Language lab repetition – Chapter 1-3 in SKILLS Read the texts aloud on your group, and discuss the questions. Discuss: Which English-speaking countries can you name? Speaking: Say something about yourself and your own future plans, in a way similar to what Leanne did. English? Why English? (page 14) Read these words aloud: Read aloud this excerpt from Discuss: Are some of the words unfamiliar? If so, look them up at www.onelook.com What can you use English for at home? in your education? at work? in connection with your hobbies? abroad?

Language lab repetition Chapter 1-3 in SKILLS

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Language lab repetition – Chapter 1-3 in SKILLS

Read the texts aloud on your group, and discuss the questions.

Discuss: Which English-speaking countries can you name?

Speaking: Say something about yourself and your own future plans, in a way similar to what Leanne did.

English? Why English? (page 14) Read these words aloud:

Read aloud this excerpt from

Discuss: Are some of the words unfamiliar? If so, look them up at www.onelook.com What can you use English for

• at home?

• in your education?

• at work?

• in connection with your hobbies?

• abroad?

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Maybe You Should Know Something About Me (page 21):

Discuss: Who is Sam from the book “Slam”? Which interests has he got? How is it going at school? How do Sam’s parents get along? How will Sam’s relationship with Alicia develop?

Find the rest of the quiz on page 24.

Do the “Social Skills” quiz on page 24 together. What are the advantages of having good social skills? Different groups of people expect different kinds of behaviour, and you have to adapt to each group. Mention examples of this, and discuss how to cope with it.

Read aloud this text from page 27:

Discuss: What happens next in the story? Do you know the whole “Hunger Games” novel or film? How much of it can you retell? What can we learn from the Hunger Games books and films? Some people complain about violent content in The Hunger Games. Do you think that the book and film have a generally positive or negative influence on young people? Give reasons for your opinions.

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Read aloud the “Read and Remember” tips on page 32:

Discuss: Which of the techniques on page 32 do you use? Which ones do you want to try? Which other study techniques can you recommend?

Read aloud this excerpt from the Across Borders on page 35:

Discuss: Tell about incidents where you have noticed cultural differences. Give examples of “culture clashes” from movies, TV series etc. Imagine that you were to go on a month’s holiday in Japan. What would you do in advance to avoid culture clashes?

Body language is also a topic in Across Borders (page 35 and 39):

Discuss: Mention some gestures that can be misunderstood. How can you avoid such misunderstandings?

Read this poem from p. 40 aloud:

Discuss: Interpret the poem. What did Langston Hughes mean by writing it? What difference does it make for a person to hold fast to his / her dreams?

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Read aloud from Building History (page 46):

Discuss: How do you think the Egyptians got those limestone block into place? Where else in the world are there pyramids? Compare the Great Wall of China to Hadrian’s Wall. Find out …

• what the word “Zimbabwe” means.

• how the rulers of Zimbabwe became rich and powerful.

Using a Dictionary (p. 51):

Discuss: Find five tips on page 51-53 that will help you use the dictionary in a better way.

Read aloud this excerpt from "Show and Tell" (page 60):

Discuss: Why is it important to have a good introduction? What do you include there? Why is it important to have a good conclusion? What do you include there? Many students "forget" the introduction and the conclusion, even though they are very important parts of the demonstration. What do you say to that? What advice do you get in points 2-4 (page 60)? Imagine that you are going to demonstrate basic soldering to a group of visiting 10th graders. How would you adapt points 1-5 to that situation?

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Read aloud from Isambard Kingdom Brunel: A Portrait (page 64):

Discuss: What else did Mr Brunel build or construct? Tell about the accident Brunel had early in his career. What was special with The Great Western? A woman called Florence Nightingale probably worked in Brunel’s field hospital. What is she famous for?

Read aloud from Tom Builder Draws the Cathedral (page 68):

Discuss: How long is 35 feet in metres? When and where does this story take place? The cathedral roof was actually too heavy. How did Tom solve that problem?

Read aloud this text from page 85:


Explain Amal’s situation. How do her fellow students react when she shows up at school wearing a hijab? Why is the hijab important to Amal? Role play: Everybody on your group moved to Tajikistan two months ago, since the Tajik authorities offered you good jobs in the newly established oil industry. They provide an on-the-job training program. Tajikistan is a Muslim country, where you - for instance - are not expected to eat pork or drink alcohol. Sum up your experiences as immigrants so far.

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Read aloud this paragraph and the sentence connectors from page 92-93:


Study page 90, and explain the colour codes in the paragraph. Explain these words:

• topic sentence

• supporting sentences

• closing sentence

How do you use the sentence connector words? How can sentence connectors make your essays better?

Read aloud this excerpt from Paranoia (page 95):


It is fair to say that Mr Sixx was not in a good Christmas mood. Explain his situation. Narcotics cause much crime and disease in our society. Unfortunately, you suspect that a friend of yours has started experimenting with drugs. Discuss what you can say and do to make him / her stop.

Read aloud this excerpt from Online Bullying (page 100):


How can you prevent being bullied? If you find that you are being bullied anyway, what can you do to tackle it? What are your strategies? Who can you report cyber bullying to? What can you do to support people who are being subjected to online bullying?

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Read aloud these examples of formal and informal language (page 106):


Identify informal expressions in Example 1 and formal expressions in Example 2. Describe Førde* - first using informal language, and then in a formal way. * or another local community

Read aloud, or sing, this excerpt from Dear Mama (page 108):


Based on the song, how was Tupac Shakur's childhood and upbringing? Which attitudes did he have to crime and drugs? Correct Mr Shakur's grammar and spelling to make the text standard English.

Read aloud this excerpt from Finding My Way (page 115):


What kind of a job are Kevin and Fred doing? What did Kevin and Fred disagree about? How do you think their quarrel will develop?

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Using these words from page 117, what can you say to sum up the topics in Chapter 3?

Country facts

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What do you remember about these countries?

• How big is the country? [S-M-L-XL]

• How many people live there?

• Do all of them speak English?

• How rich and powerful is the country?

• How technologically advanced is it?

• Ethnic groups

• What is the country famous for?

• Famous people from that country

• Would you like to go there on holiday?

• Would you like to move there? Fact files in SKILLS: India, p. 178- The USA, p. 188- The UK p. 204-