Lean: Improve Your Shop Efficiency and Productivity January 30, 2019 EASA @ 2019 1 Mike Howell – Technical Support Specialist Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. +1 314 993 2220 | [email protected] Lean: Improve Your Shop Efficiency and Productivity Introduction to 5S How to ask questions Joined using Zoom plugin Joined using web browser When prompted, reconfirm the audio source you’re using Wait to be called on Submit written question Ask question verbally Ask question verbally

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Lean: Improve Your Shop Efficiency and Productivity January 30, 2019

EASA @ 2019 1

Mike Howell – Technical Support SpecialistElectrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc.

+1 314 993 2220 | [email protected]

Lean: Improve Your Shop Efficiency and Productivity

Introduction to 5S

How to ask questions

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Very lean history of Lean

• Henry Ford created flow production in 1913 with interchangeable parts, conveyor assembly, QC checks with go/no-go, and standardized work

• Not much variety though

• Customer choice limited Henry Ford

Very lean history of Lean

• Taiichi Ohno, considered the father of the Toyota Production System (TPS) began with Toyota in 1943

• Lean is derived predominantly from the TPS

• Work extended beyond manufacturing into service applications Taiichi Ohno

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Very lean history of Lean

• Jim Womack, et al published “The Machine that Changed the World” in 1991 which describes Lean thoroughly

• Lean has spread beyond auto manufacturing into all manufacturing sectors, services, healthcare and even government

• 5S key purpose“make good work possible and sustainable”

Jim Womack

5S Overview

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Benefits of 5S

• The organization is more effective when the work area is organized

• The appearance and organization of the service center reflects on the product delivered

• Eliminates wasted time, stress and frustration of trying to locate needed items or work in a cluttered space

5S Overview






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5S Overview







• Eliminate all unnecessary items including tools, parts and instructions

• Go through all tools, materials, and so forth in the plant and work area

• Keep only essential items and eliminate what is not required

• Everything else is stored or discarded

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• Find everything a permanent home• Items are organized according to usage• Items are easy to get to– Includes hard copy files– Includes electronic files

• Proper straightening may (probably will) require some layout changes


• Clean the workspace and all equipment, and keep it clean, tidy and organized

• At the end of each shift, clean the work area and be sure everything is restored to its place

• Spills, leaks, and other messes also then become a visual signal for areas that need attention

• A key point is that maintaining cleanliness should be part of the daily work

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• Work practices should be consistent and standardized – locations locked in

• All work areas for a particular job function should be identical, easy to see what’s missing

• All employees doing the same job should be able to work in any station with the same tools that are in the same location in every station

• Everyone knows the first 3S


• Maintain and review standards• Once the previous 4S have been established,

they become the new way to operate• When an issue arises such as a suggested

improvement, a new way of working, a new tool or a new output requirement, review the first 4S and make changes as appropriate

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5S Exercise

5S Exercise

• Numbers Game– Sort– Straighten– Shine– Standardize– Sustain

• Let’s start!

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Numbers Game: Phase A

• Our job during a 20 second shift, is to strike out the numbers 1 to 49 in correct sequence. Example: 1 2 3

• Give Phase A sheet face down and wait

• Chat your score to me

Numbers Game: Phase B

• We are going to implement 5S in this area• The first step of this is “Sort” and so we have

removed from the area all the numbers from 50 to 90 which are not needed

• Give Phase B sheet face down and wait• Same rule applies. Strike out numbers 1 to 49

in sequence during a 20 second shift• Chat your score to me

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Numbers Game: Phase C

• We’re moving on to “Straighten”• We installed some racking, and organized the

items so that with Number 1 in the bottom left hand corner, the numbers are located from left to right and bottom to top

• Give Phase C sheet face down and wait• Same rules apply 20 second shift…• Chat your score to me

Numbers Game: Phase D

• Pretend we “Shined”, time to “Standardize” • Since we are dealing with 1 to 49 in sequence,

it is logical to reorganize them in a standard way that simplifies the task.

• This should ensure that everyone is able to complete the task.

• Give Phase D sheet face down and wait• Same rules apply 20 second shift…• Chat your score to me

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Numbers Game: Phase E

• Reinforcing “Sustain” and use of standards...• Returning to our original work area, we have

for this assignment two numbers missing. We cannot complete the task without these numbers - so first we have to find them.

• Same rules apply 20 second shift…• Chat the two missing numbers if you find


Numbers Game: Phase F

• Now back to our Standardized layout...• It’s a little easier now to see what’s missing!

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5S Action Plan

Before You Start

• Take a picture of your workspace before you begin to implement 5S

• Create a record of your progress as you move through the 5S steps



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• Separate necessary and unnecessary items removing items if…– You didn’t even remember you had it– You don’t even know what it is– You cannot see it until you shovel off the dust– You don’t use it at least once per month


• When in doubt - throw it out!– Define what is necessary to your organization– Get rid of what you don’t need

• Practice the “Rule of One”– Excessive quantities of the same item is a waste of

space– Hoarding of materials is a waste of money,

excessive inventory

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• Three tag colors are used to identify whether an item meets the criteria of necessary. – Red Tags: Remove.– Yellow Tags: Not Sure. – Green Tags: Keep.


• Some items may be hard to decide whether to save or dispose of an item during the sorting process. Use a log or worksheet to help.

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• Take pictures of your progress as you sort the "unnecessary" within your project area

• Make a note of milestones as you progress

• Update your project record


• Think of this step by remembering “A Place for everything and everything in its place!”

• When designing storage for those necessary items, keep in mind these simple rules of thumb:– Simplify for both access and use. Remember, one

is best! Eliminate duplication (tools & supplies) – Use the “Thirty second storage and retrieval” rule

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• Identify a functional placement for: – Materials – Parts – Carts – Shelves – Tools – Equipment – More...

• Establish borders around each item to help you quickly visualize when items are out of place


• Use the "45 Degree" rule to minimize twisting. Everything should be located within easy reach

• Use the "Strike Zone" rule. Store tools and supplies between your shoulders and knees to prevent reaching and bending

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• Take an "after" picture of your workspace.

• Make a note of all of the changes you made.

• Quantify results whenever possible– number of items disposed – new storage methods

devised– empty space now available

for another use, etc.

Shadow board


Work Bench and Trash Cans Hoist Chains

Calibration Cart Material Board

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• Continuous visual and physical control of the work area to ensure safety, order, cleanliness, and routine maintenance

• Here are some questions to ask: – Is everything in place? – Is it clean? – Are you observing safety

measures? – Is it ready for use?


• It is everyone's responsibility to maintain the working environment in a safe, clean and orderly manner. – Perform both physical and mental checks daily. – Correct minor problems when they are observed.– Clean even the places most people do not notice. – Take pride in the appearance of your workplace.

• Cleaning is a visual form of inspection

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• Make your established borders temporarily permanent

• Once you are finished with the first three activities: Sort, Straighten, Shine, it's time to document and display the agreements made.

• When creating the documentation ask: – Who? What? Where? When? How?

• There is no right way to complete the documentation but you should come up with something you can use consistently


• Be accountable– Follow through on ALL of

the elements of 5S: Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.

– Use checklists and visual workplace concepts as reminders: shadow boards, borders, pictures

• Audit your work area

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Next webinar

Magnetic Wedges

Wednesday, February 20, 201912:00pm – 1:00pm CT

Presented by Chuck Yung

Survey / Recording

Tomorrow, you will be emailed:• A link to a recording of this presentation. This

recording will be available for 30 days from today.

• This recording can also be found in the EASA Resource Library