LEGAL STUFF - teikoreindorf.comteikoreindorf.com/go/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Huge.pdfSeemingly overnight I went from doing bicep curls to focusing solely on improving my three lifts

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Page 2: LEGAL STUFF - teikoreindorf.comteikoreindorf.com/go/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Huge.pdfSeemingly overnight I went from doing bicep curls to focusing solely on improving my three lifts

LEGAL STUFF© 2012 Teiko Reindorf

All Rights Reserved. International Copyrightwww.Teikoreindorf.com

This publication is fully copyrighted and does not come with giveaway or resale rights. You may not sell or redistribute this report. It is reserved solely for paid members of

www.Teikoreindorf.com . Copyright and illegal distribution violations will be

NOTICEThe information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor is it a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.

This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge

should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional.

Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this or any other exercise or nutrition program. This information is not a prescription. Consult your doctor, nutritionist or dietician for further information.

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Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Gettinghuge 6

HugeVolume 6


HugeFrequency 7

HugeDensity 8

TheNew10setsmethod 8

TheStructure 9

THeMagichundred 12

MAgicHundredforAthletes 14

Magichundredspecializationroutines 16

PuttingitAllTogether 18

TheHugeLifts 20-31

FinalThoughts 32

RecommendedResources 33

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What’s up playboy?

I want to start off by giving you props for having the huevos to change your body

One thing I’ve learned over my past 10 years is that most people talk a good game but very few are willing to walk the walk.

The fact you’ve taken some action has earned my respect.

Now, I assume you picked up a copy of HUGE because you wanna get HUGE.

If that’s the case then you are in the right place…

the program I am about to share with you is the exact program I used to pack on a little less than 20lbs of muscle mass in less than 90 days.

Before we get into what makes this program so damn special, I wanna give you a brief little history of how I stumbled upon this technique.

Back when I worked the door, me and the rest of the crew would head to the big box gym after each shift. Training together served tow purposes. It helped strengthen the bond to have each others back no matter how bad the situation... and it helped weed out the punks who got hired so our crew stayed strong.

In those days everyone trained like a bodybuilder. we had all grown up reading muscle magazines and believed muscle was earned through pain.

Our workout’s were marathon sessions of long enduring sets for a give body-part. Though we had no idea what a “properly structured” training program was supposed to look like - we grew like weeds.

Unfortunately time started taking it’s tool on our crew. Some of the guys quit bouncing and moved on to steadier careers, while others moved on to other clubs.


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Even I, (one of the last few members of our lifting crew) started getting the itch to try something new.

Powerlifting was starting to garner a lot of attention in the strength training circles - so I made the switch over.

Seemingly overnight I went from doing bicep curls to focusing solely on improving my three lifts

The pace of my workouts changed too, they became higher in intensity and lower in overall volume.

Almost immediately I saw huge changes in strength but it came at a price. My once muscular physique started to change for the worse.

Something strange happens when you transition from bodybuilding style training to a strength and power-based routine...

For one your muscles shrink because the fluid filled sacks (sarcolemma) aren’t being stressed through a high volume of resistance training

Secondly the symmetry and aesthetic component goes outta the window because... who gives a shit when you are just trying to move more weight?

The narcissist in me did NOT LIKE THIS. I wanted the best of both worlds.

So what’s a guy to do if he wants to look jacked, yet perform like a powerhouse?

That, my friend is what I am going to show you in this book.

Within the next few pages I am going to reveal to you my secret recipe for gaining tons of dense muscle mass without sacrificing strength and or power.

If you put the things I am about to show you into practice I can guarantee that you too will transform into a bigger, badder, beast.

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Getting hugeWhen it comes to packing on muscle, it’s all about simplicity

Screw overanalyzing macros, don’t worry about which supplements to take

Just lift and eat.

In terms of the training there are a few principles you must abide by. They are:

• Adequate volume• Choosing the right exercises• Training frequency• Training density

If you ask me these four- principles are the basis of any good muscle-building program, without them you might as well be

aiming in the dark.

Though most bodybuilders know about these principles, they often misuse them and fuck up any chance of tapping into the high levels of growth that could occur- if the training was on point.

Huge VolumeWhen it comes to building muscle, volume is king. The ideal number of reps you should be aiming for every single muscle building workout is 100 reps. When you have performed 100 reps with the right percentage of weights, the gates of muscledom will open to you and you will be blessed with the crown of The Magic hundred.

I kid, I kid but there’s been a ton of research done over the 50+ years indicating that a training density of 100 reps can bring about serious changes in muscle growth- if all other factors of the workout are properly in place.

My favorite Magic 100 routines are derivatives of Gironda’s 10x10 training system and Poliquins GVT.

Though both of those programs were solid, I may have discovered an even more effective approach to building muscle - adpated from their frameworks

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Huge MovementsThe second important piece to the muscle-building puzzle, is the exercises you choose. The bodybuilding exercises I did early-on got me big, but the muscle didn’t look dense and hard.

When I started incorporating the lifts I had picked up through powerlifting I literally exploded overnight.

This is when I figured out that volume mixed with big compound movements was key if you wanted to grow bigger- quickly.

The majority of movements you will perform in this manual are gonna be big boy exercises. Sure there will be some pretty boy shit (like curls) but for the most part it’s gonna be compounds.

Huge FrequencyAnother thing you are gonna do is - jack-up your training frequency.

For years I suspected frequency was the ignored variable when it came to building muscle. It just made sense that the more often you trained, the bigger you could become.

I mean shit, look at prisoners. If you have a shady uncle you know how much bigger he gets each time he gets locked-up. It’s because prisoners ain’t got shit to do but train- which in turn forces their bodys to grow.

[Sidenote:] Yes I am well aware that there is steroid use in jail – but I seriously doubt uncle Oscar is getting dibs on the grade-A gear... so let’s attribute his newfound size to frequency.

The one caveat to increasing training frequency is managing recovery. When you start training more frequently, it becomes very easy to venture into overtraining territory. I’ve found lower intensity workouts are the best types of programs for high frequency training. They allow you to pack on tons of muscle without overloading the nervous system.


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Huge DensityThe fourth and often overlooked variable to muscle-building is density.

Few people know this but when Gironda created the original 10 sets method it was meant to improve work capacity and muscular growth.

Vince believed that condensing more work in less time, was a huge factor in gaining muscle. His athletes were known to rest as little as 15-30 seconds inbetween his 10 sets workouts and yield incredible results.

For some strange reason, later iterations of the program disregarded this component.

Luckily for you... I’m bringin sexy back

The New 10-Sets MethodSo as you can see shits about to change around here..

The new-school vartiation of the 10 sets method is a bigger, badder beast than what you’ve seen before.

The old system though effective had a few holes in it.

For one the program wasn’t balanced. It had you performing big movements like bench presses and chin-ups with no regard for structural balance and overuse injuries.

Damn near everyone I know who has gone through the older variations ended up jacked-up due to the repetitive nature of the workouts.

The newer, tighter approach only has you pairing agonist/antagonist movements in the same plane to keep you from developing dangerous muscle imbalances-which will eventually take you out.

A second major difference between the old and the new is a variation specifically for

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advanced athletes.

I always hated the fact that as a seasoned lifter I’d walk away weaker when I performed this program

The high intensity training is gonna allow you to build-up thicker, dense functional muscle in conjunction with the sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (fluid muscle growth) that occurs with high volume training. This is perfect for the advanced lifters and athletes looking to add serious and skull-crackin strength.

The StructureThe basic structure of the Magic 100 workouts is simple.

An Orangutan dropped at birth couldn’t screw this up. The base workout consists of two main lifts – These are always big, compound, agonist/antagonist movements performed as a superset and two minor lifts done in a different plane of movement.

For the big lifts we are usually gonna perform 10 sets of 10 reps with a load of 50-65% of our 1RM. I want you to alternate between lift A and lift B for the entire workout with a 60 second rest in-between sets. Then finish off with 3 sets of 12 for the minor lifts using a moderate load.

Though the weight stays constant throughout the entire workout, these 10 sets should start off fairly easy but get harder as the workout progresses. If you have selected the right weight you will notice a drop in your ability to complete your reps half way during the workout and then a rebound in strength towards the end.

If you can get through all 10 sets and nail 10 reps per set…


The next time you repeat that workout add an extra 5% to the bar and get to work.

If that weren’t sadistic enough... we are also gonna add a timed component to our sessions.

Every time you perform this workout you are gonna time how long the entire session takes to complete. The goal is to do the same amount of work or more each subsequent workout - in less time.

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So, if your first workout for chest and back takes you 57 minutes to complete, try to get through that workout the next time in 55 or 54 minutes. This will force you to start shaving off time inbetween rest intervals while focusing on trying to perform the same amount of work - your body will literally HAVE TO GROW on this program.

When to Use The Magic 100

The best way to structure your training for Magic 100 training is to scope out and look at your entire training year from a birds eye view.

Each year I take a calendar and figure out the best times for me to bulk-up or bring up lagging body parts. Certain times of the year aren’t gonna work with a balls-out training approach so I rule those out.

Then I plot out the months where I don’t have as much time as my low volume - high intensity months and chill out months as my muscle-building months. This allows me to hit Magic 100’s without burning-out.

A second alternative would be to alternate month to month between high intensity training programs like 5x5 and Magic 100 training. This works well because you are constantly building muscle and getting stronger.

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The Magic 100 Program The first Magic 100 workout I am gonna share with you is a remixed version of the OG 10-reps method - except this time we are gonna add that timed component.

The structure is as follows:

Magic 100 - Classic 10 reps Method

Day 1: Chest & Back

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Incline Db Press 10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM1b: Neutral grip Pull-ups

10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2a: Neutral gripDb Flyes

12 3 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2b: Wide grip seated rows

12 3 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

Day 2: Quads & Hamstrings

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Barbell back squats

10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

1b: Romanian deadlifts

10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2a: Leg extensions 12 3 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2b: Seated leg curls 12 3 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

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Day 3: Shoulders & Arms

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: V-bar Dips 10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM1b: Cambered Biceps Curls

10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2a: Cambered bar skull crushers

12 3 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2b: Incline Hammer Biceps curl

12 3 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM


- Superset a & b exercises- Time the length of overall workout- Time rest inbetween sets- Use the same weight for the entire workout

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Advanced Magic 100 workout for Athletes

This advanced variation of The Magic 100 program is best described as a hybrid training program. It is better suited for experienced lifters and athletes because it focuses on high intensity training to strengthen the nervous system early in the workout and concludes with repetition work to bring about structural changes.

Day 1: Chest & Back

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Incline Barbell chest press

5 5 3 mins 75% 1RM

1b: Weighted Chin-ups

5 5 3 mins 75% 1RM

2a: Db neutral gripchest press

5 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2b: Barbell rows 5 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

3a: Neutral grip flyes 2 12 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

3b: X-cable wide outs 2 12 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

Day 2: Quads & Hamstrings

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Barbell backsquats

5 5 3 mins 75% 1RM

1b: Glute ham raise 5 5 3 mins 75% 1RM2a: Dumbbells split squats

5 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2b: Unilateral deadlifts

5 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

3a: 2 12 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

3b: Glute extension 2 12 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

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Day 3: Shoulders & Arms

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Overhead press 5 5 3 mins 75% 1RM1b: Barbell curls 5 5 3 mins 75% 1RM2a: V-bar dips 5 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

2b: Seated biceps curls

5 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

3a: Bent lateral raises 2 12 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

3b: Decline triceps extension

2 12 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

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The Magic 100 Specialization Program

This variation of the Magic 100 workout was created by Vince Gironda to bring up lagging body-parts. The big difference between this variation and Poliquins GVT method is rather than performing multiple movements each workout... you only performed one.

Gironda was also big fan of increasing training density to build muscle so he shortened the rest intervals during his program. Trainees were expected to repeat a set after resting for 15-30 seconds.

To perform the program select a lagging body-part and perform 10 sets of 10 reps each workout with a 30 seconds rest interval

This is arguably the toughest variation of 10 reps training. The short rest intervals coupled with the focus on one muscle group makes this routine out right sadistic.

If you can get through this one without missing a beat, you are probably using aqua coloured dumbbells.

Day 1: Back

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Pull-ups 10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

Day 2: Hamstrings

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Bent knee deadlifts

10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

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Day 3: Biceps

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Scott Curls 10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

Day 4: Traps

Exercise Reps Sets Rest Load1a: Power shrugs 10 10 15-30 seconds 50- 65% 1RM

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Putting it All TogetherSo you may be thinking all of this info is good and dandy Teiko but how do I put this shit together

Ok, ok... I get it.

You wanna get HUGE, if you slow your damn roll - I’ll show you how. First figure out if you have time over the next 4 weeks to go balls-out in the gym... If so we are good.

Now that we have determined your ability to train with enough frequency lets figure out the days you can actually do this shit.

Pull out a planner and jot the days you can train for at least 5 days outta the week. In terms of time slot in a hour each day and see where that works.

Once we have those pieces in place we can move forward. The thrid and final thing I want you to do is figure out a low volume trainining program you can do after this phase of your training is done.

What we want to do is alternate between periods of high intensity and low intensity so you reap the benefits of increased size and strength.

My personal favourite low volume programs are either the 5x5 wokout or something like Big Man Strong

Now that we have made that decision, it’s time to do this shit. Print out the variation of The Magic 100 workout you are going to do starting this week and follow it for the next 4 weeks.

Once you have completed that... switch to a low volume training protocol like Big Man Strong. After you have completed those two training cycles return to another variation of The Magic 100 program to complete this phase of your training.

If you follow the outline I have laid out for you... I guarantee you will be at least 15-20lbs bigger and much, much stronger.

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The Huge Lifts

Incline Neutral Grip Dumbbell Press• Lay supine on bench with 30* or 45* incline• Keep feet flat on the floor• Start with dumbbells at shoulders, palms facing• Extend arms straight up, then slowly lower weights

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press• Lay supine on bench with 30* or 45* incline• Keep feet flat on the floor• Start with dumbbells at shoulders, hands pronated • Extend arms straight up, then slowly lower weights

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Flat Dumbbell Press• Lay supine on flat bench• Keep feet flat on the floor• Start with dumbbells at shoulders, hands pronated• Extend arms straight up, then slowly lower weights

Neutral Grip Dumbbells flyes• Lay supine on bench • Keep feet flat on the floor, arms extended• Slowly lower arms down and out in semi-arc pattern• Reverse movement until arms are completely extended to finish

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Incline Barbell Press• Lay supine on bench with 30* or 45* incline• Keep feet flat on the floor• Start with arms extended, barbell over upper chest• Slowly lower bar to upper chest, explosively push arms back to full extension

Flat Barbell Press• Lay supine on flat bench• Tuck feet as close to butt with toes on floor• Start with arms extended, barbell over mid chest• Slowly lower bar to mid chest, exlosively push arms to full extension

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Barbell Back Squat• Start barbell sitting high on upper back (traps)• Push hips backwards, bend knees and keep back flat• Descend into deep squat with hips below thighs• Slowly reverse movement by standing back up

Close Grip Barbell Press• Lay supine on bench flat bench• Keep feet flat on the floor• Start with arms extended, hands 14” apart on barbell• Lower barbell to sternum, explosively push arms to full extension

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Romanian Deadlift (RDL)• Hold barbell with hands slightly wider than shoulder width• Push hips back, with a soft bend in knees and back flat• Explosively stand up driving hips forward

Dumbbells Split Squat• Start with one foot forward, and other foot back• Lift heel of back foot• Bend, both knees and lowly lower back knee towards the floor• Reverse movement and stand back up in split squat stance

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Bent Over Barbell Row• Start with shoulders over bar and a wide grip• Push hips back and keep back flat• Explosively pull barbell towards sternum• Slowly lower bar to ground

Barbell Hip Extension• Start with upper back perpendicular on bench• Place barbell at the hips, with feet flat• Explosively drive hips upwards and squeeze glutes• Slowly lower glutes to ground

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Glute Ham Raise• Place ankles between roller pads with feet platform, put knees on pad with lower thighs against large padded hump• From lower position, raise torso by extending hips until fully extended• Continue to raise body by flexing knees until body is upright• Lower body by straightening knees until body is horizontal

Weight Pull-up• Load body with weighted vest or weighted belt• Grab Chin-bar with hands wide• From a dead-hang, pull yourself upwards with chest towards the bar• Slowly lower yourself to starting position

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Barbell Biceps Curl• Grab barbell with hands slightly wider than shoulder width• Curl barbell upwards towards chest• Slowly lower barbell down towards thighs

EZ Bar Biceps Curl• Grab EZ barbell with hands slightly wider than shoulder width• Curl barbell upwards towards chest• Slowly lower barbell down towards thighs

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Bent Over Lateral Raise• Start with feet slightly wider than shoulder width • Push hips back and keep back flat• With head downwards, raise the dumbbells out to your sides• Slowly lower dumbbells down to starting position

EZ Barbell Triceps Extension• Start barbell extended over chest• Slowly lower barbell towards forehead by bending at elbows• Explosively extend barbell back over your chest

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Seated Biceps Curls• Sit on edge of the bench with arms extended, palms supinated• Curl dumbbells upwards towards shoulders• Slowly lower dumbbells back to starting position

Incline Dumbbells Hammer Curls• Lay on bench with 45-70* angle• With arms fully extended and palms neutral grip curl dumbbells upwards• Slowly lower dumbbells back to starting position

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Cable Lateral Extension• Grab a cable handle in each hand• Start with arms fully extended in front of your body• Pull arms backwards until you feel tension in the back of your shoulders• Slowly return back to starting position

Wide Grip Seated Row• Grab a cable handle in each hand• Sit on your butt, with legs extended forward• Pull handles towards body by bending your arms• Slowly return cables to starting position

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Bodyweight Dips• Grap dip handles and hoist yourself into start position• Bend elbows and slowly lower yourself untill arms are 90*• Pause for a count• Explosively extend your arms and lift to starting position

Neutral Grip Pull-up• Grab Chin-bar with hands wide• From a dead-hang, pull yourself upwards with chest towards the bar• Slowly lower yourself to starting position

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Final ThoughtsSo there you have it... 3 of the best variations of the 10-sets method on the planet. These workouts are undoubtedly the best workouts I have ever done for packing on the mass in a flash.

Choose any one of the workouts outlined in this manual relative to your training goals and prepare to grow like a muthafucker.

I will warn you that a month on this sort of training can be very demanding and well...boring but the shit works.

Once again I wanna thank you for stepping up to the plate and getting this shit done.

Hit me up on the Ol Facebook once you are done and let me know how well the workouts have worked for you.

Alright playboy

Go Big Or Go Home

- Teiko

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Recommended Resources

Big man Strong Program

The OG bad-assed training manualwhich reveals all of the Big Boy secrets

I picked up in my days as a bouncer. This workout is not for the faint of heart. If you wanna roll with the BIG DOGS you better step your game up!

Advanced 5x5 Program

My Homie Elliott’s take on the 5x5 program. Few people know this but, this is the exact program he built his entire framework off to become one of the most dominant strongmen in his weight class.