Establishing Professional Practice 18/02/13 Week 5 Module name: Design & Materials Timetable hours: 450 minutes Hours attended: 150 minutes Additional hours: 510 minutes What I expect to achieve: This week I expect to be at a stage where I am confident with my sketches so that I can start making my model. I also intend to continue drawing in my sketchbook journal and work on any other modules. What have I achieved? I have drawn more designs as planned and I now have a clear idea of what I will be making for my project. Did I visit any galleries to further my knowledge? I did not visit any galleries this week instead I attended an Adobe webinar. The webinar focused on Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Ideas and Creative Cloud for designers. It was a great way to learn more about what Adobe has on offer for designers. What do I think/feel about my achievements? I am delighted with my achievements so far and I can’t wait to start making my model. What did I learn this week I learned a lot about Adobe and how I can use their software in my design work. There is a new feature for Adobe Illustrator called image trace, which makes it possible to get better editable vector images. It is accurate and the results are amazing. Adobe Ideas is a touch application that allows designers to use free hand tools. It enables designers to work anywhere and is transferable to Adobe creative suites. I also know more about Adobe ‘Creative Cloud’ for designers and I might join if the need arises. What will I do next...? I will make my model and do some orthographic drawings of my model. I will also continue drawing in my sketchbook journal.

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Establishing Professional Practice 18/02/13 Week 5 Module name: Design & Materials Timetable hours: 450 minutes Hours attended: 150 minutes Additional hours: 510 minutes What I expect to achieve: This week I expect to be at a stage where I am confident with my sketches so that I can start making my model. I also intend to continue drawing in my sketchbook journal and work on any other modules. What have I achieved? I have drawn more designs as planned and I now have a clear idea of what I will be making for my project. Did I visit any galleries to further my knowledge? I did not visit any galleries this week instead I attended an Adobe webinar. The webinar focused on Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Ideas and Creative Cloud for designers. It was a great way to learn more about what Adobe has on offer for designers. What do I think/feel about my achievements? I am delighted with my achievements so far and I can’t wait to start making my model. What did I learn this week I learned a lot about Adobe and how I can use their software in my design work. There is a new feature for Adobe Illustrator called image trace, which makes it possible to get better editable vector images. It is accurate and the results are amazing. Adobe Ideas is a touch application that allows designers to use free hand tools. It enables designers to work anywhere and is transferable to Adobe creative suites. I also know more about Adobe ‘Creative Cloud’ for designers and I might join if the need arises. What will I do next...? I will make my model and do some orthographic drawings of my model. I will also continue drawing in my sketchbook journal.