L L e e g g a a l l S S o o l l u u t t i i o o n n s s S S u u i i t t e e Function Overview Release 5. 0 www.csc-fs.com This document contains trade secrets and confidential information, which are proprietary to Computer Sciences Corporation. The use, reproduction, distribution or disclosure of the documentation, in whole or part, without the express written permission of Computer Sciences Corporation is prohibited. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Computer Sciences Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free. 1

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www.csc-fs.com This document contains trade secrets and confidential information, which are proprietary to Computer Sciences Corporation. The use, reproduction, distribution or disclosure of the documentation, in whole or part, without the express written permission of Computer Sciences Corporation is prohibited. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Computer Sciences Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free.


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This documentation is also an unpublished work protected under the copyright laws of the United States of American and other countries. If this documentation becomes published, the following shall apply:

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TRADEMARKS CSC, Computer Sciences Corporation, Legal Solutions Suite, and the CSC logo are trademarks of Computer Sciences Corporation. All other trademarks and logos or registered trademarks and logos found or mentioned in the Legal Solutions Suite software and related materials belong to their respective owners.

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ADMINISTRATION MENU ..................................................................................................................................................4 LAW FIRM MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................................................5 SET TIMEKEEPER RATES.................................................................................................................................................17 CLAIM LIST ....................................................................................................................................................................21

INVOICE ..........................................................................................................................................................................23 HOME .............................................................................................................................................................................24 INTAKE ...........................................................................................................................................................................27

Invoice Submission Status.........................................................................................................................................27 Additional Functions within Intake...........................................................................................................................30 Automatic Bill Review (ABR) Errors ........................................................................................................................35 Expense Receipt Processing......................................................................................................................................39 Manual Invoice Submissions.....................................................................................................................................41 LEDES 98B Invoice Submissions..............................................................................................................................44

THIRD PARTY EXPENSE ..................................................................................................................................................45 APPEAL ..........................................................................................................................................................................47

Appeal Line Items .....................................................................................................................................................51 MATTER ..........................................................................................................................................................................59

SELECT MATTER ............................................................................................................................................................59 Matters Folder ..........................................................................................................................................................59 To Do ........................................................................................................................................................................61 Matter Information....................................................................................................................................................62 Planning....................................................................................................................................................................65 Staffing......................................................................................................................................................................66 Budget .......................................................................................................................................................................67 Damages Assessment ................................................................................................................................................69 Approaching Trial Report.........................................................................................................................................70 Counsel’s Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................71 Settlement Status .......................................................................................................................................................72

TOOLS ..............................................................................................................................................................................73 CALENDAR .....................................................................................................................................................................73 DIRECTORY ....................................................................................................................................................................74 LAW FIRM PROFILE ........................................................................................................................................................75 INVOICE SEARCH ............................................................................................................................................................76


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Administration Menu

NOTE: Access to menu items is defined by the users’ User Group code.


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Law Firm Maintenance The Law Firm Maintenance function provides the ability to add, update and delete law firms, law firm offices and employees. When this function is first accessed, the Search Criteria dialog box displays to enable a search. Enter one or more of the following fields and click on the Find button: Law Firm, Office, User Group, First Name, Last Name, Timekeeper Initials or User Id.


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When data is found that matches the search criteria, the data displays for easy reading and access. To open a specific line and view details, click on the circular arrow icon or highlight the appropriate row and press the enter key.


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The detail information displays for the selected line.


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Add an Office, Employee and Employee Rates  The Add functions are available by clicking on the appropriate icon: Office, Employee or Employee rates.


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The Add Law Firm Detail Information dialog box displays. The fields marked with an * are required entries before saving the new office.

The fields marked with an * are required entries before saving the new office. The following list describes each field in the New Office Detail dialog box: Law Firm: This defaults to the office name of the logged on law firm employee Office: Enter the new office name. Address 1: Enter the law firm office’s street or P.O. Box address. Address 2: Enter the law firm office’s street or P.O. Box address. Address 3: Enter the law firm office ‘s street or P.O. Box address. City: Enter the city in which the law firm office is located. Country: This dropdown box allows you to choose the country where the law firm office is located. It currently defaults to USA. State Code: This dropdown allows you to choose the state in which the law firm office is located. Postal Code: Enter the law firm office’s zip code. Phone: Enter the law firm office’s phone number. Toll Free: Enter the law firm office’s toll free phone number. The header for this field can be changed to read Vendor No. To change the header title, access the System Processing Options Parent


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Company within the System Options function from the Administration menu. The last option on that page is: Toll Free for Title. When this option is set to “No”, the Toll Free title changes to Vendor No. Fax: Enter the law firm office’s fax number. After entering the appropriate data in the fields, click on the OK button. The updates are saved and you are returned to the Firm home page. You can select the Cancel button at any time in the dialog box Office Code: Enter the unique code associated to the office. Status Code: This field contains two radio buttons, Active and Inactive. The default for this field is Active. When the status of a law firm office is set to Inactive, invoice processing is prohibited. An inactive law firm office displays on the Law Firm home as grayed out and a Status of “I” displays in the Status field. Only a user with Administrative rights can access the law firm and change the status back to Active. Tax Id: Enter the tax ID for the law firm. Primary Contact: This field is disabled. A name displays when one of the employees for this office is selected as the primary contact. Billing Contact: This field is disabled. A name displays when one of the employees for this office is selected as the billing contact. Email Address: Enter the law firm office email address. Multiple email addresses can be entered. There are two options at the bottom of the page to help streamline your data entry. When the Add another Office check box is selected, another Add Office Detail Information box displays. When the Add law firm office employee check box is selected, the Add Office Employee Detail Information displays. In this example the default of Add law firm office employee is accepted. After the required Office entries are complete, click on the Add button. Since the default of Add law firm office employee was accepted, the Add Employee Detail Information dialog box displays.


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The fields marked with an * are required entries before saving the new employee. The following list describes each field in the New Employee Detail dialog box: Law Firm: Defaults to law firm from the previous dialog box Office: Defaults to the law firm office from the previous Law Firm Office dialog box First Name: Enter the first name of the new employee. Middle Initial: Enter the middle initial of the new employee. Last Name: Enter the last name of the new employee. User Group Code: This dropdown box allows you to choose the User Group to which the employee is associated. Login Status: This field defaults to Inactive. If the employee is going to access the system for processing, the selection needs to be Active. When Active is selected, the User ID field becomes enabled. User ID: This field becomes enabled when the Login Status is set to Active. This field provides entry of the login code used by the employee to access the system. Primary Contact: This field contains two radio buttons, Yes and No. If Yes is selected, the employee receives assignment letter emails when Matter Manger is used. Employee Status: This field contains two radio buttons, Active and Inactive. When Active is selected (the default) the employee is reflected as Active. When the employee status is Inactive, and


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the employee belongs to a specific user group such as claim rep, claim manager or supervisor the employee name does not display in the dropdowns for such user groups. When an invoice is processed against an inactive timekeeper, a compliance code of Inactive Timekeeper is set in Automatic Bill Review (ABR). Position/Title: This is a free-form entry field where the position or title of the employee is entered. Email Address: Enter the employee’s email address. Multiple addresses can be entered. Timekeeper Initials: Enter the initials of the employee. Phone: Enter the employee’s phone number. Cell Phone: Enter the employee’s cell phone number. Fax: Enter the employee’s FAX number. Reset Password: This field contains two radio buttons, Yes and No. If Yes is selected, the password is set to the User ID. The next time the user logs on they are requested to change their password. If you exceed the login attempts and your User ID becomes “Locked”, this button is used to reset your password. Billing Contact: This field contains two radio buttons, Yes and No. If Yes is selected, the employee is the billing contact for the law firm office. There are two options at the bottom of the page to help streamline your data entry. When the Add another Employee check box is selected, another Add Employee Detail Information box displays. When the Add TK Rates check box is selected, the Add Timekeeper Rates dialog box displays. In this example the default of Add Timekeeper Rates is accepted.


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After the required Employee entries are complete, click on the Add button. Since the default of Add TK Rates was accepted, the Add Timekeeper Rates dialog box displays.

The fields marked with an * are required entries before saving the rate for the employee. The following list describes each field in the Add Timekeeper Rates dialog box: Office Name: The office name defaults to name entered on the previous dialog boxes. Division: This dropdown defaults to All. When a specific division is selected, the rate information is pertinent to that division. Division Office: This dropdown defaults to All. When a specific division office is selected, the rate information is pertinent to that division office. LOB Cd: This dropdown defaults to All. When a specific line of business is selected, the rate information is pertinent to that line of business. Matter ID: An employee may be assigned to work on a specific Matter. If this is the case, enter the Matter ID here. Matter level rates are entered in Administration when Matter Manager is not being used. TK Name: This name defaults based on the entries entered on the previous Employee dialog box TK Initials: Enter the initials of the employee. Hourly Rate: Enter the hourly rate for the employee.


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Effective Date: The date the rate becomes effective. Approval Ind: This field contains two radio buttons, Yes and No. If Yes is selected, the employee rate is approved for processing. Expiration Date: The Expiration date defaults to 12/31/2049 and is protected. The date is updated when a rate change occurs. TK Cat. Cd: This dropdown allows you to associate the employee to a certain group of employees within the law firm. Some of the possible selections include: Associate, Paralegal, Partner, etc. Entry in the above fields creates a “Rate Row” for the employee. This rate row is used for validation when invoices are processed for this law firm and this employee. There is one option at the bottom of the page to help streamline your data entry. When the Add New Employee check box is selected, another Add Employee Detail Information box displays. This defaults to “de-selected”. After the required Rate entries are complete, click on the Add button. Since the Add New Employee check box was left de-selected, the entries are saved and you are returned to Law Firms page.


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Update Office or Employee Information  Locate the law firm, office or employee needing the update through the Search Criteria function. Open the appropriate line for the update and click on the Edit field for the area needing the update.

In this example, the Edit button was selected to update the Office information. The Update Office Detail Information dialog box displays. The fields marked with an * are required entries before saving the update. Enter the necessary updates and click on the Save button.


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Your entries are saved and you are returned to the to the Search Criteria page.


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Set Timekeeper Rates The Set Timekeeper Rates provides the ability to add, update and approve rates for employees within a law firm office. When this function is first accessed, the Search Criteria dialog box displays to enable a search. Enter one or more of the following fields and click on the Find button: Law Firm, Office, User Group, First Name, Last Name, Timekeeper Initials, Approval (status), User ID, TK Category Code, Matter ID, Division or LOB Cd.


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When data is found that matches the search criteria, the data displays for easy reading and access.

To open a specific line and view details, click on the circular arrow icon or highlight the appropriate line and press the enter key. If an employee has an existing rate row, the rate row can be updated by entering a new rate and Effective date directly on the Set Timekeeper Rates page.


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To Add a new rate to an employee, highlight the appropriate employee and click on the Add Timekeeper Rate icon.

The following list describes each field in the Add Timekeeper Rates dialog box: Law Firm: Defaults to the law firm of the law firm employee Office Name: Select the appropriate office for the employee Employee: Defaults to name of the employee selected from the previous page Division: Defaults to All for a new rate or to the division selected when the rate row was created. Division Office: Defaults to All for a new rate or to the division office selected when the rate row was created. LOB Cd: Defaults to All for a new rate or to the LOB selected when the rate row was selected. When a specific line of business is selected, the rate information is pertinent to that line of business. Matter ID: Defaults to 0 for a new rate or to the Matter Id. Entered when the rate row was created. An employee may be assigned to work on a specific Matter. If this is the case, enter the Matter ID here. Matter level rates are entered in Administration when Matter Manager is not being used. TK Name: This name defaults based on the entries on the previous Employee dialog box. The field is disabled. TK Initials: The initials default based on the entries on the previous Employee dialog box. The field is disabled.


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Hourly Rate: The rate defaults to 0 for a new rate or the rate entered when the rate row was created. Effective Date: Enter the date the rate should be effective Approval Ind: This field contains two radio buttons, Yes and No. If Yes is selected, the employee rate is approved for processing. Expiration Date: The Expiration date defaults to 12/31/2049 and is protected. The date is updated when a rate change occurs. TK Cat. Cd: This dropdown allows you to associate the employee to a certain group of employees within the law firm. Some of the possible selections include: Associate, Paralegal, Partner, etc.


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Claim List The Claim List function provides the ability to view a full list of claims associated to matters whether directly as shown on the matter page or as part of a claim split.

Enter search data to return a list of claims. After search criteria are entered, if applicable the results page displays.


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The Results page displays the following columns: Claim Number: displays the claim number which is either waiting assignment to a matter or is already associated to a matter. The claim number may either be associated directly to the matter through the matter page or through the claim split relationship. A row with no claim number indicates the matter has been created and no claim number has been entered. Last Updated Date: displays the date the claim occurrence row was last updated Matter ID: displays the generated matter ID for the matter associated to the claim Matter Name: displays the matter name Matter Effective Date: displays the date the matter was created Lead Claim: when the claim number is associated to a matter as part of a claim split, the ‘Lead Claim’ number is the number that displays on the matter page Lead Matter: when the matter is associated to another matter as part of a claim split, the ‘Lead Matter’ is the matter name that displays on the matter page


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Invoice The Invoice section of Legal Solutions Suite contains the following functions: Home, Intake and Third Party Expenses, Appeal. The selections displaying in this drop down are based on the logged on users authority.


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Home This is a law firm function and is used to locate a specific invoice or to view all invoices within a particular category. The different categories are: Invoice Files in Submission Process, Invoice files in Automated Bill/Budget Review, Invoices under Review and Invoices Waiting for Firm Response.


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The functions for the Home page are: Display File Sort > displays the Filter Sort dialog box with allows filters and Sort options for the invoices on the Home page or to search for a specific invoice

The Filter Sort dialog box displays three tabs: List Filters, Entry Filters and Sort. The List Filters tab allows you to filter by Division/Division Office, and/or Firm and/or Phase. The Entry Filter tab allows the search for a particular invoice by one of the following criteria: Invoice ID Matter ID Claim Number Matter Name Firm Invoice No. Locked By Claim Rep Name Assigned Auditor(Non Panel

Only) Case Level ID(Non Panel Only)


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If a match is found based on the search criteria, an invoice specific page displays.

The following icons become enabled based on the status of the invoice: Recap Letter Allows you to view and send the Recap letter. Reconsideration Letter Allows you to view and send the Reconsideration letter. Appeal Letter Allows you to view and send the Appeal letter. Expense Receipts Allows you to view and add the Expense Receipts.


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Invoice Submission Status

The Invoice Submission Status page can display many different tabs. The tabs display only if an invoice meets the criteria for that particular status. Invoices may be found in any of the following tabs: Incomplete Validation Errs ABR Errs Bgt. Review In Process Moving Loading Bill Review Waiting to Move Offline Failed Move Waiting for Approval

The tab names are abbreviated. The full titles are as follows: Incomplete: Incomplete Submissions Validation Errs: Invoice Validation Errors ABR Errs: Automated Bill Review Errors


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Bgt. Review: Invoices Under Budget Review In Process: Submissions In Process Waiting to Move: Waiting to move invoice to either Analysis or Finalization Loading: Loading Invoices for Automated Bill Review Bill Review: Automated Bill Review Errors Waiting to Move: Invoices Awaiting Movement to Analysis or Finalization Offline: Large Invoice being processed offline Failed Move: Failure to move invoice from Pre-Invoices to Invoice Waiting for Approval: Invoice waiting for Planning, Staffing and/or Budget completion The following information is displayed for the above categories: Company Office Submission Date File Name Submitted By Invoice Number Amount Invoice Date


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The Intake menu bar items are: Return Returns you to the Invoice Submission Status Page Clear the selected invoice(s) Selecting this button deletes all the invoices brought in for processing from the application. Submit Invoice Intake expects the invoice files to be built into a standard format. The base system includes a base format of 14 fields. The format can be modified between fields 15 and 30. There are third party time and billing packages available that already produce the parsed format. For more information on modifying the parsed format or on third party law firm time and billing packages, you can contact your CSC sales and marketing representative. Browse (button within the Add Invoice group box) Select a file or files and click on Open. The file(s) selected display. If multiple files are necessary, locate one invoice at a time and click on the Open button. Each invoice displays in the box to left of the Browse button. You may edit any obvious prescreen errors encountered or allow the system to detect these errors during the prescreen process. The edited version of the invoice as it appears on the screen is submitted to the system when you select the Submit Invoice button.


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Additional Functions within Intake Asynchronous Processing This process allows you to submit multiple invoice files for prescreening which frees you to do other tasks. You can return to the Law Firm Home page or the Intake Invoice Submission Status page at a later time to view the status of the invoices submitted. Full Invoice Display Provides the ability to choose an invoice that has been selected for loading and view the contents of the file in a display window. Prescreening Edits The main function of prescreening is to perform data validity checks on the fields contained in the invoice file. Below are some of these edits:

• Valid Header tag, Fee tag and Expense tag • Invalid UTBMS codes • Verification of Header Fee and Expense totals • Verification of Fee line item totals • Verification of Expense line item totals

If prescreening errors are found, the line item(s) in error displays. The error(s) displays to left of the line with a hyperlink for more information. The menu bar items are: Edit Invoice > displays the invoice as it was submitted - allows you to make updates to the invoice and resubmit Re-Submit > re-submits the invoice for processing once corrections have been made Withdraw > withdraws the current invoice from processing View All > allows you to view all line items submitted with the invoice View Errors > becomes enabled once you’ve selected the View All button and takes you back to the view of only the line items in error


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Corrections and Reload  If there are any errors found during the asynchronous prescreening process, you can access the invoice by going to the Intake Invoice Submission Status page and selecting the invoice in error. Any invoice submitted synchronously but abandoned when prescreen or ABR errors were found, also appear on the Intake Invoice Submission Status page under Incomplete Submissions. A list of errors displays, the user has the following options:

• Update the invoice to correct the problem • Delete the line item that is causing the problem • Withdraw the invoice completely


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Matter Matches A matter is considered a possible match to another matter based on one or more of the following:

Exact Claim Number Match Exact Matter Name Match Division Match Division Office Match Similar Claim Number Match Close Match Claim Number Close Matter Match

If a match is determined, details of your invoice as well as details of the matching invoice(s) displays. There are three buttons available for each matter that displays: View Detail, View Invoice(s) and Select This Matter. When multiple pages of possible matches are found, page numbers are listed at the bottom right side of the page. This provides the ability to view all possible matches


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There are two options for viewing invoice details. For each invoice listed as a possible match the following options are available: View Detail This button displays a list of reasons for the possible match based on the list above the screen print. View Invoice(s) This button displays summary information about the invoice(s) contained within the possible matched matter. The following fields display: Firm Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Min Task Date, Max Task Date, Invoice Fees, Invoice Exps and Invoice Total. When it is determined that this invoice should be associated to an existing matter, click on the Select This Matter link. Select This Matter This button selects that matter as the one to which the current invoice is added. .

The Yes button enters the current submission into the duplicate/subsequent check within that matter. The No Button returns the user to the list of possible matches.


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The menu bar items are: Return to Invoice Submission Status Page This returns you to the Invoice Submission Status Page Display Allows you to adjust the amount of possible invoice matches that displays on a page New Matter Indicates this invoice is not a possible match for any existing matter and that a new matter is to be created. Withdraw Invoice Submission This deletes the invoice from the application. If the invoice was retrieved from a hard drive or CD, the invoice is not deleted from that devise.


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Automatic Bill Review (ABR) Errors If errors are found during the ABR process, two tabs display to explain the details of the errors within the invoice. The Automated Bill Review Summary tab displays high level information about the invoice and the line item problems found. The Automated Bill Review Line Items tab displays each line item that is in error. The error found on the line item is hyper-linked to provide additional information on the error. If you are not able to correct the errors at this point, you can select the Withdraw option on the menu bar and the invoice is removed from the system.

If you do not want to withdraw the invoice, based on the error, you have four options to select from to complete the invoice process. The options are displayed by four buttons: Re-Submit, Sub-As-Is, No-Charge and Add TK. The Re-Submit button allows you to make changes to the line item and resubmit it for review. The Sub As Is button submits the line item with the compliance code assigned during ABR. The No-Charge button submits the line item as is but does not associate a charge for the task. The Add TK button allows you add a Timekeeper for the line item so that processing can continue; however, the line item is flagged with an Unapproved Timekeeper Rate compliance code.


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The ABR menu bar items are: Return to Invoice Submission Status Page This returns you to the Invoice Submission Status Page Previous This button is enabled when the Next button has been selected at least one. These two buttons page you through the ARB errors Next This button is enabled when there are multiple pages of ABR errors to view. Filter Allows you to sort the line item display by Compliance Description, Date, Timekeeper Initials, Rate or Units Display Allows you to determine the number of line items that display per page - the maximum is 50 line items per page Withdraw Removes the invoice from processing Global Allows you to process (Re-Submit, No-Charge or Submit As Is) multiple line items with the same compliance code at the same time - also allows a Note to entered globally. Expense Receipt Allows the entry and viewing of expense receipts View Displays a copy of the invoice as it was submitted Print Prints a copy of the line items in error Save Saves changes made to the line items Show Matter Details This button displays a dialog box with high level matter information.


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Asynchronous Processing This is basically the same type of processing as found in prescreening. When the prescreening process has finished with all of the invoices selected for loading, those invoices that passed prescreening are processed through ABR. You are still free to do other tasks. You can return to the Law Firm Home page or the Intake Invoice Submission Status page at a later time to view the status of the invoices submitted. Automatic Finalization Provides the ability to send an invoice straight to the Finalization phase if no ABR errors are detected that have a Further Review reduction type. This function is based on entries in the SYSTEM_PROCESSING_OPTIONS data table and is at the division level. Precoding Edits The main function of ABR is to perform a more detailed edit of the information contained on the invoice. These edits include:

• Duplicate invoice check • Inactive timekeeper • Law firm voluntary reduction • Line item submitted As Is by Law Firm • Unknown timekeeper/rate • Hourly rate adjusted/re-submitted by law firm • Narrative adjusted/re-submitted by law firm • Timekeeper initials adjusted/resubmitted by law firm • Units adjusted/resubmitted by law firm • Keyword narrative compliance coding (This feature is available on a client by client

basis. Contact your CSC representation for further information). • Hours in excess of X • Unapproved timekeeper/rate • Improper hourly rate

History Capture A history of all the original line items as well as any corrections made to the line items are captured on the database for auditing and reporting purposes. Comments Additional information for a line item is entered in the Add Notes area of the Line Item Submission For Matter Reference page. These Comments are available again in the Analysis and Resolution phase of the invoice.


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Key Word Search  Provides the ability to incorporate keyword searches in the narrative portion of a line item. Based on the keywords found, a compliance code is automatically set. Some of the keywords and their corresponding compliance code violations follow:

• Document/File Management - 154 • Administrative/Coordinative Activities: Cover Letters - 102A • Professional Performing Clerical Functions: Receipt of Documents - 100A • Administrative/Coordinative Activities: Scheduling - 102B • Administrative/Coordinative Activities: Preparation of Bills - 102C • Administrative/Coordinative Activities: Billing Audit Response - 102D • Staff Training/CLE - 750 • Professional Performing Clerical Functions: File Searches - 110B • Database Management Charges (Input, Coding, Queries) - 708 • Administrative/Coordinative Activities: Travel Arrangements - 102F • Professional Performing clerical Functions: Secretarial Tasks - 100C • Professional Performing Clerical Functions: File Organization - 100D • Administrative/Coordinative Activities: Arranging Messenger Services - 102G • Billing for Telephone Attempts - 706 • Vague Description - 700 • Questionable File Reviews - 151 • Questionable Preparation of Pleadings - 305 • Questionable Claims/Investigative Activity - 705

Corrections If there are any errors found during the asynchronous ABR process, you can access the invoice by going to the Intake Invoice Submission Status page and select the invoice in error. A list of errors displays and you have the following options:

• Correct the error and Re-submit • Take a voluntary reduction on this line item - No Charge • Submit as is


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Expense Receipt Processing Expense receipts can be submitted during invoice processing. The support table: ABR Variable Values provides the ability to set an expense threshold. When an invoice is processed where the total of the expense line items exceeds the limit entered in the support table, the following question displays: “Do you wish to attach any receipts to this invoice?” Select the Yes button to submit the expense receipt.


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The Add Document dialog box displays. Enter the required fields and click on the Save button to save the expense receipt.

Since multiple expense receipts can be entered on one invoice, you will continue to receive the “Do you wish to attach any receipts to this invoice?” message box after each document is saved. Once all expense receipt processing is complete, click on the “No” button. After the invoice processing is complete, the expense receipt can be viewed in Analysis, Resolution and Document Management.


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Manual Invoice Submissions When an invoice formatting application is not available, invoices can be entered manually. The Add Manual Invoice icon displays on the Invoice Submission Status page.


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The Manual Invoice Processing function provides two tabs for entry. The first tab is for entry of the invoice header information. After completing the required fields on the Header Section tab, select the Line Item Section tab.


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The second tab is for entry of line items. After a line item is entered and saved, a new line item displays until all entry is complete. Select the Submit Invoice to proceed with the Prescreening and Precoding processes.


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LEDES 98B Invoice Submissions The Intake function allows entry of invoices in the LEDES 98B format.


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Third Party Expense When the Third Party Expense function is accessed, the Search Criteria dialog box displays to enable a search. A comprehensive search can be performed on Vendor, From/To dates and Status. A more defined search can be performed on Matter ID, Matter Name and Claim Number.


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To enter a Third Party Expense, click on the Add Expense icon on the menu bar. The Add Expense dialog box displays. The required fields are marked by a red asterisk. When an image of the expense document is entered in the Upload Related Document field, and the expense payment is saved, a copy of this document displays in Document Management for this matter.


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Appeal With this function, a law firm has the ability to initiate an appeal. The Appeal home page lists all the invoices that have been selected at a prior time for appeal but were not completed. A law firm may select an invoice to appeal and during the appeal process determine that they need additional information before they can complete the appeal. All previous work is saved. When the Law Firm user returns to this page the incomplete appealed invoice is available. This page serves as a work in process for invoices that have already been selected for appeal but not completed.

Menu bar items at Appeal page: Release the selected invoice Releases the lock from the logged on user. Request Appeal An invoice needs to be highlighted for the icon to be enabled. Locate Invoices for Appeal Allows you to search and locate an invoice for appeal


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Cancel Appeal Provides ability to cancel an appeal. Display All Invoices This button enables the scrolling function and displays all invoices at once Display Invoices in Groups of 100 This changes the invoice display to 100 invoices per page Filter Sort Provides the ability to use List Filters, Entry Filters and Sort options to display a certain group of invoices. Locating Invoices to Appeal 

When an invoice has been finalized and the law firm wants to appeal the reductions taken on the invoice, the locate function is used. The invoice can be searched for using the ‘Locate Invoices’ button From here, the law firm user can search for a specific invoice or just press the ‘OK’ button without selecting any filter or search criteria and receive a listing of all invoices that are available for appeal by the law firm.


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After invoices have been retrieved for the appeal process, they display on the Reconsideration Selection page.

The ‘Reconsideration Selection’ page contains a list of all the invoices that have been finalized. If an Invoice has not been reduced then it cannot be appealed. Visually, invoices that have not been reduced are disabled and a small yellow icon appears at the beginning of the line to indicate that this invoice cannot be appealed. To appeal an invoice, select the appropriate invoice and press the ‘Appeal a finalized invoice’ menu button. The Appeal Line Items page displays.


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Cancel an Appeal  To cancel an invoice that has been brought in for appeal, highlight the invoice and click on the Cancel Appeal button. A confirmation dialog box displays; click on the Yes button to continue with the cancellation.


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Appeal Line Items

This is the main page for appeal processing. Line items that can be appealed have a check box in the first column. Line items that have not been reduced cannot be appealed and have a red lock in the first column.


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Reason for Appeal 

The purpose of the “Appeal Line Items” page is to allow the law firm to appeal individual line items on the invoice that have been reduced. To facilitate this process, a “Reason for Appeal” dialog box is displayed when the checkbox in the 1st column of the line item is checked. This dialog will provide a list of appeal reasons that can be selected. The dialog also contains a free formed text area where up to 2,000 characters of text can be entered. Appeal Line Items Menu Items  Return Returns the user to the Appeal page leaving the invoice checked out to the current law firm user. Release Returns the user to the Appeal page and unlocks the invoice Complete Discussed in detail later Appeal Documents Discussed in detail later


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Add, Delete or View Appeal Documentation 

Part of the appeal process may require the attachment of supporting documentation. The documentation menu button displays a documentation dialog box that provides the law firm user with the ability to add, delete and view external documentation attached to the invoice being appealed.


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To attach a supporting document, the law firm enters the name and location of the document and press the “Attach Document” button. A “Browse” button is provided to aid the law firm user in finding the document to be attached. Once the “Attach Document” button is pressed the document will be attached to the invoice and saved. The name of the document will then display in the bottom section of the “Appeal Documents” dialog in the “Documents attached for appeal” section.


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Delete an Item from the Appeal Documents Dialog  To delete a document that has been attached to the appeal, select the document in the “Documents attached for appeal” section and press the “Delete” button. The action will display a confirmation box to insure that the correct document is being deleted.

If the ‘Yes’ button is pressed the document will be deleted from the invoice and removed from the “Documents attached for appeal” section of the dialog box. If the ‘No’ button is pressed the confirmation box will be dismissed and no further action will be taken.  


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Appeal Documents Dialog (View Document) 


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Complete Appeal 

Once the law firm user has added an appeal comment to each of the appealed line items and attached any supporting documentation they will need to press the ‘Complete’ menu button to submit the appeal. Pressing the ‘Complete’ button will display the ‘Complete Appeal’ dialog box. If the law firm user would like to send an email notification, they would select the check box labeled ‘Send an Email Notification’ and an entry field will display. To send an email to multiple people, separate each email address will a comma. Sending an email notification is optional.


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At this point the law firm user would press the ‘Complete’ button. The action will display a confirmation box to insure that the law firm user is ready to complete the appeal

. If the ‘Yes’ button is pressed the invoice will be appealed and the “Appeal’ page will be displayed. If the ‘No’ button is pressed the confirmation box will be dismissed and no further action will be taken


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Select Matter

Matters Folder

Selection of the Matters Folder option from the Matter drop down displays the Matters Folder with two tabs: Matters and To Do. The Matters tab provides the ability to search for matters by Division/Division Office, Law Firm, Matter ID, Matter Name, Claim Number and Case Level. When a search option of Matter ID, Matter Name, Claim Number or Case Level is selected, you can further define your search by Exact Match, Begins With or Contains. An Entry Text box is available for this additional search option.

The Exclude Closed Matters indicator is automatically turned on when the page displays. This option can be deselected when your search needs to include closed matters.


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When a claim representative logs on, the Matters tab displays the ‘Dashboard’ button. Click on this button to display the Case Summary dashboard. The dashboard displays information for open case management matters.


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To Do

The To Do tab also displays when the Matters Folder option is selected from the Matter menu option. The To Do tab is also accessible from the Tools menu option.

The To Do tasks are broken into three categories: Requiring Review, Calendar and Miscellaneous. The tasks within these categories display when one or more events are applicable for that task. Each group is hyperlinked and has a number to the right of it in parenthesis. This number indicates the number of events within that particular task group that require an action. Click on the appropriate task to display all the events.


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Matter Information The Matter Information page displays and allows entry of matter, claim and policy information. If a claim interface is in place, some of the claim and policy information is automatically populated.


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Matter Information continued:


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Matter Information continued:


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Planning Initial Case Assessment 

The Initial Case Assessment page allows the law firm to provide a summary of counsel’s case strategy, describing planned activities needed to bring the matter to conclusion.

The Initial Case Assessment functions are: Open Document > opens the Editor where you can type, or copy and paste information concerning the assessment Upload Document > allows you to locate a document and upload it Download Template > allows you to download a template of the Initial Case Assessment and then enter the necessary data and then upload the file Submit > sends the invoice to the claim handler for review/approval Print > prints the report Close > saves your entries and closes the page Cancel > closes the page New Version > this button only displays after the Assessment has been approved by the claim rep


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The Matter Staffing page displays initially with the lead attorney already assigned. Additional timekeepers are selected from the bottom list box and moved to the Assigned Timekeepers list box when the Assign Timekeeper(s) to Staff button is selected.

The Matter Staffing functions are: Assign Timekeeper(s) to Staff > highlight the timekeepers needed for the staffing plan and then click on this button – the timekeepers are moved to the Assigned Timekeepers portion of the page Remove Timekeeper(s) From Staff > highlight the timekeepers that need to be removed from the staffing plan and click on this button - the timekeepers are moved back to the Available Timekeepers portion of the page Save > saves your selections but does not submit the staffing plan to the claim handler Submit > as a law firm, the Submit button sends the staffing plan to the division claim handler for review/approval - as a division, the Submit button sends the staffing plan back to the law firm with an updated status of Agreed or Consult Close > closes the page but does not submit the Staffing Plan Cancel > removes new entries and closes the page


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The Budget page enables the law firm to enter budget amounts on several different levels for Fees and Expenses. The highest level is the Matter level, then the Phase level and finally the Task level.

The Budget functions are: Save > allows you to save the entries for a the new budget or for updates Submit > sends the invoice to the division claim handler for review/approval Close > closes the page without submitting the budget Cancel > removes new entries and closes the page

Within each phase, a Task level is available if appropriate. An example of this level is: L110 Fact Investigation/Development, L120 Analysis/Strategy, etc.


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For Task level details, an Add Detail button is available.


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Damages Assessment

The Damages Assessment report provides damage information at the claimant level.

The Damages Assessment functions are: Save > saves all entries and updates Close > saves all entries and closes the page Cancel > removes new entries and closes the page


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Approaching Trial Report

The Approaching Trial Report page provides an area for the law firm to provide information about the trial. To open the editor, click on the Open Editor button.

The Approaching Trial Report functions are: Open Editor > opens the Editor where you can type, or copy and paste information concerning the approaching trial Print Document > prints the document New Version > provides the ability to create a new version of the document – this button becomes enabled after the previous version has been submitted Submit > submits the report for review Close > saves all entries and closes the page


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Counsel’s Evaluation

The Counsel’s Evaluation report is used when there is ‘significant activity’ such as any activity that has a direct impact on the facts, liability, injury/damages or value of a case.

The Counsel’s Evaluation functions are: Open Editor > opens the Editor where you can type, or copy and paste information concerning the case Print Document > prints the document New Version > provides the ability to create a new version of the document – this button becomes enabled after the previous version has been submitted Submit > submits the report for review Close > saves all entries and closes the page


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Settlement Status

The Settlement Status tab provides the ability to track all settlement negotiations.

The Settlement Status functions are:

Add Data > displays entry fields for the settlement information


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The Calendar is used to track specific activities that law firm personnel assign to a particular matter. It is also used to promote communication between the claim handler and the law firm. When the Calendar function is selected, all activities for the law firm employee display. This view is not matter specific. When the Calendar icon is selected on a particular matter, the activities pertaining to that matter only will display.


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The Directory is an information bank of key people or companies involved in various aspects of a matter. The Directory Search Criteria dialog box provides search capability by Last Name, Company or Category.

When the Directory option is selected from the Tools option, any of the entries in the Category field can be selected. However, when the Directory icon is selected within a matter, the Category defaults based on the field from which it was selected i.e. Policy Contact, Opposing Counsel, etc. and cannot be changed. An Add button is available if the search does not bring back the requested results. Selection of the Add button displays the Directory Entry dialog box.


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Law Firm Profile The Law Firm Profile displays information entered by the law firm through the following tabs: Offices, Practice and Client References. The Case Rating, Performance Rating and TK Rates are available for claim reps and administrators.

The composite Rate and Average Hourly Rates for different timekeeper categories display for each office within the law firm.


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Invoice Search The Invoice Search function provides the ability to locate a specific invoice without leaving your current work page. The page displays with the filter/sort dialog box.

There are two Filter options: List Filters and Entry Filters.

With the List Filter, you can search on Divisions/office, Firms and Phases.

The Entry Filters tab allows you to search by: Invoice ID, Matter ID, Claim Number, Matter Name, Firm Invoice No., Locked By, Claim Rep Name, Assigned Auditor and Case Level ID.

The Sort tab allows you to sort the information returned from your search by the following criteria: Receipt Date, Firm, Claim Number, Amount, Matter ID, Invoice ID, Matter Name, Claim Rep and Assigned Auditor.