Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is, is by learning about the many miracles He performed during His time on Earth. Throughout the month of January, read one Bible story each week about a miracle Jesus performed. There are ten stories included, so you can choose five stories or better yet, read them all! What a great way to learn more about the life of Jesus, and your faith! * The following stories are by Jill Kemp and illustrated by Richard Gunther. *

Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

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Page 1: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Level 1

January Supplemental Learning

Miracles of Jesus

Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is, is by learning about

the many miracles He performed during His time on Earth.

Throughout the month of January, read one Bible story each week about a miracle Jesus performed. There are ten stories included, so

you can choose five stories or better yet, read them all!

What a great way to learn more about the life of Jesus, and your faith!

* The following stories are by Jill Kemp and illustrated by Richard Gunther. *

Page 2: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Jesus Goes to a Wedding

Jesus’ first miracle.

There was going to be a wedding at a town

called Cana. Everyone was busy getting

things ready. The bride and groom had

invited their family and friends. Jesus, his

mother and his helpers were coming too.

The bride looked beautiful. There was a

plenty to eat and drink. Everyone filled their

glasses with wine made from grape juice.

“Best wishes for a happy life,” they said to

the bride and groom.

But soon the wine, made from grape juice,

had run out! Everyone was asking for more.

The helpers were worried. This would spoil

the party. What could they do?

Jesus’ mother said “Jesus will help you. Do

what he tells you to do.” Jesus said, “Fill

those big jars with water.” They went and did

everything Jesus said to do.

They filled six big jars right to the top with

water. When they poured the water into the

glasses It was a miracle!

The people at the party had never tasted such

a delicious drink. They all had a happy time at

the wedding. Only the helpers knew Jesus had

made the water into wine.

Wherever Jesus goes,

He knows how to bless people.

He can give us the


You can find this story in

John 2:1-12

Page 3: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Bartimaeus Can See!

Timaeus and his wife had a lovely baby boy.

They called him Bartimaeus (Barty—may—

us). The little baby was born blind.

Their little boy would never be able to see.

When he grew up he couldn’t go to work.

He sat beside the road waiting for people to

pass by and put money, for food, in his bowl.

One day, Jesus went past with lots of people.

Bartimaeus had heard that Jesus made sick

people well. He called out, “Jesus! Please

help me.” “Be quiet! Jesus is too busy to hear

you,” they said.

But Jesus is never too busy. He stopped and

called Bartimaeus to come to him.

Bartimaeus took off his coat.

People took him over to Jesus. Bartimaeus

knew that Jesus could make him see!

“Jesus please help me,” he said.

“What do you want?” asked Jesus. “Jesus I

want to be able to see. I know you make sick

people better.” And then a miracle happened!

Jesus made blind Bartimaeus see and the first

person he ever saw was Jesus! He was so

happy he told everyone what Jesus had done

for him!

You can find this story in

Mark 10:46-52

Page 4: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Jesus Calms The Storm

One lovely evening Jesus and some of his

friends got into a boat to row across the lake.

Jesus had been busy all day, teaching people

about God and he was very tired.

He lay down and went to sleep.

The wind began to blow and the waves got

bigger and bigger. The little boat bobbed up

and down. Jesus friends got scared.

“Jesus wake up. Help us! The waves are too

big, and we are not safe,” they said.

Jesus stood up in the boat. “Wind and waves

be still,” he said. And straight away

the wind and waves stopped!

Jesus’ friends were surprised. “Jesus can

even tell the storm to stop. Only God can do

that!” they said.

They knew that they were safe with Jesus.

The Bible says, “When I am afraid

I will trust in you.”

You can find this story in

Luke 8:22-25

Page 5: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Jairus’ Daughter

Jairus hurried to find Jesus.

“Please come quickly.

My little girl is very sick.

I know you can make her better,” he said.

They were walking to Jairus’ house,

when someone came to tell them it was too

late. The little girl had died.

It is no use Jesus going now.

But Jesus kept walking.

A crowd followed

to see what He would do.

When Jesus got to Jairus’ house everyone

was crying. The little girl was only 12 years

old. They were all sad.

Jesus went into the room

where the little girl lay dead.

He took her by the hand and said,

“Little girl, I say to you, arise.”

The girl sat up straight away.

She was alive! Jesus said, “Give her

something to eat.” It was a miracle!

Jairus had seen Jesus make his dead

daughter come alive again!

Only Jesus could do such a miracle!

You can find this story in

Mark 5:21-43

Page 6: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Down Through The Roof

A man who couldn’t walk lay on his mat

every day. He heard that Jesus made sick

people better. One day Jesus came to a

house in his town. “I wish I could go and

see Jesus,” he said sadly.

His friends said, “We will carry you.

Jesus can make you better. You must see

Jesus! Hold on tight!” They picked up his

bed and off they went.

When they got to the house they couldn't

get in. There was no more room. “We have

an idea,” said his friends, “We’ll climb the

stairs onto the roof. Hold on tight!”

His friends made a hole in the roof. They

looked down. All the people were looking

up! His friends could see Jesus too!

Carefully they lowered the man down on

ropes. People moved back to make room.

He landed right in front of Jesus!

Jesus smiled at him.

“What do you want?” asked Jesus. “Jesus I

want to be able to walk. I know you make

sick people better. Please help me,” he


“Get up, pick up your bed and walk,” said

Jesus. The man who had never walked

before stood up! He jumped! He danced!

He ran! He shouted, “Thank you God!

Thank you Jesus!”

You can find this story in

Mark 2:1-12

Page 7: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

One Leper Thanks Jesus

A man got sick with Leprosy. Other people

could easily get sick

if they came near him, so he had to live

with other lepers.

Lepers could not work to get money for

food. Kind people left food nearby.

They missed their families and friends.

Before the lepers were sick they had

lots of friends and food to eat. It wasn’t

nice to have to ask people for money.

But when Jesus saw the poor lepers

he helped them. Jesus even touched them.

“Go home,” Jesus said, “I have made you


As the ten lepers walked along the road

they saw they were better! Jesus had healed

them! “Let’s go home,” they said.

But one man turned back to thank Jesus.

“Thank you for making me better,” he said.

“There were ten lepers,” Jesus said. “You

are the only one who has come back to

thank me.”

The man went home to his family in

Samaria. Everyone was so happy to see


and hear about Jesus making him well!

You can find this story in

Luke 17:11-19

Page 8: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

The Boy Shares His Lunch

It was a nice sunny day. The boy wanted to

go and see Jesus and asked his mother if he

could go. “I will give you some lunch to

take,” she said.

His mother put into his lunch bag 2 little

fish and 5 bread rolls. “Have a nice day and

tell me all about Jesus when you get home,”

she said.

Jesus told stories about God. The boy

listened. He loved Jesus. Jesus said, “Love

one another.” The boy forgot to eat his


It was time to go home, but everyone

was hungry and they had NO food.

Jesus said to his helpers, “Tell everyone to

sit down on the grass.”

The boy gave his lunch to Jesus to share.

Just 2 little fish and 5 bread rolls. It was

not enough for everyone. What would

Jesus do?

Jesus broke it all into pieces and his

helpers gave it to everyone to eat. “Thank

you Jesus,” they said. When they had all

eaten there were HEAPS left over!

The boy ran home to tell his mother about

giving his lunch to Jesus. “And there were

HEAPS left over! That’s a miracle!


You can find this story in

John 6:1-15

Page 9: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Peter Walks On The Water

Jesus sent his helpers and Peter across to

the other side of the lake, in a boat.

He was tired. He wanted to be by himself to

rest and pray. He had been talking to lots of

people, all day.

Soon, the wind began to blow and the

waves got bigger and bigger! Peter and his

friends were getting scared. “If only Jesus

was here,” they said.

Then they saw someone coming towards

them, walking on top of the water! No one

could walk on water like that! They were


Jesus called out, “Don’t be scared, it is only

me.” Peter couldn’t believe his eyes and

said, “If it really is you, Jesus, then tell me

to come to you on the water.”

He got out of the boat and began to walk,

on the water, to Jesus.

While he kept looking at Jesus he was

safe. But when Peter looked at the stormy

sea he was scared and began to sink down

in the water. “Help me, Jesus,” he cried!

Jesus reached out his hand and caught

Peter. Even though the wind blew and the

waves crashed around him, while he kept

looking at Jesus, Peter was safe.

They got back into the boat and the storm

stopped. Remember, that when you keep

looking at Jesus you will be safe. Jesus

will help you when you are scared, too.

You can find this story in

Matthew 14:22-33

Page 10: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Lazarus Is Alive!

Jesus was in Jerusalem when someone

came to tell him that his friend Lazarus,

from the town of Bethany, was sick.

Two days later Jesus and his friends

started off to Bethany, to see him, but

Jesus knew that Lazarus had died.

Martha ran to meet Jesus. “If you had

been here,” she said, “my brother would

not have died. But I know, it’s not too

late. You can do anything.”

“Lazarus will live,” Jesus said to her.

“Go and get your sister, Mary.” Jesus

often stayed with Martha and Mary and

their brother, Lazarus.

Jesus was sad. Lazarus was his friend.

They went to the cave were Lazarus was

buried. “Take the stone away,” said Jesus.

“But, he has been dead four days,” they told


“If you believe, then you will see what God

can do,” he replied. “Lazarus come out!”

called Jesus. Lazarus came out, still

wrapped in bandages.

Martha and Mary unwrapped him. They

were so happy that Lazarus was alive!

Many, who saw this miracle with their own

eyes, believed that Jesus was God’s Son.

You can find this story in

John 11:1-44

Page 11: Level 1...Level 1 January Supplemental Learning Miracles of Jesus Level 1 is learning more about Jesus and His time here on Earth. A great way for them to get to know who Jesus is,

Fishing With Peter

It was a good night to go fishing. Peter and

his friends put their nets into Peter’s boat

and rowed out to their favorite fishing


They put their nets over the side and

waited. After a long time they pulled the net

in, but there wasn’t even one tiny fish!

They would have to try another place.

They tried all night but caught no fish!

Fishing was hard work. They were hungry

and tired. They rowed slowly back home.

There were lots of people on the beach

with Jesus. They wanted Jesus to tell them

a story. “Can I sit in your boat?” Jesus

asked Peter. Jesus stood up in the boat, so

everyone could see.

Jesus told them that God loved them.

He said to love God, be kind to each other,

be honest and work hard. Peter listened to

Jesus too.

Then Jesus said to Peter, “Put your net on

the other side.” “We fished all night and

caught nothing,” Peter replied, “but I will

do what you say,” The net was so full of

fish he needed help.

You can find this story in

Luke 5:1-11