THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEDHESDAt 1 1910 QUINNS PITCHING BE TSNATIONALS RY 5 TO 1 SCORE I y F- L8 1E Cloao Daily 6 P M Saturdays 9P Made to Your Order for 1150 Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed I A big purchase of woolens at our own prise is the reason Over 50 uptodate patterns to choose from delay Mertz Mertz Co- IL 906 F Street I NATIONALS HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO BEAT QUINN Scene Shifts to Cleveland This Afternoon There Naps Are Encountered for Four GamesOther Gossip i l8and20A- IIwoo jS- loro WI- I 0 ont THB BENEFIT OF THB DOUBT Praia bMotell a fewon Ia Ute Tk Ihye rbcsi Iti dote on as oat Ttt inner to gtwn tile mUwr- To a HMB up tree Well it KMBMtfc IB That baseball kaows wtat Its about In life wbt WHO fellow k rmmfag As bard as be CM toffMi the bate And some bfer g jr goes agttnMg And MB awful ddw Why thooldnt we than Juat decide it WK BMB And hand the poor ranB r the mS The fellow whos ntaakte Mto tlnader- A l striTtag to OMKiMr win Shmild never b ttoeked by a Umriir or just becraso MM Me tatts to if its et Mm Gie him all UK deabt lIe deems ittfemww Ms me B- Go slow ere JOB can oat the naer Let him aeere if the qvtstktg i dwbt And hand the Mr jolt to tbe giiMMr trjtaic to pat the BMB Far the rwMMr de rv Every break of locks And the fed benefit of the daobt By WILLIAM FEET In New York where the almighty dol- lar tops the altar they have a popular little game called ringing the neck of the goose The big fad In Gotham Is to grab everything In sight How you get it Is not important just so you have It Our Nationals proved to be the during the fourgame series which con cluded yesterday the Yankees coming out three to the good and there was joy in the big town last night because the Highlanders were able to trim Walter Johnson A grammar school boy could seo why wo lost This pitoher Quinn as usual proved to be the big stumbling block and the Nationals could not touch him when cracks meant chalks Will we ever be able to beat this Quinn person The other American League clubs can put him to the bad but some how or other he has always been able to got the Nationals goat and our team has never beaten him Thank goodness the New Yorks will be In Washington for two more engage- ments before the season closes and Mo Alears btU wilt probably be given opportunity to face Quinn If we w lup him Its up to President Taft to declare a legal holiday The fd 0 Ute douIK a to given lID to Who i goose can cio ant ann an- other > ¬ ¬ ¬ < PHILLIES LOSE SERIES TO GIANTS YESTERDAYS RESULTS Brooklyn 4j Do ton 1 New York 4f Philadelphia 2 Cincinnati at Plttuburg Rain TODAYS GA3IE- SPlttsbnrg at Brooklyn Chicago at Bonton- Olncinnntl at New York St Louis at Philadelphia STANDING OF TRB CLUBS W L Pat 2 fiT 5W 6S9 New York 2 M 862 092 683 PlttsbOTg Jg K 5 58 5S9 St Ixwls IS a 414 4ST 482 Cincinnati IS K Jt0 13 Hi Brooklyn IS a 4tt 485 410 PMWehAia B 3 34 412 332- M 2S JW 335 J Philadelphia May 31 New York made a clean sweep on the series with the Phil lies today by winning the fourth game with Doolns badly demoralized team by 4 to 2 Although Raymond was hit hard es- pecially In the sixth seventh and eighth innings tho best the Phillies could gather out of their seven hits made In that col- lective number of innings was two runs due to force out of Flaherty at second and Grants home run Score NewYwk IIHOAE Phila HHQAB Pcrerct rf 11300 Bciee cf 3b 0 1 2 Z 0 Ftahcrfcr cf 0 1 1 0 o array If 0030 1 1 2 10 cf 09300 Grant 3b 12120 Jj1L as 0 0 5 3 8 a rf 3b Rraa aeld lb 0 1 9 1 0 jerasa lb 1 2 3 2 0 If U n c 02406 Deolin as 01342K- aynwad p Doeln c 0 0 0 0 0 Moora p 00120 Ward 00000 Totals 4 62T 8 8 Brennan p Totals 2 10 27 16 5 Batted for Bates in the tBiUwI fer Moora In tha garenth- Kew 0100011104Phl- laddiMa 0000000202La- fB ca bftsesShiladelriJiia 6 Now York 7 Today Win 1 BoMeB 8 Knab s 0 0 3 0 1 e 3 0 aWl a I 10 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9 2 2b 00 0 0 0 00 1 0 york 1 S c Lose Chicago ii r I Mace 0 Denim 2 0 P 8 0 ¬ ¬ ¬ The scene shifts today from New York to Cleveland where the Nationals fa the Naps in a fourgame series provid ing it does not snow It looks as if Doc Relsling would be assigned to pitch and as the doctor won his game against the Naps in Waahlngton and also helped capture the only contest of the series against the New Yorks the fans can expect glad tidings of groat joy The following is from the pan of Bates JHttla Old Man of the Leader Manager McAleer of the Nationals was talking to tho Little Old Man not long ago about the folly o young players be coming puffed up with pride over ap- plause or cast down in depression by hisses It took me a long time to learn how little the attitude of the crowd toward me really signified said MoAloer I got my lesson one day In a very important game I was playing center here in Cleveland The Fhiiltos were our opponents Ed Delehanty came up and I played pretty deep for him He lifted a long fly to center It was bound for the fence all right but it was so high in the air and hung there so long that I was able to go back and take the ball on the run over my easiest kind of a catch to make for an experienced fielder The cheers following this catch could be heard down town The man up was big John Clem- ents the catcher He had been hitting the ball hard and I played pretty well back for him On this occasion however ha drove a low liner over second just out of the reach of both Childs and Mc Kean I dashed in as fast as my then nimble logs would carry me made a- long twisting jump and picked the ball off my shoelaces I straightened up thinking I bad made the greatest catch of my life Us Indeed I had but do you know I never got a even one handclap Ive often told this story to young players who are inclined to get a little chesty over applause they receive for some spectacular It shows how little the people in the stands appreciate what Is really going on out in the field O El- mer CleVe- land shoulderthe cheernot ext pay < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ First base OB ballsOS Raymond 1 off Moore S off Brannan i Struck oat By Raymond 4 by Moore 5 by Bronsn 2 Home nut Grant Three Twobase htt Masee Sacrifice hiUDayl 1 StalEs hues Derlln Doable ptey Moore to Dante Giant to BrsBsfieid- BridircU to Dearie to Swdgraw Deotte to DraM field te Brautan Raymond to Vlbea to Devils Umpires Miters and Moran Time of game 1 boor and 63 minute DODGERS DEFEAT DOVES Pitcher Knetzer Tried Out Allows Boston but Six Hits New York May 31 Pitcher Knetzer was tried out by the Brooklyns and pitched well Boston made only six hits off him and was beaten handily making four straight for the Brooklyns Score RHOAE RHOAE CtolUna If 0 0 00 0 Burch It 80000 3b 0 1 1 1 0 lb 2 1 15 1 0 Sharpe lb 0 113 0 Wheat If rf Hurassd 9 Shean 2b 10240 LOBBOC 3b 0 1 1 3 6 Beck cf 01201 Davidson cf 00308 ss 01320 T Smith se 01130 H Smith c 0 1 3 8 0 Erwin e Matt m p Kcetar p Graham 0 0080 Parsons p 0 0 0 0 Ttak 4 715 1 Twute Batttd for Matters i eighth Boston 0100000001Bro- oklyn 98202908 x 4 Left oa bases Bcstofl 5 Brooklyn 5 Plr t bate en balls OS Mattern 3 oft Knetzer 2 Struck out By Mattern 3 br Kentzar 4 Threebase hit Wheat Twobase hltrBck Saerifloe hltBareb foulS plays Wheat to Smith to Daubert Lennox t Daubrt ie Laifaos Hits marf Qff in 7 Innings Oil Parsons 1 1 Dmpke- Magars ODay and Brennan Haw of gatn l hMr and 35 minutes CORBETT SAYS HE CAN MAkE JOHNSON QUIT Snn Francisco 3Iny 31 Cor bett today In discussing John sons offer to meet him la the ring said he would box John son for charity exacting only 10 per cent with which to buy a monument for Jack when Jef fries gets ihroneli with him He added thnt ns he was he could make Johnson quit DOd 1l6 Ser toar Jshnatone n ton Herzo Da bert no 1 Z 1 0 0 0 9 0 1 1 3 1 0 1 S U 0 1 G 1 0 C 4 u I 1 Ute Matters lIt I Mold r base Br edu 9 10 0 0 0 4 2IlS < hmin tit ¬ ¬ YANKEES FIND JOHNSON EASY New Yorks Capture Final Game of Series QUINN IS AGAIN OUR HOODOO Chunky Pitcher Reached for Only One Run In the Opening Chapter After Which He In Invincible Reel Kllllfer Has nn Oil flay at Second Base Details of Game YESTERDAYS RESULTS Xew York 5j x Boston 1 Philadelphia 0 Philadelphia 4 Boston 2 Detroit 3 St Louis 1 Chicago at Cleveland Rain TODAYS GAMES Washlngrtop at Cleveland Philadelphia at Detroit STANDING OF TUB CLUBS Philadelphia Nsw York Detroit Boston Cleveland Washington Chicago St Louis W I Pet 26 9 743 23 10 607 703 23 16 503 600 JK 19 16 M3 556 Jt 11 14 i33 416 4 22 Ml 4 1M 11 20 3S5 JJ5 4 7 23 aco STANDING OF THE CLUBS JUNE 1 IV L Pet I W L Pet Dctntt 13 17 31 W- IhtUdetobia a 14 Q OeTetaHd 1 a OS 13 14 J68 ChI BO 15 a 41 Beaten 19 16 543 WathlDgten 21 SM- Siwfal to Wa bi gton Herald New York May 31 Among the rooters there was some fear and trembling when Walter Jphnson went into the box for the Washingtons today The fear and trembling was moro pronounced at the end of the first inning for the Washing tons made a run in theh first and the word was passed along that one run look ed abnormally big with Johnson pitching The Highlanders themselves did not the presence of Johnson as a blockade that could not be run and be fore the game was over theyhad polish- ed off that puissant boxman In fact todays victory was the easiest of fjhe throe they took from the Nationals made more hits than they did off Ober fin and Groom yesterday pitchers of lean renown than Johnson The errors of Red Kitllfcr hampered Johnson however and the New Yorks would have been harder put to it if KllH fer had not made a costly muff Still they would have won for Jack Quinn pitched a superb game surpassing John son in effectiveness and the Washing tons never being anywhere near the plate save in tne first inning when they made a run in an unusual way Quinn takes to cold days like an Es- kimo did today at any the spectators shivered through a cloudy chilly cheerless afternoon Quinn Handy with Stick It was not altogether cheerless Quinn brought a good deal of cheer when he clinched his own game with a plunging threebagger which found two men on the bases and effected a timely cleanup Birdy Cree was pummelling the ball with vigor too Early in the season one of Johnsons fast ones hit Cree in the head and laid him low but the remembrance- of that coup de grace dfd not make shy today for he enjoyed an aft- ernoon of castigation He made a triple a single and a sacrifice fly The New Yorks gave Quinn timely support partic ularly Laporte and Roach Having sent the first two men to the bench in the first Inning Quinn Issued a pass to Killifer Gessler singled cleanly to loft and put Killifer on second McBride hit down the first base line to Chase Chase underestimated McBrides speed and was beaten in a sprint for the bag Killer meanwhile was dusting for home Chase was not bothering much about Killlfor thinking he had beaten Mc- Bride to first When he saw gesticulating the success of McBride Chase fired the ball home but slid over safely It was a close at first and Chase came nearer than he ever did of making a kick He almost spoko Had Chase thrown to Quinn would have had McBride WashIngton Todaf Win LaM Th0 6 16 3 111 lBs i GiG St New yen re- t rd They ratewhile Croo- n lt decision be 7 The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Four men reached nrsffor Washington- in the last eight innings Two were thrown out stealing one was left and one was subdued in a double play Sweeney In the third made New forks first hit He was doubled when Quinn grounded to Killifer The New Yorks encountered vicissitudes before final ly rammed a run home by main bred in the fifth and not by any finesse Cree opened the inning with a threebaggr past Gessler He could have made a home run of It as the throwin was short However at that juncture stay at third was wiser Yankees Tied the Score Austin fouled to Street Sweeney Jumped a base hit off Johnsons alove and Cree could have walked hut ht halted and came near being nipped iu his scramble back to the base hltto McBride and Cree was thrown Jut at the plate Sweeney and Quinn pu hod forward on a wild pitch Hemphill came to time with a single to right and scored Sweeney Two were imprisoned on the stools when Wolter gashed rents ia the surrounding space Cree started it off again In the sev- enth His hit to Conroy took fantastic bounds and could not be handled Austin sacrificed weeney anchored at first when KIHlfer fumbled his grounder Quinn got hold of a curve ball and gave Milan a chase to a remote corner of the yard Cree and Sweeney piled to the plato A signal for a squeeze 2 t lost somewhere between Quinn and Hemp hill and when Quinn came pounding a pitch he butted Into the ball in the hands of Street Keir York Add TTTO More Chase singled In the eighth likewise Laporte Having stolen second before Lap9rtes bit Hal staked a claim on Conroys range when Laporte singlea to the infield Killifer made a raw muff of Roachs line fly and not only lost an easy chance for a double play but did not get the ball In time to get Chase at the platp or Roach at first Luporte went to third on the play and in on Crees fly to Milan Milan and Kill fers taps one In the eighth and the otheir in the ninth were silenced by rattling t L j- d 1i they Quinn i- on came I ¬ ¬ < stops by Laporte and Roach respec- tively The New York club has sold Pitcher Joe Doyle to ClnoinnatL Tile Score Milan cf 4 0 0 2 0 a Brown If 0 Killifer 2b 3 2 Geesler rf 4 04 0 00 McBride 3 0 1 2 4 0 3b Unglaub lb 3 0 0 0 c 2 0 0 0 Johnson p 3 3 0 Totals 29 1 4 24 11 NEW YORK AB R H PX A f E Hemphill of 3 0 Wolter rf 3 0 0 0 Chase lb 4 1 1 13 0 0 Laporte 2b 4 1 1 1 Roach ss 4 0 0 1 3 1 0 Austin 3b 3 0 0 1 1 0i Sweeney c 2 p 3 0 10 2 Totals 30 5 8 27 15 Washington York x5 Base on 1 New York 2 Left on bases 5 New York 5 Bases on balls Off John son 2 off Quinn 2 Struck Johnson 4 by Quinn 5 Threebase hits rlfico Stolen bases Unglaub Double plays Killifer to to Unglaub Laporte- to Roach to Chase Wild pitchesJohn- son 2 Umpires Messrs Perrlne Time of game 1 hour and 45 minutes NOTES OF THE GAME George Browne celebrated his return to the game replacing Lellvelt In left by fanning his first time up KIHlfer scored from second in the first inning by fast running on McBrides hit to Chase Mac beating Chase in a sprint to the bag With two men on the bases Conroy left them going out Laporte to Chase When the announcement was made Battery for Washington Johnson and Street groans went up The fans have not forgotten what Walter has always banded to tho Yanks when right Ges or singled In the third with two out and was out stealing on the first ball getting a bad start by slipping Manager MoAIoor switched his lineup- in an endeavor to get the last game of the series with the Yanks moving Kil lifer up and Conroy down the list Milan made a good tryout on his dump in front of the plate in the fifth but quick work on the part of Quinn and chase just nipped him This young man is just about as fast going down to first as all the and Speakers playing ball today Johnson pitched himself out of a bad hole in the fifth fanning Wolter with Quinn on third and HoraphH on second UngiauVs pickup of McBrides low throw In the sixth on Chase was a He dug it out of the dirt with one hand getting the decision on a very close play Johnson was not lucky In the seventh Cree hit safe to third base Sweeney got an Jnnld sit and Quinn lined over Milans head in center for three bases two runs scoring With Quinn on third and two out Johnson and Street broke up squeeze play getting Quinn at the plate when Homphlll missed a high thrown balL Kllllfer mINed an easy double play in the eighth when he dropped Roachs line drive He did not recover In time to got either man Chaso scoring on the orror While this was the third straight defeat for McAleer and his hustling bunch of ball players like the games yesterday it was close and interesting and with a little luck at several stages could have been turned into a win for our boys Tho chango of Browne for Lelivelt did not add to the strength of the teams bat- ting that was expected George fanned the first two times up and wont out on little infield taps the other two ATHLETICS BREAK EVEN Red Sox Win and Loae One In a Double Header Boston May even break was the outcome of todays doubleheader- A wiid throw by Barry on Lewis grounder allowed the Red Sox to win In the ninth inning of the first game Wagner had been given a pass and wont t second on Gardners sacrifice scoring on Barrys heave far from Davis reach Arrellanes weakened In the fifth inning of the second contest after Gardner had made an error and three singles sent 4 0 0 1 0 3 ss 0 1 1 2 I 7 0 O 0 1 2 0 1 i 0 0 3 0 3 3 2 3 2 2 5 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 errorsWashington ton outBy Creft olU nn Sacrifice hitAustin Sac flyCree McBride Cob won- der th 31An 2 S 0 0 7 00 01 Chase ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ two runs in Hall was wild in the sixth and when Lewis muffed a fly two more runs were tallied by the visitors The game was called at i oclock by agjfee ment to allow both teams to a train Score ca i FIRST GAME Boston RHOAE Phila RHOAB Hooper rf 60100 Barbel If 50000 00120 Roth 3i 01010 lb e 010 00 E Collins Zb 0 0 0 5 0 Stxsahw cf 0 8100 Davis lb 0 Oil 1 1 WazHtts Heltemller cf 00 3 0 fr Lewis If 0031 0 Banr si 01401 c 00600 Lapp c 00510 R Collins p 0 1 0 1 0 I PL 01160 Totals 1 22710 Oj Totals 0 4i2SU 1 UBA out when winning run was scored Boston 00000000 1 1 Philadelphia 0000000000L- eft on basesBoston 7 Philadelphia 7 ham on balls Off Collins 2 off Morgan 7 Struck out By Collins 3 br Morgan 5 Sacrifice hitsHart Mi Bath Gardner Umpires Messrs Kerin and Sheridan Tiro of game 1 hour and IS minutes SECOND RHOAE Phila RHOAE Hooper rf 9 fl 2 00 Hartsel If 00000 00210 Roth 3b 01100 Stahl lb Collins 2b Wagner H DavIs lb 3 0 1 3 1 1 Heitmuller 2 1 2 0 0 Lewis If Murphy CarrigRU c 0 1 1 30 Barry ss 11000 p 0 0 3 3 0 Tliomas c 01220 hail p c fe 0 0 0 0 Bender p 01020 Totals 2 61310 21 Totals f 713 8 0 Batted for Arellanos in the fifth Boston 0001012 Philadelphia Left on basesBoston 5 Philadelphia 5 First base on balls 02 Arellanes 3 of HaIl 1 off Bender 2 Struck cutBy Arollanea 1 by Bender 3 Home run Stahl Twobase bitsWagner StahL Sacrifice bit Carrisan Double play Arellanes to Lord to Stahl Wild pitchesBender 1 Hall L Umpires Messrs Sheridan and Kerin of game 1 hour and 3 minutes Attendance 11205 TWO BAIL PLAYERS SOLD ainnngcr Clymer Releases Konnlclc and McCabe to Buffalo Team Wilkesbarre Pa May 31 Ahthur outfielder of the Cincinnati team and Mike Konntck who caught and played short on the same team both of whom have been at their homes here re ceived orders this morning to report to tho Buffalo team of the Eastern League- to which they have been sold Manager Clymer of the Wilkesbarres sold Catcher Jerry Hurley to the Syra- cuse team of ths New York Stato League Stahl 1 1 1 3 0 Oardner b I 0 2 3 Q llurpby no 0 1 1 0 0 Ii GAME- D IItoo 2 2 5 0 0 0 2 2 4 0 0 1 3 Z 0 1 0 0 0 cf 0 0 1 0 I 0 30 0 0 00 0 0 00 1 a 0 En 0 0 0 0 2 24 i i T 0 Mc- Cabe > > < ¬ ¬ < Another Shipment For Men has arrived so we have to disappoint any one this week can promise you an exact fit in the exact style you wish in all leathers Ninth and the Avenue BROWNS LOSE LAST GAME Tigers Bunch Jilts in First and Third Inning St Louis May Si Detroit won the fourth and last game of the series to day from St Louis S to Pernoll was never In danger at any stag of the game P lty was hit hard only in the first and third innings when Detroit scored the trio of runs Score RHOAB Detroit IIHOAES- KHMfTjrr tlIO D JOMC If 2 1 t 0 I t 2 1 6 Boh M 1 2 4 t- WUae I 3 4 t 0oM ef 6310Ne- wswu lb 1 1 11 8 Dcfetowty I t J 3 0 Scfawfewr rf 1 Sb 66- HoffiMK cf 2 1 I T Jose lb I 8 B 0 1 KttUfir e 081 c- Idty p 1 1 6 pirnoU- Cri 3 S2T23 1 TUb 1 62TM 1- Dctratt l X St Look 11 Tata httrStoMTfcM t M MUNevnaea Sac- rifice MuBMh PrnMO Mwferitr Double ptaj Gds to NMOMM to KlBHcr HMtMll to Griegs to XewMB Gifes to XaratM bM Cobb 9- HU br pftdMTBy Petty I by moil 1 BUd on bateOff Petty I Pwwoll 1 Strode Br Pelt OB bMMDetKt 4 Lewis 6 lhnpire MM5i Dtottn and CoaaoUy Time of gfuel boar n ntartM VIRGINIA BEAGTJ- ELynchburp 2 Richmond 0 Special to The Wubtagtw Herald Lynchburg Va May JL Brandon out pitched Salve in a beautiful game here this afternoon and the Shoemakers won 2 to Is scoring their first shutout of the season Richmond had several chances to but Brandon was the strongest at the critical stsas and easily mowed the batters down Two scratch hits both of which went through Land graft followed by Hoffmans single and Levys outflow sacrifice won the game for the locals Score OF Ties wont l We 3 50 tIP BdJ rH- eadtoFoo OutfiUtra 1 I t Grigf 4 i 1 Cr fonL t 0 t 0 e It t 1 e Z It 3 e I ell ant 3 Left St and Court 0 S I p 5180 05 Tat Males score ¬ ¬ RH E I acbbHrgy 9 t kt 2 x2 7 1 RMbMCBd I6 ieie9l0 6 1 BftU ie BiMHlaR Leek Sales and Cowan UapireMr Dark Roanoke 4 DanvIlle 3 Special to The WaAtogtoa Hmld Roanoke Val May 21 A timely bunch Ing of hits assisted by an error enabled Roanoko to win the third game from Dan- ville today by 4 to Brilliant fielding by Spratt and Newton were the features Jenkins made a poor showing in the be ginning of the eighth inning and was taken out of the box Pritchard succeed- ing him Score RH E Roanoke e 0 0 31x T 1 Danville J Or2 l3 3 2 Batteries Re Mk Jenkins Pritthard and Schmidt D arfHt Majtery awl MeLanghlin At teadaocoSO- OXorfollc 9 Portsmouth 6 Special to The Wuafestott Herald Portsmouth Vo May SI Norfolk found two of Portsmouths pitchers easy this afternoon and hammered them for a total of fifteen hits winning the game 9 to 6 The crew made five In the third In- ning after two men out Each of the three errors of visitors were costly Score l RH E Norfolk 00583 10D15 3 Portcmonth 281 OZl 86 7 5 Batt le Ft Walker and Ttatamn McCarthy V bher aad K nW CapireMr Mace 3 4 I runs wer the and i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CENTRAL IS BEATEN Georgetown Preps Capture r Game by 1 toO TWIRLING CAUSE Scholastic Champions Humbled by Embryo Colleslnnn in Pitchers Battle on Hilltop Diamond Boet hers Wild Throw Costly Winners Piny Errorless Game In Field The best high school baseball game of the season was played on the George town varsity diamond yesterday after- noon between Central High School cham- pions of the Interscholastic League and the Georgetown props and resulted in a 1to0 victory for the embryo collegians- It was Shock Boetler against Johnny prettiest pitchers In many days Langmuir had all the boil of it and was given errorless support Both twIrlers fanned twelve men and were generally effective The preps victory virtually gives them the right to the scholastic championship title of the District as they have already beaten Central twice and trimmed East- ern Western and Business Boetler lost his own game or rather helped to lose it with a weird throw to King in third inning followed by a wild pitch McLaughlin cut loose with a timely single sending in the only run of the game the winning tally Johnny Langmulr deserves a lot of credit for his fine twirling His perfect control and the way he mixed em up had the 0 Streeters standing on their heads Only five hits were obtained off Lang muirs delivery and of these Menefee the Central catcher got three While Menefee was Centrals best card with the stick he put up a wretched game behind the bat The Preps stole seven bases on him and he had one passed ball besides three errors McCarthy for the Preps found Boet lers offerings to his llkelng connecting for two singles and a double out of four times up Hoffman played a good game In the outfield for the losers The score The Score McCarthy If 4 0 0 0 McLaughlin cf 4 p 4 0 1 JL 0 0 Kftrwln 2b 4 0 1 0 Martin se 4 0 1 2 0 Loehl lb 3 0 r- Waldron 3b Mliburn rt 8 1 1 S 0 Bergen c 3 0 I 9 t 0 Totals 88 1 7 27 5 0 HIGH AB R H PO A E Rawllngs 3b 4 0 0 0 as Macdonald 2b 3 0 0 1 4 lb Hoffman rf 1 0 4 0 0 Beach cf Tilley If 4 Boetlor p 4 ft Totals 31 1 Georgetown x 1 000000000 First bass by errors Georgetown 4 Left on 8 Georgetown S First base on balls Off Boeder 1 off Stolen bases McCarthy McLaughlin KerwIn Loehl 3 Wild pitches Langmuir 2 Boetler Passed balls Bergen 1 Menefee l Um- pires Messrs OConnor and Adams Time of game 2 hours LangmuIrthe battle- S n the 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 6 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 12 0 3 0 1 1 2 6 i 0 1 0 0 0 Q basesCentral 3 Struck outny Beetles by Langmuir U Twobase hltsMcLar Sacrifice Beach IANaUIBs 0 5 1 0 1 Meneeec 4 5 24 0 0 12 hitsMacdonald ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JOHNS LAXGMHRG- eorgetown Preps star twirler 0 H S OMOHUNDRO The man who makes himself personally responsible for every OMOHUNDRO garment OMO Blue Black Un finished Worsteds and Fancy Worsteds tailored to your measure as only this house can construct them for I The OMOHUNDRO guar- antee of entire satisfaction or no pay stands behind these suitings- at 1450 just as though the ac- tual value was charged mm VALUES UP TO 45 Complete Stock Automobile Aeroplane and Motor- boat Supplies Launch Lighting Outfits Automobile Supply DepL National Electrical Supply Co 1330 New York Aye Phone M 6800 ST JOHNS SCORES SHUTOUT Defeat M A C In Heavyhlttlngr Game by 12 to O College Park Md May iL The base- ball team from St Johns College of Annapolis administered severe drub bing to the team representing the Mary land Agriculture College here today the final score being 12 to fl The locals were unable to lilt Wilsons shoots and thereby hangs the tale only four blnglee being registered off Ms de livery while on the other hand Goeltz appeared to be easy for the visitors The hitting of Melville being hard and often He got a home run a threebase and a twobase hit out of four trips to the plate scoring six runs altogether- In tIe seventh round with two Ag ges on the sacks and two down Stapfc- t ns went to the fence and pulled djwn J Lednums drive with one hand kUHng a sure home run In the last inning A C boys went to piece making tour errors in succession which corn tined with three hits let in seven runs St Johns WA C BuT 4 c OtPOoettz Sb e fill Htrr bens 11 Graces c 3b 1 0 1 5 1 lb i fits JWiison p 22121 FvstK t 6 9 0- Mrhillp Madd rfT 0 6 0 0 0 rf M 99 t lb 1 112 0 0 ATGeeta y 2 t 3 1 itiht a i 2o BOM u e Mcll n cf 22 2 1 Aram d i 3 00 JLtdwaa i 1 4 1 Totals 12U2T13 3 6 1108- Totals 3 427E 3 Batted for Burns in the St John cQ 1130006 7H M A C tti 0 0 09 H ao rm M WOe R A1 lmba till IwobMe bitMeMBe Pint taee M talk iff itz Streak oat By Goeltz V tjr Wild p tdw 0 cttz FMHd teHOfMM- strUn ix e MdloB Graves 9 Loft m bM t- St Johns 3 M A C T Ffnt bees M tcno St 4 M A C 1 Hit fe WrSHfv P Gorttz Capireilr Gray of Tuna of boon TO THE POINT Tailors 818 F ar JII a COre 0 I 5 3 1 1 0 SaudI Is 3 3 2 1 0 1 1 O 61 0 11 1 0 CAIn t Ji LeI 3 WIlMa 2 FrI edck gameS serge OMOHOROCOe FSL LW 5 I te- M RHOAB 2 0 in IaL 3 0 nth I C John ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > THE GREAT AMFRICAN TONIC i FEEL BAD i ThATS WHAT k 4 THEY j4EEI IS ALt NixNO TOO NOW FOR RiC- A WE FOOD C o- tv b The health value of the National Game is one of the important reasons of its popu- larity The health value of Budweiser wonf or it the title of King of all bottled beers uallty and Purity is the reason its KINGEVERYWHERE PHONE MAIN August Brill Sign Washington t DnAim D 30- AHEUjRBUSCILSTJOUI5 ANHEIJERBUSCH C r y I <


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Scene Shifts to Cleveland This Afternoon There Naps

Are Encountered for Four GamesOther Gossip


l8and20A-IIwoo jS-





THB BENEFIT OF THB DOUBTPraia bMotell a fewon I a Ute

Tk Ihye rbcsi Iti dote on as oatTtt inner to gtwn tile mUwr-

To a HMB up treeWell it KMBMtfc IB

That baseball kaows wtat Its about

In life wbt WHO fellow k rmmfagAs bard as be CM toffMi the bate

And some bfer g jr goes agttnMgAnd MB awful ddw

Why thooldnt we thanJuat decide it WK BMB

And hand the poor ranB r the mS

The fellow whos ntaakte Mto tlnader-A l striTtag to OMKiMr win

Shmild never b ttoeked by a Umriiror just becraso MM Me tatts to

if its et MmGie him all UK deabt

lIe deems ittfemww Ms me B-

Go slow ere JOB can oat the naerLet him aeere if the qvtstktg i dwbt

And hand the Mr jolt to tbe giiMMrtrjtaic to pat the BMB

Far the rwMMr de rvEvery break of locks

And the fed benefit of the daobt

By WILLIAM FEETIn New York where the almighty dol-

lar tops the altar they have a popularlittle game called ringing the neck ofthe goose The big fad In Gotham Isto grab everything In sight How youget it Is not important just so you haveIt

Our Nationals proved to be theduring the fourgame series which concluded yesterday the Yankees comingout three to the good and there was joyin the big town last night because theHighlanders were able to trim WalterJohnson

A grammar school boy could seo whywo lost This pitoher Quinn as usualproved to be the big stumbling blockand the Nationals could not touch himwhen cracks meant chalks

Will we ever be able to beat this Quinnperson The other American Leagueclubs can put him to the bad but somehow or other he has always been ableto got the Nationals goat and our teamhas never beaten him

Thank goodness the New Yorks willbe In Washington for two more engage-ments before the season closes and MoAlears btU wilt probably be given

opportunity to face Quinn If wew lup him Its up to President Taft todeclare a legal holiday

The fd 0 Ute douIKa


given lID


Who i



cio ant












Brooklyn 4j Do ton 1New York 4f Philadelphia 2

Cincinnati at Plttuburg Rain


SPlttsbnrg at BrooklynChicago at Bonton-

Olncinnntl at New YorkSt Louis at Philadelphia


W L Pat2 fiT 5W 6S9

New York 2 M 862 092 683PlttsbOTg Jg K 5 58 5S9St Ixwls IS a 414 4ST 482Cincinnati IS K Jt0 13 HiBrooklyn IS a 4tt 485 410PMWehAia B 3 34 412 332-

M 2S JW 335 JPhiladelphia May 31 New York made

a clean sweep on the series with the Phillies today by winning the fourth gamewith Doolns badly demoralized team by4 to 2

Although Raymond was hit hard es-pecially In the sixth seventh and eighthinnings tho best the Phillies could gatherout of their seven hits made In that col-lective number of innings was two runsdue to force out of Flaherty atsecond and Grants home run Score

NewYwk IIHOAE Phila HHQABPcrerct rf 11300 Bciee cf

3b 0 1 2 Z 0 Ftahcrfcr cf 0 1 1 0 oarray If 0030 1 1 2 10

cf 09300 Grant 3b 12120Jj1L as 0 0 5 3 8 a rf3b Rraa aeld lb 0 1 9 1 0

jerasa lb 1 2 3 2 0 IfU n c 02406 Deolin as 01342K-

aynwad p Doeln c0 0 0 0 0 Moora p 00120

Ward 00000Totals 4 62T 8 8Brennan p

Totals 2 10 27 16 5Batted for Bates in the

tBiUwI fer Moora In tha garenth-Kew 0100011104Phl-laddiMa 0000000202La-fB ca bftsesShiladelriJiia 6 Now York 7



BoMeB 8

Knab s


0 3 0 1e 3 0

aWl a I 10 0

0 0 1 1 0 0 9 22b

0 0 0 00 0 0 1 0








IMace 0

Denim 2 0






The scene shifts today from New Yorkto Cleveland where the Nationals fathe Naps in a fourgame series providing it does not snow It looks as if

Doc Relsling would be assigned topitch and as the doctor won his gameagainst the Naps in Waahlngton andalso helped capture the only contest ofthe series against the New Yorks thefans can expect glad tidings of groat joy

The following is from the pan ofBates JHttla Old Man of theLeader

Manager McAleer of the Nationals wastalking to tho Little Old Man not longago about the folly o young players becoming puffed up with pride over ap-

plause or cast down in depression byhisses

It took me a long time to learn howlittle the attitude of the crowd towardme really signified said MoAloer Igot my lesson one day In a very importantgame

I was playing center here in ClevelandThe Fhiiltos were our opponents EdDelehanty came up and I played prettydeep for him He lifted a long fly tocenter It was bound for the fence allright but it was so high in the air andhung there so long that I was able to goback and take the ball on the run overmy easiest kind of a catchto make for an experienced fielder

The cheers following this catch couldbe heard down town

The man up was big John Clem-ents the catcher He had been hittingthe ball hard and I played pretty wellback for him On this occasion howeverha drove a low liner over second justout of the reach of both Childs and McKean I dashed in as fast as my thennimble logs would carry me made a-

long twisting jump and picked the balloff my shoelaces

I straightened up thinking I badmade the greatest catch of my life UsIndeed I had but do you know I nevergot a even one handclap

Ive often told this story to youngplayers who are inclined to get a littlechesty over applause they receive forsome spectacular It shows howlittle the people in the stands appreciatewhat Is really going on out in the field


El-mer CleVe-












First base OB ballsOS Raymond 1 off Moore S

off Brannan i Struck oat By Raymond 4 byMoore 5 by Bronsn 2 Home nut Grant Three

Twobase htt Masee SacrificehiUDayl 1 StalEs hues DerllnDoable ptey Moore to Dante Giant to BrsBsfieid-BridircU to Dearie to Swdgraw Deotte to DraMfield te Brautan Raymond to Vlbea to DevilsUmpires Miters and Moran Time ofgame 1 boor and 63 minute


Pitcher Knetzer Tried Out AllowsBoston but Six Hits

New York May 31 Pitcher Knetzerwas tried out by the Brooklyns andpitched well

Boston made only six hits off him andwas beaten handily making four straightfor the Brooklyns Score

RHOAE RHOAECtolUna If 0 0 00 0 Burch It 800003b 0 1 1 1 0 lb 2 1 15 1 0Sharpe lb 0 113 0 Wheat If

rf Hurassd 9Shean 2b 10240 LOBBOC 3b 0 1 1 3 6Beck cf 01201 Davidson cf 00308ss 01320 T Smith se 01130H Smith c 0 1 3 8 0 Erwin eMatt m p Kcetar pGraham 0 0080Parsons p 0 0 0 0 Ttak 4 715 1

TwuteBatttd for Matters i eighth

Boston 0100000001Bro-oklyn 98202908 x 4

Left oa bases Bcstofl 5 Brooklyn 5 Plr t bateen balls OS Mattern 3 oft Knetzer 2 Struck out

By Mattern 3 br Kentzar 4 Threebase hitWheat Twobase hltrBck Saerifloe hltBarebfoulS plays Wheat to Smith to Daubert Lennoxt Daubrt ie Laifaos Hits marf Qffin 7 Innings Oil Parsons 1 1 Dmpke-Magars ODay and Brennan Haw of gatn l hMrand 35 minutes



Snn Francisco 3Iny 31 Corbett today In discussing Johnsons offer to meet him la thering said he would box Johnson for charity exacting only 10per cent with which to buy amonument for Jack when Jeffries gets ihroneli with him Headded thnt ns he was hecould make Johnson quit

DOd 1l6

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New Yorks Capture FinalGame of Series


Chunky Pitcher Reached for OnlyOne Run In the Opening ChapterAfter Which He In Invincible Reel

Kllllfer Has nn Oil flay at SecondBase Details of Game


Xew York 5j xBoston 1 Philadelphia 0

Philadelphia 4 Boston 2Detroit 3 St Louis 1

Chicago at Cleveland Rain


Washlngrtop at ClevelandPhiladelphia at Detroit


PhiladelphiaNsw YorkDetroitBostonClevelandWashingtonChicagoSt Louis

W I Pet26 9 74323 10 607 70323 16 503 600 JK19 16 M3 556 Jt11 14 i33 416 4

22 Ml 4 1M

11 20 3S5 JJ5 47 23 aco


IV L Pet I W L PetDctntt 13 17 31 W-IhtUdetobia a 14 Q OeTetaHd 1 a OS

13 14 J68 ChI BO 15 a 41

Beaten 19 16 543 WathlDgten 21 SM-

Siwfal to Wa bi gton HeraldNew York May 31 Among the rooters

there was some fear and trembling whenWalter Jphnson went into the box forthe Washingtons today The fear andtrembling was moro pronounced at theend of the first inning for the Washingtons made a run in theh first and theword was passed along that one run looked abnormally big with Johnson pitchingThe Highlanders themselves did not

the presence of Johnson as ablockade that could not be run and before the game was over theyhad polish-

ed off that puissant boxman In facttodays victory was the easiest of fjhe

throe they took from the Nationalsmade more hits than they did off Oberfin and Groom yesterday pitchers oflean renown than Johnson

The errors of Red Kitllfcr hamperedJohnson however and the New Yorkswould have been harder put to it if KllH

fer had not made a costly muff Stillthey would have won for Jack Quinnpitched a superb game surpassing Johnson in effectiveness and the Washingtons never being anywhere near theplate save in tne first inning whenthey made a run in an unusual wayQuinn takes to cold days like an Es-

kimo did today at any thespectators shivered through a cloudychilly cheerless afternoon

Quinn Handy with StickIt was not altogether cheerless Quinn

brought a good deal of cheer when heclinched his own game with a plungingthreebagger which found two men onthe bases and effected a timely cleanupBirdy Cree was pummelling the ball withvigor too Early in the season one ofJohnsons fast ones hit Cree in the headand laid him low but the remembrance-of that coup de grace dfd not make

shy today for he enjoyed an aft-ernoon of castigation He made a triplea single and a sacrifice fly The NewYorks gave Quinn timely support particularly Laporte and Roach

Having sent the first two men to thebench in the first Inning Quinn Issued apass to Killifer Gessler singled cleanly toloft and put Killifer on second McBridehit down the first base line to ChaseChase underestimated McBrides speedand was beaten in a sprint for the bagKiller meanwhile was dusting for homeChase was not bothering much aboutKilllfor thinking he had beaten Mc-

Bride to first When he sawgesticulating the success of McBrideChase fired the ball home butslid over safely It was a closeat first and Chase came nearer than heever did of making a kick He almostspoko Had Chase thrown to Quinnwould have had McBride


TodafWin LaM





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Four men reached nrsffor Washington-in the last eight innings Two werethrown out stealing one was left andone was subdued in a double playSweeney In the third made New forksfirst hit He was doubled when Quinngrounded to Killifer The New Yorksencountered vicissitudes before finally rammed a run home by main bred inthe fifth and not by any finesse Creeopened the inning with a threebaggrpast Gessler He could have made ahome run of It as the throwin wasshort However at that juncture stayat third was wiser

Yankees Tied the ScoreAustin fouled to Street Sweeney

Jumped a base hit off Johnsons aloveand Cree could have walked hut hthalted and came near being nipped iuhis scramble back to the basehltto McBride and Cree was thrown Jutat the plate Sweeney and Quinn pu hodforward on a wild pitch Hemphill cameto time with a single to right and scoredSweeney Two were imprisoned on thestools when Wolter gashed rents ia thesurrounding space

Cree started it off again In the sev-enth His hit to Conroy took fantasticbounds and could not be handled Austinsacrificed weeney anchored at firstwhen KIHlfer fumbled his grounderQuinn got hold of a curve ball and gaveMilan a chase to a remote corner of theyard Cree and Sweeney piled to theplato A signal for a squeeze 2 t lostsomewhere between Quinn and Hemphill and when Quinn came pounding

a pitch he butted Into the ball in thehands of Street

Keir York Add TTTO MoreChase singled In the eighth likewise

Laporte Having stolen second beforeLap9rtes bit Hal staked a claim onConroys range when Laporte singlea tothe infield Killifer made a raw muff ofRoachs line fly and not only lost aneasy chance for a double play but didnot get the ball In time to get Chaseat the platp or Roach at first Luportewent to third on the play and inon Crees fly to Milan Milan and Killfers taps one In the eighth and the otheirin the ninth were silenced by rattling


L j-

d 1i










stops by Laporte and Roach respec-

tivelyThe New York club has sold Pitcher

Joe Doyle to ClnoinnatLTile Score

Milan cf 4 0 0 2 0 aBrown If 0

Killifer 2b 3 2Geesler rf 4 04 0 00McBride 3 0 1 2 4 0

3bUnglaub lb 3 0 0 0

c 2 0 0 0Johnson p 3 3 0

Totals 29 1 4 24 11

NEW YORK AB R H PX A f EHemphill of 3 0

Wolter rf 3 0 0 0Chase lb 4 1 1 13 0 0Laporte 2b 4 1 1 1Roach ss 4 0 0 1

3 1 0Austin 3b 3 0 0 1 1 0iSweeney c 2

p 3 0 10 2

Totals 30 5 8 27 15

WashingtonYork x5

Base on 1 NewYork 2 Left on bases 5New York 5 Bases on balls Off Johnson 2 off Quinn 2 StruckJohnson 4 by Quinn 5 Threebase hits

rlfico Stolen bases UnglaubDouble plays

Killifer to to Unglaub Laporte-to Roach to Chase Wild pitchesJohn-son 2 Umpires MessrsPerrlne Time of game 1 hour and 45minutes


George Browne celebrated his return tothe game replacing Lellvelt In left byfanning his first time up

KIHlfer scored from second in the firstinning by fast running on McBrides hitto Chase Mac beating Chase in a sprintto the bag With two men on the basesConroy left them going out Laporte toChase

When the announcement was madeBattery for Washington Johnson and

Street groans went up The fans havenot forgotten what Walter has alwaysbanded to tho Yanks when right

Ges or singled In the third with twoout and was out stealing on the firstball getting a bad start by slipping

Manager MoAIoor switched his lineup-in an endeavor to get the last game ofthe series with the Yanks moving Killifer up and Conroy down the list

Milan made a good tryout on his dumpin front of the plate in the fifth butquick work on the part of Quinn andchase just nipped him This young manis just about as fast going down to firstas all the and Speakers playingball today

Johnson pitched himself out of a badhole in the fifth fanning Wolter withQuinn on third and HoraphH on second

UngiauVs pickup of McBrides lowthrow In the sixth on Chase was a

He dug it out of the dirt with onehand getting the decision on a very closeplay

Johnson was not lucky In the seventhCree hit safe to third base Sweeney gotan Jnnld sit and Quinn lined overMilans head in center for three basestwo runs scoring With Quinn on thirdand two out Johnson and Street broke up

squeeze play getting Quinn at theplate when Homphlll missed a highthrown balL

Kllllfer mINed an easy double play inthe eighth when he dropped Roachs linedrive He did not recover In time to goteither man Chaso scoring on the orror

While this was the third straight defeatfor McAleer and his hustling bunch ofball players like the games yesterday itwas close and interesting and with alittle luck at several stages could havebeen turned into a win for our boys

Tho chango of Browne for Lelivelt didnot add to the strength of the teams bat-ting that was expected George fannedthe first two times up and wont out onlittle infield taps the other two


Red Sox Win and Loae One In aDouble Header

Boston May even break wasthe outcome of todays doubleheader-A wiid throw by Barry on Lewis grounderallowed the Red Sox to win In the ninthinning of the first game Wagner hadbeen given a pass and wont t secondon Gardners sacrifice scoring on Barrysheave far from Davis reach

Arrellanes weakened In the fifth inningof the second contest after Gardner hadmade an error and three singles sent

4 0 01 0 3

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outByCreft olU nn Sacrifice hitAustin Sac








S 0 0










two runs in Hall was wild in the sixthand when Lewis muffed a fly two moreruns were tallied by the visitors Thegame was called at i oclock by agjfeement to allow both teams to atrain Score



Hooper rf 60100 Barbel If 5000000120 Roth 3i 01010lb e 010 0 0 E Collins Zb 0 0 0 5 0

Stxsahw cf 0 8100 Davis lb 0 Oil 1 1WazHtts Heltemller cf 0 0 3 0 fr

Lewis If 0031 0 Banr si 01401c 00600 Lapp c 00510

R Collins p 0 1 0 1 0 I PL 01160Totals 1 22710 Oj Totals 0 4i2SU 1

UBA out when winning run was scoredBoston 00000000 1 1

Philadelphia 0000000000L-eft on basesBoston 7 Philadelphia 7 ham

on balls Off Collins 2 off Morgan 7 Struck outBy Collins 3 br Morgan 5 Sacrifice hitsHart

Mi Bath Gardner Umpires Messrs Kerin andSheridan Tiro of game 1 hour and IS minutes


Hooper rf 9 fl 2 0 0 Hartsel If 0000000210 Roth 3b 01100Stahl lb Collins 2bWagner H DavIs lb

3 0 1 3 1 1 Heitmuller 2 1 2 0 0Lewis If MurphyCarrigRU c 0 1 1 3 0 Barry ss 11000

p 0 0 3 3 0 Tliomas c 01220hail p c

fe 0 0 0 0 Bender p 01020Totals 2 61310 21 Totals f 713 8 0Batted for Arellanos in the fifth

Boston 0001012Philadelphia

Left on basesBoston 5 Philadelphia 5 Firstbase on balls 02 Arellanes 3 of HaIl 1 offBender 2 Struck cutBy Arollanea 1 by Bender3 Home run Stahl Twobase bitsWagner StahLSacrifice bit Carrisan Double play Arellanes toLord to Stahl Wild pitchesBender 1 Hall LUmpires Messrs Sheridan and Kerin of game

1 hour and 3 minutes Attendance 11205


ainnngcr Clymer Releases Konnlclcand McCabe to Buffalo Team

Wilkesbarre Pa May 31 Ahthuroutfielder of the Cincinnati team

and Mike Konntck who caught andplayed short on the same team both ofwhom have been at their homes here received orders this morning to report totho Buffalo team of the Eastern League-to which they have been sold

Manager Clymer of the Wilkesbarressold Catcher Jerry Hurley to the Syra-

cuse team of ths New York StatoLeague


1 1 1 3 0Oardner b I 0 2 3 Q llurpby no 0 1 1 0 0


D IItoo

2 2 5 0 0 0 2 2 4 00 1 3 Z 0 1 0 0 0

cf0 0 1 0 I 0 3 0 0

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0 0 0 0 2 24

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Another Shipment

For Menhas arrived so wehave to disappoint anyone this week

can promise youan exact fit in the exactstyle you wish

in allleathers

Ninth and the Avenue


Tigers Bunch Jilts in First andThird Inning

St Louis May Si Detroit won thefourth and last game of the series today from St Louis S to Pernoll wasnever In danger at any stag of the gameP lty was hit hard only in the first andthird innings when Detroit scored thetrio of runs Score

RHOAB Detroit IIHOAES-KHMfTjrr tlIO D JOMC If 2 1 t 0 I

t 2 1 6 Boh M 1 2 4 t-WUae I 3 4 t 0oM ef 6310Ne-wswu lb 1 1 11 8 Dcfetowty I t J 3 0Scfawfewr rf 1 Sb 66-HoffiMK cf 2 1 I T Jose lb I 8 B 0 1

KttUfir e 081 c-

Idty p 1 1 6 pirnoU-Cri

3 S2T23 1

TUb 1 62TM 1-

Dctratt l X

St Look 11Tata httrStoMTfcM t M MUNevnaea Sac-

rifice MuBMh PrnMO Mwferitr Double ptajGds to NMOMM to KlBHcr HMtMll to Griegs toXewMB Gifes to XaratM bM Cobb 9-

HU br pftdMTBy Petty I by moil 1 BUdon bateOff Petty I Pwwoll 1 StrodeBr Pelt OB bMMDetKt 4 Lewis 6

lhnpire MM5i Dtottn and CoaaoUy Time ofgfuel boar n ntartM


ELynchburp 2 Richmond 0Special to The Wubtagtw Herald

Lynchburg Va May JL Brandon outpitched Salve in a beautiful game herethis afternoon and the Shoemakers won2 to Is scoring their first shutout ofthe season Richmond had severalchances to but Brandon was thestrongest at the critical stsas and easilymowed the batters down Two scratchhits both of which went through Landgraft followed by Hoffmans single andLevys outflow sacrifice won the gamefor the locals Score






3 50tIP

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RH EI acbbHrgy 9 t kt 2 x2 7 1RMbMCBd I6 ieie9l0 6 1

BftU ie BiMHlaR Leek Sales and CowanUapireMr Dark

Roanoke 4 DanvIlle 3Special to The WaAtogtoa Hmld

Roanoke Val May 21 A timely bunchIng of hits assisted by an error enabledRoanoko to win the third game from Dan-ville today by 4 to

Brilliant fielding by Spratt and Newtonwere the features

Jenkins made a poor showing in the beginning of the eighth inning and wastaken out of the box Pritchard succeed-ing him Score

RH ERoanoke e 0 0 31x T 1

Danville J Or2 l3 3 2

Batteries Re Mk Jenkins Pritthard andSchmidt D arfHt Majtery awl MeLanghlin AtteadaocoSO-

OXorfollc 9 Portsmouth 6Special to The Wuafestott Herald

Portsmouth Vo May SI Norfolk foundtwo of Portsmouths pitchers easy thisafternoon and hammered them for a totalof fifteen hits winning the game 9 to 6

The crew made five In the third In-

ning after two men out Each ofthe three errors of visitors werecostly Score

l RH ENorfolk 00583 10D15 3Portcmonth 281 OZl 86 7 5

Batt le F t Walker and Ttatamn McCarthyV bher aad K nW CapireMr Mace













Georgetown Preps Capturer Game by 1 toO


Scholastic Champions Humbled byEmbryo Colleslnnn in PitchersBattle on Hilltop Diamond Boethers Wild Throw Costly WinnersPiny Errorless Game In Field

The best high school baseball game of

the season was played on the Georgetown varsity diamond yesterday after-noon between Central High School cham-

pions of the Interscholastic League andthe Georgetown props and resulted in a1to0 victory for the embryo collegians-

It was Shock Boetler against Johnnyprettiest pitchers

In many days Langmuir had allthe boil of it and was given errorlesssupport Both twIrlers fanned twelvemen and were generally effective

The preps victory virtually gives themthe right to the scholastic championshiptitle of the District as they have alreadybeaten Central twice and trimmed East-ern Western and Business

Boetler lost his own game or ratherhelped to lose it with a weird throw toKing in third inning followed by awild pitch McLaughlin cut loose with atimely single sending in the only run ofthe game the winning tally

Johnny Langmulr deserves a lot ofcredit for his fine twirling His perfectcontrol and the way he mixed em up hadthe 0 Streeters standing on their headsOnly five hits were obtained off Langmuirs delivery and of these Menefeethe Central catcher got three

While Menefee was Centrals best cardwith the stick he put up a wretched gamebehind the bat The Preps stole sevenbases on him and he had one passed ballbesides three errors

McCarthy for the Preps found Boetlers offerings to his llkelng connectingfor two singles and a double out of fourtimes up Hoffman played a good gameIn the outfield for the losers The score

The ScoreMcCarthy If 4 0 0 0McLaughlin cf 4

p 4 0 1 JL 0 0Kftrwln 2b 4 0 1 0Martin se 4 0 1 2 0Loehl lb 3 0 r-Waldron 3bMliburn rt 8 1 1 S 0Bergen c 3 0 I 9 t 0

Totals 88 1 7 27 5 0HIGH AB R H PO A E

Rawllngs 3b 4 0 0 0as

Macdonald 2b 3 0 0 1 4lb

Hoffman rf 1 0 4 0 0Beach cfTilley If 4

Boetlor p 4 ft

Totals 31 1Georgetown x 1

000000000First bass by errors Georgetown 4Left on 8 Georgetown S

First base on balls Off Boeder 1 off

Stolen bases McCarthy McLaughlinKerwIn Loehl 3Wild pitches Langmuir 2 BoetlerPassed balls Bergen 1 Menefee l Um-pires Messrs OConnor and AdamsTime of game 2 hours

LangmuIrthe battle-S n


2 10 1 2 0 0

2 1

6 04 0 0 2 0 0

0 04 0 0 0 1 0

04 0 1 0 0

3 1 0 00 0 1 0 00 3 12 0 3

0 1 1 2

6 i0 1 0 0 0 Q

basesCentral3 Struck outny Beetles

by Langmuir U Twobase hltsMcLarSacrifice Beach



510 1

Meneeec 4

5 240 0








JOHNS LAXGMHRG-eorgetown Preps star twirler



The man who makes himselfpersonally responsible for everyOMOHUNDRO garment

OMO Blue Black Unfinished Worsteds and FancyWorsteds tailored to your measureas only this house can constructthem for


The OMOHUNDRO guar-antee of entire satisfaction or nopay stands behind these suitings-at 1450 just as though the ac-

tual value was charged


Complete Stock Automobile

Aeroplane and Motor-

boat Supplies

Launch Lighting Outfits

Automobile Supply DepL

National Electrical Supply Co

1330 New York Aye Phone M 6800


Defeat M A C In HeavyhlttlngrGame by 12 to O

College Park Md May iL The base-ball team from St Johns College ofAnnapolis administered severe drubbing to the team representing the Maryland Agriculture College here today thefinal score being 12 to fl

The locals were unable to lilt Wilsonsshoots and thereby hangs the tale onlyfour blnglee being registered off Ms delivery while on the other hand Goeltzappeared to be easy for the visitors Thehitting of Melville being hard and oftenHe got a home run a threebase and atwobase hit out of four trips to the platescoring six runs altogether-

In tIe seventh round with two Agges on the sacks and two down Stapfc-

t ns went to the fence and pulled djwn JLednums drive with one hand kUHnga sure home run In the last inning

A C boys went to piece makingtour errors in succession which corntined with three hits let in seven runs

St Johns W A CBuT 4 c OtPOoettz Sb e fillHtrr bens 11 Graces c

3b 1 0 1 5 1 lb i fitsJWiison p 22121 FvstK t 6 9 0-

Mrhillp Madd rfT 0 6 0 0 0rf M 99

t lb 1 112 0 0 ATGeeta y 2 t 3 1itiht a i 2 o BOM u eMcll n cf 2 2 2 1 Aram d i 3 0 0

JLtdwaa i 1 4 1Totals 12U2T13 3 6 1108-

Totals 3 427E 3Batted for Burns in the

St John cQ 1130006 7HM A C tti 0 0 09

H ao rm M WOe R A1 lmbatill IwobMe bitMeMBe Pint taee M talkiff itz Streak oat By Goeltz V tjr

Wild p tdw 0 cttz FMHd teHOfMM-strUn ix e MdloB Graves 9 Loft m bM t-

St Johns 3 M A C T Ffnt bees M tcnoSt 4 M A C 1 Hit fe WrSHfvP Gorttz Capireilr Gray of Tunaof boon


Tailors 818F ar JII



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11 10


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The health value of the National Game is one of the important reasons of its popu-

larity The health value of Budweiser wonfor it the title of King of all bottled beers

uallty and Purity is the reason its KINGEVERYWHERE PHONE MAIN

August Brill Sign Washington





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