Lesson D-D. Articulation

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  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    The Fourth Step in Voice Production


  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Objectives:a. Identify and recognize the stress and intonation patterns of

    spoken English;

    b. Describe and compare alternating stress pattern, basicintonation patterns, and the intonation patterns for

    specific structures;

    c. Demonstrate skills in using stress for emphasis and forcontrast;

    d. Demonstrate skill in blending words to form breathy units

    and thought groups and in phrasing sentences for betterclarity and understanding; and

    e. Speak larger forms of structure with correct stress andintonation.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    All spoken language is characterized by a particular rhythm and

    melody patterns which makes different individuals speak in a varietyof time and tune.

    An important feature of spoken language is the prominence given to

    a syllable in a word or a short span of connected speech.

    Stress involves changes in pitch, force, and duration.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Word Stress: MonosyllabicWords

    y One-syllable words (monosyllables) like do, has, and bay are

    stressed in isolation.

    y They blend with the nearest word, and lose a part of their

    original sound.

    deal sail tame care

    hold east cent whole

    hem may sun getseal cell can love

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Word Stress: Multi-syllable words

    y Mutli-syllable words, those with two or more syllables, have

    only one strong stress.

    y The strongly-stressed syllable are spoken louder, longer and

    clearer than the rest of the unstressed sylla bles which arespoken lightly and quickly.

    notice tafetta sylla ble transferable

    urchin vatican ostracize oratory

    vivid titan merchandize matineesupervise vegeta ble voluntary origin

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    cartoon survive horizon distinguish

    technique obscure accustom consortium

    volunteer manufacture apparatus photosynthesis

    correspond departmental elementary parliamentarysuperimpose accommodation contemporary

    authoritarian pronunciation extemporaneous

    personification indemnification inexplicability

    denaturalize indispensa bility insubordination

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Noun-verb Shifts

    y A shift in the position of syllable stress results in a change in

    meaning ofa particular group of words.

    y Words stressed in the first syllable are nouns, and when they

    are stressed in the second syllable are verbs.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y Contract

    y Convert

    y Contrast

    y Process

    y C

    onflicty Exploit

    y Discount

    y Desert

    y Export

    y Incline

    y Excerpt

    y Pervert

    y Contract

    y Convert

    y Contrast

    y Process

    y C

    onflicty Exploit

    y Discount

    y Desert

    y Export

    y Incline

    y Excerpt

    y Pervert

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    1. Her beauty entranced the movie fans as she neared thetheater entrance.

    2. You can extract the vanilla, an aromatic extract, from a

    certain tropical orchid.3. The producers retail their goods retail.

    4. The hapless pervert might pervert some truths in the crossexamination.

    5. Give me

    adigest of the sen

    ators speeches on how to digestfood.

    Activity:Create sentences using the words in the last slide.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Number wordsy Those ending in ty and ieth are stressed on the first syllable as in

    thirty and thirtieth.

    y Those ending in teen and teenth are stressed on the last syllable as in

    sixteen and sixteenth.

    twenty the twentieth the twenty-first

    thirty the thirtieth the thirty-second

    forty the fortieth the forty-seventh

    sixteen the sixteenth eighteen the eighteenth

    seventeen the seventeenth nineteen the nineteenthfifteen the fifteenth fourteen the fourteenth

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    1. Sixty alumnae attended the twentieth anniversary of their


    2. Her booth number is thirteen not thirty.

    3. Seventy classrooms will be constructed on the nineteenthof this month.

    4. Mother will be forty on the sixteenth ofDecember.

    5. His seventieth birthday was attended by nineteen


  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y Some words formed by adding a prefix or a suffix to a root

    word usually retain the same syllable stress; others however

    result in s change in syllable stress, function and meaning.

    libel-libelous subsist-subsistencetrouble-troublesome vital-vitalize

    visual-visualize endow-endowment

    titan-titanic supplement-supplemental

    timid-timidity gelatin-gelatinous

    valid-validity gymnast-gymnastics

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Form a new word by adding a prefix or a suffix to each of the

    following words. Read each pair stressing the appropriate

    syllable. Use them both in a sentence or sentences.

    la bor equal music pronounce

    govern democracy elastic temper

    deliver journal educate moment

    origin department exhale proper

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y This is a two word verb or a three word verb consisting ofa

    simple verb and an adverbial particle and/or a preposition

    whose meaning may have no apparent connection with the

    meaning or use of its component parts.

    y The placement of the strong stress in two-word verbs

    depends on the structure of the combination, whether the

    combination is separable or not.

    Call up



    able combin


    Call up



    Call on. (non-separable combination) Call on Mary.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    1. Give up Give up the chance. Give it up.

    2. Put off Put off the party. Put it off.

    3. Hand in Hand in the homework. Hand it in.

    4. Turn on Turn on the fan. Turn them on.5. Turn off Turn off the airconditioner. Turn it off.

    6. Look up Look up the meaning. Look it up.

    7. Call off Call off the meeting. Call it off.

    8. Try on Try on the shirt. Try it on.

    9. Leave out Leave out the question. Leave it out.

    10. Pick up Pick up your friend. Pick it up.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    1. Look for Look for the wallet. Look for it.

    2. Look at Look at the girls. Look at them.

    3. Get on Get on the bus. Get on it.

    4. Go back on Go back on a contract.5. Put up with Put up with the weather.

    6. Wait on

    7. Get over

    8. Count on

    9. Look after

    10. Run into

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y Noun-noun or adjective-noun combinations carry stress

    positions on the basis of the meanings they convey.

    y If the first part of the compound shows the purpose for

    which the second part is intended, the first p

    art of thecombination receives the strong stress.

    y If the first part of the combination shows the material

    contained in the second part, the second part of the

    combination is stressed.

    y There are no fixed rules for determining which word to

    stress in the combinations.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation




    window pane bathhouse swimming pool

    sewing machine dining room class card

    ba by sitter flower pot hair dryer

    ice pick nursery rhyme baking soda

    leather bag gold watch silk blouse

    plastic cups apple pie steel bar

    clay pot fruit salad cotton blanketnylon hose paper roses strawberry shake

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Sentence Stressy Words flow along smoothly with each other in uninterrupted fashion

    resulting in a single breath unit.

    y Saying words as a single breath unit and then hearing them as a single

    thought group is the process of blending.

    y C

    ertain kinds of words are usually stressed in context while other typesare not usually stressed.

    y Nouns, main verbs, adjectives, adverbs, demonstratives, and question

    words (wh-words including how) are content words that carry meaning.

    y Determiners such as articles, demonstrative, and possessive pronouns,

    prepositions, conjunctions, and auxiliary verbs (be and modals) areusually unstressed in context.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation




    1. Is it here? Yes, it is.

    2. Take the bus or the train.

    3. Does he know? Yes, he does.

    4. Hes as good as his father.5. Did he come? No, he didnt.

    6. You must not know about me.

    7. Can I go? No, you cant.

    8. Call Betty,Tess and Ernie.

    9. Arent we included? No, we arent.

    10. They will read it not.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Emphatic Stress

    y Stress is also used to emphasize an idea and to indicate

    contrast in a sentence.

    y One, two or more words can be stressed if the word contains

    the idea

    the speaker wishes to c


    attention to, if the wordrepeats or reinforces another idea, and if the word is an

    answer to a particular question.

    y In addition, any word in a sentence can be emphasized one at

    a time in order to answer a particular question.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    1. PAL flies to Europe and so does PANAM.

    2. John bought a book andTony did, too.

    3. Visitors will come and delegates will come, too.

    4. Peluchie can type and Cherry can, too.5. Stores offer discounts and restaurants do, too.

    6. Carla ordered two chicken sandwiches. (Who ordered?)

    7. Linda danced the ballet gracefully. (How?)

    8. The lady swims daily at the pool. (How often?)

    9. Carla ordered two chicken sandwiches. (What kind?)

    10. Linda danced the ballet gracefully. (What did she danced?)

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Contrastive Stress

    y When differing ideas exist in one, two, or more words, each

    of these words are stressed for contrast.

    y To convey special meanings, some words which are not

    usually stressed (some


    any) become stressed while wordswhich are customarily stressed (nouns) become unstressed.

    y Stressed some suggests contrast, it often means special or

    certain in contrast with other choices.


    Stressed any suggests emphasis, irritation, or sarcasm.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    1. She wants to sing, not dance.

    2. The girls want a picnic but the boys want a party.

    3. It was my idea.

    4. Our group won.5. Its under the table, not on the table.

    6. I have some friends. (I have other friends.)

    7. I have some friends. (I have certain friends.)

    8. I eat some fruits. (other fruits)

    9. Got any message? (irritation)

    10. Got any message? (another message)

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    1. Get a one half sheet of paper.

    2. Write your name, section, and the date today.

    3. Indicate the seatwork number (W1).

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y This is the rise and fall of the voice.

    y It is the combination of tunes on which we pronounce the

    syllables that make up our speech.


    There are four tunes in speaking: (1) low

    (2) normal

    (3) high

    (4) extra high

    y Extra high is used to express an extreme emotion like fear,

    anger, surprise, and excitement.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y SHIFT.

    y GLIDE.

    y There are three intonation patterns:

    2-3-1Rising-falling intonation 2-3-3Rising intonation

    2-3-2Non-final intonation

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y This patterns begin on the normal (2) tune and ends by

    raising the voice to a high (3) on the last stressed syllable of

    the sentence, then making it fall to a low (1).

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    1. They want to listen to the latest recording.

    2. Brenda had been working for six hours.

    3. The traffic is slow because of the flooded street.

    4. Somebody blew a whistle.5. Sit down at the table.

    6. Clean up your room.

    7. Look at that boy.

    8. Smoke in the next room.

    9. What would you like for breakfast?

    10. Where did you learn it?

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y The voice begins on the normal (2) tune and ends on a high

    (3) tune on the last stressed word of the sentence.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    y Are you sure youve got enough paper?

    y Would you rather have coffee?

    y Have you been to many places this year?

    yWill you please take these forms to the table?

    y Do you really close at seven oclock?

    y Can you do it?

    y Were they invited?

    y Does she know?

    y Is he coming?

    y Do you mean you lost your front door key?

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y It is used in that part of the sentence which precedes the last

    stressed word.

    y The voice begins on the normal (2) then rises to pitch level

    (3) on the stressed word, and returns to the normal level or

    tune (2).

    y It may be used in combination with other patterns, specially

    in stressed function words, in contrast and comparisons, and

    in sentences where two or more thought groups are divided

    by short pauses.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    1. Are you ready to leave?

    2. They should be here on time.

    3. Im looking for a toothbrush not a hairbrush.

    4. Linda runs faster than Sonia does.5. Hed like to get it, but he cant.

    6. If you leave now, we have to go with you.

    7. Keep watch, while I run to the station for help.

    8. No, thank you, not today.

    9. Will you stay with him while I run to the store?

    10. When the boat docked, did he go straight to the Customs



  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Intonation Patternsfor Specific


    y The 2-3, 2-3-1 or the CHOICE QUESTION TUNE is used

    for series with and/ alternatives with or type of structures.

    A rising intonation is used on all parts of the alternatives or

    series except the last which is given the rising-falling pattern


    He will arrive onThursday or Saturday.

    Would you like to play golf, tennis, or bowling.

    These are my friends: Gloria,A

    lice, and Lisa.Shed like to buy a bottle of shampoo and lipstick.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Intonation Patternsfor Specific


    y DIRECT ADDRESS refers to the name or word substituted

    for a name, such as dear or darling, addressed directly to the

    person to whom one is speaking. This may come at the end of

    the sentence or elsewhere, and it does not affect the

    intonation pattern of the rest of the sentence. It uses the 2-3


    Youre very kind, my dear.

    Anna, will you please come to Ward No. 10?

    But, Sir, I really must attend to this lady.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Intonation Patternsfor Specific


    y TAG QUESTIONS are spoken in two types of intonation


    y If the tag question is said as a statement of fact and the

    speaker is definite that the listener will agree with him, the

    tag question is spoken with the rising-falling pattern.

    Its painful, isnt it?

    y If the sentence is said as a real question and the speaker is not

    sure of the listeners answer, the tag question is spoken withthe rising pattern.

    Its painful, isnt it?

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    1. To be or not to be.

    2. They arent pleased with anybody, are they? (unsure)

    3. You made it, didnt you? (definite)

    4. They listen, dont they? (definite)5. We werent there, were we? (unsure)

    6. No. (uncertain)

    7. No. (with conviction).

    8. No. (sarcastic)

    9. Is that so? (doubtful)

    10. Is that so? (sarcastic)

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y ERRORS OF OMISSION- Omitting sounds or even


    y ERRORS OF SUBSTITUTION- Substituting an incorrect

    sound for the correct one.

    y ERRORS OF ADDITION- Adding sounds where they do not


    y ERRORS OF DISTORTION- An attempt is made at the

    correct sound but it results in a poor production. i.e adistorted /s/ sound may whistle, or the tongue may be

    thrusting between the teeth causing a frontal lisp.

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation




    y Gov-a-ment

    y Hi-stry

    y Wanna

    y Fishin

    y Studyin

    y A-lum-numy Hon-orble

    y Comp-ny

    y Vul-ner-bi-ity

    y Gov-ern-ment

    y Hi-story

    y Want to

    y Fishing

    y Studying

    y A-lum-i-numy Hon-or-able

    y Comp-a-ny

    y Vul-ner-a-bil-ity

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation




    y Wader

    y Dese

    y Ax

    y Undoubtebly

    y Beder

    y Ekseteray Ramark

    y lenth

    y Waiter

    y These

    y Ask

    y Undoubtedly

    y Better

    y Et ceteray Remark

    y length

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation




    y Acrost

    y Athalete

    y Americer

    y Idear

    y Filim

    y Lorey Is-treet

    y Across

    y Athelete

    y America

    y Idea

    y Film

    y Lawy Street

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation




    y NewOr-LEANS

    y IN-surance

    y o-RA-tor

    y NewOR-leans

    y In-SU-rance

    y O-ra-tor

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation




    y Often

    y Homage

    y Illinois

    y Evening

    y Burgalar

    y Athaletey Airaplane

    y Offen

    y Omage

    y Illinoi

    y Evning

    y Burglar

    y Athletey Airplane

  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation



    y Stress and intonation patterns are emotional dictations.

    y Though emotional by nature, they pattern a strict conduct of


    y A

    rticulation is the combination of word pronunciation andvoice production.

    y We do not aim to create an accent based on voice and


  • 8/9/2019 Lesson D-D. Articulation


    Evaluation (W1)

    y Get a sheet of paper.

    y Write your name, section, and the date today.

    y Wait for the instructions of your teacher.