CHECK OUT OUR SOCIAL MEDIA NATURAL LEARNING DAILY EDUCATION PROGRAMMING Check our web page or stop by Guest Services to confirm the daily schedule. CONNECTING YOU TO WILDLIFE AND THE ENVIRONMENT Contact us 705-748-9301 ext 2304 1230 Water Street, Peterborough ON [email protected] www.peterboroughutilities.ca/park_and_zoo Meet members of our Animal Care Team at an exhibit and learn about our animals’ characteristics, habits, diets and care. Also find out interesting facts about individual animals. Meet the Keeper runs at a different exhibit each weekday during the summer months. Our guided tours provide an enhanced Park and Zoo experience for your class or group. Learn about wildlife, habitats and current conservation issues while meeting the animals in our collection. Also discover interesting facts about the Riverview’s origins and operations. Tours are available for classes/groups of all ages. MEET THE KEEPER EDUCATION STATION Stop by one of our Education Station carts and discover interesting animal facts from our Volunteer Educators. These hands-on displays of animal artifacts give you a unique learning opportunity by seeing up close and touching. Feel how soft an otter’s fur is, hold a pair of antlers, compare porcupine quills and be amazed by the size of a polar bear’s skull (and teeth)! CONSERVATION EXHIBIT Drop in to see our Seasonal Conservation Exhibit and discover new facts about current conservation issues and actions you can take to make a difference. Check out our exhibit materials and the live animal displays. Participate in crafts, activities and informative sessions, sign up for local conservation events and obtain materials on positive conservation changes you can make at home and work. 1 1/2 - 2 Hour Tour May - August All Ages June, July and August All Ages June, July and August All Ages June, July and August All Ages ZOO TOUR BOOK IN ADVANCE LEARN WHILE YOU VISIT

LEARN WHILE YOU VISIT - Peterborough UtilitiesAssets/Documents/...Zo o in o ne t ri p! ... T he o th er half of the d ay i nc lu de s activi ti es i n the Zo o™s Ed uc at ion Ce

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Page 1: LEARN WHILE YOU VISIT - Peterborough UtilitiesAssets/Documents/...Zo o in o ne t ri p! ... T he o th er half of the d ay i nc lu de s activi ti es i n the Zo o™s Ed uc at ion Ce




Check our web pageor stop by Guest Services

to confirm the daily schedule.



Contact us

705-748-9301 ext 2304

1230 Water Street, Peterborough ON

[email protected]


Meet members of our Animal Care Team at an exhibit and learn about our animals' characteristics, habits, diets and care. Also find out interesting facts about individual animals. Meet the Keeper runs at a different exhibit each weekday during the summer months.

Our guided tours provide an enhanced Park and Zoo experience for your class or group. Learn about wildlife,

habitats and current conservation issues while meeting the animals in our collection. Also discover interesting facts about the Riverview's origins and operations. Tours are available for

classes/groups of all ages.



Stop by one of our Education Station carts and discover interesting animal facts from our Volunteer Educators. These hands-on displays of animal artifacts give you a unique learning opportunity by seeing up close and touching. Feel how soft an otter's fur is, hold a pair of antlers, compare porcupine quills and be amazed by the size of a polar bear's skull (and teeth)!


Drop in to see our Seasonal Conservation Exhibit and discover new facts about current conservation issues

and actions you can take to make a difference. Check out our exhibit materials and the live animal displays.

Participate in crafts, activities and informative sessions, sign up for local conservation events and obtain

materials on positive conservation changes you can make at home and work.

11/2 - 2 Hour TourMay - August

All Ages

June, July and AugustAll Ages

June, July and AugustAll Ages

June, July and AugustAll Ages




Page 2: LEARN WHILE YOU VISIT - Peterborough UtilitiesAssets/Documents/...Zo o in o ne t ri p! ... T he o th er half of the d ay i nc lu de s activi ti es i n the Zo o™s Ed uc at ion Ce

The Turtle Trek joint-facility program is a unique offering that provides your class with outstanding

experiential learning opportunities at both the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre and Riverview Park and Zoo in one trip! Spend half of the day at the OTCC

learning about Ontario's turtle species, their habitat and conservation issues. The other half of the day includes

activities in the Zoo�s Education Centre, animal encounters and wrapping up with a guided tour of the

animal exhibits. Sessions are available for primary and intermediate grades.



The Zoo Crew parent and tot program is an experiential and fun way for you and your pre-school child to connect

with nature and to learn about wildlife and their habitats. You will participate

in games, read stories and poems, complete crafts, sing songs and get to meet the animals in our zoo up close.

Six 11/2 Hour SessionsFall / Winter, November - April (1 Session / Month)

Summer, July - August (1 Session / WeekChildren ages 2-5 (with a Parent / Guardian)

A Two Hour ProgramYear-Round Grades 1 - 7

A Four Hour ProgramYear-RoundGrades 1 - 7

A Four Hour ProgramYear-Round Grades 1 - 7


The Zoo Academy curriculum-linked education program is an excellent way to enrich your

students' learning experience. This structured day program employs a combination of in-class

activities, observations and discussions at the animal exhibits. Outdoor games and animal

encounters enhance the content that has been covered in class. Sessions are available for

primary and intermediate grades.


The Zoo Trek short program is an outstanding way to augment the impact of your class visit to the Park and Zoo. Spend your morning participating in activities in the Zoo�s Education Centre, animal encounters and wrapping up with a guided tour of the animal exhibits. Sessions are available for primary and intermediate grades.

ThThThe TuTurtle Trerek jojoint-facilitytyty prororogramamam i i is a unununiqique offefeferingng thahat providides y yououour clclclass s s withthth o o outstststandiding

exexexpepeperientitial leaearning g oppoportrtrtunititities s s at b b botototh thththe OnOntaririo o Turtrtrtle C Cononseservation n Centntntrerere a a andndnd R R Riverererviviviewewew Park k and d ZoZoZoo in o one t tririp!p! Spepend h h half f f ofofof the dayayay at thththe OTOTCC

lelelearninining a about Ontntarioio's t t turururtle e e spspspecieieies, t t theiririr habititat andnd consnsnservatition i issues.s. Thehe o o othererer half ofofof the d d day incncludedes

activitities in n the ZoZoo�s s EdEdEducatatation CeCeCentrerere, animimal enenencounteters a and wrarappining upupup w w wititith h h a a a guguguidededed tour ofof thehe

animimimal exhxhibitits. S S Sessisions s ararare avaiaiailalalablblble for r r primarary anand intetermrmedediatetete g grararadededes.s.s.



The Zoo Crew parent anand d tot program m is an experiential and f funun w wayay for youou and your pre-schchooool l chchilild d to connenect

with nature and to l leaearnrn abobout wildldlifife and their habitats. . YoYou wiwillll p pararticipapate

in games, read stories a andnd poemsms, complete crafts, sining sosongngs anand geget to meet the animals i in our r zozoo upup clolose.

SiSix x 111/21/2 H Houour r SeSessssionsFall / Winter, N Novovember - Apriril l (1(1 S Sesessisionon / Mononthth)

Summer, July - Augusust t (1(1 S Sesessisionon / / W WeeeekkChildren ages 2-5 (w(witith h a a PaParent / G Guauardrdiaian)n)

A Two Hour ProgramYear-Round Grades 1 - 7

A Four Houour r PrProgograramYeYear-R-RououndndGrGradadeses 1 1 - - 7 7

A Four Hour ProgramYear-Round Grades 1 - 7


The Zoo Academy curriculum-linked education prprograram m is an excellent way to enrich your

stududenentsts' ' leleararning experience. This structured day prprogograram m employs a combination of in-class

actitivities, observations and discussions at the ananimimal exhibitits.s. Outdoor games and animal

enencocoununters enhnhanance the content that has been cocoveverered inin c clalass. Sessions are available for

prprimimarary and intermediate grades.


The Zoo Trek short program is an outstandining g waway y toto a augugment the impact of your class s vivisisit to thehe Park and Zoo. Spend your m morning p parartiticipating in activities in the ZoZoo�o�s s EdEducation Centre, animal encountnters s anand d wrapping up withth a guiuideded totourur o of the e animal exhihibits. . SeSessioionsns are a available for primimary anand intetermrmediaiate grades.