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Lesson one assure

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Laurel Peace

CI 350-101

ASSURE Monday Lesson Plan

Analyzing the students: One 8th Grade Classroom in West Virginia, Nine boys and eleven girls,

Eleven Caucasian students, Six African-American students, and Three Asian-American students.

Stating the Objective: By the end of the first day, students will have learned what types of

speeches there are and how they are applied. They will learn this through a video on the types of

speeches and a video on entertainment speeches, a poster with a QR code that leads to a speech

writing website that advertises a speech they can attend for extra credit, and peer review. The

students will show what they learned through a brief two minute entertainment speech that they

wrote, that they will present in front of the class. They must present the speech to a 100% degree.

Selection of Method: Students will learn the types of speeches through a video from YouTube.

They will take notes and list the types of speeches. They will then view a video on entertainment

speeches then take notes on that. After the videos, they will be allowed to view a poster with a

QR code that will lead to a website that aids in speech writing. The poster will advertise a speech

that they can attend for extra credit in the unit. They will then be assigned to outline and write a

brief speech, two minutes long, that must be an entertainment speech. The students will present it

to the class at the end of the class to evaluate their skills.


Computer that connects to the TV


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QR code





Preparing materials:

Check internet connection

Have poster ready

Check videos to make sure they play

Prepare Learners: The videos will prepare the learners for learning about speeches in the

classroom. The brief speech will prepare learners for the rest of the unit.

Require Learner participation: Students will work in groups to complete their short speeches.

Evaluations of Method and Media: Students will have a class discussion on what they learned

from the videos and whether or not they like the lesson.