Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 8 OCTOBER 1924 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy

Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

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Page 1: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•


Parliamentary Debates [Hansard]

Legislative Assembly


Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy

Page 2: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1412 [ASSE:.I8LY.j Tl'ln tces Act, Et£., Bill.


'T'he S PE.\I(ER (Hou. I Y. Bcrtram. Jiure~) lor•k 1ha chai1· at lO a.l1l .

QUESTI0:\S. C'o~~~ns~,o~ r .1m l'O S1· ~·rE I:-;;;t;nA~r.~>

AC£'XTS Oil C.\~ I'A:o;l'f.11~.

l\lr. KERR (7\l"'!lfl(l'v ) :t~kr.d t.hc Treu­$tacr-

" 1. Are t.h..: l::tnte distrid. in;.nrnncc ~grn t s or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcll t$ o r canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!• Commi~­sionet· iu re"nrd to ' O\'er till! co•1fltf!r ' ·Commi~~inn bt:ill!;" f'·' V~ blt~ wbrn Lrnm­nctcd within Lh C' d lsn•ict or n o·cn.

" 2. Does this agrC!· ment eJCd ud ·· com­miss ion being pl\1d on loca l nnthor iby 'busiuess ?

"3. Rns Hlch :.greenwnL b<> n r~c,•u(l)' depf\l·ted f rom in an_r pnr tiC11lar?

"4. l ; it a fact thnt discriminar.ion is 11ow made between local authorities-tha1 is, commi;;siou paid on the l1usin~ss of <Jlle and llOt on anoth~r?

"5. I i so. what is the ~xpJanation 1"

The TREASl!Rl:~R (Hon. E. G . Theodore, r 'lll7lfi(IOe) l'cplicd-

" 1. Yes. " 2 . The Insurancl' CommissimlCI' has

given a decision thnt GoYN'nlllol•t I.Jusi­n oss r a fo rmd i·o in clnnsc 6 tiii.) o£ tho agreement is regttrn~t as reJeninll to the busines.<; of ecrtntn local authorities .

"3, 4, nnd 5. Sec a nswer to No. 2."


Mt. KERR (l!:Mtl(l~m) nsl; t?d the ~ccrc­twry for Raill\ ,lj'S-

" 1. Wh at amount wa~ oh;~ rged n!!"' inst Qnecnslnnd for the t11·!'lw' months t~ r.ded .Tnnc, 1924, by t he rn;[way authoriHI"s in c:::.ch of the ot.her Stntes o f .<\ 11•t>·nli,. in conn~rtion wi th len\'c pn~ses to rail­way employCIJS?

" 2. Vllat amonul· \\'aS charger! by Queensland to each of the other A us!ra­lirm States fol' the same purpose and period?"

Tho SECRETARY FOR R t\ILW,\YS (Hon. J. Larcombe. ltqrpd) l't•plicd-

" 1 and 2. !\il."

A II.£GF.D ·wrrH.HOLllJNG OF T.xFOR)fA'rJO:O: lX RE ToowoOMDA UNE:U:Fr.onn.

Mr. ROBERTS (Tio.•t Tnon•oMubn) n.!krd Uw Secretary for Pul1lic '\Vork~-

" l. He Toowoombt• unemployed. Hn~ he seen the r><•rasrrarh appruring in tnt> 'Toowoomba Chrorudo' of 4th Octobr>' under the abon~ hending? 'Y~stNdn;v afternoon a "Chronicl~" r cpr •. Jellti\ ti \'e ca lled nt the Toowoomha. Labour 01!1cr• to nscertain H tl • numb!'r of uncnJ•J!ot·"d in the citv n.nrl tho numl' r " -b; h'n.vc been Iounil iobs dU1·in 14 t ho monl-h of SC!piember. The bureau' attenJnnt. stated that hP. had been instructed not to supply

the l'>'Ct3 with 1111~· unmnployc<l figure~ for thl! month C'>f Septemb•· r at lea.>t. Thr c inst>-urt ions wrre t:ldlniir•.'

" 2. D.v who~c t~uthor irs wns ~uch in ­•trucl i ull given?

" 3. For what purpose is sach iufonnn­tion 11 itLIJcld '!"

The SECRETARY FOR PUnLIC WORKS (HQu. W. Forgan Sm ith, Jbtl'lll/1) r r·pi icd­

ec 1. Yes. 1

' 2. :\o instl'tt<'tiom were given ••bnut tht' ::\eptembl'l' o1· auy other figttrr~.

"3. ~cc an~·~, Pr to Xo~ 2!'


Tht> •rnEASUREl~ (Hon. E . G. 'l'heodote, Clliiiii(/'Jr): 1 h~g 10 nto,•....-

'' That thtl Jl OH$0 will , a t ib next sitting. ··o•olve ib If into n c,>m)nitwe of tho ·w ho le t-o cunsider of tl•c desit·. ... blcncss o£ inh-odur.ing .a .Bill to amend the Ln111l Trw Act o£ 1915 by exteud· ing 1hc Ol)l.'r:tlion of ill ~ super )and tax nnt; l the clo~n of tbo finn.nc ial yenr ('rr rl ing on tbe 30th <laj· of June. 1925."

Ques tion put and pns~cd.


(Jll'. Pollocl.:, Greoory, i n tha ohai1·.) ·The AT'I'ORNEY-GENERl\.L (lion. J.

l\lullau, 7'liullt r~): 1 heg t ,) mrJvc-•· 1'hat it i~ des-i rable th rtt a D ill be

i ntmJur.ed to amoncl the Trnst~QS .and Exccnto o·s Act of 1897 in a CNtain pnrticnlar."

'l'h,, obj!'ct. of th i;; l.lill of onc matt>l'ial d uu•e i'i to t•nnhlc b-ustcc< to invest funds und c1' theit· cor·•t·t·ol in de b<•utnc , s i<sued by t he Metropol ita n Water S!lpp!:c nnd Sc\>'Pra~e Board lJy au thorising thei1· im·estmcut tl1orem 1mde1· the Trust ee~ and E,;ccutors Act<>, 1897-1906. As hon. membc•·s are aware, thoso Acts eovcr u. \'C t'.l' wide ground. and aut.ho· 1·iso tha invr . tmcnt of tru~tecs' j\mds jn the debcuturr> of lC1t'nl ;,uthoritics. 'rho :V[etro­politnu Wat·cr Supply nud S!'wvrage Bonrd hns 1\Uthority to l&sue debCinful'es, but we have had a definition of "local ;wt.ho l'i tv," and we !ind that the Board does not como: within the nm bit o{ that definition.

!Vtr. KlNG : T hat is u11d cr th!' Trustees and lhcruto> . Act?

'Ihe ATTORNEY-GENEllAL : Yes. It is nl'1d t h •t t he Board is not a lutn l autho rity nndcr the 1\.ct, nnd the ques tion tl11•refore iavolvcs the R<'C'.Irit;:- o f invt·stmellh in tl1e Boa••cl's stocks an~l tlcu(ntuJ·o8. The Com­monweal th Bank h~s b('P.Il in communication with the Boarcl , ith a ,.i1 w to hM·ing its • tocks nml dchenhtr c>< m nd" o.n (1Uthori•P<I invHtment . Wlwn tht lnu.n o f .£500,0JO wr.~ bt>i UJ!' ra isrd in tho r arly pnrt. o f th e- ye111' the bunk \\ .ts rwcssiug in its rN}U!l>t, and pointv.l <Jllt •lint, l1ad the Bnnrd'g ~tacks a vd d.cbentm·' h r- •n 11 11 nnthorisl'd inn•stment nnd phc<"l in the same c!ltr>p:Ol'y n ' or her stocks. it wnllltl hnve m a teriall y nssist.!'d in t·ni ~ ing the money, b<>Cnnsc th e stoc:ks " 'Olllri hanJ heen mMc attractive. There· ftll C' t here ra.u be uo rcMoanl>le objection to the pa~ . ing or thi s Bill, 1\S it will remoye

Page 3: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

[S OcTOBER. ] UlS:

the )Ietropolitan Wnter Supply and. ~cw~r· ago Board from the onomalo~s P?•tt:.on m whieh it is placet!. 'obody can Jnst,fiably s11.y that tho municipn.lit of Uri~bane sh~uld be able to i 5UI' dcb!'nturos as nn. amhor1scd in,·r · tmPnt ·.diil~l the 1\lub-OJ>Ohtnll 'Yater Supply and &•wnrogt• Donrd hn1·ing lhe same securit~ shoultl not be nblo to do so.

Qu.-~tion put and pnsscd. · Tho Uou•c rcsuu'lcd. Thl' ('Jr,\ffi)I\X rl'por•t-fl thnt the Committee

had come to R rcsolutiou. 'l'hc ro••olution ,., 88 ngrr• rl to.


The ATTOR:\F.Y-GF.~RRAT~ !Hon. J. 1\Iullon, J.' /iuclrr•) p1·o•scntcd the Dill, and ITIOI 'U•J-

" 'l'hnt the Hil l be now 1·cn<l 1\ lirot Lit1lC.11

Qucosfion put nnr( pa~~od. Tha sPorm<l l'<'adiu~_t of du~ Bi ll wns made

un Ot~l~J· of tho Duy for lo·rnor row.


INI'I'lA'riON r:-; Co~nnTTE:£.

(.Vr. J'o/ltitk, Guyor!t, it• th~ cllnir.) T he PRE.\liF.lt (tlon. F.. G. Thcodorc.

C'ltilluaor): T hrg to mo,·e-" That it i~ dt•siroblo that a. Bill be

imroduc<>d to nm~nd the Publi<' Service Act of 1922 in certain particulars."

The mnin object of !lit' Bill is to remove rhc cmharvo from a !'crtain cln·· · of public son·o.n ts in uspect of the Arbitration Cour-t All mcrnbcn of tha public Sl'n-il'e will no1: bo pl'rmiltcd 10 have accc• <; ro the Arbitra­tion Court. 0Jlportunity has olao lx?cn taken to make certain other om-nrlmcnts in the Public Scn·iec Act. 11hich I ~bnJl ~plain at the second rc<~ding stage.

Mr. l\fOORE (Aubirmy): I would like a little information bcfor·e wo prO<'lCd any further. Tho Publ io Service Comrni•sioner 111 his lnH report stlltcs-

" A dcvdOj)IDCnt whiC'h mlly h a ve fa r­J·en,.JJing ' ffr.rts upon pnblir se rvice ndmini~trution , not. only " ' Queensland, but in the o ~ht>r Stntl"s, is the formation c•f nn u~•nciution oall e<l t11t> r\ustralian T'ublic F\c•·vnntM' 1\s;oeiation and its reg is tration in thl' Corrwtonll'<'nlth Court of Concili11tion 1•ncl At bil.l'ltl.i<)n.

'An nppNtl ogoiw.t ""eh rcgistn:tion was rnnclo b,l' Lhe Governments of South Au tra lin, Virtol'ia, nnc.l ;New South 'YaiN, hut. South Aust ralia nod Vic­tor ia sub~CQ ilontly withdrew. The npjwnl ltns bPI'I1 rcfen·cd b Mr. Justice Powct·> to th' High Court for Ml opinion.

"Thl! constitution U)1011 which rt>gi$­tt•ation wu~ ol'iguully t!utu~ht und g rauted pro1·idcs that the association shall con~ist or nn unlimitt•d numbc·r of persons t>m:1lnyt>d in . the public s<'n·irc of any ;:;latl' (t"xccpllng persons employed in the t"nebing, roilwlly&. and tramwllys Sl't· vi<'<'~). or c-mplovcc.l in uny State inEtru­lll<'ntnlit)' 01' other undertnking carried on by public :IUthorities. commi3sions, or mrporation, under anv Stnte char ter, statute, enactment, or proclamation, together with such other person~.

"het her emploYed in the industry or not. as have bet'u '1\)lpointcd officl'I"S of the ao;socintion nnd admitted us members thl'reof.''

"The positimt in •·cgard to Queens· land is that the Genl'ral Officers' Asso­ciation has dec-ided to uftilinlc ' ith the Au tralian Publi(' Ser,·anu' A<sociatio11 nnd !!ut~ olhcr Slate A~SOI'intioos may alw decidl' to link ur, "ith the Aus­halian A.>.•ociation. fho • £300 em. bargo' still pre1'1il~ in qu .. cnslnnd; it is embodic<l in ' Thr l'ublic Service Act of 1922.' n1 cl !); fn r• the cmbnrgo L •n he liftt•d it "ill he nN:cosnry to nm!'nd the Publ ic SPrvi<:l' Art. U the­State ,\~socintiou~ joiu the Austra lian Asi'o<'intion ond th1to ;;c,•urt' admission to thl' Commonl\cnl!h Court the r>ur­posns of the cmbtl ''gO may be clefon tcd. "It ig noio•wortltv thot the Common ­

wealth Go\·Nnn1Nit havr so lc,.isln ted that Fcderfll J1Ub lic 81'1'\'UOt~ ohnve not; tho rig-ht (I f admi•~ion to rho Common­wea lth C'out· ~ of Concil in t ion ttntl - Arbi· !J·afion. but th ut 11 ~pccin l p ulilic SCI'\'LCO ar'hitrntor has bcr.11 nppo in tNl to deal wilh the qut 1 ion o f sn lnl'it's nnd gcncrat working conditions.

"The qu~ t ion as to whct.hcr Stnto· l'rnployees shou ld hn1•e ncrcss to the Commonwl'alth Court of Industrial Arbi­tntion notwi thshndiu,:t that a State court exists is a. mntler of Go\'crnment nolic"<T. l clulv advisr-d the Chief Soc­i·eta"'~" of the· cir\'umstonccs."

1t appears to me that thc Stale public •et' onts bv "iYin.., nol ico o f thl'ir intention 10 }il!k 'up· "~th the .-\u~trl\lion 'Puhlic S~r­,·ants' :\<sociation, ban• force<l the 'Prcru1er to introduc-e this amcnclml"nt to rcmo\'C tho £300 cmbnr~o. The question is: "_Is the taking off of the £300 cmbnr~:o p;otng lo make any diiT<'r<:nct>. or arc wc to hare !he public scn·:tnt~ jfOing-first to tho State ArhitrR.tion Court and !hen to the Com­monwealth Arbitration Court?" If that is "'Oin•• to be the case. we arc ~oing to be put


in ,n YC'rV awkward pos1tion. Tho Quren$lnnrl GO\:('rnmcot hn~ not made any protest a~ainst lhe rf'f(isli'Bt ion. of th~ A us. tralian 'Pub! ic Servants' A~•oc1ahon 10 the Commonwealth -~ rbitrnlion Court ..

The PRE>O£R: The public st'!rvnnts have 110 rig ht to go to the Commonwea lth Court, wheth.cr the E'tnbzngo exists ot· not.

Mr. MOOR"E: L\Iost doridf'dly, but il; nJ1pcnr:< to m e ns fhou oxh wn nro goio~ to ha vc a $Ysl cm of rl oublc-harrell cd nrb1t •·n-1 inn nnd 'that thc }'PdCI'fll cour t will overlu.p tlw' Stnle co\11'1. Thot woulcl be on ~ ~ ~~ · J,ann<sing position. Tf the Slnlt! Gov('~'n · mcnt a m goin~ tu .mend the Publ tc Serv1ce A<'t to 31Jow t lH.' public ·enronh ~o gC! to t.he Stare Arhi trat ion Court for whnt •s ~otd t.o. be jw;tice. then it i~ tne dut v of tlw Opp?sll !on to prot!'st e , nin•L tha J?Uhlir Sl'r':nnt.s !m!on~ up with the Au~tralian. Ptthh; S~t·vnnts Association 11ncl hl'lll{( I'C'IYIS(!'rcd 1n thP C~m­monwealth Arbitration Court. I would hko to (!uoto wh11t the P1·emirr eaid on tbi• matter some twn ycnra ago-

" I ha..e to point out lhal the. IIigh Court's decision to rcnd.r Stnte lnstr~ ­mentalities subjccr to the Federal _\rh•· tration Court is undemocratic oml likely to l<.'nd to pernicious results . . . . .A

Mr . .'loore.]

Page 4: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

.lA 14 Public Service, Etc., If·'l. [ASSEMBLY.] Animals and Birds, Etc., Ril7.

single fcdcrnl Arbilrnlioo Court awu-d ntijCht imJ1o~c nn extra churgc on ll par­ticular State of any &mount up to £1,000,000 per anm1m."

Tho State hn provided nn cffi<'icnt Arbi­tration \ourt. and, if '"' ore going to have the State public scl'l'nnts linking up with the AuFtrut.un rublic Servnnts' AssociAtion to r,niu .H'<'<'~> to the Fcdrral Arbilo·ation C'ourl, I do not know "hnl position the State is ~toing to be ploct'd iu. Surely when the quest ion has bl't'n refl'rrNl to the Pre­mie~ by the Puulie Sc.•n·icc Cnnm1i·sioner, tho Premrrr •hould han• 1£'1 the liousc know whnt attitude the Gt"'l'rnm••nt intt>nded taking up in l'l'ijnl'd to the que~tion. I> the Premier prc>porl'•l to "C<'·'Pt the position und••r wha·h p11hlic ~<'1'\'0nb will have tho rir!l1t of entry l"l I h<' FC(I••r11l Comt and .• l•o cntrv into the Stat<• ('otnt ontl then he nble to I nkc thr . w"rd whi~h suits llwm bt>~t 1 SnrPh·. bdor·n Porliotrl<'nt i~ nskecl \vhet.her· it i~· dr,iruhlll to ittt r oclut'" 1:•is Act <!r not, lion. rnembr•r·R • I'll en lit led to SO!TII' inform ation f rom the .Promi t•r in re~;ord t.o t ho 1\Llitude ho tnkcs n p on who I. l t•cga 1·d ns A. very irnpoi'La nt !Jltn,,iinn. •o lhnt wo ~ha ll kno1 · cxudly where we stnncl.

T he PRF.~1 1 ER (Hon. 1':. G. T hcodotc. (!hiiiii(! O•): l\·Ty own uttitud~ on the question is well kno · n. J do rr'{llrtl it u u nfortn· nafr thot the Frdt•nrl ,\ t·hib·ntion C'onrt t.boulc.l hnvt• juri~nirtron Ol'rr• th :::;tutc do· pnrtrht'nl~-ot uny r~t" in thn·t• StatL:s in whirh thr public> •t•r,·nut• hll\'o• o<'f'l'f• to nn ndequ~li! Still<' Arloiu·otion C"nurt. I ~ mny be• nrg11 cl thnt the !'ntir" inrlu~tri)l juri>dir­tioll woulcl I morr wi-t•h· nr ,.f£•'t;ti'·"b· Rdminislprcd hy n cl'ntrol authority th 111 it i< b:- the Ststr nuthoritii'S. rs ot prc•cnl: but that 111 n rliffrrl'nl qu~atinn 1•nt!ret·. l.'ncll't the prn..,•nt cli trihutir·n of ]lOll <·r• of nf!mini<­trntion I clo think the ~tote on:rht ro hoYo control 0\'Cf thr indn~trinl nrntl<'r~ :lfft't'tin~ their own puhlie !<'r,·nnt-. bnt f 1" ll igh Court has nti<Xl othl'rll i •·· I l'l'ft•rr•!'cl to thot <iN·i~ioo n~ undrrnO<"t'ntic in thr •r•c that it ,,u in · lfl'C"t nn 11111l'nrl 1n~n: o( riP ~\m.trnliun Ccm~titution mndc h.1· lh<' 11 i<(h .._' Olll"l and not by n. •·eft•J'I'rldunr of thr pC'opll'.

ln r<'gard to Qurcon.<!Hn<l f cln not P[']WC· hf·ntl any ({l't'nt clifl1cultv, for· nlthon({h ~late public •••n·:111t h:t'"" th • ri1drt tr1 f!ll tu th•• Commouwculth i\i·hill·utinll ('om•t, 1 do nN b('l ic,·co the Comrno11w• IIth At·bitr l ion Cr•11r1 ,,· ill rnll l<r !In uwn r·tl "h~r·l' 11 St dr· pltlrlir scr·vice i ~ 11 ndl'r· n snti f11rtor" <1'''' m of urhit r atirm. nncl i~ wn ·k"nr; n"nrll'i· ""'" '·d~ eonf<'r·r·N I irr the ir· ""'" S t il l'• •. I do not thi· k th f:ommnnw•• lilt <.' uri <•ill willi n ~t l Y tnko on th•• Yery inv itli'liiR tuHitltnnklr•., rlntY of ~llfJCI'I·isin):( 11 S tutr nuhl ie ~N1• ic•• which i~ nlrend.v 11 .•ll contnrllt•tl.

)fr. Nl.IXII'F.U.: Cunnot the puulit• ~rn·unls crE>atl' " di~pute <'Xtcmding h<'VOrHl thL boun· claril' o£ one Slnte? •

Th~ PfiF.iVHER: Th"t upplirs to nil rla~""' nf workcn. I ntn not ''""";"" thl' r_ight of f'rntt· publif· •~r·vnnt• to ;:-o to th~ ';)mmonwrnhh Arhit.·,•ttou Court. Th1· llillh Cou1 t h~ r<' ,,o,·rtl nil <lnnht o:r thnt •ur~·; 1-- ·t. r' T hr.,·r · ·1itl. T do 1101 think tlH• l'oenmonii'"RI'lr . C"~"•:t • ill ,-.illingly tnkl' on the n>rv 111\'Ultou~ clnt ~· of mnkin:; uward• wh!'ro• nwarn~ nlrt>nclv l')(i~t for tha Sht<' public •cn~nt~. e~pccinllv whcr~ they •rP modr and llr!' romprohen-i'n•. and have been !'Oillirmed ye .u- after yrn1· in all their

[JI r. :11 oora.

manifolrl dotail:r, dcnl ing a5 thr•y dt1 with cla••ilication$, n.llownot•co~. :1nd the wholo g:unut o[ indust1-inl condition' oppl9ing to the puhlic ~c"·ice. It i• not likt>ly thul the Commonw• ulth Court will urL hn,tily and take oHr the dulv o£ supl'r\'i•in~ nil theqe cictails. therefore. i do not think tlrcrc 11·ill be any great difficulty. When the public scr­,·nnt-3 IHtve the right to go to !he ]l't'dcrnl Arbitration Cour~. no cioul;t thry , •ill lind it more ad,·nlltRgeous to remnin under their pre•l'nt induo;ll ial control. ·

Question put nod p:lS!eU.

The Hou~e rosumcd.

The CHAIR:\IAN reportl'd that the Com­rnittoo hnd romo to n re•olution.

TIH! r~solution v·ns agrccod to.

Fmsr Rt:ADI!<OO .

The l'RBi\I!EH, (lion. K G. 'J'lr, utl{wt', Clti/lli(JO•) prt!stmt<'d tb.., Di ll , rllld IIIOI' t'CJ-

' · Thul tho Bill be no"· n•od n lirst time."

Quc;;tion pu t. uHd prtss~d . T he SC('(lJid I'Cnt.l ing or the Bill \\'M ITti\UO

un Ordv r of tiro Duy for l.tHIIO<row.


Srco:>O REIOt l>~"-ll&snil'TJOll OF DED\TD.

Mr. :O.IOORE (.41tbiy. y): When the Sooro­taQ' for .\!<ricultura inLrouucod this Dill, ho «nid ht' dirl sn lulving dttu regard to tho rc;>C'n·ation to brinf: nbout the proper eontrol nnd l't'asonnble l1miting of the int.Juqtry. Ther · is no que~tion tlrut t.ho industry has not 1>4>"n ptopct•ly t'Ontrollcd or rensonnbly Jimit!'d. b< ~:ru~l' we ha\•e largo portions o[ fhn StRtc in which thrsc unfortunate unioutls Anrl hitds hn,·e hrPn practicnll.v "xt<>reni­nnv•d. PoliLienl roosidl'rntinns hnvc been s llo' cd to tre!!p in as ogniu~t lhc welfare of the native faun11. of this State.>.

'Vo !raYc had close Sl '.•on~ proclaimed, uttt, wht•n pn••sut·o has bt'Cn brought to bt!ar, the sea•on bfts bcr•n <•n~necl, although it was well kn01111 nt the tirno rbnt Jhcro ,1-cl·c many <H•tricl5 in the State 11herc lhcso ommals had l ~un prnctirolily e~tcr·ntiniltcd. Th<' number !(i\'ell uy th11 .• Jil ri;ler when nrn.k ing hi• st'cond rcndiu~> speech of tiro OJIOAAi tmg uncl bcurs clt•1royecl wa~ r~tlhc r· "" c:·~·fiJJertct·. Xo n 1n 1 wr "hnt. Act~ o£ I'..trlittm ut nl ·Y 1Je cuforCI.'d prohibiting iho ll• of ' .;,.,;.cJo nnn o [ nu~h ln rupa. 11 f' knr;.\' (1 10~<' A~t~ HO pr·ueticolly r1 d"rtrl lr•t.ter. 'Ch.:. mclhtld of r·xternri n · rt ing 1 he.,. nnin1nlo h a~ bt•rortH' ~o 81'1~11· ti:i<' lh ol in Jt lorgP ltu tlli"'l' of <listr icts ilt<'Y hr1·e hren pr·nct i(•a ll.' • wi11"d nut. 11 i~ o ,·ery uncommon thing in ll lur~•! p;~ rt or the Stllle to ~ee u natinl bt·ll.l', nnd it i~ t•nthcl' nil tulr.ommon thing to Sl'!' un opos­oun>. CPrlainlv to ()ndt'a ,·our 11ow to muke th.:m a. re1·cnu~·produdng al<."ct to lhc Slato is not going to lend to LL proprr <'Ontrol or to CL rco~annblP limitntiun a~ rogur(ls tho num­brl· d~;:tmy()d. Certainly the mnol'y rni~ccl in thi~ rc·gard is going ro br pnicl into n tru~t fund, uut wt• kno'v thnl. if one f~nd •ho · s n debii bnlanre. the crerlit balance of Bn1lthcr rnnd is nsed t~ bol!l<'r up th<' fund in d"bit. I am ufraid thot the native (!\unn. of thi~ Shl.tP is going to be sacrificed to politicnl expedi~ncv in an Pndcoxour to sccurr an amount of rc,·cmtc th11t otherwise would not be 11\'ailable.

Page 5: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Animals and Birds [8 0CTODER.) Att Amendment Bill. 1415

The ~linister stated that thi:; St~ttl' wns not nlon~ in it~ desir<. to sceurc fund~ from 1 h!' native £aunn, a nu he iru;tancetl \\" e~tc:m Auslrnlia., New Zcalll.lld, Victoria, ond South Auijtralin. \Ycstcrn Australia do••s inquNJ n. roynlt y on Fkius ~old, but it do::s not go ,,. fut· u' this Bill in Ul'Chuin~& nil n11th·e t~n irnrJis f.o be the pt·openy of Lhe Stntc, and it l'loc•s not. go so far us to pet' m it t r.rppcr·, to trat) 01:1 pri,·ale p1'0!)el·t.. Th~.1· Ill'• unl.1· .,Jio.,•ctl ro tmp on Crown lnnJs lllllbls with ll1c c<lllSC'nl of !hP. O\\ ncr of t·hc prope1·t~·. 1 n X ell' Zealand thC'rc is no I'OI'Glt·\' nt all oa •kins StlCh as th£' ;lliuistC'r' lej 11 tu believe. The Go,·crnmeuL gruut p lil' t•h>c to people to shoot e. ccrtnin number of deer. JUSt as ~hey grant a liceme to pcor,lc to fish for trour. They abo impo-e a u:cus · on pi'O!IIc who sell ganll'. but tln:re 1~ no licN1~e fee, as fat· as 1 ha1e bclln 11bl~ to uisco,cr, in any Xew Zealand ,\c:-t, in rbc n~iurl' of :1. royalt•· on ft~r auim31o. As ~ JllaltPr of fuct. there o.re prntticnll" no ~u~h a .. intuh in Xew Zealand. Thu hc••rt>r fr•• imllONI'tl in ::-icw 7.calttnd is fot· n turn 1\y di f · ,.,.~lit ~·m·pnsc. It is not fut' fhr: p~•qwsa ul llCI}Uirmg o·ev<'nu~. 'fhf' liC'l'UM• i< Vl11~· issued it! l'cwect of irnpoo•too go.m.:. uu.J .:uo l,· 1> ct•rtniu hug is pcrnoitt<'d. ,.\ny 1111111 li(ll•n><·d to >1\oot Jcet• i• only p?o·mitlt·u to ;.!toot ,, r~nnon number.

~1 r . .F'OLE\': The lie •u;;e fee )lropo•rd to Ill! lmJIO•'.Y here is only for lltll r~orp<>!•' o( [!I'll· tlu~ing re1·enuc to protect nttt11·c fontul.

:\Jr. :'.lO(lRE: I am ofrnid thl' nn,.i!'t~· of the \;oYC'rnml!nt to sl'cuto t'e''"t1111! j, not goiu~ to JH'OIN't our n:~,ti\'l• animal•, l)nt i~ l'lllher going to hn\'1' the oproco-ir· dTN•t. nuol " mthl'1' goiu!{ to lea .I to 1 hrll' 1 xtN· rHinnr ion, Tho ntcthotls adoptr•J flf •<'l'lll'iUl(' 1 ht'><' unimals by lntnp'! •. ud JlCilioJn hn\' ' ' tnken tlll n;· pracEeuJiy ''''C'I'.V t·hnnr •. _ thr 1111fortuuut~ auirnnl haR of r en p ing. \1 111'11 a wns mel·olv a l'f\1~~~ iun ni ~l'lltriitg, 1 'tNC 11 "" n !'l't·tui'u uumber o£ , -rape!. J n mv lli>trit' t I do nol supJ10<C you multi lind hnfi , rlo>.cn "/''"sums in th~ wht·l~ or th di.trict. A thou~rh 1hc1 u~~rl to lll' l~n<on­nloly pltmtiful, -the\' 'nre now prnc·tirl\11·; ' ipPt! out. 'l'h••re is one thing tho~ doC'· ~i'"'' thrn a littl•• protet1iou. That i6 lhe pt·ol'kl,;·. r•nr. \\"hern 1t is .0) thick thilt the tmpp' l'il t•nnnot get inio it. tile nt'o'"u'w' n1·• • affor<ll'.l a little nn!nrHI protectinn. \>Ybat is nt•cd• I i~ A l'losc:o •ca:;ou for t110 Cot· tht<·c• ~·,·nr' 10 gi1·e thr"e nnirnnls n.n 0[111ot1nnitl' of br('crl· '"ll' up, nnd not h1l\'c any open .. ~n•OI•. Th.• Jl"'~•·••t pr·.rrti cf' (of npu11i n({ tlw •cu<OII 11~ u'J'C!'l1ln1· intpn·oJs gi1 1.'~ An oppo•·t1mi t,' ru pt·vnl11 lo twp th<->c animnJ.. nil 1111'0\l'!h tlu• yrnr, 11nil the11 hold thL• ~kin~ llitl:l th•• O!t<''l ~l''"on. \\'r• know that tlt•1•'uA of lll'Oplc rlo lhnt.

'fr. FotCY: That is wltnl 11'1' a••' tr.""'l! t ·) 111'~\CIII.

Mr. :JOORF.: r do not ~>ec:o that 11 ; lik•·"' to bl• prr.-entPd nr:cl• r thi5 Rill. 'f'lw Boil i~ of 11 ''<'f" dr11.· ti•· tHiturr. lr Pmbo.Ji r t 11'<1 ,Ji•tllli'tJ;: 01"\\' priowipl<•s. nPiihN Qf ' hicit. tfl m1· toinrt. i-, ~niug to h·' for tht• l,~ndi~ of llic"" nnfort11nt1l•' nnimal . tu \'irtol'in nnr' P.oufl t Att•~t·alin lhPrc •rtuit·l• llu, lw•'" nn P'lblic nlllll'llnl'f'ment R$ r<·gnr·rh griting n ''"' o1t - in rc,pert of tloP nnt11·c fnn11n. Th1•:v' muv hasp cou~itl C'l'l!d tt tHh·n t 1·,, but

· · no1hin~ hus h~rn donco, 1111d f10.30 n.m.J Quut:!nslnnd. nnd \\"c,l!'rn A11~t,,·n!io

arc the onlv two S tnt .. R whii'IJ 1\n,·c t~kron action The Minisf~t· ~~tinmiP~ thnt hr will haYe n r~,·cuur o£ ubn1; t £'"• ('':0

from thi~ source, buL I cnnnot sec wbt>re it is going ro come from for more thnn a year 01 two. T rannot s I' the l'Xpcdiency of cndea­Youring to secure ~urh un mnount of l'cn·enue fo·om these animnl~. whit'h arr goiug to bl.' ~acri!iocd in n wuy thoy luwe no right to bo sacrificed

The 1naiu portion of the Ui ll to which 1 objcct. is tl11) ltll•ttt:'r of gi\'ing ptmmt~ to t•·appcts to go on to pril'l<h~ holding• and INse.hoiJ~. i1·1't'~j)CC'ti1'0 tJ f the wishes of thl.l l<:!n~eholdcr or the ownct· of the propcn:·. l <tltitc unth·r~l.nntl thnt in the cn3H ol pllSt~ ~uch ns dingo<·~. if " mnn will not protect hi~ neighbour and protec1: himFelf in the ,., ty o[ comb;ning tht.! rcsr. svnw mcasw·11s OtT IIC•'<Ittl to c-ou1pcl lum to rnrr;:- out h<s thu~·: but ;o~ n•gurd~ opo-;•um•, Lean, RnJ othl'r nntii'P nninud•, thcl'l' i> no ~uch nason for trc pn,sing on pril'olll' Jll'opcrty. The }Jnoi~tt•r him~cl£ ~nid that. loc thought the tr1Kll \oho luul to pny the r<•ttl nud who 0' ncd 1ho stocl< on the hnd should be tbe first wn.,itlcrntion. 'rho fit·~t tonsid,.ratiou is tl~nt 1htlt tnnn i~ paying n n•nt tu the Crown fo•· a le~schol<l propol'ly to tho use u£ which hi! is thCI'cfore cn tit,lrrl, in 1hc same WAY a.s 11. frecholdN' purcbtl8<'S n bloc-k of I:J.nd and \•A \'S the C'rown for th!' ft·ct•hold t~nnre of 1t,' nnd the C't'O\\'n hns no right to give JlN·noits to pcoplc tn (•nt~t· nnd I rl'spas5 on 1." propcl'ly, nnd to tlo "lr!'tenr they like. \\ ,, ;hould not allo" unclc·<trnhlc•, B-> tnany ui them nrl'. to go 011 thcsf' propert iPS. They hn,·e no ri~ht to 11:0 th<'l'<'. It i; not only " 1lues1iou of lit•' dnmll(!'" they will <lo , but tlwre is u lnr~c nnnobt•t· of men who have t"' ll'a\·1' thtir w11·r• nud chilt!t·cn 11t homr, uncl th~ fud o£ gi ,·ing pr.nuits lo> t;nppcrs 10 go on to a pl'Ojlt'rlv \\llllr a man •• uwn.y l'n ates o vt•J' v nei'\'(HiM fof'l in g. l knnw of "l'I'Y m now co•es "h<'t'C' n 1111111 wouhl feel \'(• 1·;v rlout,'tfu l ttltoul lt 11 '"R hi~ home: Ln go a\\' I\' 01\ bu>iM~S if hr thOUit:ht thnt thet'C wu·;• rwonlco anlhm·i~l'll to g.) on his prot><'t'ty ciucing hio !lhbl'm't•. It i< not u qw~stion that th<'y ' •ill do ~tny thin·f· hut. tlwru i• ~ lat·ge number of l'l'Ql)il•-womcn in ('I rttcuil:tl'­" ho di,likc to h«\'0 Sh'l\11~ t1 po·owling about tlw phu•e at night. n '' 11p.-rts thl'm and mnkl'• thrm nC'r\'Olt.. I do not ~t>c tn •t the C:o.-t:'rumcnl h!ll't' am· t•iglot to :lllow people. tllliC'.;;, with J1Cimi •iou uf thr o ,.n~r;. t•, go on to the )ll'Opertir~, f"'t' ' ' lticJo the IH1 OCl"'! n1·~ rnving r~nt 01' \ hich thC'y ha\'C pur· !'l:u~Nl: for n !'C't'!nin clu>< of bnsine5>. Wa know ilwt for hl'llilh ro•n>on~ (or for tho puo·posc of roml·nriu;; rt 11' I it i< nl:'ee~·,u•y 11 ;: tin" ; thnt olra~tic nction hnuld hctnk('n; t nf. tllL're i~ no nrvc·~~itv for Kuch net ion umlc1· n Bill of o hi! •CI I't. ' 11 i~ not llh)t'd,\· n quo··tion or doinj!' dn.lllnl{e to Ftock 01' tqo -clting slot'k. \\"r• l;nolf tha t •·cry nft1•n a An>hliglot fl'otn n lnrnr nnLl shooting lul\'fl hud a \'et'\' cli~l t•rbing colft•cr ou !"title •· hiclt ore fnttctiing in 11 11ncldork. 'l'hPrl' i., no prolcl'tic.u , nppan•ulh. to 1 • gil'cn lo lhc ~to!'k0\"11<'1' M nll-ht> has no snv. A Do;u·,l i• to be £orn11~. nud it will h:i,·c power to g11·e 11i'rmit~ to trappl•rs.

:\[r. FOLEY: 'J'ho lltock•r•nrr will have rqJrrs('Jttntion on I hi' Bnn1'11.

Mr. 1\lOORl•: · HI' will ho,·r rcpr<!' Nltat ion on the Ront<l, lJut lh th~o·l' will U<' n Gove1·n· nu•nt l't:'IHCSl'lltati,·c 11111l 11 rcprc•"nhti,·e of lhl' t1•appcr•, ho will IJc ouf\·co!t•t.l by two to one.

Tha St:CRET,\11\' mn AGIHCl'LTl'nti:: \Yher<\ will be bo ouJ\·otcd?

Mr. MOOR]';: If n mnn puys a licr~nso for, he ~nn get n ('lcnnit for trnpping. That

Jh. 111 o01·e.]

Page 6: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1416 AllimalB coul Bird8 [ASSEl\ffiLY.] Act A1wndmcnt bill.

is wbn.t the Covcl'lln lt>Ut o!licial i~ there for n?d 1yhnt t-he Board is IIJ>poiutcJ fot~t~ gl\'e lH.'~Jl-C'S to ti'Up)lero.

The :-.::cncr1RV OR ACI'ICl"LTCR<:: To · dnoe the-m, I•Os~ibh·.

~lr. ~IOOH F.: 'l'o rt;(u,~ on nlto •th'!l' m•oic!ir·uiJir• iudi1 i•lual but th~re ia IIOthiw• io the Dill to ~how tit.\l thl'l' nro g••i!l"' t~ r,·fu·!' !>c.rnn"ion to go on o.n· l_10ldiuv in th( dtstnrt wh~t·r thr trnppmg 1• to rnk" piu cc. l t i~ ml'to•ly 11 matrcr o f gi,·illg a. lit:u:sc. Tt dO('d no~ >tipulnt~ h<'tl! n mnn cun go o.- 1 hcl'e ho cnronot go.

The Bill give, enormous power ior making Yegn lntion~. 1'hl> wl111le COII$t itution or the bonru, the olcC'Iton of it ond the voting ft.r i ~. i9 left to l'Cgulntiou, n.nu to my mind it i~ o11ly dgltt t hnr wo should Jli'C!pnt·e umend­nrollts tu ·~·r•ko it nroo•o dclinitr, Ut!ra.u~c '( su·?ngl,1• OUJC(•t .tv the fa•·-naching <·ondi 1 ion. WhiCh .mn~ bn l lll()O~ttl. h ,qcccu~ to ue lhnt the D•ll •a tv bo cutir~l;· administered by regulation. and Pnt·hnmcJll is lo have no righ t t·o object to t·egulution~ vcr.- oft.: n until months n£t~t· they nt·c put !uto .•' i1'cct throu(!'h ­out !:he StntP. 1 do no~ uhJ l•d r f t,J'Ii,ppors like to camp on Crown lund, h•ll to nllow them to go on to th11 propet·ty of u private indi­vtdual, "ho should ha V<' o. prior righ t to ~ll<1thcr indi l'iduals, j! tlntir~ly wrong. 'l'ltct·e 1~ 110 justification for it. There is nlEo npparcntly no suggest ion in thi~ Bill tht cet·tp.m l)ort•ons of the State nl!ly b) d eclnred close a.nd open in othtrs. h is necessary somet imes _to h~1·c a. long olo•c season to ennblc nat.zvo bads and anunnls to breed up, and, •f we ore going to give permits to trapper:\ and Qlhcrs, wo nre 1t0ing to have difficulty in. controlhng them. A man wbo gets 11 p<:rmJt to trap and to go on to private la.nd for that purpose may we that permit for o~hcr. purpc;t•es •lltogcth~r. and it will be qu1t' tmpm ibl,. to control him. A man who h!ls t'!-ken _up a holding should surely 1 ~,-e ~ rmor r1ghL to trap on it, but the Btll gii'Ci\ oi hcr men tho rij!ht ro go on to that property ami do i·u,l as they like. There nre many men m tJi$ Stn tc who do not want to mako a. lol ont of l h• ir prop~rh· h~· ~hooting and trapping tho animals and btrds on it.. They like to k~l!P the property ns sanclunrlo 1. I know scver11.l properti,.~ the owners <•f which wou ld not nllow nn:vbody lo go o n them to trnp n.t all unless' thev wc~o forced. 'l'hey wnn~ to g i,-c tbe iUiima i~t a ohnnoo to b1·ccd . up. Somo pr•ople keep knuga.roos. These troppers grt permits, and they c11. n go nil over thoso p1·opert.ic~. Wh J' sb~uld nn iod!vidual who 11 !1.8 protected Lhc ammulR on h1~ nropcrty for n nutnbcr of yen~s !'a.vo tl1o rcsuJb altogcthet· nulldicd by tndlVtduals who louve no l•al'!hly interest !n his p~int of yirw nt nll. hul. 1~ very great mterest 1n gettmg o,·er; valuable skin tlwy can ?

Mr. CLAYTON: Thev ha1·e votes at olcction times. ·

1\Cr .• 1\tOORE: I kn?w thnt it may be cxpcdtl'nt from th~ pomt of view of ,·ot-es to give these permits. It is all very weli to ~ay that, bl'Causr n corta in number o£ men a rc out of cmploytwut, they >h tli he aUowt>d to go out troppin~~:. but outside inftneoct> ~hould r.ot be allowed to int~tft>re. We havo to con5ider whether thee nn imnls should bo Macrificod in this way and appnruml.v, if tho Guvernmcnl ea~ bll~ rf!venuo from them by menns of roylllly,

r Jl[,·, Jtl oore.

they are going to be ~o.crilicl•d e1cn tn ,, great<' I' <-.:lent.

Thf! Su-nf:l'.IRr rou .\CHJCllt.n·tm: 'fhu toyalty will be on 11 slidiug S<'ak•.

::\! r. )IOOR E: Dul'iua Otc ln$t f;• .. "eau the ~kins h:\\'o been "iluaLl uull I!OIV tht.'l C'1·own is going to ~tcp in untl tal<c n pol'lion o! t he mon"r that ~ ~ ~N!Ur ·•1. I d.:> c<J~ kunw ) hotlu•l' (hot js (;Oing lO Uc nf 11111 1<'1'\ J!'!'I:'IH nd\"!lntBgi' to anyLody 1Ju1 du• (:ro"li. I~ is ('!'t'18inly uoL goial!' tu bt• of un) ·h·fln f•~!IC to 1he nni•u Is, nnd 1 .In n••t thi tk thal it id going to bu of ~ny GdnlhiUI(I! lfl the ll'IIJIP"~'"; and uoque>tiOII!Ibl v •t 1; !.Otng to Le a g l'r:lt clisaclvnntngc 'to the [1ri1·nto i di1· idud on 1 hose ho ld ing tro.ppinl( h tv u allowed to take t•hcc. 'l'hc Hill "''1!111~ to b~ nn att.:-rnpt to get nt indi,·iuunl ~ who ltu ,·c leased country from the (;n,m n u ntl , ,.ho in o. few inst~LICC'$ hu 1'0 nndc a' li ttle H!Otu:y, IJ:, gil' ing permi~sion to opproved 1 t•u I' pet~ w go <>n to tlwit· holdings. lf the Dil. ul lv\i<'U th~ pe•--on who owned tl11l !)1'0· flC'l'iy to sc·lurt I he pc1·~on he would liko to hare on his holding- :~s a t.l'appC?r, and did uot give indiscriminately the ri g ht to tmknown indil'idnnls who desit·o licenses as t.ruppN·s, the po~ition would not be 30 bud. Very often a lnndho, lclor woult.l l'IOL 111ind givin~ permission to a. per·'<On who ho knew won lll not do an.v damage to !. is property or cause any unlRslocss in his houscl1old if h& happened to be o.wnv; but that is a. to tally different thing from ·h,~ l' ing 11. boo1·d ia.uing pc1•mit; to nil nnd sundry.

The Board will not ha.vo I'CI'Y much oppor­tunity of inquiring into 1hc chnraetcr Ol' tho ola>s of men seeking permits. Ono knows that some \'ery undesirable ehnractc1·3 follow the occupation o r ll·ap_ping-it is such a free and easv rort of life. Thet·c ar~ mnn1 people in m y distt·ict who at·e strongly ngnm•t this pror.osal. 'l'hey feel that 1he Crown is not justifi<.>d in imcdering with their l'ights by gi1·ing permit$ to pcopll.' to come on to thci~ Tan d. They arc satisfied thn t there is an clement of ri · k in connl'<ltion with fires, rus­rurbing of slock, and in ~.1using anxiety to­their fiouscholds bv this propo~l\1. If n man is aJlowcd to nominata 0 person whom he wishes to l>c the holder of u lioenso permit­ting him to tra p on his properly, thou the obje<•tion to thia po·opoRul is not so grent; or , if rhe holdCI' obj~ets to ltllyboJy goiug thcr~ b ecause he h•u I'CR!'t'vod thst. nrr.n to en1ble the nuimah to inct·caso und thn.t objection is re~ognised by the B oard , then n good doni of the di,•ngteooblo portion o£ this Bill will be el iminated. 'rho landholders n1•e &ll·ongly opposed to tho propo~nl to n llow [l•.nnits to be i&su!'d tu all pcl·sons. 'l'hoy clnim thnt the Crown hus no elu·~hly •·igbt to accept rent lrorn ono m :<n nnd g i I'O him tho right and title to that land nn<J nllow him to TJrosect1te ircsposscrs, R nd then tt llow trappers to go on to it. The Jandholder is tltc sole owner of the land ~o louR as the lease hold~ good, nnd he i~ the sole owner of freehold lond so long us he holds the title to thnt land.

Mt·. FOLEY : The hon. genth'mnn could apply the samo nrgument in connt:ction with timber.

:\lr. )!OURE: 'Ihc ~nmr nt·gumcnt does appl; iu <'onnection " ·ith I imber. .\ ma.n hns no canbly right to cut lirnber ou nnot.her roun'~; freehold property.

Mt·. FOLU: The hon. gcntlc111an wn.s speaking o£ leasehold.

Page 7: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Animals rmd Birds [S OC't'OllER.] Act Amendmetit Bill. 1417

:\fJ•. :\J:OO:RE: Except during latet· years, ll'hC!t'C it \1 '\S ~pcoificn lly statcrl in the l<'OSC! that u p<'rson could enter tho lnnd (or ~~ ~~rt~in JlUl'pose, no pnt·wn had the rigl1l lo "0 on to n lC'nschold. It ia only wh~n the Crown cmbndit.'s in the le a.se the •·ight to re:oen·c th0 tiwbcr that any pcr-Hon is nll 'l"' ' •1 to go on lo the lan<l to r()ITIOVC rimbPr. T he persons 11 hu a~" uow , om­pluining h•we taken up tht'ir land '·ithout >1nv rcf·~l'\',ttion in the lease. ami without any 1·c:cn·.J.tion in the use u[ frc~hold fenurc, :!'\ow the Grown comes along with on Art or Patliamcut b,l' which it i~ going tO a llo•. Cillh~,. pt.>c)l)le to go Otl to tlns prope.~·ty, and rh ' landholdcrs will h&Ye no righl ln object oo ench entry or to tun• them or<. even 1hough the landhold,.rs ma,· be pul to serious lo·~ and inconvenif.'ncc. •

Mr. FotEY: They l1M·c the ri'l'ht now t.o go on to laud to destroy pc"ts.

:VIr. MOORR:: It is nol. a qut"sti'on of tl!'sto·oying pests. The Govf'rum!'nt have 110 right io allow any man lo go on to uuy pr<opl?t'ty to destroy pests if the ownrr n•· oc~upicr i~ cfi'cci i1·el .v co.t•ryit:s; thn t work out, himself. It. is only when th11t wotk is Jool l.Jcing carried ont thnt n f>Ctmit i is~Uf'd allowing n tt·apper to go on to the land to drsh·oy lhoso pest~. If a man rofnst.s to deun up his yard, or t.o de-' I roy pe~ts on his land, then the author ity COl'C"1otctl. has the r ig lt t to put people in to do that work, This is not a. ca.se of that kiud at alL These aro not p~sts, but revenue-producing .animals.

l\{r. FOLEY: The ~ame thing applies.

)it•. \\.100RE: I do not think U1at the same thing applies at all . The principlll is e ut-irel;: wro11g. If the Crown insGrted lt dnu~e 10 Lhe u•r1ns of its lt'll'':lS that it rould r. errnit trappers to go on to l·hose ho,ltlings, there would be nothing more to l.oe !;lttd; but. when a m:..n buys a ft•echold ot ta k<'$ up a lea<c.hold, then it is his propcn·ty f<Jr. ihe purposes he is going to p11t 11. to dm·mg Ius occupancy o•· tonnto of tho land, and the Cro' ·n hn.s JJO t·ight to step in and nlter the ooud it.iong of the freehold or lc&FO· hold tenut·c of that lanp. The pri~tcipte is wrong, a.ntl. maf lead to a great deal of trouble 1U11l amnety.

Tho dnu~e g i viug power to issue regula­t ions ia absolute ly w rong, becouse the powers uppcar to be ttnlirnited. A suggestion was rut. forward ~y tho Minister when intro­dl!~mg th'! Bo ll that the Bounl possibly mtgh(, con.stst of one trnppers' rept·est'»t:ttivo One stockowners' l'Opresentative, and one Governmer~L scn•ntJt. He gitvo uo jndiou,tion <Is to whlllhcr there w;u to hi' 11. Boat'd fat' nach por tion o£ the State-whether there wa~ to be ono centra l Boa.J·cl for t.he whole o[ 1hc State, whut power this Boa rei was going w ha \'0 except. in regard to the issue of permit~. whether it wns going to be able to spcoify the distinct lo::nliti'cs in whiclt trapping was to inkc p lace; whethct· loca.] Boat·ds 1 ere to hnve a 1•oicc in the dcclara· l-ion of the close seasons, whether a central Hoard was to do this, or whothet· the power was to be left Jn lite bands of thll l\!limstcr. The wol')d!'g of the Bill js left vaguely expressed 111 one long clause, which status ihnb e~>erything is to be done by regul~ttion after the A<:t is passed. The principle is absolucely wrong, and I want to see tlefinitely set out in the Bill wha.i. position the boat•c!'s a.rc going to hol~, who are going Lo cleQt them, )\·ho can s1t on them, whether there nre gomg to be several districts, what si;:e

ihc~cl dish·i<Jls at·e gu ing to be; whether tht'y art• to be liko the J)I'CS•'nt mo.rsupia.l nnd t.lingo bonTds districts or smaller or Jarg-l'r ; t•r whethl'r on•l ui>Unl ir; to control th" whole 8!31:<'. The Uill is ralh<' t' unS1ltis. fadon•, untl, if 14?£t in ots pr1 ,('nt condition l'l';!ulnt 10ns llll\,y 1Je broug-ht, in n.t any poriolt d11rin~ t l!c Year, wlH!TI ''" holl lta,·c no u1>porlltn it~ ·of prutr•ting ngn.iust thl'm ~ x.·cpt. pct•h9ps, when thr Ilouso moNs sovcn 1>1' coight months ltftct• tlH!ir i'~uc. 'Ye have hnd I'X))Pricnco this y• Jr of t ·n or f.hree <'las~eS of l'f'J,l'ttlatiOtiS bPiO_g brongltt in which , in 111'' opinion. wcrf' out,llic the scope o f ti•c r\ct und~•· which tl11 •y wore i•'!ned. Thoae l'l'lfUltt tiOil< ll'l.'l'C SUJ)Jl O!'Ctl to U' ,ist in the wotking of the Act tlllder which th!'y wcro i•sucd; b11l in one i•1 ~tlu1ce it has been fonnrl nc<'cssary to intl'odtJcC ;\ Dill to valid11te them.

Thl' !3ill w•· aro consldoriug hn" n. dragnet C'lntt•e al. the end. lt is '' long olltuso and nnrlrr it. rr![ulntions ea n be framed for l)very. 1 hing po~~ible in regnrt.l lo the adrn ini<l. t·ation nf l'hl' Ar'l. It h a ves evNyt.hi ng so vwgue that Jlt·nct,icnlly no protest can be made whan the regulations haYe been issued, a11d pes· sibly not until months nftcrwdrds whotl the S<'I1SO II has been dosed and t.hc damage haa hccn done.

I objel!t to ihe prin••ip le of the Bill a.Ho­Jl'Pthor. I woulrl bo ~ll'ongly in fa >our of a .Bill brought in for Lho pnrposo of protecting the· e nnim.t!s itnci giving tlu~m a. rcnsooable chance (lf t•cco\•er.v; but a Bill such as this i~ brought in with lhc ob\'ious intc11tion~ of s~cut·ing a rcovenue of £60,000 or £70,000 a .' 'l:'"r for tloe GovcnHoLent, and with the inten­tion uf over-riding tho r ight.s of individuals who lul\'c nlrl:'udy purclul>ed land, I think b is nltogcthcr wrong jn principle, and the Opposition will objccl to it as nmch a,s we cnn right through. 'l'he whole thing seems io be bro11ght in in tho interes•s of a. few i11di1·iduals. and for the purpose of militat· ing agn inst the rie-hts of 11 few men w ho hnpp~n t{) bo sccunug ll so•·t o£ royalty for nllowjng peroons i<J trap ovet· their property. The Bill seems Lobe bt'Oltght in to take away tlJil opportuni ty from some people of l~gitl­mnloly mnl<ing_ a. litt.lo money <tnd to give to others the t••ght to go on to the laud of vcoplo who do not want t.hem.

1Vfr. l'<'ot.r.v: The board will nM give per ­mission to undesi1·ables.

Mr. l\IOORE: How arc the board to know? They will have no ml'ans of know­ing who tlll" mon who apply for permits are nnt it nitcr they hnve rOr"'ivcd thP.ir pormits aml l1nvo cloue something undosimble.

'l' hc Sf.OilfToiRY VOI! ACRlf'ULTUU£: .And hN a use o[ tht>se diOiculties do you suggest that we ohould continue a. policy of dri ft?

l\fl-. 'Y!OORE: No, bnt ·vc should follow the Al!t already on the st!Ltote.book. If lhnt Act Wl.'re properly administered, we wou ld not haYe tJ1e prusent sanndal in con­neat ion with this industry and the extermina­tion of lhn 11nforhmnte animals. If the Act ' ore ndmini~te•·ed properly, the Government would not open the seasons imJJroporl y merely for political expediency. Thoro ;s uo necessity for this Dill. It is merely for tl1e ad,·antagc of o. certain rlass o£ indivi­dual, :1.01~ to secure moro revenue Jor the Govcmoncm. It is not {or the protocLion of the animals themse lves. It is a question of bow the Crown can get something out o£ an industry that hns so far cscnpcd taxa.tion .

Mr. Moore. !

Page 8: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1418 A n1:mals and Birds [ASSEMBLY.] Act Amendment Bin.

Me. COSTBLLO (Om·nm·t•lln) : I listened with n gr~ .t dral of interest to ihc Mi n•'· ter when he m~do l1is •coOIHI reading speech. This Bil l is really int l'Odncetl t.o bri'og in mora revetlne and not for t!!e tJrott•ction (>f the nn im:tls. 'l'he Govc t•nmeot a lso c'lesire to assi~t som[) of t heir political fciends. In fam of the deJinite knowledge we acqulrod during the last e lerf.ion we k•tow that om· uofm·tUilatc 11nimuls have boen dnlgg'od into the ditty 01 i re of pol ition.l ra rty politir.s. Tbe B ill wjll h e an exocJien l li1C'JUts of pro· viding very good orga.nisN$ on b chali of thl' Governmen!r-organisers wh0 will hn-Q'c 1·:> h e pajd by the t r nppcrs in the i'uclnst1·y, We hav!!' " very effici ent Act 'll rend·· on out statute-book a,nd it should b<' properly admiuisl.on>d. H is all no•wmsc fa t· the Go­vernment to sa.y that t;hoy hnvf' no eoutr ol under the j)t•esent 1~cl.. Tht' Govnn1ment control the rail~>ays over " 'hich t·ha sl;ins ate eanicd; they rna,v 11J'ova11t sk in$ going over the border to otl1er St nt!' , ; ~hey may prevent ski ns being sold during the alose sca~on: and, io fact,, they control the mn1·kot.

Anpa~ontly thn Miuist.cr is hoping to ga.ihct· 111 n t•cvcnue of b~lweon £60,0()') and £70.000. Thi11 111U$t. como ant of t.he pock!'t.-; of the un fortunate trappr>rs, aud those who at·c AS wnlJ acqua inted wjlh the tmpper as r ~m lmo.w thnt h0 lta~ n vr•ry hard lifn. The f~n!<nn 15 ~hnr(., and he l1as to 1(0 bis bardost nighc ~tnd day. The tr apper· i~ no eighl-· hou•··a-dny mnn. Sot.wtlrn~.•s he is ., twenty· four-hou r·a-dn.y man; <llld fa •· lhr, Oov~ru· mf'nl to tul'n round n.nd tnkt• h., ns the 1\ofini·st <>r su~gcats, for ev<'ry ~kin he secures i~ " little o""r the ft!llc<'. The inspcctor~ cmt1loyed will ~i rnplv be polition.l ngcuts Ear t.hc Go'"''f!!11'1Cnt. a is not D <)UI · tion of "mt11o,yi ng people to lli'Oti'Ct opo. •r.11-s tmd bcu.rs. ThC'so n1·o the animals which tll'i' mos~ valu •blc for thf'ir skins. anci th<.so nnim:~h Ol'O bt'<'orn ing ahno~t t•l'tinct . I n the sonl h­t'nst. nml Fouth·l'' i'St di nirt.s tho opossum i8 nlmosl; t>xtinr.t now, a11d the hent· is ttracti­tmll.v rxtinr.l.. Jn Southe t·n Quecns tnn<l the nnl~vn bc 1.t ~hould he prolcr.tctl for the Tlf'Xt t en ;·ca rs. and tho OTJOssum for at lras~ five yoar., AoeoJ:rlingo to the liJrlll'f's g-iv<'n by the Mi,..i•t,..r. during tlw 1923 o nc11 season 1.200.000 opossum~ wno hnnwd. 1 would likl' to know whdhf't' th£' :VIini~kr i~ nwnru of th" "m<•unt of cyanidin~ lhnt to()k plnco during that. 1923 s~n•on. 'T'ho Govf'J'litn<.nt rnadn pr,rtiNt lly no ~Hompl: lo r rotr•at tho slorkflwnN'l n~nin~t the intlisl'l' i rninn~CI u•e n.f rvnn icie. C.rnr. ido can be p11l·rhnsccl pt·nr· tJcoll_v ~ nvwh:•ro in Qucf'nslnnd to-dnv. " ' 'd tr•nn<'r.• l11" '" bPcn usir11! it frrrlv.' Tlto t·esnlt hn• i>COII t:hnt. rnu<-h vHhlDbk stork bnvo hf'~n !o~t. Tiro Govrrnmrnt nretc , rl l hc>y :11·0 f..ltc fri ... nd• of t·ho IIC!Y s<?Hl~r. Yf't the man •tarLing • ·Hh >1 ~moll flock ot· h(ml h11s l.n !lilt n n wltl• the inconveuit>nvt! r~u•cd by the•(· trn r r.•ars. and ,. ith the dnngPr h'om tht' l'H' of r~•nuidt>. 1£ t h1• Govi'T' >m t•llt wrrc to nrnh•rt 1 ho !n.n<lownr>r• n gni nst the incli~· criminntr uso of o:vanidl:' 1•.v +.h"s~ h·nppC'I'~. thf'rl' would he n>ore !!<'!150 111 1t than in introducing t.his Bill .

I sl•llul il llkp t.G t'lll"r 11. 11rotest· &~nin~t the po,·.J~r r mtnincd in Utn Bill to make rc~nl a-1ion• •wrmitti ng tr~ Pn~'rs t·o t.t·n p ovor n 11 frenl1n!<l ut>d lnast>hold propcr t ir>s. As tho l nn.J,..r of the 0•111o•it ion rrointerl out. iho own~r o£ a le:ts('bold is p:~ying rent to the Crown. lie is endeavot~t i nl?;' to make a lin•­l ihoo<! o11t of stork. ond h"c shoulcl hP pro· tected. Many settlers who Ji,,o in the far

[M·J losteUo.

distant pa.rts of the Stat.·e have taken thei r f amilies w ith them, and the l iving conditions out thru·G no·e not nlway$ of the be$t. I a m speaking of the grazing selec tor who has t.nkcu liP a 5,000-•cre blocl; . In mnuy cases l.he fAmil ies >tre left for Jll'acticnlly l'he whole of tiH: ''·eel< with jtJst the p •·otcction of the mothet·, n nd thcv will luwco no pmteci ion f rorn trappers who will h:l.V<l aLtthoril,y from the Go,·ernment to g() on these prone.rties. Th<'<t' trappers take thuir \'!LTI S nnd pack· hlll'sc~, and sot lift their r.amp r.ig ht alongside 1 ha selert.or's ltomP. Thct·c is no need to p;i ''e n w~ok's no tire, or CYC'fl twont:v·four J1our~' not.ire, that I'IH'Y nre. going on 0 the lwl<;l ing. Th~>y just marcl• on and nmcttcal\y tnke pos•rs!iio'n of tho pt•operty. Thew> may he " nc•·voua woTna 11 with yonngste1·s li\•ing nt the 'rltldion. ond ~he will haye tiO p •·otec· lion, I do not sal' that she will Jiootl protec" tion f t·om n.any 'of tho trappers. 1\ifa.n:v of t.h cso lmpper· are c1roen1 fellows, uul, unfor ­tunat-ely, some of them tu·e not, und they will take ad\•unl•go of thi$ privi lege. They will take adnJ.ntngc of t.he opportunit:v to .~ecure tb~ir· own mL.tt on the holdinf't'. It 1s well known that these trarmeJ·s .. with th~ir rlogs. ore Jtl.uch ton fnr awnv from hut·rh<'rS to

bolhot· nboi1t but~h"r meat. [11 p .m.] Whcr<• t:h('te is no man on the

spC!b tl.tcre i~ no j)rotcttion from the tranper; fo1· an unf<>•·t vnatc woman with a small family in cuso of nt.cd.

Thi• is p ro.ct ir;ll.v a. tax which i~ being plac~J. by the GoYct·nment on the le~s1.w~ by •tllowing pooplc to go on to the holdtn~~ without ptopor control. I hope tho.t tne OoY('I'nmcnt will ;;ee their "'"Y dear in CoJtl· mihce to ~mend thnt p rovision. ·

\Ve lrlUSt nrlmit tha f· thnrco •trc noxious animal<, uch as the •·nl1bi1 anti th(> dingo. n.~ wdl as the inoffcn~ivt? an im~ ls. lf th>3 Gc•vcrrmH!II t tool; somo d~CinitC' nct if.l ll in ocnling wit·h tho tlillgo :tnd rabl.Ji t pe<lt, tlw;v ~ ould l,,c doit,g ~om~;thing for the Y!Hill 011 th• l~tnil ft ml fm· Qnecu<lnnd g~Mrrdl:·; bttt t hov ha>'<! not bcl'n cn an l; t'tiOtJI-l'h to Iaoc l'ho' rlin :ro p·oblern tb is s~ssion. Thoy J> •:o· mii'Qd t\>o ,-ears ago to introduce soroc leg•s­lation tlenl rng wi th the rlingo p •L but tbcy !awe not ea rrietl .;;ut lheit· womi~v. nntl !J1.n:e no I ccn lit to introdur.~ "ny 1~.gi~htion tills Hbion for ~rarlir.M]ng tb.o tli11go. whil'h i.s a t • rrilit: <:U r , u to tl1 llHI!l on thl' 1 ncl and ~o the Stale g<•nera ll r. r would ~ttgr, c t llH•t· tf Lh(y nrc going to tJllcr!. o. bon11• fro:n tbo lrnoper of inofftonsivt· oposHum und . hc:rs. that bonus should be usNl for 1!111 i'rildocatton of ooxiou~ animals, not onlv of qbbib n_nd d ingo0s, lmt o f birds. \Yo haYt. bit·d:; wlnrlt u re a h'rr ib le pest to rwopk ill tiw ]H'iekh· fH:>nr ana.. The ta.xpn .. c-1"5 thc•·c are cOt1~­}lrllcd !o contribute to !ho tost or the l'l'l\cll· eation of t he CI'O \V.

r rr. CL.J.YTO'l<: lt ;~ /111 ll~sct in the ~ugur ~fstricts.

Mr. C0STELLO: The hon. rttf'muer ·.nn Lnn? all the crows in my dist •·ict. t<l;. : tlH!l' w ith the bOOUi'. w·,~ nre }'8.,Vlll_,t tt bOilU~ to ~s>ist; in doing "wa:· with the <"}'OW froru th(• dist t·i<''>' in whi t'h rwirkly.pcat· IS :;prcwl­ing, If p r icldy.pcar 11·a• ~pr<•ad ing- in tlw d i!-.trict5 of tho•e hon. mom hers who favour 1h" crow, thd~· \~oHid fturl 011t th:t<· it h not. their f•·icnrl bnt tlll'i r en ·m~·. 'l'he <'1'0\\' ts u. pe:;t to pnorle in pC!lt'·lllfosted ~rC:.Io.

Hon. J . G . . \.PPilL: He.,,-, ho~tr J

Mr. COS'I'ELLO, IE wt• m·e g<"!i"l> to coUc-ct a royalty in connect ion w 1 th tha

Page 9: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

[S OCTOBER.] Act Amendment Bill. 1419

Qpos:mrn &nd beur unllor t:hi$ Bill, I think tlw money should be put as.ide for tlcatroy· iug pt~st. such as . din!lo~s. rabLits, and Cll1t\51

and bird !1fe, such a~ thu tmw. Thu emu ''· vresent is the ,,•o1·;,t of ull. ll c1\t5 ,·cry freely of rrick ly-peur, and tru,•el~ lol1!i dio­tarwes through dry hi!lt , o[ couu1l·y. l can u:,sure bon. mGmber~ lh_ 1. if the1·c wet·<l !lrnus on tltc>ir properlics und there wns prickly­pear 20 mill'~ a·' us, the Qrnus woul •. hrir.g: tJ.o pear on to the tn·opP.r\y. A bon11s ol 5s. a head wo1dd btJ only " foix thing for thl! Jr~truct inn o f 1•mns. I ,ugf;l':<t to the ~Iinis. tcr t•hat thJJ rc~cnuc from inoffensive !\llelllliS, which 1u·c really a prollt to lite diot rie~, ;;hould ue u~ed to pl'otl·d the Jan<lo11•11e r by using i t t<l c•rndicat<' pe•:ts.

I£ we are going to htll'e one Donl'rl opernting a ll o~er Qnccnsland, iL will be "·" unfortnnate thing !'or lanclo1 ·nors nml tloo comnlltniry in which the tt•upp~rs are work­jug, hacuuse the boarJ will lutvc nu know· lodge whatc,.t'r of tl1e travpers. I ;.nll"gcst 'hat the boards bo limi ted to similar , t·cus to Lha marsupial boat·ds or t~\'CII flti re <JI'lun~i ls, so that the lundownet-s' t·cpt:<:s~uta­liv<l will have a knowh;J~;e of the JlPoplll \\ l10 IHO hl\pping in th11 thstt·ict. l SU!SB'~~t that the tl'.lJlpcr~ \\ho :ll'c resident in the bt·u~d's al'Ci\ ohould ha,·e priori I v. l:ly so du iH!f tht! board will hav-e ome 50l't of' COil· trol over them, and i£ lrap)Jer~ do not plo..; 4h . g:mu: or art> nnsr.n1pulou.s . the Ut'Xt tirnu they opply fat· u. Ji,•cnsc-which is t.o he q"ro.ntt'd annually-the boll.l'd will ha 1 o niL opportunity of rcfu~in~ their appli<:anon;;, lly ha.l'in~ o. rea~onai.Jly small nro11 the expense wtll bu 11 little gt'ctlLClt', but it will g ive better control nud 11ilJ b~ more satis­factory lo tho pcopltJ we ltl'e int(•rl'st<'tl in - that is. t.hc trapper and th~ ltindowner. We must b;we trappers, csp~ci~tlly in thG South-west, wltt•ro th ... :· ure generally men who are ~tru~gling on tbe laotl, an1l >ll'C forcctl to go u,wl\y from their hol<iings bccnmw of bad "enoons or olh•)l' c:l\use to mukc o. li\'ing. Mauy of the men on tho lu11d got a start by trapping a.nd shMting, t.hus getting 1\ chcqu-: togathcr to ~nablc them to s tock and impro\·,~ thcit• holling~. These Ol'o 1.he pcoplc-1!mall landholdm·s 11'!10 nrc not in n po&ilion to ~tart on thcit• owrt block;;-,, ho •hould lt:we pl'iot itv when ~pp l i­cations for l iccllscs Dro hoing cie:dt with IJy ""bol1!'d.

Then, again, who will be tlul lnndowne•·• who will ha1·e vot<:s for the e lection of lhcs. bo~rds? Thu Bill h Ycry iudeflnit< ut the presunt t itoo, anti tht~ M in i~l•l 1' ~h·1nH accept some t·ca.on<<hle Dm~ndment in Committee to m.tke it pos~iblo for the landowners who \luclrrstund the IO;Jtter to have sufliric:-11t con­tnl to enable [.)!em to 51lJ whc<thur tloubtfu l ::~t· unsn l i~fn~IOl'y traprors sbould rec~ivc licelhUls. J.f the landholclcrs arc not ahlo to >il/lrM the men to go on to their o·"n nrens, it will tn.uso clisoont'lnt. Th"r~ n;•c many tn~n of hlld rrpntnt.ion floatl11g about. the coulltt'y without any mcnns of employme111, Dml they ~hould r.el'tllinly tlnt have priority i.e. the small l nndhol~~r~ I hayc mentioned. Thc:- ~ont'ntion of th!l Hinistr·r is ihnt mon wi10 hu,·e 11o olhC'I' cmploym~nt should have J; riority, bul I tl1 i trk i!. i~ nnncce~sa.rilv wonying to c1·c tte boo.rds to solect the peoplo who should be nllowrd to trop. At tho .-ame time, [ think mv sup;p;,.~lion ,,·ill mnkc it possible to sP I~>rt tllll be>t men; but, on 1 he wbolc, I thiok that the rooasu~e is unnecessary t~t the l)re,cnt juncture. · Tho Government ha~c CX]'lerts at the present

time to find out what is necessary without llltrodncing i;his meusurr., which i• uppal'­cntly brought in lo tax the unfottunate U·appcl' [O pro\'ido 1'0\'CIIllC for the (.;ovcrn­mont or to gain political support. for hon. m"'mbcrd oppO$ite. I protest again~t the gccond reading of th• B ill.

Mr. VOWJ..ES (Dolby): It seems lo me th.lt, under tho llrCil'J1CC of protect iug native animnls on-cl bi1·Js, t he Uo\'Cl'Hment at>o t;oiug: to get rcrcn1.10 ut tho expense of cortoun pct·snns in tho romm1u1it .v who oan ill afford t<l pr1y the heu"y du~s wlJicl.t will he collected. 1 have gone ,-ery cnrcfully qlt,o (!l e ~peach delive!'ad by the :i\linistor, and m<:re pnrr icu!nrly 1he tigurc.s which he gav~ . lt is j ntercoti 11g to kuow that the ,nu<~uut of l1100I.l~ which hu~ buen re~eivcd (1om tho t alc of pelts nf opossums has some· times bct' ll consident!Jly h i~hcr than tl\e Yaluu of the gold yield, ttlltl in ono year H.~ched the tolal of £750,0001 a1\d pm·baps it is necc5i!Bry 1.0 have n B1ll la pu.t tba mdush•s on a p roper basis. In JOy .Uistrid ,;nd t.ho a~ljoining distrkts thertl i$ a. good deal of ttnpping, aud, hum "·hut I know of it, it s~cms to me that a big miotako has h1•en made in recent ycnrs in this business il1tc'er iltf' Ad nlr~ad _ 011 th<l stl\ht tc-book, und, ir ,,,,, ndo,~t the J)l'inciple suggested by tl.u l\linis(er, Wl' shall be going from bnd to worse. Fnl!r in oa. business yielding 1t product of £1'50,000 n man beiog prevellted f•·mn obl<tinin~ o. permit to Cllny on employ­llll.lnt to whttth ho hns been accustomed 111ercly because of the f<ICI. that he is iu work tit the time of tho opening of the scnson! We shnll probably be giviug preference to­un.t'mployed who .arc of an undesirable ch(H<lctcr. Sur!!lv the t ime hu' urril'ed wl1en we ~hould m!tlw • tho strungust provision for Hciug thM c,·ery pi'Oto~t.ion is given by the trt:t.pp~rs to th9 onimnls acr.o1·ding to the 1'<'1:[tllntfons to be is3nod. and that th~y will plu" t he gnme nnd properly rosptcL the r,1n'dit.ions bpplring to the l:uulholders nucl the uuimnls. Let u sC<J that the tmppers cn t'l'y out tht> true spil'it of the preii~H~ Act. \V~ shO\tld see tho.t tht'y J,, not C!U'l'Y out thrir work by poisoning, whiob rueans that whore thev obloin one skin two are lost . I n•grct lh:tt !his Dill is ITlerely a skolet.on, nnd that th11 mo~ importnnt ori:nciplcs which ;;hould be couttti u ~d in it- will ttppoar In ter in the "GoYt'l1lmcut Gazette'' iu ilH• form of l't'!fUI~tions. F'rom 1'anding t.ho :Ministl"r's >P<>>:<'h J !mm· it io only in.1~tHl •tl to appl­thc lPJululions to nrcas " 'hich exr.eetl 2,660 nrrc~. W hel her t·hut applies to Crown hmd only or to freehold us woll I do tH>t know, h1tt tht'l'r i · nn inno\'ntion ben.'. The hoard wh ich ia to bu constituted will ha 1'1' IJOW!lr iO ~i\"C fll)l'lllits to pel'o0115 trJ go 1)11 to rree· holrl propr.1·t,v, ns wf'll ns on to l rc~seho l d Jltopert,·. I tlo nnt like r.lw way lho bl')ll.cd is tn bo COI1"titul·efl. There will bo t\ lropprl'<~' 1'1.'!p rr~nnt8li,·<l fcom lho .Jistri<'t. The GoY('1'nmcnL 1'Cprcscnl1tin: will Jl9S~ibly ht• ilt'' rl!•rl, of prt,ty ~~$sions, who 10 the l'n~t ha< been acrmtomcil tn J'Ct'Piving f•~!!S for th!' i••110 o f pcl'lllil~ to all sorts nf indi­Yiclilfllo, or he tnuy be an officl.'r of the J,1mds Dcpndmm1t, whose cflico is adjacent to or possibly in tho .same building ~~~ the clerk or p!jltv ,,s ions. aod that oAicN has p03· sibly J.)~.rn nccu•tomc:-d to dealing with tJ'I\]l]Wl'S in the lornlit<-, wh~ther desirable ot• und~oiJ·able, and tho;<e ' lffi<'crs. ior per· sonal reasons, or pos .ibl,v bccau~c the1 <lo nor. care who gets a permit ol' who dex!s J10t, may gmnt permits for t.he pttrpose of the

M1·. Vowles,]

Page 10: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1420 Animals and Birds [ASSEMBLY.] Act .J.mendm~ nt Bill.

re,·c.nue which is e:oi11g t? ue received, and for tho purpose of bols:enn{> up the receipts at those ofti<'eF. 'l:hc third me!IJhQr n£ thfl boacd should be ~omo pe••son o ( slubilily and some pet'$OIJ with a l>nowledgc of indi­vidua ls: and for tbnt purpose I "ould sHg­gQ~t !bat SOIUC! l'C&ponsib le pCl'SOII from the shire couu~i l-J•Os,qb ly ih!l chairn,ttn-c$hould be a member of the board in hdditiou. ln t he past, if a l nndho ldor bad no1 the neces­sary trappN' ot· tmppcrs ou hi~ land to desf••oy the nnimttls thnt wcro dcclarcrt bv the local authority !o be a pt-51. the ma,:. supjD] bo;ud lntct' the right to ~tllow ·,ny pcrwn to go on lo tbar p•·operty b·.c•.tusa the landholdu· w,l& not ennying out hi.s dntv. If we M~ goin~t to i: sue permits ir.diF.cr in-ii­nately to pct·sons to g-o on to prop~ 1·ty, then the re •s every p•·o,pact o l' doin" a ve•· .. s;rious injury to the r ights oi i;'dividua ls. Expcr•cnco hns told us rh at, when tl'appers go on to cnunh-y-pnr ticulal'lv on the bi,.. holdings whirh arc •·emote from ordinat•y cel1tr('s of population-they hnve to be wa tabed. In a rens of the size-some of them 100 oqua1•o miles in extenl- \\-h C'ro these '"(In (•n rl'y out thei r work wtlnable st.oek ate o f~<,'n left prncli<•ally UlllH-oteded ; ~nd, whc: yOlt obtain tho IJisto•·y o f the actions of t h eEe men from thl' holders of those pto­perties, you l:lnd that it is not an uncommon thing to hnve a he!\lt slnugMcred by them. The whole of tha ben.st is not u~ed, bt•t onlv thBt port ion which i~ necessarv for the timu bein~ is taken, and the r~st i s ·!>llowcd to roL Th1\t is rathar lho pract ice thtm the exccp­lioTI. If a man is carrying out all his duti~~ ill the destruction of pe<ts. 01' l<illiop; thosl' animals for the purpose of re,,enue, ]w should hnvc the :first right-if we a1·e going to force t1li> on to him-to d~cide who is t o go on t.o his- propN1;y. He mav decide to allow nobody on to his propll'.i·ty. but to co.r1·y out I he <lntics himself, which he should bt> f'ntitlec.l t:o do.

Thtl'l'e is another aspect in c·onMdion with the issuing <:>f pcmnil.s to go ou to pti,·ato hmd, and that is the di sh>rb>\11N' of the ~tock. H tbe"e pNrnit. a>·r to apph· to u~l c-lnw•s of propel'ly. in<:l11diug fr t>chuld , " OH wi ll An<l men cl!tirning th~ right. l·o g<> at uncertain times ou io p ro11•~rt.'' 1vht'J'e ~hr.op mny be lnmbing. FoJl <'Y mrn w.ith thci t· pu<:k horses and 1 ights going R t ni!J;ht l. im' on to countJ·y whe1'o shcvp " re Jn.n•bing! Sur<>l ." t.he owr1er of thnt land should hayn the righl to say, ' ' You slwll not go in th.,r e a,t ce1·tain times. I a111 going to dt•cide the t ime when ~·ou u1·c g ;ing io come in u.mongst m.v ~bH·p." li ell con'ws baek to tlw da•-s o f per,on w whom t!Ja pc•·mii is is• u cl. T.f he i !1 [1('1'SOrl Wh'\ is not 11n·ifty and who t •ns no fixC'!l abode, ;~nd t his person is rntii!rd to 11. [lc•rmit. M a matte•· of r!~rht. thC'fl we ll,rf• •imrly (''\.ICI·ing for ur.dc•,;i ,.!lb!t•s HIH.I for those l'oll ing-ston<'s go ing nl- 1111 lht count•t·.v

ho an• prl'p ' I'Nl to 11Jakc n ch('CJ11'' i n th~ <J uickP>t wa.v po ,3ible anrl then nvn·c on. \Ve !!houlcl ntJt ca ter for thost. pc>rso .. ; . \Y<' should ('>f r..bli;h an indusji'Y, and bn,·c it wot:kad b,v. pc•·~ons who a•·,; liin' l.• to k<'()ll to Jt an(l h vc 1n the distt•icts whirlt will be r roclaimed.

T wot1ld lilc•' to r<'fcr to n matte~· wbich • .1s mcntiOnC'd bv the hou. nwmh~o· for liurilla. in tha eai· I.v stngTs uf th is dc~1nte. I rt'fct· to the ra.!Jbit ft-1"!r>1.ing II'OI'ks thu.~ hav9 bm.m ntablishecl at YC'Iol'bou in the Goondiwindi .Ji trict. wn~ro t\\'o n;, 11 have been entl'rp1·isin)! enough to establi•h t~ fa :!­to••y to deal with one of ou•· wors t pests-

( Mr. Vowles.

the ~abbit. 'l'IJey have coU\'ert:od the Tnbbi~ to a commcrria l Ll$<l, and are mal<ing a lil&le put of the skin$. In dcalin~ with pc;.ts of thnt so•·t. spcrinl cousidu•·:.ttiou should Lo g i ven to p Ol'SC IIS who ttre t.lli'Jling a national pest. i1rt.o a nalio1lnl C(>lllll10<1i ty.

'l'h.e ~ECLl~TAl1Y FOR AGnJCOLTu nr;: Thcru is. no imeution to im]1osc "' royal Ly 011 tht" r~bbiL trc:tt:>d there.

.Mt. VO\\"l,ES: I rm \ Cry pleas~d !Q heaT th u :\1\nh!er sa 'I' thnt, bccuu;<l <''. 1•ry c:J· coum•t•trWHt shot! Id be g i Y<'n \o tbos<' persons.

1\!r. C:OSTELLO: H might lu: nccc~~:\l·y fo1· the .i3onrd to give JWnuits iu Lr~rppt rs to LnJ.Jl Tubbits c n the J'OaLIS a11d ncljncent l and~.

"Ir . VOWLl>;f:: SH• ctu:tl'tl'~ lnve been cnabli ,lH•<l in i hc i' · of l1y l"'i\'ail' i!l!iidcluals for the prolort iou o[ ou1· unth·c fnur•.a. These }llllcl11nries should bu enniecl on in the futiii'O, ~tn d n o mau ~hould ha''" the •·ight to dl'stroy the nati\'c £'"''"' oil lhCII!. l'et·· hnps il .. might be though L that. i3 ll fa!'·f~tched . np-gc-.tion. but I d o knov·-~tnd, . if thn M•nistPr tak~s the trouhlc to mqu•ro ft·oin the o!Ti ·ers of l1is departmel!t, he will fimt the ~ruth of lll.Y a~~r·rt ion-- thn t C\'l'H in _th~ sanctua1·ies in the BuJJ~· ~~ Mounli••ns trappmg­gocs on. more pn r ticulurl.;• willt re•pcct to opo:; ·UI\1~. It hn$ been suggc~tccl that. some of lhc worst offenders in tiH>t regard aro the ('<'l'sons wl10m the Guvernn~< •t lmva in charge of the sundnario;;. 1 lmow that lh i;. i· goi11g on fl'Om the oflicinJs thcr•·· lf l)N'sons arc going lo got. a. permit to g~ wlwt·o thev lik~ to t r:~p n~ 1 1'. • ' <ll llfiWls for n fee of 'ss.. what. is goill!l' t.o happ~n in regard to t·hcsc satl<'tnnric~. w)l<'!'o it has bean thought do• irablc for ~entim('ntnl reasons to protect tl •o an[mula to t .• revenl ~heir rxtinetion '! Last yea1· thr total 1\fl!cnnt. r ccei\•ecl C..om thtso kc~ wn · a bout £1,600 ~terling. This shows that n largo numb('r of vnr·sons engage in trapping. 'l'rapT>in:;: for mar npial "kins in so1ne of onr we.ltcrn town­$hips ha~ been 11. goobcnd to i'lH~ po\mlation during <irought tim r<;. It was the on y th iT•.z they had to look fo rwnr d to to keep then· families and themsclv!'s. '

For tho~o rea,ons, i f we a re g;.~i11g to d<:d with th is rua tter. we shou ld cl al with it rffcctin~l .v, and grant rcrmits only to t>ersons who atn known to be of good i•h ;ll'tH'I,ec·, a nrl · ho u•·e !jying in the distJ·irt.. If. in the opinion o[ rhc GoYI'rlimcnl, it i~ ne .r~sary­and I say it i~ highly und~sirt;~.bl o that 1t ~hould be so-th;lt 1111v pi'I'SOH shouiJ hav!O' thC' r ight to ,·iuln fc tbe rights of property· own~1'5 and to Ci\!I'I'Y on t rapf)ing on a1oother man'" pro r•e~ty, eY~ry safoguarc~ sbould be t aken !o see that the persons go111p; on such prOP<'rty a.ro desintblc, and CVI'ry possible protection sl10uld !Jc g i,·cn to p•·unPI'iy owr. ars l•.Y the Cabirttlt 1vhcn fran1ing thr. n•gul<,t ions by which tht•y will authorise •uch a.< Hon.

IIox. J. G, APPEL (A/.b c1·!\ : P~ThaN I 1·iew i·his men.;ure f•·om n ~o .ne"; hnt diff11rcnt angle of dew to 1ha1 adoutc·•l by ban. m<..m­b~rs who hav~ •tlrendy SJl•>l< n. · ln ""' dis · tt·ict there arc very few hold i11g:1 th:>t will eomu witldn the ambit of t.his •ut •: ur~. whirh r·xctnpt • holdin~;s u r. le•• 2,560 a I"• • • My point o f view i~ gon.wned by lhe f;•d that \Jndf' J' Jll' >ent con(lition it Ins bel.- the ha bit of l)Ct5ol'ls in my distrirt 11 ho ure shocting <.:!'C' tern~ und bcn·r4 wi thout any <tuthoJ·i t~ to go upon the prope1·ty of the diffprcnt seh~ctors and, witl1out ltn y ,., ganl fo r the rights of tbe h~ ·oholdt>I'S 01' Jc 1srhoJdcrs, to trespass on that property and t>t)<c whntever

Page 11: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Animals and Bird8 (8 OCTOBER.] Act Amendment Bi/1. H 21

c.possum~ s.nd b<'ors files coultl · •· urr. ThP~' go further R'~" wh"ro a fr··"ht.ll.:r na~· t.n,·r hnd his pn>pet•t.y prudnitt~t•d u ·~twhi­ary I(• If Slllll'lUIIr~ i• uot l'l''fil 'nt ••.t. fn lll,V o• n l~<' I Applic•l for riH• puq: •~•· of c-on­~·· r •in/( th1• nnti1c fauno n£ Ill,'' dtsh·i,•t. 1\1 cJ tlw l)t ,mt·lm<'nt o f A•·ri .. dt •u·c nt:d Sturk pr·o<-lni11rrd crrlnin pot·tior of m.v t•<'·P~"I't ,:· 11 8 UIIC'I tHt l'.)'- I C'!lll llSSUl'\l : Ill , r.rr·. sl'~nkl't'. that l ho•t• who hal'l' h~t•n 11fn•r thn • fuunn. hn1·e t•n ub~olute dist·e ••n·c.l fm· lhusl' il\tlCtl t a~ it•. Thr·.r pny no _all rn l ion to llw htrt thnt th,·y nreo <nnctus.r tl!~- Out• IHI(I' >u .. l'l u­" r,l'-81 rnc.lbroke Jslnnd-wus 1 <pi'CI rtl h.v uti t:• od •t•ort·mwn nftel' it.s pt-cehu111t:on, but w~e now lind persons taking udvunlllg<' of th~ proclnntotion of the FDIICIURt\' ltlll) of lbe ronscqu<.'I\t iut•rensc in thr faunn, n••rl Rl'o'

tlestroving the fnuno. in thnt nrcn. I t· ru1 1his di•rr JIH<I o f ·~nrtunric~ n •• nntllll llt•cnu•r in mnny instn11ccs lha•;t> t•I'Opln du r•ot even take awn, thco .. lcin• oa· 1h~ mr~ t ...,f the l<n ngaroo~ or walla hi~~- Tlh'V nro• ~imply .hot and left, and it is \1o•siblc tilrno>t r vcry dn.v for unyou" on t lC hei!l'ht, of S t a·ntllwok ~ I~land, to tlH" north or what "'o lc nn Htr 13rcak to hear g uns going all day .

''l 'bn t iR thl! way tho rights of sauctw1rv nt·c n·~prctrd .

Th i ~ Eill provide.'! for thr t·l'~i -trnlion o f nil _thost engaged in tbis industry. bt><•au•c. havmg regard to the amoun~ or •none1· ICGii•cd r1•om tbt• sale o f skinJ~-£750 00;>--:.. i~ ie an industry. Se far ns my district j, conc.•rnl'd tbat i ; distinctly an nd\'Bllcc and will !!bliSC the rights of th<ISC '' !to urr eitdcn­Yourang to p r<'st'n •o our fauna to Lie r<'dpcclctl.

. I t nke it that the Bill, more or li:.•ss, is 1111 roduccd for . th& plupode of ~~Clu·iog rcvcr:tuc by r< 'lltmrtg all I hoso cugogcd in I he 111dustr. to pay a •·ogistl•ntion fee. It woultl be_ ' 'cry di~cu lt. to rintl 11 per6on ongnll'cd tn auy bu~•ness to-cloy \ . ho i not l'Pq '!"'cd to pay sotn~ ft•e o r o lltt'l', n"cl, lnwanp: rl'gnrd to thut. T tnkt• i t thH th~ ·Covornmcnt arc quite jli$ t!li ed ill obtaining ~omo rev• nuc ft-om thusc e· gog d in tlw md:htry. We have to t l'aliF.• thnt nu iudi. 'idual rights eau C.'l:i•t in thl' Iuuna of tho country. As ferae naturM- •hey urc the pro­perty 11f tho Crown. nnd r thir k thr -c-.o" n is qu1lc ju~tifi cd in ohtait:ing w •• 11• re\'Ctn• from tbnt ourr<'. In that ros)tect I t••)n f,··~ thnl T differ from my collcngucs. As I havo alrcndy P!Ji utc~ ~nt, pral'l•cnll_v CI'Cry )Jerso11 l'ng!'ged _m th•s wdustry will hn1·e to pay n rcg•.,lmtto_n fee, and. ,ns a r<>~ttlt , thor o will be n CPrl a rn amount O< cont.l·ol rxcrcist•d OV!'t those so_ engager!. I 1 .. ko it rhat tho depu t·l· mcnt 1nll sec t h~t th~t cout.rol i~ t-xf·rl'i~Pcl, bq<"a usc I am qltltc sure thn t in Ruch n dis­trict ~ _my ow~, _at ce1·tain pf't·iotl' of the Y<:"~"· •t •s a posttn•o dangt>t' to have rwrsons l"'thoul nn~ con_trol go ing nil OI' Ct' you r pt·o­perty, and blh'rng no r gnrd for your im­pro\'entcuts or for your home tead On cli£, frrent occn~ions 1 haTe had tlte ir~n on m,­t·on{ rcrforllted br persons shooting iu th~ hom • paddock, nnd I confr.;s that l w<'lcome nnv l'Ontrol of tho•c "":;!1\gN.I in thol incllll'lt'v, Of I'OIIr•r, rvNv Art !'1n be nclmini t~'rcd in !l ~~ny l"'ri r h ,;.ill inflict hurdohir Ut>on tlw mdrvldiiallnndowner. hut I tnko it t hat it i~ not prOJ)O< .d tl1at ll·appl'rs ~hn ll he nllr>~ved to go on to these propartieq ot p l'r ivds of tho y .•nr w!trn t.ha business cat·rird ou t bv tltl.l ?Wner would bo in nn;, wa_,. nfTcctcd. I tnk., •t. furthermore, thnt certnin conditions will bo laid down in conncct:ion l'ith tho troppct·s· quarters ond outfit, so that those engaged in

r he il!dU.'Ir\' will ha1" cerroiu restrictions nlnecd on ·tht<m os l c1 the di'pnsturing of their ~nimnls nncl the •ituution of thoil' I'Drtl)l>, nntl so on. If tht•v nrc to lie alloweci lo I ~kc nn ou trh of hor~i·s nd O(her stock nn tn u Jll'O('Icnv. unqu tionnblv undet· cer­tnin l'O rtdition,,, it will be 11 \'Cl'y materia] in te1·fo•r<·Dcl' wirh I h~ l'i.l:'hl > tJf 1 hosCl who at·'! pnying n rr nt to thr (.; a•own or who h nvo pur.-haroLl 1h" fi'C>cr lto ld of !hi' )'lropcrty.

The rlau c "hi eh m~kl's provi.ion for th · rt• 1tion of n uounJ i s OIIC th11t ~hJuld b-.. put inro operation, bernnsC'. if tlto>e ucquointe•l "idt thr loct1l unditions h:no the g ranting of J'lE'rmits nucl nil thc:o conditions which arll ,.., IJI> .tt:whc.t lo the 1\'l'nntiug of permit.~. I , ok~ it that 1 rry little i:tjusiire can JlO!"!ibly ~•·crur> _to th" owners of [lroperty. There i. Nil' patnl whi~h hn~ not b<'l'll touched upon · thot is, thut 1hc fl'illlllcts ~~~~~· alt·cad_,. been opcrntin~ on prop<'rlio' "hi eh wi ll b~ affected b,r this amrnurnt•ut or th c> Act, artd op~nting, ex ·•pt in the in · lanre I hn1· • mE>ntiont'<l ;n my v\l·n di;:l rict , llfl[lnrc:ntl y with the consent nf th<' o wnl'rg of the proporlic•s, who h ave I'I'CI'iv<'d 11 bonus on lhc unill'tttls l h~t ho\'C been tn keu.

I wou ld poin t ou t i n thnt I'Onncction that . 1 c-t•ordin~t to the law. no per$on h as an.v ric;ht of property in l'ilhcr nn opof.sum or a Lc.-1\t', To a. certAin ""tent. the ar~-ument that damagt> i~ rnusrd to the stock o! the owner or IP~sec i~ a \'aliol one. I a,snme

tha t tbe drparlrnPnt will see fll.W a.m.) thn t prop<'t' SUJ'lt'rl-i$ion is exct·-

rised in these matlrr~. Tho de­purtmrnt will ha1·c the tontrol. by m"~ns of r•·gi.;tration. o f the 1 ~r•on who rrcciv,•s the botlli~ . I tftko it thnt, if nn" tt·apper h.n·ing such a permit wilfullv dio i·P~n rtls th~ con­ditions unJ<'l' whiclt t.hP pl.'rmit is granted, o1· nets. in n wu.v whit•h ~ ~ contri\I'Y to the r••gula.ttons. the deportme nt will take. uct ion ' " caned the 11crm it Wo nri<lc o'l r~cl"l's U)>UII being whnt we tern• a free p~ople. ln11 no pPo[llll nre frc<!-cel'in inlv not tho prople in Qu~<'tl~lnnrl or in the othf:r parf1 of tho Commonw<'nhh. ' '" sre all more or lu;s under con t t·ol . In th! clN:torate which i represrnt. n~ t hn VI! prel'iously pointed r.ut. p robnbly nbout 5 ('ICI' rent. o f the pro­P< rt~· whirh will come undcr the me&surc Will be alfcc-•cd tn re;ard to p r l':'ons !res· fl'"•iug without f)l'rtnitg, or b~- l'onrlitio•ts or thnt nntur · . T mther w·•lcmnc tlw fact tha t tltu nui;nucu fron. 1rhich 1 r h!H'C suffered for 01auy ycnr< will <'cnsc to coxist. nn,] that 110 p.-r·;nn, unlc•s lw i~ tho holder o£ n. permit. ,,-ill hr• ('ntitlecl to Oflt"rato so far u_,; thl'sc nntil' c fnunn aro <'oncl.'t'ned.

Just c nc word of O[lpenl for our fnuno. H hns bcrn ]Jointed out hy ('lr c ,· iou~ speakers tb3t nra cticnlly lhc wholo o f the native lu·n 1 --e•·rtainl ~ in South-eastern C'uccn,lanrl -havc di~~PI'~nrcod . \t on~ tim,..: nlthough lh,•y '"ore nc\'er rarticnln•·ly nnmeJolu. •·dati,,e]y to opouum~. it wn> tt~u~l-1 spank now from mv kr owledgl' ir. r )1\nel'!ion with 1h1: l'it·inity 'or n•;- 01111 hmnc-,lrad-lo ~cc t11o ur three nalii'C h<'nt·, n!mc t at any timr. It is not no •ihlc to rcc Olle no . '1\·o ha•l quite n. liUio• fn.milv of opo~snrns ot. ""C time; in fact . the lndio's of nt: · famil~· lamed them to $11Ch nn • .~tl'n t lbnt tlre v usC'd !n fc•.d them regu lodv ev(' t·.v night. ':t:horo 1s not an OflOSS\1111 to bo soon now.

The p roYision by m('nns of which a person who tre•J) assca on yout• (• ropetk wi ll be cli,ciplincd is one which wtll meet with my a.pprova.l. Wo should consider ~lte qu~•tion

Hon. J. G . .ApzJel.]

Page 12: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1422 Animals and Binls [ASSEMBLY.] Act Amrnwmont Bill.

ot pt·avenling I he who l~~a,le dc~truct i :Hl of these inlt•te ti11g nnimnl~. I admit th::~t in scmc cases a cc•·to.in •lt.;tmctlon of ct·ops takes pltn·e tlu·ough tht•m. At t he sumu timr., in my own t tse ut Bct'{)h Mouutu.in, where th.! scrub ll''"ot.ica1ly snrroundod my proper(y, the df'•tt·uctjon of crops by lht e animnh wu~ Ycrv iucon~;,[er!lhle i1Hl0•'J. To me-nnd I k nu1v \ () n I'U.>t nwnbei' u£ olhe~: p~t·sons-thc~ fo<~n a vP.ry consid<·rnl.Jlc 11ttntction of Ollr c01mh·y-sid~. ~.~out! !he .,.hol~­sulo de~truction whi~h has gono ou, wbe1·eb,v d •eae illtN"esting animal~ have b~en ub)IOst wipt d out, muou11ts to n sin. \ 1111ti"c bear \Vith it~ voullg <lll its back ii! n nle~&t. int• rt:ot­in~r sight, e~pecf~tlly to pt•r~ono from . tlH, towns who loal'e ncv~r seen these little animals; and to &tl e opog~wus moving abou~ l!ftc •· tlark i~ td~o u very intcrc~tiug •lxpcl'i­cncc l.o person , •~ ho luwc rare!~ seen lhrrn. Hut you coJl go through t.he grouter po1·tion of the Albert dec.:toratc, · ·· here u conoider­,.ble untollJJt of scrub still cxi.ts, 11nol I ' 'et• tu re to sa .v that. the;- a re now u; \'er.r mrc sight. You prohuhly will not see n, J:ative boar nt all , and but vcr~ few opo~sums. At the t'il.k of l'Ppeating ;uy&cl r. l t••ust that thuse interesting fnunu. will •·cceivo a chance to int'l'N<t<c. aucl tl1at steps will b.: tnk<'n to PfCV<"llt t111lir iucli;,crimina.to Justructian-tbat it will at ]oast b~ kcpc tllod<'r corott·ol. As practicllll'l' every memul!r of t·he C0111ll1Unity engoge<f in u'nsineS3 I$ r equired to par a l iceu£c fee of some kind, and having iu mind the ,·uluc of thi~ pa•·­til'ulat iodttstry, I 1.\ln oert,~i11l;' of o/>inion that those p~tsons (lngugcd m Jt ~hou d not l!scn pc f I'Om ~onl.rib1ai.ing sOn'lt'tbirog tn the r evenue. F tu·therrnore. this uati1·e fttunn bc·ing the {>l'operty of the Crown, the Crown is entitled to receiv., some portioll of tho vuJue of lite ~kins fot· whatel·~r roHtrkctable commor.lit.y oxisb in it.

Mr. CLAYTOX (Wide B''ll): 'l'o my mind, lhi~ Bill h only another lorm o f t&XIltion. \Ve see other Govcmmcnts reducing taxation ''er~· materially, but in Qn~ensland we havo lht• Go''""·nrncnt incretLsing it in almost E!l'llry measure rhey mtrodnce. We h~ve lho Go· \'PI'IIlll~nt posing ns the frit•nds uf tho noao on the lnnd, but in this """~ndinr~ Bill they are introduciug legis1n,tion which will lll\rn;, the freeholclcr. We lH'o! go ing to allow a tt·&pper t.o go Ol) to freehold land, and on the othl' L' hami we aro going to ta.x h i1n in the P.arning of hi~ liY~liho<>•i. 1n the issua oi permits, I tl1ink any boo nl which may Lie cstul.lli.shed should take into con· ~>ider~tiou the quc. .• tiou of ''hethP~ the uppli. cant ia of a rt liable character Ol' otherw1se, b!causc it i$ a most se1•:ous matter if you nre going to allow l.rarpcn l.tJ go all O\'Ul'

freehol d land ju t u; the:; like in the r,ur;;uit o( OfJDf t!llls :•n<l othN mnrrupil\ls f01· !\ livelilwc<l. It will ~o n long wn:· towa1·d• cn.nsing unxir ty in tho homns of tbo pcoph: e<,ncerned i( such person~ tu·e allowC'U to go all o1·cr the country and do ju~t as thev l ike.

T bcli.,ve i.h•t some of them 1 ·ill abus~ t.hu pri1·ileg<•, . n<l will uo cCI'Ia.in nets o:1 the p1 oporti~s wh icb wJ ll not Qt\ to the iHtere•t oi t.IH! own<'r. \Vn know thnt m11ny la.n<l­ownPI'S dr1 nnt. l'l"oid<l on sorno of thei1· rn·o­r·cdic~. Thl'" IHII'l' wh~t we know ns out­side rnddo~l~s. which ihi"Y ~r:n tuul woo·lc o<:cn~iona lly In ·connection with tlwi ,. sh'.lrp o: r uttlc. I£ ~·n11 nre going to Allow thi'·C tul)'lpGl·~ to o·o m o"er the pllddocks n• t.he.v wish, then thm·e will JL IW!\ys !Jo 11, d~nger of fi~f', heN<u~a the h'ilprn:ro will not be so careful wit11 rogsrd to fin•s as the Ol\•ners

[Hon. J. G. Appel.

"'O\lld be, arJd probably paddocks will u~ l:ut•nt out. 'l'he1·c will aho bo t••oublo w colmcction with lay ing noisou, -'IH•o•tgh 1 kr:ow that io not nllowcci. When tucs~ l!·"ppo)o·s get out in l'cmotc countrv c.li <lrids whl••·e thev ur,~ unrll't' no super,· ision. they ,., ;11 lay \1oison bec:au 11 it. ensure• a hc•lYit-~· CU\Ch. • 'J' IC (r"ppcrs wiJJ ubi!Sl' tJw pt'ivilt ,l;e of b~ing a llowed to go on to frc~hold ln111l, ;wd w ill go in fol' the laying of poisou.

The SecRETARY FOR P1.:nLJO l:-;snwcTIO~: How will thot ll.ffoct th ... sn .. dl manY

hlr. CLA l'TO'!\ : Anything that I say abou~ 110i~uu fyightem t1!C hon. gentleman, hccause he has lt in hi~ ho!ld. I know t.hal ~ome time ugo a, tcstl'iction 1\'ll:; plo.c"d on trapper; witlt rcgurd to the use of spot lights, bcc;.uo they wcJ'O u menace la slock-01\'Hecs. but I know they hal'e been \loed ~1ncc that time, a11d wiil bu ns . d in t he future. Troppet·~ will take au\'nntnge o£ being nwa.~ from ccntt·es of \>opulntion, nnd 1 ill u;c these spt'lt lights. T te pe1-sons who folio• the occupntion of tmppitog one gcme­mllv oncn ,,·ho are not jll u. ''crv ~ood li,naudal position. Jn man.:v instnuce;; ·r Know of per­sons who hanl hatl to seek o. Ji,.jng i1~ that d ircct.ion because o f adverse circtuusla.nco~. The Government n.t·a going to impose a tax upon those iudividu<da. I am not OTJposed to the granting of ])ermits for trnpping on C•·own lu11ds, but I am oppl•sctl to trQpping being c.llo" 'cd on f!'l•chold lantl . Wo have th<•ol! ftco·wus, who Oili1110t gel au OPJJOrtnoity to C!\tn the basic wa.~te in the cit.y. forced to go ou~ iuto the COt\Dtr.y and oudurc hard­ships in enrning thci1· li\'i11g. no~ we ha\'o some hon. members O('posil.e talonS' advan­tage of the oppol·tulllty to pcnal•se those tnen by taxing t hem. Tbat is unj 11st . One scctic)ll of hon. members oppo'!!it-e pose as ft':iends of the man on the lnnd, and another section wu.nt to as• ist the inc;luscri'ulists ~l.aro,y inrlu~tl'lali·;!:' , l:hrough ln~k of employ· ment beoause of the actiou11 of the Govem­mont, lll'll for~d to go out on t.hcsc tmpping ,·entures, and, possibly because tlocy m•tY not hllVO a vote in uny plubiscitc. they clo not t mnt, and tha Govet'nmem take the OI1P01·­tunity of !.axing them to gt•t more revenue. I ntn opJ)Osed to this form of taxation being imposed on people who go out to ca.rn Lhci1· livel ihood in this way. P1·ior t.o the lu~t elec.t iou.s the Govcrromfmt hac! der.ided, and the MinisiP.l' hud s.to.ted, ihttt the opossum season would not be opened~ for that year. \Vhnt hapncncJ 1 An elcct.ion w•1s Eprung on u~. aud, owing I suppllse to certain hou. members opposite bl'iJ1gi11g prc!sure to bear, the sac.ton w~s immediately opened so as to pncify wme persous tlnd e. ••t 1·otes.

M:r. FoL~:Y : It w.•s op•!ncd uftet' tb~ e loc· i ions, a n(l not beforu t·he elections.

Mt. CL-\ YTON: The seas(ln 1'. ns op~ncd, not"·ithsla.nding the fant lhat the Minisll'r J1ad , lid t.htit tbe oo.ontl"; wns b~ing d . plettxl <If tlln I'Hi flill\s

1\!1·. f'AHllELI, : Yllll know that iR not so.

l\lr. CLAYTC~: I tl'not the Ministor will b~ fi1·m in ri?gnrd to tho applications mMlu to him, nnd thnl he will see th~.Sc mu.r;;up in ls 31·n prott•ctcd. So for as llpening tbe sensoolS :HP c-oncci'Jled, l would snggt'~l. th:\1 the ;\ofini<tt>r should consider th• cutting up of QnN•nPinnr\ into di~tricl5, bccn.u;• ln som€ rli•t1•icts tho marsupial• untv no' h~eod up to tho snrr11~ ex~.~nt as jn othe••s·. If tbo Minister usrd lois jutlgmC'nt in this mutt r, it might l,•aJ to sn inc.ro<>se in !,he nnmbvr.

Page 13: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Art:mals and Birds (8 OCTOBER. ) Act Amendment Bill. 1423

\\ lu•n the hon. mcmltcr for Carnon·on was •pc11kin:;- l intt'rjcctt'd that tlw crow WllS un ll•·<'l in the sugru: di~triet· . The hon. n .. •n•­h<•r was under lhC' imnro~siou thnt r antd th•; \'t"w i• nn IISSt•t in my district. 1 wn.nl to Nlnl!·ndil'l l:bat imrll'c.,ion. [ contend that ~ha CI'OW is un as~et in thu sngur Jistl·ir-t..~, but i• n pest in the 1ltaize or fruit di~trict~. [ hM·t• sr n 11. grcut. nmouul or d,)Rt.l-uctio" .... rnutitted h.v thoso l)i t·d• in the 1111\iZ() unJ fruitgmwing distrids. 1 do not wont the >btl('uu•H\ lu go ul11·ond that J fo••our tltC' •·xi•tl'ncc of the crow in my dislricl, Lt:l'auso [ t)o nut.

I tru•t thnt the }finishr will llC'r pt l'l'n~ouaulu ltOlCildments fr•lm this side of the House ••·hen the Bill rl'llCht•• the Conunitlo<' ilugc. On nhno l every OCt'IHhln "h u ntt·a. •ur(' dNiling with prinuory pt·nduotion or thl' tnnd uro under con~itl••rntinu. umcudlllcnh wl1it!h ha.vr• brt•n hrnught f'>t·wn•·d hy hon. mcmb<'rs on this side, who (m,~o hn1l flrtU"lico I cxr>~t·intwo on the land, have, when ucocptul intp,•ovcd 1ho~o mro.sures \'CI'Y t'!\nRid~rably: [ hnro• that. the Mini~tcJ' will sea tho ju~W!­~at ion k.t· the 3nlPftrlmcnts thllt will bu mu,..,J lttHI y·ill accept th<-m.

The SECRETARY FOR ~\GR. ICt;t.:rmn; (Hot •. \\'. N. Gillies, 'Harltrrm). in t•cply, •>tid: I apprceJatc th<' >Ufj'~C>tion~ ' nich h:"·o Vl.'~n made from hon. mcrnhcrs OPJ>O· •ite. •n1d the difiirnltit' thtJv se" conf••ont ·IIJ:l the Ndministrntion of thi• Bill. 'l'bc lru let of thl' Oppo.•ition in hi, rcmnri<R would lead 1110 Hon<<~ to !J••liovc thut a. grca~ number of tliffirulti ! confront w becutt~O tht• law is t'vndrd, and bPCatt3e eomc und<'~irnblr'! n•L\Y wnnt to get permits. 1£ tha1 pt·gunt('ut holds g<11Xl, tl~t•n it eloo h0ld~ l.("rl(i uLout man' othr·r tnco~urc•. These tliflit•· dt.if'~ rnu i'o !LOt nvt'r. In r•enlity, this is a bt:>lo.terl menAurr-.

I, 6rs~ o£ nil, want to Jt••·r• •••t an impt·~·­' ion I hn t has got nbrooa in tlu• .. nun try o nd iu litis Hc.tti'•'-PI'$11ibly through my own fnult-tiJn~ thl' l'Oyalty is goiug to Ut' fix d b:o the l~ill nt 1s. per ~kin. 1 rlr~itt' to cr.rt·cct that imprt'S$ion. WhRt I intt-ndcd to rnn•·••y to tbe Hou$(! wh~n [ introduc·•<l the Bill was !hot a rO\·altv bll>t'd on th!' rov'\lt>· in Wl !l'rn Austr.jio. 'would yield .£60.!lix: to .C70,000 tu the prople of Quecn•lend. 'J'Iwn• i~ no int<'lllion to fix the rovolt - in tlw Hill itAI'If. nrithcr i!:' tht•re nny 'intention .m till' r ~r~ o( I hi! Govcrnmr:nt or mv•l'lf t'> ti't ,. r·oyu lty which would be on undue tn:oc on the PC<>plo cn~tag'tlcl in this important. irrlustry.

·.rbo object is to l'll.i~o sullioicut mortcy to s<•o thnt the nuimal~ a.ro prnpl'l'ly pt·otcclod !I nd to Sl10 that the Stl~t C gets wha.t i~ ur•doubteJI;y its share for thnt pnrpo u. Whon 1 poiTtt out that during the 1\.-o yvu·s I hnvc llt>cn Secretary for Agt·iculturo nnd in control of the ]Pgislat ion det\ling with nntivt• a.nimnls there has been nn open season fot• bear~ of only six month" in 1919 and a. r:lo~o sec.son siuec, and that on two oc<.JsiOJIS onl:- have there been open "ea~ous or two month" each for opossums, I think it will be udnlittcJ that I ha.-e done n1y dutv. Com­p:.wctl "'itb previous years lhut allows that an ntten•pt hl\s been made to protect nnt.ive u.nitnnls Ht this State. The power for tl1e declaration of close soo.son~ will stiU oblr~ in in ibe p t·iucipal Aot, and will bo observed rigorously, because wo dus iro to p1·o~•1rvo the nat ive animals or this Sto.tc, 1utd .1 leo tn clevelop the commN·oi~tl ~idc of tho Lw.in<!ss. There is no doubt ft·orn t.ho figures I hn \'e quoted that large sums of money

ha,·e been made front Lhc industry. As the hon member for Alburt rightly declared, the,c animal<> awo the proJlCrLy of th" people; tiJ•·r~ ts nu dilrot·curt• o£ opiuion on that que•tion. No one doolnre~ U1nt the nntive animals of thn ~late belong to any p~r­ticular iudividuu]; they l:ielouK to the people, ~>nd the Governtnunt •u-c the trustee• of :ne people, <Hid 11ro just ilif'd in looking aftEI" th{•it· iuterosl~. [t is their duly 110 pmtect the n~~otivo nnifTu~ls ami to use mvenue d~r: ·:cd from those th~ t. cnn wiselv be sla~;glttero:d lo £osl\•r t.ho industry ami pro­tect those engaged in it. und also to collect stll!icicut revenue to c.<Jrry on Lho adminis­tration of the Act.

'l'hat is really the objl'C~ o( the Bill, and tlter<· is uo intention of imposing nn undue ro;J.lty on the pCQple connected with the industr!'". While skin! are l>riJtging only a r•Jamuuble price ll rcusur.ublo royalty will be imposed. Tho ro;rult.y will be fixrd on a. ~liding srale, occordiug to lho vulue of tho skins,

Ilh·. Tnt.on: Aooording t.o tho valne only - Mt n Rat rato?

'fhe SJ.WltET_\RY L'Olt AGfUCULTURE: I ta.ke i'. tho $kius will bt• graded, aud tho roynlty will bo imposed on the gmding. h would be um«!!ISOnl\blo to impo~e a Bat rate, nnd plllcc the ~nm<! ro! ally. on ,;kins worth 2s. as would bo plnr••d on sk111~ worth 10s. or 12.; 't'herdorc the royalty will be based on lhl value o f the ~kint, nnJ will nol bo unduly hard on tho industry. 'l.'ho~e cugaged in tho in<lust ry may tl'Al HSJurcd lho.L there is no iuttntion on tho pnrl of the Government to impose a 1·oynlty which will be unduly hard on tha trappm·.

With regard to the ~t.ntement mndo about tho man who ow11s a freehold or a lease· hold for the purpose (of ra. i>ing atnck being ht~rn-st•d, I mn.y sny that I have every srnlpathy with those individuuls. The idea is to giye the ownerij of tho liutd o. say b .v gi.·ing !.hem tbc right to elect one member of tho board; tho (rappers will elect one me:nbor: and one m~:mber ,vill be u.ppoi11ted by the Go·vernment. 1 tLink I said during ruy sccoud reading 6pccch that il might be desirable to Rppoin~ an officer from the Lunds Department, Uc"IIU~c the Lands De­rertment •s the l~ndlorrl of tho pCQple, and ne turn lly should provirlo nn ideal and sym· pn thctie represento.t i vn for 1 hP owner~ of lttnd. Ln!tdownors will be ~ttfeguard~d in overy possible wa.v, nnd prrmits will not be g-i ••en to undesirnblfls. Thnro is 1\ clo.ss of pcople. {)[ cc1ut·uo-e. kint.l o[ nomad-who go upon propertios ,,·ith I it.tlc rcgnrd to the righl;> of otbct· people. lt i$ in tho interests of tho trappers and o( tho trappers' rcpre· scnlativc on the board to scu that tlum.r a.re no r:omplaints with regard to undesirable actions. bP<•ause those complaint· will reach the :!\t:inister in due course. ond the regu­latiuo.s will be tightPnl'd to prevent a recur:­re.J:Cc of such complaints. !L is hoped bv ~hi3 drmO<'Tatio mNhod of electing a boara ft•om th<' intcrt'sts concerned, with an impar­tia.l ch~irman-a public Fervant with no axe to griod. but only n d~siro to do the risrht thing-that. permits will be issued to men who will not nbu~c thcit· privilel(cs. If the privi­legr ls abmcd, iL will be taken ft•om them.

l may mention that the in tention is · to out the State l.IP int.o cli~triots. Pt·obably thB distriots will be bt1s~d 011 the present tu.ar­supial boa!'d districts. Tho.t will be n rnntter for future consideration and for the

Hon. W. N. Gt£lries.l

Page 14: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

!llt il~trt/.> 1 : JJtnl:s l.-\SR£:1~ BLY .J Act Amendtncllt Bill.

C<lt n·cnicnc-<1 of the people collct••·ncd . E,·ct•y di~triot will 1111\'0 n buurd rll•vl~<l oll th~ lines I have mcutiont·d. 1'hc51' b0nrds will haYcr power to allocRtc to the \',tr!ous trap· pcrs the rut•> on. which they llll\\ trup. nud il will b~ ju the interest~ of tht' tr..tpp~r,; themselves tn sec lhat tou mnny permits arL' not granted. Of cour~e t1·appcrs wunt to go to lho~o pltlct'· 'hl'rc thcl'<' n•·.: sullhit•ur. ~uimal!' to cnuulo H11l1U lo m .. k(' n l'<:tloOn~blc wage, 11 11tl IIULurally tht•:: will 1-!l'lll'i!~lc to these dish'ict" "·het·~ the -nuill !Ch nrt• me r. lllllllf'i'Ou~. 'flu~ board "ill lltP'l' po,;N lo nllocntc tn Lhe pnt·tit'ulat· h0!c\i qg< n <'<'I' t in 11Uf0Qt' t; of trr.ppcrs. 11. will h;tY!;' iJU"'"I' lik~­wi•c 1<1 re fuse pt rmil...; to p~op lC" who nt•t• wHksirnblo. nnd to rc[uso fm·thct pcrmits if the~ thinlt a sufficient numb~r of prrntit• have b(!dt Issued In n ptu·tictllal' "rea.

The bon. mcrubN· for Dnlln- J·cfC'I'l'erl to nb<.tscs. Of eonrsc, lVI> know abiises will ot•cur under all laws. lt dor -; nnt matt-et· how drastic the law may be. Ot' h0w nnximtS tho Minister m:ty be to'C'P.r•'Y nut lhc lnw. people will broa]; the law from tintt• to tim~. 1'h" hon. membct· for Dalby m Nil ion!'d n ens. where an honorary rnngcr on ono o f du· sanctuaries in the Dalbv clistrict hnd b~l'l'• one of the greatest offenders f>_g'llinst the ln·.,·. The hon. member d id uot brillfl' it uuucr th l' z1oticc of the rlt.lpn rtntnnt. 'l'hn t wa.• lcil tn sornfonc ci•c t<1 d''" El' idt•tHJ,,- "'""'"n•' h <I sufficiellt intf'L·e•t in th • f)t•n(,•cliMt of d1<• nati,·c futmn of thi~ f>tnt·· to tin <(1, r .iud on m akin~; iuouiri•·• lhnt th~r huHo!' tt !'_I' rn11g~>r ' ' .·• rrl iel' I of hi< <Ill I 'I'<. <Ill cl the snnH.• tbit1)< wil l he, d0l'<' •·f!•lfn ""'1<' 1' similar circull!~lan<•cs. 1\l y <;Je.i t't' i~ lo gin• every IWOI:cctton to om· nail\'!' fnuun. Th" fa.ct that dutiug my t<'unncy <•f Clflkc of th·•• ycat·s only four months lHOYc been u1Jo11't'tl with iu which t'ho shooting- of O'IO>>lltns l'Otdtl take place and for six mnnlhs ju,-t print' 111 my tak ing olfico, indicates, ns comp~rt'd '"id, the att iturlo of (H'!'vinn~ Gol'el'llmt•nts to­warrls ou•· tl ol·i,·" ailinlldl'. (hat I lllwc h11d some ~ymputh,Y (or <liHl some d,•,i•·c to 111'0· tcct t~1ese nati,·c anirnn l"-

1 do not k now 1-:ow •unov ••tul'llln•·it•s l1n' t' been crPuted sin~c I have ' bct'n in <' bn•·r:~ of the DcpiLrimcnt. of Agric:ultnrt•. h11r I kntl\, to-day that. thc•·o nrc probabl~· l.OOO.oor. 1ll't<'~ set npnrt as sunctuant's. The• hon, nwmbe~ {or .Albm·t mentioru•tl th:H he• hnd mnd rcprt'sent.ation, liko mnny olht' ro>. to hn ,-c Plt l't of his holding dccln•·etl !t >Ulll'! l \111';<". nnd the dcpartm~nt: is nh1nys ~~mp.tlhrt ic tc­~nrds SUCh l'CCJ.tlt1StH. Of COU 1'$('. w lwn l l<l royalty was pmd t here WO!< H 1\•ndl.'nc · nn the part of some people owning n In 1·ge null l­ing to 1\pply for their holding w b~ moch· a sanctuar y in ordt'r tlini 110 pt'rmit~ h' 1-t·ap oould be issued in rcspec•t of thac holding. and thcr k<opt it t.o themJ~t.' ll·c•. l'nclcr 11

roynlt.v "·''~tern the-re will l.Jr 110 gu in in tl oasc such ns that, becmuso I h~ ownt.'t \'If t Jt.., hold ing "ill not be " ''-"mpt- ft·mn n ro\'U lt \' if lte takC!l uatiYc Allimuk nntl o ne,: rh·~ placo is declurecl n >anci~HI.l'." the owHr r him­self will ha\'1' no right lo Ink,, nn til'f' nniwaL•. He will be ju~t ns bi!! nu n fl't•ndrr ns nq.-. onto clst' if ho clost.ro,ys nnlil'<' ltninH 1> ,;n his holding. As I hnl'<! said. 1.0''0.000 n<••·c·• htLI'e bern set n.p1u·t "" "ltn~t11n1'il's. 111111 .olthough I hnvc not t he fignt·c·~ lwr,•. T nm satisfiec.J that (he groat bulk of thi~ nr~ .t hu• been ECt 8[J8l't during nlJ ll llUI'C of ofliCt', Since I have been :in the Dt'p~ t·tmr.nt o £ Ag-ti· culture sttch J.ll'0!1EH'I ies n~ Blu~ ?IIouutaiot holding, Mncka.y; Eul'imbula h0lrlin!1'. Gli•tl· atone: Moray Downs St-ation. C'IProuont;

f El o1t. 1\l. N. GiUies.

R eevll!i' Lako (Eumat·n. and Goinsfoi'!J hold· itlgs); Rewnn Stud .Farm fol' breed ing polico horses; and the Valley of r.~goons holding. have bl'!cn 6Ct apru:t as sauctuaric . 1 was only rc.1ding the ot-her dny in a Nol'tl tet·n paper whNe n ha•·oller morlc a trip !ln·ough the Vnllt•y of Lagoons, ~111! he dt•>cribcd t it" "'Oilcl~.; Pful picmre of the wi ld fo" l on tl-10 lakrs there un<.l the wondcdul cl'ideuoo of u,ti1·e fa.un n ill tll'lt tlistdct. Tho~c •ne 11. few o f quite a. numl.Jcr of la,rgc holdiogJ that ban• heon ~at npnt·t n• o.tn,~l-unJ'it's during noy tc•·ru o[ oflice~. That. policy \/ ill be C'Ott· tittned fr·om time to tinv•. '!he Oppos•'tion ueccl htt,· o nu fear that this Bill is on attempt to wipe out our uative faunu , o•· tha.t it will haYe that effect. I clcsiri! thnt our nntil'e fauna s]v)Uld bo pr~s~J·vcd, bnt we know thnt some meawre of colllrol is uere~sary. and jn m,v opi niuu that ~ont.t·ol can onlY be brought about SUC~t!'lfUJly uy the system which I am l)utti ng before t-he Chamber.

\Yi lh <,•gard lo the ll$1' o f c.VI\rtidc , that W<l• forLidden in tht.. measm·e wl~irh I inrro­tl urC'd in thi~ Chamber iu 1923-the principa l \rl. The mE' of ~,·a.nide · liS mac.Je a crimi11»l

olfencv. and hl'nl'i' fi nes ''ere imposed . We l: uow. IIOWI'I'~t· . t'hnt t•ynmlln is in n S£•. 1 r t'- mo•t difficult to llr0\!'llt if; use, hn t. the ]lc•alrlt rcg:ullltion<- ha n~ Ul'<'n t ighteooc.l up re ~~~~·h an cxtl'nl thnt it should be mo;t d ifli eult, if thf' po li <> • do tb t:it· duty, for

an_ronl! ilh.~all,1· to use ••ynnidc, [12 noon] F irst of aiL b<'foro nny pcr~oo

'an get JlNmia>iou to bur cva,uiclc hr has tu g:<'t n pCl'mi t from r he local ·polire" •·•an. who mtd<C'~ inqniri• , aml l1ns to U<' 1-H ii:<Jit'd lhar. the cy.tni<lc is going to be used !or eoiiH' propn J•ut·pose. 'l'hnt is lite fmn f~L·gLuu·d. Thert 1 ·c hn,·e hca.l',\' peHnltic< tlllpu .. d on tho.c ~rho arc fotlltd g uilt.· of U>illg c~·~n i d!'. In tht> lit t p lace, we- ( Jll·

H~. a ' " the kin$. Quite t'•'Nmtlv wo con· r;$Catt'cl £3G ot· £40 wonh of sktn ~ fr \lm t1 t!tRH lJ cause \Y~ disco ,~CJ'0d he "'a~ using ,' \'nnidt•. 'l'hcu thNc nrr h· tvv •Jenaltic~ 1ihieh u l •olirc nlo.jri~to·n• ~ im~" po11c t· to intpo•e. " 'l• cnn <lllh· nJ I«• la1..>. pro;iuc i'cnnlti!'. nnd (;sue ,:rgnlntiro•:s unclcr Ac-ts or l'nrliumr-n t. and <lo r'ht l.J:o~t I ' .J l'an to sec lltnt 1ho~c _-\c l~ nl't' cn nir d ouL Thrrc is L'Yt'l'y dc~irc and syntpoth_v on the part o f llJc ( •C1\'Cl'll!UCI11 fOt' the fii'I'SI"n tlion o£ the ~~nt iv~ nninwls. a.r.<l. when tile ind tt~1' 1" is rln·t• l(lpL·tl t~n u eommt>rcia.l bn .. is, t.o 'tn·o­, ,~ d 1111d Cflt•ourngc tho tt•nppP.rs wh(l u•·<• <'ll~~g-rd iu tllc indwtrr. nrJd to tnk~: <'·cry , tfcguRt~l possiulc to "seo th t the I" ;JI Il' ··ho p1y Tent to the Crowu fo1· the lltnd will

1W! Le unfnidy intct·fe1·crl with.

':II1·. CORSER (BllmUt), M..-. Spcukcr-­

Th~ ;".P£,\J\.EB: Order! The hon. t.ll' lll·

hc>r ha.s no right to ~r.Ntk nftPr th11 Ministc;· bas l'CI.Ii!'d . 1 &hou,d unly bo too glnd t o tdlow hon. mPillb('r- lo ~peak if I he nrk · t•f ell'oatc PN"niltNl rnc to do m, b11t I would t•Oiu l. out that ~ome l·ime elapsed :tfi.Ct' the lun . mcmbct' for Wide Rny c<mcludcd hh; >PC'C<'h be fort the )Iinister rose to l'elJlr, lltm. mcmbe •·s tit: iring- tu spcnk hnd a.mp'lc IIJIP_O l'lltnit_; of rlsiug and udtlrcS$ in>, the chn u· b<.•fvre I called u po11 the Mlitisi~ r· ro l'l'lll~. nnd T Nnphnsisl?d the fu.<.'t th11t ~he d(•batt would be eoncludocl by the sporch or the :lfinisrc t· by saying. ';Tl1o Scorct:uy for Agriculture jn J'Cl1ly."

:VIr. CORSER: Tl:is is oul,v jot·kcying us out vf our opportunity lo spl'ak.

Page 15: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Animals and Birds, Etc., Bill. (8 OCTOBER.] Cotton In.dmttry, Etc., Bill. 14.25

The F:\ PEAKER: Order J The hM. mcm· bt'r 11•ill hn1·e to wirhdraw that exJH'l'?<iou.

M1·. ConsEn : I do not see why T -houl d withdn"" i1.

Th<' SPF.XKEH ~ T '' -k till• hon. m ombvr tu w ithclrn.w it. The h0 11 . membl'l' lllll>t kuo1: that tl1<1 t is the }Jl'O!H'r 1 hiug to Jo.

Mr. Con;:en: An hon. mcmb~>r ou thi$ sHin was on his feet bcfo•·c von c!tllOtl on the . S ec.-rc t!\1'.1· for Agricultu l'(i.

Thl' Set 'RETARY FOR .·\ CntCVLTtnu: : Tl1111 is r1ot t I'l l C. I waih~n scv<:t:lil s"cond~ "ftt·l' TlH' hon. mcmLer for \ride Bay rl.'surm•d his ;t•••t before I r ose.

Tlw SPEAKER : Ordt>r ! The di .cn>sion is n rdlctrion on the Chni t·, nncl it 111us1 b~ y;ithdrAII'JJ . ! h ope the 1100. m!'mbt•r wil l withdt•n.w it.

Mr. l'ORSt::R: The policy ndopred by 1hc Speaker is n. ,·en~c·dou 011 thu Oppo~i1iO II.

Th" SPEAKER: I J o 11ot wnut tu tw hutoll, 11 nd I hope the hem. member will J1<ll <:ontinuu his at1inu lu, but will w ithdt·••W in dl'fCI'enoc to t he au thority of the Ch•!ir. ~h. ( ' Oil SE ll : If T m a,v for ouo 11lOIIH:nt- ­

T h{• SPEAKEH: The hon. memuc•r mu.t w itl,dmw. :\o one r t'grcb! the li<'CC:<~it.1· for it morl' d~t•ll [ do. As Spenker, T de~i1·e w ~ee hun mrmt.l'rs speak who Yes·~ >eldom ,;0 50, <J Utl l am a(way~ p\ensed \0 Jio i ~Tl tU lheuo, btlt tlw p osition is quit•! clenr. &>111,., time t•l nn<;cu betwetlfl the time rh !:' hon. lll<'lllll<'l' for Wide Bny l'<:sumc,l ltis St 1t nnd th1' i\Iini~ tl'l' ro<C to sp~ak. l 'l1 l'C \\' US 1,\111 ))1!: t ime [o1· '"'n. mcntbars tn vi•c to uddl't·~ rhc C h:oi1·. but th~r was nci douo. IIIHI th, n I cal led 'thr 7YiinistC'J', nnrl announ~"d t hat bt~ Wl-1~ ;;; pf'nJiiJig in I'C~)Iy.

'l' hr Set llET.\ nv FOR Acmccr.Tl' ll£: .-\s a mntt<.'l' o( far.t, I waited for SGYetal seconds boron• I r·m'''·

Tlw S l'F..-\K ER: I I'Qg(·ct t h.e int·itlent. but I <'Ali Hor n I low rcOc1!t ions to he mndc <lJl dtt' C ha.i1·.

ll>!r. CoR:' ~R: The Opposil inn ha,·e >nnw rights.

The ~PJ~A KER : Or·r\e r ! l n>k the hcon. mcmb<'t' 10 wi thl.lr·nw the t'XJll"'<> ion chu t tl1r {)pposit ion have been jockeyed out of thLH' rights.

M1·. C'ORSF.l\l I nrn ~ony fot· tiH• in<:it\('111, our\ T Lllll sorry tlm t tho righ ts o f dH• (lpl'o· ;it it>n h::~,''l' b~en <.lcniml on rhis on·nsicon.

The :"PB-\KER : Q,.d.:ov I l'lw hon. IIH}.o:­

bPr mu~ t \\illtdraw unn~set'vedh·. 11<' is nu\\ nddiug to the offence' . lln rtlLL t will1(l1·a "' -:he l'<mwl'lc. I 'hope the l10n. m~mlwt· wi!l withdraw it.

l\{r. l'ORSER: l r eluctantly wiih(h•nw.

Mr. \YARRE:\ (Jf•ln'umbo ) : )h. SpE-~ker·, I rose io •peak befor · you cnll t!d on the Mini;;tcr. 1 w~ished pa1·tic ularly to speak.

1'l1c SPEAKER: Tl1c hon. mernl•L'l' c"l'· tniu l~· did 11ot address ihc C h u i1·.

Mr. COR' 1m : 1 ~"' · him t"is~.

'1'11 ,. SPEAKER: It is not snllitient fo r an hon. mo·!lJI.JQr to ·rise without addi'f'SSitl"' t.!Je Chair. Tt is H<•c:cs~urv for h 1rn to addrc~ t he Clrair . ·

Mr. CORSEl\: There \\'(~re fou~ mPmbt>r'> to S!,<'nk, nnd thC' hon. m e mber for ::Vlur· rumba. was to be the next.

M t·. lU).[G (Logan): Mr. Spcnke1~ 1924-4 r

Q•testion- That the Bill Le now tead a s~cond tirnt:'-put and passed. Th~ con~idc>i'alion of the Ri ll in Oornmitl ce

wao mndc a11 Ot•der o f the Day for to· tnot~l'OW.

CO'fTOX I XDCSTRY .\Cl' A:\IE~DJ\1E:\T .131LL.


Mr. S.\VAYXE (:liir(llli): It is rather diifi­' ult to l'!leum.• a speech pnrt oE which "·ns delin~r~d la~l Thur!day. On that. oct J.s ion I Jrew atrt• ntion to the dra~tic Jllll:lll'c of i he Ac:1 of which this Bill i" nn nmt•ndment, and a lso point...-d ou t, that the o r iginal Act \\·as foundcd on false dat... I aiRo advocated t·!'Oo>·brl'rding Ol' hybridisation of the vat'ie-11~5 of coiton we now have with a vi ew to impl'()~ing t!H•m o r makir1{\' the1n rnot·e suit­nl>lr for our· ~auditions. T also Ul'(\'erl thnt lhe opinion of tbc grow!'l's who had p ro­tf'sted in lhc fit·st place ngainsi. th se very rh·a~tic provisious was worthy o[ some cou­Fi<l~t'•lti<•n, llnd that i t WO> qu ite wrong and unrail' w •a,· tl1ut. thov wl'l'c uctuatC'cl bv anv bo.tt 1h~ bei'l rnotiYc~. • In manv r-ases c,·e•·):· 1hinl{ thC'v had Wll5 in l l 1 ~ indu·~ll'V, and t!J.~ v httd gi''('O th<' quc~tiun o A'I'Ctlt' da'r. l of a•teJj. tion. nnc{ tho'il' opi11ion should havC' carri1•d a gn•nt deal mDI'e weiabt thnn it did. I am undt•r th<' imJ>t'PSoiou that th • Opposition hnd ~0(".1 g-rounds fo r c·omJllni u t in t11is rcspr;-ct, Ll<?l'uusr. of tl1c ~bu;;ivC> attitur!e of the Minis­t't'l' tolntt·<ls t hos2 who differed from him. 1 find th~t in J u ly la~t thl' Secretary for A11:rintltm •.. in rllply to a deputation pro­h•stl lH!' agaJnst th!.' Acl. which was p assed last session , said-

" That admi~sion is somewbttt tardy. It is 1\ graye p ity tbnt those interested iu the ratoon Cjl•t•stion allo W'cd vicious, dis­gnurtll'd politiciaus to l ead th : rn into a e<1mpaign which has done t·ho industry a lnt of hnm1. ·•

1 lnkt• the n ltiturlr. the correctness o f ' ' hieh the :\fiui>ter ha.< himseU ~dmitted to some t'xt.ent, rhnt nn;·hods who follows the work­ing of t h<! or iginal Act m 11st r.; nl isc. t.hat t'\'Nythi11g which the Opposition urged on that oc1 '\Sirm ha~ been born,• out !Jy facts. 'J'heY wc•re ll ChJatPd ~ol~lv hv n clcsi t·e for the ' g-ood of Qttccu~land.' 'l'hcy put tht•ir ra~u fo1·riblv ond 1uh·ocat ('d am.'nthnents iH dis·cctions ii, hich il hus ~i ncn bct'n found n O?cc• •nr~· 10 anwnd lht:' me H11re. In fn('t. l'lll' bPst justification is i n the Bill before the Hon~•~. nnd 1 thi11k tho 1·e0ection~ which tht• !\!inist~1· matlo on the Om-1ositimr v·o•re 11nc:tll••d £o1·. HowevPr. it ia his nature. ancl he cannot help it, and we >hu ll ha1·r to C'xeu;c him. A large amount o£ notionn! wealth has been lost to Queel1S­Iuud bee .tn<<' of the hon. gentleman's actlon. It fs one of many instances which show the loss Que,•n•ln.ncl is ~u fft>ring through ihc hold­ing of onll't by the prr>scnt Administration. Tt inoliN>tr • how mu(·h bctt ~r off Queensland ''•OIIId hul't' b<>t>n if there hnd been a Gove rn­nlcnt fnr ll1Cd by hon. m <'mbrt·s on this side. l\f11ny hundreds of thousands of pounds pet· nnnulll wn,tld hn.Yc hc , n sav, rl in ou r interest bill if tlll't<' had been a Government Ionncd hy hon . memher.1 on this side. (Government lnughlcr·.) J could go on giving irrefuta.blo proof of ihat, h11t l would bn DJJt of order, "o I mnst conflnr my t•emnrks to the Bill. When l'aloon cotton was banned we urged that it was being <lone on insu!Tic ient

M1·. Swaync.]

Page 16: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1426 Cotton l n1.ustr'IJ Act [ASSE:.IIBLY .] Amendment Bill,

ground~, aucl tip to tho "'"'Y htst mom<mt we~ )J ionu!"J with the Mini~ler to Lold his hand n.nd wuit u f~w rnonth$ uutil worn informutioa wa~ rl\'ailabk lmt all wl.' got in unsw!'l' tu quc&tioiiS was ol[ensive r!:'p!ics t1n<l quihhlcs. 1 l'<'m<'mber that at the very lltst moment some in(o..nHtliOJI regur<.l ir1g tho sale of ratnoo <:O.t l,on cn•nc to hn.nd. n.nd I nsked the l:lfiui~W!' if, in view of that. information, he woulrl a~rec to hold tl-ro mattl'r ovt•r for 11 few ntoJ!th~ uutil l.Vk Pan i!"l J ones had l'<'tUmQd (rom the old countt":·: but .. in l'epl.v to that question, the :viinifitcr referred me to his pTevious sJ)e chr~ on tbc subjl!<!t mnde two ar thr(>e months before, us if th<'y had nny b earing on th~ qurstion in Yiew of the rec·ent informn t ion. Hi.; prcvion~ sp .'cd rc~ wc·re 1tn obstiunle n •pmition of an assumption th11t. has •incc bt•cn prm·e(l to be false. The Rockhamvton "Bull~tin" o [ 25th AugU~t last nmort:-

' 1 A distinc tly illuminating Rclrlres.~ was delivl:'r<'d by ('aptaiu Hhotl!.!s, supported by an intrre~t.ing Sf)Pccb h.- M•·· '.f. U. Ross, rt'pJ·esenlnLivc ;,., Qti'r msland £o o· ::Uc '$1'~ . .Ashleigh a11d Co., England, \\' bo n.l't' lll"epltl'tXl to buy a ll lho rntoo u anrl plant rotten tho t growers in Qttccnslond ,., n pr·cHlu~co . the pr ice to bf' ha$ed on \n1rlrl's parity and payments made eithor by c>t.<h ugtrimt documC'nt;; ~~~ Quf'enslanrl pol't'ii, or advances ngntnSL <"onsigo­rnent:;."

There is 11.11 in sraoke showing f.l:w demand for ratoon t'tl!tou. Ag-a.in. tlw lh·isbnni! " Cottril•~ " of 271 h Se1•tember lust. had tJ1 is nl'ticlc ,.,. Mr. Danir l .) <Jtll"s. uud••r the hentling-·

"R<~Toox CurTo~.

"QCl!:EXSI:.A'NlJ ~,\)IJJI:.ES t:-1 LAXCASJllllE.

'' 1t was the writl"l"'s good forb.Lnc lo g()t in tom·h with all t hc;r orttanisll · tions. ei lllf'r .it• a COl'JJOnt t c or iurhv;dLUd CfiJ11l~ity. Thus 1 was ~nablcd to p lace tlte cn;c fol' the Q.uccm~.l<tnd cotton· g•·owc•·s l<cfoTe Lhe bigltt~~~ c·uUon authoriLie-. in the 8rn-piro, w1t.h the resu lt lhat 1.b.e ,·a,l ne of p ropcl'ly·grown Quecusland ru toon cotton was eslallhf hetl be.vond cavjl. ~t a m ()E'ting of the Marrchcostcr Cotton Ass9cintiou ~;on:re twenty sa.tnJJics o( •·a.t uon-grown cotton w0rc e:~qtmiuv<l, und in ev~n.•' i rl~.tance high commendat,ion \\·as potssc~ ou cnrh. 'l'Ficsc t·orn·oscnt<'d L:pland. Sea lshnul, EJ.rypt ian, Culedoninn. \lld Peruvian vari• t ie•, Ofu;, or- olht•r suitlll..llf! for the ordinar,v medium qualit; for Laun~hire t.rade, olheL·s suit ~bit• for the fine spinners, or th1• Yorksl1ire d~mund, wlrich j, for an a r tide adapted for mixing i1iW• wool, for wbich •om~ of onr perennial ~ort~ ~~··c c.lllincntty $llil.rd, unci which brin;t good pdcos. · 'J'h<'Se ~n.mple:; no·• romaio with the association, 1111d can be irrsprctPd by itll ! one interested in tht~ qlUJstion of the E-xpcd il'n~v 01' otlwnvisu of Tatooning cotton I"I'O!Js." The 011inions BS to q.(uos of litis cottun. l t>ncll'l'CcJ I.Jy pract.ionl ' /li nucrs, .sho1 I he ~o rn11ks to I.Jc. worth rom one p cnl1'' iu fout')J!lllCI.l mar!', or t'von 11101'1', than ttu:t pr·c~ent vnh111 of Amel'ican middling."

A pcntllt.:· wn~ piAc12cl by ihjR Government on tha growi11({ of surh valuable cotton in Qtto<'n" lnnd. The nrticle cont iu\H!s-

" One m i llowner on the floor of the Mnnehe .ter C'otron l~xcl•angc <wened h is willingoe.ss to give two shilliugs per lb ,

[MT. 8wayne.

of lint for n corres p<)nding bttlk r·un pl~ of t'ottnrr of !lw Pim11 '·ariF>ty l'U\sl'U nt P t•tl'i c t<•rro(·c. Brishan(). Th~ Livor•pool Cot r u11 ..\ssoeiaLioll, 011 whose vercliet the "lHJ!c· i <~l•cs dercu1lcd. vc•·.r c•nn•ful~·.· hn11cl lccl l h(' rntoor: s;wtpl!!s, j'];lcillg t hem in oach in~lijl'ICl\ iu tlu, hams o f leading eut.t•>" broke r,; of wiJe experience'. In f'nch cn~e lhe Y<Jhl(;s given were from one JlC'nlly to ~wor>cnee per lb. in lint mol'e tlr!tn the then rulin!l' vnlu<! of Amc••icnn midtl linf., always takeu h:· the tr:de as standu r<. The samples wc•·e sent to the.m n; Quocnslaod-grown ratomt co~.to n, sOo that "''N< the (•ver·-prese.ut prejudice ogninH J•atoon·gL"owu c rops harl full uppot1unit;- to "'xpn·ss itself, whi<•h it dill. u" given iu ::om~ of the •·cpot't>!."

'l'hf! nnirlc! co11tim1~ti for :•oo1iwl' baiC­culumn on simi la l' lines. poillting ollr the ~bol tlt'e fact that thl"t:e is, !llld alwa,vs ha~ lJt:Cil, a. demand for thi,; \'ftl' iP.b• of cottou, 1 hi ~h. undN' a hca.vy penalty, the Queensland fnrmers unl,v ln~t yen •· w0re fo rll iclrlcu to S'''O\\',

'J'hC' oppont•llt5 o [ lRioon cot ion appf:&l' to ha vc bu>cd their cast• illltl conclu~ions on the l'plnntl ,-a.~iet.". I am quite vret)!lrt.l to nrlmit f1111t t,hl"r.C has hcQn tl certa in nrnount of c,\· iJcuc:c >lg>tinAt· nt.locming the Upland \'fil'l<•r.'·· I will admit in 1his in~tnncc the st .. ong<'~t l'\"idl'D<'< ngaill$1. rntoonil'lg and quot the followin~ pric~s, f Rki'Jt frnlll the H•·isba11e "Couril'r·" of 14th July Just, in this cotln<'f'tion :-

" .AnH!rican 11o idrll ing Durango p] ;;nr; Durango I"Jroun l'platrd rat.oon

1 ~int. Per lb. 17.6'7d. 19.o7rl. 16.5d. 16.75d."

It tlr~re is tlll~' t'P.ason on whicl1 to l'n,se any doubt~ in re;;pe{'l to nltoou cott.Qn it is in conn~(:\ton with the 'CpliHIII •·nioon cotton. Yet her~ we se{' i~ on l:v about a p enn.v below .\meorican mirldling:, which is th ~ standard of valnr:.s.

J hn\·e maintain<"d all through that the ('l'tden<'"! 1<hvws u huge mistake . was mac:le, ancl. if th~t mistake hlld riot been mnde, t.lte1·e woulrl hnvc I.Jeen no ne~essity fur out· time to be t.n ke n up on t his occasion. I hop<:> that thll :1.-l iJJi<tc r·. t·\'<'11 at tlri:- lute hour. will •' • C<•'{~,i~!' that ht' i' r:ot infallibl£', but that he do~s make mistake~. o ud will in futrn·e a l'nend the orrot of his \\'ay~.

There a1·e other fent.urcs in connection wil.h fhc mnitPf' we have bafore us ~hat oaU for consideration. I (l.ffi not going t~ touch on one mnt~e1· rtt a.ny vet·y great length, bo­cnnse I JniCJt d to mon• an arnrndrnt•nt ou the subjc(·t. 'th~n we rench tbc ComrojLtee ~tag() of this Bill. That i$ with respect to t.nc p ropo>e<l C'O..Oper·at1vc ginncrics and ttJe disposnl of tht• Cl'op. 1 notice that it is not irri<\ndcd to do that on the c .. ommodity basis that is bl'ing tH'gNl nt th e pres~nt time throughout tht' farming (listr·irts. The Council of 1\gricullu re i~ l ~rgcl.v compared of interests oth('l' than collon int-erests. There ar·e man\l delegates on lhe Co\mcil who J.a,·e no int~rest whnt O<'V<'r in any single b1·ancb of ngdctll · ture. Tu give the Council of AgTicultnrc partial or complete co11t rol. or the power to disvosc of any $ingln article, i~ urmcecs­sary, and very o[teu would result dctJ•imen­tally .. 'Ne arc fat· mo~e likoly to got sane effective manag~mcnt 1 [ t he mntter is left who ll .v and 5olely in the hancl1< of those eon­cc.rved. I am uot going to en large on thah

Page 17: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Ooll:>n I ndU8:ry A ct l8 OuTOBE R.] Amendment Bill. 1421

$ubjcat now. bconu sc we sh all ha.ve it before us aga in tr• Commi ttee.

I not.ieo i n regard to the d isposal of on.r cot ton seed thnt a great deal of dou M cxifits. L ndcr the ugrcern<lot thl:' cotton growers are only 1·eceivin~ ld. per lb. fot• it., .a lthough j t is worth mtinitely more. T he qucstiou arises, Why \\'D.S 1 he whole control o f the crop p laced in th e hm\ds of only one body of buyers·: It, Eeams more than rmsoing strange fo.r " GovC'romPnt who all (l]ong hayc ;,hown their hostili ty a.nd antagonism to u11ytt.i rlp: in the ohape of n combine, a nd who u;ed to rail against the Colonial Sugar Refining Compan:}>- (:n lling it an octopus aud ~o on-whon the !.irrle camo to organi~e the •·Otton industry, lo p lncl! the control of the ind•tslt·:· in thtl ha nds of ~ huge companJ. I nstca.d o£ a llowing the industry from l.l1e ,.l'r:· bogiun i n~r. to b3 c81nhli~hed on a co·opcrative btlSl5 managed by the growers tbcruselves, with the a.id of tho advice uf co rnpctent ollitl'r.• employed b,· t he Gover n­ment, they bnv~ tr\ken tnis inconsistent action.

When n pruvious Libernl Govcrn.m~ot set nbont the cncom•ng<•ment u f the FU!j'at \n­tiustry i ro the .. ninerios" they du i no t hand ovet· the wh<)le control to the C'olpniul 8u!(u•· U,t~Hni ng Compan~·, hu t established central m ill conrpnni•'~, t1nd h•ndnd o,·cr d11; rnann!lemcut lo the grower;;. :\»udy t!\'ct·y one of th•ro<' conrpanit>s l1ns t tH'I1ed out n succo."~. l think only one out of the nine cstu blishNI p •·ovcd to be n fa ilure. (lnd du ring tha lwenty.fivo years thev havo lreert establ ished they have be~n ~ntlrcly cnntrollcJ b:o those <lireclly ooJJ · cet'1lcd, and hanl furnished abou t one·l·hi1·d of t.he tota l Qnce11s la nd suga t• output . Even l'I.!U~J1 lly t.ho Govorurucnt handed a. sugat·­mill ovrr 10 tht• groW('l'S to man~ge.

We lrnow lh:tt our great dairy ing !nclu~try has at t11inc~l its prC!seub cli1ttM~ions undcl' the r.ont rol of co-opomtivc ll<'lion. J n tha flrsc Jlht<'t' i t nH•y hnY<' been r ,u·tiall v controlled J..v pr i,·at<·· inclividuu l;;. hut )t is now almost toL~llv <'ontro lled h.v f•o-operut ive rotle ·t·n~ Collii'l ihg of those concerned in thE' i ndn~try.

·wbv do we not. tuko similur ac~ion in regn l'fl to <JO t.L011? Tt.., GovcJ·ntnent wou ld ~ay to the grower•, " H ero is you•· oppot·· tunitv. \VIl a re prepared 1:0 assist you with capitnl jus~ the sam~ us previous L ibe1•al GovN·flments assisted the sugnr·growors w ith r.up ito.l. W e sha.ll h Cll p vott with advice, hut 'tho ri1o 11ll1£t'rneni shull be in your ow11 ha.nds. and t.hc opport.u ni ty is thcJ'o for you to takG .advaota-go of it.'' I ustoa.l.l of that , tJtu Govcr nm(mt, a llow the b ig out• i,Je COill­pnny to control our cotton inlhLst.ry. I nm not ~a.y ing anything ngninst, lhul. compnn!'• bnt t.hc atti tud" of the CO\·emrnt•nt is incon­sisten1, aocl I th ink events hnvo shown i t to be unwise. Reguding t.J.,, dispo~al of the seed under this orr~ng-t•meut. , t.llo following rl'fcren••e was made in Lho Uockhnmt1 t.on "13ullctin" of 20th May lust :-

'' To hold that the •rtu~odor<> Govcrn­lllt'nt hr" dl!vf' IOr1ed tLll inruruble aver ­~ion l<> i.lte cotL<•n•g- ,·owvr woulfl be thG ,..,c~~ chnritn.b le consi nrct ion to put. on m :uc of it.s ;td,ions, T l1e usmtl tendNtry is to be indulger)t. toward the incu rably stupid per~ou and to head him ol( f to•H posi tions of rl'spousibility, ju~t a s it. rs t'U~I.OHIU t•y I 0 1'0£'<1 r~l tho fi rst et·ror bl'OrLclly, and credit it.s perpct t·atot·s with at !vas!. good fa ith, h owever b ad their

judgment migbt b ave been. B1J L wh en <lOll unt'owa.rd huppcniug follows 11nothe1t and t-he lust one i s a lways more f>ttuou& tha n tbe one bclo t·e it, a nd grim unfa thomable silence is observed About i t w1ti l t he grower inadvertently stumbles over i t for hin .s.e lf, ordinary ru les a re ~t pt to be suspended.

" It is hard luck for the colton·g•·ower , t hat in addition to t he :inevit.a.bse vugat i"-S of clima.to and season, the vo ra­city of in~ects, the stupidity of oUicinlclom and othet cala.mlties incident<rl to getti ng; a l il•i rrg out of the so il he Ehould ul~o be· nlnicted with a ba.nd or hnppJ oxper i· mentors who hrl\·e 1wwer to g ive his p roduce away and thrn ptotcnd 1 hnt they r,hought hll cl iJ not wunt i l. ant! it was o£ li ttle me to h un anyhow i f he did."

T his rnt ide con tinucs-,, f n Junt• of last yca t· the c~nn·nl l)i,­

j rlct Conndl eu ggc~tcrl duH t ho• .Arit i:'h• Australian Cotton Association might be asked l.o (\ny as much for socd it; pur· c:lut$~d fr·otu the growe1· as the !,(l'OWt•r paid to it, " ' hen h" •Hurrod it to feed. Jris pcrisl1 ing stook."

It de~t·ribcs how rhe mnth•t' t'~'cci, od iut !'CI<>· ing u lll·ntion, and we ficd thut the ..\1inistcr tt<lm i ll~d that t h~ compa.ny h11tl ul'cn c-L'tting l hP- ~~I'd fot uext to nothing. I~ f , a loo Si!1n ifk1111t t)HII l~t th~1t tim<! lhc COillpun;l' n~Ked for a ron llnnntton of !h" ag~l,uucnt.

Th<'rl '~'~'' cou1e to tho qut'st il)n of •·ttlue.s. T he fir>l t ime n loeal t ti111nte wa.< llllltlo th~ ~C\<'U W:t.S ll8S!'S•N I a l o, Y!ll ue of £2 17s. a tnn . That was a. long ' "ay bclo11· the i.ruc \"Jdt.tc. b~f·nu:;c Jnter on. a. COUJ•It• of ion:; ll' <~rc st>nt to L011don l>y the •• De • ~o.J'hNrt ;." \\'hi lc the seed was on the water ,.,,rious t•timatcs were mtod!! u~ to its ntlttc. Before i1 reached Lonoilll the .Auditor·G t•nt'l'"l was rskctl to rnakl' >lll t-s~irmtW ou figurt'.~ SUJI· 11 lil-tl to hinr. Thes<: figure~ were uft•·•·wat•clo p•·oycd to b<:' incon·cot in tlll\ rt~· iu:"'t<.inccs; but, oo thl! flgur~s supplied. tl •c .\udiror· Gcnero l fix~>C! tit~ val tte at £8 jJI!l' t<Jn in Lonr <Ion. 1'h1: 11apcr •• 'l'l'OJiit a] Lif., •• ar tl•c tirno asst•ssed the valne at £ 13 Ss. per ton. The1'l! was <1 ln1gr· d i~rt'ejluntv lhC>J·e. Aft.cr l"u•ticula t·.o cn rnc to hl\nJ it wiis found J.hnt>-

,, The ~ecrl that had gm\l' forwn1:tl b.\' t.h(' ' Dem<l~thcnt•s' had rt'ali>etl £9 10s. j1f'l' t·on in l,ondon, Ol' 30s. JTIOn• thna t.he pYit:e gin1n t o the .\uditor·GQn(•J·ul. 'YIJi le lre gave tit • frt•ight A rrd t'.< llC'r'loC~ nt £4 lOs. por tau. u•· £4 ls. 2i<L Iris th r~n thc AHditol'·Cceoml wu~ iold t he.,)' weJ·c."

It fllt'H"d out thnt the ~red wn~ worth a !{rent deal ruore th:ur d w •'~I imut<! thH ,·as fot•mc·d h~rc. 'l'ltosl) '' ho losl by t hut wero lh~ grower~. That is !he sort of thirw tho.~ h>1~ been hnpperr ing ttl l alou!f. tlnd~l.' the arrn··~mcut dwv ha"~ not J'f'COI\'(•cl t he va lue •;f thPi r :<eed. The evit.lcncc i~ thn t ~ lrU!!(' mi;;takc l1~s l.lt't.'H m:>dQ. ur~ d , 11 hen w(' grt. ini<> (;o;nmi l tN:, I hop(• · " slrnll bc> nblo ~o to imnro1·1) tlw Hill that iu futtur I hf• !!:TOll C•t'S. a nJ only I hr !f''OWI'f . will hu :dlowNI to contl'ol the h nnd ling of tht•ir tr·op und tho g iuning of 1hc cotton.

\\' ith rcga,.d to ginning, nnother p~cul illr feature OC('" ''S. 1 ll11d thut the co~ r of g inning h..s het·n irtfin i t~lx gt·ent<'•· in Qu•11msla.nd than ~he cost in the l:uited S•.ntl'<. All t his information h as come t·o h ~tud eiri('O the Minist,·r rofnscd to liswn 10 the request of the Opposition that Ir e ~hou l cl delay matlcrs

lJtlr . Swayne. ]

Page 18: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1428 Cotton li1d118try t l ct l ASSEN.I:BL Y.] Amendment Bill.

{or a few monlhs until hr knt'w mor~ on the ~ubject. Tho Syduro· ·· Bul lvtin" of 17th January, 1924, t~ivl's "rbc co.t o[ ginning I L

bale of cotton ot 500 IIJ. as-•. d.

..\llll'l"i!'ll 18 9 t2u<'<'1Hland .. 52 1 DiiTI'r·enro in fn,•ou r· ~[

Ameriru1 gro\\~r· 33 4 .-\m••rita. t$ uot n couutr·y \\here labour 1s ~hl•ap. We kno" thnt rhe wag<'~ paid in the r nited Stuh!s ('Offilllll"e fM"ourably with tho~e iJl an~ rounrl'.'' m till' "orld; ~·et tbo.!ro is th is hngl! difl"l•rcr•re of 33s. 4d. prr ton i:t tho cost of [tiuning iu Qno:()n•lnnd L~ com· parcel with the t'o•L of girming in the l "n ir ()d :Sta.tt~s. I >hnulJ 110t lur.,·e mude tho t·c:-marks I hiiYC \H't'tl it uoL fo1· the altitude aclopt.•d l.lv t lnl :.\l.l iui~t<'r to\\ urds rnl'mbcr~ on this si"tle uf the Housr•. J\lrhough Ins!. s~>ssion wu rold the hou. gcmlcmun thiug~ thur h nvo ~iuce turned ou l lo bo u.bsolui·oly true, b ha• .1l wayb been ~~<bu~i ,·e in his utdluuo to ward> !.on. ruC111 bw·s orl t h l~ side .

T lru r i~ U1c sor·L o£ thing I object to. 1 hope t lm t, irt fuur rc the· hor1. g'NrMemun wlll oh:tugc hi• 3t t.itutlc I.Uld rccogn i$0 the rig hts of h<Jir. m cmbc1·s on this side when they

speak on tlw~c m~tttcrs, nnd, [12.30 [).m.j fu rtho•rnrnr!', chn ~ we on lh is side

h aYe n pract ical knowledge anti eA-pct·ien<'e lu ngl"icultur·e which is not pos· 11e~st•d by hou. rnl!mb~rs OllPOoitt:. 'l'herefore I t ltiuk "thut whni \\C SliY on these matters should curry o. liUio weight. Wh~n wo como to tho Comuriltt'e slngc, I only hope that wo ;;ludl be nhll! to uwkc impro,·emeut:S iu tho Bill.

J\lr·. NO'l'1' (Sttw(t /J): The introduction of this Bill is ccrtaiuly au illustra t ion of the CQrrl'<'tnP@o and roundness of the argnmeuts o [ thl! Ot>i'O~ition ou ch11 Bill which was brought in Jlrcviously. It also goc> to show tbo.l. m •rito of lhc trl'mcndous efforts put forward by th·~ Secretary for Agriculture and the Go,·crnml'nl t.o coerce th ~ grow<·r~ of rottoa ~long cettuiu lines, by refusing to liucu to t"N!Oll thc · ha,·e fliilcd to nchicvo sucC<'~. aud thtrcfor·c tlwy hnvo rcL-ogniscd the l)(•Ces:lily or r·cpairin,!( the damage they lta,·e u lrcurlv ~OIIl' b · itHl'Oducing th is men.· our·e. We k'now tha r" tht:' eocrcion which th • Gon•rnm~nt clldC~\·ou rrcl to u;:,c was hnckcd by tlwcuts of pro~crutiuu, nnd the impos icio11 o[ w•ry lnrge pQnalt i<>~ wns thr··•Mencll wh!!tl th~ Bill \vus going t hroug·h last s"ssion.

Then' were nl ~o m i ~l~>ncll ng statemeuts ruaJc as to the report~ on tho q nal it.v of the <Jotton, ami a lso rn i-lc.Hli np: t·~port~ as to ]:lC! ts. Amonp;~t ~omc o f !.hose mi~l cading reports 1 would Jilw to quoto a stntcment whicb was mt\cltJ i n thl) "Quecus!.\nd A.g-ri· cultural J ourmrl." To my m in<l, t he l'E'aoon f or that Ktatcrnent was si1nply un !'nd llvour to bo.,~t u[) tho t·ntoon legislatiou by which t he GoYcnrmcnc wot"t' trying to cor:;rce tho brmt'rs. The statement i5 contn ined in a IP.ad ~ t· or sulo-lcndrr· of the "Queensland AgrieulLurnl Jomnal "-

• "J3c;iled down. tire fit·~t prrvrntivo rnenxurc mruus th~t colton r:~tooning should not be pr~cti.<'d."

When I r1>ad thul stott:'mr:;nt I knew it was not corrl'<'t. Tlrat e' idenco, which was ~up· po•Ni to hu,·e b••••n obtainrd so that the editor l'oultl rnrtku thAt statt>went. wa~ a~~umrd to h:rn• 1'0111<' from 11 ron[et·r:;nce of rho .Ameri<"M CoLtou Grower•' ,\ssociat.ion held,

(Mt·. St•·.l~flM .

as the " Q ueensland Agricultural Journa.l" ~nid, in October last. 1 callrd on the editot·, u.d n~kPtl him if lrC> would make thl' L'\"i· dct!l't' availahle tO uu•. lit• •aid b c·:111!d ll'>f

do that. be!'au.c at the prtbt'nt time it wa6 held ln· :\Ir. :\<lark Harri..'<>n. of Toowoomba . btu hr • ~nirl ht· would t'nd!'a,·our to obutin it. r ht\\C not \"l'l I'C<'I}i\·, d rt ft·om him. I hnve writt£>11 to .AhtLricn f!Jr it, bul f have not bt•ru ab!r to ohlnin it up to the prc;cut. Ht· a~:r<·l'<l tlrat thl• potngt·nph WM mislcnd· ing. ' '· t he did nothing to rectify Lhe m is· ~tat~.;wnt in tub.~equo-nt i:huCs. ~ot only W<ts mit<r.,prr·sentation tuud~ nbout tho quo.lity o[ the J iut. but u good dl'a I nho as to the Yaluc of sr d . Lattr Oh o. certain amoun t of that seed W.l< sold b!!Ck to th<: growers and to people ni! ft'cd for sturdut-: stuck rlnrin~ lllll sub~equout dry W('iltlrt'l", nnd tl•u nriti;h Au~tt olinn Cotton Asso<>i8tiou. t,imit ccl-wh iuh lutd h~ld t hot. tlJe \" al nu of S!'l'd COilnn W;J' 110\ \'l)l".Y ni(ICh-(llJIH'ge(l £5 per LOll nl !t•uKt fo t· it. In rn n ny rnll(:s i t· ILls d ifficull to obta in. t\lld o l.l\·iously fat· t hi' tH II"liOS'1 of o il m nnufM·turp nnd othl'l" Ly-p rcJt.i ncts it mu -t hrwc. been I\"Or lh .£5 0r m or••. o r t hl'y woul·rl hove bot·u ,·cr·y g lnd to g- t ri ,J o£ it for les~.

T he great ha rm w hich hos ltOC'I1 clone l>y t his legi>lutiou is tho ~tcn?yinr; up. of the indu.~ r n·, o r I fto tJrew•ntlll!( or rt from i~:crc~slng to nnytlung l ikl' the din. o~iun• to whtt'h i t should hll\"C: grown. T he ~liniste•· himoelf a nticipatl'<l th11t ll very grea t den! of cotton WILS to be CA port cl; ~nd no dnuht that wouhl IIO\'e happened had thr gt·ow~rs who had planted and hnr· Ye~t~l n fair amount h·om their lir·~t yeor's crop b!' n allowed t.o ratoon it. Thl'y eN· rain!" would hnnl had thco ratoons pluil thP nc:d · y• ar'~ pia nting. whcr('a~ they werr comrlllled to clc·-rroy the rotoons or marke t the NOJI f1·om it n:. plonl rott.on. and that net ion alone reoduct'd the yield \"Cry ton· sid!lrably.

The other dav the hon. m~anbcr for Cun· ningham and ihc hon. rn~mh~r for Oxl<'y rxpr·es3ed the! opinion thal ll \"Cry few year~ ht?ncP ,·en· li t tle cotton would h• gt·own in Queeu•1anll. l a lso rull somllwhnt of tha t o p ln inn. l um afraid that Ut • oh!Lnco of !!stabl ishi uf£ 11 good souncJ cotton i11du~try in Qut-cmlnntl 1-..a~ been j t:'orn•·di~!'d by the ael' ion of lh<l Go• •rnnrent tn cndrt~vou r·ing to rocrcc gTO\\-ct5 inlo grnwi 11 g only pla nt ci'Opii. Thl' hon. mt•nriJ('I" for Oxl(ly gave us V L'I"v ,•nluabl" it, formlllion ubont whn t. t lw p(·o.ill t> o f En,, la nd thoug ht o r co rt !")ll ·g"'I'Owing 111 nt hcr• rou nl r ics o f the wot•ld ~~~ corn· rmt·o J with co tton~rrroiving in <'\ u~t rnl in. Th~ re is no doubt that the infcr·onrc f1·om hi$ rcr'nnt·kl\-altltough he d id not any itr-is tha t pt:>ople thl'ro look upon Queensland as mot·r ot· le•<; o f IL joke ns a cotton producer. Jle al;.o gnn• u good <1('"1 o[ in(onnution about the ,·nine of laud for cotton and other crops in i•·rigat "-d arens in l~g~·pt. T _wo ulrl like t~ rrmar·k that the IHI'As of wh1ch hr wn~ spenkin!!; at·e undrr whut one might call intrnsivc culti,·nt ion. I am prcp:lrt:>d to pnt the "icld loi,:rhrr lhnn thl' hon. mcm· h<'r [or Oslc~· put it . and ~ay illllt in ~omc casc~-r <lo nol say tlot?•e Ate n,·rrngc c rons - rhc\' pro<1ure cothJO to the ,·alu~ of £70 pet· :icr!l. Tha~ land is ve~luPd at .£200 nn acre.

At one time they !{ri'W up to thl' lwrlflh rntoon in Egypt, and did so (or quite :1. long time. Ratoon cotton \VI\S grown to the

Page 19: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Oouon Indt'-9lry Act LS OCTOBER.] A111a11dllleut Bill. l.J2!)

lweHth ratoon in India. The fit·ot thing that ruined the qualitv oi the cotton in lr.C:in was thn <!stabli~hmcnt of Jint:rril'; and forcing dte people to send thetr cotton w thosr. ginncries, which ginncmcs tlinri· Lnted tuixE;>d 'eed, wherea> 1rrior to thcit• c>tn!Jlil'hmcnt <?nch <.listrioi. prodncc•d 1h~ seed 11 hi eh Jli'Oduc••d the b•·~t cotton iu th ·tl cl is· t•·II'L lhtring Lot·d Ct•omct·'~ ti ruo o• Adtrli nioll'at.ot· in Eg.,pl a !front dc11l of t.Ucntiou wM g iven ·to the <JXtcnsiou o[ in·igalion. It was found with rnnny of (ha nrcns in the ~ilt; u:u;in tlint tht• soil w"• pnrticultH')y deep auJ rcqui red n 1•o•rv con· sidcrable ,·olume o[ water, urul the cngrnccn; C'Ollceii'I!J the idl'a t•f t·a~ing tho: dr~:nugc lcn•l in Will<! localities in tho~c :trCII$ h·om ll fecr t<l 18 iuches frorn the ~ur£nce, which \\•mltl .n,·c a trcmcnuou~ amouut of water f1·orr1 the reservoirs. That work • ~~~ carried out, and it was fouud that the hrst ,·cu's lfOJI o[ l"Olton wa~ of vt'ry good quality, but wltrn nn attempt was mBt.l<' to l'atoon, os lind been dorrc in previous ,·eut·s, th~ root~ oi 1 he cuHon plant rcrtclo ~d th~ clr" in age 1!•1·~) whirlo hnd b('!'u urtillrtUily t·ois••c.L. aur.l tl.(• n ln.nto became unhealthy, nml insto•trl o f produc111g hctdrh~ boi ls. which hnd boon tho I'll~" hc r·orofor~:1 many of the nhwt.~ dropvcd ll11'ir bo ll~. anti they di~J not mntttrt'. l'hnt w a great ••xtl'ut ruined the qunlity of lho: rntonn cotton in EgytJt, aud 11nE evelllunlly tlu~ ntcllth of dri1·ing the l!:g!·ptians out of rntufm COIIO!J growing irrto gr·uwiug /Jiout couon.. Tl.c conditions iu Queen~! an• nn> •·cr·.1· th!T,•,·ont from the conditrous HI Eg:·pt ••1' nuy other p2rt of tho world generally ;pnlt< 1 al.tout as a l'Otlon·j,ttowi•lg coumry. (iUll<• n lo t o( cotton 1s grown in ,\Jgexia, Ill •nrnr Q[ the i~l:!nd~ in ~bt~ vicinit v o£ :\ew Guin<•n, nrul in ;\<:1'' C'olctlonin. ·In :\ew L'uiPd<ollin thty look upon mtoon cotto:1 3S " trCCt''"ll'~' u1·il. 'J'hc.:y arc only too pler<scu to t'N:ognts(! th n~, becrutse tlwy mnkn nil !) tvir IJIOIIC·y and obtain thei r Lest coilon 111 ~OfiH' lll'l'liS front rutoon coltou.

'~IH! _qu~~;li~~ and ,·aricty of co!lou scrd "llfl·h •• drstr1butcd to thn gt·o"·pr~ will hav,.. tit~• grea.test ll<'uring upon the quality of C<J ilOtl rn Qno:en~lnud. Exven~>nce hus pro'·!-'d. not m1ly in Iodin IUld Eg pi in f•Orltl'nlar, but abo in Amct•icn, thnt tflo bC'st l(lllllit~· C<Jtton is obt,tincd l.ty m as~ 1 ei·.'Ction of SC'f:'d. The se-ed that is b,..ing ol.ttalllcd horu the pcpnt·tmt'n.t o£ Agri,•ulturo .tt tho IJ,I't''"" ~ ~tn~u ronta111s [lrobu~ly ! t' ' 'elt o t· Ct!flll ,·nnetrc, of cotton, nnd 111 ,ome I!OSCS

t• cnty \'no·it.>tius of <'<lllon How C8ll n famto1· l>•·ochtcc n staple of u C!.!rtn iol length wh('l: C\'CI'YOnC of tl•o~C \'llt•irtiQg wil\ '"'l'OW n ~ l oplo o f dilfcotent Jc11gth ur1ll rhnt·nct.N·? Thut is whot wo hn,·o Ul'Ctl iltlit tg.

'J'o n ,.,.,.,. great rxtent mar~ sck••tion wus f.t·ot~ght fli'Omincntly brforc th<) pc·nplc o£ the Unttf:'d Stntcs by )1:• . . J. r.. L••t1111ing in 1825. IiC' drc\1 ntt!'m ion to th o? bcu<'lil s of ma-1 nr.-dut:rion, ~nd in Soutlt f'M1>liua nws­ruodtH!tinn was practi,cd with tJt,. eule idcn r.tyroducing 11. quoliry of <OttOJJI thor would &UH the lco<·nlity. l'hc .... produc~d nn c;~rly runtnring variety Htat gn,·c iurrN~<'d lrngrh or 8htpl.! and greater produdi\"i'O!'~·. Xot cr:ly hn,·t· thPy u~ed this ma~~ ,l'l<'ctil'lt :tttd n•·odu~t tou of ~· cd tc• ~C!CIIt'c 11w••) d<!$i m hi" dlflr·r,cl('tiijtic~ in rotton. l.tnt it hoq ~!way~ bc·l'll u•crl Sllccc·~sfull v to co1rnbot i11RC\'\ Jli'~ ts nn.t fttngnid P•'•t•. It ha ~ hN'n u•t•cl very snc·~·r•sful)y in l'ouucetion with tJ, ~ wilt. 111'>1., wl11dt i~ looked upon in AmC'ric .. ni doing ne much h11rm as the boll wrcvil. 'L'h·• J,o!J wc~l'il hru; been frcquellt ly mcntiot11•d in

conurdion with th•• cotton indu~tr; in Qu~!'nsland, bu~ thl' llC'OJlle in the Uuitcd State< are morl' afmid of the 1~ink boil worm than the boll we>~1·i l. One of tho:> 'oundl'•t ho(lk3 that hnn· been writtr:n oa the ~tellctio:. of ngTi<·ultur" was writt n iu z\ m;;ricn by Bobcol'll rtllll Cluusou. 'J'hey have gin•lr mn.ny yeur·$ of ,t,udy tc t.he pro· c\u1·tiort of vnl'i<'tic•s <) f ull c· rops, so ra,· as. Am••t· ic:m conditions 1\'ill o llow. T hey su.y-

.. C'oltOil·(l'I'Uw<·r~ gPncrA llv are advis!.'d to sccut·c locnlh-·grown ~l'ed, provided it is properly sl'lC~tetl and hancll!!d."

H wr arc going to produco a cottvn of qunlny iu Queensland. t~rc gro.wt't'$ .must. Le supplied w1th bct'tl "lu!'h "tll g11'c that qo;alitv, and tht.' seed mu•t be properly loundl~d. In rnd• uvouring to enforce thi rctoon legislation, lhc Guveruntl·nt should i. a,·(' found out what ,·nrict.ies of <•otton were .uitable for tho di!f!'tt!lll parts of Queens­l~nd with i ts vttning conditions ancf soils. lf tbc,· had udt>Jrlcd thot course, we pos.ibly \\Ould. now hM·c ltud tht' nucleus of rt sound itH.l,ust ry. lustcucl , we have nn indu~tr;.• th~t is lookeu upon vc•·y lllrFnvout•ably by a. lug pHt'cutagu of thi' gt·owcrs .wlw have ul1·ea•ly ltil!Jc onl• rttt;on•lJt ~~~ ga·ow1ng cotlon.

Oue o£ tho J't'Usun& wit~· Qu!'cn~laud will pr sibl~· lose 1d,l llpfiOI'f~ttuties (or l'>t~b!ish-

• Jll!{ the cotton 111du"trv IS ; ho fact that tn a f<'w 'l't'ars otlt<•t• t·ouutries which hnve cnobark(!tl on the cultii'Ation of the crop will be abl<.! to produce ouch quanti~T•_-s !IS will fully snp)llv the ntarkct. 'fh•s wtll ha,·•· tloe dfe<:t · of 1·Nlnring the pri•·i! of Cl'llon to a le1 rl whtch \\ill make it unre· 111nnernti<·l' to grow rt in Q11Pensland. There ht<o be!'n som!' cotton grown in Quccnrl_a!lu fu1· tho' last sixty ! en r· . ~mall qua.nt1t1P> of <'Oiton lm,·c been grown in my elccton<tCl fm· the lnst twenty nt· Llllrty year~ an•i sold to , tuft pillow~ n nd mnt\t'Q>SllS. ·J.'hc cotton inrlustr.v i~. thPI'<'fvt'O, not ''~ llCIV to Queens· lt1nd us it it~ lo rhc l'ltunlrics I am a.bout Ill c1uotc. ·rhesc co11nl ri<', contain large l!l'eas of fertile la n.l. much of which hn~ ',,t 10 be brought und~r production. These cour.tri!'a &)U (lCI'PI:•~ 11 tr ·mi'Odous SUpply of cheap labour. Th(' C<ltlon boom wa~ H:trtl!d on t:gand:t I\ bout 1 he snme time ~~ ~ tn~ cndea,·our was mndt• to -tarl the indll5try i11 Que-ensland. I.n~t yi'at• in l ;gnnda o..nd the adjal'~nt l'OUIItt·,• Cot• lnbour alone ~hey 1 ,jfi £3,000.000 Het·ltng to the gt·owet·s and lmtn.'stt'l"s of «•!ton. Thift gives us nn idea. of the cxtr·nt to whil'l1 cott•>u i;; being pro· tluccd in &Ofllt! uf tlw othfl' rountdcs thut liP till quite r·cc~nti.Y have bc~n lc.oked UlJOtl "" ntino•· ftwlnts 111 thu n1ntt.cr o£ t•·~ton production. GndN tho~c cir cnmstnncrq ~~ will 11ot !Jc long l>cforl' the;· lll·otluc~ ~ottou in such trcrn('lHloiiS qttOitliti•·~ ti.Jat il may reduce the pricl' we n•t•o:in• l'or our cotton.

'l'o gpt hack to qui1c l'l'l'ent happenings in rt!gnrd to t-he ()(Jttou indnsttf in Queens­lnnd. 1 would ju~t like to me-ntion the pro· po.stll that hns bel'n \tortecl 1.1 Senator ~lu;sy Gr"~uc ;.nd )Jr / •. R. :Uacgregor, ))in-.·tor u( tloc '-hrPo•n•l.,nd l'roauc-cr~· Associa.tion. Thc.v !lutrtl, and T think it is the )lini8it'r·s irth•ntion. that the British­Ausu·ali:o.n Cultoa -~~•ocintion, or a. so-called C'O·Opei'Btivc com\Jony, wns to handle the cotton. lt \NU tl ba mo•·e cJ(J.,irablc if mtoon cotton conld be hondlc>d by ncop lo who \ltntld !tu nwt·c F\'ntpn thetic to the growers. I hopo thnt tlto )linistJ? r· will pro· vent t he gt'OWtrtg Itnd htUld ling of anything tha~ is not first-cln~s t•ntoon cot ton. I qutt&

lllr. Notl.]

Page 20: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

H30 [ASSE>fBLY.J Amendmeru Bm.

realise that " largl' amount of rntoon cotton that js not first-class msy be labelled rMOOU cotton, thus detrimentally nffecling the name of rntoon cot ton. . Last yeu•·. th.o Primnry Producl'rs' Co-opcnr

11..-e Assoc•all_ons .\c~ was pd1!!cd bv the Go\·crnmc~ot, 111 whi<'h it. was provi•le<) thnt ~harch!lldcrs im ~~ing money in ~uch co­oporatl\'e cu tl'rpr•scs t'thould nol roceive .more tha!l 5 per cent. u. dh·idend or rumuncruuon fo1· tbe moncv ~o invl•St!!d. In comot•ction with tb(l prllposnl H'<'ommt:ndeu In- So•nntoe l\Jn"" Cn·('m• und 1\lr. L. n. ?.lMgn•!lor. il is .,ipulcued-

" (l). A ,·nluntion of the Ph!·sical asset> 111 Qt!I'CioFinnd. ns n going cr.nccrn. •"t•h •·ult'"''"" to br mndc Lw a ta·ibuonl of whirh th!' I;I'Oh·l'r• \\ Out"d fuovc ono r<'p~l'scntntin' and the flritish-Aus­tt·n! 1 n 11 Gotton As•r)e·iutton our• r<~preson­tauvf', t lwRu to ugrec upon nn umpire )Jeforc romm~ncing tile:' \'1\hlfltion ."

Thnt is quite' all •·iglu, but purugraph No. 2 sho11·s 11 departure from dlc usua l Govern· no••nt. polic.l'. 11 l'uud~-

.. " (2) 'l'hiJ gmwc1·g to form :t co-opcrn· u."" "f!nJPany to t eke O\'Cll. tho cxi•ting gmn1·t'1r• nnd ltJ i~mu 10 the shurc­holdc~s of thl' nl"iti•h-,\n~ ltttlinn Uol.lon A~•o1·1n I tun oh·Ul'lll ut·vs [01" the full Bf!'Onn~ o{ t ho valuu t ion ~s llxPd by the t·t·lbut•nl, to cnrt·.~ 8 per cent. inlcn .•t."

Atld that \\hen th r Pronnn· l't·otlucl'o·s' Co· OJlcrath·c ~\3-<0cintions ,\ et' di .. tinl'tly · fates that noboJ) sholl ~I'C<:'ivl' m!lrc thun 5 1.1er ce.nt. for mout•y mvc~t· tl 111 eo-opera I I\'<' cotton coucc:orns.

T:lcforo clo>ing 1 would like to reiterate \I hilt I hnv1• ~tn1eJ 11re1 ioush· tha.L 111 Queenslu nd "e luCI'O our orthodox wet st!a-.on, 11nrl 1. hen thnt ar1'i1·c" tho L-otton. growc··~ . 1dll .mt·l'l thl!•r \\'a tt!rluo. When the :\luuster JntroducccJ thi~ ll•ll he 8fa tcd rhnr rho "o JWt',·ious n~ar, had uot been n!togcthcc •ntihfnctot·, · for cotton production. );o dott!>t 1\'0 rnuy PXj)l'l't a b!!lter qual ity of cotton 111 Q_uecm.lnuu in cuonJ>:trntn·ely dry .~·Pnt -r•••·rnmly bclt('r tltnn we mny !!xpcrt m yt'ars whrn we cxrr.·ittlcC our llrthodox wet s~nson. At thot time thro gt·owth ts so lu:wnnnt thnt n goo.l cle11l t1f the slt·cnrrll' goes into \mod. Owiug t" tl•t• •cnson of the year when cotlon i\ usually plnntetl it1 -t~uccnslnnd the boils um £onnod during the wet ~~·~1~011. Thnt being ~ll. much of the ~ot.ton falls ro lhc g•·o.und ~~~.it rit>cm<, and 1s not harvca~od. Agam. dtumg n ,.ct·y wet s~n~on you woll. not ~cl the ~rune orop u11 the bushes. Exp~n<'IIC" has p••ove<l t.ho t lho best nop fl·om fllaryt CIJtlOn iR nbtrtinrd ill 1\ 1iry year, eo th,'ll on un uvorng•l wet •cn~on lhc ff!·o.wc1·~. wall uo "P ugai'11st u. numbN· oi dtffiouHIU.

_T nl~o _ob!o'C'l to puwcr b!'ittg givr<n in the R11f Ill lonut. th~• ~I'OWing nf 1•o'10ollS lo the fit-of .\'Nil". )\o hm1t ,!untld Ion 1·e bet•n rla~oo in lilt' Uill in rloi~ J(•.;orrl. 1'hc farmers 'lroulel bl' ullowNI 10 CVI·l·•·tuin for thcrn~~lv~s hoor '"'"''' n\tl'(.)ll• th t'y r·nn grnw \\ ith ~uc­CI'>• .. . [ _aru . qui1e• CPr(nin that in :-omc ln(':tlntt.'• 1t w•ll.br• found th11l they will be nbl~ to ~l'uw t lurol nnd fou1·lh y!'nr ratoon• wlurlo w~ll JlTOllllt'C n t'Olton of equal qualit)" In thl' hr~l ratrons or plnot cotton growu 111 ot!u'•: <li,t•·irt«. \\"1!1'11 gr(lwing sugnr­cnnr' tt ts nol ihc Jtl3<'hCO lo grm · ratoon2 o~·,,, .. n grl'nt numbf't· of yrns. but in ~oml' cft,h 1r·t~ rnt~ons cnn be &(r~wn very much lonvl'r thon 111 uthet~. Fo1· 1nstonce, in the

[Mr. f.:ott.

Bnrci<?l<i n disll·ict they do not grow very runny •·ntoons. i'l{nny yl'ttrs ago they ~~o<lopte~ a !y5tl'm of ~~rowing ono rntoon, while in oth,·r placf'A th1•y b:1sc grown fi\'O and six r11toon;;. When 1 \\'US gwwing ug& r-cnoc l :thn1.1« ad\·O('al!'d that il did not puy to gr;ow roo ~tany ratunns The same thing vnll (K ·ur m . r<'gArrl 10 1'0!1011. The man growin.:- C'Otlon oughl to bo ihc best judge a~ to how 111811)" r.uoon• hr "hould grow . I kno·x ono in<tl\UC<' whcro sugar ·CRIIII wns •·atoon~cl fol twenty-two yenro t•nu it pro· duceu n l?l"f'a•ct· tnnnn ~tc p(lr 'nc•·c than is obtained in QuN•n•lnnd lo-de·· from pla!tt ~a"."· Tlont ccrt1dnl.v was on cxe ~ption, but 1t 1llus11·. te~ thnt t.lu~rf' nrc l'l<<'Pl'liou~. 1£ :1 ~··('11.('1' hns :\ ~tand or I'Ott.on thnt is likrlv to lw 1111 t':<r'l.'(ltion to tho rul<:, whv ~hould h" r.ot be nllnwecl to toko nrlvnnta~l.' or it~ " ·hy .ho1.1lrl he bol comnrUeJ to plough in "h•tt 111i_qht turn out to be n rnlu:tb lo o•rop ?

In QtH'I'n~lund \ c nrc not limited. us i3 the Cil"' in mnn~ otbc•· counh-i··~. to n smnll g-eogrnphicnl ltr< a, new a~·p wo~ limit~d to a few Yltricli!'s of soil. \Vo luli'O 11 vc.>ry wldel,v <l i~tt·ibutc'<l co tl"ou-gnnving area. with n ,.N.v widl.' uutl. vurind dimntc, autl 1 ~up· J10N' Wl' hrwc as mauy d<'go·ces or nu·intion 111 Otll· ''lil~ l!~ thl'rC' :Jl"l' in anv rounti':V in the wMlc.l. Seeing fhnt i~ tho c:oac•, wloy do tha Gm·01·nment not ullow tho~r. mrn whn otc <'ndeuvouti llg to mukc n, Ji,•int: on lhr l11nd nn onpot•ttmih• to tnlw fnll ndvantn~~> or our condition&, ati<1 allow tlwi•· r·ollon bu$hcs to grow ~o. Ion~ :h th~y will pt·oduco a. cooumrrcml rt·op?

It• t•'nntric~ \1 hc••c mtoon• nrl' not g1'0Wn it i:- lw••nuF ' dw~· are nol ablr to grow 1 atuoto'. 'l'hc rrll>On '' hs tlii'V n1·o unuble Ill grow th••n1, ~~~ f fuwo poinlrd OUt in the

case of Egypt. is thnt the wolcr f2 p.m] i, too nl!nr the plAnt root~. or

thnt thl' setl~tlt15 llr<• too sn,·ere. on :.rcoum n( fco•l•. [ thi11k thnt ony <'OIIIIIrv "hil'h can ~tow rntoons would cio "" Thl't'" is n gri'DI d!!nl oi nrgnm<'nt as to what I'OlMlltin!:" rt•allv i<. Ycou will find <rHII(' pcoplr. growing' •u:::u··cnno "ho ' ill tnlk nl out •·atuun• ns the plnnt~ 11hich hove hr•·n plnutNl in lh · nrcviou~ vcnr ot· ~··\CI·nl >·ra•·• JWc,·iou~l~·. 'rhcro n,.,: .ome pNplc wltn do n.,, npply th~ ll'rnt tn th" plnnt nt rll. hnt to fh<• t•p<'rt•tion r.l l'nlth·~tion. Thr>rro a,. • oomc mrn in Qn<'('n~\nlld lo tiny "h'l hdk nbont ratoonin~ n~ loein!! the llfhl l'lllion of pl 011~hin~t thl' FOil ;111·11v feom thr r.'IIP' plunls Oil I'RCh ~i!fo' of tJw l'•)w. norl lhrotl t hrn••·in~t it hn<'k n')\nin. Jf iu rMnon· ti<m i• ohtnioJNi lmrn )/'r•w Calo...-lnnin, .\l tr1'1' in . ~11d <Jih•••· pnl'l ~ (If tlw wnt·ln. lt "ill h • founrl !lout thr bulk nf tho rolton !tro11n iu tho>C' pi<•C'I•q i A t·rtlnon t'ot ir.m. 11110 't i! prl'fCnl'll to tlw ntlll'r 1•ln~:1 I)( cotton, ""d sell~ nt· n hi~l1 po·ir•c iu lhr Europt•nn 111ork<'ts. Tl1n<l' m t O'lll ('I'Of'' u ro IIIOAtly I''NI bv th•· l•'•••·nch mnnnlnr tur•'l•. .At th' i11r·cplion r,C o1tt· cotton lrl{i lotio" T AIAI.e cl thnf T tli<l 11ot think :wvborlv 1\nnlJ cluim lhni mnfC'rinl mrtnufnrhu·Nl lw th" J<'t·rn<'h manufn••lu r<'l·~ wa• in nn~ ·, ny infr•·inr to cnllon mnn1•fnl'tur!'!l lw nny oth•r u~tion;~lity.

Iu rrr:-t•rd lo the frnr o[ in"''''t P~'•'~· 1 tloiuk thl' mo~t dT1•cli\·o ~,..~l••m of rontroll · incr th~ niuk boil worm,· nr 1·oriou• other worms ·.-hirh nrc ,·cry injuriou~ to our C''l! ton cr!'p~. will not hf' b;v menu~ of cult ing or hurnm~ thr bt·nmbl·•R ~u mnrh n~ by turninv: c:~ttll' into thr cotton fil'ld on the ud'·<'nt of the 1\rst frost. J£ you ltu·n cl\ t tie

Page 21: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Cotton I !Hittstry Act [8 OCTOBER.) A nwndment Bilt. 1431

i n a i the ap~;~ea r·n nce of th~ first ftoH. they will cat ull the worms nnd !ha la.n·a left iu the •ta lks. Jf t 11.- c<tttlc :ne not lu mcd in at tht• lir·•t froH. and the l eaves begin to wi thN·, n11<i the bulls fall , t he Pll l)lle r·emairr in th~ ground nucl come out us perfect. inscets wi th the next c r•op~ wh-~ r·eas, i£ you t •rrn in t,ho cnLt!e and Jet them eut rhe boils ntf bcfor•' tlu~~- drop, the ···or'm$ •nc Q]l lv:llctL The pre,·c•nion of 11~sts " onltl be 1'101''' t'O!IIpletc if cuttlc werr allowc<l to NI ~ the hoii;J and tl•e ~·oung shoots on th~ cotton plant~.

Tn that wnv 11 nrun who is n dnir":ml\n as Wl'ii ns 0. COit(JI) ·gi'OmJr fliU,V p;Ain ~Ome <'xtr~ lld "'' ntag' m ·cr un,J uooY<l the pro­ductto")ll o r cortol! for lint. I rhi nk, ·tcu, thut in this way ~·cHr woulcl JH'"''·cut the> ine i'I'IIS<' o£ tho pink boil ,.orm ftn· moro .:ft'cu ti \'('ly lliilll i r .V0Ll cut U0\\'11 the oramblt·~ lit·sl. Of roursc. i£ ' 'Oll c ut tlw brarnl drs dt,wn with th ~ boils 0;1 tu em, anJ rl •stl·u~-,,J them, you pffcc t ively dcsl t·oy the wortnc: hut eYcry f11 rmcr k nows thAt , if ho hus an:· plnnt to t'l'nd ir·atc, he le•n·c~ thnt, i oh until the l ast: $0 thn l bef0t'C ho will rll·~tro,- hi~ <•otton hr ,,.iJI p lough his land and plnnt nuts Ol' harlev. 0 1• whttten·t· h ~ is p-rowinJ! for ."}t.tt>t· fn•1~L l'oll<f''lHCJ1t ly, t o de prncl on CUllll'lg drp " t hn p ln11t~ $f'N11;; to bu " •" •C of loPkiug rhc ~tublc cloot' nftcr th o hor·s,• ha" bPr.n 5t(, lt>IL Jn many t'nses it wi ll ~(' quito rt><•k~>. bec11us~. · "·hm1 th tl hrAmh. a .. ,.,, tln•-nnJ the cotton boils dno qu ick I:<- ntm t of thr marur··~ irrsf'<'l• hto\'o ~lltl('. TIH'II ugnin. wlum \'Oil Ul'C' cnllo•cth1g tl~t•m lh· honJ, <J>' l'!l it i ug i h<'rn up. tlu· holl 1nl! full tr the gt·Ound. nnrl tlw \\1Jl'i11 Ol' 1he c r',\'sn lto i t C'llllt!l ius will no t '"' d~·,rr·o.vcd .

\\' hi l<l I on\ Fll:•nkin~t o f tho nittk ht• ll wor111 l am r l'm in<ll'tl t.hHt in addi tion to lu"·inll' to fa<'!' th<' Utltugoni~m of the SI'• I'<'·

tm·,v fm· .\ gl'ic~thurtl, ,,.,, had " ~tah••lll•llt ft·om_ ihQ ] 'r'f' llli l'r whl'n in E11!l'laud '':hirl., I tl ~t uk. \I'll· pul'tH•nlarl.Y foo li>h. \\'c• often hl'nr hon. m. mlwr~. OH thl' t>th <•r ;it!,, ;it I' ill I! that I ton . t nc•mbl't'~ on thi s ,;a., '~~''~ ~-c1• ,. Jli'On<' t<! ~:1y thi11g-~ whir•h uamagl' tlw <·t·P<Ii~ of Qnrc-u ~ luml. J~ it not mol'" likPIY 1 hat· n SIIIT<~I\tent mntll.' h~· ill<' Pt• m iN. "·l oo "''" ~Ht an llllportouc financiHI mi~;ion. nnd mct:'t­ine: 110 ttott pc•uplc nr~cl rinnnc ial p~opl•• , wou!tl hn n' a fa r· more rlnrnH !-(ing r·fft•t· t th1111 an.vi·h ing- Wl' ntight. ~ay in QitC'cil~ l aud ~ }1 ,. sn id 1 h11~ th' pink boil worm hn-d scttlN1 the r~ ioon quc;tio rt.

The SE•~IIFT.\R1' FOR A carcrr.Tt:RE: How riu yc>n k•row ' "" tlid?

:\ll' . .1\01'T:_ ,,.,. li ~ n t·t•tt{l it iu the· pTe~$. an1l th<• ]'r<'nnc-.- ha• not denied it . I ,JwuiJ be ouJ,,· too p i Pa~c:d if lor wuulrl rln11'' it. 11-lt h,,u~h hi~ do•~r i 11 I woulrl. n o t undo' tllll harn t {'~ I U>C'd ~-" V hat frt• j_. SllliPOF<'d TO lut \'U ~ntd. l11 T·tlku tg abou t. coltou prodnct io11 iu Que ll>lnntl he quotc·d .ome figu1·r , null llll<l<'Cl-

.. In ~Oml' cn~r~ thl' llruwet·• Jw,·~ hnrl I<J pny for adult lnl)uur. whilr: r·hilll ]"bl>lt!' i-; C(JlHtiJ:,• t'fJic i\'llf.. \Y}Ipr·u !1,

1111111. , h11 s bo"" uble io ~Jmplo~· lri , own rantuy lhL (•O>t of COl!A>n f'll'OfiurltOil wiJI 1 ur•k .<,'"l or abont h nlf th<' fogm·os ,JtO'YII.

I think that these sintern ~nt~ whieh the PrPmifT is t'•'tlod.C'd to IHt •·o nrnde in .Eng­~and ar·c pnt•fir.u larl;v damag-ing to tho mtlmtr.v. Nnt only ha,·o \Ve th• S!'rrctnry fo r .:\ griru lturo doing all he <:a ll to wr·rci,

ih<' i»d r.stry-1 adnoi t tha t l1o may not have thought loc w"s doiug- ~o. bnt the tronble wu; thai he would li~t ~n to no1Jotlv c lst'­but \ve also hn"" ilt 3 P I'E'Lniot· makitig statc­m~nu ,, h ic•h hnveo been plll'ticuhll·ly dama.g· iug to Quet'nslnnd und the industry here.

On t lo c Estimnt.P~ of the Dt•pat•tmcnt of Ag•·icultun~ 1 ~ l!t l {( thab we had somf! won· rle rfull y good cxpc1·ts in the <lc•pnrtment, b1rt ilrut W<' ditl unt nlw<t. s lake ••\,~vantage .. r tht•i•· aLilit<. I t seem" to me tlurt we ha n• an Aihni ni l l'lrtion ' '· ho d·o not know bmv lo ~mploy a mnou~r of Uw~oc expert~.

Mnrl\· people haYC 11·ie<l, nnrl n re to·ying, t·o produce sonwthing which ll'ill ho for the IJI'nt!lit o f tnnnkiml. ln this cl.lse. Do·. Jlar~r:r<lf~ h11s ,•n.tr~ Vnt.II'C•d by oro,;;in;r on.c vnrwly o f seed wrth nnothcr t n e volve a i(Ootl vnri ()r_v or Feed like Dr. ThniD:ttio did iu tl"' vicini!y nf r.'nir ns rnnny yr.~~'>; ago. 'dteu he prodnc"d C'a rasoni•·a cotton. :\1:nny <ii tbcsc ~ciellt ist; Jo thri r work wrthout l't'ffiWJCt'ation nl ull. ' l'hr.'it· he>nl is in 1.he i!· ,.,,,.k, ancl they aru rnr-t•y ing it ont nl very gT<'nt exnensc and with n cons iJI?~ll ble <l•' gree o! pa t icncc. 'rht'>C' pl:urt-brl'cd t'l'-'> ac,· Jlot "'"'lo, bu~ bm·n. t'>IIO ll_v ;;r· ic•ntbts yt:1· !tll i•i<'n. at:u th<'.Y L•ndeu ,·nm· to -:od;: ou t th~t idl•a m ns io pt'otlnro son.rtlu n •~ fo r then· t•mmtrv'$ q-oocl. H tr ccrtu in c-rn•s-bi·ueding t hCI' Call cstnbl 1;;h EOiiH'thing lwttc,r th~U tlliLt whi.:h C'Xl~tC'd hcr ctofor<', :.~ Dr. 'l'lromn~i hnti done and as D1·, nnrlttoft i• nttcn•pt in!f 1\l .lo, g'N'nt r.-nnd 1\'ill C\'<'tltnnr.• In, tead o l' thi' Cn,'<'r llmC'r:t C'll<'ou rap: iug I ho·' ' lncn to do 1d l they possibl;;. r an. I ht•y hn,.,, gnno ollt c•£ thc rr wa,v to r n~uJt tf"''"• ns they uid in the ens.:- of Ik Eunc•roft.

'l'hc gpg;\KBR: o,,Jcr·! '£ho ho t1. vntle­tnnn hns rxllttu•t l'd th0 ti111 e ullo•H rt him mrdr•r• t he ~tanding OrJI.'r~.

-:l!r. L<)(:.\ :"< (~oCI.-Jirl'): r IHt\'(' 110 roubt tl mt t in 1-Iiuis tc•o· ft'c·ls snmf~whal humil ia ted i11 hnvjuA' to go back on his legislation of la t Yt'~ J'.

The St:CllETAtlY r.oa Acnrcct.Tt;RE: l'iot a. bit.

~lr. T.OC ,:-; : 'rh" i\ fiu ishll' ; ho·.t ld at least lu"·e ~oonc ,., •. ·~rets for' hlldntt intro':l uced it tri~t at ion ·.·hi rh !nu; hat! 11 ~enous ~ rt'ncL on 1 h,~ pl'ima t·y pt·orlur~l-~. It is pleasing to r:ol.e ilwt Ill- 1hi~ l~to• hour ~hP. 0tw ctJIIncnt hnvr •rNI fit t o nnwud their leg i;. l,.t ion, nud 1111 tlouht. thev are doing so because of tho JWC'>~u rc that· !m; bceu !Jruught to be:11· by 1 he• coth)n-growcr-s. .A.ftrt tho Fpccch oltlh·(•l'ed by the hou. lll!'-lllh('l· ror StrtttiC'V n•l rill' .-econd rending of th{! C'otton JnJustrv Tl ill la;t S()ss ior1 :u\tl hi~ spof'ch on thi~ Dill. o ur fc~t~ tbo t thcr~ is not much left lo !Je •nlc! on the l'otton indm tt .. -. 'fhe hon. Hl t:'tnbrr hM ht'd ron• itler!tblc' cxpcr ie11t:C in tt'PYclling rn rli iTt·l'(ltJ t Plll'to o£ the wodcl, o ll(i lte has t: i v. n to i he lJ Oll~t' I lw 001Jdilio lls ' ' hich oblrun iu othc1· conntrie~. aud t he f•l>inions o£ those who ha vo had ('x[\e~ience i!l co:ton-growing in tho~c p urts. Hon. nr l'm­ht'rs will ;lgre;n thnt tht l; nowled~c ht !1811 i-.rparlNi is ~nu ncl ·~rlv icc, ~nd 1\ I!Jl I'Ort.hy .of l' \'t'r >' consideration.

H ha~ becrt o·,tthcr rll'pt·rs;;in~-; fo r mer,tbov~ in •·ountry constitnenccc~ whP t'"' co lto:~ i< ~r• ·own i·o be tou~tau(ly coming in cofltMt with grower; ,. ho ""''c be(n scrionsl.v l1it b y rltis nnli · t·atonn legishtt ion. nud to be , c;qnc•t"d 1o u"' "" reprl'snrd:rtioM In gf't some mctt~T\1'" of t·cdrcss on hc hnlf of thos~> g-mwt•o·s. SomL:' hon. mcrnl•r rs on this s ide hR\'C sug-gested t-hat it would be t:tuitc n fair

M1·. Logan.1

Page 22: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

143"2 Ootton .l11dwst1·y Act [ASSEMBLY.] llmemlment Bill.

[li'OposiJ-ion to pny COlll[)I.'OS&tion to those farmers who hnvoJ obl'y~d tho lnw llnd 1 ,., ant to support those ho11. mPmbe•·; in that l't>;pect. When 1 .•poko on the C:o11on Illdust•·y l3ill lasc "t'soion, I statNl tllnt r sloorl bchincl the cottcH1·!\rowers, Thc ~tluis· 1~r on tJ1at occ" siou interjected that I stood behind tha smnll Qucensluntler. ( wu ; I'N'.l' t •lensed to hl'ttr thtlt co•oc from n 1\tiuist~r of a Labou1· Go,·erumcnt.. I shall 11t all times endcavo•u· to stand behind the snm.ll Quecnslandel·- tho m4n who d!'~ircs as~:s r· ar~ce-nnd I hope rn.v cffons in tl1is rugu •·tl will at lca.st on !Oille occasion be HICC'C<5 fld.

'l'he SECRE'l'AltV POll Pl:IJLIC Wo.RKS: You want a fir~t-class price for a H~cond.C!Ins; a,J·ticle.

Mt·. LOGA~ : On the <)ues!ion 11f ('om­fK!lSation. 011 diffe.·ctH occn~•ou~ I hn,·c hoanl d w :Ministc•·. when ~peaking nt diffm·ont ftml"tion~. HTitl fllll'licnlnrlv nt lha opening "{ the c·otton glflnc:'r,l' ttt ·,\'hinstnno~, state that the Govcrnu1~11t had no intention what­ever of CI'Ol' going buek ou the ratoon lcgi;lation .. To-day we find thf? Go,.emrnent somersaultmg, l\5 it wc•·e, in tl1 is mat!(';. nnd I h<lp~ thnt tho now pol icy will be b P.tl(}ficia l to the gt·owo•·s of cotton.

Mt·. ConsER: They abu.c:-d u,; fot· advocating it.

~'Ir. l...OGAN: We hn1·e boon abused for a<lvoLathlg the very lcgi:,latiort wlJ ich is now in t roducec:l in this Chamber.

'!h<' S~:I'RET.IlW TOR AORtt't:LTL-R~; Whn t ar~ y011 squealing for now?

:.\fr. ConsEn: We nre not ~quealiug · we arc on ly b •·!nging you to task. '

?.fr . .L,OGA~: The . Govcrnm!'nt preferred last. 5Psstou t.o bo n.dnsl'<l by poopll' who <lid not know Qtu'C'J1$land cond itions. Th~$e are the people who >J,y that at all times they at•l) Ausiraliao~. thnt they sLand up fo'r Au-;tru lians, ·nnd hu,·c alwa;vs so much to sav nbout Quecnslnnrl~rs! On that occasion 611~~· prefcl'l'e~J to take the advice of people who were netlher QucenslaJlders nor Austmlitln~. against the opinion~; and interests of the grvwcrs of oot!on in Queensland. Thcrdor e I sa.v t.bat. the Governtnent. MO not standing behind nor arc they the frie11ds o[ tho farmers I hat thcv pretend to be. I have in mv JlO~~ession li.•tters from nurnerous con­~tilltcnt' asking lllc to endeavour to l1:wo somtJ mcu~ure of oompcnsnl ion met<'d out to th•. !ll fa•· de stro.ving their ratoon crops. 'I'!•".v ftrc pcuplc who not only desired to. bttt <l.J ob".' the ltlW. I rPgret the Mini~ter o~n­!'"t RN' hi R m1y d ear to meet those !H~ople tn nn._v \-:a,v.

The l1on. gl'nllenH\11 in his second rcncling spccch J'enutrkc<l that il was a sot'l'y pos ition w11~1~ people hnd to be <'ompen Med [o r o brv111g lbe .law, and that it would he right anrl prop~1· 1f people wet·e t'!llnisherl for dis­obey111g lhe h1w. \Vo 1'1111 show thnt lh<' GoYot·nment ·tlisnbcycd t.he Ycr:v law that 1he,· pnsaerl. W e hncl the pri,·ilegr on the h ip ro thc> l'n~tlr Cn•ek i rngation wod<• of ~ct'ing o littl" of 11!<' conntrv whioh i~ bc:'ing opcnrorl 1111 fot• Sc:'ti1omcnt · in the Callidc Vttlle~·. On ri11• I' IW down to Callidc '~a pa•se<l through :ll'ed~ f1!'1'1'iomlr Clll tintcd for cotton which hud brt>n •'<'~nrltecl {(Jr mil ­w~v Tlt11'f~osc '· 'I'he old C(1fton plants were Hill growm!{ 011 Ute lt~rrd. Hnre ,,·as oviclcnce tbnt tho) Government tbcmsclyc• ll'et·c not ~erions itt their legisl~tion, as they did not c.nclcnvou r to oarry out to tl1c lcttN the

[ ill?·. Lo{/a.1l.

lcgisln!ion whl<'h they ha.cl pas•c<l. \\' r also ~aw, whilst pntisin.g tiH·oLtgh thut nren, t he p•·os)1N'I:; of the earl v cropping of rntQon cot·ton us n~ninst plant cotron.

1 hn,·c 110 donbt quite o lot of Lltbonr mcmllrr> w~rc interested a.~ we ]Jnssed thruu jrh thnt an•n. At thul. eal'i,,· timr o£ 1 he >l>l'ing- thNO was qui to n sll·onrr ~hoot. llntl !l•c old rutoon pln.nto st.ood thel:e. wlJila ;,, moH p ;n·ts of the Sl·atc the S<'Pol fol' tJH> 1"111'1.'. plnuting of annual I'Otlou had not b.N'H 1 nt 111 rhe ~ ··ound. Tha t po111ts to th,• lnct dwt en l'iy ' iu the 5<'1\SOII·- PO>'Sibl~· shonly a ftc1· C'lu'iswlas-whete tho l'a to on crop wn.s ;:rowin!r tlwre was n possibility o£ n•tl{l ing '" \'et·y-goon harvc.t, not onl:v eul'l~- in tl1e ••n•ou bu1 •·ight thruugh until wi'uiN l'llffitl

rm ~·rain-that i~. o£ roursc, tn·o,·iJc>d n, wet f<'• soo did no( int('rfr>l'C.

r htll' £' alr!'nd,l' slated thJLi, you g\'1 11101'&

I lull\ 3C p(tr 1:Pnt. ll1orc ('Ol.Con h·on• n l'u,roon ,,., •t. •wcl 1 fl!'OI'C'd thu t ft'om un c•xpcri-111<'utal p l01 in n,y o11·n al't!<t. Sen·11 ncrcs r f rHtcvn t.. >ttou l""l'e uontmotl'<l ngni11st a. ~ imi !Jp· tl<'l·r"g'' und<•t· Oll lluu l cottnn, both 11ndo·r· (;0 ,•et·nment Slll>en ·is ion . Tht• pro· dnl'li<'n of !'f!(OO II COIIOi l Wn~ Snlllt' l·hing l•obn:•••11 7.000 Cl' 8.000 lb. us C0111!11H't'tl wit,h 5,000 lb. fmm the &lliHta) t'oUon bl<lclc Who'n J:ctu •·n~ wrr<> ret•~i,·ccl for the two l.Jiod•~ it wn• found dtal 1hr n~ht<: of c:utltHJ lH'r nr••e­h·om • h0 1·a.(oon block wus £27 10;., a5 ll!l'Uin~l £17 10.<. P<'l' n<'I'C fo1· l'ltt' pla.nt cotru!l. In the muller o f cotton f) I'Otltwtion. _.,.~,,., 1 hin~ d~JI!'nds on th" season. and rh is •~M'Hl ha•ing broken well early in 1hc spr ing, it bitls fni•· lo gi ,·e. the ratooue.r n H'l'/ fair c hnncc of gc1ti11K an cnrl.v crop a nd 11 g-ood ln11g· Hwrkl't. Jnstcod o f scllir~g durin!( one ul' h o m t>nths in the lnt.ter parr. of I be •t.,>on, a., he hns to do if l1e cwnor j\'l't his filllllll\1 <'Ott.Oil UlJ cady. the flTOII'N ~~ SP iting [rom C'hri~lmas right throug h the:' winter \;·ith n ri\loon CI'<Jp. ThH,r c·rop is ••on I tllua.ll.'' Nnning into boil, c<Onsequcntly l. r mn~t get. n bigger yield.

A lo1 ba~ bo~n 'lid during this cotton con­·trOI'\'1'~\· sinrc the J'uvival of thl' in<ln~tl·y in Quocn•l•1nrl. 1\ll(l!ny people.-c~pcvinlly c:rur Mh-il-0\ : r 01'11 (1\'Cl'SC'a~. nnd I lhink the t 'onon Ddl'gnlion- ha,·e made •• J.('l'' 11 point about till' fact that Vl'enthing do•twHols llfiOtl

lhl' lc•n1-rth of ~l•!Jll'. From tr~1s mad(' in l'olifor11ia and oihet• nlncr$, it is fomul rhn.t tlw L!'r"a ' Por l0n.!\'th of sll•plo does net ncccs­oal'ill' I'C\U!'n tlw brst yield per a<•rr. F1·orn tn1ai\·H ~ cu•de in h:>sl' plot~ it i; fo1111d in 111ltn:· t•n· 'S thnt n fi·int•h s111p iC' or ll >tl>plc up ro itll im' h has !'cturnecl well OY('r 600 lb. pc•· U(' l ' ('. while n sta11le of 1-3/16 inch to 1~ i1wh 1,.,, r..tu rnccl ltss thf\n 400 !IJ. n{ cuHon i<~' r IH'l'l'. lt i> tnr<' lhnt tl11• pl'ic<' f<11· tlw lmlcCI' -ID]Jlo might be b<·tii:J• ihu11 !hat fnt• Jilt·- sh<H't<'l' stnplc, Ll11t. wJ,.,, ynu t:•1u- iclcr rhr r"JI·;t "'~igllt and lh<' c" '', fll'orlnl'f •ou I hill Olh' l '('O't•i\•p~; fl'Oill 11!(' 111'1'11, Ull(ll'l' ~ ho!'!Cl' -tap!C'. th(' !ll'irc is prnrficn lly the >llllH' in r al'h t'~~C nf thr. ('Jld of lf11' yoll'. [ h~VO "'' ' •'I' N'll nny nrgnmc111 rhnt hn~ l(•d IIH· to ht•l i·''" tint ,; staple ~ ind• ha~ Ul'<'!l ,•,.. tri· lll''"l•t l. f) ,, loug as it i< otron~. it i, j11s l &S -'nod a>. the lungCI· sta1•le.

[J i~ r rg•·l'ttnlli.' to think thnl "" hal't' n "a iu to itO o ,.,,,. tl•E' wholt• quC'>I ion ~~~ · ·o· ,lid lu::t ~·P.nl· nntl Temodc:-1 this lcgislarion: hnt 1 hope thai, whc11 it is G-., (1 up. thO' col'lon indust·rv will b<' plnced on n> profit­ab!!' a fooling' ItS we all hopf'd it woulrl be­"h<'ll it wns I'CI'hrecl some li ttle ti1no ago_

Page 23: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Cotto11 1 ucltlatry Al.'l l8 OoroBEB.] Am~lllbttenl Bill. 1433

:"lllll<'l'\lll• mi~>5tnt<'nlents hovt• been mndc .~ho11r thc· Liu•t'I'DDlf-111. being rt'~pou~ihl.., for .lw t;l·nwing o( t'Otron in this State.

Thl' Se\'ltf.T\R\' ran AOBII.'OLTI'BE: Who (>aid 1hnr ?

"?llr. T.OGA:;\: Tt h:~..~ heen s :id rcrcalcdly. The ~t< REUR\' ron Aoetc t;t.Tt'RE: Who <llid

it ! :\le. ConsER: You &niJ it. The SECRET\R\' FOB AOBICl'LTtBt;: I said

111c Co\'CI'Iliiii'IH ,,·ere responsiblo for re,jv. ing the t'Oflou indu,try.

)lr. LOG.\ X: Anyouc has otlly to road the reports in the West Morctou and Dri~· b11ne popers of frou1 twenty-five to ~xty n•nt·> U!(O to know that cotton was produced In Quecnalnnd in pretty ltu·ge quanrities in tlios~ dn~ ~. llclOIIah and otla~r districts <Houutl titt.>rc were souding lnrge qunn t ities uf t'Ot ton into Ipswich for treatment as long 115 [roou twvuty-fivc to Ki:x~y year& ago.

Th<' .\H oli~tl' o· told us that Pxperirnentlll plot5 hn\'c lwcn card ed ou '" cel'lrtin nt·mts. For mv. n11n purl I do r1ot think thut i~ the Msc. · '!'ho •· Dnil:v Mail " of 28th .June. 1924. in o hcit• •· F'ot· the M!.in urt t.hc Ltllld •· ~ulumn. hnd this to say-

.. Thr A1•1 ing Prcmiro• and Minister fm· Ago·iou lture (Mr. Cillies) mnd!' nn imptH'tiom ~ratcntl'nt Oil the ratoon qu•­tiou YI'Het·day.

.. Ahe1· cll'feuding the Government's em ha I'J,(O ht• ndmitted that the Govern­mC'ut wa• .c•oo·r~·ing- out fi<•ld and Jnbor<~.· too·.'· e~pct·tntl'llU m rcgnru to the rntoon ~Y>~I'm, and that ten bulcs of ratoon l'otton lwl l>ecn ~cnt to London to test it·• spinmng qualities and consequent mnrket Yahoc.

" For.ld expcrimcnls at )[clton and ;\lonnl Cn•<'k, in tho Upper Durnctt f'nunrr.". al<o on scn•ral furmc•· plot~ in the Burn<'lt nnd Centrnl di•tricts. were being c·anit:'d out, but the rl' .uJts for lhc yca.r were not yet· complet<'.''

ThC' S~co·~tllr~· for Agril'ultun• said tht·~c • ~pNiml'ut:ol )llor, hod Lel'u c>lnbli~lot••l in rho;;c r.ren~. 'l'hnt i~ not. tho C85(), and that Hat<'nu~nr is mi.lcnding.

It WAS ~tnted dut·ing [IJC (}8SSilge of the f'ill !lol'.llll(fo thi~ J lou•C' lu~t y••:or thnt if thl' GO\'Cl'IIIIIC'Ill. nftco· hn.dng givon rnroon ('Ottnn ro fuio· rl'in l, could J>I'O\'C that i~ wns not ioo tlot• b.-•t intcrNts of the indtu;try, lJ1C IJJltloslrion "" ot wholo would bo onfy too JI!N.cs~d to ~~~~ ist. _in pns$ing l<'gis lo t ion flro· 1oohttll1~ ohc gt·owtng of rutoon cott11oo. But, nftce hn,·ing •vnr n. u·inl s hipment o f o·ntoon cottooo O\'-'''"Cn~. wc nt·c corovtncc:>d 1noro than <'YI.'r tlud thc1·o' i• ntJthing agui11:>t the gmw­ing of l'nt<lon •' ••t.ton. \Vhr11 Mr. Dnnicl Jonl'•, who doe~ kooow HOm£'1.hi ng about c•ttton, nddr""""d mrr tiugs irt Lnnenshirc and in otho;o· p)UC'f'• in rl.'gnrJ to n~loon <-otfon, the •pinoorr• ~Citl'l'lllly rnm£llnincci ubout. t.ho ocn<'rcnool'~s of oh~ sfaplo in rntoon ootton. It i~ <Juio·•l•o>·iule thnl. owinA' to the ,·al'ich· ui •••c•tl' p lll!lt'ol, WC' h~\'C grown COtton of nn lllll'>' t•n ~tuple. "hid1 is not the br•t for •rinning. C'on!ll'!JUC'ntlv I would suggest •hnt thr. Gon•mm!'nt nilopt n uniform da~s u( •<'l'tl 1bnt \1 i.JI produo I' cQtton of the length nl •t~Jtl<' l'l'<tlllrf'd. ttncl enforce the growing !J( thnt \'lll'ic•t.<". If tltut wcro dnnc. I ha,·o not she ~lightl'!~l <iouht that cof~on with an ,..,·en H:lpl" will hr grown. If the only objl>c­tion 1hat the •pinn<'r~ in Lauctt·hiro htH'r agoin~t our rntoon cotttm is uou,·cnnC'SS of

the stnplc, that objection can bo very easily 0\'CTCOillP. 'fn.ko nny otl1or nKriC'ultut•nl pro· duct. 1£ you grow two scpnrntf' Vl\l'icties of m a i:z<'. .1·ou :1 c·c nuL going to get 1111 even len!!"th of ~ruin. li ··cua J.(ruW •· four month• corn " and 'horsC·loOth " o~tn sidt by si do, you will get gmins o£ an ctncvcn )Pngth. It is the same wit.h cotton. If you grow dif­ferent vnrictios of cotlrm, vou will gel &topics of oliff,•o·cm l<'ngths. •

[2 . .;0p.lll.) If tlo<' Go\'C•rnuo<'nt cnfc)rrc tlol' gro" iog

of thl' Durango "'' .. r.noc other rotton which hns be"u prov('d b· cl!p!'rinoonlo.l plots to b•• the bl'>t. they \i•ill cvrntually grow an cn•!l leu!Jih o f staple, which, in my opinion, will bt• Yl'l'\' llet't'Jltnblc to the pinnors in F.nglnml. 'The Rorkhnmpton "Evening N<.'w'-.'' on <l<•tding with rult•on cotton, states-

,, H i~ sit:{l1ificn.nt trout thn Go\'~t·nmen~ in thi' lll!ltl!'r insi ~U. on tukiug utl,·ico f1·om c, t'l'ybotly cxcf'pl Qnecn~ l nndcrs. Any o ut ~icl t•1·-as long as his n<.ldrcss is SOiliC'\\'hCI'e bt>.)'OIIfl the ::)tutc-CIIlt get a. law•·i11g nnd 11 foll owinJ.r. .But 110 Queens· luudors urcd npply. 'l'h!• nonn who hns load \' nhoublc expl'ri••owo o f Q.ucl'nMln nd cou<litioto;;, and who ko1n"·~ ~onwthing of 1 h<' t·<'qni•·cment~. l1o~ no more J10po n{ :>l'I'Silading thl• Stt\l!• UovMnotwn~ Lhat hr know~ an~-thin[: uhout cotton or uny­thing l•lso than ho h~'" of ll.yiug to the moon. Yet any oni~tdor, woth no lo('ul koowlcdgl' wh3tFo~v<w. can lend lbo Go,·,•rtoml'nt ubout like littlo children."

This paper C'n'n ~uggc~h lho.t it i~ n pity tloat Lauom· ],nppcn~J to be in officr when the shot·tagc oll'rovcd which hus given Quncns­lancl an OJI(>Ot·tnnity or getting in.

The opinion ha~ ~n cxprcP•rd that the (;{),•C't-nm<'nt Jos~c h~'<'n too roudy to listen to outsidPr•. l'o•sibly that i-; why the Rock­hampton " E,·cning ~cw~" i~ not n Lobnur pap<'r to-dny-lwC'Ousc the Covrrnoncnt ore 1\0t ~jyjn~ <'ffcc•l lO lhl' \ ·ioht:'s O f lhC' prop)C by ~etting pcoplt' from ,,,·cr~rn~ n~ <~d,·i~~>rs in Jntttlcr~ of this kintl.

Tlol'r<' nrc scn•ral growrr3 in my di61rict who ~ornplain hittcrl.v n!Jout tho Ion in wC'ig-hi nftN· c:on•igninJC thrir rotton ft·om 'nr iou~ plucl'' in tlw di•l •·ic·l to "'biu~tu ncs. Wh!'11 ('on•ignC'd ilol' halt's orr wt•iglJcd by tho lor .tl ftll'l'mnn in ehnt·gc nf the• >trtliou, llnd. whrn tlo~y gr)L to Wltin~tllllt•~ thr;: ar • always 11 bit shod in •oi~d · t. 'l'ltiij hus been bt·ouj!'ht brfoo·t• me vc-ry ortrn. Oot numerous occa~ions >'"11 will font! ! hod in 11. sonnlt con­<ignnwnt of p('rloapl< ri~rht, oo· niroc t•huff bu g~ o( eo tl ou then' is o el11·inkn1ro fnr ~Oont' o·cttson or othl'r. 1 <i<> nnt know '·".\'· iu llH• wo.>ight of tlor f'un~it:nllll'llt. wt.c•n rfor locnl \\''light. i~ cun•pno·('d wit,h tlo c ' ·oi~ht od· Whin~tnncs the In> , i~ nltlr·it'IH hl havr puid [rcil!'ht on tl~<· rooo~ignmC'Itt. I l<ooiJv: thnt t.hn British ­Au5h•nli;on C'oiton .'\••or·ird i<n• or the Gon•roo ­mPnl ~m paving S~cl. '"'r lh., hoot, \\hen ~·ou total it up. 'you will fin<! the mom•y i• prtid 011 th<' wri,1d11 o[ tltn c;on>ignmcnt 11~ dc.>liverrd nt Wl1in•tanr~. ]t woultl he wi•c for the Gm·!'t'lllll!'nt to look intt} thi~ mullc'l'.

i\fr. C'~anm: Thnt wn~ nlwa , thl' Cll~ll with •u,.ur-<'alat:'. 'l'lw wcil{ht ot the mills Ol'\'l'l' ngl'l'"d ith th<• wright or th<' eRne when it lt>ft the .qro\\ rr•.

1\fr. T.OCA~: T hn1·1' ht'r" n p<tpcr showin&:: tltal a Cl'rtn.in con·i~nor <rnt l.r.:r n ton of cotton to \\'hinstanrs.

ill1·. Logan.]

Page 24: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1434. Golton, Industry A.c-t [A.'lSBMBLY.]

Tho SECRJ:;TARY fO R AGBlC'ULTt:R£: Do you suggl!St tbat pi lfering go\ls ou?

M•·· LOGAN: Y es. The SFCRETARY FOR lHIRIOn:rrRE : 1 do not

think it is "Pilfering- ! think it is duo to tl!o c vaporat!Oll of moisture.

Mr. LOGAN : '.l'hc consignm· sen t seven b1d es or 728 lb. o[ cotl.ou, being nn average o£ 104 lb. lb hul<•, und he wus paid fo r s ix !.>ales. rcpl'CSNating n weight o[ 604 lb. Thoro is a b ig I os.~ there o( 124 11.1. The oOll· sigrlol· bus tho mi lwny slip showing thll.t he son! 6! cw!:. That loss has tu be bomo by the nnfot•tunuto producer, nnd tho ).finister shoaal <l ~cc if something (\'i.nnot lao dooe. Tho grower is to l-d thnt hn is to bo t•nicl on th~ >~mount dclivcrc(l al. t.ho n1ilwav !<talion, and I ooutend thaL ho has I he rigl1t 10 stick o ul\ for that payment, If c h~s to r>i•Y for tht• C!l-Ttng<l c!£ the oro p, und ' t• t·y ofien. lhe Ios~ IS sull:icrunt to tmy tho wl1olc of the ~rci~,rht.

T he Min i~kr tl1c otbor Ull\' sa id tlh\t Amel'.ica proa.luccd 6l ' pcr ccnL. o"r the world's colton. H 'tluu is go, "ith the prt·scne Jaigh JH'iC'J of "onl, it d!lt'~ .St'!~lll JlOooibJc thn( tlao ct•lton industry in Qttt:'cnslntad is likvl,v to ~11 1'\' i\'f'! uud be <:lllTied 0 11 "' ith ~·,·e a·J &~tis fu c t irtlJ. 'l'hc ro is no doul>t t.hnt tho Ligla pcieo o[ wool is larg"l.v resp .. )l)giLI•• for bnngi"!r about a high prioc for ootto11, ;, bich will eo a Lit: those who hnvl! i o g t·o w lt b:· ' hi to luboor to kO!'P g<J ing . lt bv auy ('hnncc thr: pricn o[ wool slaould drop,· thet·c is no dot~bt. thnt pcoplo W<>nlcl go iu HIOrc> fot• ':oollurt g:oods thau they du lo·dl\,;, ;nHI wo httvc to f~cc thnt possi!Ji lit\'. lt is inturo•t ;,!! to !wow that. the wod~l's •·ot.tou e•·ov is woJ•th nnnrl .. three 1 imalS tho oHttlnt of the tln·cc min l'rnls-copper, · ilve1', autl gold - and from t.hut fac:1. we get some id<•n of tno wondt·•·fnl p rmpcct.s of the 1udustt' \' if fllf·l Go\'e rnnacrat tlo not do un•·thing to ~·ctu l'd ih prng-ral~s. hut 0\'01'y thin!4' tn mnk~· il rcrnuncrali,·•·· The :a mount o£ i11t• r••st. , .. liich has been l u~t; in this in,Jnstl·v since tho iut roduc:Llon of tht• u.nli· ru loon lcgishttioat is, howcn'r. \'ur y noticeable. l'rt•;.unally, ( hll\'c n1hLca.l the fanlJt•l'S lo ~ litk to totlon 115 a. (I!'OJ' and try to ~ ''I>W it R< n <idc line, llccnns~ I l>o1 icYc tlun thc rr, "''O t·illl t'o whPn o l ha•r ('I'Op.; fail, :uul <:Oit(•ll h<' i ng 11 1'0)' which <•an b1• s •·nw11 ,,·itho11t ll1'1" h rAin. 1t rnn.v Uo u good stunUb.v. lu 1n .. are.n tnctny <;f tbo fnrnlt'r< wot1ld li ll YI' · luul lna'l!<' onns aandcl' co t ton if it hn.J not b1•on fut• the nnti . ""tooq ltJg islo.t io11 , which coniJIQllt".! I h·~m to <.l c·~ti'O:· tl)l' it· pla11t s n fh:'l' tlac fla·~t ~·NH·. Jn ~ hut wa,v n dnm pCia' hug been put. 1111 tho Hld n~t.ry. Mrany or tho3C ]1COJ1lo who We1'i) gl'owing 5 to 10 acres n.r;u tn.da v so fed up thaL they will not t ry it 1111y morr..

The Sccreto.I'Y for Agl'icullnro rold us the othl'r day tlt11t only e igh ty -two fnrmer~ mnd.:l apolicntion for pr.rmis~ion to bo n llowr.d to ke"r thoir rntoon crops, l>n t L would n:mind him th!tt a great number of farn•c•·s dcs, roycd l]JQir J·n1·oon \'l·ops, a11<l 1 hnt is wlay nu IIPP~r~ntly snmll uumbct· nwclc ttppl it•at.ion to hr ullow~J to lw n ·r·•• i t. Tt ;, nil wl':· well to ~".Y that the £u1·nwr$ ri•J not !nl<e mnrla intN·cst in l'atoon cutloal bc<'ll.HSo on ly c igbt.;v-twn or Lht·m a~hrl fo•· o<;rmission re<'Pn ll.l' to hnrvcst it.. 'l'hc 'i\1inistct· rn~U>t r r mrm bPr that Lhf'! far nu'~'" harl not lung lH'CViousl.v b1•cn told that they \\'Ne clebnrr<'rl frem g rowing it, and hnd hcon compr·lled to d~•tnJy huge 1\\'E'n~. whirh would hnvo (etnrncrl them nann.' hundreds of pounds.

; ~fv·. Logan.

I kt1ow that man. people l~st £20'J io £300 lrl;;t yN•r ttu·ough not bc1.0g allowed to hnrYNL thl'il· rutoou co tion. If th~y hau been ullow!.'u to r<:'Cei,'C' 3d. per lb. fo1· it, 1 h!w would hnve obtnin!!tl £200 to £300. To.'dny 1hcy aJ·c gell ing no t'Otalpcnsat ion. !Sn111r1 o f tho {armpa·s wt~rc l ~d b:, the ini'f'll!O· tws to believe tlint r·ompcu~l tion would IJ!' fnrth~omiug, and nf r ccc;J\t .clntc iho inspec· lor.s lt axo hu 1•os~'d Ct'rtnju g"'O\\'f' l'$ ·nu . .'rC1 ~ ror tlw purpose of [t'iglll'rning tnher~ into doing certn.in thiog.i. Th-ut i!-- n :- r.v l~t>gt~fl-1-t.ablt:, beruHSO tho fnr111N' · COII('Cl'nccl wrro men who could ill afford l.o Lu lan r::~.s;l'<! an1l I'OITI!H'llocl to <lo the t.hings I ne\' hfld to do. ThC'v <lid tho>c th in{j'S. and did thc·lll with· Ollt .. 11> UltiTIIIUl'. anfl lt is l't'll.S.IIlitbl t' 11 COill·

J•CI1sntc them to some snlull d cgrer. This bri11gs mo Lnck to t he tptvstion of

<'O i lon ~N·d. Ar•·o rding tn rlac ngrccnwut between the :Oriti5h·Aust-rllliau C'ot ton As~u · cia tilln aud the Gover nment. the Briti$h· r\uslrn.11au Cotton Association uo·e entitlt·J to a ll the rottoo ~llNlafto r supplying th,c n('cfls o£ the £:~trn4'r. 'That wa~ n \'<?1'." url\\'1•<' p1·,,. \'i<ion 10 ml\lte iu the ·nga·c• tl\CIII. It i~ well known thn t cotton S<i<'al i ,·uht.llJJ,. a.• fclltl fol' stock. J.a,t ~'O'U!'. beellll"' o f drought •·cmd ition~. it wn; d illicttll for daQ [;Jl'llH'l" t<) J•l'oduco ~<IIY <'oltiJIJ ~c,.tl fu r h~t·d purpoH'>. T hat! con~idt•ntld e dlflil'ulh · in gc•tti11g srnnll lob! th 1·ou~h for Yll rious furmt••·~ in '".v Jj,. tt·i<•t. bul [ wns 3!LCC< ·sfol in I hr lo •t:d: nau. lt is vl'ry d•'l11'CSsing to note• llaut thn lll'iti ·h­Au$lrn!Iuu Cotton • ..\.,oclatlon I·Hn buy .:ottou or-d fr-1' £1 n<'r ton. nntl . wh<'n llw fnl'm<'r

• ·twt~ ·<~t·tl to fc<·d his stork. h,. lu15 tu pn~· :1?5 lO . pr·1· l'on to llw State L'1·otlure .-\~,·nry. The> Co,·e>l'nmcnt s huuld ro•I!IJ!'IlStt l•• tho hrmN·s in some tnltg ibl<' wny. <•nd .it i• qnitl" J'<'n~oua!Jlo to supply fl'l:-1' '<'eel li11s ~·c~r tu l110~e fn rn1er;; who \\'('1'1;' cornpelk <l 1':> rlc .tro~· tlH'ir mroon cot ton plnnt'>. 11 i3 rn •·' dt~t. the ('OSI' of the •cc(] iH 011 l,v on~ hatlf.peno: pN lb; !'till thn.t. is somctlli ll.(f. i\lld mall~: fa 1'111Crs \1 ho 1111\'1' had no rdurrl i<11· mon1 h• 1t11Cl naon l!l$ \1'<1\lld be p lrn•<'c:.l to oht u iu thei1· '<'I'll fn•!'.· I ho•h tlw Go,·J·rnmrnt will ~· ·!' the wi;tlorn c, f hr-lping th<~sc fnmh•r>. l).!l rl will t•Q I1!JlCI1>.ll!' tlwm in sm11 (• smnll wn;~• o th •t t·h('y cntt keep an important ir~dustry ol11~t.

Alter listening lo tha' rlnqu~m rHldrcs.; u. 111!' hon. m••mll••r f>H' S ia11lc,1' i1 ;, tliflit•ult for 0 11 0 wi th le ,s CXJl!'t'ic•nc•• t . "l'""k uo t h,.. mattt:>r. I [t•t•l ,.,,,.,,. kct:'nl~" nn rlu, imptH'tunr ,,gri!'ullul'n l ina.lu;;l l'\, in whidt 1 have l111 tl >Olll!' "~!w•·i(•noc, nn;J I hope tlw (;o ,·,•rJinHmt will do nil in thl'ir ]lOWer to [ll>tN ;l1 indus· u·y ~~· lh tt t tl111sp concorni' J ·vill br pluccd in ;t :;nti •fnrtPI',V .Posirio11, \'01 only .laan~ ... ,, to duw l!w ultln~ln· ft•o111 n auttanna 1 ~tnndpoint. hu t wo h ll l't' 'in "i"" i t· al'n fm m t.h(' l'<Jinf of d c•w or the• in ,li\'iduatl; a m\. 11nlc•5s 1ho intc l•ut oE the inalidrlual who ~1'0\\'~ t his C'O illlllOclil)' can he, UI'OU>Od and :-timuhttl•ll, then !la<! in<lw,tl'v \n il '""n'~ ICI 1111 end. l hnt•o thn t i his ta .1en<lir~g lr•g-i,ln tiou will prnduct• the vc-1-y i.JI'st rl'sul r; fur tht• .:otttou inrlu>hy.

t~'lr. \YARitE:-1 (.Vtn·•·•w•/w): I aho wi~h l11 cnmplimeut the h 0 11. JI1 1'111 L ~•· f<J I' Stnulr.v on hi~ I'Cl' V IE'U l'11t•d ~nd in~trurth·e nddrt•>s. I woultl Jlko to · a:· b(•foro I proce.,tl tl~nt 1 ht'lieYc tho ~Jjnist<'r bo• 5 <JCI1 1hco u~ctlssdy fn:· l>l•oa.dcning the coh o 11 l r~ islntion in tho intl!r<'sh of the gt·owcr". 1 hope that. the lio n. gc11tlcmnn wi ll p rofi t h.~ l11e c,_p~l·tcnce ,,r hon. mllmbet·s on thi., s ia.lu of the Honso ,.,-h.,n thr Bill i i11 Committee. It is a vity. and almost a d isnstcr, t h>\t that exp>H·ience

Page 25: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Cotton. ]llll'U.Stry Act [8 OCTOBER.] Amendment Bill. 1435

wa;; not profitl•d bs when t he Bill went •t]n•ough the l!Ou$e la~t session.

I <Juilo ngroc lhar t.his is not ~ P"l'~onnl mal rer 11 ith th,• 1\lirti>tcr. I ur.dcr•tt~nd that IH' tool; thn Mh·ice oF oxperts on Lhe llHitiP t·, hu: tho~o t1X p<Jd~ had !l(l tln.ta itJ work on. T he-y mig ht hu\'1\ k nown ~omething about tl:e <·o!lon indu~t1·y in other rn••ts of tho '\\'Ol' i,J. but they co:-;·tainl.l· kn~w HotJl tHg' of ilot· rnntlirions •liHlf'l' whit:h r.otton h:~s to lw ~r• ·o11 ll in C: u~en•lnntl. Rc>l'f'l'n. l f~ct.o1·s h~l'l' to bt• t nkt•u into c<J"•icl'.'ru~· ion in Qurcusla.nll in the cnltivat;iun of <•otton. Th o2 hon. tli i'JI1Uf'1' fa t· ()x]~v . in t lw COUl'S<' of ll \'fry !' loq ucut •[1!'cr•h · dul'ing tbf' d· ball'. told ns of thf' mill ion; of acros of !Ullrl wh ich wrr<' b l.'ing brought uudet· collon i 11 othrr co1 11ltr i t!~ . l11 cvrry plocc that he mrn· 1ione<l W"-1>''" won• dt~llp. Tlum~ w·" not one Jctu·-wa({c ~ountt·y mNit iouctl by him: '"'cl we n l'!' mn l;ing •~ m ist ul<c if we th ink wt• can >ttt'rt'R~f .. Jiy !mild up an indu:;ny In Qu~··n~lnntl nfH•r ~tripping il t lwtldho t•t·, n; is pro:ll Nl uodl?l' th • rur I wol'lte t'" lolo(.

Thl' hon. m<'mUf'l' (or Rodch11mp!on, 11'ho 1,n,; giYC'Il thi~ "nhj ct't inrolligmll' con<,tfNa­t ion, lly iu ll'rjt>diou mndc t·l'fN!'nCc• to t he pt'O )Itosrt l th11 t the P:I'I)\\'<' 1'5 ho11ld tnl<t• n1.,,,. 11tc p lotnt of tltc Driti;h-Austrnliun Ct~tt oB c;,·o w~· l'S~ A~rtoc i nlit)ll I i.IOI ~oing lo IH' C1111<liJ in m: <IJ) ininu on thi~ mnttt•r. If th1 r. rowNn nm g·t~ in~ iu b~ -ndrlled with thi~ p la nt· .. t lw_; wi ll lun·t• surlt n burrlt'll p lacNJ "" tlwm thnt it will tho'OW them ful'the ~ back i htuJ lht•: nt'~' lo-tla.v. ,\nvon~ who nJ,•i><·S then• to ilo "0 i s only mnki•ig thPir lot "'<) t'"''· ~11d mnkirog thoi r •·ho.nccs of building up th·~ jntlustn· l· ·~ ht·ight .

The R~cnt1'.1RY von .~GlliOt'LTrR£ : 'l'h id.,.n 1> to utlw Ol'l'l' tl1u gionco·[cs at nn int!cp11nclent vnluat io n.

1\Ir. WAHRI~i'\ ~ l lmtlo•t'$t Ant1 thn. lll,lit•Y t· thal lht- intrt·c•t> o f the grow,..rs '"ill Ut'! sa feg11u1·dcol u;; Fur 1t~ pol<;~iliiP. 'C't.t ton produuion is n on re pmlitllbl f> in America thnn het'•'· berun"l' t.hc,v work it ··~~O I'l ' t' fl't•t•ti\'f'h·. 1l'hc\' lul\--v ~(',.;I suiHt.blr fu< ~ht• difl'e t·en.t lonlit'if'; i tl whic-h cotto11 is fll'!I WU. f:\N•d iB on(' of tho most ioupor11111t litf'lot-s in thc produrt io11 o f cotton, 011o of thi' ntMt in11oot•i ,u1l l!l1m <.'hlltl~<:tl'J ••·ith f,IJC' D•·iti•h-Auol ra liu n Cotton Agso6ntiun itl fOl'tMd mu that t he co tton industry i n fluro(!nsln nd wn~ doom ed br>cfHHC we tliu r1ot llli on_,. ut1<•u t io11 10 hr!'!'ding ~ceti. H e s11 id WC II'CI'C hope! ~ · ·· \ \'1.' Jo ) 11' that lll 1891 ~N·rl wlt<•~t itJ All>to·nl ia WH S '0 r11U out tlnlt you c·ould fi nd ;, ix ditr~·t'l'lll n•r i1• ti<.'~ 01• <'n t·J_,. nntl lntt:! 1·ip ning 1 ltl'iNi<v; ir1 f111• oro0 (lMidod; . \Yr ;u·r· t"·nclicnlly in !hP ~1\. lllC' posi;itJII I () tln .' ' 1• i lh rt·~p;'CI io t'otton !\5 "'" II' <'I'C ith t·•'l{UI'<l ro wloent in 1691. If tlo i> '" ~o . 11hut ~hou l t1 nur fir•t hu:. incf . he?

:i\Inny proplc c!nim thnt Quc>on~land i• goin15 to be a cot ton-JH'Oducing <'nunirv, n11d 1 (lltltc ngt·ce with ihnt. to a. certain ~x fcnt, becnu:;E> roH<>n has bct'll pruduced in Qu~cm;­lancl wi th morf' o r lr •~ ~uccc·• fo r 11~n1' l v S\!I'Pniv I'Clll'S. 'J'o 111nkt! it 0, !\ltCt'~ ·S Wll lliUi t start on' thr ver y lowest t·ung o[ the lncldr t'. 1tntl wo mus(. 11.(1opt ri~ht methods. A t tho present t imc, l'hroul!'h the exressi,·e price o( wool nod tht·ough the coHon •·osenes bei ng u~ed up dut'ing the wnt·. n high pt' i<!e for cotton (WCvo i l~, bm the ~a,m<' thing mn.y h~ppNt to cot tou t lo l\.t hu[lt'!'Hcd in coppet·. !'h~ low prif'c is nt present kill ing tho coppel' mdtlstry .

)Jr. C.mTER : Do you p lace coppet· bosi'cte cotton ?

::\fr , \ \' ARRE::-1' : No, but n low price for ro tto11 is ;roing ro fu<!e uo ngaltt ns sure as tho sun ~·iscs so soon ns th~ wo•·hl's res~n-es t·cach thPit· n'ot·mnl ligu r~. 'l'hc bind< rot.too · 1P'owing eountl'ios of th1 world will p rocluce cnot•mou~ C)nant il ic, o f ~oHnn . Thoun nds of nrrfi ort\ lw in~ cnlti,·:!d~rl in "Eg ;vp f. and the nmount will be grea tly i nr t·rn~t·d on the contplcliou o f the ueccssnry irrig_ntio n ";Ol:ks . An enot·mous amount of cotton li! a lso oeoug ~mwn in :\ lt\sropotr.mia when• they hn,·e cheap lubour. Of rou ro<'. in EgYJ11· lnnd i ~ much d•' nrPr thnn in other b!~ck colton-l(t'owiug rountrit ;, II IH] 1hul mu~t b e t:tkcn ittto con­, id<•l•ntion; but in t·l1nt conntt'.l' I'Ot tol1 is p rotluc<•cl b:· l>1bo•n· fo l' whirh thQy ])<IY o~ll) h . n cl o.~·. 'fhl'se t1<•oplc O':l 1~.. or frve piot~tt·t•s <1 dnv. hl•vn to ll t'fll'lrle t-lwnuC'lvc;; with fooo. Asroi,~t thut wo hnv.o to 11\k e i uto ro roFiclctntul il a ll Otll' n•glllu• io11~ gm·crn­itlg \\'.1ges nnd cost of li1•in!!. nnd ~~'" t:•u~t rcm~irl!.'r wlwthet· it i~ ro~sible nnd nght to tt·.v anJ force pcoplr hi go in f<:>r cotton · go·owing" in Qurenslaud. Only a httl c O\'P.l~ n vent· n:ro wr hn<l <lilTNrnt spruk<·l·s tht'Oio· in~ out thf'i l' r hc•ts and tnllcing nltout ~nttcm l' lllur• l'Otllill•• \lP to olll' "'lnl ,-alm•s. Thf! whole th ing";~ ub,oh ttoly nbHHcl. h N'8115il

we went on wrt>llg ltnr • nU.O!;<'I·hcr. Jf we o l'f! "nin•-r to mnlco onr C'OltOn mclnst ry eq11al to n~r ~~~ol inr.luRlt'y. it "i ll llnn! io h•• tdong quit.: rliffrt'<' llt li ll!'' to t.hos:. we h:we. so fa t• ft>llmwtl. I hol! r Y<' the nnt"h -An,:t.mltnn C '<,tton A.•~ne i >J tioll Jid n 11 tlH~y <•onkl mer ely to culi'h our tnclusli'y. Th<''' in<.lurccl us to g ••ow lh<' l' , d iru lar rot ton they ~~'!llltcd . ·and (~nrl ~a \'OlU't •tl 10 nluke u~ "·orktng slaYeS '"loo would f v ll()ll' lht> it· rlircr tions. Foriu­n;Jt.ol,l· l •<Htpl ~ with Hrit iioh itleaR !lf. ju~ti~e kic-k ('•) nga i n~t dwt. nntl thf' ~l llliStf't· 10 hih wi dni)t (l:R\'C' in tn wltnt wns nb•olutcly " •·i~tht propo~ilio.H. l COitlpl imcn l. f~l' hon, grJt d <•nuut on s<•l't llA' tltn t hi' II'M tto•og tll(l

"' roll"' \I'll" !111<1 011 cffcNing n rhn11~r. If ~l't' ,;r<' tu rlo nnyth ing for cotton in

Qltt>•.•n,hlli t!. wr h:\\'(1 to stnrt at b od rock u n<l builcl up . Some llCOI' lf'-oi·C•\1 f:u·nwo·s who hn,·<· g'l'own rrlloo n cotton-hn '''' been t-old b.1· in1portnd !'xpc~t-; th.at th<'~- ~onnot 41;·ow rn hull. C'ntron-growtng lu~s hP en )ro ing 011 ·in t·h<' Dall>)' t•)N• tor~tP for •li111C· t hin.'{ likr iwl'nt.~ ycr\l's . . n'! tho'<~l pcnt:tlo {]1' $11'01'1'1] ilti'JI' f'I'O[l" tJ,j;~ YI 'Ul' 1111 .! •oud. '· \1 !.' -~ t·o' nnt goi n~t m gt·ull 1 111 t <>Jt .~ ''-" mor4' . hPc".ll"'t' \1'<' nt·e 110t nbll' 1o rntonn.

Th()s!' ppople h>li'C hnd n. ""t hn.rk nnd , " hil t• wr nut' ;w fnt• lll'h in<l iu tit!' ~rlrrt ton Of SN'<J ll'l' li r£> l~Ot tr0l ll f! to tnul«· U l1 ~ )11'0 t.r l't\.., .. Ft•nJn Ht:'\· C'Xl'('f it 'lf"l' nurl h'4Ht• wh"t 1: hur l' '('('fl, J Jwllo:YC that ( tt nn l'lt.n lto• ~-rown in Quf'<'ll~ltuHI nlC'uro-- fnll.v qo lou~ n• F:'notl p~·irt•~ art• obtninc•l uJJd JWO I ide I !!one! scr.tl j, -uppliod. 'l'ho wh<'><t!!I'OW••rs did n o t· !.r<l t<J t IH' C:nn•r llmPilt f rt r ~•sistt~-nce. nlch<Htglt i: mn<t "ll " tl1nt in Querll,lantl w!' hnn• one nf rh" I• ,;t 1d1!'11t hn•cdor~ in t he \\Mid in ),Jr. Sontt•• l' •1£ Romn. llo• i ~ doinll: wotHlrrful wod<. ;, rnntlf'(•l ion witlt llw hr<'t'<linj!' or wh~n r :< . ll lhro >n:nc rm-ults wt•n • obt;~iuctl in 1'1'\tlll'd to !'lllion. 11'(> ' ould ha.1·c no I'OlO· t ll!iJtt~ to tn:tkt:'. In ihnt "l'<' '<t the i..:on•r n­:l•C'II t would hi' i11 1t pus it ion 10 ;.ny f<l the j'l'l)t lncl'r .,: ,, 1-J el'r i~ $!'<'ll. rr vou nl'l will­ing tu \\'('a·k :''0 11 1' lnnd .YO'l 1!l'i' C'C' l'f;t i''· if you plntlf thni SI'C'd, of pt·och•dnq n dcrNit t~ ni<;lc."

C'ompla inf• h(l.vl' U<'l'n lll&IIP. that r>1Loon ~c.tton is not of <'It'll ~lnple. I •Hll g'Amc to

111r. 1Varren.1

Page 26: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1436 Col/on l u!lu•try A.ct [ASSEMBLY.] Amendment Bill.

say tha t no cot ion grown in Q•tccnshnd has been of eYon st~tplc, n Ml l , ·enttal'<' to >KtY that the nut·horitH.'S woulu lHa ,·c bccu g lad to cl a;$ as mtoon eo a ton n goou deul o£ the plunt corron g rown. The ]Ion. member for 8ta nlev mad~ n \'l'l'Y good ]JOin t. when h e tliocd' the question of stol111ing this poor );I ant c<.~t lon f rom being c assc cl :ts •·utoon <·otton. It is om· business to f'illobli.~h the f11ct that. g_ood quulit :,- mtoou t•ottor. <·an be ~··owu in Qll~enslund. "rhnt io the on l ~· way !Jy whid1 we C<lll suercl.'<l as prodnc.'t'l'~ of t.otton. 1£ we <'an show th~ wol'lu thnt ·n ltoon t•ottou i;; &omething ll1at i~ good-if \\'C cnn .how that i1 is b~ttcr tha.n HJnlething: !.'he­we: sl11d l b<.' in c similat· p fJsil iml 1o tl10;;~ t\ountric~s that 111'" growing- t'nt •h:> H ('r)ttotl to ·da.y, nnd ore sU<:I'cs.fu l in >c'lling il Jll J!'a·aliCC, whf!J'f! it. i< mode up i11to un tt rticlc t.hat is nil J'i;:!ht oud fc td1 ing good r·x icl.'s. H we 1'>111 do the Sl\llll' thing in Qu~cnsla od ir will be om sah·otion ~o far ras cottou gt·owing is con~l'rncd. \\'c eau only hope t6 ;;nrcced by mnking a good ~<'lection of ~.'cd. S·;Jme o [ t h e me11 who ha,·c bcvn g ro wing cotton nt·e nhsolnrcly di5henrt< 1tcd. .-\ gc.orl ded of our counhy lc tHl~ ltijclf to n•ixPd fnt·n•ing. including the gr owing of I'IJ tlOil . Somc t ime a go, when r \' ' aS ill whot is t•a)lcd tl•e l.u·igalow country on the 1\JJrlhca·at Downs, r sa\\' l!'iant cotton o[ \\'O rlder ful growl h, but one ofll'n Linds that the;e o,·cr · ,!;TO' o J)la,n ts do not pmduce as nwt'!.; ns p1ant.~ dJat are not 0\'Pl'g:owtJ , Hntl thool' g t'O\ ('I'; t·he right to rn toort i h~ r. I"Olton. the IIPXt c·•'Oll wonld ba,·e been Ill! t·igln. It "a' th r cxtT ·Si \'(' heal and I\'~ I of the· Jll'C·

ious summe r thnt C<Lused the ~xC't•ssi,·e growth, anGl, i f they laad hall tiH! l'ight to nnonu, .we "'?uld hnsc hnd " llmch grcatC'r lll'O<luchon tl:us rear.

1 s~nv n gcod dtlal of cotton while in Egypt.. 1 !mow that qui te a number o( meu ~~ ho W0 tlt. o ,·N· to Eg:pt took n. g't'ent i1ah~rost m wntchmg the growing of cott.oo. There Dl'u mi le$ tt:nd miles o f cot1on grown i!>crc. unll it ;s mostly hsnd.tillccl. It is bco ntifu.l

work uncll•r old m ethr,ds. lt is [3 p.m.] c·laimed I hn t the methods us<ld

i n the times of tho Pharaohs a.t·e used to-day in E gypt. 1 snw a donkey nnd a <:ow soked up to a plou!fh , net once but mnn.v t im e.<o. The pc.>ple hnve 110[ tlll~ up-to-dntc ploughs th"t we ban~, but hn,·e wuodou ;oharcs-nnd these two n,nimals, which ure so tota.lly opnosetl to C't!C'h o ther. were uu ll ing this plough along. The whole tl1ing \I'M pdrnit.i•·c. They used to c~ J't•0• t ho w tton l.)(l und betw<'en stun's on cnmc ls' h tt ck,; i n :t

oot't of l:u•ge pig-net. l'hr;·c w.u HOt a pial t l111t I . aw of more t.hnn JO nCr('s iu <'x tent, ancl thL· at'c•as wt>rc mn!'tly from 3 to 5 ftt'rcs. A lot of pt'OJ>Ie tl'll JNt 1 hn t you t•cguiro iht't'C Egypt ians to ofl(! l~urop~u.n , Gu t I <lifl'cr with th ~ t to ~ l!t'tat rcxt0n t. Thci1• mel'hod;; <l't'rc Yer;v <>Id In rcgat•J to the culti\'i>t ion of cotton, n.ml so thev 1\1'1' iu l't\t'pcratt•,· ~tnrJ oth<.'l' thi n2o . I th ink tht• : are vc r ,; con· H•l'\'tl. l ;,-o ~-,cople . aucl Tant" J.~bo11r l~t·opl~. tLn ubht o:-r. 'l'host: peonlo could do thPi•· \ltwk fail'ly ' ell in tbe i1· own p t·itlliti,·o fnFhion.

It is nil ' 'N\' Wl"ll for m• to talk :;bout l.J~roming a gren t coi.ton-r•·oducin!r co1"'try, and nbout our otlon ex tJOI'\$ ec•lapsin ~ our wool :md othPr big I'X))Ol'ts, but wo hnq~ to consider t hat thos~: people witlt ( he ir t'rimi­, ;,'I m<'tl•o•ls occttpy a countt·y of. lo t·gc n1:•~n y;lnch 1~ tde>al fo1· coUon.g a·o w•ng. \\' tt.ll modern nl (i hods they a re goi11g t.> bo rhe cc•llon-growe r·• of the {uturc. I ~aid bP.(ot·e

[.M1·. W Cl1'1'en .

t hat th~ l'I?R~on wlw Amc•·ica wn~ :tble t~ p l'OUliC'<1 (lO ll ora WI\S • bccaus• of thni I' up. to­dOlt l' m~thods. no~ only in cnltivu•ion, b11L nl~o in th e ~cconclnv work of the lndu~try. Tht•y arc up to date in th•• '•11.' or thei a· cc· ttorl, which is not tlnderta .<en b,· incli­d dn:t Is. but by !Jig CO-O[J ~l'llli\·e conocrns. Wha t we hnYe tho t·hance o f doing now is to c••tnblish bPttrr eonccn·aF; tho n t11c, lwvc i n Arrtt'l'icn. \\'1.! have a chance of not onl:v ginning our collorr, but of hQnclling the­\'.·.poa·t or it ~Ofll!l letcly. Th~ UO\'l'I'Ument shonlcJ gi ,•c encout•ngurncnt f·n the growers, a nd if wo use the !Jest rnc ihods ai•d hnvl' I hn Lrst 11c0d. thu(, is the only WilY of bL>(;oming et ootlo11·producin!; pcoJ)I11, il•ough t' \ 'CH lht!ll T do not th ink we <trc l:l'oing to be th~ <'hi~£ co!.ion-growing counll',V lu the· wodd.

\VI'r. G. 1'. BAR="ES (War wirkl t Thi,. ;g n. Bill to ament.l t he Cotton Intlu, lt'y A~t ol' 1£23. Thl' ink C.'nn ~carce ly be r·~g lll'duu as c!Py upon tho ol rl Bi ll beforC' w ;o, nre Cll!l :tgcd in the conoidcrat io•! or :m amending mea­sul·p, Howe,·o•· distl\steful the bring ing itr of all :uncndmpnt ~o very !ln.rly mny br. yPt 1 think the :Vl in i~tcr shou ld be coruplimcn!etl upon ha,•in g l'cspondcd, liS he S('Ctningly .hM ctone, to a large extent., to tho t-ejwcsent~lloll$ rna•Je bv hon. mcmb~t·s on thi; ~ide, as wC'll us to the t'l'pt·csentations of t he gr:>wet·s, "ho are th~ per~ons mo~tly com•erucd.

lt is uufol'tuna te tha t rhe :\lini;otcr did 1 o t ~rinl mort' att e11 tion. \\'hen lac brought in his fhsr Bill . to t he J·~prcsrn tntion~ or tha 1!,'1' 0\\'l'l's regHl'ding r a lo0u cotton. Hom~Yer, nue must. be thankful thut t laOL·c is a. dcgre oE .relid •n ihP. mcaslHP hefoa·c liS to-day. Pct·scnally I do not t.hiJJ'k thi! bon. gentle-111 1\U l1as gone by an~· means iut: cnou!\'h. One h ra1•s tftHt tbe Bill is not go•n g: to be of VC'.rv much scn •ic('. bn t it will be of some serYico' in ntl'~t iu!l' t ht• needa o£ tbc Jleople who 11•i•h to grow rntoon rolton. We .,11ny ho[)C thnt, in t.hc cvcatt of the se r ious con­scqucntlc;; whiuh · "~lTI to be n hngbt'nr wiih the Min1st<'r lac ing provt'<l to be infiui tesimnl' or <~lw~~:etl•"r non·l'xlsl<mt, he may t ome· down C11ter with another l3ill to allow •·ato'Jning tfl go ou as in otb ~· r o mlll"ie• for nl l<'nst 1:\ ·o yea rs.

I t\111 su re t.hat. t he M inister 's ft>l'l ings, irl introducin:• the Tiill , must be,·e hct'n very mixer!. Tl~wcver, hc has ri$f'n su]><'l'ior tO> hi;; prejudict•s-thc.v mu>t h:ti'C b"~n great. because we know how hr sturk to hts guns. on ihe inlr<Jduction o f the p1',·Yious Bill­and to l1ov•~ "iclclr cl and offC'l'l'U to the­"I'OWC'l'S of cott;m some li tlln remedy shows that h C' is fni rl " mngnanimou;. after all, and that he is prcpllrc•d to a·caomid~r thP. po~i­tio ll, I think r.hat lw fuil cd ut thl• <nrlSPt, Hl h~tcning to tlHl opinion;; of t.ht! <'XJll'1'lo frorn the old country anrl i11 nlto:;rth t>l' t\: m ing clown !hP opini<l llS of the eXfl"rts ':ho were here. If h~> h11d g1 ,·en anoro l'onsidNation to the r:t.lvirt' of :\'l r . Dunicl J nnt•s n11tl anllllY ,;tt·o 0r~ with cxperi~nr·e t-xtendin~ ovP1'" 'wnr·s. lho l'f••ult wonhl hnn• bt•('a1 ,.,,,.,v dit­.ft•l'C'IJt. bnt lw wn~ ov idt'11tl~- unf<lr'illnntel :-: nnh• mo rflndy to bun r lttoon c 1t rou. He. \\'Jl~ .Cl ill'l)Ht'~s~d by the l'OPn'',el• fal ion;. 1n~ck In· thn expe rts [rom tl ,, tllrl eouutr: !ha t l1c 'yit•ldrd all nlon~ thr !in~·. It is no ll•!! minimising Ins r esult, which i~ that t he inrluslry hn~ been rlamagrd to 1111 nln rmint,\' e>'dent. I rlo not think '"C cnn ~·c·h ~rl' t h•. !lli'Mlll'o of th<" inju r.v cion~ io incJ i,. iduaT ln<'JI or ~orwntll.l' to tJ t·het·s who wrrc othl.'.l'· wtse r~ady to eml.lark ur>oa\ cotton-growang m

Page 27: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Cot:on l11tlrcsti"!J Act [8 00TOBEn.J Amendment Bill. 1437

This Sram. It is one thing to strike the iron ·while it is hot; i t i$ another to let i t get cold, It i~ ono rhing to "11 [01·ward with a. ntov<•mcut whi.k the p<'opfo ><re on fire. nnd when 1111 rdl"'n. of p rod uC'illg a ('CI"Iain ar Li<llc >cem s to s<'ize l! Otl ('o11~11mc them witlt euthusiu~IH: bilt l.o rh row eold water upou -o1· do iujui·y to i t i~ <~noth P.r thing . Then i t is wrv ha1·d indeed 10 bring lmck in to the mrl\·oOlent tltc samo Jiio which was <:Yitlt:'nt in it b,•fmc. So it will be lli ffi cult to infn;E> iuto the <'Otlon-g~·owing indnstry th!' Yigou~ which woulcl hHc been di~pl~yed hod the u•o,·emrnt been a llowcrl to l{•1 on, nud hnd the men tmgugNl in tlw indus try het•o prrmitt~d to cany out their idcn5 of l'el·olntionising QuPen~htnd to n. \ 'C!I'Y large ~x.t~u t i11 ~cun<! rospccts.

t u111 nol altog!'!het in ag t·eem ent "·i1h oonw hnll . tUumbers on t his ~id c, who ~e<'m In b·· n little JW<simistiu r egarding th!' mli,t'B~ c•f the ' nluc of th is cro)J to Queenslanc!, but l rl!s n!'ct lhc•ir focliol!s itL the mu tt<>l'. Onco 1 ho ,:on on ct·op is p ilwed on t~ thomu g-hly >•mud t•ll<l good footmg we C'annot ovcr­<'>timalc the worth o f rbe C·tlton crop lo Qtwemlo.nd. but that " ' ill n e,·er come about unless wc lih!'nd'"e '' hat we u-ru llbout to t!o fo·dny. l nm hoping tha i. as 'l> result {lf the fit·:;t mO \'Q it1 the cli>·oclion of gn'l\tCI' libcr~tli1~· tO\\ard, the grower~, it will bring 11hotli ll f urth~t· mo\'C'metu which will t>n;;urc the rl~t·t'IO()IllCHt o f rm iudu~try which is so frnught with rnomont 10 1 he •.t·ht~lc of OH I' "l:\ta te. Om·~ you c<tabl i~h th<' ~ot.to o induotry on !l, flr:ll and sound basi~. what follow>~ (mmc•tlintdy, o1· ot an e>J,l" l.v <'laln ofret· thr t tab lishment ha9 tnkcn pluc,•, tlwn~ wdl 'follow the c•tablisbru~nt of secoudnry inclL~;­nics. <W<l ever yone knows that thorr• is not a mat1, womau, o r child in tho commun ity who does not usc t'Otton in a J11anufal!• ured forrn in one> direct ion· or ano ther. There i~ no urticle of apparel so much use<l as Uu~ t w hiclt nlqufres cotton irt its noanufacturc.

'('ho t"<'tno ,·al o[ lbe ban mnv only affect ihc growittg of ·ratoon ~o tlon "to a 'l imi ted t xwnt in Soudwrn Quccnsla.nd. In 111 7 dis­tr ict co ttou is n<'t gn•wn lo an.r go·e:tt extent. l b<-licYC dont nlJout tw.mt;·-.six grow~1·s mnde 11,n ntten1pt to grow the crop, and I have bel!n infot•mcd by some of them bhat in that t] i ;tri~-~ enttnn luu; gone out. The <:o tton-g roll crs th•·•·o inform.•d me tha t the mom,.nt till! l'tnl>u t·go was plar cl upon rutoou cotton i he_:- would g i 1·e u p tJu:! idea t•f grow­ing rotloro.

In the So\tth we lttbav r unclt'l' di~oth'an­ta!fO. whic:h <lo not belong to at· ov£'r tn ko the 1'\odh, I refer to the frost pcdoc.l. On the Dn1·ling- Down~ you m•yc~ know wht·n tw , ~,·ly fo·ost i~ l:Oni ing, nor •u·c yml <tuito su l·o when tho la~t f•·ost hM taken plut:e; ronsC'· <JU0ntlv the cnHon-growc-•·~ aru imt'·rfcJ•cd with to a , . .: ,·.v lt•rgo e..'ttent. I um ,-cry ll'lad indeed thnt the lllini;;i.er h ns at lust. d<~cidc<l to me~t the wisbQJ; of the g rowci-;J Ho und!' I' · I'Rtf'Ll not ouly the views of the eoxpcrt•, lntt of our own pt:'oplo. In Sl!t•akiug on tbo Cotton Industry Dill lM t yea-r, he Stlid-

,, If 11'<' allow I'Rtoon cotton lo be grown in o1istricts whe-re we a1·e growi11g au nua.l •·o(lon- and we must beat· in mind thn& there are only a hanrlful o( gro" 'rts in Q\leen~land who are g•·owing 0 1· rlcsi•·e to 1-fi'O". ratoon cotton-there ' ould be a dal>i-'N' o [ allowing tho cross ferti lisation of tho pure varieties grown by other farmC'tS ."

'l'bc :.\liu i5tcr e vidently form ed a wrnng c~ti· mil t~ of the numi.J~r of 1•c:o •le who wct•o objecting- to t he h.:n on rnroo'o cotton. and. ~cc ing ihnt he hnd thc \'NY b~;.t OIJJlOI'tunily of gain ing the fu llc:;+ infot·n• ~tiou as w thE' 1ninds o f tJ1v peo1,Jc and u.> to the n•nnbl.'l' nfgJ'OW<'1'5 who dt'sired r<l gt·ow 1·nlnon cmto n. lw • hou lcl not hav~ rome to this H ouse: and 111 nti1: 11 sta tclll cut l ike that.

'J'hc S ECRE:rARY FOll .-\ORICl Lr,·n£: T hat wu;, qu ittl t ruo at the tim0.

l\It·. C . P, BAR?\ 11:8 : 1 helic~,·c tha M ini$· t<'r thou!l"ht. it was qu i te lt·ue, but it is qui te evJ,]ont t.hut it was not quite true. Wh did hon. mernbl.'rs on chis side light thi~· qncstion ns they have fought it , if they had uot brca persuaded that tftey hA u the growers o( ratoon cotton behin<l ~;hem? W e tould nor hn,·c done i t for an idea. Hon. membe-rs on this siclo were as loyal to their t•ounll'." a11tl just. aB anxio1,1s M the ::Vfinistrr 11•ith n •gard to the estnblishmcmt untl den.>]opment. of the inrltlstry. We on this s ide just I'OJH'cgeuted what 11e knew. T u& i.\Iinis tt•t• tmfortunaleh wns carried away b-y a paucity o [ iT.forrn nlion. I f~el sure thal, h:u.l his info1•mation bce1n fuller, he would not hn,·o made t.ho rem:nks or takf~ll t h t' stand that. he ditl on the previous {lCCII· s ion. I say it wns unfor lunllte, because it !IllS created 11 f('e>liug thttt very much greater r~>opct•t was sho· ··n to rhe opinions of irn­portNl ~xpNls than those of men who were connect-ed wi"th the indu:rl.l'y.

The strangeness of the whole position is that the .Minister had evidcntlv read a good dct l c,n tbo subjcc1; but I c unnot under-51nnt! whv he should onh' ha YC r end one side of th,, rnuHet· . . Opinions art' coming frl'uu e,·erywhere. and they were obtainable l n~t. _tettr ns well as in IJthPt" vru•·~. as t:> th~ experience of tl"rowcrs o f · r atool} <'ottou. Tht't·c i~ th .. opntion of l\Il'. E . H . H eron, !\l.H.A.C., F .R.G.S., a cotron exper t now t·csirlittg jo Eng lunJ. fl e expressed himself in 1"1'1'\' cl!!nr langungo 11nd gavo h is views very c-l uatl~·. H e is un Australian who has hnd ,·ery wide e xpet·i ence in East Africa South Arne ricu, nnd later in PE.>ru and cls~: whe•·"· His v irw; flnJ rxp1·e~siou )n the lollmdng quo1"ntioh :-

" Tt m11~t he rernen1bcred," ltc saitl. "tha t the ~ondi tions in Pt' l'tt a re similar in m nny l'<'~J)Qds to ploccs i n Ausn-alia o[ correspondi11g latit,ude . Ancl b oiug him­self a nat.t\·e o£ Austra li ll, his ont.>ide PXpt>rienc.'cs of Peru ~hould be o f va lue to Aush·a linn c:otton-grow4:'rs."

" Those o f us prc,cnt 11'ho know Aus­h •uli n ns I do realise at \.he same t ime thnt hiJ.r p•·oblems nre unique. In Peru for fhc \as+ one thousund yc~ rs, whew in 1h1' ti tHC' t) f th l' I m•ll8 cotton cultin1· lion fh-st bPgan there, rutooning has been tlu: g!'n~r•d praeticc. I h a vc. in Pnru, lwd c-on t•·ol o[ OHr 5.UtJO ocrcs of irri· ~,ra t•rl <'oHon land<. We itl\•arinbl v ttfiow the plnnts to .vield fou1• annual' crops. Aftcr t h e F01orth ~'l"llP w t• gcmPrnllv fiod thut the qual ity of the r.otton beg1ns to ciet01·iorstc and thNl it i s nclvisuble to r~plau t.. Our m~thocl afte r tnk ing off a sea~on's cr·op i~ to cuL the plants ri"gbt b~ck to with in 4 iurhes o r so of the stump, fot regJ'owth the followi ng ~Pa•on . The most important point is for this cutting to be skilfully clone. 'l'he g round it.aclf must be cultivated and reculti1·a ted so that native pests have no

Mr. G. P. BnrtuJs.)

Page 28: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

)438 Oolt'Jil lndt~<>1.ry Act LASSE:\ffiLY.] Amendment Bill.

chance to breed iu the rottou field~; also ~pra.ying musL be regulorly clone. l"mlcr this system \; e find that thu Sl.'conrl ond third ~·ran' crops ore g<'ncrnlly a lx>tter qual it)· and mo~·c prolilic i. nlso the plnnts tlccucs.,(vcls bcmg hnrdccr clfC more discasC·t·t•si~ting and of grenlec· root dovelopment.''

}fc-. A. ll. Founloin, now o£ f1iji, ;ilso c·crnnrl<s-

" Fin31ly. hl l pr?~lli WC!l'c ogr~ed t!1nt give>~t proper coudc~cou~. uud tl\cn bl'lng co.ntcd out. rntoomng wlls adv~Sublc .for Au,trnlia. AJtd it w3s at lho snme ttm.c n"rt-lld thnt. C.lCJlcrt cviclcnco and I'Xflen­I'O<'C IH'O\'Pd that ratoouing \\oul.t be fatnl to Egyptian un.t lndinn cotton· growing, owm~r mainly In ntttivc. Jles.ts and di;;easl's that would not I'Xtst m Australia or Pl'ru unlcs~ foslNcd by wilful neglcci."

H is n. verv good thing lo bo\'C evidence of thnt. nntu•·c and cln~ forthr•nruiclg. The r~ l (onrs of the Mi'nl~t.:r wc1·c c,•idendy nc.L 1'C'gording thco staple but lru·gc ly regut•(l· ing . thC: 1~osts thut t'1\loonin~ oc: curr•lc~s rllltl\'1<1lng m cgllf. cJe,·<'lop. I think tho}o is ,.,.,tll'ttcr. and on 1\bundt~ncc ~·f ct, to P•'o\'o that th!'c·c is nn s11dt risk. nnd thnt nuch•t• <''ll·dul tt·cutrucut fll'·h can hi' kopt clown. l'o tlouLwdl<" ir is •:tti.fortm·y to lincl lhon"'h it i3 late in the dav .nncl the ind11''"' h7.s rl'Ct>ivc.'d a ch,<·k which i ; going tu tok_; u lung timr tu O\'C r<'nm••-thnt the )l{imstcr has listPn;,d to ~tond nth•i.:r, 11nd lut~ hC<'U HtOiri('t.t\v CQ\li'UI(t'OU' to 1111\t'Ocl the (.'oltot• Jnrlu;;ct; Ac1. \\'p Mill rlnim tltnt thi. omcnc.li11g 13il\ doe~ t•ot go fnc· c•nnugh. but it i. 110 in~t•lntent. and 11 fnrthf'l' insrnl· nH•nt nucy be fortlccomhcg nt. anothrt· puio!l.

Oc•rostTJOX :O[tlll!F.HS: lll•nc-, honr;

:llr. CLAYTO:\ (ll'illr /lilt/) : With th•l l:nn. merubo r v ho lt:t> ju~t I'C"< umf'd hi" >C,.t, I ul•l) t'Oil!!t'ltluhtt~· tl11 • !\liui.lcr ti! OOII htl· ing '' l'll lit Ill ihlt~tdtll'(' Jcgi,(CI\11111 bl IICUC'l!l( thu Collo u lurlu•or.'· .\cc. H arl tit•' Icon. ~:•·ntlt" n•nn li<tcno~d to nth·i(Oc tti,·cn lo~ hou. lltCm­bt•t, or thl' llJI(lO•ition- (rc-t •l'·•ion. tlcuro \\l•Uicl h:"' l' hl'r>n no uct•O i<'r clw liiii'Ctclllc­lll•n of chis nill. \\'cth ih!' l'lo.CI'fl(IOIJ l)r on<' nr t"ll Icon. mo·mh;,r•, the• ll\'pu•ition 'lth·o· (';;Jl'cl r~toon. I tlo 11<'1 kuow wlwt h r th.: )(ini't"l' 110\l' Ul'lit \'('' Ill ni!OWill~ ('Uit•Jn 10 lw rnt<Joncd. If he do··~ nut, · ~ nm, t h•• o·nth~r h~tc·d nn him tn bnvc to itttc·oolucc lcgi lntion of this sort. \\' ith all 'lur· r, ~pcct to thc hnn. ge rotlcman, I t.biulc thrt~ last S>'~>ion , wh"''· he1 was tw 1!1lJ10itrnt. or nuoon, he WU:l tto ttllf{ on tt.dVIC() I'OCf'I\'Od from c:-xprl'lil. 1 rwr\f'l'~.>tand l ltnt is tho o·c•ason fqc the• hou. gcntlt•mall's ol(ltUci«' ttll tho! mnttc'l'. The Oppo ition tll'!' rlt•fvml ru~,: c•tttoon t•nllnn on inforncotion clvrin·d h·om u pruc·ti­cnl SOIIl'Ct~frnm prncti<·l\1 ~ruwt·r$. Tt i> ol'h· t·i~rht th .. t wo •houltl li-ll'll ''• the r 1•prto·rntotionR of thr. {lt'0\\\'1' • in <'<llln~ttion 1 itlc the amending u[ tho C'olton fnJn,,ry Art.

\\'(' know that tic<" !II'Qw~r. hA"" UN•n put to <'On~i,lcrnhlc ('Xpcn~·' an•l inconvcui('nce to prO\'!l tlwit· c•asr. 'l'lw,v hewn gnll<' >o [nr os to sellCi n t'Cill'escntat 1\'o' O''''l'SC'II• "' thP pcl'~(llt <>f .\fr. D1Lnicl J <>nu. to gnin infor­mntion n~ to whCthcr raloon col mn wns of cornntl'rcin.l ntlur. Ol' othenl'isr, Rrtd aloo tcl ~~~•'<'l'tnin whcUct•r there "'"" n ITII\I'kc•t for 1·Arcon coltNl. I think l\Ir. Jouc~'R ml·~i ou hne fH'O\'I'd thnt thet:c .i IL mnr)cc1t for lhi). rotten, and that tt t ij in l.ho cn(~1·ests

[Mt·. 0. P. Barnes.

of the growrN that they shoultl be allowed Jo grow nnd han'C•I rnU•on cotton. The prN<>nt l11w provides that a.ny p('r:IOn hurn'Stiug rnloon C'Ottnn i• breaking tht· la.w. lt oerm~ ratha ~trnngo that the men ,,}cQ U<'lird the In w wrt·c u !I owed to hnt·n::.sL their r1•cops, whilo oth~c·& who ouc>yt•J it wero nllowNi Ill sufl't•L·. T tr11st th;Lt the ~lini~ter i,< uot going eo 11llnw thac. sot·t uf th i t~g to IH't•,·ail, and thnt C\' CII at ;his lute ~tagc he will ~~e rhnL tho nt~n who Nnrllcntcol their l'ttt·co•• crops 10 comply with. t!t!! lnw arG' C<;mpcn~ut~d. Xo NJil1 jlf'll>tttlon ha~ been pn id as "t•t. I hn vo ~pukl'n bt•fore in con· rl'Ction il'ith this mntt<•r, nnd ba\·e gi,·cn iMtanees when• mun luwc >ttffPred n<P' con· s;ue:rilbly throt:gh tho crutlicution of pro· mising ratoon r.-ops. l reitrrnte \1 hat I 5aid. anti trllst the 1\ltoi~t~r will gi,·v sonw con· ;ich•rarion to. nnd compcnsntc th~se men for. the action lhl'y took.

1 n.m not spcukillg on hl!hnH or m.v part.,·, b111 I run llot Olll• n( lho~u who rtro ~uffic:-it>ntly <'ntht•sin~ti(• O\'('r tl~e . rot~on ilr<.lusl.t'v cn Qcwuusland to sny that 1t I> go111g t1• rc•ar'!t cnv 'nunu~ cJinwnsions.

I nm inl'linrd to thiul; tha.t. owitJt.: cn thu hPttc•r condition• iu Qll!'rnslnntl, w(' shull not (, ,. ila a po,itiun to l'OI111Wit• with olwap-labour l't>ulltc·it•~. 1 h••d n lung intt•rYic•v quito c·f'crntll' wil h t\ r<•tll'l'•••ntal i ,.,, f•·o u I ndia. \\lco dealt ,., •• ,. fufh· 1\ith th!.' lnbo\ut· '""· diti·~n- O\'Cl' t li••rr. )h di<t'"''ion with hilll ,,.R~ ol a ,.,., Y intra·e;ting nntntl', nud. aftcr li-ft•oic !l to the l'('flllll'k• or n JUatn who has load pruNitttl t'Xl•l'l'il'ol'<' in oth••r cncuarir<. it i.o: itupn~ .. iblr' 10 c·nu1c tn nuv oth•~l' con­•·lu~ion 1hnu thrct 11'•' urt• l!ning to r.a"" " \'CJ'V rJiflit•ult. tt,_k tu c·~bhli•h th<" N1ll01.

intlil't! i11 Qurc•ltolnud. I t;lo no1 k11o• i whdlwi· tllf• Sot·ri'IUI',\' foe· Agric~thcn'<' think• •hill a f11nnor in Q11<•Nt l:.nrl cn.n •'ll!;'ltgo· m lc·lv in tlw pc·o,lu.•t illn of <·ollon . 1 am in,•lis•rd to think thnt Ice• ngc'l'0< with me thnL c·ottml·J.rrcn•·iuJt 1\ ill only hi' n >ll<'<'~s~ in tlci~ !:'11•tc .:.~ 11. ~id>' li rlC'. '

Thl' SECRET\IlY FOil A<lltiCUJ.TJ:rP.t:: 1 have­a )I ilY5 nd,ortttl•d th~t.

)lr. l.'f..\ YTOK: T chcnk th\! hon. g('ntlr•· '"'"' formNl tluct opinion on his po·a•·li• !IT I; no\\ ll'dg~ of th<' hcr11l. l ' ouhl like to quot<> 1\ hn1 lhl' l'rvnlci'J', wlw11 di•cu.•·in~ the sc·tt!e. nwnt of tl•<' l'l'l\l'r 13tll'nc•tt lon•Jq. hart Ut

'-' ;n r"!:'nrd to !'ut tort. cls n·JHll tecl in thl" "D~til~ :Ol uil" of 25th :\Iny. 1923-

" COT1'0X l300ll.

"Wn an• quitr •t•li~fied about cotton. F.1·cn Lhi~ l'I"H, '' hi!·h has h"''" the th·irsl. for forty .~uut·A, u.nc1 rl'1ito nbnot·mul, out· fnrlllt' l'! lcn \'(' hn.t'l'l'~tc·cl •10,000 tl!CfC< o[ ro tton ,,.,.t(, l<1 ilu•nc nltuut £450,000. And we ha\'(' gnin~d mth'h \'aluablo !'x:lcril'nf'fl. Fot· in!"htnro, we haxu J,.al'llcd thu.t tht' m~n who ~Qwed their :·!'Ptl «'nrh in Ochber. nntl c·nul(ht l''Ct'll only OCC'n•ionnl thnttdrrsrorcns. S<•cnrtd o pc·ofitohlc hnnr·l. The nmnzing thing aboul t:otfon i• that ct will l!'i"l' a Enti~· faf'tllry yit'ld on ton l't·r.v little rainfall. lt has UC't'n f'llnJtltnn rhis \'('Ht' to sc•to hir crops or <'Otfon tnkcn in. oi>iricts \\hidl wc1·r· l'nlit·l"l ; Hithoni r. c·us,, ~url \\ h!!re cilP li"" stllck w~R nlmo;t stnrving. So sati•licd RI'<' our people abon(. th~ i ndus· fi'Y thnt tlti~ :·,.na· "') nnti~irate hnving 260,000 non•q 11 rul N· cotton." ·

Thut is t he t·, timut!l the l ' rc>mier formed in 1Iay. 1923, but if ho hud f1<titnated that wo woulcl ban: n.llout 26,000 ncrcs pc·oJcrcin~r

Page 29: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Ootlol£ I ndu.stl'y A<"t [8 OC"romm.] Amendment Bill, 1439

coilon it1stcud of 260,000 •tco·es . he would hnvc beNt much nNil'Cr the mark. Wh rt the J;'rll· uli<'t' wunt~ 11 littl<> kudos he throw~ out his 'lw;(. ialb about tht> Btll"lll' rt laud'. s•• ;· ~ he hu$ room fur lS.ODO settlers tlu.·r~, all([ that he i.> goiug to settle tacn there lo grow t'Olton . Thttt is the sort of boom be puts up for nuN•usli\nrl, I nnly wish i.hat it woulrl ll l'entunto, bcr:fltu<:c il would be a great thin~ fnr QueenslnocJ. You cnn st•r in ''Smith's \Y.,ckJy " w·her!' the hon. l;t<"lltlulllfll1 got Oil to the cotton indus l rv an tl HliHle stl\tC.HI.'nt• wh ieh n•·c uot bm·nc 'out bv fact in 11ril<'r to ~oin un •mtr,v i111o Fcdl'rnl .politirs u,ud mttko ?1 hi t <1own m thr Fcdr•rn l arcllrL

· Hon. J. U. J\J'P~L: That is \'Cl' I" hurJ un b~. .

Mr. CLAVTON: Yr1u l'll nll<l! b:' t.ou hn:·d 011 >OTile of thom. \\'c know that l<'gi~lali on i~ to Lu bronghl forwurd to rnnu,pJ col lon field~ .t.o be elt\·wcd lljl u y a ccrtnit; d>Ly ~acb YCOt Ill <lr< ler tO JW<'I"COl the ~jll'~fld Of (1~~t~. 'J11al· io . 1~ . Olfl\'\l in I he ~· i l)ht ~ireC'tion, b<'<:nu><' 1t ' ' necessary to clo•a l wtth those pc~t,, oth•~•· "·i oc I hey will 1lo serious J1artn to our c.:otton. Ju Qu!'ensln nd we arc likely 10 sotlfc:· morc:: frotn pc.ts lhan in some <Hitt• t· plnccs hrt' tLUSe wc ~h1111 lw 11Ui ting l~ •·gt· ;JI'cns unckr cotton, nnd will uot go 1)1 f (ll' intense l't.Jti\·o tiott EUdt 8S is th~ l'<ISI' 1 hcl'l' (I<'Oi>lc hold muuh smn!lor nrou~. It 1;; only right. rlwr~fnt'<'. tha.t w~ slH.nlld hav•• " period rhu·ing lh<' V<'llr whcrl In' <'an dcml with lhf N•tc.lit·ntiou .'cot t·hrse p<'FI~. lnFtC'nd of hu ,· ,ng 11 dule ft xcd for 1 he who!!' of Qt!C'I'I1s luml wltt•n we llln>t cnl 0\11' cotton <io wn. l 1hink it wmdJ hC' a~ well 1o tnlw into C'OIIsirl<'t·a•ion the climutic conditiou n.ntl nlt'?w .•lilfl'l't'rll disl,.it·t~ tho lnugl'r tirYH.' wh1!'h ~~ necc••m·J to harn••t the c1·ops. (o the Xmllt 11r mu.v h111·e nu <'at"lv •ninfn ll and lhc c·li111otic t •onrl itiou~ lliOI' be sottl • ill (l.t

the cot1on ~~ill mtoon cnl'l}' "' 'd the h:u-n•st lt~ much ou l'lit'l' thnu iu the South wlwrc .r<>rhups .~~"~' Hill;\' no l hayC> Aur·h t•nl'!y l•alns. Tf the M•n•~tc-1· "nn sce ht s w:\v iu C:ommilt••r In lllliCnd llt o• Bill ir1 that dit·cl'tio11 i ~ will bo iu tl1c intt'l·c·t · of the eot iOII-gTow~t·s.

We hav(l bcPll wo;king _uncle•· [)ropril'tary toncPrns 111 eonneruo n ll'lth ou1· g iune ries. but I would ltke t o se(' a co-opc•t•a • i1·e sys· lt•m bmugl•l "bout ~o th11 t tit a fat'll1('\":; r.an

own thci,. own ginn c ri ~s. in blw 13.30 p.m.] oilll1<' wu y .as thu butter fnrtorics

arc to a !;l'Cn t P:-t<'Jit ownetl by the butt.ur IHoduc·Pr". The Go,·crnmcnt !>l?otJ \r~ Pueottrngc the rot1on gt'O\I' er> in tlwL dnecftoth I kJJ<liV th!' Council of "\ .. r1 t ul· tur·c hus lnkt•n tht! •untie!· up in lho iotcr• <ts of the. z mw<•rs; and. i~ th is is brought a_bot.~t, 11_ wtll lae " mon• ln thl.' rig hr di••cc­llon. :K o <loubt it will m.:'nn n li1t lo exr"n•c· on lh<' part of th~ Coi'<'J"nrn<>nt. in the lir~t iustnncc ; bnt \1''' should b1·ing ul.wur a syi'tCm undnr whlC'h the supplic•rs of cotton to tl111 ginncrios would be inrluet'cl tu t:tkc m> •hore~. We eoulcl <lcnl with u._. nwttet· n~ the.l' d<>ol with buttPt· fnrtories in New Znalaud. A~ a mctn in<'r<'ll"CS his [ll'Odnc-lion or c·oltnn fmm on~ ycH to nnolh.,r. h" wight fp cnm!>eilt'd t.o takl! up a C<'t'to.in ruunber of shu 1'!~5 i11 the gintlctie~. Wbcn a, m1n1 i.• 9njnyi11:; u. good httl'l' esi. :mcJ getting a good 1ncotrw from !>is cotton pr·oduN ion, ho will nnt bo pcna.l i ~erl b)· be ing called upo n to devote pn r~ .of !ti~ i11coonc_ to bl!ilttiug up u lnrgor .-apttul 1n connoct1on w11h thu .,. in. ncl'i<' •· We muy he able to go further. Wl1en we have our fa•·mcrs owning their ro-opcrn­t•ve ginncries ttnd bui lding up the capital in

~<lflneotion with fhcn1, ns thc•y will be able to do by a.dopting the nwthod which ob~n i ns iu ~cw Zctllond in •·••gnr..-1 to hu tter fat'· IOt'iL'<, W<' :;hall he nhlc to mnvn in the dil'f!t'l.ion of rnntHifal't.urin~ o qr cotton inolCJid (If ~ ' lltliu~ it O V<'l'SCilS tO ha lllllllU·

faot.qrl.'d, ns we have to {1o n.~ pr~•cnt L look fot·wa rei to the tilllo \Vhtln the con· t;i l ion,; in Quconslaud will be auoh t.hu t we 'hull be o.blo to tlll'n our col ton into the llrrishod nrtic•l!! ltnd [lrovidc ~ulficicnt rotton fnbTics for lht~ riJquirun•c n($ of tlic pcoplo of Quet'n>lnnc1. Cotton manu fn!'tu •· ing may be il! it$ infnncy ut p•·c~ent, btd wc mWlt look forward la ib dcvclol>rnl!rlt in the near futlll:e.

[ t ia 11nfo rt nna t~> thnt tltc> c1nor was closed ~o long in n·~ar•j to the rRioo r1 qucstioo. I do not often congntt-ul td o the Min i~t:cr, but I must t·ongrntulntu him on giving wny to tho t> rr-su rt• whit•h hus 11<>"11 brou~ht to bear t hrou~h 1 h" orttnni•n!iou of tho cotton-gro' i C'.J"S. i\•! !'11 likco ~apt uin flno1les and n11•tnl;act·$ or tl:c Oppo~itiou have been 1\ble tu b~ing such (\ 1·es~urc to 1Jt1Ur thut. nl last the ""'l'Ow<•r-s urt' l1'0ill'' tn gt'-f, a fnir dt-.nl in COH· ~'·dion wiih 'i!w ~;ottoit inrlustry.

01'1'0Sil' lON ~IEMUERS: Jlc!llt', bear!

Mr. f ' I.XYTO:'\': 1 wHn t ~o go ftn•lher. \o\' <> h !tH· tl1 ·• pt·o~IJ"Cl· tli IIH' Jutlu~t t ·iul Arbitration Cnnrt nwat·<l loc•ihg cxtcncJc.J to fl11~ t·ottun ind<t.<tt•y. If 11'<\ arc going to imll"5'' •ud• t•rJl: d itioos ' '" tlH' cotiOll·gmwcrs th>l l lltP)' will 11ot b ll uhlo' to make• u living. it. will h·· dt:lrinwnttd nc•t· nuly lo t ho future prculurN• of ootto u b11 t io tho><' who ure t!nlplov!'d i11 th!l c•otton fie• I eh a~ I h~ PN&e nl tirnt·. Vulr;; _vou uro goiu,. to Pnsut•c to tho fu•·mc r " f;d 1· t•dut'll £01· th11 c•otton he pro· dtl<"f''· I"' is noL ~uin ~t to b t obl·.' to pay l•,IJour. \\'•~ tmo• r lnok 1(1 the fulu •·o nnd c<'ns;tf,•J• 11 11<'1 hc•1· tlH' •. ca.-llrs mu.rl;c•ts uxe likt•lr !<1 lw such that \Yo' cun !Holi tahl_y CI1D;<~!\'t' luloour for tl11 • pyo<luciion of our NtlOil (''"01 •· 1 du nol tlrntk 11" at·c go1t1g to h<' in a ]1<1•it ·iou In rmrlo:· lttl>o~r in 0~1.· , . ..,flun flc!ll~ unit·~~ tho• f)I 'H"l! :rmams as •t i>< ltl [) I'I'SI'Ilt. und, of cnursc•, 1\'P ~lift ltCt !10 gllaml1h1<' ll1u t th<• " orl<l • market will nut fall .

1 tt·u i lhut. tho Min1fitf'l• in Committ~e wi ll tu·e•~pl nnHmclmNll" from this eido of the Hort:<P. If ht• hucl ""'"' hi s Wt\.Y tu tLCt:apt thf'm in 1923, tllet·o would ha,·c hccn nn n~ed for thC' l••gi;.lnl i< ll> with whirh we aro now dealing.

HoN . .J. G. API'EL (.J/Im·t): This amend­n"'nt of lbr Colton lnda~try AcL to a coo· siderab lo !'xtcr•t >"C'I'<' I'S<'S th!l poltcy of that Act. 1 toali'c thnt the Mit~iRter rnn$l have

' himself in a Yc t·y <l clicntc po; itiou. 1n the first insbuco, tlu•1·r is r1o douht Umt ihL'l'El ,., M 11 •·~a•o11 fn,. the provision in tho prin­t•ipul Act thnt. onlv uJHlltal "orton should bo Krown, pn(! that any gt'OII er . who ratonnecl hi• cotton ('OmmiiiN.l a,n oflcnc•,. I have l.lN•n ttt nl).mS to l'lldCM 'Ot.ll' to II!TiV<) at the rNlWn for thnt prov i•ion. What _is the n·U'-0" for the clc' mand whid1 has ~rt~CJI HI Qur('n~hnd for C'O tton ~ The hi~t ory or "otton 1 ~1 1~ us that jl has Miorn b('cause o( tl.•e f ni lu1·c. owinfl to pMi"itrs, of the crop m the l]ni tutl Str.tP~ of Am(lrica, where the gr,·at('l' p~rl of lho• cuttrH• u~erl fo 1· manufnc­tn ~illg !HH' f!OSCI<, "'"" ~ro1vn. Und?tthtedl.y, al•o the pr•cc of cotton has l.H•c>n rncreaecd lt •· the high priuo of wool. ;\ nstrnli:t l1as n.i. opportullity now to e~tabli$h ht:I'$QI[ as 1\ ct;ti.on-growing country.

Hon. J. G. Appel.]

Page 30: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1·140 Oou.on. I n-lt41itry Ace (ASSE:\fBLY.] .·lmendme11t Bill.

'rn ennblt• hrr to c.~•ahlish lw•·~elf upnn the world's market~. it woulrl bt• n~•·r•-n ry to 1uodure cotto n nf the linl'st ruod bt'~l qulllily.

(;OVERX~IY.~T l\[~)IRf:RS: lh•111'. h•)Rr!

Hox. J. C. APPF.L: '!'hat i,; thC' 011iniou ~~\1rc••~'•l by •·xpcri..~ iu tho indn•tr:·, who te\ liK. doat ' ~> h:l\' t; !l golden npporwnity­fllllt '' the wny llo whit·h ono of tht':ll ~'XJ1i'<'~~l'<l it-to t:Ftnhli>h our rt•putnti•m ;~s grO\I'CI' . o [ l'OttOil . 1 tJLII lllldC'I'>tOil<l that. just n~ bur•·y wool nnd topK <·~n he Fohl, ~o cnu rutoo11 l-oilon be >niJ; but T un<ierstund 1bn1 I he oiJjf)Ct " •·• !.hut Qa. ••o·h•n•l should c.~tnblish suth u reputation thn1 ~h4? \\Onld nlwo..•·~ bl.' nblc ~uerl'~fully 10 l'ntt•r the markl'ls of the world as a prudu<·•·•· of cotton.

Thcoe exports iufurntotl those who \\'NO

interested in !.ho matter thnt lho nutho1·1ties in tbe l;uit~al Stat~s were l'nll'ring upon a campn ign to tlelll with the post~ whid1 \\'cre aJI'ccting tho cotton to the <'.<t!'ut thDt thcv hud tlonu and which had givl·ll enusc Co'r tho present domnnd, uncl t,hc>y "'l'l'l' <·un·ving out exporimcutil, a.nd, wit.h nll. the moncv which the nuthorities wnre p•·<•pn r('d to ex· p_ond withiJl a period oi live ,y~a rs. unquo;. tJoonbly n 1li~ Pn,.. wuul<l bo fouud to ~limumre I hose J>csts, n.nd under 1 hose roudilions the uuite St.nlc• would 011('1' ngnin ClliP·r iuto competition in tho m;u·kcts of the wo..Jd a~ 11 produrcr of first-class cation. th<-rcforo Quccu$(aud ha.tl five ye&rs iu whid1 to rstab­l•sh her t•r-putation ns a growl'!· of cottou. It aecms to rne thn.t tho MiuiHn iu dcttliu~ with this mutter prnbahly n('('C'plcd thot O(lllllon n~od m order to r-tnhli-h the •tntu~ of QHN'II<Ihlld M n I'Ottt>ll Jli'IIMIII'Ct· of the li •·~t nrdt •r. p l"O\'is i(ln• · CI'C l'IIIH' H.'d "hicn <lit! :101 J'Ctlllit uf roleon <'lltlon IJ,•ing :.:row:• o1· ll•nt·kH.•rl. 'l'll!' f•11ilt to 1111' mind i ~ th11t \~(' fuiit·d 10 1·~~JiRn thuf it. wo ultJ llo r [,l po;. ~dolt• tCJ I{I'Oh' a r!nu;d !'Ot t'JII ou ly. f'n••t i . u­hrl~· iu thN\n ure-a~ whi<•l• n11<l!'1' fn,·ou rnhlc •·<·ntJiti,)ll~ c•Jtdll prodm·u tlw tin!'~r ~tn 1 11~ of lllH1t)li r·Ot!On •uita blc lll R('<'VI'I' nnfi l'II~III'C' •1 "HII'k<'t; uncl tu a crrfr.in <.'l.ll'nl lhr grow<'•'S \\C'fC lt<t! to believe that tht•\· t·oul<l cmbat·k tho whole of theit <'ncrgi"" 'in 1h!' arowin~r Of f'l>IIOII. \dlt'lCU.~-t'X(IC[lt. in l'l'rtllitl f1l· ,·ou•·~J loNiitir~ and in <'OUllltiC'~ ~urh as Eg~·pt "h,•rc, owin~r tu tht' nnmud Ruodin~ o( thr luntl, llf\011 whi.·lo lltl' cnllotl i~ ~··o·.\u. n ,.Qarlv C'rop i.. "'"''Hr~cl-!rom •onu: littfc I'~Jit'I'I(•Jfl'<' 1hn1 l h~tl in ''Ollu<•ctio" wi t h Lhl• j!'rt>will!l' of r·oftnn in tho early d"~ <. <·otto" ru 11~t \•C' grown ~imply as a side h'n<'. or null- ns a po1·tion of the agrinulture whic·h i• t·ln..-ic•d out on the farm. Arons in tlw Crnlrnl tli•· trict nro producing very lino ' · tt toll in t'I'<'IT ~~~poet. Thut cotton i!i grown-I \\ill 1101 ~n,· nndcl' orclinRry 1'0nd1tion~. hut un.J(•l· ta llrli. tions which ensure lho 11l'tl'•~n•·,· mnisturt• nt thl• [li'OJ)Cr ti111c. rt frl'quent ly · hnppl'ns thnt moi•t'UI'C is not prC•<.'nt J\l !h<' tim,, wht'n it is required to ensure a croll. Tho•r· sl'lrctn•s who un<loubtc•lly embArked 11 lnr!fc• nuwunt o£ rapitAI in preparing lh<' ~rround nn,J c·nrryiJJQ; out tlriR form of ll!l'l'it•nltlll'l' fotlml themsc!Yes in thia position: t'nl<''> lhl'l' were permitted to rntoon l'olton thl',. woul~l fiUfTcr a l'<'t'y sc,·cre loss •ndrt••l. :'\ntnrnlly we wcro bound to have a. con~ich•rnblr- amo11ut of sympulh.v with men who [ouurl tlll·m~l'IY<"' in thut po~ition, .a11d, owin 11 1u 11•" <'llnltJn it! ll 11 hiC'll was cotldud<.'tl on t h,.;,. lo<•h•tl f • wn hiJ.I'c' t.hi• IIH'n$tli'C• ht•fo•·•' the lion~··· Tt: i ~ t.o " g-•·l'ut c•xt ·nt ll rc:ver•ol of tht' legislation that wn~ lll'l''·ionslv beCoro us, .and will pP.rtnit the growth of

[ ll on.. J . 0. A ppcl.

ratoon cotton undot· certain renditions 1 wout-d like some inforrna tlon fl 't>lll thl' :\[in is. ter as to bow it will affect the rcput"ti''•l of Queensland in the cotton mnrkNs of th<l world. We roa.Jiso f1·om lh<• iuquil·i"; o f :\It-. Daniel J ones thnt lhet·a is uutlon!)tedh· n market for ra!oon cotton, just n~ there is a mnrkP.! fc>•· lml't'y wool uml lOIJ~.

Mr. W. CooN;R: 1 thiuk it "·ill nff~ct. rho p r ico of Queensland cotton.

IloN. J . G. APPEJ.,: l \Yilllt the in for· ma t ion from tho Mini~tcr; 1 do not want it from 11nvonc olse lf this lef{islation i~ going to aff()(lt tho reputation of 'Queenslantl as a producer of !'Olton, I want to know whv the Miniotcr i' introducing this m~aaurt>. 'i believe that the statement which was maJo to me-and which I ba"c made iu tbis llou>o -is a cort·cct one, and I would likt! to know whotl1or. "h~u the unihu1·iut•11 in the l'u1t •I Rt:>.tc:; suc·rc ·d in c·limintttilll,( c•nttnu pt"l• and t·r~ .. f'nfrtr tlw tnnrkt'ts l.: tlu' wo,·ld nfo a tll·orlucf'\· o f li1·5t clo.:~ !'ot ton. our po.il ion '" a gt·owrr of ootton wi ll b~ nffe,· ocd or not l>v the Jil'O fl0$Cd llllH'Illhlll'nt . •

h is nothing new fot• Queen!lrlnd to pro· duce <·olto" of a first-t•ln~~ qunl rt.•·. In the Alltnt l'lt•••torn tf', on tllt' plnin< of ('nnr" . there wMo acres nnd arrcs of cottou cuJti. va tccJ by the lllanchC'st~1· Ctlttou Trading Company. That wa~ while thN'<' was n >earcity 11f cotton dut·ing the American Ci,·il War. Through tho inllut•ncc of 1he RC'1·. Dr. John Dnnmore Lung a larg~ amount of capital was expended in tnking up lnnd 11lon~ 1he :-:rrung Rin•t·. At Towus,·alc 11t•ar Beaudesert !.ha:>re were alro acr~s nud ncros of cotton grown. Most o( our old $t!ttlers had n.rens rAJlging from 5 up to 20 lli'I'C's uorler culiivo tiou. Thl:'rc wer~ Ol:\11\' ::;vr~s of laocl unrlr·r cotton culm ·nt ion dose to H1·isbnnC', on tlto Redban lc !' loins. nnd tho cotton w its oxcellc.'llt nnd o f n,·,t·rllus quali r.••. As a. youngster , when I wos ~pt•ndiug 111 v

.holidays at; my grandfHlller's homest-c;.d, i thought it n trcut to be Pl'l'111ill<-<1 to 11ssi• t in picl<ing cotton, and mall~ n hnlc of <<>tton 1 assisted to piok in tho~e da ~s. That ,ot-ton wa~ of 6r~t-elo • quality, nnd l'O long 11s thr­oompetition from the t.'nill'il Stntt>; of Amt.>rica. romnincd in abl'.-anc" our corton found 11 market n.nd it \1u:d th<- grow<'r~ re> grow it. When tbe eivi Wilt wn~ O\'<'r nu.t the United S1.11tcs again C'llt('rNl into comp~!· titioo the priro of c<:>tton fC'\1. and it uu longer beca..ue n pnynblo Jll'OfJosltion fot oa:r •clert.ors u.nd farmers in l,!UN' II·Innd to !1:\'IJ\V thi~ produc>t. -

\\'h•1 t r wou l<.l lilt~ to IHTil'<' nt i- "h;a will lw our po•ition i f lilt' t'nitrtl !:-tor••' Uf:llin •' lltPr iorl o coi)I[Wtitioll :111J our 1111\l'ko•l i,.- not thoroug-hh· l'>laiJii-hN1. Cmntcd tlwt thr ~'011-Jition• f~·<las at·c- diffrr~nr. O\\ illg to 1 hi! wrrenscd pr1co ol wtrol aud the ill<'tt•n•f'•l dmna11d for c<:>ttou materials : 0111 wh~t will ! I' ou•· position whPn the t'nih t1 StaiC onn• mm·c <'!IL('r tht' mat·kct n~ hua•· pro<lll<'< , .• or w tton ! ThC' grcatrr port ion of thr con colt 1!row11 in thf.' 'Ct~itl'd Stu\1•$ is c-•·nwu (>n ill!' ~hare sys tr-m. thl! shn1'1' f.ti'Hl<'r• l11•inA ,\mrrlran nc!!'rot'6 "ho. of cotH'-1'. ttl't' 11111 rrcri,·ing the same stundrll'cl of \\'ill;<'• n.- al'f.' 1~:1id iu I he Stnte of Quf'l''l~l u nrl. J lit<'!'!' · f<>rC' wa11t tn know wlonl will b • om• JlMiJi<Jn when thP l.:nit.~d Stains b •coml' nguh: a prn· duoor of lio·•t-cluss r.otton unrl Qui'<'HS\un.! mn v ''" nhlc to prod1,1t·o onh· cotton t~f ~rto;>ud o'r· t hird q t•allty ? •

Mr. Gum;.o:-;: W hut is ~·ou1· <•piuio•• 1 You uc od1·i~ing the Honsl'.

Page 31: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Cotton I nduatr!J Act [S O CTOSEn.J Amewlmeul Bilt. I-.141

!l<;~:s. J. G. Al'.f':C:L: I om u$kin;; the 'Hlllt>rct· tho quc..,twn. \Vc hM·I' to n•nli•~ I flat thl' iVLillisto•· has ut'ttl'r sourc•t'$ of info1·· ::wl ioll 1hn.n I h~1·e. 1\alurnll~-. I han• an ·•uk't't\ ... r u1 t!tt\ utn lte.r, bC't.•rltt:.e it inYc]n'~ lt I'N'.I' o'()IISi<lcl·ulJJ~ ilniOUllt of fJI'OS!tl'l'it_y 10 1 ho"" who arc Sl!t tied upon 1 h~ lu ll<l of om• Ktute. and it mn.-; llll'an thar l11· eotrnn cuJti . 1 ntion th !) CIHiti nucd and i11cre11St.'d s~ttJe. IIH•Ill· ·• - l otntl in Qtlf'!·n~lnn<.l ma1· tak e l>l:\t". 1 ·:·unt to k11o.· from th~ Mini. "'''1'. wh.. t~ in d in•cr ron1'11 with tho•" '' ho Ill' <• 'xpNi; in the lll(lttN. whot thP l"ll'.·r-t i• goiug to he ttpon rho t•eptt· ln t1nu nf t'Otron grown. iu Qu!.'<'llolnnd if. I>•· !l~t'nn" nf the· [>l'Odsions of this ulllt'IHliug Bilf I'Ht(lc.rn <"nHo!• is to he gl·own? '

f,Jl•. <Jt..cn-=:ox: Ct i vc us thYC'0 vrnr~· J!oticc u: tlu• (j la•• ; iol! 1111d it will Le tlli:;ll'!'rcd .

llox. J. C:. ,\ PPEL: We ,1, I' notl.Jc C'on­i rolling dw Bill fot· thre~ n 11·~. The Dill I. us t,, j,,. pu""'d now nn;l ! 1\lk t:> it the :.WIIliHI'l'·s opinion i~ ,{,hat ! hnr\' ~t nt<'d­lhat to mnkl' ,,JH• ··~putu.tion of Qm·t!n!'luud ns a pmJncer nf cotton i t 11·ill In• ltl'l·t•~t·•·.l· tu l•l'OdH<'I.' CO!lon nf tlw fi•wst nncl bf'st quulii.'··

Th!• 1-'r..:J:ET.H~r fOil A C:RlC'I.'LTrlu:: : :Vlv watdnmrd i;. ·• The Ul'o(, nntl ttorluag b t;l the l'<'!'>C,, ·

Ho:s. J. L~. APPF.L : ThNt io so. . i\11·. l;L&f?:<OK: Is the hou. g\'ntlt'ulltll ojlpos· 1ng tl•' Htll:

Hox. J. G. A PPEL: Uy no m· .,u~; I> ut 1 wau: to k•1ow ' hat hn.; camc·tl the• ~li.ti~tt•t' H• dUI:l!!l' his opiuion.

~lt•. l:LED$0:S: Th,. l\.[i nioh•r 1uld \'Oil 011 J hl• $t!<'.UI!d read in¥ thnt lit• J1ntl 1101 ,:llttllgt>d h~ •ltHn•on. und t'hnt we llnrl to gw" rht• lws:t lo SC\:tt!'C 11.. nuu·ket.

Ho:s. J. tJ . • \PPEL: 1\c aU hal'c r, "crv ch.•c p •Y'•'I?n thy fot t ht• gt·o,,·crs of cottu;: ~rho hay•· lill' t1dl'd a lHt''(C nmotun of t'Upiinl 111 t he llldlldr.v. 1uld wl1o find tlwmst•h·c,. i11 11 q rv nu:',' T:tn:u~: p(J::,ldon at. thl' J'~t't·!"C'Ht time.·

'J'!w t;etl!!.fAll\' POll . \Gltff'{ LTt'IU:: You at'<' a "'"" of ol(•ql ~Yil!Jlnthy yours~lf.

lfo)o . .!. (\ .\ Pl'f:L: f nm lik,• e>tht'l' J,ou. ll!l'n:l•c·.t; 1 l.wd the •'PJit~l'tllnit~· wh•!a i 11 ="f."\\~ :--ouu1h " odt· ~f'('l'illl,v o( t .. uiul.! int\..1 ''OIIt~ol r 11 it!, ~hi' llll'li who 11'1'1'( o•n.:raitetl i11 '!~': IUdu:.try, <UH I t l:t•Y ~;,n:' !llC' dwir \ifl\\'i;,

l.lwn.l J•UI tt' dwu1 tho· ~iolc of th·· r1 tll'~lio!l H~at !· :tgil,;diu~ c'H Utl1tds, itt .:n!IU t',l toll \nth ".' Hl~"''''"l!· 1h.<'Y ::~ · d to 11 11• ... Lr ~·011 '"Y golll\!' tu "~rnbl!.h Slll'll a reputtttiou that \rll"h tho• !·(·turl\ of L'lli tcd 8l·•tc, a;. ,; g't'('\ t't i~!l~ JH'Ot.lHC·f'r nf Jil'~~-c.•)pf:4. tOtl!:Jll . . \oli; WJlJ <UlJ t11• :o bJ co t•l g'l'llW CI)IIOn UICN~<.'· ful.y. tlwn ~·ou wdl hnnc- tn 1!1'011' onl Y nlllllt~l ~·t, lttm."' . ~ '*rn Jlct nJ~ t'Sfl(';l 1 nnd i aw not lH n ;~~~ '!ton tt~ · ~•.v whothct· t!Htt. i~ c·ot•rcct M '"": l'h;n '" wl1.,1' l '' nnt t:l<' :\li11iot.< to t•uhS:hJ<·ll, .loon: monll.h•t·.•. I an , gc,int~ In H~t" ,m· r 111 < Btll, unt l am t.!t\11:)!' to n1tu fw· •t pur~lv o~u o£ '.\'IIIJ1~thy wi!l1 the Rl'l!\\ ('l·,, '"''i I Will l t 10 k!IOW frutn the ~lini."l"l't' "he· rh•·•·· in iutr•HlnciH!:; 1hi> ri' ''t'l'>>ll of In :< Jll't'''i•ws )l(Jiiry lw is 1foing it C•l lt of ),'·' 111pathr t\)1' 111(1' ~row(\l'F. n1· ,, hC~llH.•r lP' t.nu.c·>tl." hf'li•" , tht\1' ! h i~ hH'U>IIro· i" {..n illg 10 .'lll·rc••t•r tho chant r•• of t,/Ut'o ~~~land cotnm J.,t••ng c>t .hlislu>d :n l"h•• '"111'1'<'15 of rllo:> worltl. I a111 guillg to •·ote fOL' this JUt •suN b<'(IO.Lt:iC' l_u rn in ~.''!'ll)lath.v ,.,hh the u ren ~vho 1"\''" 111\'l'~tccl n. !tlfXC' illll•~llllt of ,.;,r,ibl 111 the u1tlustry. HowcYN', thLJ :'11iuhi1••· con. lrols t'hc po~itiou . He is in dit·t•ct I!)UCh

1924-4 V

with the men who !moll' v.llut i~ t·rquit·ed, U.!ld 1 hut~ is nt.•cos.c.n.t·y ln tnalu..= the J·cputa-1ion of Queensland, and to establish tha~ l't' l•llintion ~o lirmJ~· lhnt rcottou will always uc· a nup which n:ay be f,P'Oiill iu tlti<> l'it~ttu.

The :-:i~C.RF:TAilY FO~ ;\GR!Ct'I.TL:P.ll; 1 I' tho thi 11g tums out bn-Oiv, I'<'' Wltnt ln be in ,, po~ition tu sa.v, .. r·tolu "Oil so."

lloro: . J. G. APPI!:l,: l do not want to Iuke up that. position. Any ltou. 111• mber 11·l.o h.dns LIJi such !\ position is not adi ng in tlit' u• >t llllet·~~l; or &he St<tt• I rea!is .. :lw diflit:tdty the M in istur is jn. I fea t sntis· fi!id t ·,a: in placing tho l)l'!'~cnt !t·gi.sllltio!l ou tho stnl tt U:·book. he acted on the ouh·icc ut' the men who rcpn?.scnt the rrnwufa.ctu r ing int!u~try. and who told h im, •· li you wish to establish lhe i nd11~lry i11 Quc·~n>land, you c>trt only <lo so lly pr011111ring first.cla~~ t•utton.'' I c<'rtainlv would not take ••P ,. Jl(• it.iun so llt,tl u ft~rwarcls r ('0t1ld say . .. 1 told ~·ou so•·: but I wnnt to know ";hy tlw 1\iini~tf.!r io doinq- s<•.

The 8£CH!:TAm· FOR AGRICUI.TU R£: I told ,vou in n:y sceoud reading speech.

Ho:s. J. G . .-\ PPJ1.L: (;lo~c tu 111y lwml'­stoarl •)11 the :o\cn111g Hivm· " YNY largo ;hmu of rntoon Sl'lt l$l•il•d t·ott•Jn grew for

tll·cnty.five .veers to n1y personal l4 p.m.] knowlcdg~. Tt gt·ow splcndiuly and

bloomed ~·~·~rv voar. The shrub was covcrccl wit.h pt>J3, itn(J people used to co111e untl tu ke the pod> awa.'· in small bags untl usl' the collon for cot1011 wool. Tht• 111~0 who is 11l;tuufactu,·iug the :11·tirlr ami

ho knows the 111·iN• dint cnn be realised ro1· difft t t•Ht <·:~ ;l' S IJf COt lOll. i ~ fhe man 1•ho ll<H>t l1c allm1cd t.o define the positiou UI1U the quality Of l'lliOOII .

Ot!l· 1 oo l, for in''"'"'''· i$ u Nl h m,tnufar­tun ' , but lhro p1·irt• hitlu)dO rt•c,~hed fnr the lll'llclo!s mnntdn<'tlll'<."l f.rom .>tl<'h M>ol is noe I'OtJnl to tht~t whirh will he rrcchrd for thr lol:liclo; fllauufncourf'<l fmm the- 1;••ol whit•h ll>t1 ot h"r day rcnli.sc•d 68~d. pC'r I h. It is lhut valuable "OOI whirh has !'<lnhh~hNI om l'oc>[ltltalion. J t i• quitt• Pll .il>lc t hvL if Qm•t•us ln.ntl is produc•ing, say. (>0 [lf'l' l'~llL r)r 70 JIC I' re ut. of li t·ot ·class auutlltl cott:.~u, she will $(ill hold h~r pc il ion ;t$ 11 !v tton­~·~>wing St~<to, o•·c• n if the h~ lnJtct.• of the r• •t lo!l prodU!'t'd i• rntoon 1. Htou. E''<'1'.\' lll:tll whn has the inte rest of Qt tct•Minnd at: h••arf. and t~ll 1 hose wl1o ;u·c ·At l<~tl •Jn our 1ulltl nnd p i'Odm·illg o•O(tull, will be Ull ions to h•ur , ll(•thl•t• b .. th is prl"lpos•~d ]f'gisl11tio11 uUl' t:Ol iotl f' ·up i~ s iml)l,v gning• tu lJ~. a t,tati r o f a (rw ,·cax.> onlY nnrl th~o i~ if l,(uing ro ~):•··1 out : There is uo flon ilt, thn.t wu cun pl'lldqcc cotton ,, f :c hhth <luulity. \VI' :11·c o·~t.abli~hing a rc·putntion fo!' t Jr; p•·o· Judion or o·ottoll. J U!>l. as 0111' won I has ••Hnbfi-.lll'u n rl'llUintif)n H> will 'llll' r •Jtton. h11 t we hhoultl know whether tbe C'Ond itiun~ 1•.hich cn.usr•n un agitation fo,· thr rcv('J-stll of il.c pn!l·ious pnliey, and i11 r c•A"n rd fo which

, 0\ nrc s,"mfHl th(~tit·: urc gt.l ill;! to nffct f u.; tu lh<' ·~xtt•111 thltl 1hat t'>'llu t:~tion will not ill' mni11t" i""d. H it is g,iing tn jNJ!Htrtlisr• uud ruin nut· :'!']11Ha1 ion, 11'1 U> lmnw the positin11 [f that i ;~oing to 1 ~ l·h' <.tast•. would it <lot he 110· il>lf' hy ·rHno "'""n~ in Llw ca•c of li on>~ ' 1 ho ha"' ;,"., •trd 011•ir ('apital in the p roduction o f coUon. and who, owin~ I? a•h•c-rsc w0nthc1· renditions. fintl it in1pos$iblo to g1·ow anuual rol ton, if the indnstry is of uflidcnl vnluo fo Quc~:tlsln.nd, £or the Govornmcrn to con.idrr the p•·olA01n o( compen~al.ing them and insisting upon the gro"'iug of annual cotton oJJly wher e

Hon. J. G . .Appel.]

Page 32: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Couon Il'td·tuJtl·y Act [ASSE,l\ffiLY.J Amellt!ment Bill.

such i· po•;ilole? Let u~ realiH• that thor o i IL larp;~1· uumbl••· of nrcns in Que~usluud ,uilablo.: (ot tloo cuh.i\'ll.LlOII of ro tLoll tJ1~11 in ;.oly oth,lr StilL<' of t h.• l 'ommollwcalth, !Jut Owt,, Q\\ iug to \VL1Ud1nr (QIItlitious, it iK noL )•ll:<sihh• fn gi'OW ;\lllltta! C<lliOII in SOnlf' of th~s£• o•·c:~s. L t ouo· •••Hit•rs km•w thnt it is inopoo ilolt· to grow llllolloul coHon ill CC'J'toin urc ·''· ~ud let t-hcllt •lltdPrltakc th;)l fnrm cd a ;::l'ir:ult un' which will gin• them a l'!'!Ul' ll.

Tlu.~~" 111'1.' all uoa\\~r3 ·.:hid! must !l'ivo OV<Jr}· hmo. r:1rmbt·r who lms " bnn;i. liclu int<•r ·•I in ilt• ::>tato Jll\ll'h fo11tl f.,r tl""ll!ht. lr "'" :.1·n goi11g to vul c !or tlon Hill hcr·;tusc ~"" at·t.t syH1pn 1hetic wi1h the g-ro'\" 1'!-t, it is J '.<~t U" W('Jl 1Jl'furC IVCI <'il t OUI YOt Cs \0 COil­sidP.r th" posi I ioo1 aud rlel'iolo• wl!~ l hN. if we g ive a ~.I'JllnatiJy ,·otto . i1 is goi11g to rn luuu " 1hc rf·pui·,.Hou of Quccnsl•mli ,;nods and ;,;, ;,t, i" the <'5hthlishtnem of QHI'Cn;;l!,nrl 1>s .:. ,[l'tOWC'I' eof HJ·•I·t·las~ t•oilnn ill tht• mal'l<rt• of Ho( world, whi<•h, W<' uu-dPr>lii!H( ~l ot'. con only be under Cl'!'ta.in delin~d conditions.

:\'l r. fi:DWARDS X oniiii(Ju): 1 bclia\'£' that iu this d~hute . 011 the amcnJrncnt of tbe Gntt.nro rndust•·.v !\et oi !923 thi$ House hns witnf!'t:;£•t1 ~om£lthing which lw1'1 not hPt•n r•flrall<'kd in Jloli t ical histo•'Y hnf\Wc. If, "as rno•t •ll•augc that lh<~ MiHisiL't', wl te>n moving the Hill la~t. sl'ss ion, wns told de linit('ly b.~ Jll·nd irnll.~ ('very ho!l. rn~nouN 011 the (lpp<J· si tio11 bc11ches that h • \o'ould have to malm 1o:<l alfr!l·otion whi.-l1 he i · l10\' 11111 k ing. The g >·owct·;; took up tl t<• 11gitation in ·~ Vl'ry dC'ti­r.itc way, ;J.ncl now wo hnn' t lw Mini<;lo!!'­who l ""' ~U t'<' IIJng- '~S'" cl<'< idcd I hat it wa~ lll'CI'<SUJ"' to tdtrt· the Ad but ~till hu11g on ;u tht• bau on t·~loou l'Otton-ltl la~t g-h•ing ""."· Not thnt it<• did not know that he hud wadC' 11 mi lltko-bcoo.:un~e l arn satisfied thM he d i<l- but ]t,. stood solid ag.dn~t the gt·Owt!l's iu (~11<' •ns l. nd ~imply bct'floa:H• tlw Opno~ition nl1110,1; In a man poimcd oui , lwn the llill w:ts going dn·ough tho Jlouao lnst sr~sion thu.t he '''us 111aking: n mi,t.ol••'·

Tho· i"Ct'l1ETAI1Y FOR AG rucc1..1 1: 11~: 'l'ha.c is a. ridir11luus "ta~t'U1('ut.

~11-. F.D\\'ARDS : 1-lc •tood hy his argu· ml'nt wh un it wns prnv<Jd clt>linit<'lY tho1 h l':tl,S ~\TOng, IIJJd the l'I'Sillt is th111l tho I'Ot\011· !frowN·~ of Q<HJ~nsland u·1·o at u l •l~~ or many thnn'l\ tHis of rwund~ ovN· tlw t111tf.tcr. I am SJII i<flt•d. ltfl(l 1 am 'luito. >ll t'O thnt tlio .Minl:;tct· 1~ snt,io:lio•d, th11t a hup:cn~istukc has l:w~" mnde. Not only Jtug tht• l\lt Hotcr mnJf' 1\ rui~lnltll, but. I he l'rt!mic\' ;\Htl tltco G<n·crn­llii'IJ\, '"' wcil "~ -:\<Ir. c;,.ompton \ \'oOJd and ~b-. llnrold Parkf'l', who vi~itetl Quet •ul :11d ll$ ll t4'nJbct·~ of the Uol ton Dt•h•_gnt iol'. nlso lllaflp " !lli>tn)w :;nrl n•olly did llut know w.h"t rlt e_v "''"''' htlkin!{ about. J 11.111 I'Oll­I' IIIC(>(l , unci I bollt•n• t [J,. i\lini.tc>r ~~ (' 0 11-

vinro•!l ul,o, tbut tl.t•y \V<'l'" cnufq•itt!l ratoon f:nflon with what is known in Amorio11, as ··Lolly'' !•ottoiJ.

Tbr nr,:.:Ut •1t:rJt· t.hnt 'wn.: u"rd <•guinst mtoon r~~tlnn 111 Quc<,ushu <l ,. 1·t· I'Cnl lv ihc urgoul?Ht.; tlwt ore Uf'~rl irt A tHl' l'itn aiain::t wl:llt. 1< I<O'O' 11 '" •• I)•Jlly '' r:o i tun . Long "!!ll it WHo tnm·<•d by ll1o fi ,.,,, ~xncr t. we had IJ.at •·utnn11 eotton rou ltl lu.o !;'l'UWil in QU('('I1SIOIIJCI. 'l'lti• t':Xj)l'r l 11'0~ <!)lpoilllNI in ;\ oTtl'l'i ~w loy arrunA' ' rl11111f, with Mr. At·m. ~r rong and l\111-. t'•·a···fortl V llll!l'hun. nr l wus lltkcu to Gr!'ar Bt·ito in, nn!l ntt,..nclt'd n morling Dl ·."!tich Mr. (.';-on,[1lon Wood aad Mt·. 11ut·olrl Purkcl' ~<'"1'<:! prc~cnt. hnl tha question of t·u lnt)n <'ottou wn~ nc·1·<'r men­tioned. 'l'J nfot• twlatPly, that gentleman

[Hon. J. G . .Appel.

a n ·i' cd lu Ausb·Riia fonr ot• fh·C' dnys loo• lllto· tu C'o" Jl·••ct. 1\lr. <..'r11mptun \YuCHl and .\lt·. IIH>'Illtl l'>: l'i<n·. nud, unfoo·1 unntr-l,v. hu Wll, 11. t iltit• 10 corr••d th::- Qut•eu~tautl (:,,\' rtiU1f11H in thu llti.·hd;c \he-y W \)'U

tlwkio111. Ill' Ut't iH•d in Qu:•t'IL<innd too Into to J)!' \· • '!1~ \hp \Hg'li111C'Ilt1 iu ronnccriou with thl• )i'r!JI , intr (,f I"B\()(111 l'OtiOII being pnt f<H'\Iltl'tl h .. tloc Gn' rwurto l. as the G<>~C'I"'· ntrno. and tue Sc•el'••ia1'\' for .\ jp'i<'u lt:,;t·c i u ptlt·tiC'~tl ;u·. ho;d rnadL• tile <.ll'i1nitc nlltoottllCC· HWI\t thn i 110 rldo~)n CO l HHl . U:'l t'O br tP'OWfl in Qtll'l'n•lund. }JttmNlintel.v this l{cntl ' lltn.ll aJTii·Nl iu (.2ncot>Sinucl hr: told the G0\'1'1'11· nwnt ~bnt tlwv hnd mnrlt• 11 ln tg<l hlon<llll', and 1.(• n. lso told thcuJ thnt if rntoo u cotton •·ould b• ~UCCP>~ full.\• growu in Qucr.nsl~tl~ol it w(lulu hr of tho gt'rat.<'51 nclvuntagc 111

conn<'clion ith the indL<oll'l'. I utll ure tht' S<•<' ·Nnry for Agricul ture wi ll nt>t d!'uy whn.l I have oi ,tnd. If my lllt'morv SC'rves rn • arig-ht, ~dJcu thi& l'atoo;! <'Ofton (tucstion was LH!coon•ng u ~onu•nttons mo.ttN. a gentlrroun nrriv~tl in Sydney. nnd immc· Jiatdv on le. l' ing the hont iornrmcd the l'l'l'"s · r~no1·terr that if th~ people in .AuR· trnlia rou l<l j.!rf•w rntonn N>tton ~uocegsfnlly it would ill' ot•" of the r•rcatc->t nrh antngcs th~;~· conld po .sihly ol.1oiu.

'l'ho' 8t:C'IlET,\RY FOR .\tl.£(!(:l!l)r('RE: \\'ho srtid fhllt~

M•·· EJ)\\ ' ARDS: !lf1•. Wells. I 1ll1clcr• ~ ti!JI<L 1\lt·. J'owo•l l-tht• fir ,t cxn~rt I t•t•ft>rred lu-ou coming In Austrnlin altPndcd n. mPC'tin~ wltil'it was lwld in Bris­),n:ll'. ttnd ~ai,·l thnl :VII'. \Y<• ll" ''' "" quite c<WJ't'<'l,. H~ wus luk<'ll to tso~k. 1111cl told tlo nl h<• uw,;t iufnmt th·~ forrol ·t·s of Qnc<:'US• luud 111~1 rht>•· rttll'l 1111t uncll·r :l tty con­!o,it1t\t•ati<'JI:- qrO·.r 1·aJoon r;ot·ton.

Th·· SEcaEnnY FOH. .\omcvJ.rrnE: Who took him t r. ta~k?

Mr. F.OW \1108 : l\1r. ( ' rnwfor<l Vnugltuu. 'l'h n Rr• 'n>:nltY I'OR .\"1111'\.'LTnllf:: Thnt is

the ti1·•t I lHII'O hl'ard of it. :1ft-. EbW L\ HDS: 'fit is g••ntll)nlnn was

th~11 polite ly ;>skcd to ?""t out n~. 1111 <•xpcJ·t, ., (nt· ns lh<' Dritil'h-Anst rnhnn C'otton A.~01·lntion ll'!'" ('nnro•rnc<l , nnd l'('f'igu !I ll inf'el't'lit in ccnnrrlion with the c~tton indu tt·v nf Qu(,'ll<l!!nd. Thcd. £rentlerno.n ·how. tf I hC' Scr1·P.tnrv of :\ l:!riculb"'"· :i\1r . C'rompton Wood. 'anrl Mr. Crowfoi·d Vuu,r!'han how ('o•lirl'ly w1·ong tht') wt,·e in niacin" rhi,; lmn on r:•ton11 eoH_on. Il~ pro ,·~n In th~m t)ln1. w!mt thf\ "I'"'""''" of Gr~ ·t T\rit n iu wCJ'O f'{)llCC'rn<>rl about was ,.ottn11 t·h I would not t·ipC'n a• 'll·d inury ('Ottrm sbnul<l . nnd which is knnwn in America ~~~ " holly " enttou. So fn !' 11~ l r·un l('nt·n th~t, is Nm~ctl i11 m1tny <loiTct·cm \~nvs. H j , ( tu~•·rl l"· thnll ttlti ·· . lc•t-<' plvot­itog. 1111<1 [)y !!cltinu; fro•ls ll,forr rh•• coHon i• rin~. 'fho~r who """" ha rl pructtc!'l I'X11r'l'i<'11"" in jh<' gm\\' ill,(( of t>oH ,n woll lr"O" !h~i tlw ~urnp thin!( a)1t)li<'• to alrnnst. th, br~t r,o l ton fil•lds in our !>.tnlf'. ~o rrudt~ r whn~ quolity c0tton You f!1D,V hnvt•. "" ltr,w /l'OtJcl it may ln•. ?Oil Wtll ~hl·n.vs find n r·c•t·t:dn prft"'ntltp-<• I hflt ha~ to. he oli.,·oNll'd n" nnt lo" intl' n f fit·<t-clu>< qu•tloty. Th:ot j, t h~ rofton 1\ hi.-h N•ofn•rrl tho• Go­v~l'llt:1•11t nnrl thf' Ht·Tti~h·.o\IH\I I'fllitln nntton .-\•so ' i•ll iolt in •·of! JH'clion with tlo 1-(rowing of ,.,.loon cotlon

)fr. H .\Jl'l'l.EY: No. it is not.

:i\fl'. EDWARDS: I ~ny without hesita.~ion that, had the 0pJ10Sitioto, with the pract.Jca.f

Page 33: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

C 'JIIoa 1 nd 11stry Act (8 OCTOBER.} Ametldlllettl lJiJ.l.

Clo.JIC'tii'OCt' Lhat the members or the Country fJUrl I' ha 1 o in c·ouncclion with primary r>ro· duction, bN'n in charge of the T•·"tlsury b~rlC'h<'.< whrol the Cott01~ T ndustrv Bill "as goinl:(. through, tl~t•r ,,·oukl no I 'oHl t ha1·c C!•tll blo~hcrl th·~ cotton i ndustt·y, Lut they W(lulrl h111'<' sn1•etl t ho prodnccl's thon~and~ or Ptll t llll~.

' l'he St1CllfiTARY FOit At;nlouvrllRI·:: When \'Ou r purl•· Wl'f in powrr llwy olid nothing for the rwimary iudu<tri<'~.

:vfr. F:DW,\RDS: Tht' inlcrjccdon of tho ~lini~l<:r sho\\S how hop<'lc"l: he j , lu.cldu~t tn nr;1'umrnL ~~.1' pnrts 1\·rrr nrH'r iu llOw•·•· b,•forr.

Thl SRr ar·nRr FOR A GR!M.'I.TC:Rt!: They w!'re in power fCit many yl:tr~.

)ir. EU\\'ARO::;: The>rt! is no doubt that uu.Ju 1 bt' prt',·ious Gon~mmcnt land settlc­mcJtl, wo':.t 11ht"acl at a far lfl'CILI.cr l'ut~ than it " cloin~r at thn JH'C>ellt tiruc, 11nd tho prn•luct•to Wt't'c not in the l.trul liuu.neial !)t1.<itl(JII they ar~ in lo-<;lay.

11[ ,. , Cmn·~<r.LO : He does 1101 like thut.

Me·. EDW.\RD::l : The J\[iui ~tet· wauts to talw tnt• ofi m:· lino <Ji nrgtmwut 11~ h!> ltnows I••JI'' true iL i~. \'\' hen tho hon: A'l!nl]c. mun. 1 ith all the evidence bdo•·o him, dis· COI'•••·c-d th~<L h,.. had made :.. miotnlw he shuul1l h111c s:tid. ·• l made a mi6tal:!'. a:1d I am rrr(lttrt'd 10 r<'Ctify it at once.'' I would 11111'\' If"!.'" him credit Cor doing •o. But wltut •lid ho say? He fit'St or 1111 snid that tbt• 00\ci·Urhcut Wl'r·c going to stand s•>lidly b, tbt• An (ill~scd in 1923. The• hon. gentle· man c 11\IIOt dt'ny that he m ado that state· 111cut man.v linws in qut't'ltsluud. ,\rtrr the (.;oq.• wmcot had broken down in connection wi~l t this quc·~ tion autl <lP.Cided to giYc way u.ntl I'Cmovc lhr: bun on r n toou, t•hC Miu i•le~ to lt•t him>Qlf down l i~rhtl y, hrought th~ C'ou tl(•i l o.f Ag,· iculmt·r into lho nwttel'. Tho C'olnncil. of AzriC\ulturo hnd to appoint a tl~pututot•n to prf?,~nt the co.s~: to tbo Minis· tr•t·. WhPn tlw deputation \' ailrd on the ~nu. gt•Jul~ntan the fir.-t thin~t ho ~aid was tL 1\T-i a gren< pity that politiraJ bigoLS hn<l tnkf'll up the position they had.

Thr S•:r;nET.\U\' FOR ACRJCULTllliE: Hear, hcu I

)(r. EDWARDS: 'T'he Sccrctat\' for Agt•i­<·~tlioliT ays, "I fear, h!!ar! " hut' I . ill tell h11•l wlta• hL' said to tbQ clcput>1tio11 befot•c t h ·~ w~ot ouL of thl' room. ][,., A.., ill that irt 'Frlrr nul. lo waste his time and !ltcir time' lw ouiv ltt in{otm tl1em thnt the GovcrnnlCI'It lutd ,1, ~irl<'d to I'<:' OWl"-' the bn n 1)11 l'tl,IIJon Nlll•1:o. \\'hat obon t •· politicu l bigots" nul\'? ~)i<l ltc cl" it fQr thew? ~o. H•• hnd to clo 11 hr1 nu•<.> he wns abo..olut,..Jv CorcC'd to do •o h~· the cr,uon-c:t'O\\'C't . w'ho would hrtvo l{tln•• out uf lhc indmtry if he hod ntlL given "n'.

Tl:t· !'£; m:TAHY ..-on _\GR tCTI.'fORr: What rln ~·nu llll'UII by "forced" w rlo il?

)ir ED\\'.-\RDS: 'J'hc gro11<'l'• o£ C~ntral Q tu•pu· lnml, through their <l~tcrminutiort. (•oJn•pl'lic d diP Ct>\'C'o·nmcnt lo ro'tnOI'C the bnn. Tl11• ginn~ril'• nf Que1•n&laud would hro"" b·•• ·n cl11~rd h11d the },iinisll'r not given \\'U •

'rho• f\~rw~T·\RY ron Ar.ll rC'lJUrTH;: 1f you hnd YO! Il' \1 11 ,, · . the')' would bo l'ltJ,c•d.

:lit . . EJ)\Y 1.H_D~ ' I s t.v without llllMibttion il t,tl tf tb~ :IItncslco t• h11cl 011ly tlr-oppcd ltio polit i• at l.;i~~ anrl r-.l<con natieo of I he spccochrs <11'111 t ·,•ti "ho·n the Bill was going through

in 1923, h<' would not ho,·e had to introduLe this arnr•Hling Bill. I am sorry that the Minister h>h cornt:' ulong "ith thi~ rnilk-anJ­wa·ct· mon,gut·e. l)('C~u•c I arn a~ s ure n,. 1 ant s1andin!( in the ChumLer to·dn~· thnt thu Cn·ernnwnt will hn ,·o lo l i£1. tbu ban ono rutonn cotton ultog!'tlw1·.

Mt·. n lllTI.lW : NoiiSl'ti~C ! Mr. EDW~\flDS: 1 am ronvinccd f,hnt no.

other t·emnl'lc could bc t•xpC'cted Cro111 tho hoo. mrmbcr. 1f the Mini3tct• took a trip into $Omo o( the • ouutry distri<.'t:s and ~uw he" the cotton·g•·ow,•rs wNc clc·auing up their culti\'Uiion paddorks, he would say thnl it was ni•('C«;Lr~· not onl;. to allow thA ~rowt't'S to rlttoon for one year but as long as 1 be .. liked.

'! lto · <iEcn::.T.IIIY ror. \crucr·J.Tcnc: Ouc ye;:•· is all the fcrnwrs asked fot·. ·

1\It·. EU\\'1\ Il ns: I ill V lHiuitt'l·· tlHtt the fn1·mcrs han• o~kcrl for iwtltin~ •Jt thu •ot-t. [ am o>ttlsfi.~d lhl\1 tht.' l\lini~ict· wil l, ''''ClltHn ll l' havo to I'Hr. lbP l'Uloon h1111 n ltogc l he;·. T hupo t.ha 1. whl'n the Bill goL•s iu1o Cn111mi rtrc thu holl. gPntkman will. U(~CI'pi, ~n umc·nrlr.wn~ to that efTc.,t, bt'c tus" by >O cloin)J' l nru >ourc l ll! ,!'ill halp thu· c·ottou industry in Quccn•l.llud.

The:. bigs-cst ILI'guuHmt that I c-.n SI'O ag~inH the !!'rowinf of blliiUnl cott~n, npal'r from I he uuit tl'r o htwing 1 he r,..ot ~v;,t. •m. of the ratoon plant ready to grow in t.he­t:'arly spring utonth,, is doe Jilticuht lC! rats· iug p)unt Cotton. £ hai'C hncl a ~oo:l dcaJ of rxtwriencc in thi~, und ha,·c had ~.,.-Prol "goes •· nt it. Thl't't' i~ a Q'r<'nt. titlfirulty iu many of our dry district~ iu ._..,,t1ing thr­plant cotton nbovog t'O\IIH.L .(i'it·st o( <tll. th"'r& i< the unc<:>rtninty of mi11. 1 atlrnil. r.hat we ha,·o just had n sc•nson \1· h~r~bY, if ~eo.od J1:ul !Jt•on p tJt in t\arly i u thu ijC<L!<CI•;, plant cc.ttou rould hnV"c been succep~fuUy rais'}d . We u.ust consiJ er· thnt. in nons! nf on1· olistl'ict5 W (l Jle<:>d tht.' Wh(oJo' nf t!J!' t('r,;OII if \\'•' ~rt• to !:,'1'0\.- cotlou snrc·csshollv C"otlon Cllnntlt h·• grown sn•·cc•Aulll aft"l: St:'Jlll'mtwo· if tho• rains rome n~ tht'v tlid llbt ,C'a.on. 'l1111.t bring.. ll$ In th (' f•tCI thnt we UIU~l l1a>'! the> plant-s rrad!· Cor growing in th<' earl; part of Setncmbcr. H wn do that. "\\'U ha\'<! a bi~ po~sibilitv of gcttin~ not oul·; one goorl pidong, but two or thrt'e good picking•. l'hat is a rnntte•· thttt tl,·~en·rs 1ue sorious C(•n~iderarie>r, o£ the i\lini~ter.

Tho mattrr of gntbs i• nnoth,.,· rnrtor "(l'"di11g .:ou>iclcl'fot inu F t·nm tuy <':<r ·•l'ienro of r>l<_~llt l'Otforo iu itK l'l'''Y ~ .• t·l·· st.lgt's­solhetum·~ nl11tnst. ucforc ol is t.h•·ough the grouncl- T know tlud i t i~ td.l:tt'k('(l by a Slmoll r:n•L. nnd All rhc fol i11g~ nlJo,·e 1ho ,.. , ,o·fa.o~ jg co t olf. On Oil(' ot·r·a~ ion. ( had 4 IWI'o'~ of l'Citon cut off iu lhot in-hion. IUtd T do not belie,·u T. COl! Id h>l\ C COl1Ht.P.J <~ ltunrlt·NI pia m:< ou th" 11 holr 1 a Tll!<, That i• lll.olhC'r rencon ''h.~ 1 ht· :11 ini;t<'l' 5ho1tld allow ratoon <Otton IU lw grrm n. root on!.•· £'lr 1'111' ~'t'UI'. but fot• n~ 1111\11\' V~llli n~ it pc ·•ibl~· t tn ltc gr0\1 n ~ur~,..~-fu! l.t. l f the ccttou bu,hf', nrc Jllll'"''!. tit" pu.Jdock< dr(·l'ntly t•ulrinti!'J. JtlHI the <'olton pi,•kC'!l unrlrr .;imilnr <'oudilion~ to thn~,.. l'mpto.rcd in picking plant coftt'"· rattiOil r11ttrm is prdca·ab'lp rrCtno t ill• pniut of vie\\' of qowlity und frCim ""''''" othrt· noiut of vi(•w. Tn man.v in~tan ct'~ 'ln' l ~<'!l~Oll ralooro cotton wa;'i p rl•f•·o·ahlo (O piu n~ !'ntfo•1. Tbnt was a.dmiLIC'O CI'CII by OU O' <'XpC'r\s.

l\1r. DM;u : You hn l'r to g t a good striking plant before you get l'atoon, havo you not?

Mr. Edwards.l

Page 34: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

COlJon Inut•stry Att (.ASSE)lBLY.] Amendment 11ill.

:\Jr. F.DWARDS: 1 do not quite under-land till! hon. mt.'mber. I •ho11ld like to

gi'c loim u 1.-sson i£ he will como up to my c lcctornl \', (LtLUghtl'r.) My ~ymp11thy go"s uuL uo thnsc ()COllie who have suffered loss t hrough ooeving lhc law in rcg11rcl to ra.loon t'ut.ton. 1 Jo uot think we could find auy· whore jn loistory such il. spuetn.cle ns wo hnvc hcfl!ro us t'hi_s a[tot·uoon in connection with l.hi" llll'\r.tldiug Bill. Tho Goverulllcmt t hcmsolv<•s w~:~rc the li•·•t to bt·culc t ile lnw they pn~Rf·d in 1923, aud those uwn who ~ lood ~n li dh· IJC•hind rloo' law uurl '"'rl:' d c-lcl'lnined thn.t 'thoy would eon·v it out ri'gordlcss of co~t. nro very b ig lose r~ indeed.

The othc1· rlav I mcntiou~>cl th~ <'O~A of :\1 r. lloCon111·ll, of ::\11\r~hlullds. 11t. McCom10ll mudc a specil\l effort. t•J prove thul r.otton I'<Jttlcl be '-ro"n with &UI'N!SS in Quc<'nslnnn. On the fir>t orcasion he plauted 1,000 ne res of cotton, nnd ln~t sca~on Colonel Evn.ns, "ho was up at 'Ylr. M cConnrll' s Jll nrc;,, so.id he could oee nothing w1·ong wit 1 the mtoon coti.<lll st nding in l\ia·. :MoConnell'$ l,ltlddoclc. ]~vcryoH~ in this Chumhcr must cleplot·o t.hr. foct that ll1r. ~I~Connoll hncl to .dcotroy thn,t ratoon cotton. Bet'UUS\l of t.he lcgi!ohtlion pr>scd by tW~ C nvornmcnt thnt 8pll'ndid pioiiC:tH' in rount'clion with cotton wu• fMI'I'u to tlll'n hi stork irato '"hat would hn\'e bct'll ll \'l'IY pa·ollt-&bll' ('I'OJ'I.

'l.'hc S~CRI:To\R\' FOB AOIUCI'L1't'Rl:: lt 98\'Cd

his stock from stan·ation during the d rought.

Mr. EDW ARDS: Thllt ~hows ~how much intl•r•'l't thl) :llinistcr 1akPs in this mahcr. Mr. )JcConnt'll did not turn his atock into lloat eoft(lll UJ11il wdl i nto the spring nft.cr the rai11~ hnd come. Jl.t' did not want thu ~otton pl:..nt, a.s f oddl'r ior his "loci;.

Tho SEC'll£TA!l\' FOR AORlCTLT\'tlE: 11 numbe r of fa1~nors kept thei1• "ruck alive du1·ing tho do·ought on the cotton plunts.

Mr. EO \V ARDS : 1 no not know of one Ioo·rnoa· who kcpl his ~tl>ck nliva on the cotton bughc;, Rncl it is tint!l the 1\tinis t.ca· lcarn~rl lL little bit about it.

Mr. F. A. CooP&n interjc<'lcd.

l\Ir. EDWARDS: I do not wont. onything from the circus clown of the Chamber.

The !'.l'J•:AKER: Ot·dcl'! I must a~k the hon. mrmbcr to willtdraw that runlnrk.

)Jr. 1-:0WATID:;; : Yes, )Jr. Spcnkcr, I "ithdraw.

'l' he SPG:._RER : I wonltl nok tlw hon. lll1'111bt'o' ftot' Ut'~'tnf"r t o ('{'OS!! int.ct·j ccting.

·ur. l•:lJW A RDS: Those m~>n who lul.\'c ltt•cu do•t it 'I i ~ )d through kt•epiog the la w ~honlcl b.~ t·Oillill'li"Atcd. l rlo not know ll11t1. romrcnsa ti<!n ~ould be pni t.l straight ntrt, lorcuuo<" I d<l nut know l•ow it cclll l<l be cslimat.pd; but. if it. is vo•~iblo to giVl• lhl'm nny pre frrl'llC'C in <'Ollllt•ctiOII 1\' ith the rllloonmg of plants at the present growing on their farm•, then that prl.'fero ore- should he lfi,-on. " 'hott tlw Gn.-crunol'nl tl~t·ons<'h•t'S failed to keep the Jaw thev should give O\ C'ry 11!-sistance possible · to tbosc grower~ \\'ho obt·~c·d thl' law. 1 nm one of those who bclirvc lhnt tlw OovC'rnml•nl will hove to li fL thu h an on rntoon cottou nllo~~:rthl•r. l do not think t he re is nnv net>tl fnr it. If w~ 1\ t'r going to pas e =<pcri:s. the n it ~houlrl be Uoo clut.v of t;ho~e O:< pNts to go t·ouud 1\nlong~t the co tton go·owe•·s in QucenslllHc.l 1111d ~eo thnl cr·rluin rnntlition .• in l'l'gut·<i to Cttlth•nlion na·o Cill'l' icd out . 'fhev should not intt•rfc ro in 11rty sh opc o r forn\ as to whnt C't'ilps shnll bo

[.llr. Edwar·ds.

grown 0 1' how lhl' \' sh11ll be grown so long ns they nro vroperly cultivated. I am ono of thol'(J wbo bcli(JvO tho.t there is a great future in Quccns iRnd in cutton, if tho indus· try is establisbt'J on proper linos !nod is not i tttt>d crf'd with by tlw Go\'lll'llll1()11L I do not think lho i11<lu• try cnn br SLtcr.r.ssfully cst.ub­lished 1f it i• itlhl l'f~ •·nd. with bv the Gol'crllmeol. in tho way proposrcl ira this ITli'Jl.SUl'C.

14.:~J p. ou .l

1 w11n1 to •uv u. wo rtl in connection with the ginuing o( tht' cotton. I believe thot tho' i ittU.' hos come wht'n the growers of <'Otte>n on Qul'cnslund should rere ive the linnncinl O>si8la:aco of tlw Gon:!rnmcnt in rt'garrl to ginncrie!. I do noL sa.y they 5hould LUke o,·c~ 1 he prc~I'Ot ginneries. beca use 1 bt•lit•\'1' th<'y ntc 0\'l'I'-<!P pitraliNVI. 1 think that the !{I'O"crs would be well adviserl to C'mlsirlm· tlw po~sibili ty of building c·o-opera­tive !~ i nnl'ri C'~, if t h(•y C'llntlot g eL the prc~ellt ,[!.'illn l'rie al n J'l'll~nnublo •·att. 1 believe that is cs•enLia 1 in th (l he~ I. i ntct•rsts of cotton­gro,·:ing in Qucanslond, bcoR.uso oot ton is n rrop which will be l llq~cly grown as n side li n". l\1nuy of the YlllXod fanners in the so rub n rcns of thl' Southcm Burnl'tt -and Innnon Va.ll e.v aml in mnn1 other di<rtri~ls uf Qul'cnslnncl will g ro w tt no a fnmJly rrllp on an area (l{ 10 or 15 acr~~s ench yenr. Thnt "'•tcm should be !'ncnuragNI, .and founn~ial as~istonre ~th·en to cotlun-growers oo coontrul th<' ~tinning of cotton. 1 tltink it is the duty of tho Gon•rnmcnt to give every n ••i~t~l:l'(' po~.•iblc t o the manufacture of rottl)n good; in our O\\ n ronnlry. l noticl' thtt! in Am<'rit•a lh t-y ao·o vc r>• jealous of th•!ir llOSi tion in conurrtion wilh the mnnu­fnelurc no t only of ~olton goorls but of "''CI'~thing ••If·'· 1 havl' here a pamphlet i~•uorl hv lho Nulionol Ci tv Bank of New Yodc wnid• C'Oill:J.i i1S this oltltl'Ult!llt-

"Thl' rol toll-I!'Olld~ mnnufnct11 o·ct·s 1111d thr labour o •·gnn isn li on~ of that indus· tn• hnvr n~kl'll for 1111 inm·t•:lSG of pro· lceti ,·c duties to kcc tl out foreign good~.''

Thnt ~l•nw• that thn· nrro nli , c to the impllt'· Inner of thr inolu• IJ·ir•' in tht>ir owu <'OUl\1 r_,·. 1 t •n ~tu·r tlant. ~.,. r.\' hno. nlPmltt'l' '·' ;u a:n·o" with m • that \Y• ~honld mnko' u <";ll'cinl cffol'[ t' .,.,. thnt n• tnttrh A~ po«iblr nf ot•r rotto•1 nnd ,. •tollco" ttnocl< i~ fll'onnrnHut·o•d in our m•rt ~tnt••. C'otton-A'tO\IIIllt ha< t'OOlt' in ~t a t!mr whrn tlwr ' t .. ~'"''''·'· fH)Il-ti J,il it" of a !lH, ~<l't h1•ing ft~IID<l for it fo r ~r•tnl· tito1" tn l'll•ow. T 1bi!ll> w1• lo n \' f' hN"l (oa·tu :Jtl!t> in thul l'N!!II'll. 'J'hC' flll m})hi~l I hllY~ ju•t ']ltl)lrd from nl"o ~tntr~-

'' Thr lnud plnntrd to ••ofton this yc:mr i• 1:'~ imutl'd by tit() 'Comntr'l'!'inl and FitPlnrinJ Chrnnil'll'' nt 41,018.000 n<'rcs, rrhich c:ompnr<'• with the Go,·cromf'nt co-tia uolo for 1923 o f 38.709.000 ocr~s. The C'rop. hm '!' \'rr. hn~ n lntl' st11't, whirh wor k• n~ain~t it in Ynrious way~. Opinion in tlw lrlld<' i~ tlol\t t•httnCi's. :uc nl!'nin•t g<'tlin,l:' O \'l'r 12.000.000 b:tl!'•. "·!tieh i• I<~< t hnn t lw llnnual run•ump­tinlt, Thr t'nn·v-ovl'r i~ •o ~mnll that thi• amount \\'ill n!Tor<l n ~cant SIIJ'If)ly. 'l'lw prit•c i• I'IQH' lo 311 co;on l• tl!'r 11.. for tht• .Tuly ol-cl"·o•r,v, hut. 4 <"r 5 r~nt" per lb. 1 ~'" fo t· lh l' ne w rrop (le· I i\·erics''

Th~t nmw< thnt .\rn~r iro hns only suf)lcient c:ot.tou. fo r· its own consumption, and that we lun·l' '' ~rrr bill' nll•~i !Jilih· in ft·ont. of us if tho• rolion in<l11~trv in Ourcn~land is hnutllcd in n righ t mlinnC'o-, fir~l of 11ll by

Page 35: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

Oot.ton lndmtry, E tc., BiU. [8 Ocron t: a .] Appren!icr11ht71 Bill.

tha Govemmcnt, and then by C\'ery nssistaneo bt•ing giv<'n lo the grower- EO that thu giu· ning of col ton w ill not be too co.th-. \\'o ~hould then make n ~pecial ciTo t·t 10 cstabl ish as soon :1~ we possibly can the manu f11cturc of l"Qttou gouds i n our own Sta.tc. (Ilear, hl.'lll' !)

:\lr. DASH: W o n lc1 yo u bo in £:n·nur o! p t·oltihit.ing ch ild lubour?

1-lt. EVWARDS : T h:tt io 11 1nnU••t· fat· ll•c• Gcwurumont .

'l'lw Sl:'E.\KER : Will the hon, lttt•ntbl' t' co11flne hi. rt>mnr!cs to tho Jll"O\'i.iotts ,,( thu Gill, which t.lekls principally with thl' qU<'S· tion o( ratooning? •

;\I r. ED\\' ARDS: I ha\.. .;ertninl· dealt "itlt tlml queation. uud 1 ~hnll !ll.'al ·, tlh 1l hgn in. It i1 n most irnput·tnnt mou"r to q1"'"n.lllnd. Rllti the jrl'owers u£ cotton ha\'" b('ell t,p·c.outly harn~cd by t he lcgir lutiou pntsrd ln~t ~·car.

Jr1 couuln;ion, l hope thM the :\ I u, i~lN' in tht1 futut·o "ill no t be p rcjudic:~d agnin~t tlw opiuious c. [ pr ac·t ical IIH' n 011 tlus ~1du o f th(l llt)ttst•. H t! wi ll in 1hut way not onl" >11' !' himsf'l f a good d~n l of l. I'OLtblc, hut \\ i:J nlso ~a.vt• t he •·o t ton .gruwcr~ u nd t ho lll' illllli'Y l'tCJill'!'l'S g"lll'I'D.lly IL lot of iurOll\'NIIl'l ( in t'01uln1wn wi th his ll'gislaticn. l f hC' li,tcns in the. opiuinns of the Oppo.idon ho will not lrtSc ,o murh ~Jeep a t night, ami I nr. • suro t lw 1 "" hn~ a !fteat deal o£ worr•· about thi• nutlt!'r. If not. he certainly mu;l b p1·ct~.·· n n rcl. qu rnt· as the primary p•·odut't'l'S of thi• Hl•lll' nre cont'crnct.l. 1 hopo th~t ht! will nut di~r~gard the amcndntC'Ill• ,. hi••h t lw Oppositiou will move, lJut will t'rlnO\'o.' tht· ban on ratoon coho1t in Quc,·.1slund t•n t irdy.

i\1r. COSTELLO (C'w·"uro''ll>): T mu~t <.'on­g t·otulnt..J t he i\linis tcr o n int rodncill!f t his Gill. which i• a fulfilment o £ thl.l a rg umcnt ro£ t h<' llppo•it ion nnd of dw coUon·gt'u\l'ur•. ;\inw o1w !TIDY rcql sat'i;;ficd t hut •·•ttoon cottoa o1· tho co~ton indu~try gcn!'rnll.v i~ going to (:tlt n. l1'1sl at lnst at tloo hands o£ th lll't><~nt Govcrnmf'nt. Like m ~ .. Jr. tl~t• t·rol· r1·~ did not like tb<' intl'olluc·tion or INcc. Lost ~"•~ion the Uo•·,rnmcut fnrccd lhrou~h this Honoc legi~hstion ,. h\'t·t b,· a fail trinl was not S'l\'l'n !.<• the cot'ton· !(rower•. You will rt'memht•r tho• nnrtlll11'11t~ we u'••cl. W<J ~aiel thnt tho !;I'OWC1'S li11•l lx •11 lrmnd I'(U d t without baying tht>it <'ASC hcnrtl, Jnd the Minister ciescl'ihcd the hon. tnl'tuhN· Cot· Rt~rnC'tt and the cntton-growrt·• in t hr' ('l•ntr nl nistrict AS agila tOI'8. } <'IV lhl'y \ CI'U al( il,ntors i ll the best k~ll80 or j ltl: WOI'< J. :\1!111,\' !',' <'CJWC 1'8 iu the ho11. mrmbc1··~ ol ir tril•t . nd in l h(• Dnwson V al l<'y wc> nt th!'1'" ' ' ith rllf• >ul" irl, l ' of !"•·owing <·otto n , 1111 d il is very unfortunn te that ony fa rnH'o' in nny loll'! of (Jurun•lam] Pbou1d UCJ)C'lld 011 ••.>ltOro ;dnn<'. Tlu• iclt•a th;~t "'" cnn comtwtr to a.nv t'"''1lL i11 the 111Atkt't5 of rho worltl i~ o.1h• n. 111,\ th. lln\\ 1'\'Cr, WC A re• (>Ill Ill l(i\'1' 'tbt' Go\'(•rnmrm t'\'CD' cncourogr:lll'lll 1 hi' time. oucl 1£ rntoonin~ is a. failt1ro thcv cnn hlarno lltl' f:>rm!'r< and the Oppn,irinn· fot• lo ''in~:" noh'nC'nto•ti it. They <'all •ny tlwt 1ht• r!'.pon•i· ildity i• on tl11• . f:JO'llH•o n.ud thr 0ppll•ition !·•'""""" tl1P .. tlc'mllnrlrtJ p o•t·mi· ion to l!l'llw rhi• clo ' of t·nlton. \Vr. r,n n11r J)1ll't. ' ''" •tund to ntn· ~ltrrs aud Phnw thnt p lnn t rot ton j~ tiOt f'(Oil1jt IO be l1 SUOC<'H, '11', Il l 1111\' I'UI''• '"'.vt l t iro ~; l i k ·~ t he ln rC'cc-•~ tltl" Go,·r i·u n,~ut I Xfll't'l•d.

Th" ro 1'1111"1' lm•: 11•1 C(llill'o)l Ol\'1'1' lllO

dimnli<' conditions. whirh ran ''C'r~· cou-iJC't'-

abb niT.:ct lh • pro•p<'CI ,~ of suC('r~s. This uten nnt l"' nu itnport:Hit on,~. nnd ~l•nutd lta,·C' :1 lonrricd Jl:t<.<at;o' lloruu~h the llomc. The pC'oplt• n1·t• nnxiou>h· wutt ing to ~~~· the Bill pur ir.to t'IT<'ct. L do nor i Ht nu to rl.:bure thit· nHitlt·r on,\· l ~ r1!!'1'r . a th•' .Bi ll has bt'ell discn>"'d nlmo•t fhrt•ndl.-tr,:, . I hope that it wi ll 1'1 • t tll '" the Ht!'Cf.:.SS lh ut we lonk Cm \\ .J.t'd to. t~ur~tion-Ti o;ol t h • llill "" now l't!ad n.

srec11Hl tinrP·-p ut n11ll pns•• tf.

Tht> ('011~ i ti!'I'IIIIOII or tlw Bill ill <.:ommitft·e wa~ m:nl" 1111 Ordl't' 11£ the Du.v for to­utorrow.


(Jlr. !•o!f,tk. f:rt!f'''''· in tin rhnir.) On nPw cluu•<' ill'l'l'" {I loo fo!l01 olau5<' 25,

l'cading-., J::,·ery !'1 qllO)'!'I' ~hall bt' eutitletJ to

l"tnplov ut I '"t ouc• npprenl icc '' -0 11 wh ich . th" , \ r•romoa:r -Gil!<f:lt\ u (H on . .T. :vt11l lan , Plioultr. ) hntl 1uoved i hc foll<Jwiu!f amcuduH'IIt :-

" A t t.ho J.,•J'illiHilll o£ t he elauso insert the words-

. Subjrct. 10 nn~· uw~rrl of 11te Court.' "

The• SECRF:TAIH' 1'0R PC RLTC WORKS (lion. \\'. Jo'OI'lfftn Smith, .1/ ttrkcl!/) : w .hen this Bill wa~ l'e('ommittcd on u prcv10us uacasio11 I ,. Ill' ob•<•rol frotH l'nrliamcnt owing to nu olluc•k of 1110m•n·•n. and on lol'Oin~t throu,~h tiP Bill in the offl•·c jt was found that ~omcthin~ odtli t io wl was necl'S· 1'urv to thc n('w c'l Ause thnt wus agreed to in tcorrun itu:oc. ,\ n nntcndnl<'ll t wns ruovetl by the Al't<>rn t·y·G r nvrn I 0 11 111y s nggcstion o ver the l<'lr.: phmlt'. [ lllld!'l'5tlllld that t h e re \I'M mrnro ohj!'ct i <)D to t he P''''Po•ro n.mcnclmcmt ll!O\' •tl hv lTI" collcnlfu<' n~ it "'~~' ft.' lt t hat it wr.< n;J! 'd(·~i1·nbl !' to '~tivr lh!' Arhitrntion Court thnt 1\tl<litionol pnwc.o1·. T take it that wa~ tho• bn~i~ of ui<I'U<.<iou. I run j')Tl­jlR1'e<l tn with!lro\< that 11 1 nclm<'nt. " ith a 1 iew tn •'-lb•lituling nnuth••r. l propose to ~uhs;itotl' tht· wn1·rl•. ·• SubiN·t to this Art." Th<> r·lan• \\ill tlwn 1'C'Utl-

" Rnlojt>ct to this Ad 1'\·rp· "f!tplo.n•r •hnll lw <'fii t lrd to <'lltJlloy 01 lt>n~t onf' appl'f'u tif'fl."

11 is uPI!r . .;•:Jt·v that t '111t urncondml'nt b<• ins!'!' lo•d to mu k~· thP rourli l inn~ of apnren· licrshi p l(t'lll' r ull y npplirnltl··· rr loon. 11ll'll1-bel·~ w ill turn to t•lnu~<· 17 nnol clause 23 they will '"" fhc IH'rr.,itv for lh<' llll'IC'n drr nt. Clnu•" 23 .•rl ~ nu t th·,, nuo lr o., J cl11 li c•~ of tho r•mpln:'<' l' nml tilt' n1) t'l ~:tirl'. l1 c·roJrlr--

•· Tltt• l'lltl'lllv<'l' of r•\'t'1'Y uppr!'uticc >h<tll II'AI'h •nth nprr<•Hlir<> "'r •·nu<" hin1 fl\ hr 11\!l!!ltl th:' 11'AII•' 1'1' iudU~IrV Or 11rnl'•" nnly. or :•nrt run nf •urh frAtl•• or 'rodu•tt· in rl'letiontn \\hi,h h" ishmm<l nppr,'ntiet'."

('Jau~•' 17 111'0\'id• foo· thr intlr•ntur"s of ap,n' ••ttirc,hin ~1111 tho• t'<•llolit inn• o f <~()(11'!'11 · tict·~hi o. Slllil•lll tl • (~l pot.drlr• .. -

"Th~' "'t'llliP r IIJf.JittP " <:(llH'Cl'IU'tl. 0~"" if tlwl'l' i• l'o !Ct'Oi lP t'onnnittrr•. tn• Dit·•·~tur of Lulutllr. ,Ja•ll hu '' '' pnWf'l' to t nn f,.,· " " ~lllil'l"ntil" · ft•Jtn 01101 ""111!0.\('t' 1\1 tt110tlW\' t'i 1hfl l' rf"lllllOrnt·ih• 01 Ol'l'1'10111'11th-

VI/ H th•' ; ... q,Ju:·cl' Jnl<; nr>l provide

llo11. 11'. Por!Jftn Smil7t. .

Page 36: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

14!0 .4pprentrcesliip Bill. [.\SSE:\IBL Y".]

t!u· "·c·- r~· fnciliii<•s for thr npprcn­ii,,.,. to l lt'('fliiH~ p•·ofit•icut iu hi~ ta·:!dc~ or

(11) l' rt<>n thr• illlt•lic•ution ,r thr> ~~ op ln_v t' 01' tht• tr ~'l~'''"fll'l' ltll' ~;und t'lltt ,.t.' ::hu' u.''

fL will b~ $Nm that it is m•t•'S~ti1'Y lo hn,·o lho~.· •ukgu.,rds m .dc 11LJf'lliCrtbfo rn ull for•ms o ( upp t•t,ll ti~t•;hip in<l<•lltU1'•'"· lf Lh<l 11<'" r i D11~c ""re ullowecl to "'' "Wi ll 11. i~ ,,..,. 5tlwd~. it I'.'Ould rn<•nu that 1111 C'< lll'lnvr •· would lw c11titlcd to on oppl'<'ulirc. w r~tber· he hall thc rrru,·r•llit'u<:c;,> to trl\111 th•L ~rpprcn­rir·l' ur 11M. ami would not bt- sul.tjr'll to the rl'lnr.litinn o' :hr inclrnltH'<'~ in rt'lntrOu t.o tll<' ~uLjr·· • he thortld be taught. 'l'ht>rr \ l'l•lllfl br IIG I'OIIII'<ll 0 \'I'T hi111 witlo rc-;.(ard lo training thl' boy nt thl' Tr•rhuir·nl C•J II<'~•· in an •• · suhjrcts rhal mi~.thl be dt<·rrwtl nr•cr·-~u ry. T hat is thr• reu'on for rhr addition to lb t' clause tlurt 1 proflOSe. 1 n~k leave t" withdraw the- nmeurlrrwnt nrm·r•<l lov thr> .4\Hot'llO\'·Gelll'l l l\l "ith c~ vi~w to inserting before th~ word " Every " the words-

" Subj()d to thi~ Act." Amundn1cnt (:llr. Jlul/tw ), b ·· lc•n''(', wilh·

<lrn wn. • Tht• ~~CRETARY FOH l'PBUC WORKS

(lttln. W . Fnr("u•.• Smith, .tluc~·.,u): 1 bog to mo1··· tl11• folluw111g am~ntlmc•nt 10 the: nrw C'l~n·t' iu•••t'INI to follo1' rhur~,. 25: -

,, On t ·U. e 11. ut tlw b••tt""""~ o f tlut Ut',~ cl:\ I"'" ~fu1>t• tlw• ~\Ortl • (~Vlr\"" • iu~t•rl the word-;--

• SubjN·t tv tl•is Act.'''

)lr fl(lB Jm'l'S (l·:fiM 'tllllll'flf), bn): rn the frw min_ut• ·~ _1l1nt 1 htwr h:ul ~n ovpot·tun ity o f luol.llll,\' rnt.IJ tlw amcnrlm,•llf it w onlrl ::I 'll'''\ t n 11 1·in:hr. but tht•r·o i~ ju ~t I ho po~~ i­lr illty tl1Ut 'H' 111 :1 ,1' cJi~C0 \'1'1' ufl('l' Wl' hU \'1.' Joo:. ••rl furlh t- r iuto it that it i~ not wh~tL w e n,,.,11·c.

:\J r. :. 11~\\F.rr. : llt•ar. h~o1·!

){r. RORERT:'\: h thc• ) [i niM('r prepared to ~tty I httt any tradl.'sman 1'3 rr~·ing on ~~ trn•lc or· C':tUing wHI be t'n<lbltel und~r this flmcnr.Jr,.Pnt to cnl!agc :1n n;l!'"Cnt i,c? II thot i~ th~ posi ti<HL ir "all d11•n l'<'>t ,, ith th r• authoriria·~ >rl up UtHirr r b~ "Rill In " " w"rt!11•t· tllltl I"'"'"' i< nnr·rv . ing out hi • obli'!utions [11ithfullv in the inrrt·<'~ l ~ of the uppr,.nt irc. If the :\Jiui,t<'t' • tlhWt'l'• my qur>fio•• in the uffi r·mativ ·, I

sh tr ll h" ' 'C 110 objection to lh" nmrudmurat. If the qut' ticur a~ to whl'lrl l<' t' nn " ' llllio:vc-r can Ink;· •.n 1pprenti<' .' <J l' nul i~ (pfl t.o some hnunl. thNl th !' po;;ition i• not~~~ w•• d t-~irl' . Jf wn~ Htatf'rl by hon, mombr·v~ on this ~ idc 11f 1!11• C'ornnritt N• botl1 on the ~rconcl t'Naclin:r nnci clur'll'v. the Committt'e ~log<' of the Dill that lh 'Y<' ,·:ere •• nuntbl'r of 111rn. pnrtiru· lnrlv in thr C'ountr~. o·ng;l!t!'d in ,·aricnr9 occupuliun•. wbo " 'l're cully capablt• of tokinl!' nn ~Pill'l'nhre. aud w~ want pron•ion to bo mod,. , -llC'tcby .uclr rncn rnn cnt~'r' into 1\ form of iutl~11 turc with no apprentice.

T h,. SF--RF.TA,RY ron PrroL tr W oRKS· If r ou do not p11t in tlw nrncndrtnnt thnl I su~f.:~'st, tlic t·o will ln nn nblil!nrinn n11 thl' P111 ploy<!r to cn ll'r int.o any indr nlm·r. \I hntc l'l'l'.

:\11'. 110BE'R'l'S: As thr low ,tnnd~ nt -,wr·~t•lll, no rnaiLer how 1h·~i rom, Lha t IWTSCIJ1 muy bt' to impart l1is knowlerlr;11 to o lad. or· ho w n nxious rhc PM'I'nts <•£ thr• lntl nro to hu,·r him apprenticed to thnr pct•son, ho

[TT?n. F . Forgan Smith.

cunnot rul:c on nn nppr•entioc. \Ye de-ire rhat t•\'l't'Y pl't 1111 cngtii(Cd IQ 11 t_rade or call­;,tl! "''" <'1111 11.1k1• uu nJitln•uurc ~J.nll be pc ronit t.•J to rlo .o.

'J'IH• SV.I'HF.Till\ rott l't m.w Won~<s: it ;, tl ir:it' rlt 1U ~~;et ptuplr• 11'1 lake drc·it• quot" ul " l 't>h.' l t lit-t~< nrow. Fvt· exunapln, tl•c ho11. '''~mbr•t· fur· Tuowor1g hrts lllll. nny ut all.

i\ l t•. HODEHTS: 1 do 111>t lu rtlw wh,·thl'r I ~ it ecl thi, v.ltc•n IIH• llill wu~ iu it$ ~"i'Ond H·ndiug ~tn~''· hul J kno• tfu\rl'. ~re. Juet• '' J.o :Sa.v-ntul lht•V ho, (' Fo1ne JU .. tJhl·nl IOn­that tl;rorrgh warit or int.u·est on th<. pan l)i ;1\1110 nf llrl' Crn['IOYPU. ht'y 3<1' COt (11'1'­l'lirC'd to nel'~pt upprcn ticcs. They aro t•t'I'JI:trcd to han• r•ornpctcnt men and va" ~hu 1 h •nil.x·<i wn._, :. .\1{1\in, j£ .the ~rl.mratton l'um·t •11 ~1'<1 i1 mlldo too hrgb, tf thl'rc IS 1 ot going to bl.' son11' i nclucl'mcnt for the r•111ployc-r tu take upprC'tUiccs, he \\ill no~ rlv so.

Tht' &tenET .nv 110R PI:'BLJC "ORKS : Ar~ . n ta nr·gtLing thnt nr.r l'mplo;·c r shvultl lu~;va mu· !tppr•euti<••' n nrl 1g nore the aw~rd whrch J•I'N'CribL':I the 1\'ILQ'C tlf t h ll :tjl(/ l'C'UllCe·?

i\lt·. ROBERT::;: Xo. The 8tmtwr.IUI' 1-'0R J't l.lttc "'o:RSS: Then

" hat ure you u.1·guiug Y

:\[r. RORERTS : .\ bu•ine!>s man is r nturull ' ' out to utakt• his business pay. ~nd if he b .. .s to Jlll." a compctl'm JOan u ht~h w:~.,;-c u.nr.l lll•o hn. t o pn,Y to the appr~nuco a '• age "hieh i~ too ltigh, he ('1\UP.ot nffvr~l tn nlluw tlw ron•(Wh·nt mnn to spl•:tt! Ius tirnc tntinir.({ thr ntlfHr•ntic •. Tiwn· i, ne> indur't' IIWIII iM tlw cn.ployl'l' tv t.rko• 011 "l' l'"''"ticllo. The l'ntplo ,.,. i ~ nr,t Jikr· 1_1,.. Uo,tcrnl!u~ut wl11'n tltc' l'nn au ''Ot )'t'tu·tsu ~ucl h1tH the ,.,.h,,lo ,.;.,,Jtl r o[ the> :'tllt•' "t tl•c·ir bod:. A11 t)lllll loycr mus~ bo in the r :tsition 10 pu;· Jti,; WILIJ<>·

'f'lrc• !'iwur.T,IRI' r()n l'l'llLIC \\on,;s: I ar.l111it !\,o t uo onu is in bu~int•M for the goo,l of hi~ ]lNlhh.

Mr. lH111RilTS: Thnt i• s•'· and l take it t hrro• m<Ht be .omc innucl'nwnt fur the• "'"I'Jo, er tu take on 011 at>tlft!lrtieu. It 11 oultf loc u, ,·er~· lln~ 'fli1·i1, and so m <' f!1C'n <ll~ire to do it tO·(Iav. to talce en ttppr•:r1111'"i r.ud tt·~·n thl'lrl fur d1r good of thl' . tah'. lout a lnr,irll'•' Oa!\n mu•t ~bow 11 fll·ofil. I£ the 'n~c uf thr· Otlprcntrrc i' mnt!l' too lrigh. tlr ~n· is notluntr rn iL fN· tht' <'111ploycr.

[ undc•·stnurl thnt ii n 1111111 has rmp!llYl'I'S, h.• will prolmhl,v lat' rumpC'_ll,.rl to lnkc ll l•[l •'t'lrlict'S, wiH'thr·r IHl rlesrr,s llt"nr 01• Not. ' L'hat will hi' nrost, llllfOr'IU11 3t<·. rr n tHtlrt i• t•nnniug ·~ busi uu~s .nd is quite prcp<ll'l'l.l t•J pr •. v lire \\' Ill;\'< . prcsc.-ilJrd . for l'~mpHe•J t mo' ll •·nthl'l' thnn take tltJP~·c· •trC(' . );,. h<>lllcl lor illloi\I'U to clo 80. l lowc1 t'i', tlo;tt J rr· 1.ot ~·cuwl'r·n mo at the mom~rtt uL.Ict· this dnu,c.

Th!' :::tciiP.TIIH' FOO l'llll.tC W ORJ\!;: Th•• t ~nrlm<'ltt th•1t f prO)lflf.l' m~tkP• the •'J:lpioy.

Oll'nt of orprPntk"• ~ubi••ct t ~ the other pr·o,·i -i on~ in 1 h" Dill.

:\'rr•. IH1DI~rlT!" : Tf [ ,,, . ., "''"·king at n tr de. • 111ltl T lakr on 11pprcnticc willtout tunkin [! npplia·ntio:a to •Onl•• b• .n •·<l. J)I'•Hic.IPrl 1 took tlw l'C~Jlf>l•Eibi\ity uf tra••hinl{ that Vl\uth m1· l r:~ u~ ? 'Th~ bonrc.l, of ,.,,nr·<>·. : oult.l hrwr the right o[ rnt.,•v ~nd of l'•lin!( th,• tt ppr·enticc. ns i~ provided by lhr• Bi ll. H f hat i~ •o. 1 hu vo 110 ol,jcctiou.

Th,.. ~t:C'liET ,nY r:on l ' t' tlLtc "'onxs: Xo "'"' <Jict.,tcs wlrn t .. pprruticcs you arc I>\ tnk• now.

Page 37: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

App1·e1tticeshvp BiU. (8 Oo:ron£R.] An renticr ~h ip Dill. 14-47

2\•rt·. RllBERTS: The ln w at Jl l'<'SC'nt s<trs thnt u !1ttmbcr of (t·adc;; cannot hM'l' nn~· a ppn'lltiees a t all.

The SECRETAa\' m11 Pt;BLTC ~~omc : Thnt ·:s llonscnse.

1\>l' r. 'RUBERTS: \Yh· n Ute Bill w~t blfot'i• ihe Commi rtl'•) on Jll'l\· iouo c>cca;;ion . ~nd whrn di>cn,.sing the Eslirnatr-' o! th.• Ot•· partmen t of l'ttb1ic \~'orks, !to11 . rn"mbct o~ th~ Opposit irHl. pointNI m:~ th ,• t thC't'" nro "'Onw 5ix t (lon or RPYmltCf'u in(in~i.J' i o~ iu \l'hi<•h All l'l!lf' IO)'I'I' CMIIlOt •IMil'l' nn:; cir· ~~~m~l ~nc'l'i\ hnH•. !111 dl1pt'CII~it'e LU11P•~ t h C'I'•' t> a )an•·nryrn:\n wor t ntg 111 the plac·~ n~ well o" the cm]llo~rr.

~lr. H 111TLEY: What iradcs lll'P thl'y?

lll r . ROR8Tl'J'S : 'l' ht>rc uo·; n numbt>r of ll·tu.lc•s. oow in p1u-t.icpln r f,hut conll•$ to 111~· noirorl i' t·IH• 6ndti1Pr,v nncl~.

'l'h•• StcneTArtY ton PrBLTI': \\'on,;~: l'ncl!'t' thi' £\ ill " >addlc r will lJa ,·c till' r i ~ltt to t•mpla.' ' 11n npprcrttic<.'.

:\!To-, ROBERTS: I \\'RS n;:;kNl \\h ·I ro·ncl~;; thr·y 1\'f'l'r'. nnd I instanced t he st\Cl!IIPry tt-n.dr•. TJt" j l'lvt'llr•r,v t•·uclt> i;; nno1h1 . Th" vu~ 1 l•wrt> "' pt'rlc>rt~C o f is the sudc.llcn lrn<lo, "'hC•r·<' • ntn~ll'r' •u lcli('J' wantl'd t•1 t:1k•• on an npprcuti~e, but he was not veron i tt€'d l l'l do a bt•canse nr)clN i·h<' I JJdtr•tr ilol :'\t·l,itl':t t ion Ac:t tht• snrldlet·s of Qnccnstln tl 11 ~ d ltgtP<'cl iltni·, uuloss n ma~t•• •· S<tddl('o· " ''" • •rnplo~·i11~ n jltlll'l'l<'.~ntan. hi' root!<! ow r tll kc• " " nn n;IJW"n i ic•r. li Hw :vf iJt istN i$ Jll'<'· I ":L rl'tl t-o a ~~ ~~ ~·~ hon. 11H"1l1hf\1' ·• on (hi~ ;1,1 .... lhttt tltar tr••r .. on will hrtY<' ''"' ritdn In t•rnpln,l' an apprcntic·' 1111 riC'r Or i, Dill r,nd h" nlrjct•o In tt ll th" condition• t lrH r• onnl n\'l:• t•,;

r\1'1' qubj"..t to under th<' Hill , we >hall ha1 '' uotlo inq- fur lhl'r to ~ay on tho 11rr:hc·1·.

J\h·. 1\fOQH F. (:t uiJiiJ".") : 'l'o 11ry mincl tlw '11'"''\dn\t'lll JH'oposl't.l h; · I h() St•t·r·t•tu ry r,,,. i'uloh c, "'odes i ~ rxnc'lh· tl o<• :;all tC' as rhnt :•t'l'''il')u,;h prflposrd hr Hw . \ tlm·nl' -f :o•ttl'l'ttl . oxo·OJll tbn l tlw wording- is n littlf' tl i li'o•.-.. n•. T do not .<~~ 11"· nbjcl<'t of 1\Uttillt; 111 th1• wo o·cls .. Suhje<'i, tn !'In:< A cl." J t 1111 ' I ho•

·•· ~uhjt•t•t 16 th is ,\ N ." The ' holr Hi ll d t•als ' , i1h AP!H~<~ntir-et~, f)nd thC'rc io.; uo orvu!in:) lO pnl in thn•c word~ nt tho Lcgi!ln ing of th i~ . funst'. ('lnusu 1 n·nclA- • ·

"This .~et <lonll b<• ~itt>tl a" 'Tlw .\ ltp rC'nr ircsiri p .. \ r·t n[ 192-1,' auol >hnll uu 1'!'l1ll as <HI!' wi th ' Th" J ll<lusn·ir.l .\ rbi­t m timo • .\f't~. \916 to 1923.' "

.is T "'"1C't·stnnd il. th~ .\o·hito·rttinn Coul'l will d.-, ilk M to 1 heth<' t' 111o crn plo.\ 1'1' en fl ::>111plo.1· a!t ·1PPrl'n licc> or oto t. or wlt •·t l1,... the• t•mpk• r ct· i• !toiug to h<' und<'t' tiJ.> o ld ·nil· ditiow;, ntul Lhc cout·t will dPcidc• how m a Ill' jr>UJ'lll',l'fltt'll tHn~t Le l'ntp lu,yNI !)pfnt'•' ui1 :lj)JII'om1·i•·" f'O IJ b(' c•n1pltlyNJ. Tlw nno('flti­I!H'fli 1111'\·cd h.v the 0Pltn,. it inll ···hl'n titf' I.lill wa; aoing tl o rot.~gh f'nMoni ll•'<'. and wh il'h wn." <l •'<·<'pt<'d U.l' thto i\Iinislt'•·, 1nok ,, . ·.v from tlh' .-\t·bihlllion Court tht· t' i ~tl oi to ' "" locn1· ffi!Lil,\' jou rncymC'n sh~ll loc•' t•m l lln~·C';I ~>efOJ'<' >l n npp rnntico muy bt• cmplo~"r-tl. n nd rr gn.Yl• l•YCt·y crnployC'l' the chnliCf> 10 nrunf<11' an ~pnrcntir•• ovcon if he tlirl nut r·•· trio~· an.v j crtJJ'Il!lYJnt•n at all. The nmc!ldnJct!t movpol l•.v d tC' i\ltm·nr .''·C<'nc-r:tl tn ll•nl;v it 5nb.ir:t to lhC' At·bitralion C'olll'l di 1l ""'d'' with t.h<' who le obje<'t of 1 he am< "dmr·tit mov£><1 b1· the flppMition . n t.t.l whi~lt wa< n.c~l.'pted )1y tloc :\1inistP. r . Tlw l\1ini•rPr ha~ now wil hrh·awn the antl'JHin rc• tt llw,·o•d b1· t he Altornc>,v·GPnt•ra l. at rd wi~ht•s t ll uh;:t 1-.tl.l t C anotltet· which i.; <'Xartl·· <il,:i:ut· i11

r-lfcrt nlthough a littl<~ diffrrnrttl~· worrh•tl , 'I11i~ Bill is for thl.' pur)loSc' of ,., ;(eo In t ing ttppr·pntit.1(\S,. tUHl f he IH'W PlHll' C insf"'df)tl ~tftcr clau~o 25 on whith th is nml'\: drtr ~ nl hM IJl'~n ll:nvetl rends-

" 11 '''' ''" ('m)) I IJ \ '1)1' shall hi' enti t! L'<l W r'mJlloy ~l l ra~l · on<' l\ )>jH' .nt i, ~."

'1'1-w n'r,v 1'o~d rlausu suys-"Thc:~ ~,Jiui~tt'r . . mn.y upn ly

to tl11• court t<J n1a ke ~uch im·t•>.tigat iott aud oL·rletr as 1nnv Le d l*Plncfl r1irt·PS:Oi\tv 1o prnn it or ·•·p4u it'" ur11· "'"J'lln.l''''' to <'mploy siiC·h fm•thro• uumlll'>' o f a[rprcn­tic('::oi ~ ~ fllHS IJQ din'<"ft'd. ''

Tho.t makl i t n~rF<'c' t , ly clt>rct•. ~nw iiHl C\tiniHl't' wn r.ts to t•ttt iu tl tc wrH'd5 " Sub]r:•·t l e' th is \t:l.''

T lw SEt'HF:T.\RY FOR Pr11r.1r \ \.O'R''": I n C·t·clc>r to mal"' it (•lc•ar th:ot. it is •• ~ulljt'c-l w tltil' .-\et."

:Y.!r. ~10URE: TL makr•. it ouhjc•u\ to the • 1.t·hitration <..'ou1't rothct· ihan "S11bjert to :h is Act."

'f' hc f>~CIH-:1'ARY FOR PtmLTI'' v;·OJ!K:'; < 0£ t nut·:;c i11 •·t'g'ttnl to hours of .. til'k a1td we:•g·c::;­:qrp t•cmtit••' < w·i ll b~ ~ubjeut to 1hc• awal'd~ of tiH• \rlo itr·11t io n Cuurt. h lnnt wi;nt. you obju·1 10 ·~

:\J t·. MOOR;;; : 1 l\111 nol objcc•t.ing to that I Jll11 ovi«cling to m:lkillg tlotl llUlllbc•t• o f 1\ppr .:nticc•s who ha ll be ~rup loy<'d . in any tradl' dcpcllch•nr on the uonnbPr of JOI! rnc.v· mon, which ,. o11ld lll~kc 1hi~ c l<tnsc inopera­tr\·e. Siuc!' th i. r lilu$0 wot ot through and th~ $11g'~(',<ji•Jl1 Ill J ltN i t \1' >1 ~ tfltHJC, J hll.VB loud ~ ixr:· ot· ~<'l'f'IH·:· lrth~1·s n~ki ot; me to clo C'VI!r .vth inu T could i1.1 sco 1 hat the <'In use II'~'Ul tht·ou.~;h i11 tiH' ' ' ay in wl.ic·h 1t wns nr• <'Ptcci b,l' rhe l\Iilljstt•r. 11- was whal m;my neOJ>lt! had hccu looking for- people who had bl'en ~ndcnYourfng to P,<•t the· I r boys IIJinJ'~'n l i~NI 1·1'1 onc-rnau .s i1<1J1~. an<i w ho ,brirN.I tho matl<>r 10 be l~ft in thar position.

'l'ho S~CJ 1:1'AHY l'OR T"trar. ru \\'onKS: You ~aJ you have reCtliv~il s ixty ot• SPvcrtt.v lc.lt.e r~?

Mt·. "!\£OOrE: Yc•s; I have r;.,, lnttcrs from nwn em,,io} t•d in !1 o~ 'fnrnYacmha 1·ail· wny <Jistri<'t, who \\C r l' JHII' I irulul'l.Y int.f'l'f!~t.crl i 11 lhl• rnan~ t·. 'J' hc fir>!: ~lting I W!\S ask(Jd wh!'n T wcnl. home. at I he wcc•k ~nd ";as ' · Dicl tlmt r!a u.•c about the number o f n npt'l'lttioc,; go through~, . They I'.'Cl't.~ \\'Dtch · iug tho} mul tcc int·pntl.v. b~r-s.llRC it was ll vital qul''i ion a,nd o nr in whi<'h they were -def>ply Jlllerostcd. Il: su~ms i.o me Lhat tlw Mimst.er i . t'r ll lCai'Ou t·ittg t'l sN·UI'C wha t t.he Attot:noy· General moved far , but ilt nnothcr ,.·ay. I

kraow t ltvt r res~ll l'(' b.v 00(' or two L5 p .tn.] ot·ganisations ha~ bt>ou brought

t o h<'!lr, in "''I]"'' th u l. rni ;; uiausc ~houkl no l be allowed to go tll!'ough in the wa y in whic-h i l. Will; arc'·pt.cd h.v j.hr: Mirois· le •·: W• hearo ht)n. mcmb!'rs opnosi ll' object·· ing {.o t it',! olan'e O'~ing. tl~t·ong;h i11 thut fo~m, h• rnuse 11, wa satd l i, would bf\ Lr'l ~kmg agrocmeuts that were al o·cad: · C:l otornl 1nto. I tl1i11k th<' c lnt.IS'! is pod~r·t.ls rlt•!H n~ it is. It i~ in t hi• Bill, and. being in the B iJl. i t mu•t b" ":S~tbjcrt to the ro 11 di t.ions Clf thi~ .\r·t.'' The hoa1·cl whi,•h is t.o be an poin!o::d must hu ,.c j uri~diotion to ll>:'e wbotJwr un r•r oployel' is training his app t·<'ntico pt·o­pcrly and '"hef.])c r he hu;< ilto r roper machinct· for tha t purpose. J 1 hiuk the C'lauso i~ c?ffcctivn without. tmttin~ in the addi· tional words dcsit·ed bv t he Minister . l tv u A.fra.id t·he E>xrra four· worch; arc :roing t.IJ destroy the object we had in y iew in roo,·ing

1Y11·. M oore.]

Page 38: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

HIS Apprentiaship Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] A pprcnticul ip Bilf.

tlte now cl~ use, which f Wa.' glad Lho ){inislcr ni'C~:~tctl. Tt is not a question of tho Minister's pc•·sonnl opinion, but of ouliidc pressure from org:misa tion~.

The SEC'ln:TAIW Fon P~:BLIC \\'onRS: 'vVhat ocll ~idc pr<:>'~ u1·c co~tld there bo wloon 1 'l'llS ut my own home?

Mr. )WORE: T.,ct.t.cr~ from fl ifi'e ••rnt Ol'ltfll1iMriuu~ who nujt'Ct<'d In t ltu cJuuse going thmugh.

T he s~rRET.\RY ~OR Pt'IILTC Won~;s : D<) Y0\1 think no one hos any righ~ to wnlc to we?

Mr. ~.LOorm : X ot at all.

't'hc ::>zt RE'!' \RY ron l'I:BLtC Wom;s: You sl\y you got sixty or ~C\'entv lclll'rs. [ rocaivcd no letters i n conn('(:tion with this mnltt'r.

::\Ir. i\ IOOnF.: 1 rccci,·t'<l b"' lcUt'rs from o•·g•lnisntion~ in Rrisbnnc which ~tato<l that they h ud communicated with Hul Sccrctn•·y fo •· l'ublic \V01·ks .

The SECRETARY ron Ptl!Lit: Wollt\&: I rece ived nouo whntcv~r.

Mr. MOORB: 1 suppose your l .indc'r SecrC· tury opened them.

Tho SECRflT.\RY ran PraLtC Wonl\s: No. I told yon definitt'ly tbat I ha.cl no letters from nii!'OIIO llt a.ll about this claU!•C.

Mr. MOO:R.E: They notified mt' lhot lh~!· wore communicating 'vith the hoo. grotlcman :~.bout the matter.

The S&ellt:TARY ron Pt'BLIC \Voal\S: They may any anything to you.

~r. :\-!OORE: Thoy objc~tcd to l·ho cluu~l! golllg tlu·ou~th ns it wn~. and t.hought it still shonil.l bu subject to the Arbitration Court.

The SJ>.Cl!P,TARY ron Puauc Wom;s: Did t.ho letter& sny that?

~11-. l\lOORE: I su.y t.hnt. T he Lwo lcLtc•·s I JfnL from orgnnii'ntion~ oubidt> expre~~od do6mto opinions with regard to the number of npprcnt it>cs and jonrnc;•ml'n whirh shonld bo :dlowcd. and stH.tcd that, if dtis QIAusc went through ns i t was. it would opc•·atc harshly, and that. they did not wAnt to SC'l

i t go through. We wanted to establish U1c right of the

individual employer to employ un n~pren­tirc. [ 1\111 nfc·nid that that privi log<' is going to be jeopardised by the words which the Mini~tcr scel<s to insert.. Tltu Minister was very indefinite when he wliq bringin~ in th is n111endmont. FI'Om my point o ( vtow it is usclcijs to put ther,o four words in if it is only fot· the particular pu rpose lhc hon. B<.m tl P· runr1 tul'ntinnt•d. H tbe amendment is mado, the nppt·••nt.ircs employed undc1• t he clnuso mu~t rnrnc unde r other prol'i~i nnR of lhc Dill. The board will have complete jnri•· d iction without the \':ords desi red by the Minister bcinll put in. I£ it is nec!''ISRry to put those words in th is clau&l', it i$ ueces~ary '" nut th<'m in other clnu•t'~. 1'ho prin<'iple which wu cstabli;;hcd g ivin,:t th<1 riahl to an ••utplo''"'' tn t:~k~ an uporenticr. is ~roin~r 10 he jcnpnrdisrd by the four words tbo ?llim~tcr wish"~ 10 nut if'. I would like~ ll'gal opinion Oil thC' point 0 1' a d t'finile O.S&IHIIMI'f' rrnm fhO Ministn•·.

Mt·. i" l:\0 (T.".7,,): r ''l·t•·<•r• with t~" lt•t~<'•· ·· •>f t he Oppo<i tio11 Tt'l!nrrl i n~t thr utr•.un i1''! c1f t1H' anHJ:ndmc'"1. 1 thin l< tho "'"''1' •· :4uhj r•t to this Act •· nrl' suc·plu.ogc.

Th" !;rr-ne'I\ IRY >on Pouwc W onRs· Arc you ti• in!\' n l1•~al opinion or n Jlt>lit icul opininn?

[Mr. Jlf(lore.

:\h. KI:\G : Rnth. (f.nught~r.\ Th<' ~EC'n~TIR\' TOll Pt:nl.ll' WORKS: They

ofi,•!J do uot mi,, (Loughil'r.)

)£1·. KI:\G: Thl' :\li11i~h·•· in <'xnlo. ining 11"' nltlt'lldllll' lli ~u it l 1hnl it- ol.tj~<·t wlls tn •··~·•tr•' 11,., due ob.- ·1'\'lll'<'<' of clnusC' 23, wl,idc ILal \\l ilt mutunl clubl'il of " rnp loyel· ttl.tl :IJil •t·n ti~··· nnd fM the puc·po>e o[ "" 1'1'\'i n<:: 1111 t I h<' lli'<Wi•inns ••f C'lutt>f' 17. which rt'lnto~ In indrnl ur~s of uppt·cntice­ship. I "n11t to kllt>w whelht>•· lho•e> two ' nni! L'I'' fil 'i' th~ on!,,· Oll<'S whiC'h intlu(•ed tho )!i nii'lt'l' to tnO\'C thi~ arncndme111. I lhi11k 1hr1 i• ~Ontf'l!• int; cl•~ hl'hilHI lhl! whole thintr.

Ot~·O:<TTIO:< )b:llliEr.S: lfenr. ht'ar ~ Th<> SE: I!L'T\RV ~·on P!.:llfll' WOJli(S: The1·c

nH\~· lw •t>llli'lhiug t'l•t' U<'hincl Ill(' onposi­tion t o it

:\h. 1~ 1:\G: Oh. no! l nn1 jthl tlrhilt iug d w IIHHI •' '' •1< it uppt•o t·x to uP, wi ,hout ftn~ ,,);,,riot· '""1i1· •. I Ill"" 11u ;.prci11l intl'l'~~t in ir. \\'hat• <Jilll' l' ,\ t•t cnn 1u1 npnl'<•ntl<'l' b~> bount1 by thnn t hi~? None. Tbe!·efot·e .~ ~;a ,· th rc t till' 110•·d• .. Stdljrtt tn th~> )HI~ ,, l't' :-11 rplil ~· tJ O:C' .

Thl' :' r.t'nrnH\' roR I'nn.tr \YoRK' ~ Tht'y Ht't' no t.

:\lt·. Kl :\(;: :\o Clfllll'<'llli,.. c .n be· <'ll:,"!:t~rd rxt'l'pt unrlt•r tlw prll•'i<~OllS of thi!< n: o~ur('. :t•l wh:1• i-., tht.~ u~~ of putting in I h•l· (• W<'ll'd•!

Thr :->:rRF.~\JW ron Pr111.1C \Yon•:s: ,\ ph~tn•n•·• utirol lll'l'""nrir•' rnnH.' uud•·r th~ rno,·i;cion< o' th" l'hnrrnoc,\ Art. nn<1 tlcPI'C ;tl'" u t~u 1\l' l' ''''"' icr~ undP•· lhr Rn.ilw~y Act.

1 ll'. Kl :\0: I nrn only snrnkinl!" of appl'f'lll it'<'" II,'O " '"O<'d bv tlci ~ Hill. !llhl t hi~ p(u 'iiru l:ll' cfoll' can ll<'nl onl. with t.horn . \Yhnt i3 tict' ~~~·· of hnving tlw worJ• whrn the .\r t cnnnot 11pply to anybody else but tho npprNl( ir("' rn tl'ttgc~d undo•· it ? I wnut tet fintl ou~ thr oloi•'CL of tlw arnrn<.l111 ' IlL

Th~ Stnu:nuv ton f'trot.tf' WoRK": \\rrr YO'I not in thr Chnmhrr whrn "pnkl'. nnrl (lid )·011 not h t•o r whnt I s01 id ! •

~r. 'KT:\G: VI'S: but rhrr<' wn$ no1hing rl•lil:itc in whnt tll' hon. Q;emlcmnn J<nid. ThPr<' mt••t h" •omrfhing r1~". and J would likr In 111 I Ollt wh~t it i•. H tlw ) Jiui• lf'l' kno\.s, hr nn lcll m. Anvlto\\' . hi;: argu ll!P!I! nbnn t !htW' 11'01'(1• fa l l• in th<' ~ro1 11ld, h •c•a n•l' thi~ Bill oppli<·~ onl~ to rertnin dno-t'l' of np],l'<' c' t icl'q. und th~ 1tppren1 ic1'< to whnn> it rlop. npply c~11 lw f'ngngt•tl u ndN no or hr 1• Act.

)!1-. HAR'l'LP.Y CF'it rn11l: I am afraid 11,., Opl.o•iti\ln nrt• £righl~ncfl ~tt a ~hadow. lf t lw Rill " 'lt lhron~h \\ith the li"W r!lliL«' fl> i: SIOIId~ n t jii'C'I'nf-

" En'r~- !'lllplo~·('r ~hnll b•• .•·n~,itlc'tl to I'Uiplo~ nt Jrn t one npprrut•""·

it co•1l<l h•• •·cudilv 111!!11 ,1 that thr t'lntiFI' !!Ill' !' t•l ('\'l'r~· <'mplfl,\'t'r thr l'iql1r m •'mr>l~·· nt k1<l nr;,' :tpru·•·ntiC'l'. nncl 10 l'OIPloy Jum wid:u•H !ln,· ~onditi<m~ ut all .

)f:·. J\ !!\G: );,,,

) h-. JT,\RTLEY · 1 f 11•" I'! nu••' i• a llowrtl to ; ' •nrl \\"ilhr>llt tht• etlYWildcn<'nl it \Yill ~il·c the en11•'1.1''" '' llw c· i:;: llt tc> rn .ploy an Df?Pl'Oil· Ticll w ithout nny rc5t rid ic)lla •. n~d \\'lthout ""'' ~ond ititllP ll" to tlcl' ll'flllllll,.; o £ the npjwcn tico. us to th~> .as:n nt wl~ich ~c shall ll<>mmf'nCI' m , .. a•o Ju s n pprcnbcc h• p, nl'!d· who~ i• mort!', ho con employ the ~ppr~nt•c~

Page 39: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

AJJprenticesldp B·ill. [8 OCTo.n~R.] 1•149

without hav ing him subjoot to the conditions laid tlown in the Bill as to I he attendance a t .- t<}Chniral college and the passing o{ an ex:unination before enleTing ~he b-ade. 'f'ho hon. member for Logan, as a lawyer, knows lh~t ~ho clause gives an a bsolute r ight to <'ll•!lloy an apprcnticc-

Mr. KERn: No. Read the Industxiul ' ' t·bilt·~ lion Act.

Mt·. lT ARTLEY: Thllt is a tota lly di!Fer­•' nt dting. I •ri ll touch on thnt 1nntter dimetl ,y, 'l'bis Dill has been framed to p ro· vide for Lhe proper apprenticing of appren· tiN•A, to pt·ovi(je for a pi'Ope r seleotior• of upprcnlic.~s by a sy$tem of exam ination, to pro,·it.!c for Lhe proper training of a.ppren­tic·•" in shops properly equipped for their trit.i ning, nnd to p rovide that tho apprentices ~hnll uttend " t<.>chnical college for <.!etta in hour~, nnt!, i f they obtain <l certain per­' ·mngc on pa -siug ~he examinttl ion, tlutt t ho f!·rs they have pa1c $hall be t•efunded to ll1l!l11 by their employm·s. I£ th is amend­nwnt were not adopted, an employcr could 1-ig;lot! v nrguc that ho wns not entitled to rduntl tho>c foes. The Bill al;;o p rovides th:tt, it an npprunLico oblaim a 75 per cel,t. tntsi! aL ~~ tc<.'hnical co llege iu conll!'C'tion with tho snbjcc ls appertaining to h i:; trade, he is entitled to receive a 5 pel· oont. incrcas() iu ,,agr~ ft·om his employer.

~Mr. :KrxG: That is part of this Bill.

i\1r. IIAHTLEY : 1 know lawyel'S just ns well ns I !mow anyone else, and I !mow the hon. membe,r for Logan would be the first lu '"'!.!"" lhaL Ll ou duu~e wii!tuut the uuluud­rm:nt wonld mean thnt the employer had an nhsolutc tight to employ ouc apprentice iree fmm any <'onditions.

j\11- . E:TNG : C('J·tainly not.

M r . lL\ l'l,TLEY; That is what is in the hon. gcutlomnn·~ miud. The amendmont that wa!\ propo~cd when the Bill '' 'ts recommit ted rm il fm·nwr occa$iou stated that thtl appren­ticn cou ld be employed subject to tha a.warcl of ihr Arbilration Court. That is a totally diffe ren t thing-. Thct·o is nothiug in this at.umdmeoJt which will ha,·e <t.ny effect in d<'drl ing tho l1tlmbP.r of nppr~nticcs to be t olplo.vcd in proportion to the nnmbet· of JOUl·nc.vmcn.

M t·. Kn.:c: This B ill includes the Indus­trial ;\ rbitt•a Lion Act.

Mr. HARTLEY : 'l'be Bill has to be road " one \\'i th that Act. The nntendmont will pc1'mit the employ!"r to employ at INtot oue uprrCilticlc, notwithstnoding 1hat he may haY<' nn other tradesman in the shop. 'l'ho l\liut~lct tell~ me thab my intet·pt·etMion is ct>r t'e<' f, and he is in a position to know.

;\lt·. 'KTXG: Undor what Anr could an a !>rrentit:<' bo employed hut undC'l' this?

~fr. H ARTLF.Y: He could only bo c npl()n·d LU1der this Act, out, if the amend· ""'"t wo•w not ndoptnd, he would not be ~nbjcc1 tll nny c:ondittons. I ha1•e no fenr sn <'lt ll~r tion with the amendment.

lllr. ~[ ,\XWF.LL ('L'oo·1cony): I ri;;c tu ~" l'flOI't the Jcndrr of tho Opposition nod to •• n!lotfiC I he Yie\t'S eJ."Pr~ssct.l by tbo hon. snPtnbnt· for f~n$t Toowoombn. lt seems to me th~~. if this Dill ttnd thn I ndust rial Arbi-1 rnt ion ~!'t '11-t'C to be rco.d as nnc, an l'mployc1· cnnnot employ an npprcntico un less he ;, .n ll!)w('~l b~· the c•onrr to rmploy om• a nti has 111 ht$ employ two or three journey· men

~.11•. JLurrr.n\·: You knPw "cry well that t] , . ,\t-!Jittal.ion Court could not affect this ,·hou>c .

i\tr. ?.L\XWELL: Thnt is the ,·iew I tak e of it.

The !:>f:t:nr.T.IR'I! FOH f'unLlC ll>STR CCTION : Y ou know th:d this Bill p1·evn.il~ on·t• an a •.Hll'<l of tlm <'O<ll't.

).1·. :\lAXWF.LL; 'f ho Di !Js sa.ys thnL i~ is ;ubjcc•r to any awtlrll of thn cou rt . T horo i~ n ni;;tinC't,ion, but it. is n distinatiou wi eh· Otll ' ' Jitrc •·ancc . The uwo.rd is subjoct to I hill ~\d. . \~ l ho hon. member fot· Loga,n 111•iut~d out to the Minister, why does not .,,·r n clu,11so commence with the words, '· SulojC'<'t lo Jhi~ ArJ. "? This <'lnuso hns In he consit.!trl'<.l in t~onjunclion w ith the Jn t.!mtt·in l .Arbi tt·;ttion Act, Notwithiif.and­ilog what tho Minister nwy Si.i<y, the very lhlng Wt' ,. nnl to gct-urprcnticos workiug in ever.•· t1·ado o•· cu ll ing " ith a ' ' il:'w to liltin(l them ''~ com/>ctcnt tt•nde'l!nen-would I.J.v this nnwndmcnt Jo olirninal:ed alto~;..thet· 'J:he Minist.l:l' i•.•tltl'joctcd that the firm 1 wa~ !\3SoCillt('(l with tliil not ernploy any ap!)rOn· Lices. Wo could not get them. lt ie (ot· lhnt. t·cason thn.t I Rupport •uo.h a m ·ilsure. ns this. The boya would not be bound to n trn.de, more particularly to thn painting trud c• with which I wa$ comwclc•d. -~s the ll'Mil'r of tbo Oppo~iti(l(t has pointed out. tlu.':·o is no ucct'gs ity for rhi~ ltntontlmont, and some powPr bch ind the sc:<'ufl has apnarently asked for it. It is undoubtNlly mov<'d with a viow t o nullifying whub otherwise would b e iu some in$tnnrcs 1\ vf'ry good nit!, nod woul-d gil'n boys nn oppot·tunity of leurn_ing a tn1cle ot· r a l! i11g . If t.hc nmr.ndmr.nt ~ accupte~l. thct< thn pNson in t.hc so.cld lm•v bnsiness mcn­tionl'd by the hon. mernbor fot· East 'l'oowoomhn could nnt apprentice h is ow11 son ov tl1e s('ln n f ~~ hit•nrl lo lonrn hi~ business.

The Sucnwr~ RV FOil l'!Jnr.ro l :o~srm·crroN : Wonl<~ the a no ond11tont Llcbnt him ?

11t·. 1\lAX.WRLL: Yt·~.

'l'ho SRCRI\'t'Atn: uon l'tmr.TO INS'i'R1'CTIO:s:

Te ll "" ltow. 11r. :,fAXWT<:l.L : l lol<l t.h<:'. hon. gcntle­

'"''ll tlt3t I he l'mployor ant! tho npprentica will Lw 3ubjert to llll nwnrd <Jf th<.> c-ourt. Thi~ l\ill hlls to lJu con ~idm·ncl in <:onjuuction \1 ith ti ll• 1 ndu~lt•iul AdJilrnLion Act. If tho iudgot• b vs it Jo"n !.II tH thl"r<~ ~hall bn on•:t !1_1lP-t't'nt ie(." to (~vor.Y twn or i hrN\ jour~esmnn. tlwn bow jq tlw diffirull y mentioned by tho hem. nwmbt'l' fQt' l':;1st. Toowoomha, t<l be nv('l'< om~? Thl" :vtirlisl<'t' I m> been ask<· I to· gh·c ~~~ nssurnncn that tho nmendment will !l\'!'t'I'Oill " ~11cl1 >L d iflioultv. l want ro vmphasi~c lhn fnrt t ho t. 't ~ttpport this .\pprc llti('<'~hip Tlill llcrau~n it. is impo~~ibl o £ot· llt•ms to gd nppt·rtlti c~~.

Tho Hf:CR£'rA UV FOR l'tmr.rc WoRl\ S : You lmvc no t g-ot any U(l prcmlices.

~.Jt-. ]'fAXWEJ,T,: no,vs would not be inrlf'nhtrrd. Tit,. Tcrh11 ioal College fees were paitl nntl th<' bny<l WC'l'(' 1'11<'0\ll'Ui{C<l in every po~ ible "'""J·

'T'hc CH AIR!\TA N: O r•l••r! Orllcr ! Thn l1ou. mcmbN· iR ~Ntin!; n.way fl'Om tlH! q11est.ion m~dcr Ji<cu,;~io!l.

l\h. 1\TAXWEJ,J..: 1 am nw11~o o f thnt.. but thf' i\I ini• tt;'r tl h·c •·J n,f rnv att~ntio11 ft•o•n it. There is ;;omc•thiog undonbtculy h(;hincl the ola nse.

'l'hc StC'rtv.•r.lnv l'Ol! P r nr,TC WORKS: t will !.r•ll :·(m in a min11tr. ,~ h ut is bel1inJ you1· or•po>it ion to this clause.

Mr. Maxwcll.]

Page 40: Legislative Assembly Hansard 1924 - Queensland Parliament€¦ · ~grnts or canva,>ers or dclinE!d tli'NJ. agcllt$ or canvn~ er~ uurl t· a dcfinit.c a.grc~rnt with the I n •lll'lll:C!•

1450 A ppre11t:cuhip Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] Qw:stions.

Mr. ~1;\X\\'ELL: TLe olHl·MOII ~hOJl will uot ho.vu power uud!'r the nutt'ndment to cm11loy nn apprentice becou~r of I iH' c·onrh· ti<Hls \\ hi<!h n.•·c I aiel •lowu by the• Court o( luclust.rinl A rbitral.ioo.

'l'he SRCR.ETARY FO!t 1>\1 BLIC WORK:S (Hon. W. lt'vrgn,n Smith, .llut:!..ty): le cs qnitu intCrC'~ ling tr> fillU hOI). rt1Pi11l1C~l'• Of 1.~0 Opposition gPtting up anJ profcswtg. I het~· l;l'lir£ in this llil\ ami their ~lir>f cc1 tlu; ~<nd thnt thin!\' rclnti11g to npprl'nl ict•ship. On nnt' occnston tht; h on. llll•lllllt•r fo•· Touwnng i(~lOd that he \VQS in fnVOllf Of l'l'llClcriug o.pprl.'nticeship compulsory, yet 111 111~ uwu lirul for mnny yrnrs h<l did not l'llll'l"~· an­~pprcntices al oil.

Mr. )!AXWf.LL: 1 hn.vc lold lOll !11•· rc' nson why.

The SI.WI'Ut:TARY l•'OR PtiBT"lC: WORKS: 1\o•CilU~e n[ll1rCiltir<e.hip was not <'l'lln lllllsnry thl'ro wM ·no ind<'ntnrin~ or o.u,vthi 1Ht r l•l' . The point was mised by the hou. meaubcr [o~ Logan thllt this a.ll'lclld ruont, i~ ntm<•t·o~~nry, and tho point ha~ hl'E~n fqnht•t· l'ni~cd t hn t . bccau~e this Di ll is to he a·cnd ''ij one wi th thl' lnd11striul !'11·hitrntinu Ad;, uN·tf•i" •·t'Rcd tij will rwcrun ft·om thl' nntcndnwrll lot•iug curried. Hon. nt<'mhers opposito know per· fecllv well 1hat is not corrc(•. W hNI.' thi~ flill 'mi:;hl cln~h in auy w"y '"lh 1111 irulu•· tri11l nwarrl that industrial ;tWIII'd ntU•l lJc brought into conformity with till• Hill.

Mr. Kt:Rn: Will you put thnt into I hi' Bill?

Th<' SECRET AllY FOR P UI1LIC WORKS: Whcro a.ny individual awnro.l ditfcrs from tins Bill. then the !lworcl tnu~t Ul! bt·ottght into couforrnitv with this Dill d•!nlin!r "itJ1 u.ppt•cnt ices. 1 f we did not ~nbsl it"'" tho ~mcndmont; I I)I'O(lOso for t he prr>~cn l \'ending 'l [ tho t:lnuno it woul•l ITII'nn l•xuc•ly whn.r. lho hon. mrmbPr for Fif.troy ~uid. A bfly nt ight ht• ('11lP1fl'Pd by an OIIIUIO,\'C•t· nn~l he wo•tld nol be subject to un.1• 111\rtt·t l ,,£ the c·<nu·t J'l'lntillt.; tu wn~''" 1>1' IIUIIt•. Ill' would not be subject ln the clnmt·s rC'lntio~ 10 ind<.'nlllrC, to the fH'(H'i~ion [OI' 11IICIJdJII'.! o\

technical rolll!gl'. aud the n nolu• other lli'O­' ision• Rripnlatcd in the Bill n• l,.•iut: r<scn· tial in connection with nppl'•'ll~ict'!hip ~'011-tlitions. On" hon. nu.11nber ~ul up wirh all thr r.it· of hu,ving <Ji,t'OI'C'I'\•cl •llni!'lhin~ nbso lnt.l'ly new. and -nirl, · • Why dn ·'''u 1111t tlut thoRo words iu evNy clataoo i11 the !3ill r" A~ n lnl\lt!'r or fnf't on thr O ji!IU~i t (l pugo in rluu~c 2.1 daaling with lcllhuictd d:"R", ~ub· clu,uF" (5) rt•ad&-

" (5) Snbj<lct to this A<·t, t' \ 'OI'Y ll flpt·cn­lico ntleodioJ.( o. tccliJiicul cvllc•g" m· othe, pr,~crihod clus~P~ . . . • "

.Jnd ~o on l.hroug<l•out tno DilL lt wn• l'nthor intl're tin~ to linrl thC' ban. lllt'tnhcr for T•OI{Illl, whe-n I nskcd him whcd1r1· hi.' ,,·as l;'iYHI)l' his l<'ga l or pnlitit.'ll.l ot•iniuu, slnte that it was a mixture o( ltoth.

l\f t·. KtNC : 'l'ha t is so.

'l'he SF.CRETARY FOR PUBLIC WORKS· l'crsnnully, I would not likt' lo hn,·o to pay for that opinion as a !('gal Oltiuiou.

Ovt·OStTlO~ intorjoclion~.

Th~ CI-l'AIUMAN: Ord~•·!

'l'ht' SF'A:RETARY FOR PUBI.lC WORKS: l£ IVC did not flUt tni8 l~lllOIII)IIlC'Clt iu tl10 Jlill, th<' position would be <'lllir<'ly 1\!t I ~•atct.l ''hen mo' ing the nmo•urlttl(•nt. and lL> ~lntctl hv tho hon. ntnmhrt· fM Fit?roy, lt

r 111 t'. 111 a.cwcll.

would lJe argued Ly rmploy<>ro; tbt they ~-ould hnve at lcnst ono uppr"ruice witlwut. lo(•i•ltr subjrct to ihc conditiuus of lhc Appren­ticeship Act. 'l'Lo Solioitor-CcnN·al is at it•Mt ~~ <'npnhlc a lrgnl lumit,try a~ lho· l:un. mcmhrr ft>t Logon, Rnd. withouL Lt•in~,: unkind I<• tho hon. uwntbt~r. I would nct·cpt the opiuiou of tho Solicilor-Gcncru.l io IJI'l'· frrcJit' J to th11t o( the hou. mcmhc•·· ~·J, is nnumdrrtcnt i~ thu t·csatlt of hi' opi11ion, nut! it plnces beyond all $]11\dow of doub t thnt the ··•oploymcnt of ull fut·uts or apt'"""' 11'.t•~ shall b(' sulljc•cl to the condition• lnid 011t in rlw .-\pprentirC'~hip Bill. h do,•, not intt>Yfm·o• lit "11 with tho mo~tuing of the do. use. whirn gi,·cs an employer the right to •·mpltw ~" •<IIJlto'lltice ~o long &ll he i! •nbjcct to tIn' o'<JnJilions of th<l Act. ~\ppnmricl!~ :tan\· be <lll~ii!;Cd un<lcr vlt.riuns .\eh, but. i t a.1 nf'l!)r('utice in ru1y traclc do•da,n•d ta bP a ~kiii P.d lradc un<k•r lhi~ Rill is to he eagn,.t'd when this amendnH•nl i~ cniTic:l, ht• <'n.u o=:tlv be eugngcd snbj<·<'t to Lho Appl'CIIticcshiit Act.

0PPOSI'l'l0r; int.crjcc t ioM.

The rJouse rt'sumcu. 'l'hc C'O~lll:ll&N Ct:'J)OI'tl'd [ll'Ogi•C: '·

The further cnn•id~rD I inn of the Bill in Committee was mudc on Urtler of thP. Dny Cor to-morrow.

The flou e udjourrJt•J Dl 5.30 to.tn.