Lesson 94-95 Lesson 94-95 霸霸 霸霸 霸霸霸 霸霸霸

Lesson 94-95 霸州一中郭艳芬 The Pianist New words Characters Dialogue Questions Language points Exercises

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Page 1: Lesson 94-95 霸州一中郭艳芬 The Pianist New words Characters Dialogue Questions Language points Exercises

Lesson 94-95Lesson 94-95


Page 2: Lesson 94-95 霸州一中郭艳芬 The Pianist New words Characters Dialogue Questions Language points Exercises

The PianistThe PianistNew words




Language points


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Page 4: Lesson 94-95 霸州一中郭艳芬 The Pianist New words Characters Dialogue Questions Language points Exercises

Complete the following sentences with the new words.Complete the following sentences with the new words.

1 My _________ will phone you when a decision is made.secretary

2 We ________ him for being so rude as he was so young.forgave

3 He _________ on seeing his lawyer.insisted

4 You have to be very careful with these old books because

the paper__________ very easily.tears

5 They were ____________ their team on having won the race.congratulating

6 If you haven’t got curtains, ______ a sheet over the window.pin

7 They have built up a _________ of 100 bookshops across

the country.


8 How can ever I _________ you for all your kindness?repay

9 We ______ you our thanks.owe

10 be careful. The little baby is almost ________ off the sofa.rolling

Page 5: Lesson 94-95 霸州一中郭艳芬 The Pianist New words Characters Dialogue Questions Language points Exercises

The CharactersThe Characters

Mr BrainHe supports ZJ’s school by giving him a lo

t of money.


An artist, ZJ’s friend and MR Brain’s son

Zheng JieA pianist,

wants to start a school

Page 6: Lesson 94-95 霸州一中郭艳芬 The Pianist New words Characters Dialogue Questions Language points Exercises

The Pianist(1)The Pianist(1)Mr Brain (Mr B) has just heard Zheng Jie(ZJ) playing the piano in a concert. He has asked to be introduced to the pianist.

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Mr B: I’d like to congratulate you very much. That was a wonderful concert.

ZJ: Thank you very much, sir.

Mr B: I read about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you

play. I’ve traveled many miles and I’m very glad I made the effort. You played beautifully. What are your next plans?

ZJ: At present I’m giving a lot of concerts. Fortunately people want to come and hear

me play. But I’m getting very tired of traveling. Mr B: Why do you have to work so hard?

ZJ: I’m planning to start a school, so I’m trying to save as much money as possible.

Mr B: What kind of school will it be?

ZJ: It will be open to children with disabilities. It will be a mixed school where not all

the children are disabled. At the moment in my country there are very few such

schools. We also want to teach all the children to perform. Unfortunately it will cost a lot of money.

Mr B: Have you tried to borrow money from a bank?

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ZJ: Yes, but none of the banks I spoke to were interested. You see, the school will be expensive to run and we shall need a lot of good teachers. I don’t want to make it a school for rich children only. Most of the parents will not be able to pay much money.

Mr B: That sounds interesting. How long will it take you to collect enough money?

ZJ: If I continue to play a lot of concerts over the next five years, I may be able to start a small school. But it’s going to be a very tiring five years for me. However, I am very determined. Mr B: If I can find you any support, would you be interested?

ZJ: Of course.

Mr B: I can’t promise you anything. But if I give you a ring, then you will know what it’s about. I hope we meet again.

ZJ: Thanks for listening.

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The Pianist(2)

A week later, Mr Brain rang Zheng Jie and spoke to a friend of his (F).

Mr B: Hello, can I speak to Zheng Jie, please?

F: I’m afraid he’s out. He won’t be back until tomorrow.

Mr B: Oh, I see.

F: Can I give him a message?

Mr B: Yes, please. My name is John Brain. I met Zheng Jie after one of his concerts about a week ago. Could you ask him to ring me, please? My number is 181 584 9662.

F: OK. Can I just check I’ve got the number right? 181 584 9662?

Mr B: That’s right. Thank you for your help. Goodbye

F: Bye.

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A day later.

ZJ: Were there any telephone messages for me while I was away?

F: Just this one. Here it is. John Brain rang.

ZJ: Did he say what it was about?

F: No. He just asked if you could ring him back. Here’s the number.

ZJ: ( Picks up the phone and dials.) Hello. Is that Mr Brain?

Mr B: Yes, it is.

ZJ: It’s Zheng Jie here. I’ve just got your message.

Mr B: Good. Listen. I may be able to help you. Could you come and see me when you are next in London?

ZJ: I’m playing in London next Thursday. Could I drop in at your house after the concert,

or would that be too late?

Mr B: No., that would be fine. I’ll tell you how to get here.

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The Pianist (3)

The following Thursday, Zheng Jie rings the bell of Mr Brain’s house. The door is opened by his son, Gary (G).

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ZJ: Is Mr Brain in?G: Yes, he’s on the phone. Is he expecting you?ZJ: Yes, that’s right.G: Oh good. Come in. I’m his son. I’ve just arrived myself so forgive me if I

don’t seem to know what’s going on.ZJ: I think I know you.G: Goodness! Zheng Jie! I can’t believe it. What are you doing here?ZJ: I’ve come to see your Dad!G: What about?ZJ: I’ve no idea. He just asked me to come round for supper.G: Do you remember the first time we met? It was at Charlie’s wedding. You were

playing the piano. Mr B: You two seem to know each other.

G: Dad, this is Zheng Jie, who I know in Paris. I haven’t seen him for five years.

You remember my friend who helped me out?ZJ: Don’t remind him. It was nothing.

G: I insist on telling him how great you were. Dad. When you sent me to Paris to see if I could really earn a living as a painter, I stayed in Zheng Jie’s flat for three months.

ZJ: The struggling musician and the struggling artist. What a pair.

G: And you lent me some money too, which I never repaid you.

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Mr B: When Gary told me that he wanted to be a painter, I refused to give him

any money. I told him if painting was important for him, he would live on

bread in order to succeed.

G: And I succeeded, Zheng Jie. I have an exhibition in London this coming month.

You must come to see it. And I owe you some money. I didn’t have a penny the

last time I saw you. But you still haven’t explained what you’re doing here?

Mr B: I invited him here. Zheng Jie has some interesting plans. But let’s talk

more over supper.(Later.)

Mr B: Zheng Jie, I would like to support your music school. I think I can trust you, especially after what my son has told me. I haven’t told you that my family made a lot of money in the nineteenth century by making children work 16 hours a day in their factories. So, although I still have large business interests, I always look for chances to make life easier for some of the children in the world. I’ve written a cheque for you. This is to help you to start your school.

Mr B: It’s my pleasure.

ZJ: Goodness, six zeroes! What can I say?

G: And you’ll have another supporter in me. When you have found a building in which to

start your school, I’d like to come and cover the walls with some bright paintings.

Mr B: Now let’s drink to the success of your school!

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Answer the following questions:Answer the following questions:1 What did Mr B congratulate ZJ on after a concert one day?

He congratulated on his beautiful performance.

2 Why did ZJ have to work so hard?

Because he planned to start a music school which would need a lot of money .

3 Could he get money from a bank? Why not?

No. Because none of the banks he spoke to were interested.

4 What did Mr B ring ZJ for?

To ask him to go and see him when he was next in London.

5 What help did ZJ give G while they were in Paris?

They shared the same flat for three months and lent G some money.

6 How did Mr B support ZJ’s school?

He give him a cheque which has 6 zeroes.

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Language pointsLanguage points1 hear /feel/listen to/look at/ notice/ observe/ see/ watch/

find…sb do/ doingI heard her sing.

I heard her singing.

Last night I woke and heard the wind blowing.

Did you hear the wind blow last night?

2 be/ get tired of/withI’m tired of the same food for breakfast every morning.

Stop talking. I’m tired of your conversation.

The child was tired with the long walk.

3 drop in on sb at some place/ to do sth

Let’s drop in at Mary’s house.

She usually drops in on Grandma Zhang on her way home.

I just drop in to see if I can borrow your bike.

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4 expect( a state of mind) wait for ( a sort of activity)

I expect that he will pass the exam.

I’m expecting a letter from John.

Mother expects me to cook for her.

They are busy with preparations, expecting the foreign guests.

Holding little flags, the children are waiting for the foreign guests.

5 help (sb) out to help sb to get out of sth

Tom helps out in the store after school.

I’ve always helps Bob out when he’s been in difficulties.6 remind sb of sth ( cause sb to think of sth)

remind n/ pron/ sb to do sth (tell sb to remember)

The play reminds me of the war years.

It I forget, please remind me.

Will you please remind me to return the books to the library?

He reminded me that I hadn’t written to my mother.

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7 insist on (doing) sthI insist on an early reply.

He insisted on lending me the money I needed.

I insisted that he (should) go.

8 owe sb sth owe sth to sb

I owed john 60 dollars when I was in Paris.

Don’t forget you still owe 150 yuan to the wine shop.

9 drink to

propose a toast to

Let’s drink to the health of Mr Brown.

Let’s drink to the further development of your business.

Let’s drink to the friendship between our teams.

I’d like propose a toast to the further cooperation between our two companies.

I’d like to propose a toast to the health of all the ladies and gentlemen present here.

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ExercisesExercises( )1 They _____me _____ me success.

A congratulated; in B congratulated; on C celebrated; in D celebrated; on


( )2 The car stopped and the old man was ______.

A helped off B got off C got out D helped out


( )3 He says he _______ the same breakfast every morning.

A is tiring of B is tired for C is tired of D tired of


( )4 We all drank ______ the friendship between our two peoples.

A up B for C to D in


( )5 I _______ you my best regards for what you did.

A pay B cost C spend D owe


( ) 6 Ask Tom to come at once, for the train is starting ______.

A in a moment B in the moment C at a moment D for a moment


( ) 7 You should put people’s _______ before your own.

A interest B interests C interesting D interested


( ) 8 The headmaster in that school insisted that the teachers _______ stop smoking.

A would B could C should D ought


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( ) 9 Though he was old, he insisted on _______ hard.

A working B worked C work D to work


( ) 10 I wish I ______ to the football match last night.

A would go B must have gone C had gone D should have gone


( ) 11 He is invited to _______ supper.

A come round to B come round for

C come about to D come up for


( ) 12 He got ______ doing his everyday work. It’s so ______.

A tired in; tiring B tiring in; tired C tired of; tiring D tired from; tired


( ) 13 ---- Do you think that the Stars will beat the Bulls?

---- Yes, they have better players, so I ______ them to win.

A hope B prefer C expect D want


( ) 14 The long walk _______ our will and strength.

A checked B tested C measured D examined


( ) 15 In America, lunch time is short, so people don’t talk _______.

A at table B at the table C around table D around the tables


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Try to act the play in groups of three. One acts ZJ. One acts Mr B. One acts G.