r- t IrN t i d ta e f L 71 HY1l rn i r FRIDAYjf DKCKMUEn 20 1 flHE p TJJ jraas t PIVr tt y rNeW Line of Near Seal Coats I a Today we received twenty very pretty Near Seal rangefrom I Men get your wile or sister J wantsA I KYI n t j i ii I i IQVt The limn who netalett Iran unH line limit he nrcil nwy get acquaint Ml through h wnnl lulvertlspmcnt For Dr Pcndley ring 4 1C Sign and carriage painting Q + H Sexton both phones 401 > cnn Palmer Transfor Co for j carriages baggage wagons and fret class livery rigs Matte fares and I trunks strictly cash Best service In 3 tho city v Just received a largo shipment f of copyright novels which we offer for GOc R DClcmontn l Co Bring your cord wood to 11111 karnes prick yard corner Sixth i rind Dod Highest market prices y paid f Magistrateelect John J Dlclch a has rented tho rooms formerly occu ¬ > pied by Mr Joo Wood on legal row over tho Oscar Kahn law office runu- i s In having them fitted up fo his oITico which will bo opened Monday Mr 4 Micli fKccods Jiitlce jossfl YaiiitK Tho big addition to tho Stark Ulhnan landdloryrumphnyU phifLan r North Eighth street has been cum pletod fj f ft Vcaptnln Frank iHjirliin of tho i f pollso forcer Iaet l ttlyntr cthJ i o- nittrafo t from Centrn t ltlt1 keep n v t lookout for three snail boys who i ran awny from hoinoi I Mr Frank G Stlutld r >t thcj ii- I ular manager of Lid Homjpraoh I Brewing company lccylrlmsinutss has been promoted to tit > imxltlnn of traveling auditor and lirnvei rliorlly foe Henderson to reside Mr J Schmidt has been local manager for six years and Is one of rim heel Mr Clarence K Miller of Hundcrooii has f f if arrived to succeed 1 hkn lore The Junior Warden Missionary Society of the Broadway Methodist it church will meet tomorrow afternoon i f Byrdf i v Tho liar A isccli tlor moctlnp was again poatpohml last night and will probably bo held next week some time Tho meeting Is for the i purpose of hearing I a report from the committee appointed t to draft a I I l r L 1IW E imIported I OILS in scaled bottles t but we prefer to sell the kindwe buy in bul- kBECAUSE t we know it to be per- fectly ¬ pure rich and deli- cate ¬ n oil- Our handling it in bulkenables us to satisfy t 1 ourselves as to its purity and frethness We can ¬ not do this with the t t tscaled oils a Price very reasonable j t Ra Wa WALKER CO I Incorporated r DRUGGISTS fifth aid Iwsy loth Phones 175 4 N bill lengthening the term ofllic Me Oracken circuit court but 1Is un dorstood that other things probablY of a Violin Interesting haturo will come up r IK THE COURTS Held to Answer Justice AI N Sears yesterday af- ternoon ¬ trlfd Gcntiy llubbard col o tCd of Tyler for housebreaklng It was charged that he broke Into the house he formerly occupied to get soino of tho furniture that had boon attached torrent Hubbard was hold to answer In tho sum of 100 The houso belongs to James Little Cams Without Requisition Detective Will Daker arrived this afternoon from Waverly Tenn with Fred Cqoper colored who Is wanted hero for cutting Jim Leech two weeks ago on Burnett street Cooper was apprehended at John sonvlllo but was taken to Waverly and placed In Jail pending tho arri ¬ valor Paducah authorities Cooper returned without a requisition He will probably bo glen a trial tomor ¬ row morning tfn ffcs Ite > County Courtw1 1 B cVMcshqw to > I AParKer foi if00i property h rt tine county WCOBryan to1 Parkinfor 165 property In the OBryan addition Clifford Davis ago 21 and Ida Mc Jlam ago 20 colored of Oaks Sta ¬ tiobtwore licensed to wed today 1 I II iVVs NOTICE f Paducah Ky Deet 26 1905 To All Whom It May Concern Csollco Is hereby given that by an thorlty of the Honorable Commission of Navigation the name of the steam cr Key City Is changed to Nellie II RAMPEXDAHL JR CO Knlcrttilucd IjuIurnhaiiM Dr W II Stokes and Wife enter ¬ tained Monday evening when at six oclock a splendid dinner was oirond In honor of their visitors Mr and Mrs Clint Wllcqx ot Ml Vernon 111 and Mr and Mrs Janice Sleuth of Paducah Mayfleld Mirror Bring your cord wood to Hill Knrnes brick yard corner Sixth anti lloyd Highest market prices paid d Wanted Two waitresses bloom ¬ er costume Railway diningrooms la an advertisement which recently appeared in an Australian Journal Sun some pretty Now Year cards for sale at C cents each Dr Carl Scars who broke his leg Christmas night Is Improving pt Riverside hospital It will bo sever al days though bofpro ho will bo on the streets Mrs Thud Edrington who has been very Ill from erysipelas at her homo at 420 Adams street is hotter Contractor George Kattorjohn continues to Improve from appendici ¬ tea which attacked him n few days ago Dr Della Caldwell has returned from Carbondale lllwhero site spent the holidays with her sister Mrs H SEastorly Mrs 1 L B Rngon returned this morning front n visit to Memphis Attorney L K Taylor and son re- turned ¬ last night from Tennessee where they visited Mr Taylors mother Jt1 i TO IMPROVE AND PRESERVE YOUR BEAUTY usn NADINE FACE POWDERI- N QHCCN BOXI ONLY SUPERIOR IN QUALITY HARM ¬ LESS AS WATER i purlaet l 1uci a be mlul loll velvety auper8Icc which rtuilni until Mrtihed off Ladle wliouie Nadine > aco Pow er In preen boxes lire irre the comoln lou will be ru h and lovely al the clone ot the eyelu rUtJ QUulrv IS UNIIQULHD ndy- one Ko cent pas kar and if you tie not entirely fbtl ae4nntllyusud we will promptly anUIlD YOUR MOttBVt- HMd by Itnllnr druxpll or Wall Itlec o tent Whlpb1eabPtaaarustlte- 1repunl b- yNational Toilet Ct Paris Tenn SoW U FtdiiMh by 01 J leading drujjiiti v People end > Pleasant Events Owcnsboro Wedding True marrlago of Mr Bernard Sol gel of Now Orleans La and MiasI nose E Lovy which was solemnlzei d alt 830 oclock Wednesday evening at the Temple Adath Israel was i a beautiful ono Tho ceremony was said by Dr Nathan Krasnowctz Tin decorations of tho church were mad of cut flowers and ferns Tho color scheme was white Tulle and white satin ribbon was draped about the churchFollowing the wedding a brilliant reception was given nt the homo of the brides father Mr M Levy O- Ust Ann street Tho home was deco rated In ferns and potted plants Thi curtains and stairway were wound with white ribbon and draped with chrysanthemums and sinllax The din- Ing room had arches of evergreen for Its dccoratlona Owcnsboro Messen get Tho bride Is the sister of Mr Lee Levy of Paducah who was an usher at the ceremony 1aducalt Gels Another Good Citizen lion John K Hendrlck as states recently Is to become a citizen of Pa ducah Ho has closed a deal for the twostory residence owned by Mrs Louisa Maxwell at 809 Broadway The consideration was 16750 It Is a frame building located In ono of the prettiest and most valuable resi dence section of the city At present the house is occupied by Patrolman William Johnson andfamilMr HendrIck will move here soon utter tho first of tho year For several years Mr Hohdrlck has been prac ¬ ticing law In Paducah and making his homo in Smlthland Paducah will bo glad to secure him as a citi ¬ zen for he Is one of the ablest law yore and most prominent politicians In tho state and withal a mighty good man- invItatlons Out for the Hughes Hal Masque The invitations to the bal masque given by Mr and Mrs William Hughes on January 5 at the Palmer house wore Issued yesterday It Is given in compliment to Mrs Hughes ucata Mrs Robert D Garrett Mrs lames Williams nnd Miss Selena Smith of Princeton Ky Miss Smith vlll arrive tomorrow and Mrs Gar rett and Mrs Williams on January 1th Tile lit for Ue party 1satUIe Walker Co drug store at Broadway and Fifth street Bride and Groom Visit Here Miss Xeoma Atwood an attractive Trigg county belle and Mr Gentry Wadllngton of this city were joined In marrlago yesterday at tho homo of the brides uncle near Cadiz Roy I N Strother officiated After n visit to Paducah the happy couple will come to Hopklnsvlllo to reside Mr Wadllngton Is a popular sales ¬ man In J II Anderson Cos cloth Ing store Mopklnsvlllo NOW Era Married In St Louis Yesterdays St Louis papers state that a marriage license was issued to P A Jones of Paducah Ky and Mss Eara M Goddard of Kans s- CltMo Tho grom Is not known hero unless It Is Paul Jones for- merly a well known attache of the Paducah Ice company and later a iwltchman on tho Illinois Central Coinplhucntnry Party Miss Aline Utterback entertained a aw friends last evening In honor ot- her guest Miss Mary Piles of Ful- ton and of Miss Lillian Abbott who vlll leave tomorrow for Nashville 1onn to make her homo J JCotllliun Club Mst On The list for tho Cotillion clubs New Year dance on Tuesday evening at the Palmer house went on yester day at the Lendler and Lydon store Tbe names aro being rapidly taken Afternoon Card Party The ladles of the Standard cluft are entertaining this afternoon with a card party at tho club quarters on Iroadway Party for Visitor Miss Jean Morris will entertain his evening at her home on North levonth street In honor of her visit or Miss Mary Hall of Mayfield To Entertain Tide KvruliiR Miss Joe Miller will entertain to- night In honor of Miss Mary Piles of ultou who is the guest of Miss Allne Utterback of North Fifth St Complimentary to Visitors Mrs Thomas C Leech of Fountain venue Is entertaining this afternoon hI compliment to visitors In tho city HIIIIH HoClub Miss Faith Langataff IB hostess to- tho Sans fioucl club this afternoon It- her homo on Kentucky avenue larllIUNJ dab The Mariposa club will give Its I Holiday dance this evening at tho Palmer house Attorney J C Flournoy has gon to Atlanta on legal business Mr Brooks Smith has gone t to Denton for a visit Dr C R Lightfoot has gone to St Louts on business Ho Is ex petted back tomorrow Dr C E Purcell wlfo and chili have gone to Salem Ky to visit his parentsAttorney J B Allonsworth or llopklnsvlllc Is In the city on legal businessJustice It J Barber Is expected to- morrow from Memphis whore ho has been spending tho holidays Major M Bloom continues to slow ly Improve from his stroke of parnly sis at tho Home of his daughter Mrs A E Einstein at St Louis Dr and Mrs R F Fisher of Pa- ducah returned home yesterday after a pleasant visit to Mr and MrsF B HIllman on Fourth streetFul ton Leader Capt W C Clark Is able to got out on the streets again after a long touflneniont from a strett ear acct derv Mr Hugh Thomas Is ill at his homo on Clay street Mr Hat Walters has recovered from a twoweeks illness Patrolman James Clark who was shot Christmas day U lnprovtne and it Is hoped will soon Mout againMr and Mrs Crockett Bryan ol Corinth Miss returned homo al noon today after a visit to friends andrelatives In the city Mr Bry- an ¬ Is employed as ° superintendent o- fablg manufacturing concern He for merly lived inPaducah but has boon away severalyeara Dispatcher J a Ferguson went to Nortouvllle this morning on business Attorney J M Worten went to ISddyvlUb this morning on business The many friends of Mr Pat At ¬ kinson will regret to learn that he is dangerously ill from pneumonia at his room at tho New Richmond Ho has been confined to his bed for sov 3n days and his condition is alarm IngMr John C McElrath of Murray Is visiting his daughter Mrs J R Coleman Mr and Mrs Clem Blelch of jack- son ¬ Tenn will arrive Sunday for a several days visit toJ Mr and Mrs John J Blelch Miss Carrie Pettiepf Mayfleld rtj i guest of Miss Ella B Wilhelm of North Fifth street Attorney Joseph R Grogan has re ¬ turned from Fayetteville Tenn Mr T J Flournoy loft last night for Rockmart Ga after a few days visit In tho city Mr Joo M Dillon of Kansas City I tvho has been visiting his sister Mrs J F P Garrltson loft for Evansvllle Icsterday to visit relatives before re- turning ¬ to tho west Mr J B Munsey manager of the Palmer House barber shop leaves Monday for Evansvlllo Mt Vernon mdTerro Haute Ind on business In Mt Vernon ho will visit his grand ¬ mother who Is H- IW S VIck of Owensboro Is at tho Palmer lion J C Speight of Mayfield was In the city today Mrs Ferol Mooro is 111 nt her home on the South i Ule of laRrlppe Mrs Lloyd Baker of Mayfield ID visiting In tho city Miss May V Patterson rqturned fro Mayfield at noon today iir Charles Truoheart of Louis Illle returned homo at noon today after spending tho holidays with datives Miss Bertha Leming went toI I Lou svlllo today at noon to visit Misses Ella Burnett and Nan Grassland of Mayftcld I are visiting Miss Sophia BurHott of North Fifth treat Miss Mnldlo Gardner left today for a visit to friends at OwQiisboro- vy Mr Wado Brown tho well known Aver engineer IS again disabled by his broken arm Ho fractured It ionic time ago near Bandana by ailing from a wagon and was about cady to resume work when it be- came necessary to reset it Ho will now agnltf bo disabled for sumo ipio Engineer Mulvln of time Pnducoh ranch ot tho Illinois Central who has boon laying off because of limo llnosa of his brother at Paducah returned to his run today Encl loor Cairnes relieved him while ho was away Cairo Bulletin Mr Roscoo Reed will leave to morrow night for Oxford 0 to ro intor Mama university Ho has eon hero spending time holidays wllhhll parents Judge and Mrs W M Ree- dSTUTZS CHRISTMAS Mammoth stock of fancy Packages of Candy Fruit and Fjruit Basket- await ti your command Come early and avoid the rash Our stock t U complete fresh sad fit for the god deaaof us sit STUTZS COLUMBIA I k kHA Sf f II III I LAP ROBESl I I r Or j Priced t f1t t I j 4 5 f- i < t I f t iI t i I t i VI < WAY DOWN I 1 f > Big Values for > > ff > T i LITTLE MONEY 0011ARTSONS CO 1 1T178 I Timings at their worst will ccns or even climb upward to what tile were before and the man who ham been long without work may often begin the climb upward by watch Tug Iho l want ads WANTED 30 colored women to pick peanuts Apply at factory First and Washington at 7 am FOR RENTTwo down stairs un furnished rooms 416 Ohio FOR RENTThree room honso on N 12th St Apply F M Fisher RING NO 321 for all kinds of Hlc kory wood Littles Spoke Factory WANTED Secondhand desk AO ikesoS wire Sun FOR RENT3 furnished rooms Cth and Jackson Phone 57a CHILICONCORNA tit Shortys Place 111 12 South Third St woodIphono IGOOD HEATING WOOD phone Sander Brooks Phone 1347m old FOR GOOD heating stovewood ring old phone 1317r W F PERRY general painting contractor Shop 209 South Fourth 1St Phono 15GC FOR RENT Three large rooms water and sewerage connections No CO 4 South Ninth street FOR RENT Groom cottage 218 Washington All modern convenienc- es ¬ J A Rudy LOSTGilt belt and bucklo Christ ¬ mas evening Leave at this oleo for reward FOR SALEA nice grocery busi ¬ ness Reason for Belling given on ap ¬ plication Address B care Sun office FOR RENT The Inn on North 7th street with ail modern conveni- ences A first class boarding house WANTED Women and girls to work at Cohankus Mfg Co Good wages and steady employment Ap ¬ ply at office Ninth and Boyd streets FOR RENT Ono modern Broom brick residence 714 Broadway Fur- nace ¬ tend modern Improvements Ap- ply ¬ Oeo Langstaff Res phone 308 Business phone 2C J E MORGAN blacksmith 400 U Third Old phone 457 I Superior work guaranteed Exclusive agent fur there stone Bide wire tires the best rubber tiro made FOR RENT OR SALENlno 9 room houso on North Seventh street Holland home sixteen dollars a month 11900 on easy payments F hit Flue I mid FOR RENT 6room houso die and back halls bath and gas sort vants house good barn and otherI conveniences 514 North Sixth street Apply to F J McElweo Served 3 Year SentenceRearrested Eldorado la 29Edwln O Soule formerly cashier of an Iowa Falls bank who embezzled 50000 three years ngp yesterday finished A t his sentence at the Anamosa ponl ° 1 tontlary and was Imniedlatcly arrest ed on an Indictment charging embez- zlement as bailee Boulo gave bonds for his appearance at the January if term of the Hardln county dlstrlcFt court The Indictment was found lasty j October r > 1 i J Emit Zerkowltz formerly Austrian t commissioner to the St Louis expo sltfon and now permanent cpmmor 9 clal commissioner for the Austrian government In this country has named his Infant son George Wash ¬ ington Kcrkowltz Tho commissioner explains that he gave tho child the name because of his love for the United States It Is better to bo an old maids darling than a young maids dupe r LATEST FAD It is quite the rage now to take Un > campugaty Quioin in placeef f the old bitter quinine TJncampogary Is pleasant 10 take and gives better retail You try it At all drug ¬ gists 250 ENQLERT 4 BRYANTS SPECIALSw FOR SATURDAY PEGS 30 21 pounds Standard Granulated sugar for 100 4 pounds Soda Crackers for 25 I Fancy California Peaches per can 15l- wQ packages Macaroni for 15 Two packages Spaghetti l 15 Two cans Standard Corn for 15 Six pounds Navy Beans for 25 California Sweet Oranges per dozen 20It ItHnmmouds pound 12 f Fancy IMcnlc llama per lb T9 Cocoanuts i 5 Two boxes Saratoga Flukes for 25 f Six Pkgft Uneda Biscuits for 25 Dill Pickles per gali2b i Fancy Lemons put doz 10 Pure Apply Cider per gal 60 r J PURE FRESH COLD CREAM Our own make Curest all irritations of the akin 15c 25c 50c a Box ALrVEY t Sfc LISTAI- U06ISTS DuBoli Kolb Cola former stud 412414 BROADWAY

L IrN flHE TJJ rNeW Line of Near kkHA Sfnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zcr5nbc4f/data/1272.pdfr-t L IrN t id ta e f 71 HY1l rn i r FRIDAYjf DKCKMUEn 20 1 flHE p TJJ jraas PIVr tt y rNeW Line

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IrN t i d ta e fL 71 HY1l rn

ir FRIDAYjf DKCKMUEn 20 1 flHE p TJJ jraast PIVr


y rNeW Line of NearSeal Coats

I a Today we received twenty very pretty Near SealrangefromI

Men get your wile or sisterJ wantsA


jiiiI iIQVt

The limn who netalett Iran unH

line limit he nrcil nwy get acquaintMl through h wnnl lulvertlspmcnt

For Dr Pcndley ring 4 1C

Sign and carriage painting Q

+ H Sexton both phones 401 >

cnn Palmer Transfor Co forj carriages baggage wagons and fret

class livery rigs Matte fares andI trunks strictly cash Best service In

3 tho cityv Just received a largo shipment

f of copyright novels which we offerfor GOc R DClcmontn l Co

Bring your cord wood to 11111

karnes prick yard corner Sixthi rind Dod Highest market prices

y paid f

Magistrateelect John J Dlclcha has rented tho rooms formerly occu ¬

> pied by Mr Joo Wood on legal rowover tho Oscar Kahn law office runu-

is In having them fitted up fo his oITico

which will bo opened Monday Mr4 Micli fKccods Jiitlce jossfl YaiiitK

Tho big addition to tho StarkUlhnan landdloryrumphnyU phifLanrNorth Eighth street has been cumpletod fjfftVcaptnln Frank iHjirliin of tho

i f pollso forcer Iaetl ttlyntr cthJi o-

nittrafot from Centrn t ltlt1 keep n

v t lookout for three snail boys whoi ran awny from hoinoi

I Mr Frank G Stlutld r>tthcj ii-II ular manager of Lid Homjpraoh

IBrewing company lccylrlmsinutsshas been promoted to tit > imxltlnn oftraveling auditor and lirnvei rliorllyfoe Henderson to reside Mr

J Schmidt has been local manager forsix years and Is one of rim heel MrClarence K Miller of Hundcrooii has

f fif

arrived to succeed 1hkn loreThe Junior Warden Missionary

Society of the Broadway Methodistit church will meet tomorrow afternoon


v Tho liar A isccli tlor moctlnpwas again poatpohml last night andwill probably bo held next weeksome time Tho meeting Is for the

i purpose of hearingI a report fromthe committee appointed tto draft a

I Il

r L1IW EimIportedI

OILS in scaled bottlest but we prefer to sell the

kindwe buy in bul-


we know it to be per-fectly


pure rich and deli-


n oil-

Our handling it inbulkenables us to satisfy

t1 ourselves as to its purity

and frethness We can ¬

not do this with thet ttscaled oils

a Price very reasonable

j t

Ra Wa WALKER COI Incorporated

r DRUGGISTSfifth aid Iwsy loth Phones 175



bill lengthening the term ofllic MeOracken circuit court but 1Is undorstood that other things probablYof a Violin Interesting haturo willcome up r


Held to AnswerJustice AI N Sears yesterday af-


trlfd Gcntiy llubbard colo tCd of Tyler for housebreaklng Itwas charged that he broke Into thehouse he formerly occupied to getsoino of tho furniture that had boon

attached torrent Hubbard was holdto answer In tho sum of 100 Thehouso belongs to James Little

Cams Without RequisitionDetective Will Daker arrived this

afternoon from Waverly Tenn withFred Cqoper colored who Is wantedhero for cutting Jim Leech two weeksago on Burnett street

Cooper was apprehended at Johnsonvlllo but was taken to Waverlyand placed In Jail pending tho arri ¬

valor Paducah authorities Cooperreturned without a requisition Hewill probably bo glen a trial tomor¬

row morning tfn ffcs Ite>

County Courtw1 1B cVMcshqw to > I AParKer foi

if00i property hrt tine countyWCOBryan to1 Parkinfor 165

property In the OBryan additionClifford Davis ago 21 and Ida Mc

Jlam ago 20 colored of Oaks Sta ¬

tiobtwore licensed to wed today 1I


Paducah Ky Deet 26 1905To All Whom It May Concern

Csollco Is hereby given that by anthorlty of the Honorable Commissionof Navigation the name of the steamcr Key City Is changed to Nellie


Knlcrttilucd IjuIurnhaiiMDr W II Stokes and Wife enter ¬

tained Monday evening when at sixoclock a splendid dinner was oirondIn honor of their visitors Mr andMrs Clint Wllcqx ot Ml Vernon111 and Mr and Mrs Janice Sleuthof Paducah Mayfleld Mirror

Bring your cord wood to HillKnrnes brick yard corner Sixth

anti lloyd Highest market pricespaid

d Wanted Two waitresses bloom ¬

er costume Railway diningroomsla an advertisement which recentlyappeared in an Australian Journal

Sun some pretty Now

Year cards for sale at C cents each

Dr Carl Scars who broke his legChristmas night Is Improving ptRiverside hospital It will bo several days though bofpro ho will bo

on the streetsMrs Thud Edrington who has

been very Ill from erysipelas at herhomo at 420 Adams street is hotter

Contractor George Kattorjohncontinues to Improve from appendici ¬

tea which attacked him n few daysago

Dr Della Caldwell has returnedfrom Carbondale lllwhero site spentthe holidays with her sister Mrs H

SEastorlyMrs 1L B Rngon returned this

morning front n visit to MemphisAttorney L K Taylor and son re-


last night from Tennesseewhere they visited Mr Taylorsmother




LESS AS WATERipurlaetl

1uci a be mlul loll velvety auper8Icc whichrtuilni until Mrtihed off Ladle wliouie Nadine> aco Pow er In preen boxes lire irre the comolnlou will be ru h and lovely al the clone ot theeyelu rUtJ QUulrv IS UNIIQULHD ndy-one Ko cent pas kar and if you tie not entirelyfbtl ae4nntllyusud we will promptly anUIlDYOUR MOttBVt-

HMd by Itnllnr druxpll or Wall Itlec otent Whlpb1eabPtaaarustlte-

1repunl b-yNational Toilet Ct Paris Tenn

SoW U FtdiiMh by 01 Jleading drujjiitiv

People end >

Pleasant Events

Owcnsboro WeddingTrue marrlago of Mr Bernard Sol

gel of Now Orleans La and MiasInose E Lovy which was solemnlzei dalt 830 oclock Wednesday eveningat the Temple Adath Israel was iabeautiful ono Tho ceremony wassaid by Dr Nathan Krasnowctz Tindecorations of tho church were madof cut flowers and ferns Tho colorscheme was white Tulle and white

satin ribbon was draped about the

churchFollowingthe wedding a brilliant

reception was given nt the homo ofthe brides father Mr M Levy O-Ust Ann street Tho home was decorated In ferns and potted plants Thicurtains and stairway were woundwith white ribbon and draped withchrysanthemums and sinllax The din-

Ing room had arches of evergreen forIts dccoratlona Owcnsboro Messenget

Tho bride Is the sister of Mr Lee

Levy of Paducah who was an usherat the ceremony

1aducalt Gels Another Good Citizenlion John K Hendrlck as states

recently Is to become a citizen of Paducah Ho has closed a deal for thetwostory residence owned by MrsLouisa Maxwell at 809 BroadwayThe consideration was 16750 It Isa frame building located In ono ofthe prettiest and most valuable residence section of the city At presentthe house is occupied by PatrolmanWilliam Johnson andfamilMrHendrIck will move here soon uttertho first of tho year For severalyears Mr Hohdrlck has been prac¬

ticing law In Paducah and makinghis homo in Smlthland Paducahwill bo glad to secure him as a citi¬

zen for he Is one of the ablest lawyore and most prominent politiciansIn tho state and withal a mightygood man-

invItatlons Out for the Hughes HalMasque

The invitations to the bal masquegiven by Mr and Mrs WilliamHughes on January 5 at the Palmerhouse wore Issued yesterday It Is

given in compliment to Mrs Hughesucata Mrs Robert D Garrett Mrs

lames Williams nnd Miss SelenaSmith of Princeton Ky Miss Smithvlll arrive tomorrow and Mrs Garrett and Mrs Williams on January1th

Tile lit for Ue party 1satUIeWalker Co drug store at Broadwayand Fifth street

Bride and Groom Visit HereMiss Xeoma Atwood an attractive

Trigg county belle and Mr GentryWadllngton of this city were joinedIn marrlago yesterday at tho homoof the brides uncle near CadizRoy I N Strother officiated Aftern visit to Paducah the happy couplewill come to Hopklnsvlllo to resideMr Wadllngton Is a popular sales ¬

man In J II Anderson Cos clothIng store Mopklnsvlllo NOW Era

Married In St LouisYesterdays St Louis papers state

that a marriage license was issuedto P A Jones of Paducah Ky andMss Eara M Goddard of Kans s-

CltMo Tho grom Is not knownhero unless It Is Paul Jones for-

merly a well known attache of thePaducah Ice company and later a

iwltchman on tho Illinois Central

Coinplhucntnry PartyMiss Aline Utterback entertained a

aw friends last evening In honor ot-

her guest Miss Mary Piles of Ful-

ton and of Miss Lillian Abbott who

vlll leave tomorrow for Nashville1onn to make her homo

JJCotllliun Club Mst OnThe list for tho Cotillion clubs

New Year dance on Tuesday evening

at the Palmer house went on yesterday at the Lendler and Lydon storeTbe names aro being rapidly taken

Afternoon Card PartyThe ladles of the Standard cluft

are entertaining this afternoon witha card party at tho club quarters on


Party for VisitorMiss Jean Morris will entertain

his evening at her home on North

levonth street In honor of her visitor Miss Mary Hall of Mayfield

To Entertain Tide KvruliiRMiss Joe Miller will entertain to-

night In honor of Miss Mary Piles ofultou who is the guest of Miss

Allne Utterback of North Fifth St

Complimentary to VisitorsMrs Thomas C Leech of Fountain

venue Is entertaining this afternoonhI compliment to visitors In tho city

HIIIIH HoClubMiss Faith Langataff IB hostess to-

tho Sans fioucl club this afternoon It-

her homo on Kentucky avenue

larllIUNJ dabThe Mariposa club will give Its

I Holiday dance this evening at thoPalmer house

Attorney J C Flournoy has gonto Atlanta on legal business

Mr Brooks Smith has gone ttoDenton for a visit

Dr C R Lightfoot has gone toSt Louts on business Ho Is expetted back tomorrow

Dr C E Purcell wlfo and chilihave gone to Salem Ky to visit his

parentsAttorneyJ B Allonsworth or

llopklnsvlllc Is In the city on legal

businessJusticeIt J Barber Is expected to-

morrow from Memphis whore ho hasbeen spending tho holidays

Major M Bloom continues to slowly Improve from his stroke of parnlysis at tho Home of his daughter MrsA E Einstein at St Louis

Dr and Mrs R F Fisher of Pa-

ducah returned home yesterday aftera pleasant visit to Mr and MrsFB HIllman on Fourth streetFulton Leader

Capt W C Clark Is able to gotout on the streets again after a longtouflneniont from a strett ear acctderv

Mr Hugh Thomas Is ill at hishomo on Clay street

Mr Hat Walters has recoveredfrom a twoweeks illness

Patrolman James Clark who wasshot Christmas day U lnprovtneand it Is hoped will soon MoutagainMr

and Mrs Crockett Bryan olCorinth Miss returned homo alnoon today after a visit to friendsandrelatives In the city Mr Bry-


Is employed as ° superintendent o-

fablg manufacturing concern He formerly lived inPaducah but has boonaway severalyeara

Dispatcher J a Ferguson went toNortouvllle this morning on business

Attorney J M Worten went toISddyvlUb this morning on business

The many friends of Mr Pat At ¬

kinson will regret to learn that he isdangerously ill from pneumonia athis room at tho New Richmond Hohas been confined to his bed for sov3n days and his condition is alarm

IngMrJohn C McElrath of Murray

Is visiting his daughter Mrs J RColeman

Mr and Mrs Clem Blelch of jack-son


Tenn will arrive Sunday for aseveral days visit toJMr and MrsJohn J Blelch

Miss Carrie Pettiepf Mayfleld rtj

i guest of Miss Ella B Wilhelm ofNorth Fifth street

Attorney Joseph R Grogan has re¬

turned from Fayetteville TennMr T J Flournoy loft last night

for Rockmart Ga after a few daysvisit In tho city

Mr Joo M Dillon of Kansas CityI

tvho has been visiting his sister MrsJF P Garrltson loft for EvansvllleIcsterday to visit relatives before re-


to tho westMr J B Munsey manager of the

Palmer House barber shop leavesMonday for Evansvlllo Mt VernonmdTerro Haute Ind on businessIn Mt Vernon ho will visit his grand¬

mother who Is H-

IW S VIck of Owensboro Is attho Palmer

lion J C Speight of Mayfieldwas In the city today

Mrs Ferol Mooro is 111 nt herhome on the South i Ule of laRrlppe

Mrs Lloyd Baker of Mayfield ID

visiting In tho cityMiss May V Patterson rqturned

fro Mayfield at noon todayiir Charles Truoheart of Louis

Illle returned homo at noon todayafter spending tho holidays withdatives

Miss Bertha Leming went toIILousvlllo today at noon to visit

Misses Ella Burnett and NanGrassland of Mayftcld

I are visitingMiss Sophia BurHott of North Fifthtreat

Miss Mnldlo Gardner left todayfor a visit to friends at OwQiisboro-vy

Mr Wado Brown tho well knownAver engineer IS again disabled byhis broken arm Ho fractured Itionic time ago near Bandana byailing from a wagon and was aboutcady to resume work when it be-

came necessary to reset it Ho willnow agnltf bo disabled for sumo

ipioEngineer Mulvln of time Pnducoh

ranch ot tho Illinois Central whohas boon laying off because of limo

llnosa of his brother at Paducahreturned to his run today Enclloor Cairnes relieved him while howas away Cairo Bulletin

Mr Roscoo Reed will leave tomorrow night for Oxford 0 to rointor Mama university Ho haseon hero spending time holidayswllhhll parents Judge and MrsW M Ree-


Mammoth stock of fancy Packages ofCandy Fruit and Fjruit Basket-await

tiyour command Come early

and avoid the rash Our stock tU

complete fresh sad fit for the goddeaaof us sit









j Pricedt f1ttI j

4 5 f-

i< t I ftiI t i

I t iVI <



f> Big Values for >


ff > T




11T178 I

Timings at their worst will ccnsor even climb upward to what tilewere before and the man who ham

been long without work may oftenbegin the climb upward by watchTug Ihol want ads

WANTED 30 colored women topick peanuts Apply at factory Firstand Washington at 7 am

FOR RENTTwo down stairs unfurnished rooms 416 Ohio

FOR RENTThree room honso on

N 12th St Apply F M Fisher

RING NO 321 for all kinds of Hlckory wood Littles Spoke Factory

WANTED Secondhand desk AO

ikesoS wire Sun

FOR RENT3 furnished roomsCth and Jackson Phone 57a

CHILICONCORNA tit ShortysPlace 111 12 South Third St

woodIphonoIGOOD HEATING WOOD phone

Sander Brooks Phone 1347m old

FOR GOOD heating stovewoodring old phone 1317r

W F PERRY general paintingcontractor Shop 209 South Fourth

1St Phono 15GC

FOR RENT Three large roomswater and sewerage connections NoCO 4 South Ninth street

FOR RENT Groom cottage 218Washington All modern convenienc-es


J A Rudy

LOSTGilt belt and bucklo Christ ¬

mas evening Leave at this oleo forreward

FOR SALEA nice grocery busi ¬

ness Reason for Belling given on ap ¬

plication Address B care Sun office

FOR RENT The Inn on North7th street with ail modern conveni-

ences A first class boarding house

WANTED Women and girls towork at Cohankus Mfg Co Goodwages and steady employment Ap¬

ply at office Ninth and Boyd streets

FOR RENT Ono modern Broombrick residence 714 Broadway Fur-



tend modern Improvements Ap-



Oeo Langstaff Res phone 308Business phone 2C

J E MORGAN blacksmith 400U Third Old phone 457I Superiorwork guaranteed Exclusive agentfur there stone Bide wire tires thebest rubber tiro made

FOR RENT OR SALENlno 9room houso on North Seventh street

Holland home sixteen dollars a

month 11900 on easy payments Fhit FlueI

midFOR RENT 6room housodie and back halls bath and gas sortvants house good barn and otherIconveniences 514 North Sixth streetApply to F J McElweo

Served 3 Year SentenceRearrestedEldorado la 29Edwln O

Soule formerly cashier of an IowaFalls bank who embezzled 50000three years ngp yesterday finished

A this sentence at the Anamosa ponl °


tontlary and was Imniedlatcly arrested on an Indictment charging embez-

zlement as bailee Boulo gave bondsfor his appearance at the January ifterm of the Hardln county dlstrlcFtcourt The Indictment was found lastyjOctober r > 1



Emit Zerkowltz formerly Austriantcommissioner to the St Louis expo

sltfon and now permanent cpmmor 9

clal commissioner for the Austriangovernment In this country hasnamed his Infant son George Wash¬

ington Kcrkowltz Tho commissionerexplains that he gave tho child thename because of his love for theUnited States

It Is better to bo an old maidsdarling than a young maids dupe


LATEST FADIt is quite the rage now to take Un >

campugaty Quioin in placeeff theold bitter quinine TJncampogaryIs pleasant 10 take and gives betterretail You try it At all drug ¬

gists 250



21 pounds Standard Granulatedsugar for 100

4 pounds Soda Crackers for 25

IFancy California Peaches per can 15l-

wQ packages Macaroni for 15

Two packages Spaghettil 15

Two cans Standard Corn for 15

Six pounds Navy Beans for 25

California Sweet Oranges perdozen 20ItItHnmmoudspound 12

fFancy IMcnlc llama per lb T9

Cocoanuts i 5

Two boxes Saratoga Flukes for 25 fSix Pkgft Uneda Biscuits for 25Dill Pickles per gali2b i

Fancy Lemons put doz 10

Pure Apply Cider per gal 60rJ


Our own make Curestall irritations of the akin

15c 25c 50c a Box


DuBoli Kolb Cola former stud412414 BROADWAY