Law of Attraction book | The Answer of the Universe

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The Answer of the Universe is a book about the law of attraction. Dr. Felix Toran explains how to put the law of attraction to work providing you the tools to implement in your daily life.

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The search is finally achieved for self help book lovers who were seeking the guide book revealing information on the most powerful law of attraction and the exact details and tools of how to apply. Dr. Felix Toran has published a new book on the law of attraction, which is designed to teach us how to put the action for this law to work and attract what you most desire.The law of attraction is always one of the hottest topics in the field of self-improvement. In this period of economic opportunities, people are more willing than ever to learn to use their mind to attract what they want in life. What is exactly the law of attraction? It is a universal law that says, "What we focus on, we attract to ourselves." Another way to look at this law will be as follow, "What we spend most of our time and energy focusing on, is what will come to us." This is obviously just a tiny portion of what the law intends to do when putting it to practice. Using the mind to attract what we want is not something new. It is regarded as having begun with the publication of the famous book, "The Science of Getting Rich", by Wallace Wattles in 1910. Since then, many books have been written statement of the law of attraction. The best known book, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, released in 2006, which was based, The Science of Getting Rich. An excellent movie that made this law even more popular has been, "The Secret", was released after the book.While the film was very good and interesting, different teachers that participated in the movie agreed that the information was incomplete. This has led many people to be disappointed and confused with how to use the law of attraction to get what they want in life. It was necessary to study more information on this topic. For the average person, it was not an easy task by any means.What Dr. Felix Toran provides us with The Answer of the Universe, is to have not only the understanding of how the law of attraction works, but also provides us with free tools that can be used by the reader when implementing the law of attraction in their daily life. Dr. Toran's life experience in tracking and analyzing himself of over ten years in putting this law of attraction to work, will explain in a clear language, how the law of attraction has impacted him personally and what methods he uses daily to make it work. The Answer of the Universe is scheduled to be released for print orders on October 10, 2010. For pre-orders please visit http://www.vaszbooks or .