Level 7:Cleanse Project:Book

Level 7:Cleanse - Amazon S3 · You will learn how to turn yourself into a virtual human satellite dish, one that allows you remove all blockages as you project yourself. (pause) Imagine

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Page 1: Level 7:Cleanse - Amazon S3 · You will learn how to turn yourself into a virtual human satellite dish, one that allows you remove all blockages as you project yourself. (pause) Imagine

Level 7:CleanseProject:Book

Page 2: Level 7:Cleanse - Amazon S3 · You will learn how to turn yourself into a virtual human satellite dish, one that allows you remove all blockages as you project yourself. (pause) Imagine

Copyright ©2013 by Deep Origins LLCALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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No portion of this material is intended to offer legal, health, medical, personal or finan-cial advice. Deep Origins LLC has taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent these strategies and their potential to help you. However, we do not purport this as a “get rich scheme,” “weight loss scheme,” or “personal growth scheme” in any capacity. There is no guarantee that you will, including, but not limited to, earn any money, lose weight, increase your health, or establish relationships using the content, strategies or techniques displayed here. Nothing in this presentation is a promise or guarantee of, including, but not limited to, earnings, health, or relationships. Your level of success in attaining similar results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, connections, dedication, personal and business savvy, personal and business focus, personal and business goals and financial and life situation. Be-cause these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life and business, and by the use of these materials, you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for any of your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any cir-cumstance. Any forward-looking statements outlines here are simply our expectations or forecasts for future potential, and thus are not guarantees or promises of actual performance. These statements are simply our opinion. The information contained herein cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, financial, health, relationship, or legal matters. Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to negligence, will Deep Origins LLC, Amish Shah, or any of their representatives or contractors be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materi-als, information, or success strategies communicated through these materials, or any services following these materials, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Level 7:CleanseTable of Contents

Let the Projecting Commence! 3Project:Forward 5Start Projecting 9The Power of Level Seven: Remover of All Diseases 11The Sixth Chakra 13In Real Life 17Influencing Your Subconscious Mind 19Program Your Very Cells 23The World is Sound 27Sacred Geometry 29The Fibonacci Sequence 30 To Sleep, Perchance to Dream... 31Lucid Dreaming 35 Project:Work—Becoming a Human Satellite Dish 37Level Seven Infographic 39

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Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.— Napoleon Hill

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Let the Projecting Commence!

Welcome back to Project:Yourself. Level Seven is called “Cleanse”. The corresponding level of the Sri Yantra is called the “Remover of All Diseases.”

In Level Six you gained the protections you needed to continue on your journey of creation and in Level Seven you are going beyond being “protected” and will be actually removing everything negative related to it.

In the last level you felt what it was like to begin to physically access your brain and expand your awareness through an important “bridge” level of the Sri Yantra and the Talu Chakra. That was just a taste. This level is where real projecting actually begins!

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Begin this meditation in a seated position, with a tall spine. Take a deep breath in and close your eyes. As you begin to exhale, relax your shoulders and neck. Perhaps even stretch your neck gently by moving your head in a circle and then changing direction for a few breaths. Come back to center and continue your breath here at your own pace.

Imagine yourself back in your sanctuary from the beginning levels. Become aware of any changes. Perhaps the flowers of your forest have bloomed more, or the sun is shining with rays of indigo, maybe the air feels crisp with awareness. (pause)

Find your avatar here. He or she may have an aura of bright light around their body or their head. See the light beam from their third eye and feel it enter your own third eye as you breath into this connection. (pause)

This level is where we tap into the 6th Chakra, the Third Eye and the color Indigo. As we touched upon in the last level, indigo is the color of intuition. Feel your breath strengthen and nourish your inner guide. (pause)

Here, we will dive into the powers of the subconscious mind, of food programming, of sacred geometry and of lucid dreaming. Let these powers in as you open yourself up to this level. (pause)

This level is “The Remover of All Diseases”...here you will be removing everything negative related to what you truly desire. You will be drawing on the power of the eight triangles to eradicate the most basic diseases that are involved with an “impure” and fleeting life-existence...and ultimately reach a “blessed state.”

You will learn how to turn yourself into a virtual human satellite dish, one that allows you remove all blockages as you project yourself. (pause)

Imagine and feel how you project yourself to the greatest of your potentials. (pause)

Feel empowered. (pause)

Take a deep breath in through your nostrils and out as you gently open your eyes.

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Reflect back upon your journey through Level Seven’s Project:Forward and write down everything that you felt and observed. What negativity did you start to feel leave you? What blockages came up for you that you want to overcome? What thoughts, feelings and emotions surfaced? Capture this now….


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Start Projecting

For the element infusion of this level, you are going to start accessing the collective powers of the Sri Yantra to jump-start the actual projection process. You will be tapping into the power of the color Indigo in its purest sense and putting the projecting power of the third eye to work.

Indigo is the color of intuition and perception and has the power to open the third eye. Surrounding yourself with this color will promote deep concentration during times of introspection and meditations, helping you achieve a much deeper level of consciousness.

It’s at this level that you will have the ability to use the third eye (or higher mind) to see beyond your normal senses and tap into greater powers of perception. Unlike the last level that relied on your physical body to create a bridge this level will draw on your intuition rather than intellect or a gut feeling.

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Projecting Through Your 3rd Eye—Guided Meditation

Before you begin, just as you did in the last level, set the scene for the room or space you are in. Surround yourself with the color indigo, in the form of flowers, scarves or photos capturing this hue.

Then, incorporate the natural scents we used to strengthen and feed your 6th Chakra--such as sandalwood, leather or cloves--into your space.

Start in a comfortable seated position with a straight spine for a long line of energy...and close your eyes. Let your breath be steady, at your own pace and natural flow. (pause)

As we know from before, the 6th chakra is known as your third eye, your seat of your intuition. It houses your pineal gland and allows you to see the outer world with an inner view.  (pause)

As you inhale here, begin to breathe in the senses of this chakra such as the scents that surround you and the color indigo as a bright light.

As you exhale, allow these senses to expand to a larger force. (pause)

This force is one that resides deep within you. Breathe deeply here to tap into it. (pause)

Concentrate on the middle of your forehead, on the opening of this space.

This is where your senses go beyond the norm and open to patterns around you. (pause)

It is where you make connections and can find answers. (pause)

It is where you can feel and actually touch the emotions of those around you. (pause)

Feel this energy right here, right now. (pause)

Think of being able to manipulate this energy with your mind. (pause)

Project this energy from the space of your third eye, and let it radiate from its opening to the world. (pause)

Imagine the whole sri yantra before you, visualize it, and focus the light energy from your third eye directly into the center of the sri yantra.

Take a deep breath and allow your mind, your energy, your intuition and your breath to be your guides.

Gently open your eyes.

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Element Infused Reflections

As you went through this guided meditation, what thoughts and imagery came up for you? What energy did you feel coursing up through you and ultimately your third eye? Use this meditation anytime you want to tap into the projecting powers of your third eye and heighten your awareness of both your inner and outer world.


As with most things in life, too much of a good thing can also have negatives attached to it. Just as you can draw on the positive powers of Indigo to tap into the powers of the third eye, stimulating yourself with too much Indigo can also have negative effects.

This color can support an addictive personality into maintaining their addictions and draw out fanaticism. You want to use this color sparingly if you are trying to overcome an addiction—this can range from illegal drugs, to alcohol, to an unhealthy addiction to sugar or food.  

This color is also associated with being a religious fanatic, is the color of the workaholic who thinks they are indispensable and can also be related to being addicted to getting qualifications. Indigo can be very narrow-minded, intolerant and prejudiced...so use the powers of this color carefully and in moderation.

Remember; use your newfound powers for good, not selfish or negative reasons!

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Don’t Gain The World & Lose Your Soul, Wisdom Is Better Than Silver Or Gold.

— Bob Marley

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The Power of Level Seven: Remover of All Diseases

At this level you will be focusing on the inner 8-edged figure (or Eight Triangles) within the Sri Yantra. As I mentioned briefly at the beginning, this level is called “Remover of All Diseases.” This level goes beyond just being protected, it’s actually removing everything negative related to it—whether it’s related to you, your family, or what you want to create.

The eight triangles rule over the contradictions that exist in life, such as cold (water) and heat (fire); happiness (air) and sorrow (earth); as well as desire (akasha-space) and consciousness (sattvas), ego (rajas) and the mind (tamas.)

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Removing All “Dis-Ease”

This level has the power to eradicate the most basic diseases that are involved with an “impure” and fleeting life-existence that is laden with stress. A “blessed” state is attained when “diseases” and negatives—collectively “dis-ease”—are removed between you and all that you desire.

Each triangle represents the powers responsible for the eight fundamental urges within us. These are (1) Cold, (2) Heat, (3) Happiness, (4) Desire, (5) Pain, (6) Activity, (7) Inertia and (8) Wisdom.

All “dis-ease” in the body is associated with one or more of these urges. You can choose not to empower negative urges—such as cold, pain or inertia—by applying positive focus on the natural state of “ease” being balanced or disrupted. You can also overcome dis-ease through positive expression. The 6th Chakra associated with this level helps in activating positive expression, which is the next step in the ‘refinement’ of the self on the path to realization.

It’s at this Chakra Point (the 6th Chakra) where you will get past all of the blockages, dis-ease and negativity and actually start to project!









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The Sixth Chakra

Use the power of the 6th (brow/pituitary) chakra to connect to your spiritual being and invite intuition, awareness and positive expression into your life. This chakra is a place of clairvoyance and telepathy and can be used to open the door to your inner senses. When you open up to the positive benefits of the 6th chakra, you will experience a deeper sense of awareness, intuition, positivity and tranquility...not to mention, VERY powerful projection powers!

We are not human beings having a spiritutal experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

—Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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Project Your Divine Vision

Here you will combine the projecting powers of the 6th Chakra with the cleansing forces of the 7th Level of the Sri Yantra, and another powerful projecting tool—Vairagya:

Begin in a seated position on the ground. Keep your spine straight and long and let your sit bones root into the ground. Take a deep breath in as you close your eyes. Exhale and begin to soften your mind.

As you breath in and out here, do so at your own pace, allowing your body to let go of any areas of tension...allowing your mind to let go of what no longer serves you in this moment. (pause)

Become one with this present moment, bringing awareness to only your breath. (pause)

Start to feel your root chakra deeply connecting to the earth below you. Imagine red soil inviting your desires and grounding you. Say, “I am here as a divine light and the earth supports me.” Breathe into your root chakra, muladhara, at the base of your spine. Feel nourishment and life force as your breath finds its way to this area. (pause)

Next, start to bring awareness to your hara chakra, to just below your navel. This is your chakra of emotional intelligence, creativity and pleasure. Send your breath to this chakra by imagining the sun setting around you in orange warmth. Bathe it in the beauty of this color and feel the energy of creation.  Empower your breath with the words, “I am strong and passionate.” (pause)

When you are ready, let your breath enter the solar plexus chakra, manipura, above your navel and in your stomach. This is where your personal power resides. Inhale and exhale there, letting sunshine fill your mind and the color yellow illuminate your power with replenishing and restorative breath. Let this breath nourish your gut and hear the voice of your intuition. You know what you want. Speak the words, “I am successful.” (pause)

Moving up to your heart center, take a long deep breath in through your nostrils to your heart chakra, anahata. Exhale with an open mouth, letting go of anything burdening your heart. At the next inhale, feel the color green spin vibrantly within your chest. Take a long cleansing exhale through your nose and continue to send loving breath to your heart. Allow an energy field to radiate with gratitude and protection around you. Place your hands at your heart and say, “I give and receive love unconditionally.” Pause in this sweet moment. (pause)

Now, begin to send energy and breath up to the center of your throat for your throat chakra, where your self-expression and power of communication resides. This chakra is related to truth and your ability to trust others. Invite the color of the sky, a pale blue light, to enter your throat as your breath gives you clarity with each

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inhale and exhale. Chant “ohm”, allowing this vibration to extend to the back of your throat and resonate into the Talu Chakra. Place your tongue at your palate for 3 full breaths. The talu chakra is considered a minor chakra and is located at the roof of your mouth. It protects all the glands of the endocrine system and whole body.  Take a deep breath and say, “I hear and speak my truth.” (pause)

Bring your focus to your forehead, between your eyebrows, at your third eye chakra, ajna, sending your breath there to soften and expand. Breathe the velvety color indigo, as a bright and bold light. This is where your deepest, mightiest intention lies. Allow your inner state of mind to counter the outer world and project...PROJECT your intuition and divine vision as a movie playing in front of you. Real, true and amazing. Say, “I am in tune with the wisdom of the universe and everything is as it should be.” (pause)

When you are ready, come back to your whole self, letting the flow of your prana, your life force, circulate throughout your spine. Breathe into your core. Whisper the words, “I am complete.” Hold this thought as your breath flows within you and out to the world. Breathe out the clouded desires, the things that have blocked the flow of this prana from root to forehead. Become non-attached as you breathe and just...let it all go. (pause)

Gently open your eyes.

It’s here that your emotional nature integrates with the cosmic and spiritual world. As you start actually projecting, you begin to understand that you are a SPIRITUAL being...having a human experience on this earth.   When you clear out the noise of your current reality and re-activate the third eye, you cross the threshold to a level of clairvoyance or “inner sight and hearing”. This allows you to access the deeper wisdom and encoded information, stored within your brain.

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In Real Life

What are your current blocks to achieving what you want? Where are you struggling and having difficulty? Where does your “dis-ease” lay? What is it that you need removed, in order to proceed on your path to creating your new reality?

Once again, revisit your “organized plan” from Level Five to determine what stands in your way to achieving what you want. Also, consider your present experience. It’s important not to overlook where you are TODAY and what may have shifted or developed. Consider the following to get to the root of what’s holding you back:

What could or currently is affecting you negatively—personally or professionally?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where do you feel dis-ease in your life?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are the specific blockages you are experiencing in your efforts to project your new desired reality?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Remember, you have to be fully aware of something before you can get rid of it. If you’re not aware of it, then you don’t know it exists.

Take a minute to once again solidify the image of what you to create in your mind. Fine-tune your vision using the power of your 6th Chakra and the power of this level of the Sri Yantra and re-focus on positivity and “ease” that you need to achieve what you want. Having this laser-sharp vision will help you work through your blocks.

Write down the positive expressions, thoughts and actions you will take—personally and professionally—to remove any blockages to projecting your new reality. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Influencing Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is the powerful link that makes your thoughts and desires reality! This is your mind’s connection to what Napoleon Hill calls “Infinite Intelligence.”

The subconscious mind consists of a field of consciousness, in which every impulse of thought

that reaches the objective mind through any of the five senses, is classified and recorded, and from which thoughts can be recalled or withdrawn as

needed. –Napoleon Hill

Day and night, your subconscious mind acts as a virtual filing system from which everything can be stored and retrieved as needed. Although you don’t have complete control over your subconscious mind, the good news is that you can voluntarily “suggest to it” or program it with any plan, desire, positive expression or purpose.

Everything that you have experienced, learned and are mastering in Project:Yourself—the learnings, element infusions, exercises and meditations, and most importantly, the powers of each level of the Sri Yantra—are the stimuli through which you acquire the ability to reach and ultimately influence your subconscious mind. Now, influencing and programming your subconscious mind doesn’t happen overnight so don’t be discouraged! As with instilling any new learning or practice, being effective requires that you make your efforts HABIT.


If you fail to utilize all of the stimuli available to you and plant what you truly want in your subconscious mind it will feed upon the thoughts that reach it as a result of your neglect. Your subconscious mind

functions voluntarily, whether you make an effort to influence it or not. This means that fearful and

negative thoughts can also act as stimuli, unless you choose to feed your subconscious mind something

more desirable and productive.

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Take Control of Your Subconscious Mind

Everything that you create begins in the form of a thought impulse in your brain. You can’t create anything that isn’t first conceived in “thought”. Then, your imagination (with strong doses of Faith & Persistence) kicks in to help form and assemble those thought impulses into plans.  As you are probably starting to see, voluntary use of your subconscious mind really does rely upon the coordination and application of everything you have learned and experienced up to now.

Here is a great exercise to help you take control of your subconscious. Take a few minutes now to work through the following:

Start by focusing on and perhaps even refining what it is that you ultimately desire.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write down five positive expressions that will allow you to focus on the “ease” vs. “dis-ease” of what you desire.   ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Draw on and channel the power of your 6th Chakra here, and consider...what are the positive thoughts and expressions you can feed your subconscious, to support creating what you want?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Take this one step further and take 15 minutes to sit down and go through the Vairagya exercise to fully activate and feed your pineal gland and 6th Chakra the positive thoughts and expressions you need to project your new reality.

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Program Your Very Cells!

Programming your subconscious mind involves more than just focusing on positive thoughts and expressions. Programming your food is also another VERY powerful tool for consistently feeding your subconscious what it needs to create what you want. Food programming goes beyond focusing on “what you eat”, and expands to how you can literally “program” what you eat—and ultimately your very cells—with your positive expressions and intentions. Salt, water and other food structures are programmable.

This is accomplished by using the energy of your hand, coupled with the power of your mind and your heart, to get your food to a state to be better assimilated and processed by your body. Your hands have photons that literally emit “light” out of them! When you focus your mind on emitting only good things through the power of your hands and your heart, you can use this energy to program your food to boost your health and general wellness.

Almost everything in this world contains water; plants and animals, the food we eat—even YOU! Just as you can program your subconscious, you can also program the food you eat and the water you drink with positive expressions and what you need to actually create what you desire.

As briefly shared in another level, Dr. Masuro Emoto conducted studies that showed the varied effects of different thoughts, prayers and vibrations on water molecules. In short, his experiment provided visual and scientific proof that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.

Here you can see the beautiful effects of words…

Versus the shocking effects of the following words…

Imagine the effect of these words, both positive and negative, upon your body!

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Programming Your Food

Every single thing you eat is comprised of some portion of water. For example, here are the average water contents of some popular fruits and vegetables:

Apples 84% , Cantaloupe 90%, Blueberries 85%, Oranges 87%, Broccoli 40%, Cucumbers 50%, Red tomatoes 115%, Spinach 26%.

As you can see, programming your cantaloupe or tomatoes could pack a real positive or negative punch!

Programming your food with positive expressions and intentions provides a healthy boost to creating what you desire on both a physical and conscious level. The water molecules from your programmed food, combined with salt get absorbed directly into your cells. You are literally programming your very cells with more positive ammunition to get what you want in your life.

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Benefits of GOOD Salt

Water and salt often work hand-in-hand, and our bodies have an essential need for both. Salt is considered public enemy number one these days, but this reputation is based on the harmful effects of processed table salt, where the sodium becomes ‘hard’ and doesn’t get assimilated by our bodies in a beneficial way.  

However, the truth is, you can’t function without salt! Salt combines with the molecular structure of water and aids your body in the digestion, absorption and assimilation processes. You can’t digest food without it. Your heart, adrenal glands, liver and your kidneys can’t function.

Sodium is even the predominant cation in your circulating blood plasma and tissue fluids. In fact, if you really give this some thought...you were BORN in a salty solution - your mother’s amniotic fluid. This is probably the best biological argument and proof that you actually have a cellular structure that’s enhanced by salt!

But the benefits of GOOD salt doesn’t stop here. Adding good salt, like Atmavedi salt or any other pure himalayan or organic salt to your drinking water, and then “programming” it, can actually promote a higher state of consciousness.

Again, it’s important to remember we’re talking about GOOD salts here—pure himalayan, or even Celtic salts. Taking refined or iodized salt is NOT the answer. This will promote calcification and a general breakdown of cellular tissue.

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Start Programming!

There are many different ways you can program your food and water. As briefly mentioned before, you can use the power in the energy of your hand and heart, coupled with the power of your mind and intentions.

You have to project your intentions into your food and water. Do this by placing your hands over what you want to program and visualize the light flowing out of your hands and programming that water or food. You can also place this water over the Sri Yantra and program it with your very intentions of what you want to create. This in turn goes into your cells.

Another powerful way is to chant mantras or intentions over your salt-water or food to literally encode it with healing, stress reducing, or specific “creation-boosting” energy. The physical vibrations created from chanting mantras and good intentions directly program your food and water.

Sanskrit mantras are particularly powerful, as Sanskrit has a unique sound vibration that resonates with the microcosm of our bodies and the macrocosm of the universe. In essence, chanting Sanskrit has the power to connect us to the subtle energies of the cosmos and our being.

These powerful sound vibrations help to release stress, calm emotions, heal your body and focus your mind. Specific mantras can also dispel negative energies and draw positive influences into your life. Practicing this not only programs your food and water, it also simultaneously benefits your body through the direct sound vibrations that you learned about it Level Five.

Chanting and programming your food is about ENERGY—not religion!

These Sanskrit mantras have been shown to help your endocrine system and regulate and relax your entire body. In neurological studies conducted at Moscow University in the late 1980’s, electroencephalogram (EEG) machines revealed that different mantras trigger the (often inactive) right hemisphere of the brain--that is responsible for creativity and intuition.  

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The World Is Sound

As we’ve talked about in the previous levels, your individual frequency and sound is powerful and you can project that out and send it into the collective vibration of the Universe.

The ancient Hindu people had the saying, “nada brahma,” which means that the whole universe was created from the energy of sound. The word Nada comes from the Sanskrit root, Nad, which means to flow. The etymological meaning of Nada is a process or a stream of consciousness. Generally speaking, the word Nada means sound. Mantras, in their purest form, are a manifestation of Nada.

Ordinary sounds are the most tangible manifestation of Nada. These are the sounds that you hear every day. They are vibrations that hit your eardrums coming from your daily surroundings.

After experience these ordinary sounds through your senses, you can then become conscious of mental sounds. These are the sounds you can hear in your mind. Their frequency and strength is dependent on your mental and physical state. For instance, it’s easier to perceive these sounds when you are in a relaxed state.

As you go deeper into Nada, you can eventually reach the astral sound. This sound is found in your inner self and appears in visual form. For example, sounds and visuals you experience in your dreams belong to this plane.  

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Take a moment right now to once again put your personal frequency and vibration to work:

1. Revisit the exercise on mantras in Level Five and choose the mantra or mantras that will most effectively clear the blockages and create “ease” around what you want to create. For example, if you are experiencing blockages around abundance choose the mantra that focuses on “abundance” or “Great Abundance/Wealth” or, if you are craving good health, choose the “Health” or “Health and Happiness” mantra.

2. Program your food and salt-water with the mantra or mantras you have chosen, every day.

3. Capture your thoughts, feelings and observations on a daily or weekly basis. How are you feeling after eating or drinking your mantra-programmed food/drink? What differences are you noticing? What changes have occurred for you mentally and/or physically?


Keep up this practice on a daily basis to see and feel the greatest results...it’s at this level that you’ll be truly able to manipulate your reality!

Geometry existed before the creation. - Plato

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Sacred Geometry

Did you know that there are recurring mathematical symbols and sequences found everywhere around us—in man made buildings like the Pantheon and even the UN Headquarters, they are found in nature...in shells and galactic swirls... they are even found in YOU! This phenomenon, called Sacred Geometry, is mysterious and transformational to anyone how unearths its secrets. These extremely potent mathematical symbols were created thousands of years ago and put on the planet for us to learn from.

Tapping into these symbols and sequences not only balances your energy fields, but can also help your mind access complex information in order to reinvent your reality. When you look at images and everything around you, you don’t merely see with your eyes, you actually perceive with your mind.

Your mind perceives images and objects around you in unique way. Contrary to common belief, your consciousness, much like your subconscious mind, is not a “thing”, but actually a process. Additionally, your brain does not “record” what it sees...it actually “constructs”!

You see, the world around us, as we touched on with “nada brahma”, is a conglomeration of electromagnetic signals, frequencies and vibrations and our brains help us make sense of it by “constructing” them into something coherent.

Even though we are capable of logic, our brain does not operate by the principles of logic. It operates by selection and pattern recognition. It’s a dynamic network and not an “if-then” logic machine. This network literally picks up and puts together all of the different aspects of the images that are taken in by your retina and processed by your brain. I

Every perception is an act of creation. –Gerald Edelman,

Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine

There are innumerable potential ensembles of neural circuits in your brain that can get linked up in different ways. However, you have to have the right criterion in order to get them to link up and “create” what you want.

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The Fibonacci Sequence

Some of the “criteria” that your mind uses to “construct” and “create” lays within a series of numbers, called the Fibonacci Sequence.

In the 12th century, Leonardo Fibonacci discovered this simple numerical sequence, which is connected to (or more accurately) converges on phi. The fibonacci numbers are the foundational mathematical sequence that leads up the existence of phi. Phi is also commonly known as the Golden Mean or Golden Ratio.

Here’s a simple explanation: Starting with 0 and 1, each new number in the sequence is simply the sum of the two before it. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144. . . .The ratio of each successive pair of numbers in the sequence approximates the number phi (1.6180399).

The REALLY mind-blowing part of this sequence is that regularly occurs in nature. It occurs in shells, in the tails of sea horses, in flowers and even YOU—in the proportions of your body, down to the very construction of your brain!

Fascinating occurrences of the Fibonacci Sequence:

Phidias, a Greek sculptor and mathematician, studied phi and applied it to the design of sculptures for the Parthenon.

The Egyptians have used this sequence and phi in the design of the Great Pyramids.

Plato considered the golden section to be the most binding of all mathematical relationships and the key to the physics of the cosmos.

Leonardo Da Vinci found the mathematical relationship to be so special he called it the “Divine Proportion.” This instance arose when Da Vinci provided illustrations for a dissertation published by Luca Pacioli in 1509 entitled “De Divina Proportione”--directly referring to the Fibonacci numbers.

Even the Renaissance artists extensively used the Fibonacci sequence in their paintings and sculptures to achieve balance and beauty. Leonardo Da Vinci, for instance, used it to define all the fundamental proportions of his painting of “The Last Supper,” from the dimensions of the table that Christ and the disciples sat at, down to the proportions of the walls and windows in the background.

The phi is also what the Sri Yantra is based on. Describing this proportion as Golden and Divine really seems fitting, as the sequence and ratio helps open our minds to a deeper understanding of beauty and even the Universe at large.

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To Sleep, Perchance to Dream…

Another form of important “criteria” our minds use to construct our reality, often overlooked these days, is the powerful information contained within our dreams.

In ancient cultures, dreams were considered to be divinely-sent messages infused with meaning about the future and possessing the power to heal or offer solutions to life’s biggest problems.

According to the spiritual leader, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who studied all of Pantanjali’s works (extensive and ancient sutras), there are five types of dreams:

1. The first type is related to your past experiences and how you release stress. This can be related to where you went to school or college, where you lived or were working in the past.

2. The second type of dream expresses your innate/latent desires. These dreams can arise any time there is something that you wanted to do and you weren’t able to do it. Instead of actually doing them, you end up fulfilling your desire in your dreams.

3. The third type of dream is intuitive. Here, whatever is going to happen in the future, whether it’s one month, six months, or a year later, can come to you in the form of a dream.

4. The fourth type of dream is about the place you are located. This could be a country you are visiting, or a friend or relative’s house you are visiting. For example, if you are in Italy, in the dream you will see Italians, or will perhaps speak Italian. This dream can happen anywhere in the world and is just related to the place you are sleeping and not your own experiences.

5. The fifth type of dream is a mixture of all of these. This type of dream will be a combination of the past and present, and the desires and the place you are located. Ninety percent of your dreams are this; that’s why there’s no clarity and all sorts of weird things happen. That’s why, as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, when people ask him to interpret dreams he responds, “Don’t worry about dreams, just bundle them up and throw them in the ocean.” His point being, that 90% of the dreams you have should just be brushed off.   

As Shankar explains, the really important part of dreaming takes place in the very moment that you wake up. Once you are aware that you have had a dream, there is a rush of energy that flows to you and you are fully aware. This alertness hits you and that energy wakes you up to reality. In that moment alone you are fully awake and alive to the truth.

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Harness the Power of Your Dreams

Harnessing the power of your dreams is simple. The first step in doing this is of course to be able to recall them! Get starting putting their power to work for you by going through this simple and effective exercise:

1. Ask yourself to dream about what you want to CREATE before going to sleep...bring the image of what you want into your mind’s eye and hold it there.

2. After awaking from a dream, record them before they fade from your mind by writing them down in your Project:Book or by using a voice recorder, or even the memo feature on your smartphone.

3. Take what you get! Capture anything you can remember, even fragments of your dreams.

4. Don’t overdo alcohol or other sedatives before you go to sleep—they can disrupt sleep, dull your intuitive senses and make it harder to remember dreams.  

5. Get enough sleep to help you better recall your dreams. 6. Be patient. You may not remember your dreams right away. 7. Think about your last three dreams and explore their

significance. Look back at the five types of dreams that Sri Sri Ravi Shankar set out. What type of dreams did you have?

Ask Yourself…

What were they based on? Were they based on past events, the location you were in, unfulfilled desires...your intuition...or a mixture of them all?If they were based on an unfulfilled desire, is it tied to what you want to create? If so, were there things that were holding you back or blocking you from it in your dream? Were they intuitive dreams—ones that felt like they were telling you of events to come? Write down what types of dreams you felt they were on the next page or in a separate dream journal.

8. Continue to pay attention to and track your dreams. Dream analysis isn’t a one-shot deal. This is a continual process and a powerful tool to receive deeper messages about your life, the things that may be blocking you and creating dis-ease...and potentially even a predictor of life-events to come!

9. Lastly, let the “Knowledge of Sleep Awaken You.” As Shankar says, even if your dreams end up being a conglomeration of images and messages—the kind that he recommends to “bundle up and throw in the ocean”—take the opportunity to let the “knowledge of sleep awaken you.”

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What reality did your awakening moment reveal to you? Before this moment passes, immediately write down all of the thoughts, feelings and realizations that came to you. Keep this Project:Book, a separate dream journal, or even your recording device next to your bed so that you can capture everything in the moment.

Capture Your Dreams… ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Lucid Dreaming

You can also use dreams as a continuation of your life, where you CREATE what you want in your real life by controlling your subconscious dreams. Lucid dreaming is a powerful technique you can use to help you do this.

As the Lucidity Institute defines them, “Lucid dreams are dreams in which you know that you are dreaming, while you are still asleep. This fascinating state of consciousness allows you to control your dreams and experience anything imaginable, from the sublime to the impossible.”

Use this powerful, yet simple exercise called the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (aka MILD) to begin mastering Lucid Dreaming. Dr Stephen LaBerge of The Lucidity Institute created this exercise. LaBerge invented this method when he wanted to have lucid dreams “on demand.”

In essence, the MILD technique will train you to increase your self-awareness, making it easier to recognize when you are dreaming. It also involves incubating a lucid dream with affirmations and programming your next dream to contain pre-determined “dream triggers” to bring about lucidity.

As you may already know, a mnemonic is any learning device that helps you remember something. These can often be short phrases or acronyms. Here you will be planting an affirmation in your subconscious mind to help you remember your intent to lucid dream and recognize when you’re dreaming.

The 4 Steps to the MILD Technique

Dream RecallReality Checks

Lucid AffirmationsVisualize Your Dream

Step #1: Dream Recall—it’s important that you remember and write down at least one dream a day (if you have had one.) You can revisit the tips in the previous dreaming exercise to help you remember your dreams.

Step #2: Reality Checks—throughout the day, ask yourself “Am I dreaming?” and try to distinguish whether you’re awake or dreaming with a simple physical action. This can be as simple as looking at the details of your hands, looking at the numbers on a digital clock (because numbers are often jumbled to a lucid dreamer), or anything else that gives you a reality check to whether you are awake or asleep. The important thing here is to identify a reality check that has different results, depending on whether you are awake or asleep.

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Step #3: Lucid Affirmations—when you are lying in bed tonight, go through some lucid affirmations in your mind. This is where the term Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) comes from. Here you are programming affirmations into your memory, so you can recall them later while you are dreaming.

Repeatedly chant one or more of the following affirmations in your mind:

Next time I’m dreaming, I will remember I’m dreamingThe next scene will be a dreamI will have a lucid dream tonightI’m dreaming now

Chant these affirmations in your mind with deep feeling. Stay focused and repeat them until you feel like you’re about to fall asleep (this can take anywhere from 2 minutes to 10 minutes or longer, depending on your sleeping patterns.)  

Step #4: Visualize Your Dreams—once you are deeply relaxed and feel as though you are about to fall asleep, visualize your dreams. Imagine you are back in a recent dream, but this time you are going to re-live it differently...you are going to experience it with “ease” and live it through the lens of your new desired reality. Visualize everything with as much clarity and detail as you can and then look for a dream “sign”. This is typically an unusual person, location or object that tells your mind that what you are experiencing isn’t reality. In that moment, say to yourself, “I’m dreaming!”

Although at this point you may just be “day dreaming”, continue to experience an imagined lucid dream fantasy. Do whatever you would do if this were a real lucid dream. What would you be doing or creating if this was a lucid dream?

During this process, you may fall back to sleep, and that’s ok. The main purpose of the MILD technique is to focus your last thought before you go to sleep on lucid dreaming. If you’ve done this, then mission accomplished! Each time you do this successfully you’ll have a much greater chance later in the night or the following morning of becoming spontaneously lucid. As you program your subconscious mind, little by little you will eventually master and use your newfound powers of lucid dreaming to project your new reality!

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Project:Work— Becoming A Human Satellite Dish

Now it’s time to really boost your projection powers through another powerful Project:Work called the “Human Satellite Dish.”

Incorporating this technique into your projection process will activate the 6th Chakra and the pineal gland—making your projection powers 20%-80% stronger. This is the ultimate tool to bring what you want to you faster!

Come into a kneeling position with your hands in a prayer position at your heart center. Keep your spine long and close your eyes. Take in a deep breath as we embark on a journey in learning the Human Satellite Dish method. As you breath here, think of your previous ideas of prayer and it’s meaning to you in your past. For some of us, prayer can mean strong vibration, for others it can mean empty and needy words. Start to breath into detaching yourself from all these preconceived ideas and notions of prayer. Allow a new vibration to enter with each inhale and exhale.  (pause)

Now, bring your palms up from your heart center and rest your thumbs between your brows. While your eyes are still closed, look cross-eyed. Your eyes and placement of your thumbs at your third eye have created a triangle. Imagine this triangle as your 6th chakra, your third eye. (pause)

Picture what you want and desire as you concentrate on this triangle.

By creating this triangle and vision while in a position of gratitude and prayer, you can project what you want 20% stronger so what you want comes back to you faster. (pause)

As awaken your endocrine pineal gland, you may start to find yourself in a different dimension, between the physical and spiritual world, beyond space and time.

Bring your palms back to your heart center and let your breath return to it’s own rhythm. Take a deep breath in and out before allowing your gaze to find light again as you open your eyes.

Don’t fight forces, use them.— R. Buckminster Fuller

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