e an 1 of Cea-T- al

America what tih? plaeue j3 hnoltilu. The ?error which fe'z:s the ! oo I

une ana compucaieo watchea.



Uncle Sam Cafe.512 FORT STREET.

--ooo0n from 5 a. m. to 12 p. aIC(celiQt mnu at all tneali.Fir:-cla- n Frtcch chf employed.11! the delicaclea of the reason.Utrn or Ep? Sandwiches with Cof-- .

T or Milk. Ifi renu.


PAT A FUSS Ipeople of Nw Orlefina. .! )'. Ja,sonville. ard even r'firs Inlinl - sn a m M . -

ifr n ni n n?n iRreat that the Fhotnm q'nrantlneg oftne tier cf Kcutcern state a l.v-wr- rd icj ifi ii in i nil y iii i

I Keep Yoar Cah Straight.

1 m ut all ovfT thc-- t wc'.ion of tlie United II it ?l 1 1 1 W At .

A Book of HolidayRecitations

For th Children of the School, theIIom and the Church; Selected a;.d

Stat. in ii h i i fThe T'crt'rns rf tho e c' l- -s fro-- n

which cornea the dint"i"cthn.-o-h"- h

o tb Baelneaa. LIMITED, jaro yriven over to h n;ro-- j aa 1 C'i- -Arranged by

i The Fhark in the rear of the Koba- -ya.'hi Hotel, nnd in which the Pakeplaffii vi tlm, Kan Wai. had lived be-- ,fore blA removal to the Chinese Hospl-- :tal. was dripped out on Pauahl streetanl burned yesterday afternoon.

Special Quarantine.A fpeclal quarantine was declared

yesterday afternoon over that portionof the infected Chinatown districtbounded by Kintr. Krkatilike andQuern streets, and completed by alane connecting Queen and Kingstreets, situated about midway be-tween Kekaulike and Maunakeastreets. A strong cordon of soldiortiwas placed entirely around this area.At " o'clock last evenlnc the Inhabit-ants were tmrched throuph the cityto the kerosene warehouse at Kaka-ako. which Iih len fitted up as a de-

tention ramp. Two w.ipons lea ledwith Chinese ard native wonun fol-

lowed the procession, which wascircly puarded by armed men. Muchcomment was made by oorvant na-

tives and others on the fact that the

auu ii v.i h i kj. iii". i ii. mi. t:

jTtc? than t"?a of :V Or:-- . Importers of Crockery and Clas andiLE AND GRANITE House Furnishing Goodi.

' " . l.f l, t I I". J I .

Jac. rets a fl't'oi ! tt!" .an 1

The n'w rr,nrn'7ei p'anto ImmMIau'v pnh ou fr;m tse crtvNUMENTS I




PRICE? Paper-- Cover. HoardCover. C'jc; Cloth Gift EJ.iI'je, JLvU.


j prip't that c'r rt nt of th CHOICE VEAL, HUITOI

BEEF, porkA w y Or Hand,

which is a menace to it ei,".:i! eil'Jt.What are krown a dTen"'3n nm-.- ?

a re ruicVa 'e'y p".; up and 'irre a,ehcTiVd. there I- - r-- t b" ' r wirl. t;'ecroff? ard c:r:',c. ?n 1 i' iri"? the e-- .-

'1 uuiuuiuu mullWENDKICK, PROP. FOR SALE DY ALL THEnre tirr.e tfct 'ffre I.-- any dar.;-- ta

camp is rt.ilnta,nr'?.vwt 'Phone 502.Tre Is It fv-- Vila?-- Of-

I camn Jii. a

jlent Barbershop

Siusjeb. Liver, HeadCheese 3nd Break f.-i- s ',o-lo- ne


14 Ntnana St. TL Hi

toox-iiiac- K Staui



TRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS,Lad machinery c? eery description

made to ord- -. Particular attention

wagons use, i ror tne removal oi piasue tents, wrrdrn ff ors belrc p'tt in ard .

victims were employed for the purpose (the r.ece.csary trcrchs and ditfh'-- -'

of transferring these women to the j ; vtr py thre wi- ore in q;iann- -camps. Th personal effects and s'ich i ri . The cnirn Is s irr-u-

-,l- 1

cools as can be fumigated were r- - ,y a light bargee? wire tcrm niilch Is'moved last nipht and subjected to a j aiways a prcat he'pt tr the cua-d-

. Te J

thorough fumieation, after which thfy ruirdinp t4 the eubtoc-.- ' 1' th:on?'iJw ore stored, and will eventually be i for ttoee pf-cpl- c xrlo Jinow the daner!returned to their owner?. The buiid- - j of 'he fovfr ectct stop to argue with!

n rear of ehop.FERNANDEZ. PrODr

f Hotel. Hotel Street work executed on tae Bhcrteat noUca. Read .the Hail arfwpti- -






mill n Ml PIT JAS. F. MORGAN TW0 RETAIL 5 i OKbS,UUULU I1U I UU iliifitirtnnnr nnrl Rrnlnr Corner

wavcrloyFort and




mmm u u mm.4

I An Actress Detained on! 33 Queen street.the Atnenian. ;p.o.hox 5. Teietbone 72 HENRY MAY & CO., LTD.


J. T. Vatcrhouse. Henry May & Co.

H. E. Mclntyre & Bro.Miss Louise Sydmeth While Hurry

ing to New York Finds She

Mutt Remain Here.Amniouiracemeinrt Wholesaleano Retaii Qrocers,.OF THE

The only passenger on the horsetransport Athenian, which arrivedMonday morning from Manila, Intend-

ing to take on animate here and re-

turn to Manila, was Mrs. Trandls, oth-

erwise Misa Louise Sydmeth, the latter Tea Dealers and Coffee Merchants..elng her stage name. (

Miss Sydmeth has been plajing in.lussia, from Vladivostock to PortArthur, and in inland cities alons theSiberian railroad, and some time agoreceived an offer to go to New York

I r Kurt and Kinp StrwU,Kei8.ll OlOlGSs awrlv LLh, li-th-- l direct.


Wholesale Department Bethel Street, jind take a leading part in one of Jacob..itt s pioductions. lne oner was aery good one. and she made haste

:o reach New York by the appointed Telephones: IVtt.el Street, 21 and

Grand OpeiiMg

JL.D. ir 1000 o

ime, January 14. Through the influ-n- c

of nromlnent army officials, sheaa allowed to board the Athenian at p. O. BOX 386..ohe. with the exnectation of transferng to a San Francisco steamer ai mis

port. The voyage was a rough one;o rough, in fact, that the trip fromobe consumed seventeen days, though

h( irrp.it eales continued only a fewlavs out from Japan. Notwithstand- -ng this, however, Miss Sydmeth eniveil the trin. the saloon accommodainns of the Athenian being first-cla- ss

On Monday, when the Athenian4- -locked at the Pacific Mall wharf, near

;he Hongkong Maru. Miss Sydmethynwtpd to have no difficulty inQueen Street. changing from one vessel to the other'A mntinuine her journey. The cop-- utain of the Honekong Maru. having-- -

fen spoken to, said he had no objection if the doctor issued a certincateif wood health, and the doctor, In


4-4--urn. asked whv he should object ifcompany was agreeable to taking

the lady on board. 4--

Fiefore Miss Svdnieth s trunks ana Choice Breeding Fowls:ithpr beloneinES could be transferred

Brand New Stock g ofElegant and SeasonableGoods in the latest colorsand designs.

lowever, the captain of the HongkongM.-ir- tent word to the Athenian that Just KecsiY&l Ex Irxfard.'lis company objected to taking any



.asepmrpra for San t rancisco. menfollowed Interviews with the ager.t3 ahe cantain and everybody else who

rnfpht have some authority in thematter hut all to no avail. ineirtresa could not co aboard the Maru

Honolulu : Stock-Yar- ds : Co., Jlimiti-.u- .

W. S. WITHERS, Manager.4-

44444444-444444- 4

VfiLUABlt lEJISE FOR Mie experienced the disappointmentDOLLS! Monday night of seeing the Japaneses?el pail awav for San Francisco and

Tiirc TTNnERSlONED OFFERS FORhe further and more acute disappointmonf nf rralizln that she could not sale under a 93-ye- ar leasehold the ioi

'nwinr- - valnaMp nronertv or Unas, iieimw roach New York in time to fill heripatriril eneaeemcnt She is still on necke, situated at Keoiosaa, ivau, Ha-

waii, about one-ha- lf mile from Valo- -TOYS he Athenian, but expects to get awayn the steamer China next Saturday.nt hi vir.i rnme ashore here. She was

linu and six miles from tne lancing aiTOY: Unnnano. Hawaii.Thn nronrtv comnrises tui-- u the wharf a short time Monday,

uiwever, while erdeavorlng to secure irr now owned In fee simple and For Holiday PresentsICS 55 acrM nnder long leases..ssagc on the llaru.Th nronertv la well supnuca w :in

Iwellings, Unks, water and pipes, andJIAHTII AT THS OitPHEUM.liTidpd Into naddocks ror aairy cna




Jlotow's Musical Opera This Even anchlng purposes, urange ana cjueerees now produce an Income, whiching by the Lyrics. rill fliarnva Increase.That will glalden thehearts of the little folks Grand, c; perhaps more correctly The new Government K.au roaa runshrmteh the Dlace.

in addition to the above, there willspeaking, semi-gran- d cpera will take,he s age tonight and tomorrow cven-ng- .

The me.odious mtiiic of Martha,37

The Latest Style ....RUBBER TIRED


oe sold 100 tame milch cowa anl 75

and calves.aas caused U t3 be regarded as one ol This Us a fine opportunity for a party

vishlng to engage In dairy, grazinghs met musical of all op.?ra3, whilenot the hiffhesl qnadiie3 o: ind fruit culture.

Map and further Information at mynuicai xa.:u:natlcs, wn.cn are, auerill, only appreciab.e io those to whom office.

Millinery.The largest assortment of the latest

talngs Id this Itnf to the city. Latestcolors newest shapes.

he art is a study rainer man a re Fine Line of ... .Phaetons.lation: it vet comes as an agreeable J AS. F.Of the finest In all sizes; ricj in cotors and designs; the eneapeet in thcity.

hango from t.ie merely pnys.cai music 33 Queea Street.jf the light opras.While all enjoy the airier form3 of

as tvD'.ned in .he orainary comic-- r raman.la rnera. a craving for some- -

Single and Double

HARNESSWe hayo just rcccw

large invoice ot theso 0 (

which will Iks sold at ;

r:itnx to miit the timW.

.hing more eolid is a necessity to amusical ear and Martha, with its ex- -RIBBONSTable Lii .ti'j'rn moinrlra tap "Lit ItCSe OI

Sur.nie:" for example will prove anT?rffahlf Interlude.

th. T'nr furnishes many opportuni ' , 1

Klegant la desJca an rich In values! ties, toe advtntuies of the civic maid-.- nExtensive line, all flbaies unawidths; the very latest. ind her niaid, who Itav.ng the modi?!!

ivs cT l'fe. Reek far romantic happenIt will ho to your ad j

tiigo to inspect our Pj

before buying clscwbe--ings at a couniry airing fair bui find.wncr'j they but sougnt ror iun anarrolic, i;here arises tru love and pas-in- n

rmt pasliv ' overruled. All theseMany Other Novelties thai

space will not permit mentioning Tii- - ris to fhara.-e- i of vlllasre peasant g. sefi Mrv .and Rinirii of love hODeful and unrequited. The lighter vein of fancy 13

piayed upon and by a timely d.scovery.he mischief wrought is happily un-

done.Andrews in th? title role wonNcwS many friends at h.r las: rendition

while Miss Leekley as her maid who Harnessleads Mr. Rockwell, tue ormer. a merrv iianre cave a verv nleasine performance. Mr. Parmley sings well his rolem.t Mr KnrTel rives a clever char

iSaddles AND ALLacterization of the o!d fashioned beauwho is dragged from his town pleasuresInto '2 any rural d. scorn fort3 hy his faircharg-3- .

A SPECIAL QUAKANTIJir. ,'.Ke 'Horse Good!Eusiness Men and fchcol Teachers

Isolated at Waikiki.Several gentlemen, whom business

calla to Hawaii by next Tuesday's Ki- -9

-- o-IMPORTER. QDEEH ST..t ,, iivmi.v lilf'K. KINO STRKET scar A- -J


Direct supervision of all wcrk; have had th longest practical tii i

in th ISLAND TRADE over ftii compeuiorn. vnuuu.


nau. have Uken Dr. Day's cottage atWaikiki, where they Intend isolatingthemseUes for the legular quarantineperiod. Notice of their intention wasconveyed to the Board cf Health yes-terday and a guard set over the prem-ises. All expenses In connection witnthis quarantine will be borne by tneinmates. The party numbers five orsix commercial men, amongst whomare Major Purdy of the First AmericanDank of Hawaii and Mr. Key worth.

A number of school teachere, anx-ious to return to their schools willprobably obtain a house at Waikiki to-

day u,der similar conditions. Theseteachers are: Miss H. F. Coan. RobertAmala and wife. Miss Frances Eatonof Hawaii. Miss Mary Parker, A. D.Wlehard and Karen Nielson of Kauai.Mrs. Serlmger. Miss A. E. Hadley andMiss H. Oss of Maul, and Charles Ke- -,

liikaluna rt Molokai.

-- -JAS. F. MORGAWn r

C. R. COLLINWin i 1MPCTAR1 ICHP.n 1891.

sT S- m m mm -33 Queen Street.P. 0. Box 594. Itilto2t 72. Leading Harness nanuiTELEPHONE'S 02.

P. 0. BOX 507.



icttires jSugar Plantation!R(SlVrf


. ...



The Citizens' CommitteeMakes Report.

Site Fcr the Quarantine Camp Ap- -;

proved Sanitation PerfectI

Part of Bishop Estate. ;


T'.if C.jaimutee of Citizens, appointedon Monday night to inspect and decideupon a suicable site for a proposed(i u.i ranting barracks, met at I o'clockyes. ir Jay morning in Minister Young'5office and after considering the partku- -

lar merits of several locations previous-- Ily visited, decided in favor of a pieceof land on the Ewa side of Iwilei andpresented . their report to President0f t;ie Board of Health, of whichfollowing is a copy:

To the Board of Health,Gentlemen: Your iommitie- - to

ii w-- t? -

specting and reporting upon a suitable;locality for a le:ention ramp or campsat which people from infected loealitifs,can be disinfected and detained until

'the period of incubation is past, reportthat they have examined several differ-ent localities, and recommend a pieceof land at Kalihi-ka- l. on the bea;?i(ln ettl' xakai of the KamrhamehaSCllOOlri.

Distance: It is half a mile from!King street, with a fai.- - road lending!to it. I

Owners-hip- : It belongs to the BishopEs:ate, is unoccupied and is immediate-ly available at a rental of $'50 pr acreper annum.

Sanitary Condition: T.ie sanitarycondition '3 perfect. The l.t slopes tothe soa with a fa1 of alwut , v fePt in ;

1, ,n,-- i , ,.rraV S an.i m! amn:!ivt'h a finp irrnwth of alszpmh.l.Water: For drinking and cooking!

ournoses van be obtained through a!connecting pipe at King street.

Th committee recommend that in- -

stead of arth closets or privies, a.lelopers and wash houses be built lirect- -1 v nvor '. ....tinmo fhrrnifh which........ Pl j ' v I "ip'i j

stream of water shall be kept flawingdirect to the Ierp ra. A gasoline:pump and sea water cm .be tenipoiarl- -'

ly used for this purpose anl in the

if 31 11 rJLV? VT.OC. J7 V ;

Ji "'.7.';.. ,M1Lim tl n i f --a I in I




. ,

It's ideal for home llC :l l


t, w anNew Lnqianu bakeryand Candy Co.

Book your orders now for XtraNice Christmas Fruit Cakes, hand- -fiomolv onnn tori a a rtoetrAl Ytra TtMn

Vinco Pi- - nlsn Snna-s- Pumnkin.Cranberry, Apple, Peach, Lemon orCustard, In large or small sizes; Dell--clous Fresh New England Doughnuts;Citron, Walnut, Wine, Jelly Rolls;Currant Lady Fingers, Cream Meran- -gues, Eclairs, Almond Macaroons, Tart- - j

lets and Small Cakes; Highly FrozenIce Cream and Fruit Sherbets; Wedding and Birthday Cakes elegantlydecorated; Handmade Chocolate j

Creara3. Fine Candies, packed in hand- -somes boxes, from &0c upwards, for i

Xmas presents; Marshmallows: French t

and American Candles; Canes, Rings!ana cnristmas Goods.

uur UUEAU w l'ar Ksceuence tneFinest in the city, made In large airy j

shops by experienced white workmen.No Chinese employed; only the veryBEST materials used, and guaranteedstrictly pure and wholesome. Thebest families in the city are using ourBread. j

Please come early and avoid the I






A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD'NO LOTS on Nuuano avenue, at Nlo-09- ,

Nnamu valley for sale. Apply t


Cartwrliht Block, Merchant 8tK267





iW. C. ACHI & CO.

iin i i Mini i rnn hiwiiMiI iuKH ill n Ml I H1

Temporary officeg No. 113 Kaahumanu Street.

mm soaa Efcier mi uLITMITED

ripluiade, Cor. Allen and Fort fit,JOLLI8TIR CO.. - - - AG-N- TS.

rett Leu en. f, J. ixjtrrfj, Clf.Oooke


iXrtianwellVing bored fo'r the Gov-- ! or ds in all parts of the Ha-,erare- nt

will be available; and finally jwalian Islands; and also nas houses in

water can U obtained from a well; the City of Honolulu for rent.drilled on the tsite. There is deep wat ;-

- i

only a few hundred feet from shore ir.- -j

to which all drainage can bo emptied. StnrlC AVR KriflClCArea: Any desired area is available. O UUlltlv5

Tho railroad cuts off and naturally!'divides a lot of acre whuli will bo; BOUGHT AND SOLD,lamplp.

Additional of this l.)t are'that the railroad passes directly; MCmfcerS HOnOIUlU SlOCKthrough it. and that It is entirely sp- -

eluded ami aiart from the inhabired tXCndllgC.part of the city, although within a miie;

Incorporated Under the Laws tksRepublic of HawalL

Actborlzci Capital. $1,000,000.utscrltel C4 Mill. 750.000.

Pali L'p Capim. 500.000.OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS:

Cecil Brown Pr ? tMark I'. Robinson Vice PrldalW. G. Cooper CMmwE. M. Boyd Sercary

Directors Cecil llrown. Mark T.Robinson. Rruce Cartwrigbt. W. O.Cooper and II. M. von Holt.

DRAW EXCHANGE ON:Saa Francisco The Anglo-Califo-r-

nian Bank, Limited.Chicago The ilerchanti Loaa fJt

Trust Company.New York J. & W. Sellf mm Omt- -

pany.London The Atiglo-Clltoral- A

Dank, Limited.Paris Soclete General.Berlin Gebruder Meyer.Hamburg M. M. Warburg ft Cw-pan-y.

Hongkong and Yokohama TX4Chartered Bank of India, AntnDmand China.

Australia The Union Bant ol Aa-trali- a.

Limited.Canada Bank of Montreal.

Exchanco bought and Boldand Letters of Credit Issued onall parts of tho world.


Incorporated Under the Laws ofRepublic of IlawalL


Chas M. Cooke Preside!P. C. Jones Vice PredC. II. Cooke C&ailarF. C. Atherton Assistant CmIImt

Directors Henry Waterhonse, TiMay, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenny.J. A McCandle6S.

Solicits the Accn"nj of Kirrot, 0t- -poratlons. Trusts, u. ''.duals and willpromptly and caiefu'ly attend to aUbusiness connected with banking mm-trus- ted

to it. Sell and Purchase Fw--!elgn Exchange, Issue Lettert of Cr41L

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.Ordinary and Term Dep-- it rclTC

and Interest allowed In accordaawith rules and condition! printed tapass books, copies of which may VtLad on application.

Judd Building. Vort stxeet.


l Co., Mas,HONOLULU. IL I.



tional Bank of San Francisco.LONDON The Union Bank of Lon-

don (Ltd.).NEW YORK American Exchange Na-

tional Bank.CHICAGO Merchants' National Pink.PARIS Credit Lyonnals.BERLIN Dresdner Bank.HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA

Hongkong and Shanghai BankingCorporation.


VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bankof Britten North America.

'teioGsaBaficwDeposits Received. Ixans mad cm

Approved Security. Commercial andTravelers' Credits Issued. Bills ofExchange Bought and Sold.



Subscribed Capittl Yen 24,000 009

Paid Up Capita! . Ten 12,000,000

Eeservcd fend . . Ten 7.600,000


On Fixed Deposit for 12 months 4 p. e.p. a.

On Fixed Deposit for 6 months 2i p. e.p. a.

On Fixed Deposit for 3 months 3 p. e.r. a.


i On Current Deposit 1 0 aen per day.On Fixed Deposit for 12 months, 6ftper cent p. a.

The bank buys and receives for col-lection Bills of Exchange, tunesDrafts and Letters of Credit and trax-ac- ts

a sneral banking bualnesa.

Agency Yokohama Specie Bank:New Republic Bldg., Honolulu, II. L


On October 1st, 1898, and continuinguntil further notice. Savings Depositswill be received and Interest allowedby this Bank at four and one-ha- lf percent per annum. The terms, rules andregulations of the Hawaiian PostalSavings Bank will be adopted as faras It Is practicable to apply them, andthe Cash Reserve of IbO.OOO aa requiredunder the Postal Act will be main-tained.

Printed copir s of the ftulm and Reg-

ulations may be obtained on applica-tion.

BISHOP & CO.Honolulu, September 7, 153S. ...

of theQuarantineDistricts !

ooo- -

II j

ooo- -




Corner Fort asl Hotel Street!

ooo- -

Ati elegant lino of






Litest 'Parisian - Styles.--oto-


XTEJi STREET, next to Y. M. C. A.

Notification.' la. rr, ly U tho many enquiries as to::xjr of Issiifl of tho Hawaiian AnnualUr 1S0. tbo publisher states that It Is

hrzsA i y appwr shortly after New

'ars.Utsm-aii- ni or Societies not yet

Stvirg their changes for thenrsrSISTER and DIRECTORY featureoff U--e ork for the coming year will

;sf ill fv at once.ADVERTISERS desiring space will

Vjioe report on same within thisnt. Notilng can be received later.

OtiT-- i (or the delivery or mailing of

;ot ;ocaI or foreign will havend prompt attention.

Tk. r mlns Annual will contain aT!ir!y tt laleroetlng, valuablo and

. tioleg, epeclally Illustrated.Ft ZZc per copy, or S3c by mail.

THOSjOilRUM'"jranllcr and Publisher.

RealEstateFor Sale.

HOME on WalklklIW,& Road.

VHr;iN3 HOUSE, complete, centrallygrJ inyeatment



"?.r Bethel and King Streeta.

TFT' ,"f"',lr. Yi'


WARU never ended.

From the cradlii to the --rm,efcmii

Hit . -tc rfAavraiCs ine pood looktaf!. . -- r roTArr completion are ts

nvrn - Urir mortal foe sickte, otct"-- . t .i toU Beauty's greatest proktrtrn . -- n isLOL MONTEZ CREMEVhr rrrx . i3 fKi tid tiie ttiilder. Krd

--.'t w .. kiesan-- ttnpart health aud toftne4oet.v. 7 jmr la.ota j month.

DAY HAIR RESTORERjvf . e it turn- - iinp1ir. Cirea back t.

:Tr'- - i l bairit n.tr.ra1 color ItM caywita--a'-..- ,!f,nvni-- e or e3--c- ta

i Krwf Ji.ro,


a. - :iijtf-- .' ,n ot tie akin, renderlrs it clear aa it

: 'avm GiiAt-jintrr- h.Trmlesa. Prict'. . i.iuiioa iv mail aolicited. Corre

. Mh . . v:y connJci.tial.


2z:: St.. S?n Frandscc, CL


We make a specialty of the bonds ofsuch companies an have first been sub-jected to a thorough legal and financialexamination; and we are prepared tournlsh full data regarding the prop-erties of the companies whose bon is

e have purchased and offer for 6aiei prices iu yieiu a saie lcrome HOC

good Investment.

We v. 11 take Fiibscriptions for thefollowing at 2'i rer cent premium:

KAHUKU 3-- 10 year 6 per cent goldbonds: security. $730,000; issue,1200,000.

EWA 3-- 10 year gold bond. 6 percent; security, $3,000,000; issue $300,000.

We are TRUSTEES for both theabove issues.

(LIMITED.)CEO. R CARTER. Treasurer.409 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Telephone No. 184.

Hawaii Land Co.LIMITED.

Capital Stock $50,000.'Capital, paid up $34.r50.

OFFICERS.w c Achl president & Manager1 T300 vice President

aiaadiiidi ireasurerE. Johnson SecretaryGeo. L. Desha Auditor


J. Makalnal.J. W. Bipikane. j

The above Company will buy, lease, j


Wernicke Book Cases.We are introducing them and

have a shipment soon to arrive.

The Globe Company'sDesks, Filing-case- s and allkinds of office novelties securedat lowest rates.

Office Desks and ChairsContinually on hand.

Warehouse, Merchant Street.Telephone 31S.

Qm BREWER &CO L'DQueen Street : : Honolulu. H.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company. O.i

O.,,.,- - r.- - llnnmn U,,..Company, Walluku Sugar CompanyAmerican Sugar Co.. Makee Suf&iCompany, Ookala Sugar PlantatloiCompany. Haleakala Ranch Com-- i

pany, Kapapala Ranch, Moloka.Ranch.

Planters' Line, San Francisco PacktU, Charles Brewer A. Co.'n Line c! Bo-- !

ton Packets.Agents Boston P ard of Imderwrlt-- i


Agents for Philadelphia Board of Taderwrlters.

Standard Oil Co.

LISlT Ut Ut t lt&U.C. M. Cooke. President: Georg n

Robertson. Manager, tu. r. XJIiaoTreasurer nd Secretary: CoL W. wAllen, AaUr; P. C. Jones. H. WaUrhome. O. R. Carter. Dlreetors


3ISHOP & COBankers


i Commercial and Travelers LettertCredit Issued, available In all

Cities of the Worldj INTEREST allowed afte July lit! 1S0S. on fixed deposits: 3 months I! cent: C months 3Vi per cent; 32 iacnt)i

4 rf cent.


KM1 HIN BANK, LTD.Vineyard Street.

Transact General Banking and Exchange Business.




-- oSituated ou the cast fide of

iKalihi Valley. The view to

Pearl Harbor is the best in thecliy of Honolulu. The soil U verj

jdeep; no stones or rock9 on thepla?e.

Water w(l be laid before pur-- i

chasers are ready to build.

A Bpace will be Bet apart in

memory of the late Princess Ka-inla-

for a park.The lots will be gold at the low-

est prices in the market, with

which other real estate agentswill not afford to compete.

Applications for lots will be

received at our office, and will be

gtoen preference of choosing lots

in the order they are received.

For further particulars apply

fX.Acliii& CO.

Real EstateBrokers

10 WEST KING ST.October 4, 1S09- -

New Goods!New Goods !


fJrap Linen Cloth,of Embroidery andDraw Work, inDoilies, Centre ,7.Pieces, TalleCloths, Etc.

Handsome Kim-mono- ?, Vi'". a

Silksrortiertr,and Silk MGoods, Pajamas,

FlugB, Porcelainand Lacquer Ware.

CHIYA & CO.(Formerly Murata & CO.)


Branch Hat Store. tNuuanu St'




Dressmaking Parlors'All the latest Fashion Plates now on .

hand.I cut my own patterns of any ttylt ,

you like.



J fc'S J v" .? o,


Your Baking !

You cerUInly don't want to beIn a hot kitchen, working abouta red-h- ot stove such days a3these. Save yourself that dis-

agreeable trouble. Order all theBREAD. ROLLS. CAKES and 'aPASTRY here. We'll send ev-

erything fresh; 'twill be as 'atoothsome a3 the home-mad- e 'kind, and cost considerably lss.

Kindly give u3 a trial. 'a'a

I! BAKER"I miliumVI m m 111 U I u


an 1 a half r;f the post ofTi e.ALEX. YOI NC.L. A. Till-RSTON-


Th? above report was submitted t

thp Board of Health and was approved.,Liter in the day the committee m't :

ag.iin and crilered work ta com-- 1

meneod and tho Road Supervisor will1immediately put the road to the Deter.-- ;tlon Camp in order. Mr. Andrew Bnwnwill begin work at one." laying a two-- jInch water main frrTi King street, t vconvey water lor -- kinking purposes.

The Honolulu Iron Works will fur-- ;nish. as soon as possible, a six-Inc- h

water pipe and pump with whkh tJ;jrin Iff t(V f lOT V

FrpThiwssf TO'nisf I HrNKY iifl t 4 Kucloset-- s and drains, which will empty ." "UULdirectly Into a flume, washed continually with fpa water, and leading out into,the bay until deep water Is reached,

rfhirrt Tfinlfv will this morninchave the plans for the buildings ready,which 'will a: once be placed in thehancU of several contractors, who willbe asked to construct the buildings up- -

?."V?S K! !;a:i?:,.Dard fiIir.mil iui "

Tlu? committee has appointed M;Chas. B. Wilson to 'be superintendent j

of the Detention Camp, he having'volunteered 'his services. He will alsohav th active manaement of the j

construction of the buildings on thoKround.


Opaning of Schools.i liv nnlrr of the Hoard of Educationj the following Govrrnnent schoolsopened yesterday or tried to do so:

i Waikiki. Maklki, Manoa, Tauoa. Mol- -

1111. Kalihiwaena. Kolihluka. Moana-lu- a.

Wailupe and Maemae. Kalihl- -

urtin tii1 n9tora tn r.nmh- - initTt,. ,- -t f h t r i ; i r. rhii.irpn

C3,KI n-ll-h Urt rvn nils n Ita!'a nith i.. e.-- roiia... v,

objected on account of the attendanceof a large number of Chinese pupils.from whom they feared the plague. TheMakiki School did not have a pupil inattendance. The schools will continueto be held open In the hope that thepupiU will come In later. It Is under-

stood, however, that under the circum-- istances the truant law will probably

' not be strictly enforced.

Tramway Decision.A decision wis handed down by

Judge Terry yesterday in the case en- -

titled T. S. Southwick vs. Hawaiian' Tramway3 Co., Injunction and relief.

The decision is in favor of the defend-ant and states that the suit wabroutthtIn th Interests of the Honolulu RapidTransit and Lnnd Company and (anno:be entertained in a court of equity. I'n-le?- 3

nf w f uits now intervene the Tram- -' ways company wi'l lay a !oub trackthrouffhout it. py--t--

Waialua Not Quarantined.An evening papr stated that Waia-

lua physicians would rr.?e'. la.--t even-'n- g

to ronsitbT a piaranfin- - againstHonolulu. Curtis lauka was askednbout it over thf tlo-ihon- e at i latehour and his reply was that as Waia-l'i- a

only had one doctor he could notff-- how th latter could hold a meet-ing. Waialua is still open.

r" - - -BBtlding Materials. Office

414 Fort St.

A. M. HEWETT,Freight Clerk and Stevedore.


VAN DORNE PREMISES.Ifanka of Consolidated Soda Works.

New Holiday Goods I

Handsome Vases, Glass FlownrStands. Lemonade Sets. Elegant Wat-Pltcher-

Ivory Vases, Glass Flow?:Baskets, Lamps, Etc., Etc.

WINO TAI LUNG'S.331 Nuuanu Street, near Hotel Street


Tit publishers ef "Hawaii ShJnpo.'The only dally Japanese lper pub-!he- d

in the Islands.

DtTO ....Y. SOCA.PfcOPfciETOR... ....C. SHIOZAWA.

Office Nuuanu avenue, above Beretanla street.

AJ 823 Fort Street. Telephone 677.




The United States of AmericaSEA ANDi ORE6Mew s00- -

Fathers.' In 1S0O I furtherfonr.fi that the company's Mayflower

; waa 2S0 or COO tons burden, whereas; the historical Mayflower was of only' ISO tons, ard all this and my previous, K-tt- on the subject in the Daily Tel-Irpra- ph

I have given at length in thethird reprint of my aforesaid "Report.published by Messrs. W. H. Allen inls?l. The state of my health will notpermit of my going further into thematter for the present, and I would

Kinau Sailing WithHEASS.MAC A ROM



By act of their Congress have authorized the World"! Columbian Com-mission at the International Exhibition held tn the City of Chicago, State o!iiiir.ol3. In the year 1893. to decree a medal for ppeciflc merit, which la ttforth below over the name of an Individual Judge acting as an examineripon the finding of a board of International Judge.?, to Klhei Heeegawa, Ja-pan, Hyoga; Exhibit, Mineral Water; Award for alkaline water, well carbo-nated and well bottled. Permanent In quality, clear and rparkllng, a fxtable water.

(Signed)A. H. BRENEMAN. Individual Judge.JOHN BOYD THATCHER, Chairman Executive Commute nn Award


here only add, writing from memory.tI:rt 1'lymouth. in New England, was

neulin nues,Il0t S( narae(i iy th Pilgrim Fathers.CORN. ' Wahine's Predicament

Restricting Shipping island


but by Charles I., while yet Frince ofWales, and on the map tohim by the 'Plymouth Adventurers.' "



morning.Amid the tootiny of whistles fromall the local steam craft in the harbor Th? schooner Transit is dischargingthe Kinau sailed through the channel 3t irnisar,i wharf. "Hirarso Water"

was the only prize secured by any Eastern Miners! Wat:the World's Colnin ,ian Exposition.

The steamer Xiihau, for Lahaina andKaanapali, and steamer Ke An Hon.for Kilauea and Anaho'a. sail at I

o'clock this rftcrnoon.atS. J. SALTER,

GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER, -- - o-- -0SALEFort Street. Telephone GSOOrphoum Block, etUaous


W. C. Peacock & Co., Ltd.SOLE AGENTS.

a! out C o'clock last evening for Hilo'and way ports with a big deiklcn.d of; Japanese laborers from Mauliola quar-- iantiiie station fur plantations on Ha- -

waii. No other passengers were onboard and a rather small freight wastaken, owing to the existing healthconditions restricting shipments. Port1

(Superintendent Clarke of the Wilder!' company has been a most busy man j

' for the past fortnight and workedhard until late last night. Before j

j leaving the wharf he had made all ar- - j

rangements for the launch to take j

i longshoremen out In the stream at '

;4 o'clock this morning to load the j

j Claudine and Lehua for Maui and Mo-- j

i lokai ports. The Golden Gate is also

HEAP!FOR A.J. tPrice, $3.50Jper case.FruitS. iSBottles

-- -



The JTST TO HAXD THIS SEASON'Son the berth for windward ports.Mokolii, for Molokal ports, was the We Have Received a

Lai'tre Assortment of .OF CHOICEST CANNEDonly steamer beside the Kinau sa:l-!p.C- K

iMorton's and Crosse & Blackweli'si ing yesterday. The schooners Concord I

, and Golden Gate also got away S: ALSO A FINE LINE OF;terday afternoon with lumber cargoes.The Athenian docked at the Mail DRIED AND FVPniMTni fimmt1 :

.wharf early in the morning and will j KUOM THE pKsT ORCHXRPS OFremain some ten days before return- - j


The desirable property, bounded by Beretania, Punahou and King street,on the town side of the McCully Homestead, Is now offered for sale. The ex-

tension of Young street passes through the land. An artesian well oa thepremises supplies the purest water. The breezes from' Manoa valley renderthe locality extremely healthful. The property is on the line of cars, and

the Rapid Transit cars will run through or by it.There is no better or more refined neighborhood in Honolulu.

For terms, etc., apply to F. WUNDENBERG,At J. A. Magoon's office, next to P. O.

Or to J. LIGHT FOOT, on the adjoining premises.


11 Fort St. Telephone 240.

Hardware, Filters, Crockery,Glasware, Iron Bedsteads,Carborlineum, Stockholm Tar,Demijohns, Etc., Etc., Etc.



on j




ing to Manila with horses.A Wahine's Pilikia.

Filled with Kakaako swipes and awild desire for a bath, one of the

' nymphs frequenting the neighborhoodof the lower end of Punchbowl streetran Into the bay at midnight last nightfrom a point near the marine railway.

; She swam out towards the lighthouseuntil totally exhausted, when the co'd

i and a few draughts of salt water so- -t

bering her. she yelled for help. Inher struggles she had torn off her ho--loku, and when rescued by the health

'officer on watch was quite unpresent- -

able to even a health inspector. Shewas taken to the wharf and mad'1 forhome by the shortest way.

Sad Plight of a Vessel's Crew.

The .Melbourne exchanges containaccounts of what may happen to thesick crew of a vessel even in the Impor-tant port of Melbourne. It appears


tbat the Aratapu, of New Zealand, awell-know- n intercolonial trading ves- -

The Only Lots on the Beach nappyAlso a. new line of

Holiday GoodsMew Year ITHE GREETING TO ALL,


Golden Rule Bazaar are now on exhibition.

CvCC16 Fort Street.seel, bound to Auckland, was seen ily- - I

iau'and O O Cfb I ffflhis along-sid- U ttUHlVHU Xmad?;tjn quickly way 0fflcp stationery, Typewriter Letter HCthe vessel and proffered his services. , rnn.c0 m.,Qa i nn mmmmmmmmmmmI He was mformed that the majority of DaH Journalg and Dlarlegthe crew had beeen stricken with sick- - FiJeg and Fll,ngCaseg Mucilage Stands,ness. and requested to get a doctor as gt Molsteners, Pen Racks. BRSEBALL.umt-Ki-

j us vvmiuh.--. .w..,. i" i steel and Rubber Erasers,w liiiamsiow ii aim uvu.m i num. Rubber Bands and All Office Requisitesarouni tne locai surgenc.s. uu. ,.,.,,. . ef,,i-,rr- i nVa

.unsuccessful in catching a disengaged i The Rest and Mogt Comp Stock ofmedico. At 1 o clock . as the signal New and Up-to-Da- te Books in the HT TTD Ttr ?hT.11 ifi-ic-.City. .

'Picturesque Hawaii," Ready for Mailing.

J. M. WEBB, Prop.


5 $ A

.- -- 7$Z v

u-- - i 5

! 3

"rr-- gCu


' still flew on the schooner. Command- - j

er Tickell despatched the "sick boat" ;

' of H. M. S. Cerberus to make inquiries, j

and on receiving the coxswain's report I

j at once telephoned for a doctor. Four j

i o'clock came, but still the tsicfc men;I were unattended, and Captain Gilmer ,

hoisted the incoming Hag for port j

health officer on duty and Customs. ;

It was at this hour that the watermanWade who had been for seven hours

Bounded by Keeauraoku, Kinau, Piikol andLunalilo Streets. Only one block from ' theBeretania Street car line

SILK GOODShunting around Williamstown for a I

.! .i I 1 5i situated in one of the finest resilience! linn iract isofficer of the town, who at once start- -

' ALSOj portions of Honolulu, aill in a direct line with the cooliutr



ed afloat to afford the distracted cap- - j

tain the assistance of his profession- - j

. al knowledge. In an interview upon i

; his return to shore Dr. Honman stated

breezes of Makiki.Lots 50x90 feet will he sold for the reit-onah-

le price of$1,250. Terms, $250 cash; balance on installments", payments

that he found the Aratapu's crew la astate of utter helplessness, five of thembeing stricken with influenza, while

SILK SHIRTS, SILK PmUS. ETC. to suit purchaser.m 9 9 This land has a very pentle slope, and purchasers can

hansdome carpets for Hails andI mediately comiiieiicc building operations. Early par-stair- s.

chasers can Jcciirft Choice Locations.the cook, who was the only man ableto move about, was suffering from asevere attack of dvsenterv. Aftertemporarily relieving the sufferers he :

had conversed with Captain Gilmer,whose remarks regarding a port wherea crew could not get a response to an j

urgent signal were the reverse of com- - ;

, plimentary, especially as there was not, a man on board in a fit state of health '

i to lower a boat and seek aid.Mayflower of the Pilgrim Fathers I

A comparison made between the sail- -j

ing of the White Star line st. anu r :

Oceanic for the United States and the :

sailing of the llavflower with the Pil- - .

For further particulars apply to

Gear, Lansing & Go


A large stock on hand to select fromat prices that will surprise you.



TO LEASE FOR 20 YEARS,As a whole or in subdivisions, 7 minutes walk from tram-

way by

P. L. WEAVER,Merchant Street. Opposite Post Office.


To ftll Our Competitors ! !grim Father on board ha induced ! WlYESLtY BL03K, - --

Sir George Birdwood to send an inter- - -

White Enameled IronIn Great Variety and All Sizes and

Prices.BHDJUST ARRIVED, a new lot of

Smith-Premi- er Typewriterswith ail tl o latent ifi;jirove:iit:its i'oiiiMnin;:

Aloha CollectionOF

Hawaiian SongsFor Sale at the

Hawaiian Bazaar,MASONIC TEMPLL.

Corner Hotel and Alakea Street




WOOD BEDS, with Mattress andPillows, Complete, $3.00.

DOLLS, TOYS, ETC.. for th. Chil-dren. ,

BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! for Ev-eryone, from the Toddling Child to theOld Grandfather.

All Kinds of Furniture at Our Well-Know- n



Beds. sin m ieb siL. S. MATH 12 WS & SON, Kcrniturs Dealer

2G Beretania Street, opposite Progress Block.

rating letter to the London Daily Tel-egraph, in which he say?: "Ir isstated that the said Mayflower, afterher memorable voyage across the At-lantic, went into the Indian c;ttontrade, and was lot in a cyclone

This is an error "bichI have before corrected in the DailyTelegraph of October 24. lSSIi, and asI am originally responsible for if. andits perpetuation is to be deplored. 1

leg that you will allow m to omeagain put it right in your columns. Inmy report on the old records of theIndia Office, published in IMS. 1 gavethe following extract from th DutchPacket of the D. P. Bundle: I ;:.:.May ;. Account of goods laden atGambroon on the Mayflower, lioundfrom Metchlipatjm." and on this ex-tract I observed: 'The Mayflower,with the English ' Pilgrim Fathers."from D.-lf- t Haven. Southampton, andPlymouth, landed at Plymouth Rock.New England. December 2". 10.'Could i: have l:ee;i the s.il.i" ship asth" company's Mayflower? I after-wards found it was net. and in review-ing Mr. Henry Steven s "Dawn of Brit-ish Trade to the East Indies.' in theAthanaeum' of October IT.. 1W. I

w.-ote- : Mayflower was a commonname for a ship in those days, and theone examined for the company in 1 ;

and the other possessed by the com-pany in 1C:. which is believed tohave subsequently foundered in theBay of Bengal, must both have leenlarger ships than the little craft of the

JUST ARRIVEDNew Importation of





FOLD, RENTED ANDCall and pee for yoursclvea. MAC HINE.3!PAIRED. sri'PLlES f.r all MACHI NES.I3AVE ARRIVED AT THE


An Expert Repairmanhas ju?t arri vrd d;ie t from thf factory tocharpe of th!.s branch of my business. All males of Tvp-write- rs repaire ! nnd

satisfaction guaranteed.

WING WO LHA'J & CO2t)-21'- 2 Nuiianu Street.

(2ity. Furniture Store,H. H. WlLLIAMO, Manager.

Lovo Buildinsr, 534-53- 6 Fort StilELEPHtHE 846: RESIDENCE, B49.

Only the highest grade of RED RUBBER is used In th Stamps madethe HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.






Vb nMB a r Al nil

Closing Out Holiday Goods! jiVltW UN o n

I ijCaptain Cutler of? CUT :! Klikitat.

Collegiate SchoolVICIORIA, . C.

Pi'tron and Vikltor.

The Lord ttisfcop of Columbia.

i J. V.". I.A1NC. M.A.. Oxon. Head Vas- -


OBIPJSBilBB BAILoo-- jMsthods cf Boarding House Keepers;. ! Should b3 Stopped Originatcr

tcr.uev. r. i:x?oi: sn vRr. m.a., cau- -

H. J. S. MUSKETT. St. iVlcr Col-lide. CaiubrldKe.

Mo.'.orate terms for day sebolar andboarders. IJoys received froai S ycariotace and ujwards.

Vl4of Sailor's Club H;

: oi--





V i


, Capita Cutler of the bitrto-ntiu-

3 i Klikitat. now in the haibor waiting:' .'or a hance to tlischarre a cargo

Dl.Hipline and Moral lrai'alug ttrongfaitor: Military Drill.

E?tor Tirin w ill begin on January 8,1CMK).

Prfve.it Nun l ! 51.Rev. John I'aivi'no ij k'ndly axttng

.! a refi re:n in the Hawaiian I;land.

Japanese Goods, Screens, Lamps,Lacquer Goods, Art Goods,

Pottery, Pictures, Frames, Etc., Etc.Cut Glass, Doulten Ware, Etc.

B lrnilT. believes that summary i,'ti' ro 3 should bo takca to dLc'urae tLe



nu:k i; r.nerunuloin rua;trs of sail-

ors' ljo.:n!inj;-ho'.:?T- II? ha.? ha J(1 Table cxi-crlenc- with many of ihe

v.ciift men of this cia.--s in dif.ertntl.uta cf tho world, inl ha.s nuihiigsood to say cf the me; hods often used



t .. .v.:, ;..:--.,- '


i! t -l1 . . . !J II i - 5

j ''"if s ' n -


ii fill 61D ; to provide a ship with men on thort KING STREET.108

J. Waller : : Manager.

Wholesale and Retail


tr.ti e.t U tPiri!il, trribb." paid Cart.

Cutler yesterday, "this nefarious woik.i iiiipuiu-ipiei- l boarcKng-hous- e m?.t?-ter- s.

I understand that some of it isKoidr on in this port. I can understandhow- - difficult It might bo to preventmuch of the shanghai buslnf s in NewYork and San Fianclsco and other

Pacific D


CROWSi Gi5;itLt3:S3 COMPANY.ieat porta, but here In this little placelittle, compared with the ports I


MAVY CONTRACTORS.have mentioned I think short shrift

" LIMITED.f Art Rooms, Fort St. Household Dept., Bethel St.

can be given to underhanded work in

anaa b bb bb b b

furnishing ships with men againsttheir wishes. I have known many sail-ors to be taken from a vessel just ar-rived, and, after drugging, to be putaboard an outward-boun- d ship beforethey knew what was done. Not onlythat, but some men have been shang-haied who had never even seen saltwater; it was anything with theboarding-hous- e men to get the menand the advance.


oo Th brit at tht: luWMt

...Price at HOPPS


Harness Co.

"This advance proposition U triug j

done away with in San Francisco and I

Seattle and other porta, and well it j

should he. In its stead the plan of not ;

paying for unperformed work of sail- -;

ors is being adopted. That requires tOT3--o



Just Imported!Come and bear them !



Will E. Fisher 5Furniture s


that ail sailors shall sign the articles j

before the proper Consul, stating theirnames arid other facts, including th. ,

fact of whether they sign of their ownaccord, and that they understand what i

they are doing. Why cannot that planbe followed here, as well? The meanwork of some of the boarding-hous- e

men is deserving of the most s ?vere'

censure. There should be none of thatkird of business In this port.

"I think a law should be passed cov- - .

erlng the matter, and that officers ;

should taVe a hand to see that its pro-

visions arc tarried out. The busine.-.- s

-- AND-8oo

Our stork of FURNITUREhas been enlarged by the ar-

rival cf a lot of NEW GOODSReal Estate Agent.;? o--rj ii Le broken up. Si why should ito b permitted to tont'nue? There are


Bergstrom Music Co.,

Projrcsi Block Fort Street.

ifiptnir.s in !h!s poit row who haveq had experience w ith boa: dinc-h- o ise





Corner Fort aid M-rrli- ;i nt St?

iiv Diinunvll'llMM 1 1 1 r li it I);IJH VI

masters, and In many instances tnewas not entirely satisfactory.

I have known men to be put abnatdvessel ? with cbr.-t- s which upon belnopened, were found to contain the most

Y;;f-il''."- s tliir.r.i. ?u'h a3 old worn-ou- tshoes, corsets r.ad any old th'rg thatwent to mnke up u full l . So th.'ailor ;r landsm in to whom it be-

longed was started fin a loiv vyirev. ith ro tlothiiK .ind vas romji' ;d torrnke the rnci cf th bid s'tnatioi..


I For all of which t!. biw-live- d boiid- -Sugar Factors j


Commission Merchants i J UJ STOT3--u


from the Mainland, Includingmany nice designs la






The prices of which are very

reasonable. It 13 impossible

tJ find goods of such finish

for our prices at any otherplace in the city. Our aim Is

t; please, and please we do, as

is Fhowr. by the 6ale of ourgoods.

Wo make a specialty of

Upholstering; do FurnitureRepairing; Making the Old

Look Not. ATnings Made to

Or.l. f. .

int'-hou- -e keerer the ndvane"v 'i'fh the pcor sa;br had to pay. Letthe IloTiolulu cfickil b- - on tbf ;Mert

ard rrf''1 anything of tli's kindhere."

Cart- - Cut:er is wli known In th'sJUDD BUILDING, city, whrre he is given credit for orii;- -('-.:- : .imf yirsinatir'T thn ?i;orsTHE THING

To send to your friend


Ttrn. nrd which is sti!l Mounshipe:.thou?h the quarantine law ha f r thet'me b Ins rnthT f!:!eted matters. Th ;

Csrtain yesterday admitted th i! he J

hnd made some suegfjtions which

Importers and

Manufacturers.kki'aimm; in all huamiiiks.

2EAVER LUNCH' R00ttrt. J. OLTE, Prop

Ton Street. Opp. Wilder & Co.

first-Clas- s Lunches Strvalea. Coflee, Soda Water, GlnfrAl or Milk. Opea from

j a. m. to 10 p. m.fm.jer' Requisites a Specialty.


i mav have led to the formation of th!c!ub. but did not fluprse at the time :

2 ! that they wou'd be acted upon. The-- j ; 'irnsf inns were to the effect that I

?Tiifrs should be provided with n ball.; where music, reading and lieht re- -,

: fre-hni'-n- ts. but no liquors, misl.t beP i provid.-d- . and which should be under .

l ; no d'rertion. tliourhsntatives of the different denomina- -

tions would be welcome if they choseHawaiian

Scenic PostalBBSiin 3Dto go mere ana sins, or k m - m-- i

ncrjuaint.nr.e of th" sailors. Capt.Cutler did not know until he returned ;

from a voyage some t'me later that hi ,

in.r t.ppn acted unon, and that

:(j Cor. King & Fort Sts.Telephone No. 22b.


Fide cf Old Fish Market.); the c!ub had turned out to be anj qualified success.FcmitcreCards!!!Tel. 101.P. 0. Box 951.

Dealers. --oQ.Q.Oi:7 ditlereitt new view?)

KINO AND ilKTHKL STS. oothey are nothatRt U. nrr.MCce

r.pared u uoaerUl ili LfMUch oi ;

tk above bulaef?.Wcrk underuien by th iUy r.i ;

oatxact; rutiniat" furntbod

At Haleiwa.Th- - f;i:j'm.; eu s.s b".-- - r..s.r;-d- .

ac Hi'tiwa for wk . n I

S0:h. 1?0'.':t

Jean KSIwell. II n W. H. BU)-- ;bit . iLnc:u:u: A. N. Campbell. Hon-.- -;

I j u ; Frink I'.irwi k. Hono:u'.u; R. W.j"a?rc'.-- . I'DTK.lul.r --M.". and M;-s- . Ja--

;.:n! n r. . r. Hn.ii..-uT,i:ini;-i; L'

J. Canashf r. iiin u'ii; S. Lod.-n-. IIi o" u ti : T. A. Dnf!i! nsir'. Cab: D-J- .

Curnn. V;':i:..i: llirry We;- - Os- -


Office With the Pddfic HardworoXo., Honolulu II. I.

HONOLULUivnum 4i Ml zz. n. v.: m: it "w;iYK AM1KAH il ill

p'lrcha-- e of



M M. M rrr: i. a i " -

vi' L. r t:. IMli't'a; lr. 1'.

IL-Z- u'-:: C. N. Hon vno'u:lu'.a :

E. c: given anJ rcntr.i' mal' f j i well on any ofKstitiiute'in I- raur 1 1

LIMITED. :r,:r.: y' ii ;

Mr. r: d Mr'. M. Sr 1 M:--- - f. KSHJtho Minus.

.....ot.i.' .... ,e iit ;uiv mit- -

u. u;.V. iiO-!'- )- For heavy work operatcl by

the most skillful highest clasIn the rhc.ce of Vi- -. L. E. I Eight New Plants

PPorted by Voiwary Contributions.

FRED TREATMENT to the roor of

all nationalities. of ,For information u to,ard e.c.

mission and to the ,

apply at the .



Tl:e Mr. Ch- -. D. r.:. v?vxI . Utor luVa; .

- l'V;-- "r rrlte" ii' m' I p. It. iviv. II vvt'M'u: M'-"- - Inlllpr-.- .

1.Mo floodsTr.Y New Holiday1. It. TV." H ' '

v.-.- -i IIn.-- i.

r .a I'r,:i : V.. H i h

': A. Y-- ;l . . :

OMIduS's Photos

Are the hardest of all to make welluntil you become accustomed to thtask. Mothers tell us we are at our

bt when making photos of the Iltt!ones. Our quaint, unique poses faith-ful likenesses and dainty style of BnUnicg photo Cal favor la ever?mothtr's eyes.

Preserve baby's pretty fce in onof Walliamt' photos.


v Hoavy Pongee Silk, BulUble for menA" V.' H - r'

; r. c. o. i:V.






A '

Y.;i:I . ;

A. Yfv:'!bi:u:T:.

i? ir,Wa';

."!k Auurnau at.d Hi-w.iii- n

Fij? Hani;kerthif3.Ll'jbro.dtred .S.!k Hind kr n:efj. di.'-fe-e- st

coluri! ani patrtrna.V.. b--a OckiJ?. Navy l:i:je and Ulaclt.

for eult.'.'.t Navy Uhf Sere.India Lir.en Victoria Lawn, Onorcd

.W'-- '" !' n .'.uu: i"" J.Hm'v 'j'- -: T .n 1! H " --

Mr- .T II r. H ':'u: M -

ifooo--r--. m:-- -' n-'-- ?

'.t:-- ;. Th-.-- m Tt vnr. Horo; i-


i: MN R r!-- E. R.

tuiti.Fir..- - Llt.r wbl'f. b! ic. yellow,

j r and grtcn.iliLdwoik i"ar.cy Sr.dI Wood IUna- -

hpiib!f and (iUise Uox;b.Emi ln Silk atid t;rars L;neo

T!, Cov.EmbroidTPd Silk I Ir,o Covn. dtHff- -

r nt mlorfc.

Opposite W. G. IRINOCc:



Izs the holi laye for quirk and c.h.cutservice la packages, invita-tions, ft.".ilil ill ill.

'ij'ts vn Miv. Hn l i'. i: Mi-"- r

O.-r'v- .' Mav. Hor:'-.!- : M.'--t- f Cyr.:Miv u: .1. F. FiT'iiTmr.. Sml-- ri N. J. I'MTi'3. Frn.: R. M.

M'n rin F'-an- .: R- - ibro '.n. r.



TATE SECURITY. Tori 'Jtrcct. m?on;c te:?le. TEL. 444


AMERICAN SUGAR CO.ll Our Stores arc a Republic in Themselves 1 ! r j A MRSI Ifi JDC ! BYAUTjOFtlTY.tliriif, hv bt-e- frtii'liy

NOTICE.v iijtruKt' h dy e tr to r:y in ptrt hv :T -

t ' - O ' ' " - i' lit re '- - sojie.ircl. To Be Located in the

Tl'iv--I INrs ODL

NOTICE IS IIGKCUY GIVEN THAIthe tenth and final as?ec;ment of Z

i er cent on the assessable stock of thAMERICAN SUGAR CO., will be dutmd piyable at t!ie office of C. Brewet

& Co., Ltd.. Dec. loih, 1833.The above CP per cent assessment


Dated. Honolulu. December 8. 1833.GEO. II. ROBERTSON,

Mil Treas. American Sugar Co.



Vaverley Block.

New Methods and Many Improve-

ments 'o be Introduce Here

by the Company.


Offer for Sale:

ilEFINED SUGARS.Cube and Granulated.

PARAF1NE PAINT CO.'STaints, Compounds ana BalMtacFipers.


to draw the attention of iruport- -e rs to the urgent necessity of remo-

ving as expedltouely as posalLle goodsiij:;ortel from foreign anl island; rori-?- . The delay that Is occasioned by'".ivins goods upon the wharves i aserious detriment to tha public busi-- ;ness, nnd the Minister teeia confident

jthat no further notice will be requiredi to rectify tho present congested stateiof the wharves.I S. M. DAMON,1130 Minister of Finance.Department of FInanc Honolulu,

IL I., December 23. 19-- .



'cent or $3 per share) on the assessableT stock of the Kihel Plantation Co., Ltd..

'paint oils,

Fall Suitsu V h are h'i:i? in -- tirh I vi hhp W'n ? f I .rti-- r i npf-v-'ne- isirfw-'b- "

1 ' a I e 'ul'v ii9i 'ent with fsh o requireIH- -- V, nut fioni -- i fcunn f t imtiug-p-'lec- t

r.rai ple- - ot fabric, (it iid firns ; n i tnnjM.int . ho r t .r .i -, thry reexclmvel iir- -

n on need not fe-i- r d pile tuu tut Phil' aComi" ei( c tf t Hud sjiue burpriMM anil

you'll not bu d aapo!nted.

A MessageJust Received

From our oys and chiuir! ei art uent.y loi'i for.et to the pir-m- s f 'olum-h- m

ab ut tl ilrndii ft-"- n we ar niaki'nr i..Ik'"' mid ( hldren'a cloth ng. Here ia what itsays:

Salts from 3 U 8yrs. $2 ant op.Sjits from 8 to I6yrs. $3 50 and up.

will be due and payable at the oClce ofAlexander & Baldwin, Judd building,on Thursday, January 2d, 1900.

J. P. COOKE.Treasurer Kihei Plantation Co.

Honolulu. Dec. 20, 1S93. 5423

Lccol Raw and Boiled.

The new meat company which hasbeen mentioned before Is now gettingready for business In the Waverlyblock and expect to open as soon asthey can secure possession and makethe proper alterations and Improve-ments, which will be neceseary for afirst-cla- ss metropolitan meat market.It Is the Intention of the company tohave none but the best of butchers,thoroughly schooled In their calling,who will take a pride- - in giving cus-tomers just What thev order? thla


THE FOURTH ASSESSMENT OF5 pt-- cent (J1.00 per share) on the a-- isessable stock of the Kamalo Sugir

j Co.. Ltd., is due and payable at my

Linseed Raw and Boiled. .

INDURINE,Water-proo- f coK'-wat- er PilaL i-i- de

and outsldo; fa whit t4colon.

FERTILIZERS,Alex. Cross & Font' blga-cr- 4Scotch fertilizers, adapted forgar cane and coffee.

N. Ohlandt & Co't chemical Fertil-izers and finely ground Bone HL


Postal Savings Dank ire here'jyurgently requested to deliver theirPASS BOOKS to the nearer: namedPostal Savlns3 Dank Office (receivinga receipt therefor) between the lat and20th of January. 1300, in order thatthe same may bo forwards! to Hono-lulu so that tha interest may 1 e en-

tered therein for the year IS33.JOS. Lf. OAT.

Postmaster Gnral.Approved:

S. M. DAMON.Minister of Finance.

Honolulu. D;c. 1, 1S33.

omre December 13th. 1SH3, and DE-LINQUENT JANUARY 15. 1900.

FRANK HUSTACE.5 4 1 Treas. Kamalo Sug. Co., Ltd.,



66point wlil be insisted upon. The de-

livery will be thorough!;. Bystema-- Itized and carried out l;i s jch a man- -ner that no patron within the city's

I limits wiil have ta await breakfast forthe arrival of an order,

j Especial attention will be given toTHE KRSH."

a- -


oo j


; 1


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATi in.-- rare anu siorape or meats afterkilling, so that they will come to thetable in the fittest condition for eat

the sixth assessment of ten (10) per'r,Triicent on the capital stork of the Hono-- ' PIPE COVERINGRISDON RON WORKS Reed' patent elastic ectlonal

Son Francisco, California. BRANCH OFFICES POIiTAI. S VV


...... iiuiu Vk. l.ailU . Wiii UKdue and payable to J. H. Fisher atBishop & Co., bankers. Honolulu, ontLe 1st day of December, prox. Theshares upon which any assessment mayremain unpaid after thirty days froms.iid date will be declared delinquent.

CHAS. H. ATHERTON.Secretary H. R. T. & L. Co.

Honolulu, Dec. 1. 1S33. 5107




ing; and a feature of the new com-pany will be in providing delicacien tothe general public. The importationswill be most carefully looked sifter,both meats and poultry, and will In-variably be delivered In the best con-dition ar.' only no. It Is the Intentionof th' - v to so arrange theirbuHineis thai . ; housewife who onlybuys 10 ctnt-- t a rth of an article willreceive the a n .are and attention asthe customer who purchases a bill ofa hundred dollars.

"Yes" said Mr. Edgar Halstad, thepresident of the new' market com-pany, "we have taken a ten years'lease of the entire Waverly block, andintend to open as fine a market asthere Is anywhere this side of NewYork. An itnnn aa Tf Tiw P.

Hawaii HIlo, ICohala, Hnokaa, Laupahoehoe, Paauili. Kukui-hael- e,

Hookena, Naalehu.Maul Wailuku, Lahaina. Vii. Ma-kawa- o.

Hamakuapoko, Hani.Kauai LIhue, Koloa, I'iliu?.i. Wai-me- a,

fCcalia.Oaha Waialua. Waiana Waipalm,

Honoaliull.Molokal Kau nakakai .

5430 2138-- 3t


Pamping Machinery, Heine Boilers,

Plain Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines,


San Francisco. Cal


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe second assessment, 23 per cent or$2.50 per Rhare. on assessable stock ofthe Honolulu Stock-yard- s Co., Ltd.,will be due and payable at the office

I I)i f nnnif . ., ij u. ijjvjtt;

start to fix up, and remod- -Cane Gars, Vacuom PansSH? g. e Bhall make a care--

WATER NOTICE.evervthinsr wantpd an1

unLturvtl lJLUJlLTIlVIfi WORK.Philadelphia. Pena. !7. F.' .

NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO..(ManL "National Cane SbMdder"Y

New Yrk. V .

j Intend to place before the public allla aocordanoo with So tLoa 1 ofmodern improvements In the market

line that is now enjoyed by largerMachinery for the complete equipment ofAnd allSngar Mills.

or trant uustace. Treasurer, on Mon-day, January 1st, 1000.

By onlnr of the Board of Directors.A. NEWHOUSE.

5106 Secretary.


FOR THE INFORMATION OFstockholders it ii hereby announcedthat the assessments on the contem-plated issue of new stock will be calledfvr at th? rate of 510 per share regular-ly each month, commencing on Janu-ary 15th. 1000, and thereafter tillfhares are fully raid un.


San Francisco. C'OFFICE: Cor. King and Nuuanu Sts.HONOLULU. H. L

Chapter XXVI of the laws of 15SG:

All persona hokllag wxU-- r priviregeaor those paying water raten. are here-by notified that the watir ra.os forthe term ending Juao SO, 1900, will bedue and payable at the oifirv) of theHonolulu Waier Works, oi tho i3tday of January, 1900.

All such ratea remaining un:a.;i fur13 days aftor taey are due will - sub-ject to an additional 10 per cmt.

All privileges upon which rat?a re-main unpaid February ir, 13).. '(30days after becoming dolinq'iat), are'iab!e to susoaslon without further


San Francisco, CMR Great Variety of GEO. 11. ROBERTSON.Treasurer Am. Sugar Co. j

I)jt"l. Honolulu, Dec. 23, 1S0D. I

5123 iI " f ' T f 'I" tit "er

cities, and which we are sure the Ho; nolulu people will appreciate.( "The business done here in the pro-- ivision line is immense, and there Is nodo'ibt that we shall do our share. Peo-ple must eat, and we intend to give

j them a place where they can selecti their food. We shall carry everythingi in fresh, smoked, pickled, preservedland packed meats, fish, poultry, gamej and all llDes of fruits and produce;in fact, everything usually kept In

j R3te--n rri;trketd. Everything wll bein departments, and you can order orselect anything you fancy.

"We believe that when people canto n larpe. nice market and select

j their dally fond, they will do morepersonal shopping, the same aa is now

; dr re by all other coast cities. Thej now and modern improvements weIntend to make, I am not now at liber--ty to confide to the public, only thst

j everything will be up to date, and sucha are now enjoyed bv l.ireer cities in

; t!if United States."


Stoves NOTICE.



B oard of Health, our Steeplers willnot be allowed to land or discbargealongside of a wharf during the con-tinuance of the plague. It will be nec-essary to lighter all freight to andfrom steamers. In addition to reml.ir

Ratea are payable af. t in cCk? ofthe Water Works In th KapjaiwaBuilding.


Sup't Honolulu Water Work.Honolulu. H. I.. De?. 22. WW. 2

Af. fch

rates of freight, a fur.jer charge forj lighterage euiTicient to cover the actualexpense of the same will be made. Nofreight will be received, except It be

ZF-- Farmers' Boilers and Exin Castings for all Stoves

Owners of Three Vessels Are Expect-ed to Put ii Tneir Bill?.

It U now considered probable that'the wreck of the bark William Carsonwill be saved, as nothing but a hard

suuject to this charge for lighterage.(Signed)



. its President, C. L. WIGHT.B117JOHN NOTT, 75-7- 9 KING ST.

OtTehphone No.31



Will be received at tho ofnc of theMinister or tha Interior till 12 o'clocknoon of Saturday, December 30, for theconstruction of a pack-tra- il from twenty-t-

wo miles on Volcano road.Specifications at office of Superin-

tendent of Public Works; aloo at of-fice of E. D. Baldwin. Hilo.

The Minister does not bind himselfto accept the lowest or any bid:

ALEX YOUNG.Minuter of the Interior.

Dec. 29. im 5128

wind will prevent her being towed toa spot where the coal can be extractedfrom the hold. Since this is the case,

of salvage la being prettyCarriage, Wagon and Truck Srany uiscuseed along the water- -and particularly bv the nwnom

A Model Plant Is not complete v llk-o-ut

Electric Power, thus dispenaiajwith small engines.

Why not generate your poer troas

the steamers which have npenstanding by the wreck with more or

i less constancy.


THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THECatholic Ladies Benevolent Societywill be held on Friday, January 5, atthe convent, on Fort street, at 3o'clock p. m.

Election of officers.All Catholic ladies are respectfully

invited to attend.KATE MURPHY.

REPAIRING. PAINTiNC, TRIMMINGAND MANU FACT U I N G The Wilder steamer Lehna has had a

i line f3st to the submerged wreck al- -most ever since she waa found, sixteenmiles off Diamond Head, last Friday

I morning, following her collision withi the steamer Claudine. At the sametime credit for rinding the wreck is

Secretary of C. L. B. Society.IRRIGATION NOTICE.

Holders of watr prlTlleges, or thosepaying water rates, rre hereby notlfled

January 1. 1000. 3131

r3 FINE HORSESHOEING a s,ci.,!tv.Agency of the Rubber Tire Wheel Co.

Hawaiian Carriage M'f'gOUKKN STI8KI5T, NKAK FOItT.

hat the hours for rrlgatloa purposesclaimed by the tug Eleu, and a claim

(for salvape will of course be filed byOO ner owners.

The steamer Maul has also been .i.n- -


THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TItnisiating in holding the wreck. But it (stockholders of the Bank of Hawaii.

one CENTRAL station? One itera-tor cn furnish power to your Vucnt.Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail-ways and Hoists; also, furnish liftand power for a radius of from II tt30 miles.

Electric Power beitg used, saves taslabor of hauling coal In your flnld, alsewater, and doos away with tlga-prtc- ec

tnglneers, and only have one engine telook a!ter In your mill.

Where water power Is available ttcosts nothing to generate ElectrlsPower. f

THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPA NY Is now ready to furnish ElectrlsPlants snd Generators of all descrip-tions at short notice, and also baa ohand a large stock of Wire, Chande-liers snd Electrical Goods.

All orders will be glvn prompt at-tention, and estimates furnltbed for

Ltd., will be held Jan. 5, 1000. at 10:30a. m. in the directors' room of thebank. F. C. ATHERTON,

Hre irom o w o a. m. and from1 to C o'clock p. m.

ANDREW BROWN.5upL Honolulu Water Works.

Approved by:ALEX. YOUNG,

minister of Interior.Honolulu, June H. 1S03. 5235

Honolulu Tobacco So.f Ltd. Secretary

appears that the United Statea Oovern-me- nt

tug Iroquois also had a hand Inthe matter, which will be Jooked afterby the proper authorities, if there Isany salvage to be obtained. There arepoints In the case that will no doubtbe hard nuts to crack by the courts,and fome time will ensue before thematter is finally settled.

Honolulu. Df-c- . 27, 1500. 128



AND MANILA iRS Board of Health Office, Honolulu, De-cember 28th. 1S03.

Strict quarantine Is hereby estab-lished over all that part of the City ofHonolulu bounded and described asfollows:




j The Woman's Beard,j A very large attendance was record-je- d

at the Woman's Board of Missions' held yesterday afternoon. Over nin-ety lalies were present Mra. Kincaidj read a most interesting paper on Mis-sion work in India. Reports on Mia-,fi!- on

work amongst th Hawaiians andj Portuguese on the Islands were alsojread and recorded. A collectionamounting to over $73 was taken up inthe room in aid of the missions.

Finenano. i eiepnone xs'j.


Grades of Smoking Tobacco.Corner Eort and Merchant Sts.f Honolulu.

Beginning at a point where the mau-k- a

line of Queen street crease Nuuanustreet, thence up Nuuanu street to Ku-k- ui

street. Including both sides of Nuu-anu street, thence along the center lineof Kukul street to Nuuanu stream

Lighting and Power Plata; aJso. at-- ;

tentlon Is glTen to House snd MarieWiring.

. THEO HOFFMAN. ,Manaer.


Wm. G. Irwin President & Managerj Claus Spreckcl3 First Vice PresW. M. Giffard Second Vice Pres.

j H. M. Whitney. Jr Treas. A See.! Geo. J. R033 Auditor

0thence following the Walkikl bank ofNuuanu stream to a point where Itcrosses the makal side of King street,thence across to the Walkikl side ofRiver street, thence along to th? mau-k- a

line of Queen street, thence to thepoint of beginning.

? Cures whileR. LITCIIIIG

Hag taoved hi offi.--e and residence toNuuanu avenue, between Kukul andVineyard streets, nxt to the Honolu

Corpse in the Street.At th corner of South and Klnj

streets yesterday a hearse, going rapiJ-ly- .ran one of its whtela up the curb.

A coffin containing boiy of a maienative wa Inside and became d!slod-v- i,

smashing through the glass side ofthe hcar?e and falling to the road. TVlid of :he coCin fell off and th bodyrolled out. It was ouk-ki- lifre1 from

is a WhooDlnz Cough, Asthma. Crouo. Catarrh. nnMs.SUGAR FACTORS

ANDVLJ Croso'enO whcavjprizc.1 inthe.uk rn.,mwi!:(:i,e;II1meJUte relief.C7,t; wr. are w..Irrfu. t t!,e Mt prerentin,: ,te ,pfead jthe street, put back In xh coffin and

Jithe funral proceeded.

lu Hotel, ute Eagle House.

J.iPttES ISTF.ILIGESCE OFFICE.Cooka. Walters and PlantationLaborers Promptly Furnishtdat Short Notice.


P. O. Box 843: Cffice with F. J. Tta. 327 King Street.

All persons are forbidden to enter orleave the quarantine district without

of the President of theBoard of Health or his lawful agents.

By order ofHENRY E. COOPER.

President of the Board of Health.

Sead the Daily Advertiser.

oucgMt child. Soli by druw. ltS booklet free.HCLLISTER DRUC CO.. Honoluiu u . .


AUE.NTS FOR THEOceanic Steamship Corncar

Of Ban rrandsco, CaL


Honolulu Messenger Service delivermessages and packages. Tel. 378.

, 4



Merchants and Commission Agents,JF)Six d ivs Ia:T r'v? by th Maripn1.(

Embroidery and P.ittenburg lace.Mrs. Hannah.

(Juite a Il'.t!- - colony 'ire livirsj? up onjTanti'lu tr tn; plague.

Misj H.are hiz presented the Angh-- ICallied.al with a pair of white silk

r.hin bags.A thorough and bool-keep- -r

and accountant want.3 a position. Ad- -

Be to call the .uiuaii k tnt? tiaoto their complete line

"THE HARVARD."Vt tke onr rt putation on tl if

make of SHO iS.

Tbe wurM il. esi not ilurvbetu-r- .

j is a mm i io's1. ii

7r Si;01 6.1it

Orpheum tonight. "

Mail for the Coasc nxi Friday p

iho Moana.liit as yo-- i at. at lioni". Tiu- - H

Cafe.Ch.fr Hur.t is fist, recovering from

his n'ixnt injuries.J. W. Jins, city. r";;isterrJ at the

Hawaiian hotel t' relay.

Fourteen hundred people are In insfed In the quarantine district.

lv:rU 1 .being thoroughly cb-ir.-

away uVul th P.uifi: Mill wharf.The ca se of MfC.indl"' vs. Oahu Ru-Kt- ir

Go. is Uf.j.'e Supreme Court.Hick fare have been doubled be-

tween the buIno. 'dUtrict and Kalihi.The condition of Vigzo Jieobsen Ji

the Queen's Hospital Is vapidly improv-ing.

Don't buy a wheel until yon pre the1000 Cleveland. It will pay you '

wait.Mystic. Lodge No. 2. K. of P.. will m-i-'.-

officers wt a regular meeting th'-

"The HarvardIfkers rf I'irst Prize for MKN'.S

Sll(.)l.S L-r- t v r e.h l ite t. PAINTS AND OILS.GENERAL FMNTATJIIN WIK

We li.ve a full lino. oT tlii SllUil in t.jn. fn n 1

colois. Am pcrfcrt liiiii'jr ain

dress "A" this office.For the accommodation of customers

W. W. Dinmnd & Co.'a store will beopen ca h day until T:?J).

i Persons Japanese helpshould communicate with "Takuchi,"corner King and Waikikl turn,

j Pictures of the burning of the qnar-- iantined district or Chinatown are on

i sale at the D.ivey Photographic Co.'

A man named Pahou was among tharrests yesterday, tie Is charged with

'assault and battery upon a Chinaman: Jhn Do and M. O. Peixotto wer- -'

arrested yesterday, charged with as-.au- !t

and battery, and will :.e tried to-- 1

day.! Karl K'emme was arrst-- d yc?ter-iday- ,

charged with selling liquor with

Mini;;i e n.nl th.l v t ltu.' ,).m i i.i;

ur.iiin; ii i,.it i .s mc testifiedp!e;ant .Npei i4ure of Wfitniip' ;


fine assort; of Kitchen Furntioliiiiv-.- .


P. IkFile Manufacmms iiO.CRAY AGATE V AHE a Specialty

SLr5.-L3.rxia.m-jL Streetyening.

Portuguese toys brought in a few SCENTS- .- .SOLEits and got ton cents apiecefor them. out a li?ens H.e win nave nn exam- -

9. Ozakl ha.s just opened a large i , h for .,,,1 2e Wiloox .today.

HAVE YUHlilpment of new Japanese and Kuro- -, The lemim, for New year Adver-pea- n

goods. j u,f r wa3 greater than the 6 apply. Tnet'klnatown kiiindrymen 1iave lost all , edition was limi'.ed owing to the paper

their customers, most of them fjm;np an(j --iae uncertainty when th"dearth of stock would be relieved.

IfflfflB vc WaistsFOR CHILDREN.

The most comfortablo aad err leg

permanently.Athte are looking a!out for a tract

to take the plaoe of the old MakUiibaseball grounds.

Of fifty-l- x men before the policeyesterday thirty we.e charged

with being drunk.A pair of spectacles has been found.

Owner can have name by applying atthe Advertiser ofOce.

Oapt. Cameron of the su.amer Cliu-dl- n

Vbo hoa been very ill. was report-- d

yesterday as recovering.SJ.gnor Marconi has applied for and

obtained a Hawaiian patent for ni3nysttTO of wireless ttdeg-aph- y.

The presence of Leung Chi Tso, th!Chinese agitator. In this city 13 causingrairch concern at the Chinese consulate.

lhlllp Sylva charged with bring a

comtr.on nuisance failed to oppear InjrIke court yesterday and forfekedtea 11.

Th Gleaners Society will ho'd r.

' The case of Jacinto Danavits. charg-ed with manslaughter in the first de-

gree In cauaing the deatii of a little boynamed Joe I!orgei?s, was continued yestern ay in police court until today.

J. I). Panalolia wa? placed under ar-

rest yesu rday on tb charge of assaultiPK Wong Cho.w. a Chinaman. A mapnamed Kane was also arreted for as-

saulting a Chinaman named Ah Nee.

Minister Cooper has irala arrangements for the collec" ion of all c'othlngheld at the various laundries in China-town, and Its thorough fumigation andreturn to owners. This will probably

e done today.The Misses Laughlln of California

en'ertained a few friends with a mustcal at their home on King street 'aevening. Thoe present were the Mis'es Ijaughlin. Miss Yarrow. Miss Morrlson. and Messrs. Southwlck. P.earlmore. Pinkham. Hobson and others.

Now that rew cases of the PLAGUE

have broken out. we call your attentiono the following list of DISINFECT-NT- S,

any of which will put your'remises in a good healthful

ible garment Invented; buttonsBtxes from onacannot come

year to ton years.


For Sinks and Cesspools.Tlw bonds of the Fwa plintatlen w'

mfetlrg thy afternoon at naif pa't two , jininry i3t. They are n-- FarnisMngs !11 oivrnvpMmmoVlock la the Central Lnlon Churcn nlli. r,a(iv for delivery yet but ail wl'Tarkr. I nn(l their way to 1b. purr-a-er- s be 111 lit 1 iltl ItJudge Stanley has granted a tem- - tween now ami July lct. They aro

ner cent, ten year securities and rep- -i

Odorless and Just the thingiorary Injunction In the suit or h. .

SI V1.1. v. bvJC.

Light-weig- ht and heavy-weig- ht

irlcew COc and 7Sc each.

Taylor vs. The Oceanic Gas and Elev- - resent ten per cent of th; capital stockfor uc Inside of houses.

--OtO-trie Co. 1

A. P. Taylor, the Advertiser's Indus--Tn tim0, of rre: In times of war

trlous plague reporter, the only one ro Thp faVorlte drink Is Jeose Moore,brave all the terrors of Chinatown, is Lhere .nR a rmmg man from Ienore MIDfi OF HI.in irom overworK. rfv ti.u ,ni rr tn h w.ir. SI V LcU 75cuuiui' " "

The "beef" made him sick, he recov-

ered quite quickHv the prornrt n?e of old Jesse Moore COPPERS

lllock 10 now ffhelters only about S0Opersons. Yesterday's approximate waswa 1100. no fully COO have removed toorher b'orks In Chinntown.

The members of the Boys' P.rlgMle

Latest Styles.

Popular Prices. Dents' Glove$L50 2Pr HPalr.

The doctors lay, "Dlseaaa e iters from the feet,'-tak-e

cr of tbe hands Just now.but It li wise to



will be taught carpentering. Th'rtyhIx boy? are to en er th cl:i3 whicrhwill be 1n --harge of J. 3. Bailey.

The wr'fen rpquet for pulrea'ionof the Woman's Board of MissionsAverting, wau not received at this ofU'-- e

till jcricTday 'morning toa late fortie.

The De-embe- r mortality report howsatotal of 75 deaths for th man h. andUthe heaviewt Ringle imonth's record 01file. November list aggregates 111

dearths.The member. of the fire department

For Fumigating;. One Lot of Gents' Colored Shirtso- Soft and stiff bosora. reduced from $1.25 and f !.:.(. YOFK CIIOICB

HAVE YOU DECIDED WHITNEY & HARSHI.OO Each. !ill II LIMITED.:.. vn,i u Goine to Buy to Oive IP1

to Your Best Friends thitChristmas?

Ccr. Kin acd Fort Sts.

kUtioned at Makiki were pleasantlyon New Years Dav by Mr.

and Mrs. Ed. llalstead. E. 0. White andSterling.The private secretary of Prcsiden-McKlnle-

has acknowledged the rev'p'of the engro3HecI resolutions in favor ofthe Territorial form of governmentAdopted by the Fourth of July C:r.mit-te- o

"here.During the engagement cf the Bos-

ton Lyric Opera Company at ':he Or-phjeu- m

school children can attend the

New Laces. New Laces.IF NOT, WHY NOT;

Is oeoooaoooo oooooooeoWe Want to Remind You That itPoor Policy to Put Off Buying

Until the Lost MomentWe Have an Abund- -




anntinees and ihave nserved seas in(the be?t part of the house lor twenty-- 'Ave cents. . I

A Chlne-- structure is go'ng up o,-- Ll l APLE GIFT ATRICLES NOW. 0Useful, Attractive, Inexpensive.

U'e Have Anticipated Your Wants, and , 0Have Got Together the Finest

Array I Ve


posite C. II. Atherton a 'Whi'li snou t

have :h. attention of the authoritiesI ne floors are aid to !e no near

tTTt ventilation beneath them

Just what its name Implica.Among typewriters the Peer.The highest of mechanicalperfection. Fully guaran-

teed by us against any im-

perfection and to be kept Inperfect running order.

mmI Impossible.I B. Kerr "has Incorporated as L. Ti.

Kerr & Co., Ltd. The capital Is S200 --

000. I B. Kerr Is president. O. II. r



Kver Brought to the City.Take Our AdvUe and iMy Early, j v.Walker, secretary, and . 1. irvini.)

trtasurcr. The value of the business i?j"qua. to the capital.

Hon. Arthur Sewall will thi-- t nnrninir m-ik- e the "trio by trail to WaialuAr

0 Largest ujJi ol injja-grad- e mi bon paper ever carried in the city:uet received. Also nice line of ribbons, paper3, erasers and. g Burdriea . .

Pnnhrf.mnln.nsr over night. He will be a?- - GOGdS 6018. oOBlP0 Mil 0companle'd by Supt. G. P. Denln ofthe Oahti railroad: Hon. A. S. Clcghorn STANDARD

Register fgJrS .CashO





and Jo?ph Marsden.Major and Mrs. George Wood are ex-- ;

pvted to arrive by the Marlpas.i todayto take charge of Salvation Army workhere. Ctiptain and Mrs. Me.Tlweat herwiofe tour of Island duty his lKen,



beach (formerly the Tlvoli batbs'.unfurnished cottages, oneand two rent reasonable trdesirable parties; bathing facilities-an-

stable accotnmodatlon; rfrsona'




No more forjeotten entries ofi'M-h-

. Autopraphio record of the


finished, will leave at an early iiate.There la no truth In the rumor that

Lho old vaimUoa is to be fitted up as ahospital frhip. It was proposed somedays ago to convert her Into a scow, foruse in connection with odorles exca-

vator outfit, but the project has beendropped.

Mm. F. M. English of Pciiver. Colo-

rado, lately arrived In Honolulu on atn ht.r nnrents. Mr. and Mrs. Allan




oiday's buslresG.

Pearson & Potter So., L'dln?pection of the premises requesied.

' For further Information 3p;ly tWin. Horace Wrlgnt. P. O. box 670. 01

! it the Independent cf5ce between l1

and 12 o'clock noon, or on lb premiseI after 4 o'clock p. rn. 51W



O O 0 O 9 Od Imp ortantAimouncementso o o o o90IOIOIO........ ........ .... r r . t . r iimnni i j i.ii

Herbert. Mr. English Is following thepractice of law In DVnver and will b

remembeml hre by many as a refinedand well educated gentleman and ajtrKtent of Shakespeare's plays.

Jr. S. A. Yule. AssUtant Surgeon ofthe U. a. Army who has been stationed.at P.uena Vista Hospital for th- - P"tyear and a half, will leave for Manilain about ten days by tin- - transportA'hrnl.in. Dr. Yule is well and favor-..h- t

'.r.viti .h-r- e and has mad many

0 1 v :i 1 y. mm vavyt LADIES AND GENTLEMEN

be readily or promptly upplied-- o-

I all kinds of freeh, fat fishes for bouM-- i u JLLLO mvuLV mu rim' mm um mmby leaving orhold, picnics or luau

rtilatioa than the ordinaryltd to tontrul the eatilaiioa.

Allows 10O per cent more vewindow and Is reaJtly adjus

friends during his stay who m s.r..iv rvrnt b'iirture. hi.e

sending their orders to us at onr FnStall. No. 14 nsbmarkct. Honolulu,

and the same be delivered to any ad-

dress within the town limits free of

charges. We sell enly the very besthis treated

Miss M. E. Killean,2-store- s-2


Burrowes, Window and Door Screens:rlw. ho.-pit- here tr. i!f2J100 cflHes.

.i t. .... ,.t t'o-iirt- i offii'e ISmullets and fcunvj (large rea

t t,n a noni e n tverheid and Mul'.lonno.iIding3, etc.

Are the beft and cheapest; Qpulleys; Gal sash lock; artto"the.Than 'of his being able 'flsh) a specialty and erally kept on ,

make uhlpment of the Paris exhiolt l band :

frr-- here during the present tnontn. p,eae give ua a ca:j before purchi-Th- e

work of collecting i tlll S'?.- ' i B. S. GREGORY & CO.BUILDING HATERIAL SPECIALTIES.along and Mr. Potter hope taat con- - xim

arrange- -tion mav chanste. or someAKAKA &, AilANA.

FiPtmongers. Telechona 502.Liwoln 151oclr. Kins Btrect, iKvar Alakea.-ment bo made, which will cause no u- -.

lay In placing the Hawaiian exhibit inthe Exposition on time.


I n V

MISTIC LODGE, NO. 2, K. OF f.Oceanic bteamsiiip Company.

KOViMLNIS OF STEAMERS.Steamers due and to sail today andr the next ix diys are as follo-vs- :

'tarnera From !'i Mariposa Fydmy Jan. 3

IK PdflliS WMil fel fiaiUiued Every Morn in?, Except


Von Holt Blork. Kirn? Street.A. W. PEARSON.

RiMlne.n MfMiror

TIME TABLE:Thf Fin Paenger Steamers tf This Line will Arrive at an J Leavs

This Port as Hereunder:




UTSTRALIA MAR. 14 AUSTRALIA MAR. ZlMARIPOSA MAR. 28 MOANA MAR. II::::::::.::v::v:.:::::::::.::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::

In connection with the sailing of tbe above steamers, the Agents artrepared to Issue, to Intending passengers coupon through tickets by aayallroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and fro

N'ew York by any steamship line to all European Porta.

For further particulars apply to

Oil illi) Mil i

uuo1 1


From and After Jan. I, 1899.

Dally Daily Daily Dally DallyStations ex. ex.(Outd) Sun. Sun.

14.03. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m.Hono. ..7:10 9:15 Il:u5 3:15 5:10Peari C..8:U3 0:i3 11:40 3:47 6: ooR Mil ...8:33 10:03 12:00 4:05 6:10HTalanae ... 4:45Walalua ... 11:55 6:40Kahuku ... 12:22 6:15

Stations. Dally'Dally Dally Dally(Inwd) ex.8un.

a,m. a.m. p.m. p.m.Kahuku .... ... 5 : 3o . . . 2:08Walalua ... 6: 10 ... 2:60walaoae 7:10 ... 3:55Ewa Mill 5:50 7:45 1:05 4:32Pearl City .... 6: 15 8:03 1:30 4:62Honolulu 6: SO 8:35 2:05 5:26

d. P. DENIFON, F. C. SMITH,Superintendent. O. P. & T. A.


By the Government Survey, PuDll3hedEvery Monday.

5J, Dt'OM TIHH e

I. ?3 g! s3 5r, s --si



General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pgcific Mail Steamship Co.

Occidental $ Oriental Steamship. Co..

Kisen Kaisha:

'I.) X ) ,15no j. n I 2

.0 HI I --O nw fS, l.OOrti. I

7 I 1 8 t1 K 0 H 'I


AND ToyoSteamers cf the above companies

poit on or about the dates below men





For general information apply to





ICTO Tonrht:

Three TrainsEvery Day in tbe Year











Leaves San Franclacu daily at8:3( a. m., 9 a. ra. and 6:20 p. m.

Leaves Portland daily at S p. m.

J. H, LOTHROP. General Agent.35 Third street, Portland Oregoa

l. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent.So. 1 Montgomery SL, San Francisco.

K. L. LOMAX. G. P. & T. A.,Omaha, Nebraska.


HOUSE AND IXTT AT PUNAK3U.Lot Is 75 by 125 feet; bouse ia twoubrr, containing double' parlors, tin-Ins-roo- m.

(kiUhen and pantry ia firstttory;- - three large bedrooms, withclosets and bath In necond story;

and servants' rooms on the place.This property Is in one of the moot de-

sirable location j in the residence portion of the,, city, close to car line, andon proposed rapid transit tinea. Ea?yterms of payment can be made If nec- -

esiry to suit the purchaser. For f arther particulars apply to

J. A. BUTTERFIELD.Bill Tower Building, Union St.

54 21


FOUR LOT3. COxlOO ench. frontingmain street; ready for building:; Jus'.rat RamthiTceha Schools, at $300ach on easj monthly Installments.




5409 Merchant Stree;


HOUSE AND LOT AT SEA VIEW,Pnnabou;. size of lot 200x300; beauti-ful view. Apply

W. O. SINGLEHURST,5412 AtTheo. H. Darles & Co., Ltd.



hi, past Kamehameha Schools. Ap-ply to J. IL SCIINACK.



$2.600 HOUSE AND LOT AT PU- -inahou; good location; near cars; abargain aa a homestead. Apply to

' WILLIAM 3AVIDGE,5411 No. 310 Fort Street.


$1.000 LARGE LOT AT KALIHI;In good location; 80x150; $950 Largelot at Kalihl; 75x150. cheap; $100 Lotsat KallbL alze Go x 100. Apply to


'No. '310 Fort Street.



of rooming-hous- e, situated on Emmastreet. In good location; a bargain.Apply to

WILLIAM SAVIDGE,5411 , No. 310 Fort Street.


HOUSE LOT (WELL FILLED) ONKawaiahao street, Kewalo; cheap forcash.5411 J. H. SCHNACK.


A 2--5 ACRE LOT,' HIGH GROUNDS,at Kalihl; easy terms. Inquire of

J. H. SCHNACK,5406 Merchant Street.

Moana -- S. F ..Jin. 5 ;

'liiiia S. F . . Jan. 6Lehua Mo!okal . ,. .Jan. 6 i

Mckoli! Molokai . ....'.an. 6Kinau Hilo . . .. , ...un. tHaudine Kahu'ui Jan. c


W. O. Hill Kauai Jan. 7I"loIi Kohala . . Ian. 9Manna Loa Kona Jan. 10Jaelic Yokohama J?n. 13

Doric S. F Jan. 13Wiowera Victoria Jan. 17

Voranzl Sydney Jan. 15

Australia S. F. .Jan. 23Nippon Maru S. F. Jan. 2"Zhina Yokohama . Jan. 31VIoana Sydney . . Jan. 13

lanieda S. F. . . Feb. 2Doric Yokohama . Feb, 2Coptic S. F Feb 10

DEPART,reamers for 8all

Lehua Molokai Jan. 3Mauna Loa Kona Jan. 3ilariposa S. F Jan. 3

Claudine Maul Jan. 3Moana Sydney Jan. 5.'hina Yokohama Jen. 6Mokolii Molokai Jin. 8Kinau Hilc Jan. 8W. G. Hall Kauai Jan. 8Upolu Kohala Jan. 12;aelic S. F. Jen. 13

Doric Yokohama Jan. ISMiowera Sydney Jan. 17

Australia S. F Jan. 17orangi Victoria . . Jan. 15- -

Nippon Maru Yokohama Jan. 23China S. F Jan. 31

Moana S. F Jan. 31

Vlameda Sydney Feb. 2Doric S. F Feb. 2

Coptic Yokoharaa ....Feb. 10

CHARTERED FOR. ISLAND PORTS.Novelty. Am. schr Newcastlei.izzie Vance, Am. scbr Newcastle

'm. Bowden, An, schi ...NewcastleWm. Carson, Am. bktn NewcastleJ L. Stanford, Am. bktn. .NewcastleNewsboy. Am. bkta. .NewcastleSeminole, Am. bi. ..Newcasdt

iolden Shore. Am. sci. ..NewcastU5olveig, Nor. bk. NewcastleVdderly, Br. bk. Newcastlenverness shire. Br. sL. Newcastle

Robt. Sudden, Aau bki. NewcastleSonoma, Am. bl Newcastle"aehalis. Am. bk; Newcastle

Sail African. Br. bk. NewcastleDrummuir, Br. fh NewcastleHilston. Br. sh NewcastleOregon. Am. bx. Newcastle

en. Falrchild, Anx t'i. ...NewcastleStandard, Am. sh NewcastleFlorence, Am. sh. NewcastleProsper, Am. schr NewcastleBangalore, Br. sh NewcastleHimalaya. Haw. bk NewcastleCaesarea. Ger. sh. NewcastleHaydn Brown, Am. bk NewcastleHelen Denny, Br. bk NewcastleJohn C. Potter, Am. sh NewcastleVsplce. Br. sh NewcastlePort Sonachan. Br. bk NewcastleM. P. Grace, Am. eh NewcastleNorfolk Island, Br. bk Newcastle"51enei8iin. Br. sh NewcastleHlghh'.nds, Br. bk NewcastleHlg Bonansa, Am. bk NewcaetleHelper, Am. bk Newcastletar of Italy, Haw. sh Newcastle

Euterpe. Haw. sh Newcastle"almyra. Am. bk. NewcaftleElwell. Am. sh NewcastleRufus E. Wood, Am. bk. ...NewcastleCarrollton, Am, bk NewcastleLyman D. Foster, Am. schr... NewcastleStar Ruse!a, Haw. Rh NewcastleBerwickshire. Br. bk. NewcastleHecla, Am. sh NewcastleWacbusett, Am. sh NewcastleMi. Catherine. Am. bk. ...New York

V. Bhcock. Am. shl ..New Yorktfttia Ntlsoa. Aaa. sea Tacoma


NOTICE TO SHIPMASTERS.U. S. Branch Hydrographlc Office.

San Francisco. Cal.i By communicating with the Branch

Hydrographlc )fflce in San Frncl3coaptalns of vessels who will ue

with the .lydrographic Office byecording the meteorological observn

Mona suggested oy the office, can Laveforwarded to them at i.ny desired portnd free of expenpe. the monthly pilotharts of the North Pacific Ocean and

'he latest Information regarding thelingers to navigation In the watersvhlch they frequent

Mariners are requested to report tohe office dangers d'scovered, or anynher Information which can be url-Mre- d

for correcting charts or sailingdirections, or In the piibllcption of thepilot charts of the North Pacific.

C. G. CALKINS.Lieut. Comdr.. U.S.N.. In Charge.

Fined Two Hundred and Fifty.1 In police court yesterday Charles E.Mesten, bartender at the Hawaiian Ho-tel, nleadeil irilHtv tn nha harfa rtf .!).in? spirituous liquora on Sunday, andwas fined $20. according to law. Hepaid the fine. The charges asalnst fonror five men who were found drinkingat Mr. Mesten'a bar Sunday, wore with-drawn.

EXQUISITE RUGS.If you want to decorate your home

buy one of thrwe 14-- 4 rugs that are be-ing sold at L, B. KERR'S for $17. Theyare good value, exquisite patterns,charming colors, and must be seen tobe appreciated. Do not fail to see

I N household Is complete without a' ttle of the famous old Jesse Moore

' physicians. Don't neglect this neces- -


Orly the nignest grade of RED RUBHER Is used tn the Stamps made o-- h



BY A THOROUGH AND RELIABLEbookkeeper nnd accountant. Addresi"A." this office. 51:1


THERE WILL BE A RE3ULARconvention of the above lad0e trii;(Wednesday) evening. Jan. 3. at,::,u uilu' k, at C.istie nail. Kurt oirei

INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS.Members of Ojhu Ledge No. 1 anc

sMnurnine brethren are fraternally invited to attend.

Bv order C. C. Chas. Belllna.A. E. MURPHY. P.C.,

K. of R. and S.


FROM THE BACTERTOLOOTCAIlaboratory of the Board of Health a

Inch homogeneous Immersiormicroscopical objective, made by CarZeiss of Jena. Any person returning li'o Dr Day will be substantially rewarded. , 5130


SMALL HOUSE. FURNISHED ORunfurnished, close to business BectionAddress J. R. J., Advertiser. 542T


YOUNG LADY WISHES ROOMconvenient to tori ana King streets;nrefer with private family; referencesP. O. box 171. . 5432


POSfTIONS BY JAPANESE AScook, ftable boy, yard boy, Japaneserrvant. Inquire of "Takuchi," corner

Kinp Rtwt and Walkiki turn, 5432


A GOOD BREADMAKER. APPLYto the New England Bakery, Hoteltreet 0


$33 PER TON WILL BE iAID FORlean castor oil beans In bags on de-

livery at the warehou3?s of II. Hack- -f

?ld & Co., Ltd.CHAS. KOELUNG.

Kaneo'oe, Oahu, !. 23, 1S39. 5429


NEITHER TUB CAPrAIN NORhe agents of the Bvltibh ship Posei-

don will be responsible far any debtscontracted by the crew. 542?


OFFICES 'I'D KENT, ABOVEWashington vrcantll Co., cornerOueen and Fort streets. Apply ArthurHarrison, on premlseSv

Bvc. 30. ISIj. 54


NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. ATNo. 400 Borvtania street, iieor Feet.



A PARTLY FURNISHED COTTAGEto rent at Waikikl beach next to theAfong residence, formerly occupied byDr. Day. Arply to5123 J. A. MAGOON.


King street, adjoining Governme.itnursery. Handsome rooms with hoard.Everything new and first-clas- s. Elec-tric lights, mosqulto-proo-f. Taraismoderate. Cars pass the door.


A FOUR-INC- H LENS TELESCOPE,made by Troughton & Slmms of Lon-lo- n,

England, complete with finder,powerful sunglass mounted on subtantlal tripM and having all the uau-t- l

appliance to facilitate Us use. AHn perfect condition; can be seen at theirt rooms of the Pacific Hardware Co.Enquire of

MRS. CHAS. T. GULICK.P. O. Box 415. Kalihl, Honolulu.




lot with residence on Hotel streetInquire of

J. H. SCH NA OK.1406 Merchant Street.


A LEASE AND GOOD-WIL- L ON Astore with dwelling, stock and fixtures,iew premises on School, low rental.5420 J. H. SCIINACK.


GROUNDS WITH THREE NEWcottagea, renting for $39 per month, onKing street, car lice passing premises;'ood Investment. Apply to5121 J. II. SCIINACK.


A FINE HIGH-GRAD- E UPRIGHTnlano, almost new; must be sold at anyprice. Address L. L., P. O. box 50.




horses, perfectly sound, formerlyowned bv Dr. Ravmond. Ennntra Ho--

t tel Stable3.j 3420 JOHN BUCKLEYi


nilTEfilflN cmnnriHl .III! I 1


MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.Steamers of the above line, running In connection with tbe CANADIAN

PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C. and Sydney, HS. W.f and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane (Q.) are- -

On or about the dates below slated, vis:

J3 0 ' 8 W "fl B'i 802 ft i"2fl 3 7Jat'.-i-M.- I (W TiM I2W 71 At 7

w1 'J'l Hi', i t 71 7ll

98 4 9.73 79

Baronjeier corrected to 32 F. andlevel, and after th lt of Fflbmir?

for tundard gravity of Lat. 45. Thiatnrftoc, la .06 for Honolulu.




am m mMnn. a.au

4- -0m ' I

5 1 Vt ri.t! A 3 31! 1'

Tbars 5 49 0 3j' BUI. IIFrld. fi 28 1.9. ft. 9 Si I '

Hut. 7 li W 'iii i 02 aj i n is

SUD. 7 8.0t !. r i 8 m ji' ...

New moon January 1 at 3:22 a. m.Tides from tne United Stated um

and Geodetic Survey tables:Th tides at Kahului and Ililo occur

about one hour earlier than at Hono-lulu.

Hawaiian standard tlmo la 10 hours30 minutes slower than Greenwichtime, being that of the meridian of157 degrees 30 minutes. The timewhistle blows at 1:30 p. m., which Isthe same aa Greenwich, 0 hours 0 min-utes. Sun and moon are for local timefor the whole group.


For additional Shipping News seeeighth pagu.

DIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STA-TION, Jan. 2, 10 p. m. Weather, clear;wind, light, west.

AIIRIVED AT HONOLULU.Tuesday, January 2.

Stmr. Mokolii, Sachs, from Molokai.

8AILED FROM HONOLULU.Tuesday, January 2.

Stmr. Kinau, Freeman, for Molokai,Maul and Hawaii at 5 o'clock.

Stmr. Lehua, Dower, for Kaunakakaland Olowalu at 5 o'clock.

TO SAIL TODAY.Stmr. Claudino, Cameron, for Maul

at 5 o'clockStmr. Mokolii. Dudoit, for Kamalo,

Tukoo, Halawa, Wallau, Pelekunu andKalaupapa at 6 o'clock.

Stmr. Nlihau, Thompson, for Lahai-n- a

and Kaanapall at 4 p. m.Stmr. Ke An Hou, Mosher, for Kl-lau- ea

and Anahola at 4 p. m.

MEMORANDUM.Per steamer Athenian, from Manila,

January 2. Rough weather was n- -conntered narlv All thA wif thn

FRO VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. B.C. FROM SYDNEY. &RISRAE QJ FtVR VICFor BrUtanc (Q.) sol Sysscy: torla sod Vocwier(B.C):



will rail at Honolulu and leave Uls.tioned: i



3 Cc.L'd. AJtsnls.

Co., Ltd., Gen'l Agts.


PEERLESS PRESERVING PAINTCOMPANY have temoved to Kingstreet, near Fort street.

H. P. WALTON.5377 Manager.


New York Lfce.Bark "W. D. Flint" wilt sail from

New York for Honolulu on or about

February 10, 1900.

For frtft.ht apply toCHAS. BREWER A CO..

27 KIlby street, Boston,or CHAS. BREWER ft CO., LTD.,


Steamer UpoluWill leave Honolulu in December,

touching at Honoipu, Mahukoni, Ka-walh-

and Kona ports.

Arrive I avt.HonoluKi. Honolulu.



The magnificent new service the "Imperial Limited" is now running dally

BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND MONTREALMaking the run 100 hours without change. The finest Railway servie

In the world.Through tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United biates aaa

Europe.For Freight and Passage and all general Information, apply to

Theo. fl. Davies &



PANSY STOVES, 6, 7 and 8.BUCK STOVES, 9 and 10.BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES, 2. 4 and

5 Burners.

Aermortor Wind Mills8. 10. 12 and 16 feet Piping 12and 16 feet. Geared withpumps to fit


Wooden Tanks500 to 10.000 Gallons.

Rubber HoseFor Garden, Assorted Sizes.STEAM HOSE. Assorted Sizes.SUCTION HOSE, Assorted.

Leather BeltingAssorted Sizes, both Single andDouble.

storm causing the Athenian to iay tothem bpfore they are all coldfor two cays, and to run to the southfor one day more In the hope of run- -nlng out the gale. The seas were veryhigh and dashed over the eh!p with aa ni9Rey. it Is a pure and whole-trrif-lc

force. Lowers ports. mad of some stimulant recommended bv allglass nearly an Inch thick, wereemasneu to bits. Hugo seas brokeover the stern, carrying away thewheel box, tearing up the two Ironbinnacle stands that were bolted tothe deck and filling the upper deck,where there nra a large number of."tails, with water.

Charged With Perjury.George Houghtallinjr, who waa ar-

rested a few weeks ajo on the char?of selling liquor without a license, waajfaln placed under arrest yrsterJay,caarg'vl with perjury, alleged to have


One set of 7 CENTRIFUGALS, 20' inches diameter, belt-driv- en with' frames complete.! One CENTRIFUGAL ENGINE, 10 by20 inches

One MIXER, complete for 7 centrlfu-- !gals.

One 2 ROLLER-MIL- L, 20 by 60inches,. with tole gear.

One ENGINE for Fame, 14 by 35 In.Twelve IRON DUMP-CART- S, for 30


Inch gauge track.For particulars enquire of

J. M. DOWSETT,5382 Honolulu, IL I.

been committed In testimony he gae'la the cas of Jock Maguire, who was A CORNER LOT ON PENSACOLAunder examination for perjury commit-- 1 street, 100x200, will be sold as a wholeted while ho waa a witness In the crlg- - jor In part Apply to Mrs. E. R. Hen-ina- l

HoughtaiUng: ca?e. dry, Pensacola etrveL 5415

lie Hfflaiii HarCwore Co



For freight and passage apply to