1 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2900 Elks Drive Las Cruces, NM 575-523-4232 Congratulations and God speed 2018 Graduates High School Haley Caoilin Baker Kira Miranda Leon Seth Arthur McClure Lord God of our ancestors, we thank you for what you have done and will continue to do with our daughters and sons. Walk with them in life, and keep the evil one from obstructing their path. You see all; you know where the water is deep. Keep them from danger. Order their steps and guide their feet while they run the race of faith. May the good work that you have begun in them be brought to completion at the day of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. [ELW p. 83] New Mexico State University Joseph Seth Zamora "Graduating" as Trinity Lutheran Church's Choir Director: Rosalyn Stolee "Graduating" and moving to Fort Leavenworth, KS. Tim Brown "Graduating" as Trinity Lutheran Church's Sunday School Leader: Krissy Lerdal Lord God, you have called Your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. [ELW p.304] Join us after worship today for a reception in their honor. Help capture memories at TLC that can be shared for years to come! We need a person (or two), who would be willing to take pictures at the various events, celebrations, etc. at Trinity and beyond. Please consider being a designated photographer (no need to be a professional) you can capture moments using your cell phone, iPad, or any other camera you feel comfortable using. Please let Pastor Christa know if you would be willing to take on this special opportunity and help us share (Facebook, our website, etc.) and preserve TLC’s history!

Las Cruces, NM - TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 1 2900 Elks Drive TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Las Cruces, NM 575-523-4232 Congratulations and God speed 2018 Graduates High School Haley Caoilin

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Page 1: Las Cruces, NM - TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 1 2900 Elks Drive TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Las Cruces, NM 575-523-4232 Congratulations and God speed 2018 Graduates High School Haley Caoilin


TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 2900 Elks Drive Las Cruces, NM


Congratulations and God speed 2018 Graduates

High School

Haley Caoilin Baker

Kira Miranda Leon

Seth Arthur McClure

Lord God of our ancestors, we thank you for what you have done and will continue to do with our

daughters and sons. Walk with them in life, and keep the evil one from obstructing their path. You see

all; you know where the water is deep. Keep them from danger. Order their steps and guide their

feet while they run the race of faith. May the good work that you have begun in them be brought to

completion at the day of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. [ELW p. 83]

New Mexico State University

Joseph Seth Zamora

"Graduating" as Trinity Lutheran Church's Choir Director:

Rosalyn Stolee

"Graduating" and moving to Fort Leavenworth, KS.

Tim Brown

"Graduating" as Trinity Lutheran Church's Sunday School Leader:

Krissy Lerdal

Lord God, you have called Your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the

ending, by paths untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with

good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and

your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. [ELW p.304]

Join us after worship today for a reception in their honor.

Help capture memories at TLC that can be shared for years to come! We need a person

(or two), who would be willing to take pictures at the various events, celebrations, etc.

at Trinity and beyond. Please consider being a designated photographer (no need to be

a professional) you can capture moments using your cell phone, iPad, or any other

camera you feel comfortable using. Please let Pastor Christa know if you would be willing to take on this

special opportunity and help us share (Facebook, our website, etc.) and preserve TLC’s history!

Page 2: Las Cruces, NM - TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 1 2900 Elks Drive TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Las Cruces, NM 575-523-4232 Congratulations and God speed 2018 Graduates High School Haley Caoilin


Please join us in the Fellowship Hall after

church! Our Fellowship Team and coffee

hour hosts provide light refreshments,

coffee and tea. This is a wonderful

time to enjoy each others company

and grow as a church family. Contact

Tama or Ron Garski if you would like

to contribute or host.

Trinity Lutheran



Did you know our church is on Facebook?

check us out, like us, follow us, enjoy, and

even add your own unique, insightful and

positive comments and pictures relating to

our church family, God's Word, Christian

humor, or outreach and service through TLC.

Share with friends! We want our FB page to

be a positive outreach ministry from our

church. Spread the Word!


Assistant: Lee Beatty

Lector: George Timmerman

Ushers: Richard & Ruth Rakoff

Narthex Usher: Richard Rakoff

Greeters: George Timmerman

Acolyte: Melanie Leon

Altar Guild: Carol McCandless

Counters: John Shonk, Barb Thomas

Music: Seth Zamora

Choir Director: Rosalyn Stolee

Nursery: Elizabeth Hernandez

Pastor: Christa von Zychlin

Pastor: Wayne Nieminen

Ministers: The Disciples of TLC


May-13 $3,490

May-06 $3,462

Apr-29 $1,371

Apr-22 $1,260

Weekly Amount Needed


Last Sunday's Attendance: 69

05/20 Today 9:00 am Worship/Graduates recognition

Reception for Rosalyn and Graduates

10:30 am Sunday School

10:30 am Daily Text Bible Study

05/22 Tue 10:00 am Staff Meeting

1-2:OO pm RMS Border Conf. Text Study @Trinity

6:00 pm Council Meeting


Job descriptions for the following positions at TLC have been approved by the TLC Executive Committee and Council. Copies are available from the Church Office and are posted outside of the Office Manager’s door.

CHURCH CUSTODIAN: We are looking for a 10-hour a week custodian. If you or anyone you know is interested in this

position, please submit a letter of application and resume to the attention of the TLC Executive Committee. Contact

Council President George Timmerman or Pastor Wayne L. Nieminen for more details.

MINISTER OF WORSHIP & MUSIC: We have been blessed by the exceptionally knowledgeable and caring music leadership

of Rosalyn Stolee, whose last Sunday as our Choir Director will be on May 20 (Pentecost Sunday). A new job description for

an approximately 15 hour a week salaried position as “Minister of Worship and Music” combines the duties of the choir

director with that of accompanist. If you or anyone you know is interested in this position, please submit a letter of

application and resume to the attention of the TLC Executive Committee. Contact Council President George Timmerman or

Pastor Wayne Nieminen for more details.


The drawing for the quilt this past Sunday was won by Cindy

Shonk. She was so excited when John called her she started to cry. A

BIG thank you to everyone for doing the raffle for HH. It helps us

meet expenses incurred in making our quilts. The quilts are donated

to Las Cruces area charitable organizations.

Just a note to let every one know that Helping Hands will not meet

during the summer and so we (the 3 and sometimes 4) will meet this

week and then not again until fall or whenever Ruth and I can handle

it. Ruth will be having hip replacement in June and I hope to have

joint replacement yet this month. Malinda didn't think she wanted

to go it alone! ~Carol McCandless

Page 3: Las Cruces, NM - TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 1 2900 Elks Drive TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Las Cruces, NM 575-523-4232 Congratulations and God speed 2018 Graduates High School Haley Caoilin



Kickoff Sunday July 22

Program Mornings

9 am-12 noon July 23-27

Start thinking about children YOU can invite to participate

TLC YOUTH encouraged to sign on as rotation station



We love having colorful flowers to adorn our altar. Please consider signing up to

contribute! The sign up poster is located on the "Altar Guild" Bulletin Board outside

the sanctuary. Cost of delivered flowers is $25. Please sign-up (and pay) at least a

week prior to your special date. If you’d like a different kind of arrangement for any reason, please sign up and

write "own flowers" by your name. Then you may order the flowers and make

payment directly to the florist of your choice. We will only be handling the normal $25 arrangements.

Another beautiful and simple option is to bring your own vase of cut flowers to place on the altar. You

would be responsible for bringing them to church Sunday morning. If you choose to do this, please sign

up and write "own flowers" by your name. Otherwise, flowers will be ordered at the usual cost. If you have

any questions, please contact Susanne Timmerman 640-0157, or you may contact Pam in the church

office, 575-523-4232. Thank you for sharing in the joy of fresh flowers to grace God's sanctuary!

YOUTH FUNDRAISER Saturday, JUNE 2nd 7:30 am-12 noon

There will be a Rummage Sale this year on Saturday, June 2 from 7:30 am to 12 noon. All

funds will be to support the youth who will attend the national gathering of Lutheran youth

in July 2018. Any leftover funds will be donated to the youth program.

The set-up will begin on May 29 in the Fellowship Hall. Please start saving the items you don’t

need or want but don’t know what to do with but you definitely want them gone! This gives you an opportunity to donate

them to help our own church youth.

If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Combs at 639-

2014 or Mary Sletten at 525-2955. ~Submitted by Mary Sletten

July 23-July 27, 9 am to Noon

Ages 4 years old through 6th grade

$10/per child or $20/family cap

The theme is God's Good Creation and we will be

celebrating animals including goats, bees, chicks,

fish and pigs. Snacks, games, music and crafts!

Offerings received will support World Hunger.

Trinity Lutheran Church, 2900 Elks Drive

[email protected], 575-523-4232



Child’s Name: Age:

Parent Name:




Page 4: Las Cruces, NM - TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH · 1 2900 Elks Drive TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Las Cruces, NM 575-523-4232 Congratulations and God speed 2018 Graduates High School Haley Caoilin




Please share your prayer concerns and celebrations! Call Prayer

Chain Coordinator Marlene Nuñez 524-3004 or Pam at the church

office 523-4232. Pastors Wayne and Christa also invite you to

contact either of them directly - call or drop in to set up a time

to talk and pray!

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who

mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another." Romans 12:15



June Bauer, (Casa del Sol)

Lynn Brandt, (Casa de Oro)

Jeremy Bryan

Wilba Duggan, (Casa de Oro)

Russ & Ellen Fox

Carla Holzerland

Susie Drumm

Ted Jones, (Good Samaritan rehab)

Stella Jones

Kerri MacPherson

Carmella Myers

Dorothy Nelson

Naomi Schmidt

Miriam Shouman

Mary Sletten

Rebecca Allen (Barb’s daughter)

Brandon Allen (Barb’s family)

Steven Anowlic

Chris Brown (Brown’s son)

Ross Dahmer (Karen’s brother)

Beatrice Garski (Ron’s mom)

Cheri Green, (Friend of Wagoner’s)

Bill Hart (friend of Sid Graft)

Ed Jaques family (friends of Karen Dahmer)

Jann & John K.

Dennis Kelly (friend of Sims)

Jim McDonell (Risk’s friend)

Anne Miller, (Robin Quillen’s mother)

Conrad Picou, (friend of Maria Dupre)

Christine Rickhart


May 27th Readings:

Isa 6:1-8

Ps 29

Rom 8:12-17

John 3:1-17

June Bauer has moved to Casa del Sol, 2905 East Missouri, Las Cruces, NM

88011 (bright cards, notes, and short visits appreciated.)