Language Hegemony in Talang Mamak Tribal

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Language Hegemony in Talang Mamak

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Language Hegemony in Talang Mamak tribal

Febby Febryan1101013/2011



A. Background of the ProblemGlobalization and technological developments force people to eliminate the dividing line with one another. The world was made without distance by globalization supported by outstanding technological developments. Information and communication exchange without knowing place and time make globalization increasingly felt its presence in public life. Each behavior caused or created by human beings would bring up the effect or impact on human life itself. As with globalization also have positive and negative impacts.Globalization and development of science and technology also makes an unfair power competition. Many of the techniques used by a group of people to dominate another group, while still maintaining control over other groups. One of the easiest ways to use with a fairly large predictive success is using culture as a tool for power. Culture has many elements that are wide enough, one of the most dangerous elements that are used for power, namely language. The concept of hegemony is simply a system of political dominance or power. This term became extraordinary, when Marxists try to define another concept of hegemony that has a sense of power among social classes, especially those of the ruling class. Hegemony is derived from the Greek word hegeisthai, egemonia (to lead or shidouken) that have meaning to lead, leadership. In other words, hegemony is how a group influences other groups to accept moral values, politics, and culture of the ruling group. Indonesia is a pluralistic nation as consisting of various tribes, customs, the local language, as well as different religions. The diversity found in different areas spread from Sabang to Merauke. Every tribe in Indonesia has different habits of life. Those living habits become their culture and characteristic of certain ethnic groups. There are several characteristics that can be used to recognize a tribe, one of which is language. One of the tribes in Indonesia is Talang Mamak, who still lives traditionally in Indragiri River downstream, Riau. This community group, classified as Proto-Malays (Melayu Tua) which is indigenous of Indragiri Hulu, as tribe Tuha which means the first tribe to come and be entitled to the natural resources in Indragiri Hulu. In addition, they include Old Malay. Talang Mamak people divided into two groups based on the views of the origin and leadership as well as local traditions. The first is a group of Talang Mamak Sungai Limau who live around the area of Sungai Limau and Sungai Cenaku. Secondly, the group of Talang Mamak Sungai Gangsal, who live around Sungai Gangsal and Sungai Akar in Taman Nasional Bukit Tigapuluh. The language used by Talang Mamak tribe known as Bahasa Sakai or bahasa Talang Mamak. Most of the Talang Mamak language is a mixture between Minangkabau and Malay language. But over the course of time, many Talang Mamak people begin to use Indonesian language. This is because they begin to interact with people from outside their tribe. They also have an education; this is evidenced by the existence of a school in Dusun Tuo Datai, Taman Nasional Bukit Tigapuluh.