LANGUAGE CENTER “CESAR VALLEJO” ARGUMENT MILLER Student’s name : Nilton RIVERA DOMINGUEZ. Teacher : Maritza RODRIGUEZ GÓMEZ. Professional School : Civil Engineering.

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Students name :Nilton RIVERA DOMINGUEZ.Teacher :Maritza RODRIGUEZ GMEZ.Professional School: Civil Engineering.Code :1000304735.

One evening David, to help Kenny, steal a large sum of money that is not yours and Brad is an eccentric and crazy. Now he is forced to make a risky job, which not only serve to pay the debt but also will leave a large sum for it, but you must move two thousand kilos of marijuana from Mexico to the United States.So despite the differences with Rose , Casey and Kenny, are a fictional family and embark on an adventure in a mobile home advantage a weekend eve of July 4th week , but on the way nothing will be easy , will have several obstacles and conflict situations tangles, absurd and awkward moments

Una noche a David, por ayudar a Kenny, le roban una importante suma de dinero que no le pertenece y es de Brad un excntrico y loco. Ahora se ve obligado a realizar un trabajo riesgoso, que no solo servir para pagar lo adeudado sino que adems le dejar una importante suma para l, pero debe trasladar dos mil kilos de marihuana, desde Mxico a los Estados Unidos.Por ello pese a las diferencias que tiene con Rose, Casey y Kenny, forman una familia ficticia y emprenden una aventura en una casa rodante aprovechando un fin de semana vspera del 4 de julio, pero en el camino nada ser fcil, tendrn varios obstculos y conflictos, situaciones de enredos, momentos absurdos e incmodos.