Introduction to Bioinformatics 9. Machine Learning for Protein Structure Prediction #1 Course 341 Department of Computing Imperial College, London © Simon Colton

Lecture 9 slides: Machine learning for Protein Structure

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Page 1: Lecture 9 slides: Machine learning for Protein Structure

Introduction to Bioinformatics9. Machine Learning for

Protein Structure Prediction #1

Course 341

Department of Computing

Imperial College, London

© Simon Colton

Page 2: Lecture 9 slides: Machine learning for Protein Structure

Remember the Scenario

We have found a gene in mice– Which when active makes them immune to a disease

The gene codes for a protein, the protein has a shape and the shape dictates what it does

Humans share 96% of their genes with mice

So, what does the human protein look like?

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The Database Approach

If two sequences are sequentially similar– Then they are very likely to code for similar proteins

Find the best match for the mouse gene– In terms of sequences– From a large database of individual human genes– Or from a database of families of genes

Infer protein structure from knowledge of matched genes – If lucky, a structure of one of them may already be known

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There is another way…

Machine learning: general set of techniques– For teaching a computer to make predictions– By observing given correct predictions (being trained)

Special type of prediction– Classification of objects into classes

E.g., images into faces/cars/landscapes E.g., drugs into toxic/non-toxic (binary classification)

We want to predict a protein’s structure– Given its sequence

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A Good Approach

Look at regions of a protein– i.e., lengths of residues

Define ways to describe the regions– So that we can infer the structure of a protein

From a description of all its regions

Learn methods for predicting:– What type of region a particular residue will be in

Apply this to a protein sequence– To find contiguous regions with same description– Put regions together to predict entire structure

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For example


Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha Inter Inter Beta Beta Beta Beta

Trained Predictor

Alpha Helix Beta Sheet

Further Processing

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Two Main Questions

How do we describe protein structures?– What are alpha helices and beta-sheets?– Covered in the next lecture

How do we train our predictors?– Covered in this lecture (and the start of the next…)

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Machine Learning in a Nutshell

Examples in

Predictor out

Learning is by example– More examples, better predictors– For some methods, the examples are used once– For other methods, they are used repeatedly

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Machine Learning Considerations

What is the problem for the predictor to address?

What is the nature of our data?

How will we represent the predictor?

How will we train the predictor?

How will we test how good the predictor is?

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Types of Learning Problemsin Bioinformatics

Class membership– e.g., predictive toxicology

Prediction of sequences– e.g., sequences of protein sub-structures

Classification hierarchies– e.g., folds, families, super-families

Shape descriptions– e.g., binding site descriptions

Temporal models– e.g., activity of cells, metabolic pathways

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Learning Data

Data comes in many forms, in particular:– Objects (to be classified/predicted for)– Classifications/predictions of objects– Features of objects (to use in the prediction)

Problems with data– Imprecise information (e.g., badly recorded data)– Irrelevant information (e.g., additional features)– Incorrect information (e.g., wrong classifications)– Missing classifications– Missing features for sets of objects

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Types of Representations

Logical– Decision trees, grammars, logic programs– Symbolic, understandable representations

Probabilistic– Neural networks, Hidden Markov Models, SVMs– Mathematical functions, not easy to understand

Mixed– Bayesian Networks, Stochastic Logic Programs– Have advantages of both, more difficult to work with

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Advantages of Representations

Probabilistic models:– Can handle noisy and imprecise data– Useful when there is a notion of uncertainty (in data/hypothesis)– Well-founded (300 years of development)– Good statistical algorithms for estimation

Logical models– Richness of description– Extensibility - probabilities, sequences, space, time, actions– Clarity of results– Well-founded (2400 years of development)

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Decision Tree Representations

Input is a set of features– Describing an example/situation

Many “if-then” choices– Leaves are decision

Logical representation:– “If then” is implication– Branches are conjunctions– Different branches comprise

A disjunction

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Artificial Neural Networks

Layers of nodes– Input is transformed into

numbers– Weighted averages are fed into

nodes High or low numbers come

out of nodes– A Threshold function

determines whether high or low Output nodes will “fire” or not

– Determines classification For an example

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Logic Program Representations

Logic programs are a subset of first order logic They consist of sets of Horn clauses

– Horn clause: A conjunction of literals implying a single literal

Can easily be interpreted At the heart of the Prolog programming language

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Learning Decision Trees

Problem: what feature do nodes in the tree test?– And what happens for each case

ID3 algorithm:– Uses a notion of “Information gain”– Based on entropy: how (dis)organised data is– Chooses the node with the highest information gain

As the node to add to the tree next

– Then restricts examples for next node

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Learning Artificial Neural Networks

First problem: layer structure– Usually done through trial and error

Main problem: choosing the weights– Uses a back-propagation algorithm to train them

Each example is given– If currently correctly classified, that’s fine– If not, the errors from the output are passed back

Propagated in order to change the weights throughout Only very small changes are made (avoid un-doing good work)

Once all examples have been given– We start again, until some termination conditions (accuracy) met– Often requires thousands of such training ‘epochs’

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Learning Logic Programs

A notion of generality is used– One logic program is more general than another

If one follows from another (sort of) [subsumption]

A search space of logic programs is defined– Constrained using a language bias

Some programs search from general to specific– Using rules of deduction to go between sentences

Other programs search from specific to general– Using inverted rules of deduction

Search is guided by:– Performance of the LP with respect to classifying training examples– Information theoretic calculations to avoid over-specialisations

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Testing Learned Predictors #1

Imperative to test on unseen examples– Cannot report accuracy on examples which have been used to

train the predictor, because the results will be heavily biased

Simple method: Hold back– When number of examples > 200 (roughly)– Split into a training set and a test set (e.g., 80%/20%)– Never let the training algorithm see the test set– Report the accuracy of the predictor on the test set only– Have to worry about statistics with smaller numbers

This kind of testing came a little late to bioinformatics– Beware conclusions drawn about badly tested predictors

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N-Fold Cross Validation

Leave one out– For m < 20 examples– Train on m-1 examples, test predictor on left out example– Do this for every example and report the average accuracy

N-fold cross validation– Randomly split into n mutually exclusive sets (partitions)– For every set S

Train using all examples from the other n-1 sets Test predictor on S, record the accuracy

– Report the average accuracy over all the sets– 10-fold cross validation is common

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Testing Learned Predictors #2

Often different consideration for different contexts– E.g., false positives/negatives in medical diagnosis

Confusion matrix– For binary prediction tasks

Predicted F Predicted T

number = anumber = b

(false pos)

number = c

(false neg)number = d

Actually F

Actually T

Let t = a+b+c+d Predictive accuracy = (a+d)/t Majority class = max ((a+b)/t, (c+d)/t) Precision = Selectivity = d/(b+d) Recall = Sensitivity = d/(c+d)

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Comparing Learning Methods

A very simple method: Majority class predictor – Predict everything to be in the majority class– Trained predictors must beat this to be credible

N-fold cross validation results are compared– To show an advance in predictor technology

However, accuracy is not the only consideration– Speed, memory and comprehensibility

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It’s easy to over-train predictors If a predictor is substantially better for the training set than

the test set, it is overfitting– Essentially, it has memorised aspects of the examples, rather than

generalising properties of them– This is bad: think of a completely new example– Individual learning schemes have coping methods

Easy general approach to avoiding overfitting:– Maintain a validation set to perform tests on during training

When performance on the validation set degrades, stop learning– Be careful of blips in predictive accuracy (leave a while, then come back)

Note: this shouldn’t be used as the testing set