5 th Sep 2012 Behavioral training for Officers BY NIMISH SINGH

Leadership Wisdom

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Page 1: Leadership Wisdom

5th Sep 2012

Behavioral training for Officers


Page 2: Leadership Wisdom


Page 3: Leadership Wisdom

Leadership Wisdom by Robin Sharma

The 8 Rituals of

Visionary Leaders

Page 4: Leadership Wisdom

Concept of New Model

Leadership :- Is all about focused action in the direction of a worthy purpose.

It is not about Position or Title. To lead means to Inspire, Energies and

Influence. Leadership is not about managing things

but about developing people. Leadership is not only to manage the

present, but also to create, shape and make the blueprint of future.

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1st Ritual - Link the Paycheck to Purpose

The Essence :- The Ritual of a Compelling Future Focus

The Wisdom :- a . Purpose most Powerful Motivator in the World. b . The primary task is to get the people excited about a compelling cause that contributes to the lives of other.

c . Great leadership precedes great followership. Show the employees you have the best interest in your mind for them. d . Visionary leaders focus on liberating human talent and manifesting the potential of people.

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The Practices :- a . Ritualize wisdom so that your positive intentions translate into tangible result. b . Communicate your compelling cause so it engages hearts. c . Align your video with your audio.

Quotable Quote :- The ultimate task of the visionary leader is to dignify and honor the lives of the people he leads by allowing them to manifest their highest potential through the work they do.

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2nd Ritual – Manage by Mind Lead by Heart

The Essence :- The Ritual of Human Relations

The Wisdom :- a . Every visionary leader deeply connect with his followers.

b . One of the deepest of all human hungers is the need to be cherished and understood.

c . Let your humanity shine at work and treat people with courtesy and kindness.

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The Practices :- a . Promise-keeping. b . Aggressive Listening. c . Being consistently compassionate. d . Truth-telling

Quotable Quote :-Visionary leaders mastered the practice of deeply connecting to his followers . He touches the hearts of their team and earn long-term loyalty .

Simply put , when you enrich the relationship , you enhance the leadership.

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3rd Ritual – Reward Routinely Recognize Relentlessly.

The Essence :- The Ritual of Team Unity

The Wisdom :- a. Great leaders are great teacher and great coaches.

b. Reward & recognize employees regularly. Give genuine appreciation . You always get more of what you reward.

c . Praise is free.

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The Practices :- a . Hunt for good behavior. b . The “Treasure chest” and “Victory wall”. c . Symbols of Victory and team traditions.

Quotable Quote :-

Visionary leaders understand that employees who feel they are valued members of an exciting team will go the extra mile and give their best .

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4th Ritual – Surrender to Change

The Essence :- The Ritual of Adaptability and Change Management

The Wisdom :- a . To master change , develop the discipline of managing the unexpected.

b . Only a learning culture grows amid change. The best antidote to the fear that change evokes is knowledge. In turbulent times, who learns most wins.

c . There is joy in change. Without change , there is no progress . Change is essential for our survival . Change is humanity best friend.

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The Practices :- a . Become massively competent . b . Move from learning to doing . c. Inspire positive attitudes to the opportunities change present.

Quotable Quote :-

Doing same things every day cannot deliver new results . To change the results you are getting , you need to change the things you are doing . You must transform the way you are leading.

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5th Ritual – Focus on the Worthy

The Essence :- The Ritual of Personal Effectiveness

The Wisdom :- a . Secret of Personal effectiveness is Concentration of purpose .

b . The art of getting the things done lies in knowing what things need to remain undone.

c . If you do not lead your time , it will lead you.

d . Scheduled your priorities into your planner if not other’s priorities will be in your planner.

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The Practices :- a . The Time Model for Visionary Leadership . b . Strategic Time Blocking.

Quotable Quote :-

Never forget the importance of each day and every one of your days. As you live your days, so you live your life. Do not waste even one of them. The past is history and the future is but a figment. This day, the present, is really all you have.

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6th Ritual – Leader Lead Thyself

The Essence :- The Ritual of Self -Leadership

The Wisdom :- a . All leaders begin within.

b . We see the world not as it is but as we are.

c . Anything less than a conscious commitment to peak personal performance is an unconscious commitment to weak personal performance.

d . Never settle for mediocrity when you can attain mastery.

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The Practices :- a . The Discipline of Personal Renewal. b . The Discipline of Abundant Knowledge.

c . The Discipline of Physicality. d . The Discipline of Early Awakening. e . The Discipline of Deathbed mentality.

Quotable Quote :-

Do not be so busy striving that you miss out on living.

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7th Ritual – See What All See. Think What None Think

The Essence :- The Ritual of Creativity and Innovation.

The Wisdom :- a . Every human being is creative . The task of the visionary leader is to create a workplace that liberates this natural endowment.

b . Shed the shackles of outdated ways of thinking and discover smarter ways of doing what you do.

c . Allow people to take risk and fail freely.

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The Practices :- a . Celebrate spontaneity and reward original thinking. b . Make your workplace fun. Create a playground of ideas. c . The Weekly Idea Quota. d . Creative Questioning.

Quotable Quote :-

Nourish your imagination and flex your mind. Let your natural creativity out of the box. Dare to dream bigger dreams and envision a higher future.

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8th Ritual – Link Leadership to Legacy

The Essence :- The Ritual of Contribution and Significance .

The Wisdom :- a . Focus on leaving a footprint and making a difference.

b . Leadership greatness comes by beginning something that does not end with you.

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The Practices :- a . Create a successful present while building a brilliant future.

b . Legacy-Based Leadership..

Quotable Quote :-

Your legacy will ultimately be a manifestation of the deepest and the best that you had to give in life. Leaving the legacy is not about impressing your friends or reaching at the top. It’s not about looking good but about doing good . It’s about fulfilling your duty and actualizing your humanity.

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Oseloa McCarty March 7, 1908 to Sep 26, 1999.