Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary School Online Program Student/Parent Handbook Last revised: June 2020 Lewis-Palmer School District #38 2020 -2021

Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary School …...Students will receive instruction in the following courses: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and specials appropriate

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Page 1: Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary School …...Students will receive instruction in the following courses: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and specials appropriate

Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary

School Online Program Student/Parent Handbook

Last revised: June 2020

Lewis-Palmer School District #38

2020 -2021

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Contact Information

Name Building/Position Email Building Phone Number Dr. Lori Benton Executive Director

of Learning Services [email protected] (719) 488-4700

Tiffany Brown PWES [email protected] (719) 559-0800Hours: 8:00am - 4:15pm

Lisa Del Vecchio PLES [email protected] (719) 488-4760Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm

Dianna Harris BCES [email protected] (719) 757-1460Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Pamela Kern LPES [email protected] (719) 488-4750Hours: 8:15am - 4:15pm

Darlene McPherson RKES [email protected] (719) 488-4740Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm

Janna Strahan BCES [email protected] (719) 481-9447Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm

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Table of Contents About Us

❖ Lewis-Palmer School District Mission❖ Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program Mission❖ About Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program

Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program

❖ Enrollment Options❖ Admission and Orientation❖ Enrollment Opportunities/Class Changes❖ Roles and Responsibilities❖ Online Learning❖ Attendance Expectations❖ Counseling and Guidance Services❖ Grading❖ Safety and Security❖ Calendar❖ Assessment Requirements❖ Academic Integrity❖ Digital Citizenship and Safety

Online Application Packet

❖ Online Application Packet

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Welcome to Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program

Lewis-Palmer School District Mission

❖ We believe in local, national, and global stewardship to create strong citizens who willsecure a better world. This is why we educate.

Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program Mission

❖ LPSDEOP believes students are passionate about learning, own the learning process, andare dedicated and responsible for creating their success.

About Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program

Lewis-Palmer School District is excited to provide elementary students with an opportunity to individualize and customize their education by providing an online option with student choice about time, place, and teacher guided modality of learning. Due to the independent nature of online learning, a strong partnership between the school and the parent/guardian is vital for the success for an elementary aged student to thrive in online learning. These additional opportunities will allow students to showcase their strengths and build on their weaknesses. We are excited to provide students within the D38 boundaries with an opportunity to individualize their education through a range of academic opportunities.

Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program (LPSDEOP) is a program for students in grades K-6 enrolled in the Lewis-Palmer School District. Students have the ability to access the curriculum andassignments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere with an internet connection and receive thesupport from both teachers as well as a site based Online Mentor. Teachers are licensed through theState of Colorado in the areas that they teach and are responsible for delivering instruction, respondingto content- related questions as needed, and report cards. Online Mentors are site based and availableby appointment to offer support and resources regarding access, usage, and guidance through thedevelopment of personal readiness skills to encourage success in an online educational environment.LPSDEOP provides the option for flexibility but requires progress to be made in all online coursesregularly. Students will be enrolled at their primary brick and mortar school and have a secondaryenrollment with LPSDEOP.

Students must be responsible, proactive, independent learners to be successful. A full-time online student schedule would be comparable to what students experience in the brick and mortar as listed below:

Core Academics (to include instruction and work completion)

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Literacy - 90 minutes daily Writing - 60 minutes daily Math - 75 minutes daily Science/Social Studies - 45 minutes daily Specials (Art, Music, PE) - 60 minutes daily *specials will be assigned to students through remote platforms*

Students are expected to complete assignments (off campus) on a regular basis. New assignments will be posted to the online platform on Mondays by 9:00 AM. Assignments will be due by the following Monday, and archived after four weeks. All local and state assessments will be taken on campus, during district testing windows. Curriculum-based assessments (given by teachers to evaluate progress) will be taken within the online platform.

Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program Enrollment Options

Lewis Palmer School District Elementary Online Program is for full time enrollment only. This option is available for students registered in LPSD 38.

Admission and Orientation

Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program is an alternative learning option in Lewis-Palmer School District; therefore, admission will be personalized. Parents will be required to participate in an enrollment determination meeting with building administration as a condition of online program enrollment. The registration form, mutually agreeable program, and affidavit of residency must be completed and submitted to LPSD for review. Check the LPSD web page for LPSDEOP registration information.

Criteria for Online Learning:

❖ Parents will be required to participate in an enrollment determination meeting withbuilding administration as a condition of online program enrollment

❖ Parents will monitor the progress of their student and provide supports wherenecessary

❖ it is highly recommended that Student reads on grade level❖ Students and parents/guardian have the ability to work together as necessary for online

success❖ Student has reliable access to computer and internet connection

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❖ Student has transportation for state and local assessments❖ Students comply with attendance guidelines and show adequate progress

Enrollment Opportunities

Students will be enrolled full-time only. Students will receive instruction in the following courses: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and specials appropriate for each grade level, K-6.

Acceptance into the online school can be reviewed at any time during the year, however, transitions at trimester are highly recommended.

Roles and Responsibilities

Students Will: ❖ Attend a mandatory orientation meeting (for new and returning students) before beginning

classes (see Admission and Orientation).❖ Attend weekly Online Mentor meetings❖ Check grade books/comments regularly❖ Fulfill the attendance expectations articulated in this document❖ Log into courses daily❖ Complete work in all classes daily❖ Stay on track to complete courses by the end date❖ Contact teachers with questions about assignment requirements❖ Provide and maintain their own technology❖ Follow the handbook in regards to behavior and discipline

Parents Will: ❖ Provide the non-curricular materials needed for online learning.❖ Check email regularly.❖ Provide and maintain their own technology.❖ Provide transportation when necessary, including for state and local assessments, outside of

school district transportation routes and times.❖ Monitor student work, provide education support and resources, and ensure students take state

and local assessments during district testing windows.❖ Monitor student progress by logging in with students regularly❖ Check weekly progress and attendance❖ Have an awareness of what is expected for course completion, including timelines❖ Provide adequate technological tools and software❖ Assure student participation in state and local assessments❖ Attend orientation, counseling meetings, and conferences❖ Regular communication with content teachers and Online Mentors

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❖ Check email daily

LPSDEOP Staff Will: ❖ Provide a rigorous, learning-rich curriculum. ❖ Employ high quality, effective instruction via online platform ❖ Maintain grades and generate report cards. ❖ Provide monthly progress reports. ❖ Hold regularly scheduled office hours. ❖ Offer attentive and involved teachers to support learning and communicate progress ❖ Provide students with academic and social-emotional counseling/support ❖ Arrange opportunities for support and social interaction

Online Learning

Online learning can look very different from what students are used to in a traditional classroom. For example, the curriculum can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere with an internet connection. Interaction with teachers will also look different. Instead of daily face to face contact like in a traditional classroom, much of the teacher/student interaction will take place via email and through feedback on assignments.

Most importantly, students are required to be independent, motivated learners; much more so than in a traditional classroom. While students will be assigned an Online Mentor to help monitor work completion, a strong partnership with the parent/guardian will be vital for the success for an elementary aged student to thrive in online learning.

Students are responsible for following the course schedule in each class. This schedule outlines the assignments that need to be completed each week in order to complete the class on time. Progress monitoring and attendance deadlines are expected to be met; if not, staff will meet with the student and possibly a representative from their brick and mortar school to determine what support is needed to help them be successful and to review if online learning continues to be a viable option.

Assignments are expected to be submitted within the learning management system.

Parents can refer to weekly feedback and monthly progress reports regarding their student’s continued success in the program.

Attendance Expectations

All students are expected to work according to the times designated by content area per day and show adequate progress in all of their classes. Participation and progress are monitored weekly within the learning management system. Although Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program (LPSDEOP) provides an anytime, anywhere learning opportunity, research has shown that students who show regular participation in their classes and adequate weekly progress are more successful. For this reason, failure to meet the attendance expectations will result in a meeting with LPSDEOP staff and/or

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administration to determine what support is needed to help the student be successful and to review if online learning continues to be a viable option.

Each student will meet with the Online Mentor once a week. During this time, the online mentor will discuss progress, set goals, and provide additional support. If the student needs more than the scheduled time on a specific day, the student may schedule an appointment with a given teacher. All state and local assessments will be taken on campus. Attendance exceptions will be handled on a case by case basis.

State law makes parents/guardians responsible for seeing that their children attend school regularly or receive equivalent instruction until the age of seventeen. Students will be required to attend Online Mentor sessions on a weekly basis.

Appropriate school personnel will make reasonable efforts to meet with the parent/guardian or legal custodian to review and evaluate concerns about any student who is at risk of being declared habitually truant.

Counseling and Guidance Services

Counseling services will be provided by the Site Based Counseling Office OR through the Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program for students that express a need for social-emotional support.


❖ Students will receive a report card for each trimester. More information about the elementary school report card can be found here: https://www.lewispalmer.org/cms/lib/CO01900635/Centricity/Domain/4619/LPSD%20Elementary%20Report%20Cards-Parents.pdf

❖ LPSDEOP will Use a 1-4 scale rubric for grading & feedback. The rubric can be found here: Effort Rubric.docx

❖ Progress reports will be given at the end of each month using the same 1-4 scale rubric. ❖ Fourth - sixth graders will receive letter grades. LPSDEOP will adhere to the following grading


A 4 on scale rubric

B 3 on scale rubric

C 2 on scale rubric

U 1 on scale rubric

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Safety and Security

If a student needs to access the building, they must sign in the front office.

Students are required to abide by all school rules and must have a signed handbook on file. Students and parents must also sign the LPSD technology agreement.

Transportation outside of school district routes and times is the responsibility of the student/parent.


LPSDEOP follows the Lewis-Palmer School District Calendar. For the most recent calendar, please visit the district website at www.lewispalmer.org

Lewis-Palmer School District Elementary Online Program Assessment Requirements

All state and local assessments will be taken at the assigned brick and mortar school during district testing windows.

❖ CMAS 3rd-6th grade ❖ READ Act Assessments K-3rd Grade ❖ NWEA Measures of Academic Progress Math and Reading

Academic Integrity

Cheating on tests/quizzes, downloading documents off the internet, copying papers, or cases of plagiarism will not be tolerated. The result may be a disciplinary referral, which could result in academic penalties such as grades being lowered or loss of credit. Disciplinary action could also include suspension from school.

Digital Citizenship and Safety

As education becomes increasingly intertwined with technology, it is important that students practice digital citizenship. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) defines digital citizenship as follows: “Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.” The keys to practicing digital citizenship are:

▪ Be safe and do not give out any contact information (phone number, address, etc.) to anyone online without consent from a parent or mentor.

▪ Do not use information found on the World Wide Web without giving credit to the creators. ▪ Use technology to learn and not as a means for hurting others through negative emails,

comments, or discussion postings.

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▪ Be positive and enthusiastic about using technology and collaborating with peers through technology.

▪ Be productive. In other words, don’t waste time searching the web. Search for information with a clear purpose in mind.

▪ Think about what information you use and check on multiple sites. Just because it is on the web does not mean it is true.

▪ Use technology to be a lifelong learner. The web can be a great source of information, and it is all at the tip of your fingers.

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Online Application Packet LPSDEOP Application Process Checklist— To be completed by principal

Student Name___________________________________________________

Enrollment Grade: K 1 2 3 4 5 6

Elementary School Counselor____________________________________________

Desired Enrollment: T1 T2 T3 Year_________

Student Is: In district Open enrolled (home district _______________________)

Homeschooled in LPSD #38

Admin/Mentor Check Date Received Signed Application Form Received MAP Discussed with Case Manager if applicable Student is entitled to receive or has received: ___IEP ___504 ___ESS ___ELL ___GT___READ Plan

Administrator initials Date Review by School Grade Level Team for Approval

Administrator initials Date Student/Parent Notified

Administrator initials Parent Orientation/ Meeting Completed

Office initials Date Student/Parent Notified of Decision Secretary, Admin & Attendance, IC, Leslie Boyce have been notified of enrollment acceptance

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Registration Process and Important Information


1. Complete the Lewis-Palmer Elementary School Online Academy interest form.2. Set a meeting with the school principal to discuss the Online Program.3. If you are entitled to special education, section 504, or are an English Language Learner,

a transition meeting with the case manager at your current school is required prior toenrollment.

4. Applications for Lewis-Palmer School District students will be accepted for asynchronousenrollments throughout the academic year. Special cases (expulsion, new to district,etc.) will be handled on an individual basis.

5. Lewis-Palmer Elementary School Online staff in collaboration with the student’s brickand mortar school may discourage admission to students based on past performance inthe program or careful analysis of data presented in regards to the predicted academicsuccess. An additional interview may be necessary to make this determination.

6. Enrollment is evaluated on a trimester basis. First trimester students do not need tosubmit a new interest form for the second or third trimester, but enrollment is notguaranteed and student performance will be considered.


1. Parents and students are required to attend an orientation to be announced during theenrollment window in order to gain an understanding of the program requirements andweekly reports.

2. Failure to successfully complete the orientation process will result in withdrawal fromthe program and the student will need to return to their brick and mortar school.

Lewis-Palmer Elementary School Online Academy Interest Form

Student Name:_________________________________ Date of Birth:______________

Grade: ______ Current School: _______________________________ Student ID: _________

Home Phone: ______________________ Student Cell Phone: _____________________

Parent/Guardian Name:_________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________

Parent/Guardian e-mail: ______________________________________

You live: In district Out of District

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Please identify any services the student is currently entitled to receive or has received: ______IEP* ______504 ______ESS ______ELL ______GT ______READ Plan (*Contact your case manager to schedule an IEP meeting PRIOR to enrollment approval.) A meeting with LPSD staff is required before being accepted if you have received any of the above services. Students with additional services may be required to attend on campus on a regular basis.

Case Manager Signature__________________________________ Date: ________________

Student Signature(Grades 4-6)_____________________________ Date: ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________ Date: ________________

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Online School or Program Written Statement or Affidavit of Colorado Residency

(Updated 6/12/18) Information: Pursuant to 1 CCR 301-71, Section 8.06, Rules for the Administration, Certification and Oversight of Colorado Online Programs, an online school or program “must verify and document student residency in the State of Colorado upon enrollment and annually thereafter and retain a copy of the document or written statement offered as verification in the student’s mandatory permanent record. Colorado residency is determined by the student and Parent or legal guardian currently residing within the State of Colorado boundaries, except for students of military families.”

Reasonable evidence of residency may be established by documentation including, but not limited to, any of the following: (1) property tax payment receipts, (2) rent payment receipts, (3) utility service payment receipts, (4)written “Statement of Residency” executed by thestudent’s parent/guardian, and/or (5) appropriate residency documentation for a member ordependent of a member of the United States Armed Services.

Written “Statement of Residency” Colorado school districts submitting students for funding during the Student October Count data submission, pursuant to the Rules for the Administration of the Public School Finance Act of 1994, will be subject to audit. As part of the audit process, online schools or programs must be prepared to provide evidence of Colorado residency for all students submitted for online funding. In the event the online school or program decides to accept a “Statement of Residency” or “Affidavit of State of Colorado Residency” as evidence of the student’s Colorado residency, the online school or program must ensure that such statement or affidavit contains the following information. Absence of any of the information listed below will result in funding adjustments during the pupil enrollment count compliance audit for the district submitting the student(s) for funding. 1. An indication as to the school year in which the statement or affidavit applies.

A new statement or affidavit must be completed annually. 2. Name of the person completing the form, and the relationship of that person to thestudent(s) for whom the form is being completed.

The statement or affidavit must be completed by a parent/ guardian OR By the enrolled student ONLY if:

o The student is 18 years or older as of the date the statement/affidavit wascompleted (as evidenced by the date on statement or affidavit).o The student is without a parent/guardian AND is in a crisis housing situationas defined by the McKinney-Vento Act. More information on this Act can befound at: www.cde.state.co.us/dropoutprevention/homeless_index

3. Name of the online school or program.

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4. A list of all students for whom the statement or affidavit apply. All students enrolled in an online school or program must have evidence of Colorado residency In the event a student is NOT included on a statement or affidavit of Colorado residency, but belongs to a household that does have a statement or affidavit of Colorado residency, that residency statement or affidavit will NOT be allowed for the omitted student(s). A new statement or affidavit must be obtained for the omitted or excluded student(s).

5. A physical address for the student(s) listed on the statement or affidavit. The physical address CANNOT be a post office box or general delivery box at a post office. In the event a student does not have a physical address (such as incidences of homelessness or crisis housing situations), the general physical location of residency should be included. In addition, the online program and or school MUST contact the district McKinney-Vento liaison. Please note that incidences of homelessness or crisis housing situations do NOT preclude a student from enrollment in an online school or program.

6. Signature of the person completing the statement or affidavit.7. The date in which the statement or affidavit was completed.

A new statement or affidavit must be completed annually. A statement can be completed as early as the start of the enrollment period for the online school or program for the given school year. A statement or affidavit must be dated by the pupil enrollment count day for the given school year.

*An example of a written “Statement” or “Affidavit” of Residency containing the informationnoted above follows.

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Affidavit of State of Colorado Residency

Pursuant to 1 CCR 301-71, Rules for the Administration, Certification and Oversight of Colorado Online Programs, the Colorado State Board of Education must ensure that student residency is documented and verified, both upon initial enrollment and annually thereafter, for all students enrolled in online schools and/or programs. Colorado residency is determined by the student and Parent or legal guardian currently residing within the State of Colorado boundaries, except for students of military families that maintain Colorado as their state of legal residence for tax and voter registration purposes. Reasonable evidence of residency within the State of Colorado boundaries can be established by a written statement of residency pursuant to Section 8.06.4.

Please complete all required fields (*) in order to evidence Colorado residency for those students listed below for purposes of residency status for the Colorado Department of Education. Failure to complete all required fields (*) will result in an invalid/incomplete Affidavit.

*Name of Person Completing this Affidavit: _______________________________________________

*Relationship to student(s) listed below:__________ Parent__________ Legal Guardian__________ Self (student 18 years or older)__________ Self (student without a parent/guardian AND is in a crisis housing situation as

defined by the McKinney-Vento Act)

*Name of Online School/Program: ______________________________________________________

*List all students for whom this affidavit applies:1. ___________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________________________________6. ___________________________________________________________________________(If additional students enroll after the completion of this affidavit, a new affidavit must be completed for those students notlisted above).

*Physical address (cannot be a post office box or general delivery at a post office) for all students listed above:_________________________________________________________ ________________________*Street Apartment #

_________________________________ _____________________________ ___________________ *City County *Zip

I do hereby swear and affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the child(ren) listed above and I are currently, and will continue to be, residents of the State of Colorado for the 2020/2021 school year