$**.•***»* wV^ ^ ^ ^ * fmf ^ f <-# **f * * *H s <* *** *U w^-t^W * * * *. V. j w IK** Jf^i.'fc** J \ >\ K .V •».i«.vi.i,)i.| l iii.i ll . >ii„ >.,| 1.. 1 /P 1 ^ T I »1 •?Wffi nainii— Soath \ -i x Supper* Sieff Mtettah Set By Auburn DCWOit 5ee£2i3 4 s^jB^*pw; HOW* «t Street \. - J|j \ A1i e$«eW>| afiSllsfea'g^sai'K^ tslaf place, aft$£ y «/^p|i., &a,«o«» |l wsl m te«e|M item the riomimtfiij? m^m' jtw«nW»i*e utgel to aitehdw a?, jbsataejifcyJfrs. I*a}$ l*.JES%If.', * t^ogjh t|e ige«wHi3ft w \, ,^„, ,* fiiik *%& ^aafeuf & lackey, Cfc#arje^*o^i*toF*«$l'be pr" f ptli!»»|II|l)H)t III 11, I. ,ll.iil,,l.,|ili U 4 . - * A WWi»i,illli|i|il||i[il>lil #t ST. MICHAEL'S MISSION HOUSE MTES S ltochtltttV$f>Y* >s meeting election of ©flb r take pi: V 4^ l***?^*!*. -* fmAX fesMV' Honl« Town Markot QUALITY MEATS WBOOtNO AWP HBQW1SB casinpsTO«3nHEBiaDii xsuarsai mr»?Fwid* , *'-ciih| and will also r*p«r£.'§4-thf'-;ftuar4| terly meeting of the Diocesan; Board of, Directors held Geneva, j, , ^ f > ^ -. .' Plans nsfcH be <wi^li^8for$e] Saturday ittiieJiewv »eri« are «cbedule4 to be je** iii. October. Hoi Hold Aartai»'-^:Aii x xaccount"of a tUdw waa.tbe faie! September- n K e t i i * * l'.' : \ ""~T*W' , •.'•• .- : .j» i: HBMgBC Mothettf aub of St «^wWm Chtorth,- Ihe taiirglvea moderator, the Rev, Mecjti lmSuded an account Euaiirtatlc Consmt to B«rce> * » *. _ 'V-,.' .• ,. TW5 JCVKJrtNG opened wjtli a pteeSc supper whfch w*» : ai;,- rtnjped by the eighth gracte nsotMtrt under thej^alntianafrtp <}f Mn,M*xl$ Cam& ... i]' ' ' At Jje- JwiflBft^^ilte^NWcli, followetl plans were armouwced for-^** eaitt- party iftr MtapMr*,] Sepfc, 39, in the «ho*l hall with Mrs, Jane Martin a* ehilraian, uaiated by the j»e\Wth «ra*- : taieftiiipti'-•.;'.'*: s, -'» *' 'j Ift^v^bldlt- ^Cenits^ DIGMTARIKS InrfwJtar 1 iwriy coiwecmted Bialwp •«! Kobext C Hitater, SvV,©^-: ,__,„ ^,.„„_,„ W*f»r, S.yj>^ SorJw-3W«r ( :i«i 1|CT. .Rial Bishop Of India SVD Seminarians o^f-two young men ftom . ousEasttrnStatw pronounc- #ft tp^r first vowi a» «lerfc» ol fe^cfefi? of tise Oivljte WM5 Se^Sember-Sthi-'atSt Mchpet* jwwo. House, CoijfMBit \N«w \t<m FiUKSDJING OTER th; color- ne#?blah6p oi^*>re; Iteffia, who was rewnUj^WMcnted-kt Tes- At th^profession «remony, the bishop,also pretenteti the garb oil the -Society to. -3$' detent gtsd' ma^froi?Mliei%rJpe' W«^l piep- Auburn Catholic Daughters Set September Social Night Auburn—A large committee is completing plans for the September Social Night of Court Auburn 263, Catholic } Daughter of America, B|onday, September 22, 1952. The party will bs held at the South Street home and will be open to membera and guests. Arrange- ments are in charge ol Mrs. George A. Snyder, grand regent Wes. J&wrence C. Sateer, vice regent, is ohalrjnan oi the re- ireshroent committee composed of Mrs. Joseph McLean, Mrs. 3oseohine Casket MRS. Bay, t i - * J- ' I" f*«W«** .'.':,• '"••;•• IJD*«#jy«oht;•econo;Mr* W& m.fm§AmWkMMMM.t- Iju^ Law-ton; third, Mrs. -Ar^- 31 tiuCnlf ALD i)«* r ~CckmMii; fourth, Mr*M*ry C L C J U I M l V CUa I > FLfth. Mr* Betty Mocw; lixth, AlilWII IpftK "STajte Uartiit; tijthth.' Mm TW—T««W-«« Co«*^J'i^^jy&*,.BeJen JK'S^S&S**^itSS05^^ YM| mam mcr 'iH tint ^^-'<imMmt^»mm.' -Hit*. - in, - ait 'tjto I m* 4147 »M« itiate'trainins. iissroF srsfoscs, on hi* brief . vlrtilotnet&tte^Statoa, w*en|3y {conferred with CmTdlnatl Thomas XSe«. SLVJ), and Aoshblshop J«H& Roaaleaf y Eai of Oebti, _ HdlfppiiieIslandak a6tbe-Soae#| '{tn^ headquarters in Techny, Jlllnois. • ' Qedigpi la 4932^ theBtahop wAJ' won return tot-indla, T**here he has- befcit »nilsa|ottary r 'fS6je tw?«tX] yeawsa. ,j^he§,tHt*.,.-. -,-.•«'—,^.. „ '^he jjfl&er j% the 'ReU-. '.SeisyjEMt,. fi^jRlfcnf.tih^SMaiiife] J^eitt -o? Mar>'.frle*f wh* 'eas- riled on an i|^!oiaJ;e'.jponjti Chinese inteDechials. \ Both. iu*der^entri»|se<:ation tiiey itenorte^ 6n?^ew|iC4NUte^.j ed ;flttt "the) pads >'a*|P*<-*MiJiS: nun on one chair and placed his feet on another,' 3nen- % $ bounded, up an4 down Id^Joje** In an effort, tp b»?ak them, The, priest fainted repeatedly umiec the torturing pain. Word ol the> prle^a^rejfaiej brought joy to relative* ^ana friends in Rochester, according to Jftitri* J, Ravami«gh o | S5i ate St t a first cotain, Kavanaujfh visited inl :er tnW3fr*ti$ ipent the next >* ~ ' & Ka f '««38g'gli , » ........ iieMives here ami oikce visited *f!?* u * 9t;St •WP*os au * Ghwrch •'-„•"i —i.;; •.,.-,.• ; ;>'-^. ' V , r Jri,;^- i ., , „.iwia-«ct as.*,commfttee for4he feg ,«pefr» oi. : the? Catholic ChieHen Sarbecme;, w%h -wjir] open the fall aeason of the or- ta|n%ii,tioA Iffiurad^ *veiit'ng» in Texas berore going ""»» pojlAt China.'« ion . Jfl! IS Aliftft a couain of An- -rdrjWf' £-. is^yanaujift* 'Cotnmla. f Uoner of Pubac-^jr, H?ih*in* ^b«.-im» tit Met. m& iHclcey, 239 'I3*<ttle r 4^^l^"tfl'lAwr- IWd In Pittif ord HEISflt 111 If | i Wtt Htaray Itrity of-Knidtar- IMIIH in St Xouis CSurch : OB Stpt 12. Burial waa in J^tts- l.ltaj C fUJ'iiifii jr,.' .' I—Jlnt. Tari«y,-wi*»*r ef XiJncr ' J^.^atiacf, Sfaiadint Ott Compear 'awttttiiii Jaenkeriy' of LeK«y P AM "aaaaiiKLliiflr S n C i HS&- i aMdr 4^^^^' ^l^ad^^^b ^fc^ "vai^ttM^ ^tttJ^Bi^ illffv^' ' *M^_ X BWte *i Hlrklawi AT«- - Ifeeaw Iftrtar tM' )ha danahter W*!*£#ff~.*&M!i!Kg 1 l(b^^- jA lfc^^^«Jfta^J &|ML^ wa* „ , - .jn»- fin ifaai ta MadtMtttr.'W liai^ "^^^^^wajjpF T^T •'•w^^Ba^^^^^^av-.^^R Mlva#a » aiH^ad^ku^H' ^auaiM^ h H^J^J^^^L^ ^1^^^ jj^^ i^^^^^. v \TWWPJ. W/f f*__55ft>» X4WIJWI. laQW ViUM^Uift ^^^*~' ^|B^^ - iW^^j^^^ft^^- 4Ma_^ AIPJVL' Mil' jwn. JFJIMMCIE fW^. ii^.^Wttar'JR**; fto«rt c& fW8ter, SSKtkk JEai*(i4JBtt«|WWfe.*%' Norfce Master of tfie Clerics and fiUjer- Jpsaui ^on^ch; .SfcVa>.' .- --»' ' jfit*....*^.., •'« . '... f •' Bodbe*fcwYouths Enter Niagara U. ' Erht Aijulnaa Imtitute jradu- atea were among 256 eonjOed at Nia^axt/GniVentty whan the fall' <trm opeoed JEight. atatea, Panama Ona^Zooe, Canada and •llw>t*tri^«t ! -PeflwnM*; were, in' this year's .ln- ciastv are: Seoeca Etewy., regbtietecl i n t h * 'CoEegi of Arta and! Sdt«Mm. ' JCnterinr the CoU*fe o f Baai- ncaat' Adminhrtratkwi are- -JpttpJt D. Haji*, 3* J**t*Jith^St.; Darid aW 3£ JfcGiKfcte. 73 Winder 6 t ; wattaroC.Scott, »Hur»«xHaTie -• ' jjaT . *. _; • • » ; Xalea Ave. ''"Mr. fab^-K*v»jkug^;^»b>! sona]ly" Sjanks ail friends o i the itbiil^jHeat ^?ho aided. Win : ;tua% andnu(frialf>".iRhen €hl&***; '•';.. •;', *• _• . • Millicm PAiktiits .First" fall iaeeting of the Third Girder of S t Francis WS1 be held, Sunday, Sept 28, at 3:30 p.m. at| St Fatricrs OitEpeh, 4te Ply- rtoutit 4ve Korth, Jjochest«K, The Bev. ilea C. Mooifcy, spir* ;itual direcloiv wfflt conduct the meeting- and outline plaits for the year, Members? am urged to •return.-*U flbtaty books which Hunt' Hospitals , ''.j*d«»ja»»wfi^,^'ii%t Mttn »; 3R%.-t^«|g. million 'patients, -w*«fe- ;tresM " last year in iioapitals conducted by-'fiue , sr»M%b«'»|ercy5,- .'.-. .. •/ Tbla Iria'dJadoa^'atthe^An- riuaX Institute in Bospital Admin- istration hererby Mother. -Mary Bernardlne ^Purceli, Sfotber Gen- : readings ' TEKlliiKlES WILL he inter- e s t to> knaw that the>ear XS53 mark* tile 50th Annlveraury of the enrollment to «ie Third Or- 'der, ot the' SoVerelpt Pontiff, JPopMw KH, jSjOlenm, Ma»|,wfll be sung In ail Franciscan church- es lri Rowe during the month of October irt'hhhhosor. Tertlaarfet. art' -m ••*fted.-% xsejnember -the] ;Boiy v Father i& their prater**. ; Since the ftrst^teceptionol-the yeaj? "win ocswr in? Oc*Q*«v. «M jwho are Interested in Joining.the it f*astemtty shou T d at. tlie Beprnnptr meeting and 'arranges- -sflth ^orgei £iegri«i the »e«flBbe3g: r for theftr ^rolItn«nt. Ko#oe«UVe nwmben are wtu |More than 300 SUters Of Mercy, re^^tihgSihc^Ula'cond^t^ i i^..^*'^Wl.-;'S*?^httn|^ 'ittbJJided J^ltJ^H0lm^O$0> Sir X t f Of*.Agl)fg"-C^S* t 'Ibe patient total lrkluded lepers tm>*l at «tonW in Wa- haka, 'BritJah GiUana, and 'hi' ss. mors *»d ?AUVS tafiUAtN **'" "'* '"""" "" ''^-'f^ ' |'> ':r"'i"iiiili[i)i|-ij-'Tj L. fefi^f Iff HltMi •• : ItpfiW - JtaKllltaOM fttaJMAClSlk- ^^iMHteaMiAjaMjl 'at'aat" .. *.-. %jr rtita#f*l* I tVttTMWKTKCtfTfWWMr Sejiit ^ a t ^wiibbj" halt Jfei idttlsg' Meroa» president, fs'belrig'isslateAhy Mw. jCouis JWtoiq.andlthe Mitses Caroline mitMiati, .Marfan Berry, Mary l Gr*ney apo; Mary Moaahah." 1 '. , .„.-,o ;( ..... ,, TBishop To Confirm In St. Stephen's deaeya.~- Bishop JTaraes E KearnW w a | adrahuater the Sac- rahieptvof Conflrmation In St. jSjephea'a jShurch st 7:45 p. m. ^undajf, Oct 5. v , Junior school pupils who have not been conflrmed will attend religious instruction at 3:3Q p.m. Mondays in S t Stephen's School .until they have Jbeen coplpmed. Adults and converts-, who. hive not been confirmed will contact jjthe clergy at S t Stephen's .as soon, as possible, UKMiiii, I • 0 '""".''• * " ' * Auxiliary 126 Sets. '.orporaf Communion Holy Apostles Ladies Auxiliary No. 126, Knights of St Johnj \^11 receive Holy Communion In, a body, Sunday, Sept 21 at 8 ajtt. Mass In Holy Apostles Church. Sicorting the nwmbers tff and from the church-W&* the *I* trict Avtixlllary Prill Tearn, BreaJcfaat will be served hi the school halt All members «re asked to attend. inl., Q. ii I- m^ici Boachfe Mrg, Frank h wmt sjsid' - ,Mrs», $mxm.' J> ^ilislstjsiaEHl :CWP'. the Reserv* 'Mrj. ^Qhti'A., I§l|s|0a» »pd' "^ Wfa& 'iHrtTf' : 0r^I^^ltci:.Mrto;^yonn' IV > ^^Eagejie-ieatel?',"M^^ Clarence E; Hlyden, Mrs. Will* Ham Hickey. Mrs. Stella Hall, Mrs. Louis Barbaglia, Mrs. Fred' ericic L. Keeaee, Mrs, C. Eugene Carpenlff *|jf Mrs, Theodojre A. Buseh* •••"'.'. Ami- the &t$seji : Mi - $e$ty, 3SUattHsth:.mivey^Ajtthe Faivey, Ruth .'. JttsH W* Jlattnett, Elteaheth AU^Jarmon,' Isabel T^ Dispensation A t Watkins AU Catholics attending the Grand Prix auto races at Wat- tdM Glen, SsUirday, Sept. 80 fan Ember Day) are dispensed from the faw of fast and ab- stinence. The diipensatlon la granted by MB Excellency Bishop Kearney on the request of the Hev. Benedict Ehmann, pas- tor of St, Mary's of the w i s Church, Wafkina Glen. ^^sswasaasywjiai'WSi imwmmmitrmmmmmmmmmmm*m*mmt Catholics Denied Athletic Field , i ,"f» : -'r.'SM|ras)i,' Sfe*^aj. .^ * i5%'ivastt»;^ mm u. Shcp Wil'iBe. *|**$**fcer>' I t s«|ffiirier iwifihighligftt'^h^e- mm tfonal Lac/women's Kelre*t Moye- •:ptht*"|B= r be. Ineld 3s> Oaiumbmfir Cv*?e#«iber4l andt-f. * f •!??/'• ' 'Vfc M A request made by-officials of Notre Dame High "School,' new Catholic high school lit Itatavla, for iMsnnlasloh % use Woodward Field* tite public school* 1 nthtetfe Held, vm ? rejected by the Board of Education, ; Action of the Board was based, on the state constitution which prohibits the use of public prop- erty by religious -groups,' the Board's attorney stated. ' The situation la different how. ever, the attorney said, from a case in which' Notre Dame seeking transportation for" its pupils in public school buses. The Constitution specifically [gives the Legtslatube power to prbviaeTraturiiortatlcjij, < Parents' of Notre Dame pupils' nave appealed to the state oyer the refusal by voters of twee .central school districts to provide transpor.tation.. President Names Monsignor O^Gradjr Wa*WnKt««-(NC)- Trwman has. set up a commission "to study, a/rft evalu ate the Immigration and natural! zatfeh- 'poltcies -.bf/the. v lfnjted {fitjWfs>'*.MstT! ,1(W?rftitjj$, *+Hl rejary-of tht i^tM^fel Gd'nte^enof- of Catholic Charities, wits riamed a memben ''Humahitarian^ considerations its. wfn„ as, the national' intertit (hit lite reasstas'our >m< tionpoJkles,'*thePrtikient sai«L He directed the conunission to raport by January 1. <,issai. > 'i 5 -;. fiasauuiaiw'' t aJfs»" luuc noswTOTs' - st ILA r : ti aa^L-<ui^i. m mtt'm m »'•«« g»i» m »»» 1 n'.»-y Jmm^^^ 4m ^rt^uk- P^WWBs»sW^Pl»''-SBsi. Www. •; 'JMOs^'astikli' '• -Hkm-¥ liafiVB' -§£isii -4 Bik.i^i« BjyMrlWadi - ^TSrWSr -i^^mffWw Jis^iaw yw/".S(wWi«sns ,p cflHsT' ^licchanga St Geneva, N.T. MKER t STARK Inc. »t»'miiu»i.i, •.:».•' , - FICTUMf WmU9 - rilRFIX M0«, CO, * ' FINOIH IAKIS ,'.s ' P*fl»»'Rf^T^BrT'- WJPiw*>s •. wij^HBsfflPsw' " ''" • • Pilaw 1 lirilut '- ,>'-' ;.- «wnm HOWI sinvici •. •PwiiMMiiiBSiiitf^ [S »,»^,'»*#.»»,il,»l>JI«l.it*»lliL^»*^,*W»,*^'><'^»^iM»»iB>» ' >«A-l: ./«IH^f-#l|S(.^«»/^i- ' .... CONYIKKW ,- V'/illRrjS^iiBsi^iAt^; ---^ v'^lssssi^«l»U^ „' mtJtwoA /AJOg >. • ~' GHUtra's Foremost \ ii^e^J* IJMPV^PpsPft'll JPSi llH'ssffpfJw. "sBWIflf"-. r^wSpfwWwJ> ", f r t r ''0«er : i?^ar|r ; t«ss«:-. 1J »M* *'Xi*.il'»*,«>,»l»»i<i»nlll'p'l»'«»'«i>li|>l,t -' .«" .- ;i «S^SJijWS - 1^^dka^rfa%#'lflikailMte-'^'^ -- « - > , <, '»sW- HoWrrt* <*H3ti1* ? .i,,.. ^Wiir^PrT*., ' «MapiMi(Di^ ^r*-;vj^JtliiisWi«*:'' Y. staffll'siasiaaisi €# ' ' s*a^aM <*taa<U^ ' tts4H fa^aki Goe*s Presence \ye J can feel the presence of^ the great Master? sfe aorTecbg- nize the fringe of His' garment; and can almost fancy w# hear the matlftfg of His robe, St. Boniface HNS More than 46 new members were received by the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Kohl, pastor, into the Holy Name Society of St Boni- face Church at the annual Com- wedjnfqn Breakfast held Sunday, Sept li. One hundred and sixty mem- bers received Holy. Communion at - the Mass- celebrated by the Very Rev. Joseph R-Vogt Cath- olic Chaplain of the New York State Industrial and Agricultural School at Industry and former assistant at S t Boniface. Monsignor Vogt at the break- fast explained the nature of his work among the boys at the state school where" he recently completed redecorating his chapel of the Good Shepherd. - / Father, Kohl who preached, the sermon, installed the officers at the'business session. Richard J. MlUer was breakfast chairman and Hnlghts of St John of Com- mandery 23 escorted the men. Vatican Warns On e Writings (RNS) —The Sacred igatioh of the Holy Office issued an admonition to ihopr, priests and splrituaTdi- rectors to oppose the manner' in which many writers treat mar- ried life, and especially their ad- vocacy of practices "which con- stitute serious danger t ta the very objective of matrimony." - " o Gog's Leva In sti love'there fa a quest for the Beauty of God. He who loves without thinking of God, steals something from Cod. IMT Jfcr'* 'MUr-i^mm, Ki T . < HOW FAMILY *T. RVT. MSG». jqsrN a, coNWjir. v.r.,H.a.. r«ur KASSKS-l>»Aan ' ^ «• *. S, t. M, II AM,r •,.,.,. ,„ .^— -„ > _ .. ir .M n K m \ " iTHE OSMMJIE HOTEL *•*• u.v- tifcO* Wr|Ifiy<i«S_ 31MLiC^ffsesSfci. • *>. , ' « » •»»••»• mi j • > ».' %; HOUSI fAINTS «ODFKirSIs\VIGEi 1%i»-'«H!attafI« TtXACO^RODUCrS I Atc«wl« ^|arYk» S HOU* ' : JttffUatli. N . iJ ..Good fbod, » "Comfortflbft Room*. tYH» C SWftMir. * - FIVE POINTS UQIIOR STORE 5S FRANTtUN STREET n*m 3-o051 IMU S*rt Cmt»* » *SSTT.' nuossjucs; $k STiacm, .^)P»i„iii>.'w,,ii;ww jhim>~«tfiM.i>,iMi«,«ip ijWii iMau- H. T." . . MAS*a**-aCKB.Mf* ST. ALPHONSUS iosaas--aci<BAi « »l» •!.'•'• '• «|,«»'»J«,»»1 unurrpc - imMeiM ifflm I 2~*51l tter* 2-4511 ..•/•". •,'-isfliisrtrl*- 1 .-• StWIt HAHUISv rr^. 3 Chit Sitsef' ' ' - Aafc*t t ,|>wa«fsa>r»'. -«>~ '* FOPJAHtlY OWN'S • I Cor, Wood 4 Ganssss Sts. WUKtVUt >j\ Dial—I-«2» ) .- i- !*._,/?•' !^<l|f^|fe$ lr ST. RIANCISOFASSI5I ' •»»•»•«'» «l.l>'«» «»»»M» Ml^lt «.,» » M , , , , , ' »»« , *«f» itjnilljWW^ AU UCAl IEVWAGIS '•••'STi^«0»|«O^--/-* LUNCHES | O'DONNEtl. itictwc c©., JMC. :- '• .,•- ^/">'a -j^, .,'-.-•'^.^J^ll***** 11 ' •' n*m Mm F. B. MAXWEU CO, OCKEHDEN DAIftY *w&m*PWi&'i U7 DHfinlni; Avi, * uiaMptg^fte ! "' j --- i - ia ——-i- - * 2M W.J2ftf«»s»s St, it ....-ja-'.^ * El IJ|l««l|«ii-AMHAiiCIS STOVIS.Itc. 56-66 STATE ST. "Whtrt* Pries end .MHy Mitt" Auburn, i !1 i n ft * I! ;.p._.

l ll 1 Supper* Sieff Mtettah Set By Auburn DCWOit 5ee£2i3lib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december... · Word ol the> prle^a^rejfaiej brought joy to relative* ^ana friends in

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Page 1: l ll 1 Supper* Sieff Mtettah Set By Auburn DCWOit 5ee£2i3lib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december... · Word ol the> prle^a^rejfaiej brought joy to relative* ^ana friends in

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Supper* Sieff Mtettah Set By Auburn DCWOit 5ee£2i3

4 s^jB^*pw; HOW* « t Street \ . - J|j

\ A1i e$«eW>| afiSllsfea'g^sai'K^ tslaf place, aft$£y«/^p|i., &a,«o«» | l w s l m te«e|M item the riomimtfiij? m^m'

*» jtw«nW»i*e utgel to aitehdw a?, jbsataeji fcy Jfrs. I*a}$ l*.JES%If.',

* t ^ o g j h t |e ige«wHi3ftw \ , , ^ „ ,

,* fiiik *%& aafeuf & lackey, Cfc#arje^*o^i*toF*«$l'be p r"

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S ltochtltttV$f>Y*

>s meeting election of ©flb r take pi:



l * * * ? ^ * ! * .

-* fmAX fesMV' Honl« Town Markot QUALITY MEATS


xsuarsai mr»?Fwid* ,

*'-ciih| and will also r*p«r£.'§4-thf'-;ftuar4| terly meeting of the Diocesan; Board of, Directors held Geneva, j, , ^ f> ^ -. .' Plans nsfcH be <wi^li^8 for $e]

Saturday ittiieJiewv »eri« are «cbedule4 to be je** iii. October.

Hoi Hold

Aartai»'-^:Aiixxaccount"of a

tUdw waa.tbe faie! September- nKeti i**

l'.':\ ""~T*W' , •.'•• .-:.j»


Mothettf aub of St «^wWm Chtorth,- Ihe taiirglvea moderator, the Rev, Mecjti lmSuded an account Euaiirtatlc Consmt to B«rce>

* » *. _ 'V- , . ' .• ,.

TW5 JCVKJrtNG opened wjtli a pteeSc supper whfch w*» : ai;,-rtnjped by the eighth gracte nsotMtrt under thej^alntianafrtp <}f Mn,M*xl$ Cam& ... i]' ' ' A t Jje- JwiflBft^^ilte^NWcli,

followetl plans were armouwced for- ** eaitt- party iftr MtapMr*,] Sepfc, 39, in the «ho*l hall with Mrs, Jane Martin a* ehilraian, uaiated by the j»e\Wth «ra*-: taieftiiipti'-•.;'.'*: s,-'» *' 'j Ift^v^bldlt- Cenits

DIGMTARIKS InrfwJtar 1 iwriy coiwecmted Bialwp •«! Kobext C Hitater, SvV,© -: ,__,„ ^,.„„_,„ W*f»r, S.yj>^ SorJw-3W«r(:i«i 1|CT. .Rial

Bishop Of India

SVD Seminarians o^f-two young men ftom

. ousEasttrnStatw pronounc-#ft tp^r first vowi a» «lerfc» ol

fe^cfefi? of tise Oivljte W M 5 Se^Sember-Sthi-'atSt Mchpet* jwwo. House, CoijfMBit \N«w

\t<m FiUKSDJING OTER th; color-

ne#?blah6p oi^*>re; Iteffia, who was rewnUj^WMcnted-kt Tes-

At th^profession «remony, the bishop,also pretenteti the garb oil the -Society to. -3$' detent gtsd'

ma^froi?Mliei%rJpe' W«^l piep-

Auburn Catholic Daughters Set September Social Night

Auburn—A large committee is completing plans for the September Social Night of Court Auburn 263, Catholic

} Daughter of America, B|onday, September 22, 1952. The party will bs held at the South Street home and will be open to membera and guests. Arrange­ments are in charge ol Mrs. George A. Snyder, grand regent

Wes. J&wrence C. Sateer, vice regent, is ohalrjnan oi the re-ireshroent committee composed of Mrs. Joseph McLean, Mrs. 3oseohine Casket MRS. Bay,

t i

• - • *

J-' I"

f*«W«** .'.':,• '"••;•• IJD*«#jy«oht;•econo;Mr*W& m.fm§AmWkMMMM.t- • I j u ^ Law-ton; third, Mrs. -Ar -3 1 t i u C n l f A L D i)«*r~CckmMii; fourth, Mr*M*ry

C L C J U I M l V C U a I > FLfth. Mr* Betty Mocw; lixth,

A l i l W I I IpftK "STajte Uartiit; tijthth.' Mm T W — T « « W - « « Co«*^J'i^^jy&*,.BeJen

JK'S^S&S**^i tSS05^^

YM| mam mcr 'iH j» tint ^^-'<imMmt^»mm.' -Hit*.

- in , - ait 'tjto I m* 4147 »M«

itiate'trainins. iissroF srsfoscs, on hi* brief

. vlrtilotnet&tte^Statoa, w*en|3y {conferred with CmTdlnatl Thomas XSe«. SLVJ), and Aoshblshop J«H& Roaaleaf y Eai of Oebti, _ HdlfppiiieIslandak a6tbe-Soae#|'{tn^ headquarters in Techny, Jlllnois. • ' Qedigpi la 4932^ theBtahop wAJ' won return tot-indla, T**here he has- befcit »nilsa|ottaryr'fS6je tw?«tX] yeawsa.

,j^he§,tHt*.,.-. -,-.•«'—,^.. „ '^he jjfl&er j % the 'ReU-. '.SeisyjEMt,. fi^jRlfcnf.tih^SMaiiife] J^eitt -o? Mar>'.frle*f wh* 'eas-riled on an i|^!oiaJ;e'.jponjti Chinese inteDechials. \

Both. iu*der^entri»|se<:ation tiiey itenorte^ 6n?^ew|iC4NUte^.j

ed ;flttt "the) pads >'a*|P*<-*MiJiS: nun on one chair and placed his feet on another,' 3nen- % $ bounded, up an4 down Id^Joje** In an effort, tp b»?ak them, The, priest fainted repeatedly umiec the torturing pain.

Word ol the> prle^a^rejfaiej brought joy to relative* ana friends in Rochester, according to Jftitri* J, Ravami«gh o | S5i

ate St t a first cotain, Kavanaujfh visited inl

:er tnW3fr*ti$ ipent the next >* ~ '

& Kaf'««38g'gli,» . . . . . . . . iieMives here ami oikce visited *f!?*u*9t ;S t •WP*osau* Ghwrch

• ' - „ • " i — i . ; ; •.,.-,.• ; ;>'- . 'V,rJri,;^- i.,,„.iwia-«ct as.*,commfttee for4he

feg ,«pefr» oi. : the? Catholic

ChieHen Sarbecme;, w%h -wjir] open the fall aeason of the or-ta|n%ii,tioA Iffiurad^ *veiit'ng»

in Texas berore going ""»» pojlAt China.'« ion

. Jfl! IS Aliftft a couain of An--rdrjWf' • £-. is^yanaujift* 'Cotnmla. f Uoner of Pubac - ^ j r , H?ih*in* ^b«.-im» tit Met. m& iHclcey, 239 'I3*<ttler4^^l^"tfl'lAwr-

IWd In Pi ttif ord

HEISflt 111 If

| i Wtt Htaray Itrity of-Knidtar-

J» I M I I H in St Xouis CSurch :OB Stpt 12. Burial waa in J^tts-l.ltaj C fUJ'iiifii jr,.' .' I—Jlnt. Tari«y,-wi*»*r ef XiJncr ' J . atiacf, Sfaiadint Ott Compear 'awttttiiii Jaenkeriy' of LeK«yP A M "aaaaiiKLliiflr S n C i HS&-iaMdr 4^^^^' ^l^ad^^^b ^fc^ "vai ttM^ ^tttJ^Bi^ i l l f fv^' '

*M^_ X BWte *i Hlrklawi AT«-

- Ifeeaw Iftrtar tM' )ha danahter


1 l ( b ^ ^ - jA lfc^^^«Jfta^J &|ML^

wa* „ , - .jn»-

fin ifaai ta MadtMtttr.'W liai^ "^^^^^wajjpF T^T •'•w^^Ba^^^^^^av-.^^R M l v a # a »

aiH^ad^ku^H' ^auaiM^h H ^J^J^^^L^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ jj^^ i^^^^^. v

\TWWPJ. W/f f*__55ft>» X4WIJWI. laQW

ViUM^Uift ^^^*~' ^ | B ^ ^ - iW^^j^^^f t^^- 4Ma_^


ii^.^Wttar'JR**; fto«rt c& fW8ter, SSKtkk JEai*(i4JBtt«|WWfe.*%'

Norfce Master of tfie Clerics and fiUjer- Jpsaui on^ch; .SfcVa>.'

.- • - - » ' ' jfit*....*^.., •'« . '...

f •' Bodbe* fcw Youths Enter Niagara U. ' Erht Aijulnaa Imtitute jradu-

atea were among 256 eonjOed at Nia^axt/GniVentty whan the fall' <trm opeoed

JEight. atatea, Panama Ona^Zooe, Canada and •llw>t*tri^«t!-PeflwnM*; were,

in' this year's .ln-ciastv


Seoeca Etewy., regbtietecl inth* 'CoEegi of Arta and! Sdt«Mm. ' JCnterinr the CoU*f e of Baai-ncaat' Adminhrtratkwi are- -JpttpJt D. Haji*, 3* J**t*Jith^St.; Darid

aW 3£ JfcGiKfcte. 73 Winder 6 t ; wattaroC.Scott, »Hur»«xHaTie

-• ' j j a T . *. _; • •» ;

Xalea Ave. ''"Mr. fab^-K*v»jkug^;^»b>!

sona]ly" Sjanks ail friends o i the itbiil^jHeat ?ho aided. Win:

;tua% andnu(frialf>".iRhen € h l & * * * ; '•';.. •;', *• _• . •

Millicm PAiktiits

.First" fall iaeeting of the Third Girder of S t Francis WS1 be held, Sunday, Sept 28, at 3:30 p.m. at| St Fatricrs OitEpeh, 4te Ply-rtoutit 4ve Korth, Jjochest«K,

The Bev. ilea C. Mooifcy, spir* ;itual direcloiv wfflt conduct the meeting- and outline plaits for the year, Members? am urged to •return.-*U flbtaty books which

Hunt' Hospitals , ''.j*d«»ja»»wfi^,^'ii%t Mttn

»; 3R%.-t^«|g. million 'patients, -w*«fe- ;tresM " last year in iioapitals conducted

by-'fiue,sr»M%b«'»|ercy5,- .'.-. .. •/ Tbla Iria'dJadoa^'atthe^An-

riuaX Institute in Bospital Admin­istration hererby Mother. -Mary Bernardlne ^Purceli, Sfotber Gen-:

readings ' TEKlliiKlES WILL he inter­

e s t to> knaw that the>ear XS53 mark* tile 50th Annlveraury of the enrollment to «ie Third Or-'der, o t the' SoVerelpt Pontiff, JPopMw KH, jSjOlenm, Ma»|,wfll be sung In ail Franciscan church-es lri Rowe during the month of October irt'hhhhosor. Tertlaarfet. art'-m ••*fted.-% xsejnember -the] ;Boiyv Father i& their prater**. ; Since the ftrst^teceptionol-the yeaj? "win ocswr in? Oc*Q*«v. «M jwho are Interested in Joining.the

it f*astemtty shouTd at. tlie Beprnnptr meeting and

'arranges- -sflth orgei £iegri«i the »e«flBbe3g:r for theftr rolItn«nt.

Ko#oe«UVe nwmben are wtu

|More than 300 SUters Of Mercy, re^^tihgSihc^Ula'cond^t^ ii^..^*'^Wl.-;'S*?^httn|^ 'ittbJJided J^ltJ^H0lm^O$0> Sir X t f Of*.Agl)fg"-C^S*

t 'Ibe patient total lrkluded * » lepers tm>*l at «tonW in Wa-haka, 'BritJah GiUana, and 'hi'

ss. mors *»d ?AUVS tafiUAtN

* * ' " " ' * ' " " " " "" ' ' ^ - ' f ^ ' | '> ':r"' i"i i i i l i[ i)i|-i j- 'TjL.


Iff H l t M i • • : ItpfiW - JtaKllltaOM fttaJMAClSlk-

^^iMHteaMiAjaMjl 'at'aat" .. *.-. %jr rtita#f*l* I


Sejiit ^ a t ^wiibbj" halt Jfei idttlsg' Meroa» president,

fs'belrig'isslateAhy Mw. jCouis JWtoiq.andlthe Mitses Caroline mitMiati, .Marfan Berry, Mary lGr*ney apo; Mary Moaahah."1

• '. , .„.- ,o ; ( . . . . . , ,T—

Bishop To Confirm In St. Stephen's

deaeya.~- Bishop JTaraes E KearnW wa| adrahuater the Sac-rahieptvof Conflrmation In St. jSjephea'a jShurch st 7:45 p. m. ^undajf, Oct 5.v ,

Junior school pupils who have not been conflrmed will attend religious instruction at 3:3Q p.m. Mondays in S t Stephen's School .until they have Jbeen coplpmed.

Adults and converts-, who. hive not been confirmed will contact

jjthe clergy at S t Stephen's .as soon, as possible,

• UKMii i i , I • 0 ' " " " . ' ' • * " ' *

Auxiliary 126 Sets. '.orporaf Communion

Holy Apostles Ladies Auxiliary No. 126, Knights of St Johnj \ 11 receive Holy Communion In, a body, Sunday, Sept 21 at 8 ajtt. Mass In Holy Apostles Church.

Sicorting the nwmbers tff and from the church- W & * the *I* trict Avtixlllary Prill Tearn, BreaJcfaat will be served hi the school halt All members «re asked to attend.

inl., Q . • ii I-

m ici Boachfe Mrg, Frank h

wmt sjsid' - ,Mrs», $mxm.' J> ^ilislstjsiaEHl :CWP'. the Reserv*

'Mrj. ^Qhti'A., I§l|s|0a» »pd' " ^ Wfa& 'iHrtTf'

:0r^I^^ltci:.Mrto;^yonn' IV >^^Eagejie-ieatel?',"M^^

Clarence E; Hlyden, Mrs. Will* Ham Hickey. Mrs. Stella Hall, Mrs. Louis Barbaglia, Mrs. Fred' ericic L. Keeaee, Mrs, C. Eugene Carpenlff *|jf Mrs, Theodojre A. Buseh* •••"'.'.

Ami- the &t$seji :Mi - $e$ty, 3SUattHsth:.mivey^Ajtthe Faivey, Ruth .'. J t t sH W * Jlattnett, Elteaheth AU^Jarmon,' Isabel T^

Dispensation A t Watkins

AU Catholics attending the Grand Prix auto races at Wat-tdM Glen, SsUirday, Sept. 80 fan Ember Day) are dispensed from the faw of fast and ab­stinence.

The diipensatlon la granted by MB Excellency Bishop Kearney on the request of the Hev. Benedict Ehmann, pas­tor of St, Mary's of the w i s Church, Wafkina Glen.

^^sswasaasywjiai'WSi imwmmmitrmmmmmmmmmmm*m*mmt

Catholics Denied Athletic Field

, i ,"f»:-'r.'SM|ras)i,' Sfe*^aj. .^ *

i5%'ivastt»; mm u. Shcp Wil'iBe. *|**$**fcer>' I t s«|ffiirier

iwifihighligftt' h e- mm tfonal Lac/women's Kelre*t Moye-•:ptht*"|B= rbe. Ineld 3s> Oaiumbmfir Cv*?e#«iber4l andt-f. *f •!??/'•

' 'Vfc M

A request made by-officials of Notre Dame High "School,' new Catholic high school lit Itatavla, for iMsnnlasloh % use Woodward Field* tite public school*1 nthtetfe Held, vm ?rejected by the Board of Education, ; Action of the Board was based, on the state constitution which prohibits the use of public prop­erty by religious -groups,' the Board's attorney stated. '

The situation la different how. ever, the attorney said, from a case in which' Notre Dame seeking transportation for" its pupils in public school buses. T h e Constitution specifically

[gives the Legtslatube power to prbviaeTraturiiortatlcjij, <

Parents' of Notre Dame pupils' nave appealed to the state oyer the refusal by voters of twee .central school districts to provide transpor.tation..

President Names Monsignor O^Gradjr

Wa*WnKt««-(NC)-Trwman has. set up a commission "to study, a/rft evalu ate the Immigration and natural! zatfeh- 'poltcies -.bf/the.vlfnjted

{fitjWfs>'*.MstT! ,1(W?rftitjj$, *+Hl rejary-of tht i^tM^fel Gd'nte enof-of Catholic Charities, wits riamed a memben

''Humahitarian^ considerations its. wfn„ as, the national' intertit

(hit lite reasstas'our >m< tionpoJkles,'*thePrtikient

sai«L He directed the conunission to raport by January 1.

<,issai.>'i 5-;. fiasauuiaiw''

t aJfs»" luuc noswTOTs' -st I L A r:ti aa^L-<ui^i. •

m mtt'm m »'•«« g » i » m » » » 1 n ' . » - y •


P^WWBs»sW^Pl»'•'-SBsi. W w w .

•; 'JMOs^'astikli' '• -Hkm-¥ liafiVB' -§£isii -4Bik.i i«BjyMrlWadi -^TSrWSr -i^^mffWw J i s ^ i a w yw/".S(wWi«sns ,p cflHsT'

^l icchanga St Geneva, N.T.


» t » ' m i i u » i . i , • . : » . • '

, - FICTUMf WmU9 -

rilRFIX M0« , CO,

*' FINOIH IAKIS ,'.s ' P*fl»»'Rf^T^BrT'- WJPiw*>s •. wi j^HBsff lPsw'

" ''" • • Pilaw1 lirilut '- ,>'-' ;.- « w n m HOWI sinvici •.


[S » , » ^ , ' » * # . » » , i l , » l > J I « l . i t * » l l i L ^ » * ^ , * W » , * ^ ' > < ' ^ » ^ i M » » i B > » '

>«A- l : ./«IH^f-#l|S(.^«»/^i- ' . . . .


,- V'/illRrjS^iiBsi^iAt^; • ---^ v '^ lssss i^« l»U^ „'

mtJtwoA / A J O g >. • ~' GHUtra's Foremost \ ii^e^J* *»

I J M P V ^ P p s P f t ' l l J P S i l lH 'ssf fpfJw. "sBWIflf"-.


", f r t r ''0«er:i?^ar|r ;t«ss«:-. 1 J

»M* *'Xi*.il'»*,«>,»l»»i<i»nlll'p'l»'«»'«i>li|>l,t -' .«" .- ;i « S ^ S J i j W S

- 1^^dka^rfa%#'lflikailMte-'^'^ -- « - > , <,

'»sW- HoWrrt* <*H3ti1* ? . i , , . . ^ W i i r ^ P r T * . , ' «MapiMi(Di^ ^r*-;vj^JtliiisWi«*:''


staffll'siasiaaisi € # ' ' s*a^aM <*taa<U^ ' tts4H fa^aki

Goe*s Presence \yeJ can feel the presence of

the great Master? sfe aorTecbg-nize the fringe of His' garment; and can almost fancy w# hear the matlftfg of His robe,

St. Boniface HNS

More than 46 new members were received by the Rev. Dr. Walter J. Kohl, pastor, into the Holy Name Society of S t Boni­face Church at the annual Com-wedjnfqn Breakfast held Sunday, Sept l i .

One hundred and sixty mem­bers received Holy. Communion at - the Mass- celebrated by the Very Rev. Joseph R-Vogt Cath­olic Chaplain of the New York State Industrial and Agricultural School at Industry and former assistant at S t Boniface.

Monsignor Vogt at the break­fast explained the nature of his work among the boys at the state school where" he recently completed redecorating his chapel of the Good Shepherd. - /

Father, Kohl who preached, the sermon, installed the officers at the'business session. Richard J. MlUer was breakfast chairman and Hnlghts of St John of Com-mandery 23 escorted the men.

Vatican Warns On e Writings

(RNS) —The Sacred igatioh of the Holy Office

issued an admonition to ihopr, priests and splrituaTdi-

rectors to oppose the manner' in which many writers treat mar-ried life, and especially their ad­vocacy of practices "which con­stitute serious dangertta the very objective of matrimony."

• • - " o •

Gog's Leva In sti love'there fa a quest for

the Beauty of God. He who loves without thinking of God, steals something from Cod.

IMT Jfcr'* 'MUr-i^mm, Ki T . <


jqsrN a, coNWjir. v.r.,H.a.. r«ur KASSKS-l>»Aan '

^ «• *. S, t. M, II AM,r • , . , . , . ,„ . ^ — -„ > _ .. ir .M n K m



* • * • u.v-tifcO*

Wr|Ifiy<i«S_ 31MLiC ffsesSfci. • *>.

, ' « » • » » • • » • mi j • > ».'



«ODFKirSIs\VIGEi 1%i»-'«H!attafI«

TtXACO^RODUCrS I Atc«wl« ^|arYk»

S HOU* •' : JttffUatli. N. iJ

..Good fbod, » "Comfortflbft Room*.

tYH» C SWftMir.

* -



n*m 3-o051 IMU S*rt Cmt»* »

*SSTT.' nuossjucs; $k STiacm,

. )P»i„iii>.'w,,ii;ww jhim>~«tfiM.i>,iMi«,«ip ijWii

iMau- H. T ."

. . MAS*a**-aCKB.Mf*

ST. ALPHONSUS iosaas--aci<BAi « »l» •!.'•'• '• « | , « » ' » J « , » » 1

unurrpc -imMeiM ifflm I 2~*51l tter* 2-4511

..•/•". •,'-isfliisrtrl*-1 .-• StWIt HAHUISv rr^.

3 Chit Sitsef' ' ' - Aafc*tt

,|>wa«fsa>r»'. -«>~ '*

FOPJAHtlY OWN'S • I Cor, Wood 4 Ganssss Sts.

WUKtVUt >j\

Dial—I-«2» )

.- i-

!*._,/?•' !^<l|f^|fe$lr


' • » » • » • « ' » «l.l>'«» « » » » M » Ml lt «.,» » M , , , , , ' »»« —

, *«f» itjnilljWW^ AU UCAl IEVWAGIS ' • • • 'STi^«0»|«O^--/ -*


| O'DONNEtl. itictwc c©., JMC.

:- '• .,•- ^/">'a -j^, .,'-.-•'^.^J^ll*****11' •' n*m Mm


*w&m*PWi&'i U7 DHfinlni; Avi,

* uiaMptg^fte !"' j--- i- i a——-i- -*

2 M W.J2ftf«»s»s St, i t

....-ja-'.^ *


IJ|l««l|«ii-AMHAiiCIS STOVIS.Itc.

56-66 STATE ST.

"Whtrt* Pries end . M H y Mitt"

Auburn, i

!1 i •

n ft

* I!
