A tutorial on Prof T.N.Nagabhushan M.E(IISc), Ph.D(IISc) Special Officer VTU Elearning Center

Latex Vtu Ws

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A tutorial on

Prof T.N.Nagabhushan M.E(IISc), Ph.D(IISc)

Special Officer

VTU Elearning Center

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Objectives of this workshop

� To empower all researchers use Latex for preparing technical reports, papers and thesis.

� Improve the quality of presentation in a well structure format

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structure format

� Provide basics of the Latex environment and guide through practical sessions

� Develop enough confidence in using Latex

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What You Need ….


� Any PC ( PIV, PV, ,,,,)

� Latex Manual

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� Basic structure and essentials of Latex

� Syntax and Symantics of Latex –

� Dr T.N.Nagabhushan

� Generating Figure/Graphs,

� Structure of the VTU template,

� Actual compilation, Running through the

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Running through the Thesis tex file

� Hands on � Dr S.K.Padma

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� LaTeX is a typesetting system (not a word processor).

� It is most suited to producing scientific and mathematical documents of high typographical quality.

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typographical quality.

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Why not MS Word?

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Advantages and Disadvantages (1)

� Advantages of LaTeX over WYSIWYG:

� professionally crafted layouts are available

� the typesetting of mathematical formulae is supported in a convenient way

users need only to learn a few simple commands,

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� users need only to learn a few simple commands, which specify the logical structure of a document.

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Advantages and Disadvantages (2)

� Advantages of LaTeX

� complex structures such as footnotes, references, table of contents, and bibliographies can be generated easily

� for many typographical tasks not directly supported by

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for many typographical tasks not directly supported by basic LaTeX, there exist free add-on packages

� LaTeX is highly portable and free

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Advantages and Disadvantages (3)

� LaTeX also has some disadvantages:� What you see is not what you get.

� Is this really a disadvantage? Why are you thinking about layout instead of content?

� The design of a whole new layout is difficult and takes a lot of time.

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a lot of time.� Templates help you here

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LaTeX Input Files

� The input for LaTeX is a plain ASCII text file.

� You can create it with any text editor.

� It contains� the text of the document

� commands which tell LaTeX how to typeset the text.

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� commands which tell LaTeX how to typeset the text.

� Spaces

� Special Characters

� LaTeX Commands

� Comments

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� Whitespace characters (e.g. blank, tab, single

line break) are treated uniformly as “space” by LaTeX.

� Several consecutive whitespace characters are treated as one “space”.

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� An empty line between two lines of text defines the end of a paragraph.

� Several empty lines are treated in the same way as one empty line.

It does not matter whether you

enter one of several spaces after a


An empty line starts a new


It does not matter whether you enter one or several spaces after a word.

An empty line starts a new paragraph.

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It does not

matter whether

you enter one of

several spaces

It does not matter whether you enter one or several spaces after a word.

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after a word.

An empty line

starts a new


An empty line starts a new paragraph.

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Special Characters� The following symbols are reserved

characters, that� have a special meaning in LaTeX

$ & % # _ { } ~ ^ \� Some of these characters can be used in

your documents by adding a prefix backslash

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your documents by adding a prefix backslash (escape character):$ & % # _ { } \$ \& \% \# \_ \{ \}

� The other symbols (and many more!) can be printed with special commands in mathematical formulae.

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LaTeX Commands (1)

� LaTeX commands are case sensitive and take one of two formats:� They start with a backslash \ and have a name

consisting only of letters.

� They consist of a backslash and exactly one special character.

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LaTeX Commands (2)

I read that Knuth divides

people working with TeX

into TeXnicians and

TeXperts. Today is March

25th, 2004.

I read that Knuth

divides people

working with

\TeX{} into

\TeX{}nicians and

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\TeX perts. Today

is \today.

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LaTeX Commands (3)

� Some commands take a parameter which has to be given between curly braces { } after the command name.

� Some commands support optional parameters which are added after the command name in square brackets [ ].

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square brackets [ ].

� The next example uses some LaTeX commands.

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LaTeX Commands (4)

This is emphasized


Please start a new line

right here!

This is \emph{emphasized} text.

Please start a new line right here!\linebreak

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Thank you!

right here!\linebreak Thank you!

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� When LaTeX encounters a % character while processing an input file, it ignores the rest of the present line.

� This is useful for adding notes to the input file, which will not show up in the printed

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file, which will not show up in the printed version.

This text is


This text is processed. % A comment isn’t

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Input File Structure (1)

� When LaTeX2e processes an input file it expects it to follow a certain structure. Every input file starts with the command:


� This specifies what sort of document you intend to write (article, letter, book, thesis, etc.)

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(article, letter, book, thesis, etc.)

� After that, you can include global style commands or you can load packages which add new features to the LaTeX system. To load a package you use the command:


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Input File Structure (2)

� When all the setup work is done, you start the body of the text with the command:


� Now you enter the text mixed with some useful LaTeX commands.

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useful LaTeX commands.

� At the end of the document you use the


command, which tells LaTeX to finish. Anything which follows this command will be ignored by LaTeX

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Parts of a LaTeX Document:


� First line of all LaTeX documents specifies


Basic Classes

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� First line of all LaTeX documents specifies the {type} of the document and the [stylesheet] used.


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A Simple LaTeX Document



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This is some sample text.


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A more realistic LaTeX file\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article}



\title{Dependable Nanocomputing Lab}




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Here begins my first article \ldots


\ldots{} and here it ends.


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\section{Section Title}



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Font size

\tiny \scriptsize \footnotesize

\small \normalsize

\large \Large

\LARGE \huge

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Page Styles

� LaTeX supports three predefined header/footer combinations. These are known as page styles.

� The style parameter of the \pagestyle{style}command defines which one to use:� plain prints the page numbers on the bottom of the page

in the middle of the footer (default page style)

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in the middle of the footer (default page style)

� headings prints the current chapter heading and the page

number on each page. Footer is empty

� empty - both header and footer empty

� More elaborate headers and footers can be created using the fancyheadings package

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Typesetting Mathematics

� LaTeX has a special mode for typesetting mathematics, called “math mode”.

� Within a paragraph, math mode is entered between $ characters, or by using the \begin{math} and \end{math} commands

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To find the square of

the hypotenuse, add a

squared to b squared

to find c squared,

e.g. .

It’s as easy as that!

\begin{math} and \end{math} commands

To find the square of the hypotenuse, add a squared to b squared to find c squared, e.g. $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. It’s as easy as that!

222cba =+

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Typesetting Mathematics

Greek Symbols

\alpha, \beta, \gamma

Superscript, Subscript

x^y x_y x_y^z


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\int_0^\infty \int{\int}

\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}

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Typesetting Mathematics

x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} } {2a}

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Some more Math equations\begin{center}


$$ y=\frac{a^3+2c_{x}}{1+\sqrt{b_{x}}} $$ \\


$$ Q=\sum_{i=1}^{j}\int_{\mu}^{\infty}f(x_{j})dx $$ \\


$$ \Psi = \oint_{-

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$$ \Psi = \oint_{-\infty}^{\infty}f_{xy}({\frac{\partial

Qx}{\partial Qy}})^{\Im_{\pi}^ \prime} $$ \\ }

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Typesetting Mathematics� In a research paper or thesis, you will often want to number

equations and refer to them in the text

� This is done using the equation environment, and the commands \label and \ref

… it is clear that

ε > 0. (1)

\ldots it is clear



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� (note that \label and \ref are used with figures and tables too)

ε > 0. (1)

From Equation 1 it follows that



\epsilon > 0.





it follows that


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Typesetting Mathematics

� Matrices are produced using the \textbf{array} environment. Example:

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The \emph{characteristic polynomial} $\chi(\lambda)$ of the

$3 \times 3$~matrix

\[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc}

a & b & c \\

d & e & f \\

g & h & i \end{array} \right)\]

is given by the formula

\[ \chi(\lambda) = \left| \begin{array}{ccc}

\lambda - a & -b & -c \\

-d & \lambda - e & -f \\

-g & -h & \lambda - i \end{array} \right|.\]

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Including Graphics

� LaTeX2e includes a standard package for including PostScript graphics in your document. Load it using


� A figure can be included using, for example,

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� A figure can be included using, for example,





\caption{An example of a figure.}



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Figures and Tables

� Figures & Tables cannot be broken between pages

� They are “floated”

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\caption{A sample figure.}


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� Columns� \begin{tabular}{|…|…|}

� \end{tabular}

� Rows� & - Split text into columns

Two Columns

l = automatically adjust

size, left justify

r = automatically adjust

size, right justify

p = set size

e.g p{4.7cm}

c = centre text


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& - Split text into columns

� \\ - End a row

� \hline - Draw line under row

� e.g. 123123 & 34.00\\ \hline

c = centre text

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Example of table\begin{tabular}{|l|r|c|} \hline

Date & Price & Size \\ \hline

Yesterday & 5 & Big \\ \hline

Today & 3 & Small \\ \hline


Date Price Size

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Date Price Size

Yesterday 5 Big

Today 3 Small

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� Example:

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� Example:



As mentioned in section \ref{intro} in page pageref{intro}

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� Articles can be referred to in the text using the \cite command

� The details of the cited articles are stored in BibTeX format, in a “.bib” file.

� BibTeX resolves the citations in the LaTeX

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� BibTeX resolves the citations in the LaTeX file and generates the required bibliography

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Types of Documents BibTex can handle











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Each Document type can have the following


� address

� author

� booktitle

� chapter

� crossref

� month

� note

� number

� organization

� pages

1/4/2010 40

� crossref

� edition

� editor

� howpublished

� institution

� journal

� key

� language

� pages

� publisher

� school

� series

� title

� type=“Ph.D. dissertation”

� volume

� year

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Sample BibTex

Book Entry



author="W.H. Press",

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author="W.H. Press",

title="Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of

Scientific Computing",

publisher="Cambridge University Press",



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Sample BibTex

Technical Report Entry


author="Lex A. Berk and L.S. Bernstein and D.C. Robertson",

title="MODTRAN: a moderate resolution

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title="MODTRAN: a moderate resolution model for LOWTRAN 7",


institution="Spectral Science",

address = "Burlington, MA",

year = 1989


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Sample BibTex

Ph.D. Dissertation Entry


author="Jan-Tai Kuo",

title="The Influence of Hydrodynamic Transport on Phytoplankton Dynamics

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Transport on Phytoplankton Dynamics in Homogeneous Lakes",

school="Cornell University",

address="Ithaca, NY",



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Sample BibTex

Master’s Thesis Entry


author="Kirk D. Knobelspiesse",

title="Atmospheric Compensation for SeaWIFS Images

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title="Atmospheric Compensation for SeaWIFS Images of Lake Superior Utilizing Spatial Information",

school="Rochester Institute of Technology",

addess="Rochester, NY",




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Sample BibTex

Article Entry@ARTICLE{Vodacek,

author="Anthony Vodacek and F.E. Hoge and R.N. Swift and J.K. Yungel and E.T. Peltzer and N.V. Blough",

title="The use of in situ and airborne fluorescence measurements to determine UV absorption coefficients and DOC concentrations in surface waters",

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journal="Limnology and Oceanography",






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Sample BibTex

Booklet Entry


author="D.A. Sherwood",

title="Phosphorus Loads Entering Long Pond, A Small Embayment of Lake Ontario near

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Small Embayment of Lake Ontario near Rochester, New York",

howpublished="USGS Fact Sheet 128-99",





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Sample BibTex

Proceedings Entry


author="E.F. Stoermer",

title="Nearshore phytoplankton populations in the Grand Haven, Michigan vicinity during

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the Grand Haven, Michigan vicinity during thermal bar conditions",

booktitle="Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Great Lakes Research",




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Commands to Build and

View Document

To use xdvi viewer

% latex bib.tex

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% latex bib.tex

% bibtex bib.aux

% latex bib.tex

% latex bib.tex

% xdvi bib.dvi

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Running LaTeX

� The simplest way to run LaTeX on a source document is to do so at the UNIX command line:

� There will be:

>latex test.tex

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� There will be:

test.aux # the auxiliary file that LaTeX will use in subsequent passes to resolve references to figures, tables, citations etc.test.log # a log file that contains information about the LaTeX runtest.dvi # the DeVice Independent output file. This is the

typeset document, ready for conversion to postscript or other printable formats

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Running LaTeX

� We can view the document we have created using a DVI viewer. The most common one under UNIX is xdvi. Type

>xdvi test

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>xdvi test

to see the typeset document

� It is important to realise that LaTeX sometimes needs to be run several times to resolve all references.

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Your Latex File Your Bibtex File

Latex compile x3

Bibtex compile x2

(a text file)

Creating Latex Files

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Bibtex compile x2

Latex compile x3

Your Postscript File

dvips compile x1Device independentoutput .dvi

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Output Formats

� .dvi Device Independent

� .ps Post Script

� .pdf PDF

� .rtf Rich Text Format

.html HTML

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� .html HTML

� .xml XML


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How to run LaTeX

latex myfile

Edit myfile









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xdvi myfile


yap myfile



dvips myfile myfile.ps


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