School Focus Book Week – A fantasc job with Book week it was a great suc- cess. The dress up day is one the studentsenjoy very much and they have gone all out to make it an enjoyable one. Great job everyone, the costumes were terrific. Sports day – It was not the tradional Sports Day, but the stu- dents and staff had a great me. The focus on fun was one all the students took on board. Well done to our House Captains, they have worked hard with their teams and the team chants and marching was very good. The passion and volume was amazing. Well done Stuart for winning the day, it was a close result. High School Transion – Kingaroy SHS are running a series of transion classes for Weeks 5 and 6. Students are able to aend more than one class per week, but there are limitaons placed on each school, and the number of posions available. We are able to send 2 students per session. Students will also need to be dropped off in the area behind K.S.H.S Administraon block at 1.15pm and collected at 2.35pm, for each session they are aending. There will also be a Transion Day on the 3 rd of De- cember for the full day. I would also encourage parents to make contact with the High School to get an enrolment pack and book a me for an enrolment meeng. Swimming – The Years 3 to 6 start swimming next Monday so please make sure all students have a change of clothes, towels and morning tea and lunch. They will not be able to order tuck- shop on both Mondays. Reading Process - FAB 4 – Predict, Queson, Clarify, Summarise Queson Quesoning - Good readers ask quesons throughout the reading process, but it is not always as easy as it sounds. Quesoning is an integral part of reciprocal teaching. Students pause through- out the reading to address quesons that come up, be they about the text or about some aspect of the topic that needs further invesgaon. It is important to model how to ask quesons based on infer- ences and main points in a text. Quesoning movates students to challenge one another to think deeply about a text. When stu- dents are encouraged and taught to ask quesons as they read, their comprehension deepens. Students need modeling to improve the quality and depth of their quesons, but with pracce, students learn to generate quesons about main ideas and details and their textual infer- ences. Quesoning oſten becomes the favored strategy of many students, and when working in a reading group you can oſten feel that, you have done lile more than chat about the book. This is important for the students understanding of the text. They are able to compare their thoughts with that of their peers and de- velop a more comprehensive awareness of the text, and the ide- as and implicaons of what they have read. Who …? What …? Why …? Where …? When …? How …? What/How/Why do you think …? Younger students somemes struggle with queson formulaon, so it is always a posive to provide queson starters and give them more me. Please see the next page for some Quesoning with Ficonal and Informaonal texts Michael Sutton Principal KUMBIA STATE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER PH: 41644244 FAX: 41644389 [email protected] www.kumbiass.eq.edu.au WEEK 3 TERM 4 2020 23 October 2020 Improvement Focus: IMPROVED WRITING ACROSS ALL YEAR LEVELS Whole school home reading approach through the use of reading room. Whole school approach to wring. Individual Wring Goals for all students. The stronger the reader the stronger the writer. KUMBIA STATE SCHOOL Where Learning is number ONE! Lest we forget.


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School Focus

Book Week – A fantastic job with Book week it was a great suc-

cess. The dress up day is one the students’ enjoy very much and

they have gone all out to make it an enjoyable one. Great job

everyone, the costumes were terrific.

Sports day – It was not the traditional Sports Day, but the stu-

dents and staff had a great time. The focus on fun was one all the

students took on board. Well done to our House Captains, they

have worked hard with their teams and the team chants and

marching was very good. The passion and volume was amazing.

Well done Stuart for winning the day, it was a close result.

High School Transition – Kingaroy SHS are running a series of

transition classes for Weeks 5 and 6. Students are able to attend

more than one class per week, but there are limitations placed on

each school, and the number of positions available. We are able

to send 2 students per session. Students will also need to be

dropped off in the area behind K.S.H.S Administration block at

1.15pm and collected at 2.35pm, for each session they are

attending. There will also be a Transition Day on the 3rd of De-

cember for the full day. I would also encourage parents to make

contact with the High School to get an enrolment pack and book

a time for an enrolment meeting.

Swimming – The Years 3 to 6 start swimming next Monday so

please make sure all students have a change of clothes, towels

and morning tea and lunch. They will not be able to order tuck-

shop on both Mondays.

Reading Process - FAB 4 – Predict, Question, Clarify, Summarise


Questioning - Good readers ask questions throughout the reading process, but it is not always as easy as it sounds. Questioning is an integral part of reciprocal teaching. Students pause through-out the reading to address questions that come up, be they about the text or about some aspect of the topic that needs further

investigation. It is important to model how to ask questions based on infer-ences and main points in a text. Questioning motivates students to challenge one another to think deeply about a text. When stu-dents are encouraged and taught to ask questions as they read, their comprehension deepens. Students need modeling to improve the quality and depth of their questions, but with practice, students learn to generate questions about main ideas and details and their textual infer-ences. Questioning often becomes the favored strategy of many students, and when working in a reading group you can often feel that, you have done little more than chat about the book. This is important for the student’s understanding of the text. They are able to compare their thoughts with that of their peers and de-velop a more comprehensive awareness of the text, and the ide-as and implications of what they have read.

Who …?

What …?

Why …?

Where …?

When …?

How …? What/How/Why do you think …? Younger students sometimes struggle with question formulation, so it is always a positive to provide question starters and give them more time. Please see the next page for some Questioning with Fictional and Informational texts

Michael Sutton Principal


PH: 41644244 FAX: 41644389 [email protected] www.kumbiass.eq.edu.au

WEEK 3 TERM 4 2020

23 October

2 0 2 0 Improvement Focus:



Whole school home reading approach through the use of reading room.

Whole school approach to writing.

Individual Writing Goals for all students.

The stronger the reader the stronger the writer.


Where Learning is number ONE!

Lest we forget.

The following have earned Pride Awards by

following the school rules and setting a high

standard of co-operation and school spirit:

Clancy, Mitchell, Annabel, Leila, Remy, Pen-

ny, Connor, Max, Abigail, Sienna, Hannah

Congratulations on setting a wonderful




PRIDE: I—We include others.

When we include others it makes

ourselves and them feel good.

Questioning with Fiction Questioning with Informational Text

Ask, "I wonder" questions before reading and while previewing the cover, title, and text. Base these "wonderings" on the art and by skimming the text.

Ask "I wonder" questions throughout reading.

Formulate thinking questions about the setting, char-acters, problem, events, resolution, and theme.

Ask thinking questions about whether you agree or disagree with the characters' actions or the author's choices in words and story line.

Ask text-dependent questions, such as "What exam-ples does the author include?" and "Why did the author use the word ____?"

Ask thinking questions about whether you agree or disagree with the author's choice of story line, vocabulary, or organization.

Ask "I wonder" questions before reading and while previewing the cover, title, and text. Base these "wonderings" on the art and by skimming the text.

Use text features (e.g., headings, maps, tables, charts, photos) to formulate questions.

Ask questions about the text using the text structure, sequence of events, main idea and details, or cause-effect relationships.

Ask thinking questions about whether you agree or disagree with the author's choice of words, text features, or ideas.

Ask text-dependent questions about choices the author made, such as "What examples does the author include?" and "How does the heading/map/etc. help you understand …?"

Planning for Prep – Many schools are planning for 2021 Prep programs and student numbers for the coming year. If you are

considering prep, or your child is eligible for Prep in 2021 and you are not sure about what to do please call the school to book

a time to come in and talk about Prep 2021. It is better to ask questions now and help work through the process earlier rather

than rush at the last minute.

Graduation – we are looking at running the Graduation for Year 6 in the Hall as has been done each year. Again, like every

event, we will need to be aware of the requirements to meet COVID safety and as we move closer to the time, we will be able

to let everyone know what we are able to do.

End of year concert – at this stage we are not able to run the event as it normally would be and are reviewing our options for

end of year concert. At this stage, it will be a daytime event without parents attending. We are not able to meet COVID plan-

ning requirements and have families attend the school concert. This is the current situation. The specific nature of the day will

be explained more once we are able to finalise plans. This is not ideal nor something we want to do but in light of current re-

strictions, we have limited options.

Reading Process—FAB 4—Questioning Continued.


Tuckshop News

Please contact Alissa Parry (0458 781

423) if you would like to volunteer your

time in the tuckshop. All training is

provided and the kids love seeing their

loved ones.

Thankyou to our


Every week, there is a

Facebook update for

Kumbia State School.

Like us on Facebook to stay informed!

26th October—Swimming 3-6

29th October—Swimming 3-6

28th October—Wheels Day

30th October—Daniel Morcombe Day 31st October—QLD State Election

2nd November—Swimming 3-6

5th November—Swimming P-2

9th November—Swimming P-2

12th November—Swimming P-2

18th November—Student Council Cupcake Day

30 November—World Teacher’s Day

2nd December—Spider Day

9th December—Last Day of School

10th December—Student Free Day

11th December—Student Free Day

School Banking

It is our wonderful banking coordinator’s last

year with our school. To continue school banking

we will need to find a replacement. All training is

provided and the position only requires a couple

of hours a week of your time. If you are interest-

ed please contact the school or Catherine Barr

for further information.

2nd Hand School Uniforms

Second Hand School Uniforms are available to purchase

from the school for a gold coin donation. There are

plenty of uniforms to choose from! There are also new

hats for purchase. Please see Tanya Koehler or contact

Kumbia P&C via their Facebook page.