1 Something to think about before teaching: Jesus, the Friend, lays down His life for us. We are to love one another with the same love that He showed for us. This is a choice to love the person- not by feeling but by action. Through Jesus’ help, we choose to want the good of others and make choices based on that desire. Kids will learn that Jesus models how to be a friend and how to love one another. They can make the choice to love others by following Jesus’ example with His help. lesson three: friend Main Point: Jesus, the Friend, models how to love each other. Bible Verse: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12-13 Bible Story: Jesus teaching on being his friend, John 15: 12-17 The Work: Learning what God says about the name Bible Story Famous Sculptor Extreme Sculpting Display: Imagining ways to apply what God says. Sculpture Studio Game Bible Memory Express Yourself Snack The Gallery Cards Family Guide Each Lesson contains: Preparation: Gathering the tools to learn about the name Guess the Sculpture Francois and Frank Sculpt It Forming the Verse

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Something to think about before teaching:

Jesus, the Friend, lays down His life for us. We are to love one another with the same love that He showed for us. This is a choice to love the person- not by feeling but by action. Through Jesus’ help, we choose to want the good of others and make choices based on that desire.

Kids will learn that Jesus models how to be a friend and how to love one another. They can make the choice to love others by following Jesus’ example with His help.

lesson three: friendMain Point: Jesus, the Friend, models how to love each other.

Bible Verse: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12-13

Bible Story: Jesus teaching on being his friend, John 15: 12-17

The Work: Learning what God says about the nameBible Story Famous SculptorExtreme Sculpting

Display: Imagining ways to apply what God says. Sculpture Studio GameBible MemoryExpress Yourself SnackThe Gallery Cards Family Guide

Each Lesson contains:

Preparation: Gathering the tools to learn about the nameGuess the SculptureFrancois and Frank Sculpt ItForming the Verse

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Preparationguess the sculpture PP

PP Let’s look at some pictures of sculptures. See if you can figure out what each one is made of.

What do you think these sculptures were made from? (Give kids an opportunity to guess.) They were made from bushes. They are called Hedge Sculptures. Have you ever been to a fancy garden or a park where they had these?

What will change about this sculpture? The bush will keep growing so the sculptor will have to continue to cut branches to keep the shape of the sculpture. It is not a sculpture that is made once and then left. It is ongoing.

Francois and Frank PP

Supplies: Play dough or clay, wooden stool, dress outfit for Frank (suit or shirt and tie)Preparation: Place the clay on the stool.

Frank enters the studio in his dress clothes. Francois is working on a sculpture.

Francois: (Looks up and is startled to see Frank.) Frank! Why are you dressed like that? Do you have a wedding to go to? Are you getting married? Why didn’t you tell me of your upcoming nuptials? I would have painted a picture to commemorate the occasion!

Frank: What?!? I’m not getting married.

Francois: Oh. Really? Cause I can’t think of any other reason you would be dressed like that.

Frank: (Clears throat, shifts from foot to foot, adjusts tie. He is clearly uncomfortable.) I feel bad.

Francois: Are you sick? Do you need to visit the doctor?

Frank: No, not that kind of bad. I feel bad that I have not been a good friend.

Francois: (Looks puzzled.) What do you mean?

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Frank: You are always needing me for something. To look at your paintings or to help with some-thing and I am always trying to run away. Last week you needed a model and I was not coopera-tive and left. So I am here today to be your model. See.

(Frank poses in a ridiculous pose causing Francois to start laughing.)

Frank: What is funny?

Francois: Oh, nothing. Actually, this is quite touching. I... I.. don’t know what to say.

Frank: Well, are you going to sculpt me or what?

Francois: Absolutely! I have the perfect model before me. Just let me get my materials set up here. (Starts scurrying around his stool, arranging the clay and looking up at Frank.)

Frank: How long do you think this is going to take?

Francois: Oh, all day. All day. It isn’t everyday that I get you to model for me.

Frank: I was afraid of this. Well, sculpt away.

Francois: Frank, thank you for being a good friend. Thank you for thinking not of yourself in this moment but about me. That is quite amazing.

Frank: Oh don’t get all gushy on me or anything. Just do whatever it is that you do. (Motions with his hands to get started.)

sculpt it! PP

Supplies: Clay or playdough (or other materials as indicated in the Introduction), two hands and Friend sign (optional display)

Note: The two hands can be cut outs of handprints, molded clay or blown up medical gloves.

Divide the kids into two teams. Choose two kids to be the sculptors. Give each one the symbol to sculpt. Have them create a sculpture in front of the their team. The first team to guess what is sculpted wins.

Symbol to draw: two hands reaching out to each other

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Our name of Jesus today is Friend. What do you think these hands reaching out to each other has to do with the name, Friend? (Give kids an opportunity to guess.)

When we think of a friend, we know that we are talking about a relationship between two peo-ple. It takes thinking about someone else to be a friend. A true friend must not think of himself but of the other person. He must be willing to reach out a hand to the other.

Jesus, the Friend, models how to love one another.

Options:Display: Place the hands and the Friend sign in the display.

No Power Point: If you do not have access to power point, put the hands picture in a box and have the kids guess what might be in the box giving clues.

forming the verse PP

PP Read John 15:12-13 together:

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

Let’s say the verse again with some motions to help us remember it.

This is my commandment (Put fist into open hand.)That you love (Make heart with two hands.)One another (Point to each other.)As I have (Point to sky.)Loved (Make heart with two hands.)You. (Point finger out.)Greater love has no one than this (Trace large heart using both pointer fingers.)That someone lay down his life (Put hands in front of chest together with one on the other then bring them out open in front of self.)For his friends. (Make sweeping motion with arms and bring into hugging self.)

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the workbible story PP

Jesus’ Teaching on Being a FriendJohn 15: 12-17

What do you think it means to be a friend? Let’s look at some statements and you vote on whether you think this is a friend or not. Cheer if you think yes, stomp your feet if you think no.

1. A friend listens to you when you are sad. 2. A friend always shares his toys with you. 3. A friend encourages you to do the right thing.4. A friend always lets you have your way.5. A friend always picks you to be on their team. 6. A friend loves you even when you are mean. 7. A friend plays whatever you want to play. 8. A friend will lay down his life for you.

Was it easy or hard to decide what a friend does?

Our name for Jesus today is Friend. One day Jesus was teaching and right after he told the peo-ple how important it was that they stay connected to Him, He taught the people what it means to be a friend. Let’s find out what Jesus says a friend is.

John 15:12-17 says:

“Here is my command. Love each other, just as I have loved you. No one has greater love than the one who gives his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.I do not call you servants anymore. Servants do not know their master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends. I have told you everything I learned from my Father. You did not choose me. Instead, I chose you. I appointed you to go and bear fruit. It is fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you anything you ask for in my name. Here is my command. Love each other.”

Jesus says to love others like He loved us.

How did Jesus love us? He gave his life for his friends. He died on the cross for our sins.

Do you think that means to be a good friend you must die for someone? No. But it does mean that you put that person first.

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What shows that you are Jesus’ friend? That you do what He commands. Or in other words, if we obey Jesus it shows that we are His friend. It shows that we love Him enough to want to do what He says is best for us.

When we obey Jesus and love others, we will bear fruit. That seems funny. Does that mean that apples will start growing out of your arms? What do you think it means? (Give kids an op-portunity to answer.)

To bear fruit means that we are growing in Jesus’ love and showing it to others. Being a friend is something that we become better at as we grow to be more like Jesus. We have to keep close to Him, reading our Bibles, praying and worshipping Him so that we will learn more about Him and our hearts will be changed to be more like His heart.

Loving someone means doing for that person what is best for them. Always letting them have their way is not always best for them. Imagine if Jesus always let us have our way.

Jesus, as our Friend, will always do what is best for us. He loves us more than anyone else. He gave His life for us.

He also models how we should love others. By putting our friend’s interests above our own, we become a good friend. This means that we want what is best for them just like Jesus wants what is best for us.

Prayer PP

Thank Jesus for being the best Friend anyone could have. Thank Him for loving the kids and laying down His life for them. Ask Him to help them show His love to others and to help them be a good friend.

Famous Artist: nam june paik PP

Paik is an artist who was born in Korea, grew up in Japan, studied in Germany and came to live in New York City. His art included robot art machines that could actually walk, talk, and perform. He also made sculptures that included television sets. These were put together to make robot people. He was known as a video artists because the television sets often played videos of the robot people’s faces.

PP Let’s look at some pictures of his robots.

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extreme art: robot sculptures PP

Supplies: Cardboard boxes, random parts- broken toys, screws, nuts, bolts, jar lids

Divide the kids into groups.

Robot sculptures can be made out of discarded junk. Many artists have made life size robots out of metal trash.

We are going to make a robot sculpture. You will have a pile of materials you can choose from to create the sculpture. The robot can be made out of any of the materials in the pile. You might want to make it totally out of trash or you might want to make the robot to look like Paik’s robot sculptures. To do that, make the head out of a box that looks like a television. Draw a picture in the screen of the robot’s face.

Review with the kids how a robot and a friend are different. Ask them if there are any ways that the robot and a friend are alike.

Even if robots are programmed to walk and talk, they do so because someone tells them to. We can be like robots in our friendships. We can do what we are supposed to in a friendship but do it without love. Is this the way Jesus intended up to be a friend? Absolutely not.

We can also say we love people but not take action. We can be like the robots that just stand still as a sculptor. Jesus models being a friend in a way that shows action. For instance, we can tell a friend that we are coming over to their house to help them with a project. But if we never show up, it is meaningless. We can tell someone they are our friend but when a “cooler” kid shows up, we run off with him/her. That does not show an action behind the words. It actually shows the opposite of love.

Jesus is the Friend who loves us all the time and acts on that love. The ultimate act was coming to earth to die on the cross for our sins. He laid down his life for his friends.

Let’s say our Bible verse together remembering that these are the words of Jesus, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12-13

Option: Video different kid’s faces on a laptop. Place the screen of the laptop inside the box that is used for the head of the robot.

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the displayart studio: aliminum foil sculpturesSupplies: Aluminum foil

Give each child about five sheets of aluminum foil. Have them think of a figure that would depict one of the following:1. What it means to be a friend.2. How Jesus is the Friend3. Jesus modeling how we should love one another4. A friend “laying down his life” for another 5. A symbol of friendship

Have them take the sheets and mold them into the shape they want. They may wish to use one sheet as a practice sheet- folding, twisting, “smooshing” to see the different effects. When completed, have the kids share their sculptures and explain the meaning behind them.

Game: people machineDivide the kids into equal numbered teams of 6-8.

Tell the kids to make themselves into a machine. Each person should have at least one part (maybe two) such as gears, levers, etc. Also, sound effects and motion should be made by the machine. Make up a name for the machine. (Super Duper Candy Cane Maker or Rip Roarin Rock Crusher)

After the teams have had five minutes to construct their machine and practice, take turns presenting the machines.

Discuss how in order to be a friend, we must be willing to work with others and put our own wants aside at times. We should want to obey Jesus, our Friend, by loving others and being a friend to them.

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bible memory activity: Heart PuzzleThis is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:12-17

Supplies: heart with scripture page, scissors

Give each child a heart page. Have them cut out the heart and then cut it into ten pieces to make a puzzle. Exchange the pieces with someone else. Race to put the hearts back together again.

Express YourselfSupplies: Copy of questions for each small group

Copy of questions for each small group

1. What does the name of Jesus, Friend, mean? 2. How does Jesus teach us to be a good friend?3. How do we know if we are a friend to Jesus? 4. Describe what a good friend is like. Think of a specific situation. 5. How can someone say they are a friend but their actions do not show it? (Be careful here. Do not name any names or describe someone in your group. Just talk in general.)6. Right before Jesus talked about being a friend, He told the people that they needed to stay connected to Him. Do you think the two ideas are related (connected to Jesus and being a friend)? Why?7. What are some ways that a friend loves others?

Snack: two hands snackSupplies: Assortment of round and stick snacks (crackers, carrots, pretzels, Cheetos, celery), plates

Make two hands next to one another. Use the round snack for the palm of the hand and the stick snacks for the fingers and thumb.

Review what the symbol for the name Friend means.

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Gallery CardsSupplies: printed card for each child, markers or crayons (optional)

Name: FriendSymbol: Two hands reaching out to each other Verse: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12-13

Give each child the card. If using the coloring cards, use markers or crayons to decorate them. Go over the verse together and review the symbol.


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Supply List

Francois and Frank: ☐Play dough or clay ☐Wooden stool ☐Dress outfit for Frank (suit or shirt and tie)

sculpt it!: ☐Clay or playdough (or other materials as indicated in the Introduction) ☐Two hands ☐Friend sign (optional display)

Bible Story: ☐None

famous artist: ☐None

extreme Art: ☐Cardboard boxes ☐Random parts- broken toys, screws, nuts, bolts, jar lids

art studio: ☐Aluminum foil

game: ☐None

bible memory activity: ☐Copy of heart page ☐Scissors

express yourself: ☐Copy of questions

snack: ☐Assortment of round and stick snacks (crackers, carrots, pretzels, Cheetos, celery), ☐plates

gallery cards: ☐Printed card for each child ☐Markers or crayons (optional)

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Main Point: Jesus, the Friend, models how to love each other.

Bible Verse: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12-13

Bible Story: Jesus teaching on being his friend, John 15: 12-17

Family Discussion:

1. Describe what a good friend is like.

2. Why is Jesus called Friend? What did He do that shows the great love He has for us?

3. How can we lay down our life for our friends?

Family Imaginative Thinking:

Role play two situations in which a someone is being picked on at school. In the first situation, a friend does not show love. In the sec-ond situation, a friend does show love. Why might it be hard to show love when someone else is being picked on?

Family Art Project

Have everyone in the family mold a person out of play dough or clay. Make a scene together of someone obeying the com-mandment found in John 15:12.

Sculpture park lesson three

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Express Yourself

1. What does the name of Jesus, Friend, mean?

2. How does Jesus teach us to be a good friend?

3. How do we know if we are a friend to Jesus?

4. Describe what a good friend is like. Think of a specific situation.

5. How can someone say they are a friend but their actions do not show it? (Be careful here. Do not name any names or describe someone in your group. Just talk in general.)

6. Right before Jesus talked about being a friend, He told the people that they needed to stay connected to Him. Do you think the two ideas are related (connected to Jesus and being a friend)? Why?

7. What are some ways that a friend loves others?

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