Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle

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  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    PROGRAM DESIGNPart 2 Planning the Training Cycle

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Classic Periodization

    Splits training cycles into distinct periods, blocks, or phasesof training Generally has preparatory, competitive, and transition phases

    Hypertrophy/anatomical adaptation phase

    Strength phase

    Power phase

    Peaking phase

    Active rest phases

    Phases are subdivided into other smaller units of training

    Generally picks 1-2 major goals for a period and works on

    them Either ignores or maintains other qualities (i.e., working on strength

    while ignoring endurance)

    Used in sport training, but also can be used for recreationalathletes and fitness enthusiasts

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Classic Periodization

    Macrocycle Long term (3-6 months, competitive season, orlonger) What is the overall goal of the program? Rehab? Competition?

    What are the qualities to be developed during the program?

    Training in tensi ty (%1RM) wil l general ly increase whi le volum e

    (total work done) wi l l decrease over the course of a pro gram

    Mesocycle mid-term (1-3 months) What is the goal of each mesocycle? Be more specific here.

    Select training methods used in this block based on the goal (heavy orslow negatives, isometric holds, overloading partial ROM, etc.)

    Microcycle short term (1 week or one distinct series ofworkouts) Individual workout programming

    Active rest days and conditioning

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Volume and Intensity

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Planning out your training cycle

    Start by picking a target date Could be for competition, summer, or the time frame for your goal

    Determine the number of weeks/months you have until thatdate Work backwards from there

    Be sure to account for holidays, vacations, etc. 12-16 weeks is a good program length (Macrocycle)

    This gives you time to evaluate the program and see size and strengthgains

    Hypertrophy gains are typically slower and requires at least a couple ofmonths to see a significant difference, especially in trained individuals

    Depending on your target and how many weeks you have, splityour Macrocycle into several Mesocycles 3-4 weeks is common for mesocycles

    4thweek of the month is often a deload/unload week where intensityis lower, allowing the body to supercompensate and recover

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Example The Macrocycle

    It is December 15th, I want to start a new program on

    January 1st

    My goal is to be big and swole and jacked by summer

    (May 1st)

    Thats about 4-4.5 months (17-18 weeks) of training

    But Im going to Mardi Gras over spring break!

    Oh and Granny G is coming to visit too

    So lets call it a 16 week training cycle (macrocycle)

    If we divide our training by 4 weeks per cycle, that gives

    us 4 mesocycles, which should work great

    Now we plan out our 4 mesocycles

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Example the Mesocycles

    So we have 4 mesocycles to get big and swole, but also


    It may be best to start with hypertrophy and later on cut fat

    In this case

    Use 2 mesocycles strictly dedicated to hypertrophy

    Use a transition cycle that starts working on fat loss (but still

    emphasizes hypertrophy)

    Final mesocycle can focus on fat loss (along with transition cycle)

    Now we know the goals of each month of training, wemove on to planning out the specific weeks (microcycles)

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle



    Months 1 and 2 (hypertrophy) will be similar as the goal is thesame Consider a mix of powerlifting (for strength) and Bodybuilding in your


    Month 3 (transition into fat loss) will start to add in some calorie

    restriction and some cardio Dont overdo the dieting and cardio here, you still want to gain some

    muscle. Simply adjust to not eating as much and doing a little more.

    Body weight and/or body fat % should be decrease modestly -

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Example The Microcycle

    4 days a week program is acceptable for many goals

    5 days a week, if time allows, might work a little better during

    hypertrophy phases

    A possible split for this program would be:

    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

    Main exercise Squat Bench Press Deadlift Overhead Press

    Supplemental Front Squat Close grip BP RDLs Incline press

    Accessory BB hip thrusts &

    BB Bicep curls

    2 arm horizontal

    Rows & DB press

    DB curls &

    wrist curls

    Vertical row & shrugs

    Accessory Back raises &calf raises

    Tricep extensions &

    face pulls

    GHRs 1 arm horizontal row

    & shoulder raises

    Core Anti-extension Anti-rotation Anti-lateralflexion

    Hip flexion with a

    neutral spine

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Example The MicrocyclesMonths 1 & 2(hypertrophy)

    Month 3(transition to fat loss)

    Month 4(fat loss, muscle


    Week 1 Main: 3x6 @8Supplemental: 4x12 @9

    Accessory: 4x12 @9-10

    Main: 3x5@8

    Supplemental: 3-4x12@9

    Accessory: 3-4x10@9-10

    Main: 3x12 @8

    Supplemental: 4x12

    Accessory: 4x15

    Week 2 Main: 3x4 @8-9Supplemental: 4x10 @9

    Accessory: 4x12 @9-10

    Main: 3x3 @8-9

    Supplemental: 3-4x10 @9

    Accessory: 3-4x10 @9-10

    Main: 3x10 @8-9

    Supplemental: 4x10

    Accessory: 4x15

    Week 3 Main: 1x6, 1x4, 1x2 @9

    Supplemental: 4x8 @9Accessory: 4x12 @9-10

    Main: 1x5, 1x3, 1x1 @9

    Supplemental: 3-4x8 @9Accessory: 3-4x10 @9-10

    Main: 3x6 @9

    Supplemental: 4x8Accessory: 4x15

    Week 4



    Main: 3x5 @6-7

    Supplemental: 3x10@6-7

    Accessory: 3x15 @6-7

    Main: 3x5 @6-7

    Supplemental: 3x10 @6-7

    Accessory: 3x10 @6-7

    Main: 3x8 @7

    Supplemental: 3x10 (light)

    Accessory: 3x10 (light)

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    About weight prescription

    Many programs indicate % of 1RM to be used as a

    training load

    1RM is usually determined at the beginning of a cycle

    This may not be optimal in extreme situations

    Some people are extremely active during their jobs and a straight

    % may be too much on a regular basis

    Some people (especially some college students) have plenty of

    time to eat, sleep, and train properly a straight % may not be

    enough weight for them after.

    A pre-defined % of a 1RM achieved 6-8 weeks earlier may not

    accurately reflect a persons strength

    Using Rep Maxes and/or RPE may be a better solution

    I.e., Instead of using 80% of 1RM, use a 6RM load at a 9-10 RPE

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Non-linear Periodization

    Intensities change from one workout to the next, instead of on

    a weekly basis

    Classic Periodization usually increases intensity (weekly) as the cycle

    goes on, peaking at or near the end. Volume decreases throughout

    There is some scientific evidence touting non-linear (aka.Undulating) periodization to be superior to classic


    Allows more variety in a workout sequence

    Allows athletes to quickly pick up a workout sequence after


    Less boredom in day to day workout routines

    Adaptable to diverse situations of a given training day

    Allows for more frequent rest of some muscles due to use of various

    resistance loadings

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Non-linear Periodization example

    The key is to keep the training stimuli unique for each day


    Light intensity and High volume (12-15RM)

    Moderate intensity and High volume (8-10RM)

    High intensity and moderate volume (4-6RM)

    Very high intensity and low volume (1-3RM)

    Power day (1-6RM with power exercises)

    Very low intensity and very low volume (20-23RM for 1 set)

    Active rest day(s)

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    NLP example - Strength

    VL: 2

    L: 9

    M: 3

    H: 12 VH: 6

    P: 4

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    NLP example Hypertrophy & Strength

    VL: 1

    L: 9

    M: 14

    H: 9 VH: 3

    P: 0

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    NLP example Endurance & GPP

    VL: 7

    L: 12

    M: 10

    H: 6 VH: 1

    P: 0

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Comparison between designs

    Strength Hypertrophy &


    Endurance &


    Very Light 2 1 7

    Light 9 9 12

    Medium 3 14 10

    Heavy 12 9 6

    Very Heavy 6 3 1

    Power 4 0 0

    Total training days 36 36 36

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Sample NLP workouts

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Sample NLP workouts

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    Sample NLP workouts

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle


    More info on Periodization

  • 8/22/2019 Lecture 9 - Resistance Training Program Design Part 2 Training Cycle

