Technology and Livelihood Education 10 (Caregiving NC II) MR. KIM C. OCTAVIANO

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Opening Prayer Checking of Attendance

Technology and Livelihood Education 10(Caregiving NC II) Mr. Kim c. octavianoOpening Prayer

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Checking of Attendance Write your Control Number Write your Name

LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIALWrite your Grade Level and Section Write the Date Today Learning Activity Sheet # 3Type of Activity: Concept Notes Activity Title: Lesson 1.4 Use of Tools, Equipment and ParpahernaliaLearning Targets: At the end of the lesson the student is expected to identify caregiving tools, equipment and paraphernalia applicable to the specific job

Reference: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technological and Livelihood Education Learning Module Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia used in Vital Signs Taking Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia used in Vital Signs Taking Vital Signs Vital Signs are the specific measurements of certain body processes that represent the function of a particular organ or body system. An increase, decrease or absence of change may signify disease or wellness in a human being As a caregiver, the ability to accurately determine the Vital Signs is the first step that determines specific care rendered to the clientClassic Vital Signs include the Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate, Temperature and the Blood Pressure

ThermometerMay be inserted into the rectum through the anus, into the mouth under the tongue, or armpitSpecific types include Mercury, Digital, Tympanic and Infrared Thermometer.Digital thermometers provide the most convenient method while Tympanic and Infrared Thermometer are considered to be the most accurate.

StethoscopeThe stethoscope is used to amplify sounds heard (auscultated) in different parts of the body.Each sound represents a different condition and may indicate illness or wellness.Sounds that are heard in the body may be described as rumbles (borborygmi), thumping (korotkoff) or a whistle (wheeze) There are several parts of the stethoscope: The earpieces protect the ear of the caregiver and provides a snug fit of the apparatus in the ear.The tubing transmits air vibrations from the chestpiece to the earThe chestpiece has two parts: the Bell and the Diaphragm The bell is best used for low-pitched sounds The diaphragm is used for high-pitched sounds

SphygmomanometerBlood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the vessels.The heart contracts as it pumps the blood into the arteries. When the heart is contracting, the pressure is highest. This pressure is what we know as the Systolic pressureWhen the heart is at its most relaxed state, the pressure is lowest, and we call this as the Diastolic pressureThere are three types of Sphygmomanometers, Aneroid, Digital and Mercury

Parts of the Sphygmomanometer


1. Why was the Mercury thermometer outdated as an equipment used in Temperature Taking?

2. What are the factors that can affect the Blood Pressure of a person?

Do you find it important to learn the different equipments used for Vital Signs? Pass your papers

Closing Prayer